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  • 1 Request-to-Exit

    Security: RTE

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Request-to-Exit

  • 2 extrance-exit panel

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > extrance-exit panel

  • 3 RTE

    1) Компьютерная техника: Remote Terminal Emulator, Rich Text Editing
    2) Американизм: Real Time Economy
    5) Железнодорожный термин: Running trade employee
    8) Вычислительная техника: Real Time Execution, Remote Terminal Emulation, Real Time Executive (OS, HP, HP 2000)
    10) Фирменный знак: RT Engines
    13) Программирование: Run Time Error
    14) Контроль качества: research test engineer
    15) Океанография: Repairs- To- Extend
    16) Безопасность: Request-to-Exit
    17) Расширение файла: Real Time Executive
    18) SAP.тех. среда выполнения
    21) Должность: Renault Technical Expert
    22) Программное обеспечение: Real Time Engine, Rich Text Editor

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > RTE

  • 4 rte

    1) Компьютерная техника: Remote Terminal Emulator, Rich Text Editing
    2) Американизм: Real Time Economy
    5) Железнодорожный термин: Running trade employee
    8) Вычислительная техника: Real Time Execution, Remote Terminal Emulation, Real Time Executive (OS, HP, HP 2000)
    10) Фирменный знак: RT Engines
    13) Программирование: Run Time Error
    14) Контроль качества: research test engineer
    15) Океанография: Repairs- To- Extend
    16) Безопасность: Request-to-Exit
    17) Расширение файла: Real Time Executive
    18) SAP.тех. среда выполнения
    21) Должность: Renault Technical Expert
    22) Программное обеспечение: Real Time Engine, Rich Text Editor

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > rte

  • 5 на

    аварийная обстановка на аэродроме
    aerodrome emergency
    аварийный бюллетень на доработку
    alert service bulletin
    авиаперевозчик на короткие расстояния
    commuter air carrier
    автоматический заход на посадку
    1. autoapproach
    2. automatic approach азимутальная антенна захода на посадку
    approach azimuth antenna
    азимут захода на посадку
    approach azimuth
    азимут ухода на второй круг
    missed approach azimuth
    аэродинамическая труба для испытаний на сваливание в штопор
    spin wind tunnel
    аэродинамический гребень на крыле
    wing fence
    аэродром выхода на радиосвязь
    aerodrome of call
    аэродром на трассе полета
    en-route aerodrome
    аэродромные средства захода на посадку
    aerodrome approach aids
    балансировочный нож на задней кромке крыла
    wing trim strip
    билет на полет в одном направлении
    single ticket
    брать на борт
    take aboard
    брать ручку управления на себя
    pull the control stick back
    брать управление на себя
    1. assume the control
    2. take over the control брать штурвал на себя
    1. pull the control column back
    2. pull the aircraft out of бронирование на обратный рейс
    return reservation
    буксировка на земле
    ground tow
    введение поправки на снос
    windage adjustment
    вертолетная площадка на крыше здания
    roof-top heliport
    вести передачу на частоте
    transmit on frequency of
    ветер на определенном участке маршрута
    stage wind
    взлет на максимальном газе
    full-throttle takeoff
    взлет на режимах работы двигателей, составляющих наименьший шум
    noise abatement takeoff
    взятие ручки на себя
    backward movement of the stick
    видимость на ВПП
    runway visibility
    виза на промежуточную остановку
    stop-over visa
    визуальные средства захода на посадку
    visual aids to approach
    визуальный заход на посадку
    1. contact approach
    2. visual approach визуальный заход на посадку по упрощенной схеме
    abbreviated visual approach
    владелец сертификата на воздушное судно
    aircraft certificate holder
    влиять на безопасность
    affect the safety
    влиять на безопасность полетов
    effect on operating safety
    влиять на летную годность
    affect airworthiness
    влиять на летные характеристики
    effect on flight characteristics
    влиять на регулярность
    affect the regularity
    влиять на состояние воздушного судна
    effect on an aircraft
    вмятина на обшивке
    dent in surface
    внешняя подвеска на тросах
    sling load
    вносить поправку на снос
    make drift correction
    возвращаться на глиссаду
    regain the glide path
    возвращаться на заданный курс
    regain the track
    воздухозаборник, раздвоенный на выходе
    bifurcated air intake
    воздушная яма на пути полета
    in flight bump
    воздушное судно для полетов на большой высоте
    high-altitude aircraft
    воздушное судно, имеющее разрешение на полет
    authorized aircraft
    воздушное судно, летящее курсом на восток
    eastbound aircraft
    воздушное судно на подходе
    in-coming aircraft
    воздушное судно, находящееся на встречном курсе
    oncoming aircraft
    воздушное судно, оставшееся на плаву
    stayed afloat aircraft
    воздушное судно, совершающее заход на посадку
    approaching aircraft
    воздушный винт на режиме малого газа
    idling propeller
    восходящий поток воздуха на маршруте полета
    en-route updraft
    ВПП, не оборудованная для точного захода на посадку
    nonprecision approach runway
    ВПП, не соответствующая заданию на полет
    wrong runway
    ВПП, оборудованная для точного захода на посадку
    precision approach runway
    время захода на посадку
    approach time
    время налета по приборам на тренажере
    instrument flying simulated time
    время на подготовку к обратному рейсу
    turnaround time
    время нахождения на ВПП
    run-down occupancy time
    время нахождения на земле
    wheels-on time
    время, необходимое на полное обслуживание и загрузку
    ground turn-around time
    время опробования двигателя на земле
    engine ground test time
    время прекращения действия ограничения на воздушное движение
    traffic release time
    время простоя на земле
    ground time
    время простоя на техническим обслуживании
    maintenance ground time
    входное устройство с использованием сжатия воздуха на входе
    internal-compression inlet
    выбранная высота захода на посадку
    selected approach altitude
    выбранный наклон глиссады захода на посадку
    selected approach slope
    вывешивать воздушное судно на подъемниках
    jack an aircraft
    выводить воздушное судно из сваливания на крыло
    unstall the aircraft
    выводить воздушное судно на заданный курс
    put the aircraft on the course
    выводить на заданный курс
    roll on the course
    выводить на курс
    track out
    выводить на режим малого газа
    set idle power
    вывод на линию пути
    tracking guidance
    выдерживать воздушное судно на заданном курсе
    hold the aircraft on the heading
    выдерживать на заданном курсе
    hold on the heading
    вызов на связь
    1. call-in
    2. aircall 3. callup вынужденная посадка воздушного судна на воду
    aircraft ditching
    выполнение промежуточного этапа захода на посадку
    intermediate approach operation
    выполнять заход на посадку
    1. complete approach
    2. execute approach выполнять работу на воздушном судне
    work on the aircraft
    выполнять уход на второй круг
    execute go-around
    выруливание на исполнительный старт для взлета
    1. taxiing to takeoff position
    2. takeoff taxiing выруливать воздушное судно на исполнительный старт
    line up the aircraft
    выруливать на исполнительный старт
    line up
    высота начального этапа захода на посадку
    initial approach altitude
    высота полета вертолета при заходе на посадку
    helicopter approach height
    высота при заходе на посадку
    approach height
    высота разворота на посадочную прямую
    final approach altitude
    высота траектории начала захода на посадку
    approach ceiling
    высота установленная заданием на полет
    specified altitude
    высота хода поршня на такте всасывания
    suction head
    выходить на авиатрассу
    enter the airway
    выходить на взлетный режим
    come to takeoff power
    выходить на заданную высоту
    take up the position
    выходить на заданную траекторию
    obtain the correct path
    выходить на заданный курс
    1. get on the course
    2. put on the course 3. roll out on the heading выходить на критический угол
    reach the stalling angle
    выходить на курс с левым разворотом
    roll left on the heading
    выходить на курс с правым разворотом
    roll right on the heading
    выходить на ось луча
    intercept the beam
    выходить на посадочную прямую
    1. enter the final approach track
    2. roll into final выход на закритический угол атаки
    exceeding the stalling angle
    выход на посадку
    1. loading gate
    2. gate выход на посадочный курс отворотом на расчетный угол
    teardrop procedure turn
    вычислитель параметров автоматического ухода на второй круг
    auto go around computer
    вычислитель параметров захода на посадку
    approach computer
    вычислитель параметров ухода на второй круг
    1. overshoot computer
    2. go-around computer географическое положение на данный момент
    current geographical position
    глиссада захода на посадку
    approach glide slope
    глушитель шума на выхлопе
    exhaust noise suppressor
    гондола двигателя на пилоне
    side engine nacelle
    гонка двигателя на земле
    ground runup
    горизонтальный полет на крейсерском режиме
    level cruise
    груз на внешней подвеске
    1. undersling load
    2. suspended load грузовая ведомость на рейс
    cargo boarding list
    давать разрешение на взлет
    clear for takeoff
    давать разрешение на левый разворот
    clear for the left-hand turn
    давление на аэродроме
    aerodrome pressure
    давление на входе в воздухозаборник
    air intake pressure
    давление на срезе сопла
    nozzle-exit pressure
    дальность видимости на ВПП
    1. runway visual range
    2. runway visual length дальность полета на предельно малой высоте
    on-the-deck range
    дальность полета на режиме авторотации
    autorotation range
    датчик скольжения на крыло
    side-slip sensor
    двигатель на режиме малого газа
    idling engine
    двигатель, установленный на крыле
    on-wing mounted engine
    двигатель, установленный на пилоне
    pylon-mounted engine
    движение на авиационной трассе
    airway traffic
    движение на пересекающихся курсах
    crossing traffic
    движение на сходящихся курсах
    coupling traffic
    девиация на основных курсах
    cardinal headings deviation
    действия при уходе на второй круг
    go-around operations
    декларация экипажа на провоз багажа
    crew baggage declaration
    держаться на безопасном расстоянии от воздушного судна
    keep clear of the aircraft
    деталь, установленная на прессовой посадке
    force-fit part
    диспетчер захода на посадку
    approach controller
    диспетчерская служба захода на посадку
    approach control service
    диспетчерский пункт захода на посадку
    approach control point
    диспетчерский пункт управления заходом на посадку
    approach control unit
    дистанция при заходе на посадку
    approach flight track distance
    дозаправлять топливом на промежуточной посадке по маршруту
    refuel en-route
    доклад о развороте на обратный курс
    turnaround report
    документация на вылет
    outbound documentation
    документация на прилет
    inbound documentation
    допуск на испытания
    test margin
    допуск на максимальную высоту препятствия
    dominant obstacle allowance
    допуск на массу воздушного судна
    aircraft weight tolerance
    допуск на машинную обработку
    machining allowance
    допуск на погрешность
    margin of error
    допуск на размеры воздушного судна
    aircraft dimension tolerance
    допуск на снижение
    degradation allowance
    допуск на установку
    installation tolerance
    доход на единицу воздушной перевозки
    revenue per traffic unit
    единый тариф на полет в двух направлениях
    two-way fare
    жесткость крыла на кручение
    1. wing torsional stiffness
    2. wing torsion stiffness завал на крыло
    1. wing dropping
    2. wing drop зависать на высоте
    hover at the height of
    завихрение на конце лопасти
    blade-tip vortex
    задержка на маршруте
    delay en-route
    заканчивать регистрацию на рейс
    close the flight
    заливная горловина на крыле
    overwing filler
    замок выпущенного положения ставить на замок выпущенного положения
    запас топлива на борту
    on-board fuel
    запас топлива на рейс
    block fuel
    запрашивать разрешение на сертификацию
    request certification for
    запрещение посадки на воду
    запрос на взлет
    takeoff request
    запрос на посадку
    landing request
    запрос на руление
    taxi request
    заруливать на место стоянки
    taxi in for parking
    заруливать на место стоянки воздушного судна
    enter the aircraft stand
    засветка на экране локатора
    radar clutter
    засечка объекта на экране локатора
    radar fix
    заход на посадку
    1. approach operation
    2. approach 3. land approach 4. approach landing заход на посадку без использования навигационных средств
    no-aids used approach
    заход на посадку без использования средств точного захода
    nonprecision approach
    заход на посадку в режиме планирования
    gliding approach
    заход на посадку в условиях ограниченной видимости
    low-visibility approach
    заход на посадку на посадку под контролем наземных средств
    ground controlled approach
    заход на посадку на установившемся режиме
    steady approach
    заход на посадку не с прямой
    nonstraight-in approach
    заход на посадку, нормированный по времени
    timed approach
    заход на посадку под углом
    offset approach
    заход на посадку под шторками
    blind approach
    заход на посадку по командам наземных станций
    advisory approach
    заход на посадку по коробочке
    rectangular traffic pattern approach
    заход на посадку по криволинейной траектории
    curved approach
    заход на посадку по кругу
    circling approach
    заход на посадку по крутой траектории
    steep approach
    заход на посадку по курсовому маяку
    localizer approach
    заход на посадку по маяку
    beam approach
    заход на посадку по обзорному радиолокатору
    surveillance radar approach
    заход на посадку по обычной схеме
    normal approach
    заход на посадку по осевой линии
    center line approach
    заход на посадку по полной схеме
    long approach
    заход на посадку по пологой траектории
    flat approach
    заход на посадку по приборам
    1. instrument approach landing
    2. instrument landing approach заход на посадку по прямому курсу
    front course approach
    заход на посадку по радиолокатору
    radar approach
    заход на посадку по сегментно-криволинейной схеме
    segmented approach
    заход на посадку после полета по кругу
    заход на посадку по укороченной схеме
    short approach
    заход на посадку по упрощенной схеме
    simple approach
    заход на посадку при боковом ветре
    crosswind approach
    заход на посадку при симметричной тяге
    symmetric thrust approach
    заход на посадку против ветра
    upwind approach
    заход на посадку с выпущенными закрылками
    approach with flaps down
    заход на посадку с использованием бортовых и наземных средств
    coupled approach
    заход на посадку с левым разворотом
    left-hand approach
    заход на посадку с непрерывным снижением
    continuous descent approach
    заход на посадку с обратным курсом
    1. back course approach
    2. one-eighty approach заход на посадку с отворотом на расчетный угол
    teardrop approach
    заход на посадку с правым разворотом
    right-hand approach
    заход на посадку с прямой
    straight-in approach
    заход на посадку с прямой по приборам
    straight-in ILS-type approach
    заход на посадку с уменьшением скорости
    decelerating approach
    заявка на полет
    flight request
    заявка на сертификацию
    application for certification
    зона захода на посадку
    approach area
    зона захода на посадку по кругу
    circling approach area
    зона разворота на обратный курс
    turnaround area
    изменение эшелона на маршруте
    en-route change of level
    измерение шума при заходе на посадку
    approach noise measurement
    изображение на экране радиолокатора
    radar screen picture
    индикатор глиссады захода на посадку
    approach slope indicator
    индикатор на лобовом стекле
    head-up display
    информация о заходе на посадку
    approach information
    испытание на аварийное приводнение
    ditching test
    испытание на амортизационный ресурс
    service life test
    испытание на вибрацию
    vibration test
    испытание на воспламеняемость
    ignition test
    испытание на герметичность
    containment test
    испытание на максимальную дальность полета
    full-distance test
    испытание на подтверждение
    substantiating test
    испытание на прочность
    structural test
    испытание на свободное падение
    free drop test
    испытание на скороподъемность
    climbing test
    испытание на соответствие
    compliance test
    испытание на ударную нагрузку
    1. shock test
    2. impact test испытание на шум
    noise test
    испытание на шум при взлете
    takeoff noise test
    испытание на шум при пролете
    flyover noise test
    испытание на эффективность торможения
    braking action test
    испытание по уходу на второй круг
    go-around test
    испытания воздушного судна на перегрузки
    aircraft acceleration tests
    испытания воздушного судна на переменные нагрузки
    aircraft alternate-stress tests
    испытания на соответствие заданным техническим условиям
    1. proof-of-compliance tests
    2. functional tests испытания на усталостное разрушение
    fatigue tests
    испытания на флаттер
    flatter tests
    исходная высота полета при заходе на посадку
    reference approach height
    исходный угол захода на посадку
    reference approach angle
    канал связи на маршруте
    on-course channel
    карта местности зоны точного захода на посадку
    precision approach terrain chart
    карта - наряд на выполнение регламентного технического обслуживания
    scheduled maintenance record
    карта - наряд на выполнение технического обслуживания
    maintenance release
    карта - наряд на техническое обслуживание
    maintenance record
    карта планирования полетов на малых высотах
    low altitude flight planning chart
    карта прогнозов на заданное время
    fixed time prognostic chart
    квитанция на платный багаж
    excess baggage ticket
    конец этапа захода на посадку
    approach end
    конечная прямая захода на посадку
    approach final
    конечный удлиненный заход на посадку с прямой
    long final straight-in-approach operation
    конечный этап захода на посадку
    final approach
    консультативное сообщение о воздушной обстановке, регистрируемой на первичной РЛС
    traffic advisory against primary radar targets
    контакт с объектами на земле
    ground contact
    контейнер для перевозки грузов и багажа на воздушном судне
    aircraft container
    контракт на воздушную перевозку
    air carriage contract
    контракт на обслуживание в аэропорту
    airport handling contract
    контракт на перевозку разносортных грузов
    bulk contract
    контрольная площадка на аэродроме
    aerodrome checkpoint
    контрольная точка замера шумов на участке захода на посадку
    approach noise reference point
    контрольная точка захода на посадку
    approach fix
    контрольная точка конечного этапа захода на посадку
    final approach fix
    контрольная точка на маршруте
    en-route fix
    контрольная точка начального этапа захода на посадку
    initial approach fix
    контрольная точка промежуточного этапа захода на посадку
    intermediate approach fix
    контрольная точка траектории захода на посадку
    approach flight reference point
    конфигурация при полете на маршруте
    en-route configuration
    коррекция угла захода на посадку
    approach angle correction
    крепление колеса на штоке амортизатора
    wheel-to-shock strut suspension
    (шасси) кресло на поворотном кронштейне
    swivel seat
    крышка заливной горловины на крыле
    overwing filler cap
    курс захода на посадку
    1. approach course
    2. approach heading курс захода на посадку по приборам
    instrument approach course
    курс на радиостанцию
    radio directional bearing
    летательный аппарат на воздушной подушке
    air-cushion vehicle
    летать на автопилоте
    fly on the autopilot
    летать на воздушном судне
    fly by an aircraft
    летать на заданной высоте
    fly at the altitude
    летать на тренажере
    fly a simulator
    летать на эшелоне
    fly level
    линия безопасности на перроне
    apron safety line
    линия заруливания воздушного судна на стоянку
    aircraft stand lead-in line
    линия руления на место стоянки
    parking bay guideline
    лицензия на коммерческие перевозки
    commercial license
    лицензия на производство
    production certificate
    луч захода на посадку
    approach beam
    луч наведения на цель
    guidance beam
    люк аварийного выхода на крыло
    overwing emergency exit
    люк для покидания при посадке на воду
    ditching hatch
    максимально допустимая масса при стоянке на перроне
    maximum apron mass
    маневр на летном поле
    airfield manoeuvre
    маневр разворота на посадочный курс
    circle-to-land manoeuvre
    маршрут захода на посадку
    procedure approach track
    маршрутная карта полетов на малых высотах
    low altitude en-route chart
    маршрут перехода в эшелона на участок захода на посадку
    feeder route
    маршрут ухода на второй круг
    missed approach procedure track
    масштаб развертки на экране радиолокационной станции
    range marker spacing
    мат на крыло
    wing walk mat
    меры на случай аварийной посадки
    emergency landing provisions
    меры на случай аварийных ситуаций
    provisions for emergencies
    место на крыле для выполнения технического обслуживания
    overwing walkway
    место ожидания на рулежной дорожке
    taxi-holding position
    метеообслуживание на маршруте
    en-route meteorological service
    метеоусловия на авиалинии
    airway weather
    метеоусловия на аэродроме посадки
    terminal weather
    метеоусловия на запасном аэродроме
    alternate weather
    метеоусловия на маршруте
    en-route weather
    метеоусловия на нулевой видимости
    zero-zero weather
    методика испытаний при заходе на посадку
    approach test procedure
    метод разбивки атмосферы на слои
    atmospheric layering technique
    механизм измерителя крутящего момента на валу двигателя
    engine torquemeter mechanism
    минимальные расходы на установку
    minimum installation costs
    монтировать на воздушном судне
    install on the aircraft
    монтировать на шпангоуте
    mount on the frame
    мощность на валу
    shaft horsepower
    мощность на преодоление аэродинамического сопротивления
    induced drag power
    мощность на преодоление профильного сопротивления
    profile drag power
    мощность на режиме полетного малого газа
    flight idle power
    мощность на чрезвычайном режиме
    contingency power
    мощность, поступающая на вал трансмиссии
    transmission power input
    наблюдение за дальностью видимости на ВПП
    runway visual range observation
    набор высоты на маршруте
    en-route climb
    набор высоты на начальном участке установленной траектории
    normal initial climb operation
    набор высоты после прерванного захода на посадку
    discontinued approach climb
    на борту
    1. aboard
    2. on board наведение по азимуту при заходе на посадку
    approach azimuth guidance
    наведение по глиссаде при заходе на посадку
    approach slope guidance
    на взлете
    on takeoff
    на втором круге
    on go-around
    нагрузка на единицу площади
    load per unit area
    нагрузка на колесо
    wheel load
    нагрузка на крыло
    wing load
    нагрузка на поверхность управления
    control surface load
    нагрузка при стоянке на земле
    ground load
    нажимать на педаль
    depress the pedal
    нажимать на тормоза
    engage brakes
    наземный ориентир на трассе полета
    en-route ground mark
    на исполнительном старте
    at lineup
    накладная на доставку
    delivery bill
    накладывать ограничения на полеты
    restrict the operations
    на курсе
    на левом траверзе
    1. abeam the left pilot position
    2. left abeam на максимальном газе
    at full throttle
    на малом газе
    at idle
    на маршруте
    1. on route
    2. en-route на пересекающихся курсах
    на полной скорости
    at full speed
    на посадочном курсе
    on final
    направление захода на посадку
    direction of approach
    на правом траверзе
    1. abeam the right pilot position
    2. right abeam на протяжении всего срока службы
    throughout the service life
    наработка на земле
    ground operating time
    на режиме малого газа
    at idle power
    на скорости
    1. on the speed
    2. at a speed of на уровне земли
    at the ground level
    на установленной высоте
    at appropriate altitude
    на участке
    in segment
    (полета) на участке маршрута в восточном направлении
    on the eastbound leg
    находясь на трассе
    when making way
    находящийся на земле
    начальный участок захода на посадку
    initial approach segment
    начальный участок ухода на второй круг
    initial stage of go-around
    начальный этап захода на посадку
    initial approach
    начинать уход на второй круг
    initiate go-around
    не использовать возможность ухода на второй круг
    fail to initiate go-around
    нервюра, воспринимающая нагрузку на сжатие
    compression rib
    номинальная траектория захода на посадку
    nominal approach path
    нормы шума при полетах на эшелоне
    level flight noise requirements
    обеспечивать заход на посадку
    serve approach
    оборудование для обеспечения захода на посадку
    approach facilities
    обратная тяга на режиме малого газа
    reverse idle thrust
    обратное давление на выходе газов
    exhaust back pressure
    обучение на рабочем месте
    on-the-job training
    общий налет на определенном типе воздушного судна
    on-type flight experience
    общий тариф на перевозку разносортных грузов
    freight-all-kinds rate
    огни зоны приземления на ВПП
    runway touchdown lights
    огни на трассе полета
    airway lights
    ограничения на воздушных трассах
    air rote limitations
    ожидать на месте
    hold the position
    опробование на привязи
    tie-down run
    орган обеспечения безопасности на воздушном транспорте
    aviation security authority
    орган управления движением на перроне
    apron management unit
    ориентировочный прогноз на полет
    provisional flight forecast
    особые явления погоды на маршруте полета
    en-route weather phenomena
    остановка на маршруте полета
    en-route stop
    останов при работе на малом газе
    idle cutoff
    отбирать мощность на вал
    take off power to the shaft
    отверстие для отсоса пограничного слоя на крыле
    boundary layer bleed perforation
    отвечать на запрос
    respond to interrogation
    Отдел обслуживания проектов на местах
    Field Services Branch
    Отдел осуществления проектов на местах
    Field Operation Branch
    отработка действий на случай аварийной обстановки в аэропорту
    aerodrome emergency exercise
    отрицательно влиять на характеристики
    adversely affect performances
    отсчет показаний при полете на глиссаде
    on-slope indication
    оценка способности принимать на слух
    aural reception test
    очаг пожара на воздушном судне
    aircraft fire point
    очередность захода на посадку
    approach sequence
    падение давления на фильтре
    excessive pressure drop
    переводить винт на отрицательную тягу
    reverse the propeller
    перевозимый на воздушном шаре
    перевозка пассажиров на короткое расстояние
    passenger hop
    перевозчик на договорных условиях
    contract carrier
    перевозчик на магистральной линии
    trunk carrier
    перекладка реверса на прямую тягу
    thrust reverser stowage
    переключать на прямую тягу
    return to forward thrust
    переходить на ручное управление
    change-over to manual control
    переходить на управление с помощью автопилота
    switch to the autopilot
    переход на другую частоту
    frequency changeover
    переход на кабрирование
    nose-up pitching
    переход на пикирование
    nose-down pitching
    переход на режим висения
    reconversion hovering
    плавно выводить на заданный курс
    smooth on the heading
    планирование при заходе на посадку
    approach glide
    плотность воздуха на уровне моря
    sea level atmospheric density
    плотность движения на маршруте
    route traffic density
    плотность размещения кресел на воздушном судне
    aircraft seating density
    повторный запуск на режиме авторотации
    windmilling restart
    подавать жалобу на компанию
    make a complaint against the company
    подавать электропитание на шину
    energize the bus
    подземные сооружения на аэродроме
    underaerodrome utilities
    подниматься на борт воздушного судна
    board an aircraft
    подтверждение разрешения на взлет
    takeoff clearance confirmation
    подтверждение разрешения на посадку
    landing clearance confirmation
    подъем на гидроподъемниках
    позывной общего вызова на связь
    net call sign
    покидание при посадке на воду
    evacuation in ditching
    полет в направлении на станцию
    flight inbound the station
    полет в режиме ожидания на маршруте
    holding en-route operation
    полет на автопилоте
    autocontrolled flight
    полет на аэростате
    полет на буксире
    aerotow flight
    полет на дальность
    distance flight
    полет на конечном этапе захода на посадку
    final approach operation
    полет на короткое расстояние
    1. flip
    2. short-haul flight полет на крейсерском режиме
    normal cruise operation
    полет на критическом угле атаки
    stall flight
    полет на малой высоте
    low flying operation
    полет на малой скорости
    low-speed flight
    полет на малом газе
    idle flight
    полет на малых высотах
    low flight
    полет на номинальном расчетном режиме
    with rated power flight
    полет на одном двигателе
    single-engined flight
    полет на ориентир
    directional homing
    полет на полном газе
    full-throttle flight
    полет на продолжительность
    endurance flight
    полет на режиме авторотации
    autorotational flight
    полет на среднем участке маршрута
    mid-course flight
    полет на участке между третьим и четвертым разворотами
    base leg operation
    полет по индикации на стекле
    head-up flight
    полеты на высоких эшелонах
    high-level operations
    полеты на малых высотах
    low flying
    положение закрылков при заходе на посадку
    flap approach position
    положение на линии исполнительного старта
    takeoff position
    получать задания на полет
    receive flight instruction
    помещение на аэродроме для размещения дежурных экипажей
    aerodrome alert room
    поправка на ветер
    wind correction
    поправка на взлетную массу
    takeoff mass correction
    поправка на воздушную скорость
    airspeed compensation
    поправка на высоту
    altitude correction
    поправка на изменение угла атаки лопасти
    blade-slap correction
    поправка на массу
    mass correction
    поправка на массу при заходе на посадку
    approach mass correction
    поправка на продолжительность
    1. duration correction
    2. duration correction factor поправка на смещение
    correction for bias
    поправка на снос
    drift correction
    поправка на снос ветром
    crosswind correction
    поправка на температуру
    temperature correction
    поправка на уход курсового гироскопа
    порядок действий по тревоге на аэродроме
    aerodrome alerting procedure
    порядок набора высоты на крейсерском режиме
    cruise climb technique
    порядок перехода на другую частоту
    frequency changeover procedure
    порядок установки на место стоянки
    docking procedure
    посадка на авторотации
    autorotation landing
    посадка на воду
    water landing
    посадка на две точки
    1. level landing
    2. two-point landing посадка на критическом угле атаки
    stall landing
    посадка на маршруте полета
    intermediate landing
    посадка на палубу
    deck landing
    посадка на режиме малого газа
    посадка на точность приземления
    spot landing
    посадка на три точки
    three-point landing
    посадка на хвост
    tail-down landing
    потери на трение
    friction losses
    правила захода на посадку
    approach to land procedures
    право на передачу билетов
    ticket transferability
    предварительная заявка на полет
    advance flight plan
    предел скоростей на крейсерском режиме
    cruising speeds range
    предоставлять права на воздушные перевозки
    grant traffic privileges
    предохранительная металлическая окантовка на передней кромке лопасти
    blade metal cap
    предполагаемое время захода на посадку
    expected approach time
    препятствие в зоне захода на посадку
    approach area hazard
    препятствие на пути полета
    air obstacle
    прерванный заход на посадку
    discontinued approach
    прерывать заход на посадку
    discontinue approach
    прибор для проверки кабины на герметичность
    cabin tightness testing device
    прибор для проверки систем на герметичность
    system leakage device
    пригодность для полета на местных воздушных линиях
    local availability
    приземляться на аэродроме
    get into the aerodrome
    принимать груз на борт
    1. uplift the freight
    2. take on load 3. take up load принимать на себя ответственность
    assume responsibility
    принимать на хранение
    receive for storage
    принимать решение идти на посадку
    commit landing
    принимать решение об уходе на второй круг
    make decision to go-around
    пробег при посадке на воду
    landing water run
    проверка на герметичность
    1. leak test
    2. pressurized leakage test проверка на исполнительном старте
    lineup inspection
    проверка обеспечения полетов на маршруте
    route-proving trial
    проверять на наличие течи
    check for leakage
    проверять на наличие трещин
    inspect for cracks
    проверять на параллельность
    check for parallelism
    проверять шестерни на плавность зацепления
    test gears for smooth
    прогноз на вылет
    flight forecast
    прогноз на момент взлета
    takeoff forecast
    прогноз на момент посадки
    landing forecast
    продолжать полет на аэронавигационном запасе топлива
    continue operating on the fuel reserve
    продолжительность работы двигателя на взлетном режиме
    full-thrust duration
    происшествие на территории государства регистрации воздушного судна
    domestic accident
    происшествие на территории другого государства
    international accident
    прокладывать на карте маршрут
    chart a course
    промежуточный этап захода на посадку
    intermediate approach
    пропуск на вход в аэропорт
    airport laissez-passer
    профиль захода на посадку
    approach profile
    прочность на разрыв
    tensile strength
    прямая тяга на режиме малого газа
    forward idle thrust
    прямые расходы на техническое обслуживание
    direct maintenance costs
    пункт выхода на связь
    point of call
    пункт контроля на наличие металлических предметов
    metal-detection gateway
    пункт управления заходом на посадку
    approach control tower
    работа двигателя на режиме малого газа
    idling engine operation
    работа на малом газе
    light running
    работа на режиме холостого хода
    idle running
    работа на смежных диапазонах
    cross-band operation
    работать на малом газе
    run idle
    работать на полном газе
    run at full throttle
    работать на режиме малого газа
    run at idle power
    работать на режиме холостого хода
    run idle
    работать на топливе
    operate on fuel
    радиолокатор точного захода на посадку
    precision approach radar
    радиолокатор управления заходом на посадку
    approach control radar
    радиолокационная система захода на посадку
    approach radar system
    радиолокационная система точного захода на посадку
    precision approach radar system
    радиопеленг на маршруте
    en-route radio fix
    радиосредства захода на посадку
    radio approach aids
    разбивать на этапы
    break down into steps
    (траекторию полета) разбитый на участки профиль захода на посадку
    measured approach profile
    разворот на курс полета
    joining turn
    разворот на обратный курс
    reverse turn
    разворот на посадку
    landing turn
    разворот на посадочную площадку
    base turn
    разворот на посадочную прямую
    1. final turn
    2. turn to final разворот на посадочный курс
    teardrop turn
    размещение воздушных судно на стоянке
    parking arrangement
    размещение на аэродроме
    on-aerodrome location
    разработка мероприятий на случай аварийной обстановки на аэродроме
    aerodrome emergency planning
    разрешение на беспошлинный ввоз
    duty-free admittance
    разрешение на ввоз
    import license
    разрешение на взлет
    1. takeoff clearance
    2. clearance for takeoff разрешение на вход
    1. entry clearance
    2. clearance to enter разрешение на вывоз
    export license
    разрешение на вылет
    1. departure clearance
    2. outbound clearance разрешение на выполнение воздушных перевозок
    operating permit
    разрешение на выполнение плана полета
    flight plan clearance
    разрешение на выполнение полета
    permission for operation
    разрешение на запуск
    start-up clearance
    разрешение на заход на посадку
    approach clearance
    разрешение на заход на посадку с прямой
    clearance for straight-in approach
    разрешение на начало снижения
    initial descent clearance
    разрешение на полет
    1. flight clearance
    2. operational clearance разрешение на полет в зоне ожидания
    holding clearance
    разрешение на полет по приборам
    instrument clearance
    разрешение на посадку
    landing clearance
    разрешение на провоз багажа
    baggage clearance
    разрешение на проживание иностранного пассажира
    alien resident permit
    разрешение на пролет границы
    border flight clearance
    разрешение на руление
    taxi clearance
    разрешение на снижение
    descent clearance
    разрешение на эксплуатацию воздушной линии
    route license
    разрешенные полеты на малой высоте
    authorized low flying
    районный диспетчерский центр управления движением на авиатрассе
    area control center
    расстояние до точки измерения при заходе на посадку
    approach measurement distance
    расстояние от воздушного судна до объекта на земле
    air-to-ground distance
    расход на крейсерском режиме
    cruise consumption
    расходы на аренду воздушного судна
    aircraft rental costs
    расходы на единицу перевозки
    expenses per traffic unit
    расходы на изготовление
    manufacturing costs
    расходы на модернизацию
    development costs
    расходы на оперативное обслуживание
    operational expenses
    расходы на техническое обслуживание
    maintenance costs
    расчет удельной нагрузки на поверхность
    area density calculation
    реагировать на отклонение рулей
    respond to controls
    реакция на отклонение
    response to deflection
    режим малого газа при заходе на посадку
    approach idle
    режим стабилизации на заданной высоте
    height-lock mode
    резкий разворот на земле
    ground loop
    сближение на встречных курсах
    head-on approach
    сбор за аэронавигационное обслуживание на трассе полета
    en-route facility charge
    сборник пассажирских тарифов на воздушную перевозку
    Air Passenger Tariff
    сбрасывать топливо на вход
    bypass fuel back
    сваливаться на нос
    drop the nose
    связь на маршруте
    en-route communication
    сегментная траектория захода на посадку
    segmented approach path
    Сектор закупок на местах
    Field Purchasing Unit
    Сектор найма на местах
    Field Recruitment Unit
    Сектор обеспечения снабжения на местах
    Field Procurement Services Unit
    Сектор учета кадров на местах
    Field Personal Administration Unit
    Секция осуществления проектов на местах
    Field Operations Section
    (ИКАО) Секция снабжения на местах
    Field Procurement Section
    (ИКАО) Секция управления кадрами на местах
    Field Personnel Section
    (ИКАО) сертификация по шуму на взлетном режиме
    take-off noise
    сигнал отклонения от курса на маяк
    localizer-error signal
    система автоматического захода на посадку
    automatic approach system
    система захода на посадку
    approach system
    система объявления тревоги на аэродроме
    aerodrome alert system
    система огней точного захода на посадку
    precision approach lighting system
    система предупреждения о сдвиге ветра на малых высотах
    low level wind-shear alert system
    система управления воздушным судном при установке на стоянку
    approach guidance nose-in to stand system
    скольжение на крыло
    1. squashing
    2. wing slide скользить на крыло
    (о воздушном судне) скорость захода на посадку
    1. approach speed
    2. landing approach speed скорость захода на посадку с убранной механизацией крыла
    no-flap - no-slat approach speed
    скорость захода на посадку с убранными закрылками
    no-flap approach speed
    скорость захода на посадку с убранными предкрылками
    no-slat approach speed
    скорость истечения выходящих газов на срезе реактивного сопла
    nozzle exhaust velocity
    скорость на начальном участке набора высоты при взлете
    speed at takeoff climb
    скорость полета на малом газе
    flight idle speed
    скорость снижения при заходе на посадку
    approach rate of descent
    служебная дорога на аэродроме
    aerodrome service road
    снежные заносы на аэродроме
    aerodrome snow windrow
    снижение на крейсерском режиме
    cruise descent
    снижение на режиме авторотации
    autorotative descend operation
    снижение шума при опробовании двигателей на земле
    ground run-up noise abatement
    совершать посадку на борт воздушного судна
    join an aircraft
    совершать посадку на воду
    land on water
    согласованный пункт выхода на связь
    agreed reporting point
    способ захода на посадку
    approach technique
    способ ухода на второй круг
    go-around mode
    средняя нагрузка на одно колесо
    equivalent wheel load
    средняя тарифная ставка на пассажиро-милю
    average fare per passenger-mile
    средства захода на посадку
    aids to approach
    срок годности при хранении на складе
    shelf life
    срок представления плана на полет
    flight plan submission deadline
    срыв потока на лопасти
    1. blade slap phenomenon
    2. blade slap ставить воздушный винт на полетный упор
    latch the propeller flight stop
    ставить воздушный винт на упор
    latch a propeller
    ставить на тормоз
    block the brake
    ставить шасси на замки
    lock the landing gear
    ставить шасси на замок выпущенного положения
    lock the landing gear down
    ставить шасси на замок убранного положения
    lock the landing gear up
    стандартная система захода на посадку
    standard approach system
    стандартная система управления заходом на посадку по лучу
    standard beam approach system
    стандартный заход на посадку
    standard approach
    створка на выходе из радиатора
    radiator exit shutter
    стендовые испытания на выносливость
    bench-run tests
    степень перепада давления на срезе сопла
    nozzle exhaust pressure ratio
    стойка регистрации у выхода на перрон
    gate check
    столкновение на встречных курсах
    head-on collision
    ступенчатый заход на посадку
    step-down approach
    стыковка рейсов на полный маршрут
    end-to-end connection
    судно на воздушной подушке
    схема визуального захода на посадку
    visual approach streamline
    схема захода на посадку
    1. approach procedure
    2. approach chart 3. approach pattern схема захода на посадку без применения радиолокационных средств
    nonprecision approach procedure
    схема захода на посадку по командам с земли
    ground-controlled approach procedure
    схема захода на посадку по коробочке
    rectangular approach traffic pattern
    схема захода на посадку по приборам
    1. instrument approach chart
    2. instrument approach procedure схема разворота на посадочный круг
    base turn procedure
    схема точного захода на посадку
    precision approach procedure
    схема ухода на второй круг
    1. overshoot procedure
    2. missed approach procedure таможенное разрешение на провоз
    clearance of goods
    тариф на воздушную перевозку пассажира
    air fare
    тариф на оптовую чартерную перевозку
    wholesale charter rate
    тариф на отдельном участке полета
    sectorial rate
    тариф на перевозку почты
    mail rate
    тариф на перевозку товаров
    commodity rate
    тариф на полет в ночное время суток
    night fare
    тариф на полет по замкнутому кругу
    round trip fare
    тариф на полет с возвратом в течение суток
    day round trip fare
    тариф на путешествие
    trip fare
    температура газов на входе в турбину
    turbine entry temperature
    температура на входе
    inlet temperature
    температура на входе в турбину
    turbine inlet temperature
    температура на выходе
    outlet temperature
    температура на выходе из компрессора
    compressor delivery temperature
    температура на уровне моря
    sea-level temperature
    тенденция сваливания на крыло
    wing heaviness
    территория зоны захода на посадку
    approach terrain
    техника пилотирования на крейсерском режиме
    aeroplane cruising technique
    топливный бак, устанавливаемый на конце крыла
    wingtip fuel tank
    топливо на опробование
    run-up fuel
    топливо расходуемое на выбор высоты
    climb fuel
    торможение на мокрой ВПП
    wet braking acquisition
    тормозное устройство на ВПП
    runway arresting gear
    точный заход на посадку
    precision approach
    траектория захода на посадку
    approach path
    траектория захода на посадку по азимуту
    azimuth approach path
    траектория захода на посадку по лучу курсового маяка
    localizer approach track
    траектория захода на посадку, сертифицированная по шуму
    noise certification approach path
    траектория захода на посадку с прямой
    straight-in approach path
    траектория конечного этапа захода на посадку
    final approach path
    траектория точного захода на посадку
    precision approach path
    тренировочный заход на посадку
    practice low approach
    тяга на взлетном режиме
    takeoff thrust
    тяга на максимально продолжительном режиме
    maximum continuous thrust
    тяга на режиме максимального газа
    full throttle thrust
    тяга на режиме малого газа
    idling thrust
    тяга на установившемся режиме
    steady thrust
    угломестная антенна захода на посадку
    approach elevation antenna
    угол захода на посадку
    angle of approach
    угол распространения шума при заходе на посадку
    approach noise angle
    удельное давление колеса на грунт
    wheel specific pressure
    удельное давление на поверхность ВПП
    footprint pressure
    удельный расход топлива на кг тяги в час
    thrust specific fuel consumption
    удлиненный конечный этап захода на посадку
    long final
    удостоверение на право полета по авиалинии
    airline certificate
    удостоверение на право полета по приборам
    instrument certificate
    указатель места ожидания на рулежной дорожке
    taxi-holding position sign
    указатель скорости снижения на ВПП
    rising runway indicator
    указатель траектории точного захода на посадку
    precision approach path indicator
    указатель угла захода на посадку
    approach angle indicator
    управление в зоне захода на посадку
    approach control
    управление воздушным движением на трассе полета
    airways control
    управление на переходном режиме
    control in transition
    управление при выводе на курс
    roll-out guidance
    уровень шума при заходе на посадку
    approach noise level
    усилие на органах управления от автомата загрузки
    artificial feel
    усилие на педали
    pedal force
    усилие на ручку управления
    stick force
    усилие на систему управления
    control system load
    усилие на штурвале
    control wheel force
    усилие пилота на органах управления
    pilot-applied force
    условия, моделируемые на тренажере
    simulated conditions
    условия на маршруте
    en-route environment
    условия посадки на воду
    ditching conditions
    устанавливать на борту
    install aboard
    устанавливать на борту воздушного судна
    install in the aircraft
    устанавливать на требуемый угол
    set at the desired angle
    устанавливать на упор шага
    latch the pitch stop
    (лопасти воздушного винта) устанавливать шасси на замки выпущенного положения
    lock the legs
    установка в положение для захода на посадку
    approach setting
    установка закрылков на взлетный угол
    flaps takeoff setting
    установка закрылков на посадочный угол
    flaps landing setting
    установка на замок выпущенного положения
    установка на замок убранного положения
    установка на место обслуживания
    docking manoeuvre
    установка на место стоянки
    1. docking
    2. parking manoeuvre установленная схема ухода на второй круг по приборам
    instrument missed procedure
    установленный на воздушном судне
    установленный на двигателе
    устойчивость на воде
    stability on water
    (после аварийной посадки воздушного судна) устойчивость на курсе
    course keeping ability
    устойчивость на траектории полета
    arrow flight stability
    устойчивость при заходе на посадку
    steadiness of approach
    устойчивость при скольжении на крыло
    side slipping stability
    устройство для транспортировки древесины на внешней подвеске
    timber-carrying suspending device
    утопленный огонь на поверхности ВПП
    runway flush light
    уточнение задания на полет
    flight coordination
    уходить на второй круг
    1. go round again
    2. miss approach уходить на второй круг по заданной схеме
    take a missed-approach procedure
    уход на второй круг
    1. go-around flight manoeuvre
    2. go-around 3. missed approach 4. balked landing уход на второй круг с этапа захода на посадку
    missed approach operation
    участок захода на посадку
    1. approach leg
    2. approach segment участок захода на посадку до первого разворота
    upwind leg
    участок разворота на ВПП
    runway turning bay
    флажок на рейке
    tracking flag
    характеристики на разворотах
    turn characteristics
    центр радиолокационного управления заходом на посадку
    radar approach control
    частота вызова на связь
    calling frequency
    частота на маршруте полета
    en-route frequency
    число оборотов двигателя на взлетном режиме
    engine takeoff speed
    шаблон схемы разворота на посадочный курс
    base turn template
    шасси выпущено и установлено на замки выпущенного положения
    landing gear is down and locked
    швартовка груза на воздушном судне
    aircraft cargo lashing
    штуцер для проверки наддува на земле
    ground pressurization connection
    штуцер для проверки на земле
    ground testing connection
    штырь фиксации на земле
    ground locking pin
    эквивалентная мощность на валу
    equivalent shaft power
    экзамен на получение квалификационной отметки
    rating test
    эксплуатационные расходы на воздушное судно
    aircraft operating expenses
    электропроводка высокого напряжения на воздушном судне
    aircraft high tension wiring
    электропроводка низкого напряжения на воздушном судне
    aircraft low tension wiring
    этап захода на посадку
    approach phase

    Русско-английский авиационный словарь > на

  • 6 lector

    1 reading.
    Reading instrument Instrumento lector.
    2 reading.
    1 reader, person who reads, publisher's reader.
    2 reading device, scanner, read head.
    * * *
    1 reading
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    1 reader
    2 EDUCACIÓN foreign language assistant
    1 TÉCNICA scanner
    lector óptico optical scanner
    1 TÉCNICA scanner
    * * *
    (f. - lectora)
    * * *
    lector, -a
    2. SM / F
    1) (=persona) reader
    2) (Escol, Univ) (conversation) assistant
    SM (=aparato) reader

    lector de discos compactos — CD player, compact disc player

    lector óptico de caracteres — optical character reader, optical character scanner

    * * *
    - tora adjetivo reading (before n)
    - tora masculino, femenino
    1) (de libros, revistas) reader
    2) (Esp) (Educ) foreign language assistant
    * * *
    = borrower, browser, library member, patron, reader, requester [requestor], scanner, user, drive.
    Ex. The intending borrower merely specifies a search key for the item he wishes to borrow, and the system provides a bibliographic description.
    Ex. Documents which will not be evident to the browser of shelves include: documents out on loan, documents which might be obtained by inter-library loan, and any collections which are kept in closed access.
    Ex. When a library member asks for a fictional book he usually frames his request in this way: 'I am looking for a book by Victor Canning'.
    Ex. The level of specificity that is desirable in any index is a function of the collection being indexed, its use and its patrons.
    Ex. A book index is an alphabetically arranged list of words or terms leading the reader to the numbers of pages on which specific topics are considered, or on which specific names appear.
    Ex. The system permits the requester to specify up to five potential lending libraries, and the system transmits the requests to these libraries one at a time.
    Ex. To read a borrower label place the scanner on the left side of the label and move it from left to right across the bar codes, pressing lightly to keep it in direct contact with the label.
    Ex. Users make suggestions for modifications and these are then channelled through a series of committees.
    Ex. Now ISI has added to its compact disc line the Social Sciences Citation Index and new, improved search software featuring multiple cd-rom drive access.
    * cabeza lectora = read head, reading head.
    * cajón del lector de CDROM = drive tray.
    * carnet de lector = library card, reader's ticket.
    * chico lector = reading-boy.
    * círculo de lectores = book club, readership.
    * club de lectores = book club.
    * comprensión lectora = reading comprehension.
    * comunidad de lectores = reader community.
    * con muchos lectores = with a wide appeal.
    * con un gran número de lectores = widely-read.
    * con varios lectores de cintas = multi-drive.
    * dispositivo para interceptar al lector = trapping.
    * encargado de orientar al lector = readers' adviser.
    * entrada de lectores = public entrance.
    * etiqueta de identificación del lector = borrower identification label.
    * etiqueta de lector = borrower label.
    * fichero de lectores = registration file.
    * hábito lector = reading habit.
    * lector al que va dirigido = intended reader.
    * lector asiduo = heavy reader.
    * lector ávido = avid reader.
    * lector con carnet = library cardholder.
    * lector de aumento = magnifying reader.
    * lector de CD-ROM = CD player, CD-ROM drive, CD-ROM player, optical disc drive, CD-ROM reader.
    * lector de cinta = tape drive.
    * lector de cinta magnética = magnetic tape drive.
    * lector de código de barras = barcode reader, barcode scanner.
    * lector de coordenadas = coordinate reader.
    * lector de disco óptico WORM = WORM optical disc drive.
    * lector de discos ópticos = optical disc drive.
    * lector de documentos = document scanner.
    * lector de DVD = DVD player.
    * lector de libros = book reader.
    * lector de microfichas = microfiche reader.
    * lector de microfilm = microfilm reader.
    * lector de microformas = microform reader, reader, viewer.
    * lector de obras literarias = literary reader.
    * lector de una biblioteca = library user.
    * lector habitual = heavy reader.
    * lector insaciable = avid reader, voracious reader.
    * lector láser = laser scanner.
    * lector moroso = blacklisted borrower.
    * lector múltiple de CD-ROM = jukebox.
    * lector óptico = optical drive, optical reader, optical scanner.
    * lector óptico de caracteres = optical character reader.
    * lector poco habitual = light reader.
    * lector voraz = avid reader, voracious reader.
    * lector WORM = WORM drive.
    * no lector = non-reader [nonreader].
    * número de lector = borrower number.
    * ordenación topográfica según los intereses del lector = reader interest arrangement.
    * pasar una tarjeta por un lector electrónico = swipe.
    * petición de documentos por el lector = document request.
    * préstamo por lector = circulation per capita.
    * salida de lectores = public exit.
    * ser lector de una biblioteca = library membership.
    * servicio de orientación al lector = readers' advisory service point, readers' advisory service.
    * servicios a lectores = readers' services.
    * sociedad de lectores = book club.
    * tapa del lector de CDROM = drive door.
    * tarjeta de lector = borrower's card, borrower's identification badge, reader's card.
    * tarjeta del lector = borrower identification label.
    * * *
    - tora adjetivo reading (before n)
    - tora masculino, femenino
    1) (de libros, revistas) reader
    2) (Esp) (Educ) foreign language assistant
    * * *
    = borrower, browser, library member, patron, reader, requester [requestor], scanner, user, drive.

    Ex: The intending borrower merely specifies a search key for the item he wishes to borrow, and the system provides a bibliographic description.

    Ex: Documents which will not be evident to the browser of shelves include: documents out on loan, documents which might be obtained by inter-library loan, and any collections which are kept in closed access.
    Ex: When a library member asks for a fictional book he usually frames his request in this way: 'I am looking for a book by Victor Canning'.
    Ex: The level of specificity that is desirable in any index is a function of the collection being indexed, its use and its patrons.
    Ex: A book index is an alphabetically arranged list of words or terms leading the reader to the numbers of pages on which specific topics are considered, or on which specific names appear.
    Ex: The system permits the requester to specify up to five potential lending libraries, and the system transmits the requests to these libraries one at a time.
    Ex: To read a borrower label place the scanner on the left side of the label and move it from left to right across the bar codes, pressing lightly to keep it in direct contact with the label.
    Ex: Users make suggestions for modifications and these are then channelled through a series of committees.
    Ex: Now ISI has added to its compact disc line the Social Sciences Citation Index and new, improved search software featuring multiple cd-rom drive access.
    * cabeza lectora = read head, reading head.
    * cajón del lector de CDROM = drive tray.
    * carnet de lector = library card, reader's ticket.
    * chico lector = reading-boy.
    * círculo de lectores = book club, readership.
    * club de lectores = book club.
    * comprensión lectora = reading comprehension.
    * comunidad de lectores = reader community.
    * con muchos lectores = with a wide appeal.
    * con un gran número de lectores = widely-read.
    * con varios lectores de cintas = multi-drive.
    * dispositivo para interceptar al lector = trapping.
    * encargado de orientar al lector = readers' adviser.
    * entrada de lectores = public entrance.
    * etiqueta de identificación del lector = borrower identification label.
    * etiqueta de lector = borrower label.
    * fichero de lectores = registration file.
    * hábito lector = reading habit.
    * lector al que va dirigido = intended reader.
    * lector asiduo = heavy reader.
    * lector ávido = avid reader.
    * lector con carnet = library cardholder.
    * lector de aumento = magnifying reader.
    * lector de CD-ROM = CD player, CD-ROM drive, CD-ROM player, optical disc drive, CD-ROM reader.
    * lector de cinta = tape drive.
    * lector de cinta magnética = magnetic tape drive.
    * lector de código de barras = barcode reader, barcode scanner.
    * lector de coordenadas = coordinate reader.
    * lector de disco óptico WORM = WORM optical disc drive.
    * lector de discos ópticos = optical disc drive.
    * lector de documentos = document scanner.
    * lector de DVD = DVD player.
    * lector de libros = book reader.
    * lector de microfichas = microfiche reader.
    * lector de microfilm = microfilm reader.
    * lector de microformas = microform reader, reader, viewer.
    * lector de obras literarias = literary reader.
    * lector de una biblioteca = library user.
    * lector habitual = heavy reader.
    * lector insaciable = avid reader, voracious reader.
    * lector láser = laser scanner.
    * lector moroso = blacklisted borrower.
    * lector múltiple de CD-ROM = jukebox.
    * lector óptico = optical drive, optical reader, optical scanner.
    * lector óptico de caracteres = optical character reader.
    * lector poco habitual = light reader.
    * lector voraz = avid reader, voracious reader.
    * lector WORM = WORM drive.
    * no lector = non-reader [nonreader].
    * número de lector = borrower number.
    * ordenación topográfica según los intereses del lector = reader interest arrangement.
    * pasar una tarjeta por un lector electrónico = swipe.
    * petición de documentos por el lector = document request.
    * préstamo por lector = circulation per capita.
    * salida de lectores = public exit.
    * ser lector de una biblioteca = library membership.
    * servicio de orientación al lector = readers' advisory service point, readers' advisory service.
    * servicios a lectores = readers' services.
    * sociedad de lectores = book club.
    * tapa del lector de CDROM = drive door.
    * tarjeta de lector = borrower's card, borrower's identification badge, reader's card.
    * tarjeta del lector = borrower identification label.

    * * *
    reading ( before n)
    masculine, feminine
    A (de libros, revistas) reader
    masculine biometric reader
    masculine bar code reader
    masculine DVD player
    masculine swipe card reader
    masculine digital scanner
    masculine optical scanner
    masculine optical character reader
    B ( Esp) ( Educ) foreign language assistant
    * * *

    ◊ - tora sustantivo masculino, femenino

    a) (de libros, revistas) reader

    I sustantivo masculino y femenino
    1 (persona) reader
    2 Univ (language) assistant
    II sustantivo masculino (aparato) reader
    lector de (discos) compactos, CD player
    ' lector' also found in these entries:
    - devoto
    - lectora
    - asiduo
    - habitual
    - remitir
    - avid
    - lay
    - reader
    - regular
    * * *
    lector, -ora
    el público lector the reading public
    1. [de libros] reader;
    los lectores de esta revista our readers o readership
    2. Esp Educ language assistant
    [aparato] reader Informát lector de CD-ROM CD-ROM drive;
    lector de código de barras bar-code scanner o reader;
    Informát lector de disco compacto compact disc player;
    lector de DVD DVD player;
    Informát lector óptico optical scanner; Informát lector óptico de caracteres optical character reader;
    lector de tarjetas magnéticas magnetic card reader
    * * *
    m, lectora f
    1 reader
    2 EDU language assistant
    * * *
    lector, - tora adj
    : reading
    nivel lector: reading level
    lector, - tora n
    : reader
    lector nm
    : scanner, reader
    lectoróptico: optical scanner
    * * *
    lector n reader

    Spanish-English dictionary > lector

  • 7 виза виз·а

    выдать визу — to grant / to issue a visa, to vise

    обратиться за получением визы — to apply / to approach for a visa; to make / to submit an application for a visa

    отказать в визеto refuse to grant (smb.) a visa, to deny (smb.) a visa

    продлить визу — to prolong / to extend a visa

    проставить визу в паспорте — to vise / to endorse a passport

    въездная виза, виза на въезд — entry visa / permit

    выездная виза, виза на выезд — exit visa / permit

    виза, действительная в течение года с правом выезда и въезда через любые установленные пункты — visa valid for one year to cover all recognized exit / entry points

    выдать визу, действительную для въезда через любой пункт — to grant a visa valid for entry at any point

    виза для лиц, приезжающих по программе обмена — exchange visitor visa

    виза на выезд из страны по железной дороге через порт Л. — exit visa valid for travel by rail to L. and exit from the country via L. port

    выдача визы — granting / issue / issuance of a visa

    Russian-english dctionary of diplomacy > виза виз·а

  • 8 a

    1 to.
    voy a Madrid I'm going to Madrid
    me voy al extranjero I'm going abroad
    llegó a Buenos Aires/a la fiesta he arrived in Buenos Aires/at the party
    2 at (moment).
    a las siete at seven o'clock
    a los once años at the age of eleven
    al caer la noche at nightfall
    al oír la noticia se desmayó on hearing the news, she fainted
    Llegué al amanecer I arrived at dawn.
    3 per, every (frecuency).
    40 horas a la semana 40 hours per o a week
    tres veces al día three times a day
    4 to.
    dáselo a Ricardo give it to Ricardo
    dile a Ricardo que venga tell Ricardo to come
    5 to.
    entró a pagar he came in to pay
    aprender a nadar to learn to swim
    6 by, about to, for.
    * * *
    A, a
    nombre femenino (pl as o aes)
    1 (la letra) A, a
    1 ( Alteza) Highness; (abreviatura) H
    1 ( autopista) motorway; (abreviatura) M
    1 ( amperio) ampere, amp; (símbolo) A
    * * *
    1) to
    2) into
    3) in
    4) at
    5) on
    6) with
    * * *
    SF = a (=letra) A, a
    * * *
    a femenino (pl aes) ( read as [a]) the letter A, a
    * * *
    = for, per, to.
    Ex. The fine policy matrix corresponds to the loan policy matrix, cell for cell.
    Ex. Indexing can thus be achieved at a detailed level, with often many terms per document, with almost no indexing effort.
    Ex. Accessibility to the documents stored in files is an important factor, so the physical storage is important.
    * a + Adjetivo + escala = on a + Adjetivo + scale.
    * a alguna parte = someplace.
    * a alta presión = high-pressured, high-pressure.
    * a altas horas de la noche = late at night.
    * a ambas orillas del Atlántico = on both sides of the ocean, on both sides of the Atlantic.
    * a ambos lados de = on either side of.
    * a ambos lados del Altántico = on both sides of the ocean, on both sides of the Atlantic.
    * a ambos lados de + Lugar = on both sides of + Lugar.
    * a años luz de = light years away from.
    * a bajas temperaturas = at low temperature.
    * a bajo coste = low-cost.
    * a bajo costo = low-cost.
    * a bajo nivel = low-level.
    * a bajo precio = lower-cost, at a low price, on the cheap.
    * a base de = in the form of, on a diet of.
    * a base de carne = meaty [meatier -comp., meatiest -sup.].
    * a base de cometer errores = the hard way.
    * a base de errores = the hard way.
    * a boca de jarro = at close range.
    * a bocajarro = point blank.
    * a bombo y platillo = fanfare, with a bang.
    * a bordo = aboard, on board ship.
    * a bordo de = aboard, onboard.
    * a bordo de un barco = shipboard, on board ship.
    * a buen recaudo = in a safe place, in safekeeping.
    * a caballo = on horseback, astride.
    * a caballo entre = astride... and..., midway between.
    * a caballo entre... y... = half way between... and....
    * a caballo regalado no se le mira el diente = never look a gift horse in the mouth.
    * a cada rato = every so often, every now and then, every now and again, every once in a while.
    * a cambio = in return.
    * a cambio de = in exchange for, in return for.
    * a cambio de nada = for nothing.
    * a cántaros = cats and dogs.
    * a cargo = in the saddle.
    * a cargo (de) = charged with, in charge (of), at the helm (of).
    * a cargo de Alguien = under supervision.
    * a cargo de las riendas = in the saddle.
    * a cargo del ayuntamiento = local authority-run.
    * a cargo del gobierno = government-operated, government-run.
    * a cargo de una sola persona = one-man band.
    * a cargo de voluntarios = volunteer-run.
    * a chorros = profusely.
    * a ciegas = blindfold, blindly, blindfolded, in the dark.
    * a ciencia cierta = for sure, for certain.
    * a cierta distancia = some distance away.
    * a cierta distancia de = off.
    * a cierta distancia de la costa = offshore.
    * a cierta distancia del litoral = offshore.
    * a cobro revertido = reverse charges.
    * a color = multi-colour [multi-color -USA].
    * a comienzos de + Expresión Temporal = early + Expresión Temporal, the.
    * a comienzos de + Fecha = in the early + Fecha, in the early part of + Fecha.
    * a comienzos de + Período de Tiempo = by the turn of + Período de Tiempo, at the turn of + Período de Tiempo.
    * a conciencia = deliberately, wilfully [willfully, -USA], by design, on purpose.
    * a condición de que + Subjuntivo = provided (that), providing (that), as long as.
    * a contenido enriquecido = content-enriched.
    * a continuación = next, then, in the following, herewith.
    * a continuación se enumeran = given below.
    * a contracorriente = against the grain.
    * a contraluz = against the light.
    * a contrapelo = against the grain, against the nap.
    * a coro = with one voice, in unison.
    * a corto plazo = before very long, short term [short-term], in the short run, short-range, at short notice, in the short term, short-run.
    * a costa de = at the cost of, at the expense of, at + Nombre's + expense, at cost of.
    * a costa de mucho = at (a) great expense.
    * a costa de otro = at someone else's expense.
    * a costa de otros = at other people's expense.
    * a criterio de = at the discretion of.
    * a cualquier hora = anytime, around the clock.
    * a cualquier hora del día o de la noche = at any hour of the day or night, at any time of the day or night.
    * a cualquier precio = at any cost, at all costs, at any price.
    * a cuatro aguas = hipped.
    * a cuatro patas = on all fours, on four legs.
    * a cuenta de = at the expense of.
    * a cuenta de la empresa = at company expense.
    * a cuenta de otro = at someone else's expense.
    * a cuenta de otros = at other people's expense.
    * a cuenta propia = at + Posesivo + expense, at + Posesivo + own expense.
    * a cuerpo de rey = the lap of luxury.
    * a cuestas = in tow.
    * a decir de todos = by all accounts.
    * a decir verdad = to tell the truth, if the truth be known, if the truth be told, in all truth, in truth, fact is, the fact is (that), to be fair.
    * a decir verdad... = the fact of the matter is that....
    * a demanda = pro re nata.
    * a deshora(s) = at odd times, out of hours.
    * a día de hoy = as of today.
    * a diario = every day.
    * a diestro y siniestro = like there's no tomorrow.
    * a dieta = on a diet.
    * a diferencia de = apart from, as opposed to, in contradistinction to, as contrasted with, in contrast (to/with), quite apart from, in sharp contrast (with).
    * a diferencia de + Nombre = unlike + Nombre.
    * a diferentes niveles = multi-tiered [multitiered], multi-tier [multitier].
    * a discreción = at will, no holds barred.
    * a disgusto = unwillingly, reluctantly.
    * a disposición de = at the disposal of.
    * a distancia = remote, remotely, distantly.
    * a doble espacio = double-spaced.
    * a domicilio = domiciliary.
    * ¿a dónde se dirige(n)...? = whither?.
    * ¿a dónde va(n)...? = whither?.
    * ¿a dónde vas? = quo vadis, whither thou goest.
    * a dos niveles = two-tier.
    * a dos velas = skint, penniless, broke.
    * a duras penas = with great difficulty.
    * a efectos de = in terms of, for the purpose of + Nombre.
    * a efectos prácticos = to all intents and purposes, for all practical purposes, for all intents and purposes, to all intents.
    * a él = him.
    * a ellos = them.
    * a escala = drawn-to-scale.
    * a escala industrial = on an industrial scale, industrial-scale.
    * a escala mundial = globally, on a global scale.
    * a escala natural = full-scale.
    * a escondidas = by stealth, stealthily, furtively, on the quiet, on the sly.
    * a eso = thereto.
    * a espaldas de = out of sight of.
    * a estas alturas = by now.
    * a este fin = to this end.
    * a este paso = at this rate.
    * a este respecto = in this respect.
    * a este ritmo = at this rate.
    * a estrenar = brand new.
    * a examen = under the microscope.
    * a excepción de = barring, except for, excepting, other than, with the exception of, short of.
    * a excepción de que = except that.
    * a excepción de uno = with one exception.
    * a expensas de = at the expense of, at + Nombre's + expense.
    * a expensas de otro = at someone else's expense.
    * a expensas de otros = at other people's expense.
    * a + Expresión Temporal = as of + Expresión Temporal.
    * a falta de = for want of, in the absence of, in default of, for lack of, short of.
    * a favor = in favour.
    * a favor de = in favour of.
    * a favor de la decisión personal sobre el aborto = pro-choice.
    * a favor de la esclavitud = pro-slavery.
    * a favor de la raza negra = pro-black [problack].
    * a favor de la vida humana = pro-life.
    * a favor y en contra = pro and con.
    * a + Fecha = as per + Fecha.
    * a finales de = by the end of, at the close of + Expresión Temporal.
    * a finales de + Expresión Temporal = as of late + Expresión Temporal, at the end of + Expresión Temporal, by the close of + Expresión Temporal.
    * a finales de + Fecha = in the late + Fecha, in late + Fecha.
    * a finales de los + Década = late + Década, the.
    * a finales del + Siglo = late + Siglo, late period of + Siglo.
    * a fin de cuentas = at the end of the day, in the end, in the final count, in the grand scheme of things, when all is said and done, after all is said and done.
    * a fondo = fully, thoroughly, full-scale.
    * a fondo perdido = non-refundable.
    * ¡a freír espárragos! = on your bike!.
    * a fuerza de = by dint of.
    * a fuerza de cometer errores = the hard way.
    * a fuerza de errores = the hard way.
    * a gas = gas-powered.
    * a gatas = on all fours.
    * a grandes rasgos = broadly, rough draft.
    * a granel = in bulk.
    * a gran escala = large scale [large-scale], massive, on a wide scale, high-volume, wide-scale, on a broad scale, in a big way, on a grand scale.
    * a gran velocidad = at great speed.
    * a grito limpio = at the top of + Posesivo + voice.
    * a grito pelado = at the top of + Posesivo + voice.
    * a gritos = vociferously.
    * a groso modo = crudely.
    * a grosso modo = roughly, rough draft.
    * a gusto = at ease, at leisure.
    * a gusto de = to the liking of, at the pleasure of.
    * a horcajadas = astride.
    * a hurtadillas = surreptitiously, by stealth, stealthily, furtively, on the sly.
    * a imitación de lo clásico = classicising [classicizing, -USA], classicised [classicized, -USA].
    * a iniciativa de = at the initiative of.
    * a iniciativas del gobierno = government-led.
    * a instancia de = at the urging of.
    * a instancias de = at the instigation of, at the behest of, under the auspices of.
    * a intervalos = at intervals.
    * a intervalos + Adjetivo = at + Adjetivo + intervals.
    * a intervalos semanales = at weekly intervals.
    * a invitación de = at the invitation of.
    * a jabón = soapy [soapier -comp., soapiest -sup.].
    * a juicio = on trial.
    * a juicio público = in the public eye.
    * a juzgar por = to judge by, judging by, judging from.
    * a la acuarela = water-coloured [water-colored, -USA].
    * a la alcaldía = mayoral.
    * a la altura de = of the stature of, equal to.
    * a la altura de la cintura = waist high, waist deep.
    * a la altura de la rodilla = knee-high.
    * a la altura de los hombros = shoulder-high.
    * a la anchura de los hombros = shoulder-width.
    * a la anochecida = at nightfall.
    * a la antigua = old-style.
    * a la antigua usanza = old-style.
    * a la atención de = c/o (care of).
    * a la baja = on the wane.
    * a la brasa = grilled.
    * a la buena de Dios = out in the cold.
    * a la cabeza de = in the forefront of/in.
    * a la caída de la noche = at nightfall, at twilight.
    * a la caída de la tarde = at twilight.
    * a la carta = a la carte.
    * a la defensiva = on the defensive.
    * a la derecha = at the right.
    * a la derecha de = on the right side of, on the right-hand side of.
    * a la deriva = rudderless.
    * a la discreción de = at the discretion of.
    * a la disposición de Alguien = at + Posesivo + disposal.
    * a la expectativa de = on the lookout for, on the alert for.
    * a la + Expresión Temporal = a + Expresión Temporal.
    * a la fuerza = forcefully, of necessity, forcibly, compulsorily.
    * a la fuga = on the run, on the lam.
    * a la hora de + Infinitivo = when it came to + Gerundio, when it comes to + Gerundio.
    * a la hora de la verdad = when push comes to shove, if it comes to the crunch, when it comes to the crunch, when the worst comes to the worst, if the worst comes to the worst, when the crunch comes to the crunch, if the crunch comes to the crunch.
    * a la hora del café = at coffee.
    * a la intemperie = in the open, exposed.
    * a la inversa = mirror-fashion, mirror image, in reverse.
    * a la izquierda = at the left.
    * a la larga = in the long term, over the long term, in the end, eventually, for the long pull, over a period of time, over the long haul, in the far term, ultimately, by and by.
    * a la ligera = lightly.
    * a la luz de = in light of, in the light of.
    * a la luz de la luna = by moonlight, in the moonlight, moonlit.
    * a la luz de las estrellas = by starlight.
    * a la luz de las velas = by candlelight, candlelight, candlelit.
    * a la luz del día = in the light of day.
    * a la luz de una lámpara de gas = by gaslight.
    * a la misma altura que = in the same league as.
    * a la moda = trendy [trendier -comp., trendiest -sup.].
    * a la onda = in the know.
    * a la opinión pública = in the public eye.
    * a la par = in concert, in tandem, neck and neck, in a tandem fashion, in parallel.
    * a la par que = in tandem with, hand in hand (with), as the same time as.
    * a la parrilla = grilled, on the grill.
    * a la perfección = superbly.
    * a la plancha = griddled, on the griddle, on the hotplate.
    * a largo plazo = in the long term, over the long term, long-range, in the long run, long-term, over the long run, over the long haul, long-run, in the far term, far-term.
    * a la salida = on the way out.
    * a la sazón = at that time.
    * a las doce del mediodía = at high noon.
    * a la semana = a week, per week.
    * a las mil maravillas = marvellously [marvelously, -USA], famously, like a house on fire.
    * a la sombra de = in the shadow of.
    * a las puertas de = on the threshold of.
    * a la última = hip [hipper -comp., hippest -sup.], on the fast track, hipped.
    * a la vanguardia = on the cutting edge, on the leading edge, in the fast lane, on the fast track, at the leading edge, on the bleeding edge.
    * a la vanguardia de = in the vanguard of, at the forefront of, in the forefront of/in, at the vanguard of.
    * a la velocidad de la luz = at the speed of light.
    * a la velocidad del rayo = at the speed of lightning.
    * a la velocidad del sonido = at the speed of sound.
    * a la venta = on release.
    * a la vez = at once, at one time, at similar times, at the same time, concurrently, side-by-side, simultaneously, at the same instant, in parallel, in tandem, at the one time, in a tandem fashion, at a time, in unison.
    * a la vez que = hand in hand (with), cum, in conjunction with, in unison with.
    * a la vista = in sight, within sight.
    * a la vista de = in light of, in the light of.
    * a la vuelta de = on the return leg of.
    * a la zaga = not far behind, in tow.
    * al azar = lucky draw, lucky dip.
    * al extremo norte = northernmost.
    * al extremo oeste = westernmost.
    * al hacer esto = in doing so.
    * al norte del estado = upstate.
    * a lo extremo = to the extreme.
    * a lo grande = in a big way, big time, grandly, on a grand scale.
    * a lo hecho, pecho = no use crying over spilt/spilled milk, you've made your bed, now you must lie in it!.
    * a lo largo de = along, down, throughout.
    * a lo largo de + Expresión Temporal = sometime + Expresión Temporal.
    * a lo largo de la historia = over time.
    * a lo largo de la ruta = along the way.
    * a lo largo del tiempo = longitudinal, longitudinally.
    * a lo largo de todo = the entire length of.
    * a lo largo y ancho del país = countrywide [country-wide].
    * a lo largo y ancho de + Lugar = up and down + Lugar.
    * a lo lejos = in the distance.
    * a lo loco = helter-skelter, like there's no tomorrow.
    * a lo máximo = at best, at most, at the most.
    * a lo mejor = perhaps.
    * a lo que salga = come what may.
    * a los ojos de = in the eyes of.
    * a lo sumo = at best, at most, at the most.
    * al otro lado del atlántico = across the pond.
    * al otro lado del charco = across the pond.
    * al otro lado del océano = across the pond.
    * a lo zombi = zombielike.
    * a mano = by hand, manually, nearby [near-by], handy, within reach, within easy reach.
    * a mano alzada = by a show of hands.
    * a mano derecha de = on the right side of, on the right-hand side of.
    * a manojos = by the handful.
    * a manos de = at the hands of.
    * a marchas forzadas = in a rush, against the clock.
    * a mares = cats and dogs.
    * a más largo plazo = longer-term.
    * a más..., más... = the + Comparativo..., the + Comparativo....
    * a más tardar = at the latest.
    * a mata caballo = in a hurry, hurried, hurriedly, helter-skelter.
    * a media asta = at half-mast, at half staff.
    * a mediados de = in the middle decades of.
    * a mediados de + Fecha = in the mid + Fecha.
    * a mediados de semana = midweek.
    * a media jornada = half-time [half time].
    * a media mañana = mid-morning.
    * a medianoche = at midnight.
    * a medias = half-hearted [halfhearted], qualified.
    * a medias entre... y... = betwixt and between.
    * a medida = custom, bespoke.
    * a medida que + avanzar + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * a medida que + avanzar + el día = as the day + wear on.
    * a medida que pasaba el tiempo = as time passed (by), as time went by.
    * a medida que pasa el tiempo = as time passes (by).
    * a medida que pasa + Expresión Temporal = as + Expresión Temporal + go by.
    * a medida que + pasar + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * a medida que + pasar + el día = as the day + wear on.
    * a medida que se necesite = on demand, on request, as required.
    * a medida que + transcurrir + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * a medida que + transcurrir + el día = as the day + wear on.
    * a medio abrir = half-opened.
    * a medio camino = halfway [half-way/half way].
    * a medio comprender = half-understood.
    * a medio formar = half-formed.
    * a medio fuego = medium heat.
    * a medio hacer = halfway done, half done.
    * a medio plazo = medium-term, near-term, in the medium term, in the mid-term, mid-term [midterm].
    * a medio rimar = half-rhymed.
    * a medio vestir = half dressed.
    * a menor escala = at a reduced rate.
    * a menos que = unless, short of.
    * a menudo = oftentimes [often times], ofttimes [oft-times].
    * a merced de = at the mercy of.
    * a mí = me.
    * a mi entender = to my mind.
    * a mi modo de ver = in my books.
    * a mi parecer = to my mind, methinks, in my books.
    * a mitad de = half way through, halfway through.
    * a mitad de camino = halfway [half-way/half way].
    * a mitad de camino entre... y... = midway between, half way between... and....
    * a mitad de camino entre... y... = astride... and....
    * a mitad de precio = at half price.
    * a mí también me gustaría tener la misma oportunidad = turnabout is fair play.
    * a modo de = by way of, in the vein of, as a kind of.
    * a modo de aclaración = in parenthesis, on a sidenote.
    * a modo de advertencia = cautionary.
    * a modo de ejemplo = by way of illustration.
    * a modo de explicación = parenthetically.
    * a modo de ilustración = by way of illustration.
    * a modo de inciso = in passing, by the way of (a) digression.
    * a modo de paréntesis = parenthetical.
    * a modo de prólogo = prefatory.
    * a modo de resumen = wrap-up.
    * a mogollón = aplenty [a-plenty].
    * a montón = aplenty [a-plenty].
    * a montones = in droves, by the sackful.
    * a muchos niveles = many-levelled [many-leveled, -USA].
    * a muerte = bitter, bitterly.
    * a nadie le importa nada = nobody + gives a damn.
    * a nivel de barrio = neighbourhood-based.
    * a nivel de calle = on the ground level.
    * a nivel de la calle = at ground level.
    * a nivel del suelo = at ground level.
    * a nivel estatal = statewide [state-wide].
    * a nivel federal = federally, federally.
    * a nivel individual = privately.
    * a nivel local = locally, domestically.
    * a nivel multicultural = multi-culturally [multiculturally].
    * a nivel mundial = worldwide [world-wide], globally.
    * a nivel nacional = nationally, domestically, countrywide [country-wide].
    * a nivel privado = privately.
    * a nivel regional = regionally.
    * a nombre de = payable to.
    * a no ser que = unless.
    * a nosotros = us.
    * a ojo = ocular.
    * a ojos vista = before + Posesivo + (own two) eyes.
    * a orillas del océano = oceanfront.
    * a orillas del río = riverfront.
    * a orillas de un lago = lakeside, lakefront, by the lakeside.
    * a otro sitio = somewhere else.
    * a pares = in pairs.
    * a partes iguales = share and share alike, in equal measure(s).
    * a partir de = on the basis of, based on, working from, from, on a diet of, in response to.
    * a partir de ahora = from now on, from this point on, henceforth, as of now.
    * a partir de ahora y durante + Cuantificador + años = for + Cuantificador + years to come.
    * a partir de aquí = hereupon.
    * a partir de ello = therefrom.
    * a partir de entonces = from this time on, hereafter, thereafter, whereafter, from then on, thenceforth, henceforth, from that moment on.
    * a partir de ese momento = from that moment on.
    * a partir de este momento = hereinafter.
    * a partir de esto = on this basis, on that basis.
    * a partir de + Fecha = from + Fecha, effective + Fecha.
    * a partir de hoy = as from today.
    * a partir de la medianoche = late night.
    * a partir de los títulos = title-based.
    * a paso de tortuga = at a snail's pace.
    * a paso ligero = on the double.
    * a pasos agigantados = at an exponential rate, at exponential rates, by leaps and bounds.
    * a pedir de boca = without a hitch.
    * a pequeña escala = in a small way, small scale [small-scale].
    * a perpetuidad = in perpetuity.
    * a pesar de (que) = albeit (that), despite, in spite of, notwithstanding, although, despite the fact that, in spite of the fact that.
    * a pesar de todo = all the same, in spite of everything, despite everything, despite it all, in spite of it all, all this said.
    * a pesar de todo + Posesivo + Nombre = for all + Posesivo + Nombre.
    * a petición de = at the request of, at the urging of, at the behest of.
    * a petición del usuario = on demand, on request.
    * a petición popular = by popular demand.
    * a pie = on foot, afoot, dismounted.
    * a pilas = battery-operated.
    * a pique = sinking.
    * a placer = at will.
    * a plena luz del día = in broad daylight.
    * a poca distancia = not far behind.
    * a poca distancia andando = within walking distance, within an easy walk.
    * a poca distancia a pie = within an easy walk, within walking distance.
    * a pocos minutos andando = within walking distance, within easy walking distance, within an easy walk.
    * a pocos minutos a pie = within walking distance, within easy walking distance, within an easy walk.
    * a porrillo = by the handful.
    * a + Posesivo + aire = to + Posesivo + heart's content.
    * a + Posesivo + alcance = in the ballpark for + Pronombre, in + Posesivo + ballpark range.
    * a + Posesivo + costa = at + Posesivo + expense.
    * a + Posesivo + cuidado = in + Posesivo + safekeeping.
    * a + Posesivo + discreción = at will, at + Posesivo + discretion.
    * a + Posesivo + disposición = at + Posesivo + disposal.
    * a + Posesivo + entender = to the best of + Posesivo + belief.
    * a + Posesivo + espaldas = behind + Posesivo + back.
    * a + Posesivo + expensas = at + Posesivo + expense.
    * a + Posesivo + favor = in + Posesivo + favour, to + Posesivo + credit.
    * a + Posesivo + juicio = in + Posesivo + estimation.
    * a + Posesivo + manera = in + Posesivo + own way.
    * a + Posesivo + saber = to the best of + Posesivo + knowledge.
    * a + Posesivo + saber y entender = to the best of + Posesivo + knowledge and belief.
    * a + Posesivo + servicio = at + Posesivo + service.
    * a + Posesivo + sorprender = much to + Posesivo + surprise.
    * a + Posesivo + vista = before + Posesivo + (own two) eyes.
    * a posteriori = reactive, in retrospect, after-the-fact, hindsight, with hindsight, a posteriori, in hindsight.
    * a precio de coste = at cost price, at cost.
    * a precio de costo = at cost price, at cost.
    * a precio de ganga = at a steal.
    * a precio especial = at reduced cost, discounted, cut-rate, cut-price.
    * a precio razonable = at reasonable cost(s).
    * a precio reducido = at a discount.
    * a precios competitivos = competitively priced.
    * a precios especiales = at reduced rates, at preferential rates.
    * a precios razonables = at affordable prices.
    * a presión = pressurised [pressurized, -USA].
    * a primera hora de la mañana = first thing in the morning.
    * a primera hora de + Período del Día = first thing + Período del Día.
    * a primeras horas de la tarde = late afternoon.
    * a primera vista = on first acquaintance, at first sight, on first inspection, on the face of it, at first blush, at first glance, on the surface, prima facie, first-blush.
    * a primeros de + Fecha = in the early + Fecha.
    * a principios de + Fecha = in the early + Fecha.
    * a principios de los + Década = early + Década, the.
    * a priori = proactive [pro-active], foresight, a priori, on the surface.
    * a prisa = quickly.
    * a propósito = deliberate, for the record, incidentally, intentionally, by the way, in passing, anecdotally, purposely, by design, on purpose, wilfully [willfully, -USA], on a sidenote, studiously, by the way of (a) digression, by the by(e), speaking of which, designedly.
    * a propósito de = apropos of.
    * a propósito de nada = for no specific reason, for no particular reason.
    * a prueba = on trial.
    * a prueba de bombas = ruggedised [ruggedized, -USA], bomb-proof.
    * a prueba de conejos = rabbit-proof.
    * a prueba de fallos = fail-safe.
    * a prueba de incendios = fireproof [fire-proof].
    * a prueba de niños = childproof.
    * a prueba de robos = theft proof.
    * a prueba de tornados = tornado proof.
    * a prueba de un tratamiento duro = ruggedised [ruggedized, -USA].
    * a prueba de viento = windproof.
    * a puerta cerrada = behind closed doors.
    * a punta de pistola = at gunpoint.
    * a punto de = on the verge of, a heartbeat away from.
    * a punto de + Infinitivo = about to + Infinitivo.
    * a punto de irse a pique = on the rocks.
    * a punto de morir = on + Posesivo + deathbed.
    * a puñados = by the sackful, by the handful.
    * a quemarropa = point blank.
    * a quien madruga, Dios le ayuda = the early bird catches the worm.
    * a quienquiera que = whomever.
    * a rachas = by fits and starts.
    * a ráfagas = in bursts.
    * a raíz de = in the wake of.
    * a rajatabla = to the letter.
    * a ras de = flush with.
    * a ras de la calle = ground-floor.
    * a ras del suelo = at ground level.
    * a rastras = in tow.
    * a ratos = intermittently.
    * a reacción = jet-assisted.
    * a rebosar (de) = jam-packed (with), filled to capacity.
    * a regañadientes = grudgingly, grudging, begrudgingly, unwillingly, reluctantly.
    * a régimen = on a diet.
    * a remolque = in tow.
    * a reventar (de) = jam-packed (with), filled to capacity.
    * a saber = namely, viz, to wit.
    * a sabiendas = knowing, knowingly, wilfully [willfully, -USA].
    * a sabiendas de que = on the understanding that.
    * a sacudidas = jerkily.
    * a saltitos = jerky [jerkier -comp., jerkiest -sup.].
    * a salvo = in a safe place, in safekeeping, out of harm's way.
    * a sangre fría = cold-blooded.
    * a ser posible = if possible.
    * a simple vista = by the naked eye, superficially, on first thought.
    * a solas = all by + Reflexivo, by + Reflexivo.
    * a su debido tiempo = in due course, timely, in due time.
    * a sueldo = paid.
    * a su precio normal = at full price.
    * a su propio ritmo = at an individual pace.
    * a su tiempo = in a timely fashion, in due course, in a timely manner.
    * a su vez = Verbo + further, in turn, in its/their turn.
    * a tal efecto = to this effect.
    * a tales efectos = hereto.
    * a tarifa reducida = at reduced cost.
    * a tarifas especiales = at reduced rates, at preferential rates.
    * a temperatura ambiente = at room temperature.
    * a tener en cuenta en el futuro = for future reference.
    * a tenor de = in light of, in the face of, in the light of, in view of.
    * a ti = you, thee.
    * a tiempo = in timely fashion, on time, promptly, timely, just in time, in time.
    * a tiempo completo = full-time.
    * a tiempo parcial = part-time.
    * a tientas = in the dark.
    * a tientas y a ciegas = blindly, in the dark.
    * a ti mismo = yourself, thyself.
    * a tiro = within gunshot, within range.
    * a tirones = jerky [jerkier -comp., jerkiest -sup.].
    * a título de = by way of, for the sake of.
    * a título gratuito = gratuitous.
    * a título personal = in a personal capacity, in a private capacity.
    * a toda costa = absolutely, at all costs, come what may, at any cost, at any price.
    * a toda máquina = in the fast lane, fast lane, full steam ahead, at full tilt, full-tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a toda marcha = at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a toda mecha = at a rate of knots, full steam ahead, at full blast, at full throttle, at top speed, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a toda pasta = at a rate of knots.
    * a toda pastilla = in the fast lane, on the fast track, fast lane, overdrive, full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at a rate of knots, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a toda prueba = unswerving.
    * a todas horas = at all hours, around the clock.
    * a todas luces = patently.
    * a todas partes = far and wide.
    * a toda velocidad = full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a todo alrededor = all round.
    * a todo color = full-colour, in full colour.
    * a todo gas = full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a todo lo largo de = the length of.
    * a todo meter = full steam ahead, at full stretch, at full speed, at full blast, at top speed, at full throttle.
    * a todo ritmo = in full swing, in full force, in full gear.
    * a todos lados = far and wide.
    * a todos los efectos = to all intents and purposes, to all intents, for all practical purposes, for all intents and purposes.
    * a todos los niveles = at all levels.
    * a todos nosotros = us all.
    * a todos por igual = one size fits all.
    * a todo vapor = full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a todo volumen = at full blast.
    * a tontas y a ciegas = headlong, runaway.
    * a tontas y locas = like there's no tomorrow, without rhyme or reason.
    * a tope = packed to capacity, in the fast lane, fast lane, choc-a-block, chock-full, in full swing, in full gear, packed to the rafters.
    * a trancas y barrancas = with great difficulty, by fits and starts.
    * a través de = by way of, in the form of, through, via, out of, through the agency of.
    * a través de Internet = Internet-based, Web-based, Web-supported.
    * a través de la historia = over time.
    * a través de la TI = IT-enabled.
    * a través de la web = Web-based, Web-supported.
    * a través de los años = over the years, down the years.
    * a través de los ojos de = through the eyes of.
    * a través de los siglos = over the centuries.
    * a través del teléfono = call-in.
    * a través del tiempo = over time.
    * a través de operador = operator-assisted.
    * a tres bandas = three pronged.
    * a tres niveles = three-tiered.
    * a troche y moche = like there's no tomorrow.
    * a trompicones = by fits and starts.
    * a tropezones = falteringly, hesitantly, haltingly, jerkily.
    * a trozos = piecewise.
    * ¡A tu salud! = Here's to you!.
    * a última hora = at the last minute, at the eleventh hour, last minute [last-minute], at the very last minute, at the very last moment, at the very last.
    * a últimas horas de la tarde = late evening.
    [b]* a últ
    * * *
    a femenino (pl aes) ( read as [a]) the letter A, a
    * * *
    = for, per, to.

    Ex: The fine policy matrix corresponds to the loan policy matrix, cell for cell.

    Ex: Indexing can thus be achieved at a detailed level, with often many terms per document, with almost no indexing effort.
    Ex: Accessibility to the documents stored in files is an important factor, so the physical storage is important.
    * a + Adjetivo + escala = on a + Adjetivo + scale.
    * a alguna parte = someplace.
    * a alta presión = high-pressured, high-pressure.
    * a altas horas de la noche = late at night.
    * a ambas orillas del Atlántico = on both sides of the ocean, on both sides of the Atlantic.
    * a ambos lados de = on either side of.
    * a ambos lados del Altántico = on both sides of the ocean, on both sides of the Atlantic.
    * a ambos lados de + Lugar = on both sides of + Lugar.
    * a años luz de = light years away from.
    * a bajas temperaturas = at low temperature.
    * a bajo coste = low-cost.
    * a bajo costo = low-cost.
    * a bajo nivel = low-level.
    * a bajo precio = lower-cost, at a low price, on the cheap.
    * a base de = in the form of, on a diet of.
    * a base de carne = meaty [meatier -comp., meatiest -sup.].
    * a base de cometer errores = the hard way.
    * a base de errores = the hard way.
    * a boca de jarro = at close range.
    * a bocajarro = point blank.
    * a bombo y platillo = fanfare, with a bang.
    * a bordo = aboard, on board ship.
    * a bordo de = aboard, onboard.
    * a bordo de un barco = shipboard, on board ship.
    * a buen recaudo = in a safe place, in safekeeping.
    * a caballo = on horseback, astride.
    * a caballo entre = astride... and..., midway between.
    * a caballo entre... y... = half way between... and....
    * a caballo regalado no se le mira el diente = never look a gift horse in the mouth.
    * a cada rato = every so often, every now and then, every now and again, every once in a while.
    * a cambio = in return.
    * a cambio de = in exchange for, in return for.
    * a cambio de nada = for nothing.
    * a cántaros = cats and dogs.
    * a cargo = in the saddle.
    * a cargo (de) = charged with, in charge (of), at the helm (of).
    * a cargo de Alguien = under supervision.
    * a cargo de las riendas = in the saddle.
    * a cargo del ayuntamiento = local authority-run.
    * a cargo del gobierno = government-operated, government-run.
    * a cargo de una sola persona = one-man band.
    * a cargo de voluntarios = volunteer-run.
    * a chorros = profusely.
    * a ciegas = blindfold, blindly, blindfolded, in the dark.
    * a ciencia cierta = for sure, for certain.
    * a cierta distancia = some distance away.
    * a cierta distancia de = off.
    * a cierta distancia de la costa = offshore.
    * a cierta distancia del litoral = offshore.
    * a cobro revertido = reverse charges.
    * a color = multi-colour [multi-color -USA].
    * a comienzos de + Expresión Temporal = early + Expresión Temporal, the.
    * a comienzos de + Fecha = in the early + Fecha, in the early part of + Fecha.
    * a comienzos de + Período de Tiempo = by the turn of + Período de Tiempo, at the turn of + Período de Tiempo.
    * a conciencia = deliberately, wilfully [willfully, -USA], by design, on purpose.
    * a condición de que + Subjuntivo = provided (that), providing (that), as long as.
    * a contenido enriquecido = content-enriched.
    * a continuación = next, then, in the following, herewith.
    * a continuación se enumeran = given below.
    * a contracorriente = against the grain.
    * a contraluz = against the light.
    * a contrapelo = against the grain, against the nap.
    * a coro = with one voice, in unison.
    * a corto plazo = before very long, short term [short-term], in the short run, short-range, at short notice, in the short term, short-run.
    * a costa de = at the cost of, at the expense of, at + Nombre's + expense, at cost of.
    * a costa de mucho = at (a) great expense.
    * a costa de otro = at someone else's expense.
    * a costa de otros = at other people's expense.
    * a criterio de = at the discretion of.
    * a cualquier hora = anytime, around the clock.
    * a cualquier hora del día o de la noche = at any hour of the day or night, at any time of the day or night.
    * a cualquier precio = at any cost, at all costs, at any price.
    * a cuatro aguas = hipped.
    * a cuatro patas = on all fours, on four legs.
    * a cuenta de = at the expense of.
    * a cuenta de la empresa = at company expense.
    * a cuenta de otro = at someone else's expense.
    * a cuenta de otros = at other people's expense.
    * a cuenta propia = at + Posesivo + expense, at + Posesivo + own expense.
    * a cuerpo de rey = the lap of luxury.
    * a cuestas = in tow.
    * a decir de todos = by all accounts.
    * a decir verdad = to tell the truth, if the truth be known, if the truth be told, in all truth, in truth, fact is, the fact is (that), to be fair.
    * a decir verdad... = the fact of the matter is that....
    * a demanda = pro re nata.
    * a deshora(s) = at odd times, out of hours.
    * a día de hoy = as of today.
    * a diario = every day.
    * a diestro y siniestro = like there's no tomorrow.
    * a dieta = on a diet.
    * a diferencia de = apart from, as opposed to, in contradistinction to, as contrasted with, in contrast (to/with), quite apart from, in sharp contrast (with).
    * a diferencia de + Nombre = unlike + Nombre.
    * a diferentes niveles = multi-tiered [multitiered], multi-tier [multitier].
    * a discreción = at will, no holds barred.
    * a disgusto = unwillingly, reluctantly.
    * a disposición de = at the disposal of.
    * a distancia = remote, remotely, distantly.
    * a doble espacio = double-spaced.
    * a domicilio = domiciliary.
    * ¿a dónde se dirige(n)...? = whither?.
    * ¿a dónde va(n)...? = whither?.
    * ¿a dónde vas? = quo vadis, whither thou goest.
    * a dos niveles = two-tier.
    * a dos velas = skint, penniless, broke.
    * a duras penas = with great difficulty.
    * a efectos de = in terms of, for the purpose of + Nombre.
    * a efectos prácticos = to all intents and purposes, for all practical purposes, for all intents and purposes, to all intents.
    * a él = him.
    * a ellos = them.
    * a escala = drawn-to-scale.
    * a escala industrial = on an industrial scale, industrial-scale.
    * a escala mundial = globally, on a global scale.
    * a escala natural = full-scale.
    * a escondidas = by stealth, stealthily, furtively, on the quiet, on the sly.
    * a eso = thereto.
    * a espaldas de = out of sight of.
    * a estas alturas = by now.
    * a este fin = to this end.
    * a este paso = at this rate.
    * a este respecto = in this respect.
    * a este ritmo = at this rate.
    * a estrenar = brand new.
    * a examen = under the microscope.
    * a excepción de = barring, except for, excepting, other than, with the exception of, short of.
    * a excepción de que = except that.
    * a excepción de uno = with one exception.
    * a expensas de = at the expense of, at + Nombre's + expense.
    * a expensas de otro = at someone else's expense.
    * a expensas de otros = at other people's expense.
    * a + Expresión Temporal = as of + Expresión Temporal.
    * a falta de = for want of, in the absence of, in default of, for lack of, short of.
    * a favor = in favour.
    * a favor de = in favour of.
    * a favor de la decisión personal sobre el aborto = pro-choice.
    * a favor de la esclavitud = pro-slavery.
    * a favor de la raza negra = pro-black [problack].
    * a favor de la vida humana = pro-life.
    * a favor y en contra = pro and con.
    * a + Fecha = as per + Fecha.
    * a finales de = by the end of, at the close of + Expresión Temporal.
    * a finales de + Expresión Temporal = as of late + Expresión Temporal, at the end of + Expresión Temporal, by the close of + Expresión Temporal.
    * a finales de + Fecha = in the late + Fecha, in late + Fecha.
    * a finales de los + Década = late + Década, the.
    * a finales del + Siglo = late + Siglo, late period of + Siglo.
    * a fin de cuentas = at the end of the day, in the end, in the final count, in the grand scheme of things, when all is said and done, after all is said and done.
    * a fondo = fully, thoroughly, full-scale.
    * a fondo perdido = non-refundable.
    * ¡a freír espárragos! = on your bike!.
    * a fuerza de = by dint of.
    * a fuerza de cometer errores = the hard way.
    * a fuerza de errores = the hard way.
    * a gas = gas-powered.
    * a gatas = on all fours.
    * a grandes rasgos = broadly, rough draft.
    * a granel = in bulk.
    * a gran escala = large scale [large-scale], massive, on a wide scale, high-volume, wide-scale, on a broad scale, in a big way, on a grand scale.
    * a gran velocidad = at great speed.
    * a grito limpio = at the top of + Posesivo + voice.
    * a grito pelado = at the top of + Posesivo + voice.
    * a gritos = vociferously.
    * a groso modo = crudely.
    * a grosso modo = roughly, rough draft.
    * a gusto = at ease, at leisure.
    * a gusto de = to the liking of, at the pleasure of.
    * a horcajadas = astride.
    * a hurtadillas = surreptitiously, by stealth, stealthily, furtively, on the sly.
    * a imitación de lo clásico = classicising [classicizing, -USA], classicised [classicized, -USA].
    * a iniciativa de = at the initiative of.
    * a iniciativas del gobierno = government-led.
    * a instancia de = at the urging of.
    * a instancias de = at the instigation of, at the behest of, under the auspices of.
    * a intervalos = at intervals.
    * a intervalos + Adjetivo = at + Adjetivo + intervals.
    * a intervalos semanales = at weekly intervals.
    * a invitación de = at the invitation of.
    * a jabón = soapy [soapier -comp., soapiest -sup.].
    * a juicio = on trial.
    * a juicio público = in the public eye.
    * a juzgar por = to judge by, judging by, judging from.
    * a la acuarela = water-coloured [water-colored, -USA].
    * a la alcaldía = mayoral.
    * a la altura de = of the stature of, equal to.
    * a la altura de la cintura = waist high, waist deep.
    * a la altura de la rodilla = knee-high.
    * a la altura de los hombros = shoulder-high.
    * a la anchura de los hombros = shoulder-width.
    * a la anochecida = at nightfall.
    * a la antigua = old-style.
    * a la antigua usanza = old-style.
    * a la atención de = c/o (care of).
    * a la baja = on the wane.
    * a la brasa = grilled.
    * a la buena de Dios = out in the cold.
    * a la cabeza de = in the forefront of/in.
    * a la caída de la noche = at nightfall, at twilight.
    * a la caída de la tarde = at twilight.
    * a la carta = a la carte.
    * a la defensiva = on the defensive.
    * a la derecha = at the right.
    * a la derecha de = on the right side of, on the right-hand side of.
    * a la deriva = rudderless.
    * a la discreción de = at the discretion of.
    * a la disposición de Alguien = at + Posesivo + disposal.
    * a la expectativa de = on the lookout for, on the alert for.
    * a la + Expresión Temporal = a + Expresión Temporal.
    * a la fuerza = forcefully, of necessity, forcibly, compulsorily.
    * a la fuga = on the run, on the lam.
    * a la hora de + Infinitivo = when it came to + Gerundio, when it comes to + Gerundio.
    * a la hora de la verdad = when push comes to shove, if it comes to the crunch, when it comes to the crunch, when the worst comes to the worst, if the worst comes to the worst, when the crunch comes to the crunch, if the crunch comes to the crunch.
    * a la hora del café = at coffee.
    * a la intemperie = in the open, exposed.
    * a la inversa = mirror-fashion, mirror image, in reverse.
    * a la izquierda = at the left.
    * a la larga = in the long term, over the long term, in the end, eventually, for the long pull, over a period of time, over the long haul, in the far term, ultimately, by and by.
    * a la ligera = lightly.
    * a la luz de = in light of, in the light of.
    * a la luz de la luna = by moonlight, in the moonlight, moonlit.
    * a la luz de las estrellas = by starlight.
    * a la luz de las velas = by candlelight, candlelight, candlelit.
    * a la luz del día = in the light of day.
    * a la luz de una lámpara de gas = by gaslight.
    * a la mano de = available at the fingertips of.
    * a la misma altura que = in the same league as.
    * a la moda = trendy [trendier -comp., trendiest -sup.].
    * a la onda = in the know.
    * a la opinión pública = in the public eye.
    * a la par = in concert, in tandem, neck and neck, in a tandem fashion, in parallel.
    * a la par que = in tandem with, hand in hand (with), as the same time as.
    * a la parrilla = grilled, on the grill.
    * a la perfección = superbly.
    * a la plancha = griddled, on the griddle, on the hotplate.
    * a largo plazo = in the long term, over the long term, long-range, in the long run, long-term, over the long run, over the long haul, long-run, in the far term, far-term.
    * a la salida = on the way out.
    * a la sazón = at that time.
    * a las doce del mediodía = at high noon.
    * a la semana = a week, per week.
    * a las mil maravillas = marvellously [marvelously, -USA], famously, like a house on fire.
    * a la sombra de = in the shadow of.
    * a las puertas de = on the threshold of.
    * a la última = hip [hipper -comp., hippest -sup.], on the fast track, hipped.
    * a la vanguardia = on the cutting edge, on the leading edge, in the fast lane, on the fast track, at the leading edge, on the bleeding edge.
    * a la vanguardia de = in the vanguard of, at the forefront of, in the forefront of/in, at the vanguard of.
    * a la velocidad de la luz = at the speed of light.
    * a la velocidad del rayo = at the speed of lightning.
    * a la velocidad del sonido = at the speed of sound.
    * a la venta = on release.
    * a la vez = at once, at one time, at similar times, at the same time, concurrently, side-by-side, simultaneously, at the same instant, in parallel, in tandem, at the one time, in a tandem fashion, at a time, in unison.
    * a la vez que = hand in hand (with), cum, in conjunction with, in unison with.
    * a la vista = in sight, within sight.
    * a la vista de = in light of, in the light of.
    * a la vuelta de = on the return leg of.
    * a la zaga = not far behind, in tow.
    * al azar = lucky draw, lucky dip.
    * al extremo norte = northernmost.
    * al extremo oeste = westernmost.
    * al hacer esto = in doing so.
    * al norte del estado = upstate.
    * a lo extremo = to the extreme.
    * a lo grande = in a big way, big time, grandly, on a grand scale.
    * a lo hecho, pecho = no use crying over spilt/spilled milk, you've made your bed, now you must lie in it!.
    * a lo largo de = along, down, throughout.
    * a lo largo de + Expresión Temporal = sometime + Expresión Temporal.
    * a lo largo de la historia = over time.
    * a lo largo de la ruta = along the way.
    * a lo largo del tiempo = longitudinal, longitudinally.
    * a lo largo de todo = the entire length of.
    * a lo largo y ancho del país = countrywide [country-wide].
    * a lo largo y ancho de + Lugar = up and down + Lugar.
    * a lo lejos = in the distance.
    * a lo loco = helter-skelter, like there's no tomorrow.
    * a lo máximo = at best, at most, at the most.
    * a lo mejor = perhaps.
    * a lo que salga = come what may.
    * a los ojos de = in the eyes of.
    * a lo sumo = at best, at most, at the most.
    * al otro lado del atlántico = across the pond.
    * al otro lado del charco = across the pond.
    * al otro lado del océano = across the pond.
    * a lo zombi = zombielike.
    * a mano = by hand, manually, nearby [near-by], handy, within reach, within easy reach.
    * a mano alzada = by a show of hands.
    * a mano derecha de = on the right side of, on the right-hand side of.
    * a manojos = by the handful.
    * a manos de = at the hands of.
    * a marchas forzadas = in a rush, against the clock.
    * a mares = cats and dogs.
    * a más largo plazo = longer-term.
    * a más..., más... = the + Comparativo..., the + Comparativo....
    * a más tardar = at the latest.
    * a mata caballo = in a hurry, hurried, hurriedly, helter-skelter.
    * a media asta = at half-mast, at half staff.
    * a mediados de = in the middle decades of.
    * a mediados de + Fecha = in the mid + Fecha.
    * a mediados de semana = midweek.
    * a media jornada = half-time [half time].
    * a media mañana = mid-morning.
    * a medianoche = at midnight.
    * a medias = half-hearted [halfhearted], qualified.
    * a medias entre... y... = betwixt and between.
    * a medida = custom, bespoke.
    * a medida que + avanzar + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * a medida que + avanzar + el día = as the day + wear on.
    * a medida que pasaba el tiempo = as time passed (by), as time went by.
    * a medida que pasa el tiempo = as time passes (by).
    * a medida que pasa + Expresión Temporal = as + Expresión Temporal + go by.
    * a medida que + pasar + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * a medida que + pasar + el día = as the day + wear on.
    * a medida que se necesite = on demand, on request, as required.
    * a medida que + transcurrir + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * a medida que + transcurrir + el día = as the day + wear on.
    * a medio abrir = half-opened.
    * a medio camino = halfway [half-way/half way].
    * a medio comprender = half-understood.
    * a medio formar = half-formed.
    * a medio fuego = medium heat.
    * a medio hacer = halfway done, half done.
    * a medio plazo = medium-term, near-term, in the medium term, in the mid-term, mid-term [midterm].
    * a medio rimar = half-rhymed.
    * a medio vestir = half dressed.
    * a menor escala = at a reduced rate.
    * a menos que = unless, short of.
    * a menudo = oftentimes [often times], ofttimes [oft-times].
    * a merced de = at the mercy of.
    * a mí = me.
    * a mi entender = to my mind.
    * a mi modo de ver = in my books.
    * a mi parecer = to my mind, methinks, in my books.
    * a mitad de = half way through, halfway through.
    * a mitad de camino = halfway [half-way/half way].
    * a mitad de camino entre... y... = midway between, half way between... and....
    * a mitad de camino entre... y... = astride... and....
    * a mitad de precio = at half price.
    * a mí también me gustaría tener la misma oportunidad = turnabout is fair play.
    * a modo de = by way of, in the vein of, as a kind of.
    * a modo de aclaración = in parenthesis, on a sidenote.
    * a modo de advertencia = cautionary.
    * a modo de ejemplo = by way of illustration.
    * a modo de explicación = parenthetically.
    * a modo de ilustración = by way of illustration.
    * a modo de inciso = in passing, by the way of (a) digression.
    * a modo de paréntesis = parenthetical.
    * a modo de prólogo = prefatory.
    * a modo de resumen = wrap-up.
    * a mogollón = aplenty [a-plenty].
    * a montón = aplenty [a-plenty].
    * a montones = in droves, by the sackful.
    * a muchos niveles = many-levelled [many-leveled, -USA].
    * a muerte = bitter, bitterly.
    * a nadie le importa nada = nobody + gives a damn.
    * a nivel de barrio = neighbourhood-based.
    * a nivel de calle = on the ground level.
    * a nivel de la calle = at ground level.
    * a nivel del suelo = at ground level.
    * a nivel estatal = statewide [state-wide].
    * a nivel federal = federally, federally.
    * a nivel individual = privately.
    * a nivel local = locally, domestically.
    * a nivel multicultural = multi-culturally [multiculturally].
    * a nivel mundial = worldwide [world-wide], globally.
    * a nivel nacional = nationally, domestically, countrywide [country-wide].
    * a nivel privado = privately.
    * a nivel regional = regionally.
    * a nombre de = payable to.
    * a no ser que = unless.
    * a nosotros = us.
    * a ojo = ocular.
    * a ojos vista = before + Posesivo + (own two) eyes.
    * a orillas del océano = oceanfront.
    * a orillas del río = riverfront.
    * a orillas de un lago = lakeside, lakefront, by the lakeside.
    * a otro sitio = somewhere else.
    * a pares = in pairs.
    * a partes iguales = share and share alike, in equal measure(s).
    * a partir de = on the basis of, based on, working from, from, on a diet of, in response to.
    * a partir de ahora = from now on, from this point on, henceforth, as of now.
    * a partir de ahora y durante + Cuantificador + años = for + Cuantificador + years to come.
    * a partir de aquí = hereupon.
    * a partir de ello = therefrom.
    * a partir de entonces = from this time on, hereafter, thereafter, whereafter, from then on, thenceforth, henceforth, from that moment on.
    * a partir de ese momento = from that moment on.
    * a partir de este momento = hereinafter.
    * a partir de esto = on this basis, on that basis.
    * a partir de + Fecha = from + Fecha, effective + Fecha.
    * a partir de hoy = as from today.
    * a partir de la medianoche = late night.
    * a partir de los títulos = title-based.
    * a paso de tortuga = at a snail's pace.
    * a paso ligero = on the double.
    * a pasos agigantados = at an exponential rate, at exponential rates, by leaps and bounds.
    * a pedir de boca = without a hitch.
    * a pequeña escala = in a small way, small scale [small-scale].
    * a perpetuidad = in perpetuity.
    * a pesar de (que) = albeit (that), despite, in spite of, notwithstanding, although, despite the fact that, in spite of the fact that.
    * a pesar de todo = all the same, in spite of everything, despite everything, despite it all, in spite of it all, all this said.
    * a pesar de todo + Posesivo + Nombre = for all + Posesivo + Nombre.
    * a petición de = at the request of, at the urging of, at the behest of.
    * a petición del usuario = on demand, on request.
    * a petición popular = by popular demand.
    * a pie = on foot, afoot, dismounted.
    * a pilas = battery-operated.
    * a pique = sinking.
    * a placer = at will.
    * a plena luz del día = in broad daylight.
    * a poca distancia = not far behind.
    * a poca distancia andando = within walking distance, within an easy walk.
    * a poca distancia a pie = within an easy walk, within walking distance.
    * a pocos minutos andando = within walking distance, within easy walking distance, within an easy walk.
    * a pocos minutos a pie = within walking distance, within easy walking distance, within an easy walk.
    * a porrillo = by the handful.
    * a + Posesivo + aire = to + Posesivo + heart's content.
    * a + Posesivo + alcance = in the ballpark for + Pronombre, in + Posesivo + ballpark range.
    * a + Posesivo + costa = at + Posesivo + expense.
    * a + Posesivo + cuidado = in + Posesivo + safekeeping.
    * a + Posesivo + discreción = at will, at + Posesivo + discretion.
    * a + Posesivo + disposición = at + Posesivo + disposal.
    * a + Posesivo + entender = to the best of + Posesivo + belief.
    * a + Posesivo + espaldas = behind + Posesivo + back.
    * a + Posesivo + expensas = at + Posesivo + expense.
    * a + Posesivo + favor = in + Posesivo + favour, to + Posesivo + credit.
    * a + Posesivo + juicio = in + Posesivo + estimation.
    * a + Posesivo + manera = in + Posesivo + own way.
    * a + Posesivo + saber = to the best of + Posesivo + knowledge.
    * a + Posesivo + saber y entender = to the best of + Posesivo + knowledge and belief.
    * a + Posesivo + servicio = at + Posesivo + service.
    * a + Posesivo + sorprender = much to + Posesivo + surprise.
    * a + Posesivo + vista = before + Posesivo + (own two) eyes.
    * a posteriori = reactive, in retrospect, after-the-fact, hindsight, with hindsight, a posteriori, in hindsight.
    * a precio de coste = at cost price, at cost.
    * a precio de costo = at cost price, at cost.
    * a precio de ganga = at a steal.
    * a precio especial = at reduced cost, discounted, cut-rate, cut-price.
    * a precio razonable = at reasonable cost(s).
    * a precio reducido = at a discount.
    * a precios competitivos = competitively priced.
    * a precios especiales = at reduced rates, at preferential rates.
    * a precios razonables = at affordable prices.
    * a presión = pressurised [pressurized, -USA].
    * a primera hora de la mañana = first thing in the morning.
    * a primera hora de + Período del Día = first thing + Período del Día.
    * a primeras horas de la tarde = late afternoon.
    * a primera vista = on first acquaintance, at first sight, on first inspection, on the face of it, at first blush, at first glance, on the surface, prima facie, first-blush.
    * a primeros de + Fecha = in the early + Fecha.
    * a principios de + Fecha = in the early + Fecha.
    * a principios de los + Década = early + Década, the.
    * a priori = proactive [pro-active], foresight, a priori, on the surface.
    * a prisa = quickly.
    * a propósito = deliberate, for the record, incidentally, intentionally, by the way, in passing, anecdotally, purposely, by design, on purpose, wilfully [willfully, -USA], on a sidenote, studiously, by the way of (a) digression, by the by(e), speaking of which, designedly.
    * a propósito de = apropos of.
    * a propósito de nada = for no specific reason, for no particular reason.
    * a prueba = on trial.
    * a prueba de bombas = ruggedised [ruggedized, -USA], bomb-proof.
    * a prueba de conejos = rabbit-proof.
    * a prueba de fallos = fail-safe.
    * a prueba de incendios = fireproof [fire-proof].
    * a prueba de niños = childproof.
    * a prueba de robos = theft proof.
    * a prueba de tornados = tornado proof.
    * a prueba de un tratamiento duro = ruggedised [ruggedized, -USA].
    * a prueba de viento = windproof.
    * a puerta cerrada = behind closed doors.
    * a punta de pistola = at gunpoint.
    * a punto de = on the verge of, a heartbeat away from.
    * a punto de + Infinitivo = about to + Infinitivo.
    * a punto de irse a pique = on the rocks.
    * a punto de morir = on + Posesivo + deathbed.
    * a puñados = by the sackful, by the handful.
    * a quemarropa = point blank.
    * a quien madruga, Dios le ayuda = the early bird catches the worm.
    * a quienquiera que = whomever.
    * a rachas = by fits and starts.
    * a ráfagas = in bursts.
    * a raíz de = in the wake of.
    * a rajatabla = to the letter.
    * a ras de = flush with.
    * a ras de la calle = ground-floor.
    * a ras del suelo = at ground level.
    * a rastras = in tow.
    * a ratos = intermittently.
    * a reacción = jet-assisted.
    * a rebosar (de) = jam-packed (with), filled to capacity.
    * a regañadientes = grudgingly, grudging, begrudgingly, unwillingly, reluctantly.
    * a régimen = on a diet.
    * a remolque = in tow.
    * a reventar (de) = jam-packed (with), filled to capacity.
    * a saber = namely, viz, to wit.
    * a sabiendas = knowing, knowingly, wilfully [willfully, -USA].
    * a sabiendas de que = on the understanding that.
    * a sacudidas = jerkily.
    * a saltitos = jerky [jerkier -comp., jerkiest -sup.].
    * a salvo = in a safe place, in safekeeping, out of harm's way.
    * a sangre fría = cold-blooded.
    * a ser posible = if possible.
    * a simple vista = by the naked eye, superficially, on first thought.
    * a solas = all by + Reflexivo, by + Reflexivo.
    * a su debido tiempo = in due course, timely, in due time.
    * a sueldo = paid.
    * a su precio normal = at full price.
    * a su propio ritmo = at an individual pace.
    * a su tiempo = in a timely fashion, in due course, in a timely manner.
    * a su vez = Verbo + further, in turn, in its/their turn.
    * a tal efecto = to this effect.
    * a tales efectos = hereto.
    * a tarifa reducida = at reduced cost.
    * a tarifas especiales = at reduced rates, at preferential rates.
    * a temperatura ambiente = at room temperature.
    * a tener en cuenta en el futuro = for future reference.
    * a tenor de = in light of, in the face of, in the light of, in view of.
    * a ti = you, thee.
    * a tiempo = in timely fashion, on time, promptly, timely, just in time, in time.
    * a tiempo completo = full-time.
    * a tiempo parcial = part-time.
    * a tientas = in the dark.
    * a tientas y a ciegas = blindly, in the dark.
    * a ti mismo = yourself, thyself.
    * a tiro = within gunshot, within range.
    * a tirones = jerky [jerkier -comp., jerkiest -sup.].
    * a título de = by way of, for the sake of.
    * a título gratuito = gratuitous.
    * a título personal = in a personal capacity, in a private capacity.
    * a toda costa = absolutely, at all costs, come what may, at any cost, at any price.
    * a toda máquina = in the fast lane, fast lane, full steam ahead, at full tilt, full-tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a toda marcha = at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a toda mecha = at a rate of knots, full steam ahead, at full blast, at full throttle, at top speed, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a toda pasta = at a rate of knots.
    * a toda pastilla = in the fast lane, on the fast track, fast lane, overdrive, full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at a rate of knots, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a toda prueba = unswerving.
    * a todas horas = at all hours, around the clock.
    * a todas luces = patently.
    * a todas partes = far and wide.
    * a toda velocidad = full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a todo alrededor = all round.
    * a todo color = full-colour, in full colour.
    * a todo gas = full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a todo lo largo de = the length of.
    * a todo meter = full steam ahead, at full stretch, at full speed, at full blast, at top speed, at full throttle.
    * a todo ritmo = in full swing, in full force, in full gear.
    * a todos lados = far and wide.
    * a todos los efectos = to all intents and purposes, to all intents, for all practical purposes, for all intents and purposes.
    * a todos los niveles = at all levels.
    * a todos nosotros = us all.
    * a todos por igual = one size fits all.
    * a todo vapor = full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a todo volumen = at full blast.
    * a tontas y a ciegas = headlong, runaway.
    * a tontas y locas = like there's no tomorrow, without rhyme or reason.
    * a tope = packed to capacity, in the fast lane, fast lane, choc-a-block, chock-full, in full swing, in full gear, packed to the rafters.
    * a trancas y barrancas = with great difficulty, by fits and starts.
    * a través de = by way of, in the form of, through, via, out of, through the agency of.
    * a través de Internet = Internet-based, Web-based, Web-supported.
    * a través de la historia = over time.
    * a través de la TI = IT-enabled.
    * a través de la web = Web-based, Web-supported.
    * a través de los años = over the years, down the years.
    * a través de los ojos de = through the eyes of.
    * a través de los siglos = over the centuries.
    * a través del teléfono = call-in.
    * a través del tiempo = over time.
    * a través de operador = operator-assisted.
    * a tres bandas = three pronged.
    * a tres niveles = three-tiered.
    * a troche y moche = like there's no tomorrow.
    * a trompicones = by fits and starts.
    * a tropezones = falteringly, hesitantly, haltingly, jerkily.
    * a trozos = piecewise.
    * ¡A tu salud! = Here's to you!.
    * a última hora = at the last minute, at the eleventh hour, last minute [last-minute], at the very last minute, at the very last moment, at the very last.
    * a últimas horas de la tarde = late evening.
    * a últ

    * * *
    La preposición a suele emplearse precedida de ciertos verbos como empezar, ir, oler, sonar etc, en cuyo caso ver bajo el respectivo verbo.
    No se traduce cuando introduce el complemento directo de persona (ser humano, pronombres personales que lo representan como quien, alguien, etc) o un nombre con un objeto o animal personalizado: amo a mi patria = I love my country, pasear al perro = to walk the dog.
    En los casos en que precede al artículo definido el para formar la contracción al, ver bajo la siguiente entrada, donde también se encontrarán otros ejemplos y usos de a.
    A (en relaciones de espacio, lugar)
    voy a México/a la fiesta I'm going to Mexico/to the party
    voy a casa I'm going home
    dobla a la derecha turn right
    se cayó al río she fell into the river
    estaban sentados a la mesa they were sitting at the table
    a orillas del Ebro on the banks of the Ebro
    se sentó al sol he sat in the sun
    se sentó a mi derecha he sat down to the right of me o on my right
    a la vuelta de la esquina around the corner
    queda al norte de Toledo it's (to the) north of Toledo
    (indicando distancia): está a diez kilómetros de aquí it's ten kilometers from here, it's ten kilometers away
    está a unos 20 minutos de aquí it takes o it's about 20 minutes from here, it's a 20 minute drive ( o walk etc) from here
    1 (señalando hora, momento, fecha) at
    abren a las ocho they open at eight o'clock
    ¿a qué hora vengo? what time shall I come?
    a eso de las dos at around o about two o'clock
    a mediados de abril in mid-April
    hoy estamos a 20 it's the 20th today
    al día siguiente the next o following day
    empezó a hablar a los diez meses he started talking when he was ten months old o at ten months
    llegó a la mañana/noche ( RPl); he arrived in the morning/at night
    2 al + INF:
    se cayó al bajar del autobús she fell as she was getting off the bus
    al verlo me di cuenta de que ya no lo quería when I saw him o on seeing him, I realized that I no longer loved him
    al salir de la estación torcí a la izquierda I turned left out of the station
    (indicando distancia en el tiempo): a escasos minutos de su llegada (después) just a few minutes after she arrived; (antes) just a few minutes before she arrived
    trabajan de lunes a viernes/de una a cinco they work (from) Monday to Friday/from one to five
    a los diez minutos del primer tiempo ten minutes into the first half o after ten minutes of the first half
    estaré en París de martes a jueves I'll be in Paris from Tuesday until Thursday, I'll be in Paris Tuesday through Thursday ( AmE)
    (en relaciones de proporción, equivalencia): tres veces al día/a la semana three times a day/a week
    sale a 2.000 euros por cabeza it works out at 2,000 euros per person
    iban a 100 kilómetros por hora they were going (at) 100 kilometers per hour
    nos ganaron cinco a tres they beat us by five points to three, they beat us five three o ( AmE) five to three
    (indicando modo, estilo): fuimos a pie/a caballo we walked/rode, we went on foot/on horseback
    pollo al horno/a la brasa roast/barbecued chicken
    un peinado a lo Rodolfo Valentino a Rudolph Valentino hairstyle
    a crédito on credit
    ilustraciones a todo color full-color illustrations
    una tela a rayas a piece of striped material
    (introduciendo el complemento directo de persona): ¿viste a José? did you see José?
    la policía está buscando al asesino the police are looking for the murderer
    no he leído a Freud I haven't read (any) Freud
    busca una secretaria bilingüe he's looking for a bilingual secretary
    (introduciendo el complemento indirecto): le escribió una carta a su padre he wrote a letter to his father, he wrote his father a letter
    dáselo/dáselos a ella give it/them to her
    les enseña inglés a mis hijos she teaches my children English
    suave al tacto soft to the touch
    agradable al oído pleasing to the ear
    (indicando procedencia): se lo compré a una gitana I bought it from o ( colloq) off a gipsy
    enséñale a nadar teach him to swim
    fue a preguntar he went to ask
    a que + SUBJ:
    los instó a que participaran he urged them to take part
    voy a ir a que me hagan un chequeo I'm going to go and have a checkup
    2 ( fam)
    (para): ¿a qué tanta ceremonia? what's all the fuss for?
    ¿a qué le fuiste a decir eso? what did you go and tell him that for?
    a por ( Esp fam): bajo a por pan I'm going down to get some bread o for some bread ( colloq)
    ¿quién va a ir a por los niños? who's going to fetch o get the children?
    ¡a por ello! go for it!
    los puntos a tratar en la reunión de mañana the points to be discussed at tomorrow's meeting
    es una idea a tener en cuenta it's an idea to bear in mind o that should be borne in mind
    total a pagar total payable
    horario a convenir hours to be arranged
    (en órdenes): ¡a la cama, niños! off to bed, children!
    ¡a callar! shut up! ( colloq)
    vamos ¡a trabajar! come on, let's get some work done!
    a decir verdad to tell you the truth
    a juzgar por lo que tú dices judging from what you say
    3 ( fam)
    (en cuanto a): a tozudo no hay quien le gane when it comes to being stubborn there's nobody like him
    (indicando causa): a petición del interesado ( frml); at the request of the interested party
    al + INF:
    al no saber idiomas está en desventaja as he doesn't speak any languages he is at a disadvantage, he's at a disadvantage not speaking any languages
    (expresando desafío): ¿a que no sabes qué nota me puso? you'll never guess what mark she gave me!
    tú no te atreverías — ¿a que sí? you wouldn't dare — do you want to o a bet? ( colloq)
    ¡a que no puedes! bet you can't! ( colloq)
    * * *

    Multiple Entries:
    a sustantivo femenino (pl aes) (read as /a/) the letter A, a

    a preposición Nota:
    La preposición a suele emplearse precedida de ciertos verbos como empezar, ir, oler, sonar etc, en cuyo caso ver bajo el respectivo verbo.No se traduce cuando introduce el complemento directo de persona (ser humano, pronombres personales que lo representan, como quien, alguien, algún etc) o un nombre con un objeto o animal personalizado: amo a mi patria = I love my country, paseo a mi perro = I walk my dog.En los casos en que precede al artículo definido el para formar la contracción al, ver bajo la siguiente entrada, donde también se encontrarán otros ejemplos y usos de a.

    voy a México/la tienda I'm going to Mexico/to the shop;

    voy a casa I'm going home;
    se cayó al río she fell into the river

    a orillas del Ebro on the banks of the Ebro;
    se sentó al sol he sat in the sun;
    se sentó a mi derecha he sat down on my right

    a) (señalando hora, momento) at;

    a la hora de comer at lunch time;
    ¿a qué hora vengo? what time shall I come?;
    a mediados de abril in mid-April;
    al día siguiente the next o following day

    hoy estamos a lunes/a 20 today is Monday/it's the 20th today

    c) al + inf:

    al enterarse de la noticia when he learnt o on learning the news

    ( antes) a few minutes before she arrived;

    3 (en relaciones de proporción, equivalencia):

    sale a 100 euros cada uno it works out at 100 euros each;
    a 100 kilómetros por hora (at) 100 kilometers per hour;
    nos ganaron cinco a tres they beat us five three o (AmE) five to three
    4 (indicando modo, medio, estilo):
    a pie/a caballo on foot/on horseback;

    a crédito on credit;
    funciona a pilas it runs on batteries;
    a mano by hand;
    a rayas striped;
    vestirse a lo punk to wear punk clothes

    ¿viste a José? did you see José?;

    no he leído a Freud I haven't read (any) Freud

    dáselo a ella give it to her;
    les enseña inglés a mis hijos she teaches my children English;
    le echó (la) llave a la puerta she locked the door

    se lo compré a una gitana I bought it from o (colloq) off a gipsy

    A, a f (letra) A
    'A' also found in these entries:
    a. C.
    - a.m.
    - abajeña
    - abajeño
    - abanderada
    - abanderado
    - abandonar
    - abandonada
    - abandonado
    - abanico
    - abarquillada
    - abarquillado
    - abarrotada
    - abarrotado
    - abasto
    - abatida
    - abatido
    - abatirse
    - abdicar
    - aberración
    - abertura
    - abierta
    - abierto
    - abigarrada
    - abigarrado
    - abigarrar
    - ablandar
    - ablusada
    - ablusado
    - abnegada
    - abnegado
    - abobada
    - abobado
    - abocada
    - abocado
    - abogacía
    - abogada
    - abogado
    - abombada
    - abombado
    - abonar
    - abonada
    - abonado
    - abonarse
    - abono
    - abordar
    - abordaje
    - aborregar
    - abortar
    - abortiva
    - A-level
    - a.m.
    - abandon
    - abandoned
    - abide by
    - ability
    - abject
    - abnormal
    - aboard
    - aborigine
    - abortion
    - abortive
    - about
    - above
    - above-board
    - above-mentioned
    - abrasive
    - abreast
    - abridged
    - abrupt
    - absent
    - absent-minded
    - absolute
    - absolutely
    - absorbed
    - abstemious
    - abstract
    - absurd
    - abundant
    - abuse
    - abusive
    - abysmal
    - academic
    - academy
    - accede
    - accent
    - acceptable
    - access
    - accident-prone
    - accidental
    - accidentally
    - acclimatized
    - accommodate
    - accommodation
    - accomplish
    - accomplished
    - account
    - account for
    - accountable
    * * *
    1. (abrev de autopista) Br M, US freeway
    2. (abrev de alfil) [en notación de ajedrez] B
    A, a [a] nf
    [letra] A, a;
    si por a o por be… if for any reason…
    * * *
    al este de to the east of;
    a casa home;
    ir a la cama/al cine go to bed/to the movies;
    ¡a trabajar! get to work!;
    vamos a Buenos Aires we’re going to Buenos Aires;
    voy a casa de Marta I’m going to Marta’s (house)
    a la mesa at the table;
    al lado de next to;
    a la derecha on the right;
    al sol in the sun;
    a treinta kilómetros de Cuzco thirty kilometers from Cuzco;
    está a cinco kilómetros it’s five kilometers away
    ¿a qué hora llegas? what time do you arrive?;
    a las tres at three o’clock;
    de once a doce from eleven (o’clock) to twelve;
    estamos a quince de febrero it’s February fifteenth;
    a los treinta años at the age of thirty;
    a la llegada del tren when the train arrives
    a la española the Spanish way;
    a mano by hand;
    a pie on foot;
    a 50 kilómetros por hora at fifty kilometers an hour
    ¿a cómo o
    cuánto está? how much is it?;
    están a dos pesos el kilo they are two pesos a kilo
    dáselo a tu hermano give it to your brother
    vi a mi padre I saw my father
    empezar a begin to;
    jugar a las cartas play cards;
    decidirse a hacer algo decide to do sth;
    voy a comprarlo I’m going to buy it;
    a decir verdad to tell the truth
    ¿a que no lo sabes? I bet you don’t know;
    a ver OK, right;
    a ver lo que pasa ahora let’s see what happens now
    abr (= alias) aka (= also known as)
    * * *
    a nf
    : first letter of the Spanish alphabet
    a prep
    1) : to
    nos vamos a México: we're going to Mexico
    ¿llamaste a tu papá?: did you call your dad?
    como a usted le guste: as you wish
    3) : in the manner of
    papas a la francesa: french fries
    4) : on, by means of
    a pie: on foot
    5) : per, each
    tres pastillas al día: three pills per day
    enséñales a leer: teach them to read
    problemas a resolver: problems to be solved
    * * *
    a prep
    3. (distancia) away
    está a un kilómetro de aquí it's one kilometre from here / it's one kilometre away
    4. (tiempo) at
    5. (distribución, cantidad, medida, precio) a / at
    tocamos a 1.000 cada uno it works out at 1,000 each
    fui a pie I walked / I went on foot
    hecho a mano handmade / made by hand
    ¿has visto a Iván? have you seen Iván?
    9. (para) for
    10. (de) from

    Spanish-English dictionary > a

  • 9 Nachfrage

    1. (Erkundigung) inquiry, enquiry; danke der Nachfrage! meist hum., auch iro. kind of you to ask
    2. WIRTS. demand ( nach for); starke / geringe Nachfrage great / little demand; Angebot
    3. bei Wahlen: exit poll
    * * *
    die Nachfrage
    enquiry; demand; inquiry; request
    * * *
    1) (COMM) demand (
    nach, in +dat for)

    danach besteht eine rege/keine Náchfrage — there is a great/no demand for it

    2) (= Erkundigung) inquiry

    danke der Náchfrage (form) — thank you for your concern; (inf) nice of you to ask

    * * *
    (a demand: There's less call for coachmen nowadays.) call
    * * *
    1. ÖKON demand ( nach + dat for)
    eine große/größere/steigende \Nachfrage a great/greater/growing demand
    schleppende \Nachfrage slack demand
    die \Nachfrage steigt/sinkt demand is increasing/falling
    die \Nachfrage ausweiten/befriedigen to step up/satisfy demand
    für etw akk \Nachfrage schaffen to create a demand for sth; s.a. Angebot
    2. (Erkundigung) enquiry, inquiry
    danke der \Nachfrage! nice of you to ask!
    * * *
    1) (Wirtsch.) demand ( nach for)

    danke der [gütigen] Nachfrage — (meist scherzh.) how kind of you to inquire

    * * *
    1. (Erkundigung) inquiry, enquiry;
    danke der Nachfrage! meist hum, auch iron kind of you to ask
    2. WIRTSCH demand (
    nach for);
    starke/geringe Nachfrage great/little demand; Angebot
    3. bei Wahlen: exit poll
    * * *
    1) (Wirtsch.) demand ( nach for)

    danke der [gütigen] Nachfrage — (meist scherzh.) how kind of you to inquire

    * * *
    demand n.
    inquiry n.
    request n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Nachfrage

  • 10 dirigir

    1 to steer (conducir) (coche, barco).
    2 to manage (llevar) (empresa, hotel, hospital).
    dirige mi tesis, me dirige la tesis he's supervising my thesis, he's my PhD supervisor
    3 to direct.
    Ella dirigió el caso She directed the case.
    Ella dirige al equipo She directs the team.
    4 to address (carta, paquete).
    5 to guide (guiar) (person).
    6 to point, to range.
    Ellos dirigen al misil They point the missile.
    7 to drive, to steer, to pilot, to head.
    Ella dirige el avión She drives the plane.
    8 to conduct.
    Ella dirige la orquesta She conducts the orchestra.
    * * *
    (g changes to j before a and o)
    Present Indicative
    dirijo, diriges, dirige, dirigimos, dirigís, dirigen.
    Present Subjunctive
    dirige (tú), dirija (él/Vd.), dirijamos (nos.), dirigid (vos.), dirijan (ellos/Vds.).
    * * *
    1) to direct, lead
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=orientar) [+ persona] to direct; [+ asunto] to advise, guide

    lo dirigió con ayuda de un mapashe showed him the way o directed him with the help of a map

    ¿por qué no vas tú delante y nos diriges? — why don't you go first and lead the way?

    palabra 2)
    2) (=apuntar) [+ arma, telescopio] to aim, point (a, hacia at)
    [+ manguera] to turn (a, hacia on) point (a, hacia at)

    dirigió los focos al escenariohe pointed o directed the lights towards the stage

    3) (=destinar)
    a) [+ carta, comentario, pregunta] to address (a to)
    b) [+ libro, programa, producto] to aim (a at)
    c) [+ acusación, críticas] to make (a, contra against)
    level (a, contra at, against) [+ ataques] to make (a, contra against)

    dirigieron graves acusaciones contra el ministro — serious accusations were made against the minister, serious accusations were levelled at o against the minister

    le dirigieron fuertes críticas — he was strongly criticized, he came in for some strong criticism

    d) [+ esfuerzos] to direct (a, hacia to, towards)
    4) (=controlar) [+ empresa, hospital, centro de enseñanza] to run; [+ periódico, revista] to edit, run; [+ expedición, país, sublevación] to lead; [+ maniobra, operación, investigación] to direct, be in charge of; [+ debate] to chair; [+ proceso judicial] to preside over; [+ tesis] to supervise; [+ juego, partido] to referee

    dirigió mal las negociaciones — he handled the negotiations badly, he mismanaged the negotiations

    cotarro 1)
    5) (Cine, Teat) to direct
    6) (Mús) [+ orquesta, concierto] to conduct; [+ coro] to lead

    ¿quién dirigirá el coro? — who will be the choirmaster?, who will lead the choir?

    7) (=conducir) [+ coche] to drive; [+ barco] to steer; [+ caballo] to lead

    dirigió su coche hacia la izquierdahe steered o drove his car towards the left

    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) < empresa> to manage, run; <periódico/revista> to run, edit; <investigación/tesis> to supervise; < debate> to lead, chair

    dirigir el tráficoto direct o control the traffic

    b) <obra/película> to direct
    c) < orquesta> to conduct

    dirigir algo a alguien<mensaje/carta> to address something to somebody; < críticas> to direct something to somebody


    dirigir algo hacia or a algo/alguien — < telescopio> to point something toward(s) something/somebody; < pistola> to point something toward(s) something/somebody

    dirigir la mirada hacia or a algo/alguien — to look at something/somebody

    3) ( encaminar)

    dirigir algo a + inf — < esfuerzos> to channel something into -ing; <energía/atención> to direct something toward(s) -ing

    dirigirse v pron

    dirigirse a alguien — ( oralmente) to speak o talk to somebody; ( por escrito) to write to somebody

    me dirijo a Vd. para solicitarle... — (Corresp) I am writing to request...

    * * *
    = address, channel, direct, gear (to/toward(s)/for), lead, man, pitch, route, run, steer, head, signpost, give + direction, angle, rule over, lend + direction, shepherd, choreograph, key + Nombre + to.
    Ex. More can be assumed in instructions addressed to the experienced information searcher than in instructions for the novice.
    Ex. Users make suggestions for modifications and these are then channelled through a series of committees.
    Ex. This statement directs the user to adopt a number more specific terms in preference to the general term.
    Ex. Most of the main subject headings lists are geared to the alphabetical subject approach found in dictionary catalogues.
    Ex. A book index is an alphabetically arranged list of words or terms leading the reader to the numbers of pages on which specific topics are considered, or on which specific names appear.
    Ex. The responsibility for manning the one telephone left at the disposal of a residue of callers fell to a single officer who had other duties to carry out to justify his keep.
    Ex. Thus pitching instructions at the right level can be difficult.
    Ex. Requests which cannot be filled by local or regional libraries are automatically routed by the system to NLM as the library of last resort.
    Ex. The service is run by Radio-Suisse and can be accessed via de PSS.
    Ex. They decided that they had to set up information and referral services to steer people to the correct agency.
    Ex. A stickler for details, sometimes to the point of compulsion, Edmonds was deemed a fortuitous choice to head the monumental reorganization process.
    Ex. There is a need for a firststop organization that could signpost the public through the maze of government agencies and social welfare organizations.
    Ex. To give direction to these physical resources, there are objectives for the project and a framework timetable.
    Ex. This publication seems to find particular favour in law firms, possibly because of its currency and the way it is angled towards the commercial world.
    Ex. From the impressive library of his mansion home on Beacon Hill, Ticknor ruled over Boston's intellectual life and was looked to as the leading arbiter of intellectual and social life in that great city.
    Ex. Policies are guidelines that lend direction to planning and decision-making.
    Ex. He showed the ability of a single mind to shepherd cultural ventures.
    Ex. Response to reading room theft should be carefully choreographed but decisive.
    Ex. The case study found that children do have the ability to use a classification scheme that is keyed to their developmental level.
    * dirigir el cotarro = call + the shots, be the boss, call + the tune, rule + the roost.
    * dirigir el esfuerzo = direct + effort, direct + energy.
    * dirigir información a = direct + information towards.
    * dirigir interpretación musical = conduct.
    * dirigir la atención = put + focus.
    * dirigir la atención a = turn to, direct + Posesivo + attention to(ward).
    * dirigir la mirada hacia = look toward(s).
    * dirigir la palabra = be civil towards.
    * dirigir los intereses de uno = break into.
    * dirigir + Posesivo + atención = turn + Posesivo + attention, turn + Posesivo + thoughts.
    * dirigir + Posesivo + atención a un problema = turn + Posesivo + attention to problem.
    * dirigir + Posesivo + mirada = turn + Posesivo + thoughts.
    * dirigirse = be headed, head, head out.
    * dirigirse a = aim at, check with, turn over to, turn to, make + Posesivo + way to, set off to, turn to, head for, reach out to, head off for/to.
    * dirigirse a Alguien = approach + Alguien.
    * dirigirse amenazadoramente hacia = bear down on.
    * dirigirse a toda prisa hacia = make + haste towards.
    * dirigirse en multitud = beat + the path to.
    * dirigirse hacia = be on + Posesivo + way to, start toward, move toward(s), be heading towards, head for, turn into.
    * dirigirse hacia + Dirección = push + Dirección.
    * dirigirse hacia el oeste = push + westward(s).
    * dirigirse la palabra = on speaking terms.
    * dirigirse rápidamente hacia = make + haste towards.
    * dirigir una crítica hacia = level + criticism at.
    * dirigir una tesis = supervise + dissertation, supervise + thesis.
    * dirigir un servicio = run + service.
    * lectura no dirigida = undirected reading.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) < empresa> to manage, run; <periódico/revista> to run, edit; <investigación/tesis> to supervise; < debate> to lead, chair

    dirigir el tráficoto direct o control the traffic

    b) <obra/película> to direct
    c) < orquesta> to conduct

    dirigir algo a alguien<mensaje/carta> to address something to somebody; < críticas> to direct something to somebody


    dirigir algo hacia or a algo/alguien — < telescopio> to point something toward(s) something/somebody; < pistola> to point something toward(s) something/somebody

    dirigir la mirada hacia or a algo/alguien — to look at something/somebody

    3) ( encaminar)

    dirigir algo a + inf — < esfuerzos> to channel something into -ing; <energía/atención> to direct something toward(s) -ing

    dirigirse v pron

    dirigirse a alguien — ( oralmente) to speak o talk to somebody; ( por escrito) to write to somebody

    me dirijo a Vd. para solicitarle... — (Corresp) I am writing to request...

    * * *
    = address, channel, direct, gear (to/toward(s)/for), lead, man, pitch, route, run, steer, head, signpost, give + direction, angle, rule over, lend + direction, shepherd, choreograph, key + Nombre + to.

    Ex: More can be assumed in instructions addressed to the experienced information searcher than in instructions for the novice.

    Ex: Users make suggestions for modifications and these are then channelled through a series of committees.
    Ex: This statement directs the user to adopt a number more specific terms in preference to the general term.
    Ex: Most of the main subject headings lists are geared to the alphabetical subject approach found in dictionary catalogues.
    Ex: A book index is an alphabetically arranged list of words or terms leading the reader to the numbers of pages on which specific topics are considered, or on which specific names appear.
    Ex: The responsibility for manning the one telephone left at the disposal of a residue of callers fell to a single officer who had other duties to carry out to justify his keep.
    Ex: Thus pitching instructions at the right level can be difficult.
    Ex: Requests which cannot be filled by local or regional libraries are automatically routed by the system to NLM as the library of last resort.
    Ex: The service is run by Radio-Suisse and can be accessed via de PSS.
    Ex: They decided that they had to set up information and referral services to steer people to the correct agency.
    Ex: A stickler for details, sometimes to the point of compulsion, Edmonds was deemed a fortuitous choice to head the monumental reorganization process.
    Ex: There is a need for a firststop organization that could signpost the public through the maze of government agencies and social welfare organizations.
    Ex: To give direction to these physical resources, there are objectives for the project and a framework timetable.
    Ex: This publication seems to find particular favour in law firms, possibly because of its currency and the way it is angled towards the commercial world.
    Ex: From the impressive library of his mansion home on Beacon Hill, Ticknor ruled over Boston's intellectual life and was looked to as the leading arbiter of intellectual and social life in that great city.
    Ex: Policies are guidelines that lend direction to planning and decision-making.
    Ex: He showed the ability of a single mind to shepherd cultural ventures.
    Ex: Response to reading room theft should be carefully choreographed but decisive.
    Ex: The case study found that children do have the ability to use a classification scheme that is keyed to their developmental level.
    * dirigir el cotarro = call + the shots, be the boss, call + the tune, rule + the roost.
    * dirigir el esfuerzo = direct + effort, direct + energy.
    * dirigir información a = direct + information towards.
    * dirigir interpretación musical = conduct.
    * dirigir la atención = put + focus.
    * dirigir la atención a = turn to, direct + Posesivo + attention to(ward).
    * dirigir la mirada hacia = look toward(s).
    * dirigir la palabra = be civil towards.
    * dirigir los intereses de uno = break into.
    * dirigir + Posesivo + atención = turn + Posesivo + attention, turn + Posesivo + thoughts.
    * dirigir + Posesivo + atención a un problema = turn + Posesivo + attention to problem.
    * dirigir + Posesivo + mirada = turn + Posesivo + thoughts.
    * dirigirse = be headed, head, head out.
    * dirigirse a = aim at, check with, turn over to, turn to, make + Posesivo + way to, set off to, turn to, head for, reach out to, head off for/to.
    * dirigirse a Alguien = approach + Alguien.
    * dirigirse amenazadoramente hacia = bear down on.
    * dirigirse a toda prisa hacia = make + haste towards.
    * dirigirse en multitud = beat + the path to.
    * dirigirse hacia = be on + Posesivo + way to, start toward, move toward(s), be heading towards, head for, turn into.
    * dirigirse hacia + Dirección = push + Dirección.
    * dirigirse hacia el oeste = push + westward(s).
    * dirigirse la palabra = on speaking terms.
    * dirigirse rápidamente hacia = make + haste towards.
    * dirigir una crítica hacia = level + criticism at.
    * dirigir una tesis = supervise + dissertation, supervise + thesis.
    * dirigir un servicio = run + service.
    * lectura no dirigida = undirected reading.

    * * *
    dirigir [I7 ]
    1 ‹empresa› to manage, run; ‹periódico/revista› to run, edit; ‹investigación/tesis› to supervise; ‹debate› to lead, chair
    dirigió la operación de rescate he led o directed the rescue operation
    dirigir el tráfico to direct o control the traffic
    2 ‹obra/película› to direct
    3 ‹orquesta› to conduct
    1 ‹mensaje/carta› dirigir algo A algn to address sth TO sb
    esta noche el presidente dirigirá un mensaje a la nación the president will address the nation tonight
    la carta venía dirigida a mí the letter was addressed to me
    dirigió unas palabras de bienvenida a los congresistas he addressed a few words of welcome to the delegates
    las críticas iban dirigidas a los organizadores the criticisms were directed at the organizers
    el folleto va dirigido a padres y educadores the booklet is aimed at parents and teachers
    la pregunta iba dirigida a usted the question was meant for you, I asked you the question
    no me dirigió la palabra he didn't say a word to me
    2 ‹mirada/pasos/telescopio›
    dirigió la mirada hacia el horizonte he looked toward(s) the horizon, he turned his eyes o his gaze toward(s) the horizon
    le dirigió una mirada de reproche she looked at him reproachfully, she gave him a reproachful look
    dirigió sus pasos hacia la esquina he walked toward(s) the corner
    dirigió el telescopio hacia la luna he pointed the telescope toward(s) the moon
    C (encaminar) ‹esfuerzos/acciones› dirigir algo A + INF:
    acciones dirigidas a aliviar el problema measures aimed at alleviating o measures designed to alleviate the problem
    dirigiremos todos nuestros esfuerzos a lograr un acuerdo we shall channel all our efforts into o direct all our efforts toward(s) reaching an agreement
    (ir): nos dirigíamos al aeropuerto we were heading for o we were going to o we were on our way to the airport
    se dirigió a su despacho con paso decidido he strode purposefully toward(s) his office
    se dirigían hacia la frontera they were making o heading for the border
    el buque se dirigía hacia la costa the ship was heading for o toward(s) the coast
    B dirigirse A algn (oralmente) to speak o talk TO sb, address sb ( frml) (por escrito) to write TO sb
    ¿se dirige a mí? are you talking o speaking to me?
    me dirijo a Vd. para solicitarle … ( Corresp) I am writing to request …
    para más información diríjase a … for more information please write to o contact …
    * * *


    dirigir ( conjugate dirigir) verbo transitivo
    a) empresa to manage, run;

    periódico/revista to run, edit;
    investigación/tesis to supervise;
    debate to lead, chair;
    tráfico to direct
    b)obra/película to direct;

    orquesta to conduct
    a) dirigir algo a algn ‹mensaje/carta› to address sth to sb;

    críticas› to direct sth to sb;

    no me dirigió la palabra he didn't say a word to me
    b) dirigir algo hacia or a algo/algn ‹ telescopio› to point sth toward(s) sth/sb;

    pistola› to point sth toward(s) sth/sb;
    dirigir la mirada hacia or a algo/algn to look at sth/sb;

    3 ( encaminar) dirigir algo a hacer algo ‹ esfuerzos› to channel sth into doing sth;
    energía/atención› to direct sth toward(s) doing sth
    dirigirse verbo pronominal
    1 ( encaminarse): dirigirse hacia algo to head for sth
    2 dirigirse a algn ( oralmente) to speak o talk to sb;
    ( por escrito) to write to sb
    dirigir verbo transitivo
    1 (estar al mando de) to direct
    (una empresa) to manage
    (un negocio, una escuela) to run
    (un sindicato, partido) to lead
    (un periódico) to edit
    2 (una orquesta) to conduct
    (una película) to direct
    3 (hacer llegar unas palabras, un escrito) to address
    (una mirada) to give
    4 (encaminar, poner en una dirección) to direct, steer: dirigió el coche hacia la salida, he drove his car to the exit
    dirigió la mirada hacia la caja fuerte, she looked towards the strongbox
    dirigió sus pasos hacia el bosque, he made his way towards the wood
    ' dirigir' also found in these entries:
    - derivar
    - destinar
    - enchufar
    - enfilar
    - mandar
    - manejar
    - manipular
    - orquestar
    - palabra
    - conducir
    - aim
    - bend
    - conduct
    - control
    - direct
    - guide
    - lead
    - level
    - manage
    - mastermind
    - operate
    - pitch
    - run
    - shine
    - spearhead
    - steer
    - turn
    - edit
    - head
    - produce
    - target
    * * *
    1. [conducir] [coche, barco] to steer;
    [avión] to pilot;
    el canal dirige el agua hacia el interior de la región the canal channels the water towards the interior of the region
    2. [estar al cargo de] [empresa, hotel, hospital] to manage;
    [colegio, cárcel, periódico] to run; [partido, revuelta] to lead; [expedición] to head, to lead; [investigación] to supervise;
    dirige mi tesis, me dirige la tesis he's supervising my thesis, he's my PhD supervisor o US advisor
    3. [película, obra de teatro] to direct;
    [orquesta] to conduct
    4. [apuntar]
    dirigió la mirada hacia la puerta he looked towards the door;
    dirige el telescopio al norte point the telescope towards the north;
    dirigió sus acusaciones a las autoridades her accusations were aimed at the authorities
    5. [dedicar, encaminar]
    nos dirigían miradas de lástima they were giving us pitying looks, they were looking at us pityingly;
    dirigir unas palabras a alguien to speak to sb, to address sb;
    dirige sus esfuerzos a incrementar los beneficios she is directing her efforts towards increasing profits, her efforts are aimed at increasing profits;
    dirigen su iniciativa a conseguir la liberación del secuestrado the aim of their initiative is to secure the release of the prisoner;
    dirigió sus pasos hacia la casa he headed towards the house;
    no me dirigen la palabra they don't speak to me;
    un programa dirigido a los amantes de la música clásica a programme (intended) for lovers of classical music;
    consejos dirigidos a los jóvenes advice aimed at the young
    6. [carta, paquete] to address
    7. [guiar] [persona] to guide
    * * *
    1 TEA, película direct; MÚS conduct
    2 COM manage, run
    dirigir una carta a address a letter to;
    dirigir una pregunta a direct a question to
    4 ( conducir) lead
    * * *
    dirigir {35} vt
    1) : to direct, to lead
    2) : to address
    3) : to aim, to point
    4) : to conduct (music)
    * * *
    1. (película, tráfico) to direct
    James Cameron dirigió "Titanic" James Cameron directed "Titanic"
    2. (empresa, equipo) to manage
    ¿quién dirige la selección española? who manages the Spanish national team?
    3. (negocio, organización, sistema) to run [pt. ran; pp. run]
    4. (expedición, investigación, partido) to lead [pt. & pp. led]
    5. (libro, medida) to aim / to direct
    6. (carta, palabras) to address
    7. (orquesta) to conduct

    Spanish-English dictionary > dirigir

  • 11 point

    пункт, точка ( маршрута) ; ориентир

    Англо-русский словарь по гражданской авиации > point

  • 12 Drängen

    I v/t
    1. (schieben) push, shove; jemanden zur Seite drängen push s.o. aside ( oder out of the way); Defensive, Ecke, Hintergrund
    2. (dringend bitten, auffordern) press (zu + Inf. into + Ger.); stärker: urge (to + Inf.); (unter Druck setzen) pressurize, bes. Am. pressure (into + Ger.); (zur Eile antreiben) rush; ich lasse mich nicht drängen I’m not going to let anyone ( oder them etc.) rush me; ich möchte Sie nicht drängen I don’t mean to put pressure on you
    3. es drängte mich zu (+ Inf.) unwiderstehlich: I felt ( oder had) the urge to (+ Inf.) zu danken etc.: I felt I ought to ( oder had to) (+ Inf.) Notwendigkeit: I felt compelled to (+ Inf.) Verpflichtung: I felt obliged to (+ Inf.)
    II v/i
    1. push (and shove); nach vorn drängen push one’s way forward ( oder to the front); zum Eingang drängen Menge: push its oder their way ( oder crowd) toward(s) the entrance; alles drängte ins Freie everyone wanted to get out into the open; alles drängt nach München / zum Stadion everyone seems to be moving to Munich / to be converging on oder making their way to the stadium; drängen in (+ Akk) (einen Beruf etc.) flood into
    2. (eilig sein) be urgent; die Zeit drängt time’s running out ( oder pressing)
    3. drängen auf (+ Akk) press for; darauf drängen, dass jemand etw. tut press (for) s.o. to do s.th.; darauf drängen, dass etw. getan wird press for s.th. to be done; darauf drängen, dass sich jemand entscheidet press (for) s.o. to make a decision, press s.o. for a decision
    4. jemanden zum Aufbruch / zur Eile drängen insist that s.o. should leave / hurry, urge s.o. to leave / hurry
    III v/refl
    1. push (and shove); siehe auch II 1; Menge: sich um jemanden drängen crowd (a)round s.o.; die Leute drängen sich auf den Straßen people are crowding the streets, the streets are teeming with people; gedrängt
    2. fig.: sich drängen nach... be keen on...; die Leute drängen sich danach, bei uns zu arbeiten people are queuing (Am. lining) up to work for us
    * * *
    das Drängen
    * * *
    nt -s, no pl
    urging; (= Bitten) requests pl; (= Bestehen) insistence
    * * *
    1) (to push, press etc together: We (were) all crushed into the tiny room.) crush
    2) (to make (someone) act quickly: Don't try to hustle me into making a sudden decision.) hustle
    3) (to urge or hurry: He pressed her to enter the competition.) press
    4) (to try to make (someone) do something; to urge on, especially foolishly: She pushed him into applying for the job.) push
    5) (to try to persuade or request earnestly (someone to do something): He urged her to drive carefully; `Come with me,' he urged.) urge
    * * *
    nt kein pl pleading, begging, beseeching form
    auf jds \Drängen [hin] because of sb's pleading [or begging]; (Nörgelei) pestering fam
    schließlich gab er ihrem \Drängen nach he finally gave in to her
    * * *
    1) (schieben) push

    die Menge drängte zum Ausgang — the crowd pressed towards the exit


    zum Aufbruch drängeninsist that it is/was time to leave

    zur Eile drängen — hurry us/them etc. up

    1) push
    2) (antreiben) press; urge
    reflexives Verb <visitors, spectators, etc.> crowd, throng; < crowd> throng

    sich in den Vordergrund drängen(fig.) make oneself the centre of attention

    * * *
    Drängen n; -s, kein pl
    1. pushing and shoving
    2. fig urging; stärker: insistence;
    auf Drängen der Regierung on the government’s urging ( oder insistence);
    ich habe es auf sein Drängen hin getan he persuaded ( stärker: forced) me to do it
    * * *
    1) (schieben) push

    auf etwas (Akk.) drängen — press for something

    zum Aufbruch drängen — insist that it is/was time to leave

    zur Eile drängen — hurry us/them etc. up

    1) push
    2) (antreiben) press; urge
    reflexives Verb <visitors, spectators, etc.> crowd, throng; < crowd> throng

    sich in den Vordergrund drängen(fig.) make oneself the centre of attention

    * * *
    to edge (on) v.
    to hustle v.
    to press v.
    to push v.
    to rush v.
    to urge v.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Drängen

  • 13 drängen

    I v/t
    1. (schieben) push, shove; jemanden zur Seite drängen push s.o. aside ( oder out of the way); Defensive, Ecke, Hintergrund
    2. (dringend bitten, auffordern) press (zu + Inf. into + Ger.); stärker: urge (to + Inf.); (unter Druck setzen) pressurize, bes. Am. pressure (into + Ger.); (zur Eile antreiben) rush; ich lasse mich nicht drängen I’m not going to let anyone ( oder them etc.) rush me; ich möchte Sie nicht drängen I don’t mean to put pressure on you
    3. es drängte mich zu (+ Inf.) unwiderstehlich: I felt ( oder had) the urge to (+ Inf.) zu danken etc.: I felt I ought to ( oder had to) (+ Inf.) Notwendigkeit: I felt compelled to (+ Inf.) Verpflichtung: I felt obliged to (+ Inf.)
    II v/i
    1. push (and shove); nach vorn drängen push one’s way forward ( oder to the front); zum Eingang drängen Menge: push its oder their way ( oder crowd) toward(s) the entrance; alles drängte ins Freie everyone wanted to get out into the open; alles drängt nach München / zum Stadion everyone seems to be moving to Munich / to be converging on oder making their way to the stadium; drängen in (+ Akk) (einen Beruf etc.) flood into
    2. (eilig sein) be urgent; die Zeit drängt time’s running out ( oder pressing)
    3. drängen auf (+ Akk) press for; darauf drängen, dass jemand etw. tut press (for) s.o. to do s.th.; darauf drängen, dass etw. getan wird press for s.th. to be done; darauf drängen, dass sich jemand entscheidet press (for) s.o. to make a decision, press s.o. for a decision
    4. jemanden zum Aufbruch / zur Eile drängen insist that s.o. should leave / hurry, urge s.o. to leave / hurry
    III v/refl
    1. push (and shove); siehe auch II 1; Menge: sich um jemanden drängen crowd (a)round s.o.; die Leute drängen sich auf den Straßen people are crowding the streets, the streets are teeming with people; gedrängt
    2. fig.: sich drängen nach... be keen on...; die Leute drängen sich danach, bei uns zu arbeiten people are queuing (Am. lining) up to work for us
    * * *
    das Drängen
    * * *
    nt -s, no pl
    urging; (= Bitten) requests pl; (= Bestehen) insistence
    * * *
    1) (to push, press etc together: We (were) all crushed into the tiny room.) crush
    2) (to make (someone) act quickly: Don't try to hustle me into making a sudden decision.) hustle
    3) (to urge or hurry: He pressed her to enter the competition.) press
    4) (to try to make (someone) do something; to urge on, especially foolishly: She pushed him into applying for the job.) push
    5) (to try to persuade or request earnestly (someone to do something): He urged her to drive carefully; `Come with me,' he urged.) urge
    * * *
    nt kein pl pleading, begging, beseeching form
    auf jds \Drängen [hin] because of sb's pleading [or begging]; (Nörgelei) pestering fam
    schließlich gab er ihrem \Drängen nach he finally gave in to her
    * * *
    1) (schieben) push

    die Menge drängte zum Ausgang — the crowd pressed towards the exit


    auf etwas (Akk.) drängen — press for something

    zum Aufbruch drängeninsist that it is/was time to leave

    zur Eile drängen — hurry us/them etc. up

    1) push
    2) (antreiben) press; urge
    reflexives Verb <visitors, spectators, etc.> crowd, throng; < crowd> throng

    sich in den Vordergrund drängen(fig.) make oneself the centre of attention

    * * *
    A. v/t
    1. (schieben) push, shove;
    jemanden zur Seite drängen push sb aside ( oder out of the way); Defensive, Ecke, Hintergrund
    zu +inf into +ger); stärker: urge (to +inf); (unter Druck setzen) pressurize, besonders US pressure (into +ger); (zur Eile antreiben) rush;
    ich lasse mich nicht drängen I’m not going to let anyone ( oder them etc) rush me;
    ich möchte Sie nicht drängen I don’t mean to put pressure on you
    es drängte mich zu (+inf) unwiderstehlich: I felt ( oder had) the urge to (+inf) zu danken etc: I felt I ought to ( oder had to) (+inf) Notwendigkeit: I felt compelled to (+inf) Verpflichtung: I felt obliged to (+inf)
    B. v/i
    1. push (and shove);
    nach vorn drängen push one’s way forward ( oder to the front);
    zum Eingang drängen Menge: push its oder their way ( oder crowd) toward(s) the entrance;
    alles drängte ins Freie everyone wanted to get out into the open;
    alles drängt nach München/zum Stadion everyone seems to be moving to Munich/to be converging on oder making their way to the stadium;
    drängen in (+akk) (einen Beruf etc) flood into
    2. (eilig sein) be urgent;
    die Zeit drängt time’s running out ( oder pressing)
    drängen auf (+akk) press for;
    darauf drängen, dass jemand etwas tut press (for) sb to do sth;
    darauf drängen, dass etwas getan wird press for sth to be done;
    darauf drängen, dass sich jemand entscheidet press (for) sb to make a decision, press sb for a decision
    jemanden zum Aufbruch/zur Eile drängen insist that sb should leave/hurry, urge sb to leave/hurry
    C. v/r
    1. push (and shove); auch B 1; Menge:
    sich um jemanden drängen crowd (a)round sb;
    die Leute drängen sich auf den Straßen people are crowding the streets, the streets are teeming with people; gedrängt
    2. fig:
    sich drängen nach … be keen on …;
    die Leute drängen sich danach, bei uns zu arbeiten people are queuing (US lining) up to work for us
    * * *
    1) (schieben) push

    auf etwas (Akk.) drängen — press for something

    zum Aufbruch drängen — insist that it is/was time to leave

    zur Eile drängen — hurry us/them etc. up

    1) push
    2) (antreiben) press; urge
    reflexives Verb <visitors, spectators, etc.> crowd, throng; < crowd> throng

    sich in den Vordergrund drängen(fig.) make oneself the centre of attention

    * * *
    to edge (on) v.
    to hustle v.
    to press v.
    to push v.
    to rush v.
    to urge v.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > drängen

  • 14 come

    come [kʌm]
    venir1 (a)-(d) se produire1 (e) exister1 (h) devenir1 (i) en venir à1 (j)
    (pt came [keɪm], pp come [kʌm])
    she won't come when she's called elle ne vient pas quand on l'appelle;
    here come the children voici les enfants qui arrivent;
    here he comes! le voilà qui arrive!;
    it's stuck - ah, no, it's coming! c'est coincé - ah, non, ça vient!;
    coming! j'arrive!;
    come here! venez ici!; (to dog) au pied!;
    come to the office tomorrow passez ou venez au bureau demain;
    he came to me for advice il est venu me demander conseil;
    you've come to the wrong person vous vous adressez à la mauvaise personne;
    you've come to the wrong place vous vous êtes trompé de chemin, vous faites fausse route;
    if you're looking for sun, you've come to the wrong place si c'est le soleil que vous cherchez, il ne fallait pas venir ici;
    come with me (accompany) venez avec moi, accompagnez-moi; (follow) suivez-moi;
    please come this way par ici ou suivez-moi s'il vous plaît;
    I come this way every week je passe par ici toutes les semaines;
    American come and look, come look venez voir;
    familiar come and get it! à la soupe!;
    he came whistling up the stairs il a monté l'escalier en sifflant;
    a car came hurtling round the corner une voiture a pris le virage à toute vitesse;
    to come and go (gen) aller et venir; figurative (pains, cramps etc) être intermittent;
    people are constantly coming and going il y a un va-et-vient continuel;
    fashions come and go la mode change tout le temps;
    after many years had come and gone après bien des années;
    familiar I don't know whether I'm coming or going je ne sais pas où j'en suis;
    you have come a long way vous êtes venu de loin; figurative (made progress) vous avez fait du chemin;
    the computer industry has come a very long way since then l'informatique a fait énormément de progrès depuis ce temps-là;
    also figurative to come running arriver en courant;
    we could see him coming a mile off on l'a vu venir avec ses gros sabots;
    figurative you could see it coming on l'a vu venir de loin, c'était prévisible;
    proverb everything comes to him who waits tout vient à point à qui sait attendre
    (b) (as guest, visitor) venir;
    can you come to my party on Saturday night? est-ce que tu peux venir à ma soirée samedi?;
    I'm sorry, I can't come (je suis) désolé, je ne peux pas venir;
    would you like to come for lunch/dinner? voulez-vous venir déjeuner/dîner?;
    I can only come for an hour or so je ne pourrai venir que pour une heure environ;
    come for a ride in the car viens faire un tour en voiture;
    she's come for her money elle est venue prendre son argent;
    I've got people coming (short stay) j'ai des invités; (long stay) il y a des gens qui viennent;
    Angela came and we had a chat Angela est venue et on a bavardé;
    they came for a week and stayed a month ils sont venus pour une semaine et ils sont restés un mois;
    he couldn't have come at a worse time il n'aurait pas pu tomber plus mal
    (c) (arrive) venir, arriver;
    to come in time/late arriver à temps/en retard;
    I've just come from the post office j'arrive de la poste à l'instant;
    we came to a small town nous sommes arrivés dans une petite ville;
    the time has come to tell the truth le moment est venu de dire la vérité;
    to come to the end of sth arriver à la fin de qch;
    I was coming to the end of my stay mon séjour touchait à sa fin;
    there will come a point when… il viendra un moment où…;
    when you come to the last coat of paint… quand tu en seras à la dernière couche de peinture…;
    (reach) her hair comes (down) to her waist ses cheveux lui arrivent à la taille;
    the mud came (up) to our knees la boue nous arrivait ou venait (jusqu') aux genoux
    (d) (occupy specific place, position) venir, se trouver;
    the address comes above the date l'adresse se met au-dessus de la date;
    my birthday comes before yours mon anniversaire vient avant ou précède le tien;
    a colonel comes before a lieutenant un colonel a la préséance sur un lieutenant;
    Friday comes after Thursday vendredi vient après ou suit jeudi;
    that speech comes in Act 3/on page 10 on trouve ce discours dans l'acte 3/à la page 10;
    the fireworks come next le feu d'artifice est après;
    what comes after the performance? qu'est-ce qu'il y a après la représentation?
    (e) (occur, happen) arriver, se produire;
    when my turn comes, when it comes to my turn quand ce sera (à) mon tour, quand mon tour viendra;
    such an opportunity only comes once in your life une telle occasion ne se présente qu'une fois dans la vie;
    he has a birthday coming son anniversaire approche;
    there's a storm coming un orage se prépare;
    success was a long time coming la réussite s'est fait attendre;
    take life as it comes prenez la vie comme elle vient;
    Christmas comes but once a year il n'y a qu'un Noël par an;
    Bible it came to pass that… il advint que…;
    come what may advienne que pourra, quoi qu'il arrive ou advienne
    the idea just came to me one day l'idée m'est soudain venue un jour;
    suddenly it came to me (I remembered) tout d'un coup, je m'en suis souvenu; (I had an idea) tout d'un coup, j'ai eu une idée;
    I said the first thing that came into my head or that came to mind j'ai dit la première chose qui m'est venue à l'esprit;
    the answer came to her elle a trouvé la réponse
    writing comes naturally to her écrire lui est facile, elle est douée pour l'écriture;
    a house doesn't come cheap une maison coûte ou revient cher;
    the news came as a shock to her la nouvelle lui a fait un choc;
    her visit came as a surprise sa visite nous a beaucoup surpris;
    it comes as no surprise to learn he's gone (le fait) qu'il soit parti n'a rien de surprenant;
    he's as silly as they come il est sot comme pas un;
    they don't come any tougher than Big Al on ne fait pas plus fort que Big Al;
    it'll all come right in the end tout cela va finir par s'arranger;
    the harder they come the harder they fall plus dure sera la chute
    (h) (be available) exister;
    this table comes in two sizes cette table existe ou se fait en deux dimensions;
    the dictionary comes with a magnifying glass le dictionnaire est livré avec une loupe
    (i) (become) devenir;
    it was a dream come true c'était un rêve devenu réalité;
    to come unhooked se décrocher;
    to come unravelled se défaire;
    the buttons on my coat keep coming undone mon manteau se déboutonne toujours
    (j) (+ infinitive) (indicating gradual action) en venir à, finir par; (indicating chance) arriver;
    she came to trust him elle en est venue à ou elle a fini par lui faire confiance;
    we have come to expect this kind of thing nous nous attendons à ce genre de chose maintenant;
    how did you come to lose your umbrella? comment as-tu fait pour perdre ton parapluie?;
    how did the door come to be open? comment se fait-il que la porte soit ouverte?;
    (now that I) come to think of it maintenant que j'y songe, réflexion faite;
    it's not much money when you come to think of it ce n'est pas beaucoup d'argent quand vous y réfléchissez
    (k) (be owing, payable)
    I still have £5 coming (to me) on me doit encore 5 livres;
    there'll be money coming from her uncle's will elle va toucher l'argent du testament de son oncle;
    he got all the credit coming to him il a eu tous les honneurs qu'il méritait;
    familiar you'll get what's coming to you tu l'auras cherché ou voulu;
    familiar he had it coming (to him) il ne l'a pas volé
    a smile came to her lips un sourire parut sur ses lèvres ou lui vint aux lèvres
    how come? comment ça?;
    familiar come again? quoi?;
    American how's it coming? comment ça va?;
    come to that à propos, au fait;
    I haven't seen her in weeks, or her husband, come to that ça fait des semaines que je ne l'ai pas vue, son mari non plus d'ailleurs;
    if it comes to that, I'd rather stay home à ce moment-là ou à ce compte-là, je préfère rester à la maison;
    don't come the fine lady with me! ne fais pas la grande dame ou ne joue pas à la grande dame avec moi!;
    don't come the innocent! ne fais pas l'innocent!;
    British familiar you're coming it a bit strong! tu y vas un peu fort!;
    British familiar don't come it with me! (try to impress) n'essaie pas de m'en mettre plein la vue!; (lord it over) pas la peine d'être si hautain avec moi!;
    the days to come les prochains jours, les jours qui viennent;
    the battle to come la bataille qui va avoir lieu;
    Religion the life to come l'autre vie;
    in times to come à l'avenir;
    for some time to come pendant quelque temps;
    that will not be for some time to come ce ne sera pas avant quelque temps
    (by) come tomorrow/Tuesday you'll feel better vous vous sentirez mieux demain/mardi;
    I'll have been here two years come April ça fera deux ans en avril que je suis là;
    come the revolution you'll all be out of a job avec la révolution, vous vous retrouverez tous au chômage
    come, come!, come now! allons!, voyons!
    4 noun
    vulgar (semen) foutre m
    (a) (occur) arriver, se produire;
    it came about that… il arriva ou il advint que…;
    how could such a mistake come about? comment une telle erreur a-t-elle pu se produire?;
    the discovery of penicillin came about quite by accident la pénicilline a été découverte tout à fait par hasard
    (b) Nautical (wind) tourner, changer de direction; (ship) virer de bord
    (a) (walk, travel across → field, street) traverser;
    as we stood talking she came across to join us pendant que nous discutions, elle est venue se joindre à nous
    to come across well/badly (at interview) faire une bonne/mauvaise impression, bien/mal passer; (on TV) bien/mal passer;
    he never comes across as well on film as in the theatre il passe mieux au théâtre qu'à l'écran;
    he came across as a total idiot il donnait l'impression d'être complètement idiot
    the author's message comes across well le message de l'auteur passe bien;
    her disdain for his work came across le mépris qu'elle avait pour son travail transparaissait
    (d) familiar (do as promised) s'exécuter, tenir parole
    (person) rencontrer par hasard, tomber sur; (thing) trouver par hasard, tomber sur;
    we came across an interesting problem on a été confrontés à ou on est tombés sur un problème intéressant;
    she reads everything she comes across elle lit tout ce qui lui tombe sous la main
    familiar (give → information) donner, fournir ; (→ help) offrir ; (→ money) raquer, se fendre de;
    he came across with the money he owed me il m'a filé le fric qu'il me devait;
    (pursue) poursuivre;
    he came after me with a stick il m'a poursuivi avec un bâton
    (a) (encouraging, urging)
    come along, drink your medicine! allez, prends ou bois ton médicament!;
    come along, we're late! dépêche-toi, nous sommes en retard!
    (b) (accompany) venir, accompagner;
    she asked me to come along (with them) elle m'a invité à aller avec eux ou à les accompagner
    (c) (occur, happen) arriver, se présenter;
    an opportunity like this doesn't come along often une telle occasion ne se présente pas souvent;
    don't accept the first job that comes along ne prenez pas le premier travail qui se présente;
    he married the first woman that came along il a épousé la première venue
    (d) (progress) avancer, faire des progrès; (grow) pousser;
    the patient is coming along well le patient se remet bien;
    the work isn't coming along as expected le travail n'avance pas comme prévu;
    how's your computer class coming along? comment va ton cours d'informatique?
    (object → come to pieces) se démonter; (→ break) se casser; (project, policy) échouer;
    to come apart at the seams (garment) se défaire aux coutures;
    the book came apart in my hands le livre est tombé en morceaux quand je l'ai pris;
    figurative under pressure he came apart sous la pression il a craqué
    (attack) attaquer, se jeter sur;
    he came at me with a knife il s'est jeté sur moi avec un couteau;
    figurative questions came at me from all sides j'ai été assailli de questions
    (a) (leave) partir, s'en aller;
    come away from that door! écartez-vous de cette porte!;
    I came away with the distinct impression that all was not well je suis reparti avec la forte impression que quelque chose n'allait pas;
    he asked her to come away with him (elope) il lui a demandé de s'enfuir avec lui; British (go on holiday) il lui a demandé de partir avec lui
    (b) (separate) partir, se détacher;
    the page came away in my hands la page m'est restée dans les mains
    (a) (return) revenir;
    he came back with me il est revenu avec moi;
    to come back home rentrer (à la maison);
    figurative the colour came back to her cheeks elle reprit des couleurs;
    we'll come back to that question later nous reviendrons à cette question plus tard;
    to come back to what we were saying pour en revenir à ce que nous disions
    it's all coming back to me tout cela me revient (à l'esprit ou à la mémoire);
    her name will come back to me later son nom me reviendra plus tard
    (c) (reply) répondre; American (retort) rétorquer, répliquer;
    they came back with an argument in favour of the project ils ont répondu par un argument en faveur du projet
    (d) (recover) remonter;
    he came back strongly in the second set il a bien remonté au deuxième set;
    they came back from 3-0 down ils ont remonté de 3 à 0
    (e) (become fashionable again) revenir à la mode; (make comeback) faire un come-back
    Law (of person) comparaître devant; (of case) être entendu par
    brouiller, éloigner;
    he came between her and her friend il l'a brouillée avec son amie, il l'a éloignée de son amie;
    we mustn't let a small disagreement come between us nous n'allons pas nous disputer à cause d'un petit malentendu
    come by
    (stop by) passer, venir
    (acquire → work, money) obtenir, se procurer; (→ idea) se faire;
    jobs are hard to come by il est difficile de trouver du travail;
    how did you come by this camera/those bruises? comment as-tu fait pour avoir cet appareil-photo/ces bleus?;
    how did she come by all that money? comment s'est-elle procuré tout cet argent?;
    how on earth did he come by that idea? où est-il allé chercher cette idée?
    (descend → ladder, stairs) descendre; (→ mountain) descendre, faire la descente de
    (a) (descend → from ladder, stairs) descendre; (→ from mountain etc) descendre, faire la descente; (plane → crash) s'écraser; (→ land) atterrir;
    to come down to breakfast descendre déjeuner ou prendre le petit déjeuner;
    come down from that tree! descends de cet arbre!;
    they came down to Paris ils sont descendus à Paris;
    hem-lines are coming down this year les jupes rallongent cette année;
    he's come down in the world il a déchu;
    you'd better come down to earth tu ferais bien de revenir sur terre ou de descendre des nues
    (b) (fall) tomber;
    rain was coming down in sheets il pleuvait des cordes;
    the ceiling came down le plafond s'est effondré
    (c) (reach) descendre;
    the dress comes down to my ankles la robe descend jusqu'à mes chevilles;
    her hair came down to her waist les cheveux lui tombaient ou descendaient jusqu'à la taille
    (d) (decrease) baisser;
    he's ready to come down 10 percent on the price il est prêt à rabattre ou baisser le prix de 10 pour cent
    (e) (be passed down) être transmis (de père en fils);
    this custom comes down from the Romans cette coutume nous vient des Romains;
    the necklace came down to her from her great-aunt elle tient ce collier de sa grand-tante
    (f) (reach a decision) se prononcer;
    the majority came down in favour of/against abortion la majorité s'est prononcée en faveur de/contre l'avortement;
    to come down on sb's side décider en faveur de qn
    (g) (be removed) être défait ou décroché;
    that wallpaper will have to come down il va falloir enlever ce papier peint;
    the Christmas decorations are coming down today aujourd'hui, on enlève les décorations de Noël;
    the tree will have to come down (be felled) il faut abattre cet arbre;
    these houses are coming down soon on va bientôt démolir ces maisons
    (h) British University obtenir son diplôme
    (i) familiar drugs slang redescendre
    (a) (rebuke) s'en prendre à;
    the boss came down hard on him le patron lui a passé un de ces savons;
    one mistake and he'll come down on you like a ton of bricks si tu fais la moindre erreur, il te tombera sur le dos
    they came down on me to sell the land ils ont essayé de me faire vendre le terrain
    (amount) se réduire à, se résumer à;
    it all comes down to what you want to do tout cela dépend de ce que vous souhaitez faire;
    it all comes down to the same thing tout cela revient au même;
    that's what his argument comes down to voici à quoi se réduit son raisonnement
    (become ill) attraper;
    he came down with a cold il s'est enrhumé, il a attrapé un rhume
    (present oneself) se présenter;
    more women are coming forward as candidates davantage de femmes présentent leur candidature;
    the police have appealed for witnesses to come forward la police a demandé aux témoins de se faire connaître
    the townspeople came forward with supplies les habitants de la ville ont offert des provisions;
    he came forward with a new proposal il a fait une nouvelle proposition;
    Law to come forward with evidence présenter des preuves
    she comes from China elle vient ou elle est originaire de Chine;
    to come from a good family être issu ou venir d'une bonne famille;
    this word comes from Latin ce mot vient du latin;
    this wine comes from the south of France ce vin vient du sud de la France;
    this passage comes from one of his novels ce passage est extrait ou provient d'un de ses romans;
    that's surprising coming from him c'est étonnant de sa part;
    a sob came from his throat un sanglot s'est échappé de sa gorge;
    familiar I'm not sure where he's coming from je ne sais pas très bien ce qui le motive
    (a) (enter) entrer; (come inside) rentrer;
    come in! entrez!;
    they came in through the window ils sont entrés par la fenêtre;
    come in now, children, it's getting dark rentrez maintenant, les enfants, il commence à faire nuit;
    British familiar Mrs Brown comes in twice a week (to clean) Madame Brown vient (faire le ménage) deux fois par semaine
    (b) (plane, train) arriver
    she came in second elle est arrivée deuxième
    (d) (be received → money, contributions) rentrer;
    there isn't enough money coming in to cover expenditure l'argent qui rentre ne suffit pas à couvrir les dépenses;
    how much do you have coming in every week? combien touchez-vous ou encaissez-vous chaque semaine?
    (e) Press (news, report) être reçu;
    news is just coming in of a riot in Red Square on nous annonce à l'instant des émeutes sur la place Rouge
    come in car number 1, over j'appelle voiture 1, à vous;
    come in Barry Stewart from New York à vous, Barry Stewart à New York
    (g) (become seasonable) être de saison; (become fashionable) entrer en vogue;
    when do endives come in? quand commence la saison des endives?;
    leather has come in le cuir est à la mode ou en vogue
    to come in handy or useful (tool, gadget) être utile ou commode; (contribution) arriver à point;
    these gloves come in handy or useful for driving ces gants sont bien commodes ou utiles pour conduire
    (i) (be involved) être impliqué; (participate) participer, intervenir;
    where do I come in? quel est mon rôle là-dedans?;
    this is where the law comes in c'est là que la loi intervient;
    he should come in on the deal il devrait participer à l'opération;
    I'd like to come in on this (conversation) j'aimerais dire quelques mots là-dessus ou à ce sujet
    (j) (tide) monter
    (be object of → abuse, reproach) subir;
    to come in for criticism être critiqué, être l'objet de critiques;
    the government came in for a lot of criticism over its handling of the crisis le gouvernement a été très critiqué pour la façon dont il gère la crise;
    to come in for praise être félicité
    (be given a part in) prendre part à;
    they let him come in on the deal ils l'ont laissé prendre part à l'affaire
    (a) (inherit) hériter de; (acquire) entrer en possession de;
    to come into some money (inherit it) faire un héritage; (win it) gagner le gros lot;
    they came into a fortune (won) ils ont gagné une fortune; (inherited) ils ont hérité d'une fortune
    (b) (play a role in) jouer un rôle;
    it's not simply a matter of pride, though pride does come into it ce n'est pas une simple question de fierté, bien que la fierté joue un certain rôle;
    money doesn't come into it! l'argent n'a rien à voir là-dedans!
    résulter de;
    what will come of it? qu'en adviendra-t-il?, qu'en résultera-t-il?;
    no good will come from or of it ça ne mènera à rien de bon, il n'en résultera rien de bon;
    let me know what comes of the meeting faites-moi savoir ce qui ressortira de la réunion;
    that's what comes from listening to you! voilà ce qui arrive quand on vous écoute!
    (a) (fall off → of rider) tomber de; (→ of button) se détacher de, se découdre de; (→ of handle, label) se détacher de; (of tape, wallpaper) se détacher de, se décoller de; (be removed → of stain, mark) partir de, s'enlever de
    (b) (stop taking → drug, medicine) arrêter de prendre; (→ drink) arrêter de boire;
    to come off the pill arrêter (de prendre) la pilule
    (c) (climb down from, leave → wall, ladder etc) descendre de;
    to come off a ship/plane débarquer d'un navire/d'un avion;
    I've just come off the night shift (finished work) je viens de quitter l'équipe de nuit; (finished working nights) je viens de finir le travail de nuit
    (d) Football (field) sortir de
    oh, come off it! allez, arrête ton char!
    (a) (rider) tomber; (button) se détacher, se découdre; (handle, label) se détacher; (stain, mark) partir, s'enlever; (tape, wallpaper) se détacher, se décoller;
    the handle came off in his hand la poignée lui est restée dans la main
    (c) (fare, manage) s'en sortir, se tirer de;
    you came off well in the competition tu t'en es bien tiré au concours;
    to come off best gagner
    (d) familiar (happen) avoir lieu, se passer ; (be carried through) se réaliser ; (succeed) réussir ;
    did the game come off all right? le match s'est bien passé?;
    my trip to China didn't come off mon voyage en Chine n'a pas eu lieu;
    his plan didn't come off son projet est tombé à l'eau
    (e) Cinema & Theatre (film, play) fermer
    (a) (follow) suivre;
    I'll come on after (you) je vous suivrai
    (b) (in imperative) come on! (with motion, encouraging, challenging) vas-y!, allez!; (hurry) allez!; familiar (expressing incredulity) tu rigoles!;
    come on Scotland! allez l'Écosse!;
    come on in/up! entre/monte donc!;
    oh, come on, for goodness sake! allez, arrête!
    (c) (progress) avancer, faire des progrès; (grow) pousser, venir bien;
    how is your work coming on? où en est votre travail?;
    my roses are coming on nicely mes rosiers se portent bien;
    her new book is coming on quite well son nouveau livre avance bien;
    he's coming on in physics il fait des progrès en physique
    (d) (begin → illness) se déclarer; (→ storm) survenir, éclater; (→ season) arriver;
    as night came on quand la nuit a commençé à tomber;
    it's coming on to rain il va pleuvoir;
    I feel a headache/cold coming on je sens un mal de tête qui commence/que je m'enrhume
    (e) (start functioning → electricity, gas, heater, lights, radio) s'allumer; (→ motor) se mettre en marche; (→ utilities at main) être mis en service;
    has the water come on? y a-t-il de l'eau?
    (f) (behave, act)
    don't come on all macho with me! ne joue pas les machos avec moi!;
    familiar you came on a bit strong tu y es allé un peu fort
    (g) Theatre (actor) entrer en scène; (play) être joué ou représenté;
    his new play is coming on on va donner sa nouvelle pièce
    (a) (proceed to consider) aborder, passer à;
    I want to come on to the issue of epidemics je veux passer à la question des épidémies
    she was coming on to me in a big way elle me draguait à fond
    (a) (exit, go out socially) sortir;
    as we came out of the theatre au moment où nous sommes sortis du théâtre;
    would you like to come out with me tonight? est-ce que tu veux sortir avec moi ce soir?;
    figurative if he'd only come out of himself or out of his shell si seulement il sortait de sa coquille
    (b) (make appearance → stars, sun) paraître, se montrer; (→ flowers) sortir, éclore; figurative (→ book) paraître, être publié; (→ film) paraître, sortir; (→ new product) sortir;
    to come out in a rash (person) se couvrir de boutons, avoir une éruption;
    his nasty side came out sa méchanceté s'est manifestée;
    I didn't mean it the way it came out ce n'est pas ce que je voulais dire
    (c) (be revealed → news, secret) être divulgué ou révélé; (→ facts, truth) émerger, se faire jour;
    as soon as the news came out dès qu'on a su la nouvelle, dès que la nouvelle a été annoncée
    (d) (be removed → stain) s'enlever, partir; (colour → fade) passer, se faner; (→ run) déteindre;
    when do your stitches come out? quand est-ce qu'on t'enlève tes fils?
    to come out strongly (for/against) se prononcer avec vigueur (pour/contre);
    the governor came out against/for abortion le gouverneur s'est prononcé (ouvertement) contre/pour l'avortement;
    familiar to come out (of the closet) (homosexual) révéler (publiquement) son homosexualité, faire son come-out
    (f) British (on strike) se mettre en ou faire grève
    (g) (emerge, finish up) se tirer d'affaire, s'en sortir; (in competition) se classer;
    the government came out of the deal badly le gouvernement s'est mal sorti de l'affaire;
    everything will come out fine tout va s'arranger;
    I came out top in maths j'étais premier en maths;
    to come out on top gagner
    (h) (go into society) faire ses débuts ou débuter dans le monde
    this sum won't come out je n'arrive pas à résoudre cette opération
    the pictures came out well/badly les photos étaient très bonnes/n'ont rien donné;
    the house didn't come out well la maison n'est pas très bien sur les photos
    (k) Computing (exit) sortir;
    to come out of a document sortir d'un document
    (amount to) s'élever à
    to come out in spots or a rash avoir une éruption de boutons
    (say) dire, sortir;
    what will he come out with next? qu'est-ce qu'il va nous sortir encore?;
    he finally came out with it il a fini par le sortir
    (a) (move, travel in direction of speaker) venir;
    at the party she came over to talk to me pendant la soirée, elle est venue me parler;
    do you want to come over this evening? tu veux venir à la maison ce soir?;
    his family came over with the early settlers sa famille est arrivée ou venue avec les premiers pionniers;
    I met him in the plane coming over je l'ai rencontré dans l'avion en venant
    (b) (stop by) venir, passer
    they came over to our side ils sont passés de notre côté;
    he finally came over to their way of thinking il a fini par se ranger à leur avis
    her speech came over well son discours a fait bon effet ou bonne impression;
    he came over as honest il a donné l'impression d'être honnête;
    he doesn't come over well on television il ne passe pas bien à la télévision;
    her voice comes over well sa voix passe ou rend bien
    (e) familiar (feel) devenir ;
    he came over all funny (felt ill) il s'est senti mal tout d'un coup, il a eu un malaise; (behaved oddly) il est devenu tout bizarre;
    to come over dizzy être pris de vertige;
    to come over faint être pris d'une faiblesse
    affecter, envahir;
    a change came over him un changement se produisit en lui;
    a feeling of fear came over him il a été saisi de peur, la peur s'est emparée de lui;
    what has come over him? qu'est-ce qui lui prend?
    (a) (make a detour) faire le détour;
    we came round by the factory nous sommes passés par ou nous avons fait le détour par l'usine
    (b) (stop by) passer, venir
    (c) (occur → regular event)
    don't wait for Christmas to come round n'attendez pas Noël;
    when the championships/elections come round au moment des championnats/élections;
    the summer holidays will soon be coming round again bientôt, ce sera de nouveau les grandes vacances
    (d) (change mind) changer d'avis;
    he finally came round to our way of thinking il a fini par se ranger à notre avis;
    they soon came round to the idea ils se sont faits à cette idée;
    (change to better mood) don't worry, she'll soon come round ne t'en fais pas, elle sera bientôt de meilleure humeur
    (e) (recover consciousness) reprendre connaissance, revenir à soi; (get better) se remettre, se rétablir;
    she's coming round after a bout of pneumonia elle se remet d'une pneumonie
    (f) Nautical venir au vent
    his sense of conviction came through on voyait qu'il était convaincu;
    her enthusiasm comes through in her letters son enthousiasme se lit dans ses lettres;
    your call is coming through je vous passe votre communication;
    you're coming through loud and clear je vous reçois cinq sur cinq;
    figurative his message came through loud and clear son message a été reçu cinq sur cinq
    (b) (be granted, approved) se réaliser;
    did your visa come through? avez-vous obtenu votre visa?;
    my request for a transfer came through ma demande de mutation a été acceptée
    (c) (survive) survivre, s'en tirer
    he came through for us il a fait ce qu'on attendait de lui ;
    did he come through on his promise? a-t-il tenu parole? ;
    they came through with the documents ils ont fourni les documents ;
    he came through with the money il a rendu l'argent comme prévu
    (a) (cross) traverser; figurative (penetrate) traverser;
    we came through marshland nous sommes passés par ou avons traversé des marais;
    the rain came through my coat la pluie a traversé mon manteau;
    water is coming through the roof l'eau s'infiltre par le toit
    they came through the accident without a scratch ils sont sortis de l'accident indemnes;
    I'm sure you will come through this crisis je suis sûr que tu te sortiras de cette crise;
    she came through the exam with flying colours elle a réussi l'examen avec brio
    come to
    (a) (recover consciousness) reprendre connaissance, revenir à soi
    (b) Nautical (change course) venir au vent, lofer; (stop) s'arrêter
    when it comes to physics, she's a genius pour ce qui est de la physique, c'est un génie;
    when it comes to paying you can't see anyone for dust quand il faut payer, il n'y a plus personne
    (b) (amount to) s'élever à, se monter à;
    how much did dinner come to? à combien s'élevait le dîner?;
    her salary comes to £750 a month elle gagne 750 livres par mois;
    the plan never came to anything le projet n'a abouti à rien;
    that nephew of yours will never come to anything ton neveu n'arrivera jamais à rien
    (c) figurative (arrive at, reach)
    now we come to questions of health nous en venons maintenant aux questions de santé;
    he got what was coming to him il n'a eu que ce qu'il méritait;
    to come to a conclusion arriver à une conclusion;
    to come to power accéder au pouvoir;
    what is the world or what are things coming to? où va-t-on ?;
    what are things coming to when there aren't even enough hospital beds available? où va-t-on s'il n'y a pas assez de lits dans les hôpitaux?;
    I never thought it would come to this je ne me doutais pas qu'on en arriverait là;
    let's hope it won't come to that espérons que nous n'en arrivions pas là
    (a) (assemble) se réunir, se rassembler; (meet) se rencontrer;
    the two roads come together at this point les deux routes se rejoignent à cet endroit
    everything came together at the final performance tout s'est passé à merveille pour la dernière représentation
    (a) (be subjected to → authority, control) dépendre de; (→ influence) tomber sous, être soumis à;
    the government is coming under pressure to lower taxes le gouvernement subit des pressions visant à réduire les impôts
    (b) (be classified under) être classé sous;
    that subject comes under "current events" ce sujet est classé ou se trouve sous la rubrique "actualités"
    (a) (move upwards) monter; (moon, sun) se lever
    I come up to town every Monday je viens en ville tous les lundis;
    they came up to Chicago ils sont venus à Chicago;
    to come up for air (diver) remonter à la surface; figurative (take break) faire une pause;
    she came up the hard way elle a réussi à la force du poignet;
    Military an officer who came up through the ranks un officier sorti du rang
    (c) (approach) s'approcher;
    to come up to sb s'approcher de qn, aborder qn;
    the students came up to him with their questions les étudiants sont venus le voir avec leurs questions;
    it's coming up to five o'clock il est presque cinq heures;
    coming up now on Channel 4, the seven o'clock news et maintenant, sur Channel 4, le journal de sept heures;
    familiar one coffee, coming up! et un café, un!
    (d) (plant) sortir, germer;
    my beans are coming up nicely mes haricots poussent bien
    (e) (come under consideration → matter) être soulevé, être mis sur le tapis; (→ question, problem) se poser, être soulevé; Law (→ accused) comparaître; (→ case) être entendu;
    that problem has never come up ce problème ne s'est jamais posé;
    the question of financing always comes up la question du financement se pose toujours;
    the subject came up twice in the conversation le sujet est revenu deux fois dans la conversation;
    your name came up twice on a mentionné votre nom deux fois;
    she comes up for re-election this year son mandat prend fin cette année;
    my contract is coming up for review mon contrat doit être révisé;
    to come up before the judge or the court (accused) comparaître devant le juge; (case) être entendu par la cour;
    her case comes up next Wednesday elle passe au tribunal mercredi prochain
    (f) (happen unexpectedly → event) survenir, surgir; (→ opportunity) se présenter;
    to deal with problems as they come up traiter les problèmes au fur et à mesure;
    she's ready for anything that might come up elle est prête à faire face à toute éventualité;
    I can't make it, something has come up je ne peux pas venir, j'ai un empêchement;
    I'll let you know if anything comes up (if I find further information) s'il y a du nouveau, je vous tiendrai au courant; (anything that is suitable) je vous tiendrai au courant si je vois quelque chose qui vous convienne
    (g) (intensify → wind) se lever; (→ light) s'allumer; (→ sound) s'intensifier;
    when the lights came up at the interval lorsque les lumières se rallumèrent à l'entracte
    everything she eats comes up (again) elle vomit ou rejette tout ce qu'elle mange
    (i) (colour, wood etc)
    the colour comes up well when it's cleaned la couleur revient bien au nettoyage
    (j) familiar (win) gagner ;
    did their number come up? (in lottery) ont-ils gagné au loto?; figurative est-ce qu'ils ont touché le gros lot?
    (be confronted with) rencontrer;
    they came up against some tough competition ils se sont heurtés à des concurrents redoutables
    (find unexpectedly → person) rencontrer par hasard, tomber sur; (→ object) trouver par hasard, tomber sur;
    we came upon the couple just as they were kissing nous avons surpris le couple en train de s'embrasser
    (a) (reach) arriver à;
    the mud came up to their knees la boue leur montait ou arrivait jusqu'aux genoux;
    she comes up to his shoulder elle lui arrive à l'épaule;
    we're coming up to the halfway mark nous atteindrons bientôt la moitié
    his last book doesn't come up to the others son dernier livre ne vaut pas les autres;
    to come up to sb's expectations répondre à l'attente de qn;
    the play didn't come up to our expectations la pièce nous a déçus
    (offer, propose → money, loan) fournir; (think of → plan, suggestion) suggérer, proposer; (→ answer) trouver; (→ excuse) trouver, inventer;
    they came up with a wonderful idea ils ont eu une idée géniale;
    what will she come up with next? qu'est-ce qu'elle va encore inventer?
    Come on down! Il s'agit de la formule consacrée du jeu télévisé The Price is Right (dont l'équivalent français est Le Juste prix) qui débuta en 1957 aux États-Unis, et dans les années 80 en Grande-Bretagne. L'animateur de l'émission prononçait ces paroles ("Descendez!") pour inviter les membres du public sélectionnés pour participer au jeu à venir le rejoindre sur la scène. Aujourd'hui on utilise cette formule plaisamment pour dire à quelqu'un d'approcher ou bien pour indiquer à quelqu'un qui doit prononcer un discours ou se produire sur scène qu'il est temps de prendre place.
    Come up and see me sometime... Cette formule fut utilisée pour la première fois par Mae West dans le film de 1933 She Done Him Wrong (dont le titre français est Lady Lou); la citation exacte était en fait Why don't you come up sometime, see me? ("Pourquoi est-ce que tu ne monterais pas un de ces jours, pour me voir?"). Il s'agit de l'archétype de l'invitation au badinage. Encore aujourd'hui on utilise cette formule en imitant l'air canaille de Mae West.

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > come

  • 15 impetro

    impĕtro ( inp-), āvi, ātum, 1 (archaic inf. pres. pass. impetrarier, Plaut. Rud. 3, 3, 40; inf. fut. act. impetrassere, id. Aul. 4, 7, 6; id. Cas. 2, 3, 53; id. Mil. 4, 3, 35; id. Stich. 1, 2, 23), v. a. [in-patro], to accomplish, effect, bring to pass; to get, obtain, procure, esp. by exertion, request, entreaty (class.; cf.: obtineo, adipiscor, consequor).
    In gen., constr. with acc., ut, ne, the simple subj., or absol.
    With acc.:

    quod volui, ut volo, impetravi per amicitiam et gratiam a Philocomasio,

    Plaut. Mil. 4, 5, 1:

    istuc confido a fratre me impetrassere,

    id. Aul. 4, 7, 6:

    a me istam exceptionem numquam impetrabunt,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 30, 97:

    ei Dolabella rogatu meo civitatem a Caesare impetravit,

    id. Fam. 13, 36, 1:

    decet abs te id impetrarier,

    Plaut. Rud. 3, 3, 40:

    in omni re considerandum est et quid postules ab amico et quid patiare a te impetrari,

    Cic. Lael. 20, 76; cf. id. ib. 11, 38:

    dum id impetrant,

    Plaut. Capt. 2, 1, 37; 1, 2, 17:

    cum istuc, quod postulo, impetro cum gratia,

    Ter. And. 2, 5, 11; id. Ad. 3, 4, 44:

    uti ea, quae vellent, impetrarent,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 31, 2:

    (chorus) Impetrat et pacem et locupletem frugibus annum,

    Hor. Ep. 2, 1, 137:

    restitutionem patris,

    Quint. 7, 1, 42; 11, 3, 4:


    id. 6, 3, 68: post impetratam studiis meis [p. 903] quietem, id. Prooem. §

    1: impetrato Fortis Augusti reditu,

    Hor. C. 4, 2, 42.—
    With ut, ne, or the simple subj.: Cl. Quid, si ego impetro atque exoro a vilico, causa mea Ut eam illi permittat? St. Quid si ego ab armigero impetro, Eam illi permittat? atque hoc, credo, impetrassere, Plaut. Cas. 2, 3, 51 sq.:

    impetrabis igitur a Caesare, ut, etc.,

    Cic. Att. 9, 2, A, 1; Q. Cic. Pet. Cons. 7, 26:

    a Sequanis impetrat, ut per fines suos ire Helvetios patiantur,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 9 fin.:

    verbisne istis, ut pugnent, te impetraturum credis,

    Liv. 2, 46, 6:

    postremo impetravi, ut ne quid ei succenseat,

    Plaut. Bacch. 3, 6, 4:

    suadeo, a te impetres, ne sis nugax,

    Petr. 52:

    tandem impetravi abiret,

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 4, 190.— Pass. impers.: aegre ab iis impetratum est summa tribunorum plebis contentione, ut in senatu recitarentur (litterae);

    ut vero ex litteris ad senatum referretur, impetrari non potuit,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 1, 1; Plin. 16, 32, 59, § 136.—In abl. of the part. perf.:

    impetrato, ut manerent,

    Liv. 9, 30, 10; Vell. 2, 107, 2.—
    (γ). * With acc.
    and inf.:

    Agrippina in oppidum Ubiorum veteranos coloniamque deduci impetrat,

    Tac. A. 12, 27.—

    incipere multo est quam impetrare facilius,

    Plaut. Poen. 5, 2, 14:

    hilarus exit, impetravit,

    id. Mil. 4, 4, 62; id. As. 3, 3, 131: Ca. Jus hic orat. Ly. Impetrabit te advocato atque arbitro, id. Trin. 5, 2, 37:

    quid attinet dicere, si contendisset, impetraturum non fuisse, cum, etc.?

    Cic. Lael. 11, 39:

    si id ita fecisset... si non impetraret, etc.,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 35, 4:

    cum ab proximis impetrare non possent, ulteriores tentant,

    id. ib. 6, 2, 2:

    simul, ut, si quid possent, de induciis fallendo impetrarent,

    id. ib. 4, 13, 5; id. B. C. 1, 22 fin.; cf.:

    sperare, ab eo de sua ac militum salute impetrare posse,

    id. B. G. 5, 36, 3; Hirt. ap. Cic. Att. 15, 6, 2.—Esp.: impetras, you have your request, i. e. I will do as you desire, nolo ames. Pae. Facile impetras, Plaut. Pers. 2, 2, 63: adpropera! age, amabo! Mu. Impetras, abeo, id. Cas. 2, 2, 39; cf. id. Ep. 2, 2, 119; id. Cas. 2, 3, 17.—
    Like impetrio:

    exstat annalium memoria, sacris quibusdam et precationibus vel cogi fulmina vel impetrari, etc.,

    Plin. 2, 53, 54, § 140.—
    In mal. part., to obtain, get possession of:

    ut superior sis mihi quam quisquam qui impetrant,

    Plaut. Men. 1, 3, 10.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > impetro

  • 16 inpetro

    impĕtro ( inp-), āvi, ātum, 1 (archaic inf. pres. pass. impetrarier, Plaut. Rud. 3, 3, 40; inf. fut. act. impetrassere, id. Aul. 4, 7, 6; id. Cas. 2, 3, 53; id. Mil. 4, 3, 35; id. Stich. 1, 2, 23), v. a. [in-patro], to accomplish, effect, bring to pass; to get, obtain, procure, esp. by exertion, request, entreaty (class.; cf.: obtineo, adipiscor, consequor).
    In gen., constr. with acc., ut, ne, the simple subj., or absol.
    With acc.:

    quod volui, ut volo, impetravi per amicitiam et gratiam a Philocomasio,

    Plaut. Mil. 4, 5, 1:

    istuc confido a fratre me impetrassere,

    id. Aul. 4, 7, 6:

    a me istam exceptionem numquam impetrabunt,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 30, 97:

    ei Dolabella rogatu meo civitatem a Caesare impetravit,

    id. Fam. 13, 36, 1:

    decet abs te id impetrarier,

    Plaut. Rud. 3, 3, 40:

    in omni re considerandum est et quid postules ab amico et quid patiare a te impetrari,

    Cic. Lael. 20, 76; cf. id. ib. 11, 38:

    dum id impetrant,

    Plaut. Capt. 2, 1, 37; 1, 2, 17:

    cum istuc, quod postulo, impetro cum gratia,

    Ter. And. 2, 5, 11; id. Ad. 3, 4, 44:

    uti ea, quae vellent, impetrarent,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 31, 2:

    (chorus) Impetrat et pacem et locupletem frugibus annum,

    Hor. Ep. 2, 1, 137:

    restitutionem patris,

    Quint. 7, 1, 42; 11, 3, 4:


    id. 6, 3, 68: post impetratam studiis meis [p. 903] quietem, id. Prooem. §

    1: impetrato Fortis Augusti reditu,

    Hor. C. 4, 2, 42.—
    With ut, ne, or the simple subj.: Cl. Quid, si ego impetro atque exoro a vilico, causa mea Ut eam illi permittat? St. Quid si ego ab armigero impetro, Eam illi permittat? atque hoc, credo, impetrassere, Plaut. Cas. 2, 3, 51 sq.:

    impetrabis igitur a Caesare, ut, etc.,

    Cic. Att. 9, 2, A, 1; Q. Cic. Pet. Cons. 7, 26:

    a Sequanis impetrat, ut per fines suos ire Helvetios patiantur,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 9 fin.:

    verbisne istis, ut pugnent, te impetraturum credis,

    Liv. 2, 46, 6:

    postremo impetravi, ut ne quid ei succenseat,

    Plaut. Bacch. 3, 6, 4:

    suadeo, a te impetres, ne sis nugax,

    Petr. 52:

    tandem impetravi abiret,

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 4, 190.— Pass. impers.: aegre ab iis impetratum est summa tribunorum plebis contentione, ut in senatu recitarentur (litterae);

    ut vero ex litteris ad senatum referretur, impetrari non potuit,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 1, 1; Plin. 16, 32, 59, § 136.—In abl. of the part. perf.:

    impetrato, ut manerent,

    Liv. 9, 30, 10; Vell. 2, 107, 2.—
    (γ). * With acc.
    and inf.:

    Agrippina in oppidum Ubiorum veteranos coloniamque deduci impetrat,

    Tac. A. 12, 27.—

    incipere multo est quam impetrare facilius,

    Plaut. Poen. 5, 2, 14:

    hilarus exit, impetravit,

    id. Mil. 4, 4, 62; id. As. 3, 3, 131: Ca. Jus hic orat. Ly. Impetrabit te advocato atque arbitro, id. Trin. 5, 2, 37:

    quid attinet dicere, si contendisset, impetraturum non fuisse, cum, etc.?

    Cic. Lael. 11, 39:

    si id ita fecisset... si non impetraret, etc.,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 35, 4:

    cum ab proximis impetrare non possent, ulteriores tentant,

    id. ib. 6, 2, 2:

    simul, ut, si quid possent, de induciis fallendo impetrarent,

    id. ib. 4, 13, 5; id. B. C. 1, 22 fin.; cf.:

    sperare, ab eo de sua ac militum salute impetrare posse,

    id. B. G. 5, 36, 3; Hirt. ap. Cic. Att. 15, 6, 2.—Esp.: impetras, you have your request, i. e. I will do as you desire, nolo ames. Pae. Facile impetras, Plaut. Pers. 2, 2, 63: adpropera! age, amabo! Mu. Impetras, abeo, id. Cas. 2, 2, 39; cf. id. Ep. 2, 2, 119; id. Cas. 2, 3, 17.—
    Like impetrio:

    exstat annalium memoria, sacris quibusdam et precationibus vel cogi fulmina vel impetrari, etc.,

    Plin. 2, 53, 54, § 140.—
    In mal. part., to obtain, get possession of:

    ut superior sis mihi quam quisquam qui impetrant,

    Plaut. Men. 1, 3, 10.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > inpetro

  • 17 light

    bidirectional stop bar lights — огни линии -«стоп» двустороннего действия

    steady green light: "cleared for takeoff" — немигающий зелёный свет: «взлёт разрешён» (световой сигнал для воздушных судов на земле)

    steady green light: "cleared to land" — немигающий зелёный свет: «посадка разрешена» (световой сигнал для воздушных судов в полёте)

    steady red light: "give the way to other aircrafts and continue circling" — немигающий красный свет: «уступите дорогу другим судам и продолжайте полёт по кругу» (световой сигнал для воздушных судов в полёте)

    steady red light: "stop" — немигающий красный свет: «остановитесь» (световой сигнал для воздушных судов на земле)

    to focus the light — фокусировать фару; фокусировать световой сигнал

    Англо-русский словарь по гражданской авиации > light

  • 18 visa

    1. n

    to apply for a visa — запрашивать визу, обращаться за визой

    to deny a visa for smbотказывать кому-л. в визе / в выдаче визы

    to grant smb an entry visa — выдавать кому-л. въездную визу

    to put a visa in a passport — вносить визу в паспорт, визировать паспорт

    to refuse smb a visa — отказывать кому-л. в визе / в выдаче визы

    to suspend smb's visa — приостанавливать действие чьей-л. визы

    - entry visa
    - exit visa
    - group visa
    - his tourist visa has lapsed
    - immigration visa
    - multiple entry visa
    - multiple visa
    - refusal of a visa for smb
    - request for a visa
    - residence visa
    - temporary visa
    - tourist visa
    - transit visa
    - visa expires
    - visitor visa
    - withdrawal of visa to smb
    - without a proper visa
    2. v

    Politics english-russian dictionary > visa

  • 19 make

    [meɪk]transitive verb, made [meɪd]
    1) (construct) machen, anfertigen (of aus); bauen [Damm, Straße, Flugzeug, Geige]; anlegen [See, Teich, Weg usw.]; zimmern [Tisch, Regal]; basteln [Spielzeug, Vogelhäuschen, Dekoration usw.]; nähen [Kleider]; durchbrechen [Türöffnung]; (manufacture) herstellen; (create) [er]schaffen [Welt]; (prepare) zubereiten [Mahlzeit]; machen [Frühstück, Grog]; machen, kochen [Kaffee, Tee, Marmelade]; backen [Brot, Kuchen]; (compose, write) schreiben, verfassen [Buch, Gedicht, Lied, Bericht]; machen [Eintrag, Zeichen, Kopie, Zusammenfassung, Testament]; anfertigen [Entwurf]; aufsetzen [Bewerbung, Schreiben, Urkunde]

    make a dress out of the material, make the material into a dress — aus dem Stoff ein Kleid machen

    a table made of wood/of the finest wood — ein Holztisch/ein Tisch aus feinstem Holz

    made in Germanyin Deutschland hergestellt

    show what one is made of — zeigen, was in einem steckt (ugs.)

    be [simply] 'made of money — (coll.) im Geld [nur so] schwimmen (ugs.)

    be 'made for something/somebody — (fig.): (ideally suited) wie geschaffen für etwas/jemanden sein

    make a bed(for sleeping) ein Bett bauen (ugs.)

    make the bed(arrange after sleeping) das Bett machen

    have it made(coll.) ausgesorgt haben (ugs.)

    2) (combine into) sich verbinden zu; bilden
    3) (cause to exist) machen [Ärger, Schwierigkeiten, Lärm, Aufhebens]

    make enemiessich (Dat.) Feinde machen od. schaffen

    make time for doing or to do something — sich (Dat.) die Zeit dazu nehmen, etwas zu tun

    4) (result in, amount to) machen [Unterschied, Summe]; ergeben [Resultat]

    two and two make fourzwei und zwei ist od. macht od. sind vier

    qualities that make a man — Eigenschaften, die einen Mann ausmachen

    5) (establish, enact) bilden [Gegensatz]; treffen [Unterscheidung, Übereinkommen]; ziehen [Vergleich, Parallele]; erlassen [Gesetz, Haftbefehl]; aufstellen [Regeln, Behauptung]; stellen [Forderung]; geben [Bericht]; schließen [Vertrag]; vornehmen [Zahlung]; machen [Geschäft, Vorschlag, Geständnis]; erheben [Anschuldigung, Protest, Beschwerde]
    6) (cause to be or become)

    make angry/happy/known — etc. wütend/glücklich/bekannt usw. machen

    make a friend of somebodysich mit jemandem anfreunden

    make oneself heard/respected — sich (Dat.) Gehör/Respekt verschaffen

    make it a shorter journey by doing something — die Reise abkürzen, indem man etwas tut


    make somebody do something (cause) jemanden dazu bringen, etwas zu tun; (compel) jemanden zwingen, etwas zu tun

    make somebody repeat the sentencejemanden den Satz wiederholen lassen

    be made to do something — etwas tun müssen; (be compelled) gezwungen werden, etwas zu tun

    make oneself do something — sich überwinden, etwas zu tun

    this makes the tenth time you've faileddas ist nun [schon] das zehnte Mal, dass du versagt hast

    will you make one of the party?wirst du dabei od. (ugs.) mit von der Partie sein?

    9) (serve for) abgeben
    10) (become by development or training)
    11) (gain, acquire, procure) machen [Vermögen, Profit, Verlust]; machen (ugs.) [Geld]; verdienen [Lebensunterhalt]; sich (Dat.) erwerben [Ruf]; (obtain as result) kommen zu od. auf, herausbekommen [Ergebnis, Endsumme]
    12) machen [Geste, Bewegung, Verbeugung]; machen [Reise, Besuch, Ausnahme, Fehler, Angebot, Entdeckung, Witz, Bemerkung]; begehen [Irrtum]; vornehmen [Änderung, Stornierung]; vorbringen [Beschwerde]; tätigen, machen [Einkäufe]; geben [Versprechen, Kommentar]; halten [Rede]; ziehen [Vergleich]; durchführen, machen [Experiment, Analyse, Inspektion]; (wage) führen [Krieg]; (accomplish) schaffen [Strecke pro Zeiteinheit]

    make little of something(play something down) etwas herunterspielen

    they could make little of his letter(understand) sie konnten mit seinem Brief nicht viel anfangen

    I don't know what to make of him/it — ich werde aus ihm/daraus nicht schlau od. klug

    what do you make of him? — was hältst du von ihm?; wie schätzt du ihn ein?

    14) (arrive at) erreichen [Bestimmungsort]; (coll.): (catch) [noch] kriegen (ugs.) [Zug usw.]

    make it(succeed in arriving) es schaffen


    something makes or breaks or mars somebody — etwas entscheidet über jmds. Glück oder Verderben (Akk.)

    16) (consider to be)

    What do you make the time? - I make it five past eightWie spät hast du es od. ist es bei dir? - Auf meiner Uhr ist es fünf nach acht


    make 'do with/without something — mit/ohne etwas auskommen

    2. intransitive verb,
    1) (proceed)

    make toward something/somebody — auf etwas/jemanden zusteuern

    2) (act as if with intention)

    make to do something — Anstalten machen, etwas zu tun

    make as if or as though to do something — so tun, als wolle man etwas tun

    3. noun
    1) (kind of structure) Ausführung, die; (of clothes) Machart, die
    2) (type of manufacture) Fabrikat, das; (brand) Marke, die

    make of car — Automarke, die


    on the make(coll.): (intent on gain) hinter dem Geld her (abwertend)

    Phrasal Verbs:
    - academic.ru/44737/make_for">make for
    - make off
    - make off with
    - make out
    - make over
    - make up
    - make up for
    - make up to
    * * *
    [meik] 1. past tense, past participle - made; verb
    1) (to create, form or produce: God made the Earth; She makes all her own clothes; He made it out of paper; to make a muddle/mess of the job; to make lunch/coffee; We made an arrangement/agreement/deal/bargain.) machen
    2) (to compel, force or cause (a person or thing to do something): They made her do it; He made me laugh.) bringen zu
    3) (to cause to be: I made it clear; You've made me very unhappy.) machen
    4) (to gain or earn: He makes $100 a week; to make a profit.) machen
    5) ((of numbers etc) to add up to; to amount to: 2 and 2 make(s) 4.) ergeben
    6) (to become, turn into, or be: He'll make an excellent teacher.) sich erweisen als
    7) (to estimate as: I make the total 483.) schätzen
    8) (to appoint, or choose, as: He was made manager.) machen zu
    9) (used with many nouns to give a similar meaning to that of the verb from which the noun is formed: He made several attempts (= attempted several times); They made a left turn (= turned left); He made (= offered) a suggestion/proposal; Have you any comments to make?) machen
    2. noun
    (a (usually manufacturer's) brand: What make is your new car?) die Marke
    - maker
    - making
    - make-believe
    - make-over
    - makeshift
    - make-up
    - have the makings of
    - in the making
    - make a/one's bed
    - make believe
    - make do
    - make for
    - make it
    - make it up
    - make something of something
    - make of something
    - make something of
    - make of
    - make out
    - make over
    - make up
    - make up for
    - make up one's mind
    - make up to
    * * *
    I. NOUN
    1. ECON (brand) Fabrikat nt, Marke f
    the newer \makes of computer are much faster die neuen Computergenerationen sind viel schneller
    it's jam of my own \make das ist selbst gemachte Marmelade
    \make of car Automarke f
    2. (of a person)
    people of her \make are rare Leute wie sie [o fam ihrer Machart] sind selten
    to be on the \make (for sex) auf sexuelle Abenteuer aus sein; (for money) geldgierig sein; (for power) machthungrig sein; (for profit) profitgierig sein; (for career) karrieresüchtig sein
    to put the \make on sb AM (sl) versuchen, jdn ins Bett zu kriegen fam
    <made, made>
    1. (produce)
    to \make sth etw machen; company, factory etw herstellen
    the pot is made to withstand high temperatures der Topf ist so beschaffen, dass er hohe Temperaturen aushält
    ‘made in Taiwan’ ‚hergestellt in Taiwan‘
    this sweater is made of wool dieser Pullover ist aus Wolle
    God made the world in 7 days Gott erschuf die Erde in 7 Tagen
    to \make bread Brot backen
    to \make clothes Kleider nähen
    to \make coffee/soup/supper Kaffee/Suppe/das Abendessen kochen
    to \make a copy of sth etw kopieren
    to \make a movie [or film] einen Film drehen
    to \make peace Frieden schließen
    to \make a picture ( fam) ein Foto machen
    to \make a recording of sth etw aufnehmen
    to \make a snowman einen Schneemann bauen
    to \make steel/a pot Stahl/einen Topf herstellen
    to \make time sich dat [die] Zeit nehmen
    to show what one's [really] made of zeigen, was in einem steckt
    to \make sb sth [or sth for sb] etw für jdn machen
    he made us some coffee er machte uns Kaffee
    to be made for sth für etw akk [wie] geschaffen sein
    the doll wasn't made for banging around die Puppe ist nicht dazu gedacht, herumgeschleudert zu werden
    these two were made for each other die zwei sind wie geschaffen füreinander
    to \make sth etw werden; (be) etw sein
    I don't think he will ever \make a good lawyer ich glaube, aus ihm wird nie ein guter Rechtsanwalt [werden]
    she'll \make a great mother sie wird eine tolle Mutter abgeben
    let's \make a circle lasst uns einen Kreis bilden
    champagne and caviar \make a wonderful combination Champagner und Kaviar sind eine wunderbare Kombination
    to \make a good answer/excuse eine gute Antwort/Entschuldigung sein
    to \make a match gut zusammenpassen
    to \make fascinating reading faszinierend zu lesen sein
    3. (cause) machen
    to \make noise/a scene/trouble Lärm/eine Szene/Ärger machen
    to \make sb one's wife jdn zu seiner Frau machen
    to \make sth do sth:
    the wind is making my eyes water durch den Wind fangen meine Augen an zu tränen
    you \make things sound so bad du machst alles so schlecht
    the dark colours \make the room look smaller die dunklen Farben lassen das Zimmer kleiner wirken
    to \make sb do sth jdn dazu bringen [o geh veranlassen], etw zu tun
    what made you move here? was brachte dich dazu, hierher zu ziehen?
    what made you change your mind? wodurch hast du deine Meinung geändert?
    stories like that \make you think again Geschichten wie diese bringen dich zum Nachdenken
    to \make sb laugh jdn zum Lachen bringen
    to \make oneself look ridiculous sich akk lächerlich machen
    to \make sb suffer jdn leiden lassen
    to \make sb do sth jdn zwingen, etw zu tun
    go to your room!no, and you can't \make me! geh auf dein Zimmer! — nein, und es kann mich auch keiner dazu zwingen!
    5. + adj (cause to be) machen
    the good weather made Spain so popular das schöne Wetter hat Spanien so beliebt gemacht
    to \make the best of a situation das Beste aus einer Situation machen
    to \make sb angry/happy jdn wütend/glücklich machen
    to \make sth easy etw leicht machen
    to \make oneself heard sich dat Gehör verschaffen
    to \make oneself known to sb sich akk jdm vorstellen, sich akk mit jdm bekanntmachen
    to \make sth public etw veröffentlichen
    to \make oneself understood sich akk verständlich machen
    6. (transform to)
    to \make sb/sth into sth:
    the recycled paper will be made into cardboard das Recyclingpapier wird zu Karton weiterverarbeitet
    this experience will \make you into a better person diese Erfahrung wird aus dir einen besseren Menschen machen
    we've made the attic into a spare room wir haben den Speicher zu einem Gästezimmer ausgebaut
    7. (perform)
    to \make sth mistake, progress, offer, suggestion etw machen
    he made a plausible case for returning home early er überzeugte uns, dass es sinnvoll sei, früh nach Hause zu gehen
    they made about 20 miles a day on foot sie legten etwa 20 Meilen am Tag zu Fuß zurück
    I'll have a steakno, \make that chicken ich nehme ein Steak — ach nein, bringen Sie doch lieber das Hühnchen
    to \make an appointment einen Termin vereinbaren
    to \make a bargain ein Schnäppchen machen
    to \make a bid for sth ein Angebot für [o über] etw akk machen
    to \make a book STOCKEX eine Aufstellung von Aktien machen, für die Kauf- oder Verkaufsaufträge entgegengenommen werden
    to \make a call anrufen
    to \make a deal einen Handel schließen
    to \make a decision eine Entscheidung fällen [o treffen]
    to \make a deposit eine Anzahlung leisten
    to \make a donation eine Spende vornehmen
    to \make an effort sich akk anstrengen
    to \make a face ein Gesicht ziehen
    to \make a good job of sth bei etw dat gute Arbeit leisten
    to \make a move (in game) einen Zug machen; (in business, personal life) etwas unternehmen; body sich akk bewegen
    to \make a payment eine Zahlung leisten
    to \make a promise ein Versprechen geben, etw versprechen
    to \make reservations reservieren
    to \make a request for sth um etw akk bitten
    to \make small talk Konversation betreiben
    to \make a speech/presentation eine Rede/Präsentation halten
    to \make a start anfangen
    to \make good time doing sth bei etw dat schnell vorankommen
    to \make way [or space] [or room] den Weg frei machen
    to \make a withdrawal from a bank Geld bei einer Bank abheben
    to \make sth with numbers etw ergeben
    five plus five \makes ten fünf und fünf ist zehn
    today's earthquake \makes five since January mit dem heutigen Erdbeben sind es fünf seit Januar
    this \makes the third time my car has broken down das ist nun das dritte Mal, dass mein Auto eine Panne hat
    9. (earn, get)
    to \make sth:
    he \makes £50,000 a year er verdient [o fam macht] 50.000 Pfund im Jahr
    to \make enemies sich dat Feinde machen
    to \make a fortune sein Glück machen
    to \make friends Freundschaften schließen
    to \make a killing einen Riesengewinn machen
    to \make a living seinen Lebensunterhalt verdienen
    to \make a lot of money out of sth mit etw dat viel Geld verdienen [o fam machen]
    to \make a name for oneself sich dat einen Namen machen
    to \make profits/losses Gewinn/Verlust machen
    to \make sb president/advisor/ambassador jdn zum Präsidenten/Berater/Botschafter ernennen
    11. (consider important)
    to \make sth of sth:
    she \makes a lot of politeness sie legt viel Wert auf Höflichkeit
    don't \make too much of his grumpiness gib nicht zu viel auf seine mürrische Art
    how much do you \make the total? was hast du als Summe errechnet?
    I \make the answer [to be] 105.6 ich habe als Lösung 105,6 herausbekommen
    what do you \make the time? was meinst du, wie viel Uhr ist es wohl?
    13. ( fam: get to, reach)
    to \make sth etw schaffen
    could you \make a meeting at 8 a.m.? schaffst du ein Treffen um 8 Uhr morgens?
    I barely made it to the meeting ich habe es gerade noch zur Versammlung geschafft
    the fire made the front page das Feuer kam auf die Titelseite
    he made captain/sergeant/manager AM er hat es bis zum Kapitän/Feldwebel/Manager gebracht
    to \make the bus/one's train/one's plane den Bus/seinen Zug/sein Flugzeug kriegen
    to \make the deadline den Termin einhalten [können]
    to \make the grade sich akk qualifizieren, es schaffen
    to \make the finals/a team SPORT sich akk für das Finale/ein Team qualifizieren
    to \make the big time ( fam) groß einsteigen fam
    to \make it to the top Karriere machen
    to \make it es schaffen
    the patient may not \make it through the night der Patient wird wahrscheinlich die Nacht nicht überstehen
    14. (render perfect)
    those curtains really \make the living room diese Vorhänge heben das Wohnzimmer ungemein
    this film has made his career der Film machte ihn berühmt
    that made my day! das hat mir den Tag gerettet!
    you've got it made! du hast ausgesorgt!
    to \make love sich akk lieben, miteinander schlafen
    to \make sb AM, AUS (sl) mit jdm ins Bett gehen fam
    he tried to \make her er hat versucht, sie ins Bett zu kriegen fam
    to \make it with sb (fam!) es mit jdm treiben fam
    16. NAUT
    to \make port Meldung an den Hafenmeister machen
    to \make sail in See stechen
    to \make way vorankommen
    17. ELEC
    to \make contact den Stromkreis schließen
    to \make a beeline [or dash] for sth/sb schnurstracks auf etw/jdn zugehen
    to \make or break sth/sb das Schicksal von etw/jdm in der Hand haben
    to \make a day/an evening of it den ganzen Tag/die ganze Nacht bleiben
    let's \make a night of it die Nacht ist noch jung
    to \make a go of it es schaffen, in etw dat Erfolg haben
    made in heaven perfekt
    to be made of money Geld wie Heu haben
    to \make sense Sinn ergeben [o machen
    <made, made>
    to \make to leave/eat dinner/start a fight sich akk anschicken, zu gehen/Abend zu essen/einen Streit anzufangen
    just as we made to leave the phone rang gerade als wir gehen wollten, klingelte das Telefon
    2. (pretend)
    to \make as if to do sth aussehen, als ob man etw tun wolle
    he made as if to leave the room er machte Anstalten, das Zimmer zu verlassen
    stop making like you know everything! hör auf so zu tun, als wüsstest du alles!
    to \make like... AM so tun, als ob...
    the boy made like he was sick so he wouldn't have to go to school der Junge stellte sich krank, damit er nicht zur Schule musste
    to \make with the money/jewels Geld/Juwelen [über]geben
    \make with the money bags, baby! her mit dem Geld, Baby! fam
    to \make do with/without sth mit/ohne etw dat auskommen [o hinkommen]
    can you \make do with a fiver? reicht dir ein Fünfpfundschein?
    to \make do and mend ( prov) flicken und wiederverwerten, was man hat, sich akk mit etw dat zufriedengeben
    * * *
    make [meık]
    A s
    1. a) Machart f, Ausführung f
    b) Erzeugnis n, Produkt n, Fabrikat n:
    our own make (unser) eigenes Fabrikat;
    of best English make beste englische Qualität;
    I like the make of this car mir gefällt die Ausführung oder Form dieses Wagens;
    is this your own make? haben Sie das (selbst) gemacht?
    2. Mode: Schnitt m, Fasson f
    3. WIRTSCH (Fabrik)Marke f
    4. TECH Typ m, Bau(art) m(f)
    5. Beschaffenheit f, Zustand m
    6. Anfertigung f, Herstellung f, Produktion f
    7. Produktion(smenge) f, Ausstoß m
    8. a) (Körper)Bau m
    b) Veranlagung f, Natur f, Art f
    9. Bau m, Gefüge n
    10. Fassung f, Stil m (eines Romans etc)
    11. ELEK Schließen n (des Stromkreises):
    be at make geschlossen sein
    a) Trumpfbestimmung f
    b) Bridge: endgültiges Trumpfgebot
    c) Mischen n (der Karten)
    a) schwer dahinter her sein, auf Geld oder auf seinen Vorteil aus sein,
    b) auf ein (sexuelles) Abenteuer aus sein,
    c) (gesellschaftlich) nach oben drängen,
    d) im Kommen oder Werden sein
    B v/t prät und pperf made [meıd]
    1. allg z. B. Anstrengungen, Einkäufe, Einwände, eine Reise, sein Testament, eine Verbeugung, einen Versuch machen:
    make a fire Feuer machen;
    make a price einen Preis festsetzen oder machen;
    make a speech eine Rede halten;
    make it 2-1 SPORT auf 2:1 stellen;
    he’s (as) stupid as they make them umg er ist so dumm wie sonst was; (siehe die Verbindungen mit den entsprechenden Stichwörtern)
    2. machen:
    a) anfertigen, herstellen, erzeugen ( alle:
    from, of, out of aus)
    b) verarbeiten, bilden, formen ( alle:
    to, into in akk, zu):
    make a man of sb einen Mann aus jemandem machen
    c) Tee etc (zu)bereiten:
    he made himself a cup of coffee er machte sich eine Tasse Kaffee
    d) ein Gedicht etc verfassen, schreiben
    3. errichten, bauen, einen Park, Weg etc anlegen
    4. (er)schaffen:
    God made man Gott schuf den Menschen;
    you are made for this job du bist für diese Arbeit wie geschaffen
    5. fig machen zu:
    make a doctor of sb jemanden Arzt werden lassen
    6. ergeben, bilden, entstehen lassen:
    oxygen and hydrogen make water Wasserstoff und Sauerstoff bilden Wasser
    7. verursachen:
    a) ein Geräusch, Lärm, Mühe, Schwierigkeiten etc machen
    b) bewirken, (mit sich) bringen:
    8. (er)geben, den Stoff abgeben zu, dienen als (Sache):
    this makes a good article das gibt einen guten Artikel;
    this cloth will make a suit dieses Tuch wird für einen Anzug reichen
    9. sich erweisen als (Personen):
    he would make a good salesman er würde einen guten Verkäufer abgeben;
    she made him a good wife sie war ihm eine gute Frau
    10. bilden, (aus)machen:
    this makes the tenth time das ist das zehnte Mal
    11. (mit adj, pperf etc)machen:
    make angry zornig machen, erzürnen; make good
    12. (mit folgendem Substantiv) machen zu, ernennen zu:
    they made him (a) general, he was made a general er wurde zum General ernannt;
    he made himself a martyr er machte sich zum Märtyrer
    13. mit inf ( aktivisch ohne to, passiv mit to) jemanden lassen, veranlassen oder bringen oder zwingen oder nötigen zu:
    make sb wait jemanden warten lassen;
    he was made to wait for an hour man ließ ihn eine Stunde warten;
    we made him talk wir brachten ihn zum Sprechen;
    they made him repeat it, he was made to repeat it man ließ es ihn wiederholen;
    make sth do, make do with sth mit etwas auskommen, sich mit etwas begnügen oder behelfen;
    that coat makes him look absurd in dem Mantel schaut er einfach lächerlich aus; laugh B
    14. fig machen:
    a) viel Wesens um etwas od jemanden machen,
    b) viel halten von, eine hohe Meinung haben von, große Stücke halten auf (akk)
    15. sich eine Vorstellung von etwas machen, etwas halten für:
    what do you make of it? was halten Sie davon?
    16. umg jemanden halten für:
    17. schätzen auf (akk):
    how old do you make him? wie alt schätzen Sie ihn?
    18. feststellen:
    I make it a quarter to five nach meiner Uhr ist es Viertel vor fünf
    19. erfolgreich durchführen: escape C 1
    20. jemandem zum Erfolg verhelfen, jemandes Glück machen:
    I can make and break you ich kann aus Ihnen etwas machen und ich kann Sie auch erledigen
    21. sich ein Vermögen etc erwerben, verdienen, Geld, einen Profit machen, einen Gewinn erzielen: name Bes Redew
    22. schaffen:
    a) eine Strecke zurücklegen:
    make it es (räumlich od zeitlich) schaffen ( B 23);
    he didn’t make it to the emergency exit er schaffte es nicht bis zum Notausgang;
    sorry, I couldn’t make it any earlier ich konnte leider nicht früher kommen
    b) eine Geschwindigkeit erreichen, machen:
    23. umg etwas erreichen, schaffen, einen akademischen Grad erlangen, SPORT etc Punkte, auch eine Schulnote erzielen, einen Zug erwischen:
    make it es schaffen ( B 22);
    he made it to general er brachte es bis zum General;
    make the team bes US sich einen Platz (in der Mannschaft) erobern; regular A 14
    24. sl eine Frau rumkriegen, umlegen (verführen)
    25. ankommen in (dat), erreichen:
    make port SCHIFF in den Hafen einlaufen
    26. SCHIFF Land etc sichten, ausmachen
    27. Br eine Mahlzeit einnehmen
    28. ein Fest etc veranstalten
    a) Karten mischen
    b) einen Stich machen
    30. ELEK den Stromkreis schließen, einen Kontakt herstellen
    31. LING den Plural etc bilden, werden zu
    32. sich belaufen auf (akk), ergeben, machen:
    two and two make four 2 und 2 macht oder ist 4
    33. besonders Br ein Tier abrichten, dressieren
    34. obs übersetzen (in eine andere Sprache)
    35. US sl jemanden identifizieren
    C v/i
    1. sich anschicken, den Versuch machen ( beide:
    to do zu tun):
    he made to go er wollte gehen
    2. (to nach)
    a) sich begeben oder wenden
    b) führen, gehen (Weg etc), sich erstrecken
    c) fließen
    3. einsetzen (Ebbe, Flut), (an)steigen (Flut etc)
    4. (statt passiv) gemacht oder hergestellt werden
    5. Kartenspiel: einen Stich machen
    6. make as if ( oder as though) so tun, als ob oder als wenn:
    make believe vorgeben ( that dass; to do zu tun);
    make like US sl sich benehmen oder aufführen wie
    * * *
    [meɪk]transitive verb, made [meɪd]
    1) (construct) machen, anfertigen (of aus); bauen [Damm, Straße, Flugzeug, Geige]; anlegen [See, Teich, Weg usw.]; zimmern [Tisch, Regal]; basteln [Spielzeug, Vogelhäuschen, Dekoration usw.]; nähen [Kleider]; durchbrechen [Türöffnung]; (manufacture) herstellen; (create) [er]schaffen [Welt]; (prepare) zubereiten [Mahlzeit]; machen [Frühstück, Grog]; machen, kochen [Kaffee, Tee, Marmelade]; backen [Brot, Kuchen]; (compose, write) schreiben, verfassen [Buch, Gedicht, Lied, Bericht]; machen [Eintrag, Zeichen, Kopie, Zusammenfassung, Testament]; anfertigen [Entwurf]; aufsetzen [Bewerbung, Schreiben, Urkunde]

    make a dress out of the material, make the material into a dress — aus dem Stoff ein Kleid machen

    a table made of wood/of the finest wood — ein Holztisch/ein Tisch aus feinstem Holz

    show what one is made of — zeigen, was in einem steckt (ugs.)

    be [simply] 'made of money — (coll.) im Geld [nur so] schwimmen (ugs.)

    be 'made for something/somebody — (fig.): (ideally suited) wie geschaffen für etwas/jemanden sein

    make a bed (for sleeping) ein Bett bauen (ugs.)

    have it made(coll.) ausgesorgt haben (ugs.)

    2) (combine into) sich verbinden zu; bilden
    3) (cause to exist) machen [Ärger, Schwierigkeiten, Lärm, Aufhebens]

    make enemiessich (Dat.) Feinde machen od. schaffen

    make time for doing or to do something — sich (Dat.) die Zeit dazu nehmen, etwas zu tun

    4) (result in, amount to) machen [Unterschied, Summe]; ergeben [Resultat]

    two and two make fourzwei und zwei ist od. macht od. sind vier

    qualities that make a man — Eigenschaften, die einen Mann ausmachen

    5) (establish, enact) bilden [Gegensatz]; treffen [Unterscheidung, Übereinkommen]; ziehen [Vergleich, Parallele]; erlassen [Gesetz, Haftbefehl]; aufstellen [Regeln, Behauptung]; stellen [Forderung]; geben [Bericht]; schließen [Vertrag]; vornehmen [Zahlung]; machen [Geschäft, Vorschlag, Geständnis]; erheben [Anschuldigung, Protest, Beschwerde]

    make angry/happy/known — etc. wütend/glücklich/bekannt usw. machen

    make oneself heard/respected — sich (Dat.) Gehör/Respekt verschaffen

    make it a shorter journey by doing something — die Reise abkürzen, indem man etwas tut


    make somebody do something (cause) jemanden dazu bringen, etwas zu tun; (compel) jemanden zwingen, etwas zu tun

    be made to do something — etwas tun müssen; (be compelled) gezwungen werden, etwas zu tun

    make oneself do something — sich überwinden, etwas zu tun

    8) (form, be counted as)

    this makes the tenth time you've failed — das ist nun [schon] das zehnte Mal, dass du versagt hast

    will you make one of the party?wirst du dabei od. (ugs.) mit von der Partie sein?

    9) (serve for) abgeben
    11) (gain, acquire, procure) machen [Vermögen, Profit, Verlust]; machen (ugs.) [Geld]; verdienen [Lebensunterhalt]; sich (Dat.) erwerben [Ruf]; (obtain as result) kommen zu od. auf, herausbekommen [Ergebnis, Endsumme]
    12) machen [Geste, Bewegung, Verbeugung]; machen [Reise, Besuch, Ausnahme, Fehler, Angebot, Entdeckung, Witz, Bemerkung]; begehen [Irrtum]; vornehmen [Änderung, Stornierung]; vorbringen [Beschwerde]; tätigen, machen [Einkäufe]; geben [Versprechen, Kommentar]; halten [Rede]; ziehen [Vergleich]; durchführen, machen [Experiment, Analyse, Inspektion]; (wage) führen [Krieg]; (accomplish) schaffen [Strecke pro Zeiteinheit]

    make little of something(play something down) etwas herunterspielen

    they could make little of his letter (understand) sie konnten mit seinem Brief nicht viel anfangen

    I don't know what to make of him/it — ich werde aus ihm/daraus nicht schlau od. klug

    what do you make of him? — was hältst du von ihm?; wie schätzt du ihn ein?

    14) (arrive at) erreichen [Bestimmungsort]; (coll.): (catch) [noch] kriegen (ugs.) [Zug usw.]

    something makes or breaks or mars somebody — etwas entscheidet über jmds. Glück oder Verderben (Akk.)

    What do you make the time? - I make it five past eightWie spät hast du es od. ist es bei dir? - Auf meiner Uhr ist es fünf nach acht


    make 'do with/without something — mit/ohne etwas auskommen

    2. intransitive verb,

    make toward something/somebody — auf etwas/jemanden zusteuern

    make to do something — Anstalten machen, etwas zu tun

    make as if or as though to do something — so tun, als wolle man etwas tun

    3. noun
    1) (kind of structure) Ausführung, die; (of clothes) Machart, die
    2) (type of manufacture) Fabrikat, das; (brand) Marke, die

    make of car — Automarke, die


    on the make(coll.): (intent on gain) hinter dem Geld her (abwertend)

    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    Fabrikat -e n.
    Herstellung f.
    Marke -n f. v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: made)
    = knüpfen v.
    machen v.
    vornehmen v.

    English-german dictionary > make

  • 20 protocol

    English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > protocol

См. также в других словарях:

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Нажмите правой клавишей мыши и выберите «Копировать ссылку»