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comment ['kɒment]1 noun∎ to make a comment about sth faire des observations sur qch;∎ she let it pass without comment elle n'a pas relevé;∎ to refrain from comment s'abstenir de faire des commentaires;∎ figurative it's a comment on our society c'est une réflexion sur notre société;∎ no comment! je n'ai rien à dire!;∎ (it's a) fair comment c'est juste(b) (UNCOUNT) (gossip, criticism) the decision provoked much comment la décision a suscité de nombreux commentaires∎ School teacher's comments appréciations fpl du professeur∎ to comment that… faire remarquer ou observer que…∎ she commented on his age elle a fait des remarques ou commentaires sur son âge;∎ nobody commented on it personne n'a fait de commentaire à ce sujet∎ to comment on a text commenter un texte, faire le commentaire d'un texte►► comment card fiche f d'observations -
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comment [ˈkɒment]1. noun• "no comment" « je n'ai rien à dire »• he commented that... il a fait remarquer que...* * *['kɒment] 1.1) ( remark) ( public) commentaire m (on sur); ( in conversation) remarque f (on sur); ( written) annotation f2) [U] ( discussion) commentaires mpl ( about portant sur)without comment — [listen] sans commentaire; [occur] sans susciter des commentaires
‘no comment’ — ‘je n'ai pas de déclaration à faire’
3) ( criticism)2. 3.1) ( remark) faire des commentaires mplto comment on something/somebody — faire des commentaires sur quelque chose/quelqu'un
2) ( discuss)to comment on — commenter [text etc]
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A n1 ( remark) ( public) commentaire m (on sur) ; ( in conversation) remarque f (on sur) ; ( written) annotation f ; to make comments faire des commentaires (about au sujet de) ;2 ¢ ( discussion) commentaires mpl (about portant sur) ; without comment [act, listen] sans commentaire ; [occur, pass] sans susciter des commentaires ; to be open to comment être ouvert aux suggestions ; he was unavailable for comment il s'est refusé à toute déclaration ; ‘no comment’ ‘je n'ai pas de déclaration à faire’ ; what she said was fair comment ses remarques étaient justifiées ;C vi1 ( remark) faire des commentaires ; to comment on sth/sb ( neutrally) faire des commentaires sur qch/qn ; ( negatively) faire des observations sur qch/qn ; -
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comment [ˊkɒment]1. n1) замеча́ние, о́тзыв2) собир. то́лки, сужде́ния3) примеча́ние, коммента́рий2. v де́лать (крити́ческие) замеча́ния; выска́зывать мне́ние (on — о); комменти́ровать;а) рецензи́ровать кни́гу;б) комменти́ровать кни́гу;it comments itself э́то само́ за себя́ говори́т
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English-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > comment
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• comment on something to give one’s opinion about something комментировать что-тоHe commented on the current situation.
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comment on давать разъяснениепо. комментарийотносительно -
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1. noun((a) spoken or written remark: He made several comments about her untidy appearance.) comentario
2. verb((with on) to make such a remark: He commented on her appearance.) comentar- commentate
- commentator
comment1 n comentariothe footballer made no comment about his divorce el futbolista no hizo ningún comentario sobre su divorciocomment2 vb hacer comentariostr['kɒment]1 comentario, observación nombre femenino1 comentar, observar1 hacer comentarios (on, sobre)\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLno comment sin comentariosto be fair comment ser razonableto cause comment dar lugar a habladuríasto make a comment about somebody/something hacer un comentario sobre alguien/algo, hacer una observación sobre alguien/algoto refuse to comment negarse a hacer declaracionescomment ['kɑ.mɛnt] vi1) : hacer comentarios2)to comment on : comentar, hacer observaciones sobrecomment n: comentario m, observación fn.• anotación s.f.• comentario s.m.• comento s.m.• dicho s.m.• nota s.f.• observación s.f.v.• comentar v.'kɑːment, 'kɒment
a) c ( remark) comentario m, observación fcomment ON something: the film is a comment on modern society — la película es una reflexión sobre la sociedad actual
b) u ( reaction) comentarios mplto pass comment on something — hacer* comentarios sobre algo
the minister is unavailable for comment — (journ) el ministro no desea hacer ningún comentario
to comment (ON something) — hacer* comentarios (sobre algo)
vt comentar, observar['kɒment]1.to make a comment — hacer un comentario or una observación
she made the comment that... — observó que...
to cause comment — (=cause gossip) provocar comentarios
2.VI hacer observaciones or comentarios, comentarto comment on — [+ text] comentar, hacer un comentario de; [+ subject] hacer observaciones or comentarios acerca de; (to the press) hacer declaraciones sobre
3.VT (in conversation) observarto comment that... — observar que...
* * *['kɑːment, 'kɒment]
a) c ( remark) comentario m, observación fcomment ON something: the film is a comment on modern society — la película es una reflexión sobre la sociedad actual
b) u ( reaction) comentarios mplto pass comment on something — hacer* comentarios sobre algo
the minister is unavailable for comment — (journ) el ministro no desea hacer ningún comentario
to comment (ON something) — hacer* comentarios (sobre algo)
vt comentar, observar -
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I ['kɒment]1) (remark) (public) commento m.; (in conversation) commento m., osservazione f.; (written) nota f., annotazione f.without comment — [ listen] senza fare commenti; [ occur] senza suscitare commenti
"no comment" — "no comment", "niente dichiarazioni"
3) (criticism)II 1. ['kɒment]to be a comment on — dirla lunga su [ society]
verbo transitivo osservare, notare2.1) (remark) (neutrally) fare dei commenti, esprimere la propria opinione; (negatively) fare delle osservazioni2) (discuss)to comment on — commentare [text, etc.]
* * *['koment] 1. noun((a) spoken or written remark: He made several comments about her untidy appearance.) commento2. verb((with on) to make such a remark: He commented on her appearance.) commentare- commentate
- commentator* * *comment /ˈkɒmɛnt/n.2 [u] commenti; discussioni; dichiarazioni; critiche: His words passed without comment, le sue parole non hanno suscitato commenti; to be subject to comment, essere commentato; essere discusso; to be a source for comment, suscitare commenti; The Minister was unavailable for comment, il ministro non si è pronunciato; unfavourable (o negative) comment, commenti negativi; critiche; fair comment, osservazioni giuste● to be a comment on st., essere tipico di qc.; essere indicativo di qc. □ No comment, niente dichiarazioni; «no comment».♦ (to) comment /ˈkɒmɛnt/A v. i.fare commenti (o osservazioni); commentare; esprimersi: to comment on the latest events, commentare gli ultimi avvenimenti; to comment on sb. 's behaviour, commentare il comportamento di qc.; ( anche) criticare il comportamento di q.B v. t.osservare; dire: He commented that the measure was premature, ha osservato che la misura era prematura.* * *I ['kɒment]1) (remark) (public) commento m.; (in conversation) commento m., osservazione f.; (written) nota f., annotazione f.without comment — [ listen] senza fare commenti; [ occur] senza suscitare commenti
"no comment" — "no comment", "niente dichiarazioni"
3) (criticism)II 1. ['kɒment]to be a comment on — dirla lunga su [ society]
verbo transitivo osservare, notare2.1) (remark) (neutrally) fare dei commenti, esprimere la propria opinione; (negatively) fare delle osservazioni2) (discuss)to comment on — commentare [text, etc.]
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1. noun2. intransitive verbno comment! — (coll.) kein Kommentar!
comment on something — über etwas (Akk.) Bemerkungen machen
he commented that... — er bemerkte, dass...
comment on a text/manuscript — einen Text/ein Manuskript kommentieren
* * *['koment] 1. noun 2. verb- academic.ru/14531/commentary">commentary- commentate
- commentator* * *com·ment[ˈkɒment, AM ˈkɑ:-]no \comment kein Kommentarfair \comment sachliche Kritikto make a \comment eine Stellungnahme abgebento refrain from \comment sich akk eines Kommentars enthaltento refuse [or decline] to \comment on sth sich akk zu etw dat nicht äußern wollen, zu etw dat keine Stellung nehmen▪ to \comment that... bemerken [o anmerken], dass...* * *['kɒment]1. n(= remark) Bemerkung f (on,about über +acc, zu); (official) Kommentar m (on zu); (no pl = talk, gossip) Gerede nt; (= textual or margin note etc) Anmerkung fto make a comment — eine Bemerkung machen, einen Kommentar abgeben
2. visich äußern (on über +acc, zu), einen Kommentar abgeben (on zu)3. vtbemerken, äußern* * *A sa) Bemerkung f, Erklärung f, Stellungnahme f (zu):no comment! kein Kommentar!;without comment kommentarlosfair comment (on a matter of public interest) JUR sachliche Kritik2. Kritik f, kritische Bemerkungen pl3. Gerede n:give rise to much comment viel von sich reden machenB v/i (on, upon)1. einen Kommentar abgeben (zu), Erläuterungen oder Anmerkungen machen (zu), Stellung nehmen (zu):comment on sth etwas kommentieren;without commenting kommentarlos3. reden, klatschen pej (über akk)* * *1. nounBemerkung, die (on über + Akk.); (marginal note) Anmerkung, die (on über + Akk.)2. intransitive verbno comment! — (coll.) kein Kommentar!
comment on something — über etwas (Akk.) Bemerkungen machen
he commented that... — er bemerkte, dass...
comment on a text/manuscript — einen Text/ein Manuskript kommentieren
* * *n.Bemerkung f.Erläuterung f.Feststellung f.Kommentar m.Stellungnahme f.Vermerk -e m. v.kommentieren v. -
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[ˈkɔment]auditor's comment замечания ревизора comment высказываться comment делать (критические) замечания; высказывать мнение (on - o); комментировать comment делать критические замечания comment замечание, отзыв comment вчт. комментарий comment комментарий comment комментирование comment вчт. комментировать comment комментировать comment критическое замечание comment объяснять comment пояснительное замечание comment собир. толки, суждения comment толковать to comment on the book комментировать книгу; it comments itself это само за себя говорит to comment on the book рецензировать книгу gratuitous comment свободное толкование in-line comment вчт. встроенный комментарий to comment on the book комментировать книгу; it comments itself это само за себя говорит -
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1. nкомментарий; отклик; высказывание, замечаниеto attract critical comments — вызывать критические комментарии / отклики / замечания
to inspire a great deal of editorial comment — вызвать большое количество комментариев в редакционных статьях
to misinterpret smb's comments — неверно истолковывать чьи-л. комментарии
to retract one's comments — брать обратно свои высказывания
- comment from smbto withdraw one's comments — брать обратно свои высказывания
- comment on smth
- comments to the news
- daily political comment
- editorial comment
- editor's comment
- hostile comments
- initial comments
- leader comment
- no comment
- preliminary comments
- press comments
- salty comment
- substantive comments
- the embassy said it had no comment on smth
- topical comments
- unguarded comment
- widespread international comments on smth 2. vкомментировать; откликаться (на что-л.); высказываться (по поводу чего-л.)to comment with appreciation — выражать удовлетворение (по поводу чего-л.), с удовлетворением отмечать (что-л.)
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1. n комментарий, объяснительное примечание, толкованиеto make comments on a text — комментировать текст, делать комментарий к тексту
directory comment — оглавление; комментарий в виде указателя
comment on — давать разъяснение по; комментарий относительно
comment statement — оператор комментария; комментарий
2. n комментирование3. n критическое замечание; критика4. n толки, пересудыhis strange behaviour has been causing comment in the neighbourhood — его странное поведение вызвало толки в округе
5. n сообщаемое о предмете, новоеtopic and comment are often used in linguistic literature to denote the theme and the rheme — слова topic и comment часто употребляются в лингвистической литературе в значении «тема» и «рема»
6. v комментировать; толковать, объяснять7. v высказываться; сообщать своё мнение8. v делать критические замечания9. v давать отрицательную оценку, характеристикуСинонимический ряд:1. commentary (noun) addendum; annotation; commentary; elucidation; expansion; exposition; interpretation; note; obiter dictum2. explanation (noun) explanation; explication; observation; reflection3. remark (noun) criticism; critique; notice; opinion; remark; report; review; reviewal; speech; suggestion; wisecrack4. word (noun) assertion; statement; utterance; word5. explain (verb) annotate; clarify; disclose; discuss; elucidate; explain; explicate; expound6. express a view (verb) animadvert; commentate; critique; express a view; express an opinion; interject; mention; note; observe; pronounce; remark; say -
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комментарий имя существительное:комментарий (comment, commentary)глагол:делать замечания (comment, correct)
См. также в других словарях:
comment — [ kɔmɑ̃ ] adv. et n. m. inv. • 1080; a. fr. com « comme » ♦ De quelle manière; par quel moyen. 1 ♦ (Interrog.) Comment allez vous ?; fam. comment ça va ?; pop. comment que ça va ? (cf. ci dessous, 6o.) Comment faire ? « Comment apprécier leur… … Encyclopédie Universelle
comment — Comment, ou Commentaire, Commentarius, vel Commentarium, Scholium. Comment, ou Quoment, de Quomodo, Qui? Quomodo? Il songe et fantasie comment, etc. Excogitat quemadmodum mense illo, etc. Je croy que tu as ouy comment ils m ont environné, Credo… … Thresor de la langue françoyse
comment — com·ment n 1 often cap a: an essay analyzing, criticizing, or explaining a subject a comment published in the Yale Law Review b: an explanatory remark appended to a section of text (as of enacted code) 2: an expression of an opinion or attitude… … Law dictionary
comment — Comment. adv. De quelle sorte, de quelle maniere. Comment est ce qu il gagna la bataille? comment estes vous venu? comment vous portez vous? comment cela? comment donc? voicy comment. si vous le voulez sçavoir, je vous diray comment cela se fit.… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
comment — COMMENT. adv. De quelle sorte, de quelle manière. Si vous voulez savoir comment la chose s est passée, je vous le dirai. Je ne sais comment il peut subsister. Comment se porte t il? Comment a t il pu se sauver? [b]f♛/b] Il s emploie quelquefois… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798
Comment ça va — Single by The Shorts from the album Comment ça va Released February 1983 ( … Wikipedia
Comment — Com ment (?; 277), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Commented}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Commenting}.] [F. commenter, L. commentari to meditate upon, explain, v. intens. of comminisci, commentus, to reflect upon, invent; com + the root of meminisse to remember, mens … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Comment ça va — est un film français réalisé par Jean Luc Godard et Anne Marie Miéville, sorti en 1978. Sommaire 1 Synopsis 2 Fiche technique 3 Distribution 4 Lien … Wikipédia en Français
Comment — Com ment, n. [Cf. OF. comment.] 1. A remark, observation, or criticism; gossip; discourse; talk. [1913 Webster] Their lavish comment when her name was named. Tennyson. [1913 Webster] 2. A note or observation intended to explain, illustrate, or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Comment — Com ment, v. t. To comment on. [Archaic.] Fuller. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
comment — n commentary, *remark, observation, note, obiter dictum Analogous words: interpreting or interpretation, elucidation, explication, expounding or exposition, explaining or explana tion (see corresponding verbs at EXPLAIN): annotation, gloss (see… … New Dictionary of Synonyms