1 hover
2 hover
1) ((of a bird, insect etc) to remain in the air without moving in any direction.) permanecer inmóvil en el aire, flotar en el aire, revolotear2) (to move around while still remaining near a person etc: I wish she'd stop hovering round me and go away.) revolotear, rondar3) ((with between) to be undecided: She hovered between leaving and staying.) dudar, vacilar•hover vb cernirtr['hɒvəSMALLr/SMALL]1 (aircraft) permanecer inmóvil (en el aire)2 (bird) cernerse, revolotear3 (move around) rondar4 (hesitate) dudar, vacilarhover ['hʌvər, 'hɑ-] vi1) : cernerse, sostenerse en el aire2)to hover about : rondarv.• cernerse v.• flotar v.• flotear v.• planear v.• revolotear v.• rondar v.• volar v.'hʌvər, 'hɒvə(r)intransitive verb \<\<helicopter\>\> sostenerse* en el aire ( sin avanzar); \<\<bird\>\> cernerse*to hover OVER o ABOVE something/somebody — \<\<hawk/threat\>\> cernerse* sobre algo/alguien
a smile/question hovered on her lips — sus labios esbozaron una sonrisa/una pregunta
the temperature hovered around 20° — la temperatura rondaba los 20°
['hɒvǝ(r)]the waiter hovered around, waiting for a tip — el mesero estuvo rodando la mesa, esperando una propina
1. VI1) [bird] planear, cernerse2) (fig) [person] rondara couple of waiters were hovering near our table — un par de camareros rondaban cerca de nuestra mesa
2.CPD* * *['hʌvər, 'hɒvə(r)]intransitive verb \<\<helicopter\>\> sostenerse* en el aire ( sin avanzar); \<\<bird\>\> cernerse*to hover OVER o ABOVE something/somebody — \<\<hawk/threat\>\> cernerse* sobre algo/alguien
a smile/question hovered on her lips — sus labios esbozaron una sonrisa/una pregunta
the temperature hovered around 20° — la temperatura rondaba los 20°
the waiter hovered around, waiting for a tip — el mesero estuvo rodando la mesa, esperando una propina
3 hover
s.criadora de pollitos.v.1 revolotear, rondar.2 estar suspendido.3 sobrevolar.vi.1 cernerse, cernirse (pájaro); permanecer inmóvil en el aire (aircraft)2 rondar (persona) (pt & pp hovered) -
4 hover by
v.rondar. -
5 hover on
v.1 gravitar sobre, sobrevolar.2 ser inminente. -
6 hover about
VI + ADV, VI + PREP = hover around -
7 hover around
8 hover control
nAIR TRANSP helicopter control de vuelo estacionario m -
9 hover flight coupler
nAIR TRANSP helicopter acoplador de vuelo estacionario m -
10 hover height
nTRANSP altura de levitación f, altura en suspenso f -
11 hover pallet
nTRANSP plataforma levitante f -
12 hover about
v.rondar. -
13 hover above
v.ser inminente. -
14 hover around
v.rondar. -
15 hover fly
s.mosca de las flores. -
16 hover over
v.1 volar sobre.2 mantenerse sobre.3 gravitar.4 gravitar sobre. -
17 flas hover
golpe de arco, descargaEnglish-Spanish dictionary of labour protection > flas hover
18 hang
hæŋpast tense, past participle - hung; verb1) (to put or fix, or to be put or fixed, above the ground eg by a hook: We'll hang the picture on that wall; The picture is hanging on the wall.) colgar2) (to fasten (something), or to be fastened, at the top or side so that it can move freely but cannot fall: A door hangs by its hinges.) colgar, pender3) ((past tense, past participle hanged) to kill, or to be killed, by having a rope put round the neck and being allowed to drop: Murderers used to be hanged in the United Kingdom, but no-one hangs for murder now.) colgar, ahorcar4) ((often with down or out) to be bending, drooping or falling downwards: The dog's tongue was hanging out; Her hair was hanging down.) colgar; caer5) (to bow (one's head): He hung his head in shame.) inclinar, bajar•- hanger- hanging
- hangings
- hangman
- hangover
- get the hang of
- hang about/around
- hang back
- hang in the balance
- hang on
- hang together
- hang up
hang vb1. colgar2. ahorcartr[hæŋ]3 (pt & pp hanged) SMALLLAW/SMALL ahorcar3 (pt & pp hanged) SMALLLAW/SMALL ser ahorcado,-a1 (of dress etc) caída\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLhang loose! familiar ¡tranqui!to get the hang of something cogerle el tranquillo a algoto hang in the air flotar en el aireto hang up one's boots colgar las botas1) suspend: colgar, tender, suspender3)to hang one's head : bajar la cabezahang vi1) fall: caer (dícese de las telas y la ropa)2) dangle: colgar3) hover: flotar, sostenerse en el aire4) : ser ahorcado5) droop: inclinarse6)to hang up : colgarhe hung up on me: me colgóhang n1) drape: caída f2)to get the hang of something : colgarle el truco a algo, lograr entender algon.• sentido s.m.• significado s.m.v.(§ p.,p.p.: hung) (•§ p.,p.p.: hanged•) = ahorcar v.• guindar v.• inclinar v.• pender v.• suspender v.
1. hæŋ1) (past & past p hung)a) ( suspend) \<\<coat/picture\>\> colgar*b) ( put in position) \<\<door/gate\>\> colocar*, montarc) ( Culin) \<\<game\>\> manird)to hang one's head — bajar or inclinar la cabeza
vi1) (past p hung)a) ( be suspended) colgar*, pender (liter), estar* colgadoto hang BY/FROM/ON something — colgar* de algo
they were hanging on his every word — estaban totalmente pendientes de lo que decía or de sus palabras
hang loose! — (esp AmE sl) tranquilo!
to hang tough on something — (AmE) mantenerse* firme en algo
b) ( hover) \<\<fog/smoke\>\> flotar; \<\<bird\>\> planear, cernerse*to hang OVER something: the mist hung over the marshes la bruma flotaba sobre las marismas; I still have that essay hanging over me — todavía tengo ese ensayo pendiente
c) \<\<clothing/fabric\>\> caer*that skirt hangs very well — esa falda tiene muy buena caída or cae muy bien
2) (past & past p hanged or hung) ( be executed)•Phrasal Verbs:- hang in- hang on- hang out- hang up
noun (no pl) ( of garment) caída f[hæŋ] (pt, pp hung)to get the hang of something — (colloq) agarrarle la onda a algo (AmL fam), cogerle* el tranquillo a algo (Esp fam), agarrarle la mano a algo (CS fam)
1. TRANSITIVE VERB1) (=suspend) [+ coat, curtains] colgar; [+ picture] (on wall) colgar; (as exhibit) exponer; [+ washing] tender; [+ wallpaper] pegar; [+ door] colocar; (Culin) [+ game] manirare you any good at hanging wallpaper? — ¿se te da bien empapelar?
- hang one's headpeg 1., 3), hung overhe hung his head in shame — bajó or agachó la cabeza avergonzado
2) (=decorate) adornar3) (pt, pp hanged)a) [+ criminal] ahorcarhe was hanged, drawn and quartered — lo ahorcaron, destriparon y descuartizaron
to hang o.s. — ahorcarse
b) †* (=damn)hang the expense! — ¡al diablo (con) los gastos!
hang it (all)! — ¡qué demonios!
I'll be hanged if I know! — ¡que me aspen or maten si lo sé!
4) (US) (=turn)hang a right here — gira or dobla or tuerce a la derecha aquí
5) (=hold)see fire 1., 7)2. INTRANSITIVE VERB1) (=be suspended) colgar•
a light-bulb was hanging from the ceiling — una bombilla colgaba del techoI was hanging from the ledge by my fingertips — estaba colgado de la cornisa sujeto por la punta de los dedos
his portrait hangs in the National Gallery — su retrato está expuesto en la National Gallery•
let your arms hang loose at your sides — deje los brazos sueltos or caídoshang loose! — (US) * (fig) ¡tranqui! *, ¡relájate!
thread 1., 1)•
your coat is hanging on the hook — tu abrigo está colgado en el perchero2) (=be positioned)•
to hang open: the door hung open — (=not closed) la puerta estaba abierta; (=partly off hinges) la puerta estaba encajada•
I can't work with you hanging over me like that — no puedo trabajar contigo pendiente de todo lo que hago3) (=flow) [rope, garment, hair] caer•
her hair hangs down her back — el pelo le cae por la espalda4) (pt, pp hanged) (=be hanged) [criminal] morir en la horca5) (=hover) [fog] flotar•
his breath hung in the icy air — su aliento flotaba en el aire helado•
the threat hanging over us — la amenaza que se cierne sobre nosotrosa question mark hangs over many of their futures — se cierne un or una interrogante sobre el porvenir de muchos de ellos
6)- go hang- hang tough3. NOUN1) [of garment] caída f2)- get the hang of sthI'll never get the hang of this oven — nunca aprenderé a usar este horno, nunca le cogeré el tranquillo a este horno
- hang in- hang on- hang out- hang up* * *
1. [hæŋ]1) (past & past p hung)a) ( suspend) \<\<coat/picture\>\> colgar*b) ( put in position) \<\<door/gate\>\> colocar*, montarc) ( Culin) \<\<game\>\> manird)to hang one's head — bajar or inclinar la cabeza
vi1) (past p hung)a) ( be suspended) colgar*, pender (liter), estar* colgadoto hang BY/FROM/ON something — colgar* de algo
they were hanging on his every word — estaban totalmente pendientes de lo que decía or de sus palabras
hang loose! — (esp AmE sl) tranquilo!
to hang tough on something — (AmE) mantenerse* firme en algo
b) ( hover) \<\<fog/smoke\>\> flotar; \<\<bird\>\> planear, cernerse*to hang OVER something: the mist hung over the marshes la bruma flotaba sobre las marismas; I still have that essay hanging over me — todavía tengo ese ensayo pendiente
c) \<\<clothing/fabric\>\> caer*that skirt hangs very well — esa falda tiene muy buena caída or cae muy bien
2) (past & past p hanged or hung) ( be executed)•Phrasal Verbs:- hang in- hang on- hang out- hang up
noun (no pl) ( of garment) caída fto get the hang of something — (colloq) agarrarle la onda a algo (AmL fam), cogerle* el tranquillo a algo (Esp fam), agarrarle la mano a algo (CS fam)
19 aerodeslizador
aerodeslizador sustantivo masculino (Náut) hovercraft ' aerodeslizador' also found in these entries: English: hovercraft - hover -
20 aire
Del verbo airar: ( conjugate airar) \ \
airé es: \ \1ª persona singular (yo) pretérito indicativo
aíre es: \ \1ª persona singular (yo) presente subjuntivo3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente subjuntivo3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) imperativoMultiple Entries: airar aire
aire sustantivo masculino 1 air; salir a tomar el aire to go outside for a breath of fresh air; al aire libre outdoors, in the open air; aire acondicionado air-conditioning; con aire acondicionado air-conditioned; a mi/tu/su aire: ellos salen en grupo, yo prefiero ir a mi aire they go out in a group, I prefer doing my own thing (colloq); quedar en el aire: todo quedó en el aire everything was left up in the air; saltar or volar por los aires to explode, blow up; 2 ( viento) wind; ( corriente) draft (AmE), draught (BrE) 3 (Rad, TV): 4 la protesta tomó aires de revuelta the protest began to look like a revolt; darse aires (de grandeza) to put on o give oneself airs
aire sustantivo masculino
1 air
aire acondicionado, air conditioning
2 (aspecto) air, appearance (parecido) resemblance: tiene un aire a su padre, she looks like her father
3 (viento) wind: hace aire, it's windy
4 Mús tune
5 Auto choke
6 aires (alardes, pretensiones) airs: ¡vaya unos aires de condesa que se da!, she really gives herself such airs Locuciones: al aire: (hacia arriba) tirar al aire, to throw into the air (al descubierto) llevar los brazos al aire, to have one's arms uncovered
comer al aire libre, to eat in the open air
estar en el aire, (una pregunta, un proyecto) to be up in the air Rad on the air
necesitar un cambio de aires, to need a change of scene
saltar por los aires, to blow up
tomar el aire, to get some fresh air ' aire' also found in these entries: Spanish: acondicionada - acondicionado - ahogar - ahogarse - bocanada - bolsa - bombear - bombeo - brizna - cana - castillo - circular - condescendiente - corriente - cortante - desinflarse - dotada - dotado - echar - espantar - familia - frigoría - globo - hinchada - hinchado - izar - inspiración - mover - pura - puro - refrigeración - remolino - remontar - remontarse - resuello - sabor - sofocarse - surcar - suspensión - tomar - vacía - vacío - viciar - vilo - volandas - voltear - acondicionador - aliento - bomba - burbuja English: air - air gun - air pocket - air-conditioning - airborne - airlock - breezy - clear - crisp - dangle - device - dissipate - door - draught - draughty - festival - foul - fresh - fug - garden party - gasp - grim - hair - hang - hover - impure - inhale - intake - jet - jet-stream - kiss - likeness - manner - midair - open - open-air - outdoor - outdoors - outdoorsman - pipe dream - pocket - puff - rush - sardonically - sleep out - somersault - spirit level - spring - still - stuffy
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Hover! — Opening screen of Hover! Developer(s) Microsoft Publisher(s) Mic … Wikipedia
Hover ad — Hover ads are a special type of pop up ads created using Dynamic HTML, JavaScript and similar web browser technologies. Because they do not scroll with the web page, they appear to hover over the page, usually obscuring the content. Background… … Wikipedia
Hover — can refer to:* Float * Levitation * Hover (helicopter) nearly stationary flight in a helicopter. * Hovercraft * Hovercar * Ground effect in aircraft * Hover!, a computer game for Microsoft Windows * Hover Chamber Choir, established in 1992 in… … Wikipedia
Höver — bezeichnet: Höver (Sehnde), ein Ortsteil in der Stadt Sehnde in der Region Hannover Höver (Weste), ein Ortsteil der Gemeinde Weste (Niedersachsen) in der Samtgemeinde Bevensen im Landkreis Uelzen Höver, ist der Name von folgenden Personen: Albert … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hover! — Desarrolladora(s) Microsoft Compositor(es) Stan LePard Última versión Plataforma(s) Mic … Wikipedia Español
Hover — Hov er, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Hovered}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Hovering}.] [OE. hoveren, and hoven, prob. orig., to abide, linger, and fr. AS. hof house; cf. OFries. hovia to receive into one s house. See {Hovel}.] 1. To hang fluttering in the air, or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hover — (v.) c.1400, hoveren, frequentative of hoven hover, tarry, linger; see HOVE (Cf. hove) (1). Related: Hovered; hovering. As a noun from 1510s … Etymology dictionary
Hover — Hov er, n. [Etymol. doubtful.] A cover; a shelter; a protection. [Archaic] Carew. C. Kingsley. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hover — index prowl, vacillate Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
hover — *flit, flutter, flitter, flicker Analogous words: *hang, suspend: poise, balance (see STABILIZE): float, *fly, skim, sail … New Dictionary of Synonyms
hover — [v] hang, float over be suspended, brood over, dance, drift, flicker, flit, flitter, flutter, fly, hang about, linger, poise, wait nearby, waver; concept 154 Ant. lie, rest, settle … New thesaurus