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  • 1 teneo

    tĕnĕo, ēre, tĕnŭi, tentum    - parf. arch. tĕtĭni, Diom. 366, 23; 372, 18; subj. tĕtĭnĕrim, tĕtĭnĕrit, Pac. Tr. 172; Acc. Tr. 39; inf. parf. tĕnisse, Pac. Tr. 226; fut. ant. tĕtĭnĕro, P. Fest. 252, 9 -- parf. tĕnīvi, Charis. 248, 2. - tr. - [st1]1 [-] tenir.    - tenere aliquid in manu (tenere aliquid manu), Cic. Cael. 63; Div. 1, 46: tenir qqch dans sa main.    - radicem ore tenere, Cic. Div. 2,141: tenir une racine dans sa gueule.    - manu tenere aliquid, Cic. Off 3, 68: **tenir de la main qqch** = toucher de la main, connaître de façon évidente, palpable.    - cf. Cic. Clu. 20.    - res manibus tenetur, Cic. Sest. 69: le succès est assuré. [st1]2 [-] tenir, diriger; atteindre.    - secundissimo vento cursum tenere, Cic. Nat. 3, 83: fournir, accomplir sa course avec un vent très favorable.    - cf. Caes. BG. 4, 26, 5 ; 5, 8, 2.    - quo tenetis iter? Virg. En. 1, 370: où dirigez-vous vos pas?    - montes petebant et pauci tenuere, Liv. 1, 37, 4: ils cherchaient à gagner les montagnes et bien peu les atteignirent.    - cf. Liv. 30, 25, 11; 36, 21 1; 37, 16, 4, etc.    - portum tenuit, Tac. Agr. 38: [la flotte] arriva dans le port.    - cf. Tac. H. 2, 9. [st1]3 [-] tenir dans son esprit, comprendre; savoir, posséder (une science...)    - reconditos alicujus sensus tenere, Cic. Sest. 22: comprendre les sentiments secrets de qqn.    - nunc teneo, nunc scio quid hoc sit negoti, Plaut. Cap. 697: maintenant je comprends, maintenant je sais de quoi il s'agit.    - et bene et male facere tenet, Plaut.: il sait également faire le bien et le mal.    - omnia illa, quae et saepe audistis et tenetis animis, Cic.: tous les faits dont on vous a souvent entretenus, et que vous vous rappelez.    - tenes quid dicam? Ter.: sais-tu ce que je dis?    - tu, quibus capiatur Caesar, tenes, Cic.: tu sais ce qui séduit César.    - quae a Romanis auguribus ignorantur, a Cilicibus tenentur, Cic.: les augures de Cilicie savent ce qu'ignorent ceux de Rome. [st1]4 [-] venir à bout, réussir, obtenir (avec ut et ne, comme obtineo).    - tenere ut: obtenir que.    - tenuere patres, ut Fabius consul crearetur, Liv. 2, 42, 2: les sénateurs obtinrent que Fabius fût élu consul.    - tenere ne: obtenir que... ne... pas.    - plebs tenuit ne consules in proximum annum crearentur, Liv. 4, 30, 16: la plèbe obtint qu'on n'élût pas de consuls l'année suivante.    - cf. Liv. 24, 19, 7. [st1]5 [-] tenir, occuper, habiter; tenir en son pouvoir, posséder (le coeur, la pensée de qqn).    - summam imperii tenere, Caes. BG 3, 22: tenir le commandement suprême.    - tenere locum oratoris, Cic. Br. 137: tenir le rang d'orateur.    - totam rem publicam tenere, Cic. Mur. 83: tenir entre ses mains tout le salut de l'état.    - cornu tenere, Nep. Pel. 4, 3: commander une aile.    - multa hereditatibus tenebantur, Cic. Off. 2, 81: beaucoup de propriétés étaient occupées par héritage.    - cum rem publicam opes paucorum, non virtutes tenere coeperunt, Cic. Rep. 1, 51: quand la puissance d'un petit nombre et non pas ses vertus a commencé d'occuper la direction de l'état.    - tenere colles praesidiis, Caes. BC. 3, 43: occuper les collines par des postes.    - legio locum non tenuit atque in proximum collem se recepit, Caes. BC, 1, 44: la légion ne put garder sa position et se replia sur la colline toute proche.    - tenent Danai qua deficit ignis, Virg. En. 2, 505: les Grecs occupent tout ce qu'a dédaigné le feu.    - ego nec tumultum nec mori per vim metuam tenente Caesare terras, Hor. O. 3: je ne craindrai ni la guerre civile ni la mort violente tant que César possédera le monde.    - quam ab dispari tenebantur (tecta) ! Cic. Phil. 2, 104, combien différent était l'occupant (de cette demeure)!    - locum tenere, Cic. Clu. 128: garder son poste.    - dum me Galatea tenebat, Virg. B. 1, 31: tandis que Galatée possédait mon coeur.    - cf. Tib. 1, 6, 35; 2, 6, 52.    - magna me spes tenet, Cic. Tusc. 1, 97: un grand espoir occupe ma pensée.    - de triumpho nulla me cupiditas umquam tenuit, Cic. Att. 7, 2, 6: quant au triomphe, aucun désir ne s'est jamais emparé de moi.    - cf. Cic. Att. 1, 11, 3.    - alicujus rei desiderio teneri, Cic. CM 33: être pris du regret de qqch (de ne pas avoir qqch).    - cf. Cic. Ac. 1, 4. [st1]6 [-] garder, observer; garder (dans sa mémoire), se souvenir.    - consuetudinem, morem, ordinem, Cic. Phil. 1, 27; Off. 3, 44 ; Phil. 5, 35: garder une habitude, une coutume, observer un ordre établi.    - foedus tenere, Cic. Balb. 34: observer un traité.    - civium jura tenere, Cic. Cat. 1, 28, garder les droits du citoyen (ses droits de citoyen).    - suas leges tenere, Cic. Verr. pr. 13: garder ses lois.    - memoriā tenere, Cic. Cat. 3, 19: garder dans sa mémoire, se souvenir.    - avec prop. inf. cf. Cic. Cat. 3, 19; Tusc. 1, 107.    - s.-ent memoriā: dicta tenere, Hor. P. 336: retenir ce qui a été dit.    - cf. Hor. S. 2, 4, 8; Quint. 11, 2, 50. [st1]7 [-] tenir en soi, embrasser, contenir.    - haec magnos formula reges tenet, Hor. S. 2, 3, 46: cette définition s'applique aux plus grands rois.    - surtout au passif: teneri: être compris dans, être fondé sur.    - genus officiorum, quod tenetur hominum societate, Cic. Off. 1, 160: genre de devoirs qui tient à la société humaine.    - quae (causae) familiaritate et consuetudine tenentur, Cic. Fam. 13, 29, 1: motifs qui sont fondés sur une liaison intime et habituelle.    - homines deorum agnatione tenentur, Cic. Leg. 1: les hommes sont compris dans la famille des dieux. [st1]8 [-] maintenir, soutenir, conserver.    - admodum tenenda sunt sua cuique Cic. Off 1, 110: chacun doit maintenir fermement sa personnalité.    - castris se tenere, Caes. BG. 1, 40, 8: se tenir dans son camp.    - cf. Caes. BG. 3, 17; Liv. 2, 45, 2 ; 3, 26, 3.    - se tenere domi a conventu remotum, Nep. Dion 9, 1: rester chez soi en s'isolant de la foule.    - imperium populi Romani illius opera tenebatur, Cic. Mur. 58, la domination du peuple romain était maintenue grâce à lui.    - cf. Cic. Off. 2, 26; Nat. 2, 134.    - bestia hoc calore tenentur Cic. Nat. 2, 31: les bêtes subsistent grâce à cette chaleur. [st1]9 [-] tenir à, s'attacher à (en parl. d'une idée).    - hoc teneo, hic haereo, Cic. Verr. 5, 166: voilà où je m'en tiens, voilà où je m'attache.    - cf. Cic. Verr. 5, 165 ; Ac. 2, 71; Fin. 3, 44.    - hoc tenebo + prop. inf. Cic. Fin. 1, 35: je me tiendrai à cette idée que.    - cf. Cic. Par. 14.    - avec ut: teneamus, ut censeamus... Cic. Tusc. 1, 100: tenons-nous à croire que.    - demus hoc sana Bruto ut..., nos tamen teneamus ut... Cic. Tusc. 5, 34: faisons, je le veux bien, cette concession à Brutus que..., mais nous, maintenons fermement notre opinion que...    - avec ne: haec duo tenere in amicitia, primum ne quid sit... Cic. Lael. 65: maintenir solidement ces deux principes en amitié, d'abord qu'il n'y ait rien... [st1]10 [-] tenir, retenir, captiver.    - me omni tuo sermone tenuisti, Cic. Br. 232: tu m'as captivé par tout ce que tu as dit.    - aures tenere, Cic. Br. 193: captiver les oreilles.    - pompā, ludis teneri, Cic. Fin. 5, 48: être captivé par les cortèges, par les jeux.    - cum is qui audit ab oratore jam obsessus est ac tenetur, Cic. Or. 210: quand l'auditeur est déjà investi par l'orateur et à sa discrétion. [st1]11 [-] astreindre, lier.    - ut populum teneant (eae leges), Cic. Phil. 5, 10: pour que (ces lois) obligent le peuple.    - cf. Cic. Phil. 11, 11; Liv. 8, 12, 14.    - interdicto non teneri, Cic. Caec. 41: ne pas être astreint par l'ordonnance.    - promisso teneri, Cic. Att. 12, 18, 1: être lié par une promesse.    - cf. Cic. Q. 2, 3, 5; Liv. 24, 29, 11. [st1]12 [-] au passif: teneri, être pris = n'avoir point d'échappatoire, ne pouvoir nier.    - in aliqua re manifesto teneri, Cic. Verr. pr. 2; 2, 99; ou in manifesta re teneri, Cic. Verr. 2, 144, etc.: être pris manifestement dans tel ou tel délit = être convaincu de tel ou tel délit.    - avec gén. ejusdem cupiditatis teneri, Cic. Leg. 3, 31: être convaincu de la même passion.    - caedis teneri, Quint. 5, 14, 11: être convaincu d'un meurtre.    - cf. Tac. An. 11, 7.    - non solum argumentis, sed etiam certis testibus istius audacia tenebatur, Cic. Verr. 5, 101: son impudence était démontrée au moyen non seulement d'arguments, mais encore de témoins précis. [st1]13 [-] retenir, arrêter, retarder; retenir, empêcher.    - aliquem tenere, Cic. Att. 11, 3, 1: retenir qqn (l'empêcher de partir).    - cf. Fam. 16, 19.    - Corcyrae tenebamur, Cic. Fam. 16, 7: nous sommes retenus à Corcyre.    - senatus lectionem tenere, Liv. 27, 11, 9: retarder la liste des sénateurs.    - non tenebo te pluribus, Cic. Fam. 11, 16, 3: je ne te tiendrai pas plus longtemps, je ne t'en dirai pas plus long.    - cf. Cic. Verr. 1, 34.    - vix a te videor posse tenere manus, Ov. Am. 1, 4, 10: c'est à peine, je crois, si je pourrai empêcher mes mains de te toucher!    - naves tenebantur, quominus... Caes. BG. 4, 22, 4: les navires étaient retenus et empêchés de...    - metu legum teneri, Cic. Verr. 4, 75: être retenu par la crainte des lois.    - risum, somnum vix tenere, Cic. Br. 293; 278: avoir peine à s'empêcher de rire, de dormir.    - iracundiam tenere, Cic. Par. 33: retenir son penchant à la colère.    - se tenere, Cic. Fin. 2, 21: se retenir.    - se non tenere, quia... Cic. Ac. 2, 12: ne pas se retenir de...    - cf. Cic. Att. 15, 14, 2 ; Phil. 13, 46.    - se tenere ab accusando, Cic. Q. 3, 2 2: se retenir d'accuser. - intr. - [st1]1 [-] tenir, occuper un lieu, se tenir.    - tenent Danai qua deficit ignis, Virg. En. 2, 505: les Grecs sont partout où n'est pas la flamme.    - cf. Liv. 3, 62, 7 ; 32, 5, 12. [st1]2 [-] tenir une route, une direction, se diriger, se porter à un endroit.    - Liv. 1, 1, 4 ; 21, 49, 2 ; 31, 45, 14. [st1]3 [-] subsister, se maintenir, durer.    - imber per noctem totam tenuit, Liv. 23, 44, 6: la pluie dura toute la nuit.    - cf. Liv. 2, 3, 5 ; 3, 47, 6 ; 24, 47, 15, etc.    - tenet fama + prop. inf. Liv. 1, 4, 6: on rapporte que... (mais fama tenuit, Liv. 23, 12, 2: la tradition a prévalu que...).
    * * *
    tĕnĕo, ēre, tĕnŭi, tentum    - parf. arch. tĕtĭni, Diom. 366, 23; 372, 18; subj. tĕtĭnĕrim, tĕtĭnĕrit, Pac. Tr. 172; Acc. Tr. 39; inf. parf. tĕnisse, Pac. Tr. 226; fut. ant. tĕtĭnĕro, P. Fest. 252, 9 -- parf. tĕnīvi, Charis. 248, 2. - tr. - [st1]1 [-] tenir.    - tenere aliquid in manu (tenere aliquid manu), Cic. Cael. 63; Div. 1, 46: tenir qqch dans sa main.    - radicem ore tenere, Cic. Div. 2,141: tenir une racine dans sa gueule.    - manu tenere aliquid, Cic. Off 3, 68: **tenir de la main qqch** = toucher de la main, connaître de façon évidente, palpable.    - cf. Cic. Clu. 20.    - res manibus tenetur, Cic. Sest. 69: le succès est assuré. [st1]2 [-] tenir, diriger; atteindre.    - secundissimo vento cursum tenere, Cic. Nat. 3, 83: fournir, accomplir sa course avec un vent très favorable.    - cf. Caes. BG. 4, 26, 5 ; 5, 8, 2.    - quo tenetis iter? Virg. En. 1, 370: où dirigez-vous vos pas?    - montes petebant et pauci tenuere, Liv. 1, 37, 4: ils cherchaient à gagner les montagnes et bien peu les atteignirent.    - cf. Liv. 30, 25, 11; 36, 21 1; 37, 16, 4, etc.    - portum tenuit, Tac. Agr. 38: [la flotte] arriva dans le port.    - cf. Tac. H. 2, 9. [st1]3 [-] tenir dans son esprit, comprendre; savoir, posséder (une science...)    - reconditos alicujus sensus tenere, Cic. Sest. 22: comprendre les sentiments secrets de qqn.    - nunc teneo, nunc scio quid hoc sit negoti, Plaut. Cap. 697: maintenant je comprends, maintenant je sais de quoi il s'agit.    - et bene et male facere tenet, Plaut.: il sait également faire le bien et le mal.    - omnia illa, quae et saepe audistis et tenetis animis, Cic.: tous les faits dont on vous a souvent entretenus, et que vous vous rappelez.    - tenes quid dicam? Ter.: sais-tu ce que je dis?    - tu, quibus capiatur Caesar, tenes, Cic.: tu sais ce qui séduit César.    - quae a Romanis auguribus ignorantur, a Cilicibus tenentur, Cic.: les augures de Cilicie savent ce qu'ignorent ceux de Rome. [st1]4 [-] venir à bout, réussir, obtenir (avec ut et ne, comme obtineo).    - tenere ut: obtenir que.    - tenuere patres, ut Fabius consul crearetur, Liv. 2, 42, 2: les sénateurs obtinrent que Fabius fût élu consul.    - tenere ne: obtenir que... ne... pas.    - plebs tenuit ne consules in proximum annum crearentur, Liv. 4, 30, 16: la plèbe obtint qu'on n'élût pas de consuls l'année suivante.    - cf. Liv. 24, 19, 7. [st1]5 [-] tenir, occuper, habiter; tenir en son pouvoir, posséder (le coeur, la pensée de qqn).    - summam imperii tenere, Caes. BG 3, 22: tenir le commandement suprême.    - tenere locum oratoris, Cic. Br. 137: tenir le rang d'orateur.    - totam rem publicam tenere, Cic. Mur. 83: tenir entre ses mains tout le salut de l'état.    - cornu tenere, Nep. Pel. 4, 3: commander une aile.    - multa hereditatibus tenebantur, Cic. Off. 2, 81: beaucoup de propriétés étaient occupées par héritage.    - cum rem publicam opes paucorum, non virtutes tenere coeperunt, Cic. Rep. 1, 51: quand la puissance d'un petit nombre et non pas ses vertus a commencé d'occuper la direction de l'état.    - tenere colles praesidiis, Caes. BC. 3, 43: occuper les collines par des postes.    - legio locum non tenuit atque in proximum collem se recepit, Caes. BC, 1, 44: la légion ne put garder sa position et se replia sur la colline toute proche.    - tenent Danai qua deficit ignis, Virg. En. 2, 505: les Grecs occupent tout ce qu'a dédaigné le feu.    - ego nec tumultum nec mori per vim metuam tenente Caesare terras, Hor. O. 3: je ne craindrai ni la guerre civile ni la mort violente tant que César possédera le monde.    - quam ab dispari tenebantur (tecta) ! Cic. Phil. 2, 104, combien différent était l'occupant (de cette demeure)!    - locum tenere, Cic. Clu. 128: garder son poste.    - dum me Galatea tenebat, Virg. B. 1, 31: tandis que Galatée possédait mon coeur.    - cf. Tib. 1, 6, 35; 2, 6, 52.    - magna me spes tenet, Cic. Tusc. 1, 97: un grand espoir occupe ma pensée.    - de triumpho nulla me cupiditas umquam tenuit, Cic. Att. 7, 2, 6: quant au triomphe, aucun désir ne s'est jamais emparé de moi.    - cf. Cic. Att. 1, 11, 3.    - alicujus rei desiderio teneri, Cic. CM 33: être pris du regret de qqch (de ne pas avoir qqch).    - cf. Cic. Ac. 1, 4. [st1]6 [-] garder, observer; garder (dans sa mémoire), se souvenir.    - consuetudinem, morem, ordinem, Cic. Phil. 1, 27; Off. 3, 44 ; Phil. 5, 35: garder une habitude, une coutume, observer un ordre établi.    - foedus tenere, Cic. Balb. 34: observer un traité.    - civium jura tenere, Cic. Cat. 1, 28, garder les droits du citoyen (ses droits de citoyen).    - suas leges tenere, Cic. Verr. pr. 13: garder ses lois.    - memoriā tenere, Cic. Cat. 3, 19: garder dans sa mémoire, se souvenir.    - avec prop. inf. cf. Cic. Cat. 3, 19; Tusc. 1, 107.    - s.-ent memoriā: dicta tenere, Hor. P. 336: retenir ce qui a été dit.    - cf. Hor. S. 2, 4, 8; Quint. 11, 2, 50. [st1]7 [-] tenir en soi, embrasser, contenir.    - haec magnos formula reges tenet, Hor. S. 2, 3, 46: cette définition s'applique aux plus grands rois.    - surtout au passif: teneri: être compris dans, être fondé sur.    - genus officiorum, quod tenetur hominum societate, Cic. Off. 1, 160: genre de devoirs qui tient à la société humaine.    - quae (causae) familiaritate et consuetudine tenentur, Cic. Fam. 13, 29, 1: motifs qui sont fondés sur une liaison intime et habituelle.    - homines deorum agnatione tenentur, Cic. Leg. 1: les hommes sont compris dans la famille des dieux. [st1]8 [-] maintenir, soutenir, conserver.    - admodum tenenda sunt sua cuique Cic. Off 1, 110: chacun doit maintenir fermement sa personnalité.    - castris se tenere, Caes. BG. 1, 40, 8: se tenir dans son camp.    - cf. Caes. BG. 3, 17; Liv. 2, 45, 2 ; 3, 26, 3.    - se tenere domi a conventu remotum, Nep. Dion 9, 1: rester chez soi en s'isolant de la foule.    - imperium populi Romani illius opera tenebatur, Cic. Mur. 58, la domination du peuple romain était maintenue grâce à lui.    - cf. Cic. Off. 2, 26; Nat. 2, 134.    - bestia hoc calore tenentur Cic. Nat. 2, 31: les bêtes subsistent grâce à cette chaleur. [st1]9 [-] tenir à, s'attacher à (en parl. d'une idée).    - hoc teneo, hic haereo, Cic. Verr. 5, 166: voilà où je m'en tiens, voilà où je m'attache.    - cf. Cic. Verr. 5, 165 ; Ac. 2, 71; Fin. 3, 44.    - hoc tenebo + prop. inf. Cic. Fin. 1, 35: je me tiendrai à cette idée que.    - cf. Cic. Par. 14.    - avec ut: teneamus, ut censeamus... Cic. Tusc. 1, 100: tenons-nous à croire que.    - demus hoc sana Bruto ut..., nos tamen teneamus ut... Cic. Tusc. 5, 34: faisons, je le veux bien, cette concession à Brutus que..., mais nous, maintenons fermement notre opinion que...    - avec ne: haec duo tenere in amicitia, primum ne quid sit... Cic. Lael. 65: maintenir solidement ces deux principes en amitié, d'abord qu'il n'y ait rien... [st1]10 [-] tenir, retenir, captiver.    - me omni tuo sermone tenuisti, Cic. Br. 232: tu m'as captivé par tout ce que tu as dit.    - aures tenere, Cic. Br. 193: captiver les oreilles.    - pompā, ludis teneri, Cic. Fin. 5, 48: être captivé par les cortèges, par les jeux.    - cum is qui audit ab oratore jam obsessus est ac tenetur, Cic. Or. 210: quand l'auditeur est déjà investi par l'orateur et à sa discrétion. [st1]11 [-] astreindre, lier.    - ut populum teneant (eae leges), Cic. Phil. 5, 10: pour que (ces lois) obligent le peuple.    - cf. Cic. Phil. 11, 11; Liv. 8, 12, 14.    - interdicto non teneri, Cic. Caec. 41: ne pas être astreint par l'ordonnance.    - promisso teneri, Cic. Att. 12, 18, 1: être lié par une promesse.    - cf. Cic. Q. 2, 3, 5; Liv. 24, 29, 11. [st1]12 [-] au passif: teneri, être pris = n'avoir point d'échappatoire, ne pouvoir nier.    - in aliqua re manifesto teneri, Cic. Verr. pr. 2; 2, 99; ou in manifesta re teneri, Cic. Verr. 2, 144, etc.: être pris manifestement dans tel ou tel délit = être convaincu de tel ou tel délit.    - avec gén. ejusdem cupiditatis teneri, Cic. Leg. 3, 31: être convaincu de la même passion.    - caedis teneri, Quint. 5, 14, 11: être convaincu d'un meurtre.    - cf. Tac. An. 11, 7.    - non solum argumentis, sed etiam certis testibus istius audacia tenebatur, Cic. Verr. 5, 101: son impudence était démontrée au moyen non seulement d'arguments, mais encore de témoins précis. [st1]13 [-] retenir, arrêter, retarder; retenir, empêcher.    - aliquem tenere, Cic. Att. 11, 3, 1: retenir qqn (l'empêcher de partir).    - cf. Fam. 16, 19.    - Corcyrae tenebamur, Cic. Fam. 16, 7: nous sommes retenus à Corcyre.    - senatus lectionem tenere, Liv. 27, 11, 9: retarder la liste des sénateurs.    - non tenebo te pluribus, Cic. Fam. 11, 16, 3: je ne te tiendrai pas plus longtemps, je ne t'en dirai pas plus long.    - cf. Cic. Verr. 1, 34.    - vix a te videor posse tenere manus, Ov. Am. 1, 4, 10: c'est à peine, je crois, si je pourrai empêcher mes mains de te toucher!    - naves tenebantur, quominus... Caes. BG. 4, 22, 4: les navires étaient retenus et empêchés de...    - metu legum teneri, Cic. Verr. 4, 75: être retenu par la crainte des lois.    - risum, somnum vix tenere, Cic. Br. 293; 278: avoir peine à s'empêcher de rire, de dormir.    - iracundiam tenere, Cic. Par. 33: retenir son penchant à la colère.    - se tenere, Cic. Fin. 2, 21: se retenir.    - se non tenere, quia... Cic. Ac. 2, 12: ne pas se retenir de...    - cf. Cic. Att. 15, 14, 2 ; Phil. 13, 46.    - se tenere ab accusando, Cic. Q. 3, 2 2: se retenir d'accuser. - intr. - [st1]1 [-] tenir, occuper un lieu, se tenir.    - tenent Danai qua deficit ignis, Virg. En. 2, 505: les Grecs sont partout où n'est pas la flamme.    - cf. Liv. 3, 62, 7 ; 32, 5, 12. [st1]2 [-] tenir une route, une direction, se diriger, se porter à un endroit.    - Liv. 1, 1, 4 ; 21, 49, 2 ; 31, 45, 14. [st1]3 [-] subsister, se maintenir, durer.    - imber per noctem totam tenuit, Liv. 23, 44, 6: la pluie dura toute la nuit.    - cf. Liv. 2, 3, 5 ; 3, 47, 6 ; 24, 47, 15, etc.    - tenet fama + prop. inf. Liv. 1, 4, 6: on rapporte que... (mais fama tenuit, Liv. 23, 12, 2: la tradition a prévalu que...).
    * * *
        Teneo, tenes, tenui, tentum, tenere. Virgil. Tenir.
        In sinu tenere aliquem. Ouid. Embrasser.
        Tenet se trans Tiberim in hortis. Plin. iunior. Il se tient et demeure oultre le Tybre.
        Multa haereditatibus, multa emptionibus, multa dotibus tenebantur. Cic. Estoyent tenuz et possedez.
        Tulliam adhuc mecum teneo. Cic. Je retiens avec moy.
        Nisi quid te tenuit. Ci. Si quelque chose ne t'a retenu ou retardé.
        Ventus tenuit nos. Cic. Nous a detenu.
        Hunc Phoenissa tenet Dido. Virgil. Retarge et arreste.
        Ne diutius teneam, pecunia attributa numerata est. Cic. Pour le faire court, A fin que je ne vous tienne point plus long temps.
        Tenere hominem dicitur res aliqua. Plin. iun. Retenir.
        Teneo melius ista, quam meum nomen. Martialis. Il me souvient mieulx de ceci, que de, etc.
        Teneatur modo illud, non inesse in his quicquam tale. Cic. Pourveu qu'on se tienne tousjours asseuré, et qu'on tienne pour certain que, etc.
        Agnatione et gente deorum, siue cognatione teneri. Cic. Estre de leur parenté.
        Eorum qui aliena tenebant, et eorum qui sua amiserant. Cic. Detenoyent.
        Etsi amor me grauiter consuetudoque tenet. Terent. Me meut grandement.
        Amore alicuius magno teneri. Virgil. Fort aimer.
        Angustiis teneri. Cic. Estre detenu en un destroict.
        Animos metu tenere, et acerbitate poenarum. Liu. Contenir et engarder de ne rien faire.
        Animo tenere. Cic. Comprendre en son esprit.
        In armis milites tenuit, si opus foret auxilio. Liu. Il les teint en armes tout prests.
        Attentos tenere, vel attentos animos. Cic. Entretenir tousjours en volunté d'ouir.
        Causam tenere. Sueton. Gaigner sa cause, Obtenir.
        Complexu suo aliquid tenere. Cic. Embrasser.
        Concionibus tenere populum. Cic. Entretenir et gouverner le peuple par frequentes harangues qu'on luy fait.
        Consensum aliquorum tenere. Plin. iunior. Garder et entretenir.
        Consilium alicuius tenere. Plaut. Se souvenir du conseil d'aucun, et faire selon iceluy.
        Consuetudinem suam tenere. Cic. Entretenir sa coustume.
        Tenuit consuetudo, vt praeceptoribus eloquentiae discipuli serius, quam ratio postulat, traderentur. Quintil. La coustume a obtenu, etc.
        Conturbatum tenuit me haec res. Cice. Cela me troubla longuement.
        Crimen alicuius tenere argumento aliquo. Cic. Le convaincre et verifier.
        Cupiditas dimicandi cum Annibale tenet illum. Liu. Il ha grand faim de se combatre contre Annibal.
        Cursum tenere. Cic. Entretenir le cours commencé, Continuer son cours ou sa course.
        Cursum alicuius tenere. Ouid. Empescher et retarder la navigation d'aucun.
        Cursum aliquem tenere, per translationem. Cic. Suyvre son naturel, Suyvre et continuer ce qu'on a entreprins.
        Decorum tenere. Cic. Avoir bonne grace.
        Decus tenere. Cic. Garder honnesteté.
        Delectum rerum tenere. Cic. Garder et observer difference.
        Teneri magno desiderio alicuius. Cic. Fort desirer.
        Dignitatem tenere. Quod et retinere dicitur et obseruare. Cic. L'entretenir, Maintenir, Garder sa dignité en son entier.
        Disciplinam tenere. Cic. Estre scavant, Scavoir une discipline et un art.
        Dolorem tenere. Cic. Retenir sa douleur en soymesme, et ne la monstrer point par dehors, ne se courroucer point.
        Dominatu alterius teneri. Cic. Estre soubz la puissance et seigneurie d'aucun.
        Errore aliquo teneri. Ouid. Errer.
        Tenet fama, quum fluitantem alueum, quo expositi erant pueri, tenuis in sicco aqua destituisset, etc. Liu. Le bruit dure encore, etc.
        Famam et opinionem hominum tenere. Caesar. Garder et entretenir l'estimation qu'on ha de nous.
        Fides eum non tenet, sed merces. Liu. Il ne luy chault pas tant de sa foy et promesse, que de son prouffit.
        Flagitiis teneri. Tacit. Estre attainct ou convaincu de meschancetez.
        Fletus tenere. Ouid. Se garder de plourer.
        Foederibus alienis teneri. Liu. Estre tenu et obligé par les pactions et accords que fait un tiers.
        Fugam alicuius tenere. Lucan. Empescher la fuite.
        Fugam tenere per medios hostes. Virgil. S'enfuir, etc. Se sauver en fuyant, etc.
        Gratiam alicuius tenere. Cic. Avoir credit envers luy, Estre en sa grace.
        Grauitatem tenere. Cic. Tenir gravité.
        Gubernacula Reipub. tenere. Cic. Avoir le gouvernement de la chose publique.
        Haereditatem tenere. Cic. Jouir d'une succession.
        Summam imperii tenere. Caesar. Avoir la souveraineté, ou souveraine puissance.
        Imperio Romano teneri. Cic. Estre subject à l'empire Romain.
        Insaniam tenere. Plaut. Estre insensé.
        Institutum tenere. Cic. Suyvre, Entretenir et garder sa coustume et maniere de faire.
        Hoc interdicto Ebutius non tenetur. Cic. N'est point comprins par cest interdict.
        Iram vel iracundiam tenere. Cic. Contenir, ou retenir son ire, Se garder de courroucer.
        Quo tenetis iter? Virgil. Où tendez vous? Où allez vous?
        Iucunditatem perpetuam vitae tenere. Cic. Estre joyeulx tout le temps de sa vie.
        Iudicia tenere. Cic. Avoir tousjours l'administration de la justice touchant les matieres criminelles.
        Iureiurando teneri. Cic. Estre obligé envers aucun soubz serment presté, de laquelle obligation on n'est point encore acquicté.
        Ius tenere. Plaut. Estre scavant en droict et en loix.
        Ius suum tenere. Cic. Garder son droict.
        Lachrymas tenere. Cicero. Retenir ses larmes, Se garder de plourer.
        Legem aliquam tenere. Terent. Estre subject à la loy.
        Leges eum non tenent. Cic. Il n'est point subject aux loix.
        Si vllam partem libertatis tenebo. Cic. Si j'ay le moins du monde de liberté.
        Locum tenere. Cic. Posseder.
        Locum honestum seruitutis tenere. Cic. Tenir le lieu le plus honorable entre les autres serviteurs.
        Tenuit cum hoc locum quendam. Cic. Il fut son compaignon, et eut quelque bruit et reputation en son temps.
        Tenere locum. Cic. Ne bouger de sa place.
        Tenere locum aliquem. Liu. Y demourer et habiter.
        Teneri ludis, pompa, spectaculis. Cic. Prendre plaisir aux jeux.
        Mare tenere. Cic. Estre maistre sur la mer.
        Septimum iam diem Corcyrae tenebamur. Cicero. Estions detenuz et arrestez.
        Mediocritatem tenere. Cic. Tenir moyen.
        Medium tenere. Cic. Tenir moyen.
        Memoria tenere rem aliquam. Cic. Avoir memoire de quelque chose, Garder la memoire.
        Tenet vos memoria mei. Cic. Vous avez memoire et souvenance de moy.
        Animis ac memoria tenetote. Cic. Souvienne vous en.
        Metu teneri. Liu. Avoir grand paour.
        Mora nulla tenuit vocatos. Ouid. A retenu.
        Morbus tenet eum. Plaut. Il est detenu de maladie, Il est malade.
        Morem tenere. Cic. Garder une coustume.
        Nomen aeternum tenere. Virgil. Garder et retenir, ou avoir.
        Nomen legum tenere. Cic. Retenir le nom de la loy.
        Obsidione teneri. Virgil. Estre assiegé.
        Obstrictum teneri foedere. Cic. Estre obligé par un traicté de paix.
        Occasionem tenere. Cic. Avoir entre ses mains l'occasion qu'on demandoit.
        Occupatum et impeditum tenere. Cic. Empescher et empestrer.
        Tenere aliquem in oculis, auribus, complexu, etc. Cic. Le veoir, L'ouir parler, L'embrasser.
        Odium vestri ordinis tenet eos. Cic. Ils ont en haine vostre ordre.
        In officio tenere aliquos. Caesar. Entretenir en leur debvoir et en la subjection d'un roy, qu'ils ne rebellent point.
        Omnia tenere. Cic. Avoir tout en sa puissance.
        Oppidum septem cohortium praesidio tenebant. Caesar. Ils avoyent dedens la ville garnison de sept, etc. et la tenoyent en leur puissance.
        Ora tenere. Cic. Se taire, Ne dire mot.
        Ora tenere. Virgil. Tenir le visage en un estat sans le remuer.
        Intelligebam sine te non esse nobis illas partes tenendas propter Antonium. Cic. Que je ne debvoye pas tenir ce chemin là, ou aller par ce costé là.
        Percepta et comprehensa tenere. Cic. Entendre.
        Quam personam teneant, non intelligunt. Cic. Ils ne scavent encore de quel mestier et profession ils sont.
        Planta tenet. Columel. Tient et a prins racine.
        Poena aliqua teneri. Cic. Avoir forfaict contre quelque loy imposant peine.
        Portum tenere. Liu. Estre à port et arrivé.
        Principatum tenere. Cic. Estre le principal.
        Principatum sententiae tenere. Cic. Opiner le premier, Dire son opinion en premier lieu.
        Promissum tenere. Cic. Tenir sa promesse.
        Propositum tenere. Caes. Venir au dessus de ses atteintes, Parvenir à ses intentions, Faire ce qu'on avoit proposé de faire.
        Prouinciam tenere. Cic. Avoir le gouvernement d'une province.
        Rationem iuris aequabilem tenere. Cic. Garder un droict equitable à un chascun.
        Religione teneri. Cic. N'oser faire quelque chose au moyen du serment ou autre empeschement concernant la conscience.
        Rem oculis, non coniectura tenere. Cic. Scavoir quelque chose par l'avoir veue, Averer une chose par inspection.
        Ab improbis et perditis ciuibus Resp. tenetur. Cicero. Les meschants sont maistres de la chose publique.
        Risum tenere. Cic. Se garder de rire.
        Rura tenere. Ouid. Estre és champs.
        Se intra silentium tenere. Plin. iunior. Se taire.
        Se in silentio tenere. Plin. iunior. Ne dire mot.
        Se in equestri ordine tenere. Plin. iunior. S'y tenir et demourer sans monter plus hault.
        Se improbis artibus tenere. Plaut. S'entretenir.
        Sese castris tenere. Caesar. Ne bouger de son fort.
        Se domo tenere. Cic. Ne bouger de la maison.
        Se domesticis finibus tenere. Cic. Se contenter de, etc.
        Se suis finibus tenere. Cic. Se tenir à ce qu'on ha, et se contenter.
        Se loco tenere. Liu. Ne bouger de sa place.
        Tenere se intra grauitatem. Plin. iunior. Se contenir en sa gravité, Garder sa gravité.
        Hoc loco tenere se Triarius non potuit, Obsecro, inquit, etc. Cic. Ne se peult contenir et taire.
        Teneo ab accusando vix me hercule. Cic. A grand peine me puis je tenir que je, etc.
        Tenuit sententia altera. Plin. iunior. A esté receue, A obtenu.
        Sententiam aliquam tenere. Cicero. Tenir quelque opinion.
        Sermone suo tenere aliquem. Cic. Entretenir sans l'ennuyer.
        Silentium inde aliquandiu tenuit. Liu. On se teut, Il y eut longue silence.
        Silentium tenet populus. Liu. Il se taist, Il tient silence.
        Sitis tenet hiantes. Lucret. Nous avons grand soif, ou desir.
        Somnum tenere. Cic. Se garder de dormir.
        Spem tenere. Plaut. Avoir esperance.
        Magna me spes tenet, si ea quae, etc. Cic. J'ay grande esperance.
        Studia agri colendi tenere. Cic. Maintenir tousjours et entretenir, Poursuyvre tousjours le train d'agriculture.
        Teneri studio alicuius rei. Cic. Prendre plaisir à quelque chose.
        Teneri iisdem studiis. Cic. Avoir aussi grande affection d'une chose, qu'à une autre.
        Summum me eorum studium tenet, sicut odium iam caeterarum rerum. Cic. J'ay grand desir de les veoir.
        Suum tenere. Cic. Garder le sien.
        Temperamentum tenere. Plin. iun. Garder moyen.
        Verecundia teneri. Liu. Estre honteux.
        Vestigia alicuius tenere. Liuius. Le suyvre de pres, et ne perdre point sa trace.
        Viam tenere. Cic. Suyvre la voye et l'exemple.
        Perge tenere istiam viam. Cic. Tenir ce chemin.
        Vocem tenere. Ouid. Se taire.
        Voce tenere ruentem. Lucan. Retarder.
        Voto et promisso teneri. Cic. Estre obligé et astreinct.
        Vrbem aliquam tenere. Cic. La tenir et l'avoir de son parti.
        Tene tibi. Plaut. Prens le pour toy.
        Redi: quo fugis nunc? tene tene. Plaut. Tien tien, vien ca.
        Teneri manifesto. Plaut. Estre surprins, Prins sur le faict, Estre convaincu si apertement, qu'on ne le puisse nier.
        Tenere aliquem manifestum mendacii. Plaut. Surprendre en menterie evidente.
        Teneri de vi. Seneca. Estre coulpable du crime de violence et effort.
        Teneri. Cic. Estre convaincu.
        Scripseram tenuisse Varenum, vt sibi euocare testes liceret. Plin. iun. Que Varenus avoit obtenu et impetré, etc.
        Obducto late tenet omnia limo. Virgil. Couvre.
        Capitolia celsa tenebat. Virgil. Defendoit.
        Aliter leges, aliter philosophi tollunt astutias. Leges, quatenus manu tenere possunt: Philosophi, quatenus ratione et intelligentia. Cic. Selon qu'elles y peuvent mettre ordre, Selon que ceulx qui escrivent les loix peuvent penser et mettre les cas par escript.
        Incendium per duas noctes, ac diem vnum tenuit. Liuius. Dura.
        His causis quae familiaritate et consuetudine tenentur. Cic. Qui sont à cause de la familiarité.
        Tribus rebus animantium vita tenetur, cibo, potione, spiritu. Cic. Est entretenue et conservee.
        Posteaquam vnum, quo tenebamur, amisimus. Cic. Depuis qu'avons perdu ce qui nous maintenoit en estre.
        Tenere. Plaut. Entendre et scavoir.
        Tenes quid dicam? Terent. Entens tu ce que je di?

    Dictionarium latinogallicum > teneo

  • 2 teneo

    tĕnĕo, tĕnŭi, tentum, 2 ( perf. subj. tetinerim, Pac. ap. Non. 178, 15:


    Att. ib. 178, 12:


    Pac. ib. 178, 11; fut. perf. tetinero, acc. to Fest. p. 252 Müll. Another collat. form of the perf. tenivi, acc. to Charis. p. 220 P.; Diom. pp. 363 and 369 ib.), v. a. and n. [root ten-, tan-; Gr. tanumai, teinô; Sanscr. tanomi, to stretch, spread; this root appears in many derived meanings; cf. Lat.: tendo, tenuis, tener, tenor, tenus].
    Act., to hold, keep, have in the hand, in the mouth, etc.
    In gen.: Eu. Porrige bracchium, prehende: jam tenes? Cha. Teneo. Eu. Tene, Plaut. Merc. 5, 2, 42; cf.


    id. Pers. 3, 3, 9:

    cum pyxidem teneret in manu,

    Cic. Cael. 26, 63;

    for which: aliquid manu,

    Quint. 10, 7, 31; Ov. M. 11, 560; id. A. A. 1, 320; Hor. Ep. 1, 19, 34:

    aliquid dextrā,

    Ov. F. 1, 99:


    id. ib. 2, 102; id. M. 9, 86; 9, 522:


    id. ib. 2, 100 al.:

    radicem ore,

    Cic. Div. 2, 68, 141:

    cibum ore,

    Phaedr. 1, 4, 6;

    for which: decoctum diu in ore,

    Plin. 25, 13, 105, § 166:

    aliquem in sinu,

    Ov. H. 3, 114;

    for which: aliquem sinu,

    id. ib. 13, 157:


    Ter. Eun. 3, 5, 50:


    Verg. A. 6, 224:


    Liv. 2, 19. — Prov.: manu tenere aliquid, to seize, grasp, or comprehend a thing which is palpable or evident: aliter leges, aliter philosophi tollunt astutias: leges, quātenus manu tenere possunt;

    philosophi, quātenus ratione et intellegentiā,

    Cic. Off. 3, 17, 68; cf.:

    cum res non conjecturā, sed oculis ac manibus teneretur,

    id. Clu. 7, 20. —
    In partic.
    With the accessory idea of possession, to hold, i. e. to be master of, have in one ' s power, possess, etc. (syn.:

    possideo, habeo): multa hereditatibus, multa emptionibus, multa dotibus tenebantur sine injuriā,

    Cic. Off. 2, 23, 81:

    quae tenuit dives Achaemenes,

    Hor. C. 2, 12, 21:

    Evander qui multis ante tempestatibus tenuerat loca,

    Liv. 1, 5:

    provinciam a praedonibus liberam,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 11, 32:

    colles praesidiis,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 43:

    Formiarum moenia et Lirim,

    Hor. C. 3, 17, 8:

    tenente Caesare terras,

    id. ib. 3, 14, 15:

    rem publicam,

    Cic. Mur. 39, 83; id. Sest. 19, 44:

    summam imperii,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 22:

    equitum centurias,

    Cic. Fam. 11, 16, 3:

    alterum cornu,

    to command, Nep. Pelop. 4, 3:

    provincias aliaque omnia,

    Sall. C. 39, 2: scenam, to have sole possession of. [p. 1854] rule over, Suet. Tit. 7. —

    Of the possession of the object of affection: te tenet,

    Tib. 1, 6, 35; 2, 6, 52; Verg. E. 1, 32; Ov. H. 2, 103 Ruhnk.; 15, 88; id. Am. 3, 7, 3; Phaedr. 2, 2, 4.—In colloq. lang., teneo te, I have you once more, of again seeing the beloved person:

    teneone te, Antiphila, maxime animo exoptata meo?

    Ter. Heaut. 2, 4, 27 Ruhnk.; Sen. Ben. 7, 4; Ov. H. 18, 183; cf.:

    et comitem Aenean juxta natumque tenebat Ingrediens,

    Verg. A. 8, 308.—Also like our I have you (fast, bound, etc.):

    teneo te, inquam, nam ista Academiae est propria sententia,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 48, 148; id. Quint. 20, 63.— Absol.: qui tenent (sc. rem publicam), who are in possession of the State, of public affairs:

    qui tenent, qui potiuntur,

    Cic. Att. 7, 12, 3; 2, 18, 1. —
    With the accessory idea of firmness, persistence, to hold fast, occupy; to watch, guard, defend; to maintain, retain a thing:

    legio locum non tenuit atque in proximum collem se recepit,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 44:

    montes teneri,

    id. B. G. 3, 2:

    haec noctu firmis praesidiis tenebantur,

    id. ib. 7, 69:

    Capitolia celsa tenebat,

    Verg. A. 8, 653:

    quo teneam Protea nodo?

    Hor. Ep. 1, 1, 90:

    te neque intra Claustra tenebo,

    id. C. 3, 11, 44; cf.:

    in manicis et Compedibus saevo te sub custode tenebo,

    id. Ep. 1, 16, 77: laqueis (se) sensit teneri... fugam frustra tentabat;

    at illam Lenta tenet radix exsultantemque coërcet,

    Ov. M. 11, 74 sq.; 1, 535:

    Athenae tuae sempiternam in arce oleam tenere potuerunt,

    Cic. Leg. 1, 1, 2:

    agri qui diu aquam tenent,

    Pall. Apr. 2, 4:

    classem ibi tenebat,

    Liv. 31, 46, 8: secundissimo vento cursum tenere, to hold or keep one ' s course, Cic. N. D. 3, 34, 83; cf.:

    vento intermisso cursum non tenuit,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 8; 4, 28; so,


    Cic. Planc. 21, 52; id. Rep. 1, 2, 3 fin.; Quint. 4, 3, 13:

    quo iter,

    Verg. A. 1, 370; Plin. Ep. 6, 16, 10:

    (lunam) fingunt cursus viam sub sole tenere,

    Lucr. 5, 714:

    tenuit tamen vestigia Bucar,

    Liv. 29, 32, 6.—
    With the accessory idea of reaching the object aimed at, to reach, attain a place:

    montes effuso cursu Sabini petebant et pauci tenuere,

    Liv. 1, 37, 4:


    id. 30, 25, 11:


    id. 36, 21, 1:


    id. 37, 16, 4; 37, 11, 5; 37, 13, 4;

    26, 29, 4: Hesperiam,

    Ov. F. 1, 498:


    id. H. 18, 198; Tac. Agr. 38 fin.:

    cum quibus (navibus) Cythnum insulam tenuit,

    id. H. 2, 9.—
    With the accessory idea of movement impeded, to hold fast, hold back, hinder, restrain, detain, check, control, stay, etc.:

    naves, quae vento tenebantur,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 22:

    quid hic agatur, scire poteris ex eo, qui litteras attulit, quem diutius tenui, quia, etc.,

    Cic. Att. 11, 3, 1:

    si id te non tenet, advola,

    id. Fam. 16, 19:

    septimum jam diem Corcyrae tenebamur,

    id. ib. 16, 7 init.:

    Marcellum ab gerundis rebus valetudo adversa Nolae tenuit,

    Liv. 24, 20, 7:

    non tenebo te pluribus,

    Cic. Fam. 11, 16, 3; cf. absol.:

    ne diutius teneam,

    id. Verr. 2, 1, 13, § 34: solutum (corpus) tenere, Cels. praef. med.; cf.


    id. 4, 19 med.:

    tene linguam,

    Ov. F. 2, 602:

    pecus omne tenendum,

    Verg. G. 2, 371:

    vix a te videor posse tenere manus,

    Ov. Am. 1, 4, 10; so,


    id. M. 13, 203; cf.:

    manum stomachumque teneto,

    Hor. S. 2, 7, 44:

    saeva tene cum Berecyntio Cornu tympana,

    id. C. 1, 18, 13:

    et Phoebi tenuere viam,

    i. e. impeded, closed up, Luc. 5, 136:

    quo me decet usque teneri?

    Verg. A. 5, 384:


    Caes. B. G. 1, 39; so,

    lacrimas in morte miserā non tenebamus,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 67, § 172:

    dictator exercitum in stativis tenebat,

    Liv. 6, 14, 1. —
    Esp.: se tenere, to keep back, remain, stay:

    Sabinus castris sese tenebat,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 17; 1, 40; Liv. 2, 45, 2:

    nullā clade acceptā castris se pavidus tenebat,

    id. 3, 26, 3:

    Hasdrubal procul ab hoste intervallo tenebat se,

    id. 23, 26, 2:

    se domi a conventu remotum tenere,

    Nep. Dion, 9, 1:

    ego tamen teneo ab accusando vix me hercule: sed tamen teneo,

    restrain myself, refrain, Cic. Q. Fr. 3, 2, 2:

    nec se tenuit, quin, etc.,

    id. Ac. 2, 4, 12; cf.

    mid.: teneri non potui, quin tibi apertius illud idem his litteris declararem,

    id. Att. 15, 14, 2; Just. 6, 7, 10; cf.:

    se intra silentium tenuit,

    Plin. Ep. 4, 17, 8:

    multum me intra silentium tenui,

    id. ib. 7, 6, 6.—
    In gen., to hold, contain in the mind, to conceive, comprehend, know (syn.:

    percipio, intellego): nunc ego teneo, nunc scio, Quid sit hoc negotii,

    Plaut. Capt. 3, 5, 39: tenes Quorsum haec tendant quae loquor, id. Ps. 1, 2, 81:

    tenes, quid dicam?

    Ter. Heaut. 4, 3, 22:


    I understand, id. And. 1, 1, 59:

    teneo quid erret,

    id. 3, 2, 18; Cic. Rep. 1, 23, 37; cf.: quibus capiatur Caesar, tenes, Caecin. ap. Cic. Fam. 6, 7, 5:

    quae a Romanis auguribus ignorantur, a Cilicibus... Lyciis tenentur,

    Cic. Div. 1, 15, 25:

    quoniam ea, quae tenebatis ipsi, etiam ex me audire voluistis,

    id. Rep. 1, 46, 70:

    alicujus reconditos sensus,

    id. Sest. 10, 22:

    quo pacto cuncta tenerem,

    Hor. S. 2, 4, 8:

    et teneo melius ista,

    Mart. 4, 37, 7.—With inf.:

    nullus frugi esse homo potest, nisi qui et bene facere et male tenet,

    Plaut. Bacch. 4, 4, 10; Lucr. 3, 647.—
    In partic.
    To have possession of, have the mastery of, to control any thing:

    cum rem publicam opes paucorum non virtutes tenere coeperunt,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 34, 51.—
    To hold fast, guard, preserve, uphold, keep, insist (syn. servo):

    sin consuetudinem meam, quam in re publicā semper habui, tenuero,

    Cic. Phil. 1, 11, 27:


    id. ib. 5, 13, 35:


    id. Fam. 1, 9, 21:


    id. Rep. 1, 28, 44:

    non tenebat ornatum suum civitas,

    id. ib. 1, 27, 43:

    si jus suum populi teneant,

    id. ib. 1, 32, 48:

    nec diutius umquam tenetur idem rei publicae modus,

    id. ib. 1, 44, 68:

    est boni viri, haec duo tenere in amicitiā, etc.,

    id. Lael. 18, 65:


    id. Off. 3, 10, 44; so id. Fl. 7, 15; Verg. A. 3, 408:


    Cic. Balb. 15, 34:

    tenebat non modo auctoritatem, sed etiam imperium in suos,

    id. Sen. 11, 37:


    Liv. 1, 28, 8.—
    To hold fast, maintain, support, defend, uphold, insist:

    illud arcte tenent accurateque defendunt, voluptatem esse summum bonum,

    hold fast, maintain, Cic. Par. 1, 3, 14; cf.:

    illud, quod multos annos tenuisset,

    id. Ac. 2, 22, 71; and:

    quod idem Peripatetici non tenent,

    id. Fin. 3, 13, 44:

    propositum tenere,

    to maintain, Caes. B. C. 3, 42, 1:

    suas leges,

    Cic. Verr. 1, 4, 13:

    causam apud centumviros,

    id. Caecin. 24, 67:

    quo causae teste tenentur,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 16, 43:

    locum quendam cum aliquo,

    Cic. Brut. 21, 81.— With ne:

    plebs tenuit, ne consules in proximum annum crearentur,

    Liv. 4, 30, 16:

    ne quid ferretur ad populum, patres tenuere,

    id. 3, 29, 8; 24, 19, 7. — With ut:

    tenuere patres, ut Fabius consul crearetur,

    Liv. 2, 42, 2 Weissenb. ad loc.:

    scripseram tenuisse Varenum ut sibi evocare testes liceret,

    Plin. Ep. 6, 5, 1.—
    Of memory:

    alicujus memoriam cum summā benevolentiā tenere,

    to recollect, preserve a recollection of, Cic. Fam. 6, 2, 1.—Esp.:

    memoriā tenere: memoriā tenetis, compluris in Capitolio res de caelo esse percussas,

    you remember, Cic. Cat. 3, 8, 19; id. Fam. 1, 9, 12; Caes. B. G. 1, 14; cf.:

    memoriā teneo, C. Sulpicium Gallum, etc.,

    id. Rep. 1, 14, 21; v. memoria; so without memoria, to bear in mind, remember, recollect:

    satin' haec meministi et tenes?

    Plaut. Pers. 2, 2, 1:

    numeros memini, si verba tenerem,

    Verg. E. 9, 45:

    dicta tenere,

    Hor. A. P. 336; id. S. 2, 4, 8:

    quem (Cyrum) omnia militum tenuisse creditum est nomina,

    Quint. 11, 2, 50; 11, 2, 45.—
    To reach an object striven after, to gain, acquire, obtain, attain (syn. assequor):

    per cursum rectum regnum tenere,

    Cic. Agr. 2, 17, 44:

    Servium Tullium post hunc captivā natum, ingenio virtute regnum tenuisse,

    Liv. 4, 3, 12:

    teneri res aliter non potest,

    Cic. Fam. 1, 1, 3:

    multa tenuisse,

    Liv. 42, 11, 8:


    Ov. M. 13, 190.—
    To hold, hold back, repress, restrain, bind, fetter, etc. (syn.:

    refreno, retineo): iracundiam teneat, avaritiam coërceat,

    Cic. Par. 5, 1, 33:


    id. Att. 12, 38, 2:


    id. Verr. 2, 3, 1, § 3:


    id. Brut. 80, 278:


    id. Vatin. 8, 20; Hor. A. P. 5:


    Curt. 4, 2, 5:

    ea, quae occurrant, tenere,

    to hold back, keep to themselves, Cic. de Or. 2, 54, 221.—
    Of laws, etc., to bind, hold, obligate, be binding on, control, etc.:

    quamquam leges eum non tenent,

    Cic. Phil. 11, 5, 11; cf.:

    interdicto non teneri,

    id. Caecin. 14, 41:

    voto quodam et promisso teneri,

    id. Att. 12, 18, 1:

    ut plebi scita omnes Quirites tenerent,

    Liv. 8, 12, 14; cf.:

    olim patricii dicebant se plebi scitis non teneri,

    Gai. Inst. 1, 3:

    cum velut in controverso jure esset, tenerenturne patres plebi scitis, legem tulere, ut quod tributim plebis jussisset, populum teneret,

    Liv. 3, 55, 3:

    teneri alienis foederibus,

    id. 24, 29, 11: poenā teneri, to be subject or liable to, Cic. Q. Fr. 2, 3, 5:

    testibus in re perspicuā teneri,

    to be convicted, id. Caecin. 2, 4; cf.: nemo ita in manifesto peccatu tenebatur, ut, etc., id. Verr. 2, 2, 78, § 191:

    caedis teneri,

    Quint. 5, 14, 11:

    teneri repetundarum,

    Tac. A. 11, 7 fin.:


    Dig. 6, 1, 4:


    ib. 47, 10, 11:


    ib. 17, 1, 10.— Transf.:

    nisi illi ipsi, qui eas (libidines) frangere deberent, cupiditatis ejusdem tenerentur,

    Cic. Leg. 3, 13, 31 Mos. and Orell. N. cr.
    Of dispositions, desires, etc., to possess, occupy, control:

    quae te tanta pravitas mentis tenuerit, ut, etc.,

    has had possession of you, Cic. Vatin. 6, 14:

    summum me eorum (librorum) studium tenet,

    id. Att. 1, 11, 3:

    magna me spes tenet,

    id. Tusc. 1, 41, 97:

    de triumpho nulla me cupiditas umquam tenuit,

    id. Att. 7, 2, 6:

    si consilio pulso libidines iracundiaeve tenerent omnia,

    id. Rep. 1, 38, 60:

    nisi forte quem inhonesta et perniciosa libido tenet,

    Sall. J. 3, 4: neque irā neque gratiā teneri, to be controlled or influenced, Cic. N. D. 1, 17, 45; so,

    teneri desiderio,

    id. Sen. 10, 33:

    studio philosophiae,

    id. Ac. 1, 2, 4:

    magno amore,

    Verg. A. 1, 675:

    pompā, ludis atque ejusmodi spectaculis teneri,

    to be enchained, fascinated, Cic. Fin. 5, 18, 48; cf.:

    ut oculi picturā teneantur, aures cantibus,

    id. Ac. 2, 7, 20:

    is qui audit, ab oratore jam obsessus est ac tenetur,

    id. Or. 62, 210.—With ne, Ov. M. 7, 146. —
    To take in, comprise, comprehend, include:

    haec magnos formula reges, Excepto sapiente, tenet,

    Hor. S. 2, 3, 46.—More freq. pass.: teneri aliquā re, to be contained, comprised, grounded, to consist in a thing:

    ut homines deorum agnatione et gente teneantur,

    Cic. Leg. 1, 7, 23:

    id quod (genus officiorum) teneatur hominum societate,

    id. Off. 1, 45, 160:

    quae (causae) familiaritate et consuetudine tenentur,

    id. Fam. 13, 29, 1:

    dixi jam antea, ipsam rationem arandi spe magis et jucunditate quadam quam fructu atque emolumento teneri,

    id. Verr. 2, 3, 98, § 227.
    Neutr. (freq. after the Aug. per.; perh. not in Cic.).
    To hold a position anywhere, maintain one ' s self:

    quā abscisae rupes erant, statio paucorum armatorum tenebat,

    Liv. 32, 5, 12:

    duo extra ordinem milia tenuere,

    id. 3, 62, 7:

    tenent Danai, quā deficit ignis,

    Verg. A. 2, 505.—
    For cursum tenere, to hold or take one ' s way, to sail, steer in any direction:

    Aeneam... ab Siciliā classe ad Laurentem agrum tenuisse,

    Liv. 1, 1, 4:

    Cassandream petentes, primo ad Mendin tenuere,

    Liv. 31, 45, 14:

    ad Mendaeum,

    id. 21, 49, 2:


    Ov. M. 3, 690:


    id. ib. 13, 706:


    id. F. 1, 498:


    id. ib. 4, 290 al.:

    medio tutissimus ibis... Inter utrumque tene,

    Ov. M. 2, 140.—
    Trop., with the accessory idea of continuance (cf. I. A. 2. b. and B. 2. b. supra), to hold out, hold on, last, endure, continue, maintain itself, prevail, etc. (cf. obtineo):

    imber per noctem totam tenuit,

    Liv. 23, 44, 6; cf.:

    incendium per duas noctes ac diem unum tenuit,

    id. 24, 47, 15:

    per aliquot dies ea consultatio tenuit,

    id. 2, 3, 5; 3, 47, 6:

    tenet fama, lupam, etc.,

    id. 1, 4, 6:

    quod nunc quoque tenet nomen,

    id. 1, 17, 6:

    fama tenuit, haud plus fuisse modio,

    id. 23, 12, 2; 21, 46, 10:

    tenuit consuetudo, quae cottidie magis invalescit, ut, etc.,

    Quint. 2, 1, 1 Spald.; so,

    consuetudo, ut, etc.,

    id. 8, 5, 2:

    nomen illud tenet,

    id. 9, 4, 47 Spald.; cf. Ov. M. 1, 712.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > teneo

  • 3 custos

    custōs, ōdis, m. et f. [st1]1 [-] qui garde, qui veille sur, conservateur, protecteur, protectrice.    - dei custodes hujus Urbis, Cic. Sest. 53: les dieux protecteurs de Rome.    - custos capitis mei, Cic.: celui qui veille sur mes jours. [st1]2 [-] garde, gardien, gardienne, sentinelle, surveillant.    - nullus est portis custos, Cic. Cat. 2, 27: il n'y a pas un garde aux portes.    - quarta vigilia... de muro cum vigiliis custodibusque nostris conloquitur, Caes. BC. 1, 22: à la quatrième veille... du haut du rempart il parle à nos sentinelles et à nos gardes.    - fani custodes, Cic. Verr. 4, 94: les gardiens du temple.    - hortorum custodes, Suet. Cal. 59: les gardes des jardins.    - absol. custodes, Virg. G. 3, 406: chiens de garde.    - senatum rei publicae custodem collocaverunt, Cic. Sest. 137: ils ont préposé le sénat à la garde de l'Etat.    - custodes dare, Cic. Nep.: donner une escorte (à qqn).    - custodes disponere in vallo, Caes.: placer des sentinelles sur le retranchement.    - custos dignitatis fortitudo, Cic. Tusc. 2, 33: le courage est le garant de notre dignité.    - custos corporis, Liv. 24, 7, 4: garde du corps.    - Tartareus custos, Virg. En. 6: (Cerbère), gardien du Tartare. [st1]3 [-] gardien, geôlier.    - saevo te sub custode tenebo, Hor. Ep. 1, 16, 77: je te soumettrai à un cruel gardien.    - praefectus custodum, Nep.: l'officier des geôliers. [st1]4 [-] pédagogue, mentor, gouverneur (d'un jeune enfant).    - cf. gr. παιδοϕύλαξ.    - bone custos, Ter. Ph. 287: ô excellent pédagogue. [st1]5 [-] contrôleur, scrutateur dans les comices, gardien de l'urne électorale.    - Varr. R. R. 3, 5, 18; Cic. Agr. 2, 9, 22; Cic. Red. Sen. 7, 17. [st1]6 [-] courson (branche taillée court pour que la sève s'y concentre).    - Cato. Agr. 33, 1. [st1]7 [-] le gardien de l'Ourse (étoile de la constellation du Bouvier).    - cf. gr. Ἀρκτοϕύλαξ.    - Vitr. 9, 4, 1.
    * * *
    custōs, ōdis, m. et f. [st1]1 [-] qui garde, qui veille sur, conservateur, protecteur, protectrice.    - dei custodes hujus Urbis, Cic. Sest. 53: les dieux protecteurs de Rome.    - custos capitis mei, Cic.: celui qui veille sur mes jours. [st1]2 [-] garde, gardien, gardienne, sentinelle, surveillant.    - nullus est portis custos, Cic. Cat. 2, 27: il n'y a pas un garde aux portes.    - quarta vigilia... de muro cum vigiliis custodibusque nostris conloquitur, Caes. BC. 1, 22: à la quatrième veille... du haut du rempart il parle à nos sentinelles et à nos gardes.    - fani custodes, Cic. Verr. 4, 94: les gardiens du temple.    - hortorum custodes, Suet. Cal. 59: les gardes des jardins.    - absol. custodes, Virg. G. 3, 406: chiens de garde.    - senatum rei publicae custodem collocaverunt, Cic. Sest. 137: ils ont préposé le sénat à la garde de l'Etat.    - custodes dare, Cic. Nep.: donner une escorte (à qqn).    - custodes disponere in vallo, Caes.: placer des sentinelles sur le retranchement.    - custos dignitatis fortitudo, Cic. Tusc. 2, 33: le courage est le garant de notre dignité.    - custos corporis, Liv. 24, 7, 4: garde du corps.    - Tartareus custos, Virg. En. 6: (Cerbère), gardien du Tartare. [st1]3 [-] gardien, geôlier.    - saevo te sub custode tenebo, Hor. Ep. 1, 16, 77: je te soumettrai à un cruel gardien.    - praefectus custodum, Nep.: l'officier des geôliers. [st1]4 [-] pédagogue, mentor, gouverneur (d'un jeune enfant).    - cf. gr. παιδοϕύλαξ.    - bone custos, Ter. Ph. 287: ô excellent pédagogue. [st1]5 [-] contrôleur, scrutateur dans les comices, gardien de l'urne électorale.    - Varr. R. R. 3, 5, 18; Cic. Agr. 2, 9, 22; Cic. Red. Sen. 7, 17. [st1]6 [-] courson (branche taillée court pour que la sève s'y concentre).    - Cato. Agr. 33, 1. [st1]7 [-] le gardien de l'Ourse (étoile de la constellation du Bouvier).    - cf. gr. Ἀρκτοϕύλαξ.    - Vitr. 9, 4, 1.
    * * *
        Custos, huius custodis, pen. prod. com. g. Cic. Qui prend garde à quelque chose, et y ha l'oeil, Gardien, ou Gardienne.
        Custos ianitrix. Plaut. Portiere.
        Tribunuspleb. praeses custosque libertatis. Cic. Conservateur de la liberté publique.
        Portae custos. Cic. Portier.
        Acerra, thuris custos. Ouid. Dedens quoy on garde l'encens.
        Coronare abitum custode. Virgil. Mettre des gardes tout autour du lieu par où quelqu'un s'en peult fuir.
        Custos exactor. Tacit. Qui assiste et est present à veoir faire quelque chose: pour l'assistence et presence duquel, ceulx qui besongnent sont plus attentifs à faire leur debvoir.
        Custos in vitibus. Columel. Cela qui demeure sur le col d'un sep de vigne apres qu'elle est taillee, où sont delaissez deux ou trois bourgeons. Une garde, ou autrement Un col.

    Dictionarium latinogallicum > custos

  • 4 labes

    lābes, lābis, f. [labor, labi]    - abl. arch. labi, Lucr. 5, 928. [st1]1 [-] chute, effondrement.    - dare labem, Lucr. 2, 1145: s'écrouler.    - labes agri, Cic. Div. 1, 43, 97: affaissement du sol.    - labes terrae, Liv. 42, 15: éboulement de terre.    - ut multis locis labes factae sint, Cic. Div. 1, 35, 78: tellement qu'en bien des endroits il y eut des glissements de terrain. [st1]2 [-] dégât, ruine, perte, destruction, abîme, gouffre.    - hinc mihi prima mali labes, Virg. En. 2, 97: c'est ainsi que j'ai commencé à glisser dans le malheur.    - metuo legionibus labem, Plaut.: je crains un désastre pour nos légions.    - innocentiae labes ac ruina, Cic. Fl. 10, 24: écroulement et ruine de l'innocence.    - nec novitate cibi nec labi corporis ullā, Lucr. 5, 1145: ni par le changement de nourriture ni par la maladie. [st1]3 [-] marque, tache; au fig. tache, flétrissure, souillure, déshonneur.    - sine labe toga, Ov.: toge immaculée.    - victima labe carens, Ov.: victime sans tache.    - ego perpetuo famam sine labe tenebo, Ov. H. 17: je conserverai éternellement sans tache ma réputation.    - alicui labem inferre, Cic.: flétrir qqn, couvrir qqn de honte.    - labem sceleris in familia relinquere, Cic. Sull. 88: laisser la tache d'un crime sur une famille.    - est haec saeculi quaedam labes, Cic.: c'est la honte de ce siècle.    - hunc tu quas conscientiae labes in animo censes habuisse? Cic. Off. 3: quels stigmates la conscience ne lui avait-elle pas imprimés dans l'âme, à ton avis? [st1]4 [-] qqf. personne funeste, fléau; homme infâme, ignoble.    - labes atque pernicies provinciae Siciliae, Cic. Verr. 1, 1, 2: (Verrès) le fléau et la ruine de la province de Sicile.    - labes popli, pecuniae accipiter, Plaut.: fléau du peuple, vautour d'argent.    - caenum illud ac labes, Cic. Sest. 26: cet homme qui n'est que boue et souillure.
    * * *
    lābes, lābis, f. [labor, labi]    - abl. arch. labi, Lucr. 5, 928. [st1]1 [-] chute, effondrement.    - dare labem, Lucr. 2, 1145: s'écrouler.    - labes agri, Cic. Div. 1, 43, 97: affaissement du sol.    - labes terrae, Liv. 42, 15: éboulement de terre.    - ut multis locis labes factae sint, Cic. Div. 1, 35, 78: tellement qu'en bien des endroits il y eut des glissements de terrain. [st1]2 [-] dégât, ruine, perte, destruction, abîme, gouffre.    - hinc mihi prima mali labes, Virg. En. 2, 97: c'est ainsi que j'ai commencé à glisser dans le malheur.    - metuo legionibus labem, Plaut.: je crains un désastre pour nos légions.    - innocentiae labes ac ruina, Cic. Fl. 10, 24: écroulement et ruine de l'innocence.    - nec novitate cibi nec labi corporis ullā, Lucr. 5, 1145: ni par le changement de nourriture ni par la maladie. [st1]3 [-] marque, tache; au fig. tache, flétrissure, souillure, déshonneur.    - sine labe toga, Ov.: toge immaculée.    - victima labe carens, Ov.: victime sans tache.    - ego perpetuo famam sine labe tenebo, Ov. H. 17: je conserverai éternellement sans tache ma réputation.    - alicui labem inferre, Cic.: flétrir qqn, couvrir qqn de honte.    - labem sceleris in familia relinquere, Cic. Sull. 88: laisser la tache d'un crime sur une famille.    - est haec saeculi quaedam labes, Cic.: c'est la honte de ce siècle.    - hunc tu quas conscientiae labes in animo censes habuisse? Cic. Off. 3: quels stigmates la conscience ne lui avait-elle pas imprimés dans l'âme, à ton avis? [st1]4 [-] qqf. personne funeste, fléau; homme infâme, ignoble.    - labes atque pernicies provinciae Siciliae, Cic. Verr. 1, 1, 2: (Verrès) le fléau et la ruine de la province de Sicile.    - labes popli, pecuniae accipiter, Plaut.: fléau du peuple, vautour d'argent.    - caenum illud ac labes, Cic. Sest. 26: cet homme qui n'est que boue et souillure.
    * * *
        Labes, labis, foem. gen. Cic. Grande ouverture de terre, comme un abysme. C'est aussi ruine, et grande cheute.
        Labes. Festus. Une tache, Macule, Souillure, Note.
        Labes conscientiae. Cic. Remors de conscience.
        Labes innocentiae et ruina. Cic. Corruption, Destruction, Degastement.
        Labes Reipublicae. Cic. La ruine de, etc.
        Dare labem. Lucret. Cheoir lourdement, Trebucher, Ruiner.
        Inferre labem integris. Cic. Leur mettre à sus quelque cas, Les diffamer.

    Dictionarium latinogallicum > labes

  • 5 suscipio

    cēpī, ceptum, ere [ sub + capio ]
    1) подхватывать, поддерживать ( aliquem ruentem V); подпирать ( labentem domum Sen)
    s. aquam O — подставлять рот под (льющуюся) воду, т. е. пить воду
    2) поднимать новорождённого с земли (обряд признания ребенка своим), т. е. признавать, принимать ( puerum Ter)
    а) рождать, приживать, иметь (liberos ex, реже de aliquā Ter etc.)
    б) med.-pass. рождаться на свет (dies natalis meus, quo susceptus sum C)
    4) принимать, допускать
    s. aliquem in populi Romani civitatem C — принимать кого-л. в римское гражданство
    quaerimoniam alicujus s. C юр. — взять на себя представительство чьей-л. жалобы, т. е. защиту претензии
    s. aliquem erudiendum Q — принимать кого-л. в учение
    5) юр. защищать на суде (reum Q; causam, litem Dig)
    6) принимать вид, напускать на себя ( judicis severitatem C)
    8) вводить, учреждать ( ferias Vr); усваивать, воспринимать ( cogitationem sobrii hominis C)
    s. inimicitias Ter, Cпроникнуться враждой или стать жертвой ненависти (ср. 12.)
    s. consilium C — задумать, принять решение
    s. facinus или s. in se crimen C — пойти (отважиться) на преступление, но
    s. in se alicujus crimen C — принять на себя чью-л. вину
    10) принимать на себя, предпринимать, начинать ( negotium C)
    s. gloriam alicujus tuendam C — принять на себя защиту чьей-л. славы
    dicam equidem nec te suspensum, nate, tenebo, suscipit Anchīses V — я скажу и не буду держать тебя в неведении, сын мой, — начинает Анхиз
    12) подвергаться, испытывать, претерпевать, терпеть ( dolorem C)
    s. inimicitias Cнавлечь на себя вражду (ср. 8.)
    s. invidiam apud aliquem C — быть предметом чьей-л. ненависти

    Латинско-русский словарь > suscipio

  • 6 teneo

    tenuī, tentum, ēre
    а) (тж. t. iter или cursum V) держать (направлять) путь ( a Siciliā ad Laurentem agrum L)
    vitae cursum t. C — вести (какой-л.) образ жизни
    б) направлять, обращать ( oculos sub astra V)
    3) достигать, прибывать (portum L, O)
    montes petebant et pauci tenuēre L — (сабиняне) бросились в горы, но (лишь) немногие достигли их
    4) постигать, понимать, узнавать ( aliquid animo C)
    nunc teneo, quid hoc sit negotii Pl — теперь я понимаю, в чём тут дело
    5) владеть, обладать, иметь (maria, multa C, L)
    qui tenent (sc. rem publicam) Cвласть имущие
    t. locum alicujus C — занимать пост кого-л., иметь звание кого-л.
    peste teneri V — быть во власти недуга, перен. попасть в беду
    alicujus rei desiderio teneri C — томиться по чему-л., сожалеть об отсутствии чего-л.
    admiratione alicujus teneri Eutr — быть в восторге от кого-л.
    teneo te Oты опять со мной и C вот я поймал тебя
    6) овладевать, приобретать ( auctoritatem C)
    7) держать, хранить, сохранять (signa mente, verba V); соблюдать (modum, foedus, ordinem C); хранить в памяти, помнить (dicta H; duodĕcim aerumnas Herculis Pt)
    t. memoriam alicujus rei или aliquid memoriā C — помнить что-л.
    8) достигать, добиваться ( jus suum C)
    tenui (ut, ne) L — я добился (чтобы, чтобы не)
    9) удерживать, (успешно) отстаивать (locum, tumulum Cs)
    in obsidione t. — осаждать ( urbem Nep)
    aliquem conturbatum t. C — приводить кого-л. в тревожное состояние
    teneamus, ut censeamus... C — будем придерживаться того мнения...
    10) держаться, продолжаться, длиться (diu C, L; per aliquot dies L)
    11) владеть, приковывать, тж. занимать, услаждать
    aliquid me tenet C — я занят чём-л.
    12) связывать, обязывать (aliquem lege, foedĕre C; jure jurando Cs)
    13) задерживать (cursūs alicujus O; aliquem Romae Eutr)
    suis se t. Pt — оставаться у себя, не выходить из дому
    venti aliquem tenent Cs — ветры задерживают (отплытие) кого-л.
    14) удерживать (Romanos, ne transirent flumen L); сдерживать, умерять (risum H; iracundiam C; lacrĭmas C, Cs, Pt)
    t. manūs ab aliquo O — не тронуть кого-л.
    se non t. (quin) C — не удержаться (от того, чтобы)

    Латинско-русский словарь > teneo

  • 7 Mors ultima linea rerum (e)st

    Смерть - последняя черта всех вещей.
    Гораций, "Послания", I, 16, 73-79:
    Vír bonus ét sapiéns audébit dícere "Péntheu,
    Réctor Thébarúm, quid mé perférre patíque
    Indignúm coges?" - "Adimám bona". - "Némpe pecús, rem,
    Léctos, árgentúm; tollás licet". - "In manicís et
    Cómpedibús saevó te súb custóde tenébo".
    - "Ipse deús, simulátque volám me sólvet". Opínor,
    Hóc sentít, "moriar". Mors última línea rérumst.
    Мудрый же доблестный муж говорить не страшится:
    Фив, о Пенфей! Что меня ты ужасное хочешь заставить
    Несть и терпеть?" - "Отниму все добро". - "Значит,
    скот мой и деньги,
    Ложа и все серебро? Так бери же!" - "Я буду под строгой
    Стражей тебя содержать, и руки и ноги сковавши".
    - "Лишь захочу - меня бог сам избавит от уз!" Полагаю,
    Думает он: "Я умру". Ибо смерть есть предел всех страданий.
    (Пер: Н. Гинцбурга)
    Эти строки воспроизводят спор между плененным в образе своего жреца богом Дионисом и преследующим культ Диониса фиванским царем Пенфеем в трагедии Еврипида "Вакханки" (стихи 492-498).
    Гораций здесь обрисовывает образ стоического мудреца.

    Латинско-русский словарь крылатых слов и выражений > Mors ultima linea rerum (e)st

  • 8 reneo

    re-neo, ēre, eig., zurückspinnen, d.i. das Gespinst auflösen, dolent fila reneri, daß die Schicksalsfäden der Parzen wieder aufgelöst = der Schicksalsbeschluß geändert werde, Ov. fast. 6, 757: stant rata non ullā fila renenda manu, Auct. consol. ad Liv. 444. – / Stat. silv. 3, 1, 171 jetzt fila tenebo.

    lateinisch-deutsches > reneo

  • 9 aufhalten

    aufhalten, I) v. tr. 1) hemmen, im Laufe zuruckhalten: a) übh: morari, remorari, demorari alqm od. alqd. moram facere alci rei. moram afferre alcis rei od. alci rei (einen Verzug für jmd. od. etw. herbeiführen). – tardare. retardare (verzögern, an der Fortsetzung [201] von etw., z. B. der Verfolgung des Feindes, eines Weges etc. hindern). – retinere. sustinere (den Lauf hemmen, z. B. furem, equos, currum). – detinere (ebenf. im Laufe, Fortgange hemmen, z. B. alqm u. alqm pede apprehenso: u. naves [v. Sturm] u. iter: u. = hin halten, Hannibalem acerrimo bello); verb. detinere et demorari alqm. – reprimere (mit Gewalt hemmen, im Laufe zurückhalten, z. B. fugam hostium: u. redundantem lacum). – ducere. trahere. extrahere (in die Länge ziehen, hinziehen, duc. durch absichtliche Untätigkeit, trah. u. extr. durch Mangel an kräftigen Maßregeln u. an Anstrengung, z. B. bellum). – jmd. noch länger au., longiorem moram alci facere: jmd. auf der Reise au., retardare alqm in via; remorari alcis iter: jmd. bei ver Verfolgung des Feindes au., tardare alqm ad insequendum hostem (v. einem Sumpfe). – b) die Zuhörer, Leser: tenere. – ich will dich nicht mit mehrerem au., non tenebo te pluribus: um euch nicht lange aufzuhalten, ne diutius teneam (verst. vos); ne multis morer (verst. vos). – 2) offen hinhalten: die Hand au. (v. einem Bettler), cavam manum praebere. – II) v. r. 1) sich aushalten, d. i. verweilen: a) an einem Orte od. bei jmd.: morari, commorari, an einem Orte. (in) alqo loco. – se tenere. continere se (sich innerhalb eines Ortes halten, an einem Orte, alqo loco, z. B. ten. se castris: u. cont. se ruri). – degere od. degere vitam, vivere in alqo loco (wo leben). – habitare, sedem ac domicilium habere in alqo loco (wo wohnen). – colere, incolere locum (als Land-, Grundbesitzer od. ständiger Einwohner wo ansässig sein: beide auch intrans., z. B. col. circa ripas Rhodani: u. inc. trans Rhenum). – esse, versari in alqo loco (wo sein, sich befinden; vers. urspr. mit dem Nbbgr. des Regsamen, dann aber auch für esse, dessen mangelnde Formen es ersetzt). – consī dĕre in alqo loco (sich eine Zeit wo au., auch von Schiffenden, die wo anlegen). – sich oft an einem Orte au., multum versari in alqo loco; alqm locum frequentare (einen Ort häufig besuchen). – sich bei jmd. au., commorari (verweilen), habitare (wohnen), deversari (auf eine Zeit eingekehrt sein) apud alqm; esse cum alqo (als Gast bei jmd. sein); hospitio alcis uti (als Gast, Freund leben bei jmd.): die Soldaten sich im Lager au. lassen, milites castris continere. – b) bei einer Sache: α) übh.: haerere circa alqd (lange zubringen bei etwas, z. B. bei der Belagerung einer einzigen Stadt, circa unius urbis muros). – β) in der Rede: morari, commorari, haerere in alqa re. – sich zu lange bei etwas au., longum esse: um mich nicht dabei aufzuhalten, ne multis morer; ne diutius teneam (verst. vos): um mich nicht zu lange dabei aufzuhalten, ne longum fiat: sich bei Kleinigkeiten au., morari in parvis. – 2) sich über jmd. od etw. aush. d. i. tadeln: cavillari alqm od. alqd (bespötteln, auf jmd. od. etw. sticheln, im Scherz u. Ernst). – carpere, vellicare alqm (jmd. durchziehen, durchhecheln). – Aufhalten, das, - ung, die, mora (Verzug). – retardatio [202]( Verzögerung). – retentio (das Anhalten, z. B. des Wagenführers, aurigae).

    deutsch-lateinisches > aufhalten

  • 10 Behauptung

    Behauptung, I) einer Meinung: sententia (die aufgestellte Meinung). – opinio. decretum. [376] dogma, ătis,n. (philos. Lehrsatz). – die B. aufstellen, s. behaupten no. I: eine B. zurücknehmen. sententiam mutare, revocare. – Ost wird »Behauptung« durch eine Wendung mit den Verben unter »behaupten«, bes. mit dicere, gegeben, z. B. törichte Behauptungen, ea quae stulte dicuntur (dicentur): seine Behauptungen durch Beweise bekräftigen, id quod intendamus (intenderemus) confirmare: damit sich niemand über diese unsere B. wundere, ne quis hoc a nobis dici miretur. – »diese, jene, welche Behauptung«wird bl. durch das Neutrum des Pronomens ausgedrückt, z. B. diese beiden Behauptungen, haec duo: jene B. des Kato: illud Catonis: jene B. des Pherecydes, Pherecydeum illud: doch jene B. will ich festhalten, tamen illud tenebo. – II) eines Besitzes: z. B. zur B. meines Einflusses, ad retinendas opes nostras (z. B. munitur quaedam nobis via).

    deutsch-lateinisches > Behauptung

  • 11 daß

    daß, Conj., dient I) um einen Begriff an den Hauptsatz zu knüpfen, und zwar ist dieser Begriff: A) bloßes Subjekt des im Hauptsatze mit der Kopula verbundenen Prädikats oder des stellvertretenden Verbums. Dann steht: 1) wenn der Begriff desselben allgemein u. unzusammengesetzt ist, der bloße Infinitiv oder ein anderes Nomen, z. B. das ist vorzüglich Pflicht, daß man dem, der der Hilfe am meisten bedarf, sie auch hauptsächlich angedeihen lasse, (hoc) maxime officii est, ut quisque maxime opis indigeat, ita ei potissimum opitulari: nichts ist angenehmer, als daß man von allen geliebt wird, nihil suavius est, quam ab omnibus diligi od. quam amor omnium.

    2) wenn der Begriff auf eine bestimmte Person beschränkt wird, der Akk. und Infin. Hierher gehören besonders die unpersönlichen Redensarten: es ist angenehm, erfreulich, betrübend etc., ferner es ist wahrscheinlich, klar, deutlich, offenbar, ausgemacht, wahr, es erhellt, es ist nützlich, billig, notwendig, es ist erlaubt(licet, nach dem die Person beim Infinitiv im Akk. steht, wenn das Erlaubtsein allgemein genommen wird, im Dativ, wenn es sich bloß auf diese Person bezieht). – / Mehrere dieser Redensarten haben jedoch auch in gewissen Fällen quod und ut nach sich, s. unten no. D. u. E. – Beispiele: es ist erfreulich, daß du dich wohl befindest, gratum est te valere: es ist wahr (ausgemacht), daß Freundschaft nur unter Tugendhaften bestehen kann, verum est (constat) amicitiam nisi inter bonos esse non posse: es ist nicht gestattet, daß der Mensch oft so sei, wie er will, non licet hominem esse saepe ita, ut vult – Auch kann dieser Begriff durch ein anderes Nomen mit dem Pronomen possess. gegeben [565] werden, z. B. es ist angenehm (erfreulich), daß du wiederhergestellt bist, grata est confirmata tua valetudo.

    3) endlich, wenn es ein zusammengesetzter, Begriff ist, entweder der Infinitiv mit einem Adv. oder ein anderes Nomen mit einem Adjektiv od. Partizip, z. B. nichts ist wünschenswerter, als daß man glücklich lebe, nihil magis est optandum, quam beate vivere oder quam vita beata: nichts war den Lacedämoniern so nachteilig, als daß man die Verfassung des Lykurg abschaffte, Lacedaemoniis nulla res tanto erat damno quam disciplina Lycurgi sublata.

    B) bloßes Objekt des Verbums im Hauptsatze. Dann steht entweder das Nomen im Akk. mit od: ohne Pronomen possess. od. ein anderes Nomen im Genet. od. der Akk. u. Infin. Hierher gehören: 1) alle sogenannten verba sentiendi, d. i. die eine Wahrnehmung und Empfindung ausdrücken, die jedoch nicht bloß die Begriffe der fünf Sinne umfassen, sondern auch die des Wissens, Erkennens, Erinnerns (sich an etw.), Erwartens (Hoffens u. Fürchtens), Glaubens etc. – Daher auch nach fac, wenn es = finge, d. i. »denke dir, stelle dir vor, gesetzt«, z. B. stelle dir vor, daß du der nämliche wärest, der ich bin (oder daß du ich wärest), fac, qui ego sum, esse te; eum te esse finge, qui ego sum.

    2) die sogenannten verba declarandi, d. i. die eine Darstellung bezeichnen, wohin die Verba des Sagens, Erzählens, Anzeigens, Erinnerns (daß sich etwas so verhält), Überzeugens, Lehrens, Beweisens (efficere) etc. gehören. – Für no. 1 u. 2 ist zu merken, daß im Deutschen oft bloße Substantiva mit »daß« stehen, die gar nicht den Begriff einer abstrakten geistigen Tätigkeit haben. Dieser Begriff muß im Lateinischen durch eine Umschreibung mit einem verbum sentiendi od. declarandi besonders bezeichnet werden, z. B. Spuren, daß etc., vestigia, quibus appareat: der Beweis, daß etc., argumentum, quo demonstratur: Stimmen, daß etc., voces, clamores querentium (derer, die klagen): Botschaft, daß etc., nuntii afferentium (derer, die die Nachricht bringen); alle mit folg. Akk. u. Infin. – Auch bei den eigentlichen Abstrakten tritt in der Regel ein Pronomen demonstr. hinzu, z. B. die Ansicht, daß etc. illa opinio m. folg. Akk. u. Infin. – Ausdrücke wie: »der Ausspruch (Satz, die Behauptung, Meinung, Wahrnehmung, Beobachtung u. dgl.), daß etc.«, werden im Latein. gew. bl. durch hoc, id, illud mit folg. Akk. u. Infin. übersetzt, z. B. tamen illud (den Satz, die Ansicht) tenebo mit folg. Akk. u. Infin., Cic. de or. 1, 65.

    3) Nahe mit diesen verwandt sind die Begriffe bestimmen, festsetzen, wollen, verbieten, auferlegen, zugeben (daß sich etwas so verhält) etc., die daher auch, wenn bei ihnen bloß der Gegenstand des Verbums als solcher genannt, nicht aber als Wunsch oder Absicht ausgesprochen wird (denn in diesem Falle folgt ut, s. unten no. E), den Infinitiv nach sich haben. – / a) Da nach den Ausdrücken man sagt, es heißt(dicunt, tradunt, ferunt, produnt, perhibent) der Subjekts-Akkusativ als ein von diesen Verben abhängiger Objekts-Akkusativ [566] angesehen wird, so läßt er die Verwandlung in die passive Form, wobei der Akkusativ Nominativ wird, zu, z. B. man sagt, daß Romulus der erste römische König gewesen sei, dicunt Romulum primum regem Romanorum fuisse od. Romulus primus rex Romanorum fuisse dicitur. – b) nach non dubito, in der Bed. ich zweifle nicht, steht bei Cicero immer quin, nur in der Bed. ich trage kein Bedenken folgt der einfache Infinitiv.

    C) ein lokaler oder sonst bestimmender Zusatz zum Hauptsatze, der sich in ein Nomen im Abl. mit einer Präposition auflösen läßt. Dann wird der Infinitiv in das Gerundium od. in das Partizip. Futuri Passivi aufgelöst, z. B. die Menschen lernen Böses tun dadurch, daß sie nichts tun, nihil agendo homines male agere discunt: die Gerechtigkeit besteht darin, daß man jedem das Seinige gibt, iustitia in suum cuique tribuendo cernitur.

    D) Beschreibung oder Umschreibung 1) des Subjekts, wo man daß mit »welcher, welche, welches etc.« vertauschen kann. Ist durch quod zu geben. Hierher gehören besonders die Redensarten: es ist ein od. kein Grund vorhanden, est (habeo), non est, nihil est, nach denen jedoch auch im Lateinischen cur, wie im Deutschen warum, folgen kann. – Ferner die Redensarten: es ist angenehm, erfreulich für mich, es schmerzt mich etc.. – Beispiele: es ist kein Grund vorhanden, daß du fürchtest, jene beneidest, nihil est quod(i. e.illud, quod) timeas, quod invideas illis: es schmerzt mich, daß du zürnst, dolet mihi quod stomacharis: es ist angenehm, daß du dich mit Lektüre beschäftigst, gratum est quod lectitas. – Endlich gehört auch hierher die Redensart: hierzu kommt, eo od. huc accedit, nach der im Lateinischen quod steht, wenn ein hinzutretender Umstand schon als faktisch vorausgesetzt wird, ut dagegen, wenn ein Nebenumstand als sich erst entwickelnd aufgefaßt wird; dah. ut notwendig stehen muß, wenn der Umstand erst eintreten soll.

    2) des Objekts, wo daß im Deutschen mit »weil« vertauscht werden kann. Ebenfalls durch quod. Dieser Fall kann nur nach Verben stattfinden, die ursprünglich transitiv, durch den Sprachgebrauch in Intransitiva übergegangen sind. – Hierher gehören bes. die Verba der Affekte und Affektsäußerungen, wie sich freuen(gaudere), sich betrüben(dolere), sich wundern (mirari) etc., nach denen quod steht, wenn ein bestimmtes Faktum angegeben wird, dagegen si, wenn die Sache als eine bloße Vermutung und Vorstellung erscheinen soll. – Ferner die Verba danken, glückwünschen, loben, anklagen, wo man überall worüber? od. weswegen? fragen kann.

    3) eines bestimmten Zusatzes, wo man im Deutschen daß mit »soviel, soweit, insofern« vertauschen kann. Ebenfalls durch quod, z. B. ich habe dich niemals, daß ich wüß te, gesehen, non ego te, quod (quantum) sciam, umquam vidi.

    E) In allen Fällen steht ut, wenn die Beschaffenheit, der Zweck, die Absicht, Wirkung [567] od. Folge, Voraussetzung, Erlaubnis, Ermunterung, der Wunsch od. Befehl als Subjekt, Objekt oder bestimmender Zusatz des Hauptsatzes bezeichnet werden soll. In allen diesen Fällen liegt der Begriff der Beschaffenheit zugrunde, mag nun das Wort, auf das er sich bezieht, im Hauptsatze ausgedrückt sein oder nicht. – / Nach. den Wörtern dignus, indignus, idoneus, aptus setzen die Lateiner statt ut mit dem erforderlichen Kasus etc. von is oder hic das Relativum qui (quae, quod etc.), z. B. er ist würdig, daß er gelobt werde, dignus est, qui laudetur. – Ebenso steht qui etc. (= ut is etc.) nach is sum, non is sum, ferner nach talis, qualis, is (ein solcher), eiusmodi etc.; endlich nach tam, tantus, gewöhnlich hinter Negationen, nach quis? und nach Komparativen mit quam, wenn diese Wörter den Grad einer Eigenschaft andeuten, den sie bei einem Subjekt haben kann oder soll. Doch steht auch ut is etc., wenn eine Wirkung angedeutet werden soll, oder auch wenn es die Deutlichkeit (bes. ein in der Nähe stehendes qui etc.) erfordert.

    Schlußbemerkungen: a) Die Konstrukilon mit daß nicht ändert sich in den unter no. A, B, C, D u. E angeführten Fällen nicht. Nur nach den Verben befürchten, besorgen heißt daß nichtne non, seltener ut, und daßne – Ferner nach den Verben abhalten, verhindern, abschrecken heißt daß nichtne, quo minus u. quin. – b) Nach einer Negation steht quin für qui (quae, quod) non, wenn auf der Negation kein Akzent liegt; ebenso auch für qui non (warum nicht). – c) Für ut non wird ne gebraucht, wenn der ganze Satz verneint wird, dagegen jenes, wenn die Negation sich nur auf ein Wort bezieht. – d) Unser daß... ja nicht, daß... nur nicht, daß... durchaus nicht, drücken die Lateiner durch ut ne aus, wo dann ne meist von ut getrennt unmittelbar vor den Begriff zu setzen ist, den es verhütet; z. B. daß ich dieses durchaus nicht täte (suchte er zu bewirken, zu verhüten etc.), ut hoc ne facerem. – e) ich sage, behaupte, daß nicht (kein) etc., drücken die Lateiner gew. durch nego mit folg. Akk. u. Infin. aus, z. B. er behauptet, daß es keine Götter gebe, deos esse negat. – f) so daß etc., sodaß, s. so.

    II) zur Angabe der Zeit: cum; ex quo (seitdem). – bis daß, dum. donec. quoad (s. »bis no. II«). – es sind mehrere Jahre, daß ich ihn nicht gesehen habe, anni sunt plures, ex quo eum non vidi.

    III) als Ausdruck der Gemütsbewegungen u. Leidenschaften, u. zwar: a) bei Wünschen, daß! o od. ach daß doch!ut! utinam! o si! (s. »ach« die Beispiele). – Gott gebe, daß etc.! faxit deus, ut etc.:daß doch nicht!utinam ne! – b) beim Ausruf und bei unwilligen Fragen. In diesem Falle setzen die Lateiner einen (scheinbar) unabhängigen Akk. m. Infin., z. B. ich Unglücklicher, daß du um meinetwillen in solchen Kummer hast kommen müssen! me miserum! te in tantas aerumnas propter me incīdisse.

    deutsch-lateinisches > daß

  • 12 Gedanke

    Gedanke, cogitatio (der Akt des Denkens und konkr. – das Gedachte). – cogitatum (das Gedachte). – mens (Sinn, Gesinnung; dann = Meinung, Ansicht, z.B. in diesem G., hāc mente). – memoria alcis rei (das Andenken an etw., macht mir Kummer, aliquid parit aegritudinis). – sententia (Meinung, sowohl sofern ich sie für mich behalte, als auch sofern ich sie ausspreche, bes. die auf Gründen beruhende; dann = denkwürdiger Gedanke, Sentenz, z.B. erhabene G., sententiae magnificae). – opinio (Meinung, sofern sie auf Vermutung beruht). – suspicio (Vermutung als Verdacht). – consilium (Ansicht, Plan, Entwurf, [1002] z.B. hoc infelix consilium). dictum (ausgesprochener Gedanke, Ausspruch, Bonmot etc., z.B. kurz u. treffend hingeworfene G., breviter et commode dicta). – locus (Hauptstück, Punkt, Materie, in philos. Erörterungen. z.B. hunc locum accuratius explicare). – Oft wird auch »Gedanke« bei einem Pronomen od. Adjektiv od. vor »daß« bloß durch das Neutrum des Pronomens od. Adjektivs angedeutet, z.B. jener G. (Ausspruch) des Solon, illud Solonis: jener herrliche G. des Plato, praeclarum illud Platonis: diese deine G., ista tua: den G. werde ich festhalten, daß etc, illud tenebo mit Akk. u. Infin. – oder »der Gedanke« vor »daß« bleibt unübersetzt, z.B. der G., daß in Rom alles käuflich sei, hatte in ihm tiefe Wurzeln gefaßt, ei Romae omnia venum ire in animo haeserat (Sall. Iug. 28, 1). – ich komme, stoße, gerate auf den G. es kommt mir der G. bei, es fällt mir der G. bei, es drängt sich mir der G. auf, es steigt der G. in mir auf, daß etw. so u. so sei, venio od. incĭdo in eam cogitationem; hoc mihi venitin mentem: cogitatio animum subit; illudsuccurrit mihi; alle mit Akk. u. Infin.; reor mit Akk. und Infin. (ich vermeine, z.B. es sei Metellus, Metellum esse): ich komme auf den G. etc., etwas zu tun, venit mihi in mentem mit ut u. Konj.; induco animum mit Infin. od. mit ut u. Konj. (ich komme auf den Einfall); consilium capio mit Genet. Gerundii, mit Infin. od. mit ut u. Konj. (ich fasse den Entschluß). – es stieg folgender G. in mir auf, coepi ego mecum sie cogitare od. bl. siccogitabam (mit folg. direkter od. indirekter Rede). – ich habe, hege den G., etw. zu tun, cogito m. Infin.; induxi animum m. Infin. od. m. ut u. Konj.; consilium cepi m. Genet. Gerund. od. m. Infin. od. m. ut u. Konj. (s. vorher): schlechte G. haben, hegen, mala consilia agitare: große G. von sich haben, magnam de se habere opinionem (s. »einbilden [sich etwas]« die Synon.): ich habe (hege) ganz andere G. (eine ganz andere Meinung), longemihi alia mens est: ich habe tausenderlei G., infinita animo complector. – alle seine G. auf etw. richten, cogitationes omnes od. animum totum ad alqd intendere; cogitationes omnes conferre in alqd; toto animo cogitare de alqa re; omni cogitatione ferriad alqd; totum et mente et animo in alqdinsistere: die G. nicht beisammen, andere G. haben, aliud od. alias res agere; non attendere: in tiefen G. (in tiefe G. versunken) sein, in cogitatione defixum esse: seinen G. hingegeben, in G. versunken, cogitationibus suistraditus. – jmdm. den G. von etw. eingeben, auf den G. von etw. bringen, alci cogitationem de alqa re inicere: jmd. aufden G. bringen, daß etc., alqm ad eam cogitationemdeducere od. in eam cogitationem adducere, ut etc. (von einer Sache): jmd. auf andere G. bringen, alqm od. alcis animum flectere (seinen Sinn anderswohin lenken); admeliora mentem alcis abducere (auf bessere, vernünftigere G. lenken, z.B. einen Wahnsinnigen); alqm abducere ab institutis suis (jmd. von seinen Grundsätzen abbringen); adsanitatem alqm revocare. alcis mentem [1003] sanare (machen, daß er vernünftiger wird, -handelt, ihn auf vernünftigere G. bringen): auf vernünftigere G. kommen, ad sanitatem reverti (vernünftiger werden, -handeln). – jmdm. etwas aus den G. bringen, abducere alcis animum ab alqa re: sich etw. aus den G. schlagen, den G. an etw. aufgeben, fahren lassen, cogitationem de alqa re bicere; non amplius cogitare de alqa re; consilium alcis rei deponere od. abicere (den Plan zu etwas aufgeben); alqd facere velle desistere (abstehen, etw. tun zu wollen): entschlage dich dieser G., abducas velim animum ab his cogitationibus: das ist mein einziger G., nihil cogito nisi hoc: versetze dich in G. nach Athen, puta venisse te Athenas; puta esse te Athenis: etwas im G. ergänzen (ein Wort etc.), intellegere od. (vom Schriftsteller selbst) intellegi velle. – in dem G. stehen, daß etc., s. glauben, daß etc. – nach meinen G., meā sententiā: ut mea fert opinio; ut mihi quidem videtur; quantum equidem iudicare possum.

    deutsch-lateinisches > Gedanke

  • 13 reneo

    re-neo, ēre, eig., zurückspinnen, d.i. das Gespinst auflösen, dolent fila reneri, daß die Schicksalsfäden der Parzen wieder aufgelöst = der Schicksalsbeschluß geändert werde, Ov. fast. 6, 757: stant rata non ullā fila renenda manu, Auct. consol. ad Liv. 444. – Stat. silv. 3, 1, 171 jetzt fila tenebo.

    Ausführliches Lateinisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch > reneo

  • 14 agō

        agō ēgī, āctus (old inf pass. agier), ere    [1 AG-], to put in motion, move, lead, drive, tend, conduct: bos Romam acta, L.: capellas, V.: pecus visere montīs, H.: ante se Thyum, N.: in exsilium, L.: Iris nubibus acta, borne on, V.: alqm in crucem, to crucify: Illum aget Fama, will carry, H.: quo hinc te agis? whither are you going? T.: se primus agebat, strode in front, V.: capellas potum, V.—Prov.: agas asellum, i. e. if you can't afford an ox, drive an ass. — Pass., to go, march: quo multitudo agebatur, L.: citius agi vellet agmen, march on quicker, L.: raptim agmine acto, L.— Esp., to drive away, carry off, steal, rob, plunder: pecoris praedas, S.; freq. with ferre, to rob, plunder: ferre agere plebem plebisque res, L.: res sociorum ferri agique vidit, L.—To chase, pursue, hunt: apros, V.: cervum, V. — Fig.: dum haec crimina agam ostiatim, track out from house to house: ceteros ruerem, agerem, T.: palantīs Troas, V.—To move, press, push forward, advance, bring up: multa undique portari atque agi, Cs.: vineis ad oppidum actis, pushed forward, Cs.: moles, Cu.: cloaca maxima sub terram agenda, to be carried under ground, L.: cuniculos ad aerarium, drive: per glaebas radicibus actis, O.: pluma in cutem radices egerit, struck deep root, O.: vera gloria radices agit: tellus Fissa agit rimas, opens in fissures, O.: in litus navīs, beached, L.: navem, to steer, H.: currūs, to drive, O.: per agmen limitem ferro, V.: vias, make way, V.: (sol) amicum Tempus agens, bringing the welcome hour (of sunset), H.—To throw out, stir up: spumas ore, V.: spumas in ore: se laetus ad auras Palmes agit, shoots up into the air, V.—Animam agere, to expire: nam et agere animam et efflare dicimus; cf. et gestum et animam ageres, i. e. exert yourself in gesturing and risk your life. — Fig., to lead, direct, guide: (poëmata), animum auditoris, H.— To move, impel, excite, urge, prompt, induce, rouse, drive: quae te Mens agit in facinus? O.: ad illa te, H.: eum praecipitem: viros spe praedae diversos agit, leads astray, S.: bonitas, quae nullis casibus agitur, N.: quemcunque inscitia veri Caecum agit, blinds, H.: quibus actus fatis, V.: seu te discus agit, occupies, H.: nos exquirere terras, V.: desertas quaerere terras agimur, V. — To pursue for harm, persecute, disturb, vex, attack, assail: reginam stimulis, V.: agentia verba Lycamben, H.: diris agam vos, H.: quam deus ultor agebat, O.—To pursue, carry on, think, reflect, deliberate, treat, represent, exhibit, exercise, practise, act, perform, deliver, pronounce: nihil, to be idle: omnia per nos, in person: agendi tempus, a time for action: industria in agendo: apud primos agebat, fought in the van, S.: quae continua bella agimus, are busy with, L.: (pes) natus rebus agendis, the metre appropriate to dramatic action, H.: Quid nunc agimus? what shall we do now? T.: quid agam, habeo, i. e. I know what to do, T.: quid agitur? how are you? T.: quid agis, dulcissime rerum? i. e. how are you? H.: vereor, quid agat Ino, what is to become of: quid agis? what do you mean? nihil agis, it is of no use, T.: nihil agis, dolor, quamvis, etc.: cupis abire, sed nihil agis, usque tenebo, you cannot succeed, H.: ubi blanditiis agitur nihil, O.—Esp., hoc or id agere, to give attention to, mind, heed: hocine agis, an non? are you attending? T.: id quod et agunt et moliuntur, their purpose and aim: qui id egerunt, ut gentem conlocarent, etc., aimed at this: sin autem id actum est, ut, etc., if it was their aim: summā vi agendum esse, ut, etc., L.: certiorem eum fecit, id agi, ut pons dissolveretur, it was planned, N.: Hoc age, ne, etc., take care, H.: alias res agis, you are not listening, T.: aliud agens ac nihil eius modi cogitans, bent on other plans: animadverti eum alias res agere, paid no attention: vides, quam alias res agamus, are otherwise occupied: populum aliud nunc agere, i. e. are indifferent.—To perform, do, transact: ne quid negligenter: suum negotium, attend to his own business: neque satis constabat, quid agerent, what they were at, Cs.: agentibus divina humanaque consulibus, busy with auspices and affairs, L.: per litteras agere, quae cogitas, carry on, N.: (bellum) cum feminis, Cu.: conventum, to hold an assize: ad conventūs agendos, to preside at, Cs.: census actus eo anno, taken, L.— Of public transactions, to manage, transact, do, discuss, speak, deliberate: quae (res) inter eos agi coeptae, negotiations begun, Cs.: de condicionibus pacis, treat, L.: quorum de poenā agebatur, L.— Hence, agere cum populo, of magistrates, to address the people on a law or measure (cf. agere ad populum, to propose, bring before the people): cum populo de re p.—Of a speaker or writer, to treat, discuss, narrate: id quod agas, your subject: bella per quartum iam volumen, L.: haec dum agit, during this speech, H.—In law, to plead, prosecute, advocate: lege agito, go to law, T.: causam apud iudices: aliter causam agi, to be argued on other grounds: cum de bonis et de caede agatur, in a cause relating to, etc.: tamquam ex syngraphā agere cum populo, to litigate: ex sponso egit: agere lege in hereditatem, sue for: crimen, to press an accusation: partis lenitatis et misericordiae, to plead the cause of mercy: ii per quos agitur, the counsel: causas, i. e. to practise law: me agente, while I am counsel: ii apud quos agitur, the judges; hence, of a judge: rem agere, to hear: reos, to prosecute, L.: alqm furti, to accuse of theft. —Pass., to be in suit, be in question, be at stake: non capitis eius res agitur, sed pecuniae, T.: aguntur iniuriae sociorum, agitur vis legum.—To represent, act, perform, of an orator: cum dignitate.—Of an actor: fabulam, T.: partīs, to assume a part, T.: Ballionem, the character of: gestum agere in scena, appear as actors: canticum, L. — Fig.: lenem mitemque senatorem, act the part of, L.: noluit hodie agere Roscius: cum egerunt, when they have finished acting: triumphum, to triumph, O.: de classe populi R. triumphum, over, etc.: ex Volscis et ex Etruriā, over, etc., L.: noctu vigilias, keep watch: alta silentia, to be buried in silence, O.: arbitria victoriae, to exercise a conqueror's prerogative, Cu.: paenitentiam, to repent, Cu.: oblivia, to forget, O.: gratias (poet. grates) agere, to give thanks, thank: maximas tibi gratias: alcui gratias quod fecisset, etc., Cs.: grates parenti, O. — Of time, to spend, pass, use, live through: cum dis aevom: securum aevom, H.: dies festos, celebrate: ruri vitam, L.: otia, V.: quartum annum ago et octogesimum, in my eightyfourth year: ver magnus agebat orbis, was experiencing, V.— Pass: mensis agitur hic septimus, postquam, etc., going on seven months since, T.: bene acta vita, well spent: tunc principium anni agebatur, L.: melior pars acta (est) diei, is past, V. — Absol, to live, pass time, be: civitas laeta agere, rejoiced, S.—Meton., to treat, deal, confer, talk with: quae (patria) tecum sic agit, pleads: haec inter se dubiis de rebus, V.: Callias quidam egit cum Cimone, ut, etc., tried to persuade C., N.: agere varie, rogando alternis suadendoque coepit, L.—With bene, praeclare, male, etc., to deal well or ill with, treat or use well or ill: praeclare cum eis: facile est bene agere cum eis.— Pass impers., to go well or ill with one, be well or badly off: intelleget secum esse actum pessime: in quibus praeclare agitur, si, etc., who are well off, if, etc.—Poet.: Tros Tyriusque mihi nullo discrimine agetur, will be treated, V.— Pass, to be at stake, be at hazard, be concerned, be in peril: quasi mea res minor agatur quam tua, T.: in quibus eorum caput agatur: ibi rem frumentariam agi cernentes, L.: si sua res ageretur, if his interests were involved: agitur pars tertia mundi, is at risk, O.: non agitur de vectigalibus, S.—Praegn., to finish, complete, only pass: actā re ad fidem pronius est, after it is done, L.: iucundi acti labores, past: ad impediendam rem actam, an accomplished fact, L.— Prov.: actum, aiunt, ne agas, i. e. don't waste your efforts, T.: acta agimus: Actum est, it is all over, all is lost, T.: iam de Servio actum rati, L.: acta haec res est, is lost, T.: tantā mobilitate sese Numidae agunt, behave, S.: ferocius agunt equites, L.: quod nullo studio agebant, because they were careless, Cs.: cum simulatione agi timoris iubet, Cs.—Imper. as interj, come now, well, up: age, da veniam filio, T.: en age, rumpe moras, V.: agite dum, L.: age porro, tu, cur, etc.? age vero, considerate, etc.: age, age, iam ducat: dabo, good, T.: age, sit ita factum.
    * * *
    agere, egi, actus V
    drive, urge, conduct; spend (time w/cum); thank (w/gratias); deliver (speech)

    Latin-English dictionary > agō

  • 15 custōs

        custōs ōdis, m and f    [SCV-], a guard, watch, preserver, keeper, overseer, protector, defender, attendant: corporis, a body-guard, L.: nostri, Cs.: portae: pontis, N.: cum custodibus venire, under guard, S.: gregis, V.: pecuniae quam regni melior, L.: puellae, O.: custos Quoi commendavi filium, tutor, T.: custodis eges, a guardian, H.: Virtutis, H.: dei custodes urbis: rerum Caesar, H.—Of dogs, V.: finīs custode tueri, outposts, V. —A keeper of the ballot-box, inspector (in charge of the voting-tablets): tabellarum: tribūs nullo custode sortitus.—A watch, spy: Dumnorigi custodes ponit, ut, etc., Cs.: custodem Tullio me apponite: num nam hic relictu's custos, Nequis clam curset, etc., T.—A jailer, keeper: praefectus custodum, chief jailer, N.: te sub custode tenebo, H.—Fig., a keeper, guardian: dignitatis (fortitudo): sapientia totius hominis.—A receptacle, safe, holder: eburnea Telorum, quiver, O.: turis, an incense-box, O.
    * * *
    guard; sentry/watch; guardian/protector/keeper; doorkeeper/watchman/janitor; jailer, warden; poll watcher; spy; garrison; container; replacement vine shoot

    Latin-English dictionary > custōs

  • 16 ūllus

        ūllus gen. ūllīus (rarely ūllius, Ct., O.), dat. ūllī, adj.    [for * ūnulus, dim. of unus].—With a negation, expressed or implied, any, any one: nec tuos ludos aspexit, nec ullos alios: neque aliud ullum (signum), praeter unum ligneum: neminem tamen adeo infatuare potuit, ut ei nummum ullum crederet: neve ipse navem ullam praeter duos lembos haberet, L.: sine ullo maleficio iter facere, Cs.: lex quae vetat ullam rem esse cuiusquam, nisi, etc.—Esp., with non, haud, or neque (emphat. for nullus): deinceps explicatur differentia rerum, quam si non ullam esse diceremus, etc.: haec nec alia ulla maledicta.—As subst, any one, anybody: negat se posse iter ulli per provinciam dare, Cs.: nec prohibente ullo, L.—In hypothetical clauses, any, any whatever: Si ullo modo est ut possit, T.: si tempus est ullum iure hominis necandi: si ullam partem libertatis tenebo; cf. iniquos omnīs aiebat esse, qui ullam agri glaebam possiderent (i. e. si possiderent).—In affirmative clauses, any, some (poet.): dum amnes ulli rumpuntur fontibus, V.: scelus tacitum qui cogitat ullum, Iu.
    * * *
    ulla, ullum (gen -ius) ADJ

    Latin-English dictionary > ūllus

  • 17 acta fori

    ăgo, egi, actum, 3, v. a. (axim = egerim, Pac. ap. Non. 505, 22; Paul. ex Fest. s. v. axitiosi, p. 3 Mull.;

    axit = egerit,

    Paul. Diac. 3, 3;

    AGIER = agi,

    Cic. Off. 3, 15;

    agentum = agentium,

    Vulc. Gall. Av. Cass. 4, 6) [cf. agô; Sanscr. ag, aghami = to go, to drive; agmas = way, train = ogmos; agis = race, contest = agôn; perh. also Germ. jagen, to drive, to hunt], to put in motion, to move (syn.: agitare, pellere, urgere).
    Of cattle and other animals, to lead, drive.
    Absol.: agas asellum, Seip. ap. Cic. de Or. 2, 64, 258:

    jumenta agebat,

    Liv. 1, 48:

    capellas ago,

    Verg. E. 1, 13:

    Pars quia non veniant pecudes, sed agantur, ab actu etc.,

    Ov. F. 1, 323:


    Hor. Ep. 1, 18, 36.—
    With acc. of place, prep., sup., or inf.:

    agere bovem Romam,

    Curt. 1, 45:

    equum in hostem,

    id. 7, 4:

    Germani in amnem aguntur,

    Tac. H. 5, 21:

    acto ad vallum equo,

    id. A. 2, 13:

    pecora per calles,

    Curt. 7, 11:

    per devia rura capellas,

    Ov. M. 1, 676:

    pecus pastum,

    Varr. L. L. 6, 41, p. 88 Mull.:

    capellas potum age,

    Verg. E. 9, 23:

    pecus egit altos Visere montes,

    Hor. C. 1, 2, 7.—
    Of men, to drive, lead, conduct, impel.

    agmen agens equitum,

    Verg. A. 7, 804.—
    With prep., abl., or inf.:

    vinctum ante se Thyum agebat,

    Nep. Dat. 3:

    agitur praeceps exercitus Lydorum in populos,

    Sil. 4, 720:

    (adulteram) maritus per omnem vicum verbere agit,

    Tac. G. 19; Suet. Calig. 27:

    captivos prae se agentes,

    Curt. 7, 6; Liv. 23, 1:

    acti ante suum quisque praedonem catenati,

    Quint. 8, 3, 69:

    captivos sub curribus agere,

    Mart. 8, 26:

    agimur auguriis quaerere exilia,

    Verg. A. 3, 5;

    and simple for comp.: multis milibus armatorum actis ex ea regione = coactis,

    Liv. 44, 31.— In prose: agi, to be led, to march, to go:

    quo multitudo omnis consternata agebatur,

    Liv. 10, 29: si citius agi vellet agmen, that the army would move, or march on quicker, id. 2, 58:

    raptim agmine acto,

    id. 6, 28; so id. 23, 36; 25, 9.— Trop.:

    egit sol hiemem sub terras,

    Verg. G. 4, 51:

    poemata dulcia sunto Et quocumque volent animum auditoris agunto,

    lead the mind, Hor. A. P. 100. —Hence, poet.: se agere, to betake one's self, i. e. to go, to come (in Plaut. very freq.;

    also in Ter., Verg., etc.): quo agis te?

    where are you going? Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 294:

    unde agis te?

    id. Most. 1, 4, 28; so id. ib. 3, 1, 31; id. Mil. 3, 2, 49; id. Poen. 1, 2, 120; id. Pers. 4, 3, 13; id. Trin. 4, 3, 71:

    quo hinc te agis?

    where are you going, Ter. And. 4, 2, 25:

    Ecce gubernator sese Palinurus agebat,

    was moving along, Verg. A. 6, 337:

    Aeneas se matutinus agebat,

    id. ib. 8, 465:

    is enim se primus agebat,

    for he strode on in front, id. ib. 9, 696.—Also without se:

    Et tu, unde agis?

    Plaut. Bacch. 5, 1, 20:

    Quo agis?

    id. Pers. 2, 2, 34:

    Huc age,

    Tib. 2, 5, 2 (unless age is here to be taken with veni at the end of the line).—
    To drive or carry off (animals or men), to steal, rob, plunder (usually abigere):

    Et redigunt actos in sua rura boves,

    Ov. F. 3, 64.—So esp. freq. of men or animals taken as booty in war, while ferre is used of portable things; hence, ferre et agere (as in Gr. agein kai pherein, Hom. Il. 5, 484; and reversed, pherein kai agein, in Hdt. and Xen.; cf.:

    rapiunt feruntque,

    Verg. A. 2, 374:

    rapere et auferre,

    Cic. Off. 1, 14), in gen., to rob, to plunder: res sociorum ferri agique vidit, Liv. 22, 3:

    ut ferri agique res suas viderunt,

    id. 38, 15; so id. 3, 37;

    so also: rapere agereque: ut ex alieno agro raperent agerentque,

    Liv. 22, 1, 2; but portari atque agi means to bear and carry, to bring together, in Caes. B. C. 2, 29 (as pherein kai agein in Plat. Phaedr. 279, C):

    ne pulcram praedam agat,

    Plaut. Aul. 4, 2, 3:

    urbes, agros vastare, praedas agere,

    Sall. J. 20, 8; 32, 3:

    pecoris et mancipiorum praedas,

    id. ib. 44, 5;

    so eccl. Lat.: agere praedas de aliquo,

    Vulg. Jud. 9, 16; ib. 1 Reg. 27, 8; cf. Gron. Obs. 3, 22, 633.—
    To chase, pursue, press animals or men, to drive about or onwards in flight (for the usual agitare).
    Of animals:


    Verg. G. 3, 412:


    id. A. 7, 481; cf. id. ib. 4, 71:

    citos canes,

    Ov. H. 5, 20:

    feros tauros,

    Suet. Claud. 21.—
    Of men:

    ceteros ruerem, agerem,

    Ter. Ad. 3, 2, 21 (= prosequerer, premerem, Don.):

    ita perterritos egerunt, ut, etc.,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 12:

    Demoleos cursu palantis Troas agebat,

    Verg. A. 5, 265; cf. id. ib. 1, 574:

    aliquem in exsilium,

    Liv. 25, 2; so Just. 2, 9, 6; 16, 4, 4; 17, 3, 17;

    22, 1, 16 al.: aliquem in fugam,

    id. 16, 2, 3.—
    Of inanimate or abstract objects, to move, impel, push forwards, advance, carry to or toward any point:

    quid si pater cuniculos agat ad aerarium?

    lead, make, Cic. Off. 3, 23, 90:

    egisse huc Alpheum vias,

    made its way, Verg. A. 3, 695:

    vix leni et tranquillo mari moles agi possunt,

    carry, build out, Curt. 4, 2, 8:

    cloacam maximam sub terram agendam,

    to be carried under ground, Liv. 1, 56;

    so often in the histt., esp. Caes. and Livy, as t. t., of moving forwards the battering engines: celeriter vineis ad oppidum actis,

    pushed forwards, up, Caes. B. G. 2, 12 Herz.; so id. ib. 3, 21; 7, 17; id. B. C. 2, 1; Liv. 8, 16:

    accelerant acta pariter testudine Volsci,

    Verg. A. 9, 505 al.:

    fugere colles campique videntur, quos agimus praeter navem, i. e. praeter quos agimus navem,

    Lucr. 4, 391:

    in litus passim naves egerunt,

    drove the ships ashore, Liv. 22, 19:

    ratem in amnem,

    Ov. F. 1, 500:

    naves in advorsum amnem,

    Tac. H. 4, 22.— Poet.: agere navem, to steer or direct a ship, Hor. Ep. 2, 1, 114; so,

    agere currum,

    to drive a chariot, Ov. M. 2, 62; 2, 388 al.—
    To stir up, to throw out, excite, cause, bring forth (mostly poet.):

    scintillasque agere ac late differre favillam,

    to throw out sparks and scatter ashes far around, Lucr. 2, 675:

    spumas ore,

    Verg. G. 3, 203; so Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 66:

    piceum Flumen agit,

    Verg. A. 9, 814:

    qui vocem cubantes sensim excitant, eandemque cum egerunt, etc.,

    when they have brought it forth, Cic. de Or. 1, 59, 251. —Hence, animam agere, to expel the breath of life, give up the ghost, expire:

    agens animam spumat,

    Lucr. 3, 493:

    anhelans vaga vadit, animam agens,

    Cat. 63, 31:

    nam et agere animam et efflare dicimus,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 9, 19:

    Hortensius, cum has litteras scripsi, animam agebat,

    id. Fam. 8, 13, 2; so Cael. ap. Cic. Fam. 8, 13:

    eodem tempore et gestum et animam ageres,

    Cic. Rosc. Com. 8:

    Est tanti habere animam ut agam?

    Sen. Ep. 101, 12; and with a play upon words: semper agis causas et res agis, Attale, semper. Est, non est, quod agas, Attale, semper agis. Si res et causae desunt, agis, Attale, mulas;

    Attale, ne quod agas desit, agas animam,

    Mart. 1, 80.—
    Of plants, to put forth or out, to shoot, extend:

    (salices) gemmas agunt,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 30:

    florem agere coeperit ficus,

    Col. R. R. 5, 10, 10:

    frondem agere,

    Plin. 18, 6, 8, § 45:

    se ad auras palmes agit,

    Verg. G. 2, 364:

    (platanum) radices trium et triginta cubitorum egisse,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 37, 15:

    per glebas sensim radicibus actis,

    Ov. M. 4, 254; so id. ib. 2, 583:

    robora suas radices in profundum agunt,

    Plin. 16, 31, 56, § 127.—Metaph.:

    vera gloria radices agit,

    Cic. Off. 2, 12, 43:

    pluma in cutem radices egerat imas,

    Ov. M. 2, 582.
    Spec., to guide, govern:

    Tros Tyriusque mihi nullo discrimine agetur,

    Verg. A. 1, 574; cf. Forbig. ad h. 1., who considers it the only instance of this use, and compares a similar use of agô; v. L. and S. s. v. II. 2.—
    In gen., to move, impel, excite, urge to a thing, to prompt or induce to:

    si quis ad illa deus te agat,

    Hor. S. 2, 7, 24:

    una plaga ceteros ad certamen egit,

    Liv. 9, 41; 8, 7; 39, 15: quae te, germane, furentem Mens agit in facinus? Ov. M. 5, 14:

    totis mentibus acta,

    Sil. 10, 191:

    in furorem agere,

    Quint. 6, 1, 31:

    si Agricola in ipsam gloriam praeceps agebatur,

    Tac. Agr. 41:

    provinciam avaritia in bellum egerat,

    id. A. 14, 32.—
    To drive, stir up, excite, agitate, rouse vehemently (cf. agito, II.):

    me amor fugat, agit,

    Plaut. Cist. 2, 1, 8:

    agunt eum praecipitem poenae civium Romanorum,

    Cic. Verr. 1, 3:

    perpetua naturalis bonitas, quae nullis casibus neque agitur neque minuitur,

    Nep. Att. 9, 1 Brem.:

    opportunitas, quae etiam mediocres viros spe praedae transvorsos agit,

    i. e. leads astray, Sall. J. 6, 3; 14, 20; so Sen. Ep. 8, 3.— To pursue with hostile intent, to persecute, disturb, vex, to attack, assail (for the usu. agitare; mostly poet.):

    reginam Alecto stimulis agit undique Bacchi,

    Verg. A. 7, 405:

    non res et agentia (i. e. agitantia, vexantia) verba Lycamben,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 19, 25:

    acerba fata Romanos agunt,

    id. Epod 7, 17:

    diris agam vos,

    id. ib. 5, 89:

    quam deus ultor agebat,

    Ov. M. 14, 750:

    futurae mortis agor stimulis,

    Luc. 4, 517; cf. Matth. ad Cic. Mur. § 21.—
    To drive at something, to pursue a course of action, i. e. to make something an object of action; either in the most general sense, like the Engl. do and the Gr. prattein, for every kind of mental or physical employment; or, in a more restricted sense, to exhibit in external action, to act or perform, to deliver or pronounce, etc., so that after the act is completed nothing remains permanent, e. g. a speech, dance, play, etc. (while facere, to make, poiein, denotes the production of an object which continues to exist after the act is completed; and gerere, the performance of the duties of an office or calling).—On these significations, v. Varr. 6, 6, 62, and 6, 7, 64, and 6, 8, 72.—For the more restricted signif. v. Quint. 2, 18, 1 sq.; cf. Manut. ad Cic. Fam. 7, 12; Hab. Syn. 426.
    In the most gen. signif., to do, act, labor, in opp. to rest or idleness.
    With the gen. objects, aliquid, nihil, plus, etc.:

    numquam se plus agere quam nihil cum ageret,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 17 (cf. with this, id. Off. 3, 1: numquam se minus otiosum esse quam cum otiosus esset): mihi, qui nihil agit, esse omnino non videtur. id. N. D. 2, 16, 46:

    post satietatem nihil (est) agendum,

    Cels. 1, 2.—Hence,
    Without object:

    aliud agendi tempus, aliud quiescendi,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 53, 132; Juv. 16, 49:

    agendi tempora,

    Tac. H. 3, 40:

    industria in agendo, celeritas in conficiendo,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 10, 29.—
    In colloquial lang., to do, to fare, get on: quid agis? what are you doing? M. Tulli, quid agis? Cic. Cat. 1, 11:

    Quid agis?

    What's your business? Plaut. Stich. 2, 2, 9; also, How goes it with you? How are you? ti pratteis, Plaut. Curc. 2, 1, 20; Cic. Fam. 7, 11 al.; Hor. S. 1, 9, 4:

    vereor, quid agat,

    how he is, Cic. Att. 9, 17:

    ut sciatis, quid agam,

    Vulg. Ephes. 6, 21:

    prospere agit anima tua,

    fares well, ib. 3 Joan. 2:

    quid agitur?

    how goes it with you? how do you do? how are you? Plaut. Ps. 1, 1, 17; 1, 5, 42; Ter. Eun. 2, 2, 40:

    Quid intus agitur?

    is going on, Plaut. Cas. 5, 2, 20; id. Ps. 1, 5, 42 al.—
    With nihil or non multum, to do, i. e. to effect, accomplish, achieve nothing, or not much (orig. belonging to colloquial lang., but in the class. per. even in oratorical and poet. style): nihil agit;

    collum obstringe homini,

    Plaut. Curc. 5, 3, 29:

    nihil agis,

    you effect nothing, it is of no use, Ter. Ad. 5, 8, 12:

    nihil agis, dolor! quamvis sis molestus, numquam te esse confitebor malum,

    Cic. Tusc. 2, 25, 61 Kuhn.; Matius ap. Cic. Fam. 11, 28, 10: cupis, inquit, abire; sed nihil agis;

    usque tenebo,

    Hor. S. 1, 9, 15:

    [nihil agis,] nihil assequeris,

    Cic. Cat. 1, 6, 15 B. and K.:

    ubi blanditiis agitur nihil,

    Ov. M. 6, 685: egerit non multum, has not done much, Curt. ap. Cic. Fam. 7, 29; cf. Ruhnk. ad Rutil. Lup. p. 120.—
    In certain circumstances, to proceed, do, act, manage (mostly belonging to familiar style): Thr. Quid nunc agimus? Gn. Quin redimus, What shall we do now? Ter. Eun. 4, 7, 41:

    hei mihi! quid faciam? quid agam?

    what shall I do? how shall I act? id. Ad. 5, 3, 3:

    quid agam, habeo,

    id. And. 3, 2, 18 (= quid respondeam habeo, Don.) al.:

    sed ita quidam agebat,

    was so acting, Cic. Lig. 7, 21: a Burro minaciter actum, Burrus [p. 75] proceeded to threats, Tac. A. 13, 21.—
    To pursue, do, perform, transact (the most usual signif. of this word; in all periods; syn.: facere, efficere, transigere, gerere, tractare, curare): cui quod agat institutumst nullo negotio id agit, Enn. ap. Gell. 19, 10, 12 (Trag. v. 254 Vahl.): ut quae egi, ago, axim, verruncent bene, Pac. ap. Non. 505, 23 (Trag. Rel. p. 114 Rib.):

    At nihil est, nisi, dum calet, hoc agitur,

    Plaut. Poen. 4, 2, 92:

    Ut id agam, quod missus huc sum,

    id. Ps. 2, 2, 44: homines quae agunt vigilantes, agitantque, ea si cui in somno accidunt, minus mirum est, Att. ap. Cic. Div. 1, 22, 45:

    observabo quam rem agat,

    what he is going to do, Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 114:

    Id quidem ago,

    That is what I am doing, Verg. E. 9, 37:

    res vera agitur,

    Juv. 4, 35:

    Jam tempus agires,

    Verg. A. 5, 638:

    utilis rebus agendis,

    Juv. 14, 72:

    grassator ferro agit rem,

    does the business with a dagger, id. 3, 305; 6, 659 (cf.:

    gladiis geritur res,

    Liv. 9, 41):

    nihil ego nunc de istac re ago,

    do nothing about that matter, Plaut. Truc. 4, 4, 8:

    postquam id actumst,

    after this is accomplished, id. Am. 1, 1, 72; so,

    sed quid actumst?

    id. Ps. 2, 4, 20:

    nihil aliud agebam nisi eum defenderem,

    Cic. Sull. 12:

    ne quid temere ac fortuitu, inconsiderate negligenterque agamus,

    id. Off. 1, 29:

    agamus quod instat,

    Verg. E. 9, 66:

    renuntiaverunt ei omnia, quae egerant,

    Vulg. Marc. 6, 30; ib. Act. 5, 35:

    suum negotium agere,

    to mind one's business, attend to one's own affairs, Cic. Off. 1, 9; id. de Or. 3, 55, 211; so,

    ut vestrum negotium agatis,

    Vulg. 1 Thess. 4, 11:

    neque satis Bruto constabat, quid agerent,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 14:

    postquam res in Africa gestas, quoque modo actae forent, fama divolgavit,

    Sall. J. 30, 1:

    sed tu delibera, utrum colloqui malis an per litteras agere quae cogitas,

    Nep. Con. 3, 8 al. —With the spec. idea of completing, finishing: jucundi acti labores, a proverb in Cic. Fin. 2, 32, 105.—
    To pursue in one's mind, to drive at, to revolve, to be occupied with, think upon, have in view, aim at (cf. agito, II. E., volvo and voluto):

    nescio quid mens mea majus agit,

    Ov. H. 12, 212:

    hoc variis mens ipsa modis agit,

    Val. Fl. 3, 392:

    agere fratri proditionem,

    Tac. H. 2, 26:

    de intranda Britannia,

    id. Agr. 13.—
    With a verbal subst., as a favorite circumlocution for the action indicated by the subst. (cf. in Gr. agô with verbal subst.):

    rimas agere (sometimes ducere),

    to open in cracks, fissures, to crack, Cic. Att. 14, 9; Ov. M. 2, 211; Luc. 6, 728: vos qui regalis corporis custodias agitis, keep watch over, guard, Naev. ap. Non. 323, 1; so Liv. 5, 10:

    vigilias agere,

    Cic. Verr. 4, 43, 93; Nep. Thras. 4; Tac. H. 3, 76:

    excubias alicui,

    Ov. F. 3, 245:


    Tac. H. 4, 58:


    Suet. Vit. 10:

    stationem agere,

    to keep guard, Liv. 35, 29; Tac. H. 1, 28:

    triumphum agere,

    to triumph, Cic. Fam. 3, 10; Ov. M. 15, 757; Suet. Dom. 6:

    libera arbitria agere,

    to make free decisions, to decide arbitrarily, Liv. 24, 45; Curt. 6, 1, 19; 8, 1, 4:

    paenitentiam agere,

    to exercise repentance, to repent, Quint. 9, 3, 12; Petr. S. 132; Tac. Or. 15; Curt. 8, 6, 23; Plin. Ep. 7, 10; Vulg. Lev. 5, 5; ib. Matt. 3, 2; ib. Apoc. 2, 5:

    silentia agere,

    to maintain silence, Ov. M. 1, 349:

    pacem agere,

    Juv. 15, 163:

    crimen agere,

    to bring accusation, to accuse, Cic. Verr. 4, 22, 48:

    laborem agere,

    id. Fin. 2, 32:

    cursus agere,

    Ov. Am. 3, 6, 95:

    delectum agere,

    to make choice, to choose, Plin. 7, 29, 30, § 107; Quint. 10, 4, 5:

    experimenta agere,

    Liv. 9, 14; Plin. 29, 1, 8, § 18:


    id. 15, 3, 4, § 14:

    curam agere,

    to care for, Ov. H. 15, 302; Quint. 8, prooem. 18:

    curam ejus egit,

    Vulg. Luc. 10, 34:

    oblivia agere,

    to forget, Ov. M. 12, 540:

    nugas agere,

    to trifle, Plaut. Cist. 2, 3, 29; id. As. 1, 1, 78, and often:

    officinas agere,

    to keep shop, Inscr. Orell. 4266.—So esp.: agere gratias ( poet. grates; never in sing. gratiam), to give thanks, to thank; Gr. charin echein ( habere gratiam is to be or feel grateful; Gr. charin eidenai; and referre gratiam, to return a favor, requite; Gr. charin apodidonai; cf. Bremi ad Nep. Them. 8, 7):

    diis gratias pro meritis agere,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 26:

    Haud male agit gratias,

    id. Aul. 4, 4, 31:

    Magnas vero agere gratias Thais mihi?

    Ter. Eun. 3, 1, 1:

    Dis magnas merito gratias habeo atque ago,

    id. Phorm. 5, 6, 80: Lentulo nostro egi per litteras tuo nomine gratias diligenter, Cic. Fam. 1, 10: immortales ago tibi gratias agamque dum vivam;

    nam relaturum me adfirmare non possum,

    id. ib. 10, 11, 1: maximas tibi omnes gratias agimus, C. Caesar;

    majores etiam habemus,

    id. Marcell. 11, 33:

    Trebatio magnas ago gratias, quod, etc.,

    id. Fam. 11, 28, 8: renuntiate gratias regi me agere;

    referre gratiam aliam nunc non posse quam ut suadeam, ne, etc.,

    Liv. 37, 37: grates tibi ago, summe Sol, vobisque, reliqui Caelites, * Cic. Rep. 6, 9:

    gaudet et invito grates agit inde parenti,

    Ov. M. 2, 152; so id. ib. 6, 435; 484; 10, 291; 681; 14, 596; Vulg. 2 Reg. 8, 10; ib. Matt. 15, 36 al.;

    and in connection with this, laudes agere: Jovis fratri laudes ago et grates gratiasque habeo,

    Plaut. Trin. 4, 1, 2:

    Dianae laudes gratesque agam,

    id. Mil. 2, 5, 2; so,

    diis immortalibus laudesque et grates egit,

    Liv. 26, 48:

    agi sibi gratias passus est,

    Tac. Agr. 42; so id. H. 2, 71; 4, 51; id. A. 13, 21; but oftener grates or gratis in Tac.:

    Tiberius egit gratis benevolentiae patrum, A. 6, 2: agit grates,

    id. H. 3, 80; 4, 64; id. A. 2, 38; 2, 86; 3, 18; 3, 24; 4, 15 al.—
    Of time, to pass, spend (very freq. and class.): Romulus in caelo cum dis agit aevom, Enn. ap. Cic. Tusc. 1, 12, 28; so Pac. id. ib. 2, 21, 49, and Hor. S. 1, 5, 101:


    Tac. H. 4, 62; id. A. 3, 16: domi aetatem, Enn. ap. Cic. Fam. 7, 6:

    aetatem in litteris,

    Cic. Leg. 2, 1, 3:


    id. Sen. 3, 7; cf. id. ib. 17, 60:

    dies festos,

    id. Verr. 2, 4, 48; Tac. G. 17:

    otia secura,

    Verg. G. 3, 377; Ov. F. 1, 68; 4, 926:

    ruri agere vitam,

    Liv. 7, 39, and Tac. A. 15, 63:

    vitam in terris,

    Verg. G. 2, 538:

    tranquillam vitam agere,

    Vulg. 1 Tim. 2, 2:

    Hunc (diem) agerem si,

    Verg. A. 5, 51:

    ver magnus agebat Orbis,

    id. G. 2, 338:

    aestiva agere,

    to pass, be in, summer quarters, Liv. 27, 8; 27, 21; Curt. 5, 8, 24.— Pass.:

    menses jam tibi esse actos vides,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 3, 2:

    mensis agitur hic septimus,

    Ter. Hec. 3, 3, 34, and Ov. M. 7, 700:

    melior pars acta (est) diei,

    Verg. A. 9, 156; Juv. 4, 66; Tac. A. 15, 63:

    acta est per lacrimas nox,

    Ov. H. 12, 58 Ruhnk.:

    tunc principium anni agebatur,

    Liv. 3, 6:

    actis quindecim annis in regno,

    Just. 41, 5, 9:

    Nona aetas agitur,

    Juv. 13, 28 al. —With annus and an ordinal, to be of a certain age, to be so old:

    quartum annum ago et octogesimum,

    am eighty-four years old, Cic. Sen. 10, 32:

    Annum agens sextum decimum patrem amisit,

    Suet. Caes. 1.—Metaph.: sescentesimum et quadragesimum annum urbs nostra agebat, was in its 640 th year, Tac. G. 37.— Hence also absol. (rare), to pass or spend time, to live, to be, to be somewhere:

    civitas laeta agere,

    was joyful, Sall. J. 55, 2:

    tum Marius apud primos agebat,

    id. ib. 101, 6:

    in Africa, qua procul a mari incultius agebatur,

    id. ib. 89, 7:

    apud illos homines, qui tum agebant,

    Tac. A. 3, 19:

    Thracia discors agebat,

    id. ib. 3, 38:

    Juxta Hermunduros Naristi agunt,

    Tac. G. 42:

    ultra jugum plurimae gentes agunt,

    id. ib. 43:

    Gallos trans Padum agentes,

    id. H. 3, 34:

    quibus (annis) exul Rhodi agit,

    id. A. 1, 4:

    agere inter homines desinere,

    id. ib. 15, 74:

    Vitellius non in ore volgi agere,

    was not in the sight of the people, id. H. 3, 36:

    ante aciem agere,

    id. G. 7; and:

    in armis agere,

    id. A. 14, 55 = versari.—
    In the lang. of offerings, t. t., to despatch the victim, to kill, slay. In performing this rite, the sacrificer asked the priest, agone, shall I do it? and the latter answered, age or hoc age, do it:

    qui calido strictos tincturus sanguine cultros semper, Agone? rogat, nec nisi jussus agit,

    Ov. F. 1. 321 (cf. agonia and agonalia):

    a tergo Chaeream cervicem (Caligulae) gladio caesim graviter percussisse, praemissa voce,

    hoc age, Suet. Calig. 58; id. Galb. 20. —This call of the priest in act of solemn sacrifice, Hoc age, warned the assembled multitude to be quiet and give attention; hence hoc or id and sometimes haec or istuc agere was used for, to give attention to, to attend to, to mind, heed; and followed by ut or ne, to pursue a thing, have it in view, aim at, design, etc.; cf. Ruhnk. ad Ter. And. 1, 2, 15, and Suet. Calig. 58: hoc agite, Plaut. As. prol. init.:

    Hoc age,

    Hor. S. 2, 3, 152; id. Ep. 1, 6, 31:

    Hoc agite, of poetry,

    Juv. 7, 20:

    hoc agamus,

    Sen. Clem. 1, 12:

    haec agamus,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 49:

    agere hoc possumus,

    Lucr. 1, 41; 4, 969; Juv. 7, 48:

    hoccine agis an non? hoc agam,

    id. ib., Ter. And. 1, 2, 15; 2, 5, 4:

    nunc istuc age,

    id. Heaut. 3, 2, 47; id. Phorm. 2, 3, 3 al.:

    Hoc egit civis Romanus ante te nemo,

    Cic. Lig. 4, 11:

    id et agunt et moliuntur,

    id. Mur. 38:

    (oculi, aures, etc.) quasi fenestrae sunt animi, quibus tamen sentire nihil queat mens, nisi id agat et adsit,

    id. Tusc. 1, 20, 46: qui id egerunt, ut gentem... collocarent, aimed at this, that, etc., id. Cat. 4, 6, 12:

    qui cum maxime fallunt, id agunt, ut viri boni esse videantur,

    keep it in view, that, id. Off. 1, 13, 41:

    idne agebas, ut tibi cum sceleratis, an ut cum bonis civibus conveniret?

    id. Lig. 6, 18:

    Hoc agit, ut doleas,

    Juv. 5, 157:

    Hoc age, ne mutata retrorsum te ferat aura,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 18, 88:

    Quid tuus ille destrictus gladius agebat?

    have in view, mean, Cic. Leg. 3, 9:

    Quid aliud egimus nisi ut, quod hic potest, nos possemus?

    id. ib. 4, 10:

    Sin autem id actum est, ut homines postremi pecuniis alienis locupletarentur,

    id. Rosc. Am. 47, 137:

    certiorem eum fecit, id agi, ut pons dissolveretur,

    Nep. Them. 5, 1:

    ego id semper egi, ne bellis interessem,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 7.—Also, the opp.: alias res or aliud agere, not to attend to, heed, or observe, to pursue secondary or subordinate objects: Ch. Alias res agis. Pa. Istuc ago equidem, Ter. Eun. 2, 3, 57; id. Hec. 5, 3, 28:

    usque eo animadverti eum jocari atque alias res agere,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 22:

    atqui vides, quam alias res agamus,

    id. de Or. 3, 14, 51; id. Brut. 66, 233:

    aliud agens ac nihil ejusmodi cogitans,

    id. Clu. 64.—
    In relation to public affairs, to conduct, manage, carry on, administer: agere bellum, to carry on or wage war (embracing the whole theory and practice of war, while bellum gerere designates the bodily and mental effort, and the bearing of the necessary burdens; and bellum facere, the actual outbreak of hostile feelings, v. Herz. ad Caes. B. G. 28):

    qui longe alia ratione ac reliqui Galli bellum agere instituerunt,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 28:

    Antiochus si tam in agendo bello parere voluisset consiliis ejus (Hannibalis) quam in suscipiendo instituerat, etc.,

    Nep. Hann. 8, 3; Curt. 4, 10, 29:

    aliena bella mercedibus agere,

    Mel. 1, 16:

    Bellaque non puero tractat agenda puer,

    Ov. A. A. 1, 182 (also in id. Tr. 2, 230, Gron. Observ. 2, 3, 227, for the usu. obit, with one MS., reads agit; so Merkel).— Poet.:

    Martem for bellum,

    Luc. 4, 2: agere proelium, to give battle (very rare):

    levibus proeliis cum Gallis actis,

    Liv. 22, 9.—Of offices, employments, etc., to conduct, exercise, administer, hold:

    forum agere,

    to hold court, Cic. Fam. 8, 6; and:

    conventus agere,

    to hold the assizes, id. Verr. 5, 11, 28; Caes. B. G. 1, 54; 6, 44;

    used of the governors of provinces: judicium agere,

    Plin. 9, 35, 58, § 120:

    vivorum coetus agere,

    to make assemblies of, to assemble, Tac. A. 16, 34:

    censum agere,

    Liv. 3, 22; Tac. A. 14, 46; Suet. Aug. 27:

    recensum agere,

    id. Caes. 41:

    potestatem agere,

    Flor. 1, 7, 2:

    honorem agere,

    Liv. 8, 26:


    Flor. 1, 6, 2:

    rem publicam,

    Dig. 4, 6, 35, § 8:


    Quint. 12, 1, 16:


    Suet. Tib. 6:


    Tac. A. 1, 44:


    Suet. Caes. 88:

    fiscum agere,

    to have charge of the treasury, id. Dom. 12:

    publicum agere,

    to collect the taxes, id. Vesp. 1:

    inquisitionem agere,

    Plin. 29, 1, 8, § 18:

    curam alicujus rei agere,

    to have the management of, to manage, Liv. 6, 15; Suet. Claud. 18:

    rei publicae curationem agens,

    Liv. 4, 13: dilectum agere, to make a levy, to levy (postAug. for dilectum habere, Cic., Caes., Sall.), Quint. 12, 3, 5; Tac. A. 2, 16; id. Agr. 7 and 10; id. H. 2, 16, 12; Suet. Calig. 43. —
    Of civil and political transactions in the senate, the forum, before tribunals of justice, etc., to manage or transact, to do, to discuss, plead, speak, deliberate; constr. aliquid or de aliqua re:

    velim recordere, quae ego de te in senatu egerim, quae in contionibus dixerim,

    Cic. Fam. 5, 2; 1, 9:

    de condicionibus pacis,

    Liv. 8, 37:

    de summa re publica,

    Suet. Caes. 28:

    cum de Catilinae conjuratione ageretur in curia,

    id. Aug. 94:

    de poena alicujus,

    Liv. 5, 36:

    de agro plebis,

    id. 1, 46.—Hence the phrase: agere cum populo, of magistrates, to address the people in a public assembly, for the purpose of obtaining their approval or rejection of a thing (while [p. 76] agere ad populum signifies to propose, to bring before the people):

    cum populo agere est rogare quid populum, quod suffragiis suis aut jubeat aut vetet,

    Gell. 13, 15, 10:

    agere cum populo de re publica,

    Cic. Verr. 1, 1, 12; id. Lael. 25, 96:

    neu quis de his postea ad senatum referat neve cum populo agat,

    Sall. C. 51, 43.—So also absol.:

    hic locus (rostra) ad agendum amplissimus,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 1:

    Metellus cum agere coepisset, tertio quoque verbo orationis suae me appellabat,

    id. Fam. 5, 2.— Transf. to common life.
    Agere cum aliquo, de aliquo or re or ut, to treat, deal, negotiate, confer, talk with one about a person or thing; to endeavor to persuade or move one, that, etc.: nihil age tecum (sc. cum odore vini);

    ubi est ipsus (vini lepos)?

    I have nothing to do with you, Plaut. Curc. 1, 2, 11:

    Quae (patria) tecum, Catilina, sic agit,

    thus pleads, Cic. Cat. 1, 6, 18:

    algae Inquisitores agerent cum remige nudo,

    Juv. 4, 49:

    haec inter se dubiis de rebus agebant,

    thus treated together, Verg. A. 11, 445:

    de quo et praesens tecum egi diligenter, et scripsi ad te accurate antea,

    Cic. Fam. 13, 75:

    egi cum Claudia et cum vestra sorore Mucia, ut eum ab illa injuria deterrerent,

    id. ib. 5, 2:

    misi ad Metellum communes amicos, qui agerent cum eo, ut de illa mente desisteret,

    id. ib. 5, 2:

    Callias quidam egit cum Cimone, ut eam (Elpinicen) sibi uxorem daret,

    Nep. Cim. 1, 3.—Also absol.:

    Alcibiades praesente vulgo agere coepit,

    Nep. Alc. 8, 2:

    si qua Caesares obtinendae Armeniae egerant,

    Tac. A. 15, 14:

    ut Lucretius agere varie, rogando alternis suadendoque coepit,

    Liv. 2, 2.—In Suet. once agere cum senatu, with acc. and inf., to propose or state to the Senate:

    Tiberius egit cum senatu non debere talia praemia tribui,

    Suet. Tib. 54.—
    With the advv. bene, praeclare, male, etc., to deal well or ill with one, to treat or use well or ill:

    facile est bene agere cum eis, etc.,

    Cic. Phil. 14, 11:

    bene egissent Athenienses cum Miltiade, si, etc.,

    Val. Max. 5, 3, 3 ext.; Vulg. Jud. 9, 16:

    praeclare cum aliquo agere,

    Cic. Sest. 23:

    Male agis mecum,

    Plaut. As. 1, 3, 21:

    qui cum creditoribus suis male agat,

    Cic. Quinct. 84; and:

    tu contra me male agis,

    Vulg. Jud. 11, 27.—Freq. in pass., to be or go well or ill with one, to be well or badly off:

    intelleget secum actum esse pessime,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 50:

    praeclare mecum actum puto,

    id. Fam. 9, 24; so id. ib. 5, 18: exstat cujusdam non inscitus jocus bene agi potuisse cum rebus humanis, si Domitius pater talem habuisset uxorem, it would have gone well with human affairs, been well for mankind, if, etc., Suet. Ner. 28.—Also absol. without cum: agitur praeclare, si nosmet ipsos regere possumus, it is well done if, etc., it is a splendid thing if, etc., Cic. Fam. 4, 14:

    vivitur cum eis, in quibus praeclare agitur si sunt simulacra virtutis,

    id. Off. 1, 15:

    bene agitur pro noxia,

    Plaut. Mil. 5, 23.—
    Of transactions before a court or tribunal.
    Aliquid agere ex jure, ex syngrapha, ex sponso, or simply the abl. jure, lege, litibus, obsignatis tabellis, causa, to bring an action or suit, to manage a cause, to plead a case:

    ex jure civili et praetorio agere,

    Cic. Caecin. 12:

    tamquam ex syngrapha agere cum populo,

    to litigate, id. Mur. 17:

    ex sponso egit,

    id. Quint. 9: Ph. Una injuriast Tecum. Ch. Lege agito ergo, Go to law, then, Ter. Phorm. 5, 8, 90:

    agere lege in hereditatem,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 38, 175; Ov. F. 1, 48; Liv. 9, 46:

    cum illo se lege agere dicebat,

    Nep. Tim. 5: summo jure agere, to assert or claim one's right to the full extent of the law, Cic. Off. 1, 11:

    non enim gladiis mecum, sed litibus agetur,

    id. Q. Fr. 1, 4:

    causa quam vi agere malle,

    Tac. A. 13, 37:

    tabellis obsignatis agis mecum,

    Cic. Tusc. 5, 11, 33:

    Jure, ut opinor, agat, jure increpet inciletque,

    with right would bring her charge, Lucr. 3, 963; so,

    Castrensis jurisdictio plura manu agens,

    settles more cases by force, Tac. Agr. 9:

    ubi manu agitur,

    when the case is settled by violent hands, id. G. 36.—
    Causam or rem agere, to try or plead a case; with apud, ad, or absol.:

    causam apud centumviros egit,

    Cic. Caecin. 24:

    Caesar cum ageret apud censores,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 7, 10; so with adversus:

    egi causam adversus magistratus,

    Vulg. 2 Esdr. 13, 11:

    orator agere dicitur causam,

    Varr. L. L. 6, 42: causam isto modo agere, Cic. Lig. 4, 10; Tac. Or. 5; 11; 14; Juv. 2, 51; 14, 132:

    agit causas liberales,

    Cic. Fam. 8, 9: qui ad rem agendam adsunt, M. Cael. ap. Quint. 11, 1, 51:

    cum (M. Tullius) et ipsam se rem agere diceret,

    Quint. 12, 10, 45: Gripe, accede huc;

    tua res agitur,

    is being tried, Plaut. Rud. 4, 4, 104; Quint. 8, 3, 13;

    and extra-judicially: rogo ad Caesarem meam causam agas,

    Cic. Fam. 5, 10:

    Una (factio) populi causam agebat, altera optimatum,

    Nep. Phoc. 3; so, agere, absol., to plead' ad judicem sic agi solet, Cic. Lig. 10:

    tam solute agere, tam leniter,

    id. Brut. 80:

    tu istuc nisi fingeres, sic ageres?

    id. ib. 80; Juv. 7, 143 and 144; 14, 32.— Transf. to common life; with de or acc., to discuss, treat, speak of:

    Sed estne hic ipsus, de quo agebam?

    of whom I was speaking, Ter. Ad. 1, 1, 53:

    causa non solum exponenda, sed etiam graviter copioseque agenda est,

    to be discussed, Cic. Div. in Caecil. 12; id. Verr. 1, 13, 37:

    Samnitium bella, quae agimus,

    are treating of, Liv. 10, 31.—Hence,
    Agere aliquem reum, to proceed against one as accused, to accuse one, Liv. 4, 42; 24, 25; Tac. A. 14, 18:

    reus agitur,

    id. ib. 15, 20; 3, 13; and with the gen. of the crime, with which one is charged:

    agere furti,

    to accuse of theft, Cic. Fam. 7, 22:

    adulterii cum aliquo,

    Quint. 4, 4, 8:


    id. 3, 6, 19; and often in the Pandects.—
    Pass. of the thing which is the subject of accusation, to be in suit or in question; it concerns or affects, is about, etc.:

    non nunc pecunia, sed illud agitur, quomodo, etc.,

    Ter. Heaut. 3, 1, 67:

    non capitis ei res agitur, sed pecuniae,

    the point in dispute, id. Phorm. 4, 3, 26:

    aguntur injuriae sociorum, agitur vis legum, agitur existimatio, veritasque judiciorum,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 51:

    si magna res, magna hereditas agetur,

    id. Fin. 2, 17: qua de re agitur, what the point of dispute or litigation is, id. Brut. 79.—Hence, trop.,
    Res agitur, the case is on trial, i. e. something is at stake or at hazard, in peril, or in danger:

    at nos, quarum res agitur, aliter auctores sumus,

    Plaut. Stich. 1, 2, 72:

    quasi istic mea res minor agatur quam tua,

    Ter. Heaut. 2, 3, 113:

    agitur populi Romani gloria, agitur salus sociorum atque amicorum, aguntur certissima populi Romani vectigalia et maxima, aguntur bona multorum civium,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 2, 6:

    in quibus eorum aut caput agatur aut fama,

    id. Lael. 17, 61; Nep. Att. 15, 2:

    non libertas solum agebatur,

    Liv. 28, 19; Sen. Clem. 1, 20 al.:

    nam tua res agitur, paries cum proximus ardet,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 18, 84 (= in periculo versatur, Lambin.):

    agitur pars tertia mundi,

    is at stake, I am in danger of losing, Ov. M. 5, 372.—
    Res acta est, the case is over (and done for): acta haec res est;


    this matter is ended, Ter. Heaut. 3, 3, 3: hence, actum est de aliquo or aliqua re, it is all over with a person or thing:

    actum hodie est de me,

    Plaut. Ps. 1, 1, 63:

    jam de Servio actum,

    Liv. 1, 47:

    actum est de collo meo,

    Plaut. Trin. 3, 4, 194.—So also absol.: actumst;

    ilicet me infelicem,

    Plaut. Cist. 4, 2, 17:

    si animus hominem pepulit, actumst,

    id. Trin. 2, 2, 27; Ter. And. 3, 1, 7; Cic. Att. 5, 15:

    actumst, ilicet, peristi,

    Ter. Eun. 1, 1, 9: periimus;


    id. Heaut. 3, 3, 3.—
    Rem actam agere, to plead a case already finished, i. e. to act to no purpose:

    rem actam agis,

    Plaut. Ps. 1, 3, 27; id. Cist. 4, 2, 36; Liv. 28, 40; so,

    actum or acta agere: actum, aiunt, ne agas,

    Ter. Phorm. 2, 3, 72; Cic. Att. 9, 18:

    acta agimus,

    id. Am. 22.—
    10. a.
    Of an orator, Cic. de Or. 1, 31, 142; cf. id. ib. 2, 19, 79:

    quae sic ab illo acta esse constabat oculis, voce, gestu, inimici ut lacrimas tenere non possent,

    id. ib. 3, 56, 214:

    agere fortius et audentius volo,

    Tac. Or. 18; 39.—
    Of an actor, to represent, play, act:

    Ipse hanc acturust Juppiter comoediam,

    Plaut. Am. prol. 88; so,


    Ter. Ad. prol. 12; id. Hec. prol. 22:

    dum haec agitur fabula,

    Plaut. Men. prol. 72 al.:


    to have a part in a play, Ter. Phorm. prol. 27:

    Ballionem illum cum agit, agit Chaeream,

    Cic. Rosc. Com. 7:

    gestum agere in scaena,

    id. de Or. 2, 57:

    dicitur canticum egisse aliquanto magis vigente motu,

    Liv. 7, 2 al. — Transf. to other relations, to represent or personate one, to act the part of, to act as, behave like: has partes lenitatis semper egi, Cic. Mur. 3:

    egi illos omnes adulescentes, quos ille actitat,

    id. Fam. 2, 9:

    amicum imperatoris,

    Tac. H. 1, 30:


    id. A. 1, 4:

    socium magis imperii quam ministrum,

    id. H. 2, 83:


    Tac. A. 16, 28.—So of things poetically:

    utrinque prora frontem agit,

    serves as a bow, Tac. G. 44.—
    Se agere = se gerere, to carry one's self, to behave, deport one's self:

    tanta mobilitate sese Numidae agunt,

    Sall. J. 56, 5:

    quanto ferocius ante se egerint,

    Tac. H. 3, 2 Halm:

    qui se pro equitibus Romanis agerent,

    Suet. Claud. 25:

    non principem se, sed ministrum egit,

    id. ib. 29:

    neglegenter se et avare agere,

    Eutr. 6, 9:

    prudenter se agebat,

    Vulg. 1 Reg. 18, 5:

    sapienter se agebat,

    ib. 4 Reg. 18, 7. —Also absol.:


    Tac. Agr. 7:

    facile justeque,

    id. ib. 9:


    id. H. 2, 27:

    ex aequo,

    id. ib. 4, 64:

    anxius et intentus agebat,

    id. Agr. 5.—
    Imper.: age, agite, Ter., Tib., Lucr., Hor., Ov., never using agite, and Catull. never age, with which compare the Gr. age, agete (also accompanied by the particles dum, eia, en, ergo, igitur, jam, modo, nuncjam, porro, quare, quin, sane, vero, verum, and by sis); as an exclamation.
    In encouragement, exhortation, come! come on! (old Engl. go to!) up! on! quick! (cf. I. B. fin.).
    In the sing.:

    age, adsta, mane, audi, Enn. ap. Delr. Synt. 1, 99: age i tu secundum,

    come, follow me! Plaut. Am. 2, 1, 1:

    age, perge, quaeso,

    id. Cist. 2, 3, 12:

    age, da veniam filio,

    Ter. Ad. 5, 8, 14:

    age, age, nunc experiamur,

    id. ib. 5, 4, 23:

    age sis tu... delude,

    Plaut. As. 3, 3, 89; id. Ep. 3, 4, 39; Cic. Tusc. 2, 18; id. Rosc. Am. 16:

    quanto ferocius ante se egerint, agedum eam solve cistulam,

    Plaut. Am. 2, 2, 151; id. Capt. 3, 4, 39:

    Agedum vicissim dic,

    Ter. Heaut. 2, 3, 69; id. Eun. 4, 4, 27:

    agedum humanis concede,

    Lucr. 3, 962:

    age modo hodie sero,

    Ter. Heaut. 2, 3, 103:

    age nuncjam,

    id. And. 5, 2, 25:

    En age, quid cessas,

    Tib. 2, 2, 10:

    Quare age,

    Verg. A. 7, 429:

    Verum age,

    id. ib. 12, 832:

    Quin age,

    id. G. 4, 329:

    en, age, Rumpe moras,

    id. ib. 3, 43:

    eia age,

    id. A. 4, 569.—
    In the plur.:

    agite, pugni,

    up, fists, and at 'em! Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 146:

    agite bibite,

    id. Curc. 1, 1, 88; id. Stich. 1, 3, 68:

    agite in modum dicite,

    Cat. 61, 38:

    Quare agite... conjungite,

    id. 64, 372; Verg. A. 1, 627:

    vos agite... volvite,

    Val. Fl. 3, 311:

    agite nunc, divites, plorate,

    Vulg. Jac. 5, 1:


    Liv. 3, 62.—Also age in the sing., with a verb in the plur. (cf. age tamnete, Hom. Od. 3, 332; age dê trapeiomen, id. Il. 3, 441):

    age igitur, intro abite,

    Plaut. Mil. 3, 3, 54:

    En agedum convertite,

    Prop. 1, 1, 21:

    mittite, agedum, legatos,

    Liv. 38, 47:

    Ite age,

    Stat. Th. 10, 33:

    Huc age adeste,

    Sil. 11, 169.—
    In transitions in discourse, well then! well now! well! (esp. in Cic. Or. very freq.). So in Plaut. for resuming discourse that has been interrupted: age, tu interea huic somnium narra, Curc. 2, 2, 5: nunc age, res quoniam docui non posse creari, etc., well now, since I have taught, etc., Lucr. 1, 266:

    nunc age, quod superest, cognosce et clarius audi,

    id. 1, 920; so id. 1, 952; 2, 62; 333; 730; 3, 418;

    4, 109 al.: age porro, tu, qui existimari te voluisti interpretem foederum, cur, etc.,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 22; so id. Rosc. Am. 16; id. Part. 12; id. Att. 8, 3.—And age (as in a.) with a verb in the plur.:

    age vero, ceteris in rebus qualis sit temperantia considerate,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 14; so id. Sull. 26; id. Mil. 21; id. Rosc. Am. 37.—
    As a sign of assent, well! very well! good! right! Age, age, mansero, Plaut. As. 2, 2, 61: age, age, jam ducat;


    Ter. Phorm. 4, 3, 57:

    Age, veniam,

    id. And. 4, 2, 30:

    age, sit ita factum,

    Cic. Mil. 19:

    age sane,

    Plaut. Ps. 5, 2, 27; Cic. Fin. 2, 35, 119.
    —Age, used with another verb in the imperative, regularly stands before it, but in poetry, for the sake of the metre, it,
    Sometimes follows such verb; as,
    In dactylic metre:

    Cede agedum,

    Prop. 5, 9, 54:

    Dic age,

    Verg. A. 6, 343; Hor. S. 2, 7, 92; Ov. F. 1, 149:

    Esto age,

    Pers. 2, 42:

    Fare age,

    Verg. A. 3, 362:

    Finge age,

    Ov. H. 7, 65:

    Redde age,

    Hor. S. 2, 8, 80:

    Surge age,

    Verg. A. 3, 169; 8, 59; 10, 241; Ov. H. 14, 73:

    Vade age,

    Verg. A. 3, 462; 4, 422; so,

    agite: Ite agite,

    Prop. 4, 3, 7.—
    In other metres (very rarely):

    appropera age,

    Plaut. Cas. 2, 2, 38:

    dic age,

    Hor. C. 1, [p. 77] 32, 3; 2, 11, 22;

    3, 4, 1.—So also in prose (very rarely): Mittite agedum,

    Liv. 38, 47:

    procedat agedum ad pugnam,

    id. 7, 9.—
    It is often separated from such verb:

    age me huc adspice,

    Plaut. Am. 2, 2, 118; id. Capt. 5, 2, 1:

    Age... instiga,

    Ter. And. 4, 2, 10; 5, 6, 11:

    Quare agite... conjungite,

    Cat. 64, 372:

    Huc age... veni,

    Tib. 2, 5, 2:

    Ergo age cervici imponere nostrae,

    Verg. A. 2, 707:

    en age segnis Rumpe moras,

    id. G. 3, 42:

    age te procellae Crede,

    Hor. C. 3, 27, 62:

    Age jam... condisce,

    id. ib. 4, 11, 31; id. S. 2, 7, 4.—Hence,
    ăgens, entis, P. a.
    Efficient, effective, powerful (only in the rhet. lang. of Cic.):

    utendum est imaginibus agentibus, acribus, insignitis,

    Cic. de Or. 2, 87, 358:

    acre orator, incensus et agens,

    id. Brut. 92, 317.— Comp. and sup. not used.
    Agentia verba, in the grammarians, for verba activa, Gell. 18, 12.—
    Subst.: ăgentes, ium.
    Under the emperors, a kind of secret police (also called frumentarii and curiosi), Aur. Vict. Caes. 39 fin.; Dig. 1, 12; 1, 20; 21; 22; 23, etc.; Amm. 15, 3; 14, 11 al.—
    For agrimensores, land-surveyors, Hyg. Lim. p. 179.—
    actus, a, um, P. a. Lit., that has been transacted in the Senate, in the forum, before the courts of justice, etc.; hence,
    actum, i, n., a public transaction in the Senate, before the people, or before a single magistrate:

    actum ejus, qui in re publica cum imperio versatus sit,

    Cic. Phil. 1, 7:

    acta Caesaris servanda censeo,

    id. ib. 1, 7:

    acta tui praeclari tribunatus,

    id. Dom. 31.—
    acta publĭca, or absol.: acta, orum, n., the register of public acts, records, journal. Julius Caesar, in his consulship, ordered that the doings of the Senate (diurna acta) should be made public, Suet. Caes. 20; cf. Ernest. Exc. 1;

    but Augustus again prohibited it,

    Suet. Aug. 36. Still the acts of the Senate were written down, and, under the succeeding emperors. certain senators were appointed to this office (actis vel commentariis Senatus conficiendis), Tac. A. 5, 4. They had also public registers of the transactions of the assemblies of the people, and of the different courts of justice;

    also of births and deaths, marriages, divorces, etc., which were preserved as sources of future history.—Hence, diurna urbis acta,

    the city journal, Tac. A. 13, 31:

    acta populi,

    Suet. Caes. 20:

    acta publica,

    Tac. A. 12, 24; Suet. Tib. 8; Plin. Ep. 7, 33:


    id. ib. 9, 15; which were all comprehended under the gen. name acta.
    With the time added:

    acta eorum temporum,

    Plin. 7, 13, 11, § 60:

    illius temporis,

    Ascon. Mil. 44, 16:

    ejus anni,

    Plin. 2, 56, 57, § 147.—
    Absol., Cic. Fam. 12, 8; 22, 1; 28, 3; Sen. Ben. 2, 10; 3, 16; Suet. Calig. 8; Quint. 9, 3; Juv. 2, 136: Quis dabit historico, quantum daret acta legenti, i. e. to the actuarius, q. v., id. 7, 104; cf. Bahr's Rom. Lit. Gesch. 303.—
    acta triumphōrum, the public record of triumphs, fuller than the Fasti triumphales, Plin. 37, 2, 6, § 12.—
    acta fŏri (v. Inscr. Grut. 445, 10), the records,
    Of strictly historical transactions, Amm. 22, 3, 4; Dig. 4, 6, 33, § 1.—
    Of matters of private right, as wills, gifts, bonds (acta ad jus privatorum pertinentia, Dig. 49, 14, 45, § 4), Fragm. Vat. §§ 249, 266, 268, 317.—

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > acta fori

  • 18 acta militaria

    ăgo, egi, actum, 3, v. a. (axim = egerim, Pac. ap. Non. 505, 22; Paul. ex Fest. s. v. axitiosi, p. 3 Mull.;

    axit = egerit,

    Paul. Diac. 3, 3;

    AGIER = agi,

    Cic. Off. 3, 15;

    agentum = agentium,

    Vulc. Gall. Av. Cass. 4, 6) [cf. agô; Sanscr. ag, aghami = to go, to drive; agmas = way, train = ogmos; agis = race, contest = agôn; perh. also Germ. jagen, to drive, to hunt], to put in motion, to move (syn.: agitare, pellere, urgere).
    Of cattle and other animals, to lead, drive.
    Absol.: agas asellum, Seip. ap. Cic. de Or. 2, 64, 258:

    jumenta agebat,

    Liv. 1, 48:

    capellas ago,

    Verg. E. 1, 13:

    Pars quia non veniant pecudes, sed agantur, ab actu etc.,

    Ov. F. 1, 323:


    Hor. Ep. 1, 18, 36.—
    With acc. of place, prep., sup., or inf.:

    agere bovem Romam,

    Curt. 1, 45:

    equum in hostem,

    id. 7, 4:

    Germani in amnem aguntur,

    Tac. H. 5, 21:

    acto ad vallum equo,

    id. A. 2, 13:

    pecora per calles,

    Curt. 7, 11:

    per devia rura capellas,

    Ov. M. 1, 676:

    pecus pastum,

    Varr. L. L. 6, 41, p. 88 Mull.:

    capellas potum age,

    Verg. E. 9, 23:

    pecus egit altos Visere montes,

    Hor. C. 1, 2, 7.—
    Of men, to drive, lead, conduct, impel.

    agmen agens equitum,

    Verg. A. 7, 804.—
    With prep., abl., or inf.:

    vinctum ante se Thyum agebat,

    Nep. Dat. 3:

    agitur praeceps exercitus Lydorum in populos,

    Sil. 4, 720:

    (adulteram) maritus per omnem vicum verbere agit,

    Tac. G. 19; Suet. Calig. 27:

    captivos prae se agentes,

    Curt. 7, 6; Liv. 23, 1:

    acti ante suum quisque praedonem catenati,

    Quint. 8, 3, 69:

    captivos sub curribus agere,

    Mart. 8, 26:

    agimur auguriis quaerere exilia,

    Verg. A. 3, 5;

    and simple for comp.: multis milibus armatorum actis ex ea regione = coactis,

    Liv. 44, 31.— In prose: agi, to be led, to march, to go:

    quo multitudo omnis consternata agebatur,

    Liv. 10, 29: si citius agi vellet agmen, that the army would move, or march on quicker, id. 2, 58:

    raptim agmine acto,

    id. 6, 28; so id. 23, 36; 25, 9.— Trop.:

    egit sol hiemem sub terras,

    Verg. G. 4, 51:

    poemata dulcia sunto Et quocumque volent animum auditoris agunto,

    lead the mind, Hor. A. P. 100. —Hence, poet.: se agere, to betake one's self, i. e. to go, to come (in Plaut. very freq.;

    also in Ter., Verg., etc.): quo agis te?

    where are you going? Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 294:

    unde agis te?

    id. Most. 1, 4, 28; so id. ib. 3, 1, 31; id. Mil. 3, 2, 49; id. Poen. 1, 2, 120; id. Pers. 4, 3, 13; id. Trin. 4, 3, 71:

    quo hinc te agis?

    where are you going, Ter. And. 4, 2, 25:

    Ecce gubernator sese Palinurus agebat,

    was moving along, Verg. A. 6, 337:

    Aeneas se matutinus agebat,

    id. ib. 8, 465:

    is enim se primus agebat,

    for he strode on in front, id. ib. 9, 696.—Also without se:

    Et tu, unde agis?

    Plaut. Bacch. 5, 1, 20:

    Quo agis?

    id. Pers. 2, 2, 34:

    Huc age,

    Tib. 2, 5, 2 (unless age is here to be taken with veni at the end of the line).—
    To drive or carry off (animals or men), to steal, rob, plunder (usually abigere):

    Et redigunt actos in sua rura boves,

    Ov. F. 3, 64.—So esp. freq. of men or animals taken as booty in war, while ferre is used of portable things; hence, ferre et agere (as in Gr. agein kai pherein, Hom. Il. 5, 484; and reversed, pherein kai agein, in Hdt. and Xen.; cf.:

    rapiunt feruntque,

    Verg. A. 2, 374:

    rapere et auferre,

    Cic. Off. 1, 14), in gen., to rob, to plunder: res sociorum ferri agique vidit, Liv. 22, 3:

    ut ferri agique res suas viderunt,

    id. 38, 15; so id. 3, 37;

    so also: rapere agereque: ut ex alieno agro raperent agerentque,

    Liv. 22, 1, 2; but portari atque agi means to bear and carry, to bring together, in Caes. B. C. 2, 29 (as pherein kai agein in Plat. Phaedr. 279, C):

    ne pulcram praedam agat,

    Plaut. Aul. 4, 2, 3:

    urbes, agros vastare, praedas agere,

    Sall. J. 20, 8; 32, 3:

    pecoris et mancipiorum praedas,

    id. ib. 44, 5;

    so eccl. Lat.: agere praedas de aliquo,

    Vulg. Jud. 9, 16; ib. 1 Reg. 27, 8; cf. Gron. Obs. 3, 22, 633.—
    To chase, pursue, press animals or men, to drive about or onwards in flight (for the usual agitare).
    Of animals:


    Verg. G. 3, 412:


    id. A. 7, 481; cf. id. ib. 4, 71:

    citos canes,

    Ov. H. 5, 20:

    feros tauros,

    Suet. Claud. 21.—
    Of men:

    ceteros ruerem, agerem,

    Ter. Ad. 3, 2, 21 (= prosequerer, premerem, Don.):

    ita perterritos egerunt, ut, etc.,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 12:

    Demoleos cursu palantis Troas agebat,

    Verg. A. 5, 265; cf. id. ib. 1, 574:

    aliquem in exsilium,

    Liv. 25, 2; so Just. 2, 9, 6; 16, 4, 4; 17, 3, 17;

    22, 1, 16 al.: aliquem in fugam,

    id. 16, 2, 3.—
    Of inanimate or abstract objects, to move, impel, push forwards, advance, carry to or toward any point:

    quid si pater cuniculos agat ad aerarium?

    lead, make, Cic. Off. 3, 23, 90:

    egisse huc Alpheum vias,

    made its way, Verg. A. 3, 695:

    vix leni et tranquillo mari moles agi possunt,

    carry, build out, Curt. 4, 2, 8:

    cloacam maximam sub terram agendam,

    to be carried under ground, Liv. 1, 56;

    so often in the histt., esp. Caes. and Livy, as t. t., of moving forwards the battering engines: celeriter vineis ad oppidum actis,

    pushed forwards, up, Caes. B. G. 2, 12 Herz.; so id. ib. 3, 21; 7, 17; id. B. C. 2, 1; Liv. 8, 16:

    accelerant acta pariter testudine Volsci,

    Verg. A. 9, 505 al.:

    fugere colles campique videntur, quos agimus praeter navem, i. e. praeter quos agimus navem,

    Lucr. 4, 391:

    in litus passim naves egerunt,

    drove the ships ashore, Liv. 22, 19:

    ratem in amnem,

    Ov. F. 1, 500:

    naves in advorsum amnem,

    Tac. H. 4, 22.— Poet.: agere navem, to steer or direct a ship, Hor. Ep. 2, 1, 114; so,

    agere currum,

    to drive a chariot, Ov. M. 2, 62; 2, 388 al.—
    To stir up, to throw out, excite, cause, bring forth (mostly poet.):

    scintillasque agere ac late differre favillam,

    to throw out sparks and scatter ashes far around, Lucr. 2, 675:

    spumas ore,

    Verg. G. 3, 203; so Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 66:

    piceum Flumen agit,

    Verg. A. 9, 814:

    qui vocem cubantes sensim excitant, eandemque cum egerunt, etc.,

    when they have brought it forth, Cic. de Or. 1, 59, 251. —Hence, animam agere, to expel the breath of life, give up the ghost, expire:

    agens animam spumat,

    Lucr. 3, 493:

    anhelans vaga vadit, animam agens,

    Cat. 63, 31:

    nam et agere animam et efflare dicimus,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 9, 19:

    Hortensius, cum has litteras scripsi, animam agebat,

    id. Fam. 8, 13, 2; so Cael. ap. Cic. Fam. 8, 13:

    eodem tempore et gestum et animam ageres,

    Cic. Rosc. Com. 8:

    Est tanti habere animam ut agam?

    Sen. Ep. 101, 12; and with a play upon words: semper agis causas et res agis, Attale, semper. Est, non est, quod agas, Attale, semper agis. Si res et causae desunt, agis, Attale, mulas;

    Attale, ne quod agas desit, agas animam,

    Mart. 1, 80.—
    Of plants, to put forth or out, to shoot, extend:

    (salices) gemmas agunt,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 30:

    florem agere coeperit ficus,

    Col. R. R. 5, 10, 10:

    frondem agere,

    Plin. 18, 6, 8, § 45:

    se ad auras palmes agit,

    Verg. G. 2, 364:

    (platanum) radices trium et triginta cubitorum egisse,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 37, 15:

    per glebas sensim radicibus actis,

    Ov. M. 4, 254; so id. ib. 2, 583:

    robora suas radices in profundum agunt,

    Plin. 16, 31, 56, § 127.—Metaph.:

    vera gloria radices agit,

    Cic. Off. 2, 12, 43:

    pluma in cutem radices egerat imas,

    Ov. M. 2, 582.
    Spec., to guide, govern:

    Tros Tyriusque mihi nullo discrimine agetur,

    Verg. A. 1, 574; cf. Forbig. ad h. 1., who considers it the only instance of this use, and compares a similar use of agô; v. L. and S. s. v. II. 2.—
    In gen., to move, impel, excite, urge to a thing, to prompt or induce to:

    si quis ad illa deus te agat,

    Hor. S. 2, 7, 24:

    una plaga ceteros ad certamen egit,

    Liv. 9, 41; 8, 7; 39, 15: quae te, germane, furentem Mens agit in facinus? Ov. M. 5, 14:

    totis mentibus acta,

    Sil. 10, 191:

    in furorem agere,

    Quint. 6, 1, 31:

    si Agricola in ipsam gloriam praeceps agebatur,

    Tac. Agr. 41:

    provinciam avaritia in bellum egerat,

    id. A. 14, 32.—
    To drive, stir up, excite, agitate, rouse vehemently (cf. agito, II.):

    me amor fugat, agit,

    Plaut. Cist. 2, 1, 8:

    agunt eum praecipitem poenae civium Romanorum,

    Cic. Verr. 1, 3:

    perpetua naturalis bonitas, quae nullis casibus neque agitur neque minuitur,

    Nep. Att. 9, 1 Brem.:

    opportunitas, quae etiam mediocres viros spe praedae transvorsos agit,

    i. e. leads astray, Sall. J. 6, 3; 14, 20; so Sen. Ep. 8, 3.— To pursue with hostile intent, to persecute, disturb, vex, to attack, assail (for the usu. agitare; mostly poet.):

    reginam Alecto stimulis agit undique Bacchi,

    Verg. A. 7, 405:

    non res et agentia (i. e. agitantia, vexantia) verba Lycamben,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 19, 25:

    acerba fata Romanos agunt,

    id. Epod 7, 17:

    diris agam vos,

    id. ib. 5, 89:

    quam deus ultor agebat,

    Ov. M. 14, 750:

    futurae mortis agor stimulis,

    Luc. 4, 517; cf. Matth. ad Cic. Mur. § 21.—
    To drive at something, to pursue a course of action, i. e. to make something an object of action; either in the most general sense, like the Engl. do and the Gr. prattein, for every kind of mental or physical employment; or, in a more restricted sense, to exhibit in external action, to act or perform, to deliver or pronounce, etc., so that after the act is completed nothing remains permanent, e. g. a speech, dance, play, etc. (while facere, to make, poiein, denotes the production of an object which continues to exist after the act is completed; and gerere, the performance of the duties of an office or calling).—On these significations, v. Varr. 6, 6, 62, and 6, 7, 64, and 6, 8, 72.—For the more restricted signif. v. Quint. 2, 18, 1 sq.; cf. Manut. ad Cic. Fam. 7, 12; Hab. Syn. 426.
    In the most gen. signif., to do, act, labor, in opp. to rest or idleness.
    With the gen. objects, aliquid, nihil, plus, etc.:

    numquam se plus agere quam nihil cum ageret,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 17 (cf. with this, id. Off. 3, 1: numquam se minus otiosum esse quam cum otiosus esset): mihi, qui nihil agit, esse omnino non videtur. id. N. D. 2, 16, 46:

    post satietatem nihil (est) agendum,

    Cels. 1, 2.—Hence,
    Without object:

    aliud agendi tempus, aliud quiescendi,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 53, 132; Juv. 16, 49:

    agendi tempora,

    Tac. H. 3, 40:

    industria in agendo, celeritas in conficiendo,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 10, 29.—
    In colloquial lang., to do, to fare, get on: quid agis? what are you doing? M. Tulli, quid agis? Cic. Cat. 1, 11:

    Quid agis?

    What's your business? Plaut. Stich. 2, 2, 9; also, How goes it with you? How are you? ti pratteis, Plaut. Curc. 2, 1, 20; Cic. Fam. 7, 11 al.; Hor. S. 1, 9, 4:

    vereor, quid agat,

    how he is, Cic. Att. 9, 17:

    ut sciatis, quid agam,

    Vulg. Ephes. 6, 21:

    prospere agit anima tua,

    fares well, ib. 3 Joan. 2:

    quid agitur?

    how goes it with you? how do you do? how are you? Plaut. Ps. 1, 1, 17; 1, 5, 42; Ter. Eun. 2, 2, 40:

    Quid intus agitur?

    is going on, Plaut. Cas. 5, 2, 20; id. Ps. 1, 5, 42 al.—
    With nihil or non multum, to do, i. e. to effect, accomplish, achieve nothing, or not much (orig. belonging to colloquial lang., but in the class. per. even in oratorical and poet. style): nihil agit;

    collum obstringe homini,

    Plaut. Curc. 5, 3, 29:

    nihil agis,

    you effect nothing, it is of no use, Ter. Ad. 5, 8, 12:

    nihil agis, dolor! quamvis sis molestus, numquam te esse confitebor malum,

    Cic. Tusc. 2, 25, 61 Kuhn.; Matius ap. Cic. Fam. 11, 28, 10: cupis, inquit, abire; sed nihil agis;

    usque tenebo,

    Hor. S. 1, 9, 15:

    [nihil agis,] nihil assequeris,

    Cic. Cat. 1, 6, 15 B. and K.:

    ubi blanditiis agitur nihil,

    Ov. M. 6, 685: egerit non multum, has not done much, Curt. ap. Cic. Fam. 7, 29; cf. Ruhnk. ad Rutil. Lup. p. 120.—
    In certain circumstances, to proceed, do, act, manage (mostly belonging to familiar style): Thr. Quid nunc agimus? Gn. Quin redimus, What shall we do now? Ter. Eun. 4, 7, 41:

    hei mihi! quid faciam? quid agam?

    what shall I do? how shall I act? id. Ad. 5, 3, 3:

    quid agam, habeo,

    id. And. 3, 2, 18 (= quid respondeam habeo, Don.) al.:

    sed ita quidam agebat,

    was so acting, Cic. Lig. 7, 21: a Burro minaciter actum, Burrus [p. 75] proceeded to threats, Tac. A. 13, 21.—
    To pursue, do, perform, transact (the most usual signif. of this word; in all periods; syn.: facere, efficere, transigere, gerere, tractare, curare): cui quod agat institutumst nullo negotio id agit, Enn. ap. Gell. 19, 10, 12 (Trag. v. 254 Vahl.): ut quae egi, ago, axim, verruncent bene, Pac. ap. Non. 505, 23 (Trag. Rel. p. 114 Rib.):

    At nihil est, nisi, dum calet, hoc agitur,

    Plaut. Poen. 4, 2, 92:

    Ut id agam, quod missus huc sum,

    id. Ps. 2, 2, 44: homines quae agunt vigilantes, agitantque, ea si cui in somno accidunt, minus mirum est, Att. ap. Cic. Div. 1, 22, 45:

    observabo quam rem agat,

    what he is going to do, Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 114:

    Id quidem ago,

    That is what I am doing, Verg. E. 9, 37:

    res vera agitur,

    Juv. 4, 35:

    Jam tempus agires,

    Verg. A. 5, 638:

    utilis rebus agendis,

    Juv. 14, 72:

    grassator ferro agit rem,

    does the business with a dagger, id. 3, 305; 6, 659 (cf.:

    gladiis geritur res,

    Liv. 9, 41):

    nihil ego nunc de istac re ago,

    do nothing about that matter, Plaut. Truc. 4, 4, 8:

    postquam id actumst,

    after this is accomplished, id. Am. 1, 1, 72; so,

    sed quid actumst?

    id. Ps. 2, 4, 20:

    nihil aliud agebam nisi eum defenderem,

    Cic. Sull. 12:

    ne quid temere ac fortuitu, inconsiderate negligenterque agamus,

    id. Off. 1, 29:

    agamus quod instat,

    Verg. E. 9, 66:

    renuntiaverunt ei omnia, quae egerant,

    Vulg. Marc. 6, 30; ib. Act. 5, 35:

    suum negotium agere,

    to mind one's business, attend to one's own affairs, Cic. Off. 1, 9; id. de Or. 3, 55, 211; so,

    ut vestrum negotium agatis,

    Vulg. 1 Thess. 4, 11:

    neque satis Bruto constabat, quid agerent,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 14:

    postquam res in Africa gestas, quoque modo actae forent, fama divolgavit,

    Sall. J. 30, 1:

    sed tu delibera, utrum colloqui malis an per litteras agere quae cogitas,

    Nep. Con. 3, 8 al. —With the spec. idea of completing, finishing: jucundi acti labores, a proverb in Cic. Fin. 2, 32, 105.—
    To pursue in one's mind, to drive at, to revolve, to be occupied with, think upon, have in view, aim at (cf. agito, II. E., volvo and voluto):

    nescio quid mens mea majus agit,

    Ov. H. 12, 212:

    hoc variis mens ipsa modis agit,

    Val. Fl. 3, 392:

    agere fratri proditionem,

    Tac. H. 2, 26:

    de intranda Britannia,

    id. Agr. 13.—
    With a verbal subst., as a favorite circumlocution for the action indicated by the subst. (cf. in Gr. agô with verbal subst.):

    rimas agere (sometimes ducere),

    to open in cracks, fissures, to crack, Cic. Att. 14, 9; Ov. M. 2, 211; Luc. 6, 728: vos qui regalis corporis custodias agitis, keep watch over, guard, Naev. ap. Non. 323, 1; so Liv. 5, 10:

    vigilias agere,

    Cic. Verr. 4, 43, 93; Nep. Thras. 4; Tac. H. 3, 76:

    excubias alicui,

    Ov. F. 3, 245:


    Tac. H. 4, 58:


    Suet. Vit. 10:

    stationem agere,

    to keep guard, Liv. 35, 29; Tac. H. 1, 28:

    triumphum agere,

    to triumph, Cic. Fam. 3, 10; Ov. M. 15, 757; Suet. Dom. 6:

    libera arbitria agere,

    to make free decisions, to decide arbitrarily, Liv. 24, 45; Curt. 6, 1, 19; 8, 1, 4:

    paenitentiam agere,

    to exercise repentance, to repent, Quint. 9, 3, 12; Petr. S. 132; Tac. Or. 15; Curt. 8, 6, 23; Plin. Ep. 7, 10; Vulg. Lev. 5, 5; ib. Matt. 3, 2; ib. Apoc. 2, 5:

    silentia agere,

    to maintain silence, Ov. M. 1, 349:

    pacem agere,

    Juv. 15, 163:

    crimen agere,

    to bring accusation, to accuse, Cic. Verr. 4, 22, 48:

    laborem agere,

    id. Fin. 2, 32:

    cursus agere,

    Ov. Am. 3, 6, 95:

    delectum agere,

    to make choice, to choose, Plin. 7, 29, 30, § 107; Quint. 10, 4, 5:

    experimenta agere,

    Liv. 9, 14; Plin. 29, 1, 8, § 18:


    id. 15, 3, 4, § 14:

    curam agere,

    to care for, Ov. H. 15, 302; Quint. 8, prooem. 18:

    curam ejus egit,

    Vulg. Luc. 10, 34:

    oblivia agere,

    to forget, Ov. M. 12, 540:

    nugas agere,

    to trifle, Plaut. Cist. 2, 3, 29; id. As. 1, 1, 78, and often:

    officinas agere,

    to keep shop, Inscr. Orell. 4266.—So esp.: agere gratias ( poet. grates; never in sing. gratiam), to give thanks, to thank; Gr. charin echein ( habere gratiam is to be or feel grateful; Gr. charin eidenai; and referre gratiam, to return a favor, requite; Gr. charin apodidonai; cf. Bremi ad Nep. Them. 8, 7):

    diis gratias pro meritis agere,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 26:

    Haud male agit gratias,

    id. Aul. 4, 4, 31:

    Magnas vero agere gratias Thais mihi?

    Ter. Eun. 3, 1, 1:

    Dis magnas merito gratias habeo atque ago,

    id. Phorm. 5, 6, 80: Lentulo nostro egi per litteras tuo nomine gratias diligenter, Cic. Fam. 1, 10: immortales ago tibi gratias agamque dum vivam;

    nam relaturum me adfirmare non possum,

    id. ib. 10, 11, 1: maximas tibi omnes gratias agimus, C. Caesar;

    majores etiam habemus,

    id. Marcell. 11, 33:

    Trebatio magnas ago gratias, quod, etc.,

    id. Fam. 11, 28, 8: renuntiate gratias regi me agere;

    referre gratiam aliam nunc non posse quam ut suadeam, ne, etc.,

    Liv. 37, 37: grates tibi ago, summe Sol, vobisque, reliqui Caelites, * Cic. Rep. 6, 9:

    gaudet et invito grates agit inde parenti,

    Ov. M. 2, 152; so id. ib. 6, 435; 484; 10, 291; 681; 14, 596; Vulg. 2 Reg. 8, 10; ib. Matt. 15, 36 al.;

    and in connection with this, laudes agere: Jovis fratri laudes ago et grates gratiasque habeo,

    Plaut. Trin. 4, 1, 2:

    Dianae laudes gratesque agam,

    id. Mil. 2, 5, 2; so,

    diis immortalibus laudesque et grates egit,

    Liv. 26, 48:

    agi sibi gratias passus est,

    Tac. Agr. 42; so id. H. 2, 71; 4, 51; id. A. 13, 21; but oftener grates or gratis in Tac.:

    Tiberius egit gratis benevolentiae patrum, A. 6, 2: agit grates,

    id. H. 3, 80; 4, 64; id. A. 2, 38; 2, 86; 3, 18; 3, 24; 4, 15 al.—
    Of time, to pass, spend (very freq. and class.): Romulus in caelo cum dis agit aevom, Enn. ap. Cic. Tusc. 1, 12, 28; so Pac. id. ib. 2, 21, 49, and Hor. S. 1, 5, 101:


    Tac. H. 4, 62; id. A. 3, 16: domi aetatem, Enn. ap. Cic. Fam. 7, 6:

    aetatem in litteris,

    Cic. Leg. 2, 1, 3:


    id. Sen. 3, 7; cf. id. ib. 17, 60:

    dies festos,

    id. Verr. 2, 4, 48; Tac. G. 17:

    otia secura,

    Verg. G. 3, 377; Ov. F. 1, 68; 4, 926:

    ruri agere vitam,

    Liv. 7, 39, and Tac. A. 15, 63:

    vitam in terris,

    Verg. G. 2, 538:

    tranquillam vitam agere,

    Vulg. 1 Tim. 2, 2:

    Hunc (diem) agerem si,

    Verg. A. 5, 51:

    ver magnus agebat Orbis,

    id. G. 2, 338:

    aestiva agere,

    to pass, be in, summer quarters, Liv. 27, 8; 27, 21; Curt. 5, 8, 24.— Pass.:

    menses jam tibi esse actos vides,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 3, 2:

    mensis agitur hic septimus,

    Ter. Hec. 3, 3, 34, and Ov. M. 7, 700:

    melior pars acta (est) diei,

    Verg. A. 9, 156; Juv. 4, 66; Tac. A. 15, 63:

    acta est per lacrimas nox,

    Ov. H. 12, 58 Ruhnk.:

    tunc principium anni agebatur,

    Liv. 3, 6:

    actis quindecim annis in regno,

    Just. 41, 5, 9:

    Nona aetas agitur,

    Juv. 13, 28 al. —With annus and an ordinal, to be of a certain age, to be so old:

    quartum annum ago et octogesimum,

    am eighty-four years old, Cic. Sen. 10, 32:

    Annum agens sextum decimum patrem amisit,

    Suet. Caes. 1.—Metaph.: sescentesimum et quadragesimum annum urbs nostra agebat, was in its 640 th year, Tac. G. 37.— Hence also absol. (rare), to pass or spend time, to live, to be, to be somewhere:

    civitas laeta agere,

    was joyful, Sall. J. 55, 2:

    tum Marius apud primos agebat,

    id. ib. 101, 6:

    in Africa, qua procul a mari incultius agebatur,

    id. ib. 89, 7:

    apud illos homines, qui tum agebant,

    Tac. A. 3, 19:

    Thracia discors agebat,

    id. ib. 3, 38:

    Juxta Hermunduros Naristi agunt,

    Tac. G. 42:

    ultra jugum plurimae gentes agunt,

    id. ib. 43:

    Gallos trans Padum agentes,

    id. H. 3, 34:

    quibus (annis) exul Rhodi agit,

    id. A. 1, 4:

    agere inter homines desinere,

    id. ib. 15, 74:

    Vitellius non in ore volgi agere,

    was not in the sight of the people, id. H. 3, 36:

    ante aciem agere,

    id. G. 7; and:

    in armis agere,

    id. A. 14, 55 = versari.—
    In the lang. of offerings, t. t., to despatch the victim, to kill, slay. In performing this rite, the sacrificer asked the priest, agone, shall I do it? and the latter answered, age or hoc age, do it:

    qui calido strictos tincturus sanguine cultros semper, Agone? rogat, nec nisi jussus agit,

    Ov. F. 1. 321 (cf. agonia and agonalia):

    a tergo Chaeream cervicem (Caligulae) gladio caesim graviter percussisse, praemissa voce,

    hoc age, Suet. Calig. 58; id. Galb. 20. —This call of the priest in act of solemn sacrifice, Hoc age, warned the assembled multitude to be quiet and give attention; hence hoc or id and sometimes haec or istuc agere was used for, to give attention to, to attend to, to mind, heed; and followed by ut or ne, to pursue a thing, have it in view, aim at, design, etc.; cf. Ruhnk. ad Ter. And. 1, 2, 15, and Suet. Calig. 58: hoc agite, Plaut. As. prol. init.:

    Hoc age,

    Hor. S. 2, 3, 152; id. Ep. 1, 6, 31:

    Hoc agite, of poetry,

    Juv. 7, 20:

    hoc agamus,

    Sen. Clem. 1, 12:

    haec agamus,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 49:

    agere hoc possumus,

    Lucr. 1, 41; 4, 969; Juv. 7, 48:

    hoccine agis an non? hoc agam,

    id. ib., Ter. And. 1, 2, 15; 2, 5, 4:

    nunc istuc age,

    id. Heaut. 3, 2, 47; id. Phorm. 2, 3, 3 al.:

    Hoc egit civis Romanus ante te nemo,

    Cic. Lig. 4, 11:

    id et agunt et moliuntur,

    id. Mur. 38:

    (oculi, aures, etc.) quasi fenestrae sunt animi, quibus tamen sentire nihil queat mens, nisi id agat et adsit,

    id. Tusc. 1, 20, 46: qui id egerunt, ut gentem... collocarent, aimed at this, that, etc., id. Cat. 4, 6, 12:

    qui cum maxime fallunt, id agunt, ut viri boni esse videantur,

    keep it in view, that, id. Off. 1, 13, 41:

    idne agebas, ut tibi cum sceleratis, an ut cum bonis civibus conveniret?

    id. Lig. 6, 18:

    Hoc agit, ut doleas,

    Juv. 5, 157:

    Hoc age, ne mutata retrorsum te ferat aura,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 18, 88:

    Quid tuus ille destrictus gladius agebat?

    have in view, mean, Cic. Leg. 3, 9:

    Quid aliud egimus nisi ut, quod hic potest, nos possemus?

    id. ib. 4, 10:

    Sin autem id actum est, ut homines postremi pecuniis alienis locupletarentur,

    id. Rosc. Am. 47, 137:

    certiorem eum fecit, id agi, ut pons dissolveretur,

    Nep. Them. 5, 1:

    ego id semper egi, ne bellis interessem,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 7.—Also, the opp.: alias res or aliud agere, not to attend to, heed, or observe, to pursue secondary or subordinate objects: Ch. Alias res agis. Pa. Istuc ago equidem, Ter. Eun. 2, 3, 57; id. Hec. 5, 3, 28:

    usque eo animadverti eum jocari atque alias res agere,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 22:

    atqui vides, quam alias res agamus,

    id. de Or. 3, 14, 51; id. Brut. 66, 233:

    aliud agens ac nihil ejusmodi cogitans,

    id. Clu. 64.—
    In relation to public affairs, to conduct, manage, carry on, administer: agere bellum, to carry on or wage war (embracing the whole theory and practice of war, while bellum gerere designates the bodily and mental effort, and the bearing of the necessary burdens; and bellum facere, the actual outbreak of hostile feelings, v. Herz. ad Caes. B. G. 28):

    qui longe alia ratione ac reliqui Galli bellum agere instituerunt,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 28:

    Antiochus si tam in agendo bello parere voluisset consiliis ejus (Hannibalis) quam in suscipiendo instituerat, etc.,

    Nep. Hann. 8, 3; Curt. 4, 10, 29:

    aliena bella mercedibus agere,

    Mel. 1, 16:

    Bellaque non puero tractat agenda puer,

    Ov. A. A. 1, 182 (also in id. Tr. 2, 230, Gron. Observ. 2, 3, 227, for the usu. obit, with one MS., reads agit; so Merkel).— Poet.:

    Martem for bellum,

    Luc. 4, 2: agere proelium, to give battle (very rare):

    levibus proeliis cum Gallis actis,

    Liv. 22, 9.—Of offices, employments, etc., to conduct, exercise, administer, hold:

    forum agere,

    to hold court, Cic. Fam. 8, 6; and:

    conventus agere,

    to hold the assizes, id. Verr. 5, 11, 28; Caes. B. G. 1, 54; 6, 44;

    used of the governors of provinces: judicium agere,

    Plin. 9, 35, 58, § 120:

    vivorum coetus agere,

    to make assemblies of, to assemble, Tac. A. 16, 34:

    censum agere,

    Liv. 3, 22; Tac. A. 14, 46; Suet. Aug. 27:

    recensum agere,

    id. Caes. 41:

    potestatem agere,

    Flor. 1, 7, 2:

    honorem agere,

    Liv. 8, 26:


    Flor. 1, 6, 2:

    rem publicam,

    Dig. 4, 6, 35, § 8:


    Quint. 12, 1, 16:


    Suet. Tib. 6:


    Tac. A. 1, 44:


    Suet. Caes. 88:

    fiscum agere,

    to have charge of the treasury, id. Dom. 12:

    publicum agere,

    to collect the taxes, id. Vesp. 1:

    inquisitionem agere,

    Plin. 29, 1, 8, § 18:

    curam alicujus rei agere,

    to have the management of, to manage, Liv. 6, 15; Suet. Claud. 18:

    rei publicae curationem agens,

    Liv. 4, 13: dilectum agere, to make a levy, to levy (postAug. for dilectum habere, Cic., Caes., Sall.), Quint. 12, 3, 5; Tac. A. 2, 16; id. Agr. 7 and 10; id. H. 2, 16, 12; Suet. Calig. 43. —
    Of civil and political transactions in the senate, the forum, before tribunals of justice, etc., to manage or transact, to do, to discuss, plead, speak, deliberate; constr. aliquid or de aliqua re:

    velim recordere, quae ego de te in senatu egerim, quae in contionibus dixerim,

    Cic. Fam. 5, 2; 1, 9:

    de condicionibus pacis,

    Liv. 8, 37:

    de summa re publica,

    Suet. Caes. 28:

    cum de Catilinae conjuratione ageretur in curia,

    id. Aug. 94:

    de poena alicujus,

    Liv. 5, 36:

    de agro plebis,

    id. 1, 46.—Hence the phrase: agere cum populo, of magistrates, to address the people in a public assembly, for the purpose of obtaining their approval or rejection of a thing (while [p. 76] agere ad populum signifies to propose, to bring before the people):

    cum populo agere est rogare quid populum, quod suffragiis suis aut jubeat aut vetet,

    Gell. 13, 15, 10:

    agere cum populo de re publica,

    Cic. Verr. 1, 1, 12; id. Lael. 25, 96:

    neu quis de his postea ad senatum referat neve cum populo agat,

    Sall. C. 51, 43.—So also absol.:

    hic locus (rostra) ad agendum amplissimus,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 1:

    Metellus cum agere coepisset, tertio quoque verbo orationis suae me appellabat,

    id. Fam. 5, 2.— Transf. to common life.
    Agere cum aliquo, de aliquo or re or ut, to treat, deal, negotiate, confer, talk with one about a person or thing; to endeavor to persuade or move one, that, etc.: nihil age tecum (sc. cum odore vini);

    ubi est ipsus (vini lepos)?

    I have nothing to do with you, Plaut. Curc. 1, 2, 11:

    Quae (patria) tecum, Catilina, sic agit,

    thus pleads, Cic. Cat. 1, 6, 18:

    algae Inquisitores agerent cum remige nudo,

    Juv. 4, 49:

    haec inter se dubiis de rebus agebant,

    thus treated together, Verg. A. 11, 445:

    de quo et praesens tecum egi diligenter, et scripsi ad te accurate antea,

    Cic. Fam. 13, 75:

    egi cum Claudia et cum vestra sorore Mucia, ut eum ab illa injuria deterrerent,

    id. ib. 5, 2:

    misi ad Metellum communes amicos, qui agerent cum eo, ut de illa mente desisteret,

    id. ib. 5, 2:

    Callias quidam egit cum Cimone, ut eam (Elpinicen) sibi uxorem daret,

    Nep. Cim. 1, 3.—Also absol.:

    Alcibiades praesente vulgo agere coepit,

    Nep. Alc. 8, 2:

    si qua Caesares obtinendae Armeniae egerant,

    Tac. A. 15, 14:

    ut Lucretius agere varie, rogando alternis suadendoque coepit,

    Liv. 2, 2.—In Suet. once agere cum senatu, with acc. and inf., to propose or state to the Senate:

    Tiberius egit cum senatu non debere talia praemia tribui,

    Suet. Tib. 54.—
    With the advv. bene, praeclare, male, etc., to deal well or ill with one, to treat or use well or ill:

    facile est bene agere cum eis, etc.,

    Cic. Phil. 14, 11:

    bene egissent Athenienses cum Miltiade, si, etc.,

    Val. Max. 5, 3, 3 ext.; Vulg. Jud. 9, 16:

    praeclare cum aliquo agere,

    Cic. Sest. 23:

    Male agis mecum,

    Plaut. As. 1, 3, 21:

    qui cum creditoribus suis male agat,

    Cic. Quinct. 84; and:

    tu contra me male agis,

    Vulg. Jud. 11, 27.—Freq. in pass., to be or go well or ill with one, to be well or badly off:

    intelleget secum actum esse pessime,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 50:

    praeclare mecum actum puto,

    id. Fam. 9, 24; so id. ib. 5, 18: exstat cujusdam non inscitus jocus bene agi potuisse cum rebus humanis, si Domitius pater talem habuisset uxorem, it would have gone well with human affairs, been well for mankind, if, etc., Suet. Ner. 28.—Also absol. without cum: agitur praeclare, si nosmet ipsos regere possumus, it is well done if, etc., it is a splendid thing if, etc., Cic. Fam. 4, 14:

    vivitur cum eis, in quibus praeclare agitur si sunt simulacra virtutis,

    id. Off. 1, 15:

    bene agitur pro noxia,

    Plaut. Mil. 5, 23.—
    Of transactions before a court or tribunal.
    Aliquid agere ex jure, ex syngrapha, ex sponso, or simply the abl. jure, lege, litibus, obsignatis tabellis, causa, to bring an action or suit, to manage a cause, to plead a case:

    ex jure civili et praetorio agere,

    Cic. Caecin. 12:

    tamquam ex syngrapha agere cum populo,

    to litigate, id. Mur. 17:

    ex sponso egit,

    id. Quint. 9: Ph. Una injuriast Tecum. Ch. Lege agito ergo, Go to law, then, Ter. Phorm. 5, 8, 90:

    agere lege in hereditatem,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 38, 175; Ov. F. 1, 48; Liv. 9, 46:

    cum illo se lege agere dicebat,

    Nep. Tim. 5: summo jure agere, to assert or claim one's right to the full extent of the law, Cic. Off. 1, 11:

    non enim gladiis mecum, sed litibus agetur,

    id. Q. Fr. 1, 4:

    causa quam vi agere malle,

    Tac. A. 13, 37:

    tabellis obsignatis agis mecum,

    Cic. Tusc. 5, 11, 33:

    Jure, ut opinor, agat, jure increpet inciletque,

    with right would bring her charge, Lucr. 3, 963; so,

    Castrensis jurisdictio plura manu agens,

    settles more cases by force, Tac. Agr. 9:

    ubi manu agitur,

    when the case is settled by violent hands, id. G. 36.—
    Causam or rem agere, to try or plead a case; with apud, ad, or absol.:

    causam apud centumviros egit,

    Cic. Caecin. 24:

    Caesar cum ageret apud censores,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 7, 10; so with adversus:

    egi causam adversus magistratus,

    Vulg. 2 Esdr. 13, 11:

    orator agere dicitur causam,

    Varr. L. L. 6, 42: causam isto modo agere, Cic. Lig. 4, 10; Tac. Or. 5; 11; 14; Juv. 2, 51; 14, 132:

    agit causas liberales,

    Cic. Fam. 8, 9: qui ad rem agendam adsunt, M. Cael. ap. Quint. 11, 1, 51:

    cum (M. Tullius) et ipsam se rem agere diceret,

    Quint. 12, 10, 45: Gripe, accede huc;

    tua res agitur,

    is being tried, Plaut. Rud. 4, 4, 104; Quint. 8, 3, 13;

    and extra-judicially: rogo ad Caesarem meam causam agas,

    Cic. Fam. 5, 10:

    Una (factio) populi causam agebat, altera optimatum,

    Nep. Phoc. 3; so, agere, absol., to plead' ad judicem sic agi solet, Cic. Lig. 10:

    tam solute agere, tam leniter,

    id. Brut. 80:

    tu istuc nisi fingeres, sic ageres?

    id. ib. 80; Juv. 7, 143 and 144; 14, 32.— Transf. to common life; with de or acc., to discuss, treat, speak of:

    Sed estne hic ipsus, de quo agebam?

    of whom I was speaking, Ter. Ad. 1, 1, 53:

    causa non solum exponenda, sed etiam graviter copioseque agenda est,

    to be discussed, Cic. Div. in Caecil. 12; id. Verr. 1, 13, 37:

    Samnitium bella, quae agimus,

    are treating of, Liv. 10, 31.—Hence,
    Agere aliquem reum, to proceed against one as accused, to accuse one, Liv. 4, 42; 24, 25; Tac. A. 14, 18:

    reus agitur,

    id. ib. 15, 20; 3, 13; and with the gen. of the crime, with which one is charged:

    agere furti,

    to accuse of theft, Cic. Fam. 7, 22:

    adulterii cum aliquo,

    Quint. 4, 4, 8:


    id. 3, 6, 19; and often in the Pandects.—
    Pass. of the thing which is the subject of accusation, to be in suit or in question; it concerns or affects, is about, etc.:

    non nunc pecunia, sed illud agitur, quomodo, etc.,

    Ter. Heaut. 3, 1, 67:

    non capitis ei res agitur, sed pecuniae,

    the point in dispute, id. Phorm. 4, 3, 26:

    aguntur injuriae sociorum, agitur vis legum, agitur existimatio, veritasque judiciorum,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 51:

    si magna res, magna hereditas agetur,

    id. Fin. 2, 17: qua de re agitur, what the point of dispute or litigation is, id. Brut. 79.—Hence, trop.,
    Res agitur, the case is on trial, i. e. something is at stake or at hazard, in peril, or in danger:

    at nos, quarum res agitur, aliter auctores sumus,

    Plaut. Stich. 1, 2, 72:

    quasi istic mea res minor agatur quam tua,

    Ter. Heaut. 2, 3, 113:

    agitur populi Romani gloria, agitur salus sociorum atque amicorum, aguntur certissima populi Romani vectigalia et maxima, aguntur bona multorum civium,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 2, 6:

    in quibus eorum aut caput agatur aut fama,

    id. Lael. 17, 61; Nep. Att. 15, 2:

    non libertas solum agebatur,

    Liv. 28, 19; Sen. Clem. 1, 20 al.:

    nam tua res agitur, paries cum proximus ardet,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 18, 84 (= in periculo versatur, Lambin.):

    agitur pars tertia mundi,

    is at stake, I am in danger of losing, Ov. M. 5, 372.—
    Res acta est, the case is over (and done for): acta haec res est;


    this matter is ended, Ter. Heaut. 3, 3, 3: hence, actum est de aliquo or aliqua re, it is all over with a person or thing:

    actum hodie est de me,

    Plaut. Ps. 1, 1, 63:

    jam de Servio actum,

    Liv. 1, 47:

    actum est de collo meo,

    Plaut. Trin. 3, 4, 194.—So also absol.: actumst;

    ilicet me infelicem,

    Plaut. Cist. 4, 2, 17:

    si animus hominem pepulit, actumst,

    id. Trin. 2, 2, 27; Ter. And. 3, 1, 7; Cic. Att. 5, 15:

    actumst, ilicet, peristi,

    Ter. Eun. 1, 1, 9: periimus;


    id. Heaut. 3, 3, 3.—
    Rem actam agere, to plead a case already finished, i. e. to act to no purpose:

    rem actam agis,

    Plaut. Ps. 1, 3, 27; id. Cist. 4, 2, 36; Liv. 28, 40; so,

    actum or acta agere: actum, aiunt, ne agas,

    Ter. Phorm. 2, 3, 72; Cic. Att. 9, 18:

    acta agimus,

    id. Am. 22.—
    10. a.
    Of an orator, Cic. de Or. 1, 31, 142; cf. id. ib. 2, 19, 79:

    quae sic ab illo acta esse constabat oculis, voce, gestu, inimici ut lacrimas tenere non possent,

    id. ib. 3, 56, 214:

    agere fortius et audentius volo,

    Tac. Or. 18; 39.—
    Of an actor, to represent, play, act:

    Ipse hanc acturust Juppiter comoediam,

    Plaut. Am. prol. 88; so,


    Ter. Ad. prol. 12; id. Hec. prol. 22:

    dum haec agitur fabula,

    Plaut. Men. prol. 72 al.:


    to have a part in a play, Ter. Phorm. prol. 27:

    Ballionem illum cum agit, agit Chaeream,

    Cic. Rosc. Com. 7:

    gestum agere in scaena,

    id. de Or. 2, 57:

    dicitur canticum egisse aliquanto magis vigente motu,

    Liv. 7, 2 al. — Transf. to other relations, to represent or personate one, to act the part of, to act as, behave like: has partes lenitatis semper egi, Cic. Mur. 3:

    egi illos omnes adulescentes, quos ille actitat,

    id. Fam. 2, 9:

    amicum imperatoris,

    Tac. H. 1, 30:


    id. A. 1, 4:

    socium magis imperii quam ministrum,

    id. H. 2, 83:


    Tac. A. 16, 28.—So of things poetically:

    utrinque prora frontem agit,

    serves as a bow, Tac. G. 44.—
    Se agere = se gerere, to carry one's self, to behave, deport one's self:

    tanta mobilitate sese Numidae agunt,

    Sall. J. 56, 5:

    quanto ferocius ante se egerint,

    Tac. H. 3, 2 Halm:

    qui se pro equitibus Romanis agerent,

    Suet. Claud. 25:

    non principem se, sed ministrum egit,

    id. ib. 29:

    neglegenter se et avare agere,

    Eutr. 6, 9:

    prudenter se agebat,

    Vulg. 1 Reg. 18, 5:

    sapienter se agebat,

    ib. 4 Reg. 18, 7. —Also absol.:


    Tac. Agr. 7:

    facile justeque,

    id. ib. 9:


    id. H. 2, 27:

    ex aequo,

    id. ib. 4, 64:

    anxius et intentus agebat,

    id. Agr. 5.—
    Imper.: age, agite, Ter., Tib., Lucr., Hor., Ov., never using agite, and Catull. never age, with which compare the Gr. age, agete (also accompanied by the particles dum, eia, en, ergo, igitur, jam, modo, nuncjam, porro, quare, quin, sane, vero, verum, and by sis); as an exclamation.
    In encouragement, exhortation, come! come on! (old Engl. go to!) up! on! quick! (cf. I. B. fin.).
    In the sing.:

    age, adsta, mane, audi, Enn. ap. Delr. Synt. 1, 99: age i tu secundum,

    come, follow me! Plaut. Am. 2, 1, 1:

    age, perge, quaeso,

    id. Cist. 2, 3, 12:

    age, da veniam filio,

    Ter. Ad. 5, 8, 14:

    age, age, nunc experiamur,

    id. ib. 5, 4, 23:

    age sis tu... delude,

    Plaut. As. 3, 3, 89; id. Ep. 3, 4, 39; Cic. Tusc. 2, 18; id. Rosc. Am. 16:

    quanto ferocius ante se egerint, agedum eam solve cistulam,

    Plaut. Am. 2, 2, 151; id. Capt. 3, 4, 39:

    Agedum vicissim dic,

    Ter. Heaut. 2, 3, 69; id. Eun. 4, 4, 27:

    agedum humanis concede,

    Lucr. 3, 962:

    age modo hodie sero,

    Ter. Heaut. 2, 3, 103:

    age nuncjam,

    id. And. 5, 2, 25:

    En age, quid cessas,

    Tib. 2, 2, 10:

    Quare age,

    Verg. A. 7, 429:

    Verum age,

    id. ib. 12, 832:

    Quin age,

    id. G. 4, 329:

    en, age, Rumpe moras,

    id. ib. 3, 43:

    eia age,

    id. A. 4, 569.—
    In the plur.:

    agite, pugni,

    up, fists, and at 'em! Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 146:

    agite bibite,

    id. Curc. 1, 1, 88; id. Stich. 1, 3, 68:

    agite in modum dicite,

    Cat. 61, 38:

    Quare agite... conjungite,

    id. 64, 372; Verg. A. 1, 627:

    vos agite... volvite,

    Val. Fl. 3, 311:

    agite nunc, divites, plorate,

    Vulg. Jac. 5, 1:


    Liv. 3, 62.—Also age in the sing., with a verb in the plur. (cf. age tamnete, Hom. Od. 3, 332; age dê trapeiomen, id. Il. 3, 441):

    age igitur, intro abite,

    Plaut. Mil. 3, 3, 54:

    En agedum convertite,

    Prop. 1, 1, 21:

    mittite, agedum, legatos,

    Liv. 38, 47:

    Ite age,

    Stat. Th. 10, 33:

    Huc age adeste,

    Sil. 11, 169.—
    In transitions in discourse, well then! well now! well! (esp. in Cic. Or. very freq.). So in Plaut. for resuming discourse that has been interrupted: age, tu interea huic somnium narra, Curc. 2, 2, 5: nunc age, res quoniam docui non posse creari, etc., well now, since I have taught, etc., Lucr. 1, 266:

    nunc age, quod superest, cognosce et clarius audi,

    id. 1, 920; so id. 1, 952; 2, 62; 333; 730; 3, 418;

    4, 109 al.: age porro, tu, qui existimari te voluisti interpretem foederum, cur, etc.,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 22; so id. Rosc. Am. 16; id. Part. 12; id. Att. 8, 3.—And age (as in a.) with a verb in the plur.:

    age vero, ceteris in rebus qualis sit temperantia considerate,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 14; so id. Sull. 26; id. Mil. 21; id. Rosc. Am. 37.—
    As a sign of assent, well! very well! good! right! Age, age, mansero, Plaut. As. 2, 2, 61: age, age, jam ducat;


    Ter. Phorm. 4, 3, 57:

    Age, veniam,

    id. And. 4, 2, 30:

    age, sit ita factum,

    Cic. Mil. 19:

    age sane,

    Plaut. Ps. 5, 2, 27; Cic. Fin. 2, 35, 119.
    —Age, used with another verb in the imperative, regularly stands before it, but in poetry, for the sake of the metre, it,
    Sometimes follows such verb; as,
    In dactylic metre:

    Cede agedum,

    Prop. 5, 9, 54:

    Dic age,

    Verg. A. 6, 343; Hor. S. 2, 7, 92; Ov. F. 1, 149:

    Esto age,

    Pers. 2, 42:

    Fare age,

    Verg. A. 3, 362:

    Finge age,

    Ov. H. 7, 65:

    Redde age,

    Hor. S. 2, 8, 80:

    Surge age,

    Verg. A. 3, 169; 8, 59; 10, 241; Ov. H. 14, 73:

    Vade age,

    Verg. A. 3, 462; 4, 422; so,

    agite: Ite agite,

    Prop. 4, 3, 7.—
    In other metres (very rarely):

    appropera age,

    Plaut. Cas. 2, 2, 38:

    dic age,

    Hor. C. 1, [p. 77] 32, 3; 2, 11, 22;

    3, 4, 1.—So also in prose (very rarely): Mittite agedum,

    Liv. 38, 47:

    procedat agedum ad pugnam,

    id. 7, 9.—
    It is often separated from such verb:

    age me huc adspice,

    Plaut. Am. 2, 2, 118; id. Capt. 5, 2, 1:

    Age... instiga,

    Ter. And. 4, 2, 10; 5, 6, 11:

    Quare agite... conjungite,

    Cat. 64, 372:

    Huc age... veni,

    Tib. 2, 5, 2:

    Ergo age cervici imponere nostrae,

    Verg. A. 2, 707:

    en age segnis Rumpe moras,

    id. G. 3, 42:

    age te procellae Crede,

    Hor. C. 3, 27, 62:

    Age jam... condisce,

    id. ib. 4, 11, 31; id. S. 2, 7, 4.—Hence,
    ăgens, entis, P. a.
    Efficient, effective, powerful (only in the rhet. lang. of Cic.):

    utendum est imaginibus agentibus, acribus, insignitis,

    Cic. de Or. 2, 87, 358:

    acre orator, incensus et agens,

    id. Brut. 92, 317.— Comp. and sup. not used.
    Agentia verba, in the grammarians, for verba activa, Gell. 18, 12.—
    Subst.: ăgentes, ium.
    Under the emperors, a kind of secret police (also called frumentarii and curiosi), Aur. Vict. Caes. 39 fin.; Dig. 1, 12; 1, 20; 21; 22; 23, etc.; Amm. 15, 3; 14, 11 al.—
    For agrimensores, land-surveyors, Hyg. Lim. p. 179.—
    actus, a, um, P. a. Lit., that has been transacted in the Senate, in the forum, before the courts of justice, etc.; hence,
    actum, i, n., a public transaction in the Senate, before the people, or before a single magistrate:

    actum ejus, qui in re publica cum imperio versatus sit,

    Cic. Phil. 1, 7:

    acta Caesaris servanda censeo,

    id. ib. 1, 7:

    acta tui praeclari tribunatus,

    id. Dom. 31.—
    acta publĭca, or absol.: acta, orum, n., the register of public acts, records, journal. Julius Caesar, in his consulship, ordered that the doings of the Senate (diurna acta) should be made public, Suet. Caes. 20; cf. Ernest. Exc. 1;

    but Augustus again prohibited it,

    Suet. Aug. 36. Still the acts of the Senate were written down, and, under the succeeding emperors. certain senators were appointed to this office (actis vel commentariis Senatus conficiendis), Tac. A. 5, 4. They had also public registers of the transactions of the assemblies of the people, and of the different courts of justice;

    also of births and deaths, marriages, divorces, etc., which were preserved as sources of future history.—Hence, diurna urbis acta,

    the city journal, Tac. A. 13, 31:

    acta populi,

    Suet. Caes. 20:

    acta publica,

    Tac. A. 12, 24; Suet. Tib. 8; Plin. Ep. 7, 33:


    id. ib. 9, 15; which were all comprehended under the gen. name acta.
    With the time added:

    acta eorum temporum,

    Plin. 7, 13, 11, § 60:

    illius temporis,

    Ascon. Mil. 44, 16:

    ejus anni,

    Plin. 2, 56, 57, § 147.—
    Absol., Cic. Fam. 12, 8; 22, 1; 28, 3; Sen. Ben. 2, 10; 3, 16; Suet. Calig. 8; Quint. 9, 3; Juv. 2, 136: Quis dabit historico, quantum daret acta legenti, i. e. to the actuarius, q. v., id. 7, 104; cf. Bahr's Rom. Lit. Gesch. 303.—
    acta triumphōrum, the public record of triumphs, fuller than the Fasti triumphales, Plin. 37, 2, 6, § 12.—
    acta fŏri (v. Inscr. Grut. 445, 10), the records,
    Of strictly historical transactions, Amm. 22, 3, 4; Dig. 4, 6, 33, § 1.—
    Of matters of private right, as wills, gifts, bonds (acta ad jus privatorum pertinentia, Dig. 49, 14, 45, § 4), Fragm. Vat. §§ 249, 266, 268, 317.—

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > acta militaria

  • 19 acta publica

    ăgo, egi, actum, 3, v. a. (axim = egerim, Pac. ap. Non. 505, 22; Paul. ex Fest. s. v. axitiosi, p. 3 Mull.;

    axit = egerit,

    Paul. Diac. 3, 3;

    AGIER = agi,

    Cic. Off. 3, 15;

    agentum = agentium,

    Vulc. Gall. Av. Cass. 4, 6) [cf. agô; Sanscr. ag, aghami = to go, to drive; agmas = way, train = ogmos; agis = race, contest = agôn; perh. also Germ. jagen, to drive, to hunt], to put in motion, to move (syn.: agitare, pellere, urgere).
    Of cattle and other animals, to lead, drive.
    Absol.: agas asellum, Seip. ap. Cic. de Or. 2, 64, 258:

    jumenta agebat,

    Liv. 1, 48:

    capellas ago,

    Verg. E. 1, 13:

    Pars quia non veniant pecudes, sed agantur, ab actu etc.,

    Ov. F. 1, 323:


    Hor. Ep. 1, 18, 36.—
    With acc. of place, prep., sup., or inf.:

    agere bovem Romam,

    Curt. 1, 45:

    equum in hostem,

    id. 7, 4:

    Germani in amnem aguntur,

    Tac. H. 5, 21:

    acto ad vallum equo,

    id. A. 2, 13:

    pecora per calles,

    Curt. 7, 11:

    per devia rura capellas,

    Ov. M. 1, 676:

    pecus pastum,

    Varr. L. L. 6, 41, p. 88 Mull.:

    capellas potum age,

    Verg. E. 9, 23:

    pecus egit altos Visere montes,

    Hor. C. 1, 2, 7.—
    Of men, to drive, lead, conduct, impel.

    agmen agens equitum,

    Verg. A. 7, 804.—
    With prep., abl., or inf.:

    vinctum ante se Thyum agebat,

    Nep. Dat. 3:

    agitur praeceps exercitus Lydorum in populos,

    Sil. 4, 720:

    (adulteram) maritus per omnem vicum verbere agit,

    Tac. G. 19; Suet. Calig. 27:

    captivos prae se agentes,

    Curt. 7, 6; Liv. 23, 1:

    acti ante suum quisque praedonem catenati,

    Quint. 8, 3, 69:

    captivos sub curribus agere,

    Mart. 8, 26:

    agimur auguriis quaerere exilia,

    Verg. A. 3, 5;

    and simple for comp.: multis milibus armatorum actis ex ea regione = coactis,

    Liv. 44, 31.— In prose: agi, to be led, to march, to go:

    quo multitudo omnis consternata agebatur,

    Liv. 10, 29: si citius agi vellet agmen, that the army would move, or march on quicker, id. 2, 58:

    raptim agmine acto,

    id. 6, 28; so id. 23, 36; 25, 9.— Trop.:

    egit sol hiemem sub terras,

    Verg. G. 4, 51:

    poemata dulcia sunto Et quocumque volent animum auditoris agunto,

    lead the mind, Hor. A. P. 100. —Hence, poet.: se agere, to betake one's self, i. e. to go, to come (in Plaut. very freq.;

    also in Ter., Verg., etc.): quo agis te?

    where are you going? Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 294:

    unde agis te?

    id. Most. 1, 4, 28; so id. ib. 3, 1, 31; id. Mil. 3, 2, 49; id. Poen. 1, 2, 120; id. Pers. 4, 3, 13; id. Trin. 4, 3, 71:

    quo hinc te agis?

    where are you going, Ter. And. 4, 2, 25:

    Ecce gubernator sese Palinurus agebat,

    was moving along, Verg. A. 6, 337:

    Aeneas se matutinus agebat,

    id. ib. 8, 465:

    is enim se primus agebat,

    for he strode on in front, id. ib. 9, 696.—Also without se:

    Et tu, unde agis?

    Plaut. Bacch. 5, 1, 20:

    Quo agis?

    id. Pers. 2, 2, 34:

    Huc age,

    Tib. 2, 5, 2 (unless age is here to be taken with veni at the end of the line).—
    To drive or carry off (animals or men), to steal, rob, plunder (usually abigere):

    Et redigunt actos in sua rura boves,

    Ov. F. 3, 64.—So esp. freq. of men or animals taken as booty in war, while ferre is used of portable things; hence, ferre et agere (as in Gr. agein kai pherein, Hom. Il. 5, 484; and reversed, pherein kai agein, in Hdt. and Xen.; cf.:

    rapiunt feruntque,

    Verg. A. 2, 374:

    rapere et auferre,

    Cic. Off. 1, 14), in gen., to rob, to plunder: res sociorum ferri agique vidit, Liv. 22, 3:

    ut ferri agique res suas viderunt,

    id. 38, 15; so id. 3, 37;

    so also: rapere agereque: ut ex alieno agro raperent agerentque,

    Liv. 22, 1, 2; but portari atque agi means to bear and carry, to bring together, in Caes. B. C. 2, 29 (as pherein kai agein in Plat. Phaedr. 279, C):

    ne pulcram praedam agat,

    Plaut. Aul. 4, 2, 3:

    urbes, agros vastare, praedas agere,

    Sall. J. 20, 8; 32, 3:

    pecoris et mancipiorum praedas,

    id. ib. 44, 5;

    so eccl. Lat.: agere praedas de aliquo,

    Vulg. Jud. 9, 16; ib. 1 Reg. 27, 8; cf. Gron. Obs. 3, 22, 633.—
    To chase, pursue, press animals or men, to drive about or onwards in flight (for the usual agitare).
    Of animals:


    Verg. G. 3, 412:


    id. A. 7, 481; cf. id. ib. 4, 71:

    citos canes,

    Ov. H. 5, 20:

    feros tauros,

    Suet. Claud. 21.—
    Of men:

    ceteros ruerem, agerem,

    Ter. Ad. 3, 2, 21 (= prosequerer, premerem, Don.):

    ita perterritos egerunt, ut, etc.,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 12:

    Demoleos cursu palantis Troas agebat,

    Verg. A. 5, 265; cf. id. ib. 1, 574:

    aliquem in exsilium,

    Liv. 25, 2; so Just. 2, 9, 6; 16, 4, 4; 17, 3, 17;

    22, 1, 16 al.: aliquem in fugam,

    id. 16, 2, 3.—
    Of inanimate or abstract objects, to move, impel, push forwards, advance, carry to or toward any point:

    quid si pater cuniculos agat ad aerarium?

    lead, make, Cic. Off. 3, 23, 90:

    egisse huc Alpheum vias,

    made its way, Verg. A. 3, 695:

    vix leni et tranquillo mari moles agi possunt,

    carry, build out, Curt. 4, 2, 8:

    cloacam maximam sub terram agendam,

    to be carried under ground, Liv. 1, 56;

    so often in the histt., esp. Caes. and Livy, as t. t., of moving forwards the battering engines: celeriter vineis ad oppidum actis,

    pushed forwards, up, Caes. B. G. 2, 12 Herz.; so id. ib. 3, 21; 7, 17; id. B. C. 2, 1; Liv. 8, 16:

    accelerant acta pariter testudine Volsci,

    Verg. A. 9, 505 al.:

    fugere colles campique videntur, quos agimus praeter navem, i. e. praeter quos agimus navem,

    Lucr. 4, 391:

    in litus passim naves egerunt,

    drove the ships ashore, Liv. 22, 19:

    ratem in amnem,

    Ov. F. 1, 500:

    naves in advorsum amnem,

    Tac. H. 4, 22.— Poet.: agere navem, to steer or direct a ship, Hor. Ep. 2, 1, 114; so,

    agere currum,

    to drive a chariot, Ov. M. 2, 62; 2, 388 al.—
    To stir up, to throw out, excite, cause, bring forth (mostly poet.):

    scintillasque agere ac late differre favillam,

    to throw out sparks and scatter ashes far around, Lucr. 2, 675:

    spumas ore,

    Verg. G. 3, 203; so Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 66:

    piceum Flumen agit,

    Verg. A. 9, 814:

    qui vocem cubantes sensim excitant, eandemque cum egerunt, etc.,

    when they have brought it forth, Cic. de Or. 1, 59, 251. —Hence, animam agere, to expel the breath of life, give up the ghost, expire:

    agens animam spumat,

    Lucr. 3, 493:

    anhelans vaga vadit, animam agens,

    Cat. 63, 31:

    nam et agere animam et efflare dicimus,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 9, 19:

    Hortensius, cum has litteras scripsi, animam agebat,

    id. Fam. 8, 13, 2; so Cael. ap. Cic. Fam. 8, 13:

    eodem tempore et gestum et animam ageres,

    Cic. Rosc. Com. 8:

    Est tanti habere animam ut agam?

    Sen. Ep. 101, 12; and with a play upon words: semper agis causas et res agis, Attale, semper. Est, non est, quod agas, Attale, semper agis. Si res et causae desunt, agis, Attale, mulas;

    Attale, ne quod agas desit, agas animam,

    Mart. 1, 80.—
    Of plants, to put forth or out, to shoot, extend:

    (salices) gemmas agunt,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 30:

    florem agere coeperit ficus,

    Col. R. R. 5, 10, 10:

    frondem agere,

    Plin. 18, 6, 8, § 45:

    se ad auras palmes agit,

    Verg. G. 2, 364:

    (platanum) radices trium et triginta cubitorum egisse,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 37, 15:

    per glebas sensim radicibus actis,

    Ov. M. 4, 254; so id. ib. 2, 583:

    robora suas radices in profundum agunt,

    Plin. 16, 31, 56, § 127.—Metaph.:

    vera gloria radices agit,

    Cic. Off. 2, 12, 43:

    pluma in cutem radices egerat imas,

    Ov. M. 2, 582.
    Spec., to guide, govern:

    Tros Tyriusque mihi nullo discrimine agetur,

    Verg. A. 1, 574; cf. Forbig. ad h. 1., who considers it the only instance of this use, and compares a similar use of agô; v. L. and S. s. v. II. 2.—
    In gen., to move, impel, excite, urge to a thing, to prompt or induce to:

    si quis ad illa deus te agat,

    Hor. S. 2, 7, 24:

    una plaga ceteros ad certamen egit,

    Liv. 9, 41; 8, 7; 39, 15: quae te, germane, furentem Mens agit in facinus? Ov. M. 5, 14:

    totis mentibus acta,

    Sil. 10, 191:

    in furorem agere,

    Quint. 6, 1, 31:

    si Agricola in ipsam gloriam praeceps agebatur,

    Tac. Agr. 41:

    provinciam avaritia in bellum egerat,

    id. A. 14, 32.—
    To drive, stir up, excite, agitate, rouse vehemently (cf. agito, II.):

    me amor fugat, agit,

    Plaut. Cist. 2, 1, 8:

    agunt eum praecipitem poenae civium Romanorum,

    Cic. Verr. 1, 3:

    perpetua naturalis bonitas, quae nullis casibus neque agitur neque minuitur,

    Nep. Att. 9, 1 Brem.:

    opportunitas, quae etiam mediocres viros spe praedae transvorsos agit,

    i. e. leads astray, Sall. J. 6, 3; 14, 20; so Sen. Ep. 8, 3.— To pursue with hostile intent, to persecute, disturb, vex, to attack, assail (for the usu. agitare; mostly poet.):

    reginam Alecto stimulis agit undique Bacchi,

    Verg. A. 7, 405:

    non res et agentia (i. e. agitantia, vexantia) verba Lycamben,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 19, 25:

    acerba fata Romanos agunt,

    id. Epod 7, 17:

    diris agam vos,

    id. ib. 5, 89:

    quam deus ultor agebat,

    Ov. M. 14, 750:

    futurae mortis agor stimulis,

    Luc. 4, 517; cf. Matth. ad Cic. Mur. § 21.—
    To drive at something, to pursue a course of action, i. e. to make something an object of action; either in the most general sense, like the Engl. do and the Gr. prattein, for every kind of mental or physical employment; or, in a more restricted sense, to exhibit in external action, to act or perform, to deliver or pronounce, etc., so that after the act is completed nothing remains permanent, e. g. a speech, dance, play, etc. (while facere, to make, poiein, denotes the production of an object which continues to exist after the act is completed; and gerere, the performance of the duties of an office or calling).—On these significations, v. Varr. 6, 6, 62, and 6, 7, 64, and 6, 8, 72.—For the more restricted signif. v. Quint. 2, 18, 1 sq.; cf. Manut. ad Cic. Fam. 7, 12; Hab. Syn. 426.
    In the most gen. signif., to do, act, labor, in opp. to rest or idleness.
    With the gen. objects, aliquid, nihil, plus, etc.:

    numquam se plus agere quam nihil cum ageret,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 17 (cf. with this, id. Off. 3, 1: numquam se minus otiosum esse quam cum otiosus esset): mihi, qui nihil agit, esse omnino non videtur. id. N. D. 2, 16, 46:

    post satietatem nihil (est) agendum,

    Cels. 1, 2.—Hence,
    Without object:

    aliud agendi tempus, aliud quiescendi,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 53, 132; Juv. 16, 49:

    agendi tempora,

    Tac. H. 3, 40:

    industria in agendo, celeritas in conficiendo,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 10, 29.—
    In colloquial lang., to do, to fare, get on: quid agis? what are you doing? M. Tulli, quid agis? Cic. Cat. 1, 11:

    Quid agis?

    What's your business? Plaut. Stich. 2, 2, 9; also, How goes it with you? How are you? ti pratteis, Plaut. Curc. 2, 1, 20; Cic. Fam. 7, 11 al.; Hor. S. 1, 9, 4:

    vereor, quid agat,

    how he is, Cic. Att. 9, 17:

    ut sciatis, quid agam,

    Vulg. Ephes. 6, 21:

    prospere agit anima tua,

    fares well, ib. 3 Joan. 2:

    quid agitur?

    how goes it with you? how do you do? how are you? Plaut. Ps. 1, 1, 17; 1, 5, 42; Ter. Eun. 2, 2, 40:

    Quid intus agitur?

    is going on, Plaut. Cas. 5, 2, 20; id. Ps. 1, 5, 42 al.—
    With nihil or non multum, to do, i. e. to effect, accomplish, achieve nothing, or not much (orig. belonging to colloquial lang., but in the class. per. even in oratorical and poet. style): nihil agit;

    collum obstringe homini,

    Plaut. Curc. 5, 3, 29:

    nihil agis,

    you effect nothing, it is of no use, Ter. Ad. 5, 8, 12:

    nihil agis, dolor! quamvis sis molestus, numquam te esse confitebor malum,

    Cic. Tusc. 2, 25, 61 Kuhn.; Matius ap. Cic. Fam. 11, 28, 10: cupis, inquit, abire; sed nihil agis;

    usque tenebo,

    Hor. S. 1, 9, 15:

    [nihil agis,] nihil assequeris,

    Cic. Cat. 1, 6, 15 B. and K.:

    ubi blanditiis agitur nihil,

    Ov. M. 6, 685: egerit non multum, has not done much, Curt. ap. Cic. Fam. 7, 29; cf. Ruhnk. ad Rutil. Lup. p. 120.—
    In certain circumstances, to proceed, do, act, manage (mostly belonging to familiar style): Thr. Quid nunc agimus? Gn. Quin redimus, What shall we do now? Ter. Eun. 4, 7, 41:

    hei mihi! quid faciam? quid agam?

    what shall I do? how shall I act? id. Ad. 5, 3, 3:

    quid agam, habeo,

    id. And. 3, 2, 18 (= quid respondeam habeo, Don.) al.:

    sed ita quidam agebat,

    was so acting, Cic. Lig. 7, 21: a Burro minaciter actum, Burrus [p. 75] proceeded to threats, Tac. A. 13, 21.—
    To pursue, do, perform, transact (the most usual signif. of this word; in all periods; syn.: facere, efficere, transigere, gerere, tractare, curare): cui quod agat institutumst nullo negotio id agit, Enn. ap. Gell. 19, 10, 12 (Trag. v. 254 Vahl.): ut quae egi, ago, axim, verruncent bene, Pac. ap. Non. 505, 23 (Trag. Rel. p. 114 Rib.):

    At nihil est, nisi, dum calet, hoc agitur,

    Plaut. Poen. 4, 2, 92:

    Ut id agam, quod missus huc sum,

    id. Ps. 2, 2, 44: homines quae agunt vigilantes, agitantque, ea si cui in somno accidunt, minus mirum est, Att. ap. Cic. Div. 1, 22, 45:

    observabo quam rem agat,

    what he is going to do, Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 114:

    Id quidem ago,

    That is what I am doing, Verg. E. 9, 37:

    res vera agitur,

    Juv. 4, 35:

    Jam tempus agires,

    Verg. A. 5, 638:

    utilis rebus agendis,

    Juv. 14, 72:

    grassator ferro agit rem,

    does the business with a dagger, id. 3, 305; 6, 659 (cf.:

    gladiis geritur res,

    Liv. 9, 41):

    nihil ego nunc de istac re ago,

    do nothing about that matter, Plaut. Truc. 4, 4, 8:

    postquam id actumst,

    after this is accomplished, id. Am. 1, 1, 72; so,

    sed quid actumst?

    id. Ps. 2, 4, 20:

    nihil aliud agebam nisi eum defenderem,

    Cic. Sull. 12:

    ne quid temere ac fortuitu, inconsiderate negligenterque agamus,

    id. Off. 1, 29:

    agamus quod instat,

    Verg. E. 9, 66:

    renuntiaverunt ei omnia, quae egerant,

    Vulg. Marc. 6, 30; ib. Act. 5, 35:

    suum negotium agere,

    to mind one's business, attend to one's own affairs, Cic. Off. 1, 9; id. de Or. 3, 55, 211; so,

    ut vestrum negotium agatis,

    Vulg. 1 Thess. 4, 11:

    neque satis Bruto constabat, quid agerent,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 14:

    postquam res in Africa gestas, quoque modo actae forent, fama divolgavit,

    Sall. J. 30, 1:

    sed tu delibera, utrum colloqui malis an per litteras agere quae cogitas,

    Nep. Con. 3, 8 al. —With the spec. idea of completing, finishing: jucundi acti labores, a proverb in Cic. Fin. 2, 32, 105.—
    To pursue in one's mind, to drive at, to revolve, to be occupied with, think upon, have in view, aim at (cf. agito, II. E., volvo and voluto):

    nescio quid mens mea majus agit,

    Ov. H. 12, 212:

    hoc variis mens ipsa modis agit,

    Val. Fl. 3, 392:

    agere fratri proditionem,

    Tac. H. 2, 26:

    de intranda Britannia,

    id. Agr. 13.—
    With a verbal subst., as a favorite circumlocution for the action indicated by the subst. (cf. in Gr. agô with verbal subst.):

    rimas agere (sometimes ducere),

    to open in cracks, fissures, to crack, Cic. Att. 14, 9; Ov. M. 2, 211; Luc. 6, 728: vos qui regalis corporis custodias agitis, keep watch over, guard, Naev. ap. Non. 323, 1; so Liv. 5, 10:

    vigilias agere,

    Cic. Verr. 4, 43, 93; Nep. Thras. 4; Tac. H. 3, 76:

    excubias alicui,

    Ov. F. 3, 245:


    Tac. H. 4, 58:


    Suet. Vit. 10:

    stationem agere,

    to keep guard, Liv. 35, 29; Tac. H. 1, 28:

    triumphum agere,

    to triumph, Cic. Fam. 3, 10; Ov. M. 15, 757; Suet. Dom. 6:

    libera arbitria agere,

    to make free decisions, to decide arbitrarily, Liv. 24, 45; Curt. 6, 1, 19; 8, 1, 4:

    paenitentiam agere,

    to exercise repentance, to repent, Quint. 9, 3, 12; Petr. S. 132; Tac. Or. 15; Curt. 8, 6, 23; Plin. Ep. 7, 10; Vulg. Lev. 5, 5; ib. Matt. 3, 2; ib. Apoc. 2, 5:

    silentia agere,

    to maintain silence, Ov. M. 1, 349:

    pacem agere,

    Juv. 15, 163:

    crimen agere,

    to bring accusation, to accuse, Cic. Verr. 4, 22, 48:

    laborem agere,

    id. Fin. 2, 32:

    cursus agere,

    Ov. Am. 3, 6, 95:

    delectum agere,

    to make choice, to choose, Plin. 7, 29, 30, § 107; Quint. 10, 4, 5:

    experimenta agere,

    Liv. 9, 14; Plin. 29, 1, 8, § 18:


    id. 15, 3, 4, § 14:

    curam agere,

    to care for, Ov. H. 15, 302; Quint. 8, prooem. 18:

    curam ejus egit,

    Vulg. Luc. 10, 34:

    oblivia agere,

    to forget, Ov. M. 12, 540:

    nugas agere,

    to trifle, Plaut. Cist. 2, 3, 29; id. As. 1, 1, 78, and often:

    officinas agere,

    to keep shop, Inscr. Orell. 4266.—So esp.: agere gratias ( poet. grates; never in sing. gratiam), to give thanks, to thank; Gr. charin echein ( habere gratiam is to be or feel grateful; Gr. charin eidenai; and referre gratiam, to return a favor, requite; Gr. charin apodidonai; cf. Bremi ad Nep. Them. 8, 7):

    diis gratias pro meritis agere,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 26:

    Haud male agit gratias,

    id. Aul. 4, 4, 31:

    Magnas vero agere gratias Thais mihi?

    Ter. Eun. 3, 1, 1:

    Dis magnas merito gratias habeo atque ago,

    id. Phorm. 5, 6, 80: Lentulo nostro egi per litteras tuo nomine gratias diligenter, Cic. Fam. 1, 10: immortales ago tibi gratias agamque dum vivam;

    nam relaturum me adfirmare non possum,

    id. ib. 10, 11, 1: maximas tibi omnes gratias agimus, C. Caesar;

    majores etiam habemus,

    id. Marcell. 11, 33:

    Trebatio magnas ago gratias, quod, etc.,

    id. Fam. 11, 28, 8: renuntiate gratias regi me agere;

    referre gratiam aliam nunc non posse quam ut suadeam, ne, etc.,

    Liv. 37, 37: grates tibi ago, summe Sol, vobisque, reliqui Caelites, * Cic. Rep. 6, 9:

    gaudet et invito grates agit inde parenti,

    Ov. M. 2, 152; so id. ib. 6, 435; 484; 10, 291; 681; 14, 596; Vulg. 2 Reg. 8, 10; ib. Matt. 15, 36 al.;

    and in connection with this, laudes agere: Jovis fratri laudes ago et grates gratiasque habeo,

    Plaut. Trin. 4, 1, 2:

    Dianae laudes gratesque agam,

    id. Mil. 2, 5, 2; so,

    diis immortalibus laudesque et grates egit,

    Liv. 26, 48:

    agi sibi gratias passus est,

    Tac. Agr. 42; so id. H. 2, 71; 4, 51; id. A. 13, 21; but oftener grates or gratis in Tac.:

    Tiberius egit gratis benevolentiae patrum, A. 6, 2: agit grates,

    id. H. 3, 80; 4, 64; id. A. 2, 38; 2, 86; 3, 18; 3, 24; 4, 15 al.—
    Of time, to pass, spend (very freq. and class.): Romulus in caelo cum dis agit aevom, Enn. ap. Cic. Tusc. 1, 12, 28; so Pac. id. ib. 2, 21, 49, and Hor. S. 1, 5, 101:


    Tac. H. 4, 62; id. A. 3, 16: domi aetatem, Enn. ap. Cic. Fam. 7, 6:

    aetatem in litteris,

    Cic. Leg. 2, 1, 3:


    id. Sen. 3, 7; cf. id. ib. 17, 60:

    dies festos,

    id. Verr. 2, 4, 48; Tac. G. 17:

    otia secura,

    Verg. G. 3, 377; Ov. F. 1, 68; 4, 926:

    ruri agere vitam,

    Liv. 7, 39, and Tac. A. 15, 63:

    vitam in terris,

    Verg. G. 2, 538:

    tranquillam vitam agere,

    Vulg. 1 Tim. 2, 2:

    Hunc (diem) agerem si,

    Verg. A. 5, 51:

    ver magnus agebat Orbis,

    id. G. 2, 338:

    aestiva agere,

    to pass, be in, summer quarters, Liv. 27, 8; 27, 21; Curt. 5, 8, 24.— Pass.:

    menses jam tibi esse actos vides,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 3, 2:

    mensis agitur hic septimus,

    Ter. Hec. 3, 3, 34, and Ov. M. 7, 700:

    melior pars acta (est) diei,

    Verg. A. 9, 156; Juv. 4, 66; Tac. A. 15, 63:

    acta est per lacrimas nox,

    Ov. H. 12, 58 Ruhnk.:

    tunc principium anni agebatur,

    Liv. 3, 6:

    actis quindecim annis in regno,

    Just. 41, 5, 9:

    Nona aetas agitur,

    Juv. 13, 28 al. —With annus and an ordinal, to be of a certain age, to be so old:

    quartum annum ago et octogesimum,

    am eighty-four years old, Cic. Sen. 10, 32:

    Annum agens sextum decimum patrem amisit,

    Suet. Caes. 1.—Metaph.: sescentesimum et quadragesimum annum urbs nostra agebat, was in its 640 th year, Tac. G. 37.— Hence also absol. (rare), to pass or spend time, to live, to be, to be somewhere:

    civitas laeta agere,

    was joyful, Sall. J. 55, 2:

    tum Marius apud primos agebat,

    id. ib. 101, 6:

    in Africa, qua procul a mari incultius agebatur,

    id. ib. 89, 7:

    apud illos homines, qui tum agebant,

    Tac. A. 3, 19:

    Thracia discors agebat,

    id. ib. 3, 38:

    Juxta Hermunduros Naristi agunt,

    Tac. G. 42:

    ultra jugum plurimae gentes agunt,

    id. ib. 43:

    Gallos trans Padum agentes,

    id. H. 3, 34:

    quibus (annis) exul Rhodi agit,

    id. A. 1, 4:

    agere inter homines desinere,

    id. ib. 15, 74:

    Vitellius non in ore volgi agere,

    was not in the sight of the people, id. H. 3, 36:

    ante aciem agere,

    id. G. 7; and:

    in armis agere,

    id. A. 14, 55 = versari.—
    In the lang. of offerings, t. t., to despatch the victim, to kill, slay. In performing this rite, the sacrificer asked the priest, agone, shall I do it? and the latter answered, age or hoc age, do it:

    qui calido strictos tincturus sanguine cultros semper, Agone? rogat, nec nisi jussus agit,

    Ov. F. 1. 321 (cf. agonia and agonalia):

    a tergo Chaeream cervicem (Caligulae) gladio caesim graviter percussisse, praemissa voce,

    hoc age, Suet. Calig. 58; id. Galb. 20. —This call of the priest in act of solemn sacrifice, Hoc age, warned the assembled multitude to be quiet and give attention; hence hoc or id and sometimes haec or istuc agere was used for, to give attention to, to attend to, to mind, heed; and followed by ut or ne, to pursue a thing, have it in view, aim at, design, etc.; cf. Ruhnk. ad Ter. And. 1, 2, 15, and Suet. Calig. 58: hoc agite, Plaut. As. prol. init.:

    Hoc age,

    Hor. S. 2, 3, 152; id. Ep. 1, 6, 31:

    Hoc agite, of poetry,

    Juv. 7, 20:

    hoc agamus,

    Sen. Clem. 1, 12:

    haec agamus,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 49:

    agere hoc possumus,

    Lucr. 1, 41; 4, 969; Juv. 7, 48:

    hoccine agis an non? hoc agam,

    id. ib., Ter. And. 1, 2, 15; 2, 5, 4:

    nunc istuc age,

    id. Heaut. 3, 2, 47; id. Phorm. 2, 3, 3 al.:

    Hoc egit civis Romanus ante te nemo,

    Cic. Lig. 4, 11:

    id et agunt et moliuntur,

    id. Mur. 38:

    (oculi, aures, etc.) quasi fenestrae sunt animi, quibus tamen sentire nihil queat mens, nisi id agat et adsit,

    id. Tusc. 1, 20, 46: qui id egerunt, ut gentem... collocarent, aimed at this, that, etc., id. Cat. 4, 6, 12:

    qui cum maxime fallunt, id agunt, ut viri boni esse videantur,

    keep it in view, that, id. Off. 1, 13, 41:

    idne agebas, ut tibi cum sceleratis, an ut cum bonis civibus conveniret?

    id. Lig. 6, 18:

    Hoc agit, ut doleas,

    Juv. 5, 157:

    Hoc age, ne mutata retrorsum te ferat aura,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 18, 88:

    Quid tuus ille destrictus gladius agebat?

    have in view, mean, Cic. Leg. 3, 9:

    Quid aliud egimus nisi ut, quod hic potest, nos possemus?

    id. ib. 4, 10:

    Sin autem id actum est, ut homines postremi pecuniis alienis locupletarentur,

    id. Rosc. Am. 47, 137:

    certiorem eum fecit, id agi, ut pons dissolveretur,

    Nep. Them. 5, 1:

    ego id semper egi, ne bellis interessem,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 7.—Also, the opp.: alias res or aliud agere, not to attend to, heed, or observe, to pursue secondary or subordinate objects: Ch. Alias res agis. Pa. Istuc ago equidem, Ter. Eun. 2, 3, 57; id. Hec. 5, 3, 28:

    usque eo animadverti eum jocari atque alias res agere,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 22:

    atqui vides, quam alias res agamus,

    id. de Or. 3, 14, 51; id. Brut. 66, 233:

    aliud agens ac nihil ejusmodi cogitans,

    id. Clu. 64.—
    In relation to public affairs, to conduct, manage, carry on, administer: agere bellum, to carry on or wage war (embracing the whole theory and practice of war, while bellum gerere designates the bodily and mental effort, and the bearing of the necessary burdens; and bellum facere, the actual outbreak of hostile feelings, v. Herz. ad Caes. B. G. 28):

    qui longe alia ratione ac reliqui Galli bellum agere instituerunt,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 28:

    Antiochus si tam in agendo bello parere voluisset consiliis ejus (Hannibalis) quam in suscipiendo instituerat, etc.,

    Nep. Hann. 8, 3; Curt. 4, 10, 29:

    aliena bella mercedibus agere,

    Mel. 1, 16:

    Bellaque non puero tractat agenda puer,

    Ov. A. A. 1, 182 (also in id. Tr. 2, 230, Gron. Observ. 2, 3, 227, for the usu. obit, with one MS., reads agit; so Merkel).— Poet.:

    Martem for bellum,

    Luc. 4, 2: agere proelium, to give battle (very rare):

    levibus proeliis cum Gallis actis,

    Liv. 22, 9.—Of offices, employments, etc., to conduct, exercise, administer, hold:

    forum agere,

    to hold court, Cic. Fam. 8, 6; and:

    conventus agere,

    to hold the assizes, id. Verr. 5, 11, 28; Caes. B. G. 1, 54; 6, 44;

    used of the governors of provinces: judicium agere,

    Plin. 9, 35, 58, § 120:

    vivorum coetus agere,

    to make assemblies of, to assemble, Tac. A. 16, 34:

    censum agere,

    Liv. 3, 22; Tac. A. 14, 46; Suet. Aug. 27:

    recensum agere,

    id. Caes. 41:

    potestatem agere,

    Flor. 1, 7, 2:

    honorem agere,

    Liv. 8, 26:


    Flor. 1, 6, 2:

    rem publicam,

    Dig. 4, 6, 35, § 8:


    Quint. 12, 1, 16:


    Suet. Tib. 6:


    Tac. A. 1, 44:


    Suet. Caes. 88:

    fiscum agere,

    to have charge of the treasury, id. Dom. 12:

    publicum agere,

    to collect the taxes, id. Vesp. 1:

    inquisitionem agere,

    Plin. 29, 1, 8, § 18:

    curam alicujus rei agere,

    to have the management of, to manage, Liv. 6, 15; Suet. Claud. 18:

    rei publicae curationem agens,

    Liv. 4, 13: dilectum agere, to make a levy, to levy (postAug. for dilectum habere, Cic., Caes., Sall.), Quint. 12, 3, 5; Tac. A. 2, 16; id. Agr. 7 and 10; id. H. 2, 16, 12; Suet. Calig. 43. —
    Of civil and political transactions in the senate, the forum, before tribunals of justice, etc., to manage or transact, to do, to discuss, plead, speak, deliberate; constr. aliquid or de aliqua re:

    velim recordere, quae ego de te in senatu egerim, quae in contionibus dixerim,

    Cic. Fam. 5, 2; 1, 9:

    de condicionibus pacis,

    Liv. 8, 37:

    de summa re publica,

    Suet. Caes. 28:

    cum de Catilinae conjuratione ageretur in curia,

    id. Aug. 94:

    de poena alicujus,

    Liv. 5, 36:

    de agro plebis,

    id. 1, 46.—Hence the phrase: agere cum populo, of magistrates, to address the people in a public assembly, for the purpose of obtaining their approval or rejection of a thing (while [p. 76] agere ad populum signifies to propose, to bring before the people):

    cum populo agere est rogare quid populum, quod suffragiis suis aut jubeat aut vetet,

    Gell. 13, 15, 10:

    agere cum populo de re publica,

    Cic. Verr. 1, 1, 12; id. Lael. 25, 96:

    neu quis de his postea ad senatum referat neve cum populo agat,

    Sall. C. 51, 43.—So also absol.:

    hic locus (rostra) ad agendum amplissimus,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 1:

    Metellus cum agere coepisset, tertio quoque verbo orationis suae me appellabat,

    id. Fam. 5, 2.— Transf. to common life.
    Agere cum aliquo, de aliquo or re or ut, to treat, deal, negotiate, confer, talk with one about a person or thing; to endeavor to persuade or move one, that, etc.: nihil age tecum (sc. cum odore vini);

    ubi est ipsus (vini lepos)?

    I have nothing to do with you, Plaut. Curc. 1, 2, 11:

    Quae (patria) tecum, Catilina, sic agit,

    thus pleads, Cic. Cat. 1, 6, 18:

    algae Inquisitores agerent cum remige nudo,

    Juv. 4, 49:

    haec inter se dubiis de rebus agebant,

    thus treated together, Verg. A. 11, 445:

    de quo et praesens tecum egi diligenter, et scripsi ad te accurate antea,

    Cic. Fam. 13, 75:

    egi cum Claudia et cum vestra sorore Mucia, ut eum ab illa injuria deterrerent,

    id. ib. 5, 2:

    misi ad Metellum communes amicos, qui agerent cum eo, ut de illa mente desisteret,

    id. ib. 5, 2:

    Callias quidam egit cum Cimone, ut eam (Elpinicen) sibi uxorem daret,

    Nep. Cim. 1, 3.—Also absol.:

    Alcibiades praesente vulgo agere coepit,

    Nep. Alc. 8, 2:

    si qua Caesares obtinendae Armeniae egerant,

    Tac. A. 15, 14:

    ut Lucretius agere varie, rogando alternis suadendoque coepit,

    Liv. 2, 2.—In Suet. once agere cum senatu, with acc. and inf., to propose or state to the Senate:

    Tiberius egit cum senatu non debere talia praemia tribui,

    Suet. Tib. 54.—
    With the advv. bene, praeclare, male, etc., to deal well or ill with one, to treat or use well or ill:

    facile est bene agere cum eis, etc.,

    Cic. Phil. 14, 11:

    bene egissent Athenienses cum Miltiade, si, etc.,

    Val. Max. 5, 3, 3 ext.; Vulg. Jud. 9, 16:

    praeclare cum aliquo agere,

    Cic. Sest. 23:

    Male agis mecum,

    Plaut. As. 1, 3, 21:

    qui cum creditoribus suis male agat,

    Cic. Quinct. 84; and:

    tu contra me male agis,

    Vulg. Jud. 11, 27.—Freq. in pass., to be or go well or ill with one, to be well or badly off:

    intelleget secum actum esse pessime,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 50:

    praeclare mecum actum puto,

    id. Fam. 9, 24; so id. ib. 5, 18: exstat cujusdam non inscitus jocus bene agi potuisse cum rebus humanis, si Domitius pater talem habuisset uxorem, it would have gone well with human affairs, been well for mankind, if, etc., Suet. Ner. 28.—Also absol. without cum: agitur praeclare, si nosmet ipsos regere possumus, it is well done if, etc., it is a splendid thing if, etc., Cic. Fam. 4, 14:

    vivitur cum eis, in quibus praeclare agitur si sunt simulacra virtutis,

    id. Off. 1, 15:

    bene agitur pro noxia,

    Plaut. Mil. 5, 23.—
    Of transactions before a court or tribunal.
    Aliquid agere ex jure, ex syngrapha, ex sponso, or simply the abl. jure, lege, litibus, obsignatis tabellis, causa, to bring an action or suit, to manage a cause, to plead a case:

    ex jure civili et praetorio agere,

    Cic. Caecin. 12:

    tamquam ex syngrapha agere cum populo,

    to litigate, id. Mur. 17:

    ex sponso egit,

    id. Quint. 9: Ph. Una injuriast Tecum. Ch. Lege agito ergo, Go to law, then, Ter. Phorm. 5, 8, 90:

    agere lege in hereditatem,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 38, 175; Ov. F. 1, 48; Liv. 9, 46:

    cum illo se lege agere dicebat,

    Nep. Tim. 5: summo jure agere, to assert or claim one's right to the full extent of the law, Cic. Off. 1, 11:

    non enim gladiis mecum, sed litibus agetur,

    id. Q. Fr. 1, 4:

    causa quam vi agere malle,

    Tac. A. 13, 37:

    tabellis obsignatis agis mecum,

    Cic. Tusc. 5, 11, 33:

    Jure, ut opinor, agat, jure increpet inciletque,

    with right would bring her charge, Lucr. 3, 963; so,

    Castrensis jurisdictio plura manu agens,

    settles more cases by force, Tac. Agr. 9:

    ubi manu agitur,

    when the case is settled by violent hands, id. G. 36.—
    Causam or rem agere, to try or plead a case; with apud, ad, or absol.:

    causam apud centumviros egit,

    Cic. Caecin. 24:

    Caesar cum ageret apud censores,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 7, 10; so with adversus:

    egi causam adversus magistratus,

    Vulg. 2 Esdr. 13, 11:

    orator agere dicitur causam,

    Varr. L. L. 6, 42: causam isto modo agere, Cic. Lig. 4, 10; Tac. Or. 5; 11; 14; Juv. 2, 51; 14, 132:

    agit causas liberales,

    Cic. Fam. 8, 9: qui ad rem agendam adsunt, M. Cael. ap. Quint. 11, 1, 51:

    cum (M. Tullius) et ipsam se rem agere diceret,

    Quint. 12, 10, 45: Gripe, accede huc;

    tua res agitur,

    is being tried, Plaut. Rud. 4, 4, 104; Quint. 8, 3, 13;

    and extra-judicially: rogo ad Caesarem meam causam agas,

    Cic. Fam. 5, 10:

    Una (factio) populi causam agebat, altera optimatum,

    Nep. Phoc. 3; so, agere, absol., to plead' ad judicem sic agi solet, Cic. Lig. 10:

    tam solute agere, tam leniter,

    id. Brut. 80:

    tu istuc nisi fingeres, sic ageres?

    id. ib. 80; Juv. 7, 143 and 144; 14, 32.— Transf. to common life; with de or acc., to discuss, treat, speak of:

    Sed estne hic ipsus, de quo agebam?

    of whom I was speaking, Ter. Ad. 1, 1, 53:

    causa non solum exponenda, sed etiam graviter copioseque agenda est,

    to be discussed, Cic. Div. in Caecil. 12; id. Verr. 1, 13, 37:

    Samnitium bella, quae agimus,

    are treating of, Liv. 10, 31.—Hence,
    Agere aliquem reum, to proceed against one as accused, to accuse one, Liv. 4, 42; 24, 25; Tac. A. 14, 18:

    reus agitur,

    id. ib. 15, 20; 3, 13; and with the gen. of the crime, with which one is charged:

    agere furti,

    to accuse of theft, Cic. Fam. 7, 22:

    adulterii cum aliquo,

    Quint. 4, 4, 8:


    id. 3, 6, 19; and often in the Pandects.—
    Pass. of the thing which is the subject of accusation, to be in suit or in question; it concerns or affects, is about, etc.:

    non nunc pecunia, sed illud agitur, quomodo, etc.,

    Ter. Heaut. 3, 1, 67:

    non capitis ei res agitur, sed pecuniae,

    the point in dispute, id. Phorm. 4, 3, 26:

    aguntur injuriae sociorum, agitur vis legum, agitur existimatio, veritasque judiciorum,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 51:

    si magna res, magna hereditas agetur,

    id. Fin. 2, 17: qua de re agitur, what the point of dispute or litigation is, id. Brut. 79.—Hence, trop.,
    Res agitur, the case is on trial, i. e. something is at stake or at hazard, in peril, or in danger:

    at nos, quarum res agitur, aliter auctores sumus,

    Plaut. Stich. 1, 2, 72:

    quasi istic mea res minor agatur quam tua,

    Ter. Heaut. 2, 3, 113:

    agitur populi Romani gloria, agitur salus sociorum atque amicorum, aguntur certissima populi Romani vectigalia et maxima, aguntur bona multorum civium,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 2, 6:

    in quibus eorum aut caput agatur aut fama,

    id. Lael. 17, 61; Nep. Att. 15, 2:

    non libertas solum agebatur,

    Liv. 28, 19; Sen. Clem. 1, 20 al.:

    nam tua res agitur, paries cum proximus ardet,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 18, 84 (= in periculo versatur, Lambin.):

    agitur pars tertia mundi,

    is at stake, I am in danger of losing, Ov. M. 5, 372.—
    Res acta est, the case is over (and done for): acta haec res est;


    this matter is ended, Ter. Heaut. 3, 3, 3: hence, actum est de aliquo or aliqua re, it is all over with a person or thing:

    actum hodie est de me,

    Plaut. Ps. 1, 1, 63:

    jam de Servio actum,

    Liv. 1, 47:

    actum est de collo meo,

    Plaut. Trin. 3, 4, 194.—So also absol.: actumst;

    ilicet me infelicem,

    Plaut. Cist. 4, 2, 17:

    si animus hominem pepulit, actumst,

    id. Trin. 2, 2, 27; Ter. And. 3, 1, 7; Cic. Att. 5, 15:

    actumst, ilicet, peristi,

    Ter. Eun. 1, 1, 9: periimus;


    id. Heaut. 3, 3, 3.—
    Rem actam agere, to plead a case already finished, i. e. to act to no purpose:

    rem actam agis,

    Plaut. Ps. 1, 3, 27; id. Cist. 4, 2, 36; Liv. 28, 40; so,

    actum or acta agere: actum, aiunt, ne agas,

    Ter. Phorm. 2, 3, 72; Cic. Att. 9, 18:

    acta agimus,

    id. Am. 22.—
    10. a.
    Of an orator, Cic. de Or. 1, 31, 142; cf. id. ib. 2, 19, 79:

    quae sic ab illo acta esse constabat oculis, voce, gestu, inimici ut lacrimas tenere non possent,

    id. ib. 3, 56, 214:

    agere fortius et audentius volo,

    Tac. Or. 18; 39.—
    Of an actor, to represent, play, act:

    Ipse hanc acturust Juppiter comoediam,

    Plaut. Am. prol. 88; so,


    Ter. Ad. prol. 12; id. Hec. prol. 22:

    dum haec agitur fabula,

    Plaut. Men. prol. 72 al.:


    to have a part in a play, Ter. Phorm. prol. 27:

    Ballionem illum cum agit, agit Chaeream,

    Cic. Rosc. Com. 7:

    gestum agere in scaena,

    id. de Or. 2, 57:

    dicitur canticum egisse aliquanto magis vigente motu,

    Liv. 7, 2 al. — Transf. to other relations, to represent or personate one, to act the part of, to act as, behave like: has partes lenitatis semper egi, Cic. Mur. 3:

    egi illos omnes adulescentes, quos ille actitat,

    id. Fam. 2, 9:

    amicum imperatoris,

    Tac. H. 1, 30:


    id. A. 1, 4:

    socium magis imperii quam ministrum,

    id. H. 2, 83:


    Tac. A. 16, 28.—So of things poetically:

    utrinque prora frontem agit,

    serves as a bow, Tac. G. 44.—
    Se agere = se gerere, to carry one's self, to behave, deport one's self:

    tanta mobilitate sese Numidae agunt,

    Sall. J. 56, 5:

    quanto ferocius ante se egerint,

    Tac. H. 3, 2 Halm:

    qui se pro equitibus Romanis agerent,

    Suet. Claud. 25:

    non principem se, sed ministrum egit,

    id. ib. 29:

    neglegenter se et avare agere,

    Eutr. 6, 9:

    prudenter se agebat,

    Vulg. 1 Reg. 18, 5:

    sapienter se agebat,

    ib. 4 Reg. 18, 7. —Also absol.:


    Tac. Agr. 7:

    facile justeque,

    id. ib. 9:


    id. H. 2, 27:

    ex aequo,

    id. ib. 4, 64:

    anxius et intentus agebat,

    id. Agr. 5.—
    Imper.: age, agite, Ter., Tib., Lucr., Hor., Ov., never using agite, and Catull. never age, with which compare the Gr. age, agete (also accompanied by the particles dum, eia, en, ergo, igitur, jam, modo, nuncjam, porro, quare, quin, sane, vero, verum, and by sis); as an exclamation.
    In encouragement, exhortation, come! come on! (old Engl. go to!) up! on! quick! (cf. I. B. fin.).
    In the sing.:

    age, adsta, mane, audi, Enn. ap. Delr. Synt. 1, 99: age i tu secundum,

    come, follow me! Plaut. Am. 2, 1, 1:

    age, perge, quaeso,

    id. Cist. 2, 3, 12:

    age, da veniam filio,

    Ter. Ad. 5, 8, 14:

    age, age, nunc experiamur,

    id. ib. 5, 4, 23:

    age sis tu... delude,

    Plaut. As. 3, 3, 89; id. Ep. 3, 4, 39; Cic. Tusc. 2, 18; id. Rosc. Am. 16:

    quanto ferocius ante se egerint, agedum eam solve cistulam,

    Plaut. Am. 2, 2, 151; id. Capt. 3, 4, 39:

    Agedum vicissim dic,

    Ter. Heaut. 2, 3, 69; id. Eun. 4, 4, 27:

    agedum humanis concede,

    Lucr. 3, 962:

    age modo hodie sero,

    Ter. Heaut. 2, 3, 103:

    age nuncjam,

    id. And. 5, 2, 25:

    En age, quid cessas,

    Tib. 2, 2, 10:

    Quare age,

    Verg. A. 7, 429:

    Verum age,

    id. ib. 12, 832:

    Quin age,

    id. G. 4, 329:

    en, age, Rumpe moras,

    id. ib. 3, 43:

    eia age,

    id. A. 4, 569.—
    In the plur.:

    agite, pugni,

    up, fists, and at 'em! Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 146:

    agite bibite,

    id. Curc. 1, 1, 88; id. Stich. 1, 3, 68:

    agite in modum dicite,

    Cat. 61, 38:

    Quare agite... conjungite,

    id. 64, 372; Verg. A. 1, 627:

    vos agite... volvite,

    Val. Fl. 3, 311:

    agite nunc, divites, plorate,

    Vulg. Jac. 5, 1:


    Liv. 3, 62.—Also age in the sing., with a verb in the plur. (cf. age tamnete, Hom. Od. 3, 332; age dê trapeiomen, id. Il. 3, 441):

    age igitur, intro abite,

    Plaut. Mil. 3, 3, 54:

    En agedum convertite,

    Prop. 1, 1, 21:

    mittite, agedum, legatos,

    Liv. 38, 47:

    Ite age,

    Stat. Th. 10, 33:

    Huc age adeste,

    Sil. 11, 169.—
    In transitions in discourse, well then! well now! well! (esp. in Cic. Or. very freq.). So in Plaut. for resuming discourse that has been interrupted: age, tu interea huic somnium narra, Curc. 2, 2, 5: nunc age, res quoniam docui non posse creari, etc., well now, since I have taught, etc., Lucr. 1, 266:

    nunc age, quod superest, cognosce et clarius audi,

    id. 1, 920; so id. 1, 952; 2, 62; 333; 730; 3, 418;

    4, 109 al.: age porro, tu, qui existimari te voluisti interpretem foederum, cur, etc.,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 22; so id. Rosc. Am. 16; id. Part. 12; id. Att. 8, 3.—And age (as in a.) with a verb in the plur.:

    age vero, ceteris in rebus qualis sit temperantia considerate,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 14; so id. Sull. 26; id. Mil. 21; id. Rosc. Am. 37.—
    As a sign of assent, well! very well! good! right! Age, age, mansero, Plaut. As. 2, 2, 61: age, age, jam ducat;


    Ter. Phorm. 4, 3, 57:

    Age, veniam,

    id. And. 4, 2, 30:

    age, sit ita factum,

    Cic. Mil. 19:

    age sane,

    Plaut. Ps. 5, 2, 27; Cic. Fin. 2, 35, 119.
    —Age, used with another verb in the imperative, regularly stands before it, but in poetry, for the sake of the metre, it,
    Sometimes follows such verb; as,
    In dactylic metre:

    Cede agedum,

    Prop. 5, 9, 54:

    Dic age,

    Verg. A. 6, 343; Hor. S. 2, 7, 92; Ov. F. 1, 149:

    Esto age,

    Pers. 2, 42:

    Fare age,

    Verg. A. 3, 362:

    Finge age,

    Ov. H. 7, 65:

    Redde age,

    Hor. S. 2, 8, 80:

    Surge age,

    Verg. A. 3, 169; 8, 59; 10, 241; Ov. H. 14, 73:

    Vade age,

    Verg. A. 3, 462; 4, 422; so,

    agite: Ite agite,

    Prop. 4, 3, 7.—
    In other metres (very rarely):

    appropera age,

    Plaut. Cas. 2, 2, 38:

    dic age,

    Hor. C. 1, [p. 77] 32, 3; 2, 11, 22;

    3, 4, 1.—So also in prose (very rarely): Mittite agedum,

    Liv. 38, 47:

    procedat agedum ad pugnam,

    id. 7, 9.—
    It is often separated from such verb:

    age me huc adspice,

    Plaut. Am. 2, 2, 118; id. Capt. 5, 2, 1:

    Age... instiga,

    Ter. And. 4, 2, 10; 5, 6, 11:

    Quare agite... conjungite,

    Cat. 64, 372:

    Huc age... veni,

    Tib. 2, 5, 2:

    Ergo age cervici imponere nostrae,

    Verg. A. 2, 707:

    en age segnis Rumpe moras,

    id. G. 3, 42:

    age te procellae Crede,

    Hor. C. 3, 27, 62:

    Age jam... condisce,

    id. ib. 4, 11, 31; id. S. 2, 7, 4.—Hence,
    ăgens, entis, P. a.
    Efficient, effective, powerful (only in the rhet. lang. of Cic.):

    utendum est imaginibus agentibus, acribus, insignitis,

    Cic. de Or. 2, 87, 358:

    acre orator, incensus et agens,

    id. Brut. 92, 317.— Comp. and sup. not used.
    Agentia verba, in the grammarians, for verba activa, Gell. 18, 12.—
    Subst.: ăgentes, ium.
    Under the emperors, a kind of secret police (also called frumentarii and curiosi), Aur. Vict. Caes. 39 fin.; Dig. 1, 12; 1, 20; 21; 22; 23, etc.; Amm. 15, 3; 14, 11 al.—
    For agrimensores, land-surveyors, Hyg. Lim. p. 179.—
    actus, a, um, P. a. Lit., that has been transacted in the Senate, in the forum, before the courts of justice, etc.; hence,
    actum, i, n., a public transaction in the Senate, before the people, or before a single magistrate:

    actum ejus, qui in re publica cum imperio versatus sit,

    Cic. Phil. 1, 7:

    acta Caesaris servanda censeo,

    id. ib. 1, 7:

    acta tui praeclari tribunatus,

    id. Dom. 31.—
    acta publĭca, or absol.: acta, orum, n., the register of public acts, records, journal. Julius Caesar, in his consulship, ordered that the doings of the Senate (diurna acta) should be made public, Suet. Caes. 20; cf. Ernest. Exc. 1;

    but Augustus again prohibited it,

    Suet. Aug. 36. Still the acts of the Senate were written down, and, under the succeeding emperors. certain senators were appointed to this office (actis vel commentariis Senatus conficiendis), Tac. A. 5, 4. They had also public registers of the transactions of the assemblies of the people, and of the different courts of justice;

    also of births and deaths, marriages, divorces, etc., which were preserved as sources of future history.—Hence, diurna urbis acta,

    the city journal, Tac. A. 13, 31:

    acta populi,

    Suet. Caes. 20:

    acta publica,

    Tac. A. 12, 24; Suet. Tib. 8; Plin. Ep. 7, 33:


    id. ib. 9, 15; which were all comprehended under the gen. name acta.
    With the time added:

    acta eorum temporum,

    Plin. 7, 13, 11, § 60:

    illius temporis,

    Ascon. Mil. 44, 16:

    ejus anni,

    Plin. 2, 56, 57, § 147.—
    Absol., Cic. Fam. 12, 8; 22, 1; 28, 3; Sen. Ben. 2, 10; 3, 16; Suet. Calig. 8; Quint. 9, 3; Juv. 2, 136: Quis dabit historico, quantum daret acta legenti, i. e. to the actuarius, q. v., id. 7, 104; cf. Bahr's Rom. Lit. Gesch. 303.—
    acta triumphōrum, the public record of triumphs, fuller than the Fasti triumphales, Plin. 37, 2, 6, § 12.—
    acta fŏri (v. Inscr. Grut. 445, 10), the records,
    Of strictly historical transactions, Amm. 22, 3, 4; Dig. 4, 6, 33, § 1.—
    Of matters of private right, as wills, gifts, bonds (acta ad jus privatorum pertinentia, Dig. 49, 14, 45, § 4), Fragm. Vat. §§ 249, 266, 268, 317.—

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > acta publica

  • 20 acta triumphorum

    ăgo, egi, actum, 3, v. a. (axim = egerim, Pac. ap. Non. 505, 22; Paul. ex Fest. s. v. axitiosi, p. 3 Mull.;

    axit = egerit,

    Paul. Diac. 3, 3;

    AGIER = agi,

    Cic. Off. 3, 15;

    agentum = agentium,

    Vulc. Gall. Av. Cass. 4, 6) [cf. agô; Sanscr. ag, aghami = to go, to drive; agmas = way, train = ogmos; agis = race, contest = agôn; perh. also Germ. jagen, to drive, to hunt], to put in motion, to move (syn.: agitare, pellere, urgere).
    Of cattle and other animals, to lead, drive.
    Absol.: agas asellum, Seip. ap. Cic. de Or. 2, 64, 258:

    jumenta agebat,

    Liv. 1, 48:

    capellas ago,

    Verg. E. 1, 13:

    Pars quia non veniant pecudes, sed agantur, ab actu etc.,

    Ov. F. 1, 323:


    Hor. Ep. 1, 18, 36.—
    With acc. of place, prep., sup., or inf.:

    agere bovem Romam,

    Curt. 1, 45:

    equum in hostem,

    id. 7, 4:

    Germani in amnem aguntur,

    Tac. H. 5, 21:

    acto ad vallum equo,

    id. A. 2, 13:

    pecora per calles,

    Curt. 7, 11:

    per devia rura capellas,

    Ov. M. 1, 676:

    pecus pastum,

    Varr. L. L. 6, 41, p. 88 Mull.:

    capellas potum age,

    Verg. E. 9, 23:

    pecus egit altos Visere montes,

    Hor. C. 1, 2, 7.—
    Of men, to drive, lead, conduct, impel.

    agmen agens equitum,

    Verg. A. 7, 804.—
    With prep., abl., or inf.:

    vinctum ante se Thyum agebat,

    Nep. Dat. 3:

    agitur praeceps exercitus Lydorum in populos,

    Sil. 4, 720:

    (adulteram) maritus per omnem vicum verbere agit,

    Tac. G. 19; Suet. Calig. 27:

    captivos prae se agentes,

    Curt. 7, 6; Liv. 23, 1:

    acti ante suum quisque praedonem catenati,

    Quint. 8, 3, 69:

    captivos sub curribus agere,

    Mart. 8, 26:

    agimur auguriis quaerere exilia,

    Verg. A. 3, 5;

    and simple for comp.: multis milibus armatorum actis ex ea regione = coactis,

    Liv. 44, 31.— In prose: agi, to be led, to march, to go:

    quo multitudo omnis consternata agebatur,

    Liv. 10, 29: si citius agi vellet agmen, that the army would move, or march on quicker, id. 2, 58:

    raptim agmine acto,

    id. 6, 28; so id. 23, 36; 25, 9.— Trop.:

    egit sol hiemem sub terras,

    Verg. G. 4, 51:

    poemata dulcia sunto Et quocumque volent animum auditoris agunto,

    lead the mind, Hor. A. P. 100. —Hence, poet.: se agere, to betake one's self, i. e. to go, to come (in Plaut. very freq.;

    also in Ter., Verg., etc.): quo agis te?

    where are you going? Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 294:

    unde agis te?

    id. Most. 1, 4, 28; so id. ib. 3, 1, 31; id. Mil. 3, 2, 49; id. Poen. 1, 2, 120; id. Pers. 4, 3, 13; id. Trin. 4, 3, 71:

    quo hinc te agis?

    where are you going, Ter. And. 4, 2, 25:

    Ecce gubernator sese Palinurus agebat,

    was moving along, Verg. A. 6, 337:

    Aeneas se matutinus agebat,

    id. ib. 8, 465:

    is enim se primus agebat,

    for he strode on in front, id. ib. 9, 696.—Also without se:

    Et tu, unde agis?

    Plaut. Bacch. 5, 1, 20:

    Quo agis?

    id. Pers. 2, 2, 34:

    Huc age,

    Tib. 2, 5, 2 (unless age is here to be taken with veni at the end of the line).—
    To drive or carry off (animals or men), to steal, rob, plunder (usually abigere):

    Et redigunt actos in sua rura boves,

    Ov. F. 3, 64.—So esp. freq. of men or animals taken as booty in war, while ferre is used of portable things; hence, ferre et agere (as in Gr. agein kai pherein, Hom. Il. 5, 484; and reversed, pherein kai agein, in Hdt. and Xen.; cf.:

    rapiunt feruntque,

    Verg. A. 2, 374:

    rapere et auferre,

    Cic. Off. 1, 14), in gen., to rob, to plunder: res sociorum ferri agique vidit, Liv. 22, 3:

    ut ferri agique res suas viderunt,

    id. 38, 15; so id. 3, 37;

    so also: rapere agereque: ut ex alieno agro raperent agerentque,

    Liv. 22, 1, 2; but portari atque agi means to bear and carry, to bring together, in Caes. B. C. 2, 29 (as pherein kai agein in Plat. Phaedr. 279, C):

    ne pulcram praedam agat,

    Plaut. Aul. 4, 2, 3:

    urbes, agros vastare, praedas agere,

    Sall. J. 20, 8; 32, 3:

    pecoris et mancipiorum praedas,

    id. ib. 44, 5;

    so eccl. Lat.: agere praedas de aliquo,

    Vulg. Jud. 9, 16; ib. 1 Reg. 27, 8; cf. Gron. Obs. 3, 22, 633.—
    To chase, pursue, press animals or men, to drive about or onwards in flight (for the usual agitare).
    Of animals:


    Verg. G. 3, 412:


    id. A. 7, 481; cf. id. ib. 4, 71:

    citos canes,

    Ov. H. 5, 20:

    feros tauros,

    Suet. Claud. 21.—
    Of men:

    ceteros ruerem, agerem,

    Ter. Ad. 3, 2, 21 (= prosequerer, premerem, Don.):

    ita perterritos egerunt, ut, etc.,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 12:

    Demoleos cursu palantis Troas agebat,

    Verg. A. 5, 265; cf. id. ib. 1, 574:

    aliquem in exsilium,

    Liv. 25, 2; so Just. 2, 9, 6; 16, 4, 4; 17, 3, 17;

    22, 1, 16 al.: aliquem in fugam,

    id. 16, 2, 3.—
    Of inanimate or abstract objects, to move, impel, push forwards, advance, carry to or toward any point:

    quid si pater cuniculos agat ad aerarium?

    lead, make, Cic. Off. 3, 23, 90:

    egisse huc Alpheum vias,

    made its way, Verg. A. 3, 695:

    vix leni et tranquillo mari moles agi possunt,

    carry, build out, Curt. 4, 2, 8:

    cloacam maximam sub terram agendam,

    to be carried under ground, Liv. 1, 56;

    so often in the histt., esp. Caes. and Livy, as t. t., of moving forwards the battering engines: celeriter vineis ad oppidum actis,

    pushed forwards, up, Caes. B. G. 2, 12 Herz.; so id. ib. 3, 21; 7, 17; id. B. C. 2, 1; Liv. 8, 16:

    accelerant acta pariter testudine Volsci,

    Verg. A. 9, 505 al.:

    fugere colles campique videntur, quos agimus praeter navem, i. e. praeter quos agimus navem,

    Lucr. 4, 391:

    in litus passim naves egerunt,

    drove the ships ashore, Liv. 22, 19:

    ratem in amnem,

    Ov. F. 1, 500:

    naves in advorsum amnem,

    Tac. H. 4, 22.— Poet.: agere navem, to steer or direct a ship, Hor. Ep. 2, 1, 114; so,

    agere currum,

    to drive a chariot, Ov. M. 2, 62; 2, 388 al.—
    To stir up, to throw out, excite, cause, bring forth (mostly poet.):

    scintillasque agere ac late differre favillam,

    to throw out sparks and scatter ashes far around, Lucr. 2, 675:

    spumas ore,

    Verg. G. 3, 203; so Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 66:

    piceum Flumen agit,

    Verg. A. 9, 814:

    qui vocem cubantes sensim excitant, eandemque cum egerunt, etc.,

    when they have brought it forth, Cic. de Or. 1, 59, 251. —Hence, animam agere, to expel the breath of life, give up the ghost, expire:

    agens animam spumat,

    Lucr. 3, 493:

    anhelans vaga vadit, animam agens,

    Cat. 63, 31:

    nam et agere animam et efflare dicimus,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 9, 19:

    Hortensius, cum has litteras scripsi, animam agebat,

    id. Fam. 8, 13, 2; so Cael. ap. Cic. Fam. 8, 13:

    eodem tempore et gestum et animam ageres,

    Cic. Rosc. Com. 8:

    Est tanti habere animam ut agam?

    Sen. Ep. 101, 12; and with a play upon words: semper agis causas et res agis, Attale, semper. Est, non est, quod agas, Attale, semper agis. Si res et causae desunt, agis, Attale, mulas;

    Attale, ne quod agas desit, agas animam,

    Mart. 1, 80.—
    Of plants, to put forth or out, to shoot, extend:

    (salices) gemmas agunt,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 30:

    florem agere coeperit ficus,

    Col. R. R. 5, 10, 10:

    frondem agere,

    Plin. 18, 6, 8, § 45:

    se ad auras palmes agit,

    Verg. G. 2, 364:

    (platanum) radices trium et triginta cubitorum egisse,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 37, 15:

    per glebas sensim radicibus actis,

    Ov. M. 4, 254; so id. ib. 2, 583:

    robora suas radices in profundum agunt,

    Plin. 16, 31, 56, § 127.—Metaph.:

    vera gloria radices agit,

    Cic. Off. 2, 12, 43:

    pluma in cutem radices egerat imas,

    Ov. M. 2, 582.
    Spec., to guide, govern:

    Tros Tyriusque mihi nullo discrimine agetur,

    Verg. A. 1, 574; cf. Forbig. ad h. 1., who considers it the only instance of this use, and compares a similar use of agô; v. L. and S. s. v. II. 2.—
    In gen., to move, impel, excite, urge to a thing, to prompt or induce to:

    si quis ad illa deus te agat,

    Hor. S. 2, 7, 24:

    una plaga ceteros ad certamen egit,

    Liv. 9, 41; 8, 7; 39, 15: quae te, germane, furentem Mens agit in facinus? Ov. M. 5, 14:

    totis mentibus acta,

    Sil. 10, 191:

    in furorem agere,

    Quint. 6, 1, 31:

    si Agricola in ipsam gloriam praeceps agebatur,

    Tac. Agr. 41:

    provinciam avaritia in bellum egerat,

    id. A. 14, 32.—
    To drive, stir up, excite, agitate, rouse vehemently (cf. agito, II.):

    me amor fugat, agit,

    Plaut. Cist. 2, 1, 8:

    agunt eum praecipitem poenae civium Romanorum,

    Cic. Verr. 1, 3:

    perpetua naturalis bonitas, quae nullis casibus neque agitur neque minuitur,

    Nep. Att. 9, 1 Brem.:

    opportunitas, quae etiam mediocres viros spe praedae transvorsos agit,

    i. e. leads astray, Sall. J. 6, 3; 14, 20; so Sen. Ep. 8, 3.— To pursue with hostile intent, to persecute, disturb, vex, to attack, assail (for the usu. agitare; mostly poet.):

    reginam Alecto stimulis agit undique Bacchi,

    Verg. A. 7, 405:

    non res et agentia (i. e. agitantia, vexantia) verba Lycamben,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 19, 25:

    acerba fata Romanos agunt,

    id. Epod 7, 17:

    diris agam vos,

    id. ib. 5, 89:

    quam deus ultor agebat,

    Ov. M. 14, 750:

    futurae mortis agor stimulis,

    Luc. 4, 517; cf. Matth. ad Cic. Mur. § 21.—
    To drive at something, to pursue a course of action, i. e. to make something an object of action; either in the most general sense, like the Engl. do and the Gr. prattein, for every kind of mental or physical employment; or, in a more restricted sense, to exhibit in external action, to act or perform, to deliver or pronounce, etc., so that after the act is completed nothing remains permanent, e. g. a speech, dance, play, etc. (while facere, to make, poiein, denotes the production of an object which continues to exist after the act is completed; and gerere, the performance of the duties of an office or calling).—On these significations, v. Varr. 6, 6, 62, and 6, 7, 64, and 6, 8, 72.—For the more restricted signif. v. Quint. 2, 18, 1 sq.; cf. Manut. ad Cic. Fam. 7, 12; Hab. Syn. 426.
    In the most gen. signif., to do, act, labor, in opp. to rest or idleness.
    With the gen. objects, aliquid, nihil, plus, etc.:

    numquam se plus agere quam nihil cum ageret,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 17 (cf. with this, id. Off. 3, 1: numquam se minus otiosum esse quam cum otiosus esset): mihi, qui nihil agit, esse omnino non videtur. id. N. D. 2, 16, 46:

    post satietatem nihil (est) agendum,

    Cels. 1, 2.—Hence,
    Without object:

    aliud agendi tempus, aliud quiescendi,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 53, 132; Juv. 16, 49:

    agendi tempora,

    Tac. H. 3, 40:

    industria in agendo, celeritas in conficiendo,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 10, 29.—
    In colloquial lang., to do, to fare, get on: quid agis? what are you doing? M. Tulli, quid agis? Cic. Cat. 1, 11:

    Quid agis?

    What's your business? Plaut. Stich. 2, 2, 9; also, How goes it with you? How are you? ti pratteis, Plaut. Curc. 2, 1, 20; Cic. Fam. 7, 11 al.; Hor. S. 1, 9, 4:

    vereor, quid agat,

    how he is, Cic. Att. 9, 17:

    ut sciatis, quid agam,

    Vulg. Ephes. 6, 21:

    prospere agit anima tua,

    fares well, ib. 3 Joan. 2:

    quid agitur?

    how goes it with you? how do you do? how are you? Plaut. Ps. 1, 1, 17; 1, 5, 42; Ter. Eun. 2, 2, 40:

    Quid intus agitur?

    is going on, Plaut. Cas. 5, 2, 20; id. Ps. 1, 5, 42 al.—
    With nihil or non multum, to do, i. e. to effect, accomplish, achieve nothing, or not much (orig. belonging to colloquial lang., but in the class. per. even in oratorical and poet. style): nihil agit;

    collum obstringe homini,

    Plaut. Curc. 5, 3, 29:

    nihil agis,

    you effect nothing, it is of no use, Ter. Ad. 5, 8, 12:

    nihil agis, dolor! quamvis sis molestus, numquam te esse confitebor malum,

    Cic. Tusc. 2, 25, 61 Kuhn.; Matius ap. Cic. Fam. 11, 28, 10: cupis, inquit, abire; sed nihil agis;

    usque tenebo,

    Hor. S. 1, 9, 15:

    [nihil agis,] nihil assequeris,

    Cic. Cat. 1, 6, 15 B. and K.:

    ubi blanditiis agitur nihil,

    Ov. M. 6, 685: egerit non multum, has not done much, Curt. ap. Cic. Fam. 7, 29; cf. Ruhnk. ad Rutil. Lup. p. 120.—
    In certain circumstances, to proceed, do, act, manage (mostly belonging to familiar style): Thr. Quid nunc agimus? Gn. Quin redimus, What shall we do now? Ter. Eun. 4, 7, 41:

    hei mihi! quid faciam? quid agam?

    what shall I do? how shall I act? id. Ad. 5, 3, 3:

    quid agam, habeo,

    id. And. 3, 2, 18 (= quid respondeam habeo, Don.) al.:

    sed ita quidam agebat,

    was so acting, Cic. Lig. 7, 21: a Burro minaciter actum, Burrus [p. 75] proceeded to threats, Tac. A. 13, 21.—
    To pursue, do, perform, transact (the most usual signif. of this word; in all periods; syn.: facere, efficere, transigere, gerere, tractare, curare): cui quod agat institutumst nullo negotio id agit, Enn. ap. Gell. 19, 10, 12 (Trag. v. 254 Vahl.): ut quae egi, ago, axim, verruncent bene, Pac. ap. Non. 505, 23 (Trag. Rel. p. 114 Rib.):

    At nihil est, nisi, dum calet, hoc agitur,

    Plaut. Poen. 4, 2, 92:

    Ut id agam, quod missus huc sum,

    id. Ps. 2, 2, 44: homines quae agunt vigilantes, agitantque, ea si cui in somno accidunt, minus mirum est, Att. ap. Cic. Div. 1, 22, 45:

    observabo quam rem agat,

    what he is going to do, Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 114:

    Id quidem ago,

    That is what I am doing, Verg. E. 9, 37:

    res vera agitur,

    Juv. 4, 35:

    Jam tempus agires,

    Verg. A. 5, 638:

    utilis rebus agendis,

    Juv. 14, 72:

    grassator ferro agit rem,

    does the business with a dagger, id. 3, 305; 6, 659 (cf.:

    gladiis geritur res,

    Liv. 9, 41):

    nihil ego nunc de istac re ago,

    do nothing about that matter, Plaut. Truc. 4, 4, 8:

    postquam id actumst,

    after this is accomplished, id. Am. 1, 1, 72; so,

    sed quid actumst?

    id. Ps. 2, 4, 20:

    nihil aliud agebam nisi eum defenderem,

    Cic. Sull. 12:

    ne quid temere ac fortuitu, inconsiderate negligenterque agamus,

    id. Off. 1, 29:

    agamus quod instat,

    Verg. E. 9, 66:

    renuntiaverunt ei omnia, quae egerant,

    Vulg. Marc. 6, 30; ib. Act. 5, 35:

    suum negotium agere,

    to mind one's business, attend to one's own affairs, Cic. Off. 1, 9; id. de Or. 3, 55, 211; so,

    ut vestrum negotium agatis,

    Vulg. 1 Thess. 4, 11:

    neque satis Bruto constabat, quid agerent,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 14:

    postquam res in Africa gestas, quoque modo actae forent, fama divolgavit,

    Sall. J. 30, 1:

    sed tu delibera, utrum colloqui malis an per litteras agere quae cogitas,

    Nep. Con. 3, 8 al. —With the spec. idea of completing, finishing: jucundi acti labores, a proverb in Cic. Fin. 2, 32, 105.—
    To pursue in one's mind, to drive at, to revolve, to be occupied with, think upon, have in view, aim at (cf. agito, II. E., volvo and voluto):

    nescio quid mens mea majus agit,

    Ov. H. 12, 212:

    hoc variis mens ipsa modis agit,

    Val. Fl. 3, 392:

    agere fratri proditionem,

    Tac. H. 2, 26:

    de intranda Britannia,

    id. Agr. 13.—
    With a verbal subst., as a favorite circumlocution for the action indicated by the subst. (cf. in Gr. agô with verbal subst.):

    rimas agere (sometimes ducere),

    to open in cracks, fissures, to crack, Cic. Att. 14, 9; Ov. M. 2, 211; Luc. 6, 728: vos qui regalis corporis custodias agitis, keep watch over, guard, Naev. ap. Non. 323, 1; so Liv. 5, 10:

    vigilias agere,

    Cic. Verr. 4, 43, 93; Nep. Thras. 4; Tac. H. 3, 76:

    excubias alicui,

    Ov. F. 3, 245:


    Tac. H. 4, 58:


    Suet. Vit. 10:

    stationem agere,

    to keep guard, Liv. 35, 29; Tac. H. 1, 28:

    triumphum agere,

    to triumph, Cic. Fam. 3, 10; Ov. M. 15, 757; Suet. Dom. 6:

    libera arbitria agere,

    to make free decisions, to decide arbitrarily, Liv. 24, 45; Curt. 6, 1, 19; 8, 1, 4:

    paenitentiam agere,

    to exercise repentance, to repent, Quint. 9, 3, 12; Petr. S. 132; Tac. Or. 15; Curt. 8, 6, 23; Plin. Ep. 7, 10; Vulg. Lev. 5, 5; ib. Matt. 3, 2; ib. Apoc. 2, 5:

    silentia agere,

    to maintain silence, Ov. M. 1, 349:

    pacem agere,

    Juv. 15, 163:

    crimen agere,

    to bring accusation, to accuse, Cic. Verr. 4, 22, 48:

    laborem agere,

    id. Fin. 2, 32:

    cursus agere,

    Ov. Am. 3, 6, 95:

    delectum agere,

    to make choice, to choose, Plin. 7, 29, 30, § 107; Quint. 10, 4, 5:

    experimenta agere,

    Liv. 9, 14; Plin. 29, 1, 8, § 18:


    id. 15, 3, 4, § 14:

    curam agere,

    to care for, Ov. H. 15, 302; Quint. 8, prooem. 18:

    curam ejus egit,

    Vulg. Luc. 10, 34:

    oblivia agere,

    to forget, Ov. M. 12, 540:

    nugas agere,

    to trifle, Plaut. Cist. 2, 3, 29; id. As. 1, 1, 78, and often:

    officinas agere,

    to keep shop, Inscr. Orell. 4266.—So esp.: agere gratias ( poet. grates; never in sing. gratiam), to give thanks, to thank; Gr. charin echein ( habere gratiam is to be or feel grateful; Gr. charin eidenai; and referre gratiam, to return a favor, requite; Gr. charin apodidonai; cf. Bremi ad Nep. Them. 8, 7):

    diis gratias pro meritis agere,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 26:

    Haud male agit gratias,

    id. Aul. 4, 4, 31:

    Magnas vero agere gratias Thais mihi?

    Ter. Eun. 3, 1, 1:

    Dis magnas merito gratias habeo atque ago,

    id. Phorm. 5, 6, 80: Lentulo nostro egi per litteras tuo nomine gratias diligenter, Cic. Fam. 1, 10: immortales ago tibi gratias agamque dum vivam;

    nam relaturum me adfirmare non possum,

    id. ib. 10, 11, 1: maximas tibi omnes gratias agimus, C. Caesar;

    majores etiam habemus,

    id. Marcell. 11, 33:

    Trebatio magnas ago gratias, quod, etc.,

    id. Fam. 11, 28, 8: renuntiate gratias regi me agere;

    referre gratiam aliam nunc non posse quam ut suadeam, ne, etc.,

    Liv. 37, 37: grates tibi ago, summe Sol, vobisque, reliqui Caelites, * Cic. Rep. 6, 9:

    gaudet et invito grates agit inde parenti,

    Ov. M. 2, 152; so id. ib. 6, 435; 484; 10, 291; 681; 14, 596; Vulg. 2 Reg. 8, 10; ib. Matt. 15, 36 al.;

    and in connection with this, laudes agere: Jovis fratri laudes ago et grates gratiasque habeo,

    Plaut. Trin. 4, 1, 2:

    Dianae laudes gratesque agam,

    id. Mil. 2, 5, 2; so,

    diis immortalibus laudesque et grates egit,

    Liv. 26, 48:

    agi sibi gratias passus est,

    Tac. Agr. 42; so id. H. 2, 71; 4, 51; id. A. 13, 21; but oftener grates or gratis in Tac.:

    Tiberius egit gratis benevolentiae patrum, A. 6, 2: agit grates,

    id. H. 3, 80; 4, 64; id. A. 2, 38; 2, 86; 3, 18; 3, 24; 4, 15 al.—
    Of time, to pass, spend (very freq. and class.): Romulus in caelo cum dis agit aevom, Enn. ap. Cic. Tusc. 1, 12, 28; so Pac. id. ib. 2, 21, 49, and Hor. S. 1, 5, 101:


    Tac. H. 4, 62; id. A. 3, 16: domi aetatem, Enn. ap. Cic. Fam. 7, 6:

    aetatem in litteris,

    Cic. Leg. 2, 1, 3:


    id. Sen. 3, 7; cf. id. ib. 17, 60:

    dies festos,

    id. Verr. 2, 4, 48; Tac. G. 17:

    otia secura,

    Verg. G. 3, 377; Ov. F. 1, 68; 4, 926:

    ruri agere vitam,

    Liv. 7, 39, and Tac. A. 15, 63:

    vitam in terris,

    Verg. G. 2, 538:

    tranquillam vitam agere,

    Vulg. 1 Tim. 2, 2:

    Hunc (diem) agerem si,

    Verg. A. 5, 51:

    ver magnus agebat Orbis,

    id. G. 2, 338:

    aestiva agere,

    to pass, be in, summer quarters, Liv. 27, 8; 27, 21; Curt. 5, 8, 24.— Pass.:

    menses jam tibi esse actos vides,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 3, 2:

    mensis agitur hic septimus,

    Ter. Hec. 3, 3, 34, and Ov. M. 7, 700:

    melior pars acta (est) diei,

    Verg. A. 9, 156; Juv. 4, 66; Tac. A. 15, 63:

    acta est per lacrimas nox,

    Ov. H. 12, 58 Ruhnk.:

    tunc principium anni agebatur,

    Liv. 3, 6:

    actis quindecim annis in regno,

    Just. 41, 5, 9:

    Nona aetas agitur,

    Juv. 13, 28 al. —With annus and an ordinal, to be of a certain age, to be so old:

    quartum annum ago et octogesimum,

    am eighty-four years old, Cic. Sen. 10, 32:

    Annum agens sextum decimum patrem amisit,

    Suet. Caes. 1.—Metaph.: sescentesimum et quadragesimum annum urbs nostra agebat, was in its 640 th year, Tac. G. 37.— Hence also absol. (rare), to pass or spend time, to live, to be, to be somewhere:

    civitas laeta agere,

    was joyful, Sall. J. 55, 2:

    tum Marius apud primos agebat,

    id. ib. 101, 6:

    in Africa, qua procul a mari incultius agebatur,

    id. ib. 89, 7:

    apud illos homines, qui tum agebant,

    Tac. A. 3, 19:

    Thracia discors agebat,

    id. ib. 3, 38:

    Juxta Hermunduros Naristi agunt,

    Tac. G. 42:

    ultra jugum plurimae gentes agunt,

    id. ib. 43:

    Gallos trans Padum agentes,

    id. H. 3, 34:

    quibus (annis) exul Rhodi agit,

    id. A. 1, 4:

    agere inter homines desinere,

    id. ib. 15, 74:

    Vitellius non in ore volgi agere,

    was not in the sight of the people, id. H. 3, 36:

    ante aciem agere,

    id. G. 7; and:

    in armis agere,

    id. A. 14, 55 = versari.—
    In the lang. of offerings, t. t., to despatch the victim, to kill, slay. In performing this rite, the sacrificer asked the priest, agone, shall I do it? and the latter answered, age or hoc age, do it:

    qui calido strictos tincturus sanguine cultros semper, Agone? rogat, nec nisi jussus agit,

    Ov. F. 1. 321 (cf. agonia and agonalia):

    a tergo Chaeream cervicem (Caligulae) gladio caesim graviter percussisse, praemissa voce,

    hoc age, Suet. Calig. 58; id. Galb. 20. —This call of the priest in act of solemn sacrifice, Hoc age, warned the assembled multitude to be quiet and give attention; hence hoc or id and sometimes haec or istuc agere was used for, to give attention to, to attend to, to mind, heed; and followed by ut or ne, to pursue a thing, have it in view, aim at, design, etc.; cf. Ruhnk. ad Ter. And. 1, 2, 15, and Suet. Calig. 58: hoc agite, Plaut. As. prol. init.:

    Hoc age,

    Hor. S. 2, 3, 152; id. Ep. 1, 6, 31:

    Hoc agite, of poetry,

    Juv. 7, 20:

    hoc agamus,

    Sen. Clem. 1, 12:

    haec agamus,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 49:

    agere hoc possumus,

    Lucr. 1, 41; 4, 969; Juv. 7, 48:

    hoccine agis an non? hoc agam,

    id. ib., Ter. And. 1, 2, 15; 2, 5, 4:

    nunc istuc age,

    id. Heaut. 3, 2, 47; id. Phorm. 2, 3, 3 al.:

    Hoc egit civis Romanus ante te nemo,

    Cic. Lig. 4, 11:

    id et agunt et moliuntur,

    id. Mur. 38:

    (oculi, aures, etc.) quasi fenestrae sunt animi, quibus tamen sentire nihil queat mens, nisi id agat et adsit,

    id. Tusc. 1, 20, 46: qui id egerunt, ut gentem... collocarent, aimed at this, that, etc., id. Cat. 4, 6, 12:

    qui cum maxime fallunt, id agunt, ut viri boni esse videantur,

    keep it in view, that, id. Off. 1, 13, 41:

    idne agebas, ut tibi cum sceleratis, an ut cum bonis civibus conveniret?

    id. Lig. 6, 18:

    Hoc agit, ut doleas,

    Juv. 5, 157:

    Hoc age, ne mutata retrorsum te ferat aura,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 18, 88:

    Quid tuus ille destrictus gladius agebat?

    have in view, mean, Cic. Leg. 3, 9:

    Quid aliud egimus nisi ut, quod hic potest, nos possemus?

    id. ib. 4, 10:

    Sin autem id actum est, ut homines postremi pecuniis alienis locupletarentur,

    id. Rosc. Am. 47, 137:

    certiorem eum fecit, id agi, ut pons dissolveretur,

    Nep. Them. 5, 1:

    ego id semper egi, ne bellis interessem,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 7.—Also, the opp.: alias res or aliud agere, not to attend to, heed, or observe, to pursue secondary or subordinate objects: Ch. Alias res agis. Pa. Istuc ago equidem, Ter. Eun. 2, 3, 57; id. Hec. 5, 3, 28:

    usque eo animadverti eum jocari atque alias res agere,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 22:

    atqui vides, quam alias res agamus,

    id. de Or. 3, 14, 51; id. Brut. 66, 233:

    aliud agens ac nihil ejusmodi cogitans,

    id. Clu. 64.—
    In relation to public affairs, to conduct, manage, carry on, administer: agere bellum, to carry on or wage war (embracing the whole theory and practice of war, while bellum gerere designates the bodily and mental effort, and the bearing of the necessary burdens; and bellum facere, the actual outbreak of hostile feelings, v. Herz. ad Caes. B. G. 28):

    qui longe alia ratione ac reliqui Galli bellum agere instituerunt,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 28:

    Antiochus si tam in agendo bello parere voluisset consiliis ejus (Hannibalis) quam in suscipiendo instituerat, etc.,

    Nep. Hann. 8, 3; Curt. 4, 10, 29:

    aliena bella mercedibus agere,

    Mel. 1, 16:

    Bellaque non puero tractat agenda puer,

    Ov. A. A. 1, 182 (also in id. Tr. 2, 230, Gron. Observ. 2, 3, 227, for the usu. obit, with one MS., reads agit; so Merkel).— Poet.:

    Martem for bellum,

    Luc. 4, 2: agere proelium, to give battle (very rare):

    levibus proeliis cum Gallis actis,

    Liv. 22, 9.—Of offices, employments, etc., to conduct, exercise, administer, hold:

    forum agere,

    to hold court, Cic. Fam. 8, 6; and:

    conventus agere,

    to hold the assizes, id. Verr. 5, 11, 28; Caes. B. G. 1, 54; 6, 44;

    used of the governors of provinces: judicium agere,

    Plin. 9, 35, 58, § 120:

    vivorum coetus agere,

    to make assemblies of, to assemble, Tac. A. 16, 34:

    censum agere,

    Liv. 3, 22; Tac. A. 14, 46; Suet. Aug. 27:

    recensum agere,

    id. Caes. 41:

    potestatem agere,

    Flor. 1, 7, 2:

    honorem agere,

    Liv. 8, 26:


    Flor. 1, 6, 2:

    rem publicam,

    Dig. 4, 6, 35, § 8:


    Quint. 12, 1, 16:


    Suet. Tib. 6:


    Tac. A. 1, 44:


    Suet. Caes. 88:

    fiscum agere,

    to have charge of the treasury, id. Dom. 12:

    publicum agere,

    to collect the taxes, id. Vesp. 1:

    inquisitionem agere,

    Plin. 29, 1, 8, § 18:

    curam alicujus rei agere,

    to have the management of, to manage, Liv. 6, 15; Suet. Claud. 18:

    rei publicae curationem agens,

    Liv. 4, 13: dilectum agere, to make a levy, to levy (postAug. for dilectum habere, Cic., Caes., Sall.), Quint. 12, 3, 5; Tac. A. 2, 16; id. Agr. 7 and 10; id. H. 2, 16, 12; Suet. Calig. 43. —
    Of civil and political transactions in the senate, the forum, before tribunals of justice, etc., to manage or transact, to do, to discuss, plead, speak, deliberate; constr. aliquid or de aliqua re:

    velim recordere, quae ego de te in senatu egerim, quae in contionibus dixerim,

    Cic. Fam. 5, 2; 1, 9:

    de condicionibus pacis,

    Liv. 8, 37:

    de summa re publica,

    Suet. Caes. 28:

    cum de Catilinae conjuratione ageretur in curia,

    id. Aug. 94:

    de poena alicujus,

    Liv. 5, 36:

    de agro plebis,

    id. 1, 46.—Hence the phrase: agere cum populo, of magistrates, to address the people in a public assembly, for the purpose of obtaining their approval or rejection of a thing (while [p. 76] agere ad populum signifies to propose, to bring before the people):

    cum populo agere est rogare quid populum, quod suffragiis suis aut jubeat aut vetet,

    Gell. 13, 15, 10:

    agere cum populo de re publica,

    Cic. Verr. 1, 1, 12; id. Lael. 25, 96:

    neu quis de his postea ad senatum referat neve cum populo agat,

    Sall. C. 51, 43.—So also absol.:

    hic locus (rostra) ad agendum amplissimus,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 1:

    Metellus cum agere coepisset, tertio quoque verbo orationis suae me appellabat,

    id. Fam. 5, 2.— Transf. to common life.
    Agere cum aliquo, de aliquo or re or ut, to treat, deal, negotiate, confer, talk with one about a person or thing; to endeavor to persuade or move one, that, etc.: nihil age tecum (sc. cum odore vini);

    ubi est ipsus (vini lepos)?

    I have nothing to do with you, Plaut. Curc. 1, 2, 11:

    Quae (patria) tecum, Catilina, sic agit,

    thus pleads, Cic. Cat. 1, 6, 18:

    algae Inquisitores agerent cum remige nudo,

    Juv. 4, 49:

    haec inter se dubiis de rebus agebant,

    thus treated together, Verg. A. 11, 445:

    de quo et praesens tecum egi diligenter, et scripsi ad te accurate antea,

    Cic. Fam. 13, 75:

    egi cum Claudia et cum vestra sorore Mucia, ut eum ab illa injuria deterrerent,

    id. ib. 5, 2:

    misi ad Metellum communes amicos, qui agerent cum eo, ut de illa mente desisteret,

    id. ib. 5, 2:

    Callias quidam egit cum Cimone, ut eam (Elpinicen) sibi uxorem daret,

    Nep. Cim. 1, 3.—Also absol.:

    Alcibiades praesente vulgo agere coepit,

    Nep. Alc. 8, 2:

    si qua Caesares obtinendae Armeniae egerant,

    Tac. A. 15, 14:

    ut Lucretius agere varie, rogando alternis suadendoque coepit,

    Liv. 2, 2.—In Suet. once agere cum senatu, with acc. and inf., to propose or state to the Senate:

    Tiberius egit cum senatu non debere talia praemia tribui,

    Suet. Tib. 54.—
    With the advv. bene, praeclare, male, etc., to deal well or ill with one, to treat or use well or ill:

    facile est bene agere cum eis, etc.,

    Cic. Phil. 14, 11:

    bene egissent Athenienses cum Miltiade, si, etc.,

    Val. Max. 5, 3, 3 ext.; Vulg. Jud. 9, 16:

    praeclare cum aliquo agere,

    Cic. Sest. 23:

    Male agis mecum,

    Plaut. As. 1, 3, 21:

    qui cum creditoribus suis male agat,

    Cic. Quinct. 84; and:

    tu contra me male agis,

    Vulg. Jud. 11, 27.—Freq. in pass., to be or go well or ill with one, to be well or badly off:

    intelleget secum actum esse pessime,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 50:

    praeclare mecum actum puto,

    id. Fam. 9, 24; so id. ib. 5, 18: exstat cujusdam non inscitus jocus bene agi potuisse cum rebus humanis, si Domitius pater talem habuisset uxorem, it would have gone well with human affairs, been well for mankind, if, etc., Suet. Ner. 28.—Also absol. without cum: agitur praeclare, si nosmet ipsos regere possumus, it is well done if, etc., it is a splendid thing if, etc., Cic. Fam. 4, 14:

    vivitur cum eis, in quibus praeclare agitur si sunt simulacra virtutis,

    id. Off. 1, 15:

    bene agitur pro noxia,

    Plaut. Mil. 5, 23.—
    Of transactions before a court or tribunal.
    Aliquid agere ex jure, ex syngrapha, ex sponso, or simply the abl. jure, lege, litibus, obsignatis tabellis, causa, to bring an action or suit, to manage a cause, to plead a case:

    ex jure civili et praetorio agere,

    Cic. Caecin. 12:

    tamquam ex syngrapha agere cum populo,

    to litigate, id. Mur. 17:

    ex sponso egit,

    id. Quint. 9: Ph. Una injuriast Tecum. Ch. Lege agito ergo, Go to law, then, Ter. Phorm. 5, 8, 90:

    agere lege in hereditatem,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 38, 175; Ov. F. 1, 48; Liv. 9, 46:

    cum illo se lege agere dicebat,

    Nep. Tim. 5: summo jure agere, to assert or claim one's right to the full extent of the law, Cic. Off. 1, 11:

    non enim gladiis mecum, sed litibus agetur,

    id. Q. Fr. 1, 4:

    causa quam vi agere malle,

    Tac. A. 13, 37:

    tabellis obsignatis agis mecum,

    Cic. Tusc. 5, 11, 33:

    Jure, ut opinor, agat, jure increpet inciletque,

    with right would bring her charge, Lucr. 3, 963; so,

    Castrensis jurisdictio plura manu agens,

    settles more cases by force, Tac. Agr. 9:

    ubi manu agitur,

    when the case is settled by violent hands, id. G. 36.—
    Causam or rem agere, to try or plead a case; with apud, ad, or absol.:

    causam apud centumviros egit,

    Cic. Caecin. 24:

    Caesar cum ageret apud censores,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 7, 10; so with adversus:

    egi causam adversus magistratus,

    Vulg. 2 Esdr. 13, 11:

    orator agere dicitur causam,

    Varr. L. L. 6, 42: causam isto modo agere, Cic. Lig. 4, 10; Tac. Or. 5; 11; 14; Juv. 2, 51; 14, 132:

    agit causas liberales,

    Cic. Fam. 8, 9: qui ad rem agendam adsunt, M. Cael. ap. Quint. 11, 1, 51:

    cum (M. Tullius) et ipsam se rem agere diceret,

    Quint. 12, 10, 45: Gripe, accede huc;

    tua res agitur,

    is being tried, Plaut. Rud. 4, 4, 104; Quint. 8, 3, 13;

    and extra-judicially: rogo ad Caesarem meam causam agas,

    Cic. Fam. 5, 10:

    Una (factio) populi causam agebat, altera optimatum,

    Nep. Phoc. 3; so, agere, absol., to plead' ad judicem sic agi solet, Cic. Lig. 10:

    tam solute agere, tam leniter,

    id. Brut. 80:

    tu istuc nisi fingeres, sic ageres?

    id. ib. 80; Juv. 7, 143 and 144; 14, 32.— Transf. to common life; with de or acc., to discuss, treat, speak of:

    Sed estne hic ipsus, de quo agebam?

    of whom I was speaking, Ter. Ad. 1, 1, 53:

    causa non solum exponenda, sed etiam graviter copioseque agenda est,

    to be discussed, Cic. Div. in Caecil. 12; id. Verr. 1, 13, 37:

    Samnitium bella, quae agimus,

    are treating of, Liv. 10, 31.—Hence,
    Agere aliquem reum, to proceed against one as accused, to accuse one, Liv. 4, 42; 24, 25; Tac. A. 14, 18:

    reus agitur,

    id. ib. 15, 20; 3, 13; and with the gen. of the crime, with which one is charged:

    agere furti,

    to accuse of theft, Cic. Fam. 7, 22:

    adulterii cum aliquo,

    Quint. 4, 4, 8:


    id. 3, 6, 19; and often in the Pandects.—
    Pass. of the thing which is the subject of accusation, to be in suit or in question; it concerns or affects, is about, etc.:

    non nunc pecunia, sed illud agitur, quomodo, etc.,

    Ter. Heaut. 3, 1, 67:

    non capitis ei res agitur, sed pecuniae,

    the point in dispute, id. Phorm. 4, 3, 26:

    aguntur injuriae sociorum, agitur vis legum, agitur existimatio, veritasque judiciorum,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 51:

    si magna res, magna hereditas agetur,

    id. Fin. 2, 17: qua de re agitur, what the point of dispute or litigation is, id. Brut. 79.—Hence, trop.,
    Res agitur, the case is on trial, i. e. something is at stake or at hazard, in peril, or in danger:

    at nos, quarum res agitur, aliter auctores sumus,

    Plaut. Stich. 1, 2, 72:

    quasi istic mea res minor agatur quam tua,

    Ter. Heaut. 2, 3, 113:

    agitur populi Romani gloria, agitur salus sociorum atque amicorum, aguntur certissima populi Romani vectigalia et maxima, aguntur bona multorum civium,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 2, 6:

    in quibus eorum aut caput agatur aut fama,

    id. Lael. 17, 61; Nep. Att. 15, 2:

    non libertas solum agebatur,

    Liv. 28, 19; Sen. Clem. 1, 20 al.:

    nam tua res agitur, paries cum proximus ardet,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 18, 84 (= in periculo versatur, Lambin.):

    agitur pars tertia mundi,

    is at stake, I am in danger of losing, Ov. M. 5, 372.—
    Res acta est, the case is over (and done for): acta haec res est;


    this matter is ended, Ter. Heaut. 3, 3, 3: hence, actum est de aliquo or aliqua re, it is all over with a person or thing:

    actum hodie est de me,

    Plaut. Ps. 1, 1, 63:

    jam de Servio actum,

    Liv. 1, 47:

    actum est de collo meo,

    Plaut. Trin. 3, 4, 194.—So also absol.: actumst;

    ilicet me infelicem,

    Plaut. Cist. 4, 2, 17:

    si animus hominem pepulit, actumst,

    id. Trin. 2, 2, 27; Ter. And. 3, 1, 7; Cic. Att. 5, 15:

    actumst, ilicet, peristi,

    Ter. Eun. 1, 1, 9: periimus;


    id. Heaut. 3, 3, 3.—
    Rem actam agere, to plead a case already finished, i. e. to act to no purpose:

    rem actam agis,

    Plaut. Ps. 1, 3, 27; id. Cist. 4, 2, 36; Liv. 28, 40; so,

    actum or acta agere: actum, aiunt, ne agas,

    Ter. Phorm. 2, 3, 72; Cic. Att. 9, 18:

    acta agimus,

    id. Am. 22.—
    10. a.
    Of an orator, Cic. de Or. 1, 31, 142; cf. id. ib. 2, 19, 79:

    quae sic ab illo acta esse constabat oculis, voce, gestu, inimici ut lacrimas tenere non possent,

    id. ib. 3, 56, 214:

    agere fortius et audentius volo,

    Tac. Or. 18; 39.—
    Of an actor, to represent, play, act:

    Ipse hanc acturust Juppiter comoediam,

    Plaut. Am. prol. 88; so,


    Ter. Ad. prol. 12; id. Hec. prol. 22:

    dum haec agitur fabula,

    Plaut. Men. prol. 72 al.:


    to have a part in a play, Ter. Phorm. prol. 27:

    Ballionem illum cum agit, agit Chaeream,

    Cic. Rosc. Com. 7:

    gestum agere in scaena,

    id. de Or. 2, 57:

    dicitur canticum egisse aliquanto magis vigente motu,

    Liv. 7, 2 al. — Transf. to other relations, to represent or personate one, to act the part of, to act as, behave like: has partes lenitatis semper egi, Cic. Mur. 3:

    egi illos omnes adulescentes, quos ille actitat,

    id. Fam. 2, 9:

    amicum imperatoris,

    Tac. H. 1, 30:


    id. A. 1, 4:

    socium magis imperii quam ministrum,

    id. H. 2, 83:


    Tac. A. 16, 28.—So of things poetically:

    utrinque prora frontem agit,

    serves as a bow, Tac. G. 44.—
    Se agere = se gerere, to carry one's self, to behave, deport one's self:

    tanta mobilitate sese Numidae agunt,

    Sall. J. 56, 5:

    quanto ferocius ante se egerint,

    Tac. H. 3, 2 Halm:

    qui se pro equitibus Romanis agerent,

    Suet. Claud. 25:

    non principem se, sed ministrum egit,

    id. ib. 29:

    neglegenter se et avare agere,

    Eutr. 6, 9:

    prudenter se agebat,

    Vulg. 1 Reg. 18, 5:

    sapienter se agebat,

    ib. 4 Reg. 18, 7. —Also absol.:


    Tac. Agr. 7:

    facile justeque,

    id. ib. 9:


    id. H. 2, 27:

    ex aequo,

    id. ib. 4, 64:

    anxius et intentus agebat,

    id. Agr. 5.—
    Imper.: age, agite, Ter., Tib., Lucr., Hor., Ov., never using agite, and Catull. never age, with which compare the Gr. age, agete (also accompanied by the particles dum, eia, en, ergo, igitur, jam, modo, nuncjam, porro, quare, quin, sane, vero, verum, and by sis); as an exclamation.
    In encouragement, exhortation, come! come on! (old Engl. go to!) up! on! quick! (cf. I. B. fin.).
    In the sing.:

    age, adsta, mane, audi, Enn. ap. Delr. Synt. 1, 99: age i tu secundum,

    come, follow me! Plaut. Am. 2, 1, 1:

    age, perge, quaeso,

    id. Cist. 2, 3, 12:

    age, da veniam filio,

    Ter. Ad. 5, 8, 14:

    age, age, nunc experiamur,

    id. ib. 5, 4, 23:

    age sis tu... delude,

    Plaut. As. 3, 3, 89; id. Ep. 3, 4, 39; Cic. Tusc. 2, 18; id. Rosc. Am. 16:

    quanto ferocius ante se egerint, agedum eam solve cistulam,

    Plaut. Am. 2, 2, 151; id. Capt. 3, 4, 39:

    Agedum vicissim dic,

    Ter. Heaut. 2, 3, 69; id. Eun. 4, 4, 27:

    agedum humanis concede,

    Lucr. 3, 962:

    age modo hodie sero,

    Ter. Heaut. 2, 3, 103:

    age nuncjam,

    id. And. 5, 2, 25:

    En age, quid cessas,

    Tib. 2, 2, 10:

    Quare age,

    Verg. A. 7, 429:

    Verum age,

    id. ib. 12, 832:

    Quin age,

    id. G. 4, 329:

    en, age, Rumpe moras,

    id. ib. 3, 43:

    eia age,

    id. A. 4, 569.—
    In the plur.:

    agite, pugni,

    up, fists, and at 'em! Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 146:

    agite bibite,

    id. Curc. 1, 1, 88; id. Stich. 1, 3, 68:

    agite in modum dicite,

    Cat. 61, 38:

    Quare agite... conjungite,

    id. 64, 372; Verg. A. 1, 627:

    vos agite... volvite,

    Val. Fl. 3, 311:

    agite nunc, divites, plorate,

    Vulg. Jac. 5, 1:


    Liv. 3, 62.—Also age in the sing., with a verb in the plur. (cf. age tamnete, Hom. Od. 3, 332; age dê trapeiomen, id. Il. 3, 441):

    age igitur, intro abite,

    Plaut. Mil. 3, 3, 54:

    En agedum convertite,

    Prop. 1, 1, 21:

    mittite, agedum, legatos,

    Liv. 38, 47:

    Ite age,

    Stat. Th. 10, 33:

    Huc age adeste,

    Sil. 11, 169.—
    In transitions in discourse, well then! well now! well! (esp. in Cic. Or. very freq.). So in Plaut. for resuming discourse that has been interrupted: age, tu interea huic somnium narra, Curc. 2, 2, 5: nunc age, res quoniam docui non posse creari, etc., well now, since I have taught, etc., Lucr. 1, 266:

    nunc age, quod superest, cognosce et clarius audi,

    id. 1, 920; so id. 1, 952; 2, 62; 333; 730; 3, 418;

    4, 109 al.: age porro, tu, qui existimari te voluisti interpretem foederum, cur, etc.,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 22; so id. Rosc. Am. 16; id. Part. 12; id. Att. 8, 3.—And age (as in a.) with a verb in the plur.:

    age vero, ceteris in rebus qualis sit temperantia considerate,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 14; so id. Sull. 26; id. Mil. 21; id. Rosc. Am. 37.—
    As a sign of assent, well! very well! good! right! Age, age, mansero, Plaut. As. 2, 2, 61: age, age, jam ducat;


    Ter. Phorm. 4, 3, 57:

    Age, veniam,

    id. And. 4, 2, 30:

    age, sit ita factum,

    Cic. Mil. 19:

    age sane,

    Plaut. Ps. 5, 2, 27; Cic. Fin. 2, 35, 119.
    —Age, used with another verb in the imperative, regularly stands before it, but in poetry, for the sake of the metre, it,
    Sometimes follows such verb; as,
    In dactylic metre:

    Cede agedum,

    Prop. 5, 9, 54:

    Dic age,

    Verg. A. 6, 343; Hor. S. 2, 7, 92; Ov. F. 1, 149:

    Esto age,

    Pers. 2, 42:

    Fare age,

    Verg. A. 3, 362:

    Finge age,

    Ov. H. 7, 65:

    Redde age,

    Hor. S. 2, 8, 80:

    Surge age,

    Verg. A. 3, 169; 8, 59; 10, 241; Ov. H. 14, 73:

    Vade age,

    Verg. A. 3, 462; 4, 422; so,

    agite: Ite agite,

    Prop. 4, 3, 7.—
    In other metres (very rarely):

    appropera age,

    Plaut. Cas. 2, 2, 38:

    dic age,

    Hor. C. 1, [p. 77] 32, 3; 2, 11, 22;

    3, 4, 1.—So also in prose (very rarely): Mittite agedum,

    Liv. 38, 47:

    procedat agedum ad pugnam,

    id. 7, 9.—
    It is often separated from such verb:

    age me huc adspice,

    Plaut. Am. 2, 2, 118; id. Capt. 5, 2, 1:

    Age... instiga,

    Ter. And. 4, 2, 10; 5, 6, 11:

    Quare agite... conjungite,

    Cat. 64, 372:

    Huc age... veni,

    Tib. 2, 5, 2:

    Ergo age cervici imponere nostrae,

    Verg. A. 2, 707:

    en age segnis Rumpe moras,

    id. G. 3, 42:

    age te procellae Crede,

    Hor. C. 3, 27, 62:

    Age jam... condisce,

    id. ib. 4, 11, 31; id. S. 2, 7, 4.—Hence,
    ăgens, entis, P. a.
    Efficient, effective, powerful (only in the rhet. lang. of Cic.):

    utendum est imaginibus agentibus, acribus, insignitis,

    Cic. de Or. 2, 87, 358:

    acre orator, incensus et agens,

    id. Brut. 92, 317.— Comp. and sup. not used.
    Agentia verba, in the grammarians, for verba activa, Gell. 18, 12.—
    Subst.: ăgentes, ium.
    Under the emperors, a kind of secret police (also called frumentarii and curiosi), Aur. Vict. Caes. 39 fin.; Dig. 1, 12; 1, 20; 21; 22; 23, etc.; Amm. 15, 3; 14, 11 al.—
    For agrimensores, land-surveyors, Hyg. Lim. p. 179.—
    actus, a, um, P. a. Lit., that has been transacted in the Senate, in the forum, before the courts of justice, etc.; hence,
    actum, i, n., a public transaction in the Senate, before the people, or before a single magistrate:

    actum ejus, qui in re publica cum imperio versatus sit,

    Cic. Phil. 1, 7:

    acta Caesaris servanda censeo,

    id. ib. 1, 7:

    acta tui praeclari tribunatus,

    id. Dom. 31.—
    acta publĭca, or absol.: acta, orum, n., the register of public acts, records, journal. Julius Caesar, in his consulship, ordered that the doings of the Senate (diurna acta) should be made public, Suet. Caes. 20; cf. Ernest. Exc. 1;

    but Augustus again prohibited it,

    Suet. Aug. 36. Still the acts of the Senate were written down, and, under the succeeding emperors. certain senators were appointed to this office (actis vel commentariis Senatus conficiendis), Tac. A. 5, 4. They had also public registers of the transactions of the assemblies of the people, and of the different courts of justice;

    also of births and deaths, marriages, divorces, etc., which were preserved as sources of future history.—Hence, diurna urbis acta,

    the city journal, Tac. A. 13, 31:

    acta populi,

    Suet. Caes. 20:

    acta publica,

    Tac. A. 12, 24; Suet. Tib. 8; Plin. Ep. 7, 33:


    id. ib. 9, 15; which were all comprehended under the gen. name acta.
    With the time added:

    acta eorum temporum,

    Plin. 7, 13, 11, § 60:

    illius temporis,

    Ascon. Mil. 44, 16:

    ejus anni,

    Plin. 2, 56, 57, § 147.—
    Absol., Cic. Fam. 12, 8; 22, 1; 28, 3; Sen. Ben. 2, 10; 3, 16; Suet. Calig. 8; Quint. 9, 3; Juv. 2, 136: Quis dabit historico, quantum daret acta legenti, i. e. to the actuarius, q. v., id. 7, 104; cf. Bahr's Rom. Lit. Gesch. 303.—
    acta triumphōrum, the public record of triumphs, fuller than the Fasti triumphales, Plin. 37, 2, 6, § 12.—
    acta fŏri (v. Inscr. Grut. 445, 10), the records,
    Of strictly historical transactions, Amm. 22, 3, 4; Dig. 4, 6, 33, § 1.—
    Of matters of private right, as wills, gifts, bonds (acta ad jus privatorum pertinentia, Dig. 49, 14, 45, § 4), Fragm. Vat. §§ 249, 266, 268, 317.—

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > acta triumphorum

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