1 возлюбленная
1) General subject: Gill, Mrs, Phillis, Phyllis, amie, beguin, beloved, dear, dona, fair, girl, inamorata, jo, lady, lady-love, ladylove, lass, lassie, leman, light o'love, light-o'love, love, love mate, love-mate, steady, sweet, sweetheart, truelove, valentine, valentine (выбирается в шутку в день св. Валентина)3) American: patootie4) French: amante6) Poetical language: mistress7) Jocular: Dulcinea8) Australian slang: sheila (от( ирланд.) Sheela - Шила, обобщённое имя любой ирландки, как Paddy - Пэдди, обобщённое имя любого ирландца; в устах мужчины; женщина никогда не назовёт себя "шила")9) Scottish language: joe10) Jargon: baggage, flame, girl friend, moll, mouse, one and only, Cadbury, rave11) Black slang: wifey -
2 возлюбленная
скл. как прил.
mistress, sweetheart* * ** * *скл. как mistress, sweetheart, beloved; lady-love* * *darlingdulcineagillgirlinamorataladylasslight-o'lovephillisphyllissweethearttrue-lovevalentine -
3 дама
ж.1. ladyдама сердца шутл. — lady-love
2. ( в танцах) partner3. карт. queenдама червей, дама пик и т. п. — the queen of hearts, spades, etc.
4 дама
ж.1) ( женщина) lady2) ( в обращении) madam3) ( в танцах) female partner4) карт. queenда́ма черве́й [пик и т.п.] — the queen of hearts [spades, etc]
••да́ма се́рдца — lady-love
5 дама
6 возлюбленная
7 возлюбленная
ж. скл. как прил.sweetheart, beloved [-'lʌvɪd]; one's love; lady-love шутл.; girlfriend -
8 возлюбленная
жен.; скл. как прил.mistress, sweetheart, beloved; lady-love; girl-friend -
9 дама сердца
шутл. -
10 дама сердца
шутл.lady-love; sweetheart -
11 любовница
1) General subject: Mrs, amie, concubine, fancy woman, hetaera, leman, love mate, love-mate, minion, mistress, paramour, woman, lover (не обязательно she-lover)2) Ancient Greek: hetaira3) French: bonne amie4) Obsolete: miss5) Law: fancy girl6) Australian slang: cheese and kisses7) Rude: lay8) Italian: inamorata9) Jargon: body and soul, heavy date, jane, raggle, shack, shack'Job (особенно солдатская), sweet mama, old lady10) Taboo: Gill, Mabel, ace, babe, baby face, bachelor's wife, ball and chain, bed-warmer, bint, bird, bit of nonsense, bitch, brevet wife, bride, broad (usu my broad), bunny, charmer, cherub, chichy, chick, chicken, chookie, comehither girl (по расчету), constant companion, cooky, cuddle-bunny, cutems, dame (usu my dame), dilly, doll, dolling (от doll и darling), dolly, doxy, eighty-five (85), evie (от Eve), fair, fancy frail, fancy-piece, fem, femme (из французского), femme fatale (от фр. "роковая женщина"), flame, frail, friend, g, gal, girl, girl-friend, gold-digger (по расчету), goo-goo, goody, gooey, gussie mollie, hat, homework, honey star, honeycakes, hotsy, jam, jam-tart, jane (usu my/his jane), jelly, jill, jizz jar, jomer, josan, lady, lady with whom a man shares his joys but not his sorrows (в отличие от жены), lady-friend, ladybird, lamb, last heartbeat, left-handed wife, little one, lollipop, lovely, lover-girl, main queen, main squeeze, mama, mash, me goil (искаженное my girl), me skoit (искаженное my skirt), mellow, miner (по расчету), mink, missis, moll, mot, mouse, niece, partner, patoot, peach, pillow-mate, pintle-bit, plaything, poke, pretty, prim, puss, pussy, queen, quim, rag, rag-time girl, rave, she-pal, shorty, side dish, skirt (usu my skirt), skoosh, spare rib, square bit, squeeze, stud, sweet baby, sweet kid, sweet patoot, sweet stuff, sweet woman, sweetheart, tab, target for tonight, toots (sing), toy, trouble (см. trouble and strife), wench, wife, wise baby, witch, young lady -
12 С-132
ОТДАВАТЬ/ОТДАТЬ СЕРДЦЕ кому elev VP subj: human, usu. female usu. pfv) to love or fall in love with s.o.: X отдала сердце Y-y » X gave (lost) her heart to Y.Почувствовав к ней (богатой госпоже) любовь великую, сделал он ей изъяснение в любви и начал склонять её выйти за него замуж. Но она отдала уже своё сердце другому, одному знатному не малого чина военному... (Достоевский 1). Feeling great love for her (the wealthy lady), he made her a declaration of his love, and tried to persuade her to marry him. But she had already given her heart to another man, an officer of noble birth and high rank...(la). -
13 отдавать сердце
• ОТДАВАТЬ/ОТДАТЬ СЕРДЦЕ кому elev[VP; subj: human, usu. female; usu. pfv]=====⇒ to love or fall in love with s.o.:♦ Почувствовав к ней [богатой госпоже] любовь великую, сделал он ей изъяснение в любви и начал склонять её выйти за него замуж. Но она отдала уже своё сердце другому, одному знатному не малого чина военному... (Достоевский 1). Feeling great love for her [the wealthy lady], he made her a declaration of his love, and tried to persuade her to marry him. But she had already given her heart to another man, an officer of noble birth and high rank...(1a).Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > отдавать сердце
14 отдать сердце
• ОТДАВАТЬ/ОТДАТЬ СЕРДЦЕ кому elev[VP; subj: human, usu. female; usu. pfv]=====⇒ to love or fall in love with s.o.:♦ Почувствовав к ней [богатой госпоже] любовь великую, сделал он ей изъяснение в любви и начал склонять её выйти за него замуж. Но она отдала уже своё сердце другому, одному знатному не малого чина военному... (Достоевский 1). Feeling great love for her [the wealthy lady], he made her a declaration of his love, and tried to persuade her to marry him. But she had already given her heart to another man, an officer of noble birth and high rank...(1a).Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > отдать сердце
15 волокита
1) General subject: Lothario, Lovelace (по имени героя Ричардсона), a lot of fuss and trouble, bloat, bumf (АБ), bureaucracy, celadon, chi-chi, chichi, dangler, gay Lothario, lady's man, official red tape, philander, philanderer, red tape, rigmarole, spark, woman's man, procrastination (бюрократия), red-tapism, bureaucratic delays3) Law: red - tapery4) Economy: red-tape6) Student language: big-time operator7) Taboo: Don Juan, God's gift to women, Handsome Harry, John, Lothario (см. Gay Lothario), big-dame hunter (см. big-game hunter), blonde chaser, body-snatcher, cake, cake-eater, chaser, chippy chaser, come-on, easy rider, educated fox, fanny rat (см. ass man), fanny-man (см. ass man), fast operator, fast worker, fem follower, fleece-hunter, flower-fancier (см. flower), free-lance, fusser, gal-sneaker, gay Lothario (по имени героя пьесы "The Fair Penitent" Николаса Роу), girl-trap, (о представителях обоих полов) giver of the bedroom eye, hair-monger, heavy cake, hit-and-runner, holer, home blaster, hound dog, it-chaser, killer, knave of hearts, ladies' man, lady-killer, love pirate, lover-boy, man of affairs, man on the make, masher, parlor snake (см. lounge lizard), pirate, rooster, scammer, sharp-shooter, sheik, skirt-chaser, snake, squaw man, stepson, sugar-chaser, supper-jet, tail-chaser, thriller, tom, town Johnny, travelling salesman, wild-oats sower, winker, woman's home companion, woman-chaser -
16 женский лобок
Taboo: Hairyfordshire, Holloway, Mary Jane, Midlands (pl), Miss Horner (см. horn), Mount Pleasant, bag, black ring, bottomless pit, bum-shop, bunny, can, cat (см. pussy), caze, chat, chink, chuff-box, cleft, cock-hall, cock-tease, cock-teaser, cranny, cuckoo's nest, cunny, cupid's arms (pl), cush, cut-and-come-again, dead-end street, delta, dickey dido, diddly-pout, doodle-sack, end of the Sentimental Journey, fan (сокр. от fanny), feather, feminine gender, fiddle, fig, fleece, flower, fly-by-night, fool trap, free-fishery, gap, garden, gash, gate of horn, generating place, gentleman's pleasure-garden, goldfinch's nest, green meadow (см. grass, garden), grindstone, grotto, growl, gully, gut entrance, gymnasium, gyvel, hair, harbor, hatchway, hell, hell around, hicky, hive, hog-eye, home sweet home, hoop, hot-box, house under the hill, itcher, jaxy, jigger, joxy, keister, kennel, kettle, knick-knack, ladder, lady star, lady-flower, lapland, leak, leather, leather lane, lobster pot, long eye, love lane, lucky bag, maggie's pie, magnet, magpie's nest, main vein, mangle, mark (of the beast), masterpiece, meat-market, merkin, mill, minge, mink, monkey, monkey's forehead, mortar (см. pestle), mott, mouse-trap, mouser, naf, naggie, naughty, niche, niente cracking, nonesuch, notch, novelty, number nip, old ding, oracle, p-maker, pan, pancake (см. pan), parsley-bed, patch, pen-wiper, periwinkle, pitcher, pleasure-boat, poor man's blessing, pouter, prat, pratt, premises (pl), puddle, quid, ringerangeroo, roasting jack, rob-the-ruffian, rose, rufus, sampler, scut, shape, shaving brush, shooter's hill, toupee, twat-rug, undercut, velcro triangle, you-know-where (usu go you-know-where) -
17 женщина
жен.1) woman; lady ( как вежливое обращение к женщинам); dona сленг; female пренебр.привлекательная женщина — attractive, beautiful, pretty woman
замужняя женщина — married woman; matron ( мать семейства); feme covert юр.
светская женщина — woman of the world, woman of fashion
скандальная женщина — fishwife разг.
безнравственная женщина — cutty разг.
ветреная женщина — fizgig, light-o'-love
деловая женщина — business woman, businesswoman
2) мн. ч. женщины; коллект. womankind, womenfolk -
18 анютины глазки
1) General subject: heart's ease, kiss me quick, kiss-me-quick (цветок), love in idleness, pansy2) Biology: cupid's-delight (Viola tricolor), flamy (Viola tricolor), garden pansy (Viola tricolor), garden violet (Viola tricolor), heartsease (Viola tricolor), kiss-me (Viola tricolor), lady's-delight (Viola tricolor), look-up-and-kiss-me (Viola tricolor), pansy (Viola tricolor), trinity violet (Viola tricolor), wild pansy (Viola tricolor)3) Medicine: pansy (Viola tricolor L.)4) Botanical term: field pansy (Viola tricolor), heart's-ease (Viola tricolor), heartsease, love-in-idleness (Viola tricolor)5) Agriculture: corn pansy (Viola tricolor)6) Perfume: wild pansy7) Makarov: none-so-pretty (Viola tricolor) -
19 ухаживание
1) General subject: address, addresses (pay one's addresses to a lady - ухаживать за дамой), assiduities, attendance, attention, attentions, beguin, court (to make court to somebody - ухаживать за кем-либо), courtship, courtship (за женщиной), flirtation, gallantry, love making, love-making, suit, tendance, wooing (за девушкой), dating2) Biology: courtship behavior3) Zoology: courtship (самца за самкой)4) Medicine: giving care5) Jargon: sparking, pass, party, petting party6) Fishery: courtship behaviour7) Taboo: snog -
20 женские наружные половые органы
2) Medicine: vulva3) Invective: muff (особенно покрытые большим количеством волос)4) Taboo: Aunt Maria, Marble Arch ("Мраморная арка" - один из входов в лондонский Гайд-парк сf. garden), Sir Berkley, attic, basket, doodle-sack, escutcheon, fanny, feminine gender, fleece, free-fishery, goat-milker, ha'penny, hairy oracle, hairy wheel, hotel, itcher, jam, jelly-bag, key-hole, knick-knack, lamp of love, lather-maker, little sister (см. little brother), lock (см. key), long eye, man-trap, manhole, milking pail, molly's hole, muff (особ. покрытые большим количеством лобковых волос), mustard-pot, needle-book, never-out, nick, nick-nack, old hat, old lady, old thing, omnibus, open C (игра слов на sea и "c" cunt), orchard, orifice, oven, oyster, parlor, pen, pigeon-hole, pin-case (см. pin), pintle-case, pipe, pisser, pit, pit-hole, poke-hole, pot, prannie, pranny, pump, pump-date, punce, purse, pussy-cat, quiff, quim-box, rasp, rattle-bollocks (pl), receipt of custom, receiving set, red ace (см. ace), rest-and-be-thankful, ring, road, rooster, rough-and-ready, saddle, salt-cellar, seed-plot, seminary (игра слов на semen q.v.), shake-bag, shell, skin-the-pizzle, slot, sluice, snatch-blatch, snippet, socket, sportman's gap, suck-and-swallow, sugar-basin, tail-box, tail-gap, teazle, temple of low men (игра слов на low men (антоним high men) и hymen), tickle-thomas, till, tirly-whirly, tit, tivvy, toby, touch hole, twam, valve, water-box, whelk, whim-whamУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > женские наружные половые органы
- 1
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См. также в других словарях:
Lady Love — may refer to:* Lady Love (LeToya song), a 2008 LeToya song * Lady Love (song), a 1978 rock songee also* Lady Luck * Love Lady * The Lady I Love … Wikipedia
Lady Love (song) — Lady Love was the highest ranking single cut from Lou Rawls s 1977 album When You ve Heard Lou, You ve Heard It All . Lady Love was released as a single in January 1978 and peaked at #24 on the Billboard Hot 100. It also rose to #21 on the R B… … Wikipedia
lady-love — laˈdy love noun 1. A beloved lady or woman 2. A sweetheart • • • Main Entry: ↑lady … Useful english dictionary
lady love — sweetheart (of a woman); mistress … English contemporary dictionary
lady-love — n. Sweetheart, flame … New dictionary of synonyms
Office Lady Love Juice — (1999) in DVD release as Working Sister: Can t Stand it After 5 Directed by Yūji Tajiri … Wikipedia
Lady — n. (pl. ies) 1 a a woman regarded as being of superior social status or as having the refined manners associated with this (cf. GENTLEMAN). b (Lady) a title used by peeresses, female relatives of peers, the wives and widows of knights, etc. 2… … Useful english dictionary
lady — n. (pl. ies) 1 a a woman regarded as being of superior social status or as having the refined manners associated with this (cf. GENTLEMAN). b (Lady) a title used by peeresses, female relatives of peers, the wives and widows of knights, etc. 2… … Useful english dictionary
lady — Synonyms and related words: Dulcinea, Eve, Frau, Fraulein, Miss, Mistress, Mlle, Mme, Mmes, acceptable person, archduchess, baroness, best girl, better half, capital fellow, common law wife, concubine, countess, dame, daughter of Eve, diamond,… … Moby Thesaurus
Lady Antebellum — à Academy of Country Music Awards en avril 2010. Surnom Lady A Pays d’origine … Wikipédia en Français
Lady Marmalade — «Lady Marmalade» Сингл Labelle из альбома Nightbirds … Википедия