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См. также в других словарях:

  • steer — [stɪə ǁ stɪr] verb [transitive] 1. to guide the way a situation develops, by influencing people s ideas or actions: steer somebody to something • He managed to steer his colleagues to a compromise. steer somebody away from something • Farmers… …   Financial and business terms

  • steer — steer; steer·abil·i·ty; steer·able; steer·er; steer·less; steer·age; …   English syllables

  • steer — steer1 [stir] vt. [ME steren < OE stieran, akin to Ger steuern, ON styra < IE * steur , a support, post (> Gr stauros, ON staurr, post) < base * stā , to STAND] 1. to guide (a ship or boat) by means of a rudder 2. to direct the course …   English World dictionary

  • Steer — Steer, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Steered} (st[=e]rd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Steering}.] [OE. steeren, steren, AS. sti[ e]ran, st[=y]ran, ste[ o]ran; akin to OFries. stiora, stiura, D. sturen, OD. stieren, G. steuern, OHG. stiuren to direct, support, G.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Steer — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Hannelore Steer (* 1943), deutsche Journalistin und Afrikanistin Rachel Steer (* 1978), US amerikanische Biathletin siehe auch: Steer by Wire Diese S …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • steer — Ⅰ. steer [1] ► VERB 1) guide or control the movement of (a vehicle, ship, etc.). 2) direct or guide in a particular direction. ► NOUN informal ▪ a piece of advice or information. ● steer clear of Cf. ↑ …   English terms dictionary

  • Steer — (st[=e]r), n. [OE. steer, AS. ste[ o]r; akin to D. & G. stier a bull, OHG. stior, Icel. stj[=o]rr, [thorn]j[=o]rr, Sw. tjur, Dan. tyr, Goth. stiur, Russ. tur , Pol. tur, Ir. & Gael. tarbh, W. tarw, L. taurus, Gr. tay^ros, Skr. sth[=u]ra strong,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Steer — Steer, n. [AS. ste[ o]r, sti[ o]r; akin to D. stuur, G. steuer, Icel. st[=y]ri. [root]168. See {Steer}, v. t.] [Written also {stere}.] A rudder or helm. [Obs.] Chaucer. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Steer — Steer, n. [AS. ste[ o]ra. See {Steer} a rudder.] A helmsman; a pilot. [Obs.] Chaucer. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Steer — has multiple meanings:* Steering mechanisms used to turn while controlling the operation of a vehicle. * Castrated male cattle (ox). * Steer (song) , a song by Missy Higgins. * George Steer, British journalist and soldier …   Wikipedia

  • steer — ‘control direction’ [OE] and steer ‘young ox’ [OE] are quite unrelated. The latter comes from a prehistoric Germanic *(s)teuraz, which also produced German and Dutch stier, Swedish tjur, and Danish tyr ‘bull’. It was descended from a base… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

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