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  • 1 his colour mounted

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > his colour mounted

  • 2 mount

    ̈ɪmaunt I
    1. сущ.
    1) а) редк. посадка на лошадь б) возможность провести заезд( на скачках)
    2) то, на что что-то ставится, крепится, что является опорой, подставкой или чем-либо предохранительным а) подложка, картон или холст, на который наклеена картина или карта;
    паспарту б) мн. металлический орнамент на выступающих частях (напр., мебели), служащий для защиты, предохранения в) оправа( драгоценного камня) г) основа - деревянная, из слоновой кости и т. п., - на которой держится шелк веера;
    шелк, бумага или какой-либо другой материал, из которого сделан веер д) кармашек( в альбоме для марок) е) предметное стекло( для микроскопа) ∙ Syn: frame
    1., support
    3) средства передвижения а) лошадь, мул и т. п., приученные ходить под седлом б) велосипед
    4) воен. лафет, станок( для орудия)
    2. гл.
    1) а) подниматься, восходить to mount a ladderвзобраться на лестницу You should mount the hill and see the view. ≈ Вы должны взойти на этот холм и посмотреть на открывающуюся панораму. The road mounts a steep rising ground. (Jenkinson) ≈ Дорога поворачивает и круто идет вверх. Syn: go up, climb up, rise
    2., ascend б) взлетать вверх, ввысь в) приливать к лицу, к голове ( о крови) ;
    ударять в голову( о вине и т. п.) His colour mounted, a blush mounted to his face. ≈ Кровь бросилась ему в лицо.
    2) а) залезать, взбираться( на что-л.) ;
    занимать( какое-л. место) to mount a platform ≈ взобраться на платформу to mount the stand and give the evidenceзанять место свидетеля и дать показания to mount the throne ≈ взойти на престол б) садиться( на лошадь, велосипед, в машину) Mounting on my bicycle, I rode at full speed down the street. ≈ Я сел на велосипед и поехал вниз по улице так быстро, как мог. One of the majors was accustomed to mount his horse from a chair. ≈ Один из майоров имел привычку вскакивать на лошадь со стула. в) взобраться (на кого-л.) с целью совокупления
    3) снабжать верховыми лошадьми или транспортным средством mounted policeконная полиция
    4) подниматься, возрастать, увеличиваться debts mounting ≈ долги растут Syn: increase
    5) а) монтировать, устанавливать б) вставлять, вделывать в оправу to mount jewels ≈ вставлять драгоценные камни в оправу в) вклеивать в альбом, наклеивать на картон to mount a picture on cardboardнаклеивать картину на картон г) готовить для исследований to mount a specimenприготовлять препарат для исследования( под микроскопом)
    6) ставить (спектакль), выпускать (теле-/радиопрограмму) His staff mounted several little propaganda numbers about social evils in Britain. ≈ Его труппа поставила несколько небольших пропагандистских номеров о социальных бедах Британии.
    7) воен. а) устанавливать (орудие на станок) to mount a gun воен. ≈ устанавливать пулемет на лафет б) быть вооруженным пушками (о форте, крепости, корабле) в) производить вертикальную наводку г) нести караульную службу, охранять to mount guardстоять на посту д) предпринимать, организовывать( о наступлении и т. п.) ;
    тж. перен. to mount an attackорганизовать наступление I am mounting a devastating attack on the seriousness of the book. ≈ Я предпринимаю мощную атаку по поводу серьезности этой книги. An all-out attack is to be mounted against the porn-pushers. ≈ Должна быть организована широкомасштабная операция против торговцев порнопродукцией. II сущ.
    1) уст. высокий холм, гора;
    только в названиях: Mount Everest ≈ гора Эверест Mount Vesuvius ≈ гора Везувий the Sermon on the Mount библ. ≈ Нагорная проповедь Syn: mountain
    2) искусственный холм (земляной или из камней) ;
    особ. погребальный холм
    3) бугорок( на ладони) (разговорное) лошадь, мул, верблюд и т. п. (под седлом) велосипед восхождение (альпинизм) лафет, станок (для орудия) подложка, картон или холст, на который наклеена картина или карта;
    паспарту подставка( под призовой кубок, вазу и т. п.) стенд( на выставке) предметное стекло( для микроскопа) оправа (драгоценного камня, веера) шелк или бумага, из которых сделан веер (редкое) посадка на лошадь и т. п. (спортивное) вскок, наскок на гимнастический снаряд - circle *s круговые наскоки на снаряд - jump * наскок (на снаряд) прыжком ездка заезд взбираться, восходить, подниматься (часто * up) - to * a hill подняться /взобраться/ на холм - to * the stairs подняться по лестнице - to * the throne взойти на престол - the car *ed the pavement машина въехала на тротуар - his colour *ed, a blush *ed to his face кровь бросилась ему в лицо - the /his/ blood *ed to his head кровь бросилась ему в голову (on, upon) устанавливать, ставить на возвышении - to * a statue on a pedestal установить статую на пьедестале устанавливать;
    монтировать - to * a gun (военное) устанавливать орудие на лафет вставлять (в оправу и т. п.) - to * pictures наклеивать картины, фотографии на картон или паспарту - to * stamps in an album наклеивать марки в альбом - to * jewels (in gold) вставлять драгоценные камни в (золотую) оправу готовить (для коллекции, выставки и т. п.) - to * insects насаживать /накалывать/ насекомых - to * animals набивать чучела зверей - to * a skeleton собирать скелет( специальное) заключать (образцы) - to * specimens заключать срезы (для исследования под микроскопом) повышаться, возрастатьцене, доходе и т. п.;
    тж. * up) - his profits are constantly *ing его доходы постоянно возрастают /увеличиваются, растут/ - his bill at the hotel *ed up его задолженность в гостинице все росла усиливаться, расти( о гневе, замешательстве и т. п.) - his anger was *ing он все больше злился садиться (на лошадь, в седло, на велосипед, в экипаж) - to * a horse садиться верхом( на лошадь) - he *ed and rode off он вскочил в седло и ускакал - *! (конные) садись!, по коням! (команда) посадить( на лошадь, в седло, на велосипед, в экипаж) снабжать верховыми лошадьми - we can * you мы можем обеспечить вас верховой лошадью (военное) быть вооруженным, экипированным - a fort *ing 80 guns крепость, вооруженная восемьюдесятью орудиями - this ship *s six cannon этот корабль вооружен шестью орудиями подготавливать, организовывать - to * an attack предпринять /организовать/ атаку охранять;
    нести караульную службу - to * guard стоять на часах /на посту/ - they *ed guard over the jewels они охраняли драгоценности (театроведение) оформлять( спектакль) - the play was lavishly *ed пьеса шла в богатой постановке (театроведение) ставить (пьесу) надеть на себя и демонстрировать одежду (ветеринарное) покрывать( корову и т. п.) возвышенность;
    холм (устаревшее) холм;
    гора гора (в названиях часто употр. в сокр. форме Mt.) - Mt. Everest гора Эверест бугорок (на ладони) > Sermon on the M. (библеизм) нагорная проповедь his colour mounted, a blush mounted to his face кровь бросилась ему в лицо his colour mounted, a blush mounted to his face кровь бросилась ему в лицо to ~ jewels вставлять драгоценные камни в оправу;
    to mount a gun воен. устанавливать орудие на лафет ~ устанавливать, монтировать;
    to mount a picture наклеивать картину на картон;
    to mount a specimen приготовлять препарать для исследования (под микроскопом) ~ устанавливать, монтировать;
    to mount a picture наклеивать картину на картон;
    to mount a specimen приготовлять препарать для исследования (под микроскопом) to ~ jewels вставлять драгоценные камни в оправу;
    to mount a gun воен. устанавливать орудие на лафет ~ взбираться, восходить, подниматься;
    to mount the throne взойти на престол tunnel diode ~ головка туннельного диода waveguide ~ волноводная головка

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > mount

  • 3 mount

    I. 1. ост. планина, хълм, възвишение, височина
    2. често в имена на планини, върхове
    MOUNT Everest Монт Еверест
    3. изпъкналост на дланта в основата на пръста
    II. 1. качвам (се), изкачвам (се), покачвам (се) (на), яхвам, възсядам
    to MOUNT the stairs изкачвам стълби
    his colour MOUNTed кръвта нахлу в лицето му, той пламна
    2. увеличавам се, раста (за напрежение, недоволство и пр.), качвам се (и за цени)
    натрупвам се (up), издигам се (по чин, положение)
    3. слагам, нагласям, монтирам (скъпоценни камъни и пр.), слагам (картина) в рамка, инсталирам (машина и пр.)
    to MOUNT a specimen приготвям препарат за изследване под микроскоп
    4. театр. поставям (пиеса и пр.)
    5. давам коне на, снабдявам с коне/велосипеди и пр., съоръжавам
    to MOUNT a regiment сформирам кавалерийски полк
    MOUNTed police конна/моторизирана полиция
    6. pass снабден съм с оръдия (за крепост, кораб и пр.)
    7. предприемам, започвам (нападение, кампания, акция), организирам
    III. 1. оседлан кон/магаре и пр
    2. колело, мотоциклет
    3. (начин на) яздене на кон (при състезание)
    4. стойка, рама
    5. паспарту, картон и пр. (за картина и пр.), гнездо (на скъпоценен камък)
    6. предметно стъкло (за микроскоп)
    7. воен. лафет
    * * *
    {maunt} n 1. ост. планина; хълм, възвишение, височина; 2. често(2) {maunt} v 1. качвам (се), изкачвам (се), покачвам (се) (на){3} {maunt} n 1. оседлан кон/магаре и пр.; 2. колело, мотоцикле
    * * *
    хълм; яхам; увеличавам; слагам; паспарту; планина; поставям; възвишение; възсядам; височина; възлизам; застъпвам; качвам се; издигам се; натрупвам се;
    * * *
    1. (начин на) яздене на кон (при състезание) 2. his colour mounted кръвта нахлу в лицето му, той пламна 3. i. ост. планина, хълм, възвишение, височина 4. ii. качвам (се), изкачвам (се), покачвам (се) (на), яхвам, възсядам 5. iii. оседлан кон/магаре и пр 6. mount everest Монт Еверест 7. mounted police конна/моторизирана полиция 8. pass снабден съм с оръдия (за крепост, кораб и пр.) 9. to mount a regiment сформирам кавалерийски полк 10. to mount a specimen приготвям препарат за изследване под микроскоп 11. to mount the stairs изкачвам стълби 12. воен. лафет 13. давам коне на, снабдявам с коне/велосипеди и пр., съоръжавам 14. изпъкналост на дланта в основата на пръста 15. колело, мотоциклет 16. натрупвам се (up), издигам се (по чин, положение) 17. паспарту, картон и пр. (за картина и пр.), гнездо (на скъпоценен камък) 18. предметно стъкло (за микроскоп) 19. предприемам, започвам (нападение, кампания, акция), организирам 20. слагам, нагласям, монтирам (скъпоценни камъни и пр.), слагам (картина) в рамка, инсталирам (машина и пр.) 21. стойка, рама 22. театр. поставям (пиеса и пр.) 23. увеличавам се, раста (за напрежение, недоволство и пр.), качвам се (и за цени) 24. често в имена на планини, върхове
    * * *
    mount [maunt] I. n 1. планина; хълм, възвишение, височина; 2. често в имена на планини, върхове, напр. M. Everest Монт Еверест; 3. хълм в основата на пръста (на дланта) ; II. mount v 1. качвам (се), изкачвам, покачвам; яхам, възсядам; to \mount the stairs изкачвам стъпала; to \mount the throne възкачвам се на (заемам) престол; his colour \mounted кръв нахлу в лицето му, изчерви се; \mounted police конна полиция; 2. увеличавам се; повишавам се, качвам се (и за цени); натрупвам се (up); издигам се (по чин, положение, сила); 3. слагам, нагласям, поставям; насновавам ( стан); to \mount a picture поставям картина в рамка или върху парче картон; to \mount jewels монтирам скъпоценни камъни (в украшение); to \mount a play поставям пиеса; to \mount a gun поставям оръдие на огнева позиция; to \mount a specimen нагласям експонат; приготвям микроскопски препарат; 4. давам (заемам) кон на; he \mounted me for the day той ми зае кон за този ден; 5. воен.: to \mount guard отивам на пост, на пост съм; to \mount guard over пазя; 6. воен. снабден съм с оръдия (за крепост, кораб); III. n 1. оседлан кон (магаре и под.); 2. обездка (при състезание); 3. картон за фон на картина; плат, платно, основа за подлепване; 4. гнездо от благороден метал за скъпоценен камък; 5. стъклена плочка (за микроскоп); 6. лафет.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > mount

  • 4 нахлувам

    rush, burst (в into), rush in, burst in, force o.'s way
    (със сила) break in, sl. muscle in
    (влизам, без да чукам) barge in
    въздухът, който нахлуваше от морето the air that pushed in from the sea
    кръвта нахлу в лицето му the blood rushed into his face, his colour mounted
    сълзи нахлуха в очите й her eyes were filled with tears, tears welled up in her eyes, tears welled out of her eyes
    * * *
    гл. rush, burst (в into), rush in, force o.’s way; ( със сила) break in, sl. muscle in, bust in; ( влизам, без да чукам) barge in; (за полиция) raid; разг. bust; (за неприятел) invade (a country); въздухът, който нахлуваше от морето the air that pushed in from the sea; кръвта нахлу в лицето му the blood rushed into his face, his colour mounted; спомени нахлуха в главата му memories rushed/flooded (back) into his head; сълзи нахлуха в очите ѝ her eyes were filled with tears, tears welled up in her eyes, tears welled out of her eyes.
    * * *
    burst into; rush{rXS}
    * * *
    1. (влизам, без да чукам) barge in 2. (за неприятел) invade (a country) 3. (за полиция) raid 4. (със сила) break in, sl. muscle in 5. rush, burst (в into), rush in, burst in, force o.'s way 6. въздухът, който нахлуваше от морето the air that pushed in from the sea 7. кръвта нахлу в лицето му the blood rushed into his face, his colour mounted 8. спомени нахлуха в главата му memories rushed into his head 9. сълзи нахлуха в очите й her eyes were filled with tears, tears welled up in her eyes, tears welled out of her eyes

    Български-английски речник > нахлувам

  • 5 mount

    his colour mounted, a blush mounted to his face кровь бросилась ему в лицо his colour mounted, a blush mounted to his face кровь бросилась ему в лицо to mount jewels вставлять драгоценные камни в оправу; to mount a gun воен. устанавливать орудие на лафет mount устанавливать, монтировать; to mount a picture наклеивать картину на картон; to mount a specimen приготовлять препарать для исследования (под микроскопом) mount устанавливать, монтировать; to mount a picture наклеивать картину на картон; to mount a specimen приготовлять препарать для исследования (под микроскопом) to mount jewels вставлять драгоценные камни в оправу; to mount a gun воен. устанавливать орудие на лафет mount взбираться, восходить, подниматься; to mount the throne взойти на престол tunnel diode mount головка туннельного диода waveguide mount волноводная головка

    English-Russian short dictionary > mount

  • 6 mount

    1. [maʋnt] n
    1. разг.
    1) лошадь, мул, верблюд и т. п. (под седлом)
    2) велосипед
    2. восхождение ( альпинизм)
    3. лафет, станок ( для орудия)
    4. 1) подложка, картон или холст, на который наклеена картина или карта; паспарту
    2) подставка (под призовой кубок, вазу и т. п.)
    5. стенд ( на выставке)
    6. предметное стекло ( для микроскопа)
    7. 1) оправа (драгоценного камня, веера)
    2) шёлк или бумага, из которых сделан веер
    8. редк. посадка на лошадь и т. п.
    9. спорт. вскок, наскок на гимнастический снаряд
    10. 1) ездка
    2) заезд
    2. [maʋnt] v
    1. взбираться, восходить, подниматься ( часто mount up)

    to mount a hill [a ladder, a pulpit] - подняться /взобраться/ на холм [на лестницу, на кафедру]

    his colour mounted, a blush mounted to his face - кровь бросилась ему в лицо

    the /his/ blood mounted to his head - кровь бросилась ему в голову

    2. (on, upon) устанавливать, ставить на возвышении
    3. 1) устанавливать; монтировать

    to mount a gun - воен. устанавливать орудие на лафет

    2) вставлять (в оправу и т. п.)

    to mount pictures - наклеивать картины, фотографии на картон или паспарту

    to mount jewels (in gold) - вставлять драгоценные камни в (золотую) оправу

    3) готовить (для коллекции, выставки и т. п.)

    to mount insects - насаживать /накалывать/ насекомых

    4) спец. заключать ( образцы)
    4. 1) повышаться, возрастать (о цене, доходе и т. п.; тж. mount up)

    his profits are constantly mounting - его доходы постоянно возрастают /увеличиваются, растут/

    his bills at the hotel mounted up - его задолженность в гостинице всё росла

    2) усиливаться, расти (о гневе, замешательстве и т. п.)
    5. 1) садиться (на лошадь, в седло, на велосипед, в экипаж)

    to mount a horse - садиться верхом /на лошадь/

    mount! - (конные) садись!, по коням! ( команда)

    2) посадить (на лошадь, в седло, на велосипед, в экипаж)
    3) снабжать верховыми лошадьми
    6. воен. быть вооружённым, экипированным

    a fort mounting 80 guns - крепость, вооружённая восемьюдесятью орудиями

    7. подготавливать, организовывать

    to mount an attack [an offensive] - предпринять /организовать/ атаку [наступление]

    8. охранять; нести караульную службу

    to mount guard - стоять на часах /на посту/

    9. театр.
    1) оформлять ( спектакль)
    2) ставить ( пьесу)
    10. надеть на себя и демонстрировать одежду
    11. вет. покрывать (корову и т. п.)
    II [maʋnt] n
    1. возвышенность; холм
    2. 1) поэт., уст. холм; гора
    2) гора (в названиях часто употр. в сокр. форме Mt.)

    Mt. Everest - гора Эверест

    3. бугорок ( на ладони)

    Sermon on the Mount - библ. Нагорная проповедь

    НБАРС > mount

  • 7 mount

    I [maunt] 1. гл.
    а) подниматься, восходить

    You should mount the hill and see the view. — Вы должны взойти на этот холм и посмотреть на открывающуюся панораму.

    The road mounts a steep rising ground. (Jenkinson) — Дорога круто идёт вверх.

    б) взлетать вверх, ввысь
    в) приливать к лицу, к голове ( о крови); ударять в голову ( о вине)

    His colour mounted. / A blush mounted to his face. — Кровь бросилась ему в лицо.

    а) залезать, взбираться (на что-л.); занимать (какое-л. место)
    б) садиться (на лошадь, велосипед, в машину)

    Mounting on my bicycle, I rode at full speed down the street. — Я сел на велосипед и на полной скорости помчался вниз по улице.

    One of the majors was accustomed to mount his horse from a chair. — Один из майоров имел привычку вскакивать на лошадь со стула.

    The stallion mounted the mare. — Жеребец покрыл кобылу.

    3) снабжать верховыми лошадьми или транспортным средством
    4) подниматься, возрастать, увеличиваться

    The debts are mounting. — Долги растут.

    а) монтировать, устанавливать
    б) вставлять, вделывать в оправу
    в) вклеивать в альбом, наклеивать на картон
    д) насаживать, накалывать ( насекомых); набивать ( чучела зверей)

    His staff mounted several little propaganda numbers about social evils in Britain. — Его труппа поставила несколько небольших пропагандистских номеров о социальных бедах Британии.

    7) воен.
    б) быть вооружённым пушками (о форте, крепости, корабле)
    г) нести караульную службу, охранять
    д) поднимать, воодушевлять; побуждать к активным действиям

    An all-out attack is to be mounted against the porn-pushers. — Должна быть организована широкомасштабная операция против торговцев порнопродукцией.

    2. сущ.
    а) подложка, картон или холст, на который наклеена картина или карта; паспарту
    в) основа, на которой держится шёлк веера
    г) материал, из которого сделан веер
    з) ( mounts) металлический орнамент на выступающих частях (например, мебели), служащий для защиты, предохранения
    frame 1., support 1.
    2) разг.
    а) животное под седлом (лошадь, мул, верблюд)
    3) воен. лафет, станок ( для орудия)
    II [maunt] сущ.
    1) поэт.; уст. высокий холм, гора

    the Sermon on the Mountбибл. Нагорная проповедь


    Англо-русский современный словарь > mount

  • 8 качвам

    1. (занасям нагоре) carry/take/bring up (на to)
    (издигам, покачвам) lift (up), put (up) (на to)
    качвам някого на колата си give s.o. a lift/ride
    качи куфара върху гардероба put the suitcase on top of the wardrobe, lift the suitcase onto the wardrobe
    качвам багаж в автомобил put luggage in a car
    качвам някого на престола enthrone s.o., put s.o. on the throne
    2. (повишавам, покачвам) raise
    3. go/come up (в, до to)
    (no стълбище) go/come upstairs
    (на стол) get/climb onto
    (на планина) climb, mount, ascend
    (в кола) get on/into, board
    (на кораб) go on board, board
    embark (на on, in)
    (на престол) ascend, mount
    4. (за терен) slope up, ascend
    5. (за цена, производство, температура) rise, go up
    (за кръв) rise, mount
    качвам температура run a temperature
    качвам се на главата на някого twist s.o. round o.'s little finger, get out of hand
    * * *
    1. ( занасям нагоре) carry/take/bring up (на to); ( издигам, покачвам) lift (up), put (up) (на to); ( нещо тежко) heave; (на кон) mount; (на кораб) embark; (на самолет) emplane, enplane; (на влак) entrain; \качвам някого на колата си give s.o. a lift/ride; \качвам някого на престола enthrone s.o., put s.o. on the throne;
    \качвам се 1. go/come up (в, до to); (по стълбище) go/come upstairs; (на дърво) climb; (на стол) get/climb onto; (на планина) climb, mount, ascend; (в кола) get on/into, board; (на кораб) go on board, board; embark (на on, in); (на самолет) board; emplane, enplane; (на влак) entrain; (на кон) mount; (на престол) ascend, mount; качвай се! all aboard! помагам някому да се качи help s.o. up; слизам и се \качвам go up and down;
    2. (за терен) slope up, ascend;
    3. (за цена, производство, температура) rise, go up; (за кръв) rise, mount; (за кръвно налягане) rise; • виното се качи в главата ми the wine went/flew to my head; \качвам се карти cover (a card); \качвам се на главата на някого twist s.o. round o.’s little finger, get out of hand; \качвам температура run a temperature.
    * * *
    1. (no стълбище) go/come upstairs 2. (в кола) get on/into, board 3. (за кръв) rise, mount 4. (за кръвно налягане) rise 5. (за терен) slope up, ascend 6. (за цена, производство, температура) rise, go up 7. (занасям нагоре) carry/take/ bring up (на to) 8. (издигам, покачвам) lift (up), put (up) (на to) 9. (на дърво) climb 10. (на кон) mount 11. (на кораб) go on board, board 12. (на параход) embark 13. (на планина) climb, mount, ascend 14. (на престол) ascend, mount 15. (на самолет) board 16. (на стол) get/climb onto 17. (нещо тежко) heave 18. (повишавам, покачвам) raise 19. embark (на on, in) 20. go/come up (в, до to) 21. КАЧВАМ багаж в автомобил put luggage in a car 22. КАЧВАМ някого на колата си give s.o. a lift/ride 23. КАЧВАМ някого на престола enthrone s.o., put s.o. on the throne 24. КАЧВАМ се 25. КАЧВАМ се на главата на някого twist s.o. round o.'s little finger, get out of hand 26. КАЧВАМ температура run a temperature: КАЧВАМ ce (при карти) cover (a card) 27. виното ми се качи в главата the wine went/flew to my head 28. качвай се! all aboard! помагам някому да се качи help s.o. up 29. качи куфара върху гардероба put the suitcase on top of the wardrobe, lift the suitcase onto the wardrobe 30. качи куфара на горния етаж take the suitcase upstairs 31. кръвта се качи в лицето му his colour mounted 32. слизам и се КАЧВАМ go up and down

    Български-английски речник > качвам

  • 9 кровь бросилась ему в лицо

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > кровь бросилась ему в лицо

  • 10 mount

    mount [maυnt]
    1. n
    1) подло́жка, карто́н или холст, на кото́рый накле́ена карти́на или ка́рта; паспарту́
    2) ло́шадь под седло́м
    3) опра́ва ( камня)
    4) предме́тное стекло́ ( для микроскопического среза)
    5) воен. устано́вка ( для орудия)
    2. v
    1) взбира́ться, восходи́ть, поднима́ться;

    to mount the throne взойти́ на престо́л

    2) сади́ться на ло́шадь или на велосипе́д, в маши́ну
    3) посади́ть на ло́шадь
    4) снабжа́ть верховы́ми лошадьми́
    5) расти́, увели́чиваться;

    the excitement was mounting волне́ние уси́ливалось

    6) поднима́ться, повыша́ться ( о цене)

    his colour mounted, a blush mounted to his face кровь бро́силась ему́ в лицо́

    8) устана́вливать на возвыше́нии ( о статуе и т.п.), водружа́ть;

    to mount a gun воен. устана́вливать ору́дие на лафе́т

    9) монти́ровать;

    to mount a picture накле́ивать карти́ну на карто́н


    to mount a specimen приготовля́ть препара́т для иссле́дования ( под микроскопом)


    to mount jewels вставля́ть драгоце́нные ка́мни в опра́ву

    10) продви́нуться по слу́жбе, заня́ть бо́лее высо́кое положе́ние
    11) зоол. покры́ть ( о самце)
    mount [maυnt] n
    1) холм; гора́ (уст., кроме названий, напр.: Mount Everest гора́ Эвере́ст)
    2) бугоро́к ( на ладони)

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > mount

  • 11 mount

    1. noun
    1) лошадь под седлом
    2) подложка, картон или холст, на который наклеена картина или карта; паспарту
    3) оправа (камня)
    4) предметное стекло (для микроскопического среза)
    5) mil. установка (для орудия)
    2. verb
    1) взбираться, восходить, подниматься; to mount the throne взойти на престол
    2) his colour mounted, a blush mounted to his face кровь бросилась ему в лицо
    3) подниматься, повышаться (о цене)
    4) садиться на лошадь или на велосипед, в машину
    5) посадить на лошадь
    6) снабжать верховыми лошадьми
    7) устанавливать, монтировать; to mount a picture наклеивать картину на картон; to mount a specimen приготовлять препарать для исследования (под микроскопом); to mount jewels вставлять драгоценные камни в оправу; to mount a gun mil. устанавливать орудие на лафет
    1) холм; гора (уст., кроме названий, напр.: Mount Everest гора Эверест)
    2) бугорок (на ладони)
    * * *
    (v) воздвигать; воздвигнуть; монтировать; смонтировать
    * * *
    подниматься, влезать
    * * *
    [ maʊnt] n. лошадь под седлом, восхождение, установка для орудия, предметное стекло, картон, подложка, оправа, возвышенность, холм, гора, бугорок, паспарту, препарат v. взбираться, восходить, подниматься, устанавливать, повышаться; расти, увеличиваться; садиться на велосипед, садиться на лошадь
    * * *
    * * *
    I 1. сущ. 1) а) редк. посадка на лошадь б) возможность провести заезд (на скачках) 2) а) подложка, картон или холст, на который наклеена картина или карта б) мн. в) оправа (драгоценного камня) г) д) кармашек (в альбоме для марок) е) предметное стекло (для микроскопа) 2. гл. 1) а) подниматься б) взлетать вверх в) приливать к лицу, к голове (о крови); ударять в голову (о вине и т. п.) 2) а) залезать, взбираться (на что-л.); занимать (какое-л. место) б) садиться в) взобраться (на кого-л.) с целью совокупления 3) снабжать верховыми лошадьми или транспортным средством 4) подниматься II сущ. 1) устар. высокий холм, гора;: 2) искусственный холм (земляной или из камней); особенно погребальный холм 3) бугорок ( на ладони)

    Новый англо-русский словарь > mount

  • 12 нахлуя

    вж. нахлувам
    * * *
    нахлу̀вам гл. rush, burst (в into), rush in, force o.’s way; ( със сила) break in, sl. muscle in, bust in; ( влизам, без да чукам) barge in; (за полиция) raid; разг. bust; (за неприятел) invade (a country); въздухът, който нахлуваше от морето the air that pushed in from the sea; кръвта нахлу в лицето му the blood rushed into his face, his colour mounted; спомени нахлуха в главата му memories rushed/flooded (back) into his head; сълзи нахлуха в очите ѝ her eyes were filled with tears, tears welled up in her eyes, tears welled out of her eyes.
    * * *
    вж. нахлувам

    Български-английски речник > нахлуя

  • 13 flush

    I [flʌʃ]
    1) (blush) (on cheeks, skin) rossore m.; (in sky) bagliore m.

    a flush of — un impeto di [ desire]; un moto di [pride, shame]; un accesso o impeto di [ anger]

    3) (toilet device) sciacquone m.
    II 1. [flʌʃ]

    to flush the toilettirare l'acqua o lo sciacquone

    to flush sth. down the toilet — buttare qcs. nel gabinetto

    to flush sb.'s cheeks — arrossare le guance di qcn

    1) (redden) arrossire ( with di, per)
    III [flʌʃ]

    to be flush withessere a filo o livello di [ wall]

    2) colloq. (rich)
    IV [flʌʃ]
    nome gioc. (set) colore m.
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (a flow of blood to the face, making it red: A slow flush covered her face.) rossore
    2) ((the device that works) a rush of water which cleans a toilet: a flush toilet.) getto/flusso d'acqua
    2. verb
    1) (to become red in the face: She flushed with embarrassment.) arrossire
    2) (to clean by a rush of water: to flush a toilet.) pulire (con un getto d'acqua)
    3) ((usually with out) to cause (an animal etc) to leave a hiding place: The police flushed out the criminal.) stanare
    - in the first flush of
    - the first flush of
    * * *
    1. n
    1) (lavatory flush) sciacquone m
    2) (blush) rossore m
    3) (of beauty, health, youth) rigoglio, pieno vigore m, (fig: exhilaration) ebbrezza
    4) (in poker) colore m
    2. adj

    (level) flush (with) — a livello (di or con)

    2) fam
    3. vi

    (person, face) to flush (with) — arrossire (di)

    4. vt

    to flush the lavatory or the toilet — tirare l'acqua

    2) (also: flush out) (game, birds) far alzare in volo, (fig: criminal) stanare
    * * *
    flush (1) /flʌʃ/
    1 flusso improvviso (d'acqua, ecc.); getto
    2 [uc] sciacquata; ripulitura con un getto d'acqua: to give the toilet a flush, far scorrere l'acqua nel water
    3 sciacquone ( di gabinetto); scarico: to press the flush, azionare lo sciacquone; far scorrere l'acqua
    4 [u] rigoglio; fioritura; abbondanza; profusione: the full flush of spring, il pieno rigoglio della primavera; in the first flush of youth, nel primo rigoglio della giovinezza
    5 empito; impeto; ebbrezza; esaltazione; entusiasmo: the first flush of passion, il primo impeto della passione; in the first flush of success, nell'ebbrezza del primo successo
    6 rossore; vampa; vampata; afflusso di sangue al viso: The memory brought a flush of shame to her cheeks, il ricordo le fece salire al viso una vampa di vergogna; al ricordo arrossì di vergogna; hectic flush, rossore febbrile; hot flush, vampa al viso ( in menopausa); caldana
    7 (med.) accesso febbrile; vampa (di febbre, ecc.)
    8 ( caccia) (il) fare uscire ( un uccello) allo scoperto; (il) levarsi in volo improvviso
    flush gate, paratoia di spurgo □ flush-tank, ( di fogna, ecc.) apparecchio di lavaggio; (edil.) cassetta di cacciata ( in un water) □ flush toilet, gabinetto con sciacquone □ flush-valve, valvola di sciacquone.
    flush (2) /flʌʃ/
    A a.
    1 a filo; pari; a livello: flush with the floor, a filo del pavimento
    2 (fam.) ben provvisto di denaro; ben fornito; pieno di soldi
    3 generoso; prodigo; splendido: He is flush with his money, è prodigo del suo denaro
    4 ( di fiume) in piena; sul punto di straripare
    B avv.
    1 a filo; a livello: to cut st. flush, tagliare qc. a filo; rifilare qc.
    2 direttamente; in pieno: The punch hit him flush on the chin, il pugno lo ha colpito in pieno mento
    C n.
    ● (naut.) flush decker, nave a ponte raso □ (tecn.) flush-mounted, incassato □ (edil., elettr.) flush socket, presa da incasso.
    flush (3) /flʌʃ/
    royal flush, scala reale all'asso □ straight flush, scala reale.
    (to) flush (1) /flʌʃ/
    A v. i.
    1 ( di liquido) sgorgare; scorrere; spargersi
    2 ( di water) venir pulito ( con lo sciacquone): The toilet won't flush, lo sciacquone del water non funziona
    3 ( di sangue) salire (al viso, ecc.)
    4 (di viso, persona) arrossire: to flush with embarrassment [anger, pleasure], arrossire per l'imbarazzo [di rabbia, di piacere]; The girl's face flushed scarlet, il viso della ragazza diventò di fuoco; la ragazza avvampò
    5 accendersi; avvampare; diventare infuocato
    7 ( di pianta) mettere nuovi germogli; gemmare; buttare (fam.)
    B v. t.
    1 far scorrere: to flush water down a pipe, far scorrere acqua in un tubo
    2 eliminare ( con un getto d'acqua); scaricare: to flush st. down the toilet [the sink], eliminare qc. gettandolo nel water [nello scarico del lavandino]; to flush out st., eliminare qc. ( con un getto d'acqua)
    3 ( anche to flush out) pulire ( con un getto d'acqua); spurgare; sciacquare: to flush (out) a drain, spurgare con un getto d'acqua un canale di scolo (o una fogna); to flush the toilet, tirare l'acqua (o azionare lo sciacquone) del water
    5 arrossare; accendere: The wind had flushed her cheeks, il vento le aveva arrossato le guance
    6 fare arrossire; far salire il sangue a: Indignation flushed his cheeks, lo sdegno gli fece salire il sangue alle guance
    7 (fig.) animare; eccitare; infiammare; entusiasmare
    9 ( anche to flush out) snidare, stanare ( uomini o animali); far uscire allo scoperto: to flush sb. out of hiding, stanare q. dal suo nascondiglio; We wanted to flush the two spies out into the open, volevamo far uscire le due spie allo scoperto
    10 (comput.) svuotare: to flush a buffer, svuotare un buffer.
    (to) flush (2) /flʌʃ/
    v. t.
    livellare; spianare.
    * * *
    I [flʌʃ]
    1) (blush) (on cheeks, skin) rossore m.; (in sky) bagliore m.

    a flush of — un impeto di [ desire]; un moto di [pride, shame]; un accesso o impeto di [ anger]

    3) (toilet device) sciacquone m.
    II 1. [flʌʃ]

    to flush the toilettirare l'acqua o lo sciacquone

    to flush sth. down the toilet — buttare qcs. nel gabinetto

    to flush sb.'s cheeks — arrossare le guance di qcn

    1) (redden) arrossire ( with di, per)
    III [flʌʃ]

    to be flush withessere a filo o livello di [ wall]

    2) colloq. (rich)
    IV [flʌʃ]
    nome gioc. (set) colore m.

    English-Italian dictionary > flush

  • 14 दुर् _dur

    दुर् ind. (A prefix substituted for दुस् before words beginning with vowels or soft consonants in the sense of 'bad'. 'hard' or 'difficult to do a certain thing'; for compounds with दुस् as first member see दुस् s. v.).
    -Comp. -अक्ष a.
    1 weak-eyed.
    -2 evileyed.
    (-क्षः) 1 a loaded or false die.
    -2 dishonest gambling.
    -अक्षरम् an evil word; श्रुतिं ममाविश्य भवद्दुरक्षरं सृजत्यदः कीटकवदुत्कटा रुजः N.9.63.
    -अतिक्रम a. difficult to be overcome or conquered, unconquerable; सर्वं तु तपसा साध्यं तपो हि दुरति- क्रमम् Ms.11.2.38; स्वभावो दुरतिक्रमः 'nature cannot be changed'; स्वजातिर्दुरतिक्रमा Pt.1.
    -2 insurmountable, impassable; B. R.6.18-19.
    -3 inevitable. (
    -मः) an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -अत्यय a.
    1 difficult to be overcome; स्वर्गमार्गपरिघो दुरत्ययः R.11.88.
    -2 hard to be attained or fathomed; स एष आत्मा स्वपरेत्यबुद्धिभिर्दुरत्यया- नुक्रमणो निरूप्यते Bhāg.7.5.13.
    -अदृष्टम् ill-luck, misfortune.
    -अधिग, -अधिगम a.
    1 hard to reach or attain, unattainable; Bhāg.3.23.8; दुरधिगमः परभागो यावत्पुरुषेण पौरुषं न कृतम् Pt.1.33.
    -2 insurmountable.
    -3 hard to be studied or understood; इह दुरधिगमैः किञ्चि- देवागमैः Ki.5.18.
    -अधिष्ठित a. badly performed, managed, or executed. (
    -तम्) improper stay at a place.
    -अधीत a. badly learnt or read.
    -अध्यय a.
    1 difficult of attainment; सहस्रवर्त्मा चपलैर्दुरध्ययः Śi.12.11.
    -2 hard to be studied.
    -अध्यवसायः a foolish undertaking.
    -अध्वः a bad road; स्वयं दुरध्वार्णवनाविकाः कथं स्पृशन्तु विज्ञाय हृदापि तादृशीम् N.9.33.
    -अन्त a.
    1 whose end is difficult to be reached, endless, infinite; संकर्षणाय सूक्ष्माय दुरन्तायान्तकाय च Bhāg.
    -2 ending ill or in misery, unhappy; अहो दुरन्ता बलवद्विरोधिता Ki.1.23; नृत्यति युवति- जनेन समं सखि विरहिजनस्य दुरन्ते (वसन्ते) Gīt.1; इयमुदरदरी- दुरन्तधारा यदि न भवेदभिमानभङ्गभूमिः Udb.
    -3 hard to be understood or known.
    -4 insurmountable.
    -अन्तक a. = दुरन्त q. v. (
    -कः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -अन्वय a.
    1 difficult to be passed along; Mb.14.51.17.
    -2 hard to be carried out or followed.
    -3 difficult to be attained. or understood; बुद्धिश्च ते महाप्राज्ञ देवैरपि दुरन्वया Rām.3. 66.18.
    -4 not suitable, improper; वचो दुरन्वयं विप्रास्तूष्णी- मासन्भ्रमद्धियः Bhāg.1.84.14.
    (-यः) 1 a wrong conclusion, one wrongly inferred from given premisses.
    -2 (in gram.) a false agreement.
    -अपवादः ill report. slander.
    -अभिग्रह a. difficult to be caught.
    -अभि- मानिन् a. vain-glorious, disagreeably proud.
    - अवगम a. incomprehensible; Bhāg.5.13.26.
    -अवग्रह a.
    1 difficult to be restrained or subjugated; भक्ता भजस्व दुरवग्रह मा त्यजास्मान् Bhāg.1.29.31.
    -2 disagreeable.
    -अवग्राह a. difficult to be attained; Bhāg.7.1.19.
    -अवच्छद a. difficult to be hidden; हेतुभिर्लक्षयांचक्रुराप्रीतां दुरवच्छदैः Bhāg.1.62.28.
    -अवबोध a. unintelligible. Bhāg.1.49.29.
    -अवसित a. unfathomed, difficult to be ascertained, द्युपतिभिरजशक्रशंकराद्यैर्दुरवसितस्तवमच्युतं नतो$स्मि Bhāg.12.12.67.
    -अवस्थ a. ill off, badly or poorly circumstanced.
    -अवस्था, -स्थानम् a wretched or miser- able state; Bhāg.5.3.12.
    -अवाप a. difficult to be gained or fulfilled; Ś.1.
    -अवेक्षितम् an improper look.
    -अह्नः a bad day.
    -आकृति a. ugly, mis-shaped.
    -आक्रन्द a. crying bitterly or miserably; किं क्रन्दसि दुराक्रन्द स्वपक्ष- क्षयकारक Pt.4.29.
    -आक्रम a.
    1 invincible, unconquer- able.
    -2 difficult to be passed.
    -आक्रमणम् 1 unfair attack.
    -2 difficult approach.
    -आगमः improper or illegal acquisition.
    -आग्रहः foolish obstinacy, head- strongness, pertinacity; ममाहमित्यूढदुराग्रहाणां पुंसाम् Bhāg.3. 5.43.
    1 hard to be performed.
    -2 incurable (as a disease).
    -आचार a.
    1 ill-conducted, badly be- haved.
    -2 following bad practices, wicked, depraved; अपि चेत्सुदुराचारो भजते मामनन्यभाक् Bg.9.3. (
    -रः) bad practice, ill-conduct, wikedness.
    -आढ्य a. not rich, poor.
    -आत्मता vileness, baseness, wickedness.
    -आत्मन् a. evil-natured, low, wicked, vile, base, mean; ये च प्राहुर्दुरात्मानो दुराराध्या महीभुजः Pt.1.39. (-m.) a rascal, villain, scoundrel.
    - आधर a. difficult to be withstood or overpowered, irresistible.
    -आधर्ष a. hard to be approached or assailed, unassailable जगन्नाथो दुराधर्षो गङ्गां भागीरथीं प्रति Mb.
    -2 not to be attacked with impu- nity.
    -3 haughty. (
    -र्षः) white mustard.
    -आधारः an epithet of Śiva.
    -आधिः (m.)
    1 distress or anxiety of mind; निरस्तनारीसमया दुराधयः Ki.1.28.
    -2 indignation.
    -आधी a. Ved. malignant, thinking ill of.
    - आनम a. difficult to bend or draw; स विचिन्त्य धनुर्दुरानमम् R.11.38.
    -आप a.
    1 difficult to be obtained; श्रिया दुरापः कथमीप्सितो भवेत् Ś.3.13; R.1.72;6.62.
    -2 difficult to be ap- proached; Pt.1.67.
    -3 hard to be overcome.
    -आपादन a. difficult to be brought about; किं दुरापादनं तेषाम् Bhāg.3.23.42.
    -आपूर a. difficult to be filled or satisfied; Bhāg.7.6.8.
    -आबाध a. hard to be molested. (
    -धः) N. of Śiva.
    -आमोदः bad scent, stench; शवधूमदुरामोदः शालिभक्ते$त्र विद्यते Ks.82.22.
    -आराध्य a. difficult to be propitiated, hard to be won over or conciliated; दुराराध्याः श्रियो राज्ञां दुरापा दुष्परिग्रहाः Pt.1.38.
    -आरुह a. difficult to be mounted.
    (-हः) 1 the Bilva tree.
    -2 the cocoanut tree.
    -3 the date tree.
    -आरोप a. difficult to be strung (bow); दुरारोपमैन्दुशेखरं धनुर्दुर्निवारा रावणभुजदण्डाः B. R.1.46-47.
    -आरोह a. difficult of ascent.
    (-हः) 1 The cocoanut tree.
    -2 the palm tree.
    -3 the date tree.
    -आलापः 1 a curse, imprecation.
    -2 foul of abusive language.
    -आलोक a.
    1 difficult to be seen or perceived.
    -2 painfully bright, dazzling; दुरालोकः स समरे निदाघाम्बररत्नवत् K. P.1. (
    -कः) dazzling splendour.
    -आव(वा)र a.
    1 difficult to be covered or filled up; दुरावरं त्वदन्येन राज्यखण्डमिदं महत् Rām.2.15.5.
    -2 difficult to be restrained, shut in, kept back or stopped.
    -आवर्त a. difficult to be convinced or set up; भवन्ति सुदुरावर्ता हेतुमन्तो$पि पण्डिताः Mb.12.19.23.
    1 evil-minded, wicked, malicious, स्फुटनिर्भिन्नो दुराशयो$धमः Śi. उपेयिवान् मूलमशेषमूलं दुराशयः कामदुघाङ्घ्रिपस्य Bhāg.3.21.15.
    -2 having a bad place or rest. (-m.) the subtle body which is not destroyed by death (लिङ्गदेह); एतन्मे जन्म लोके$स्मिन्मुमुक्षूणां दुराशयात् Bhāg.3.24. 36.
    -आशा 1 a bad or wicked desire.
    -2 hoping against hope.
    -आस a. difficult to be abided or associated with; संघर्षिणा सह गुणाभ्यधिकैर्दुरासम् Śi.5.19.
    1 difficult to be approached or overtaken; स सभूव दुरासदः परैः R.3.66; 8.4; Mv.2.5; 4.15.
    -2 difficult to be found or met with.
    -3 unequalled, unparalleled.
    -4 hard to be borne, insupportable.
    -5 difficult to be conquered, unassailable, unconquerable; जहि शत्रुं महाबाहो कामरूपं दुरासदम् Bg.3.43. (
    -दः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -इत a.
    1 difficult.
    -2 sinful.
    (-तम्) 1 a bad course, evil, sin; दरिद्राणां दैन्यं दुरितमथ दुर्वासनहृदां द्रुतं दूरीकुर्वन् G. L.2; R.8.2; Amaru.2; Mv.3.43.
    -2 a difficulty, danger.
    -3 a calamity, evil; अपत्ये यत्तादृग्- दुरितमभवत् U.4.3.
    -इतिः f. Ved.
    1 a bad course.
    -2 difficulty.
    -इष्टम् 1 a curse, imprecation.
    -2 a spell or sacrificial rite performed to injure another person.
    -ईशः a bad lord or master.
    -ईषणा, -एषणा 1 a curse, an imprecation.
    -2 an evil eye.
    -उक्त a. harshly utter- ed; Pt.1.89.
    -उक्तम्, -उक्तिः f. offensive speech, reproach, abuse, censure; लक्ष्मि क्षमस्व वचनीयमिदं दुरुक्तम् Udb.
    -उच्छेद a. difficult to be destroyed.
    -उत्तर a.
    1 unanswerable.
    -2 difficult to be crossed; दुरुत्तरे पङ्क इवान्धकारे Bk.11.2; प्राप्तः पङ्को दुरुत्तरः Ki.15.17.
    - उदय a. appearing with difficulty, not easily manifested; यो$ नात्मनां दुरुदयो भगवान्प्रतीतः Bhāg.3.16.5.
    -उदर्क a. having bad or no consequences; N.5.41.
    -उदाहर a. diffi- cult to be pronounced or composed; अनुज्झितार्थसंबन्धः प्रबन्धो दुरुदाहरः Śi.2.73.
    -उद्वह a. burdensome, unbear- able.
    - उपसद a. difficult of approach; Ki.7.9.
    -उपसर्पिन् a. approaching incautiously; एकमेव दहत्यग्निर्नरं दुरुपसर्पिणम् Ms.7.9.
    -ऊह a. abstruse; जानीते जयदेव एव शरणः श्लाघ्ये दुरूहद्रुते Gīt.
    -एव a. Ved.
    1 having evil ways.
    -2 irresis- tible, unassailable. (
    -वः) a wicked person.
    -ओषस् a. Ved. slow, lazy.
    - ग 1 difficult of access, inaccessible, impervious, impassable; दुर्गस्त्वेष महापन्थाः Mb.12.3. 5; दुर्गं पथस्तत्कवयो वदन्ति Kaṭh.1.3.14.
    -2 unattain- able.
    -3 incomprehensible.
    -4 following wicked path, vicious; Rām.2.39.22.
    (-गः, -गम्) 1 a difficult or narrow passage through a wood or over a stream, mountain &c., a defile, narrow pass.
    -2 a citadel. fortress, castle; न दुर्गं दुर्गमित्येव दुर्गमं मन्यते जनः । तस्य दुर्गमता सैव यत्प्रभुस्तस्य दुर्गमः ॥ Śiva. B.16.61.
    -3 rough ground.
    -4 difficulty, adversity, calamity, distress, danger; निस्तारयतिं दुर्गाच्च Ms.3.98;11.43; मच्चित्तः सर्व- दुर्गाणि मत्प्रसादात्तरिष्यसि; Bg.18.58.
    (-गः) 1 bdellium.
    -2 the Supreme Being.
    -3 N. of an Asura slain by Durgā (thus receiving her name from him). ˚अध्यक्षः, ˚पतिः, ˚पालः the commandant or governor of a castle. ˚अन्तः The suburb of a fort; दुर्गान्ते सिद्धतापसाः Kau. A. 1.12. ˚कर्मन् n. fortification. ˚कारक a. making difficult. (
    -कः) the birch tree. ˚घ्नी N. of Durgā. ˚तरणी an epithet of Sāvitrī. सावित्री दुर्गतरणी वीणा सप्तविधा तथा Mb. ˚मार्गः a defile, gorge. ˚लङ्घनम् surmounting difficu- lties. (
    -नः) a camel. ˚संचरः
    1 a difficult passage as to a fort &c., a bridge &c. over a defile. ˚संस्कारः Repairs to the old forts; अतो दुर्गसंस्कार आरब्धव्ये किं कौमुदीमहोत्सवेन Mu. ˚सिंहः N. of the author of कलापपरिशिष्ट. ˚व्यसनम् a defect or weak point in a fortress. (
    -र्गा) an epithet of Pārvatī, wife of Śiva.
    -2 the female cuckoo
    -3 N. of several plants. ˚नवमी the 9th day of the bright half of कार्तिक. ˚पूजा the chief festival in honour of दुर्गा in Bengal in the month of Āśvina.
    -गत a.
    1 unfortunate, in bad circumstances; समाश्वसिमि केनाहं कथं प्राणिमि दुर्गतः Bk.18.1.
    -2 indigent, poor.
    -3 distressed, in trouble.
    -गतता ill-luck, poverty, misery; तावज्जन्मातिदुःखाय ततो दुर्गतता सदा Pt.1.265.
    -गतिः f.
    1 misfortune, poverty, want, trouble, indigence; न हि कल्याणकृत्कश्चिद् दुर्गतिं तात गच्छति Bg.6.4.
    -2 a difficult situation or path.
    -3 hell.
    -गन्ध a. ill-smelling.
    (-न्धः) 1 bad odour, stink
    -2 any ill-smelling substance.
    -3 an onion.
    -4 the mango tree. (
    -न्धम्) sochal salt.
    -गन्धि, -गन्धिन् a. ill-smelling.
    -गम a.
    1 impassable, inaccessible, impervious; कामिनीकायकान्तारे कुचपर्वतदुर्गमे Bh.1.86; Śi. 12.49.
    -2 unattainable, difficult of attainment.
    -3 hard to be understood. (
    -मम्) a difficult place like hill etc; भ्राम्यन्ते दुर्गमेष्वपि Pt.5.81.
    -गाढ, -गाध, -गाह्य a. difficult to be fathomed or investigated, unfathomable.
    -गुणितम् not properly studied; चिराम्यस्तपथं याति शास्त्रं दुर्गुणितं यथा Avimārakam.2.4.
    -गोष्ठी evil association; conspiracy. वृद्धो रक्कः कम्पनेशो दुर्गोष्ठीमध्यगो$भवत् Rāj. T.6. 17.
    -ग्रह a.
    1 difficult to be gained or accomplished.
    -2 difficult to be conquered or subjugated; दुर्गाणि दुर्ग्रहाण्यासन् तस्य रोद्धुरपि द्विषाम् R.17.52.
    -3 hard to be understood.
    (-हः) 1 a cramp, spasm.
    -2 obstinacy.
    -3 whim, monomania; कथं न वा दुर्ग्रहदोष एष ते हितेन सम्य- ग्गुरुणापि शम्यते N.9.41.
    -घट a.
    1 difficult. कार्याणि घटयन्नासीद् दुर्घटान्यपि हेलया Rāj. T.4.364.
    -2 impossible.
    -घण a.
    1 closely packed together, very compact.
    -घुरुटः An unbeliever; L. D. B.
    -घोषः 1 a harsh cry.
    -2 a bear.
    -जन a.
    1 wicked, bad, vile.
    -2 slanderous, malicious, mischievous; यथा स्त्रीणां तथा वाचां साधुत्वे दुर्जनो जनः U.1.6. (
    -नः) a bad or wicked person, a malicious or mischievous man, villain; दुर्जनः प्रियवादी च नैतद्विश्वास- कारणम् Chāṇ.24,25; शाम्येत्प्रत्यपकारेण नोपकारेण दुर्जनः Ku.2.4. (दुर्जनायते Den. Ā. to become wicked; स्वजनो$पि दरिद्राणां तत्क्षणाद् दुर्जनायते Pt.1.5.). (दुर्जनीकृ [च्वि] to make blameworthy; दुर्जनीकृतास्मि अनेन मां चित्रगतां दर्शयता Nāg.2).
    -जय a. invincible. (
    -यः) N. of Viṣṇu.
    -जर a.
    1 ever youthful; तस्मिन्स्तनं दुर्जरवीर्यमुल्बणं घोराङ्कमादाय शिशोर्दधावथ Bhāg.1.6.1.
    -2 hard (as food), indigestible.
    -3 difficult to be enjoyed; राजश्रीर्दुर्जरा तस्य नवत्वे भूभुजो$भवत् Rāj. T.5.19.
    -जात a.
    1 unhappy, wretched.
    -2 bad-tempered, bad, wicked; Rāj. T.3. 142.
    -3 false, not genuine. ˚जीयिन् a. one who is born in vain; यो न यातयते वैरमल्पसत्त्वोद्यमः पुमान् । अफलं जन्म तस्याहं मन्ये दुर्जातजायिनः ॥ Mb.
    (-तम्) 1 a misfortune, calamity, difficulty; त्वं तावद् दुर्जाते मे$त्यन्तसाहाय्यकारिणी भव M.3; दुर्जातबन्धुः R.13.72. 'a friend in need or adversity.'
    -2 impropriety.
    -जाति a.
    1 bad natured, vile, wicked; रुदितशरणा दुर्जातीनां सहस्व रुषां फलम् Amaru.96.
    -2 out- cast. (
    -तिः f.) misfortune, ill condition.
    -ज्ञान, -ज्ञेय a. difficult to be known, incomprehensible. उच्चावचेषु भुतेषु दुर्ज्ञेयामकृतात्मभिः Ms.6.73. (
    -यः) N. of Śiva.
    -णयः, -नयः, -नीतिः 1 bad conduct.
    -2 impropriety
    -3 in- justice.
    -णामन्, -नामन् a. having a bad name.
    -णीत a.
    1 ill-behaved.
    -2 impolitic.
    -3 forward. (
    -तम्) miscon- duct; दुर्णीतं किमिहास्ति किं सुचरितं कः स्थानलाभे गुणः H.
    -दम, -दमन, -दम्य a. difficult to be subdued, untamable, indomitable.
    -दर्श a.
    1 difficult to be seen.
    -2 dazzling; सुदुर्दर्शमिदं रूपं दृष्टवानसि यन्मन Bg.11.52.
    -दर्शन a. ugly, ill-looking; दुर्दर्शनेन घटतामियमप्यनेन Māl.2.8.
    -दशा a misfortune, calamity.
    -दान्त a.
    1 hard to be tamed or subdued, untamable; Śi.12.22.
    -2 intractable, proud, insolent; दुर्दान्तानां दमनविधयः क्षत्रियेष्वायतन्ते Mv.3.34.
    (-तः) 1 a calf.
    -2 a strife, quarrel.
    -3 N. of Śiva.
    -दिन a. cloudy, rainy.
    (-नम्) 1 a bad day in general; तद्दिनं दुर्दिनं मन्ये यत्र मित्रागमो हि न Subhāṣ.
    -2 a rainy or cloudy day, stormy or rainy weather; उन्नमत्यकालदुर्दिनम् Mk.5; Ku.6 43; Mv.4.57.
    -3 a shower (of any- thing); द्विषां विषह्य काकुत्स्थस्तत्र नाराचदुर्दिनम् ॥ सन्मङ्गलस्नात इव R.4.41,82;5.47; U.5.5.
    -4 thick darkness; जीमूतैश्च दिशः सर्वाश्चक्रे तिमिरदुर्दिनाः Mb. (दुर्दिनायते Den. Ā. to become cloudy.)
    -दिवसः a dark or rainy day; Pt.1.173.
    -दुरूटः, -ढः 1 an unbeliever
    -2 an abusive word.
    -दृश a.
    1 disagreeable to the sight, disgusting; दुर्दृशं तत्र राक्षसं घोररूपमपश्यत्सः Mb.1.2.298.
    -2 difficult to be seen; पादचारमिवादित्यं निष्पतन्तं सुदुर्दृशम् Rām.7.33.5.
    -दृष्ट a. ill- judged or seen, wrongly decided; Y.2.35.
    -दैवम् ill-luck, misfortune.
    -द्यूतम् an unfair game.
    -द्रुमः onion (green).
    -धर a.
    1 irresistible, difficult to be stopped.
    -2 difficult to be borne or suffered; दुर्धरेण मदनेन साद्यते Ghat.11; Ms.7.28.
    -3 difficult to be accomplished.
    -4 difficult to be kept in memory. (
    -रः) quicksilver.
    -धर्ष a.
    1 inviolable, unassailable.
    -2 inaccessible; संयोजयति विद्यैव नीचगापि नरं सरित् । समुद्रमिव दुर्धर्षं नृपं भाग्य- मतः परम् ॥ H. Pr.5.
    -3 fearful, dreadful.
    -4 haughty.
    -धी a. stupid, silly.
    -नयः 1 arrogance.
    -2 immorality.
    -3 evil strategy; उन्मूलयितुमीशो$हं त्रिवर्गमिव दुर्नयः Mu.5.22.
    -नामकः piles. ˚अरिः a kind of bulbous root (Mar. सुरण).
    -नामन् m. f. a cockle. (-n.) piles.
    -निग्रह a. irre- pressible, unruly; मनो दुर्निग्रहं चलम् Bg.6.35.
    -निमित a. carelessly put or placed on the ground; पदे पदे दुर्निमिते गलन्ती R.7.1.
    -निमित्तम् 1 a bad omen; R.14.5.
    -2 a bad pretext.
    -निवार, -निवार्य a. difficult to be check- ed or warded off, irresistible, invincible.
    -नीतम् 1 mis- conduct, bad policy, demerit, misbehaviour; दुर्णीतं किमि- हास्ति Pt.2.21; H.1.49.
    -2 ill-luck.
    -नीतिः f. mal- administration; दुर्नीतिं तव वीक्ष्य कोपदहनज्वालाजटालो$पि सन्; Bv.4.36.
    -नृपः a bad king; आसीत् पितृकुलं तस्य भक्ष्यं दुर्नृप- रक्षसः Rāj. T.5.417.
    -न्यस्त a. badly arranged; दुर्न्यस्त- पुष्परचितो$पि Māl.9.44.
    -बल a.
    1 weak, feeble.
    -2 enfeebled, spiritless; दुर्बलान्यङ्गकानि U.1.24.
    -3 thin, lean, emaciated; U.3.
    -4 small, scanty, little; स्वार्थोप- पत्तिं प्रति दुर्बलाशः R.5.12.
    -बाध a. Unrestrained (अनिवार); दुर्बाधो जनिदिवसान्मम प्रवृद्धः (आधिः); Mv.6.28.
    -बाल a.
    1 bald-headed.
    -2 void of prepuce.
    -3 having crook- ed hair.
    -बुद्धि a.
    1 silly, foolish, stupid.
    -2 perverse, evil-minded, wicked; धार्तराष्ट्रस्य दुर्बुद्धेर्युद्धे प्रियचिकीर्षवः (समा- गताः) Bg.1.23
    -बुध a. wicked-minded, silly; Mb. 11.4.18.
    -बोध a. unintelligible, unfathomable, inscru- table; निसर्गदुर्बोधमबोधविक्लवाः क्व भूपतीनां चरितं क्व जन्तवः Ki. 1.6.
    -भग a.
    1 unfortunate, unlucky; श्रीवल्लभं दुर्भगाः (निन्दन्ति) Pt.1.415.
    -2 not possessed of good features, ill-looking.
    -भगा 1 a wife disliked by her husband; दुर्भगाभरणप्रायो ज्ञानं भारः क्रियां विना H.1.17.
    -2 an ill-tempered woman, a shrew.
    -3 a widow;
    -भर a. insupportable, burdensome, heavily laden with (comp.); ततो राजाब्रवीदेतं बहुव्यसनदुर्भरः Ks.112.156.
    -भाग्य a. unfortunate, unlucky. (
    ग्यम्) ill-luck.
    -भावना 1 an evil thought.
    -2 a bad tendency.
    -भिक्षम् 1 scarcity of provisions, dearth, famine; Y.2.147; Ms.8.22; उत्सवे व्यसने चैव दुर्भिक्षे... यस्तिष्ठति स बान्धवः H.1.71; Pt.2.
    -2 want in general.
    -भिद, -भेद, -भेद्य a. firm; सुजनस्तु कनकघटवद् दुर्भेद्यश्चाशु संध्येयः Subhāṣ.
    -भृत्यः a bad servant.
    -भिषज्यम् incurability; Bṛi. Up.4.3.14.
    -भ्रातृ m. a bad brother.
    -मङ्कु a. obstinate, disobedient.
    -मति a.
    1 silly, stupid, foolish, ignorant.
    -2 wicked, evilminded; न सांपरायिकं तस्य दुर्मतेर्विद्यते फलम् Ms.11.3.
    -मद a. drun- ken, ferocious, maddened, infatuated; Bhāg.1.15.7.
    -दः foolish pride, arrogance.
    -दम् the generative organ; ग्रामकं नाम विषयं दुर्मदेन समन्वितः Bhāg.4.25.52.
    -मनस् a. troubled in mind, discouraged, disspirited, sad, malancholy; अद्य बार्हस्पतः श्रीमान् युक्तः पुष्येण राघवः । प्रोच्यतै ब्राह्मणैः प्राज्ञैः केन त्वमसि दुर्मनाः ॥ Rām. [दुर्मनायते Den. Ā. to be troubled in mind, be sad, meditate sorrowfully, to be disconso- late, become vexed or fretted; Māl.3].
    -मनुष्यः a bad or wicked man.
    -मन्त्रः, -मन्त्रितम्, -मन्त्रणा evil advice, bad counsel; दुर्मन्त्रान्नृपतिर्विनश्यति; Pt.1.169.
    -मरम् a hard or difficult death; Mb.14.61.9.
    -मरी a kind of दूर्वा grass.
    -मरणम् violent or unnatural death.
    -मर्ष a.
    1 unbearable; Bhāg.6.5.42.
    -2 obstinate, hostile.
    -मर्षणः N. of Viṣṇu.
    -मर्षित a. provocated, encouraged; एवं दुर्मर्षितो राजा स मात्रा बभ्रुवाहनः Mb.14. 79.13,
    -मर्याद a. immodest, wicked.
    -मल्लिका, -मल्ली a minor drama, comedy, farce; S. D.553.
    -मित्रः 1 a bad friend.
    -2 an enemy.
    -मुख a.
    1 having a bad face, hideous, ugly; Bh.1.9.
    -2 foul-mouthed, abusive, scurrilous; Bh.2.69.
    (-खः) 1 a horse.
    -2 N. of Śiva.
    -3 N. of a serpent king (Nm.)
    -4 N. of a monkey (Nm.)
    -5 N. of a year (29th year out of 6 years cycle).
    -मूल्य a. highly priced, dear.
    -मेधस् a. silly, foolish, dull-headed, dull; Pt.1. (-m.) a dunce, dull-headed man, blockhead; ग्रन्थानधीत्य व्याकर्तु- मिति दुर्मेधसो$प्यलम् Śi.2.26.
    -मैत्र a. unfriendly, hostile; Bhāg.7.5.27.
    -यशस् n. ill-repute, dishonour.
    -योगः 1 bad or clumsy contrivance.
    -2 a bad combi- nation.
    -योध, -योधन a. invincible, unconquerable. (
    -नः) the eldest of the 11 sons of Dhṛitarāṣṭra and Gāndhārī. [From his early years he conceived a deep hatred for his cousins the Pāṇḍavas, but particularly Bhīma, and made every effort he could to compass their destruction. When his father pro- posed to make Yudhiṣṭhira heir-apparent, Duryodhana did not like the idea, as his father was the reigning sovereign, and prevailed upon his blind father to send the Pāṇḍavas away into exile. Vāraṇāvata was fixed upon as their abode, and under pretext of constructing a palatial building for their residence, Duryodhana caused a palace to be built mostly of lac, resin and other combustible materials, thereby hoping to see them all destroyed when they should enter it. But the Paṇḍavas were forewarned and they safely escaped. They then lived at Indraprastha, and Yudhiṣṭhira performed the Rājasuya sacrifice with great pomp and splendour. This event further excited the anger and jealousy of Duryodhana, who was already vexed to find that his plot for burning them up had signally failed, and he induced his father to invite the Pāṇḍavas to Hastināpura to play with dice (of which Yudhiṣṭhira was particularly fond). In that gambling-match, Duryodhana, who was ably assisted by his maternal uncle Śakuni, won from Yudhiṣṭhira everything that he staked, till the infatuated gambler staked himself, his brothers, and Draupadī herself, all of whom shared the same fate. Yudhiṣṭhira, as a condition of the wager, was forced to go to the forest with his wife and brothers, and to remain there for twelve years and to pass one addi- tional year incognito. But even this period, long as it was, expired, and after their return from exile both the Pāṇḍavas and Kauravas made great preparations for the inevitable struggle and the great Bhāratī war commenced. It lasted for eighteen days during which all the Kauravas, with most of their allies, were slain. It was on the last day of the war that Bhīma fought a duel with Duryodhana and smashed his thigh with his club.] मोघं तवेदं भुवि नामधेयं दुर्योधनेतीह कृतं पुरस्तात् न हीह दुर्योधनता तवास्ति पलायमानस्य रणं विहाय Mb.4.65.17.
    -योनि a. of a low birth, न कथंचन दुर्योनिः प्रकृतिं स्वां नियच्छति Ms.1.59.
    -लक्ष्य a. difficult to be seen or perceived, hardly visible.
    -क्ष्यम् bad aim; मनः प्रकृत्यैव चलं दुर्लक्ष्यं च तथापि मे Ratn.3.2.
    -लभ a.
    1 difficult to be attained, or accomplished; R.1.67;17.7; Ku.4.4;5.46,61; दुर्लभं भारते जन्म मानुष्यं तत्र दुर्लभम् Subhāṣ.
    -2 difficult to be found or met with, scarce, rare; शुद्धान्तदुर्लभम् Ś.1.17.
    -3 best, excellent, eminent.
    -ग्रामः a village situated close to a large village and inhabited by the free-holders (अग्र- हारोपजीविनः); Māna.1.79-8.
    -4 dear, beloved.
    -5 costly.
    -ललित a.
    1 spoilt by fondling, fondled too much, hard to please; हा मदङ्कदुर्ललित Ve.4; V.2.8; Māl.9.
    -2 (hence) wayward, naughty, illbred, unruly; स्पृहयामि खलु दुर्ललितायास्मै Ś.7. (
    -तम्) waywardness, rudeness.
    -लेख्यम् a forged document. Y.2.91.
    -वच a.
    1 difficult to be described, indescribable. अपि वागधिपस्य दुर्वचं वचनं तद् विदधीत विस्मयम् Ki.2.2.
    -2 not to be talked about.
    -3 speaking improperly, abusing. (
    -चम्) abuse, censure, foul language.
    -वचस् n. abuse, censure; असह्यं दुर्वचो ज्ञातेर्मेघा- न्तरितरौद्रवत् Udb.
    -वर्ण a. bad-coloured.
    -र्णः 1 bad colour.
    -2 impurity; यथा हेम्नि स्थितो वह्निर्दुवर्णं हन्ति धातु- जम् Bhāg.12.3.47.
    (-र्णम्) 1 silver. दुर्वर्णभित्तिरिह सान्द्रसुधासुवर्णा Śi.4.28.
    -2 a kind of leprosy.
    -वस a. difficult to be resided in.
    -वसतिः f. painful residence; R.8.94.
    -वह a. heavy, difficult to be borne; दुर्वहगर्भखिन्नसीता U.2.1; Ku.1.11.
    -वाच् a. speaking ill. (-f.)
    1 evil words, abuse.
    -2 inelegant language or speech.
    -वाच्य a.
    1 difficult to be spoken or uttered.
    -2 abusive, scurrilous.
    -3 harsh, cruel (as words).
    (-च्यम्) 1 censure, abuse.
    -2 scandal, ill-repute.
    -वातः a fart. ˚वातय Den. P. to break wind or fart; इत्येके विहसन्त्येनमेके दुर्वातयन्ति च Bhāg.11.23.4.
    -वादः slander, defamation, calumny.
    -वार, -वारण a. irresistible, unbearable; R.14.87; किं चायमरिदुर्वारः पाणौ पाशः प्रचेतसः Ku.2.21.
    -वासना 1 evil propensity, wicked desire; कः शत्रुर्वद खेददानकुशलो दुर्वासनासंचयः Bv. 1.86.
    -2 a chimera.
    -वासस् a.
    1 ill-dressed.
    -2 naked. (-m.) N. of a very irascible saint or Ṛiṣi, son of Atri and Anasūyā. (He was very hard to please, and he cursed many a male and female to suffer misery and degradation. His anger, like that of Jama- dagni, has become almost proverbial.)
    -वाहितम् a heavy burden; उरोजपूर्णकुम्भाङ्का सदुर्वाहितविभ्रमा Rāj. T.4.18.
    -विगाह, -विगाह्य a. difficult to be penetrated or fathomed, unfathomable.
    -विचिन्त्य inconcei- vable, inscrutable
    -विद a. difficult to be known or discovered; नूनं गतिः कृतान्तस्य प्राज्ञैरपि सुदुर्विदा Mb.7.78. 2.
    -विदग्ध 1 unskilled, raw, foolish, stupid, silly.
    -2 wholly ignorant.
    -3 foolishly puffed up, elated. vainly proud; वृथाशस्त्रग्रहणदुर्विदग्ध Ve.3; ज्ञानलवदुर्विदग्धं ब्रह्मापि नरं न रञ्जयति Bh.2.3.
    -विद्ध a. Badly perforated (a pearl); Kau. A.2.11.
    -विद्य a. uneducated; Rāj. T.1.354.
    -विध a.
    1 mean, base, low.
    -2 wicked, vile.
    -3 poor, indigent; विदधाते रुचिगर्वदुर्विधम् N.2.23.
    -4 stupid, foolish, silly; विविनक्ति न बुद्धिदुर्विधः Śi.16.39.
    -विनयः misconduct, imprudence.
    -विनीत a.
    1 (a) badly educated, ill-mannered; ill-behaved, wicked; शासितरि दुर्विनीतानाम् Ś.1.24. (b) rude, naughty, mis- chievous.
    -2 stubborn, obstinate.
    (-तः) 1 a restive or untrained horse.
    -2 a wayward person, reprobate.
    -विपाक a. producing bad fruit; श्रितासि चन्दनभ्रान्त्या दुर्विपाकं विषद्रुमम् U.1.46.
    (-कः) 1 bad result or conse- quence; U.1.4; किं नो विधिरिह वचने$प्यक्षमो दुर्विपाकः Mv. 6.7.
    -2 evil consequences of acts done either in this or in a former birth.
    -विभाव्य a. inconceivable; also दुर्विभाव; असद्वृत्तेरहो वृत्तं दुर्विभावं विधेरिव Ki.11.56.
    -विमर्श a. difficult to be tried or examined; यो दुर्विमर्शपथया निजमाययेदं सृष्ट्वा गुणान्विभजते तदनुप्रविष्टः Bhāg.1.49.29.
    -विलसितम् a wayward act, rudeness, naughtiness; डिम्भस्य दुर्विलसितानि मुदे गुरूणाम् B. R.4.6.
    -विलासः a bad or evil turn of fate; U.1.
    -विवाहः a censurable marriage; इतरेषु तु शिष्टेषु नृशंसानृतवादिनः । जायन्ते दुर्विवाहेषु ब्रह्मधर्मद्विषः सुताः ॥ Ms.3.41.
    -विष a. ill-natured, malignant. (
    -षः) N. of Śiva.
    -विषह a. unbearable, intolerable, irresistible. (
    -हः) N. of Śiva.
    -वृत्त a.
    1 vile, wicked, ill-behaved.
    -2 roguish. (
    -त्तम्) misconduct, ill-behaviour. दुर्वृत्तवृत्तशमनं तव देवि शीलम् Devīmāhātmya.
    -वृत्तिः f.
    1 misconduct.
    -2 misery, want, distress.
    -3 fraud.
    -वृष्टिः f. insufficient rain, drought.
    -वेद a. difficult to be known or ascertained.
    -व्यवहारः a wrong judgment in law.
    -व्यवहृतिः f. ill-report or rumour.
    -व्यसनम् 1 a fond pursuit or resolve; Mu.3.
    -2 bad propensity, vice; तेन दुर्व्यसनेनासीद्भोजने$पि कदर्थना Ks.73.73.
    -व्रत a. not conforming to rules, disobedient.
    -हुतम् a badly offered sacrifice.
    -हृद् a. wicked-hearted, ill-disposed, inimical; अकुर्वतोर्वां शुश्रूषां क्लिष्टयोर्दुर्हृदा भृशम् Bhāg.1.45.9. (-m.) an enemy.
    -हृदय a. evil-minded, evil-intention- ed, wicked.
    -हृषीक a. having defective organs of sense.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > दुर् _dur

  • 15 stand

    stand [stænd]
    stand1 (a) étal1 (a) support1 (b) plate-forme1 (c) tribune1 (c), 1 (d) barre1 (f) position1 (g) mettre2 (a) poser2 (a) supporter2 (b)-(d) se lever3 (a) être debout3 (b), 3 (c) être3 (b), 3 (e), 3 (f) se tenir3 (b) reposer3 (d), 3 (g) se trouver3 (e) rester3 (g) rester valable3 (h) se classer3 (j)
    (pt & pp stood [stʊd])
    1 noun
    (a) (stall, booth → at exhibition, trade fair) stand m; (→ in market) étal m, éventaire m; (kiosk) kiosque m;
    a shooting stand un stand de tir;
    newspaper stand kiosque m (à journaux)
    (b) (frame, support → gen) support m; (→ for lamp, sink) pied m; (→ on bicycle, motorbike) béquille f; (→ for pipes, guns) râtelier m; Commerce (→ for magazines, sunglasses) présentoir m; (lectern) lutrin m;
    bicycle stand (in street) râtelier m à bicyclettes;
    plant stand sellette f;
    plate stand support m à assiette, présentoir m;
    Commerce revolving stand tourniquet m, présentoir m rotatif
    (c) (platform → gen) plate-forme f; (→ for speaker) tribune f; (pulpit) chaire f
    (d) (in sports ground) tribune f;
    the stands roared un rugissement s'éleva des tribunes ou des gradins
    (taxi) stand station f de taxis
    (f) (in courtroom) barre f;
    the first witness took the stand le premier témoin est venu à la barre
    (g) (position, stance) position f;
    to take a stand on sth prendre position sur qch;
    what's your stand on the issue? quelle est votre position sur la question?;
    he refuses to take a stand il refuse de prendre position
    (h) Military & figurative (defensive effort) résistance f, opposition f;
    to make a stand résister;
    they made a stand at the foot of the hill ils ont résisté au pied de la colline;
    to make a stand against an abuse s'opposer résolument à un abus;
    History Custer's last stand la dernière bataille de Custer
    (i) (of trees) bosquet m, futaie f; (of crop) récolte f sur pied;
    a fine stand of corn un beau champ de blé;
    a stand of bamboo un massif de bambous
    (a) (set, place) mettre, poser;
    he stood the boy on a chair il a mis le garçon debout sur une chaise;
    she stood her umbrella in the corner elle a mis son parapluie dans le coin;
    to stand sth on (its) end mettre qch debout;
    help me stand the bedstead against the wall aide-moi à dresser le sommier ou mettre le sommier debout contre le mur
    (b) (endure, withstand) supporter;
    his heart couldn't stand the shock son cœur n'a pas résisté au ou n'a pas supporté le choc;
    it will stand high temperatures without cracking cela peut résister à ou supporter des températures élevées sans se fissurer;
    how much weight can the bridge stand? quel poids le pont peut-il supporter?;
    the motor wasn't built to stand intensive use le moteur n'a pas été conçu pour supporter un usage intensif;
    wool carpeting can stand a lot of hard wear les moquettes en laine sont très résistantes;
    she's not strong enough to stand another operation elle n'est pas assez forte pour supporter une nouvelle opération;
    he certainly doesn't stand comparison with Bogart il n'est absolument pas possible de le comparer avec Bogart;
    their figures don't stand close inspection leurs chiffres ne résistent pas à un examen sérieux
    (c) (put up with, bear → toothache, cold) supporter; (→ behaviour) supporter, tolérer;
    I can't stand it any longer! je n'en peux plus!;
    how can you stand working with him? comment est-ce que vous faites pour ou comment arrivez-vous à travailler avec lui?;
    I've had as much as I can stand of your griping! j'en ai assez de tes jérémiades!;
    if there's one thing I can't stand, it's hypocrisy s'il y a quelque chose que je ne supporte pas, c'est bien l'hypocrisie;
    I can't stand (the sight of) him! je ne peux pas le supporter!, je ne peux pas le voir en peinture!;
    she can't stand Wagner/smokers elle ne peut pas supporter Wagner/les fumeurs;
    he can't stand flying il déteste prendre l'avion
    (d) familiar (do with, need) supporter, avoir besoin de ;
    oil company profits could certainly stand a cut une diminution de leurs bénéfices ne ferait aucun mal aux compagnies pétrolières;
    he could stand a bath! un bain ne lui ferait pas de mal!;
    American could I stand a drink! je prendrais bien un petit verre!
    (e) (perform duty of) remplir la fonction de;
    to stand witness for sb (at marriage) être le témoin de qn
    to stand sb a meal payer un repas à qn;
    British I'll stand you a drink, American I'll stand you to a drink je t'offre un verre
    to stand a chance (of doing sth) avoir de bonnes chances (de faire qch);
    you don't stand a chance! vous n'avez pas la moindre chance!;
    the plans stand little chance of being approved les projets ont peu de chances d'être approuvés
    (a) (rise to one's feet) se lever, se mettre debout;
    he refused to stand for the national anthem il a refusé de se lever pendant l'hymne national
    (b) (be on one's feet) être debout, se tenir debout; (in a specified location, posture) être, se tenir;
    I've been standing all day je suis resté debout toute la journée;
    I had to stand all the way j'ai dû voyager debout pendant tout le trajet;
    she was so tired she could hardly stand elle était si fatiguée qu'elle avait du mal à tenir debout ou sur ses jambes;
    wear flat shoes if you have to stand a lot portez des chaussures à talons plats si vous devez rester debout pendant des heures;
    I don't mind standing ça ne me gêne pas de rester debout;
    don't stand near the edge ne restez pas près du bord;
    don't just stand there, do something! ne restez pas là à ne rien faire!;
    stand clear! écartez-vous!;
    I saw her standing at the window je l'ai vue (debout) à la fenêtre;
    a man stood in the doorway un homme se tenait à la porte;
    do you see that man standing over there? vous voyez cet homme là-bas?;
    where should I stand? - beside Yvonne où dois-je me mettre? - à côté d'Yvonne;
    I'll be standing outside the theatre j'attendrai devant le théâtre;
    small groups of men stood talking at street corners des hommes discutaient par petits groupes au coin des rues;
    he was standing at the bar il était debout au comptoir;
    is there a chair I can stand on? y a-t-il une chaise sur laquelle je puisse monter?;
    they were standing a little way off ils se tenaient un peu à l'écart;
    excuse me, you're standing on my foot excusez-moi, vous me marchez sur le pied;
    American to stand in line faire la queue;
    School stand in the corner! au coin!;
    to stand upright or erect se tenir droit;
    he was so nervous he couldn't stand still il était si nerveux qu'il ne tenait pas en place;
    I stood perfectly still, hoping they wouldn't see me je me suis figé sur place en espérant qu'ils ne me verraient pas;
    stand still! ne bougez pas!, ne bougez plus!;
    stand with your feet apart écartez les pieds;
    the heron was standing on one leg le héron se tenait debout sur une patte;
    to stand on tiptoe se tenir sur la pointe des pieds;
    stand and deliver! la bourse ou la vie!;
    figurative to stand on one's own two feet se débrouiller tout seul;
    figurative he left the others standing (gen) il était de loin le meilleur; (in race) il a laissé les autres sur place
    (c) (be upright → post, target etc) être debout;
    not a stone (of the building) was left standing le bâtiment était complètement détruit;
    the house is still standing la maison tient toujours debout;
    the aqueduct has stood for centuries l'aqueduc est là depuis des siècles;
    the wheat stood high les blés étaient hauts
    (d) (be supported, be mounted) reposer;
    the coffin stood on trestles le cercueil reposait sur des tréteaux;
    the house stands on solid foundations la maison repose ou est bâtie sur des fondations solides;
    figurative this argument stands on three simple facts ce raisonnement repose sur trois simples faits
    (e) (be located → building, tree, statue) se trouver; (→ clock, vase, lamp) être, être posé;
    the fort stands on a hill la forteresse se trouve en haut d'une colline;
    this is where the city gates once stood c'est ici qu'autrefois se dressaient les portes de la ville;
    the piano stood in the centre of the room le piano était au centre ou occupait le centre de la pièce;
    the bottles stood in rows of five les bouteilles étaient disposées en rangées de cinq;
    do you see the lorry standing next to my car? vous voyez le camion qui est à côté de ma voiture?;
    a wardrobe stood against one wall il y avait une armoire contre un mur
    (f) (indicating current state of affairs, situation) être;
    how do things stand? où en est la situation?;
    how do we stand? (in work etc) où en sommes-nous?; (financially) où en sont nos comptes?;
    I'd like to know where I stand with you j'aimerais savoir où en sont les choses entre nous;
    I don't know where I stand j'ignore quelle est ma situation ou ma position;
    you never know how or where you stand with her on ne sait jamais sur quel pied danser avec elle;
    as things stand, as matters stand telles que les choses se présentent;
    he's dissatisfied with the contract as it stands il n'est pas satisfait du contrat tel qu'il a été rédigé;
    just print the text as it stands imprimez le texte tel quel;
    he stands accused of rape il est accusé de viol;
    she stands alone in advocating this approach elle est la seule à préconiser cette approche;
    I stand corrected je reconnais m'être trompé ou mon erreur;
    the doors stood wide open les portes étaient grandes ouvertes;
    I've got a taxi standing ready j'ai un taxi qui attend;
    the police are standing ready to intervene la police se tient prête à intervenir;
    the party stands united behind him le parti est uni derrière lui;
    no-one stands above the law personne n'est au-dessus des lois;
    to stand at (gauge, barometer) indiquer; (score) être de; (unemployment) avoir atteint;
    their turnover now stands at three million pounds leur chiffre d'affaires atteint désormais les trois millions de livres;
    the exchange rate stands at 5 francs to the dollar le taux de change est de 5 francs pour un dollar;
    we're standing right behind you nous sommes avec vous;
    with the union standing behind him avec le soutien du syndicat;
    nothing stood between her and victory rien ne pouvait désormais l'empêcher de gagner;
    it's the only thing standing between us and financial disaster c'est la seule chose qui nous empêche de sombrer dans un désastre financier;
    to stand in need of… avoir besoin de…;
    he stands in danger of losing his job il risque de perdre son emploi;
    I stood lost in admiration j'en suis resté béat d'admiration;
    to stand in sb's way bloquer le passage à qn;
    figurative don't stand in my way! n'essaie pas de m'en empêcher!;
    nothing stands in our way now maintenant, la voie est libre;
    if you want to leave school I'm not going to stand in your way si tu veux quitter l'école, je ne m'y opposerai pas;
    it's his lack of experience that stands in his way c'est son manque d'expérience qui le handicape;
    their foreign debt stands in the way of economic recovery leur dette extérieure constitue un obstacle à la reprise économique;
    her pride is the only thing standing in the way of their reconciliation son orgueil est le seul obstacle à leur réconciliation
    (g) (remain) rester; (be left undisturbed → marinade, dough) reposer; (→ tea) infuser;
    the machines stood idle les machines étaient arrêtées;
    the houses stood empty awaiting demolition les maisons, vidées de leurs occupants, attendaient d'être démolies;
    time stood still le temps semblait s'être arrêté;
    the car has been standing in the garage for a year ça fait un an que la voiture n'a pas bougé du garage;
    I've decided to let my flight reservation stand j'ai décidé de ne pas changer ma réservation d'avion;
    let the mixture stand until the liquid is clear laissez reposer le mélange jusqu'à ce que le liquide se clarifie;
    the champion stands unbeaten le champion reste invaincu;
    his theory stood unchallenged for a decade pendant dix ans, personne n'a remis en cause sa théorie;
    the government will stand or fall on the outcome of this vote le maintien ou la chute du gouvernement dépend du résultat de ce vote;
    united we stand, divided we fall l'union fait la force
    (h) (be valid, effective → offer, law) rester valable; (→ decision) rester inchangé;
    my invitation still stands vous êtes toujours invité;
    the verdict stands unless there's an appeal le jugement reste valable à moins que l'on ne fasse appel;
    even with this new plan, our objection still stands ce nouveau projet ne remet pas en cause notre objection première;
    the bet stands le pari tient;
    what you said last week, does that still stand? et ce que tu as dit la semaine dernière, ça tient toujours?
    (i) (measure → person, tree) mesurer;
    she stands 5 feet in her stocking feet elle mesure moins de 1,50 m pieds nus;
    the building stands ten storeys high l'immeuble compte dix étages
    (j) (rank) se classer, compter;
    this hotel stands among the best in the world cet hôtel figure parmi les meilleurs du monde;
    American she stands first/last in her class elle est la première/la dernière de sa classe;
    I know she stands high in your opinion je sais que tu as une très bonne opinion d'elle;
    for price and quality, it stands high on my list en ce qui concerne le prix et la qualité, je le range ou le compte parmi les meilleurs
    how or where does he stand on the nuclear issue? quelle est sa position ou son point de vue sur la question du nucléaire?;
    you ought to tell them where you stand vous devriez leur faire part de votre position
    to stand to lose risquer de perdre;
    to stand to win avoir des chances de gagner;
    they stand to make a huge profit on the deal ils ont des chances de faire un bénéfice énorme dans cette affaire;
    no one stands to gain from a quarrel like this personne n'a rien à gagner d'une telle querelle
    (m) British (run in election) se présenter, être candidat;
    she stood for Waltham elle a été candidate à la circonscription de Waltham;
    will he stand for re-election? va-t-il se représenter aux élections?;
    she's standing as an independent elle se présente en tant que candidate indépendante
    (n) American (stop) s'arrêter (pour un court instant);
    no standing (sign) arrêt interdit
    (o) American (pay) payer la tournée;
    you're standing c'est ta tournée
    rester là;
    we stood about or around waiting for the flight announcement nous restions là à attendre que le vol soit annoncé;
    the prisoners stood about or around in small groups les prisonniers se tenaient par petits groupes;
    after Mass, the men stand about or around in the square après la messe, les hommes s'attardent sur la place;
    I can't afford to pay people to stand around all day doing nothing je n'ai pas les moyens de payer les gens à ne rien faire;
    I'm not just going to stand about waiting for you to make up your mind! je n'ai pas l'intention de rester là à attendre que tu te décides!
    (move aside) s'écarter;
    stand aside, someone's fainted! écartez-vous, quelqu'un s'est évanoui!;
    he politely stood aside to let us pass il s'écarta ou s'effaça poliment pour nous laisser passer;
    figurative to stand aside in favour of sb (gen) laisser la voie libre à qn; Politics se désister en faveur de qn
    (a) (move back) reculer, s'écarter;
    stand back from the doors! écartez-vous des portes!;
    she stood back to look at herself in the mirror elle recula pour se regarder dans la glace;
    the painting is better if you stand back from it le tableau est mieux si vous prenez du recul
    (b) (be set back) être en retrait ou à l'écart;
    the house stands back from the road la maison est en retrait (de la route)
    (c) (take mental distance) prendre du recul;
    I need to stand back and take stock j'ai besoin de prendre du recul et de faire le point
    (a) (support → person) soutenir;
    I'll stand by you through thick and thin je te soutiendrai ou je resterai à tes côtés quoi qu'il arrive
    (b) (adhere to → promise, word) tenir; (→ decision, offer) s'en tenir à;
    to stand by an agreement respecter un accord;
    I stand by what I said/my original analysis of the situation je m'en tiens à ce que j'ai dit/ma première analyse de la situation
    (a) (not intervene) rester là (sans rien faire ou sans intervenir);
    how could you just stand by and watch them mistreat that poor dog? comment as-tu pu rester là à les regarder maltraiter ce pauvre chien (sans intervenir)?;
    I stood by helplessly while they searched the room je restais là, impuissant, pendant qu'ils fouillaient la pièce
    (b) (be ready → person) être ou se tenir prêt; (→ vehicle) être prêt; (→ army, embassy) être en état d'alerte;
    the police were standing by to disperse the crowd la police se tenait prête à disperser la foule;
    we have an oxygen machine standing by nous avons une machine à oxygène prête en cas d'urgence;
    stand by! attention!; Nautical paré!, attention!;
    Aviation stand by for takeoff préparez-vous pour le décollage;
    Radio stand by to receive prenez l'écoute;
    Military standing by for orders! à vos ordres!
    (a) British Politics (withdraw) se désister; (resign) démissionner;
    will he stand down in favour of a younger candidate? va-t-il se désister en faveur d'un candidat plus jeune?
    (b) (leave witness box) quitter la barre;
    you may stand down, Mr Simms vous pouvez quitter la barre, M. Simms
    (c) Military (troops) être déconsigné (en fin d'alerte);
    stand down! (after drill) rompez (les rangs)!
    (workers) licencier
    (a) (represent) représenter;
    what does DNA stand for? que veut dire l'abréviation ADN?;
    the R stands for Ryan le R signifie Ryan;
    the dove stands for peace la colombe symbolise la paix;
    we want our name to stand for quality and efficiency nous voulons que notre nom soit synonyme de qualité et d'efficacité;
    she supports the values and ideas the party once stood for elle soutient les valeurs et les idées qui furent autrefois celles du parti;
    I detest everything that they stand for! je déteste tout ce qu'ils représentent!
    (b) (tolerate) tolérer, supporter; (allow) permettre;
    I'm not going to stand for it! je ne le tolérerai ou permettrai pas!
    assurer le remplacement;
    to stand in for sb remplacer qn; Cinema doubler qn
    British (workers) mettre en chômage technique
    Nautical (coast, island) croiser au large de;
    they have an aircraft carrier standing off Aden ils ont un porte-avions qui croise au large d'Aden
    (a) (move away) s'écarter
    (b) Nautical (take up position) croiser; (sail away) mettre le cap au large
    (a) (protrude → vein) saillir; (→ ledge) faire saillie, avancer;
    the veins in his neck stood out les veines de son cou saillaient ou étaient gonflées
    (b) (be clearly visible → colour, typeface) ressortir, se détacher; (→ in silhouette) se découper;
    the pink stands out against the green background le rose ressort ou se détache sur le fond vert;
    the masts stood out against the sky les mâts se découpaient ou se dessinaient contre le ciel;
    the name on the truck stood out clearly le nom sur le camion était bien visible;
    she stands out in a crowd on la remarque dans la foule;
    figurative I don't like to stand out in a crowd je n'aime pas me singulariser;
    this one book stands out from all his others ce livre-ci surclasse tous ses autres livres;
    there is no one issue which stands out as being more important than the others il n'y a pas une question qui soit plus importante que les autres;
    the qualities that stand out in his work les qualités marquantes de son œuvre;
    she stands out above all the rest elle surpasse ou surclasse tous les autres;
    the day stands out in my memory cette journée est marquée d'une pierre blanche dans ma mémoire;
    familiar that stands out a mile! (is very obvious) ça se voit comme le nez au milieu de la figure!;
    it really stands out that he's not a local ça se voit ou se remarque vraiment qu'il n'est pas d'ici
    (c) (resist, hold out) tenir bon, tenir, résister;
    they won't be able to stand out for long ils ne pourront pas tenir ou résister longtemps;
    to stand out against (attack, enemy) résister à; (change, tax increase) s'opposer avec détermination à;
    to stand out for sth revendiquer qch;
    they are standing out for a pay increase ils revendiquent ou réclament une augmentation de salaire
    (watch over) surveiller;
    I can't work with someone standing over me je ne peux pas travailler quand quelqu'un regarde par-dessus mon épaule;
    she stood over him until he'd eaten every last bit elle ne l'a pas lâché avant qu'il ait mangé la dernière miette
    British (postpone) remettre (à plus tard);
    I'd prefer to stand this discussion over until we have more information je préférerais remettre cette discussion jusqu'à ce que nous disposions de plus amples renseignements
    British être remis (à plus tard);
    we have two items standing over from the last meeting il nous reste deux points à régler depuis la dernière réunion
    Military mettre en état d'alerte
    Military se mettre en état d'alerte;
    stand to! à vos postes!
    être ou rester solidaire
    (a) (set upright → chair, bottle) mettre debout;
    they stood the prisoner up against a tree ils ont adossé le prisonnier à un arbre;
    stand the ladder up against the wall mettez ou appuyez l'échelle contre le mur;
    to stand a child up (again) (re)mettre un enfant sur ses pieds
    (b) familiar (fail to meet) poser un lapin à;
    I was stood up twice in a row on m'a posé un lapin deux fois de suite
    (a) (rise to one's feet) se lever, se mettre debout;
    she stood up to offer me her seat elle se leva pour m'offrir sa place;
    stand up! levez-vous!, debout!;
    figurative to stand up and be counted avoir le courage de ses opinions
    (b) (be upright) être debout;
    I can't get the candle to stand up straight je n'arrive pas à faire tenir la bougie droite
    (c) (last) tenir, résister;
    how is that repair job standing up? est-ce que cette réparation tient toujours?
    (d) (be valid → argument, claim) être valable, tenir debout;
    his evidence won't stand up in court son témoignage ne sera pas valable en justice
    to stand up for oneself se défendre
    to stand up to sth résister à qch;
    to stand up to sb tenir tête à ou faire face à qn;
    he's too weak to stand up to her il est trop faible pour lui tenir tête;
    she had a hard time standing up to their criticism ça ne lui a pas été facile de faire face à leurs critiques;
    it won't stand up to that sort of treatment ça ne résistera pas à ce genre de traitement;
    her hypothesis doesn't stand up to empirical testing son hypothèse ne résiste pas à la vérification expérimentale

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См. также в других словарях:

  • Trooping the Colour — is a military ceremony performed by regiments of the Commonwealth and the British Army. It has been a tradition of British infantry regiments for centuries and it was first performed during the reign of Charles II. Since 1805 the ceremony has… …   Wikipedia

  • Royal Canadian Mounted Police — RCMP , Mountie , and North West Mounted Police redirect here. For the TV series, see R.C.M.P. (TV series). For the 1940 film, see North West Mounted Police (film). Royal Canadian Mounted Police Gendarmerie royale du Canada The Mounties… …   Wikipedia

  • Queen Alexandra's Mounted Rifles — Cap badge of Queen Alexandra s Mounted Rifles Active 1864–present Country New Zealand …   Wikipedia

  • Art, Antiques, and Collections — ▪ 2003 Introduction       In 2002 major exhibitions such as Documenta 11 reflected the diverse nature of contemporary art: artists from a variety of cultures received widespread recognition for work ranging from installation to video to painting …   Universalium

  • printmaking — /print may king/, n. the art or technique of making prints, esp. as practiced in engraving, etching, drypoint, woodcut or serigraphy. [1925 30; PRINT + MAKING] * * * Art form consisting of the production of images, usually on paper but… …   Universalium

  • United Kingdom — a kingdom in NW Europe, consisting of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: formerly comprising Great Britain and Ireland 1801 1922. 58,610,182; 94,242 sq. mi. (244,100 sq. km). Cap.: London. Abbr.: U.K. Official name, United Kingdom of Great… …   Universalium

  • Douglas Haig, 1st Earl Haig — Douglas Haig redirects here. See also Douglas Haig (disambiguation). The Earl Haig Earl Haig Nickname …   Wikipedia

  • Olitski, Jules — ▪ 2008 Yevel, or Jevel, Demikovsky; Jules Demikov        American painter and sculptor born March 27, 1922 , Snovsk, Russia [now Shchors, Ukraine] died Feb. 4, 2007, New York, N.Y. was generally identified with the Color Field school of painting …   Universalium

  • Soundwave (Transformers) — Soundwave is the name of several fictional characters from the Transformers universes. Transformers: Generation 1Transformers character name =Soundwave caption =Soundwave box art affiliation =Decepticon subgroup =Action Master, Communications, Go …   Wikipedia

  • Megatron — For other uses, see Megatron (disambiguation). Not to be confused with Pegatron. Megatron is a character from the Transformers franchise, created by toy companies Hasbro and Takara. He is the primary antagonist and leader of the evil faction… …   Wikipedia

  • Galvatron — is the name of several fictional Transformers, most often the recreated version of Megatron, the Decepticon Supreme Commander. Transformers: Generation 1Transformers character name = Galvatron caption = Galvatron affiliation = Decepticon subgroup …   Wikipedia

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