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  • 61 remote maintenance

    1. дистанционное техническое обслуживание


    дистанционное техническое обслуживание
    Техническое обслуживание объекта, проводимое под управлением персонала без его непосредственного присутствия.
    [ОСТ 45.152-99 ]

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU из ABB Review. Перевод компании Интент

    Service from afar

    Дистанционный сервис

    ABB’s Remote Service concept is revolutionizing the robotics industry

    Разработанная АББ концепция дистанционного обслуживания Remote Service революционизирует робототехнику

    ABB robots are found in industrial applications everywhere – lifting, packing, grinding and welding, to name a few. Robust and tireless, they work around the clock and are critical to a company’s productivity. Thus, keeping these robots in top shape is essential – any failure can lead to serious output consequences. But what happens when a robot malfunctions?

    Роботы АББ используются во всех отраслях промышленности для перемещения грузов, упаковки, шлифовки, сварки – всего и не перечислить. Надежные и неутомимые работники, способные трудиться день и ночь, они представляют большую ценность для владельца. Поэтому очень важно поддерживать их в надлежащей состоянии, ведь любой отказ может иметь серьезные последствия. Но что делать, если робот все-таки сломался?

    ABB’s new Remote Service concept holds the answer: This approach enables a malfunctioning robot to alarm for help itself. An ABB service engineer then receives whole diagnostic information via wireless technology, analyzes the data on a Web site and responds with support in just minutes. This unique service is paying off for customers and ABB alike, and in the process is revolutionizing service thinking.

    Ответом на этот вопрос стала новая концепция Remote Service от АББ, согласно которой неисправный робот сам просит о помощи. C помощью беспроводной технологии специалист сервисной службы АББ получает всю необходимую диагностическую информацию, анализирует данные на web-сайте и через считанные минуты выдает рекомендации по устранению отказа. Эта уникальная возможность одинаково ценна как для заказчиков, так и для самой компании АББ. В перспективе она способна в корне изменить весь подход к организации технического обслуживания.

    Every minute of production downtime can have financially disastrous consequences for a company. Traditional reactive service is no longer sufficient since on-site service engineer visits also demand great amounts of time and money. Thus, companies not only require faster help from the service organization when needed but they also want to avoid disturbances in production.

    Каждая минута простоя производства может привести к губительным финансовым последствиям. Традиционная организация сервиса, предусматривающая ликвидацию возникающих неисправностей, становится все менее эффективной, поскольку вызов сервисного инженера на место эксплуатации робота сопряжен с большими затратами времени и денег. Предприятия требуют от сервисной организации не только более быстрого оказания помощи, но и предотвращения возможных сбоев производства.

    In 2006, ABB developed a new approach to better meet customer’s expectations: Using the latest technologies to reach the robots at customer sites around the world, ABB could support them remotely in just minutes, thereby reducing the need for site visits. Thus the new Remote Service concept was quickly brought to fruition and was launched in mid-2007. Statistics show that by using the system the majority of production stoppages can be avoided.

    В 2006 г. компания АББ разработала новый подход к удовлетворению ожиданий своих заказчиков. Использование современных технологий позволяет специалистам АББ получать информацию от роботов из любой точки мира и в считанные минуты оказывать помощь дистанционно, в результате чего сокращается количество выездов на место установки. Запущенная в середине 2007 г. концепция Remote Service быстро себя оправдала. Статистика показывает, что её применение позволило предотвратить большое число остановок производства.

    Reactive maintenance The hardware that makes ABB Remote Service possible consists of a communication unit, which has a function similar to that of an airplane’s so-called black box 1. This “service box” is connected to the robot’s control system and can read and transmit diagnostic information. The unit not only reads critical diagnostic information that enables immediate support in the event of a failure, but also makes it possible to monitor and analyze the robot’s condition, thereby proactively detecting the need for maintenance.

    Устранение возникающих неисправностей Аппаратное устройство, с помощью которого реализуется концепция Remote Service, представляет собой коммуникационный блок, работающий аналогично черному ящику самолета (рис. 1). Этот блок считывает диагностические данные из контроллера робота и передает их по каналу GSM. Считывается не только информация, необходимая для оказания немедленной помощи в случае отказа, но и сведения, позволяющие контролировать и анализировать состояние робота для прогнозирования неисправностей и планирования технического обслуживания.

    If the robot breaks down, the service box immediately stores the status of the robot, its historical data (as log files), and diagnostic parameters such as temperature and power supply. Equipped with a built-in modem and using the GSM network, the box transmits the data to a central server for analysis and presentation on a dedicated Web site. Alerts are automatically sent to the nearest of ABB’s 1,200 robot service engineers who then accesses the detailed data and error log to analyze the problem.

    При поломке робота сервисный блок немедленно сохраняет данные о его состоянии, сведения из рабочего журнала, а также значения диагностических параметров (температура и характеристики питания). Эти данные передаются встроенным GSM-модемом на центральный сервер для анализа и представления на соответствующем web-сайте. Аварийные сообщения автоматически пересылаются ближайшему к месту аварии одному из 1200 сервисных инженеров-робототехников АББ, который получает доступ к детальной информации и журналу аварий для анализа возникшей проблемы.

    A remotely based ABB engineer can then quickly identify the exact fault, offering rapid customer support. For problems that cannot be solved remotely, the service engineer can arrange for quick delivery of spare parts and visit the site to repair the robot. Even if the engineer must make a site visit, service is faster, more efficient and performed to a higher standard than otherwise possible.

    Специалист АББ может дистанционно идентифицировать отказ и оказать быструю помощь заказчику. Если неисправность не может быть устранена дистанционно, сервисный инженер организовывает доставку запасных частей и выезд ремонтной бригады. Даже если необходимо разрешение проблемы на месте, предшествующая дистанционная диагностика позволяет минимизировать объем работ и сократить время простоя.

    Remote Service enables engineers to “talk” to robots remotely and to utilize tools that enable smart, fast and automatic analysis. The system is based on a machine-to-machine (M2M) concept, which works automatically, requiring human input only for analysis and personalized customer recommendations. ABB was recognized for this innovative solution at the M2M United Conference in Chicago in 2008 Factbox.

    Remote Service позволяет инженерам «разговаривать» с роботами на расстоянии и предоставляет в их распоряжение интеллектуальные средства быстрого автоматизированного анализа. Система основана на основе технологии автоматической связи машины с машиной (M2M), где участие человека сводится к анализу данных и выдаче рекомендаций клиенту. В 2008 г. это инновационное решение от АББ получило приз на конференции M2M United Conference в Чикаго (см. вставку).

    Proactive maintenance 
    Remote Service also allows ABB engineers to monitor and detect potential problems in the robot system and opens up new possibilities for proactive maintenance.

    Прогнозирование неисправностей
    Remote Service позволяет инженерам АББ дистанционно контролировать состояние роботов и прогнозировать возможные неисправности, что открывает новые возможности по организации профилактического обслуживания.

    The service box regularly takes condition measurements. By monitoring key parameters over time, Remote Service can identify potential failures and when necessary notify both the end customer and the appropriate ABB engineer. The management and storage of full system backups is a very powerful service to help recover from critical situations caused, for example, by operator errors.

    Сервисный блок регулярно выполняет диагностические измерения. Непрерывно контролируя ключевые параметры, Remote Service может распознать потенциальные опасности и, при необходимости, оповещать владельца оборудования и соответствующего специалиста АББ. Резервирование данных для возможного отката является мощным средством, обеспечивающим восстановление системы в критических ситуациях, например, после ошибки оператора.

    The first Remote Service installation took place in the automotive industry in the United States and quickly proved its value. The motherboard in a robot cabinet overheated and the rise in temperature triggered an alarm via Remote Service. Because of the alarm, engineers were able to replace a faulty fan, preventing a costly production shutdown.

    Первая система Remote Service была установлена на автозаводе в США и очень скоро была оценена по достоинству. Она обнаружила перегрев материнской платы в шкафу управления роботом и передала сигнал о превышении допустимой температуры, благодаря чему инженеры смогли заменить неисправный вентилятор и предотвратить дорогостоящую остановку производства.

    MyRobot: 24-hour remote access

    Having regular access to a robot’s condition data is also essential to achieving lean production. At any time, from any location, customers can verify their robots’ status and access maintenance information and performance reports simply by logging in to ABB’s MyRobot Web site. The service enables customers to easily compare performances, identify bottlenecks or developing issues, and initiate the most

    Сайт MyRobot: круглосуточный дистанционный доступ
    Для того чтобы обеспечить бесперебойное производство, необходимо иметь регулярный доступ к информации о состоянии робота. Зайдя на соответствующую страницу сайта MyRobot компании АББ, заказчики получат все необходимые данные, включая сведения о техническом обслуживании и отчеты о производительности своего робота. Эта услуга позволяет легко сравнивать данные о производительности, обнаруживать возможные проблемы, а также оптимизировать планирование технического обслуживания и модернизации. С помощью MyRobot можно значительно увеличить выпуск продукции и уменьшить количество выбросов.

    Award-winning solution
    In June 2008, the innovative Remote Service solution won the Gold Value Chain award at the M2M United Conference in Chicago. The value chain award honors successful corporate adopters of M2M (machine–to-machine) technology and highlights the process of combining multiple technologies to deliver high-quality services to customers. ABB won in the categoryof Smart Services.

    Приз за удачное решение
    В июне 2008 г. инновационное решение Remote Service получило награду Gold Value Chain (Золотая цепь) на конференции M2M United Conference в Чикаго. «Золотая цепь» присуждается за успешное масштабное внедрение технологии M2M (машина – машина), а также за достижения в объединении различных технологий для предоставления высококачественных услуг заказчикам. АББ одержала победу в номинации «Интеллектуальный сервис».

    Case study: Tetley Tetley GB Ltd is the world’s second-largest manufacturer and distributor of tea. The company’s manufacturing and distribution business is spread across 40 countries and sells over 60 branded tea bags. Tetley’s UK tea production facility in Eaglescliffe, County Durham is the sole producer of Tetley tea bags 2.

    Пример применения: Tetley Компания TetleyGB Ltd является вторым по величине мировым производителем и поставщиком чая. Производственные и торговые филиалы компании имеются в 40 странах, а продукция распространяется под 60 торговыми марками. Чаеразвесочная фабрика в Иглсклифф, графство Дарем, Великобритания – единственный производитель чая Tetley в пакетиках (рис. 2).

    ABB offers a flexible choice of service agreements for both new and existing robot installations, which can help extend the mean time between failures, shorten the time to repair and lower the cost of automated production.

    Предлагаемые АББ контракты на выполнение технического обслуживания как уже имеющихся, так и вновь устанавливаемых роботов, позволяют значительно увеличить среднюю наработку на отказ, сократить время ремонта и общую стоимость автоматизированного производства.

    Robots in the plant’s production line were tripping alarms and delaying the whole production cycle. The spurious alarms resulted in much unnecessary downtime that was spent resetting the robots in the hope that another breakdown could be avoided. Each time an alarm was tripped, several hours of production time was lost. “It was for this reason that we were keen to try out ABB’s Remote Service agreement,” said Colin Trevor, plant maintenance manager.

    Установленные в технологической линии роботы выдавали аварийные сигналы, задерживающие выполнение производственного цикла. Ложные срабатывания вынуждали перезапускать роботов в надежде предотвратить возможные отказы, в результате чего после каждого аварийного сигнала производство останавливалось на несколько часов. «Именно поэтому мы решили попробовать заключить с АББ контракт на дистанционное техническое обслуживание», – сказал Колин Тревор, начальник технической службы фабрики.

    To prevent future disruptions caused by unplanned downtime, Tetley signed an ABB Response Package service agreement, which included installing a service box and system infrastructure into the robot control systems. Using the Remote Service solution, ABB remotely monitors and collects data on the “wear and tear” and productivity of the robotic cells; this data is then shared with the customer and contributes to smooth-running production cycles.

    Для предотвращения ущерба в результате незапланированных простоев Tetley заключила с АББ контракт на комплексное обслуживание Response Package, согласно которому системы управления роботами были дооборудованы сервисными блоками с необходимой инфраструктурой. С помощью Remote Service компания АББ дистанционно собирает данные о наработке, износе и производительности роботизированных модулей. Эти данные предоставляются заказчику для оптимизации загрузки производственного оборудования.

    Higher production uptime
    Since the implementation of Remote Service, Tetley has enjoyed greatly reduced robot downtime, with no further disruptions caused by unforeseen problems. “The Remote Service package has dramatically changed the plant,” said Trevor. “We no longer have breakdown issues throughout the shift, helping us to achieve much longer periods of robot uptime. As we have learned, world-class manufacturing facilities need world-class support packages. Remote monitoring of our robots helps us to maintain machine uptime, prevent costly downtime and ensures my employees can be put to more valuable use.”

    Увеличение полезного времени
    С момента внедрения Remote Service компания Tetley была приятно удивлена резким сокращением простоя роботов и отсутствием незапланированных остановок производства. «Пакет Remote Service резко изменил ситуацию на предприятии», – сказал Тревор. «Мы избавились от простоев роботов и смогли резко увеличить их эксплуатационную готовность. Мы поняли, что для производственного оборудования мирового класса необходим сервисный пакет мирового класса. Дистанционный контроль роботов помогает нам поддерживать их в рабочем состоянии, предотвращать дорогостоящие простои и задействовать наш персонал для выполнения более важных задач».

    Service access
    Remote Service is available worldwide, connecting more than 500 robots. Companies that have up to 30 robots are often good candidates for the Remote Service offering, as they usually have neither the engineers nor the requisite skills to deal with robotics faults themselves. Larger companies are also enthusiastic about Remote Service, as the proactive services will improve the lifetime of their equipment and increase overall production uptime.

    Доступность сервиса
    Сеть Remote Service охватывает более 700 роботов по всему миру. Потенциальными заказчиками Remote Service являются компании, имеющие до 30 роботов, но не имеющие инженеров и техников, способных самостоятельно устранять их неисправности. Интерес к Remote Service проявляют и более крупные компании, поскольку они заинтересованы в увеличении срока службы и эксплуатационной готовности производственного оборудования.

    In today’s competitive environment, business profitability often relies on demanding production schedules that do not always leave time for exhaustive or repeated equipment health checks. ABB’s Remote Service agreements are designed to monitor its customers’ robots to identify when problems are likely to occur and ensure that help is dispatched before the problem can escalate. In over 60 percent of ABB’s service calls, its robots can be brought back online remotely, without further intervention.

    В условиях современной конкуренции окупаемость бизнеса часто зависит от соблюдения жестких графиков производства, не оставляющих времени для полномасштабных или периодических проверок исправности оборудования. Контракт Remote Service предусматривает мониторинг состояния роботов заказчика для прогнозирования возможных неисправностей и принятие мер по их предотвращению. В более чем 60 % случаев для устранения неисправности достаточно дистанционной консультации в сервисной службе АББ, дальнейшего вмешательства не требуется.

    ABB offers a flexible choice of service agreements for both new and existing robot installations, which helps extend the mean time between failures, shorten the time to repair and lower the total cost of ownership. With four new packages available – Support, Response, Maintenance and Warranty, each backed up by ABB’s Remote Service technology – businesses can minimize the impact of unplanned downtime and achieve improved production-line efficiency.

    Компания АББ предлагает гибкий выбор контрактов на выполнение технического обслуживания как уже имеющихся, так и вновь устанавливаемых роботов, которые позволяют значительно увеличить среднюю наработку на отказ, сократить время ремонта и эксплуатационные расходы. Четыре новых пакета на основе технологии Remote Service Support, Response, Maintenance и Warranty – позволяют минимизировать внеплановые простои и значительно повысить эффективность производства.

    The benefits of Remote Sevice are clear: improved availability, fewer service visits, lower maintenance costs and maximized total cost of ownership. This unique service sets ABB apart from its competitors and is the beginning of a revolution in service thinking. It provides ABB with a great opportunity to improve customer access to its expertise and develop more advanced services worldwide.

    Преимущества дистанционного технического обслуживания очевидны: повышенная надежность, уменьшение выездов ремонтных бригад, уменьшение затрат на обслуживание и общих эксплуатационных расходов. Эта уникальная услуга дает компании АББ преимущества над конкурентами и демонстрирует революционный подход к организации сервиса. Благодаря ей компания АББ расширяет доступ заказчиков к опыту своих специалистов и получает возможность более эффективного оказания технической помощи по всему миру.


    • тех. обсл. и ремонт средств электросвязи

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    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > remote maintenance

  • 62 remote sevice

    1. дистанционное техническое обслуживание


    дистанционное техническое обслуживание
    Техническое обслуживание объекта, проводимое под управлением персонала без его непосредственного присутствия.
    [ОСТ 45.152-99 ]

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU из ABB Review. Перевод компании Интент

    Service from afar

    Дистанционный сервис

    ABB’s Remote Service concept is revolutionizing the robotics industry

    Разработанная АББ концепция дистанционного обслуживания Remote Service революционизирует робототехнику

    ABB robots are found in industrial applications everywhere – lifting, packing, grinding and welding, to name a few. Robust and tireless, they work around the clock and are critical to a company’s productivity. Thus, keeping these robots in top shape is essential – any failure can lead to serious output consequences. But what happens when a robot malfunctions?

    Роботы АББ используются во всех отраслях промышленности для перемещения грузов, упаковки, шлифовки, сварки – всего и не перечислить. Надежные и неутомимые работники, способные трудиться день и ночь, они представляют большую ценность для владельца. Поэтому очень важно поддерживать их в надлежащей состоянии, ведь любой отказ может иметь серьезные последствия. Но что делать, если робот все-таки сломался?

    ABB’s new Remote Service concept holds the answer: This approach enables a malfunctioning robot to alarm for help itself. An ABB service engineer then receives whole diagnostic information via wireless technology, analyzes the data on a Web site and responds with support in just minutes. This unique service is paying off for customers and ABB alike, and in the process is revolutionizing service thinking.

    Ответом на этот вопрос стала новая концепция Remote Service от АББ, согласно которой неисправный робот сам просит о помощи. C помощью беспроводной технологии специалист сервисной службы АББ получает всю необходимую диагностическую информацию, анализирует данные на web-сайте и через считанные минуты выдает рекомендации по устранению отказа. Эта уникальная возможность одинаково ценна как для заказчиков, так и для самой компании АББ. В перспективе она способна в корне изменить весь подход к организации технического обслуживания.

    Every minute of production downtime can have financially disastrous consequences for a company. Traditional reactive service is no longer sufficient since on-site service engineer visits also demand great amounts of time and money. Thus, companies not only require faster help from the service organization when needed but they also want to avoid disturbances in production.

    Каждая минута простоя производства может привести к губительным финансовым последствиям. Традиционная организация сервиса, предусматривающая ликвидацию возникающих неисправностей, становится все менее эффективной, поскольку вызов сервисного инженера на место эксплуатации робота сопряжен с большими затратами времени и денег. Предприятия требуют от сервисной организации не только более быстрого оказания помощи, но и предотвращения возможных сбоев производства.

    In 2006, ABB developed a new approach to better meet customer’s expectations: Using the latest technologies to reach the robots at customer sites around the world, ABB could support them remotely in just minutes, thereby reducing the need for site visits. Thus the new Remote Service concept was quickly brought to fruition and was launched in mid-2007. Statistics show that by using the system the majority of production stoppages can be avoided.

    В 2006 г. компания АББ разработала новый подход к удовлетворению ожиданий своих заказчиков. Использование современных технологий позволяет специалистам АББ получать информацию от роботов из любой точки мира и в считанные минуты оказывать помощь дистанционно, в результате чего сокращается количество выездов на место установки. Запущенная в середине 2007 г. концепция Remote Service быстро себя оправдала. Статистика показывает, что её применение позволило предотвратить большое число остановок производства.

    Reactive maintenance The hardware that makes ABB Remote Service possible consists of a communication unit, which has a function similar to that of an airplane’s so-called black box 1. This “service box” is connected to the robot’s control system and can read and transmit diagnostic information. The unit not only reads critical diagnostic information that enables immediate support in the event of a failure, but also makes it possible to monitor and analyze the robot’s condition, thereby proactively detecting the need for maintenance.

    Устранение возникающих неисправностей Аппаратное устройство, с помощью которого реализуется концепция Remote Service, представляет собой коммуникационный блок, работающий аналогично черному ящику самолета (рис. 1). Этот блок считывает диагностические данные из контроллера робота и передает их по каналу GSM. Считывается не только информация, необходимая для оказания немедленной помощи в случае отказа, но и сведения, позволяющие контролировать и анализировать состояние робота для прогнозирования неисправностей и планирования технического обслуживания.

    If the robot breaks down, the service box immediately stores the status of the robot, its historical data (as log files), and diagnostic parameters such as temperature and power supply. Equipped with a built-in modem and using the GSM network, the box transmits the data to a central server for analysis and presentation on a dedicated Web site. Alerts are automatically sent to the nearest of ABB’s 1,200 robot service engineers who then accesses the detailed data and error log to analyze the problem.

    При поломке робота сервисный блок немедленно сохраняет данные о его состоянии, сведения из рабочего журнала, а также значения диагностических параметров (температура и характеристики питания). Эти данные передаются встроенным GSM-модемом на центральный сервер для анализа и представления на соответствующем web-сайте. Аварийные сообщения автоматически пересылаются ближайшему к месту аварии одному из 1200 сервисных инженеров-робототехников АББ, который получает доступ к детальной информации и журналу аварий для анализа возникшей проблемы.

    A remotely based ABB engineer can then quickly identify the exact fault, offering rapid customer support. For problems that cannot be solved remotely, the service engineer can arrange for quick delivery of spare parts and visit the site to repair the robot. Even if the engineer must make a site visit, service is faster, more efficient and performed to a higher standard than otherwise possible.

    Специалист АББ может дистанционно идентифицировать отказ и оказать быструю помощь заказчику. Если неисправность не может быть устранена дистанционно, сервисный инженер организовывает доставку запасных частей и выезд ремонтной бригады. Даже если необходимо разрешение проблемы на месте, предшествующая дистанционная диагностика позволяет минимизировать объем работ и сократить время простоя.

    Remote Service enables engineers to “talk” to robots remotely and to utilize tools that enable smart, fast and automatic analysis. The system is based on a machine-to-machine (M2M) concept, which works automatically, requiring human input only for analysis and personalized customer recommendations. ABB was recognized for this innovative solution at the M2M United Conference in Chicago in 2008 Factbox.

    Remote Service позволяет инженерам «разговаривать» с роботами на расстоянии и предоставляет в их распоряжение интеллектуальные средства быстрого автоматизированного анализа. Система основана на основе технологии автоматической связи машины с машиной (M2M), где участие человека сводится к анализу данных и выдаче рекомендаций клиенту. В 2008 г. это инновационное решение от АББ получило приз на конференции M2M United Conference в Чикаго (см. вставку).

    Proactive maintenance 
    Remote Service also allows ABB engineers to monitor and detect potential problems in the robot system and opens up new possibilities for proactive maintenance.

    Прогнозирование неисправностей
    Remote Service позволяет инженерам АББ дистанционно контролировать состояние роботов и прогнозировать возможные неисправности, что открывает новые возможности по организации профилактического обслуживания.

    The service box regularly takes condition measurements. By monitoring key parameters over time, Remote Service can identify potential failures and when necessary notify both the end customer and the appropriate ABB engineer. The management and storage of full system backups is a very powerful service to help recover from critical situations caused, for example, by operator errors.

    Сервисный блок регулярно выполняет диагностические измерения. Непрерывно контролируя ключевые параметры, Remote Service может распознать потенциальные опасности и, при необходимости, оповещать владельца оборудования и соответствующего специалиста АББ. Резервирование данных для возможного отката является мощным средством, обеспечивающим восстановление системы в критических ситуациях, например, после ошибки оператора.

    The first Remote Service installation took place in the automotive industry in the United States and quickly proved its value. The motherboard in a robot cabinet overheated and the rise in temperature triggered an alarm via Remote Service. Because of the alarm, engineers were able to replace a faulty fan, preventing a costly production shutdown.

    Первая система Remote Service была установлена на автозаводе в США и очень скоро была оценена по достоинству. Она обнаружила перегрев материнской платы в шкафу управления роботом и передала сигнал о превышении допустимой температуры, благодаря чему инженеры смогли заменить неисправный вентилятор и предотвратить дорогостоящую остановку производства.

    MyRobot: 24-hour remote access

    Having regular access to a robot’s condition data is also essential to achieving lean production. At any time, from any location, customers can verify their robots’ status and access maintenance information and performance reports simply by logging in to ABB’s MyRobot Web site. The service enables customers to easily compare performances, identify bottlenecks or developing issues, and initiate the most

    Сайт MyRobot: круглосуточный дистанционный доступ
    Для того чтобы обеспечить бесперебойное производство, необходимо иметь регулярный доступ к информации о состоянии робота. Зайдя на соответствующую страницу сайта MyRobot компании АББ, заказчики получат все необходимые данные, включая сведения о техническом обслуживании и отчеты о производительности своего робота. Эта услуга позволяет легко сравнивать данные о производительности, обнаруживать возможные проблемы, а также оптимизировать планирование технического обслуживания и модернизации. С помощью MyRobot можно значительно увеличить выпуск продукции и уменьшить количество выбросов.

    Award-winning solution
    In June 2008, the innovative Remote Service solution won the Gold Value Chain award at the M2M United Conference in Chicago. The value chain award honors successful corporate adopters of M2M (machine–to-machine) technology and highlights the process of combining multiple technologies to deliver high-quality services to customers. ABB won in the categoryof Smart Services.

    Приз за удачное решение
    В июне 2008 г. инновационное решение Remote Service получило награду Gold Value Chain (Золотая цепь) на конференции M2M United Conference в Чикаго. «Золотая цепь» присуждается за успешное масштабное внедрение технологии M2M (машина – машина), а также за достижения в объединении различных технологий для предоставления высококачественных услуг заказчикам. АББ одержала победу в номинации «Интеллектуальный сервис».

    Case study: Tetley Tetley GB Ltd is the world’s second-largest manufacturer and distributor of tea. The company’s manufacturing and distribution business is spread across 40 countries and sells over 60 branded tea bags. Tetley’s UK tea production facility in Eaglescliffe, County Durham is the sole producer of Tetley tea bags 2.

    Пример применения: Tetley Компания TetleyGB Ltd является вторым по величине мировым производителем и поставщиком чая. Производственные и торговые филиалы компании имеются в 40 странах, а продукция распространяется под 60 торговыми марками. Чаеразвесочная фабрика в Иглсклифф, графство Дарем, Великобритания – единственный производитель чая Tetley в пакетиках (рис. 2).

    ABB offers a flexible choice of service agreements for both new and existing robot installations, which can help extend the mean time between failures, shorten the time to repair and lower the cost of automated production.

    Предлагаемые АББ контракты на выполнение технического обслуживания как уже имеющихся, так и вновь устанавливаемых роботов, позволяют значительно увеличить среднюю наработку на отказ, сократить время ремонта и общую стоимость автоматизированного производства.

    Robots in the plant’s production line were tripping alarms and delaying the whole production cycle. The spurious alarms resulted in much unnecessary downtime that was spent resetting the robots in the hope that another breakdown could be avoided. Each time an alarm was tripped, several hours of production time was lost. “It was for this reason that we were keen to try out ABB’s Remote Service agreement,” said Colin Trevor, plant maintenance manager.

    Установленные в технологической линии роботы выдавали аварийные сигналы, задерживающие выполнение производственного цикла. Ложные срабатывания вынуждали перезапускать роботов в надежде предотвратить возможные отказы, в результате чего после каждого аварийного сигнала производство останавливалось на несколько часов. «Именно поэтому мы решили попробовать заключить с АББ контракт на дистанционное техническое обслуживание», – сказал Колин Тревор, начальник технической службы фабрики.

    To prevent future disruptions caused by unplanned downtime, Tetley signed an ABB Response Package service agreement, which included installing a service box and system infrastructure into the robot control systems. Using the Remote Service solution, ABB remotely monitors and collects data on the “wear and tear” and productivity of the robotic cells; this data is then shared with the customer and contributes to smooth-running production cycles.

    Для предотвращения ущерба в результате незапланированных простоев Tetley заключила с АББ контракт на комплексное обслуживание Response Package, согласно которому системы управления роботами были дооборудованы сервисными блоками с необходимой инфраструктурой. С помощью Remote Service компания АББ дистанционно собирает данные о наработке, износе и производительности роботизированных модулей. Эти данные предоставляются заказчику для оптимизации загрузки производственного оборудования.

    Higher production uptime
    Since the implementation of Remote Service, Tetley has enjoyed greatly reduced robot downtime, with no further disruptions caused by unforeseen problems. “The Remote Service package has dramatically changed the plant,” said Trevor. “We no longer have breakdown issues throughout the shift, helping us to achieve much longer periods of robot uptime. As we have learned, world-class manufacturing facilities need world-class support packages. Remote monitoring of our robots helps us to maintain machine uptime, prevent costly downtime and ensures my employees can be put to more valuable use.”

    Увеличение полезного времени
    С момента внедрения Remote Service компания Tetley была приятно удивлена резким сокращением простоя роботов и отсутствием незапланированных остановок производства. «Пакет Remote Service резко изменил ситуацию на предприятии», – сказал Тревор. «Мы избавились от простоев роботов и смогли резко увеличить их эксплуатационную готовность. Мы поняли, что для производственного оборудования мирового класса необходим сервисный пакет мирового класса. Дистанционный контроль роботов помогает нам поддерживать их в рабочем состоянии, предотвращать дорогостоящие простои и задействовать наш персонал для выполнения более важных задач».

    Service access
    Remote Service is available worldwide, connecting more than 500 robots. Companies that have up to 30 robots are often good candidates for the Remote Service offering, as they usually have neither the engineers nor the requisite skills to deal with robotics faults themselves. Larger companies are also enthusiastic about Remote Service, as the proactive services will improve the lifetime of their equipment and increase overall production uptime.

    Доступность сервиса
    Сеть Remote Service охватывает более 700 роботов по всему миру. Потенциальными заказчиками Remote Service являются компании, имеющие до 30 роботов, но не имеющие инженеров и техников, способных самостоятельно устранять их неисправности. Интерес к Remote Service проявляют и более крупные компании, поскольку они заинтересованы в увеличении срока службы и эксплуатационной готовности производственного оборудования.

    In today’s competitive environment, business profitability often relies on demanding production schedules that do not always leave time for exhaustive or repeated equipment health checks. ABB’s Remote Service agreements are designed to monitor its customers’ robots to identify when problems are likely to occur and ensure that help is dispatched before the problem can escalate. In over 60 percent of ABB’s service calls, its robots can be brought back online remotely, without further intervention.

    В условиях современной конкуренции окупаемость бизнеса часто зависит от соблюдения жестких графиков производства, не оставляющих времени для полномасштабных или периодических проверок исправности оборудования. Контракт Remote Service предусматривает мониторинг состояния роботов заказчика для прогнозирования возможных неисправностей и принятие мер по их предотвращению. В более чем 60 % случаев для устранения неисправности достаточно дистанционной консультации в сервисной службе АББ, дальнейшего вмешательства не требуется.

    ABB offers a flexible choice of service agreements for both new and existing robot installations, which helps extend the mean time between failures, shorten the time to repair and lower the total cost of ownership. With four new packages available – Support, Response, Maintenance and Warranty, each backed up by ABB’s Remote Service technology – businesses can minimize the impact of unplanned downtime and achieve improved production-line efficiency.

    Компания АББ предлагает гибкий выбор контрактов на выполнение технического обслуживания как уже имеющихся, так и вновь устанавливаемых роботов, которые позволяют значительно увеличить среднюю наработку на отказ, сократить время ремонта и эксплуатационные расходы. Четыре новых пакета на основе технологии Remote Service Support, Response, Maintenance и Warranty – позволяют минимизировать внеплановые простои и значительно повысить эффективность производства.

    The benefits of Remote Sevice are clear: improved availability, fewer service visits, lower maintenance costs and maximized total cost of ownership. This unique service sets ABB apart from its competitors and is the beginning of a revolution in service thinking. It provides ABB with a great opportunity to improve customer access to its expertise and develop more advanced services worldwide.

    Преимущества дистанционного технического обслуживания очевидны: повышенная надежность, уменьшение выездов ремонтных бригад, уменьшение затрат на обслуживание и общих эксплуатационных расходов. Эта уникальная услуга дает компании АББ преимущества над конкурентами и демонстрирует революционный подход к организации сервиса. Благодаря ей компания АББ расширяет доступ заказчиков к опыту своих специалистов и получает возможность более эффективного оказания технической помощи по всему миру.


    • тех. обсл. и ремонт средств электросвязи

    Обобщающие термины


    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > remote sevice

  • 63 near cash

    гос. фин. The resource budget contains a separate control total for “near cash” expenditure, that is expenditure such as pay and current grants which impacts directly on the measure of the golden rule.
    This paper provides background information on the framework for the planning and control of public expenditure in the UK which has been operated since the 1998 Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR). It sets out the different classifications of spending for budgeting purposes and why these distinctions have been adopted. It discusses how the public expenditure framework is designed to ensure both sound public finances and an outcome-focused approach to public expenditure.
    The UK's public spending framework is based on several key principles:
    consistency with a long-term, prudent and transparent regime for managing the public finances as a whole;
    " "
    the judgement of success by policy outcomes rather than resource inputs;
    " "
    strong incentives for departments and their partners in service delivery to plan over several years and plan together where appropriate so as to deliver better public services with greater cost effectiveness; and
    the proper costing and management of capital assets to provide the right incentives for public investment.
    The Government sets policy to meet two firm fiscal rules:
    the Golden Rule states that over the economic cycle, the Government will borrow only to invest and not to fund current spending; and
    the Sustainable Investment Rule states that net public debt as a proportion of GDP will be held over the economic cycle at a stable and prudent level. Other things being equal, net debt will be maintained below 40 per cent of GDP over the economic cycle.
    Achievement of the fiscal rules is assessed by reference to the national accounts, which are produced by the Office for National Statistics, acting as an independent agency. The Government sets its spending envelope to comply with these fiscal rules.
    Departmental Expenditure Limits ( DEL) and Annually Managed Expenditure (AME)
    Departmental Expenditure Limit ( DEL) spending, which is planned and controlled on a three year basis in Spending Reviews; and
    Annually Managed Expenditure ( AME), which is expenditure which cannot reasonably be subject to firm, multi-year limits in the same way as DEL. AME includes social security benefits, local authority self-financed expenditure, debt interest, and payments to EU institutions.
    More information about DEL and AME is set out below.
    In Spending Reviews, firm DEL plans are set for departments for three years. To ensure consistency with the Government's fiscal rules departments are set separate resource (current) and capital budgets. The resource budget contains a separate control total for “near cash” expenditure, that is expenditure such as pay and current grants which impacts directly on the measure of the golden rule.
    To encourage departments to plan over the medium term departments may carry forward unspent DEL provision from one year into the next and, subject to the normal tests for tautness and realism of plans, may be drawn down in future years. This end-year flexibility also removes any incentive for departments to use up their provision as the year end approaches with less regard to value for money. For the full benefits of this flexibility and of three year plans to feed through into improved public service delivery, end-year flexibility and three year budgets should be cascaded from departments to executive agencies and other budget holders.
    Three year budgets and end-year flexibility give those managing public services the stability to plan their operations on a sensible time scale. Further, the system means that departments cannot seek to bid up funds each year (before 1997, three year plans were set and reviewed in annual Public Expenditure Surveys). So the credibility of medium-term plans has been enhanced at both central and departmental level.
    Departments have certainty over the budgetary allocation over the medium term and these multi-year DEL plans are strictly enforced. Departments are expected to prioritise competing pressures and fund these within their overall annual limits, as set in Spending Reviews. So the DEL system provides a strong incentive to control costs and maximise value for money.
    There is a small centrally held DEL Reserve. Support from the Reserve is available only for genuinely unforeseeable contingencies which departments cannot be expected to manage within their DEL.
    AME typically consists of programmes which are large, volatile and demand-led, and which therefore cannot reasonably be subject to firm multi-year limits. The biggest single element is social security spending. Other items include tax credits, Local Authority Self Financed Expenditure, Scottish Executive spending financed by non-domestic rates, and spending financed from the proceeds of the National Lottery.
    AME is reviewed twice a year as part of the Budget and Pre-Budget Report process reflecting the close integration of the tax and benefit system, which was enhanced by the introduction of tax credits.
    AME is not subject to the same three year expenditure limits as DEL, but is still part of the overall envelope for public expenditure. Affordability is taken into account when policy decisions affecting AME are made. The Government has committed itself not to take policy measures which are likely to have the effect of increasing social security or other elements of AME without taking steps to ensure that the effects of those decisions can be accommodated prudently within the Government's fiscal rules.
    Given an overall envelope for public spending, forecasts of AME affect the level of resources available for DEL spending. Cautious estimates and the AME margin are built in to these AME forecasts and reduce the risk of overspending on AME.
    Together, DEL plus AME sum to Total Managed Expenditure (TME). TME is a measure drawn from national accounts. It represents the current and capital spending of the public sector. The public sector is made up of central government, local government and public corporations.
    Resource and Capital Budgets are set in terms of accruals information. Accruals information measures resources as they are consumed rather than when the cash is paid. So for example the Resource Budget includes a charge for depreciation, a measure of the consumption or wearing out of capital assets.
    Non cash charges in budgets do not impact directly on the fiscal framework. That may be because the national accounts use a different way of measuring the same thing, for example in the case of the depreciation of departmental assets. Or it may be that the national accounts measure something different: for example, resource budgets include a cost of capital charge reflecting the opportunity cost of holding capital; the national accounts include debt interest.
    Within the Resource Budget DEL, departments have separate controls on:
    Near cash spending, the sub set of Resource Budgets which impacts directly on the Golden Rule; and
    The amount of their Resource Budget DEL that departments may spend on running themselves (e.g. paying most civil servants’ salaries) is limited by Administration Budgets, which are set in Spending Reviews. Administration Budgets are used to ensure that as much money as practicable is available for front line services and programmes. These budgets also help to drive efficiency improvements in departments’ own activities. Administration Budgets exclude the costs of frontline services delivered directly by departments.
    The Budget preceding a Spending Review sets an overall envelope for public spending that is consistent with the fiscal rules for the period covered by the Spending Review. In the Spending Review, the Budget AME forecast for year one of the Spending Review period is updated, and AME forecasts are made for the later years of the Spending Review period.
    The 1998 Comprehensive Spending Review ( CSR), which was published in July 1998, was a comprehensive review of departmental aims and objectives alongside a zero-based analysis of each spending programme to determine the best way of delivering the Government's objectives. The 1998 CSR allocated substantial additional resources to the Government's key priorities, particularly education and health, for the three year period from 1999-2000 to 2001-02.
    Delivering better public services does not just depend on how much money the Government spends, but also on how well it spends it. Therefore the 1998 CSR introduced Public Service Agreements (PSAs). Each major government department was given its own PSA setting out clear targets for achievements in terms of public service improvements.
    The 1998 CSR also introduced the DEL/ AME framework for the control of public spending, and made other framework changes. Building on the investment and reforms delivered by the 1998 CSR, successive spending reviews in 2000, 2002 and 2004 have:
    provided significant increase in resources for the Government’s priorities, in particular health and education, and cross-cutting themes such as raising productivity; extending opportunity; and building strong and secure communities;
    " "
    enabled the Government significantly to increase investment in public assets and address the legacy of under investment from past decades. Departmental Investment Strategies were introduced in SR2000. As a result there has been a steady increase in public sector net investment from less than ¾ of a per cent of GDP in 1997-98 to 2¼ per cent of GDP in 2005-06, providing better infrastructure across public services;
    " "
    introduced further refinements to the performance management framework. PSA targets have been reduced in number over successive spending reviews from around 300 to 110 to give greater focus to the Government’s highest priorities. The targets have become increasingly outcome-focused to deliver further improvements in key areas of public service delivery across Government. They have also been refined in line with the conclusions of the Devolving Decision Making Review to provide a framework which encourages greater devolution and local flexibility. Technical Notes were introduced in SR2000 explaining how performance against each PSA target will be measured; and
    not only allocated near cash spending to departments, but also – since SR2002 - set Resource DEL plans for non cash spending.
    To identify what further investments and reforms are needed to equip the UK for the global challenges of the decade ahead, on 19 July 2005 the Chief Secretary to the Treasury announced that the Government intends to launch a second Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) reporting in 2007.
    A decade on from the first CSR, the 2007 CSR will represent a long-term and fundamental review of government expenditure. It will cover departmental allocations for 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010 11. Allocations for 2007-08 will be held to the agreed figures already announced by the 2004 Spending Review. To provide a rigorous analytical framework for these departmental allocations, the Government will be taking forward a programme of preparatory work over 2006 involving:
    an assessment of what the sustained increases in spending and reforms to public service delivery have achieved since the first CSR. The assessment will inform the setting of new objectives for the decade ahead;
    " "
    an examination of the key long-term trends and challenges that will shape the next decade – including demographic and socio-economic change, globalisation, climate and environmental change, global insecurity and technological change – together with an assessment of how public services will need to respond;
    " "
    to release the resources needed to address these challenges, and to continue to secure maximum value for money from public spending over the CSR period, a set of zero-based reviews of departments’ baseline expenditure to assess its effectiveness in delivering the Government’s long-term objectives; together with
    further development of the efficiency programme, building on the cross cutting areas identified in the Gershon Review, to embed and extend ongoing efficiency savings into departmental expenditure planning.
    The 2007 CSR also offers the opportunity to continue to refine the PSA framework so that it drives effective delivery and the attainment of ambitious national standards.
    Public Service Agreements (PSAs) were introduced in the 1998 CSR. They set out agreed targets detailing the outputs and outcomes departments are expected to deliver with the resources allocated to them. The new spending regime places a strong emphasis on outcome targets, for example in providing for better health and higher educational standards or service standards. The introduction in SR2004 of PSA ‘standards’ will ensure that high standards in priority areas are maintained.
    The Government monitors progress against PSA targets, and departments report in detail twice a year in their annual Departmental Reports (published in spring) and in their autumn performance reports. These reports provide Parliament and the public with regular updates on departments’ performance against their targets.
    Technical Notes explain how performance against each PSA target will be measured.
    To make the most of both new investment and existing assets, there needs to be a coherent long term strategy against which investment decisions are taken. Departmental Investment Strategies (DIS) set out each department's plans to deliver the scale and quality of capital stock needed to underpin its objectives. The DIS includes information about the department's existing capital stock and future plans for that stock, as well as plans for new investment. It also sets out the systems that the department has in place to ensure that it delivers its capital programmes effectively.
    This document was updated on 19 December 2005.
    Near-cash resource expenditure that has a related cash implication, even though the timing of the cash payment may be slightly different. For example, expenditure on gas or electricity supply is incurred as the fuel is used, though the cash payment might be made in arrears on aquarterly basis. Other examples of near-cash expenditure are: pay, rental.Net cash requirement the upper limit agreed by Parliament on the cash which a department may draw from theConsolidated Fund to finance the expenditure within the ambit of its Request forResources. It is equal to the agreed amount of net resources and net capital less non-cashitems and working capital.Non-cash cost costs where there is no cash transaction but which are included in a body’s accounts (or taken into account in charging for a service) to establish the true cost of all the resourcesused.Non-departmental a body which has a role in the processes of government, but is not a government public body, NDPBdepartment or part of one. NDPBs accordingly operate at arm’s length from governmentMinisters.Notional cost of a cost which is taken into account in setting fees and charges to improve comparability with insuranceprivate sector service providers.The charge takes account of the fact that public bodies donot generally pay an insurance premium to a commercial insurer.the independent body responsible for collecting and publishing official statistics about theUK’s society and economy. (At the time of going to print legislation was progressing tochange this body to the Statistics Board).Office of Government an office of the Treasury, with a status similar to that of an agency, which aims to maximise Commerce, OGCthe government’s purchasing power for routine items and combine professional expertiseto bear on capital projects.Office of the the government department responsible for discharging the Paymaster General’s statutoryPaymaster General,responsibilities to hold accounts and make payments for government departments and OPGother public bodies.Orange bookthe informal title for Management of Risks: Principles and Concepts, which is published by theTreasury for the guidance of public sector bodies.Office for NationalStatistics, ONS60Managing Public Money
    GLOSSARYOverdraftan account with a negative balance.Parliament’s formal agreement to authorise an activity or expenditure.Prerogative powerspowers exercisable under the Royal Prerogative, ie powers which are unique to the Crown,as contrasted with common-law powers which may be available to the Crown on the samebasis as to natural persons.Primary legislationActs which have been passed by the Westminster Parliament and, where they haveappropriate powers, the Scottish Parliament and the Northern Ireland Assembly. Begin asBills until they have received Royal Assent.arrangements under which a public sector organisation contracts with a private sectorentity to construct a facility and provide associated services of a specified quality over asustained period. See annex 7.5.Proprietythe principle that patterns of resource consumption should respect Parliament’s intentions,conventions and control procedures, including any laid down by the PAC. See box 2.4.Public Accountssee Committee of Public Accounts.CommitteePublic corporationa trading body controlled by central government, local authority or other publiccorporation that has substantial day to day operating independence. See section 7.8.Public Dividend finance provided by government to public sector bodies as an equity stake; an alternative to Capital, PDCloan finance.Public Service sets out what the public can expect the government to deliver with its resources. EveryAgreement, PSAlarge government department has PSA(s) which specify deliverables as targets or aimsrelated to objectives.a structured arrangement between a public sector and a private sector organisation tosecure an outcome delivering good value for money for the public sector. It is classified tothe public or private sector according to which has more control.Rate of returnthe financial remuneration delivered by a particular project or enterprise, expressed as apercentage of the net assets employed.Regularitythe principle that resource consumption should accord with the relevant legislation, therelevant delegated authority and this document. See box 2.4.Request for the functional level into which departmental Estimates may be split. RfRs contain a number Resources, RfRof functions being carried out by the department in pursuit of one or more of thatdepartment’s objectives.Resource accountan accruals account produced in line with the Financial Reporting Manual (FReM).Resource accountingthe system under which budgets, Estimates and accounts are constructed in a similar wayto commercial audited accounts, so that both plans and records of expenditure allow in fullfor the goods and services which are to be, or have been, consumed – ie not just the cashexpended.Resource budgetthe means by which the government plans and controls the expenditure of resources tomeet its objectives.Restitutiona legal concept which allows money and property to be returned to its rightful owner. Ittypically operates where another person can be said to have been unjustly enriched byreceiving such monies.Return on capital the ratio of profit to capital employed of an accounting entity during an identified period.employed, ROCEVarious measures of profit and of capital employed may be used in calculating the ratio.Public Privatepartnership, PPPPrivate Finance Initiative, PFIParliamentaryauthority61Managing Public Money
    GLOSSARYRoyal charterthe document setting out the powers and constitution of a corporation established underprerogative power of the monarch acting on Privy Council advice.Second readingthe second formal time that a House of Parliament may debate a bill, although in practicethe first substantive debate on its content. If successful, it is deemed to denoteParliamentary approval of the principle of the proposed legislation.Secondary legislationlaws, including orders and regulations, which are made using powers in primary legislation.Normally used to set out technical and administrative provision in greater detail thanprimary legislation, they are subject to a less intense level of scrutiny in Parliament.European legislation is,however,often implemented in secondary legislation using powers inthe European Communities Act 1972.Service-level agreement between parties, setting out in detail the level of service to be performed.agreementWhere agreements are between central government bodies, they are not legally a contractbut have a similar function.Shareholder Executive a body created to improve the government’s performance as a shareholder in businesses.Spending reviewsets out the key improvements in public services that the public can expect over a givenperiod. It includes a thorough review of departmental aims and objectives to find the bestway of delivering the government’s objectives, and sets out the spending plans for the givenperiod.State aidstate support for a domestic body or company which could distort EU competition and sois not usually allowed. See annex 4.9.Statement of Excessa formal statement detailing departments’ overspends prepared by the Comptroller andAuditor General as a result of undertaking annual audits.Statement on Internal an annual statement that Accounting Officers are required to make as part of the accounts Control, SICon a range of risk and control issues.Subheadindividual elements of departmental expenditure identifiable in Estimates as single cells, forexample cell A1 being administration costs within a particular line of departmental spending.Supplyresources voted by Parliament in response to Estimates, for expenditure by governmentdepartments.Supply Estimatesa statement of the resources the government needs in the coming financial year, and forwhat purpose(s), by which Parliamentary authority is sought for the planned level ofexpenditure and income.Target rate of returnthe rate of return required of a project or enterprise over a given period, usually at least a year.Third sectorprivate sector bodies which do not act commercially,including charities,social and voluntaryorganisations and other not-for-profit collectives. See annex 7.7.Total Managed a Treasury budgeting term which covers all current and capital spending carried out by the Expenditure,TMEpublic sector (ie not just by central departments).Trading fundan organisation (either within a government department or forming one) which is largely orwholly financed from commercial revenue generated by its activities. Its Estimate shows itsnet impact, allowing its income from receipts to be devoted entirely to its business.Treasury Minutea formal administrative document drawn up by the Treasury, which may serve a wide varietyof purposes including seeking Parliamentary approval for the use of receipts asappropriations in aid, a remission of some or all of the principal of voted loans, andresponding on behalf of the government to reports by the Public Accounts Committee(PAC).62Managing Public Money
    GLOSSARY63Managing Public MoneyValue for moneythe process under which organisation’s procurement, projects and processes aresystematically evaluated and assessed to provide confidence about suitability, effectiveness,prudence,quality,value and avoidance of error and other waste,judged for the public sectoras a whole.Virementthe process through which funds are moved between subheads such that additionalexpenditure on one is met by savings on one or more others.Votethe process by which Parliament approves funds in response to supply Estimates.Voted expenditureprovision for expenditure that has been authorised by Parliament. Parliament ‘votes’authority for public expenditure through the Supply Estimates process. Most expenditureby central government departments is authorised in this way.Wider market activity activities undertaken by central government organisations outside their statutory duties,using spare capacity and aimed at generating a commercial profit. See annex 7.6.Windfallmonies received by a department which were not anticipated in the spending review.

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > near cash

  • 64 work

    1. noun
    1) (effort made in order to achieve or make something: He has done a lot of work on this project) trabajo
    2) (employment: I cannot find work in this town.) trabajo
    3) (a task or tasks; the thing that one is working on: Please clear your work off the table.) trabajo
    4) (a painting, book, piece of music etc: the works of Van Gogh / Shakespeare/Mozart; This work was composed in 1816.) obra
    5) (the product or result of a person's labours: His work has shown a great improvement lately.) trabajo
    6) (one's place of employment: He left (his) work at 5.30 p.m.; I don't think I'll go to work tomorrow.) trabajo

    2. verb
    1) (to (cause to) make efforts in order to achieve or make something: She works at the factory three days a week; He works his employees very hard; I've been working on/at a new project.) trabajar
    2) (to be employed: Are you working just now?) trabajar, tener empleo
    3) (to (cause to) operate (in the correct way): He has no idea how that machine works / how to work that machine; That machine doesn't/won't work, but this one's working.) funcionar
    4) (to be practicable and/or successful: If my scheme works, we'll be rich!) funcionar, dar resultados
    5) (to make (one's way) slowly and carefully with effort or difficulty: She worked her way up the rock face.) progresar, desarrollar
    6) (to get into, or put into, a stated condition or position, slowly and gradually: The wheel worked loose.) volverse
    7) (to make by craftsmanship: The ornaments had been worked in gold.) trabajar, fabricar
    - - work
    - workable
    - worker
    - works

    3. noun plural
    1) (the mechanism (of a watch, clock etc): The works are all rusted.)
    2) (deeds, actions etc: She's devoted her life to good works.) mecanismo
    - work-box
    - workbook
    - workforce
    - working class
    - working day
    - work-day
    - working hours
    - working-party
    - work-party
    - working week
    - workman
    - workmanlike
    - workmanship
    - workmate
    - workout
    - workshop
    - at work
    - get/set to work
    - go to work on
    - have one's work cut out
    - in working order
    - out of work
    - work of art
    - work off
    - work out
    - work up
    - work up to
    - work wonders

    work1 n
    1. trabajo
    2. obra
    in work con trabajo / que tiene trabajo
    out of work sin trabajo / parado
    to get to work / to set to work ponerse a trabajar
    work2 vb
    1. trabajar
    2. funcionar
    how do you work this machine? ¿cómo funciona esta máquina?
    1 (gen) trabajo
    he put a lot of hard work into that project trabajó mucho en ese proyecto, puso mucho esfuerzo en ese proyecto
    2 (employment) empleo, trabajo
    what sort of work do you do? ¿qué clase de trabajo haces?, ¿a qué te dedicas?
    what time do you leave work? ¿a qué hora sales del trabajo?
    3 (building work, roadworks) obras nombre femenino plural
    4 (product, results) trabajo, obra
    1 (person) hacer trabajar
    2 (machine) manejar; (mechanism) accionar
    do you know how to work the video? ¿sabes cómo hacer funcionar el vídeo?
    3 (mine, oil well) explotar; (land, fields) trabajar, cultivar
    4 (produce) hacer
    5 (wood, metal, clay) trabajar; (dough) amasar
    7 familiar (arrange) arreglar
    1 (gen) trabajar
    she works hard at her homework trabaja mucho en sus deberes, pone mucho esfuerzo en sus deberes
    2 (machine, system) funcionar
    how does this machine work? ¿cómo funciona esta máquina?
    3 (medicine, cleaner) surtir efecto, tener efecto; (plan) tener éxito, salir bien, funcionar, resultar
    1 (factory) fábrica f sing
    1 (parts) mecanismo m sing
    1 familiar (everything) todo, todo el tinglado
    it's all in a/the day's work todo forma parte del trabajo, es el pan nuestro de cada día
    all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy hay que divertirse de vez en cuando
    it works both ways es una arma de doble filo
    keep up the good work! ¡que siga así!
    the forces at work los elementos en juego
    to be in work tener trabajo, tener un empleo
    to be out of work estar en el paro, estar sin trabajo, estar parado,-a
    to get down/set to work ponerse a trabajar, poner manos a la obra
    to get worked up exaltarse, excitarse, ponerse nervioso,-a
    to give somebody the (full) works tratar a alguien a lo grande
    to have one's work cut out to do something costarle a uno mucho trabajo hacer algo
    to make light/short work of something despachar algo deprisa
    to work like a Trojan trabajar como un negro
    to work loose soltarse, aflojarse
    to work one's fingers to the bone dejarse los codos trabajando
    to work oneself to death matarse trabajando
    to work to rule hacer huelga de celo
    work basket costurero, cesto de labor
    work camp campamento de trabajo
    work experience experiencia laboral
    work of art obra de arte
    work permit permiso de trabajo
    work station SMALLCOMPUTING/SMALL estación nombre femenino de trabajo, terminal nombre masculino de trabajo
    work surface encimera
    work ['wərk] v, worked ['wərkt] or wrought ['rɔt] ; working vt
    1) operate: trabajar, operar
    to work a machine: operar una máquina
    2) : lograr, conseguir (algo) con esfuerzo
    to work one's way up: lograr subir por sus propios esfuerzos
    3) effect: efectuar, llevar a cabo, obrar (milagros)
    4) make, shape: elaborar, fabricar, formar
    a beautifully wrought vase: un florero bellamente elaborado
    to work up : estimular, excitar
    don't get worked up: no te agites
    work vi
    1) labor: trabajar
    to work full-time: trabajar a tiempo completo
    2) function: funcionar, servir
    work adj
    : laboral
    work n
    1) labor: trabajo m, labor f
    2) employment: trabajo m, empleo m
    3) task: tarea f, faena f
    4) deed: obra f, labor f
    works of charity: obras de caridad
    5) : obra f (de arte o literatura)
    7) works npl
    factory: fábrica f
    8) works npl
    mechanism: mecanismo m
    andar v.
    elaborar v.
    funcionar v.
    hacer funcionar v.
    hacer trabajar v.
    laborear v.
    labrar v.
    marchar v.
    obrar v.
    trabajar v.
    laborable adj.
    chamba s.f.
    fábrica s.f.
    labor s.f.
    mecanismo s.m.
    obra s.f.
    sobrehueso s.m.
    trabajar s.m.
    trabajo s.m.
    wɜːrk, wɜːk
    1) u (labor, tasks) trabajo m

    the house needs a lot of work done o (BrE) doing to it — la casa necesita muchos arreglos

    to set to work — ponerse* a trabajar, poner* manos a la obra

    keep up the good worksigue (or sigan etc) así!

    it's all in a day's workes el pan nuestro de cada día

    to have one's work cut out: she's going to have her work cut out to get the job done in time le va a costar terminar el trabajo a tiempo; to make short work of something: Pete made short work of the ironing Pete planchó todo rapidísimo; you made short work of that pizza! te has despachado pronto la pizza!; all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy — hay que dejar tiempo para el esparcimiento

    2) u ( employment) trabajo m

    to look for/find work — buscar*/encontrar* trabajo

    to go to work — ir* a trabajar or al trabajo

    they both go out to work — (BrE) los dos trabajan (afuera)

    I start/finish work at seven — entro a trabajar or al trabajo/salgo del trabajo a las siete

    at work: he's at work está en el trabajo, está en la oficina (or la fábrica etc); they were hard at work estaban muy ocupados trabajando; other forces were at work intervenían otros factores, había otros factores en juego; men at work obras, hombres trabajando; in work (BrE): those in work quienes tienen trabajo; off work: she was off work for a month after the accident después del accidente estuvo un mes sin trabajar; he took a day off work se tomó un día libre; out of work: the closures will put 1,200 people out of work los cierres dejarán en la calle a 1.200 personas; to be out of work estar* sin trabajo or desocupado or desempleado or (Chi tb) cesante, estar* parado or en el paro (Esp); (before n) out-of-work — desocupado, desempleado, parado (Esp), cesante (Chi)

    a) c (product, single item) obra f
    b) u ( output) trabajo m

    it was the work of a professional — era obra de un profesional; see also works

    1) \<\<person\>\> trabajar

    to get working — ponerse* a trabajar, poner* manos a la obra

    to work AT something: you have to work at your service tiene que practicar el servicio; a relationship is something you have to work at una relación de pareja requiere cierto esfuerzo; she was working away at her accounts estaba ocupada con su contabilidad; to work FOR somebody trabajar para alguien; to work for oneself trabajar por cuenta propia; to work FOR something: fame didn't just come to me: I had to work for it la fama no me llegó del cielo, tuve que trabajar para conseguirla; he's working for his finals está estudiando or está preparándose para los exámenes finales; to work IN something: to work in marble trabajar el mármol or con mármol; to work in oils pintar al óleo, trabajar con óleos; to work ON something: he's working on his car está arreglando el coche; scientists are working on a cure los científicos están intentando encontrar una cura; she hasn't been fired yet, but she's working on it (hum) todavía no la han echado, pero parece empeñada en que lo hagan; we're working on the assumption that... partimos del supuesto de que...; the police had very little to work on la policía tenía muy pocas pistas; to work UNDER somebody — trabajar bajo la dirección de alguien

    a) (operate, function) \<\<machine/system\>\> funcionar; \<\<drug/person\>\> actuar*

    to work against/in favor of somebody/something — obrar en contra/a favor de alguien/algo

    it works both ways: you have to make an effort too, you know: it works both ways — tú también tienes que hacer el esfuerzo, ¿sabes? funciona igual or (esp AmL) parejo para los dos

    b) ( have required effect) \<\<drug/plan/method\>\> surtir efecto

    try it, it might work — pruébalo, quizás resulte

    3) (slip, travel) (+ adv compl)

    his socks had worked down to his ankles — se le habían caído los calcetines; see also free I 1) c), loose I 1) b)

    a) ( force to work) hacer* trabajar
    b) ( exploit) \<\<land/soil\>\> trabajar, labrar; \<\<mine\>\> explotar
    c) \<\<nightclubs/casinos\>\> trabajar en

    do you know how to work the machine? — ¿sabes manejar la máquina?

    a) (move gradually, manipulate) (+ adv compl)

    to work one's way: we worked our way toward the exit nos abrimos camino hacia la salida; I worked my way through volume three logré terminar el tercer volumen; she worked her way to the top of her profession — trabajó hasta llegar a la cima de su profesión

    b) (shape, fashion) \<\<clay/metal\>\> trabajar; \<\<dough\>\> sobar, amasar
    a) (past & past p worked or wrought) ( bring about) \<\<miracle\>\> hacer*; see also wrought I
    b) (manage, arrange) (colloq) arreglar

    she worked it so that I didn't have to payse las arregló or se las ingenió para que yo no tuviera que pagar

    Phrasal Verbs:
    1. N
    1) (=activity) trabajo m; (=effort) esfuerzo m

    to be at work on sth — estar trabajando sobre algo

    work has begun on the new dam — se han comenzado las obras del nuevo embalse

    it's all in a day's work — es pan de cada día

    to do one's work — hacer su trabajo

    to get some work done — hacer algo (de trabajo)

    to get on with one's work — seguir trabajando

    good work! — (=well done) ¡buen trabajo!

    it's hard work — es mucho trabajo, cuesta (trabajo)

    a piece of work — un trabajo

    she's put a lot of work into it — le ha puesto grandes esfuerzos

    to make quick work of sth/sb — despachar algo/a algn con rapidez

    to set to work — ponerse a trabajar

    to make short work of sth/sb — despachar algo/a algn con rapidez

    to start work — ponerse a trabajar

    to have one's work cut out —

    nasty 1., 4)
    2) (=employment, place of employment) trabajo m

    "work wanted" — (US) "demandas de empleo"

    to be at work — estar trabajando

    to go to work — ir a trabajar

    to go out to work — (=have a job) tener un trabajo

    to be in work — tener trabajo

    she's looking for work — está buscando trabajo

    it's nice work if you can get it — es muy agradable para los que tienen esa suerte

    I'm off work for a week — tengo una semana de permiso

    to be out of work — estar desempleado or parado or en paro

    to put sb out of work — dejar a algn sin trabajo

    on her way to work — camino del trabajo

    3) (=product, deed) obra f; (=efforts) trabajo

    this is the work of a professional/madman — esto es trabajo de un profesional/loco

    what do you think of his work? — ¿qué te parece su trabajo?

    good works — obras fpl de caridad

    his life's work — el trabajo al que ha dedicado su vida

    4) (Art, Literat etc) obra f

    a work of artuna obra de arte

    a literary work — una obra literaria

    5) works [of machine, clock etc] mecanismo msing
    - bung or gum up the works
    6) works (Mil) obras fpl, fortificaciones fpl

    Ministry of WorksMinisterio m de Obras Públicas

    2. VI
    1) (gen) trabajar; (=be in a job) tener trabajo

    he is working at his German — está dándole al alemán

    to work hardtrabajar mucho or duro

    she works in a bakery — trabaja en una panadería

    he works in education/publishing — trabaja en la enseñanza/el campo editorial

    he prefers to work in wood/oils — prefiere trabajar la madera/con óleos

    to work to rule — (Ind) estar en huelga de celo

    to work towards sth — trabajar or realizar esfuerzos para conseguir algo

    - work like a slave or Trojan etc
    2) (=function) [machine, car] funcionar

    my brain doesn't seem to be working todayhum mi cerebro no funciona hoy como es debido

    it may work against us — podría sernos desfavorable

    this can work both ways — esto puede ser un arma de doble filo

    this may work in our favourpuede que esto nos venga bien

    to get sth working — hacer funcionar algo

    it works off the mains — funciona con la electricidad de la red

    3) (=be effective) [plan] salir, marchar; [drug, medicine, spell] surtir efecto, ser eficaz; [yeast] fermentar

    how long does it take to work? — ¿cuánto tiempo hace falta para que empiece a surtir efecto?

    the scheme won't work — el proyecto no es práctico, esto no será factible

    it won't work, I tell you! — ¡te digo que no se puede (hacer)!

    4) [mouth, face, jaws] moverse, torcerse
    5) (=move gradually)

    to work loosedesprenderse

    to work round to a question — preparar el terreno para preguntar algo

    what are you working round to? — ¿adónde va a parar todo esto?, ¿qué propósito tiene todo esto?

    3. VT
    1) (=make work) hacer trabajar

    to work o.s. to death — matarse trabajando

    2) (=operate)

    can you work it? — ¿sabes manejarlo?

    3) (=achieve) [+ change] producir, motivar; [+ cure] hacer, efectuar; [+ miracle] hacer
    wonder 1., 2)
    4) (Sew) coser; (Knitting) [+ row] hacer
    5) (=shape) [+ dough, clay] trabajar; [+ stone, marble] tallar, grabar

    worked flintpiedra f tallada

    6) (=exploit) [+ mine] explotar; [+ land] cultivar
    7) (=manoeuvre)

    to work o.s. into a rage — ponerse furioso, enfurecerse

    the screw had worked itself looseel tornillo se había soltado solo

    to work one's way along — ir avanzando poco a poco

    to work one's way up a cliffescalar poco a poco or a duras penas un precipicio

    8) (=finance)

    to work one's passage on a ship — costearse un viaje trabajando

    to work one's way through college — costearse los estudios universitarios trabajando


    work area Nárea f de trabajo

    work camp Ncampamento m laboral

    work ethic Nética f del trabajo

    work experience Nexperiencia f laboral

    work file Nfichero m de trabajo

    work force N(=labourers) mano f de obra; (=personnel) plantilla f

    work in progress Ntrabajo m en proceso

    work permit Npermiso m de trabajo

    work prospects NPL[of student] perspectivas fpl de trabajo

    work study Npráctica f estudiantil

    work therapy Nlaborterapia f, terapia f laboral

    work week N(US) semana f laboral

    * * *
    [wɜːrk, wɜːk]
    1) u (labor, tasks) trabajo m

    the house needs a lot of work done o (BrE) doing to it — la casa necesita muchos arreglos

    to set to work — ponerse* a trabajar, poner* manos a la obra

    keep up the good worksigue (or sigan etc) así!

    it's all in a day's workes el pan nuestro de cada día

    to have one's work cut out: she's going to have her work cut out to get the job done in time le va a costar terminar el trabajo a tiempo; to make short work of something: Pete made short work of the ironing Pete planchó todo rapidísimo; you made short work of that pizza! te has despachado pronto la pizza!; all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy — hay que dejar tiempo para el esparcimiento

    2) u ( employment) trabajo m

    to look for/find work — buscar*/encontrar* trabajo

    to go to work — ir* a trabajar or al trabajo

    they both go out to work — (BrE) los dos trabajan (afuera)

    I start/finish work at seven — entro a trabajar or al trabajo/salgo del trabajo a las siete

    at work: he's at work está en el trabajo, está en la oficina (or la fábrica etc); they were hard at work estaban muy ocupados trabajando; other forces were at work intervenían otros factores, había otros factores en juego; men at work obras, hombres trabajando; in work (BrE): those in work quienes tienen trabajo; off work: she was off work for a month after the accident después del accidente estuvo un mes sin trabajar; he took a day off work se tomó un día libre; out of work: the closures will put 1,200 people out of work los cierres dejarán en la calle a 1.200 personas; to be out of work estar* sin trabajo or desocupado or desempleado or (Chi tb) cesante, estar* parado or en el paro (Esp); (before n) out-of-work — desocupado, desempleado, parado (Esp), cesante (Chi)

    a) c (product, single item) obra f
    b) u ( output) trabajo m

    it was the work of a professional — era obra de un profesional; see also works

    1) \<\<person\>\> trabajar

    to get working — ponerse* a trabajar, poner* manos a la obra

    to work AT something: you have to work at your service tiene que practicar el servicio; a relationship is something you have to work at una relación de pareja requiere cierto esfuerzo; she was working away at her accounts estaba ocupada con su contabilidad; to work FOR somebody trabajar para alguien; to work for oneself trabajar por cuenta propia; to work FOR something: fame didn't just come to me: I had to work for it la fama no me llegó del cielo, tuve que trabajar para conseguirla; he's working for his finals está estudiando or está preparándose para los exámenes finales; to work IN something: to work in marble trabajar el mármol or con mármol; to work in oils pintar al óleo, trabajar con óleos; to work ON something: he's working on his car está arreglando el coche; scientists are working on a cure los científicos están intentando encontrar una cura; she hasn't been fired yet, but she's working on it (hum) todavía no la han echado, pero parece empeñada en que lo hagan; we're working on the assumption that... partimos del supuesto de que...; the police had very little to work on la policía tenía muy pocas pistas; to work UNDER somebody — trabajar bajo la dirección de alguien

    a) (operate, function) \<\<machine/system\>\> funcionar; \<\<drug/person\>\> actuar*

    to work against/in favor of somebody/something — obrar en contra/a favor de alguien/algo

    it works both ways: you have to make an effort too, you know: it works both ways — tú también tienes que hacer el esfuerzo, ¿sabes? funciona igual or (esp AmL) parejo para los dos

    b) ( have required effect) \<\<drug/plan/method\>\> surtir efecto

    try it, it might work — pruébalo, quizás resulte

    3) (slip, travel) (+ adv compl)

    his socks had worked down to his ankles — se le habían caído los calcetines; see also free I 1) c), loose I 1) b)

    a) ( force to work) hacer* trabajar
    b) ( exploit) \<\<land/soil\>\> trabajar, labrar; \<\<mine\>\> explotar
    c) \<\<nightclubs/casinos\>\> trabajar en

    do you know how to work the machine? — ¿sabes manejar la máquina?

    a) (move gradually, manipulate) (+ adv compl)

    to work one's way: we worked our way toward the exit nos abrimos camino hacia la salida; I worked my way through volume three logré terminar el tercer volumen; she worked her way to the top of her profession — trabajó hasta llegar a la cima de su profesión

    b) (shape, fashion) \<\<clay/metal\>\> trabajar; \<\<dough\>\> sobar, amasar
    a) (past & past p worked or wrought) ( bring about) \<\<miracle\>\> hacer*; see also wrought I
    b) (manage, arrange) (colloq) arreglar

    she worked it so that I didn't have to payse las arregló or se las ingenió para que yo no tuviera que pagar

    Phrasal Verbs:

    English-spanish dictionary > work

  • 65 beat

    1. transitive verb,
    beat, beaten
    1) (strike repeatedly) schlagen [Trommel, Rhythmus, Eier, Teig]; klopfen [Teppich]; hämmern [Gold, Silber usw.]

    beat one's breast(lit. or fig.) sich (Dat.) an die Brust schlagen

    2) (hit) schlagen; [ver]prügeln
    3) (defeat) schlagen [Mannschaft, Gegner]; (surmount) in den Griff bekommen [Inflation, Arbeitslosigkeit, Krise]

    beat the deadlineden Termin noch einhalten

    4) (surpass) brechen [Rekord]; übertreffen [Leistung]

    you can't beat or nothing beats French cuisine — es geht [doch] nichts über die französische Küche

    beat that!das soll mal einer nachmachen!

    beat everything(coll.) alles in den Schatten stellen

    5) (circumvent) umgehen
    6) (perplex)

    it beats me how/why... — es ist mir ein Rätsel wie/warum...

    8) p.p. beat

    I'm beat(coll.): (exhausted) ich bin erledigt (ugs.). See also academic.ru/6046/beaten">beaten 2.

    2. intransitive verb,
    beat, beaten
    1) (throb) [Herz:] schlagen, klopfen; [Puls:] schlagen

    my heart seemed to stop beating — ich dachte, mir bleibt das Herz stehen

    2) [Sonne:] brennen (on auf + Akk.); [Wind, Wellen:] schlagen (on auf + Akk., against gegen); [Regen, Hagel:] prasseln, trommeln ( against gegen)

    beat about the bushum den [heißen] Brei herumreden (ugs.)

    4) (knock) klopfen (at an + Dat.)
    5) (Naut.) kreuzen
    3. noun
    1) (stroke, throbbing) Schlag, der; (rhythm) Takt, der
    2) (Mus.) Schlag, der; (of metronome, baton) Taktschlag, der
    3) (of policeman, watchman) Runde, die; (area) Revier, das

    be off somebody's [usual] beat — (fig.) nicht in jemandes Fach schlagen

    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    past tense; see beat
    * * *
    I. n
    1. (throb) Schlag m
    2. no pl (act) Schlagen nt kein pl, Pochen nt kein pl; of the heart also Klopfen nt
    her heart skipped a \beat ihr stockte das Herz
    3. no pl MUS Takt m
    to have a strong \beat einen ausgeprägten Rhythmus haben
    to the \beat of the music im Takt der Musik
    4. usu sing (patrol) Revier nt
    to be on [or to walk] the \beat seine Runde machen
    to be off sb's \beat nicht jds Fach sein
    II. adj inv, pred ( fam)
    1. (exhausted) erschlagen fam, fix und fertig fam; (tired) todmüde fam
    to be dead \beat esp BRIT (exhausted) total geschafft sein fam; (tired) todmüde sein fam
    2. (defeated) geschlagen, besiegt
    to have sb \beat CHESS jdn schachmatt gesetzt haben
    III. vt
    <beat, beaten or ( fam) beat>
    to \beat sth gegen etw akk schlagen; (on top of sth) auf etw akk schlagen
    to \beat a carpet einen Teppich [aus]klopfen
    he \beat the door/table with his fist er schlug mit der Faust gegen die Tür/auf den Tisch
    to \beat sth against sth mit etw dat gegen etw akk schlagen
    to \beat one's fists against the door/ground/table mit den Fäusten gegen die Tür/auf den Boden/auf den Tisch schlagen
    to \beat sb's head against the wall/floor jds Kopf gegen die Wand/den Boden schlagen
    3. (hurt)
    to \beat sb [with sth] jdn [mit etw dat] schlagen
    to \beat one's child/wife sein Kind/seine Frau [ver]prügeln [o schlagen]
    to \beat sb to death jdn totschlagen [o zu Tode prügeln]
    to \beat sb black and blue jdn grün und blau schlagen fam
    to brutally [or savagely] \beat sb jdn brutal zusammenschlagen
    4. (drum)
    to \beat sth auf etw akk trommeln
    to \beat a drum trommeln
    to \beat time den Takt schlagen
    5. (mix)
    to \beat cream/eggs Sahne [o SCHWEIZ Rahm] /Eier schlagen [o SCHWEIZ rühren]
    \beat [the] butter [until light and fluffy] [die] Butter schaumig schlagen
    \beat eggs and sugar [together] die Eier mit dem Zucker [o Eier und Zucker] schaumig schlagen
    6. (force)
    to \beat a confession out of sb ein Geständnis aus jdm herausprügeln
    to \beat one's path through sth sich dat einen Weg durch etw akk bahnen
    to \beat sb/sth jdn/etw schlagen [o besiegen]; (score better) jdn/etw übertreffen
    they were \beaten [by] three goals to one sie wurden mit 3 zu 0 geschlagen
    to \beat a record einen Rekord brechen
    to be hard to \beat schwer zu schlagen sein
    to \beat sb to sth jdm bei etw dat zuvorkommen
    to \beat sb to the draw schneller ziehen als jd; ( fig) schlagfertiger als jd sein
    8. ( fam)
    to \beat sb/sth (surpass, outdo) jdn/etw schlagen [o übertreffen]; (be better than) besser als jd/etw sein
    you can't \beat our local Italian restaurant for a good pizza eine bessere Pizza als bei unserem Italiener findest du nirgends
    you can't \beat a cool beer on a hot day es geht [doch] nichts über ein kühles Bier an einem heißen Tag
    you simply can't \beat their prices ihre Preise sind schlichtweg nicht zu unterbieten
    9. (avoid)
    to \beat sth etw umgehen
    10. ( fam: baffle)
    to \beat sb jdm [o für jdn] zu hoch fam
    it \beats me das ist mir zu hoch fam
    it \beats me [or what \beats me is] how/why... es ist mir ein Rätsel, wie/warum...
    to \beat one's breast [or chest] sich dat an die Brust schlagen fig
    if you can't \beat 'em, join 'em ( saying) verbünde dich mit ihnen, wenn du sie nicht besiegen kannst
    to \beat the [living] daylights [or (fam!) the shit] out of sb ( fam) jdn windelweich schlagen fam
    that \beats everything [or AM also all] ( fam) das schlägt dem Fass den Boden aus
    to \beat sb at their own game jdn mit seinen eigenen Waffen schlagen fig
    to \beat the hell out of sb ( fam) jdn fürchterlich verdreschen fam
    to \beat sb hollow BRIT ( fam) jdn vernichtend schlagen
    to \beat it ( fam) die Beine unter die Arme nehmen fam
    \beat it! hau ab! fam
    to \beat the pants off sb ( fam) jdn vernichtend schlagen
    to \beat a path to sb's door jdm die Bude einrennen fam
    to \beat sb to the punch ( fam) jdm zuvorkommen
    to \beat the rap AM ( fam) sich akk herauswinden
    to \beat a [hasty] retreat [schnell] einen Rückzieher machen
    IV. vi
    <beat, beaten or ( fam) beat>
    1. (throb,) schlagen; heart also klopfen, pochen; drum dröhnen
    the doctor could feel no pulse \beating der Arzt konnte keinen Puls[schlag] feststellen
    to \beat against/on sth gegen etw akk schlagen; (continously) gegen etw akk hämmern
    3. ( fig) sun
    to \beat on sth auf etw [nieder]brennen; rain, hail
    to \beat against the window/on the roof gegen das Fenster peitschen /auf das Dach prasseln; waves
    to \beat against the rocks/ship gegen die Felsen/das Schiff schlagen [o peitschen
    4. AM (hurt)
    to \beat on sb auf jdn einschlagen
    to \beat about [or AM around] the bush um den heißen Brei herumreden fam
    * * *
    1. vb pret beat, ptp beaten
    2. n
    1) (of heart, pulse, drum = single beat) Schlag m; (= repeated beating) Schlagen nt

    he answered without missing a beater antwortete ohne sich aus der Ruhe or Fassung bringen zu lassen

    2) (of policeman, sentry) Runde f, Rundgang m; (= district) Revier nt
    3) (MUS, POET) Takt m; (of metronome, baton) Taktschlag m

    on/off the beat — auf dem betonten/unbetonten Taktteil

    4) (= beat music) Beat(musik f) m
    5) (HUNT) Treibjagd f
    3. vt
    1) (= hit) schlagen; person, animal also (ver)prügeln, hauen (inf); carpet klopfen; (= search) countryside, woods absuchen, abkämmen

    to beat a/one's way through sth — einen/sich (dat) einen Weg durch etw bahnen

    to beat a/the drum — trommeln, die Trommel schlagen

    to beat the air —

    to beat one's breast (lit, fig) (ape)sich (dat) an die Brust schlagen sich (dat) gegen die Brust trommeln

    beat it! (fig inf)hau ab! (inf), verschwinde!

    2) (= hammer) metal hämmern; (= shape also) treiben
    3) (= defeat) schlagen; record brechen; inflation in den Griff bekommen; disease erfolgreich bekämpfen

    to beat sb at chess/tennis — jdn im Schach/Tennis schlagen

    his shot/forehand beat me — ich war dem Schuss/Vorhandschlag nicht gewachsen

    you can't beat central heating/real wool —

    if you can't beat them, join them (inf) — wenn dus nicht besser machen kannst, dann mach es genauso

    that beats everythingdas ist doch wirklich der Gipfel or die Höhe (inf), das schlägt dem Fass den Boden aus (inf)

    it beats me (how/why...) (inf) — es ist mir ein Rätsel(, wie/warum...) (inf)

    well, can you beat it! (inf)ist das denn zu fassen? (inf)

    4) (= be before) budget, crowds zuvorkommen (+dat)
    5) (= move up and down regularly) schlagen
    6) (MUS)
    7) (COOK) cream, eggs schlagen
    4. vi
    1) (heart, pulse, drum) schlagen

    to beat on the door (with one's fists) —

    2) (wind, waves) schlagen; (rain also) trommeln; (sun) brennen
    3) (cream) sich schlagen lassen
    5. adj
    1) (inf

    = exhausted) to be (dead) beat — total kaputt or geschafft or erledigt sein (inf)

    2) (inf

    = defeated) to be beat(en) — aufgeben müssen (inf),

    I'm beatich gebe mich geschlagen

    * * *
    beat1 [biːt]
    A s
    1. (besonders regelmäßig wiederholter) Schlag, z. B. Herz-, Puls-, Trommelschlag m, Pochen n, Klopfen n (des Herzens etc), Ticken n (der Uhr), (An)Schlagen n (der Wellen)
    2. SPORT (Ruder)Schlag m, Schlagzahl f (pro Minute)
    3. Fechten: Battuta f, Klingenschlagstoß m
    4. MUS
    a) Takt(schlag) m:
    in beat im Takt;
    out of beat, off (the) beat aus dem Takt
    b) Schlag(zeit) m(f), Taktteil m
    c) Jazz: Beat m (rhythmischer Schwerpunkt)
    d) Beat(musik) m(f)
    5. LIT Hebung f, Ton m
    6. ELEK, PHYS, RADIO Schwebung f
    7. US umg
    a) I never heard the beat of that das schlägt oder übersteigt alles, was ich je gehört habe
    b)c) (sensationelle) Allein- oder Erstmeldung (einer Zeitung)
    8. beatnik
    9. Runde f, Revier n (eines Schutzmanns etc):
    be on one’s beat seine oder die Runde machen;
    be off ( oder out of) one’s beat fig nicht in seinem Element sein;
    that is out of my beat das schlägt nicht in mein Fach
    10. JAGD Treiben n
    B adj
    1. umg wie erschlagen, fix und fertig
    2. MUS Beat…:
    3. Beatnik…:
    the Beat Generation die Beatgeneration (Gruppe junger Menschen in den USA, die nach dem 2. Weltkrieg die Gesellschaft mit allen bürgerlichen Bindungen ablehnte und durch gesteigerte Lebensintensität zur Erkenntnis einer metaphysischen Wirklichkeit zu gelangen suchte)
    4. PHYS, RADIO Schwebungs…:
    C v/t prät beat, pperf beaten, obs oder dial beat
    1. schlagen, (ver)prügeln, verhauen:
    beat to death erschlagen;
    beat a confession out of sb ein Geständnis aus jemandem herausprügeln;
    beat sth into sb(’s head) jemandem etwas einbläuen; air1 A 1, breast A 1, chest A 2
    2. (regelmäßig oder häufig) schlagen, z. B.
    a) einen Teppich etc klopfen, Kleider etc (aus)klopfen
    b) Metall hämmern oder schmieden
    c) Steine klopfen
    d) Eier etc (zu Schaum oder Schnee) schlagen
    3. den Takt, die Trommel schlagen:
    beat the charge MIL das Signal zum Angriff geben;
    beat the drum for sb (sth) fig für jemanden (etwas) die Trommel rühren; retreat A 1
    4. peitschen, schlagen gegen (Wind, Wellen, Regen etc):
    beaten by storms sturmgepeitscht
    5. schlagen mit den Flügeln etc:
    beat one’s hands (in die Hände) klatschen
    6. einen Weg stampfen, treten, (sich) bahnen:
    beat one’s way US umg per Anhalter reisen, trampen;
    beat it! umg hau ab!
    7. JAGD und weitS. ein Revier durchstöbern, -streifen, einen Rundgang machen um
    8. a) einen Gegner schlagen, besiegen:
    beat sb at swimming jemanden im Schwimmen schlagen;
    beat sb into second place jemanden auf den zweiten Platz verweisen;
    he had only the goalkeeper to beat SPORT er hatte nur noch den Torhüter vor sich;
    I’ll not be beaten fig ich lasse mich nicht unterkriegen;
    beat the band umg alles übertreffen; (als Redewendung) mit (aller) Macht, wie toll;
    she was screaming to beat the band umg sie schrie aus Leibeskräften;
    he was sleeping to beat the band umg er schlief wie ein Murmeltier;
    if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em umg wenn man nicht gegen den Strom schwimmen kann, dann schwimmt man halt mit; hollow B 1
    b) jemandem, einer Sache zuvorkommen:
    beat sb to it ( oder to the punch) umg jemandem zuvorkommen;
    beat the deadline umg noch rechtzeitig fertig werden, die Frist einhalten; gun1 A 3
    9. fig schlagen, übertreffen, -bieten:
    beat a record einen Rekord brechen;
    the time to beat die Zeit, die es zu schlagen gilt;
    you can’t beat a good cup of tea es geht nichts über eine gute Tasse Tee;
    that beats all ( oder everything)! das ist doch der Gipfel oder die Höhe!;
    that beats everything I’ve ever heard das ist das Tollste, was ich je gehört habe;
    can you beat it ( oder that)! umg das darf doch nicht wahr sein!
    10. fig verblüffen:
    that beats me das ist mir zu hoch, da komme ich nicht mehr mit;
    it beats me how … ich verstehe einfach nicht, wie …
    11. umg fertigmachen (erschöpfen):
    12. TYPO abklopfen:
    beat a proof einen Bürstenabzug machen
    D v/i
    1. (heftig) schlagen, pochen, klopfen (Herz), ticken (Uhr):
    beat at ( oder on) the door gegen die Tür hämmern oder schlagen
    2. schlagen, peitschen ( against gegen):
    3. schlagen, (er)tönen (Trommel etc)
    4. SCHIFF lavieren, kreuzen:
    beat against the wind, beat to windward (luvwärts) kreuzen, abfallen
    5. JAGD eine Treibjagd veranstalten: bush1 A 1
    beat2 [biːt] s Br Flachs- oder Hanfbündel n
    * * *
    1. transitive verb,
    beat, beaten
    1) (strike repeatedly) schlagen [Trommel, Rhythmus, Eier, Teig]; klopfen [Teppich]; hämmern [Gold, Silber usw.]

    beat one's breast(lit. or fig.) sich (Dat.) an die Brust schlagen

    2) (hit) schlagen; [ver]prügeln
    3) (defeat) schlagen [Mannschaft, Gegner]; (surmount) in den Griff bekommen [Inflation, Arbeitslosigkeit, Krise]
    4) (surpass) brechen [Rekord]; übertreffen [Leistung]

    you can't beat or nothing beats French cuisine — es geht [doch] nichts über die französische Küche

    beat everything(coll.) alles in den Schatten stellen

    5) (circumvent) umgehen

    it beats me how/why... — es ist mir ein Rätsel wie/warum...

    8) p.p. beat

    I'm beat(coll.): (exhausted) ich bin erledigt (ugs.). See also beaten 2.

    2. intransitive verb,
    beat, beaten
    1) (throb) [Herz:] schlagen, klopfen; [Puls:] schlagen

    my heart seemed to stop beating — ich dachte, mir bleibt das Herz stehen

    2) [Sonne:] brennen (on auf + Akk.); [Wind, Wellen:] schlagen (on auf + Akk., against gegen); [Regen, Hagel:] prasseln, trommeln ( against gegen)

    beat about the bush — um den [heißen] Brei herumreden (ugs.)

    4) (knock) klopfen (at an + Dat.)
    5) (Naut.) kreuzen
    3. noun
    1) (stroke, throbbing) Schlag, der; (rhythm) Takt, der
    2) (Mus.) Schlag, der; (of metronome, baton) Taktschlag, der
    3) (of policeman, watchman) Runde, die; (area) Revier, das

    be off somebody's [usual] beat — (fig.) nicht in jemandes Fach schlagen

    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    Runde -n f.
    Schlag -¨e m.
    Takt -e m. v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: beat, beaten)
    = ausklopfen v.
    besiegen v.
    klopfen v.
    schlagen v.
    (§ p.,pp.: schlug, geschlagen)

    English-german dictionary > beat

  • 66 Goldmark, Peter Carl

    b. 2 December 1906 Budapest, Hungary
    d. 7 December 1977 Westchester Co., New York, USA
    Austro-Hungarian engineer who developed the first commercial colour television system and the long-playing record.
    After education in Hungary and a period as an assistant at the Technische Hochschule, Berlin, Goldmark moved to England, where he joined Pye of Cambridge and worked on an experimental thirty-line television system using a cathode ray tube (CRT) for the display. In 1936 he moved to the USA to work at Columbia Broadcasting Laboratories. There, with monochrome television based on the CRT virtually a practical proposition, he devoted his efforts to finding a way of producing colour TV images: in 1940 he gave his first demonstration of a working system. There then followed a series of experimental field-sequential colour TV systems based on segmented red, green and blue colour wheels and drums, where the problem was to find an acceptable compromise between bandwidth, resolution, colour flicker and colour-image breakup. Eventually he arrived at a system using a colour wheel in combination with a CRT containing a panchromatic phosphor screen, with a scanned raster of 405 lines and a primary colour rate of 144 fields per second. Despite the fact that the receivers were bulky, gave relatively poor, dim pictures and used standards totally incompatible with the existing 525-line, sixty fields per second interlaced monochrome (black and white) system, in 1950 the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), anxious to encourage postwar revival of the industry, authorized the system for public broadcasting. Within eighteen months, however, bowing to pressure from the remainder of the industry, which had formed its own National Television Systems Committee (NTSC) to develop a much more satisfactory, fully compatible system based on the RCA three-gun shadowmask CRT, the FCC withdrew its approval.
    While all this was going on, Goldmark had also been working on ideas for overcoming the poor reproduction, noise quality, short playing-time (about four minutes) and limited robustness and life of the long-established 78 rpm 12 in. (30 cm) diameter shellac gramophone record. The recent availability of a new, more robust, plastic material, vinyl, which had a lower surface noise, enabled him in 1948 to reduce the groove width some three times to 0.003 in. (0.0762 mm), use a more lightly loaded synthetic sapphire stylus and crystal transducer with improved performance, and reduce the turntable speed to 33 1/3 rpm, to give thirty minutes of high-quality music per side. This successful development soon led to the availability of stereophonic recordings, based on the ideas of Alan Blumlein at EMI in the 1930s.
    In 1950 Goldmark became a vice-president of CBS, but he still found time to develop a scan conversion system for relaying television pictures to Earth from the Lunar Orbiter spacecraft. He also almost brought to the market a domestic electronic video recorder (EVR) system based on the thermal distortion of plastic film by separate luminance and coded colour signals, but this was overtaken by the video cassette recorder (VCR) system, which uses magnetic tape.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Morris N.Liebmann Award 1945. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Vladimir K. Zworykin Award 1961.
    1951, with J.W.Christensen and J.J.Reeves, "Colour television. USA Standard", Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers 39: 1,288 (describes the development and standards for the short-lived field-sequential colour TV standard).
    1949, with R.Snepvangers and W.S.Bachman, "The Columbia long-playing microgroove recording system", Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers 37:923 (outlines the invention of the long-playing record).
    Further Reading
    E.W.Herold, 1976, "A history of colour television displays", Proceedings of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 64:1,331.

    Biographical history of technology > Goldmark, Peter Carl

  • 67 change

    1) (of name, address, lifestyle, outlook, condition, etc.) Änderung, die; (of job, surroundings, government, etc.) Wechsel, der

    a change for the better/worse — eine Verbesserung/Verschlechterung

    the change [of life] — die Wechseljahre

    2) no pl., no art. (process of changing) Veränderung, die

    be for/against change — für/gegen eine Veränderung sein

    3) (for the sake of variety) Abwechslung, die

    [just] for a change — [nur so] zur Abwechslung

    make a change(be different) mal etwas anderes sein ( from als)

    a change is as good as a rest(prov.) Abwechslung wirkt Wunder

    4) no pl., no indef. art. (money) Wechselgeld, das

    [loose or small] change — Kleingeld, das

    give change, (Amer.) make change — herausgeben

    give somebody 40 p in change — jemandem 40 p [Wechselgeld] herausgeben

    [you can] keep the change — behalten Sie den Rest; [es] stimmt so


    a change [of clothes] — (fresh clothes) Kleidung zum Wechseln

    2. transitive verb
    1) (switch) wechseln; auswechseln [Glühbirne, Batterie, Zündkerzen]

    change one's address/name — seine Anschrift/seinen Namen ändern

    change trains/buses — umsteigen

    change schools/one's doctor — die Schule/den Arzt wechseln

    he's always changing jobser wechselt ständig den Job

    change the baby — das Baby [frisch] wickeln od. trockenlegen

    2) (transform) verwandeln; (alter) ändern

    change something/somebody into something/somebody — etwas/jemanden in etwas/jemanden verwandeln

    3) (exchange) eintauschen

    change seats with somebodymit jemandem den Platz tauschen

    take something back to the shop and change it for something — etwas [zum Laden zurückbringen und] gegen etwas umtauschen

    4) (in currency or denomination) wechseln [Geld]

    change one's money into euros — sein Geld in Euro[s] umtauschen

    3. intransitive verb
    1) (alter) sich ändern; [Person, Land:] sich verändern; [Wetter:] umschlagen, sich ändern

    wait for the lights to change — warten, dass es grün/rot wird

    2) (into something else) sich verwandeln
    3) (exchange) tauschen
    4) (put on other clothes) sich umziehen

    change out of/into something — etwas ausziehen/anziehen

    5) (take different train or bus) umsteigen
    Phrasal Verbs:
    - academic.ru/85219/change_over">change over
    * * *
    [ ein‹] 1. verb
    1) (to make or become different: They have changed the time of the train; He has changed since I saw him last.) (ver-)ändern
    2) (to give or leave (one thing etc for another): She changed my library books for me.) tauschen
    3) ((sometimes with into) to remove( clothes etc) and replace them by clean or different ones: I'm just going to change (my shirt); I'll change into an old pair of trousers.) wechseln
    4) ((with into) to make into or become (something different): The prince was changed into a frog.) verwandeln
    5) (to give or receive (one kind of money for another): Could you change this bank-note for cash?) wechseln
    2. noun
    1) (the process of becoming or making different: The town is undergoing change.) die Veränderung
    2) (an instance of this: a change in the programme.) die Änderung
    3) (a substitution of one thing for another: a change of clothes.) der Tausch
    4) (coins rather than paper money: I'll have to give you a note - I have no change.) das Wechselgeld
    5) (money left over or given back from the amount given in payment: He paid with a dollar and got 20 cents change.) das Kleingeld
    6) (a holiday, rest etc: He has been ill - the change will do him good.) die Abwechslung
    - changeable
    - change hands
    - a change of heart
    - the change of life
    - change one's mind
    - for a change
    * * *
    I. n
    1. (alteration) [Ver]änderung f; (correction, modification) Änderung f
    let me know if there's any \change in his condition lassen Sie es mich wissen, wenn sein Zustand sich verändert
    \change of address Adresswechsel m, Adressänderung f
    \change of direction ( also fig) Richtungsänderung f a. fig, Richtungswechsel m a. fig
    \change of heart Sinneswandel m
    \change of pace ( also fig) Tempowechsel m a. fig
    her doctor told her she needed a \change of pace ihr Arzt sagte ihr, sie solle etwas langsamer treten fam
    \change in the weather Wetterumschwung m
    to be a \change for the better/worse eine Verbesserung [o einen Fortschritt] /eine Verschlechterung [o einen Rückschritt] darstellen
    to make a \change/ \changes [to sth] eine Änderung/Änderungen [an etw dat] vornehmen
    2. no pl (substitution) Wechsel m; (changeover) Umstellung f
    \change of government Regierungswechsel m
    \change of job Stellenwechsel m
    \change of oil Ölwechsel m
    \change of scene THEAT Szenenwechsel m; ( fig) Tapetenwechsel m fig fam
    \change of surroundings Ortswechsel m
    3. no pl (variety) Abwechslung f
    that makes a nice \change das ist mal eine nette Abwechslung fam
    it'll make a \change das wäre mal was anderes fam
    for a \change zur Abwechslung
    why don't you answer the door for a \change? warum machst du nicht mal die Tür auf? fam
    4. no pl (transformation) Veränderung f
    a period of great social \change eine Zeit großer sozialer Umwälzungen pl
    5. (clean set of)
    a \change of clothes Kleidung f zum Wechseln
    6. no pl (coins) Münzgeld nt, Münz nt kein pl SCHWEIZ, Kleingeld nt; (money returned) Wechselgeld nt, Retourgeld nt SCHWEIZ, ÖSTERR
    how much do you have in \change? wie viel in Kleingeld hast du?
    could you give me \change for 50 dollars? (return all) könnten Sie mir 50 Dollar wechseln?; (return balance) könnten Sie mir auf 50 Dollar herausgeben?
    to have the correct \change es passend haben
    loose [or small] \change Kleingeld nt
    to give the wrong \change falsch herausgeben
    keep the \change der Rest ist für Sie
    to have to make several \changes mehrmals umsteigen müssen
    8. ( fam: menopause)
    the \change [of life] die Wechseljahre pl
    to get no \change out of sb BRIT ( fam) aus jdm nichts rauskriegen fam
    a \change is as good as a rest ( prov) Abwechslung wirkt Wunder
    to ring the \changes für Abwechslung sorgen
    a wind of \change ein frischer Wind fig
    II. vi
    1. (alter) sich akk [ver]ändern; weather umschlagen; wind sich drehen
    nothing [ever] \changes alles bleibt beim Alten
    the traffic light \changed back to red die Ampel schaltete wieder auf Rot
    the wind \changed from south to west der Wind drehte von Süd nach West
    forget it, he's never going to \change! vergiss es, er wird sich niemals ändern!
    she's \change a lot since she's become a mother sie hat sich, seit sie Mutter ist, sehr verändert
    to \change for the better/worse situation, circumstances sich verbessern/verschlechtern; person sich akk positiv/negativ verändern; (improve) sich akk bessern; (get even worse) noch schlimmer werden
    to \change into sth sich akk in etw akk verwandeln
    to \change [over] to sth zu etw dat wechseln
    to \change to [driving] an automatic [car] auf ein Auto mit Automatik umsteigen
    to \change [over] from gas heating to electric die Heizung von Gas auf Strom umstellen
    to \change [over] to another system auf ein anderes System umstellen
    to \change [over] to another insurance company/party zu einer anderen Versicherung/Partei wechseln
    3. TRANSP umsteigen
    you have to \change at Reading for Oxford wenn Sie nach Oxford fahren wollen, müssen Sie in Reading umsteigen
    all \change! alle aussteigen!
    4. (dress) sich akk umziehen
    to \change into clean clothes saubere Sachen anziehen
    to \change out of one's work clothes seine Arbeitskleidung ausziehen
    5. AUTO schalten
    to \change into second/third gear in den zweiten/dritten Gang schalten
    6. TV umschalten
    to \change [over] to another programme zu einem anderen [o auf eine anderes] Programm umschalten
    to \change [over] to the news zu den Nachrichten umschalten [o fam rüberschalten
    III. vt
    to \change sth/sb (make different) etw/jdn [ver]ändern; (transform) etw/jdn verwandeln
    stop trying to \change him hör auf [damit], ihn ändern zu wollen
    you will never \change him er wird sich nie ändern
    living in London has \changed her das Leben in London hat sie verändert
    this hairstyle \changes you completely mit dieser Frisur siehst du völlig verändert [o wie verwandelt] aus
    to \change one's mind seine Meinung ändern
    to \change a room about [or around] ein Zimmer umstellen
    2. (exchange, move)
    to \change sth etw wechseln; (in a shop)
    to \change sth [for sth] etw [gegen etw akk] umtauschen; also TECH (replace)
    to \change sth [for sth] etw [gegen etw akk] auswechseln
    to \change banks/doctors die Bank/den Arzt wechseln
    to \change a battery/bulb/spark plug eine Batterie/Glühbirne/Zündkerze [aus]wechseln
    to \change the furniture about [or around] die Möbel umstellen
    to \change hands den Besitzer wechseln
    to \change jobs [or one's job] die Stelle wechseln
    to \change places with sb mit jdm den Platz tauschen
    I wouldn't \change places with him for the world! ( fig) um nichts in der Welt möchte ich mit ihm tauschen!
    to \change a plug einen Stecker auswechseln
    to \change school[s] die Schule wechseln
    to \change the subject das Thema wechseln
    to \change a tire einen Reifen wechseln
    3. (make fresh)
    to \change a baby ein Baby [frisch] wickeln
    the baby needs changing das Baby braucht eine frische Windel
    to \change the bed das Bett neu [o frisch] beziehen
    to \change the bedclothes/sheets die Bettwäsche/Laken wechseln
    to \change one's clothes sich akk umziehen, [sich dat] etwas anderes anziehen
    to \change nappies Windeln wechseln
    to \change one's shirt ein anderes Hemd anziehen
    to \change [one's] socks/underwear die Unterwäsche/Socken wechseln
    to \change sth etw wechseln
    could you \change a £20 note? (return all) könnten Sie mir 20 Pfund wechseln?; (return balance) könnten Sie mir auf 20 Pfund herausgeben?
    to \change British for Australian money englisches in australisches Geld umtauschen
    to \change planes das Flugzeug wechseln
    to \change trains umsteigen
    6. AUTO
    to \change gear[s] einen anderen Gang einlegen, schalten
    * * *
    1. n
    1) (= alteration) Veränderung f; (= modification also) Änderung f (
    to +gen)

    a change for the betterein Fortschritt m, eine Verbesserung

    a change for the worseein Rückschritt m, eine Verschlechterung

    to make changes (to sth) (an etw dat ) (Ver)änderungen pl vornehmen

    to make a change/a major change in sth —

    2) (= variety) Abwechslung f

    that makes a change — das ist mal was anderes; (iro) das ist ja was ganz Neues!

    3) no pl (= changing) Veränderung f

    those who are against change — diejenigen, die gegen jegliche Veränderung sind

    a change of governmentein Regierungswechsel m, ein Wechsel m in der Regierung

    5) no pl (= money) Wechselgeld nt; (= small change) Kleingeld nt

    I haven't got change for £5 — ich kann auf £ 5 nicht rausgeben or £ 5 nicht wechseln

    you won't get much change out of £5 — von £ 5 wird wohl nicht viel übrig bleiben

    you won't get much change out of him (fig)aus ihm wirst du nicht viel rauskriegen

    ChangeBörse f

    2. vt
    1) (by substitution) wechseln; address, name ändern

    to change trains/buses etc — umsteigen

    to change a wheel/the oil — einen Rad-/Ölwechsel vornehmen, ein Rad/das Öl wechseln

    to change a baby — (bei einem Baby) die Windeln wechseln, ein Baby wickeln

    to change the sheets or the bed —

    to change one's seat — den Platz wechseln, sich woanders hinsetzen

    she changed places with him/Mrs Brown — er/Frau Brown und sie tauschten die Plätze

    2) (= alter) (ver)ändern; person, ideas ändern; (= transform) verwandeln

    to change sb/sth into sth — jdn/etw in etw (acc)

    3) (= exchange in shop etc) umtauschen
    4) money (into smaller money) wechseln; (into other currency) (ein)wechseln, (um)tauschen
    5) (Brit AUT)
    3. vi
    1) (= alter) sich ändern; (town, person also) sich verändern

    you've changed!du hast dich aber verändert!

    he will never change — er wird sich nie ändern, der ändert sich nie!

    to change from sth into... — sich aus etw in... (acc) verwandeln

    2) (= change clothes) sich umziehen

    I'll just change out of these old clothesich muss mir noch die alten Sachen ausziehen

    3) (= change trains etc) umsteigen

    all change! — Endstation!, alle aussteigen!

    4) (Brit AUT = change gear) schalten; (traffic lights) umspringen (to auf +acc)

    to change to a different system — auf ein anderes System umstellen, zu einem anderen System übergehen

    I changed to philosophy from chemistry —

    * * *
    change [tʃeındʒ]
    A v/t
    1. (ver)ändern, umändern, verwandeln ( alle:
    into in akk):
    change round Möbel umstellen, ein Zimmer etc umräumen;
    change one’s address ( oder lodgings) umziehen, verziehen;
    change colo(u)r die Farbe wechseln (erbleichen, erröten);
    change jobs ( oder one’s job) die Stellung wechseln, sich (beruflich) verändern;
    change one’s note ( oder tune) umg einen anderen Ton anschlagen, andere Saiten aufziehen; subject A 1
    2. wechseln, (ver)tauschen:
    change one’s dress sich umziehen;
    change one’s shoes andere Schuhe anziehen, die Schuhe wechseln;
    a) mit jemandem den Platz oder die Plätze tauschen,
    b) fig mit jemandem tauschen;
    change trains (buses, planes) umsteigen;
    change ends ( oder sides) SPORT die Seiten wechseln; hand Bes Redew, mind A 4, etc
    3. a) das Bettzeug etc wechseln, ein Bett frisch beziehen
    b) ein Baby trockenlegen, wickeln
    4. Geld wechseln:
    can you change this note?;
    change dollars into ( oder for) francs Dollar in Francs ein- oder umwechseln
    5. TECH Teile (aus)wechseln, Öl wechseln
    6. AUTO, TECH schalten:
    a) umschalten,
    b) eine Maschine, auch die Industrie etc umstellen (to auf akk); gear A 3 b
    7. ELEK kommutieren
    B v/i
    1. sich (ver)ändern, wechseln:
    he has changed a lot er hat sich sehr oder stark verändert;
    he’ll never change der wird sich nie ändern;
    the moon is changing der Mond wechselt;
    the prices have changed die Preise haben sich geändert;
    change for the better (worse) besser werden, sich bessern (sich verschlimmern oder verschlechtern);
    the lead changed several times SPORT die Führung wechselte mehrmals
    2. sich verwandeln (to, into in akk)
    3. change over übergehen ( from von; to zu)
    4. sich umziehen ( for dinner zum Abendessen):
    change into (out of) sth etwas anziehen (ausziehen)
    5. BAHN etc umsteigen:
    all change Endstation, alles aussteigen!
    6. schalten, wechseln, umspringen ( alle:
    from … to von … auf akk) (Verkehrsampel)
    7. AUTO, TECH schalten:
    change up (down) hinauf-(herunter)schalten; gear A 3 b
    8. change over RADIO, TV umschalten (to auf akk)
    9. change over ( oder round) SPORT bes Br die Seiten wechseln
    C s
    1. (Ver)Änderung f, Wechsel m, (Ver)Wandlung f, weitS. auch Umschwung m, Wende f:
    change of address Adressenänderung;
    change of air Luftveränderung;
    change for the better (worse) Besserung f (Verschlimmerung f, Verschlechterung f);
    change of career Berufswechsel;
    change in climate Klimawechsel (a. fig);
    change of course FLUG, SCHIFF Kurswechsel (a. fig);
    change of ends ( oder sides) SPORT Seitenwechsel;
    change of front fig Frontenwechsel;
    change of heart Sinnesänderung;
    a) Wechseljahre pl,
    b) Menopause f;
    change of the moon Mondwechsel;
    change of pace SPORT Tempowechsel;
    change of scenery fig Tapetenwechsel;
    change in thinking Umdenken n;
    change of voice Stimmwechsel, -bruch m;
    change in (the) weather Wetterumschlag m, -umschwung, Witterungsumschlag m, -umschwung;
    make changes SPORT umstellen, Umstellungen vornehmen; mood1 1
    2. (Aus)Tausch m:
    change of oil Ölwechsel m
    3. (etwas) Neues, Abwechslung f:
    a welcome change eine willkommene Abwechslung ( from von);
    for a change zur Abwechslung;
    it makes a change es ist mal etwas anderes ( from als);
    hot chocolate makes a marvellous change from tea and coffee Kakao schmeckt herrlich nach all dem Tee und Kaffee
    4. Wechsel m (Kleidung etc):
    a) Umziehen n,
    b) Kleidung f zum Wechseln, frische Wäsche
    5. a) Wechselgeld n
    b) Kleingeld n
    c) herausgegebenes Geld:
    get change etwas herausbekommen ( for a pound auf ein Pfund);
    can you give me change for a pound? können Sie mir auf ein Pfund herausgeben?; können Sie mir ein Pfund wechseln?;
    make change from herausgeben auf (akk);
    get no change out of sb fig nichts aus jemandem herausholen können; keep B 4
    6. Change WIRTSCH Br umg Börse f
    7. MUS
    a) (Tonart-, Takt-, Tempo) Wechsel m
    b) Variierung f
    c) (enharmonische) Verwechslung
    d) meist pl Wechsel(folge) m(f) (beim Wechselläuten):
    ring the changes wechselläuten, Br fig für Abwechslung sorgen;
    ring the changes on sth fig etwas in allen Variationen durchspielen
    chg. abk
    2. WIRTSCH charge
    * * *
    1) (of name, address, lifestyle, outlook, condition, etc.) Änderung, die; (of job, surroundings, government, etc.) Wechsel, der

    a change for the better/worse — eine Verbesserung/Verschlechterung

    the change [of life] — die Wechseljahre

    2) no pl., no art. (process of changing) Veränderung, die

    be for/against change — für/gegen eine Veränderung sein

    3) (for the sake of variety) Abwechslung, die

    [just] for a change — [nur so] zur Abwechslung

    make a change (be different) mal etwas anderes sein ( from als)

    a change is as good as a rest(prov.) Abwechslung wirkt Wunder

    4) no pl., no indef. art. (money) Wechselgeld, das

    [loose or small] change — Kleingeld, das

    give change, (Amer.) make change — herausgeben

    give somebody 40 p in change — jemandem 40 p [Wechselgeld] herausgeben

    [you can] keep the change — behalten Sie den Rest; [es] stimmt so


    a change [of clothes] — (fresh clothes) Kleidung zum Wechseln

    2. transitive verb
    1) (switch) wechseln; auswechseln [Glühbirne, Batterie, Zündkerzen]

    change one's address/name — seine Anschrift/seinen Namen ändern

    change trains/buses — umsteigen

    change schools/one's doctor — die Schule/den Arzt wechseln

    change the baby — das Baby [frisch] wickeln od. trockenlegen

    2) (transform) verwandeln; (alter) ändern

    change something/somebody into something/somebody — etwas/jemanden in etwas/jemanden verwandeln

    3) (exchange) eintauschen

    take something back to the shop and change it for something — etwas [zum Laden zurückbringen und] gegen etwas umtauschen

    change one's money into euros — sein Geld in Euro[s] umtauschen

    3. intransitive verb
    1) (alter) sich ändern; [Person, Land:] sich verändern; [Wetter:] umschlagen, sich ändern

    wait for the lights to change — warten, dass es grün/rot wird

    2) (into something else) sich verwandeln
    3) (exchange) tauschen
    4) (put on other clothes) sich umziehen

    change out of/into something — etwas ausziehen/anziehen

    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    (money) n.
    Kleingeld n.
    Wechsel - m.
    Wechselgeld n. n.
    Abwechslung f.
    Veränderung f.
    Wandel - m.
    Änderung -en f. (plane, train, bus) v.
    umsteigen v. v.
    sich wandeln v.
    sich ändern v.
    umschalten v.
    wandeln v.
    wechseln v.
    ändern v.

    English-german dictionary > change

  • 68 post

    I 1. noun
    1) (as support) Pfosten, der
    2) (stake) Pfahl, der

    deaf as a post(coll.) stocktaub (ugs.); see also academic.ru/55524/pillar">pillar 1)

    3) (Racing) (starting/finishing post) Start-/Zielpfosten, der

    be left at the post — [hoffnungslos] abgehängt werden (ugs.); weit zurückbleiben

    the ‘first past the post’ system — das Mehrheitswahlsystem; see also pip V

    4) (Sport): (of goal) Pfosten, der
    2. transitive verb
    1) (stick up) anschlagen, ankleben [Plakat, Aufruf, Notiz, Zettel]
    2) (make known) [öffentlich] anschlagen od. bekannt geben

    post [as] missing — als vermisst melden

    Phrasal Verbs:
    II 1. noun
    1) (Brit.): (one dispatch of letters) Postausgang, der
    2) (Brit.): (one collection of letters) [Briefkasten]leerung, die
    3) (Brit.): (one delivery of letters) Post[zustellung], die

    the post has comedie Post ist da od. ist schon gekommen

    4) no pl., no indef. art. (Brit.): (official conveying) Post, die

    by postmit der Post; per Post

    in the postin der Post (see also c)

    5) (post office) Post, die; (postbox) Briefkasten, der

    take something to the post — etwas zur Post bringen/(to postbox) etwas einwerfen od. in den Briefkasten werfen

    2. transitive verb
    1) (dispatch) abschicken
    2) (fig. coll.)

    keep somebody posted [about or on something] — jemanden [über etwas (Akk.)] auf dem laufenden halten

    III 1. noun
    1) (job) Stelle, die; Posten, der
    2) (Mil.): (place of duty) Posten, der; (fig.) Platz, der; Posten, der

    take up one's post(fig.) seinen Platz einnehmen

    last/first post — (Brit. Mil.) letzter/erster Zapfenstreich

    2. transitive verb
    1) (place) postieren; aufstellen
    2) (appoint) einsetzen

    be posted to an embassyan eine Botschaft versetzt werden

    * * *
    I [pəust] noun
    (a long piece of wood, metal etc, usually fixed upright in the ground: The notice was nailed to a post; a gate-post; the winning-post.) der Pfosten
    - be first past the post
    - keep somebody posted
    - keep posted
    II 1. [pəust] noun
    ((the system of collecting, transporting and delivering) letters, parcels etc: I sent the book by post; Has the post arrived yet?; Is there any post for me?) die Post
    2. verb
    (to send (a letter etc) by post: He posted the parcel yesterday.) mit der Post schicken
    - postage
    - postal
    - postage stamp
    - postal order
    - postbox
    - postcard
    - postcode
    - post-free
    - post-haste
    - posthaste
    - postman
    - postmark
    - postmaster
    - post office
    III 1. [pəust] noun
    1) (a job: He has a post in the government; a teaching post.) der Posten
    2) (a place of duty: The soldier remained at his post.) der Posten
    3) (a settlement, camp etc especially in a distant or unpopulated area: a trading-post.) die Niederlassung
    2. verb
    (to send somewhere on duty: He was posted abroad.) versetzen
    IV [pəust]
    - the first/last post
    * * *
    [pəʊst, AM poʊst]
    I. n
    1. (pole) Pfosten m, Pfahl m
    concrete/iron/wooden \post Beton-/Eisen-/Holzpfosten m
    2. (in horse race)
    the \post (finishing post) der Zielpfosten, das Ziel; (starting post) der Startpfosten m
    3. ( fam: goalpost) [Tor]pfosten m
    to hit the \post den Pfosten treffen
    the ball hit the \post der Ball prallte gegen den Pfosten
    4. BRIT (mail) Post f
    by \post mit der Post
    is there any \post for me? habe ich Post bekommen?
    II. vt
    to \post sth etw [per Post] schicken
    2. (put into letterbox)
    to \post a letter einen Brief einwerfen
    3. (give notice)
    to \post sth etw [durch Aushang] bekanntgeben
    to \post sth on the [Inter]net etw über das Internet bekanntgeben
    to \post sth on the noticeboard etw am Schwarzen Brett aushängen
    to be \posted missing MIL als vermisst gemeldet sein
    4. FIN
    to \post an entry einen Posten buchen
    to \post losses Verluste buchen [o ausweisen]
    \posted price STOCKEX Listenpreis m
    * * *
    I [pəʊst]
    1. n
    (= pole, doorpost etc) Pfosten m; (= lamp post) Pfahl m; (= telegraph post) Mast m

    starting/winning or finishing post — Start-/Zielpfosten m

    2. vt
    1) (= display also post up) anschlagen

    "post no bills" — "Plakate ankleben verboten"

    2) (= announce) concert etc durch Anschlag bekannt machen; gains, profits veröffentlichen
    1. n
    1) (Brit: job) Stelle f, Posten m

    to look for/take up a post — eine Stelle suchen/antreten

    2) (ESP MIL: place of duty) Posten m

    to die at one's postim Dienst sterben

    3) (MIL: camp, station) Posten m

    a chain of posts along the border post exchange ( abbr PX ) (US) — eine Postenkette entlang der Grenze von der Regierung betriebener Vorzugsladen für Truppenangehörige

    to leave the post —

    4) (Brit MIL

    = bugle call) first post — Wecksignal nt

    5) (= trading post) Handelsniederlassung f
    2. vt
    1) (= position) postieren; sentry, guard postieren, aufstellen
    2) (= send, assign) versetzen; (MIL) abkommandieren

    to be posted to a battalion/an embassy/a ship — zu einem Bataillon/an eine Botschaft/auf ein Schiff versetzt or (Mil) abkommandiert werden

    he has been posted awayer ist versetzt or (Mil) abkommandiert worden

    1. n
    1) (Brit: mail) Post® f

    by post — mit der Post®, auf dem Postweg (form)

    it's in the postes ist unterwegs or in der Post

    to catch the post (letter) — noch mit der Post mitkommen; (person) rechtzeitig zur Leerung kommen

    to miss the post (letter)nicht mehr mit der Post mitkommen; (person) die Leerung verpassen

    has the post been?war die Post® schon da?

    2) (HIST) Post f
    2. vt
    1) (Brit: put in the post) aufgeben; (in letterbox) einwerfen, einstecken; (= send by post) mit der Post® schicken; (COMPUT) abschicken

    I posted it to you on Mondayich habe es am Montag an Sie abgeschickt


    (= inform) to keep sb posted — jdn auf dem Laufenden halten

    3) (= enter in ledger also post up) eintragen (to in +acc)
    3. vi
    (old: travel by post) mit der Post(kutsche) reisen
    * * *
    post1 [pəʊst]
    A s
    1. Pfahl m, (auch Tür-, Tor)Pfosten m, Ständer m, (Telegrafen- etc) Stange f, (-)Mast m:
    near post FUSSB kurzer Pfosten;
    far post FUSSB langer Pfosten; deaf A 1
    2. Anschlagsäule f
    3. SPORT (Start- oder Ziel) Pfosten m, (-)Linie f:
    be beaten at the post kurz vor dem oder im Ziel abgefangen werden
    a) Streckenpfeiler m
    b) Vertikalschicht f aus Kohle oder Sandstein
    B v/t
    1. auch post up ein Plakat etc anschlagen, ankleben
    2. eine Mauer mit Plakaten oder Zetteln bekleben
    3. etwas (durch Aushang oder in einer Liste) bekannt geben
    4. öffentlich anprangern
    5. FLUG, SCHIFF ein Flugzeug etc (als vermisst oder überfällig) melden:
    post a plane as missing (as overdue)
    6. US (durch Verbotstafeln) vor unbefugtem Zutritt schützen:
    posted property Besitz, zu dem der Zutritt verboten ist
    7. post a time of … SPORT eine Zeit von … erzielen
    post2 [pəʊst]
    A s
    1. MIL
    a) Posten m, Standort m, Stellung f:
    advanced post vorgeschobener Posten
    b) Standort m, Garnison f:
    post exchange US Laden für Truppenangehörige;
    post headquarters pl (oft als sg konstruiert) Standortkommandantur f
    c) Standort-, Stationierungstruppe f
    d) (Wach)Posten m
    2. MIL Br (Horn)Signal n:
    first post Wecken n;
    last post Zapfenstreich m
    3. Posten m, Platz m, Stand(platz) m:
    remain at one’s post auf seinem Posten bleiben; first-aid
    4. Posten m, (An)Stellung f, Stelle f, Amt n:
    post of a secretary Stelle als Sekretär(in)
    5. Handelsniederlassung f
    6. WIRTSCH Makler-, Börsenstand m
    B v/t
    1. einen Polizisten etc aufstellen, postieren
    2. besonders Br einen Beamten etc versetzen, MIL einen Offizier etc abkommandieren ( beide:
    to nach):
    he has been posted away er ist abkommandiert worden
    post3 [pəʊst]
    A s
    1. besonders Br Post® f:
    b) Postamt n
    c) Post-, Briefkasten m:
    by post mit der oder per Post
    2. besonders Br Post f:
    a) Postzustellung f
    b) Postsendungen pl, -sachen pl
    c) Nachricht f:
    today’s post die heutige Post
    3. HIST
    a) Postkutsche f
    b) Poststation f
    c) Eilbote m, Kurier m
    4. besonders Br Briefpapier n (Format 16" x 20")
    B v/i
    1. HIST mit der Post(kutsche) reisen
    2. obs (dahin)eilen
    C v/t
    1. besonders Br zur Post geben, aufgeben, in den Briefkasten werfen oder stecken, mit der Post (zu)senden
    2. auch post up jemanden informieren, unterrichten:
    keep sb posted jemanden auf dem Laufenden halten;
    well posted gut unterrichtet
    3. WIRTSCH eintragen, verbuchen, ein Konto (ins Hauptbuch) übertragen:
    post up das Hauptbuch nachtragen, die Bücher in Ordnung bringen
    p. abk
    1. page S.
    2. part T.
    3. LING participle Part.
    4. past
    5. Br penny, pence
    6. per
    7. post, after
    * * *
    I 1. noun
    1) (as support) Pfosten, der
    2) (stake) Pfahl, der

    deaf as a post(coll.) stocktaub (ugs.); see also pillar 1)

    3) (Racing) (starting/finishing post) Start-/Zielpfosten, der

    be left at the post — [hoffnungslos] abgehängt werden (ugs.); weit zurückbleiben

    the ‘first past the post’ system — das Mehrheitswahlsystem; see also pip V

    4) (Sport): (of goal) Pfosten, der
    2. transitive verb
    1) (stick up) anschlagen, ankleben [Plakat, Aufruf, Notiz, Zettel]
    2) (make known) [öffentlich] anschlagen od. bekannt geben

    post [as] missing — als vermisst melden

    Phrasal Verbs:
    II 1. noun
    1) (Brit.): (one dispatch of letters) Postausgang, der
    2) (Brit.): (one collection of letters) [Briefkasten]leerung, die
    3) (Brit.): (one delivery of letters) Post[zustellung], die

    the post has comedie Post ist da od. ist schon gekommen

    4) no pl., no indef. art. (Brit.): (official conveying) Post, die

    by post — mit der Post; per Post

    5) (post office) Post, die; (postbox) Briefkasten, der

    take something to the post — etwas zur Post bringen/ (to postbox) etwas einwerfen od. in den Briefkasten werfen

    2. transitive verb
    1) (dispatch) abschicken
    2) (fig. coll.)

    keep somebody posted [about or on something] — jemanden [über etwas (Akk.)] auf dem laufenden halten

    III 1. noun
    1) (job) Stelle, die; Posten, der
    2) (Mil.): (place of duty) Posten, der; (fig.) Platz, der; Posten, der

    take up one's post(fig.) seinen Platz einnehmen

    last/first post — (Brit. Mil.) letzter/erster Zapfenstreich

    2. transitive verb
    1) (place) postieren; aufstellen
    2) (appoint) einsetzen
    * * *
    Amt ¨-er n.
    Pfosten - m.
    Post nur sing. f.
    Posten - m.
    Standpunkt m.
    Stelle -n f.
    Stellung -en (Posten) f. v.
    auf die Post geben ausdr.
    aufstellen v.

    English-german dictionary > post

  • 69 Brush, Charles Francis

    b. 17 March 1849 Euclid, Michigan, USA
    d. 15 June 1929 Cleveland, Ohio, USA
    American engineer, inventor of a multiple electric arc lighting system and founder of the Brush Electric Company.
    Brush graduated from the University of Michigan in 1869 and worked for several years as a chemist. Believing that electric arc lighting would be commercially successful if the equipment could be improved, he completed his first dynamo in 1875 and a simplified arc lamp. His original system operated a maximum of four lights, each on a separate circuit, from one dynamo. Brush envisaged a wider market for his product and by 1879 had available on arc lighting system principally intended for street and other outdoor illumination. He designed a dynamo that generated a high voltage and which, with a carbon-pile regulator, provided an almost constant current permitting the use of up to forty lamps on one circuit. He also improved arc lamps by incorporating a slipping-clutch regulating mechanism and automatic means of bringing into use a second set of carbons, thereby doubling the period between replacements.
    Brush's multiple electric arc lighting system was first demonstrated in Cleveland and by 1880 had been adopted in a number of American cities, including New York, Boston and Philadelphia. It was also employed in many European towns until incandescent lamps, for which the Brush dynamo was unsuitable, came into use. To market his apparatus, Brush promoted local lighting companies and thereby secured local capital.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur 1881. American Academy of Arts and Sciences Rumford Medal 1899. American Institute of Electrical Engineers Edison Medal 1913.
    18 May 1878, British patent no. 2,003 (Brush dynamo).
    11 March 1879, British patent no. 947 (arc lamp).
    26 February 1880, British patent no. 849 (current regulator).
    Further Reading
    J.W.Urquhart, 1891, Electric Light, London (for a detailed description of the Brush system).
    H.C.Passer, 1953, The Electrical Manufacturers: 1875–1900, Cambridge, Mass., pp. 14– 21 (for the origins of the Brush Company).
    S.Steward, 1980, in Electrical Review, 206:34–5 (a short account).
    See also: Hammond, Robert

    Biographical history of technology > Brush, Charles Francis

  • 70 Artificial Intelligence

       In my opinion, none of [these programs] does even remote justice to the complexity of human mental processes. Unlike men, "artificially intelligent" programs tend to be single minded, undistractable, and unemotional. (Neisser, 1967, p. 9)
       Future progress in [artificial intelligence] will depend on the development of both practical and theoretical knowledge.... As regards theoretical knowledge, some have sought a unified theory of artificial intelligence. My view is that artificial intelligence is (or soon will be) an engineering discipline since its primary goal is to build things. (Nilsson, 1971, pp. vii-viii)
       Most workers in AI [artificial intelligence] research and in related fields confess to a pronounced feeling of disappointment in what has been achieved in the last 25 years. Workers entered the field around 1950, and even around 1960, with high hopes that are very far from being realized in 1972. In no part of the field have the discoveries made so far produced the major impact that was then promised.... In the meantime, claims and predictions regarding the potential results of AI research had been publicized which went even farther than the expectations of the majority of workers in the field, whose embarrassments have been added to by the lamentable failure of such inflated predictions....
       When able and respected scientists write in letters to the present author that AI, the major goal of computing science, represents "another step in the general process of evolution"; that possibilities in the 1980s include an all-purpose intelligence on a human-scale knowledge base; that awe-inspiring possibilities suggest themselves based on machine intelligence exceeding human intelligence by the year 2000 [one has the right to be skeptical]. (Lighthill, 1972, p. 17)
       4) Just as Astronomy Succeeded Astrology, the Discovery of Intellectual Processes in Machines Should Lead to a Science, Eventually
       Just as astronomy succeeded astrology, following Kepler's discovery of planetary regularities, the discoveries of these many principles in empirical explorations on intellectual processes in machines should lead to a science, eventually. (Minsky & Papert, 1973, p. 11)
       Many problems arise in experiments on machine intelligence because things obvious to any person are not represented in any program. One can pull with a string, but one cannot push with one.... Simple facts like these caused serious problems when Charniak attempted to extend Bobrow's "Student" program to more realistic applications, and they have not been faced up to until now. (Minsky & Papert, 1973, p. 77)
       What do we mean by [a symbolic] "description"? We do not mean to suggest that our descriptions must be made of strings of ordinary language words (although they might be). The simplest kind of description is a structure in which some features of a situation are represented by single ("primitive") symbols, and relations between those features are represented by other symbols-or by other features of the way the description is put together. (Minsky & Papert, 1973, p. 11)
       [AI is] the use of computer programs and programming techniques to cast light on the principles of intelligence in general and human thought in particular. (Boden, 1977, p. 5)
       The word you look for and hardly ever see in the early AI literature is the word knowledge. They didn't believe you have to know anything, you could always rework it all.... In fact 1967 is the turning point in my mind when there was enough feeling that the old ideas of general principles had to go.... I came up with an argument for what I called the primacy of expertise, and at the time I called the other guys the generalists. (Moses, quoted in McCorduck, 1979, pp. 228-229)
       9) Artificial Intelligence Is Psychology in a Particularly Pure and Abstract Form
       The basic idea of cognitive science is that intelligent beings are semantic engines-in other words, automatic formal systems with interpretations under which they consistently make sense. We can now see why this includes psychology and artificial intelligence on a more or less equal footing: people and intelligent computers (if and when there are any) turn out to be merely different manifestations of the same underlying phenomenon. Moreover, with universal hardware, any semantic engine can in principle be formally imitated by a computer if only the right program can be found. And that will guarantee semantic imitation as well, since (given the appropriate formal behavior) the semantics is "taking care of itself" anyway. Thus we also see why, from this perspective, artificial intelligence can be regarded as psychology in a particularly pure and abstract form. The same fundamental structures are under investigation, but in AI, all the relevant parameters are under direct experimental control (in the programming), without any messy physiology or ethics to get in the way. (Haugeland, 1981b, p. 31)
       There are many different kinds of reasoning one might imagine:
        Formal reasoning involves the syntactic manipulation of data structures to deduce new ones following prespecified rules of inference. Mathematical logic is the archetypical formal representation. Procedural reasoning uses simulation to answer questions and solve problems. When we use a program to answer What is the sum of 3 and 4? it uses, or "runs," a procedural model of arithmetic. Reasoning by analogy seems to be a very natural mode of thought for humans but, so far, difficult to accomplish in AI programs. The idea is that when you ask the question Can robins fly? the system might reason that "robins are like sparrows, and I know that sparrows can fly, so robins probably can fly."
        Generalization and abstraction are also natural reasoning process for humans that are difficult to pin down well enough to implement in a program. If one knows that Robins have wings, that Sparrows have wings, and that Blue jays have wings, eventually one will believe that All birds have wings. This capability may be at the core of most human learning, but it has not yet become a useful technique in AI.... Meta- level reasoning is demonstrated by the way one answers the question What is Paul Newman's telephone number? You might reason that "if I knew Paul Newman's number, I would know that I knew it, because it is a notable fact." This involves using "knowledge about what you know," in particular, about the extent of your knowledge and about the importance of certain facts. Recent research in psychology and AI indicates that meta-level reasoning may play a central role in human cognitive processing. (Barr & Feigenbaum, 1981, pp. 146-147)
       Suffice it to say that programs already exist that can do things-or, at the very least, appear to be beginning to do things-which ill-informed critics have asserted a priori to be impossible. Examples include: perceiving in a holistic as opposed to an atomistic way; using language creatively; translating sensibly from one language to another by way of a language-neutral semantic representation; planning acts in a broad and sketchy fashion, the details being decided only in execution; distinguishing between different species of emotional reaction according to the psychological context of the subject. (Boden, 1981, p. 33)
       Can the synthesis of Man and Machine ever be stable, or will the purely organic component become such a hindrance that it has to be discarded? If this eventually happens-and I have... good reasons for thinking that it must-we have nothing to regret and certainly nothing to fear. (Clarke, 1984, p. 243)
       The thesis of GOFAI... is not that the processes underlying intelligence can be described symbolically... but that they are symbolic. (Haugeland, 1985, p. 113)
        14) Artificial Intelligence Provides a Useful Approach to Psychological and Psychiatric Theory Formation
       It is all very well formulating psychological and psychiatric theories verbally but, when using natural language (even technical jargon), it is difficult to recognise when a theory is complete; oversights are all too easily made, gaps too readily left. This is a point which is generally recognised to be true and it is for precisely this reason that the behavioural sciences attempt to follow the natural sciences in using "classical" mathematics as a more rigorous descriptive language. However, it is an unfortunate fact that, with a few notable exceptions, there has been a marked lack of success in this application. It is my belief that a different approach-a different mathematics-is needed, and that AI provides just this approach. (Hand, quoted in Hand, 1985, pp. 6-7)
       We might distinguish among four kinds of AI.
       Research of this kind involves building and programming computers to perform tasks which, to paraphrase Marvin Minsky, would require intelligence if they were done by us. Researchers in nonpsychological AI make no claims whatsoever about the psychological realism of their programs or the devices they build, that is, about whether or not computers perform tasks as humans do.
       Research here is guided by the view that the computer is a useful tool in the study of mind. In particular, we can write computer programs or build devices that simulate alleged psychological processes in humans and then test our predictions about how the alleged processes work. We can weave these programs and devices together with other programs and devices that simulate different alleged mental processes and thereby test the degree to which the AI system as a whole simulates human mentality. According to weak psychological AI, working with computer models is a way of refining and testing hypotheses about processes that are allegedly realized in human minds.
    ... According to this view, our minds are computers and therefore can be duplicated by other computers. Sherry Turkle writes that the "real ambition is of mythic proportions, making a general purpose intelligence, a mind." (Turkle, 1984, p. 240) The authors of a major text announce that "the ultimate goal of AI research is to build a person or, more humbly, an animal." (Charniak & McDermott, 1985, p. 7)
       Research in this field, like strong psychological AI, takes seriously the functionalist view that mentality can be realized in many different types of physical devices. Suprapsychological AI, however, accuses strong psychological AI of being chauvinisticof being only interested in human intelligence! Suprapsychological AI claims to be interested in all the conceivable ways intelligence can be realized. (Flanagan, 1991, pp. 241-242)
        16) Determination of Relevance of Rules in Particular Contexts
       Even if the [rules] were stored in a context-free form the computer still couldn't use them. To do that the computer requires rules enabling it to draw on just those [ rules] which are relevant in each particular context. Determination of relevance will have to be based on further facts and rules, but the question will again arise as to which facts and rules are relevant for making each particular determination. One could always invoke further facts and rules to answer this question, but of course these must be only the relevant ones. And so it goes. It seems that AI workers will never be able to get started here unless they can settle the problem of relevance beforehand by cataloguing types of context and listing just those facts which are relevant in each. (Dreyfus & Dreyfus, 1986, p. 80)
       Perhaps the single most important idea to artificial intelligence is that there is no fundamental difference between form and content, that meaning can be captured in a set of symbols such as a semantic net. (G. Johnson, 1986, p. 250)
        18) The Assumption That the Mind Is a Formal System
       Artificial intelligence is based on the assumption that the mind can be described as some kind of formal system manipulating symbols that stand for things in the world. Thus it doesn't matter what the brain is made of, or what it uses for tokens in the great game of thinking. Using an equivalent set of tokens and rules, we can do thinking with a digital computer, just as we can play chess using cups, salt and pepper shakers, knives, forks, and spoons. Using the right software, one system (the mind) can be mapped into the other (the computer). (G. Johnson, 1986, p. 250)
        19) A Statement of the Primary and Secondary Purposes of Artificial Intelligence
       The primary goal of Artificial Intelligence is to make machines smarter.
       The secondary goals of Artificial Intelligence are to understand what intelligence is (the Nobel laureate purpose) and to make machines more useful (the entrepreneurial purpose). (Winston, 1987, p. 1)
       The theoretical ideas of older branches of engineering are captured in the language of mathematics. We contend that mathematical logic provides the basis for theory in AI. Although many computer scientists already count logic as fundamental to computer science in general, we put forward an even stronger form of the logic-is-important argument....
       AI deals mainly with the problem of representing and using declarative (as opposed to procedural) knowledge. Declarative knowledge is the kind that is expressed as sentences, and AI needs a language in which to state these sentences. Because the languages in which this knowledge usually is originally captured (natural languages such as English) are not suitable for computer representations, some other language with the appropriate properties must be used. It turns out, we think, that the appropriate properties include at least those that have been uppermost in the minds of logicians in their development of logical languages such as the predicate calculus. Thus, we think that any language for expressing knowledge in AI systems must be at least as expressive as the first-order predicate calculus. (Genesereth & Nilsson, 1987, p. viii)
        21) Perceptual Structures Can Be Represented as Lists of Elementary Propositions
       In artificial intelligence studies, perceptual structures are represented as assemblages of description lists, the elementary components of which are propositions asserting that certain relations hold among elements. (Chase & Simon, 1988, p. 490)
       Artificial intelligence (AI) is sometimes defined as the study of how to build and/or program computers to enable them to do the sorts of things that minds can do. Some of these things are commonly regarded as requiring intelligence: offering a medical diagnosis and/or prescription, giving legal or scientific advice, proving theorems in logic or mathematics. Others are not, because they can be done by all normal adults irrespective of educational background (and sometimes by non-human animals too), and typically involve no conscious control: seeing things in sunlight and shadows, finding a path through cluttered terrain, fitting pegs into holes, speaking one's own native tongue, and using one's common sense. Because it covers AI research dealing with both these classes of mental capacity, this definition is preferable to one describing AI as making computers do "things that would require intelligence if done by people." However, it presupposes that computers could do what minds can do, that they might really diagnose, advise, infer, and understand. One could avoid this problematic assumption (and also side-step questions about whether computers do things in the same way as we do) by defining AI instead as "the development of computers whose observable performance has features which in humans we would attribute to mental processes." This bland characterization would be acceptable to some AI workers, especially amongst those focusing on the production of technological tools for commercial purposes. But many others would favour a more controversial definition, seeing AI as the science of intelligence in general-or, more accurately, as the intellectual core of cognitive science. As such, its goal is to provide a systematic theory that can explain (and perhaps enable us to replicate) both the general categories of intentionality and the diverse psychological capacities grounded in them. (Boden, 1990b, pp. 1-2)
       Because the ability to store data somewhat corresponds to what we call memory in human beings, and because the ability to follow logical procedures somewhat corresponds to what we call reasoning in human beings, many members of the cult have concluded that what computers do somewhat corresponds to what we call thinking. It is no great difficulty to persuade the general public of that conclusion since computers process data very fast in small spaces well below the level of visibility; they do not look like other machines when they are at work. They seem to be running along as smoothly and silently as the brain does when it remembers and reasons and thinks. On the other hand, those who design and build computers know exactly how the machines are working down in the hidden depths of their semiconductors. Computers can be taken apart, scrutinized, and put back together. Their activities can be tracked, analyzed, measured, and thus clearly understood-which is far from possible with the brain. This gives rise to the tempting assumption on the part of the builders and designers that computers can tell us something about brains, indeed, that the computer can serve as a model of the mind, which then comes to be seen as some manner of information processing machine, and possibly not as good at the job as the machine. (Roszak, 1994, pp. xiv-xv)
       The inner workings of the human mind are far more intricate than the most complicated systems of modern technology. Researchers in the field of artificial intelligence have been attempting to develop programs that will enable computers to display intelligent behavior. Although this field has been an active one for more than thirty-five years and has had many notable successes, AI researchers still do not know how to create a program that matches human intelligence. No existing program can recall facts, solve problems, reason, learn, and process language with human facility. This lack of success has occurred not because computers are inferior to human brains but rather because we do not yet know in sufficient detail how intelligence is organized in the brain. (Anderson, 1995, p. 2)

    Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Artificial Intelligence

  • 71 NAS

    1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. National Academy of Sciences
    2) Компьютерная техника: Network Access Server, сетевое хранилище
    6) Техника: nonreactor assessment staff
    7) Метеорология: North American Series
    8) Автомобильный термин: North American Specification (автомобили, производимые для рынка Северной Америки)
    9) Биржевой термин: Not A Stock
    10) Грубое выражение: Never Any Service
    11) Оптика: National Academy of Science
    12) Телекоммуникации: non-access stratum
    13) Сокращение: National Academy of Sciences (USA), National Advanced Systems, National Aerospace Standards (USA), National Airspace, National Airspace System, National Association of Schoolmasters, Naval Air Squadron (UK Royal Navy), Naval Air Station (US Navy), New Attack Submarine (US Navy), New Attack Submarine (also NSSN), Newport Aeronautical Sales (USA), Noise Abatement Society, Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation
    14) Университет: Not Another School
    15) Вычислительная техника: network attached storage, Network Application Services (DEC), Сетевое устройство хранения данных (Network Attached Storage), Netware Access Services (Novell, Netware)
    16) Нефть: National Academy of Sciences (A private, nonprofit research organisation established by a Congressional charter to be the official adviser to the government on scientific and technological matters)
    18) Космонавтика: National Academy of Science (US)
    19) Пищевая промышленность: No Added Sugar
    20) Фирменный знак: Nikon Advanced Systems
    21) Экология: North Atlantic Study
    22) СМИ: Needle Arts Studio
    24) Контроль качества: National Aircraft Standard
    26) Химическое оружие: Network Analysis System
    27) Расширение файла: Network Application Support (DEC)
    28) США: НАН
    30) Общественная организация: National Audubon Society
    31) Должность: Network Administrator Specialist
    32) Аэропорты: Nassau, Bahamas

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > NAS

  • 72 Nas

    1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. National Academy of Sciences
    2) Компьютерная техника: Network Access Server, сетевое хранилище
    6) Техника: nonreactor assessment staff
    7) Метеорология: North American Series
    8) Автомобильный термин: North American Specification (автомобили, производимые для рынка Северной Америки)
    9) Биржевой термин: Not A Stock
    10) Грубое выражение: Never Any Service
    11) Оптика: National Academy of Science
    12) Телекоммуникации: non-access stratum
    13) Сокращение: National Academy of Sciences (USA), National Advanced Systems, National Aerospace Standards (USA), National Airspace, National Airspace System, National Association of Schoolmasters, Naval Air Squadron (UK Royal Navy), Naval Air Station (US Navy), New Attack Submarine (US Navy), New Attack Submarine (also NSSN), Newport Aeronautical Sales (USA), Noise Abatement Society, Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation
    14) Университет: Not Another School
    15) Вычислительная техника: network attached storage, Network Application Services (DEC), Сетевое устройство хранения данных (Network Attached Storage), Netware Access Services (Novell, Netware)
    16) Нефть: National Academy of Sciences (A private, nonprofit research organisation established by a Congressional charter to be the official adviser to the government on scientific and technological matters)
    18) Космонавтика: National Academy of Science (US)
    19) Пищевая промышленность: No Added Sugar
    20) Фирменный знак: Nikon Advanced Systems
    21) Экология: North Atlantic Study
    22) СМИ: Needle Arts Studio
    24) Контроль качества: National Aircraft Standard
    26) Химическое оружие: Network Analysis System
    27) Расширение файла: Network Application Support (DEC)
    28) США: НАН
    30) Общественная организация: National Audubon Society
    31) Должность: Network Administrator Specialist
    32) Аэропорты: Nassau, Bahamas

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Nas

  • 73 nas

    1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. National Academy of Sciences
    2) Компьютерная техника: Network Access Server, сетевое хранилище
    6) Техника: nonreactor assessment staff
    7) Метеорология: North American Series
    8) Автомобильный термин: North American Specification (автомобили, производимые для рынка Северной Америки)
    9) Биржевой термин: Not A Stock
    10) Грубое выражение: Never Any Service
    11) Оптика: National Academy of Science
    12) Телекоммуникации: non-access stratum
    13) Сокращение: National Academy of Sciences (USA), National Advanced Systems, National Aerospace Standards (USA), National Airspace, National Airspace System, National Association of Schoolmasters, Naval Air Squadron (UK Royal Navy), Naval Air Station (US Navy), New Attack Submarine (US Navy), New Attack Submarine (also NSSN), Newport Aeronautical Sales (USA), Noise Abatement Society, Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation
    14) Университет: Not Another School
    15) Вычислительная техника: network attached storage, Network Application Services (DEC), Сетевое устройство хранения данных (Network Attached Storage), Netware Access Services (Novell, Netware)
    16) Нефть: National Academy of Sciences (A private, nonprofit research organisation established by a Congressional charter to be the official adviser to the government on scientific and technological matters)
    18) Космонавтика: National Academy of Science (US)
    19) Пищевая промышленность: No Added Sugar
    20) Фирменный знак: Nikon Advanced Systems
    21) Экология: North Atlantic Study
    22) СМИ: Needle Arts Studio
    24) Контроль качества: National Aircraft Standard
    26) Химическое оружие: Network Analysis System
    27) Расширение файла: Network Application Support (DEC)
    28) США: НАН
    30) Общественная организация: National Audubon Society
    31) Должность: Network Administrator Specialist
    32) Аэропорты: Nassau, Bahamas

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > nas

  • 74 imperial

    (of an empire or an emperor: the imperial crown.) imperial
    - imperialist

    imperial adjetivo ‹dinastía/corona imperial
    imperial adjetivo imperial ' imperial' also found in these entries: English: imperial - imperial mile
    1 (gen) imperial
    imperial [ɪm'pɪriəl] adj
    1) : imperial
    2) sovereign: soberano
    3) imperious: imperioso, señorial
    cesáreo, -a adj.
    imperial adj.
    majestuoso, -a adj.
    imperial s.m.
    perilla s.f.
    ɪm'pɪriəl, ɪm'pɪəriəl
    1) also

    Imperial — ( of empire) (before n) imperial, del imperio

    2) (liter) <pomp/bearing> majestuoso, señorial
    3) also

    Imperial<measures/weights> del antiguo sistema británico

    1. ADJ
    1) (=of empire, emperor) imperial
    2) (=imperious) señorial
    3) (Brit) [weights, measures] británico

    imperial gallon N(Brit) galón m inglés

    imperial system Nsistema m británico de pesos y medidas

    IMPERIAL SYSTEM Aunque el sistema métrico decimal se implantó oficialmente en 1971 en el Reino Unido para medidas y pesos y es el que se enseña en los colegios, en el lenguaje cotidiano aún se sigue usando en muchos casos el llamado imperial system. Por ejemplo, en las tiendas se sigue pesando en libras ( pounds) y la gente suele decir su peso en stones y pounds. La cerveza se mide en pintas ( pints), las distancias en millas ( miles) y la longitud, la altura o la profundidad en pies ( feet) y pulgadas ( inches). En Estados Unidos el sistema imperial también se usa para todas las medidas y pesos, aunque la capacidad de la onza ( ounce), del galón ( gallon) y de la pinta ( pint) es ligeramente inferior a la del Reino Unido. Por otro lado, en EE.UU. la gente mide su peso solo en libras ( pounds) y no en stones.
    * * *
    [ɪm'pɪriəl, ɪm'pɪəriəl]
    1) also

    Imperial — ( of empire) (before n) imperial, del imperio

    2) (liter) <pomp/bearing> majestuoso, señorial
    3) also

    Imperial<measures/weights> del antiguo sistema británico

    English-spanish dictionary > imperial

  • 75 line

    I 1.
    1) (string, cord, rope, etc.) Leine, die

    [fishing-]line — [Angel]schnur, die

    2) (telephone or telegraph cable) Leitung, die

    bad line — schlechte Verbindung; see also academic.ru/35190/hold">hold II 1. k

    3) (long mark; also Math., Phys.) Linie, die; (less precise or shorter) Strich, der; (Telev.) Zeile, die
    4) in pl. (outline of car, ship, etc.) Linien Pl.
    5) (boundary) Linie, die

    lay something on the line [for somebody] — [jemandem] etwas rundheraus sagen

    6) (row) Reihe, die; (Amer.): (queue) Schlange, die

    line of trees — Baumreihe, die

    bring somebody into line — dafür sorgen, dass jmd. nicht aus der Reihe tanzt (ugs.)

    come or fall into line — sich in die Reihe stellen; [Gruppe:] sich in einer Reihe aufstellen; (fig.) nicht mehr aus der Reihe tanzen (ugs.)

    be in line [with something] — [mit etwas] in einer Linie liegen

    be in/out of line with something — (fig.) mit etwas in/nicht in Einklang stehen

    7) (row of words on a page) Zeile, die

    lines(actor's part) Text, der

    he gave the boy 100 lines(Sch.) er ließ den Jungen 100 Zeilen abschreiben

    8) (system of transport) Linie, die

    [shipping] line — Schifffahrtslinie, die

    9) (series of persons or things) Reihe, die; (generations of family) Linie, die
    10) (direction, course) Richtung, die

    on the lines of — nach Art (+ Gen.)

    be on the right/wrong lines — in die richtige/falsche Richtung gehen

    along or on the same lines — in der gleichen Richtung

    line of thought — Gedankengang, der

    line of action — Vorgehensweise, die

    11) (Railw.) Bahnlinie, die; (track) Gleis, das

    the Waterloo line, the line to Waterloo — die Linie nach Waterloo

    this is the end of the line [for you] — (fig.) dies ist das Aus [für dich]

    12) (wrinkle) Falte, die
    13) (field of activity) Branche, die; (academic) Fachrichtung, die

    what's your line? — in welcher Branche sind Sie?/was ist Ihre Fachrichtung?

    be in the line of duty/business — zu den Pflichten/zum Geschäft gehören

    14) (Commerc.): (product) Artikel, der; Linie, die (fachspr.)
    15) (Fashion) Linie, die
    16) (Mil.): (series of defences) Linie, die
    2. transitive verb
    1) (mark with lines) linieren [Papier]
    2) (stand at intervals along) säumen (geh.) [Straße, Strecke]
    Phrasal Verbs:
    II transitive verb
    füttern [Kleidungsstück]; auskleiden [Magen, Nest]; ausschlagen [Schublade usw.]

    line one's pockets(fig.) sich (Dat.) die Taschen füllen

    * * *
    I 1. noun
    1) ((a piece of) thread, cord, rope etc: She hung the washing on the line; a fishing-rod and line.) die Leine
    2) (a long, narrow mark, streak or stripe: She drew straight lines across the page; a dotted/wavy line.) die Linie
    3) (outline or shape especially relating to length or direction: The ship had very graceful lines; A dancer uses a mirror to improve his line.) die Konturen (pl.)
    4) (a groove on the skin; a wrinkle.) die Falte
    5) (a row or group of objects or persons arranged side by side or one behind the other: The children stood in a line; a line of trees.) die Reihe
    6) (a short letter: I'll drop him a line.) einige Zeilen
    7) (a series or group of persons which come one after the other especially in the same family: a line of kings.) die Abstammungslinie
    8) (a track or direction: He pointed out the line of the new road; a new line of research.) die Richtung
    9) (the railway or a single track of the railway: Passengers must cross the line by the bridge only.) die Eisenbahnlinie, das Gleis
    10) (a continuous system (especially of pipes, electrical or telephone cables etc) connecting one place with another: a pipeline; a line of communication; All( telephone) lines are engaged.) die Leitung
    11) (a row of written or printed words: The letter contained only three lines; a poem of sixteen lines.) die Zeile
    12) (a regular service of ships, aircraft etc: a shipping line.) die Linie
    13) (a group or class (of goods for sale) or a field of activity, interest etc: This has been a very popular new line; Computers are not really my line.) das Tätigkeitsfeld
    14) (an arrangement of troops, especially when ready to fight: fighting in the front line.) die Linie
    2. verb
    1) (to form lines along: Crowds lined the pavement to see the Queen.) säumen
    2) (to mark with lines.) linieren
    - lineage
    - linear
    - lines
    - linesman
    - hard lines! - in line for
    - in
    - out of line with
    - line up
    - read between the lines
    II verb
    1) (to cover on the inside: She lined the box with newspaper.) auskleiden
    2) (to put a lining in: She lined the dress with silk.) füttern
    * * *
    I. NOUN
    1. (mark) Linie f
    dividing \line Trennungslinie f
    straight \line gerade Linie
    to draw a \line eine Linie ziehen
    2. SPORT Linie f
    3. MATH
    straight \line Gerade f
    4. (wrinkle) Falte f
    5. (contour) Linie f
    6. MUS Tonfolge f
    7. (equator)
    the L\line die Linie, der Äquator
    8. (boundary) Grenze f, Grenzlinie f
    \line of credit FIN Kreditrahmen m, Kreditlinie f
    tree [or timber] \line Baumgrenze f
    the thin \line between love and hate der schmale Grat zwischen Liebe und Hass
    to cross the \line die Grenze überschreiten fig, zu weit gehen
    9. (cord) Leine f; (string) Schnur f
    [clothes] \line Wäscheleine f
    [fishing] \line Angelschnur f
    10. TELEC [Telefon]leitung f; (connection to network) Anschluss m
    \lines will be open from eight o'clock die Leitungen werden ab acht Uhr frei[geschaltet] sein
    can you get me a \line to New York? können Sie mir bitte eine Verbindung nach New York geben?
    the \line is engaged/busy die Leitung ist besetzt
    please hold the \line! bitte bleiben Sie am Apparat!
    get off the \line! geh aus der Leitung!
    bad \line schlechte Verbindung
    to be/stay on the \line am Apparat sein/bleiben
    11. (set of tracks) Gleis nt; (specific train route) Strecke f
    the end of the \line die Endstation
    to be at [or reach] the end of the \line ( fig) am Ende sein fam
    rail \line Eisenbahnlinie f
    shipping \line Schifffahrtslinie f; (company) Reederei f
    13. (row of words, also in poem) Zeile f
    to drop sb a \line jdm ein paar Zeilen schreiben
    to read between the \lines ( fig) zwischen den Zeilen lesen
    14. (for actor)
    \lines pl Text m
    to forget/learn one's \lines seinen Text lernen/vergessen
    15. (information) Hinweis m
    to get a \line on sb/sth etwas über jdn/etw herausfinden
    to give sb a \line about sth jdm einen Hinweis auf etw akk geben
    to give sb a \line on sb jdm Informationen über jdn besorgen
    16. (false account, talk)
    he keeps giving me that \line about his computer not working properly er kommt mir immer wieder mit dem Spruch, dass sein Computer nicht richtig funktioniere
    I've heard that \line before die Platte kenne ich schon in- und auswendig! fam
    \lines pl Strafarbeit f
    she got 100 \lines for swearing at her teacher da sie ihren Lehrer beschimpft hatte, musste sie zur Strafe 100 mal... schreiben
    18. (row) Reihe f
    to be first in \line an erster Stelle stehen; ( fig) ganz vorne dabei sein
    to be next in \line als Nächster/Nächste dran sein
    to be in a \line in einer Reihe stehen
    the cans on the shelf were in a \line die Büchsen waren im Regal aufgereiht
    to be in \line for sth mit etw dat an der Reihe sein
    to come [or fall] into \line sich akk in einer Reihe aufstellen; single person sich akk einreihen
    to form a \line sich akk in einer Reihe aufstellen
    to get into \line sich akk hintereinander aufstellen; (next to each other) sich akk in einer Reihe aufstellen
    to move into \line sich akk einreihen
    in \line with (level with) auf der gleichen Höhe wie
    in \line with demand bedarfsgerecht, bedarfsadäquat
    in \line with maturity FIN laufzeitbezogen, laufzeitabhängig
    in \line with requirements bedürfnisorientiert
    in \line with the market marktnah, marktgerecht, marktkonform
    to be in \line with sth (similar to) mit etw dat übereinstimmen
    the salaries of temporary employees were brought into \line with those of permanent staff die Gehälter Teilzeitbeschäftigter wurden an die der Vollzeitbeschäftigten angeglichen
    19. (succession) Linie f
    I want to have children to prevent the family \line dying out ich möchte Kinder, damit die Familie nicht ausstirbt
    this institute has had a long \line of prestigious physicists working here dieses Institut kann auf eine lange Tradition angesehener Physiker zurückblicken
    he is the latest in a long \line of Nobel Prize winners to come from that country er ist der jüngste einer ganzen Reihe von Nobelpreisträgern aus diesem Land
    20. esp AM (queue) Schlange f
    to get in \line sich akk anstellen
    to stand in \line anstehen
    21. (product type) Sortiment nt; FASHION Kollektion f
    they are thinking about a new \line of vehicles sie denken über eine neue Kraftfahrzeugserie nach; BRIT, AUS
    they do an excellent \line in TVs and videos sie stellen erstklassige Fernseher und Videogeräte her
    spring/summer/fall/winter \line Frühjahrs-/Sommer-/Herbst-/Winterkollektion f
    to have a good \line in [or AM of] sth ( fig) einen großen Vorrat an etw dat haben
    22. (area of activity) Gebiet nt
    football's never really been my \line mit Fußball konnte ich noch nie besonders viel anfangen
    what's your \line? was machen Sie beruflich?
    \line of business Branche f
    \line of research Forschungsgebiet nt
    \line of work Arbeitsgebiet nt
    to be in sb's \line jdm liegen
    \line of argument Argumentation f
    to be in the \line of duty zu jds Pflichten gehören
    \line of reasoning Gedankengang m
    to take a strong \line with sb jdm gegenüber sehr bestimmt auftreten
    to take a strong \line with sth gegen etw akk energisch vorgehen
    they did not reveal their \line of inquiry sie teilten nicht mit, in welcher Richtung sie ermittelten
    what \line shall we take? wie sollen wir vorgehen?
    along the \lines of...:
    she said something along the \lines that he would lose his job if he didn't work harder sie sagte irgendetwas in der Richtung davon, dass er seine Stelle verlieren würde, wenn er nicht härter arbeiten würde
    my sister works in publishing and I'm hoping to do something along the same \lines meine Schwester arbeitet im Verlagswesen und ich würde gerne etwas Ähnliches tun
    to try a new \line of approach to sth versuchen, etw anders anzugehen
    the \line of least resistence der Weg des geringsten Widerstandes
    \line of vision Blickrichtung f
    to be on the right \lines auf dem richtigen Weg sein
    do you think his approach to the problem is on the right \lines? glauben Sie, dass er das Problem richtig angeht?
    25. (policy) Linie f
    party \line Parteilinie f
    to bring sb/sth into \line [with sth] jdn/etw auf gleiche Linie [wie etw akk] bringen
    to fall into \line with sth mit etw dat konform gehen
    to keep sb in \line dafür sorgen, dass jd nicht aus der Reihe tanzt
    to move into \line sich akk anpassen
    to step out of \line aus der Reihe tanzen
    26. MIL (of defence) Linie f
    \line of battle Kampflinie f
    behind enemy \lines hinter den feindlichen Stellungen
    front \line Front f
    27. (quantity of cocaine) Linie f fam
    to do a \line of coke, to do \lines koksen fam
    28. STOCKEX Aktienpaket nt
    all along the \line auf der ganzen Linie
    to bring sb into \line jdn in seine Schranken weisen
    in/out of \line with sb/sth mit jdm/etw im/nicht im Einklang
    to lay it on the \line die Karten offen auf den Tisch legen
    to be on the \line auf dem Spiel stehen
    to put sth on the \line etw aufs Spiel setzen
    right down the \line esp AM voll und ganz
    it was stepping out of \line to tell him that es stand dir nicht zu, ihm das zu sagen
    to \line sth paper etw linieren
    her face was \lined with agony ihr Gesicht war von tiefem Schmerz gezeichnet
    2. (stand at intervals)
    to \line the streets die Straßen säumen geh
    the streets were \lined with cheering people jubelnde Menschenmengen säumten die Straßen
    to \line sth clothing etw füttern; drawers etw von innen auslegen; pipes etw auskleiden
    2. ( fam: fill)
    to \line one's pockets [or purse] [with sth] sich dat die Taschen [mit etw dat] füllen
    to \line shelves Regale füllen
    to \line one's stomach sich dat den Magen vollschlagen fam
    * * *
    line1 [laın]
    A s
    1. Linie f ( auch SPORT), Strich m:
    down the line (Tennis) die Linie entlang, longline;
    come off ( oder leave) one’s line sich von der Linie lösen (Tormann);
    2. a) (Hand- etc) Linie f:
    line of fate Schicksalslinie
    b) Falte f, Runzel f:
    lines of worry Sorgenfalten
    c) Zug m (im Gesicht)
    3. Zeile f:
    read between the lines fig zwischen den Zeilen lesen; drop C 9
    4. TV (Bild) Zeile f
    5. a) Vers m
    b) pl THEAT etc Rolle f, Text m: fluff B 3
    c) pl SCHULE Br Strafarbeit f, -aufgabe f
    6. pl (meist als sg konstruiert) besonders Br umg Trauschein m
    7. umg (on) Information f (über akk), Hinweis m (auf akk)
    8. US umg
    a) Platte f (Geschwätz)
    b) Tour f, Masche f (Trick)
    9. Linie f, Richtung f:
    a) MIL Angriffsrichtung,
    b) fig Taktik f;
    line of fire MIL etc Schusslinie f;
    get into sb’s line of fire jemandem in die Schusslinie geraten;
    a) Blickrichtung,
    b) auch line of vision Gesichtslinie, -achse f;
    hung on the line in Augenhöhe aufgehängt (Bild);
    he said sth along these lines er sagte etwas in dieser Richtung; resistance 1
    10. pl Grundsätze pl, Richtlinie(n) f(pl):
    the lines of his policy die Grundlinien seiner Politik;
    on ( oder along) the lines of nach dem Prinzip (gen);
    I would like to have sth on ( oder along) the lines of what you have ich möchte etwas von der Art wie Sie haben;
    a) nach diesen Grundsätzen,
    b) folgendermaßen;
    along general lines ganz allgemein, in großen Zügen;
    it is out of line for sb to do sth es entspricht nicht jemandes Art, etwas zu tun
    11. Art f und Weise f, Methode f, Verfahren n:
    line of approach (to) Art und Weise (etwas) anzupacken, Methode;
    line of argument (Art der) Beweisführung f;
    line of reasoning Denkweise;
    a) Auffassung f,
    b) Gedankengang m;
    take a strong line energisch auftreten oder werden ( with sb gegenüber jemandem);
    take a tougher line toward(s) härter vorgehen gegen, eine härtere Gangart einschlagen gegenüber;
    take the line that … den Standpunkt vertreten, dass …;
    don’t take that line with me! komm mir ja nicht so!;
    in the line of nach Art von (od gen);
    on strictly commercial lines auf streng geschäftlicher Grundlage, auf rein kommerzieller Basis; hard line 1
    12. Grenze f (auch fig), Grenzlinie f:
    overstep the line of good taste über die Grenzen des guten Geschmacks hinausgehen;
    there’s a very fine line between winning and losing Sieg und Niederlage liegen ganz dicht beieinander;
    be on the line auf dem Spiel stehen;
    your job is on the line auch es geht um deinen Job;
    draw the line die Grenze ziehen, haltmachen ( beide:
    at bei);
    I draw the line at that da hört es bei mir auf;
    go on the line US auf den Strich gehen umg;
    lay ( oder put) on the line sein Leben, seinen Ruf etc aufs Spiel setzen;
    lay it on the line that … in aller Deutlichkeit sagen, dass …;
    I’ll lay it on the line for you! umg das kann ich Ihnen genau sagen!;
    lines of responsibility Zuständigkeiten; demarcation
    13. pl
    a) Linien(führung) pl(f), Konturen pl, Form f
    b) Entwurf m
    c) TECH Riss m
    14. a) Reihe f, Kette f:
    a line of poplars eine Pappelreihe
    b) besonders US (Menschen-, auch Auto) Schlange f:
    stand in line anstehen, Schlange stehen ( beide:
    for um, nach);
    drive in line AUTO Kolonne fahren;
    be in line for fig Aussichten haben auf (akk);
    be second in line for the throne an zweiter Stelle der Thronfolge stehen
    15. Reihe f, Linie f:
    in line with fig in Übereinstimmung oder im Einklang mit;
    be in line fig übereinstimmen ( with mit);
    out of line aus der Flucht, nicht in einer Linie;
    be out of line fig nicht übereinstimmen ( with mit);
    a) in Einklang bringen ( with mit),
    b) auf Vordermann bringen umg;
    a) sich einordnen,
    b) MIL (in Reih und Glied) antreten,
    c) fig sich anschließen ( with dat);
    keep sb in line fig jemanden bei der Stange halten;
    step ( oder get) out of line fig aus der Reihe tanzen umg;
    in line of duty in Ausübung seines Dienstes oder seiner Pflicht; toe B 2
    16. a) (Abstammungs) Linie f
    b) (Ahnen- etc) Reihe f
    c) ZOOL (Zucht) Stamm m
    d) Familie f, Stamm m, Geschlecht n:
    the male line die männliche Linie;
    in the direct line in direkter Linie;
    line of succession Erbfolge f
    17. pl besonders Br Los n, Geschick n: hard line 2
    18. Fach n, Gebiet n, Sparte f:
    line (of business) Branche f, Geschäftszweig m;
    in the banking line im Bankfach oder -wesen;
    that’s not in my line
    a) das schlägt nicht in mein Fach,
    b) das liegt mir nicht;
    that’s more in my line das liegt mir schon eher
    19. (Verkehrs-, Eisenbahn- etc) Linie f, Strecke f, Route f, engS. BAHN Gleis n:
    the end of the line fig das (bittere) Ende;
    that’s the end of the line! fig Endstation!;
    he was at the end of the line fig er war am Ende
    20. (Flug- etc) Gesellschaft f
    21. a) besonders TEL Leitung f:
    get off the line aus der Leitung gehen;
    hold the line bleiben Sie am Apparat!; busy A 6, engaged 5, hot line
    b) besonders TEL Anschluss m
    c) TEL Amt n:
    can I have a line, please?
    22. TECH (Rohr) Leitung f:
    oil line Ölleitung
    23. TECH (Fertigungs) Straße f: packaging B
    24. WIRTSCH
    a) Sorte f, Warengattung f
    b) Posten m, Partie f
    c) Sortiment n
    d) Artikel m oder pl, Artikelserie f
    25. MIL
    a) Linie f:
    behind the enemy lines hinter den feindlichen Linien;
    line of battle Schlacht-, Gefechtslinie;
    line of communications rückwärtige Verbindungen pl;
    line of defence (US defense) (departure, retreat) Verteidigungs-(Ausgangs-, Rückzugs)linie
    b) Front f:
    go up the line nach vorn oder an die Front gehen;
    all along the line, down the line fig auf der ganzen Linie, auch voll und ganz;
    go down the line for US umg sich voll einsetzen für
    c) Fronttruppe(n) f(pl)
    26. GEOG Längen- oder Breitenkreis m:
    the Line der Äquator;
    cross the Line den Äquator überqueren
    27. SCHIFF Linie f:
    line abreast Dwarslinie;
    line ahead Kiellinie
    28. a) Leine f:
    hang the washing up on the line die Wäsche auf die Leine hängen
    b) Schnur f
    c) Seil n
    29. TEL etc
    a) Draht m
    b) Kabel n
    B v/i line up A 1, A 2
    C v/t
    1. Papier linieren, liniieren
    2. line up B 1
    3. zeichnen
    4. skizzieren
    5. das Gesicht (zer)furchen
    6. (ein)säumen:
    lined with trees von Bäumen (ein)gesäumt;
    thousands of people lined the streets Tausende von Menschen säumten die Straßen;
    soldiers lined the street Soldaten bildeten an der Straße Spalier
    line2 [laın] v/t
    1. ein Kleid etc füttern
    2. besonders TECH (auf der Innenseite) überziehen oder belegen, ausfüttern, -gießen, -kleiden, -schlagen ( alle:
    with mit), Bremsen, eine Kupplung belegen
    3. als Futter oder Überzug dienen für
    4. (an)füllen:
    line one’s pocket(s) ( oder purse) in die eigene Tasche arbeiten, sich bereichern, sich die Taschen füllen;
    line one’s stomach sich den Bauch vollschlagen umg
    L., l. abk
    1. lake
    2. law
    4. left li.
    5. line
    * * *
    I 1.
    1) (string, cord, rope, etc.) Leine, die

    [fishing-]line — [Angel]schnur, die

    bad line — schlechte Verbindung; see also hold II 1. k

    3) (long mark; also Math., Phys.) Linie, die; (less precise or shorter) Strich, der; (Telev.) Zeile, die
    4) in pl. (outline of car, ship, etc.) Linien Pl.
    5) (boundary) Linie, die

    lay something on the line [for somebody] — [jemandem] etwas rundheraus sagen

    6) (row) Reihe, die; (Amer.): (queue) Schlange, die

    line of trees — Baumreihe, die

    bring somebody into line — dafür sorgen, dass jmd. nicht aus der Reihe tanzt (ugs.)

    come or fall into line — sich in die Reihe stellen; [Gruppe:] sich in einer Reihe aufstellen; (fig.) nicht mehr aus der Reihe tanzen (ugs.)

    be in line [with something] — [mit etwas] in einer Linie liegen

    be in/out of line with something — (fig.) mit etwas in/nicht in Einklang stehen

    lines (actor's part) Text, der

    he gave the boy 100 lines(Sch.) er ließ den Jungen 100 Zeilen abschreiben

    8) (system of transport) Linie, die

    [shipping] line — Schifffahrtslinie, die

    10) (direction, course) Richtung, die

    on the lines of — nach Art (+ Gen.)

    be on the right/wrong lines — in die richtige/falsche Richtung gehen

    along or on the same lines — in der gleichen Richtung

    line of thought — Gedankengang, der

    line of action — Vorgehensweise, die

    11) (Railw.) Bahnlinie, die; (track) Gleis, das

    the Waterloo line, the line to Waterloo — die Linie nach Waterloo

    this is the end of the line [for you] — (fig.) dies ist das Aus [für dich]

    12) (wrinkle) Falte, die
    13) (field of activity) Branche, die; (academic) Fachrichtung, die

    what's your line? — in welcher Branche sind Sie?/was ist Ihre Fachrichtung?

    be in the line of duty/business — zu den Pflichten/zum Geschäft gehören

    14) (Commerc.): (product) Artikel, der; Linie, die (fachspr.)
    15) (Fashion) Linie, die
    16) (Mil.): (series of defences) Linie, die
    2. transitive verb
    1) (mark with lines) linieren [Papier]
    2) (stand at intervals along) säumen (geh.) [Straße, Strecke]
    Phrasal Verbs:
    II transitive verb
    füttern [Kleidungsstück]; auskleiden [Magen, Nest]; ausschlagen [Schublade usw.]

    line one's pockets(fig.) sich (Dat.) die Taschen füllen

    * * *
    (US) n.
    Schlange -n f.
    Schlange -n f.
    (Menschen-, Auto (<-s>)-)
    Warteschlange f. (railway) n.
    Gleis -e n. n.
    Branche -n f.
    Furche -n f.
    Kurs -e (Verkehr) m.
    Leine -n f.
    Linie -n f.
    Reihe -n f.
    Richtung -en f.
    Runzel -n f.
    Strecke -n f.
    Strich -e m.
    Vers -e m.
    Zeile -n f. v.
    Spalier bilden ausdr.
    auskleiden v.

    English-german dictionary > line

  • 76 Edison, Thomas Alva

    b. 11 February 1847 Milan, Ohio, USA
    d. 18 October 1931 Glenmont
    American inventor and pioneer electrical developer.
    He was the son of Samuel Edison, who was in the timber business. His schooling was delayed due to scarlet fever until 1855, when he was 8½ years old, but he was an avid reader. By the age of 14 he had a job as a newsboy on the railway from Port Huron to Detroit, a distance of sixty-three miles (101 km). He worked a fourteen-hour day with a stopover of five hours, which he spent in the Detroit Free Library. He also sold sweets on the train and, later, fruit and vegetables, and was soon making a profit of $20 a week. He then started two stores in Port Huron and used a spare freight car as a laboratory. He added a hand-printing press to produce 400 copies weekly of The Grand Trunk Herald, most of which he compiled and edited himself. He set himself to learn telegraphy from the station agent at Mount Clements, whose son he had saved from being run over by a freight car.
    At the age of 16 he became a telegraphist at Port Huron. In 1863 he became railway telegraphist at the busy Stratford Junction of the Grand Trunk Railroad, arranging a clock with a notched wheel to give the hourly signal which was to prove that he was awake and at his post! He left hurriedly after failing to hold a train which was nearly involved in a head-on collision. He usually worked the night shift, allowing himself time for experiments during the day. His first invention was an arrangement of two Morse registers so that a high-speed input could be decoded at a slower speed. Moving from place to place he held many positions as a telegraphist. In Boston he invented an automatic vote recorder for Congress and patented it, but the idea was rejected. This was the first of a total of 1180 patents that he was to take out during his lifetime. After six years he resigned from the Western Union Company to devote all his time to invention, his next idea being an improved ticker-tape machine for stockbrokers. He developed a duplex telegraphy system, but this was turned down by the Western Union Company. He then moved to New York.
    Edison found accommodation in the battery room of Law's Gold Reporting Company, sleeping in the cellar, and there his repair of a broken transmitter marked him as someone of special talents. His superior soon resigned, and he was promoted with a salary of $300 a month. Western Union paid him $40,000 for the sole rights on future improvements on the duplex telegraph, and he moved to Ward Street, Newark, New Jersey, where he employed a gathering of specialist engineers. Within a year, he married one of his employees, Mary Stilwell, when she was only 16: a daughter, Marion, was born in 1872, and two sons, Thomas and William, in 1876 and 1879, respectively.
    He continued to work on the automatic telegraph, a device to send out messages faster than they could be tapped out by hand: that is, over fifty words per minute or so. An earlier machine by Alexander Bain worked at up to 400 words per minute, but was not good over long distances. Edison agreed to work on improving this feature of Bain's machine for the Automatic Telegraph Company (ATC) for $40,000. He improved it to a working speed of 500 words per minute and ran a test between Washington and New York. Hoping to sell their equipment to the Post Office in Britain, ATC sent Edison to England in 1873 to negotiate. A 500-word message was to be sent from Liverpool to London every half-hour for six hours, followed by tests on 2,200 miles (3,540 km) of cable at Greenwich. Only confused results were obtained due to induction in the cable, which lay coiled in a water tank. Edison returned to New York, where he worked on his quadruplex telegraph system, tests of which proved a success between New York and Albany in December 1874. Unfortunately, simultaneous negotiation with Western Union and ATC resulted in a lawsuit.
    Alexander Graham Bell was granted a patent for a telephone in March 1876 while Edison was still working on the same idea. His improvements allowed the device to operate over a distance of hundreds of miles instead of only a few miles. Tests were carried out over the 106 miles (170 km) between New York and Philadelphia. Edison applied for a patent on the carbon-button transmitter in April 1877, Western Union agreeing to pay him $6,000 a year for the seventeen-year duration of the patent. In these years he was also working on the development of the electric lamp and on a duplicating machine which would make up to 3,000 copies from a stencil. In 1876–7 he moved from Newark to Menlo Park, twenty-four miles (39 km) from New York on the Pennsylvania Railway, near Elizabeth. He had bought a house there around which he built the premises that would become his "inventions factory". It was there that he began the use of his 200- page pocket notebooks, each of which lasted him about two weeks, so prolific were his ideas. When he died he left 3,400 of them filled with notes and sketches.
    Late in 1877 he applied for a patent for a phonograph which was granted on 19 February 1878, and by the end of the year he had formed a company to manufacture this totally new product. At the time, Edison saw the device primarily as a business aid rather than for entertainment, rather as a dictating machine. In August 1878 he was granted a British patent. In July 1878 he tried to measure the heat from the solar corona at a solar eclipse viewed from Rawlins, Wyoming, but his "tasimeter" was too sensitive.
    Probably his greatest achievement was "The Subdivision of the Electric Light" or the "glow bulb". He tried many materials for the filament before settling on carbon. He gave a demonstration of electric light by lighting up Menlo Park and inviting the public. Edison was, of course, faced with the problem of inventing and producing all the ancillaries which go to make up the electrical system of generation and distribution-meters, fuses, insulation, switches, cabling—even generators had to be designed and built; everything was new. He started a number of manufacturing companies to produce the various components needed.
    In 1881 he built the world's largest generator, which weighed 27 tons, to light 1,200 lamps at the Paris Exhibition. It was later moved to England to be used in the world's first central power station with steam engine drive at Holborn Viaduct, London. In September 1882 he started up his Pearl Street Generating Station in New York, which led to a worldwide increase in the application of electric power, particularly for lighting. At the same time as these developments, he built a 1,300yd (1,190m) electric railway at Menlo Park.
    On 9 August 1884 his wife died of typhoid. Using his telegraphic skills, he proposed to 19-year-old Mina Miller in Morse code while in the company of others on a train. He married her in February 1885 before buying a new house and estate at West Orange, New Jersey, building a new laboratory not far away in the Orange Valley.
    Edison used direct current which was limited to around 250 volts. Alternating current was largely developed by George Westinghouse and Nicola Tesla, using transformers to step up the current to a higher voltage for long-distance transmission. The use of AC gradually overtook the Edison DC system.
    In autumn 1888 he patented a form of cinephotography, the kinetoscope, obtaining film-stock from George Eastman. In 1893 he set up the first film studio, which was pivoted so as to catch the sun, with a hinged roof which could be raised. In 1894 kinetoscope parlours with "peep shows" were starting up in cities all over America. Competition came from the Latham Brothers with a screen-projection machine, which Edison answered with his "Vitascope", shown in New York in 1896. This showed pictures with accompanying sound, but there was some difficulty with synchronization. Edison also experimented with captions at this early date.
    In 1880 he filed a patent for a magnetic ore separator, the first of nearly sixty. He bought up deposits of low-grade iron ore which had been developed in the north of New Jersey. The process was a commercial success until the discovery of iron-rich ore in Minnesota rendered it uneconomic and uncompetitive. In 1898 cement rock was discovered in New Village, west of West Orange. Edison bought the land and started cement manufacture, using kilns twice the normal length and using half as much fuel to heat them as the normal type of kiln. In 1893 he met Henry Ford, who was building his second car, at an Edison convention. This started him on the development of a battery for an electric car on which he made over 9,000 experiments. In 1903 he sold his patent for wireless telegraphy "for a song" to Guglielmo Marconi.
    In 1910 Edison designed a prefabricated concrete house. In December 1914 fire destroyed three-quarters of the West Orange plant, but it was at once rebuilt, and with the threat of war Edison started to set up his own plants for making all the chemicals that he had previously been buying from Europe, such as carbolic acid, phenol, benzol, aniline dyes, etc. He was appointed President of the Navy Consulting Board, for whom, he said, he made some forty-five inventions, "but they were pigeonholed, every one of them". Thus did Edison find that the Navy did not take kindly to civilian interference.
    In 1927 he started the Edison Botanic Research Company, founded with similar investment from Ford and Firestone with the object of finding a substitute for overseas-produced rubber. In the first year he tested no fewer than 3,327 possible plants, in the second year, over 1,400, eventually developing a variety of Golden Rod which grew to 14 ft (4.3 m) in height. However, all this effort and money was wasted, due to the discovery of synthetic rubber.
    In October 1929 he was present at Henry Ford's opening of his Dearborn Museum to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the incandescent lamp, including a replica of the Menlo Park laboratory. He was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal and was elected to the American Academy of Sciences. He died in 1931 at his home, Glenmont; throughout the USA, lights were dimmed temporarily on the day of his funeral.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Member of the American Academy of Sciences. Congressional Gold Medal.
    Further Reading
    M.Josephson, 1951, Edison, Eyre \& Spottiswode.
    R.W.Clark, 1977, Edison, the Man who Made the Future, Macdonald \& Jane.

    Biographical history of technology > Edison, Thomas Alva

  • 77 control

    1. управляющий элемент в MS DOS
    2. управляющее воздействие
    3. управление технической системой
    4. управление
    5. регулирование ГТД
    6. регулирование
    7. орган управления СЧМ
    8. орган управления
    9. орган регулирования
    10. НКУ управления
    11. направлять (скважину по заданному направлению при помощи клиньев)
    12. мера управления
    13. контрольный объект
    14. контрольная проба
    15. контроль риска
    16. контроль (металлургия)
    17. контроль
    18. кнопка управления
    19. клавиша управления
    20. директивы (мн.)
    21. геодезическая основа карты
    22. борьба с шумом
    23. борьба


    (напр. с загрязнением окружающей среды)
    [А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]




    борьба с шумом

    [Л.Г.Суменко. Англо-русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.]




    геодезическая основа карты
    геодезическая основа

    Совокупность геодезических данных, необходимых для создания карты.
    [ ГОСТ 21667-76]


    Обобщающие термины





    директивы (мн.)

    [А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]




    клавиша управления

    [Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.]


    • электротехника, основные понятия



    кнопка управления

    [Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.]


    • электротехника, основные понятия



    Деятельность, включающая, проведение измерений, экспертизы, испытаний или оценки одной или нескольких характеристик (с целью калибровки) объекта и сравнение полученных результатов с установленными требованиями для определения, достигнуто ли соответствие по каждой их этих характеристик.
    1. Во французском языке термин «Inspection» может обозначать деятельность по надзору за качеством, проводимую в рамках определенного задания.
    2. Вышеуказанное определение применяется в стандартах на качество. Термин «контроль» определен в Руководстве ИСО/МЭК 2.
    [ИСО 8402-94]

    Процедура оценивания соответствия путем наблюдения и суждений, сопровождаемых соответствующими измерениями, испытаниями или калибровкой.
    [Руководство ИСО/МЭК 2].
    [ ГОСТ Р ИСО 9000-2008]

    Способ управления риском, обеспечивающий достижение бизнес-цели или соблюдение процесса. Примерами контроля могут служить политики, процедуры, роли, дисковый массив (RAID), дверные замки и т.п. Контроль иногда называют контрмерой или мерой предосторожности.
    [Словарь терминов ITIL версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]


    A means of managing a risk, ensuring that a business objective is achieved or that a process is followed. Examples of control include policies, procedures, roles, RAID, door locks etc. A control is sometimes called a countermeasure or safeguard.
    [Словарь терминов ITIL версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]




    Проверка соответствия предъявляемым требованиям характеристик или свойств изделий (размеров, формы, материала, физико-механических свойств, качества, функциональных характеристик и др.).
    [ http://www.manual-steel.ru/eng-a.html]




    контрольный объект
    Эталонный объект, используемый для проверки выводов, полученных на основе эксперимента. В области защиты и безопасности контрольными обычно называют образцы или группы людей, которые не подвергается воздействию излучения от конкретного источника; возникновение определенных эффектов в образце или у группы людей, которая подвергалась воздействию, сравнивается с эффектами в контрольном образце или контрольной группе с тем, чтобы получить некоторые данные о воздействии, которое может быть вызвано облучением. Например, контрольное предметное исследование (случаев) – это общий тип эпидемиологического исследования, в котором возникновение воздействий на здоровье (т.е. ‘случаев последствий’) у населения, на которое воздействовало излучение от данного источника, сравнивается с возникновением воздействий (последствий) у такой же группы населения (‘контрольной’), которая не подвергалась облучению, с целью выяснить, может ли облучение от этого источника приводить к воздействиям на здоровье.
    [Глоссарий МАГАТЭ по вопросам безопасности]




    НКУ управления

    комплектное устройство управления

    [Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.]


    a general term covering switching devices and their combination with associated control, measuring, protective and regulating equipment, also assemblies of such devices and equipment with associated interconnections, accessories, enclosures and supporting structures, intended in principle for the control of electric energy consuming equipment
    [IEV number 441-11-03]


    appareillage de commande
    terme général applicable aux appareils de connexion et à leur combinaison avec des appareils de commande, de mesure, de protection et de réglage qui leur sont associés, ainsi qu'aux ensembles de tels appareils avec les connexions, les accessoires, les enveloppes et les supports correspondants, destinés en principe à la commande des appareils utilisateurs d'énergie électrique
    [IEV number 441-11-03]


    • НКУ (шкафы, пульты,...)





    орган регулирования

    [А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]




    орган управления
    Часть системы аппарата управления, к которой прилагается извне усилие управления.
    МЭК 60050(441-15-22).
    Примечание. Орган управления может иметь форму рукоятки, ручки, нажимной кнопки, ролика, плунжера и т. п.
    [ ГОСТ Р 50030. 1-2000 ( МЭК 60947-1-99)]

    орган управления

    Часть приводного механизма, к которой прикладывается внешняя сила воздействия.
    Примечание - Орган управления может иметь форму ручки, кнопки, ролика, поршня и т.д.
    [ ГОСТ Р 52726-2007]

    орган управления
    Часть системы привода, подвергаемая внешнему силовому воздействию.
    1. Орган управления может иметь форму ручки, рукоятки, нажимной кнопки, ролика, плунжера и т.д.
    2. Есть несколько способов приведения в действие, которые не требуют внешнего силового воздействия, а только какого-либо действия.
    [ГОСТ ЕН 1070-2003]

    орган управления
    Часть системы управления, которая предназначена непосредственно для воздействия оператором, например путем нажатия.
    [ГОСТ Р ЕН 614-1-2003]

    орган управления

    Часть системы приведения в действие, которая принимает воздействие человека.
    [ ГОСТ Р МЭК 60447-2000]

    орган управления
    Часть системы приведения в действие, которая воспринимает воздействие человека (ГОСТ Р МЭК 60447).
    В настоящем стандарте орган управления в виде интерактивного экранного устройства отображения является частью этого устройства, которое представляет функцию органа управления.
    [ ГОСТ Р МЭК 60073-2000]

    орган управления
    Часть механизма прибора управления, на который оказывается вручную внешнее силовое воздействие.
    Орган управления может иметь форму ручки, рукоятки, кнопки, ролика, плунжера и т.д.
    Некоторые органы управления не требуют воздействия внешней силы, а только какого-либо действия.
    [ ГОСТ Р МЭК 60204-1-2007]

    органы управления
    Ручки, переключатели, потенциометры и другие органы, служащие для включения и регулировки аппаратуры. Термин относится преимущественно к аналоговым приборам.
    [Система неразрушающего контроля. Виды (методы) и технология неразрушающего контроля. Термины и определения (справочное пособие). Москва 2003 г.]

    орган управления
    [IEV number 442-04-14]

    средства оперирования



    the part of the actuating system to which an external actuating force is applied
    NOTE – The actuator may take the form of a handle, knob, push-button, roller, plunger, etc.
    [IEV number 441-15-22]

    part of a device to which an external manual action is to be applied
    NOTE 1 The actuator may take the form of a handle, knob, push-button, roller, plunger, etc.
    NOTE 2 There are some actuating means that do not require an external actuating force, but only an action.
    NOTE 3 See also 3.34.
    [IEC 60204-1 -2005]

    actuating member
    a part which is pulled, pushed, turned or otherwise moved to cause an operation of the switch
    [IEV number 442-04-14]


    organe de commande
    partie du mécanisme transmetteur à laquelle un effort extérieur de manoeuvre est appliqué
    NOTE – L'organe de commande peut prendre la forme d'une poignée, d'un bouton, d'un bouton-poussoir, d'une roulette, d'un plongeur, etc.
    [IEV number 441-15-22]

    organe de manoeuvre
    partie qui est tirée, poussée, tournée ou manipulée de toute autre façon pour provoquer le fonctionnement de l'interrupteur
    [IEV number 442-04-14]

    Аппарат должен оставаться механически действующим. Не допускается сваривание контактов, препятствующее операции размыкания при использовании нормальных средств оперирования.
    [ГОСТ  Р 50030.3-99 (МЭК  60947-3-99) ]

    ВДТ следует оперировать как при нормальной эксплуатации. Операции размыкания должны проводиться в следующем порядке:
    для первых 1000 циклов — с использованием ручных средств оперирования;
    [ ГОСТ Р 51326. 1-99 ( МЭК 61008-1-96)]

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    The operating means (for example, a handle) of the supply disconnecting device shall be easily accessible and located between 0,6 m and 1,9 m above the servicing level.
    [IEC 60204-1-2006]

    Органы управления, например, рукоятки аппаратов отключения питания, должны быть легко доступны и располагаться на высоте от 0,6 до 1,9 м от рабочей площадки.
    [Перевод Интент]

    Where the external operating means is not intended for emergency operations, it is recommended that it be coloured BLACK or GREY.
    [IEC 60204-1-2006]

    Если внешние средства оперирования не предназначены для выполнения действий при возникновении аварийных ситуаций, то рекомендуется, применять такие средства ЧЕРНОГО или СЕРОГО цвета.
    [Перевод Интент]


    1.2.2. Control devices

    Control devices must be:
    — clearly visible and identifiable and appropriately marked where necessary,
    — positioned for safe operation without hesitation or loss of time, and without ambiguity,
    — designed so that the movement of the control is consistent with its effect,
    — located outside the danger zones, except for certain controls where necessary, such as emergency stop, console for training of robots,
    — positioned so that their operation cannot cause additional risk,
    — designed or protected so that the desired effect, where a risk is involved, cannot occur without an intentional operation,
    — made so as to withstand foreseeable strain; particular attention must be paid to emergency stop devices liable to be subjected to considerable strain.

    1.2.2. Органы управления

    Органы управления должны быть:
    - четко видны, хорошо различимы и, где это необходимо, иметь соответствующее обозначение;
    - расположены так, чтобы ими можно было пользоваться без возникновения сомнений и потерь времени на выяснение их назначения;
    - сконструированы так, чтобы перемещение органа управления согласовывалось с их воздействием;
    - расположены вне опасных зон; исключение, где это необходимо, делается для определенных средств управления, таких, как средство экстренной остановки, пульт управления роботом;
    - расположены так, чтобы их использование не вызывало дополнительных рисков;
    - сконструированы или защищены так, чтобы в случаях, где возможно возникновение рисков, они не могли бы возникнуть без выполнения намеренных действий;
    - сделаны так, чтобы выдерживать предполагаемую нагрузку; при этом особое внимание уделяется органам аварийного останова, которые могут подвергаться значительным нагрузкам.

    Where a control is designed and constructed to perform several different actions, namely where there is no one-to-one correspondence (e.g. keyboards, etc.), the action to be performed must be clearly displayed and subject to confirmation where necessary.

    Если орган управления предназначен для выполнения разных действий, например, если в качестве органа управления используется клавиатура или аналогичное устройство, то должна выводиться четкая информация о предстоящем действии, и, если необходимо, должно выполняться подтверждение на выполнение такого действия.

    Controls must be so arranged that their layout, travel and resistance to operation are compatible with the action to be performed, taking account of ergonomic principles.

    Органы управления должны быть организованы таким образом, чтобы их расположение, перемещение их элементов и усилие, которое оператор затрачивает на их перемещение, соответствовали выполняемым операциям и принципам эргономики.

    Constraints due to the necessary or foreseeable use of personal protection equipment (such as footwear, gloves, etc.) must be taken into account.

    Необходимо учитывать скованность движений операторов при использовании необходимых или предусмотренных средств индивидуальной защиты (таких, как специальная обувь, перчатки и др.).

    Machinery must be fitted with indicators (dials, signals, etc.) as required for safe operation. The operator must be able to read them from the control position.

    Для обеспечения безопасной эксплуатации машинное оборудование должно быть оснащено индикаторами (циферблатами, устройствами сигнализации и т. д.). Оператор должен иметь возможность считывать их с места управления.

    From the main control position the operator must be able to ensure that there are no exposed persons in the danger zones.

    Находясь в главном пункте управления, оператор должен иметь возможность контролировать отсутствие незащищенных лиц.

    If this is impossible, the control system must be designed and constructed so that an acoustic and/ or visual warning signal is given whenever the machinery is about to start.

    Если это невозможно, то система управления должна быть разработана и изготовлена так, чтобы перед каждым пуском машинного оборудования подавался звуковой и/или световой предупредительный сигнал.

    The exposed person must have the time and the means to take rapid action to prevent the machinery starting up.


    Незащищенное лицо должно иметь достаточно времени и средств для быстрого предотвращения пуска машинного оборудования.

    [Перевод Интент]







    орган управления СЧМ
    орган управления

    Техническое средство в СЧМ, предназначенное для передачи управляющих воздействий от оператора СЧМ к машине.
    [ ГОСТ 26387-84]

    орган управления
    Часть тормозной системы, на которую непосредственно воздействует водитель (или в случае прицепа соответствующей конструкции - сопровождающее лицо), обеспечивая подачу в тормозной привод энергии, необходимой для торможения, или управляя такой подачей.
    Этой энергией может быть или мускульная энергия водителя, или энергия из другого источника, управляемого водителем, или кинетическая энергия прицепа, или сочетание этих видов энергии.
    [ ГОСТ Р 41.13-2007]





    Управление, цель которого заключается в обеспечении близости текущих значений одной или нескольких координат объекта управления к их заданным значениям.
    [Сборник рекомендуемых терминов. Выпуск 107. Теория управления.
     Академия наук СССР. Комитет научно-технической терминологии. 1984 г.]

    Вид управления, процесс, посредством которого характеристики управляемой системы удерживаются на траектории, заданной блоком управления (т.е. управляющей системой). (См. статью Управление экономической системой и рис. к ней.) Р. можно подразделить на два вида: Р. по рассогласованиям (или отклонениям) и Р. по критическим параметрам. В первом случае система бывает вынуждена изменить свое поведение, когда с помощью обратной связи обнаруживается ее отклонение от заданных норм, плана и т.п.; во втором — когда достигается уровень какого-либо параметра, признанный критическим, недопустимым (например, накопление запаса сверх разрешенного — сигнал к уценке товара). Осуществляется этот процесс разными способами в зависимости от характера системы и от ее взаимодействий с окружающей средой. Так, Р. может быть произведено путем непосредственного воздействия блока управления на управляемую систему; путем устранения того внешнего фактора, под воздействием которого система выходит из нужного состояния — это называется компенсационным Р.; посредством изоляции системы от вероятных возмущений. В кибернетических системах орган, осуществляющий Р., называется регулятором. Вместе с блоком определения целей он составляет управляющую систему (правильнее было бы говорить о подсистеме). В экономике Р. выступает как способ управления, при котором управляющему центру нет нужды изучать и оценивать каждое случайное воздействие на систему и давать рецепт, как на него реагировать; однако имеются стимулы, направляющие реакцию системы на воздействия в нужное русло. Отлаженный рыночный механизм порождает процесс саморегулирования: фирмы и другие субъекты экономики самостоятельно принимают необходимые решения, исходя из условий производства и рыночной конъюнктуры. Регуляторами могут выступать государственные налоги, цены на некоторые виды продукции (играющие роль каркаса системы ценообразования, роль социальной защиты и др.), пошлины, некоторые экономические нормативы. Подробнее см. Макроэкономическое регулирование.
    [ http://slovar-lopatnikov.ru/]


    Обобщающие термины



    регулирование ГТД

    Процесс поддержания или преднамеренного изменения режима работы ГТД.
    [ ГОСТ 23851-79







    Упорядочивающее воздействие одной системы на другую, направленное на поддержание и улучшение функционирования объекта управления
    [Терминологический словарь по строительству на 12 языках (ВНИИИС Госстроя СССР)]

    Совокупность целенаправленных действий, включающая оценку ситуации и состояния объекта управления, выбор управляющих воздействий и их реализацию.
    [ ГОСТ 34.003-90]

    1. В самом широком смысле, действительном, наверное, для всех эпох истории человечества и для всех народов, У. — совокупность целенаправленных действий одних людей (управляющих), которые тем или иным способом организуют деятельность или отдельные действия других людей (управляемых) для достижения назначенных первыми целей. Это одно из самых широких, философских по своему существу, понятий, вокруг которых ведутся дискуссии, и которые вряд ли когда-нибудь обретут общепринятые дефиниции и толкования. Более конкретная и современная формула: управление это выработка и осуществление целенаправленных управляющих воздействий на объект (систему), что включает сбор, передачу и обработку необходимой информации, принятие и реализацию соответствующих решений. (Часто этим термином называют само управляющее воздействие). Основные понятия, связанные с У. и рассматриваемые в словаре: прогнозирование, планирование, организация, стимулирование и ряд других. См. Наука об управлении. Качество и эффективность управления на всех его уровнях и во всех ипостасях – важнейший фактор развития человечества, в том числе определяющий фактор экономического, научно-технического развития. Может быть, особенно ярко это отражает один исторический эпизод. Когда после 2-й мировой войны выявилось отставание европейских стран от США, во Франции вышла книга публициста Серван-Шрейбера, во многом перевернувшая сознание европейских политиков и экономистов: «Американский вызов». В ней, в частности, говорилось: «Благодаря прогрессу в методах управления американцы достигли такой производительности труда в расчете на одного человека, которая на 40 % выше производительности труда в Швеции, на 60% выше, чем в Западной Германии, на 70% выше, чем во Франции, и на 80% выше, чем в Англии. Для того, чтобы получить такие же прибыли, как получает американская корпорация «Дженерал моторс», т.е. примерно два с четвертью миллиарда долларов, 30 самых крупных европейских компаний и 10 самых крупных японских компаний нанимают в совокупности 3,5 млн человек, в то время как «Дженерал моторс» для получения той же прибыли нанимает только 730 тыс. человек, т.е. почти в пять раз меньше»… 2. В математической теории оптимальных процессов У. — совокупность управляющих параметров, переводящих систему из одного фазового состояния в другое.
    [ http://slovar-lopatnikov.ru/]






    управление технической системой
    Этот термин обозначает управление загрузкой или поведением конфигурационной единицы, системы или ИТ-услуги.
    [Словарь терминов ITIL версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]


    Control also means to manage the utilization or behaviour of a configuration item, system or IT service.
    [Словарь терминов ITIL® версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]




    управляющее воздействие
    Воздействие на объект управления, предназначенное для достижения цели управления.
    [Сборник рекомендуемых терминов. Выпуск 107. Теория управления.
     Академия наук СССР. Комитет научно-технической терминологии. 1984 г.]

    управляющее воздействие
    Сознательное целенаправленное воздействие, единичный акт управления, в частности, управления экономической системой. В общем смысле – само управление (при этом единичный акт понимается как постоянный, неопределенной длительности).
    [ http://slovar-lopatnikov.ru/]




    управляющий элемент в MS DOS
    Используется для организации общения с пользователем. Как правило, эти элементы объединяются в составе аналогового окна. Различают следующие виды управляющих элементов: кнопки, списки, комбинированные элементы, редактирующие элементы, линейка прокрутки и статический текст.
    [Е.С.Алексеев, А.А.Мячев. Англо-русский толковый словарь по системотехнике ЭВМ. Москва 1993]



    2.7 контроль (control): -

    Примечание - В контексте безопасности информационно-телекоммуникационных технологий термин «контроль» может считаться синонимом «защитной меры» (см. 2.24).

    Источник: ГОСТ Р ИСО/МЭК 13335-1-2006: Информационная технология. Методы и средства обеспечения безопасности. Часть 1. Концепция и модели менеджмента безопасности информационных и телекоммуникационных технологий оригинал документа

    2.4 орган управления (control): Часть тормозной системы, на которую непосредственно воздействует водитель (или в случае прицепа соответствующей конструкции - сопровождающее лицо), обеспечивая подачу в тормозной привод энергии, необходимой для торможения, или управляя такой подачей.

    Примечание - Этой энергией может быть или мускульная энергия водителя, или энергия из другого источника, управляемого водителем, или кинетическая энергия прицепа, или сочетание этих видов энергии.

    Источник: ГОСТ Р 41.13-2007: Единообразные предписания, касающиеся транспортных средств категорий М, N и О в отношении торможения оригинал документа

    2.26 контроль риска (control): Мера, которая модифицирует (изменяет) риск (2.1).

    Примечание 1 - Контроль риска может включать любой процесс, политику, методику, практику или другие действия, модифицирующие риск.

    Примечание 2 - Контроль риска может не всегда приводить к желаемому или ожидаемому эффекту.

    [Руководство ИСО 73:2009, определение]

    Источник: ГОСТ Р ИСО 31000-2010: Менеджмент риска. Принципы и руководство оригинал документа

    2.8 управляющее воздействие (control): Воздействия, определяющие, регулирующие и/или влияющие на процесс.

    Примечание - Управляющие воздействия охватывают процедуры, методы, планы, стандартные методики, стратегию и законодательство.

    Источник: ГОСТ Р 52380.1-2005: Руководство по экономике качества. Часть 1. Модель затрат на процесс оригинал документа

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > control

  • 78 CMS

    1. система управления цветом
    2. система управления конфигурациями
    3. система концентрации каналов
    4. система контроля топливного цикла
    5. система диалогового монитора
    6. синтаксис криптографических сообщений
    7. сервер управления вызовами (в криптографии)
    8. сервер управления вызовами


    сервер управления вызовами
    Управляет голосовыми соединениями. Иногда также называется Агентом вызова (МСЭ-Т J.179).
    [ http://www.iks-media.ru/glossary/index.html?glossid=2400324]


    • электросвязь, основные понятия



    сервер управления вызовами
    Система IPCablecom. Управляет звуковыми соединениями. Также называется агентом вызова в терминологии протокола MGCP/SGCP.
    Рекомендация МСЭ-Т J.191.




    синтаксис криптографических сообщений
    (МСЭ-Т Н.235.8).
    [ http://www.iks-media.ru/glossary/index.html?glossid=2400324]


    • электросвязь, основные понятия



    система диалогового монитора
    Компонент среды VM, обеспечивающий интерфейс между пользователем VM и средствами CP (управляющей программы). CMS предоставляет средства для интерактивной разработки и тестирования программ, подготовки документов, электронной почты, а также множество других возможностей. Oracle для VM запускается в среде CMS.
    [ http://www.morepc.ru/dict/]




    система контроля топливного цикла
    система мониторинга топливного цикла

    (на АЭС)
    [А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]





    система концентрации каналов
    система увеличения числа каналов

    [Л.Г.Суменко. Англо-русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.]





    система управления конфигурациями

    (ITIL Service Transition)
    Набор инструментов, данных и информации, которые используются для поддержки процесса управления сервисными активами и конфигурациями.
    CMS – часть общей системы управления знаниями по услугам, включает в себя инструменты для сбора, хранения, управления, обновления, анализа и представления информации обо всех конфигурационных единицах и их взаимоотношениях. CMS может также включать в себя информацию об инцидентах, проблемах, известных ошибках, изменениях и релизах. CMS поддерживается процессом управления сервисными активами и конфигурациями и используется всеми процессами управления ИТ- услугами.
    См. тж. база данных управления конфигурациями.
    [Словарь терминов ITIL версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]


    configuration management system

    (ITIL Service Transition)
    A set of tools, data and information that is used to support service asset and configuration management.
    The CMS is part of an overall service knowledge management system and includes tools for collecting, storing, managing, updating, analysing and presenting data about all configuration items and their relationships. The CMS may also include information about incidents, problems, known errors, changes and releases. The CMS is maintained by service asset and configuration management and is used by all IT service management processes. See also configuration management database.
    [Словарь терминов ITIL версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]





    система управления цветом (1)
    Библиотека функций для преобразования цветовых координат из одного цветового пространства в другое.
    [ http://www.morepc.ru/dict/]

    система управления цветом (2)
    Технология, обеспечивающая согласованность цвета между сканерами, дисплеями и принтерами с учетом особенностей субъективного восприятия этого цвета человеком-оператором; система основана на использовании профилей устройств цифровой печати.
    [ http://www.morepc.ru/dict/]



    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > CMS

  • 79 ABS

    1) Общая лексика: Association of Business Schools
    2) Компьютерная техника: Automated Batch Submission, Automatic Backup System
    3) Авиация: airbus standard
    5) Медицина: острый мозговой синдром (сокр от acute brain syndrome), acute bacterial sinusitis (острый бактериальный синусит)
    6) Американизм: Anti Blocking System
    7) Французский язык: Бельгийская ассоциация (технических норм и) стандартов (сокр от Association Belge de Standartisation = Belgian Standards Association), независимые бригады анархистов-террористов (Франция) (сокр от Autonome Brigades)
    11) Шутливое выражение: Active Bitter Supplement, Another Buyer Surcharge
    12) Химия: Absorb, Alkyl BenzeneSulfonate, АБС-пластик (название пластика образовано из начальных букв наименований мономеров (акрилонитрилбутадиенстирол)), акрилонитрил-бутадиен-стирен (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene)
    14) Бухгалтерия: Accounting And Billing System
    16) Биржевой термин: Asset Backed Securities
    17) Ветеринария: Animal Behavior Society (USA)
    19) Телекоммуникации: Alternate Billing Service, Average Busy Stream
    20) Сокращение: ABSolute (value), Aerospace Bearing Support Inc. (USA), Agent-Based System (See also KBS), Amphibious Bridging System (Tracked; T), Anti-lock Braking System, American Bible Society (Американское библейское общество), absorption (абсорбция, поглощение, впитывание, всасывание), American Broadcasting System, absolute error, absolute temperature, (Aspiration Bypass System) Шунтирующая Аспирационная Система (Зонды с функцией АBSR имеют небольшое отверстие в дистальной части стенки зонда.), Australian Book Society (Австралийское общество библиофилов), American Bryological Society (Американское бриологическое общество), American Begonia Society (Американское общество любителей и селекционеров бегоний), Anglo-Brazilian Society (Англо-Бразильское общество культурных связей), absolute value (абсолютное значение, абсолютная величина, модуль), airborne bathymetric system (аэробатиметрическая система (система исследования глубин моря с воздуха)), airborne bathymetric survey (батиметрическая аэросъёмка), Able-Bodied Seaman (матрос 1 класса (торгового флота)), absentee (находящийся в самовольной отлучке; отсутствующий на поверке, «нетчик»), Acrylonitrile Butadiene-Styrene, asset backed security, акрилонитрил-бутадиен-стирол, Address Book Synchronization
    21) Университет: Anything But Smart
    23) Физиология: Air Breathing System
    25) Вычислительная техника: Apple Business Systems (Apple)
    26) Иммунология: Absorbed, Associated Biomedical Systems, Inc.
    27) Банковское дело: Американское бюро стандартов (American Bureau of Standards), автоматическая облигационная система (automated bond system), ценная бумага, обеспеченная активами (asset-backed security), секьюритизация активов (выпуск банком ценных бумаг, обеспеченных залогом прав требования по кредитам, например, ипотечным), секьюритизация банковских активов (выпуск банком ценных бумаг, обеспеченных залогом прав требования по кредитам, например, ипотечным)
    29) Экология: alkyl benzene sulfonate
    31) Деловая лексика: Asset Based Style
    32) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: American Biological Society, Американское бюро судоходства (American Bureau of Shipping)
    34) Инвестиции: asset-backed security, automated bond system
    36) Автоматика: anti-lock brake system
    37) Пластмассы: Poly (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene)
    38) Сахалин Р: American Bureau of Shipping
    40) Общая лексика: anti-locking brake system
    42) Безопасность: Active Battery Security
    43) Расширение файла: Abscissa Data file, Address Book Synchronization (IBM), Abstracts (info file)
    44) Измерительные приборы: absolute mode (режим абсолютного измерения)
    45) Нефть и газ: automatic brake system
    46) Электротехника: air break switch
    47) Космический летательный аппарат: Airbags System
    48) Общественная организация: American Bible Society
    49) Должность: Associate in Business Science
    50) NYSE. Albertson's, Inc.
    51) Аэропорты: Abu Simbel, Egypt
    53) Хобби: Aurora Beach Society
    54) СМС: Anything But Soaps

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > ABS

  • 80 Abs

    1) Общая лексика: Association of Business Schools
    2) Компьютерная техника: Automated Batch Submission, Automatic Backup System
    3) Авиация: airbus standard
    5) Медицина: острый мозговой синдром (сокр от acute brain syndrome), acute bacterial sinusitis (острый бактериальный синусит)
    6) Американизм: Anti Blocking System
    7) Французский язык: Бельгийская ассоциация (технических норм и) стандартов (сокр от Association Belge de Standartisation = Belgian Standards Association), независимые бригады анархистов-террористов (Франция) (сокр от Autonome Brigades)
    11) Шутливое выражение: Active Bitter Supplement, Another Buyer Surcharge
    12) Химия: Absorb, Alkyl BenzeneSulfonate, АБС-пластик (название пластика образовано из начальных букв наименований мономеров (акрилонитрилбутадиенстирол)), акрилонитрил-бутадиен-стирен (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene)
    14) Бухгалтерия: Accounting And Billing System
    16) Биржевой термин: Asset Backed Securities
    17) Ветеринария: Animal Behavior Society (USA)
    19) Телекоммуникации: Alternate Billing Service, Average Busy Stream
    20) Сокращение: ABSolute (value), Aerospace Bearing Support Inc. (USA), Agent-Based System (See also KBS), Amphibious Bridging System (Tracked; T), Anti-lock Braking System, American Bible Society (Американское библейское общество), absorption (абсорбция, поглощение, впитывание, всасывание), American Broadcasting System, absolute error, absolute temperature, (Aspiration Bypass System) Шунтирующая Аспирационная Система (Зонды с функцией АBSR имеют небольшое отверстие в дистальной части стенки зонда.), Australian Book Society (Австралийское общество библиофилов), American Bryological Society (Американское бриологическое общество), American Begonia Society (Американское общество любителей и селекционеров бегоний), Anglo-Brazilian Society (Англо-Бразильское общество культурных связей), absolute value (абсолютное значение, абсолютная величина, модуль), airborne bathymetric system (аэробатиметрическая система (система исследования глубин моря с воздуха)), airborne bathymetric survey (батиметрическая аэросъёмка), Able-Bodied Seaman (матрос 1 класса (торгового флота)), absentee (находящийся в самовольной отлучке; отсутствующий на поверке, «нетчик»), Acrylonitrile Butadiene-Styrene, asset backed security, акрилонитрил-бутадиен-стирол, Address Book Synchronization
    21) Университет: Anything But Smart
    23) Физиология: Air Breathing System
    25) Вычислительная техника: Apple Business Systems (Apple)
    26) Иммунология: Absorbed, Associated Biomedical Systems, Inc.
    27) Банковское дело: Американское бюро стандартов (American Bureau of Standards), автоматическая облигационная система (automated bond system), ценная бумага, обеспеченная активами (asset-backed security), секьюритизация активов (выпуск банком ценных бумаг, обеспеченных залогом прав требования по кредитам, например, ипотечным), секьюритизация банковских активов (выпуск банком ценных бумаг, обеспеченных залогом прав требования по кредитам, например, ипотечным)
    29) Экология: alkyl benzene sulfonate
    31) Деловая лексика: Asset Based Style
    32) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: American Biological Society, Американское бюро судоходства (American Bureau of Shipping)
    34) Инвестиции: asset-backed security, automated bond system
    36) Автоматика: anti-lock brake system
    37) Пластмассы: Poly (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene)
    38) Сахалин Р: American Bureau of Shipping
    40) Общая лексика: anti-locking brake system
    42) Безопасность: Active Battery Security
    43) Расширение файла: Abscissa Data file, Address Book Synchronization (IBM), Abstracts (info file)
    44) Измерительные приборы: absolute mode (режим абсолютного измерения)
    45) Нефть и газ: automatic brake system
    46) Электротехника: air break switch
    47) Космический летательный аппарат: Airbags System
    48) Общественная организация: American Bible Society
    49) Должность: Associate in Business Science
    50) NYSE. Albertson's, Inc.
    51) Аэропорты: Abu Simbel, Egypt
    53) Хобби: Aurora Beach Society
    54) СМС: Anything But Soaps

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Abs

См. также в других словарях:

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