1 взбалмошный
flighty имя прилагательное: -
2 непостояный
flightyunconstantunpermanentvariable -
3 пугливый
1) General subject: fearful, fiddle footed, pavid, scarey, scary, shivery, shy, skittish (о лошади), tickle (о животных), timid, timorsome, wild (о животных, птицах и т. п.)2) Biology: flighty, timid (о животном)3) Colloquial: fiddle-footed (о лошади), jittery4) Agriculture: flighty (о лошади)5) Makarov: shy (о животных, птицах) -
4 В-73
С ВЕТЕРКОМ В ГОЛОВЕ coll PrepP Invar usu. subj-compl with copula (subj: human often used after another compl with which it is contrasted fixed WOlight-minded, frivolouskind of (a little etc) flightysomewhat lightheaded (giddy).Он парень неглупый, но с ветерком в голове. He's a pretty smart guy, but kind of flighty. -
5 с ветерком в голове
• С ВЕТЕРКОМ В ГОЛОВЕ coll[PrepP; Invar; usu. subj-compl with copula (subj: human); often used after another compl with which it is contrasted; fixed WO]=====⇒ light-minded, frivolous:- kind of (a little etc) flighty;- somewhat lightheaded (giddy).♦ Он парень неглупый, но с ветерком в голове. He's a pretty smart guy, but kind of flighty.Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > с ветерком в голове
6 ветер в голове
ветер (сквозняк) в голове (в чердаке) <бродит (свистит, гуляет, ходит)> ( у кого)неодобр.smb. is a featherbrain, smb. is scatterbrained (flighty, thoughtless); smb. is a giddy-pate; smb.'s head is always empty; a breeze is blowing through smb.'s upper storeyАнна Андреевна.
У тебя вечно какой-то сквозной ветер разгуливает в голове; ты берёшь пример с дочерей Ляпкина-Тяпкина. (Н. Гоголь, Ревизор) — Anna Andreyevna: Oh, your head's always empty - you copy Lyapkin-Tyapkin's daughters.- Дети вы дети, в чердаках ветер гуляет, хоть вы и дубины на вид здоровые, одной минутой живёте. (Ю. Бондарев, Выбор) — 'You're children, children, with a breeze blowing through your upper storeys, you look big enough but you live just for the moment.'
- Повезло вашей подруге! А что? Герка представительный парень! Конечно, молод ещё, ветер в голове. Но всё от жены зависит, я так считаю... (И. Гофф, Юноша с перчаткой) — 'Don't you think your friend has made a good match? Gera's a fine-looking lad. A bit young, of course, and rather flighty. But much depends on the wife, in my opinion.'
7 легкомысленный
1. flippant2. unreflecting3. empty headed4. empty-headed5. flighty6. light-minded; frivolous; thoughtless7. airy8. careless9. fashionable10. frivolous11. giddyлегкомысленная девушка, ветреница — giddy young girl
12. light13. lightheadedСинонимический ряд:1. несерьезно (прил.) ветрено; легковесно; неосновательно; несерьезно; пусто2. поверхностно (прил.) неглубоко; поверхностно3. несерьезно (проч.) ветрено; легковесно; неосновательно; несерьезноАнтонимический ряд: -
8 быстрый
1) General subject: agile, as brisk as a bee, cracking, dapper, darting, expedite, expeditious, fast, feathered, feathery, fleet, fleeting, fluent, flying, hasty, high energy, high-energy (о частицах), hot shot, hotshot, hurried, jet propelled, jump (о музыке), light (о движениях), light handed, light-handed, lightsome, lissom, lissome, lithesome, lively, nimble (об ответе), prompt, quick, rapid, rathe, rattling (о походке, движениях), ready, round (о движении), sharp, slick, slippy, spanking, speedy, spirited, straightaway, summary, sweeping, sweepy, swift, swift-handed, tantivy, telegraphic, trotty, volant, whipping, winged, play fast and loose, smart, meteoric2) Naval: tearing3) Medicine: festinant4) Colloquial: jet-propelled, pacey, quick of foot, snappy, up (о темпе в джазовой или танцевальной музыке), zippy5) Obsolete: present6) Engineering: high-speed, sudden7) Rare: flighty, pernicious, speedful, thrift8) Automobile industry: racing9) Jargon: loose as a goose, sudden death, horse apple, loose10) Information technology: explosive, prompt (моментальный)11) Drilling: live12) Aviation medicine: touch-and-go13) Makarov: energetic, express, lissom (в движениях), lissome (в движениях), lithesome (в движениях), lively (об уме и т.п.), precipitate14) Taboo: hell-bent -
9 ветреный
1) General subject: blasty, blowing, blowy (о погоде), corky, feather pated, feather-brained, feather-headed, feather-pated (о человеке), featherbrained (о человеке), flighty, flippant, fly away, fly-away, foul (о погоде), giddy, giddy brained, giddy headed, giddy-brained, gusty (о погоде и т. п.), hair-brained, harebrained, harum scarum, harum-scarum, light headed, light-headed, rough, scatter-brained, skittish, unthinking, volatile, whisky, windy, giddy-pated2) Colloquial: scatterbrained3) Dialect: huffy4) Rare: volage5) Meteorology: blustery (о погоде: blustery and chilly)6) Scottish language: hellicat7) Makarov: airy, giddy-headed, harebrain -
10 взбалмошный
1) General subject: addle, barmy on the crumpet, cranky, extravagant, flighty, foolish, hysterical2) Colloquial: daffy3) Jargon: balmy4) Phraseological unit: brain-dead -
11 изменчивый
1) General subject: changeable, changeful, checkered, chequered, choppy, fast and loose, fickle, flighty, floating, fluid, fluxible, inconsistent, inconstant, labile, mutable, mutative, protean, streaky, uncertain, unstable, vagrant, variable, versatile, volatile, wayward, mobile, fast-changing, ever-changing2) Geology: metamorphic3) Obsolete: various4) Poetical language: wanton (о ветре и т. п.)5) Engineering: fluctuating, unsettled6) Railway term: treacherous, variant7) Economy: erratical8) Automobile industry: irregular9) Information technology: variational10) Business: erratic11) Drilling: unsteady -
12 легкомысленное поведение
General subject: carrying on, carryings on, flighty conduct, lighthearted behaviorУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > легкомысленное поведение
13 непостоянный
1) General subject: capricious, casual, changeable, changeful, fast and loose, fickle, flighty, fly by night, fly-away, fly-by-night, giddy, giggish, impermanent, inconsistent, inconstant, instable, light, lightsome, liquid (о принципах, убеждениях), lubricous, mercurial, moody (о характере), mutable, mutative, non-permanent, shifting, stayless, unabiding, unpermanent, unsteady, variable, volatile, wayward, weathercock, not loyal (in some contexts), ever-changing2) Geology: unfixed3) Medicine: evanescent, mobile4) Colloquial: streaky5) Obsolete: various6) Poetical language: wanton7) Engineering: unsettled8) Rare: incontinuous, sliding9) Mathematics: non-constant, nonconstant, nonuniform, not constant, versatile10) Railway term: variant11) Law: ambulatory14) Linguistics: temporary15) Automobile industry: unstable16) Business: erratic17) Network technologies: soft18) Automation: nonpermanent19) General subject: irregular20) Aviation medicine: labile -
14 полоумный
15 помешанный
1) General subject: addle-brained, addle-pated, addlebrained, barmy, brainsick, crack brain, crack brained, crack headed, crack skull, crack-brained, cracked, crackpot, crazed (на чем-л. или на ком-л.), deranged, far gone, far-gone, flighty, hipped (на чем-либо), hook, hung up (на чем-л.), kook, lunatic, mad (на чем-либо), madding, maniac, moonstruck, nutty, off (one's) trolley, off (one's) trolly, out of one's mind, potty, potty (на чем-л.), touched, wild, witless, (на) soppy (e.g. soppy about dogs), bats in the belfry, (на каком-либо деле, интересе) geek, (на каком-либо деле, интересе) nerd, delusional2) Colloquial: crack-brain, crack-headed, crack-skull, cracky, crazy (на чем-либо), hungup (на чем-л.), redwood, (на чем-то человек) freak (сущ. муж. р.), delusioned4) Obsolete: bedlam5) Australian slang: mad as a cut snake, off( one's) nana, wacko6) Psychology: maniacal8) Makarov: addle-headed -
16 преходящий
1) General subject: deciduous, ephemeral, flighty, fragile, frail, fungous, intercurrent, momentariness, momentary, perishing, short lived, short-lived, some friendships are ephemeral, temporal, transient, transit, transitory, unabiding, volatile, written in water (о славе и т. п.), impermanent, perishable, evanescent3) Rare: sliding4) Psychology: transitive5) Business: passing6) Aviation medicine: transient (о симптоме, физиологической реакции) -
17 причуды воображения
General subject: flighty imaginationУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > причуды воображения
18 В-69
ВЕТЕР В ГОЛОВЕ (гуляет, бродит, свистит) у кого coll, disapprov NP Invar VP subj. with быть« or subj usu. pres) s.o. is light-minded, frivolous (often said by older people when characterizing the young): у X-a ветер в голове « X is flighty (harebrained, lightheaded) X never has a serious thought in his head. -
19 Г-196
ВЕТРЕНАЯ ГОЛОВА ( ГОЛОВУШКА folk) NP fixed WOa frivolous, unreliable personairheadbub-blehead dingbat scatterbrain featherbrain (be) featherbrained (scatterbrained, flighty).«Свинкин ветреная голова. Иногда черт знает какие тебе итоги выведет, перепутает все справки» (Гончаров 1). "Svinkin is scatterbrained: sometimes you wonder what the devil he'll come up with next. He's always mixing up the reports" (1b). -
20 ветер в голове
• ВЕТЕР В ГОЛОВЕ (гуляет, бродит, свистит) у кого coll, disapprov[NP; Invar; VPsubj with быть or subj; usu. pres]=====⇒ s.o. is light-minded, frivolous (often said by older people when characterizing the young):- у X-a ветер в голове≈ X is flighty (harebrained, lightheaded);- X never has a serious thought in his head.Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > ветер в голове
См. также в других словарях:
Flighty — Flight y, a. 1. Fleeting; swift; transient. [1913 Webster] The flighty purpose never is o ertook, Unless the deed go with it. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. Indulging in flights, or wild and unrestrained sallies, of imagination, humor, caprice, etc.;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
flighty — index capricious, frivolous, inconsistent, irresponsible, thoughtless, volatile Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
flighty — 1550s, swift, later (1768) fickle or frivolous, originally of skittish horses; from FLIGHT (Cf. flight) (1) + Y (Cf. y) (2). Related: Flightiness … Etymology dictionary
flighty — [adj] fickle, irresponsible airheaded*, birdbrained*, bubbleheaded*, capricious, changeable, dingbat*, dingdong*, dizzy*, effervescent, empty headed, featherbrained*, frivolous, gaga*, giddy, harebrained*, impetuous, impulsive, inconstant,… … New thesaurus
flighty — ► ADJECTIVE (flightier, flightiest) ▪ frivolous and fickle. DERIVATIVES flightiness noun … English terms dictionary
flighty — [flīt′ē] adj. flightier, flightiest [ FLIGHT1 + Y2] 1. given to sudden whims; not taking things seriously; frivolous or irresponsible 2. easily excited, upset, etc. flightily adv. flightiness n … English World dictionary
flighty — adjective (flightier; est) Date: 1552 1. swift 2. lacking stability or steadiness: a. easily upset ; volatile < a flighty temper > b. easily excited ; skittish < a … New Collegiate Dictionary
flighty — [[t]fla͟ɪti[/t]] flightier, flightiest ADJ GRADED (disapproval) If you say that someone is flighty, you disapprove of them because they are not very serious or reliable and keep changing from one activity, idea, or partner to another. Isabelle… … English dictionary
flighty — UK [ˈflaɪtɪ] / US adjective Word forms flighty : adjective flighty comparative flightier superlative flightiest changing your opinions and behaviour often, and not serious or reliable … English dictionary
flighty — flightily, adv. flightiness, n. /fluy tee/, adj., flightier, flightiest. 1. given to flights of fancy; capricious; frivolous. 2. slightly delirious; light headed; mildly crazy. 3. irresponsible: He said I was too flighty to be a good supervisor.… … Universalium
flighty — flight|y [ˈflaıti] adj a woman who is flighty changes her ideas and opinions often, and only remains interested in people or things for a short time … Dictionary of contemporary English