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  • 41 термин

    Более обычным является представление решения в терминах... - It is more usual to express the solution in terms of...
    Более удобно выразить это (соотношение и т. п.) в терминах... - This is more conveniently expressed in terms of...
    Большая часть данной теории может быть развита в терминах... - A large part of the theory can be developed in terms of...
    Вышеописанное явление может быть интерпретировано в терминах... - The phenomenon described above can be interpreted in terms of...
    Говоря не столь техническими терминами,... - In less technical language,...
    Здесь полезны два специальных термина. - Two special terms are useful here.
    Как показано на рис. 1, этот процесс может быть понят в терминах... - As illustrated in Figure 1, this process can be understood in terms of...
    Мы можем выразить данное соотношение в терминах следующей формулы. - We can express the relation in terms of the following formula.
    Мы можем подытожить предыдущие результаты в простых терминах, замечая, что... - We can summarize the preceding results in simpler terms by noting that...
    Напротив, метеоролог рассуждает (= размышляет), в основном, в терминах... - The meteorologist, on the other hand, thinks mainly in terms of...
    Общую задачу можно поставить математически в терминах... - The general problem can be stated mathematically in terms of...
    Поучительно выразить соотношение (4) в терминах... - It is instructive to express (4) in terms of...
    С другой стороны, данный угол может быть представлен в терминах... - Alternatively, the angle may be given in terms of...
    Таким образом, искомое преобразование было найдено в терминах... - Thus, the desired transformation has been found in terms of...
    Термин "... " применяется в литературе неточно. - The word "... " is used (somewhat) loosely in the literature.
    Термин "... " прочно вошел в физическую литературу. - The term "... " is deeply embedded in the physical literature.
    Точные решения уравнения (1) могут быть получены в терминах известных функций, когда... - Exact solutions to (1) can be obtained in terms of known functions when...
    Эквивалентная формулировка может быть сделана в терминах (чего-л). - An equivalent formulation may be given in terms of...
    Эти результаты могут быть легко описаны в терминах... - These results can easily be described in terms of...
    Это может быть сделано в терминах... - This can be done in terms of...
    Это можно переписать в терминах... - This may be rewritten in terms of...
    Это часто выражается в терминах... - This is frequently expressed in terms of...
    Это явление можно описать в терминах... - This phenomenon can be understood in terms of...

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > термин

  • 42 валом валить

    [VP; usu. this WO]
    1. валом валить (куда) [subj: human pl or collect]
    to go or come (somewhere) in great numbers:
    - X-ы валом валят (в место Y) - Xs are flocking (thronging, streaming) (to place Y);
    - Xs are going to (heading for etc) place Y en masse.
         ♦ Несмотря на травлю, поднятую охранителями передвижнических и мирискусснических традиций, москвичи валом валили на выставку... (Лившиц 1). Despite the persecution begun by the guardians of the traditions of the Wanderers and the World of Art, Muscovites flocked to the exhibition... (1a).
         ♦ [author's usage] Публике пьеса чрезвычайно понравилась, и на второе и следующие представления народ пошёл валом... (Булгаков 5). The play elicited instant enthusiasm, and the public thronged to the following performances... (5a).
         ♦...Солдатики в трубу трубили, песни пели, носками сапогов играли, пыль столбом на улицах поднимали, и всё проходили, всё проходили. "Валом валит солдат!" - говорили глуповцы... (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). [context transl]... The soldiers trumped their trumpets and sang their songs, the shining toes of their boots rose and fell, raising a column of dust in the streets, and still they passed on without end. "There's millions of them!" said the Glupovites... (1b).
         ♦ [extended usage] В хрущёвские либеральные времена чиновники стали просачиваться в литературу, а при Брежневе повалили в неё валом (Войнович 1). In the liberal Khrushchev period, officials began infiltrating literature, and under Brezhnev, they burst into literature en masse (1a).
    2. [subj: usu. concr (pi or mass) or count abstr]
    (of letters, complaints, news, troubles etc; also of snow, steam etc) to come (or come out of) somewhere continually and in large amounts:
    - X валом валил X kept (on) coming (in <down etc>);
    - [of mail etc] (I am <he is etc>) flooded with X;
    - [of snow] X came down (fell) thick and fast.
         ♦ Что-то я не припомню в своей жизни, чтобы 1-го мая шёл снег. А вот идёт, и не то что идёт, а валом валил с утра и за полчаса едва не покрыл всю землю (Терц 3). I don't somehow seem to remember snow falling on May 1st ever before. But it happened this morning, and it came down so thick and fast that almost the whole earth was covered over in half an hour (3a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > валом валить

  • 43 валом повалить

    [VP; usu. this WO]
    1. валом повалить (куда) [subj: human pl or collect]
    to go or come (somewhere) in great numbers:
    - X-ы валом валят (в место Y) - Xs are flocking (thronging, streaming) (to place Y);
    - Xs are going to (heading for etc) place Y en masse.
         ♦ Несмотря на травлю, поднятую охранителями передвижнических и мирискусснических традиций, москвичи валом валили на выставку... (Лившиц 1). Despite the persecution begun by the guardians of the traditions of the Wanderers and the World of Art, Muscovites flocked to the exhibition... (1a).
         ♦ [author's usage] Публике пьеса чрезвычайно понравилась, и на второе и следующие представления народ пошёл валом... (Булгаков 5). The play elicited instant enthusiasm, and the public thronged to the following performances... (5a).
         ♦...Солдатики в трубу трубили, песни пели, носками сапогов играли, пыль столбом на улицах поднимали, и всё проходили, всё проходили. "Валом валит солдат!" - говорили глуповцы... (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). [context transl]... The soldiers trumped their trumpets and sang their songs, the shining toes of their boots rose and fell, raising a column of dust in the streets, and still they passed on without end. "There's millions of them!" said the Glupovites... (1b).
         ♦ [extended usage] В хрущёвские либеральные времена чиновники стали просачиваться в литературу, а при Брежневе повалили в неё валом (Войнович 1). In the liberal Khrushchev period, officials began infiltrating literature, and under Brezhnev, they burst into literature en masse (1a).
    2. [subj: usu. concr (pi or mass) or count abstr]
    (of letters, complaints, news, troubles etc; also of snow, steam etc) to come (or come out of) somewhere continually and in large amounts:
    - X валом валил X kept (on) coming (in <down etc>);
    - [of mail etc] (I am <he is etc>) flooded with X;
    - [of snow] X came down (fell) thick and fast.
         ♦ Что-то я не припомню в своей жизни, чтобы 1-го мая шёл снег. А вот идёт, и не то что идёт, а валом валил с утра и за полчаса едва не покрыл всю землю (Терц 3). I don't somehow seem to remember snow falling on May 1st ever before. But it happened this morning, and it came down so thick and fast that almost the whole earth was covered over in half an hour (3a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > валом повалить

  • 44 catalán

    Catalan, Catalonian, pertaining to Catalonia its people or their language.
    Catalan, Catalonian, native or inhabitant of Catalonia.
    * * *
    1 Catalan, Catalonian
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    1 (persona) Catalan
    1 (idioma) Catalan
    1 (idioma) Catalan
    * * *
    catalán, -ana
    ADJ SM / F Catalan, Catalonian
    SM (Ling) Catalan
    CATALÁN Catalan is a romance language whose earliest literature dates back to the 12th century. In the Middle Ages Catalan military expansion spread the use of the language beyond modern Catalonia, but following the unification of Castile and Aragon the language lost ground to Castilian. During the Franco régime the use of Catalan and other minority national languages was prohibited in the media and in public institutions. This, together with the influx of Castilian-speaking immigrants, posed a threat to the survival of the language. Since 1979, when Catalonia's autonomous government, the Generalitat, was re-established and Catalan gained lengua cooficial status, the language has returned to public life in Catalonia and is flourishing. Indeed, many Catalan authors publish first in Catalan and only later in Castilian. Outside Catalonia, Catalan is also spoken by large numbers of people in the Balearic Islands and Andorra. Valenciano, a language spoken in the Valencia region, is closely related.
    ver nota culturelle LENGUAS COOFICIALES in lengua
    * * *
    - lana adjetivo/masculino, femenino Catalan
    masculino ( idioma) Catalan
    •• Cultural note:
    The language of Catalonia. Like Castilian, Catalan is a Romance language. Variants of it include mallorquín of the Balearic Islands and valenciano spoken in the autonomous region of Valencia. Banned under Franco, Catalan has enjoyed a revival since Spain's return to democracy and now has around 11 million speakers. It is the medium of instruction in schools and universities and its use is widespread in business, the arts, and the media. Many books are published in Catalan. See also lenguas cooficiales
    * * *
    = Catalan, Catalonian.
    Ex. This article examines the training initiatives of institutions such as the Andalusian Libraries Association and the Catalan Society for Documentation and Information.
    Ex. One of the main arguments of Catalonians is that they are a different nation because they have a 'different' language and culture.
    * * *
    - lana adjetivo/masculino, femenino Catalan
    masculino ( idioma) Catalan
    •• Cultural note:
    The language of Catalonia. Like Castilian, Catalan is a Romance language. Variants of it include mallorquín of the Balearic Islands and valenciano spoken in the autonomous region of Valencia. Banned under Franco, Catalan has enjoyed a revival since Spain's return to democracy and now has around 11 million speakers. It is the medium of instruction in schools and universities and its use is widespread in business, the arts, and the media. Many books are published in Catalan. See also lenguas cooficiales
    * * *
    = Catalan, Catalonian.

    Ex: This article examines the training initiatives of institutions such as the Andalusian Libraries Association and the Catalan Society for Documentation and Information.

    Ex: One of the main arguments of Catalonians is that they are a different nation because they have a 'different' language and culture.

    * * *
    Catalan, Catalonian ( dated)
    catalán2 - lana catalán (↑ catalán a1)
    masculine, feminine
    1 (persona) Catalan
    The language of Catalonia. Like Castilian, Catalan is a Romance language. Variants of it include mallorquín (↑ Mallorca a1) of the Balearic Islands and valenciano (↑ valenciano a1) spoken in the autonomous region of Valencia.
    Banned under Franco, Catalan has enjoyed a revival since Spain's return to democracy and now has around 11 million speakers. It is the medium of instruction in schools and universities and its use is widespread in business, the arts, and the media. Many books are published in Catalan. See also lenguas cooficiales (↑ lengua a1).
    * * *

    catalán 1
    ◊ - lana adjetivo/ sustantivo masculino, femenino

    catalán 2 sustantivo masculino ( idioma) Catalan
    I adjetivo & sustantivo masculino y femenino Catalonian
    II sustantivo masculino (idioma) Catalan

    ' catalán' also found in these entries:
    - Generalitat
    - parecerse
    - sardana
    * * *
    catalán, -ana
    Catalan, Catalonian
    [persona] Catalan
    [lengua] Catalan
    Catalan is one of several official languages in Spain other than Castilian Spanish. Like Spanish (“castellano”) and Galician (“gallego”), it developed from late Latin. It is spoken in Catalonia in northeastern Spain, and closely related languages are also spoken in the Balearic Islands (“mallorquín”) and the Valencian region (“valenciano”). Catalonia's economic development in the latter part of the 19th century encouraged a renaissance in the use of the language as a literary medium. During Franco's dictatorship (1939-75), Catalan was effectively banned for official purposes, but it continued to be used in everyday life as well as in literature. Since the return of democracy, Catalonia's regional government has promoted Catalan as the official language for use in education.
    * * *
    I adj Catalan
    II m, catalana f Catalan
    III m idioma Catalan
    * * *
    catalán, - lana adj & n, mpl - lanes : Catalan
    : Catalan (language)
    * * *
    catalán adj n Catalan

    Spanish-English dictionary > catalán

  • 45 itinerario

    route, itinerary.
    * * *
    1 itinerary
    * * *
    noun m.
    route, itinerary
    * * *
    1) (=ruta) itinerary, route
    2) Méx (Ferro) timetable
    * * *
    masculino itinerary, route
    * * *
    = itinerary, road map [roadmap], route map, pathway, pathway, course.
    Ex. There will be full welcome kits (in the language of the travelers) with day to day itinerary and maps.
    Ex. The Computing Information Directory (CID) has been a road map to the computing literature since 1981.
    Ex. This service aims to provide refugees with a cultural route map through the confused and sometimes hostile environment in which they find themselves.
    Ex. The course is composed of 5 pathways, 1 of which is information and communication.
    Ex. This system automates the scientific task of determining the pathway of steps underlying a chemical reaction.
    Ex. The course of the race contains many steep hills, often paved with cobblestones.
    * * *
    masculino itinerary, route
    * * *
    = itinerary, road map [roadmap], route map, pathway, pathway, course.

    Ex: There will be full welcome kits (in the language of the travelers) with day to day itinerary and maps.

    Ex: The Computing Information Directory (CID) has been a road map to the computing literature since 1981.
    Ex: This service aims to provide refugees with a cultural route map through the confused and sometimes hostile environment in which they find themselves.
    Ex: The course is composed of 5 pathways, 1 of which is information and communication.
    Ex: This system automates the scientific task of determining the pathway of steps underlying a chemical reaction.
    Ex: The course of the race contains many steep hills, often paved with cobblestones.

    * * *
    itinerary, route
    * * *


    itinerario sustantivo masculino
    itinerary, route
    itinerario sustantivo masculino itinerary: seguimos el itinerario que venía marcado en el mapa, we're following the itinerary outlined on the map
    ' itinerario' also found in these entries:
    - ruta
    - route
    - schedule
    * * *
    1. [ruta] route, itinerary
    2. Educ branch [of curriculum]
    * * *
    m itinerary
    * * *
    : itinerary, route
    * * *
    1. (camino) route
    2. (plan de ruta) itinerary [pl. itineraries]

    Spanish-English dictionary > itinerario

  • 46 presentar

    1 to present.
    Ella presenta soluciones She presents solutions.
    Ella le presenta a Ricardo un regalo She presents Richard a gift.
    Ellos presentan a los candidatos They present=field the candidates.
    2 to make (ofrecer) (disculpas, excusas).
    3 to introduce (person).
    me presentó a sus amigos she introduced me to her friends
    me parece que no nos han presentado I don't think we've been introduced
    Juan, te presento a Carmen Juan, this is Carmen
    permítame que le presente a nuestra directora allow me to introduce you to our manager, I'd like you to meet our manager
    Ella presenta a los invitados She introduces the guests.
    4 to have, to show (tener) (aspecto).
    presenta difícil solución it's going to be difficult to solve
    Ella le presenta al público una obra She shows the public a play.
    5 to host, to be the host of, to act as a compere for, to compere.
    Ella presenta el programa She hosts the program.
    * * *
    1 (gen) to present; (mostrar) to show
    2 (entregar) to hand in
    3 (sacar al mercado) to launch
    4 (personas) to introduce
    ¿te han presentado ya? have you been introduced yet?
    5 TELEVISIÓN to present
    6 (ofrecer) to offer, show
    1 (comparecer) to turn up
    2 (para elección) to stand; (en un concurso) to enter
    presentar una denuncia to lodge a complaint
    presentar una ponencia to present a paper
    * * *
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=enseñar, exponer) [gen] to present; [+ moción, candidato] to propose, put forward; [+ pruebas, informe] to submit; [+ documento, pasaporte] to show

    presentar una propuestato make o present a proposal

    presentar algo al cobro o al pago — (Com) to present sth for payment

    2) (=entregar) to hand in

    presentó la dimisión — he handed in his resignation, he resigned

    3) (=mostrar) [+ señal, síntoma] to show
    4) (=exponer al público) [+ producto, disco, libro] to launch
    5) [en espectáculo] [+ obra] to perform; [+ actor, actriz] to present, feature
    6) (=ser presentador de) [+ programa televisivo] to present, host

    J. Pérez presenta el programa — the programme is presented o hosted by J. Pérez

    ¿quién presenta ahora las noticias de las nueve? — who presents o reads the nine o'clock news now?

    7) (=tener) to have
    8) [+ persona] to introduce

    a ver si te presento a mi amiga Jacinta — you must meet my friend Jacinta, I must introduce you to my friend Jacinta

    ser presentada en sociedad — to come out, make one's début

    9) (=ofrecer) [+ disculpa] to offer, make

    le presento mis consideraciones[en carta] yours faithfully

    10) (Mil)

    presentar batalla — (lit) to draw up in battle array; (fig) to offer resistance

    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) ( mostrar) to present
    b) ( exponer por primera vez) <libro/disco> to launch; < obra de arte> to present; < colección de moda> to present, exhibit
    c) ( entregar) <informe/solicitud> to submit

    le presenté el pasaporte — I gave him my passport, I presented my passport to him

    d) ( enseñar) to show
    e) <disculpas/excusas> to make; < dimisión> to hand in, submit; < queja> to file, make

    presentaron una denuncia — they reported the matter (to the police), they made an official complaint

    f) (Mil)
    2) (TV) < programa> to present, introduce
    3) < persona> to introduce

    te presento a mi hermana — I'd like you to meet my sister, this is my sister

    4) <novedad/ventaja> to offer; < síntoma> to show
    presentarse v pron
    a) ( en lugar) to turn up, appear
    b) (a concurso, examen)

    se presentó al examenshe took o (BrE) sat the exam

    se presenta como candidato independientehe's running (AmE) o (BrE) he's standing as an independent

    2) dificultad/problema to arise, come up, crop up (colloq)

    si se me presenta la oportunidad — if I get the opportunity, if the opportunity arises

    3) ( darse a conocer) to introduce oneself
    * * *
    = bring to + the attention, display, draw, exhibit, expose, feature, introduce, open up, pose, present, provide with, set out, subject, throw up, render, put before, produce, table, submit, unveil, showcase, surrender, lay out, roll out, construct, tender, come up with, report, bring forward, deliver.
    Ex. Many displays are changed from time to time (for example, once a week, or once a month) so that various sections of the stock may be brought to the attention of the library's public over a period of time.
    Ex. The command function 'DISPLAY' is used to display a list of alphabetically linked terms.
    Ex. For example, when setting up the format for records in a data base, the user can draw a form on the screen, complete with headings for each field, and then, the data is entered into the form.
    Ex. These headings, therefore, in addition to exhibiting a bias in favor of the majority, actively hinder access.
    Ex. The reputation of the information and its authority will be more exposed to examination.
    Ex. Other catalogues and bibliographies only feature added entries under title where it is deemed that the author main entry heading is not likely to be obvious to the users.
    Ex. The report introduced a range of ideas which have influenced subsequent code construction.
    Ex. Here is a key paper by a non librarian which opens up a new and constructive approach to library purpose.
    Ex. This illustrates the puzzle that differential policies pose for users.
    Ex. Informative abstract present as much as possible of the quantitative or qualitative information contained in a document.
    Ex. Many libraries provide users with photocopies of contents pages of selected journals.
    Ex. A short score is a sketch made by a composer for an ensemble work, with the main features of the composition set out on a few staves.
    Ex. Author abstracts are the abstracts prepared by authors of the document that has been subjected to abstracting.
    Ex. Demands from clients will often throw up an occurrence of similar problems, revealing perhaps the operation of an injustice, the lack of an amenity in the neighbourhood, or simply bureaucratic inefficiency.
    Ex. The eventuality is, admittedly, remote but it is also necessary to render the imprint statement in this amount of detail.
    Ex. The art of documentation is the process by which the documentalist is enabled to put before the creative specialist the existing literature bearing on the subject of his investigation.
    Ex. The perfect librarian may be defined as one who produces the information a reader requires as soon as the reader asks for it.
    Ex. This list indicates the dates the reports were tabled and any further action take.
    Ex. Most publications are probably free distribution material and whilst that does not absolve the publishers from the obligation of legal deposit it is probable that many local authorities do not submit their materials.
    Ex. Here is an institution which knows, neither rank nor wealth within its walls, which stops the ignorant peer or the ignorant monarch at its threshold, and declines to unveil to him its treasures, or to waste time upon him, and yet welcomes the workman according to his knowledge or thirst for knowledge.
    Ex. Officially known as SOLEX, this exhibition showcases mainly IT based products for the legal profession.
    Ex. The book's date label is stamped in the usual way, and the reader must surrender one token for each book he is borrowing.
    Ex. There should be plenty of space to lay out all the books attractively and for people to move about without feeling too crowded.
    Ex. I don't need to tell those of you from higher education institutions how course management systems are starting to really proliferate and roll out in higher education.
    Ex. It is argued that newspaper reporting of bigamy constructs bigamists as being a threat to the institution of marriage.
    Ex. This address was tendered at the State Library of Victoria, Nov 88, to mark the retirement of Professor Jean Whyte.
    Ex. Derfer corroborated her: 'I'd be very proud of you if you could come up with the means to draft a model collection development policy'.
    Ex. Criticism is not appropriate in a style which aims to report, but not comment upon the content of the original document.
    Ex. They also intend to bring forward legislation to provide that the maximum amount of compensation should be £500,000.
    Ex. The result could be termed a full-provision data base -- a data base including both text and reference, and delivering much more than the 2 added together.
    * argumento que presenta sólo un punto de vista = one-sided argument.
    * oportunidad + presentarse = opportunity + knock, opportunity + present + Reflexivo.
    * presentar Algo desde una nueva óptica = throw + Nombre + in a new light, throw + new light on.
    * presentar Algo desde un nuevo ángulo = throw + new light on.
    * presentar argumentos a favor = make + a case for.
    * presentar argumentos a favor de = present + arguments in favour of.
    * presentar como = make + Nombre + out to be.
    * presentar conclusiones = provide + conclusions.
    * presentar conocimiento = package + knowledge.
    * presentar deficiencias = fall + short.
    * presentar de manera esquemática = give + overview.
    * presentar dentro de = package.
    * presentar Algo desde una nueva perspectiva = shed + new light on, throw + new light on.
    * presentar detalladamente = spread out.
    * presentar dificultad = present + difficulty.
    * presentar en forma de tabla = tabulate.
    * presentar en pantalla = call up, print + online, bring up, screen.
    * presentar evidencia a favor de = present + case for.
    * presentar información = submit + information, package + information.
    * presentar información de varios modos = repackage + information.
    * presentar la evolución de Algo = chart + the history.
    * presentar la oportunidad = allow + the opportunity to.
    * presentar las pruebas ante = lay + evidence before.
    * presentar peligro = present + danger.
    * presentar + Posesivo + respetos = pay + Posesivo + respects.
    * presentar posibilidades = present + possibilities, open (up) + avenues.
    * presentar problemas = present + problems.
    * presentar pruebas = give + evidence.
    * presentar resultados = report + findings, report + results.
    * presentar reto = defy.
    * presentarse = come in, manifest + Reflexivo, turn up, show up, unfold, come forward, come with.
    * presentarse a = stand for.
    * presentarse a una elección = stand for + election, run for + election.
    * presentarse desde una nueva perspectiva = stand in + a new light.
    * presentar (según) = cast (in/into).
    * presentarse una ocasión = occasion + arise.
    * presentar similitudes = share + similarities.
    * presentar una amenaza = pose + threat.
    * presentar una comunicación = deliver + paper, give + paper, present + paper.
    * presentar una contribución = present + contribution.
    * presentar una demanda = file + suit against, file + lawsuit against.
    * presentar una demanda judicial = take + legal action, take + legal proceedings.
    * presentar una denuncia = file + police report.
    * presentar una factura = submit + bill.
    * presentar una idea = make + point, put forward + idea, offer + perspective, present + idea.
    * presentar una imagen = present + picture, paint + a picture, present + an image.
    * presentar una oportunidad = afford + opportunity.
    * presentar una petición = submit + petition.
    * presentar una ponencia = give + paper, read + paper.
    * presentar una propuesta = submit + proposal.
    * presentar una queja = register + complaint, lodge + complaint, file + complaint, file + grievance.
    * presentar una reclamación = enter + complaint, place + claim, file + complaint.
    * presentar un argumento = advance + argument.
    * presentar una solicitud = submit + application.
    * presentar un aspecto = present + a picture.
    * presentar un aspecto de = wear + a look of.
    * presentar una visión = present + a picture.
    * presentar una visión global = give + overview, present + an overview, present + an overall picture, give + an overall picture, overview.
    * presentar un buen aspecto = look + good.
    * presentar un dilema = present + dilemma.
    * presentar un frente común = present + common front.
    * presentar un informe = give + a report, present + report.
    * presentar un obstáculo = pose + obstacle.
    * presentar un peligro = pose + danger.
    * presentar un problema = pose + problem, air + problem.
    * presentar un programa = present + programme.
    * presentar un proyecto = submit + project, present + project.
    * presentar un resumen = give + summary.
    * presentar un reto = present + challenge, provide + challenge.
    * presentar un riesgo = pose + risk.
    * presentar vestigios de = bear + traces of.
    * seleccionar y presentar en un documento = package.
    * volver a presentar = resubmit [re-submit].
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) ( mostrar) to present
    b) ( exponer por primera vez) <libro/disco> to launch; < obra de arte> to present; < colección de moda> to present, exhibit
    c) ( entregar) <informe/solicitud> to submit

    le presenté el pasaporte — I gave him my passport, I presented my passport to him

    d) ( enseñar) to show
    e) <disculpas/excusas> to make; < dimisión> to hand in, submit; < queja> to file, make

    presentaron una denuncia — they reported the matter (to the police), they made an official complaint

    f) (Mil)
    2) (TV) < programa> to present, introduce
    3) < persona> to introduce

    te presento a mi hermana — I'd like you to meet my sister, this is my sister

    4) <novedad/ventaja> to offer; < síntoma> to show
    presentarse v pron
    a) ( en lugar) to turn up, appear
    b) (a concurso, examen)

    se presentó al examenshe took o (BrE) sat the exam

    se presenta como candidato independientehe's running (AmE) o (BrE) he's standing as an independent

    2) dificultad/problema to arise, come up, crop up (colloq)

    si se me presenta la oportunidad — if I get the opportunity, if the opportunity arises

    3) ( darse a conocer) to introduce oneself
    * * *
    presentar (según)
    (v.) = cast (in/into)

    Ex: Which of the following subject analyses is cast in the citation order PMEST?.

    = bring to + the attention, display, draw, exhibit, expose, feature, introduce, open up, pose, present, provide with, set out, subject, throw up, render, put before, produce, table, submit, unveil, showcase, surrender, lay out, roll out, construct, tender, come up with, report, bring forward, deliver.

    Ex: Many displays are changed from time to time (for example, once a week, or once a month) so that various sections of the stock may be brought to the attention of the library's public over a period of time.

    Ex: The command function 'DISPLAY' is used to display a list of alphabetically linked terms.
    Ex: For example, when setting up the format for records in a data base, the user can draw a form on the screen, complete with headings for each field, and then, the data is entered into the form.
    Ex: These headings, therefore, in addition to exhibiting a bias in favor of the majority, actively hinder access.
    Ex: The reputation of the information and its authority will be more exposed to examination.
    Ex: Other catalogues and bibliographies only feature added entries under title where it is deemed that the author main entry heading is not likely to be obvious to the users.
    Ex: The report introduced a range of ideas which have influenced subsequent code construction.
    Ex: Here is a key paper by a non librarian which opens up a new and constructive approach to library purpose.
    Ex: This illustrates the puzzle that differential policies pose for users.
    Ex: Informative abstract present as much as possible of the quantitative or qualitative information contained in a document.
    Ex: Many libraries provide users with photocopies of contents pages of selected journals.
    Ex: A short score is a sketch made by a composer for an ensemble work, with the main features of the composition set out on a few staves.
    Ex: Author abstracts are the abstracts prepared by authors of the document that has been subjected to abstracting.
    Ex: Demands from clients will often throw up an occurrence of similar problems, revealing perhaps the operation of an injustice, the lack of an amenity in the neighbourhood, or simply bureaucratic inefficiency.
    Ex: The eventuality is, admittedly, remote but it is also necessary to render the imprint statement in this amount of detail.
    Ex: The art of documentation is the process by which the documentalist is enabled to put before the creative specialist the existing literature bearing on the subject of his investigation.
    Ex: The perfect librarian may be defined as one who produces the information a reader requires as soon as the reader asks for it.
    Ex: This list indicates the dates the reports were tabled and any further action take.
    Ex: Most publications are probably free distribution material and whilst that does not absolve the publishers from the obligation of legal deposit it is probable that many local authorities do not submit their materials.
    Ex: Here is an institution which knows, neither rank nor wealth within its walls, which stops the ignorant peer or the ignorant monarch at its threshold, and declines to unveil to him its treasures, or to waste time upon him, and yet welcomes the workman according to his knowledge or thirst for knowledge.
    Ex: Officially known as SOLEX, this exhibition showcases mainly IT based products for the legal profession.
    Ex: The book's date label is stamped in the usual way, and the reader must surrender one token for each book he is borrowing.
    Ex: There should be plenty of space to lay out all the books attractively and for people to move about without feeling too crowded.
    Ex: I don't need to tell those of you from higher education institutions how course management systems are starting to really proliferate and roll out in higher education.
    Ex: It is argued that newspaper reporting of bigamy constructs bigamists as being a threat to the institution of marriage.
    Ex: This address was tendered at the State Library of Victoria, Nov 88, to mark the retirement of Professor Jean Whyte.
    Ex: Derfer corroborated her: 'I'd be very proud of you if you could come up with the means to draft a model collection development policy'.
    Ex: Criticism is not appropriate in a style which aims to report, but not comment upon the content of the original document.
    Ex: They also intend to bring forward legislation to provide that the maximum amount of compensation should be £500,000.
    Ex: The result could be termed a full-provision data base -- a data base including both text and reference, and delivering much more than the 2 added together.
    * argumento que presenta sólo un punto de vista = one-sided argument.
    * oportunidad + presentarse = opportunity + knock, opportunity + present + Reflexivo.
    * presentar Algo desde una nueva óptica = throw + Nombre + in a new light, throw + new light on.
    * presentar Algo desde un nuevo ángulo = throw + new light on.
    * presentar argumentos a favor = make + a case for.
    * presentar argumentos a favor de = present + arguments in favour of.
    * presentar como = make + Nombre + out to be.
    * presentar conclusiones = provide + conclusions.
    * presentar conocimiento = package + knowledge.
    * presentar deficiencias = fall + short.
    * presentar de manera esquemática = give + overview.
    * presentar dentro de = package.
    * presentar Algo desde una nueva perspectiva = shed + new light on, throw + new light on.
    * presentar detalladamente = spread out.
    * presentar dificultad = present + difficulty.
    * presentar en forma de tabla = tabulate.
    * presentar en pantalla = call up, print + online, bring up, screen.
    * presentar evidencia a favor de = present + case for.
    * presentar información = submit + information, package + information.
    * presentar información de varios modos = repackage + information.
    * presentar la evolución de Algo = chart + the history.
    * presentar la oportunidad = allow + the opportunity to.
    * presentar las pruebas ante = lay + evidence before.
    * presentar peligro = present + danger.
    * presentar + Posesivo + respetos = pay + Posesivo + respects.
    * presentar posibilidades = present + possibilities, open (up) + avenues.
    * presentar problemas = present + problems.
    * presentar pruebas = give + evidence.
    * presentar resultados = report + findings, report + results.
    * presentar reto = defy.
    * presentarse = come in, manifest + Reflexivo, turn up, show up, unfold, come forward, come with.
    * presentarse a = stand for.
    * presentarse a una elección = stand for + election, run for + election.
    * presentarse desde una nueva perspectiva = stand in + a new light.
    * presentar (según) = cast (in/into).
    * presentarse una ocasión = occasion + arise.
    * presentar similitudes = share + similarities.
    * presentar una amenaza = pose + threat.
    * presentar una comunicación = deliver + paper, give + paper, present + paper.
    * presentar una contribución = present + contribution.
    * presentar una demanda = file + suit against, file + lawsuit against.
    * presentar una demanda judicial = take + legal action, take + legal proceedings.
    * presentar una denuncia = file + police report.
    * presentar una factura = submit + bill.
    * presentar una idea = make + point, put forward + idea, offer + perspective, present + idea.
    * presentar una imagen = present + picture, paint + a picture, present + an image.
    * presentar una oportunidad = afford + opportunity.
    * presentar una petición = submit + petition.
    * presentar una ponencia = give + paper, read + paper.
    * presentar una propuesta = submit + proposal.
    * presentar una queja = register + complaint, lodge + complaint, file + complaint, file + grievance.
    * presentar una reclamación = enter + complaint, place + claim, file + complaint.
    * presentar un argumento = advance + argument.
    * presentar una solicitud = submit + application.
    * presentar un aspecto = present + a picture.
    * presentar un aspecto de = wear + a look of.
    * presentar una visión = present + a picture.
    * presentar una visión global = give + overview, present + an overview, present + an overall picture, give + an overall picture, overview.
    * presentar un buen aspecto = look + good.
    * presentar un dilema = present + dilemma.
    * presentar un frente común = present + common front.
    * presentar un informe = give + a report, present + report.
    * presentar un obstáculo = pose + obstacle.
    * presentar un peligro = pose + danger.
    * presentar un problema = pose + problem, air + problem.
    * presentar un programa = present + programme.
    * presentar un proyecto = submit + project, present + project.
    * presentar un resumen = give + summary.
    * presentar un reto = present + challenge, provide + challenge.
    * presentar un riesgo = pose + risk.
    * presentar vestigios de = bear + traces of.
    * seleccionar y presentar en un documento = package.
    * volver a presentar = resubmit [re-submit].

    * * *
    presentar [A1 ]
    1 (mostrar) to present
    un producto bien presentado a well-presented product
    2 (exponer por primera vez) ‹libro/disco› to launch
    presentó sus nuevos cuadros she presented her new paintings
    presentará su colección de otoño en Londres he will present o exhibit his autumn collection in London
    el nuevo XS34 se presentará al público en el salón de Turín the new XS34 will be on display (to the public) for the first time at the Turin show
    3 (entregar) ‹informe/solicitud› to submit
    le presenté el pasaporte para que me lo sellara I gave him my passport for stamping, I presented my passport to him for stamping
    tengo que presentar los planes mañana I have to submit o present the plans tomorrow
    4 (enseñar) to show
    hay que presentar el carné para entrar you have to show your membership card to get in
    5 ‹disculpas/excusas› to make
    fui a presentar mis respetos I went to pay my respects
    presentó su dimisión she handed in o submitted her resignation, she resigned
    pienso presentar una queja I intend filing o making a complaint
    presentaron una denuncia they reported the matter (to the police), they made an official complaint
    presentar pruebas to present evidence
    presentar cargos to bring charges
    presentar una demanda to bring a lawsuit
    6 ( Mil):
    presentar armas to present arms
    B (TV) ‹programa› to present, introduce
    C [ Vocabulary notes (Spanish) ] ‹persona› to introduce
    el director presentó al conferenciante the director introduced the speaker
    me presentó a su familia he introduced me to his family
    te presento a mi hermana I'd like you to meet my sister/this is my sister
    (mostrar, ofrecer): el nuevo modelo presenta algunas novedades the latest model has o offers some new features
    presenta muchas ventajas para el consumidor it offers the consumer many advantages
    el paciente no presentaba síntomas de intoxicación the patient showed no signs of food poisoning
    el cadáver presenta un impacto de bala en el costado ( frml); there is a bullet wound in the side of the body, the body has a bullet wound in the side
    1 (en un lugar) to turn up, appear
    se presentó en casa sin avisar he turned up o showed up o appeared at the house unexpectedly
    se presentó voluntariamente a la policía he turned himself in to the police
    tendrá que presentarse ante el juez he will have to appear before the judge
    (a un concurso, examen): se presentó al examen she took o ( BrE) sat the exam
    me presenté al concurso I entered the competition
    se presenta como candidato independiente he's an independent candidate, he's running as an independent ( AmE), he's standing as an independent ( BrE)
    se presentó para el cargo de director he applied for the post of director
    B «dificultad/problema» to arise, come up, crop up ( colloq)
    estaré allí salvo que se presente algún impedimento I'll be there unless something crops up o comes up
    si se me presenta la oportunidad if I get the opportunity, if the opportunity arises
    el futuro se presenta prometedor the future looks promising
    el asunto se presenta muy mal things are looking very bad
    C (darse a conocer) to introduce oneself
    permítame que me presente allow me to introduce myself
    presentarse en sociedad to make one's debut (in society)
    * * *


    presentar ( conjugate presentar) verbo transitivo

    b) ( exponer por primera vez) ‹libro/disco to launch;

    obra de arte to present;
    colección de moda to present, exhibit
    c) ( entregar) ‹informe/solicitud to submit;

    trabajo to hand in;
    renuncia to hand in, submit
    d) ( enseñar) ‹carnet/pasaporte to show

    e)disculpas/excusas to make;

    queja to file, make;
    cargos to bring;

    presentar pruebas to present evidence
    f) (Mil):

    2 (TV) ‹ programa to present, introduce
    3 persona to introduce;

    4novedad/ventaja to offer;
    síntoma to show
    presentarse verbo pronominal

    b) presentarse a algo ‹ a examen to take sth;

    a concurso to enter sth;
    a elecciones› to take part in sth;
    se presenta como candidato independiente he's running (AmE) o (BrE) he's standing as an independent;

    presentarse para un cargo to apply for a post
    2 [dificultad/problema] to arise, come up;
    [ oportunidad] to arise
    3 ( darse a conocer) to introduce oneself
    presentar verbo transitivo
    1 (un programa, pruebas, etc) to present
    2 (un producto) to launch
    3 (a una persona) to introduce
    4 (síntomas, características, etc) to have, show
    5 (disculpas) to give, present
    (condolencias) to give, pay
    6 (la dimisión) to hand in
    7 (una queja) to file, make
    ' presentar' also found in these entries:
    - compeler
    - convenir
    - dimisión
    - esquema
    - revestir
    - dar
    - demanda
    - denuncia
    - introducir
    - licitar
    - moción
    - queja
    - querella
    - renuncia
    bring forward
    - charge
    - claim
    - field
    - file
    - hand in
    - host
    - introduce
    - lay
    - lodge
    - make out
    - model
    - pay
    - present
    - press
    - produce
    - put in
    - put on
    - put up
    - register
    - render
    - replay
    - report
    - represent
    - rerun
    - respect
    - serve up
    - set out
    - show
    - slant
    - star
    - submit
    - table
    - this
    - bring
    - come
    - display
    - enter
    - exhibit
    - float
    - hand
    - notice
    - propose
    - put
    - retake
    - sponsor
    - tender
    * * *
    1. [mostrar, entregar] to present;
    [dimisión] to tender, to hand in; [tesis] to hand in, to submit; [pruebas, propuesta] to submit; [recurso, denuncia] to lodge; [solicitud] to make; [moción] to propose;
    presente su pasaporte en la ventanilla show your passport at the window;
    presentar cargos/una demanda contra alguien to bring charges/an action against sb;
    ¡presenten armas! [en ejército] present arms!;
    es un trabajo muy bien presentado it is a very well presented piece of work
    2. [dar a conocer] to introduce;
    me presentó a sus amigos she introduced me to her friends;
    Juan, te presento a Carmen Juan, this is Carmen;
    me parece que no nos han presentado I don't think we've been introduced;
    permítame que le presente a nuestra directora allow me to introduce you to our manager, I'd like you to meet our manager;
    no se conocían, pero yo los presenté they didn't know each other, but I introduced them (to each other)
    3. [anunciar] [programa de radio o televisión] to present;
    [espectáculo] to compere;
    la mujer que presenta el telediario the woman who reads the news on TV
    4. [proponer para competición] [obra] to enter;
    presentar una novela a un premio literario to enter a novel for a literary prize;
    presentar una película a concurso to enter a film at a film festival;
    presentar a alguien para algo to propose sb for sth, to put sb forward for sth;
    el partido presentará a la señora Cruz para la alcaldía the party is putting Mrs Cruz forward for the office of mayor, Mrs Cruz will be the party's candidate for the office of mayor
    5. [exhibir por primera vez] [planes, presupuestos] to present;
    [película] to premiere; [libro, disco] to launch;
    el club presentó a su último fichaje ante la prensa the club introduced its new signing to the press
    6. [ofrecer] [disculpas, excusas] to make;
    [respetos] to pay;
    nos presentó (sus) disculpas he made his excuses to us
    7. [tener] [aspecto, características, novedades] to have;
    este fondo de inversión presenta grandes ventajas this investment fund offers o has big advantages;
    la playa presenta un aspecto deplorable the beach is in a terrible state;
    presenta difícil solución it's going to be difficult to solve;
    el paciente presentaba síntomas de deshidratación the patient presented symptoms of dehydration
    * * *
    1 TV present
    2 a alguien introduce
    3 producto launch
    4 solicitud submit
    * * *
    1) : to present, to show
    2) : to offer, to give
    3) : to submit (a document), to launch (a product)
    4) : to introduce (a person)
    * * *
    1. (personas) to introduce
    te presento a Iván this is Iván / meet Iván
    2. (programa, idea, propuesta) to present
    3. (un producto) to launch
    4. (señales, aspecto) to have / to show [pt. showed; pp. shown]

    Spanish-English dictionary > presentar

  • 47 λόγος

    λόγος, , verbal noun of λέγω (B), with senses corresponding to λέγω (B) II and III (on the various senses of the word v. Theo Sm.pp.72,73 H., An.Ox.4.327): common in all periods in Prose and Verse, exc. Epic, in which it is found in signf. derived from λέγω (B) 111, cf.infr. VI. 1 a:
    I computation, reckoning (cf. λέγω (B) II).
    1 account of money handled,

    σανίδες εἰς ἃς τὸν λ. ἀναγράφομεν IG12.374.191

    ; ἐδίδοσαν τὸν λ. ib.232.2;

    λ. δώσεις τῶν μετεχείρισας χρημάτων Hdt.3.142

    , cf. 143;

    οὔτε χρήματα διαχειρίσας τῆς πόλεως δίδωμι λ. αὐτῶν οὔτε ἀρχὴν ἄρξας οὐδεμίαν εὐθύνας ὑπέχω νῦν αὐτῆς Lys.24.26


    λ. ἀπενεγκεῖν Arist.Ath.54.1


    ἐν ταῖς εὐθύναις τοῦ τοιούτου λ. ὑπεχέτω Pl.Lg. 774b


    τὸν τῶν χρημάτων λ. παρὰ τούτων λαμβάνειν D.8.47


    ἀδικήματα εἰς ἀργυρίου λ. ἀνήκοντα Din.1.60

    ; συνᾶραι λόγον μετά τινος settle accounts with, Ev.Matt.18.23, etc.; δεύτεροι λ. a second audit, Cod.Just.; ὁ τραπεζιτικὸς λ. banking account, Theo Sm.p.73 H.: metaph.,

    οὐκ ἂν πριαίμην οὐδενὸς λ. βροτόν S.Aj. 477

    b public accounts, i. e. branch of treasury, ἴδιος λ., in Egypt, OGI188.2, 189.3, 669.38; also as title of treasurer, ib.408.4, Str.17.1.12;

    ὁ ἐπὶ τῶν λ. IPE2.29

    A ([place name] Panticapaeum); δημόσιος λ., = Lat. fiscus, OGI669.21 (Egypt, i A.D.), etc. (but later, = aerarium, Cod.Just.1.5.15); also

    Καίσαρος λ. OGI669.30

    ; κυριακὸς λ. ib.18.
    2 generally, account, reckoning, μὴ φῦναι τὸν ἅπαντα νικᾷ λ. excels the whole account, i.e. is best of all, S.OC 1225 (lyr.); δόντας λ. τῶν ἐποίησαν accounting for, i.e. paying the penalty for their doings, Hdt.8.100;

    λ. αἰτεῖν Pl.Plt. 285e


    λ. δοῦναι καὶ δέξασθαι Id.Prt. 336c

    , al.;

    λαμβάνειν λ. καὶ ἐλέγχειν Id.Men. 75d


    παρασχεῖν τῶν εἰρημένων λ. Id.R. 344d


    λ. ἀπαιτεῖν D.30.15

    , cf. Arist. EN 1104a3; λ. ὑπέχειν, δοῦναι, D.19.95;

    λ. ἐγγράψαι Id.24.199

    , al.;

    λ. ἀποφέρειν τῇ πόλει Aeschin.3.22

    , cf. Eu. Luc.16.2, Ep.Hebr.13.17;

    τὸ παράδοξον τῶν συμβεβηκότων ὑπὸ λόγον ἄγειν Plb.15.34.2

    ; λ. ἡ ἐπιστήμη, πολλὰ δὲ ὁ λ. the account is manifold, Plot.6.9.4; ἔχων λόγον τοῦ διὰ τί an account of the cause, Arist.APo. 74b27; ἐς λ. τινός on account of,

    ἐς χρημάτων λ. Th.3.46

    , cf. Plb.5.89.6, LXX 2 Ma1.14, JRS 18.152 ([place name] Jerash); λόγῳ c. gen., by way of, Cod.Just.3.2.5. al.; κατὰ λόγον τοῦ μεγέθους if we take into account his size, Arist.HA 517b27;

    πρὸς ὃν ἡμῖν ὁ λ. Ep.Hebr.4.13

    , cf. D.Chr.31.123.
    3 measure, tale (cf. infr. 11.1),

    θάλασσα.. μετρέεται ἐς τὸν αὐτὸν λ. ὁκοῖος πρόσθεν Heraclit.31


    ψυχῆς ἐστι λ. ἑαυτὸν αὔξων Id.115

    ; ἐς τούτου (sc. γήραος) λ. οὐ πολλοί τινες ἀπικνέονται to the point of old age, Hdt.3.99, cf.7.9.β; ὁ ξύμπας λ. the full tale, Th.7.56, cf. Ep.Phil.4.15; κοινῷ λ. νομίσαντα common measure, Pl.Lg. 746e; sum, total of expenditure, IG42(1).103.151 (Epid., iv B.C.); ὁ τῆς οὐσίας λ., = Lat. patrimonii modus, Cod.Just.
    4 esteem, consideration, value put on a person or thing (cf. infr. VI. 2 d), οὗ πλείων λ. ἢ τῶν ἄλλων who is of more worth than all the rest, Heraclit.39; βροτῶν λ. οὐκ ἔσχεν οὐδέν' A.Pr. 233;

    οὐ σμικροῦ λ. S.OC 1163

    : freq. in Hdt.,

    Μαρδονίου λ. οὐδεὶς γίνεται 8.102


    τῶν ἦν ἐλάχιστος ἀπολλυμένων λ. 4.135

    , cf. E.Fr.94;

    περὶ ἐμοῦ οὐδεὶς λ. Ar.Ra.87

    ; λόγου οὐδενὸς γίνεσθαι πρός τινος to be of no account, repute with.., Hdt.1.120, cf.4.138; λόγου ποιήσασθαί τινα make one of account, Id.1.33; ἐλαχίστου, πλείστου λ. εἶναι, to be highly, lowly esteemed, Id.1.143, 3.146; but also λόγον τινὸς ποιεῖσθαι, like Lat. rationem habere alicujus, make account of, set a value on, Democr.187, etc.: usu. in neg. statements,

    οὐδένα λ. ποιήσασθαί τινος Hdt.1.4

    , cf. 13, Plb.21.14.9, etc.;

    λ. ἔχειν Hdt.1.62

    , 115;

    λ. ἴσχειν περί τινος Pl.Ti. 87c


    λ. ἔχειν περὶ τοὺς ποιητάς Lycurg.107


    λ. ἔχειν τινός D.18.199

    , Arist.EN 1102b32, Plu.Phil.18 (but also, have the reputation of.., v. infr. VI. 2 e);

    ἐν οὐδενὶ λ. ποιήσασθαί τι Hdt.3.50

    ; ἐν οὐδενὶ λ. ἀπώλοντο without regard, Id.9.70;

    ἐν σμικρῷ λ. εἶναι Pl.R. 550a

    ; ὑμεῖς οὔτ' ἐν λ. οὔτ' ἐν ἀριθμῷ Orac. ap. Sch.Theoc.14.48; ἐν ἀνδρῶν λ. [εἶναι] to be reckoned, count as a man, Hdt.3.120; ἐν ἰδιώτεω λόγῳ καὶ ἀτίμου reckoned as.., Eus.Mynd.Fr. 59;

    σεμνὸς εἰς ἀρετῆς λ. καὶ δόξης D.19.142

    II relation, correspondence, proportion,
    1 generally, ὑπερτερίης λ. relation (of gold to lead), Thgn.418 = 1164;

    πρὸς λόγον τοῦ σήματος A.Th. 519

    ; κατὰ λόγον προβαίνοντες τιμῶσι in inverse ratio, Hdt.1.134, cf. 7.36;

    κατὰ λ. τῆς ἀποφορῆς Id.2.109

    ; τἄλλα κατὰ λ. in like fashion, Hp.VM16, Prog.17: c. gen., κατὰ λ. τῶν πρόσθεν ib. 24;

    κατὰ λ. τῶν ἡμερῶν Ar. Nu. 619


    κατὰ λ. τῆς δυνάμεως X. Cyr.8.6.11


    ἐλάττω ἢ κατὰ λ. Arist. HA 508a2

    , cf. PA 671a18;

    ἐκ ταύτης ἐγένετο ἐκείνη κατὰ λ. Id.Pol. 1257a31

    ; cf. εὔλογος: sts. with ὁ αὐτός added, κατὰ τὸν αὐτὸν λ. τῷ τείχεϊ in fashion like to.., Hdt.1.186; περὶ τῶν νόσων ὁ αὐτὸς λ. analogously, Pl.Tht. 158d, cf. Prm. 136b, al.; εἰς τὸν αὐτὸν λ. similarly, Id.R. 353d; κατὰ τὸν αὐτὸν λ. in the same ratio, IG12.76.8; by parity of reasoning, Pl.Cra. 393c, R. 610a, al.; ἀνὰ λόγον τινός, τινί, Id.Ti. 29c, Alc.2.145d; τοῦτον ἔχει τὸν λ. πρὸς.. ὃν ἡ παιδεία πρὸς τὴν ἀρετήν is related to.. as.., Procl.in Euc.p.20 F., al.
    2 Math., ratio, proportion (ὁ κατ' ἀνάλογον λ., λ. τῆς ἀναλογίας, Theo Sm.p.73 H.), Pythag. 2;

    ἰσότης λόγων Arist.EN 113a31


    λ. ἐστὶ δύο μεγεθῶν ἡ κατὰ πηλικότητα ποιὰ σχέσις Euc.5


    τῶν ἁρμονιῶν τοὺς λ. Arist.Metaph. 985b32

    , cf. 1092b14; λόγοι ἀριθμῶν numerical ratios, Aristox.Harm.p.32 M.; τοὺς φθόγγους ἀναγκαῖον ἐν ἀριθμοῦ λ. λέγεσθαι πρὸς ἀλλήλους to be expressed in numerical ratios, Euc.Sect.Can. Proëm.: in Metre, ratio between arsis and thesis, by which the rhythm is defined, Aristox.Harm.p.34 M.;

    ἐὰν ᾖ ἰσχυροτέρα τοῦ αἰσθητηρίου ἡ κίνησις, λύεται ὁ λ. Arist.de An. 424a31

    ; ἀνὰ λόγον analogically, Archyt.2; ἀνὰ λ. μερισθεῖσα [ἡ ψυχή] proportionally, Pl. Ti. 37a; so

    κατὰ λ. Men.319.6

    ; πρὸς λόγον in proportion, Plb.6.30.3, 9.15.3 (but πρὸς λόγον ἐπὶ στενὸν συνάγεται narrows uniformly, Sor. 1.9, cf. Diocl.Fr.171);

    ἐπὶ λόγον IG5(1).1428

    ([place name] Messene).
    3 Gramm., analogy, rule, τῷ λ. τῶν μετοχικῶν, τῆς συγκοπῆς, by the rule of the participles, of syncope, Choerob. in Theod.1.75 Gaisf., 1.377 H.;

    εἰπέ μοι τὸν λ. τοῦ Αἴας Αἴαντος, τουτέστι τὸν κανόνα An.Ox. 4.328

    1 plea, pretext, ground, ἐκ τίνος λ.; A.Ch. 515;

    ἐξ οὐδενὸς λ. S.Ph. 731


    ἀπὸ παντὸς λ. Id.OC 762


    χὠ λ. καλὸς προσῆν Id.Ph. 352


    σὺν ἀφανεῖ λ. Id.OT 657

    (lyr., v.l. λόγων)

    ; ἐν ἀφανεῖ λ. Antipho 5.59


    ἐπὶ τοιούτῳ λ. Hdt.6.124

    ; κατὰ τίνα λ.; on what ground? Pl.R. 366b; οὐδὲ πρὸς ἕνα λ. to no purpose, Id.Prt. 343d; ἐπὶ τίνι λ.; for what reason? X.HG2.2.19; τὸν λ. τοῦτον this ground of complaint, Aeschin.3.228; τίνι δικαίῳ λ.; what just cause is there? Pl.Grg. 512c; τίνι λ.; on what account? Act.Ap.10.29; κατὰ λόγον ἂν ἠνεσχόμην ὑμῶν reason would that.., ib.18.14; λ. ἔχειν, with personal subject, εἶχον ἄν τινα λ. I (i.e. my conduct) would have admitted of an explanation, Pl.Ap. 31b; τὸν ὀρθὸν λ. the true explanation, ib. 34b.
    b plea, case, in Law or argument (cf. VIII. I), τὸν ἥττω λ. κρείττω ποιεῖν to make the weaker case prevail, ib. 18b, al., Arist.Rh. 1402a24, cf. Ar.Nu. 1042 (pl.); personified, ib. 886, al.;

    ἀμύνεις τῷ τῆς ἡδονῆς λ. Pl.Phlb. 38a


    ἀνοίσεις τοὺς λ. αὐτῶν πρὸς τὸν θεόν LXXEx.18.19

    ; ἐχειν λ. πρός τινα to have a case, ground of action against.., Act.Ap.19.38.
    2 statement of a theory, argument, οὐκ ἐμεῦ ἀλλὰ τοῦ λ. ἀκούσαντας prob. in Heraclit.50; λόγον ἠδὲ νόημα ἀμφὶς ἀληθείης discourse and reflection on reality, Parm.8.50; δηλοῖ οὗτος ὁ λ. ὅτι .. Democr.7; οὐκ ἔχει λόγον it is not arguable, i.e. reasonable, S.El. 466, Pl.Phd. 62d, etc.;

    ἔχει λ. D.44.32


    οὐδεὶς αὐτὰ καταβαλεῖ λ. E.Ba. 202


    δίκασον.. τὸν λ. ἀκούσας Pl.Lg. 696b

    ; personified, φησὶ οὗτος ὁ λ. ib. 714d, cf. Sph. 238b, Phlb. 50a; ὡς ὁ λ. (sc. λέγει) Arist.EN 1115b12; ὡς ὁ λ. ὁ ὀρθὸς λέγει ib. 1138b20, cf. 29;

    ὁ λ. θέλει προσβιβάζειν Phld.Rh.1.41

    , cf.1.19 S.;

    οὐ γὰρ ἂν ἀκούσειε λόγου ἀποτρέποντος Arist.EN 1179b27


    λ. καθαίρων Aristo Stoic.1.88

    ; λόγου τυγχάνειν to be explained, Phld.Mus.p.77 K.; ὁ τὸν λ. μου ἀκούων my teaching, Ev.Jo.5.24; ὁ προφητικὸς λ., collect., of VT prophecy, 2 Ep.Pet.1.19: pl.,

    ὁκόσων λόγους ἤκουσα Heraclit.108


    οὐκ ἐπίθετο τοῖς ἐμοῖς λ. Ar.Nu.73

    ; of arguments leading to a conclusion ([etym.] ὁ λ.), Pl. Cri. 46b;

    τὰ Ἀναξαγόρου βιβλία γέμει τούτων τῶν λ. Id.Ap. 26d

    ; λ. ἀπὸ τῶν ἀρχῶν, ἐπὶ τὰς ἀρχάς, Arist.EN 1095a31; συλλογισμός ἐστι λ. ἐν ᾧ τεθέντων τινῶν κτλ. Id.APr. 24b18; λ. ἀντίτυπός τε καὶ ἄπορος, of a self-contradictory theory, Plot.6.8.7.
    b ὁ περὶ θεῶν λ., title of a discourse by Protagoras, D.L.9.54; ὁ Ἀχιλλεὺς λ., name of an argument, ib.23;

    ὁ αὐξόμενος λ. Plu.2.559b

    ; καταβάλλοντες (sc. λόγοι), title of work by Protagoras, S.E.M.7.60;

    λ. σοφιστικοί Arist.SE 165a34

    , al.;

    οἱ μαθηματικοὶ λ. Id.Rh. 1417a19

    , etc.; οἱ ἐξωτερικοὶ λ., current outside the Lyceum, Id.Ph. 217b31, al.; Δισσοὶ λ., title of a philosophical treatise (= Dialex.); Λ. καὶ Λογίνα, name of play of Epicharmus, quibble, argument, personified, Ath.8.338d.
    c in Logic, proposition, whether as premiss or conclusion,

    πρότασίς ἐστι λ. καταφατικὸς ἢ ἀποφατικός τινος κατά τινος Arist.APr. 24a16

    d rule, principle, law, as embodying the result of λογισμός, Pi.O.2.22, P.1.35, N.4.31;

    πείθεσθαι τῷ λ. ὃς ἄν μοι λογιζομένῳ βέλτιστος φαίνηται Pl.Cri. 46b

    , cf. c; ἡδονὰς τοῖς ὀρθοῖς λ. ἑπομένας obeying right principles, Id.Lg. 696c; προαιρέσεως [ἀρχὴ] ὄρεξις καὶ λ. ὁ ἕνεκά τινος principle directed to an end, Arist.EN 1139a32; of the final cause,

    ἀρχὴ ὁ λ. ἔν τε τοῖς κατὰ τέχνην καὶ ἐν τοῖς φύσει συνεστηκόσιν Id.PA 639b15

    ; ἀποδιδόασι τοὺς λ. καὶ τὰς αἰτίας οὗ ποιοῦσι ἑκάστου ib.18; [

    τέχνη] ἕξις μετὰ λ. ἀληθοῦς ποιητική Id.EN 1140a10

    ; ὀρθὸς λ. true principle, right rule, ib. 1144b27, 1147b3, al.; κατὰ λόγον by rule, consistently,

    ὁ κατὰ λ. ζῶν Pl.Lg. 689d

    , cf. Ti. 89d; τὸ κατὰ λ. ζῆν, opp. κατὰ πάθος, Arist.EN 1169a5; κατὰ λ. προχωρεῖν according to plan, Plb.1.20.3.
    3 law, rule of conduct,

    ᾧ μάλιστα διηνεκῶς ὁμιλοῦσι λόγῳ Heraclit.72


    πολλοὶ λόγον μὴ μαθόντες ζῶσι κατὰ λόγον Democr.53

    ; δεῖ ὑπάρχειν τὸν λ. τὸν καθόλου τοῖς ἄρχουσιν universal principle, Arist.Pol. 1286a17;

    ὁ νόμος.. λ. ὢν ἀπό τινος φρονήσεως καὶ νοῦ Id.EN 1180a21

    ; ὁ νόμος.. ἔμψυχος ὢν ἑαυτῷ λ. conscience, Plu. 2.780c; τὸν λ. πρόχειρον ἔχειν precept, Phld.Piet.30, cf. 102;

    ὁ προστακτικὸς τῶν ποιητέων ἢ μὴ λ. κοινός M.Ant.4.4

    4 thesis, hypothesis, provisional ground, ὡς ἂν εἰ λέγοι λόγον maintain a thesis, Pl. Prt. 344b; ὑποθέμενος ἑκάστοτε λ. provisionally assuming a proposition, Id.Phd. 100a; τὸν τῆς ὁμοιότητος λ. hypothesis of equivalence, Arist.Cael. 296a20.
    5 reason, ground,

    πάντων γινομένων κατὰ τὸν λ. τόνδε Heraclit.1


    οὕτω βαθὺν λ. ἔχει Id.45

    ; ἐκ λόγου, opp. μάτην, Leucipp. 2;

    μέγιστον σημεῖον οὗτος ὁ λ. Meliss.8

    ; [ἐμπειρία] οὐκ ἔχει λ. οὐδένα ὧν προσφέρει has no grounds for.., Pl.Grg. 465a; μετὰ λόγου

    τε καὶ ἐπιστήμης θείας Id.Sph. 265c

    ; ἡ μετα λόγου ἀληθὴς δόξα ([etym.] ἐπιστήμη) Id.Tht. 201c; λόγον ζητοῦσιν ὧν οὐκ ἔστι λ. proof, Arist. Metaph. 1011a12;

    οἱ ἁπάντων ζητοῦντες λ. ἀναιροῦσι λ. Thphr.Metaph. 26

    6 formula (wider than definition, but freq. equivalent thereto), term expressing reason,

    λ. τῆς πολιτείας Pl.R. 497c

    ; ψυχῆς οὐσία τε καὶ λ. essential definition, Id.Phdr. 245e;

    ὁ τοῦ δικαίου λ. Id.R. 343a

    ; τὸν λ. τῆς οὐσίας ib. 534b, cf. Phd. 78d;

    τὰς πολλὰς ἐπιστήμας ἑνὶ λ. προσειπεῖν Id.Tht. 148d


    ὁ τῆς οἰκοδομήσεως λ. ἔχει τὸν τῆς οἰκίας Arist. PA 646b3


    τεθείη ἂν ἴδιον ὄνομα καθ' ἕκαστον τῶν λ. Id.Metaph. 1006b5

    , cf. 1035b4;

    πᾶς ὁρισμὸς λ. τίς ἐστι Id.Top. 102a5

    ; ἐπὶ τῶν σχημάτων λ. κοινός generic definition, Id.de An. 414b23; ἀκριβέστατος λ. specific definition, Id.Pol. 1276b24;

    πηγῆς λ. ἔχον Ph.2.477

    ; τὸ ᾠὸν οὔτε ἀρχῆς ἔχει λ. fulfils the function of.., Plu.2.637d; λ. τῆς μίξεως formula, i. e. ratio (cf. supr. II) of combination, Arist.PA 642a22, cf. Metaph. 993a17.
    7 reason, law exhibited in the world-process, κατὰ λόγον by law,

    κόσμῳ πάντα καὶ κατὰ λ. ἔχοντα Pl.R. 500c

    ; κατ τὸν < αὐτὸν αὖ> λ. by the same law, Epich.170.18;

    ψυχῆς τὸ πᾶν τόδε διοικούσης κατὰ λ. Plot.2.3.13

    ; esp. in Stoic Philos., the divine order,

    τὸν τοῦ παντὸς λ. ὃν ἔνιοι εἱμαρμένην καλοῦσιν Zeno Stoic.1.24

    ; τὸ ποιοῦν τὸν ἐν [τῇ ὕλῃ] λ. τὸν θεόν ibid., cf. 42;

    ὁ τοῦ κόσμου λ. Chrysipp.Stoic.2.264

    ; λόγος, = φύσει νόμος, Stoic.2.169;

    κατὰ τὸν κοινὸν θεοῖς καὶ ἀνθρώποις λ. M.Ant.7.53


    ὁ ὀρθὸς λ. διὰ πάντων ἐρχόμενος Chrysipp.Stoic.3.4

    : so in Plot.,

    τὴν φύσιν εἶναι λόγον, ὃς ποιεῖ λ. ἄλλον γέννημα αὑτοῦ 3.8.2

    b σπερματικὸς λ. generative principle in organisms,

    ὁ θεὸς σπ. λ. τοῦ κόσμου Zeno Stoic.1.28

    : usu. in pl., Stoic. 2.205,314,al.;

    γίνεται τὰ ἐν τῷ παντὶ οὐ κατὰ σπερματικούς, ἀλλὰ κατὰ λ. περιληπτικούς Plot.3.1.7

    , cf.4.4.39: so without

    σπερματικός, ὥσπερ τινὲς λ. τῶν μερῶν Cleanth.Stoic.1.111


    οἱ λ. τῶν ὅλων Ph.1.9

    c in Neo-Platonic Philos., of regulative and formative forces, derived from the intelligible and operative in the sensible universe,

    ὄντων μειζόνων λ. καὶ θεωρούντων αὑτοὺς ἐγὼ γεγέννημαι Plot.3.8.4


    οἱ ἐν σπέρματι λ. πλάττουσι.. τὰ ζῷα οἷον μικρούς τινας κόσμους Id.4.3.10

    , cf.3.2.16,3.5.7; opp. ὅρος, Id.6.7.4;

    ἀφανεῖς λ. τῆς φύσεως Procl.

    in R.1.18 K.; τεχνικοὶ λ. ib.142 K., al.
    IV inward debate of the soul (cf.

    λ. ὃν αὐτὴ πρὸς αὑτὴν ἡ ψυχὴ διεξέρχεται Pl.Tht. 189e

    ( διάλογος in Sph. 263e); ὁ ἐν τῇ ψυχῇ, ὁ ἔσω λ. (opp. ὁ ἔξω λ.), Arist.APo. 76b25, 27; ὁ ἐνδιάθετος, opp. ὁ προφορικὸς λ., Stoic.2.43, Ph.2.154),
    1 thinking, reasoning, τοῦ λ. ἐόντος ξυνοῦ, opp. ἰδία φρόνησις, Heraclit. 2; κρῖναι δὲ λόγῳ.. ἔλεγχον test by reflection, Parm.1.36; reflection, deliberation (cf. VI.3),

    ἐδίδου λόγον ἑωυτῷ περὶ τῆς ὄψιος Hdt.1.209

    , cf. 34, S.OT 583, D.45.7; μὴ εἰδέναι.. μήτε λόγῳ μήτε ἔργῳ neither by reasoning nor by experience, Anaxag.7;

    ἃ δὴ λόγῳ μὲν καὶ διανοίᾳ ληπτά, ὄψει δ' οὔ Pl.R. 529d

    , cf. Prm. 135e;

    ὁ λ. ἢ ἡ αἴσθησις Arist.EN 1149a35

    ,al.; αὐτῷ μόνον τῷ λ. πιστεύειν (opp. αἰσθήσεις), of Parmenides and his school, Aristocl. ap. Eus.PE14.17: hence λόγῳ or τῷ λ. in idea, in thought,

    τῷ λ. τέμνειν Pl.R. 525e

    ; τῷ λ. δύο ἐστίν, ἀχώριστα πεφυκότα two in idea, though indistinguishable in fact, Arist. EN 1102a30, cf. GC 320b14, al.; λόγῳ θεωρητά mentally conceived, opp. sensibly perceived, Placit.1.3.5, cf. Demetr.Lac.Herc.1055.20;

    τοὺς λ. θεωρητοὺς χρόνους Epicur.Ep.1p.19U.

    ; διὰ λόγου θ. χ. ib.p.10 U.;

    λόγῳ καταληπτός Phld.Po.5.20

    , etc.; ὁ λ. οὕτω αἱρέει analogy proves, Hdt.2.33; ὁ λ. or λ. αἱρέει reasoning convinces, Id.3.45,6.124, cf. Pl.Cri. 48c (but, our argument shows, Lg. 663d): also c. acc. pers., χρᾶται ὅ τι μιν λ. αἱρέει as the whim took him, Hdt.1.132; ἢν μὴ ἡμέας λ. αἱρῇ unless we see fit, Id.4.127, cf. Pl.R. 607b; later ὁ αἱρῶν λ. ordaining reason, Zeno Stoic.1.50, M.Ant.2.5, cf. 4.24, Arr.Epict. 2.2.20, etc.: coupled or contrasted with other functions, καθ' ὕπνον ἐπειδὴ λόγου καὶ φρονήσεως οὐ μετεῖχε since reason and understanding are in abeyance, Pl.Ti. 71d; μετὰ λόγου τε καὶ ἐπιστήμης, opp. αἰτία αὐτομάτη, of Nature's processes of production, Id.Sph. 265c; τὸ μὲν δὴ νοήσει μετὰ λόγου περιληπτόν embraced by thought with reflection, opp. μετ' αἰσθήσεως ἀλόγου, Id.Ti. 28a; τὸ μὲν ἀεὶ μετ' ἀληθοῦς λ., opp. τὸ δὲ ἄλογον, ib. 51e, cf. 70d, al.;

    λ. ἔχων ἑπόμενον τῷ νοεῖν Id.Phlb. 62a

    ; ἐπιστήμη ἐνοῦσα καὶ ὀρθὸς λ. scientific knowledge and right process of thought, Id.Phd. 73a;

    πᾶς λ. καὶ πᾶσα ἐπιστήμη τῶν καθόλου Arist.Metaph. 1059b26


    τὸ λόγον ἔχον Id.EN 1102b15

    , 1138b9, al.: in sg. and pl., contrasted by Pl. and Arist. as theory, abstract reasoning with outward experience, sts. with depreciatory emphasis on the former,

    εἰς τοὺς λ. καταφυγόντα Pl.Phd. 99e

    ; τὸν ἐν λόγοις σκοπούμενον τὰ ὄντα, opp. τὸν ἐν ἔργοις (realities), ib. 100a;

    τῇ αἰσθήσει μᾶλλον τῶν λ. πιστευτέον Arist.GA 760b31

    ; γνωριμώτερα κατὰ τὸν λ., opp. κατὰ τὴν αἴσθησιν, Id.Ph. 189a4; ἐκ τῶν λ. δῆλον, opp. ἐκ τῆς ἐπαγωγῆς, Id.Mete. 378b20; ἡ τῶν λ. πίστις, opp. ἐκ τῶν ἔργων φανερόν, Id.Pol. 1326a29;

    ἡ πίστις οὐ μόνον ἐπὶ τῆς αἰσθήσεως ἀλλὰ καὶ ἐπὶ τοῦ λ. Id.Ph. 262a19


    μαρτυρεῖ τὰ γιγνόμενα τοῖς λ. Id.Pol. 1334a6

    ; ὁ μὲν λ. τοῦ καθόλου, ἡ δὲ αἴσθησις τοῦ κατὰ μέρος explanation, opp. perception, Id.Ph. 189a7; ἔσονται τοῖς λ. αἱ πράξεις ἀκόλουθοι theory, opp. practice, Epicur.Sent.25; in Logic, of discursive reasoning, opp. intuition, Arist.EN 1142a26, 1143b1; reasoning in general, ib. 1149a26; πᾶς λ. καὶ πᾶσα ἀπόδειξις all reasoning and demonstration, Id.Metaph. 1063b10;

    λ. καὶ φρόνησιν Phld.Mus.p.105

    K.; ὁ λ. ἢ λογισμός ibid.; τὸ ἰδεῖν οὐκέτι λ., ἀλλὰ μεῖζον λόγου καὶ πρὸ λόγου, of mystical vision, opp. reasoning, Plot.6.9.10.—Phrases, κατὰ λ. τὸν εἰκότα by probable reasoning, Pl.Ti. 30b;

    οὔκουν τόν γ' εἰκότα λ. ἂν ἔχοι Id.Lg. 647d

    ; παρὰ λόγον, opp. κατὰ λ., Arist.Rh.Al. 1429a29, cf. EN 1167b19; cf. παράλογος (but παρὰ λ. unexpectedly, E.Ba. 940).
    2 reason as a faculty, ὁ λ. ἀνθρώπους κυβερνᾷ [Epich.] 256; [

    θυμοειδὲς] τοῦ λ. κατήκοον Pl.Ti. 70a

    ; [

    θυμὸς] ὑπὸ τοῦ λ. ἀνακληθείς Id.R. 440d

    ; σύμμαχον τῷ λ. τὸν θυμόν ib. b;

    πειθαρχεῖ τῷ λ. τὸ τοῦ ἐγκρατοῦς Arist. EN 1102b26

    ; ἄλλο τι παρὰ τὸν λ. πεφυκός, ὃ μάχεται τῷ λ. ib.17;

    ἐναντίωσις λόγου πρὸς ἐπιθυμίας Plot.4.7.13(8)


    οὐ θυμός, οὐκ ἐπιθυμία, οὐδὲ λ. οὐδέ τις νόησις Id.6.9.11

    : freq. in Stoic. Philos. of human Reason, opp. φαντασία, Zeno Stoic.1.39; opp. φύσις, Stoic.2.206; οὐ σοφία οὐδὲ λ. ἐστὶν ἐν [τοῖς ζῴοις] ibid.;

    τοῖς ἀλόγοις ζῴοις ὡς λ. ἔχων λ. μὴ ἔχουσι χρῶ M.Ant.6.23


    ὁ λ. κοινὸν πρὸς τοὺς θεούς Arr.Epict. 1.3.3


    οἷον [εἰκὼν] λ. ὁ ἐν προφορᾷ λόγου τοῦ ἐν ψυχῇ, οὕτω καὶ αὐτὴ λ. νοῦ Plot.5.1.3

    ; τὸ τὸν λ. σχεῖν τὴν οἰκείαν ἀρετήν (sc. εὐδαιμονίαν) Procl.in Ti.3.334 D.; also of the reason which pervades the universe, θεῖος λ. [Epich.] 257;

    τὸν θεῖον λ. καθ' Ἡράκλειτον δι' ἀναπνοῆς σπάσαντες νοεροὶ γινόμεθα S.E.M.7.129

    (cf. infr. x).
    b creative reason,

    ἀδύνατον ἦν λόγον μὴ οὐκ ἐπὶ πάντα ἐλθεῖν Plot.3.2.14


    ἀρχὴ οὖν λ. καὶ πάντα λ. καὶ τὰ γινόμενα κατ' αὐτόν Id.3.2.15


    οἱ λ. πάντες ψυχαί Id.3.2.18

    V continuous statement, narrative (whether fact or fiction), oration, etc. (cf. λέγω (B) 11.2),
    1 fable, Hdt.1.141;

    Αἰσώπου λόγοι Pl.Phd. 60d

    , cf. Arist.Rh. 1393b8;

    ὁ τοῦ κυνὸς λ. X.Mem. 2.7.13

    2 legend,

    ἱρὸς λ. Hdt.2.62

    , cf. 47, Pi.P.3.80 (pl.);

    συνθέντες λ. E.Ba. 297


    λ. θεῖος Pl.Phd. 85d

    ; ἱεροὶ λ., of Orphic rhapsodies, Suid. S.V. Ὀρφεύς.
    3 tale, story,

    ἄλλον ἔπειμι λ. Xenoph. 7.1

    , cf. Th.1.97, etc.;

    συνθέτους λ. A.Pr. 686

    ; σπουδὴν λόγου urgent tidings, E.Ba. 663; ἄλλος λ. 'another story', Pl.Ap. 34e; ὁμολογούμενος ὁ λ. ἐστίν the story is consistent, Isoc.3.27: pl., histories,

    ἐν τοῖσι Ἀσσυρίοισι λ. Hdt.1.184

    , cf. 106, 2.99; so in sg., a historical work, Id.2.123, 6.19,7.152: also in sg., one section of such a work (like later βίβλος), Id.2.38,6.39, cf. VI.3d; so in pl.,

    ἐν τοῖσι Λιβυκοῖσι λ. Id.2.161

    , cf. 1.75,5.22,7.93, 213;

    ἐν τῷ πρώτῳ τῶν λ. Id.5.36

    ; ὁ πρῶτος λ., of St. Luke's gospel, Act.Ap.1.1: in Pl., opp. μῦθος, as history to legend, Ti. 26e;

    ποιεῖν μύθους ἀλλ' οὐ λόγους Phd. 61b

    , cf. Grg. 523a (but μῦθον λέγειν, opp. λόγῳ ( argument)

    διεξελθεῖν Prt. 320c

    , cf. 324d);

    περὶ λόγων καὶ μύθων Arist.Pol. 1336a30


    ὁ λ... μῦθός ἐστι Ael.NA4.34

    4 speech, delivered in court, assembly, etc.,

    χρήσομαι τῇ τοῦ λ. τάξει ταύτῃ Aeschin.3.57

    , cf. Arist.Rh. 1358a38;

    δικανικοὶ λ. Id.EN 1181a4


    τρία γένη τῶν λ. τῶν ῥητορικῶν, συμβουλευτικόν, δικανικόν, ἐπιδεικτικόν Id.Rh. 1358b7


    τῷ γράψαντι τὸν λ. Thphr. Char.17.8

    , cf.

    λογογράφος 11

    ; ἐπιτάφιος λ. funeral oration, Pl.Mx. 236b; esp. of the body of a speech, opp. ἐπίλογος, Arist.Rh. 1420b3; opp. προοίμιον, ib. 1415a12; body of a law, opp. proem, Pl.Lg. 723b; spoken, opp. written word,

    τὸν τοῦ εἰδότος λ. ζῶντα καὶ ἔμψυχον οὗ ὁ γεγραμμένος εἴδωλόν τι Id.Phdr. 276a

    ; ὁ ἐκ τοῦ βιβλίου ῥηθεὶς [λ.] speech read from a roll, ib. 243c; published speech, D.C.40.54; rarely of the speeches in Tragedy ([etym.] ῥήσεις), Arist.Po. 1450b6,9.
    VI verbal expression or utterance (cf. λέγω (B) 111), rarely a single word, v. infr. b, never in Gramm. signf. of vocable ([etym.] ἔπος, λέξις, ὄνομα, ῥῆμα), usu. of a phrase, cf. IX. 3 (the only sense found in [dialect] Ep.).
    a pl., without Art., talk,

    τὸν ἔτερπε λόγοις Il.15.393


    αἱμύλιοι λ. Od.1.56

    , h.Merc. 317, Hes.Th. 890, Op.78, 789, Thgn.704, A.R.3.1141; ψευδεῖς Λ., personified, Hes.Th. 229;

    ἀφροδίσιοι λ. Semon.7.91


    ἀγανοῖσι λ. Pi.P. 4.101

    ; ὄψον δὲ λ. φθονεροῖσιν tales, Id.N.8.21; σμικροὶ λ. brief words, S.Aj. 1268 (s.v.l.), El. 415; δόκησις ἀγνὼς λόγων bred of talk, Id.OT 681 (lyr.): also in sg., λέγ' εἴ σοι τῷ λ. τις ἡδονή speak if thou delightest in talking, Id.El. 891.
    b sg., expression, phrase,

    πρὶν εἰπεῖν ἐσθλὸν ἢ κακὸν λ. Id.Ant. 1245

    , cf. E.Hipp. 514;

    μυρίας ὡς εἰπεῖν λόγῳ Hdt.2.37

    ; μακρὸς λ. rigmarole, Simon.189, Arist.Metaph. 1091a8; λ. ἠρέμα λεχθεὶς διέθηκε τὸ πόρρω a whispered message, Plot.4.9.3; ἑνὶ λόγῳ to sum up, in brief phrase, Pl.Phdr. 241e, Phd. 65d; concisely, Arist. EN 1103b21 (but also, = ἁπλῶς, περὶ πάντων ἑνὶ λ. Id.GC 325a1): pl., λ. θελκτήριοι magic words, E.Hipp. 478; rarely of single words,

    λ. εὐσύνθετος οἷον τὸ χρονοτριβεῖν Arist.Rh. 1406a36

    ; οὐκ ἀπεκρίθη αὐτῇ λ. answered her not a word, Ev.Matt.15.23.
    c coupled or contrasted with words expressed or understood signifying act, fact, truth, etc., mostly in a depreciatory sense,

    λ. ἔργου σκιή Democr. 145


    ὥσπερ μικρὸν παῖδα λόγοις μ' ἀπατᾷς Thgn.254

    ; λόγῳ, opp. ἔργῳ, Democr.82, etc.;

    νηπίοισι οὐ λ. ἀλλὰ ξυμφορὴ διδάσκαλος Id.76


    ἔργῳ κοὐ λόγῳ τεκμαίρομαι A.Pr. 338

    , cf. S.El.59, OC 782;

    λόγῳ μὲν λέγουσι.. ἔργῳ δὲ οὐκ ἀποδεικνῦσι Hdt.4.8


    οὐ λόγων, φασίν, ἡ ἀγορὴ δεῖται, χαλκῶν δέ Herod.7.49


    οὔτε λ. οὔτε ἔργῳ Lys.9.14

    ; λόγοις, opp. ψήφῳ, Aeschin.2.33; opp. νόῳ, Hdt.2.100;

    οὐ λόγῳ μαθών E.Heracl.5


    ἐκ λόγων, κούφου πράγματος Pl.Lg. 935a

    ; λόγοισι εἰς τὸ πιθανὸν περιπεπεμμένα ib. 886e, cf. Luc.Anach.19;

    ἵνα μὴ λ. οἴησθε εἶναι, ἀλλ' εἰδῆτε τὴν ἀλήθειαν Lycurg.23

    , cf. D.30.34; opp. πρᾶγμα, Arist.Top. 146a4; opp. βία, Id.EN 1179b29, cf. 1180a5; opp. ὄντα, Pl.Phd. 100a; opp. γνῶσις, 2 Ep.Cor.11.6; λόγῳ in pretence, Hdt.1.205, Pl.R. 361b, 376d, Ti. 27a, al.; λόγου ἕνεκα merely as a matter of words,

    ἄλλως ἕνεκα λ. ἐλέγετο Id.Cri. 46d

    ; λόγου χάριν, opp. ὡς ἀληθῶς, Arist.Pol. 1280b8; but also, let us say, for instance, Id.EN 1144a33, Plb.10.46.4, Phld. Sign.29, M.Ant.4.32; λόγου ἕνεκα let us suppose, Pl.Tht. 191c; ἕως λόγου, μέχρι λ., = Lat. verbo tenus, Plb.10.24.7, Epict.Ench.16: sts. without depreciatory force, the antithesis or parallelism being verbal (cf. 'word and deed'),

    λόγῳ τε καὶ σθένει S.OC68


    ἔν τε ἔργῳ καὶ λ. Pl.R. 382e

    , cf. D.S.13.101, Ev.Luc.24.19, Act.Ap.7.22, Paus.2.16.2; ὅσα μὲν λόγῳ εἶπον, opp. τὰ ἔργα τῶν πραχθέντων, Th. 1.22.
    2 common talk, report, tradition,

    ὡς λ. ἐν θνητοῖσιν ἔην Batr. 8


    λ. ἐκ πατέρων Alc.71


    οὐκ ἔστ' ἔτυμος λ. οὗτος Stesich.32


    διξὸς λέγεται λ. Hdt.3.32


    λ. ὑπ' Αἰγυπτίων λεγόμενος Id.2.47

    ; νέον [λ.] tidings, S.Ant. 1289 (lyr.); τὰ μὲν αὐτοὶ ὡρῶμεν, τὰ δὲ λόγοισι ἐπυνθανόμεθα by hearsay, Hdt.2.148: also in pl., ἐν γράμμασιν λόγοι κείμενοι traditions, Pl.Lg. 886b.
    b rumour,

    ἐπὶ παντὶ λ. ἐπτοῆσθαι Heraclit. 87

    ; αὐδάεις λ. voice of rumour, B.14.44; περὶ θεῶν διῆλθεν ὁ λ. ὅτι .. Th.6.46; λ. παρεῖχεν ὡς .. Plb.3.89.3; ἐξῆλθεν ὁ λ. οὗτος εῖς τινας ὅτι .. Ev.Jo.21.23, cf. Act.Ap.11.22; fiction, Ev.Matt.28.15.
    c mention, notice, description, οὐκ ὕει λόγου ἄξιον οὐδέν worth mentioning, Hdt.4.28, cf. Plb.1.24.8, etc.; ἔργα λόγου μέζω beyond expression, Hdt.2.35; κρεῖσσον λόγου τὸ εἶδος τῆς νόσου beyond description, Th. 2.50;

    μείζω ἔργα ἢ ὡς τῷ λ. τις ἂν εἴποι D.6.11

    d the talk one occasions, repute, mostly in good sense, good report, praise, honour (cf. supr. 1.4),

    πολλὰ φέρειν εἴωθε λ... πταίσματα Thgn.1221


    λ. ἐσλὸν ἀκοῦσαι Pi.I.5(4).13


    πλέονα.. λ. Ὀδυσσέος ἢ πάθαν Id.N.7.21


    ἵνα λ. σε ἔχῃ πρὸς ἀνθρώπων ἀγαθός Hdt.7.5

    , cf. 9.78; Τροίαν.. ἧς ἁπανταχοῦ λ. whose fame, story fills the world, E.IT 517;

    οὐκ ἂν ἦν λ. σέθεν Id.Med. 541

    : less freq. in bad sense, evil report, λ. κακόθρους, κακός, S. Aj. 138 (anap.), E.Heracl. 165: pl., λόγους ψιθύρους πλάσσων slanders, S.Aj. 148 (anap.).
    e λ. ἐστί, ἔχει, κατέχει, the story goes, c. acc. et inf.,

    ἔστ τις λ. τὰν Ἀρετὰν ναίειν Simon.58.1

    , cf. S.El. 417; λ. μὲν ἔστ' ἀρχαῖος ὡς .. Id.Tr.1; λ. alone, E.Heracl.35;

    ὡς λ. A.Supp. 230

    , Pl. Phlb. 65c, etc.;

    λ. ἐστί Hdt.7.129

    ,9.26, al.;

    λ. αἰὲν ἔχει S.OC 1573

    (lyr.); ὅσον ὁ λ. κατέχει tradition prevails, Th.1.10: also with a personal subject in the reverse construction. Κλεισθένης λ. ἔχει τὴν Πυθίην ἀναπεῖσαι has the credit of.., Hdt.5.66, cf. Pl.Epin. 987b, 988b;

    λ. ἔχοντα σοφίας Ep.Col.2.23

    , v.supr.1.4.
    3 discussion, debate, deliberation,

    πολλὸς ἦν ἐν τοῖσι λ. Hdt.8.59


    συνελέχθησαν οἱ Μῆδοι ἐς τὠυτὸ καὶ ἐδίδοσαν σφίσι λόγον, λέγοντες περὶ τῶν κατηκόντων Id.1.97


    οἱ Πελασγοὶ ἑωυτοῖσι λόγους ἐδίδοσαν Id.6.138


    πολέμῳ μᾶλλον ἢ λόγοις τὰ ἐγκλήματα διαλύεσθαι Th.1.140


    οἱ περὶ τῆς εἰρήνης λ. Aeschin.2.74

    ; τοῖς ἔξωθεν λ. πεπλήρωκε τὸν λ. [Plato] has filled his dialogue with extraneous discussions, Arist.Pol. 1264b39;

    τὸ μῆκος τῶν λ. D.Chr.7.131

    ; μεταβαίνων ὁ λ. εἰς ταὐτὸν ἀφῖκται our debate, Arist.EN 1097a24; ὁ παρὼν λ. ib. 1104a11; θεῶν ὧν νῦν ὁ λ. ἐστί discussion, Pl.Ap. 26b, cf. Tht. 184a, M.Ant.8.32; τῷ λ. διελθεῖν, διϊέναι, Pl.Prt. 329c, Grg. 506a, etc.; τὸν λ. διεξελθεῖν conduct the debate, Id.Lg. 893a; ξυνελθεῖν ἐς λόγον confer, Ar.Eq. 1300: freq. in pl., ἐς λόγους συνελθόντες parley, Hdt. 1.82; ἐς λ. ἐλθεῖν τινι have speech with, ib.86;

    ἐς λ. ἀπικέσθαι τινί Id.2.32


    διὰ λόγων ἰέναι E.Tr. 916


    ἐμαυτῇ διὰ λ. ἀφικόμην Id.Med. 872


    ἐς λ. ἄγειν τινά X.HG4.1.2


    κοινωνεῖν λόγων καὶ διανοίας Arist.EN 1170b12

    b right of discussion or speech, ἢ 'πὶ τῷ πλήθει λ.; S.OC 66; λ. αἰτήσασθαι ask leave to speak, Th.3.53;

    λ. διδόναι X.HG5.2.20

    ; οὐ προυτέθη σφίσιν λ. κατὰ τὸν νόμον ib.1.7.5;

    λόγου τυχεῖν D.18.13

    , cf. Arist.EN 1095b21, Plb.18.52.1;

    οἱ λόγου τοὺς δούλους ἀποστεροῦντες Arist.Pol. 1260b5


    δοῦλος πέφυκας, οὐ μέτεστί σοι λόγου Trag.Adesp.304


    διδόντας λ. καὶ δεχομένους ἐν τῷ μέρει Luc.Pisc.8

    : hence, time allowed for a speech,

    ἐν τῷ ἐμῷ λ. And.1.26


    ἐν τῷ ἑαυτοῦ λ. Pl.Ap. 34a


    οὐκ ἐλάττω λ. ἀνήλωκε D.18.9

    c dialogue, as a form of philosophical debate,

    ἵνα μὴ μαχώμεθα ἐν τοῖς λ. ἐγώ τε καὶ σύ Pl. Cra. 430d


    πρὸς ἀλλήλους τοὺς λ. ποιεῖσθαι Id.Prt. 348a

    : hence, dialogue as a form of literature,

    οἱ Σωκρατικοὶ λ. Arist.Po. 1447b11

    , Rh. 1417a20; cf. διάλογος.
    d section, division of a dialogue or treatise (cf. v. 3),

    ὁ πρῶτος λ. Pl.Prm. 127d

    ; ὁ πρόσθεν, ὁ παρελθὼν λ., Id.Phlb. 18e, 19b;

    ἐν τοῖς πρώτοις λ. Arist.PA 682a3

    ; ἐν τοῖς περὶ κινήσεως λ. in the discussion of motion (i. e. Ph.bk.8), Id.GC 318a4;

    ἐν τῷ περὶ ἐπαίνου λ. Phld.Rh.1.219

    ; branch, department, division of a system of philosophy,

    τὴν φρόνησιν ἐκ τριῶν συνεστηκέναι λ., τῶν φυσικῶν καὶ τῶν ἠθικῶν καὶ τῶν λογικῶν Chrysipp.Stoic.2.258

    e in pl., literature, letters, Pl.Ax. 365b, Epin. 975d, D.H.Comp.1,21 (but, also in pl., treatises, Plu.2.16c);

    οἱ ἐπὶ λόγοις εὐδοκιμώτατοι Hdn.6.1.4

    ; Λόγοι, personified, AP9.171 (Pall.).
    VII a particular utterance, saying:
    1 divine utterance, oracle, Pi.P.4.59;

    λ. μαντικοί Pl. Phdr. 275b


    οὐ γὰρ ἐμὸν ἐρῶ τὸν λ. Pl.Ap. 20e


    ὁ λ. τοῦ θεοῦ Apoc.1.2

    2 proverb, maxim, saying, Pi.N.9.6, A.Th. 218; ὧδ' ἔχει λ. ib. 225; τόνδ' ἐκαίνισεν λ. ὡς .. Critias 21, cf. Pl.R. 330a, Ev.Jo.4.37;

    ὁ παλαιὸς λ. Pl.Phdr. 240c

    , cf. Smp. 195b, Grg. 499c, Lg. 757a, 1 Ep.Ti.1.15, Plu.2.1082e, Luc.Alex.9, etc.;

    τὸ τοῦ λόγου δὴ τοῦτο Herod.2.45

    , cf. D.Chr.66.24, Luc.JTr.3, Alciphr.3.56, etc.: pl., Arist.EN 1147a21.
    3 assertion, opp. oath, S.OC 651; ψιλῷ λ. bare word, opp. μαρτυρία, D.27.54.
    4 express resolution, κοινῷ λ. by common consent, Hdt.1.141,al.; ἐπὶ λ. τοιῷδε, ἐπ' ᾧ τε .. on the following terms, Id.7.158, cf. 9.26;

    ἐνδέξασθαι τὸν λ. Id.1.60

    , cf. 9.5; λ. ἔχοντες πλεονέκτην a greedy proposal, Id.7.158: freq. in pl., terms, conditions, Id.9.33, etc.
    5 word of command, behest, A.Pr.17,40 (both pl.), Pers. 363;

    ἀνθρώπους πιθανωτέρους ποιεῖν λόγῳ X.Oec.13.9


    ἐξέβαλε τὰ πνεύματα λόγῳ Ev.Matt.8.16

    ; οἱ δέκα λ. the ten Commandments, LXX Ex.34.28, Ph.1.496.
    VIII thing spoken of, subject-matter (cf. 111.1 b and 2),

    λ. τοῦτον ἐάσομεν Thgn.1055

    ; προπεπυσμένος πάντα λ. the whole matter, Hdt.1.21, cf. 111; τὸν ἐόντα λ. the truth of the matter, ib.95, 116; μετασχεῖν τοῦ λ. to be in the secret, ib. 127;

    μηδενὶ ἄλλῳ τὸν λ. τοῦτον εῐπῃς Id.8.65

    ; τίς ἦν λ.; S.OT 684 ( = πρᾶγμα, 699); περί τινος λ. διελεγόμεθα subject, question, Pl.Prt. 314c; [τὸ προοίμιον] δεῖγμα τοῦ λ. case, Arist.Rh. 1415a12, cf. 111.1b; τέλος δὲ παντὸς τοῦ λ. ψηφίζονται the end of the matter was that.., Aeschin.3.124;

    οὐκ ἔστεξε τὸν λ. Plb.8.12.5


    οὐκ ἔστι σοι μερὶς οὐδὲ κλῆρος ἐν τῷ λ. τούτῳ Act.Ap.8.21


    ἱκανὸς αὐτῷ ὁ λ. Pl.Grg. 512c

    ; οὐχ ὑπολείπει [Γοργίαν] ὁ λ. matter for talk, Arist.Rh. 1418a35;

    μηδένα λ. ὑπολιπεῖν Isoc.4.146

    ; πρὸς λόγον to the point, apposite,

    οὐδὲν πρὸς λ. Pl.Phlb. 42e

    , cf. Prt. 344a;

    ἐὰν πρὸς λ. τι ᾖ Id.Phlb. 33c

    ; also

    πρὸς λόγου Id.Grg. 459c

    (s. v.l.).
    2 plot of a narrative or dramatic poem, = μῦθος, Arist.Po. 1455b17, al.
    b in Art, subject of a painting,

    ζωγραφίας λόγοι Philostr.VA 6.10


    λ. τῆς γραφῆς Id.Im.1.25

    3 thing talked of, event,

    μετὰ τοὺς λ. τούτους LXX 1 Ma.7.33

    , cf. Act.Ap.15.6.
    IX expression, utterance, speech regarded formally, τὸ ἀπὸ [ψυχῆς] ῥεῦμα διὰ τοῦ στόματος ἰὸν μετὰ φθόγγου λ., opp. διάνοια, Pl.Sph. 263e; intelligent utterance, opp. φωνή, Arist.Pol. 1253a14;

    λ. ἐστὶ φωνὴ σημαντικὴ κατὰ συνθήκην Id.Int. 16b26

    , cf. Diog.Bab.Stoic.3.213; ὅθεν (from the heart)

    ὁ λ. ἀναπέμπεται Stoic.2.228

    , cf. 244; Protagoras was nicknamed λόγος, Hsch. ap. Sch.Pl.R. 600c, Suid.;

    λόγου πειθοῖ Democr.181

    : in pl., eloquence, Isoc.3.3,9.11;

    τὴν ἐν λόγοις εὐρυθμίαν Epicur.Sent.Pal.5p.69

    v. d. M.; λ. ἀκριβής precise language, Ar.Nu. 130 (pl.), cf. Arist.Rh. 1418b1;

    τοῦ μὴ ᾀδομένου λ. Pl.R. 398d

    ; ἡδυσμένος λ., of rhythmical language set to music, Arist.Po. 1449b25; ἐν παντὶ λ. in all manner of utterance, 1 Ep.Cor.1.5; ἐν λόγοις in orations, Arist.Po. 1459a13; λ. γελοῖοι, ἀσχήμονες, ludicrous, improper speech, Id.SE 182b15, Pol. 1336b14.
    2 of various modes of expression, esp. artistic and literary,

    ἔν τε ᾠδαῖς καὶ μύθοις καὶ λόγοις Pl.Lg. 664a


    ἐν λόγῳ καὶ ἐν ᾠδαῖς X.Cyr.1.4.25

    , cf. Pl.Lg. 835b; prose, opp. ποίησις, Id.R. 390a; opp. ψιλομετρία, Arist.Po. 1448a11; opp. ἔμμετρα, ib. 1450b15 (pl.); τῷ λ. τοῦτο τῶν μέτρων (sc. τὸ ἰαμβεῖον)

    ὁμοιότατον εἶναι Id.Rh. 1404a31

    ; in full, ψιλοὶ λ. prose, ib. b33 (but ψιλοὶ λ., = arguments without diagrams, Pl.Tht. 165a); λ. πεζοί, opp. ποιητική, D.H.Comp.6; opp. ποιήματα, ib.15;

    κοινὰ καὶ ποιημάτων καὶ λόγων Phld.Po.5.7

    ; πεζὸς λ. ib.27, al.
    b of the constituents of lyric or dramatic poetry, words,

    τὸ μέλος ἐκ τριῶν.. λόγου τε καὶ ἁρμονίας καὶ ῥυθμοῦ Pl.R. 398d

    ; opp. πρᾶξις, Arist.Po. 1454a18; dramatic dialogue, opp. τὰ τοῦ χοροῦ, ib. 1449a17.
    3 Gramm., phrase, complex term, opp. ὄνομα, Id.SE 165a13; λ. ὀνοματώδης noun- phrase, Id.APo. 93b30, cf. Rh. 1407b27; expression, D.H.Th.2, Demetr.Eloc.92.
    b sentence, complete statement, "

    ἄνθρωπος μανθάνει λόγον εἶναί φῃς.. ἐλάχιστόν τε καὶ πρῶτον Pl.Sph. 262c


    λ. αὐτοτελής A.D.Synt.3.6

    , D.T.634.1; ῥηθῆναι λόγῳ to be expressed in a sentence, Pl.Tht. 202b; λ. ἔχειν to be capable of being so expressed, ib. 201e, cf. Arist.Rh. 1404b26.
    c language, τὰ τοῦ λ. μέρη parts of speech, Chrysipp.Stoic.2.31, S.E.M.9.350, etc.;

    τὰ μόρια τοῦ λ. D.H.Comp.6


    μέρος λ. D.T.633.26

    , A.D.Pron.4.6, al. (but ἓν μέρος <τοῦ cod.> λόγου one word, Id.Synt.340.10, cf. 334.22); περὶ τῶν στοιχείων τοῦ λ., title of work by Chrysippus.
    X the Word or Wisdom of God, personified as his agent in creation and world-government,

    ὁ παντοδύναμός σου λ. LXX Wi.18.15


    ὁ ἐκ νοὸς φωτεινὸς λ. υἱὸς θεοῦ Corp.Herm.1.6

    , cf. Plu.2.376c; λ. θεοῦ δι' οὗ κατεσκευάσθη [ὁ κόσμος] Ph.1.162; τῆς τοῦ θεοῦ σοφίας· ἡ δέ ἐστιν ὁ θεοῦ λ. ib.56; λ. θεῖος.. εἰκὼν θεοῦ ib. 561, cf. 501; τὸν τομέα τῶν συμπάντων [θεοῦ] λ. ib. 492; τὸν ἄγγελον ὅς ἐστι λ. ib. 122: in NT identified with the person of Christ,

    ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λ. Ev.Jo.1.1

    , cf. 14, 1 Ep.Jo.2.7, Apoc.19.13;

    ὁ λ. τῆς ζωῆς 1 Ep.Jo.1.1


    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > λόγος

  • 48 Caxton, William

    SUBJECT AREA: Paper and printing
    b. c.1422 Kent, England
    d. 1491 Westminster, England
    English printer who produced the first book to be printed in English.
    According to his own account, Caxton was born in Kent and received a schooling before entering the Mercers' Company, one of the most influential of the London guilds and engaged in the wholesale export trade in woollen goods and other wares, principally with the Low Countries. Around 1445, Caxton moved to Bruges, where he engaged in trade with such success that in 1462 he was appointed Governor of the English Nation in Bruges. He was entrusted with diplomatic missions, and his dealings with the court of Burgundy brought him into contact with the Duchess, Margaret of York, sister of the English King Edward IV. Caxton embarked on the production of fine manuscripts, making his own translations from the French for the Duchess and other noble patrons with a taste for this kind of literature. This trend became more marked after 1470–1 when Caxton lost his post in Bruges, probably due to the temporary overthrow of King Edward. Perhaps to satisfy an increasing demand for his texts, Caxton travelled to Cologne in 1471 to learn the art of printing. He set up a printing business in Bruges, in partnership with the copyist and bookseller Colard Mansion. There, late in 1474 or early the following year, Caxton produced the first book to be printed in English, and the first by an English printer, The Recuyell of the Histories of Troy, which he had translated from the French.
    In 1476 Caxton returned to England and set up his printing and publishing business "at the sign of the Red Pale" within the precincts of Westminster Abbey. This was more conveniently placed than the City of London for the likely customers among the court and Members of Parliament for the courtly romances and devotional works he aimed to produce. Other printers followed but survived only a few years, whereas Caxton remained successful for fifteen years and then bequeathed a flourishing concern to his assistant Wynkyn de Worde. During that time, 107 printed works, including seventy-four books, issued from Caxton's press. Of these, some twenty were his own translations. As printer and publisher, he did much to promote English literature, above all by producing the first editions of the literary masterpieces of the Middle Ages, such as the works of Chaucer, Gower and Lydgate and Malory's Morte d'Arthur. Among the various dialects of spoken English in use at the time, Caxton adopted the language of London and the court and so did much to fix a permanent standard for written English.
    Further Reading
    W.Blades, 1877, The Biography and Typography of William Caxton, England's First Printer, London; reprinted 1971 (the classic life of Caxton, superseded in detail by modern scholarship but still indispensable).
    G.D.Painter, 1976, William Caxton: A Quincentenary Biography of England's First
    Printer, London: Chatto \& Windus (the most thorough recent biography, describing every known Caxton document and edition, with corrected and new interpretations based on the latest scholarship).
    N.F.Blake, 1969, Caxton and His World, London (a reliable account, set against the background of English late-medieval life).

    Biographical history of technology > Caxton, William

  • 49 drugi

    ( decl like adj) second; ( jeden z dwóch) (the) other; ( inny) another

    druga klasa( w pociągu) second class; ( w szkole) second form (BRIT) lub grade (US)

    drugi maja — the second of May, May the second

    po drugie,... — second(ly),...

    drugi plan(przen) secondary importance

    drugie śniadanie( posiłek) elevenses (BRIT), midmorning snack (US), ( kanapki) packed lunch (BRIT), box lub bag lunch (US)

    druga wojna światowa — the Second World War, World War Two

    drugi od góry — second from the top, second highest

    zajął drugie miejsce — he took second place, he came in second

    drugi od końca — last but one, next to the last (US)

    z drugiej strony... — on the other hand...

    jeden za drugim — one after another, one by one

    pierwszy... drugi... — the former... the latter...

    * * *
    1. (nie pierwszy, nie trzeci) second; to już drugi dzień wakacji it's already the second day of vacation l. holidays; za drugim razem pójdzie ci lepiej you'll do better the second time; dziś mamy drugiego l. drugi maja today is May the second, today is the second of May; wydanie drugie poprawione second, revised edition; druga klasa ( w pociągu) second class; druga klasa ( w szkole) second grade; jabłka drugiego gatunku second-rate apples; drugie śniadanie lunch; minęła godzina druga it is past two (o'clock); co drugi dzień every second l. other day; na drugi dzień on the next l. following day; zająć drugie miejsce take second place, come second; drugi od końca next to last, penultimate; drugi od dołu second from the bottom, next to the bottom; numer drugi number two; program drugi channel two; siedem do potęgi drugiej mat. seven square, seven to the power two, seven to the second power; drugi głos muz. second voice; następnym razem zbierzemy drugie tyle pieniędzy next time we'll collect twice as much money; po pierwsze..., po drugie... first(ly)..., second(ly)...; pierwszy..., drugi... the former..., the latter...; coś schodzi na drugi plan sth is of secondary importance; grać w drugiej lidze sport play in the second division; literatura drugiego obiegu underground literature; odpowiadali jeden po drugim they answered one after another; drugie danie second l. main course.
    2. (= jeden z dwóch) other; co drugi every other; statek chwiał się to w jedną, to w drugą stronę ship was swaying l. rocking from side to side; słuchaj no, jeden z drugim! pot. listen, every one of you!; listen, you people!; chłopcy zgłaszali się do odpowiedzi jeden przez drugiego all the boys wanted to answer the teacher's question at the same time; pasażerowie wsiadali do pociągu jeden po drugim passengers boarded the train one after another; na drugi raz next time.
    3. (= inny) another; staram się zrozumieć i jednych, i drugich I am trying to understand both sides l. parties; jedni chcą to, inni tamto they want this and the others that; wiadomości z drugiej ręki second-hand news.
    4. (= taki sam jak) second, another; pan jest dla mnie drugim ojcem you are a second father to me.
    5. (= przeciwny) other; muszę się dostać stąd na drugi koniec miasta I have to get to the other end of the city; na drugim brzegu rzeki on the other bank of the river; po drugiej stronie ulicy on the other side of the street, across the street; druga strona medalu the other side of the coin; z drugiej strony... on the other hand...

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > drugi

  • 50 interés

    1 interest, concernment, regard, interestedness.
    2 interest, yield.
    * * *
    1 (gen) interest; (propio) self-interest
    2 FINANZAS interest
    de gran interés very interesting
    ir en interés de to be in the interests of
    poner interés en algo to take an interest in something, put effort into something
    tener interés en to be interested in
    interés compuesto compound interest
    interés simple simple interest
    intereses creados vested interests
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *
    1) (=valor) interest
    2) (=curiosidad) interest

    el tema despertó o suscitó el interés del público — the topic aroused public interest

    esperar algo con interés — to await sth with interest

    mostrar interés en o por algo — to show (an) interest in sth

    poner interés en algo — to take an interest in sth

    sentir o tener interés por algo — to be interested in sth

    si tienes interés por el piso, todavía está a la venta — if you're interested in the flat, it's still for sale

    siento auténtico interés por los idiomasI have a real interest o I am really interested in languages

    sentir o tener interés por hacer algo — to be interested in doing sth

    3) (=beneficio)
    a) [de persona, país] interest

    ¿qué interés tienes tú en que pierdan el partido? — what's your interest in their losing the match?

    b) (Econ) interest

    un préstamo a o con un interés del 9 por ciento — a loan at 9 per cent interest

    dar interés — [capital, inversión] to yield interest; [banco, cuenta] to pay interest

    mi capital me da un interés del 5,3 por ciento — my capital yields an interest of 5.3 per cent

    devengar interés — to accrue interest, earn interest

    tasa LAm o tipo de interés — interest rate

    interés devengado — accrued interest, earned interest

    4) pl intereses
    a) (Com) interests

    un conflicto de intereses — a conflict of interests

    tener intereses en algo — to have interests o a stake in sth

    tiene intereses en varias compañías extranjerashe has interests o a stake in several foreign companies

    b) (=aficiones) interests

    ¿qué intereses tienes? — what are your interests?

    * * *
    a) (importancia, valor) interest
    b) ( actitud) interest

    tengo especial interés en que... — I am particularly concerned o keen that...

    c) (afición, inquietud) interest
    a) (conveniencia, beneficio) interest

    por tu propio interés — in your own interest, for your own good

    b) intereses masculino plural ( objetivos) interests (pl)
    c) intereses masculino plural (bienes, capital)

    tiene intereses en esa empresahe has a stake o an interest in that company

    3) (Fin) interest

    a or con un interés del 12% — at 12% interest o at an interest rate of 12%

    * * *
    a) (importancia, valor) interest
    b) ( actitud) interest

    tengo especial interés en que... — I am particularly concerned o keen that...

    c) (afición, inquietud) interest
    a) (conveniencia, beneficio) interest

    por tu propio interés — in your own interest, for your own good

    b) intereses masculino plural ( objetivos) interests (pl)
    c) intereses masculino plural (bienes, capital)

    tiene intereses en esa empresahe has a stake o an interest in that company

    3) (Fin) interest

    a or con un interés del 12% — at 12% interest o at an interest rate of 12%

    * * *
    1 = appeal, appetite, concern, focus, involvement, interest, knowledge interest, piquancy, penchant, pursuit, topicality.

    Ex: Indeed, if they are not successful in finding ways of renewing their original purpose and appeal, they are on their way to dissolution and displacement.

    Ex: We need to know what and how consumers' information appetites have changed.
    Ex: The use of agents is necessary but not ideal, because an agent often represents rival concerns, and aims for a quick turnover rather than long-term profitability.
    Ex: Our focus in this text is on the first stage in the following diagram.
    Ex: Clearly, anyone having any dealings at all with the CAP needs a general understanding of how the system works, at a level which is appropriate to their involvement.
    Ex: An abstracting bulletin is generally a weekly or monthly current-awareness service containing abstracts of all documents of interest that have passed into the library or information unit during that time.
    Ex: Phenomenography is an approach that builds on phenomenological and hermeneutic traditions; its knowledge interest is to describe the varying conceptions held within a specific group about a phenomenon = La fenomenografía es un método que parte de las tradicionaes fenomenológicas y hermenéuticas; su interés es describir las diversas concepciones que un grupo concreto tiene sobre un fenómeno.
    Ex: Young was a man of singular eccentricity and piquancy of character, a person who was very interesting in his own right.
    Ex: Our penchant to organize is perhaps as close to a biological imperative as any form of human behavior is likely to come.
    Ex: What is more arguable is whether or not it is a bibliographical pursuit at all since it bears little relationship to the physical nature of the book.
    Ex: This year, the event is gaining topicality because of the EU enlargement.
    * actuar en defensa de los intereses de las bibliotecas y bibliotec = library advocacy.
    * adaptarse a un interés = accommodate + interest.
    * ámbito de interés = sphere of interest.
    * ampliar el interés = broaden + interest.
    * aprovecharse del interés general por Algo = exploit + appeal.
    * área de interés = field of interest.
    * atraer el interés = capture + the imagination, capture + the interest, draw + interest.
    * atraer el interés de = catch + the imagination of.
    * caer fuera del interés de = lie outside + the scope of.
    * caer fuera del interés de uno = fall outside + Posesivo + interest.
    * campo de interés = sphere of interest.
    * captar el interés = capture + the imagination, capture + the interest.
    * captar el interés de = catch + the imagination of.
    * coincidir con los intereses de uno = match + interests.
    * combinar intereses = bridge + interests.
    * conflicto de intereses = conflict of interest(s), competing interests.
    * con intereses ocultos = agenda-laden.
    * con intereses propios = self-interested.
    * conjunto de intereses = set of interests.
    * Consejo Internacional de Museos y Lugares de Interés (ICOMS) = International Council of Museums and Sites (ICOMOS).
    * constatar el interés = gauge + interest.
    * con un interés en = with a stake in.
    * crear interés = build + interest.
    * dar interés = spice up, add + spice.
    * debate por tema de interés = breakout discussion.
    * defender los intereses = defend + interests, lobby for + interests.
    * defender los intereses de = go to + bat for, bat for.
    * defensa de intereses = lobbying.
    * defensa de los intereses de las bibliotecas y bibliotecarios = library advocacy.
    * defensor de los intereses del ciudadano = watchdog.
    * de interés especial = of particular concern, special-interest.
    * de intereses similares = of like interest.
    * de interés general = general-interest, of general interest.
    * de interés humano = human interest.
    * de interés periodístico = newsworthy.
    * despertar el interés = provoke + interest, stimulate + interest, stir + interest, whet + the appetite, heighten + interest, rouse + interest, capture + the imagination, capture + the interest, work up + an interest, pique + interest.
    * despertar el interés de = catch + the imagination of.
    * despertar interés = arouse + interest, attract + interest, raise + interest, spark + interest.
    * despertar interés por = kindle + interest in.
    * destinado a despertar el interés del usuario = highlight abstract.
    * dirigir los intereses de uno = break into.
    * el interés público = the public interest.
    * en interés de = in the interest(s) of.
    * esperar con interés (+ Infinitivo), = look forward to (+ Gerundio).
    * estar fuera del interés = lie outside + the scope of.
    * estar fuera del interés de uno = lie beyond + concern.
    * expresión de interés = application.
    * falta de interés por cooperar = unresponsiveness.
    * foco de interés = focus of interest, focus of concern, focus of attention.
    * fomentar el interés = raise + interest, foster + interest, foster + interest.
    * fomentar interés = build + interest.
    * generar interés = generate + interest.
    * grupo de interés = focus group, interest group.
    * grupo de trabajo por tema de interés = breakout group.
    * guiado por intereses propios = interest-determined.
    * hacer que pierda el interés = take + the shine off things.
    * institución de interés histórico = heritage institution.
    * institución de interés histórico y cultural = cultural heritage institution.
    * interés cada vez mayor = growing interest.
    * interés + centrarse en = interest + lie with.
    * interés comercial = business interest, commercial interest.
    * interés común = shared interest.
    * interés creado = vested interest.
    * interés + decaer = interest + flag.
    * interés económico = economic interest.
    * intereses = breadth of interests.
    * intereses comerciales = market forces, marketplace forces.
    * intereses comunes = common ground, community of interest.
    * intereses contrapuestos = conflicting interests.
    * intereses cotidianos = life interests.
    * intereses de lectura = reading interests.
    * intereses encontrados = competing interests.
    * intereses ocultos = hidden agenda.
    * interés general = public interest.
    * interés pasajero = passing interest.
    * interés periodístico = newsworthiness.
    * interés personal = vested interest, self-interest, axe + to grind, personal interest.
    * interés por ganar dinero = profit motive.
    * interés por los libros = awareness of books.
    * interés público = public interest.
    * interés renovado = renewed interest.
    * ir en detrimento de los intereses = prejudice + interests.
    * lleno de interés = solicitously.
    * lugar de interés = attraction, sight.
    * lugares de interés = sights.
    * mantener el interés = hold + the interest.
    * mantener un interés = pursue + interest.
    * material documental de interés para los vecinos del barrio = community literature.
    * máximo interés = maximum interest.
    * mostrar interés = mark + interest.
    * mostrar interés en = show + interest in.
    * mostrar interés por = express + interest in.
    * motivado por intereses propios = interest-based.
    * mucho interés = keen interest.
    * muestra de interés = expression of interest.
    * no tener ningún interés = can't/couldn't be bothered.
    * noticias diarias de interés = daily news alerts.
    * objeto de interés = object of interest.
    * ordenación topográfica según los intereses del lector = reader interest arrangement.
    * para personas con intereses similares = birds-of-a-feather.
    * perder el interés = pall.
    * perder interés = lapse, lose + interest.
    * perfil de interés = subject interest.
    * perfil de interés del usuario = subject profile, user interest profile.
    * perjudicar los intereses = prejudice + interests.
    * por interés = out of interest.
    * por interés personal = self-interested.
    * profundizar el interés = deepen + interest.
    * promover un interés = promote + interest.
    * proyección de cuestiones de interés = issues management.
    * punto de interés = point of interest.
    * quitar el interés = take + the shine off things.
    * renovado interés = upsurge.
    * resumen de interés = highlight abstract.
    * reunión por temas de interés = breakout session.
    * según los intereses personales de cada uno = interest-based.
    * ser de interés para = be of interest (to/for).
    * servir los intereses = serve + interests.
    * sesión por tema de interés = breakout session.
    * sin interés = unexciting, uninteresting, unmoving, vapid.
    * tarea falta de interés = chore.
    * tema de interés = area of concern, area of enquiry [area of inquiry], area of interest, focus area, issue of concern, topic of interest.
    * temas de interés de los usuarios = user interests.
    * temas de interés particular = particular concerns.
    * tenemos intereses en ambas partes = our feet are in both worlds.
    * tener intereses en juego = have + invested.
    * tener interés por = have + an interest in.
    * tener interés por = be interested in.
    * tener mucho interés en = have + a high stake in.
    * tener mucho interés por = be keen to.
    * tener un interés muy personal en = have + a stake in, hold + a stake in.
    * tomarse interés por = take + an interest in.

    2 = interest, rate, interest charge.

    Ex: Repayments is normally by equal half-yearly payments of capital and interest after a moratorium on capital repayments of up to five years, depending on project completion date.

    Ex: The EIB is able to borrow money at the best possible rates, and as it is non-profit making it is able to offer loans at advantageous terms.
    Ex: And, most importantly, even if a company makes a loss, it still has to pay its interest charges.
    * interés bancario = interest rate.
    * interés compuesto = compound interest.
    * intereses del capital = capital charges.
    * interés fijo = fixed interest.
    * interés simple = simple interest.
    * pago de los intereses = interest payment.
    * recorte de los tipos de interés = rate cut, interest-rate cut.
    * reducción de los tipos de interés = rate cut, interest-rate cut.
    * subida de los tipos de interés = rate increase, interest-rate increase.
    * tipo de interés base = base rate, prime rate.
    * tipo de interés preferente = base rate, prime rate.

    * * *
    1 (importancia, valor) interest
    de interés turístico of interest to tourists
    un tema de interés humano a human interest story
    un descubrimiento de enorme interés científico a discovery of enormous scientific significance o importance
    una anécdota sin ningún interés an anecdote of little or no interest
    2 (actitud) interest
    el anuncio despertó or suscitó el interés de todos the advertisement aroused everyone's interest
    con gran interés with great interest
    interés EN algo interest IN sth
    pon más interés en tus estudios take more interest in your schoolwork
    tengo especial interés en que esto se resuelva pronto I am particularly concerned o keen that this should be resolved quickly
    tienen gran interés en probarlo they are very interested in testing it
    3 (afición, inquietud) interest
    la fotografía se cuenta entre sus muchos intereses photography is one of her many interests
    1 (conveniencia, beneficio) interest
    por tu propio interés in your own interest, for your own good o benefit
    las mejoras van en interés de todos the improvements are in everyone's interest
    actúa sólo por interés he acts purely out of self-interest o in his own interest
    2 intereses mpl (objetivos) interests (pl)
    había un conflicto de intereses there was a conflict of interests
    (bienes, capital): tiene intereses en varias empresas he has a stake o an interest in several companies
    un contable administra sus intereses an accountant looks after her investments
    mpl vested interests (pl)
    mpl private interests (pl)
    el interés público the public interest
    C ( Fin) interest
    un préstamo a or con un interés del 12% a loan at 12% interest o at an interest rate of 12%
    pagan unos intereses muy altos or un interés muy alto they pay very high interest o very high rates of interest
    devengar or ganar intereses to earn interest
    tipo de interés rate of interest
    compound interest
    simple interest
    * * *


    interés sustantivo masculino
    1 ( en general) interest;

    pon más interés en tus estudios take more interest in your schoolwork;
    tengo especial interés en que … I am particularly concerned o keen that …;
    tienen gran interés en verlo they are very interested in seeing it;
    por tu propio interés in your own interest, for your own good;
    actúa solo por interés he acts purely in his own interest o out of self-interest;
    conflicto de intereses conflict of interests
    2 (Fin) interest;
    a or con un interés del 12% at 12% interest o at an interest rate of 12%;

    tipo de interés rate of interest
    interés sustantivo masculino
    1 (curiosidad) interest: tienes que poner más interés en ello, you must take more interest in it
    tengo interés en/por viajar a Perú, I'm interested in travelling to Peru
    2 (importancia) esta película carece de interés, this movie lacks interest
    no ha sucedido nada de interés, nothing interesting has happened
    3 (provecho personal) self-interest: te llama solo por interés, he phones you out of self-interest
    (provecho, bien) in the interest of: lo haré en interés tuyo, I shall do it for your own good
    en interés de la ciencia, for the sake of science
    4 Fin interest
    con un interés del 15%, at an interest rate of 15%
    tipos de interés, interest rates
    ♦ Locuciones: perder el interés, to lose interest
    con intereses, (con creces, más de lo que se recibió) with interest
    ' interés' also found in these entries:
    - amorfo
    - candente
    - captar
    - carente
    - comodidad
    - común
    - conveniencia
    - dar
    - decir
    - deducirse
    - desgana
    - desganada
    - desganado
    - despertarse
    - desvivirse
    - devengar
    - entregarse
    - flojedad
    - hinchar
    - hipotecaria
    - hipotecario
    - importar
    - inquietud
    - interesar
    - interesada
    - interesado
    - lengua
    - llamar
    - menguante
    - morbosa
    - morboso
    - pasar
    - polarizar
    - revelar
    - solicitud
    - tinta
    - tipo
    - ver
    - abusivo
    - acaparar
    - anecdótico
    - anual
    - aparentar
    - aparente
    - apreciar
    - atractivo
    - atraer
    - auténtico
    - baja
    - active
    - ax
    - axe
    - bear
    - benefit
    - capture
    - conflicting
    - deep
    - demolish
    - develop
    - fire
    - flag
    - flat
    - fluctuate
    - foster
    - interest
    - interest rate
    - keen
    - keenly
    - lack
    - lending
    - LIBOR
    - pall
    - pay
    - prime rate
    - really
    - reduction
    - revive
    - rising
    - self-interest
    - send down
    - show
    - sight
    - simple interest
    - stake
    - stimulate
    - sustain
    - vested
    - wane
    - yield
    - bank
    - concern
    - fixed
    - memorabilia
    - pique
    - purpose
    - rate
    - revival
    - secondary
    * * *
    1. [utilidad, valor] interest;
    de interés interesting;
    un descubrimiento de gran interés para los enfermos de sida a discovery of great signifiance to people with AIDS;
    una construcción de interés histórico a building of historical interest
    2. [curiosidad] interest;
    un tema de interés común a subject of interest to everyone;
    el hallazgo ha despertado el interés de los científicos the discovery has aroused scientists' interest;
    tener interés en o [m5] por to be interested in;
    tengo interés por recorrer el centro de la ciudad I'm interested in doing a tour of the town centre;
    sigo con interés la polémica I'm following the debate with interest
    3. [esfuerzo] interest;
    trabajó con mucho interés en el proyecto she was an enthusiastic worker on the project;
    poner interés en algo to take a real interest in sth;
    tienes que poner más interés en los estudios you must show a bit more interest in your schoolwork
    4. [conveniencia, provecho] interest;
    una obra de interés general o [m5] público a construction project that is in everyone's o the public interest;
    hacer algo por el interés de alguien, hacer algo en interés de alguien to do sth in sb's interest;
    tengo interés en que venga pronto it's in my interest that he should come soon;
    a todos nos mueve un interés común we are all motivated by a common interest
    5. [egoísmo] self-interest, selfishness;
    por interés out of selfishness;
    casarse por (el) interés to marry for money
    intereses creados vested interests
    intereses [aficiones] interests;
    entre sus intereses se cuentan el golf y la vela his interests include golf and sailing
    intereses [económicos] interests;
    los intereses españoles en Latinoamérica Spanish interests in Latin America;
    tiene intereses en una empresa del sector he has interests o a stake in a company in that sector;
    su hermana administra sus intereses her sister looks after her financial interests
    8. Fin interest;
    un préstamo con un interés del 5 por ciento a loan at 5 percent interest;
    interés a corto/largo plazo short-/long-term interest;
    tipo o [m5] tasa de interés interest rate
    interés acumulable cumulative interest;
    interés compuesto compound interest;
    intereses de demora penalty interest [for late payment];
    interés devengado accrued o earned interest;
    interés interbancario interbank deposit rate;
    interés de mora penalty interest [for late payment];
    interés preferencial preferential interest rate;
    interés simple simple interest;
    intereses vencidos interest due
    * * *
    1 interest
    2 COM interest;
    sin interés interest free
    intereses pl ( bienes) interests
    * * *
    interés nm, pl - reses : interest
    * * *
    interés n interest
    en esta cuenta obtendrás un interés del 5% you'll get 5% interest from this account
    tener interés en/por hacer algo to be keen to do something

    Spanish-English dictionary > interés

  • 51 अ _a

    अ The first letter of the alphabet; अक्षंराणामकारो$स्मि Bg.1.33.
    -अः [अवति, अतति सातत्येन तिष्ठतीति वा; अव्-अत् वा, ड Tv.]
    1 N. of Viṣṇu, the first of the three sounds constituting the sacred syllable ओम्; अकारो विष्णुरुद्दिष्ट उकारस्तु महेश्वरः । मकारस्तु स्मृतो ब्रह्मा प्रणवस्तु त्रयात्मकः ॥ For more explanations of the three syllables अ, उ, म् see ओम्.
    -2 N. of Śiva, Brahmā, Vāyu, or Vaiśvānara.-- [अः कृष्णः शंकरो ब्रह्मा शक्रः सोमो$निलो$नलः । सूर्यः प्राणो यमः कालो वसन्तः प्रणवः सुखी ॥ Enm. अः स्याद् ब्रह्मणि विष्ण्वीशकूर्माणङ्करणेषु च। गौरवे$न्तःपुरे हेतौ भूषणे$ङ्घ्रावुमेज्ययोः ॥ Nm. अः शिखायां सिद्धमन्त्रे प्रग्राहे$र्के रथार्वणि । चक्रे कुक्कुटमूर्ध्नीन्दुबिम्बे ब्रह्मेशविष्णुषु ॥ ibid. Thus अः means Kṛiṣṇa, Śiva, Brahmā, Indra, Soma, Vāyu, Agni, the Sun, the life-breath, Yama, Kāla, Vasanta, Praṇava, a happy man, a tortoise, a courtyard, a battle, greatness, a female apartment in a palace, an object or a cause, an ornament, a foot, Umā, sacrifice, a flame, a particularly efficacious mantra, reins, the horse of chariot, a wheel, the head of a cock, the disc of the moon]; ind.
    1 A Prefix corresponding to Latin in, Eng. in or un, Gr. a or an, and joined to nouns, adjectives, indeclinables (or rarely even to verbs) as a substitute for the negative particle ऩञ्, and changed to अन् before vowels (except in the word अ-ऋणिन्). The senses of न usually enumerated are six--(a) सादृश्य 'likeness' or 'resemblance', अब्राह्मणः one like a Brāhmaṇa (wearing the sacred thread &c.), but not a Brāhmaṇa; a Kṣatriya, or a Vaiśya; अनिक्षुः a reed appearing like इक्षु, but not a true इक्षु. (b) अभाव 'absence', 'negation', 'want', 'privation'; अज्ञानम् absence of knowledge, ignorance; अक्रोधः, अनङ्गः, अकण्टकः, अघटः &c. (c) अन्यत्व 'difference' or 'distinction'; अपटः not a cloth, something different from, or other than, a cloth. (d) अल्पता 'smallness', 'diminution', used as a diminutive particle; अनुदरा having a slender waist (कृशोदरी or तनुमध्यमा). (e) अप्राशस्त्य 'badness', 'unfitness', having a depreciative sense; अकालः wrong or improper time; अकार्यम् not fit to be done, improper, unworthy, bad act. (f) विरोध 'opposition', 'contrariety'; अनीतिः the opposite of morality; immorality; असित not white, black; असुर not a god, a demon &c. These senses are put together in the following verse:-- तत्सादृश्यमभावश्च तदन्यत्वं तदल्पता । अप्राशस्त्यं विरोधश्च ऩञर्थाः षट् प्रकीर्तिताः ॥ See न also. With verbal derivatives, such as gerunds, infinitives, participles, it has usually the sense of 'not'; अदग्ध्वा not having burnt; अपश्यन् not seeing; so असकृत् not once; अमृषा, अकस्मात् &c. Sometimes in बहुव्रीहि अ does not affect the sense of the second member: अ-पश्चिम that which has no last, i. e. best, topmost; e. g. विपश्चितामपश्चिमः cf. also R.19.1. अनुत्तम having no superior, unsurpassed, most excellent: (for examples see these words).
    -2 An interjection of (a) Pity (ah !) अ अवद्यं P.I.1.14 Sk. (b) Reproach, censure (fie, shame); अपचसि त्वं जाल्म P.VI.3.73 Vārt. See अकरणि, अजीवनि also. (c) Used in addressing; अ अनन्त. (d) It is also used as a particle of prohibition.
    -3 The augment prefixed to the root in the formation of the Imperfect, Aorist and Conditional Tenses.
    *****N. B.-- The application of this privative prefix is practically unlimited; to give every possible case would almost amount to a dictionary itself. No attempt will, therefore, be made to give every possible combination of this prefix with a following word; only such words as require a special explanation, or such as most frequently occur in literature and enter into compounds with other words, will be given; others will be found self-explaining when the English 'in', 'un', or 'not', is substituted for अ or अन् before the meaning of the second word, or the sense may be expressed by 'less', 'free from', 'devoid or destitute of' &c; अकथ्य unspeakable; अदर्प without pride, or freedom from pride; अप्रगल्भ not bold; अभग unfortunate; अवित्त destitute of wealth &c. In many cases such compounds will be found explained under the second member. Most compounds beginning with अ or अन् are either Tatpuruṣa or Bahuvrīhi (to be determined by the sense) and should be so dissolved.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > अ _a

  • 52 अर्थः _arthḥ

    अर्थः [In some of its senses from अर्थ्; in others from ऋ-थन् Uṇ.2.4; अर्थते ह्यसौ अर्थिभिः Nir.]
    1 Object, pur- pose, end and aim; wish, desire; ज्ञातार्थो ज्ञातसंबन्धः श्रोतुं श्रोता प्रवर्तते, सिद्ध˚, ˚परिपन्थी Mu.5; ˚वशात् 5.8; स्मर्तव्यो$स्मि सत्यर्थे Dk.117 if it be necessary; Y.2.46; M.4.6; oft. used in this sense as the last member of compounds and translated by 'for', 'intended for', 'for the sake of', 'on account of', 'on behalf of', and used like an adj. to qualify nouns; अर्थेन तु नित्य- समासो विशेष्यनिघ्रता च Vārt.; सन्तानार्थाय विधये R.1.34; तां देवतापित्रतिथिक्रियार्थाम् (धेनुम्) 2.16; द्विजार्था यवागूः Sk.; यज्ञार्थात्कर्मणो$न्यत्र Bg.3.9. It mostly occurs in this sense as अर्थम्, अर्थे or अर्थाय and has an adverbial force; (a) किमर्थम् for what purpose, why; यदर्थम् for whom or which; वेलोपलक्षणार्थम् Ś.4; तद्दर्शनादभूच्छम्भोर्भूयान्दारार्थ- मादरः Ku.6.13; (b) परार्थे प्राज्ञ उत्सृजेत् H.1.41; गवार्थे ब्राह्मणार्थे च Pt.1.42; मदर्थे त्यक्तजीविताः Bg.1.9; (c) सुखार्थाय Pt.4.18; प्रत्याख्याता मया तत्र नलस्यार्थाय देवताः Nala.13.19; ऋतुपर्णस्य चार्थाय 23.9.
    -2 Cause, motive, reason, ground, means; अलुप्तश्च मुनेः क्रियार्थः R. 2.55 means or cause; अतो$र्थात् Ms.2.213.
    -3 Meaning, sense, signification, import; अर्थ is of 3 kinds:-- वाच्य or expressed, लक्ष्य or indicated (secondary), and व्यङ्ग्य or suggested; तददोषौ शब्दार्थौ K. P.1; अर्थो वाच्यश्च लक्ष्यश्च व्यङ्ग्यश्चेति त्रिधा मतः S. D.2; वागर्थाविव R.1.1; अवेक्ष्य धातोर्गमनार्थमर्थवित् 3.21.
    -4 A thing, object, substance; लक्ष्मणो$र्थं ततः श्रुत्वा Rām.7.46.18; अर्थो हि कन्या परकीय एव Ś.4.22; that which can be perceived by the senses, an object of sense; इन्द्रिय˚ H.1.146; Ku.7.71; R.2.51; न निर्बद्धा उपसर्गा अर्थान्निराहुः Nir.; इन्द्रियेभ्यः परा ह्यर्था अर्थेभ्यश्च परं मनः Kaṭh. (the objects of sense are five: रूप, रस, गन्ध, स्पर्श and शब्द); शब्दः स्पर्शो रसो गन्धो रूपं चेत्यर्थजातयः Bhāg.11.22.16.
    -5 (a) An affair, business, matter, work; प्राक् प्रतिपन्नो$यमर्थो$- ङ्गराजाय Ve.3; अर्थो$यमर्थान्तरभाव्य एव Ku.3.18; अर्थो$र्था- नुबन्धी Dk.67; सङ्गीतार्थः Me.66 business of singing i. e. musical concert (apparatus of singing); सन्देशार्थाः Me. 5 matters of message, i. e. messages; (b) Interest, object; स्वार्थसाधनतत्परः Ms.4.196; द्वयमेवार्थसाधनम् R.1. 19;2.21; दुरापे$र्थे 1.72; सर्वार्थचिन्तकः Ms.7.121; माल- विकायां न मे कश्चिदर्थः M.3 I have no interest in M. (c) Subject-matter, contents (as of letters &c.); त्वामव- गतार्थं करिष्यति Mu.1 will acquaint you with the matter; उत्तरो$यं लेखार्थः ibid.; तेन हि अस्य गृहीतार्था भवामि V.2 if so I should know its contents; ननु परिगृहीतार्थो$- स्मि कृतो भवता V.5; तया भवतो$विनयमन्तरेण परिगृहीतार्था कृता देवी M.4 made acquainted with; त्वया गृहीतार्थया अत्रभवती कथं न वारिता 3; अगृहीतार्थे आवाम् Ś.6; इति पौरान् गृहीतार्थान् कृत्वा ibid.
    -6 Wealth, riches, property, money (said to be of 3 kinds: शुक्ल honestly got; शबल got by more or less doubtful means, and कृष्ण dishonestly got;) त्यागाय संभृतार्थानाम् R.1.7; धिगर्थाः कष्टसंश्रयाः Pt.1.163; अर्थानामर्जने दुःखम् ibid.; सस्यार्थास्तस्य मित्राणि1.3; तेषामर्थे नियुञ्जीत शूरान् दक्षान् कुलोद्गतान् Ms.7.62.
    -7 Attainment of riches or worldly prosperity, regarded as one of the four ends of human existence, the other three being धर्म, काम and मोक्ष; with अर्थ and काम, धर्म forms the well-known triad; cf. Ku.5.38; अप्यर्थकामौ तस्यास्तां धर्म एव मनीषिणः R.1.25.
    -8 (a) Use, advantage, profit, good; तथा हि सर्वे तस्यासन् परार्थैकफला गुणाः R.1.29 for the good of others; अर्थान- र्थावुभौ बुद्ध्वा Ms.8.24 good and evil; क्षेत्रिणामर्थः 9.52; यावानर्थ उदपाने सर्वतः सांप्लुतोदके Bg.2.46; also व्यर्थ, निरर्थक q. v. (b) Use, want, need, concern, with instr.; को$र्थः पुत्रेण जातेन Pt.1 what is the use of a son being born; कश्च तेनार्थः Dk.59; को$र्थस्तिरश्चां गुणैः Pt.2.33 what do brutes care for merits; Bh.2.48; योग्येनार्थः कस्य न स्याज्ज- नेन Ś.18.66; नैव तस्य कृतेनार्थो नाकृतेनेह कश्चन Bg.3.18; यदि प्राणैरिहार्थो वो निवर्तध्वम् Rām. को नु मे जीवितेनार्थः Nala.12. 65.
    -9 Asking, begging; request, suit, petition.
    -1 Action, plaint (in law); अर्थ विरागाः पश्यन्ति Rām.2.1. 58; असाक्षिकेषु त्वर्थेषु Ms.8.19.
    -11 The actual state, fact of the matter; as in यथार्थ, अर्थतः, ˚तत्वविद्, यदर्थेन विनामुष्य पुंस आत्मविपर्ययः Bhāg.3.7.1.
    -12 Manner, kind, sort.
    -13 Prevention, warding off; मशकार्थो धूमः; prohibition, abolition (this meaning may also be derived from 1 above).
    -14 Price (perhaps an incorrect form for अर्घ).
    -15 Fruit, result (फलम्). तस्य नानुभवेदर्थं यस्य हेतोः स रोपितः Rām.6.128.7; Mb.12.175.5.
    -16 N. of a son of धर्म.
    -17 The second place from the लग्न (in astr.).
    -18 N. of Viṣṇu.
    -19 The category called अपूर्व (in पूर्वमीमांसा); अर्थ इति अपूर्वं ब्रूमः । ŚB. on MS.7.1.2.
    -2 Force (of a statement or an expres- sion); अर्थाच्च सामर्थ्याच्च क्रमो विधीयते । ŚB. on MS.5.1.2. [अर्थात् = by implication].
    -21 The need, purpose, sense; व्यवधानादर्थो बलीयान् । ŚB. on MS.6.4.23.
    -22 Capacity, power; अर्थाद्वा कल्पनैकदेशत्वात् । Ms.1.4.3 (where Śabara paraphrases अर्थात् by सामर्थ्यात् and states the rule: आख्यातानामर्थं ब्रुवतां शक्तिः सहकारिणी ।), cf. अर्थो$भिधेयरैवस्तुप्रयोजननिवृत्तिषु । मोक्षकारणयोश्च...... Nm.
    -Comp. -अतिदेशः Extension (of gender, number &e.) to the objects (as against words), i. e. to treat a single object as though it were many, a female as though it were male. (तन्त्रवार्त्तिक;
    -अधिकारः charge of money, office of treasurer ˚रे न नियोक्तव्यौ H.2.
    -अधिकारिन् m. a treasurer, one charged with finan- cial duties, finance minister.
    -अनुपपत्तिः f. The difficulty of accounting for or explaining satisfactorily a particular meaning; incongruity of a particular meaning (तन्त्रवार्त्तिक
    -अनुयायिन् a. Following the rules (शास्त्र); तत्त्रिकालहितं वाक्यं धर्म्यमर्थानुयायि च Rām.5.51.21.
    -अन्वेषणम् inquiry after a matter.
    -अन्तरम् 1 another or different meaning.
    -2 another cause or motive; अर्थो$यम- र्थान्तरभाव्य एव Ku.3.18.
    -3 A new matter or circum- stance, new affair.
    -4 opposite or antithetical meaning, difference of meaning. ˚न्यासः a figure of speech in which a general proposition is adduced to support a particular instance, or a particular instance, to support a general proposition; it is an inference from parti- cular to general and vice versa; उक्तिरर्थान्तरन्यासः स्यात् सामान्यविशेषयोः । (1) हनूमानब्धिमतरद् दुष्करं किं महात्मनाम् ॥ (2) गुणवद्वस्तुसंसर्गाद्याति नीचो$पि गौरवम् । पुष्पमालानुषङ्गेण सूत्रं शिरसि धार्यते Kuval.; cf. also K. P.1 and S. D.79. (Ins- tances of this figure abound in Sanskrit literature, especi- ally in the works of Kālidāsa, Māgha and Bhāravi).
    -अन्वित a.
    1 rich, wealthy.
    -2 significant.
    -अभिधान a.
    1 That whose name is connected with the purpose to be served by it; अर्थाभिधानं प्रयोजनसम्बद्धमभिधानं यस्य, यथा पुरोडाश- कपालमिति पुरोडाशार्थं कपालं पुरोडाशकपालम् । ŚB. on MS.4.1. 26.
    -2 Expression or denotation of the desired meaning (वार्त्तिक
    -अर्थिन् a. one who longs for or strives to get wealth or gain any object. अर्थार्थी जीवलोको$यम् । आर्तो जिज्ञासुरर्थार्थी Bg.7.16.
    -अलंकरः a figure of speech determined by and dependent on the sense, and not on sound (opp. शब्दालंकार). अलंकारशेखर of केशवमिश्र mentions (verse 29) fourteen types of अर्थालंकारs as follows:- उपमारूपकोत्प्रेक्षाः समासोक्तिरपह्नुतिः । समाहितं स्वभावश्च विरोधः सारदीपकौ ॥ सहोक्तिरन्यदेशत्वं विशेषोक्तिर्विभावना । एवं स्युरर्थालकारा- श्चतुर्दश न चापरे ॥
    -आगमः 1 acquisition of wealth, income; ˚गमाय स्यात् Pt.1. cf. also अर्थागमो नित्यमरोगिता च H.
    -2 collection of property.
    -3 conveying of sense; S. D.737.
    -आपत्तिः f. [अर्थस्य अनुक्तार्थस्य आपत्तिः सिद्धिः]
    1 an inference from circumstances, presumption, im- plication, one of the five sources of knowledge or modes of proof, according to the Mīmāṁsakas. It is 'deduc- tion of a matter from that which could not else be'; it is 'assumption of a thing, not itself perceived but necessarily implied by another which is seen, heard, or proved'; it is an inference used to account for an apparent inconsistency; as in the familiar instance पीनो देवदत्तो दिवा न भुङ्क्ते the apparent inconsistency between 'fatness' and 'not eating by day' is accounted for by the inference of his 'eating by night'. पीनत्वविशि- ष्टस्य देवदत्तस्य रात्रिभोजित्वरूपार्थस्य शब्दानुक्तस्यापि आपत्तिः. It is defined by Śabara as दृष्टः श्रुतो वार्थो$न्यथा नोपपद्यते इत्यर्थ- कल्पना । यथा जीवति देवदत्ते गृहाभावदर्शनेन बहिर्भावस्यादृष्टस्य कल्पना ॥ Ms.1.1.5. It may be seen from the words दृष्टः and श्रुतः in the above definition, that Śabara has sug- gested two varieties of अर्थापत्ति viz. दृष्टार्थापत्ति and श्रुता- र्थापत्ति. The illustration given by him, however, is of दृष्टार्थापत्ति only. The former i. e. दृष्टार्थापत्ति consists in the presumption of some अदृष्ट अर्थ to account for some दृष्ट अर्थ (or अर्थs) which otherwise becomes inexplicable. The latter, on the other hand, consists in the presump- tion of some अर्थ through अश्रुत शब्द to account for some श्रुत अर्थ (i. e. some statement). This peculiarity of श्रुतार्थापत्ति is clearly stated in the following couplet; यत्र त्वपरिपूर्णस्य वाक्यस्यान्वयसिद्धये । शब्दो$ध्याह्रियते तत्र श्रुतार्थापत्ति- रिष्यते ॥ Mānameyodaya p.129 (ed. by K. Raja, Adyar, 1933). Strictly speaking it is no separate mode of proof; it is only a case of अनुमान and can be proved by a व्यतिरेकव्याप्ति; cf. Tarka. K.17 and S. D.46.
    -2 a figure of speech (according to some rhe- toricians) in which a relevant assertion suggests an inference not actually connected with the the subject in hand, or vice versa; it corresponds to what is popularly called कैमुतिकन्याय or दण्डापूपन्याय; e. g. हारो$यं हरिणाक्षीणां लुण्ठति स्तनमण्डले । मुक्तानामप्यवस्थेयं के वयं स्मरकिङ्कराः Amaru.1; अभितप्तमयो$पि मार्दवं भजते कैव कथा शरीरिषु R.8.43.; S. D. thus defines the figure:- दण्डापूपिकन्यायार्थागमो$र्थापत्तिरिष्यते.
    -उत्पत्तिः f. acquisition of wealth; so ˚उपार्जनम्.
    -उपक्षेपकः an introductory scene (in dramas); अर्थोपक्षेपकाः पञ्च S. D.38. They are विष्कम्भ, चूलिका, अङ्कास्य, अङ्कावतार, प्रवेशक.
    -उपमा a simile dependent on sense and not on sound; see under उपमा.
    -उपार्जनम् Acquiring wealth.
    -उष्मन् m. the glow or warmth of wealth; अर्थोष्मणा विरहितः पुरुषः स एव Bh.2.4.
    -ओघः, -राशिः treasure, hoard of money.
    -कर (
    -री f.),
    -कृत a.
    1 bringing in wealth, enriching; अर्थकरी च विद्या H. Pr.3.
    -2 useful, advan- tageous.
    -कर्मन् n.
    1 a principal action (opp. गुणकर्मन्).
    -2 (as opposed to प्रतिपत्तिकर्मन्), A fruitful act (as opposed to mere disposal or प्रतिपत्ति); अर्थकर्म वा कर्तृ- संयोगात् स्रग्वत् । MS.4.2.17.
    -काम a. desirous of wealth. (-˚मौ dual), wealth and (sensual) desire or pleasure; अप्यर्थकामौ तस्यास्तां धर्म एव मनीषिणः R.1.25. ह्रत्वार्थकामास्तु गुरूनिहैव Bg.2.5.
    -कार्ष्यम् Poverty. निर्बन्धसंजातरुषार्थकार्घ्यमचिन्तयित्वा गुरुणाहमुक्तः R.5.21.
    -काशिन् a. Only apparently of utility (not really).
    -किल्बिषिन् a. dishonest in money-matters.
    -कृच्छ्रम् 1 a difficult matter.
    -2 pecuniary difficulty; व्यसनं वार्थकृच्छ्रे वा Rām.4.7.9; Mb.3.2.19; cf. also Kau. A.1.15 न मुह्येदर्थकृच्छ्रेषु Nīti.
    -कृत्यम् doing or execution of a business; अभ्युपेतार्थकृत्याः Me.4.
    -कोविद a. Expert in a matter, experienced. उवाच रामो धर्मात्मा पुनरप्यर्थकोविदः Rām.6.4.8.
    -क्रमः due order or sequ- ence of purpose.
    -क्रिया (a) An implied act, an act which is to be performed as a matter of course (as opposed to शब्दोक्तक्रिया); असति शब्दोक्ते अर्थक्रिया भवति ŚB. on MS.12.1.12. (b) A purposeful action. (see अर्थकर्मन्).
    -गत a.
    1 based on the sense (as a दोष).
    -2 devoid of sense.
    -गतिः understanding the sense.
    -गुणाः cf. भाविकत्वं सुशब्दत्वं पर्यायोक्तिः सुधर्मिता । चत्वारो$र्थगुणाः प्रोक्ताः परे त्वत्रैव संगताः ॥ अलंकारशेखर 21.
    -गृहम् A treasury. Hariv.
    -गौरवम् depth of meaning; भारवेरर्थगौरवम् Udb., Ki.2.27.
    -घ्न a. (
    घ्नी f.) extrava- gant, wasteful, prodigal; सुरापी व्याधिता धूर्ता वन्ध्यार्थघ्न्य- प्रियंवदा Y.1.73; व्याधिता वाधिवेत्तव्या हिंस्रार्थघ्नी च सर्वदा Ms.9.8.
    -चित्रम् 'variety in sense', a pun, Kāvya- prakāśa.
    -चिन्तक a.
    1 thinking of profit.
    -2 having charge of affairs; सर्वार्थचिन्तकः Ms.7.121.
    -चिन्ता, -चिन्तनम् charge or administration of (royal) affairs; मन्त्री स्यादर्थचिन्तायाम् S. D.
    -जात a.
    1 full of meaning.
    -2 wealthy (जातधन).
    (-तम्) 1 a collection of things.
    -2 large amount of wealth, considerable property; Dk.63, Ś.6; ददाति च नित्यमर्थजातम् Mk.2.7.
    -3 all matters; कवय इव महीपाश्चिन्तयन्त्यर्थजातम् Śi.11.6.
    -4 its own meaning; वहन्द्वयीं यद्यफले$र्थजाते Ki.3.48.
    -ज्ञ a. knowing the sense or purpose; अर्थज्ञ इत्सकलं भद्रमश्नुते Nir.
    -तत्त्वम् 1 the real truth, the fact of the matter; यो$र्थतत्त्वमविज्ञाय क्रोधस्यैव वशं गतः H.4.94.
    -2 the real nature or cause of anything.
    - a.
    1 yielding wealth; Dk.41.
    -2 advantageous, productive of good, useful.
    -3 liberal, munificent Ms.2.19.
    -4 favour- able, compliant. (
    -दः) N. of Kubera.
    -दर्शकः 'one who sees law-suits'; a judge.
    -दर्शनम् perception of objects; कुरुते दीप इवार्थदर्शनम् Ki.2.33; Dk.155.
    -दूषणम् 1 extravagance, waste; H.3.18; Ms.7.48.
    -2 unjust seizure of property or withholding what is due.
    -3 finding fault with the meaning.
    -4 spoiling of another's property.
    -दृश् f. Consideration of truth; क्षेमं त्रिलोकगुरुरर्थदृशं च यच्छन् Bhāg.1.86.21.
    -दृष्टिः Seeing profit; Bhāg.
    -दोषः a literary fault or blemish with regard to the sense, one of the four doṣas or blemishes of literary composition, the other three being परदोष, पदांशदोष, वाक्यदोष; for definitions &c. see K. P.7. अलंकारशेखर of केशवमिश्र who mentions eight types of doṣas as follows: अष्टार्थदोषाः विरस, -ग्राम्य, -व्याहत, -खिन्नताः । -हीना, -धिका, सदृक्साम्यं देशादीनां विरोधि च ॥ 17
    -द्वयविधानम् Injunction of two ideas or senses; विधाने चार्थद्वयविधानं दोषः ŚB. on MS.1.8.7.
    -नित्य a. = अर्थ- प्रधान Nir.
    -निबन्धन a. dependent on wealth.
    -निश्चयः determination, decision.
    -प्रतिः 1 'the lord of riches', a a king; किंचिद् विहस्यार्थपतिं बभाषे R.2.46;1.59;9.3;18.1; Pt.1.74.
    -2 an epithet of Kubera.
    -पदम् N. of the Vārt. on Pāṇini; ससूत्रवृत्त्यर्थपदं महार्थं ससंग्रहं सिद्ध्यति वै कपीन्द्रः Rām.7.36.45.
    -पर, -लुब्ध a.
    1 intent on gaining wealth, greedy of wealth, covetous.
    -2 niggardly, parsimonious; हिंस्रा दयालुरपि चार्थपरा वदान्या Bh.2.47; Pt.1.425.
    -प्रकृतिः f. the leading source or occasion of the grand object in a drama; (the number of these 'sources' is five:-- बीजं बिन्दुः पताका च प्रकरी कार्यमेव च । अर्थप्रकृतयः पञ्च ज्ञात्वा योज्या यथाविधि S. D.317.)
    -प्रयोगः 1 usury.
    -2 administration of the affairs (of a state)
    -प्राप्त a. derived or understood from the sense included as a matter of course, implied; परिसमाप्तिः शब्दार्थः । परिसमाप्त्यामर्थप्राप्तत्वादारम्भस्य । ŚB. on MS.6.2.13.
    -˚त्वम् Inplication.
    -बन्धः 1 arrange- ment of words, composition, text; stanza, verse; संचिन्त्य गीतक्षममर्थबन्धम् Ś.7.5; ललितार्थबन्धम् V.2.14 put or expressed in elegant words.
    -2. connection (of the soul) with the objects of sense.
    -बुद्धि a. selfish.
    -बोधः indication of the (real) import.
    -भाज् a. entitled to a share in the division of property.
    -भावनम् Delibera- tion over a subject (Pātañjala Yogadarśana 1.28).
    -भृत् a. receiving high wages (as a servant).
    -भेदः distinc- tion or difference of meaning; अर्थभेदेन शब्दभेदः.
    -मात्रम्, -त्रा 1 property, wealth; Pt.2.
    -2 the whole sense or object.
    -युक्त a. significant, full of यस्यार्थयुक्तं meaning; गिरिराजशब्दं कुर्वन्ति Ku.1.13.
    -लक्षण a. As determined by the purpose or need (as opposed to शब्दलक्षण); लोके कर्मार्थलक्षणम् Ms.11.1.26.
    -लाभः acquisition of wealth.
    -लोभः avarice.
    -वशः power in the form of discrimination and knowledge. अर्थवशात् सप्तरूपविनिवृत्ताम् Sāvk.65.
    -वादः 1 declaration of any purpose.
    -2 affirmation, declaratory assertion, an explanatory remark, exegesis; speech or assertion having a certain object; a sentence. (It usually recommends a विधि or precept by stating the good arising from its proper observance, and the evils arising from its omission, and also by adducing historical instances in its support; स्तुतिर्निन्दा परकृतिः पुराकल्प इत्यर्थवादः Gaut. Sūt.; said by Laugākṣi to be of 3 kinds:- गुणवादो विरोधे स्यादनु वादो$वधारिते । भूतार्थवादस्तद्धानादर्थ- वादस्त्रिधा मतः; the last kind includes many varieties.)
    -3 one of the six means of finding out the tātparya (real aim and object) of any work.
    -4 praise, eulogy; अर्थवाद एषः । दोषं तु मे कंचित्कथय U.1.
    -विकरणम् = अर्थ- विक्रिया change of meaning.
    -विकल्पः 1 deviation from truth, perversion of fact.
    -2 prevarication; also ˚वैकल्प्यम्
    -विज्ञानम् comprehending the sense, one of the six exercises of the understanding (धीगुण).
    -विद् a. sensible, wise, sagacious. भुङ्क्ते तदपि तच्चान्यो मधुहेवार्थविन्मधु Bhāg.11.18.15. विवक्षतामर्थविदस्तत्क्षणप्रतिसंहृताम् Śi.
    -विद्या knowledge of practical life; Mb.7.
    -विपत्तिः Failing of an aim; समीक्ष्यतां चार्थविपत्तिमार्गताम् Rām.2.19.4.
    -विभावक a. money-giver; विप्रेभ्यो$र्थविभावकः Mb.3.33. 84.
    -विप्रकर्षः difficulty in the comprehension of the sense.
    -विशेषणम् a reprehensive repetition of something uttered by another; S. D.49.
    -वृद्धिः f. accumulation of wealth.
    -व्ययः expenditure; ˚ज्ञ a. conversant with money-matters.
    -शब्दौ Word and sense.
    -शालिन् a. Wealthy.
    -शास्त्रम् 1 the science of wealth (political economy).
    -2 science of polity, political science, politics; अर्थशास्त्रविशारदं सुधन्वानमुपाध्यायम् Rām.2.1.14. Dk.12; इह खलु अर्थशास्त्रकारास्त्रिविधां सिद्धिमुपवर्णयन्ति Mu.3; ˚व्यवहारिन् one dealing with politics, a politician; Mu.5.
    -3 science giving precepts on general conduct, the science of practical life; Pt.1.
    -शौचम् purity or honesty in money-matters; सर्वेषां चैव शौचानामर्थशौचं परं स्मृतं Ms. 5.16.
    -श्री Great wealth.
    -संस्थानम् 1 accumulation of wealth.
    -2 treasury.
    -संग्रहः, -संचयः accumulation or acquisition of wealth, treasure, property. कोशेनाश्रयणी- यत्वमिति तस्यार्थसंग्रहः R.17.6. कुदेशमासाद्य कुतो$र्थसंचयः H.
    -संग्रहः a book on Mīmāṁsā by Laugākṣi Bhāskara.
    -सतत्त्वम् truth; किं पुनरत्रार्थसतत्त्वम् । देवा ज्ञातुमर्हन्ति MBh. or P.VIII.3.72.
    -समाजः aggregate of causes.
    -समाहारः 1 treasure.
    -2 acquisition of wealth.
    -संपद् f. accomplishment of a desired object; उपेत्य संघर्ष- मिवार्थसंपदः Ki.1.15.
    -संपादनम् Carrying out of an affair; Ms.7.168.
    -संबन्धः connection of the sense with the word or sentence.
    -संबन्धिन् a. Concerned or interested in an affair; Ms.8.64.
    -साधक a.
    1 accomplishing any object.
    -2 bringing any matter to a conclusion.
    -सारः considerable wealth; Pt.2.42.
    -सिद्ध a. understood from the very context (though not expressed in words), inferable from the connection of words.
    -सिद्धिः f. fulfilment of a desired object, success. द्वारमिवार्थसिद्धेः R.2.21.
    -हानिः Loss of wealth
    -हारिन् a. stealing money Ks.
    -हर a. inheriting wealth.
    -हीन a.
    1 deprived of wealth, poor.
    -2 unmeaning, nonsensical.
    -3 failing.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > अर्थः _arthḥ

  • 53 Theater, Portuguese

       There are two types of theater in Portugal: classical or "serious" theater and light theater, or the Theater of Review, largely the Revistas de Lisboa (Lisbon Reviews). Modern theater, mostly but not exclusively centered in Lisbon, experienced an unfortunate impact from official censorship during the Estado Novo (1926-74). Following laws passed in 1927, the government decreed that, as a cultural activity, any theatrical presentations that were judged "offensive in law, in morality and in decent customs" were prohibited. One consequence that derived from the risk of prohibition was that directors and playwrights began to practice self-censorship. This discouraged liberal and experimental theatrical work, weakened commercial investment in theater, and made employment in much theater a risky business, with indifferent public support.
       Despite these political obstacles and the usual risks and difficulties of producing live theater in competition first with emerging cinema and then with television (which began in any case only after 1957), some good theatrical work flourished. Two of the century's greatest repertory actresses, Amélia Rey-Colaço (1898-1990) and Maria Matos (1890-1962), put together talented acting companies and performed well-received classical theater. Two periods witnessed a brief diminution of censorship: following World War II (1945-47) and during Prime Minister Marcello Caetano's government (1968-74). Although Portuguese playwrights also produced comedies and dramas, some of the best productions reached the stage under the authorship of foreign playwrights: Shakespeare, George Bernard Shaw, Arthur Miller, and others.
       A major new phase of Portuguese serious theater began in the 1960s, with the staging of challenging plays by playwrights José Cardoso Pires, Luis Sttau Monteiro, and Bernardo Santareno. Since the Revolution of 25 April 1974, more funds for experimental theater have become available, and government censorship ceased. As in so much of Western European theater, however, the general public tended to favor not plays with serious content but techno-hits that featured foreign imports, including musicals, or homegrown musicals on familiar themes. Nevertheless, after 1974, the theater scene was enlivened, not only in Lisbon, but also in Oporto, Coimbra, and other cities.
       The Theater of Review, or light theater, was introduced to Portugal in the 19th century and was based largely on French models. Adapted to the Portuguese scene, the Lisbon reviews featured pageantry, costume, comic skits, music (including the ever popular fado), dance, and slapstick humor and satire. Despite censorship, its heyday occurred actually during the Estado Novo, before 1968. Of all the performing arts, the Lisbon reviews enjoyed the greatest freedom from official political censorship. Certain periods featured more limited censorship, as cited earlier (1945-47 and 1968-74). The main venue of the Theater of Review was located in central Lisbon's Parque Mayer, an amusement park that featured four review theaters: Maria Vitória, Variedades, Capitólio, and ABC.
       Many actors and stage designers, as well as some musicians, served their apprenticeship in the Lisbon reviews before they moved into film and television. Noted fado singers, the fadistas, and composers plied their trade in Parque Mayer and built popular followings. The subjects of the reviews, often with provocative titles, varied greatly and followed contemporary social, economic, and even political fashion and trends, but audiences especially liked satire directed against convention and custom. If political satire was not passed by the censor in the press or on television, sometimes the Lisbon reviews, by the use of indirection and allegory, could get by with subtle critiques of some personalities in politics and society. A humorous stereotyping of customs of "the people," usually conceived of as Lisbon street people or naive "country bumpkins," was also popular. To a much greater degree than in classical, serious theater, the Lisbon review audiences steadily supported this form of public presentation. But the zenith of this form of theater had been passed by the late 1960s as audiences dwindled, production expenses rose, and film and television offered competition.
       The hopes that governance under Prime Minister Marcello Caetano would bring a new season of freedom of expression in the light theater or serious theater were dashed by 1970-71, as censorship again bore down. With revolution in the offing, change was in the air, and could be observed in a change of review show title. A Lisbon review show title on the eve of the Revolution of 25 April 1974, was altered from: 'To See, to Hear... and Be Quiet" to the suggestive, "To See, to Hear... and to Talk." The review theater experienced several difficult years after 1980, and virtually ceased to exist in Parque Mayer. In the late 1990s, nevertheless, this traditional form of entertainment underwent a gradual revival. Audiences again began to troop to renovated theater space in the amusement park to enjoy once again new lively and humorous reviews, cast for a new century and applied to Portugal today.

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > Theater, Portuguese

  • 54 Artificial Intelligence

       In my opinion, none of [these programs] does even remote justice to the complexity of human mental processes. Unlike men, "artificially intelligent" programs tend to be single minded, undistractable, and unemotional. (Neisser, 1967, p. 9)
       Future progress in [artificial intelligence] will depend on the development of both practical and theoretical knowledge.... As regards theoretical knowledge, some have sought a unified theory of artificial intelligence. My view is that artificial intelligence is (or soon will be) an engineering discipline since its primary goal is to build things. (Nilsson, 1971, pp. vii-viii)
       Most workers in AI [artificial intelligence] research and in related fields confess to a pronounced feeling of disappointment in what has been achieved in the last 25 years. Workers entered the field around 1950, and even around 1960, with high hopes that are very far from being realized in 1972. In no part of the field have the discoveries made so far produced the major impact that was then promised.... In the meantime, claims and predictions regarding the potential results of AI research had been publicized which went even farther than the expectations of the majority of workers in the field, whose embarrassments have been added to by the lamentable failure of such inflated predictions....
       When able and respected scientists write in letters to the present author that AI, the major goal of computing science, represents "another step in the general process of evolution"; that possibilities in the 1980s include an all-purpose intelligence on a human-scale knowledge base; that awe-inspiring possibilities suggest themselves based on machine intelligence exceeding human intelligence by the year 2000 [one has the right to be skeptical]. (Lighthill, 1972, p. 17)
       4) Just as Astronomy Succeeded Astrology, the Discovery of Intellectual Processes in Machines Should Lead to a Science, Eventually
       Just as astronomy succeeded astrology, following Kepler's discovery of planetary regularities, the discoveries of these many principles in empirical explorations on intellectual processes in machines should lead to a science, eventually. (Minsky & Papert, 1973, p. 11)
       Many problems arise in experiments on machine intelligence because things obvious to any person are not represented in any program. One can pull with a string, but one cannot push with one.... Simple facts like these caused serious problems when Charniak attempted to extend Bobrow's "Student" program to more realistic applications, and they have not been faced up to until now. (Minsky & Papert, 1973, p. 77)
       What do we mean by [a symbolic] "description"? We do not mean to suggest that our descriptions must be made of strings of ordinary language words (although they might be). The simplest kind of description is a structure in which some features of a situation are represented by single ("primitive") symbols, and relations between those features are represented by other symbols-or by other features of the way the description is put together. (Minsky & Papert, 1973, p. 11)
       [AI is] the use of computer programs and programming techniques to cast light on the principles of intelligence in general and human thought in particular. (Boden, 1977, p. 5)
       The word you look for and hardly ever see in the early AI literature is the word knowledge. They didn't believe you have to know anything, you could always rework it all.... In fact 1967 is the turning point in my mind when there was enough feeling that the old ideas of general principles had to go.... I came up with an argument for what I called the primacy of expertise, and at the time I called the other guys the generalists. (Moses, quoted in McCorduck, 1979, pp. 228-229)
       9) Artificial Intelligence Is Psychology in a Particularly Pure and Abstract Form
       The basic idea of cognitive science is that intelligent beings are semantic engines-in other words, automatic formal systems with interpretations under which they consistently make sense. We can now see why this includes psychology and artificial intelligence on a more or less equal footing: people and intelligent computers (if and when there are any) turn out to be merely different manifestations of the same underlying phenomenon. Moreover, with universal hardware, any semantic engine can in principle be formally imitated by a computer if only the right program can be found. And that will guarantee semantic imitation as well, since (given the appropriate formal behavior) the semantics is "taking care of itself" anyway. Thus we also see why, from this perspective, artificial intelligence can be regarded as psychology in a particularly pure and abstract form. The same fundamental structures are under investigation, but in AI, all the relevant parameters are under direct experimental control (in the programming), without any messy physiology or ethics to get in the way. (Haugeland, 1981b, p. 31)
       There are many different kinds of reasoning one might imagine:
        Formal reasoning involves the syntactic manipulation of data structures to deduce new ones following prespecified rules of inference. Mathematical logic is the archetypical formal representation. Procedural reasoning uses simulation to answer questions and solve problems. When we use a program to answer What is the sum of 3 and 4? it uses, or "runs," a procedural model of arithmetic. Reasoning by analogy seems to be a very natural mode of thought for humans but, so far, difficult to accomplish in AI programs. The idea is that when you ask the question Can robins fly? the system might reason that "robins are like sparrows, and I know that sparrows can fly, so robins probably can fly."
        Generalization and abstraction are also natural reasoning process for humans that are difficult to pin down well enough to implement in a program. If one knows that Robins have wings, that Sparrows have wings, and that Blue jays have wings, eventually one will believe that All birds have wings. This capability may be at the core of most human learning, but it has not yet become a useful technique in AI.... Meta- level reasoning is demonstrated by the way one answers the question What is Paul Newman's telephone number? You might reason that "if I knew Paul Newman's number, I would know that I knew it, because it is a notable fact." This involves using "knowledge about what you know," in particular, about the extent of your knowledge and about the importance of certain facts. Recent research in psychology and AI indicates that meta-level reasoning may play a central role in human cognitive processing. (Barr & Feigenbaum, 1981, pp. 146-147)
       Suffice it to say that programs already exist that can do things-or, at the very least, appear to be beginning to do things-which ill-informed critics have asserted a priori to be impossible. Examples include: perceiving in a holistic as opposed to an atomistic way; using language creatively; translating sensibly from one language to another by way of a language-neutral semantic representation; planning acts in a broad and sketchy fashion, the details being decided only in execution; distinguishing between different species of emotional reaction according to the psychological context of the subject. (Boden, 1981, p. 33)
       Can the synthesis of Man and Machine ever be stable, or will the purely organic component become such a hindrance that it has to be discarded? If this eventually happens-and I have... good reasons for thinking that it must-we have nothing to regret and certainly nothing to fear. (Clarke, 1984, p. 243)
       The thesis of GOFAI... is not that the processes underlying intelligence can be described symbolically... but that they are symbolic. (Haugeland, 1985, p. 113)
        14) Artificial Intelligence Provides a Useful Approach to Psychological and Psychiatric Theory Formation
       It is all very well formulating psychological and psychiatric theories verbally but, when using natural language (even technical jargon), it is difficult to recognise when a theory is complete; oversights are all too easily made, gaps too readily left. This is a point which is generally recognised to be true and it is for precisely this reason that the behavioural sciences attempt to follow the natural sciences in using "classical" mathematics as a more rigorous descriptive language. However, it is an unfortunate fact that, with a few notable exceptions, there has been a marked lack of success in this application. It is my belief that a different approach-a different mathematics-is needed, and that AI provides just this approach. (Hand, quoted in Hand, 1985, pp. 6-7)
       We might distinguish among four kinds of AI.
       Research of this kind involves building and programming computers to perform tasks which, to paraphrase Marvin Minsky, would require intelligence if they were done by us. Researchers in nonpsychological AI make no claims whatsoever about the psychological realism of their programs or the devices they build, that is, about whether or not computers perform tasks as humans do.
       Research here is guided by the view that the computer is a useful tool in the study of mind. In particular, we can write computer programs or build devices that simulate alleged psychological processes in humans and then test our predictions about how the alleged processes work. We can weave these programs and devices together with other programs and devices that simulate different alleged mental processes and thereby test the degree to which the AI system as a whole simulates human mentality. According to weak psychological AI, working with computer models is a way of refining and testing hypotheses about processes that are allegedly realized in human minds.
    ... According to this view, our minds are computers and therefore can be duplicated by other computers. Sherry Turkle writes that the "real ambition is of mythic proportions, making a general purpose intelligence, a mind." (Turkle, 1984, p. 240) The authors of a major text announce that "the ultimate goal of AI research is to build a person or, more humbly, an animal." (Charniak & McDermott, 1985, p. 7)
       Research in this field, like strong psychological AI, takes seriously the functionalist view that mentality can be realized in many different types of physical devices. Suprapsychological AI, however, accuses strong psychological AI of being chauvinisticof being only interested in human intelligence! Suprapsychological AI claims to be interested in all the conceivable ways intelligence can be realized. (Flanagan, 1991, pp. 241-242)
        16) Determination of Relevance of Rules in Particular Contexts
       Even if the [rules] were stored in a context-free form the computer still couldn't use them. To do that the computer requires rules enabling it to draw on just those [ rules] which are relevant in each particular context. Determination of relevance will have to be based on further facts and rules, but the question will again arise as to which facts and rules are relevant for making each particular determination. One could always invoke further facts and rules to answer this question, but of course these must be only the relevant ones. And so it goes. It seems that AI workers will never be able to get started here unless they can settle the problem of relevance beforehand by cataloguing types of context and listing just those facts which are relevant in each. (Dreyfus & Dreyfus, 1986, p. 80)
       Perhaps the single most important idea to artificial intelligence is that there is no fundamental difference between form and content, that meaning can be captured in a set of symbols such as a semantic net. (G. Johnson, 1986, p. 250)
        18) The Assumption That the Mind Is a Formal System
       Artificial intelligence is based on the assumption that the mind can be described as some kind of formal system manipulating symbols that stand for things in the world. Thus it doesn't matter what the brain is made of, or what it uses for tokens in the great game of thinking. Using an equivalent set of tokens and rules, we can do thinking with a digital computer, just as we can play chess using cups, salt and pepper shakers, knives, forks, and spoons. Using the right software, one system (the mind) can be mapped into the other (the computer). (G. Johnson, 1986, p. 250)
        19) A Statement of the Primary and Secondary Purposes of Artificial Intelligence
       The primary goal of Artificial Intelligence is to make machines smarter.
       The secondary goals of Artificial Intelligence are to understand what intelligence is (the Nobel laureate purpose) and to make machines more useful (the entrepreneurial purpose). (Winston, 1987, p. 1)
       The theoretical ideas of older branches of engineering are captured in the language of mathematics. We contend that mathematical logic provides the basis for theory in AI. Although many computer scientists already count logic as fundamental to computer science in general, we put forward an even stronger form of the logic-is-important argument....
       AI deals mainly with the problem of representing and using declarative (as opposed to procedural) knowledge. Declarative knowledge is the kind that is expressed as sentences, and AI needs a language in which to state these sentences. Because the languages in which this knowledge usually is originally captured (natural languages such as English) are not suitable for computer representations, some other language with the appropriate properties must be used. It turns out, we think, that the appropriate properties include at least those that have been uppermost in the minds of logicians in their development of logical languages such as the predicate calculus. Thus, we think that any language for expressing knowledge in AI systems must be at least as expressive as the first-order predicate calculus. (Genesereth & Nilsson, 1987, p. viii)
        21) Perceptual Structures Can Be Represented as Lists of Elementary Propositions
       In artificial intelligence studies, perceptual structures are represented as assemblages of description lists, the elementary components of which are propositions asserting that certain relations hold among elements. (Chase & Simon, 1988, p. 490)
       Artificial intelligence (AI) is sometimes defined as the study of how to build and/or program computers to enable them to do the sorts of things that minds can do. Some of these things are commonly regarded as requiring intelligence: offering a medical diagnosis and/or prescription, giving legal or scientific advice, proving theorems in logic or mathematics. Others are not, because they can be done by all normal adults irrespective of educational background (and sometimes by non-human animals too), and typically involve no conscious control: seeing things in sunlight and shadows, finding a path through cluttered terrain, fitting pegs into holes, speaking one's own native tongue, and using one's common sense. Because it covers AI research dealing with both these classes of mental capacity, this definition is preferable to one describing AI as making computers do "things that would require intelligence if done by people." However, it presupposes that computers could do what minds can do, that they might really diagnose, advise, infer, and understand. One could avoid this problematic assumption (and also side-step questions about whether computers do things in the same way as we do) by defining AI instead as "the development of computers whose observable performance has features which in humans we would attribute to mental processes." This bland characterization would be acceptable to some AI workers, especially amongst those focusing on the production of technological tools for commercial purposes. But many others would favour a more controversial definition, seeing AI as the science of intelligence in general-or, more accurately, as the intellectual core of cognitive science. As such, its goal is to provide a systematic theory that can explain (and perhaps enable us to replicate) both the general categories of intentionality and the diverse psychological capacities grounded in them. (Boden, 1990b, pp. 1-2)
       Because the ability to store data somewhat corresponds to what we call memory in human beings, and because the ability to follow logical procedures somewhat corresponds to what we call reasoning in human beings, many members of the cult have concluded that what computers do somewhat corresponds to what we call thinking. It is no great difficulty to persuade the general public of that conclusion since computers process data very fast in small spaces well below the level of visibility; they do not look like other machines when they are at work. They seem to be running along as smoothly and silently as the brain does when it remembers and reasons and thinks. On the other hand, those who design and build computers know exactly how the machines are working down in the hidden depths of their semiconductors. Computers can be taken apart, scrutinized, and put back together. Their activities can be tracked, analyzed, measured, and thus clearly understood-which is far from possible with the brain. This gives rise to the tempting assumption on the part of the builders and designers that computers can tell us something about brains, indeed, that the computer can serve as a model of the mind, which then comes to be seen as some manner of information processing machine, and possibly not as good at the job as the machine. (Roszak, 1994, pp. xiv-xv)
       The inner workings of the human mind are far more intricate than the most complicated systems of modern technology. Researchers in the field of artificial intelligence have been attempting to develop programs that will enable computers to display intelligent behavior. Although this field has been an active one for more than thirty-five years and has had many notable successes, AI researchers still do not know how to create a program that matches human intelligence. No existing program can recall facts, solve problems, reason, learn, and process language with human facility. This lack of success has occurred not because computers are inferior to human brains but rather because we do not yet know in sufficient detail how intelligence is organized in the brain. (Anderson, 1995, p. 2)

    Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Artificial Intelligence

  • 55 С-339

    ДЛЯ (РАДИ) КРАСНОГО СЛОВЦА говорить, острить и т. п. coll, occas. disapprov PrepP these forms only adv fixed WO
    (to say sth.) in an attempt to show how witty, clever etc one is, in order to show off in conversation
    just for (the) effect
    (just) to create an impression (in limited contexts) just to be witty for (its) eloquence alone to make it sound good.
    Она нисколёшенько не верила Егоршиным сказкам насчёт коровы. Сбрехнул, для красного словца сказал (Абрамов 1). She did not believe Egorsha's yarn about the cow one little bit. He was fibbing, he'd said it just for effect (1a).
    Он (Авессалом) никогда не острил бесцельно, ради красного словца. Он делал это по заданиям юмористических журналов (Ильф и Петров 1). Не (Absalom) never made them (jokes) without reason, just for the effect. He made them to order for humorous journals (1a).
    He нужно на них сердиться, они наивные, добрые, очень добрые... только вот дурачества иногда говорят, глупости, ради красного словца... (Трифонов 1). There was no need to get angry with them. They were naive and goodhearted, terribly goodhearted....It was just that they sometimes said dumb, stupid things, just to be witty (1a).
    Пушкин как-то сказал: «Гений и злодейство несовместны»... И чем больше я думаю о литературе и судьбах писателей, тем больше убеждаюсь, что сказано это было не для красного словца (Войнович 1). Pushkin once said: "Genius and crime are incompatible."...The more I think about literature and the fates of various writers, the more I am convinced that Pushkin did not make that statement for its eloquence alone (1a).
    „Хоть мы идем и разными путями, но я глубокий поклонник вашего таланта. Даже если хотите - ученик. Ваш и Хлебникова. Хлебников гений. Вы до известной степени тоже". Ну, тут он (Блок! для красного словца немножко загнул...» (Катаев 3). "Though we are following different paths, I am a profound admirer of your talent Perhaps even a pupil. Yours and Khlebnikovs. Khlebnikov is a genius So, to some extent, are you.' But here he (Blok) stretched a point to make it sound good.." (3a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > С-339

  • 56 находить

    (= найти) find, locate, discover, come across, detect
    ... можно найти аналогично. -... can be found similarly.
    Безусловно, необходимо найти условия, при которых... - It is, of course, necessary to determine conditions under which...
    Более полное обсуждение (вопроса) может быть найдено в литературе. - A fuller discussion can be found in the literature.
    Возвращаясь к соотношению (1), мы находим, что... - Referring back to (1), we find that...
    Детали этого метода можно найти в [1]. - Details of the method can be found in Smith [1].
    Затем возможно найти... - It is then possible to determine...
    Используя этот метод, они нашли, что... - Using the method, they found that...; Using the method, they learned that...; Using the method, they determined that...; Using the method, they discovered that...
    Мы хотим найти число... - We wish to find the number of...
    Мы можем найти х согласно (формуле (5) и т. п.). - We can determine x according to...
    Мы можем сразу применить данную теорему, чтобы найти... - We can at once apply this theorem to find...
    Мы находим из уравнения (3), что... - We deduce from Eq. (3) that...
    Мы никогда не можем точно найти... - We can never determine exactly...
    Наша задача состоит в том, чтобы найти... - Our task now is to find...
    Некоторые дальнейшие замечания можно найти в главе 2. - Some further remarks may be found in Chapter 2.
    Описание данного эффекта можно найти в статье [1]. A description of this effect can be found in Smith [1].
    Предположим, что мы желаем найти... - Let us suppose that we wish to find...
    Прибор быстро находит критические зоны. - The instrument quickly locates critical zones.
    Продолжая как ранее, мы находим, что... - Proceeding as above, we find that...
    Следуя рассуждениям Смита [1], мы находим удобным (рассматривать и т. п.)... - Following Smith [l], we shall find it convenient to...
    Смит [1] нашел метод для... - Smith [l] discovered a method for...
    Теорема может быть использована, чтобы находить решения... - This theorem can be used to find all solutions of...
    Теперь мы можем найти некоторые дополнительные свойства... - We are now in a position to determine some further properties of...
    Теперь попытаемся найти... - Let us now attempt to find...
    Читатель найдет поучительным... - The reader will find it instructive to...
    Читатель найдет этот результат в любом учебнике... The reader will find this result in any textbook on...
    Читатель найдет, что... - The reader will find that...
    Что еще хуже, кажется, мы не можем найти... - Worse yet, we cannot seem to find...
    Эта методика находит в настоящее время все возрастающее применение. - This procedure is finding increasing use.
    Это свойство позволяет найти... - This property enables one to find...

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > находить

  • 57 только

    (= лишь) only, solely, merely, just, alone, but, not until
    (Он) только изредка упоминался в литературе. - It has been received only occasional attention in the literature.
    В общем случае этого не произойдет, если только не... - This will not happen, in general, unless...
    Движение точки С начинается как только точка А попадает в положение В. - As A arrives at В, С begins to move.
    До сих пор в наших обсуждениях мы имели дело только с... - In our considerations so far we have dealt only with...
    Здесь будет рассмотрен только последний (= второй) случай. - Only the latter case will be treated here.
    Здесь мы можем только показать, что... - We can show here only that...
    Мы только заметим, что... - We mention in passing that...
    Мы только лишь поцарапали поверхность... - We have barely scratched the surface of...
    Мы только слегка коснемся проблемы в последующей главе. - The problem is only touched on in the later chapter.
    Мы только что доказали, что... - We have just proved that...
    Мы требуем только, чтобы... - We require only that...
    Она (задача) будет иметь решение тогда и только тогда, когда... - This will have a solution if and only if...
    Очевидно, что выполнение соотношения (1) возможно только тогда, когда... - The fulfillment of (1), clearly, is possible only if...
    Понятно, что один только этот процесс не мог бы привести к... - Clearly such a process alone could not lead to...
    Решение может существовать только при выполнении следующих условий. - A solution can exist only under the following conditions.
    Только в последние годы мы пришли к пониманию, что... - Only in recent years have we come to understand that...
    Только недавно стало возможным... - Only recently has it become feasible to...
    Только при очень специальных условиях... - Only in very special circumstances...
    Только те элементы из пятой колонки таблицы могут использоваться для этой цели. - Only those elements in the fifth column of the table can be used for this purpose.
    Только физик мог бы сделать подобное замечание. - Only a physicist would make such a remark.
    Только через 10 лет... - It was not until 10 years later that...; It was another 10 years before...
    Только что было доказано, что... - It has just been proved that...
    Только что описанный метод известен как... - The procedure we have described is known as...
    Только что приведенный пример является специальным случаем... - The example just given is a special case of...
    Точное решение возможно только если... - An exact solution is only possible if...
    Уравнения разделяются только в определенных специальных случаях. - The equations decouple only in certain special cases.
    Ученая степень может быть присуждена только после успешного выполнения всех требований. - The degree can be rewarded only after successful completion of all requirements.
    Электрическое поле зависит только лишь от β и φ. - The electric field depends solely on β and φ
    Эти уравнения имеют нетривиальное решение, только если... - These equations have a nontrivial solution only if...
    Это следует только через посредство... - This follows merely by virtue of...
    Это решение строго приложимо только если... - This solution applies strictly only when...
    Это уравнение имеет одно и только одно решение. - This equation has one and only one solution.
    Это утверждение становится понятным только когда... - This point becomes clear only when...

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > только

  • 58 для красного словца

    ДЛЯ < РАДИ> КРАСНОГО СЛОВЦА говорить, острить и т.п. coll, occas. disapprov
    [PrepP; these forms only; adv; fixed WO]
    (to say sth.) in an attempt to show how witty, clever etc one is, in order to show off in conversation:
    - [in limited contexts] just to be witty;
    - to make it sound good.
         ♦ Она нисколёшенько не верила Егоршиным сказкам насчёт коровы. Сорехнул, для красного словца сказал (Абрамов 1). She did not believe Egorsha's yarn about the cow one little bit. He was fibbing; he'd said it just for effect (1a).
         ♦ Он [Авессалом] никогда не острил бесцельно, ради красного словца. Он делал это по заданиям юмористических журналов (Ильф и Петров 1). Не [Absalom] never made them [jokes] without reason, just for the effect. He made them to order for humorous journals (1a).
         ♦ Не нужно на них сердиться, они наивные, добрые, очень добрые... только вот дурачества иногда говорят, глупости, ради красного словца... (Трифонов 1). There was no need to get angry with them. They were naive and goodhearted, terribly goodhearted....It was just that they sometimes said dumb, stupid things, just to be witty (1a).
         ♦ Пушкин как-то сказал: " Гений и злодейство несовместны"... И чем больше я думаю о литературе и судьбах писателей, тем больше убеждаюсь, что сказано это было не для красного словца (Войнович 1). Pushkin once said: "Genius and crime are incompatible."...The more I think about literature and the fates of various writers, the more I am convinced that Pushkin did not make that statement for its eloquence alone (1a).
    ♦ ""Хоть мы идем и разными путями, но я глубокий поклонник вашего таланта. Даже если хотите - ученик. Ваш и Хлебникова. Хлебников гений. Вы до известной степени тоже". Ну, тут он [Блок] для красного словца немножко загнул..." (Катаев 3). '"Though we are following different paths, I am a profound admirer of your talent Perhaps even a pupil. Yours and Khlebnikovs. Khlebnikov is a genius So, to some extent, are you.' But here he [Blok] stretched a point to make it sound good..." (3a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > для красного словца

  • 59 ради красного словца

    ДЛЯ < РАДИ> КРАСНОГО СЛОВЦА говорить, острить и т.п. coll, occas. disapprov
    [PrepP; these forms only; adv; fixed WO]
    (to say sth.) in an attempt to show how witty, clever etc one is, in order to show off in conversation:
    - [in limited contexts] just to be witty;
    - to make it sound good.
         ♦ Она нисколёшенько не верила Егоршиным сказкам насчёт коровы. Сорехнул, для красного словца сказал (Абрамов 1). She did not believe Egorsha's yarn about the cow one little bit. He was fibbing; he'd said it just for effect (1a).
         ♦ Он [Авессалом] никогда не острил бесцельно, ради красного словца. Он делал это по заданиям юмористических журналов (Ильф и Петров 1). Не [Absalom] never made them [jokes] without reason, just for the effect. He made them to order for humorous journals (1a).
         ♦ Не нужно на них сердиться, они наивные, добрые, очень добрые... только вот дурачества иногда говорят, глупости, ради красного словца... (Трифонов 1). There was no need to get angry with them. They were naive and goodhearted, terribly goodhearted....It was just that they sometimes said dumb, stupid things, just to be witty (1a).
         ♦ Пушкин как-то сказал: " Гений и злодейство несовместны"... И чем больше я думаю о литературе и судьбах писателей, тем больше убеждаюсь, что сказано это было не для красного словца (Войнович 1). Pushkin once said: "Genius and crime are incompatible."...The more I think about literature and the fates of various writers, the more I am convinced that Pushkin did not make that statement for its eloquence alone (1a).
    ♦ ""Хоть мы идем и разными путями, но я глубокий поклонник вашего таланта. Даже если хотите - ученик. Ваш и Хлебникова. Хлебников гений. Вы до известной степени тоже". Ну, тут он [Блок] для красного словца немножко загнул..." (Катаев 3). '"Though we are following different paths, I am a profound admirer of your talent Perhaps even a pupil. Yours and Khlebnikovs. Khlebnikov is a genius So, to some extent, are you.' But here he [Blok] stretched a point to make it sound good..." (3a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > ради красного словца

  • 60 experto1

    1 = expert, referee, talent, expert witness, pundit, publication referee, techie, peer reviewer, technie, leading expert, hired gun, scholar.
    Ex. Standard reference works and experts may be consulted.
    Ex. The contributions are input to the data base, then referred and any suggestion made by the referee are communicated through the data base to the editor.
    Ex. The company sponsoring the award wants to find out how much can be done in terms of effective public relations and publicity using only local library talent.
    Ex. Appearing as an expert witness the librarian proved that, between 1943-55, a librarian following standard library practices of the time could have identified and located literature on the subject of the health effects of exposure to asbestos and the means of controlling dust in the mining and milling of asbestos.
    Ex. Neither pundit from the past, nor sage from the schools, neither authorised body nor inspired individual has come forward with a definition acceptable to all practising librarians as theirs and theirs alone, sharply defining them as a group.
    Ex. This does not imply that the abstractor becomes a publication referee, trying to second-guess decisions already made by editors.
    Ex. The article 'CD-ROMs for techies' profiles CD-ROM based tools providing personal computer technical support.
    Ex. All papers undergo blind review by external peer reviewers.
    Ex. The information superhighway is more than just a technies' playground.
    Ex. Each session will be chaired by a leading expert on the topic.
    Ex. Why not get a 'hired gun' who will do the job in the least time and give us the opinion we're looking for?.
    Ex. Under 'American scholar' he found editions published beginning, I believe, in the 1880s.
    * círculo de expertos = network.
    * comité de expertos = professional committee.
    * como un experto = expertly.
    * consultar con otro experto = get + a second opinion.
    * encuentro entre expertos = meeting of (the) minds.
    * evaluación por expertos = peer review, refereeing, peer reviewing.
    * evaluación por expertos abierta = open refereeing.
    * evaluación por expertos anónima = blind refereeing.
    * evaluado por expertos = peer-reviewed, expertly appraised, refereed.
    * evaluar por expertos = referee.
    * evaluar por expertos doblemente = double referee.
    * experto bibliotecario = library expert.
    * experto empresarial = industry observer.
    * experto en = well versed in.
    * experto en conservación = preservationist.
    * experto en desactivación de bombas = detonation expert.
    * experto en desactivación de explosivos = detonation expert.
    * experto en dietética = dietitian [dietician], diet expert.
    * experto en informática = computer expert.
    * experto en la confección de documentos web = text mark-up expert.
    * experto en la materia = subject expert.
    * experto en medicina = medical expert.
    * experto en nutrición = nutritionist.
    * experto en recursos = resource person [resource people -pl.].
    * experto en tecnología = technologist.
    * experto fiscal = fiscal officer.
    * experto jurídico = legal expert.
    * expertos, los = experienced, the.
    * experto técnico = technical expert.
    * grupo de expertos = cadre, brains trust, group of experts, network, think tank.
    * panel de expertos = expert panel.
    * predicciones de expertos = punditry.
    * previsiones de expertos = punditry.
    * procedimiento de evaluación por expertos = refereeing procedure.
    * pronósticos de expertos = punditry.
    * pronunciamientos de expertos = punditry.
    * reunión de expertos = expert meeting [experts' meeting].
    * revista evaluada por expertos = refereed journal, peer-reviewed journal.
    * ser un experto en = be knowledgeable about.
    * ser un experto en la materia = know + Posesivo + stuff.
    * sin ser evaluado por expertos = unrefereed.
    * someter a una evaluación por expertos doble = double referee.
    * toma de contacto entre expertos = meeting of (the) minds.

    Spanish-English dictionary > experto1

См. также в других словарях:

  • LITERATURE, JEWISH — Literature on Jewish themes and in languages regarded as Jewish has been written continuously for the past 3,000 years. What the term Jewish literature encompasses, however, demands definition, since Jews have lived in so many countries and have… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Literature Circles — are a student s equivalent in the classroom of an adult book club. The aim is to encourage student choice and a love of reading in young people. The true intent of Literature Circles is to allow students to practice and develop the skills and… …   Wikipedia

  • Literature — is the art of written works. Literally translated, the word means acquaintance with letters (from Latin littera letter). In Western culture the most basic written literary types include fiction and non fiction.DefinitionsThe word literature has… …   Wikipedia

  • Literature and Revolution — is a classic work of literary criticism from the Marxist standpoint written by Leon Trotsky in 1924. By discussing the various literary trends that were around in Russia between the revolutions of 1905 and 1917 Trotsky analysed the concrete… …   Wikipedia

  • literature — /lit euhr euh cheuhr, choor , li treuh /, n. 1. writings in which expression and form, in connection with ideas of permanent and universal interest, are characteristic or essential features, as poetry, novels, history, biography, and essays. 2.… …   Universalium

  • Literature in the Hoysala Empire — The Hoysala Empire (1025 ndash;1343), in what is now southern India, produced a large body of literature in the Kannada and Sanskrit languages.Kamath (2001), p. 132] The empire was established by Nripa Kama II, came into political prominence… …   Wikipedia

  • Literature of Singapore — The literature of Singapore comprises a collection of literary works by Singaporeans in any of the country s four main languages: English, Chinese, Malay and Tamil. While Singaporean literary works may be considered as also belonging to the… …   Wikipedia

  • Literature of Morocco — Moroccan literature is a literature written in (Moroccan) Arabic, Berber or French, and of course particularly by people of Morocco, but also of Al Andalus. 1000 1500Moroccan literature saw its first flowering in the period of the Almoravid… …   Wikipedia

  • Literature of Brazil — The Literature of Brazil refers to literature written in the Portuguese language by Brazilians or in Brazil, even if prior to Brazil s independence from Portugal, in 1822. During the 20th century Brazilian literature gradually shifted to a… …   Wikipedia

  • literature, children’s and teenage —    The 1950s and 1960s are often described as a golden age of children’s literature in Britain. This is ascribed to the breakdown of prewar ideologies and the absence of post 1970 political correctness. Fiction of this period fused the exciting… …   Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture

  • Literature —    Where German literature ends and Austrian literature begins has long been contested by academics and ideologues. Poets in the Austrian lands were part of the general German literary scene of the Middle Ages; in the 12th and 13th centuries both …   Historical dictionary of Austria

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