Перевод: с испанского на английский

с английского на испанский


См. также в других словарях:

  • give someone the finger — give (someone) the finger American, very informal to make an offensive sign at someone by raising your middle finger towards them. When the kids were told to leave the store, they gave the manager the finger and ran off …   New idioms dictionary

  • give someone the finger — phrase to express anger at someone in a very rude way by holding up your longest finger towards them with your palm facing you Thesaurus: to use a particular gesture to communicate somethinghyponym to express angersynonym general words for… …   Useful english dictionary

  • give someone the finger N. Amer. — give someone the finger N. Amer. informal make a gesture with the middle finger raised as an obscene sign of contempt. → finger …   English new terms dictionary

  • give someone the finger — 1. tv. to display the middle finger upright as a sign of derision. (The gesture is taboo.) □ Did one of you guys give Ted the finger? □ Somebody gave the cop the finger. 2. tv. to mistreat someone; to insult someone. □ You’ve been giving me the… …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • give someone the finger — to express anger at someone in a very rude way by holding up your longest finger towards them with your palm facing you …   English dictionary

  • give someone the finger — idi+sts Slang. to express contempt or indignation by extending the middle finger upward in an obscene gesture …   From formal English to slang

  • give someone the bird — phrase mainly american informal to hold up your middle finger as a very rude sign Thesaurus: to use a particular gesture to communicate somethinghyponym Main entry: bird * * * see flip someone the bird * * * gi …   Useful english dictionary

  • give someone the bird — flip/give (someone) the bird American & Australian, very informal to make a very impolite sign by raising your middle finger towards someone in order to show that you are angry with them. If he d shouted at me like that I d have flipped him the… …   New idioms dictionary

  • give the finger — give (someone) the finger American, very informal to make an offensive sign at someone by raising your middle finger towards them. When the kids were told to leave the store, they gave the manager the finger and ran off …   New idioms dictionary

  • give someone the bird — mainly American informal to hold up your middle finger as a very rude sign …   English dictionary

  • flip someone the bird — stick one s middle finger up at someone as a sign of contempt or anger, meaning fuck you . Compare with give someone the finger in finger …   Useful english dictionary

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