1 giddy up
Jargon: (см.) gitty up -
2 (см.) giddy up
Jargon: gitty up -
3 испытывающий головокружение
Русско-английский синонимический словарь > испытывающий головокружение
4 испытывающий головокружение
Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > испытывающий головокружение
5 головокружительный
giddy, dizzyголовокружительная высота — giddy / dizzy height
головокружительный успех — dizzy / giddy success
6 кружащийся
giddy* * * -
7 испытывать головокружение
giddy глагол:Русско-английский синонимический словарь > испытывать головокружение
8 кружить голову
giddy глагол: -
9 ветреный
1) General subject: blasty, blowing, blowy (о погоде), corky, feather pated, feather-brained, feather-headed, feather-pated (о человеке), featherbrained (о человеке), flighty, flippant, fly away, fly-away, foul (о погоде), giddy, giddy brained, giddy headed, giddy-brained, gusty (о погоде и т. п.), hair-brained, harebrained, harum scarum, harum-scarum, light headed, light-headed, rough, scatter-brained, skittish, unthinking, volatile, whisky, windy, giddy-pated2) Colloquial: scatterbrained3) Dialect: huffy4) Rare: volage5) Meteorology: blustery (о погоде: blustery and chilly)6) Scottish language: hellicat7) Makarov: airy, giddy-headed, harebrain -
10 легкомысленный
1) General subject: air-headed, airy, careless, casual, cavalier, daft, empty pated, empty-headed, empty-pated, fast, flip, flippant, fly away, fly-away, frivolous, giddy, giddy brained, giddy headed, giddy-brained, giggish, gossipy, hare-brained, harebrained, harum scarum, harum-scarum, high-hearted, highty tighty, hoity toity, hoity-toity, jejune, light, light minded, light-headed, light-minded, lightheaded, lightsome, puerile, scatter-brained, shallow hearted, shallow-hearted, shatter-brained, thoughtless, unreflecting, unthinking, carefree, play fast and loose, giddy-pated, irresponsible, silly, mindless, helter skelter2) Colloquial: corky, scatterbrained, ditsy3) Rare: volage4) Scottish language: hellicat5) Jargon: bliss ninny (Tiffany is such a bliss ninny! Тиффани такая лекгомысленная!), breezy (Your breezy attitude burns me out. Твоё легкомысленное отношение истощает меня.), in a twitter, dingy6) leg.N.P. lighthearted, lightmindedness, trifling7) Makarov: empty (о человеке), frivolous (о человеке), giddy-headed8) Phraseological unit: brain-dead -
11 валять дурака
1) General subject: act the ape, act the ass, act the goat, daff, footle, idle, make an ass of, make an ass of oneself, mess about, mountebank, play dumb, play the ape, play the ass, play the idiot, tomfool, play monkey, play the fool, act like a potato head, faff, act the giddy goat, horse around, play the giddy ox, fool around, jerk around2) Colloquial: ape it, clown around, lallygag, lollygag, play the giddy goat, play the goat, play silly bleeders, pull off a prank, screw around3) American: futz, jack around4) Rare: droll5) Australian slang: carry on like a pork chop6) Rude: arse about7) Jargon: ass about, fritter away, jerk off, loom, loon, louse around, mess around, monkey around, potsky, jack round ("Will you please stop jacking around?"), mickey mouse around, act like a gleep, screw down8) American English: goofing off, fooling around, playing around, monkeying around, messing around, horsing around, screwing around, clowning around.9) Invective: mack around10) Makarov: to futz around, cut didoes, cut up, cut up didoes, footle about, footle around11) Taboo: fuck about, play silly buggers, putz about, rat-fuck, screw about, screw off, shit-ass about, silly-ass about, sod about, tit about -
12 у него закружилась голова
1) General subject: he felt vertiginous, he got giddy, he grew vertiginous, he turned giddy, he went giddy2) Makarov: his head reeledУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > у него закружилась голова
13 вести себя глупо
14 быть опьянённым (чем-л.)
General subject: be giddy with (smth) (He is giddy with success. Он опьянён успехом.)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > быть опьянённым (чем-л.)
15 вести себя глупо
1) General subject: act foolishly, act the goat, bugger about, play the giddy ox2) Colloquial: play the giddy goat, play the goat3) Jargon: dope off4) Taboo: make an ass of oneself, silly-ass about -
16 ветреница
1) General subject: giddy young girl, giddy young thing2) Obsolete: gill-flirt4) Construction: natural crack (порок древесины), weather shake, wind crack, wind shave, shake5) Forestry: natural crack (порок заготовленного лесоматериала), wind shake (дефект древесины)6) Archaic: jillflirt -
17 вихрь удовольствий
1) General subject: a round of pleasures, giddy round of pleasures, giddy whirl of pleasures2) Colloquial: racket, stand the racketУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > вихрь удовольствий
18 они только и умеют валяться под кустами
1) General subject: (что) all they're good for is to play giddy in the bushesУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > они только и умеют валяться под кустами
19 опьяненный успехом
1) General subject: drunk with success, giddy with succes, giddy with success, inebriated by success2) Makarov: flushed with successУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > опьяненный успехом
20 у меня кружится голова
1) General subject: I am giddy, I feel giddy, my head swirls2) Makarov: my bead swirls, my head is turning, my head swimsУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > у меня кружится голова
См. также в других словарях:
Giddy — Gid dy, a. [Compar. {Giddier}; superl. {Giddiest}.] [OE. gidi mad, silly, AS. gidig, of unknown origin, cf. Norw. gidda to shake, tremble.] [1913 Webster] 1. Having in the head a sensation of whirling or reeling about; having lost the power of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
giddy — giddy, dizzy, vertiginous, swimming, dazzled are comparable when meaning affected by or producing a sensation of being whirled about or around and consequently confused. Giddy and dizzy are often used interchangeably with one another but giddy is … New Dictionary of Synonyms
giddy — [gid′ē] adj. giddier, giddiest [ME gidie < OE gydig, insane, prob. < base (* gud) of god, GOD + ig (see Y3): hence, basic meaning “possessed by a god”] 1. feeling dizzy or unsteady 2. causing or likely to cause dizziness [a giddy height] … English World dictionary
Giddy — Gid dy, v. i. To reel; to whirl. Chapman. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Giddy — Gid dy, v. t. To make dizzy or unsteady. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
giddy — index capricious, frivolous, thoughtless, volatile Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
giddy — O.E. gidig, variant of gydig insane, mad, stupid, possessed (by a spirit), probably from P.Gmc. *gud iga , from *gudam god + * ig possessed. Meaning having a confused, swimming sensation is from 1560s. Meaning elated is from 1540s … Etymology dictionary
giddy — [adj] silly, impulsive bemused, brainless, bubbleheaded*, capricious, careless, changeable, changeful, ditzy*, dizzy, empty headed*, erratic, fickle, flighty*, flustered, frivolous, gaga*, heedless, inconstant, irresolute, irresponsible,… … New thesaurus
giddy — ► ADJECTIVE (giddier, giddiest) 1) having or causing a sensation of whirling and a tendency to fall or stagger; dizzy. 2) excitable and frivolous. ► VERB (giddies, giddied) ▪ make (someone) feel excited to the point of disorientation … English terms dictionary
giddy-up — ► EXCLAMATION ▪ said to induce a horse to start moving or go faster. ORIGIN reproducing a pronunciation of get up … English terms dictionary
giddy-ap — giddy ap, up see giddap v … Useful english dictionary