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См. также в других словарях:

  • Previous — Pre vi*ous, a. [L. praevius going before, leading the way; prae before + via the way. See {Voyage}.] Going before in time; being or happening before something else; antecedent; prior; as, previous arrangements; a previous illness. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Previous to — Previous Pre vi*ous, a. [L. praevius going before, leading the way; prae before + via the way. See {Voyage}.] Going before in time; being or happening before something else; antecedent; prior; as, previous arrangements; a previous illness. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • previous — I adjective above cited, above mentioned, above named, aforementioned, aforesaid, already indicated, antecedent, anterior, earlier, early, erstwhile, first, fore, foregoing, foregone, forementioned, forerunning, former, initial, initiatory,… …   Law dictionary

  • previous — [prē′vē əs] adj. [L praevius < prae (see PRE ) + via, way (see VIA)] 1. occurring before in time or order; prior ☆ 2. Informal too soon; premature previous to before previously adv. SYN …   English World dictionary

  • previous — ► ADJECTIVE 1) existing or occurring before in time or order. 2) informal over hasty. ● previous to Cf. ↑previous to DERIVATIVES previously adverb. ORIGIN Lat …   English terms dictionary

  • previous — [adj1] former, prior antecedent, anterior, earlier, erstwhile, ex, foregoing, one time, past, precedent, preceding, quondam, sometime; concepts 585,811,818,820 Ant. current, future, later, present previous [adj2] premature ahead of, early,… …   New thesaurus

  • previous to — ► previous to before. Main Entry: ↑previous …   English terms dictionary

  • previous to — index heretofore, theretofore Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • previous — (adj.) 1620s, from L. praevius going before, from prae before (see PRE (Cf. pre )) + via road (see VIA (Cf. via)). Related: Previously …   Etymology dictionary

  • previous to — this, everything was fine Syn: before, prior to, until, leading up to, up to, earlier than, preceding; formal anterior to …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • previous — foregoing, prior, *preceding, antecedent, precedent, former, anterior Antonyms: subsequent: consequent …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

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