1 throw
A n1 Sport, Games ( in football) touche f, remise f en jeu ; (of javelin, discus etc) lancer m ; (in judo, wrestling etc) jeté m ; ( of dice) coup m ; a throw of 70 m un lancer de 70 m ; he won with a throw of six il a gagné avec un six ; whose throw is it? ( in ball game) c'est à qui de lancer? ; ( with dice) c'est à qui le tour? ;2 ○ ( each) CDs £5 a throw! les compacts à cinq livres pièce! ;1 gen, Games, Sport ( project) ( with careful aim) lancer (at sur) ; ( downwards) jeter ; ( with violence) [explosion, impact] projeter ; she threw the ball in(to) the air/across the pitch/over the wall elle a lancé la balle en l'air/de l'autre côté du terrain/par-dessus le mur ; he threw the javelin 80m il a lancé le javelot à 80m ; throw the ball up high lance la balle en hauteur ; throw the ball back to me! relance-moi la balle! ; he was thrown across the street/to the floor by the explosion l'explosion l'a projeté de l'autre côté de la rue/à terre ; he threw a log on the fire/his coat on a chair il a jeté une bûche sur le feu/son manteau sur une chaise ; she threw her apron over her head elle s'est couvert la tête avec son tablier ; she threw her arms around my neck elle s'est jetée à mon cou ; the police threw a cordon around the house fig la police a encerclé la maison ; he was thrown clear and survived il a été éjecté et a survécu ; two jockeys were thrown deux jockeys ont été désarçonnés ; he threw his opponent in the third round à la troisième reprise il a envoyé son adversaire au tapis ; to throw a six ( in dice) faire un six ;2 fig ( direct) lancer [punch, question] (at à) ; jeter [glance, look] (at à) ; envoyer [kiss] ; projeter [image, light, shadow] (on sur) ; faire [shadow] (on sur) ; we are ready for all the challenges/problems that Europe can throw at us fig nous somme prêts à affronter tous les défis que l'Europe nous lance/tous les problèmes que l'Europe nous pose ; to throw money at a project/problem claquer ○ de l'argent dans un projet/problème ; there's no point in just throwing money at it ce n'est pas l'argent qui résoudra le problème ; to throw suspicion on sb/sth faire naître des soupçons sur qn/qch ; to throw doubt on sb/sth jeter un doute sur qn/qch ; the company has thrown the full weight of its publicity machine behind the case la société a investi tout le poids de sa machine publicitaire dans l'affaire ;3 fig ( disconcert) désarçonner ; the question completely threw me la question m'a complètement désarçonné ; I was thrown by the news j'ai été désarçonné par la nouvelle ; to throw [sth/sb] into confusion ou disarray semer la confusion dans [meeting, group] ; semer la confusion parmi [people] ;4 Tech ( activate) actionner [switch, lever] ; the operator threw the machine into gear/reverse l'opérateur a embrayé l'engin/passé la marche arrière ;6 ○ ( organize) to throw a party faire une fête ○ ;7 ( in pottery) to throw a pot tourner un pot ;D v refl ( prét threw ; pp thrown) to throw oneself (onto floor, bed, chair) se jeter (onto sur) ; to throw oneself to the ground se jeter à plat ventre ; to throw oneself off a building/in front of a train se jeter du haut d'un immeuble/sous un train ; to throw oneself at sb's feet se jeter aux pieds de qn ; to throw oneself at sb lit, fig se jeter dans les bras de qn ; to throw oneself into lit se jeter dans [river, sea] ; fig se plonger dans [work, project].it's throwing it down ○ ! GB ça dégringole ○ ! ; to throw in one's lot with sb rejoindre qn ; to throw in the sponge ou towel jeter l'éponge.■ throw around, throw about:▶ throw [sth] around1 to throw a ball around s'envoyer un ballon ;2 fig lancer au hasard [ideas, names, references] ; to throw money around jeter l'argent par les fenêtres ;▶ throw oneself around se débattre.■ throw aside:▶ throw aside [sth], throw [sth] aside1 lit lancer [qch] sur le côté [books, documents] ;2 fig rejeter [moral standards, principles] ;▶ throw [sb] aside laisser tomber.■ throw away:▶ Games jeter une carte ;▶ throw [sth] away, throw away [sth]1 lit jeter [rubbish, unwanted article] ;2 fig ( waste) gâcher [chance, opportunity, life] ; gaspiller [money] ; he threw away any advantage he might have had il n'a pas su profiter de son avantage ; she's really thrown herself away on him c'est vraiment du gâchis qu'elle l'ait épousé ;■ throw back:▶ throw back [sth], throw [sth] back rejeter [fish] ; relancer [ball] ; we have been thrown back on our own resources fig nous avons dû recourir à nos propres ressources ; throw your shoulders back rejetez les épaules.■ throw in:▶ throw in [sth], throw [sth] in1 Comm ( give free) faire cadeau de [extra product] ; a vacuum cleaner with the attachments thrown in un aspirateur avec les accessoires en cadeau ;2 ( add) ajouter ; throw in a few herbs Culin ajoutez quelques herbes ; thrown in for good measure (ajouté) pour faire bonne mesure ;3 ( contribute) faire [remark, suggestion].■ throw off:▶ throw off [sth], throw [sth] off2 fig ( cast aside) se débarrasser de [cold, handicap, pursuers] ; se soulager de [burden] ; se libérer de [tradition] ; sortir de [depression] ;▶ throw off [sb], throw [sb] off (eject from train, bus, plane) expulser [person].■ throw on:■ throw open:▶ throw open [sth], throw [sth] open1 ouvrir grand [door, window] ;2 fig ( to public) ouvrir [facility, tourist attraction] ; to throw a discussion open déclarer une discussion ouverte.■ throw out:▶ throw out [sb/sth], throw [sb/sth] out ( eject) jeter [rubbish] ; ( from bar etc) jeter dehors [person] (of de) ; ( from membership) renvoyer [person] (of de) ; to be thrown out of work être licencié ;▶ throw out [sth], throw [sth] out1 ( extend) throw your arms out in front of you lancez les bras devant vous ; throw your chest out sortez la poitrine ;3 ( utter peremptorily) lancer [comment] ; ( casually) he just threw out some comment about wanting… il a juste dit qu'il voulait… ;▶ throw [sb] out ( mislead) déconcerter ; that's what threw me out c'est ce qui m'a fait me tromper.■ throw over ○ GB:▶ throw over [sb], throw [sb] over laisser tomber ○, plaquer ○ ; she's thrown him over for another man elle l'a laissé tomber ○ or l'a plaqué ○ pour un autre.▶ throw [sb] together [fate, circumstances] réunir [people] ;▶ throw [sth] together improviser [artefact, meal, entertainment] ; mélanger [ingredients].■ throw up:▶ throw up ○ vomir ;▶ throw up [sth], throw [sth] up1 ○ ( abandon) laisser tomber [job, post] ;2 ( reveal) faire apparaître [fact] ; créer [idea, problem, obstacle] ; engendrer [findings, question, statistic] ;4 ( toss into air) [car] projeter [stone] ; [person] lever [arms] ; lancer [ball] ; to throw up one's hands in horror lever les bras d'horreur ;5 ( open) ouvrir grand [window] ;6 ( vomit) vomir [meal]. -
2 throw
throw [θrəʊ]lancer ⇒ 1 (a), 1 (e), 2, 3 (a) jeter ⇒ 1 (a), 1 (e) projeter ⇒ 1 (c), 1 (e) plonger ⇒ 1 (d) jet ⇒ 3 (a) coup ⇒ 3 (b) tour ⇒ 3 (b)(a) (stone) lancer, jeter; (ball) lancer; Sport (discus, javelin etc) lancer; (dice) jeter; (coal onto fire) mettre;∎ throw me the ball, throw the ball to me lance-moi le ballon;∎ he threw the ball over the wall il a lancé ou envoyé le ballon par-dessus le mur;∎ a bomb was thrown into the crowded waiting room une bombe a été lancée dans la salle d'attente bondée;∎ could you throw me my lighter? peux-tu me lancer mon briquet?;∎ she threw the serviette into the bin elle a jeté la serviette à la poubelle;∎ children were throwing bread to the birds les enfants jetaient ou lançaient du pain aux oiseaux;∎ he threw his jacket over a chair il a jeté sa veste sur une chaise;∎ to throw a sheet over sth couvrir qch d'un drap;∎ she threw a few clothes into a suitcase elle a jeté quelques affaires dans une valise;∎ I threw some cold water on my face je me suis aspergé la figure avec de l'eau froide;∎ a group of rioters threw stones at the police/the car un groupe de manifestants a lancé ou jeté des pierres sur les policiers/la voiture;∎ he threw two sixes (with dice) il a jeté deux six;∎ to throw sb into prison or jail jeter qn en prison;∎ to throw sb to the lions jeter qn aux lions; figurative jeter qn en pâture(b) (opponent, rider) jeter (par ou à terre);∎ his opponent threw him to the ground (in fight) son adversaire l'a jeté à terre; (in wrestling match) son adversaire l'a envoyé au sol ou au tapis;∎ the horse threw him le cheval le désarçonna ou le jeta à terre(c) (with force, violence) projeter;∎ she was thrown clear (in car accident) elle a été éjectée;∎ the force of the explosion threw them against the wall la force de l'explosion les a projetés contre le mur;∎ to throw open ouvrir en grand ou tout grand;∎ she threw open the door/windows elle a ouvert la porte/les fenêtres en grand;∎ figurative the House of Commons has been thrown open to the television cameras la Chambre des communes a été ouverte aux caméras de télévision;∎ she threw herself into an armchair elle s'est jetée dans un fauteuil;∎ he threw himself at her feet il s'est jeté à ses pieds;∎ she threw herself at him (attacked) elle s'est jetée ou s'est ruée sur lui; (as lover) elle s'est jetée sur lui ou à sa tête;∎ figurative he threw himself on the mercy of the king il s'en est remis au bon vouloir du roi∎ the news threw them into confusion/a panic les nouvelles les ont plongés dans l'embarras/les ont affolés;∎ the scandal has thrown the country into confusion le scandale a semé la confusion dans le pays;∎ to throw oneself into one's work se plonger dans son travail;∎ she threw herself into the job of organizing the wedding elle s'est plongée avec enthousiasme dans l'organisation des noces(e) (direct, aim → look, glance) jeter, lancer; (→ accusation, reproach) lancer, envoyer; (→ punch) lancer, porter; (cast → light, shadows) projeter;∎ to throw sb a kiss envoyer un baiser à qn;∎ to throw a question at sb poser une question à brûle-pourpoint à qn;∎ don't throw that one at me!, don't throw that in my face! ne me faites pas ce reproche!, ne me jetez pas ça à la figure!;∎ Theatre to throw one's voice projeter sa voix;∎ Building industry to throw a bridge over a river jeter un pont sur une rivière∎ that question really threw me! cette question m'a vraiment désarçonné!, je ne savais vraiment pas quoi répondre à cette question!;∎ I was completely thrown for a few seconds je suis resté tout interdit pendant quelques secondes(g) (activate → switch, lever, clutch) actionner∎ to throw a pot (potter) tourner un vase∎ to throw a litter mettre bas∎ she can throw a hundred metres elle est capable de lancer à cent mètres;∎ I can't throw straight je n'arrive pas à lancer droit3 noun∎ his whole fortune depended on a single throw of the dice toute sa fortune dépendait d'un seul coup de dés;∎ it's your throw c'est ton tour, (c'est) à toi;∎ Sport a free throw un lancer franc;∎ that was a good throw! vous avez bien visé!∎ 10p a throw 10 pence le coup;∎ at £20 a throw I can't afford it à 20 livres chaque fois, je ne peux pas me l'offrir□ ;∎ give me another throw laissez-moi encore une chance□►► American throw pillow coussin m∎ the boys were throwing a ball about les garçons jouaient à la balle;∎ don't throw your books/toys about like that ne lance pas tes livres/jouets comme ça;∎ to throw one's money about gaspiller son argent;∎ to be thrown about être ballotté∎ to throw oneself about s'agiter, se débattre;∎ she was throwing her arms about wildly elle agitait frénétiquement les bras(unwanted object) rejeter, laisser de côté; (friend, work) laisser tomber, laisser de côté; (idea, suggestion) rejeter, repousser; (prejudices, fears, hatred etc) se débarrasser de(a) (old clothes, rubbish) jeter(b) figurative (waste → advantage, opportunity, talents) gaspiller, gâcher; (→ affection, friendship) perdre;∎ don't throw your money away on expensive toys ne gaspille pas ton argent à acheter des jouets coûteux;∎ you're throwing away your only chance of happiness vous êtes en train de gâcher votre seule chance de bonheur;∎ his presents are just thrown away on her elle ne sait pas apprécier les cadeaux qu'il lui fait;∎ don't throw yourself away on a waster like him ne gâche pas ta vie pour un bon à rien pareil(in cards) se défausser(a) (gen) relancer, renvoyer; (fish) rejeter (à l'eau); figurative (image, light) réfléchir, renvoyer; (heat) réverbérer;∎ she threw his words of love back at him elle lui a jeté tous ses mots d'amour à la tête;∎ figurative to throw sth back in sb's face jeter qch à la figure de qn∎ we were thrown back on our own resources on a dû se rabattre sur nos propres ressources(a) (to lower level) jeter;∎ can you throw the towel down to me? pouvez-vous me lancer la serviette?;∎ she threw her bag down on the floor elle a jeté son sac par terre;∎ to throw oneself down on the ground/on one's knees se jeter par terre/à genoux;∎ he threw his cards down on the table il a jeté ses cartes sur la table;∎ I threw the money down on the counter j'ai jeté l'argent sur le comptoir∎ they threw down their arms ils ont déposé les armes∎ it's throwing it down (raining) il pleut à verse□, il tombe des cordes➲ throw in∎ also figurative to throw in the towel jeter l'éponge;∎ also figurative to throw in one's hand abandonner la partie(b) (interject → remark, suggestion) placer;∎ she threw in a few comments about housing problems elle a placé quelques remarques sur les problèmes de logement∎ breakfast is thrown in le petit déjeuner est compris;∎ the salesman said he'd throw in a free door if we bought new windows le vendeur nous a promis une porte gratuite pour l'achat de fenêtres neuves;∎ with a special trip to Stockholm thrown in avec en prime une excursion à Stockholm∎ American to throw in with sb s'associer à ou avec qn∎ he threw off his shirt and dived into the water il enleva sa chemise et plongea dans l'eau(b) (get rid of → habit, inhibition) se défaire de, se débarrasser de; (→ burden) se libérer de, se débarrasser de; (→ cold, infection) se débarrasser de(c) (elude → pursuer) perdre, semer;∎ he managed to throw the dogs off the trail il a réussi à dépister les chiens(d) (write hastily → poem etc) composer au pied levé(clothes) enfiler ou passer (à la hâte);∎ she threw on some make-up/an old coat elle s'est maquillée/a enfilé un vieux manteau à la hâte(a) (rubbish, unwanted items) jeter, mettre au rebut(b) (eject → from building) mettre à la porte, jeter dehors; (→ from night club) jeter dehors, vider; (evict → from accommodation) expulser; (expel → from school, army) renvoyer, expulser;∎ we were thrown out of our jobs on s'est fait mettre à la porte;∎ the takeover will throw a lot of people out of work le rachat va mettre beaucoup de monde au chômage(c) (reject → bill, proposal) rejeter, repousser(d) (extend → arms, leg) tendre, étendre;∎ to throw out one's chest bomber le torse(e) (make → remark, suggestion) émettre, laisser tomber;∎ to throw out a challenge lancer un défi∎ she threw me over for another guy elle m'a laissé tomber pour un autre∎ he managed to throw a meal together il a réussi à improviser un repas□ ;∎ the film looks as if it's been thrown together le film semble bâclé;∎ she threw the report together the night before elle a rédigé le rapport en vitesse la veille au soir□∎ she threw a few things together and rang for a taxi elle a jeté quelques affaires dans un sac et a appelé un taxi(c) (by accident) réunir par hasard;∎ Fate had thrown them together le destin les avait réunis➲ throw up(a) (above one's head) jeter ou lancer en l'air;∎ can you throw me up my towel? peux-tu me lancer ma serviette?;∎ they threw their hats up into the air ils ont lancé leur chapeau en l'air;∎ she threw up her hands in horror elle a levé les bras en signe d'horreur(b) (produce → problem) produire, créer; (→ evidence) mettre à jour; (→ dust, dirt) soulever; (→ artist) produire;∎ the discussion threw up some new ideas la discussion a amené de nouvelles idées(c) (abandon → career, studies) abandonner, laisser tomber; (→ chance, opportunity) laisser passer, gaspillerfamiliar vomir□, rendre;∎ it makes you want to throw up c'est à vomir -
3 throw
throw [θrəʊ]1. noun[of javelin, discus] jet m• it costs $10 a throw (inf) ça coûte 10 dollars à chaque fois• to throw o.s. to the ground se jeter à terrec. ( = put suddenly) jeter• to throw into confusion [+ person] semer la confusion dans l'esprit de ; [+ meeting, group] semer la confusion dans• to throw open [+ door, window] ouvrir tout grand ; [+ house, gardens] ouvrir au public ; [+ competition] ouvrir à tout le monded. [+ switch] actionnere. [+ pottery] tournerf. ( = disconcert) (inf) déconcerter3. compounds► throw about, throw around separable transitive verb• to be thrown about (in boat, bus) être ballotté[+ rubbish] jeter ; [+ one's life, happiness, chance, talents] gâcher► throw in( = give) donner( = get rid of) se libérer de ; [+ cold, infection] se débarrasser deb. ( = make wrong) fausserb. [+ people] réunir (par hasard)► throw up* * *[θrəʊ] 1.1) Sport, Games ( in football) touche f; (of javelin, discus etc) lancer m; (in judo, wrestling etc) jeté m; ( of dice) coup m2) (colloq) ( each)2.CDs £5 a throw! — les compacts à cinq livres (la) pièce!
1) gen, Games, Sport ( project) ( with careful aim) lancer; ( downwards) jeter; ( with violence) projeterto throw a six — ( in dice) faire un six
2) fig ( direct) lancer [punch, question]; jeter [glance, look]; envoyer [kiss]; projeter [image, light, shadow] (on sur); faire [shadow] (on sur)we are ready for all the problems that Europe can throw at us — fig nous somme prêts à affronter tous les problèmes que l'Europe nous pose
to throw suspicion on somebody/something — faire naître des soupçons sur quelqu'un/quelque chose
3) fig ( disconcert) désarçonnerto throw [something/somebody] into confusion ou disarray — semer la confusion dans [meeting, group]; semer la confusion parmi [people]
4) Technology actionner [switch, lever]the operator threw the machine into gear/reverse — l'opérateur a embrayé l'engin/passé la marche arrière
5) (colloq) ( indulge in)to throw a fit — fig piquer une crise (colloq)
6) (colloq) ( organize)to throw a party — faire une fête (colloq)
7) ( in pottery)3. 4.to throw oneself — se jeter ( onto sur)
to throw oneself into — lit se jeter dans; fig se plonger dans
Phrasal Verbs:- throw in- throw on- throw up••it's throwing it down! — (colloq) GB ça dégringole! (colloq)
4 throw
throw [θrəυ]1. n1) броса́ние; бросо́к2) да́льность броска́; расстоя́ние, на кото́рое мо́жно метну́ть диск и т.п.3) риск, риско́ванное де́ло4) спорт. бросо́к ( в борьбе)5) геол. вертика́льное перемеще́ние, сброс6) гонча́рный круг7) тех. ход (поршня, шатуна); разма́х8) амер. покрыва́ло ( на кровати)9) амер. разг. шарф, лёгкая наки́дкаthe book is sold at $5 a throw кни́га продаётся по 5 до́лларов (за экземпля́р)
2. v (threw; thrown)1) броса́ть, кида́ть; мета́ть; набра́сывать (тж. throw on);to throw oneself броса́ться, кида́ться
;to throw oneself at smb., smth. набра́сываться на кого́-л., что-л.
;to throw stones at smb. швыря́ть в кого́-л. камня́ми; перен. осужда́ть кого́-л.
;to throw a glance бро́сить взгляд
;to throw kisses at smb. посыла́ть кому́-л. возду́шные поцелу́и
2) бы́стро, неожи́данно приводи́ть, вверга́ть в како́е-л. состоя́ние (into, out of);to throw into confusion приводи́ть в смяте́ние
;he was thrown out of work его́ вы́кинули с рабо́ты
4) положи́ть на о́бе лопа́тки ( в борьбе)5) сбра́сывать ( всадника)6) разг. смуща́ть, приводи́ть в замеша́тельство7) выбра́сывать како́е-л. коли́чество очко́в ( при игре в кости)8) навести́ ( мост)11) спорт. разг. наме́ренно прои́грывать соревнова́ние13) отели́ться, ожереби́ться и т.п.throw about разбра́сывать, раски́дывать;to throw one's money about сори́ть деньга́ми
;throw aside отбра́сывать, отстраня́ть;а) броса́ть, отбра́сывать;б) тра́тить впусту́ю ( деньги и т.п.);в) упусти́ть, не воспо́льзоваться;to throw away an advantage упусти́ть возмо́жность
;г) сбра́сывать ( карту);а) походи́ть на пре́дков; проявля́ть атависти́ческие черты́;б) (обыкн. pass.) вы́нудить кого-л. воспо́льзоваться свои́ми сбереже́ниями и т.п.; отбра́сывать наза́д;в) замедля́ть разви́тие;г) (ре́зко) отверга́ть;а) сбра́сывать; броса́ть;to throw oneself down бро́ситься, лечь на зе́млю
;to throw down one's arms сдава́ться
;to throw down one's tools забастова́ть
;б) сноси́ть, разруша́ть ( здание);в) ниспроверга́ть;г) хим. вызыва́ть оседа́ние;д) амер. отклоня́ть ( предложение и т.п.); отверга́ть;to throw down one's brief юр. отка́зываться от дальне́йшего веде́ния де́ла
;а) вставля́ть ( замечание);б) добавля́ть;в) тех. включа́ть;г) броса́ть ( в крикете);а) отверга́ть;б) сверга́ть;в) сбра́сывать; избавля́ться;to throw off an illness попра́виться, вы́лечиться
;г) изверга́ть;д) легко́ и бы́стро наброса́ть ( эпиграмму и т.п.);е) охот. спуска́ть соба́к;ж) начина́ть (что-л.);з) тех. выключа́ть;а) наки́нуть, наде́ть ( пальто и т.п.);б) подбра́сывать, подбавля́ть;to throw on coals подбра́сывать у́голь ( в топку)
;а) выбра́сывать;б) выгоня́ть; увольня́ть;в) пристра́ивать;to throw out a new wing пристро́ить но́вое крыло́ (к зда́нию)
;г) мимохо́дом выска́зывать ( предложение);д) парл. отверга́ть ( законопроект);е) сбить, запу́тать (напр., в расчётах);ж) спорт. перегоня́ть;з) испуска́ть, излуча́ть ( свет);и) воен. выставля́ть, высыла́ть;а) броса́ть; покида́ть ( друзей);б) отка́зываться (от плана, намерения и т.п.);в) тех. переключа́ть;а) на́спех составля́ть, компили́ровать;б) своди́ть вме́сте, ста́лкивать ( о людях);а) подбра́сывать;в) возводи́ть, бы́стро стро́ить (дом, баррикады);г) броса́ть, оставля́ть;д) отка́зываться от уча́стия;е) изверга́ть; разг. рвать;he threw up его́ вы́рвало
ж) выделя́ть, оттеня́ть;з) амер. упрека́ть, критикова́ть◊to throw the great cast поста́вить всё на ка́рту
;to throw a fit прийти́ в я́рость; закати́ть исте́рику
;to throw oneself at the head of smb. ве́шаться кому́-л. на ше́ю
;to throw the cap over the mill пуска́ться во все тя́жкие
;to throw the bull амер. трепа́ться; бессо́вестно врать
;to throw good money after bad, to throw the handle after the blade рискова́ть после́дним; упо́рствовать в безнадёжном де́ле
5 throw
THROW AT, ON, TO, AGAINSTThrow at означает 'бросать в кого-л. или что-л.': to throw a stick at a dog, to throw a stone at a tree. Throw on имеет значение 'бросить(ся) на что-л.' (предполагает бросок на горизонтальную плоскость): to throw oneself on the grass, to throw pebbles on the beach. Throw to приближается по значению к throw on, однако подчеркивает более экспрессивный характер действия и означает 'бросить с силой' (в гневе, раздражении): to throw papers to the floor in anger. Throw against, в отличие от throw to, акцентирует внимание на предмете или лице, с которым вступает в соприкосновение брошенный предмет: to throw a ball against a wall 'бросить об стену', to throw things against the floor 'бросить об пол'. Таким же образом употребляются cast, dash, fling и hurl.Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > throw
6 throw out
throw out [sb., sth.], throw [sb., sth.] out (eject) gettare, buttare via [ rubbish]; (from bar, club) buttare fuori [ person] (of da)Ex:to be thrown out of work — essere licenziato; throw out [sth.], throw [sth.] out/Ex:1) (extend)2) (reject) respingere, cestinare [ application]; opporsi a [ decision]; pol. respingere [ bill]3) (utter peremptorily) uscirsene con, buttare là, lì [ comment]; (casually)he just threw out some comment about wanting... — se ne è uscito dicendo che voleva...; throw [sb.] out (mislead) sconcertare
* * *(to get rid of by throwing or by force: He was thrown out of the meeting; The committee threw out the proposal.) respingere* * *vt + adv1) (rubbish, person) buttar fuori, (fig: proposal) respingere2) (offer: idea, suggestion) lanciare3) (calculation, prediction) far sballare* * *throw out [sb., sth.], throw [sb., sth.] out (eject) gettare, buttare via [ rubbish]; (from bar, club) buttare fuori [ person] (of da)Ex:to be thrown out of work — essere licenziato; throw out [sth.], throw [sth.] out/Ex:1) (extend)2) (reject) respingere, cestinare [ application]; opporsi a [ decision]; pol. respingere [ bill]3) (utter peremptorily) uscirsene con, buttare là, lì [ comment]; (casually)he just threw out some comment about wanting... — se ne è uscito dicendo che voleva...; throw [sb.] out (mislead) sconcertare
7 throw over
vt1. (propel across top)he tried to \throw over the ball over the fence er wollte den Ball über den Zaun werfen▪ to \throw over over ⇆ sth etw herwerfen3. (leap)4. (cover)to \throw over a party over einer Partei den Rücken kehrento \throw over a project over ein Projekt aufgeben* * *vt sepplan über den Haufen werfen (inf); girlfriend sitzen lassen (for wegen)* * *throw over v/tb) einen Plan etc über Bord werfen umg, aufgeben* * *v.hinüberwerfen v.überwerfen v. -
8 ■ throw into
■ throw intov. t. + prep.1 gettare, buttare, lanciare dentro a (o in): I was thrown into the water, sono stato gettato in acqua; Throw it into the wastepaper basket, please!, buttalo nel cestino, per favore!; He was thrown into prison, sono stato sbattuto (o rinchiuso) in prigione2 (fig.) gettare in; mandare su: to throw sb. into despair, gettare q. nella disperazione; to throw sb. into a temper, mandare q. su tutte le furie3 metterci, impiegare in; fare: to throw all possible effort into carrying out a difficult task, fare ogni sforzo per portare a termine un compito difficile5 (fam.) trasformare in; convertire in: to throw a barn into a cottage, convertire un fienile in una villetta □ ( basket) to throw the ball into the basket, mettere (o infilare) la palla nel canestro □ to throw oneself into, buttarsi anima e corpo in ( un'impresa); abbandonarsi, darsi a ( ira, sdegno, ecc.) □ to throw st. into the bargain, dare qc. per giunta (o per soprammercato) □ to throw into confusion, gettare nella confusione ( un'assemblea, ecc.); confondere ( una persona) □ to throw st. into relief, mettere in vista, fare spiccare (o stagliare) qc.: The rising moon threw a long line of trees into relief against the skyline, al levarsi della luna, una lunga fila d'alberi cominciò a stagliarsi sull'orizzonte. -
9 ■ throw off
■ throw offA v. t. + avv.1 gettare (via); togliere alla svelta (di dosso); levare di scatto; cavare; scrollarsi di dosso: to throw off one's clothes, togliersi i vestiti alla svelta; He put his hand on my shoulder but I threw it off, mi ha messo una mano sulla spalla ma io l'ho levata di scatto; to throw off one's disguise, gettare la maschera (fig.)2 liberarsi, disfarsi, sbarazzarsi di; abbandonare; seminare (fam.); ( sport) liberarsi di, sganciarsi da ( un avversario): to throw off a cold, liberarsi di un raffreddore; to throw off all sense of fear, abbandonare ogni timore; to throw off the police, seminare la poliziaB v. t. + prep.levare, togliere, cavare da (alla svelta); scrollarsi da: The duck shook itself to throw the water off its back, l'anatra si diede una scossa per scrollarsi l'acqua di dosso □ to throw sb. off his balance, sbilanciare, far perdere l'equilibrio a q.; (fig.) sconcertare, scombussolare q. □ to throw sb. off guard, cogliere di sorpresa q.; prendere q. alla sprovvista □ to throw sb. off the scent (o the track, the trail), mettere q. fuori pista ( anche fig.) □ (equit.) to be thrown off one's horse, farsi disarcionare. -
10 ■ throw in
■ throw inA v. t. + avv.1 buttare, gettare dentro: The terrorists have thrown a bomb in, i terroristi hanno gettato dentro una bomba3 aggiungere; inserire; mettere dentro (fam.): Don't forget to throw in a few jokes, non scordarti di inserire (nel tuo discorso) qualche barzelletta4 aggiungere ( come dono); dare per giunta (o per soprammercato): I bought this picture for a few pounds with the frame thrown in, ho comprato questo quadro per poche sterline, cornice inclusa7 (autom.) mettere (o sbattere) dentro; ingranare, innestare ( una marcia): Throw in the third gear!, sbatti dentro la terza!B v. i. + avv.( basket, calcio, rugby, ecc.) effettuare la rimessa laterale □ to throw in one's cards (o hand), (a poker, ecc.) gettare le carte, passare, smettere di giocare; (fig.) arrendersi, darsi per vinto; lasciare (fam.) □ (autom., motociclismo) to throw in the clutch, innestare la frizione □ (fig.) to throw st. in sb. 's face, rinfacciare qc. a q. □ to throw in one's lot with sb., mettersi con q.; fare comunella con q. □ ( boxe e fig.) to throw in the sponge (o the towel), gettare la spugna □ ( rugby, ecc.) to throw in straight to, lanciare direttamente a ( un compagno) □ (fam. USA) to throw in with sb., mettersi con q.; fare comunella con q. -
11 throw off
throw off [sth.], throw [sth.] off1) (take off) togliere in fretta [clothes, bedclothes]2) fig. (cast aside) liberarsi di [cold, handicap, pursuers]; sbarazzarsi di [ burden]; abbandonare [ tradition]; uscire da [ depression]3) fig. (compose quickly) buttare giù [poem, music]; throw off [sb.], throw [sb.] off (from train, bus, plane) scaricare* * *1) (to get rid of: She finally managed to throw off her cold; They were following us but we threw them off.) sbarazzarsi, disfarsi2) (to take off very quickly: He threw off his coat and sat down.) togliersi* * *1. vt + adv(get rid of) sbarazzarsi di, liberarsi di, (escape: pursuers, dogs) sbarazzarsi di, seminare2. vt + prep* * *throw off [sth.], throw [sth.] off1) (take off) togliere in fretta [clothes, bedclothes]2) fig. (cast aside) liberarsi di [cold, handicap, pursuers]; sbarazzarsi di [ burden]; abbandonare [ tradition]; uscire da [ depression]3) fig. (compose quickly) buttare giù [poem, music]; throw off [sb.], throw [sb.] off (from train, bus, plane) scaricare -
12 throw around
2) ( move violently) etw herumwerfen;stop \throw arounding the crockery about hör auf, mit dem Geschirr rumzuschmeißen ( fam)to \throw around one's arms around mit den Armen herumfuchteln ( fam)to \throw around one's head about den Kopf hin und her werfenPHRASES: -
13 throw out
throw out 1) изхвърлям; изгонвам; уволнявам; хвърлям (въдица, мрежа); изпускам (топлина, лъчи); излъчвам ( светлина); издавам ( миризма), пускам ( корени); to \throw out out bag and baggage изхвърлям с парцалите, изгонвам; to \throw out out of work уволнявам; to \throw out out a feeler опипвам, разузнавам; проучвам, сондирам, правя сондажи; to \throw out out the baby with the buthwater заради бълхите изгарям дюшека, вместо да изпиша вежди, вадя очи; 2) строя, построявам, пристройвам (крило на сграда, вълнолом и под.); 3) подхвърлям, подмятам, споменавам между другото; изричам мимоходом; to \throw out out hints подмятам, загатвам; to \throw out out a challenge (to) предизвиквам; 4) отхвърлям ( законопроект); 5) обърквам, дезорганизирам, смущавам, карам ( някого) да загуби връзката; 6) тех. прекъсвам, изключвам; to \throw out out of gear тех. прекъсвам, изключвам; прен. разстройвам, дезорганизирам; 7) изкарвам от строя с пряк удар (в крикета); -
14 ■ throw away
■ throw awayv. t. + avv.1 gettare, buttare via: She accidentally threw away her passport, per sbaglio ha buttato via il passaporto3 (fig.) buttare via; sprecare; sciupare; rinunciare a: to throw a good chance away, sprecare una buona occasione; to throw away one's money on a risky enterprise, buttar via i soldi in un'impresa azzardata; to throw away one's principles, rinunciare ai propri princìpi4 dire (pronunciare, recitare, ecc.) con (finta) noncuranza; buttare là □ ( sport) to throw the game away, regalare la partita agli avversari □ to throw oneself away, buttarsi via (fig.): Don't throw yourself away with that boy!, non buttarti via mettendoti con quel ragazzo! □ to throw away one's life, sprecare la propria vita; ( anche) perdere la vita. -
15 ■ throw on
■ throw onv. t. + avv. (o prep.)1 gettare (in aggiunta); mettere; aggiungere: Throw some more wood on ( the fire), will you?, metti dell'altra legna (sul fuoco), per favore!3 ( anche fig.) gettare su; fare ( luce; anche fig.): The skyscraper throws its shadow on my house, il grattacielo getta l'ombra sulla mia casa; to throw light on a strange case, fare luce su un caso strano; to throw the blame on sb., gettare la colpa su q. □ to throw cold water on, gettare dell'acqua fredda su; (fig. fam.) scoraggiare □ to throw doubt on st., sollevare dubbi su qc. □ ( lotta, judo) to throw one's opponent on his back (o back down) on the mat, schienare l'avversario □ to throw oneself on sb. 's mercy, gettarsi ai piedi di q. (fig.); chiedere pietà a q. -
16 throw around
throw about: throw [sth.] around1)* * *throw about: throw [sth.] around1) -
THROW UP (TO) = TO TOSSтошнить. Дословно - кидать, метать (да, господа, скинуть харч - это примерно то, но английский вариант мягче). Абсолютно это же означают чуть грубее звучащие выражения: to throw a map, to throw one's cookies (voice, toenails).Но "to throw something back" - означает перекусить, заглотить чего-нибудь на ходу.(*)
Throw (screw) a fuck (bob, boff) into (to) — вот это уже иносказание для любителей чего погорячее и покруче. Примерно соответствует нашему: "кинуть палку", "вставить пистон". По сути, это еще один способ сказать "fuck".Throw the book at (to) — так говорят, когда кого-то признали виновным сразу по нескольким статьям и посадили надолго.
Throw out — выбрасывать, см. рис. (Уборщики английский не всегда знают (среди них много latinos и поляков), поэтому на неочевидный мусор налепляют этикетку "выбросить" (throw out) на испанском и польском). В комментарии пояснено, почему эта надпись дана на трех языках.
18 throw down
throw down а) сбрасывать; бросать; to throw oneself down броситься, лечь наземлю; to throw down one's arms сдаваться; to throw down one's tools забасто-вать; б) сносить, разрушать (здание); a house thrown down by an earthquakeдом, разрушенный землетрясением; в) ниспровергать; низвергать; г) chem. вызы-вать оседание; д) amer. отклонять (предложение и т. п.); отвергать; to throwdown one's brief leg. отказываться от дальнейшего ведения дела to throw downone's tools забастовать, объявить забастовку to throw down one's arms бросатьоружие, сдаваться to throw down the glove бросить перчатку, вызвать на дуэль ит. п. -
19 throw into
throw into хвърлям в; to \throw into into prison хвърлям в затвора, затварям; to \throw into into the background оставям в сянка, измествам; to \throw into into confusion разбърквам, обърквам, притеснявам, смущавам; to \throw into into despair отчайвам; to \throw into into relief карам (нещо) да изпъкне; to \throw into oneself into хвърлям се в, посвещавам се на; -
20 ■ throw back
■ throw backA v. t. + avv.1 buttare indietro; ributtare; rilanciare: to throw back a ball, rilanciare una palla ( per gioco, o nello sport)2 buttare (o tirare) indietro; ripiegare; scostare: to throw back one's head, buttare indietro la testa; to throw back one's shoulders, tirare indietro le spalle; to throw back the curtains, scostare le tendine3 fare indietreggiare; respingere; rintuzzare4 (fam.) rinfacciare; gettare in faccia (fig.): His juvenile misdemeanours were thrown back at him, gli sono state rinfacciate le sue colpe giovaniliB v. i. + avv.2 ( di una persona) prendere da, somigliare a ( un antenato) □ to throw sb. back on, costringere q. a far ricorso (o a tornare) a: When he lost his job, he was thrown back on his savings, quando ha perso il lavoro, ha dovuto fare ricorso ai suoi risparmi □ to throw one's mind back to, riandare con la mente a.
См. также в других словарях:
Throw (grappling) — Throw Sacrifice throws are sometimes considered risky since they put the thrower in a potentially disadvantageous position. Japanese name … Wikipedia
Throw — Throw, v. t. [imp. {Threw} (thr[udd]); p. p. {Thrown} (thr[=o]n); p. pr. & vb. n. {Throwing}.] [OE. [thorn]rowen, [thorn]rawen, to throw, to twist, AS. [thorn]r[=a]wan to twist, to whirl; akin to D. draaijen, G. drehen, OHG. dr[=a]jan, L. terebra … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
throw — [θrəʊ ǁ θroʊ] verb threw PASTTENSE [θruː] thrown PASTPART [θrəʊn ǁ θroʊn] [transitive] 1. throw money at to try to solve a problem by spending a lot of money, without really thinking about the problem: • There is no point throwing money at the… … Financial and business terms
throw — [thrō] vt. threw, thrown, throwing [ME throwen, to twist, wring, hurl < OE thrawan, to throw, twist, akin to Ger drehen, to twist, turn < IE base * ter , to rub, rub with turning motion, bore > THRASH, THREAD, Gr teirein, L terere, to… … English World dictionary
throw — ► VERB (past threw; past part. thrown) 1) propel with force through the air by a rapid movement of the arm and hand. 2) move or put into place quickly, hurriedly, or roughly. 3) project, direct, or cast (light, an expression, etc.) in a… … English terms dictionary
Throw Ya Gunz — «Throw Ya Gunz» Сингл Onyx из альбома Bacdafucup … Википедия
throw on — To put on hastily • • • Main Entry: ↑throw * * * ˌthrow ˈon [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they throw on he/she/it throws on … Useful english dictionary
Throw out the baby with the bath water — is an idiomatic expression used to suggest an avoidable error in which something good is eliminated when trying to get rid of something bad,[1] or in other words, rejecting the essential along with the inessential.[2] A slightly different… … Wikipedia
Throw — Throw, n. 1. The act of hurling or flinging; a driving or propelling from the hand or an engine; a cast. [1913 Webster] He heaved a stone, and, rising to the throw, He sent it in a whirlwind at the foe. Addison. [1913 Webster] 2. A stroke; a blow … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Throw-weight — is a measure of the effective weight of ballistic missile payloads. It is measured in kilograms or metric tons. Throw weight equals the total weight of a missile s warheads, reentry vehicles, self contained dispensing mechanisms, penetration aids … Wikipedia
throw — throw, cast, fling, hurl, pitch, toss, sling can all mean to cause to move swiftly forward, sideways, upward, or downward by a propulsive movement (as of the arm) or by means of a propelling instrument or agency. Throw, the general word, is often … New Dictionary of Synonyms