1 switch
switch nвыключательaircraft limit switchконцевой выключатель в системе воздушного суднаaltitude switchвысотный сигнализаторband selector switchпереключатель выбора частотыbutton switchгашеткаcam actuated switchкулачковый переключательcargo drop switchвыключатель сброса грузаcargo hatch control switchпереключатель управления грузовым люкомcranking selector switchпереключатель холодной прокрутки(двигателя) day-night switchпереключатель дневной и ночной яркости(светового табло) differential pressure switchсигнализатор перепада давленияdown-lock limit switchконцевой выключатель замка выпущенного положения(шасси) electrical switchэлектровыключательemergency depressurization switchвыключатель аварийной разгерметизацииemergency release switchвыключатель аварийного сбросаfloat switchпоплавковый сигнализатор(уровня топлива) fuel low level switchсигнализатор остатка топлива(в баке) fuel quantity indicator selector switchпереключатель топливомераignition switchпереключатель зажигания(поршневого двигателя) level switchсигнализатор уровня(напр. топлива) limit speed switchсигнализатор достижения предельной скоростиlimit switchконцевой выключательlimit switch actuating pinшток концевого выключателяlimit switch assemblyблок концевых выключателейliquid level switchжидкостный переключатель(гироскопического прибора) low float switchпоплавковый сигнализатор остатка(топлива) minimum pressure switchсигнализатор минимального давленияmode selector switchпереключатель режимов работыmomentary switchнажимной выключательnegative torque switchсигнализатор появления отрицательного крутящего момента(на валу двигателя) normally closed switchвыключатель с нормально замкнутыми контактамиnormally open switchвыключатель с нормально разомкнутыми контактамиon-off switchдвухпозиционный переключательoverhead switch panelверхний пультovertemperature switchсигнализатор опасной температурыparking brake switchпереключатель стояночного тормозаpickle switchнажимной выключатель продольного триммированияpressure switchсигнализатор давленияpressure warning switchсигнализатор аварийного давленияpush button switchкнопочный переключательroll erection torque switchвыключатель поперечной коррекции(авиагоризонта) selector switchпереключательshutdown switchвыключатель останова(двигателя) surge warning switchсигнализатор возникновения помпажа(двигателя) switch barштанга выключателейswitch boxблок выключателейswitch guardпредохранительный колпачок выключателяswitch lever guardпредохранительная скоба рычага выключателяswitch offвыключатьswitch onвключатьswitch starterпусковой стартерswitch to the autopilotпереходить на управление с помощью автопилотаswitch to the proper tankвключать подачу топлива из бака с помощью электрического кранаtemperature actuated switchтермовыключательtemperature limit switchсигнализатор ограничения температурыthermal switchтермосигнализаторtoggle switchтумблерtransponder destruct switchвыключатель взрыва ответчика(на воздушном судне) un-lock limit switchконцевой выключатель замка убранного положения(шасси) -
2 switch
- switch
- n1. выключатель, переключатель; разъединитель; реле; коммутатор
2. стрелка ( железнодорожных путей)
to switch off the power — выключать силовой блок [подачу энергии]
to switch on the power — включать силовой блок [подачу энергии]
- automatic switch
- boom hoist limit switch
- boom limit switch
- button switch
- changeover switch
- control switch
- door contact switch
- double-blade switch
- double-pole switch
- earthing switch
- electropneumatic switch
- emergency switch
- enclosed switch
- float switch
- flush-type switch
- flush switch
- fused switch
- grounding switch
- handle switch
- high-tension switch
- knife switch
- light switch
- lightning switch
- limit switch
- master switch
- multiple contact switch
- oil switch
- pendant switch
- press switch
- pressure switch
- pull-type switch
- railway switch
- remote switch
- runway switch
- selector switch
- slip switch
- split switch
- spring switch
- stop limit switch
- surface switch
- thermal switch
- time switch
- turn-button switch
- twilight switch
- two-way switch
- wall switch
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
3 switch
switch [swɪtʃ]1 noun(a) Electricity (for light) interrupteur m; (on radio, television) bouton m; Technology & Telecommunications commutateur m;∎ is the switch on/off? est-ce que c'est allumé/éteint?;∎ two-way switch (interrupteur m) va-et-vient m∎ the switch to the new equipment went very smoothly on s'est très bien adaptés au nouveau matériel;∎ a sudden switch in foreign policy un subit revirement de la politique étrangère;∎ to make the switch from gas to electricity passer du gaz à l'électricité(c) (swap, trade) échange m(f) (hairpiece) postiche m∎ he switched subjects after two years at university il a changé de filière après deux ans d'université;∎ the two employees asked to switch jobs les deux employés ont demandé à échanger leurs postes;∎ to switch places with sb échanger sa place avec qn;∎ she offered to switch jobs with me elle a offert d'échanger son poste contre le mien;∎ can I switch it for another one? puis-je l'échanger contre un autre?;∎ he's been switched to another department il a été muté dans un autre service∎ she switched her attention back to the speaker elle reporta son attention sur le conférencier;∎ I tried to switch the discussion to something less controversial j'ai essayé d'orienter la discussion vers un sujet moins épineux∎ to switch channels/frequencies changer de chaîne/de fréquence∎ the freight train was switched to another track le train de marchandises fut aiguillé sur une autre voie(e) (hit with stick) donner un coup de baguette à;∎ to switch its tail (cow) battre l'air de sa queue∎ to switch a position reporter une position d'une échéance à une autre plus éloignéechanger;∎ she started studying medicine but switched to architecture elle a commencé par étudier la médecine, mais elle a changé pour faire architecture;∎ I'd like to switch to another topic j'aimerais changer de sujet;∎ can I switch to another channel? est-ce que je peux changer de chaîne?;∎ the committee switched to the problem of recruitment le comité passa au problème du recrutement;∎ we've switched to another brand nous avons changé de marque;∎ they've switched to American equipment ils ont adopté du matériel américain;∎ to switch (from gas) to electricity passer (du gaz) à l'électricité;∎ he switches effortlessly from one language to another il passe d'une langue à une autre avec une grande aisance►► Stock Exchange switch trading aribtrage m∎ to switch back from electricity to gas repasser (de l'électricité) au gaz;∎ we switched back to gas nous sommes revenus au gaz;∎ to switch back to BBC2 remettre sur BBC2∎ don't forget to switch the lights off when you leave n'oublie pas d'éteindre la lumière en partant;∎ the radio switches itself off la radio s'éteint ou s'arrête automatiquement;∎ they've switched off the power ils ont coupé le courant;∎ Cars to switch off the ignition or engine couper le contact, arrêter le moteur∎ how do you get the oven to switch off? comment tu éteins le four?∎ don't switch off! restez à l'écoute!∎ he switches off whenever we talk about politics il décroche chaque fois qu'on parle politique(a) (light, heating, oven, TV, radio) allumer; (engine, washing machine, vacuum cleaner) mettre en marche;∎ could you switch on the light? pourrais-tu allumer (la lumière)?;∎ the power isn't switched on il n'y a pas de courant;∎ Cars to switch on the ignition mettre le contact∎ to switch on the charm faire du charme;∎ to switch on the tears pleurer sur commande;∎ familiar they switched me on to new ideas ils m'ont initié aux idées nouvelles(a) (light, heating, oven, TV, radio) s'allumer; (engine, washing machine, vacuum cleaner) se mettre en marche;∎ the lights switch on and off automatically les lumières s'allument et s'éteignent automatiquement(b) (TV viewer, radio listener) allumer le poste;∎ don't forget to switch on at the same time tomorrow! soyez à l'écoute demain à la même heure!∎ can we switch over at 8 o' clock? est-ce que nous pouvons changer de chaîne à 20 heures?changer de place, déplacer;∎ why don't we switch the desks round? et si on changeait les bureaux de place?;∎ he switched the glasses round when she wasn't looking il échangea les verres pendant qu'elle ne regardait pas;∎ the manager has switched the team round again l'entraîneur a encore changé la composition de l'équipe(two people) changer de place;∎ she's switched round with her brother elle a changé de place avec son frère -
4 switch
switch [swɪt∫]1. nouna. (electrical) interrupteur mb. ( = change) changement m ; (radical) revirement m, retournement m ; [of funds] transfert m ( from de) (to en faveur de)c. ( = whip) fouet mb. ( = exchange) échanger ; also switch round [+ two objects, letters in word] intervertir ; ( = rearrange also switch round [+ books, objects] changer de place• we had to switch taxis when the first one broke down nous avons dû changer de taxi quand le premier est tombé en pannec. ( = change) to switch the oven to "low" mettre le four sur « doux »b. to switch off automatically [heater, oven] s'éteindre automatiquementéteindre ; [+ alarm clock, burglar alarm] arrêter• he switched the programme off il a éteint la télévision (or la radio)a. allumerb. to switch on automatically [heater, oven] s'allumer automatiquementallumer ; [+ engine, machine] mettre en marche* * *[swɪtʃ] 1.1) ( change) changement m (in de)2) ( for light) interrupteur m; (on radio, appliance) bouton mon/off switch — interrupteur m marche-arrêt
the switch is on/off — c'est allumé/éteint
3) ( whip) badine f2.transitive verb1) ( change) reporter [support, attention] (to sur)to switch brands/flights — changer de marque/vol
2) (also switch round) ( change position of) intervertir3.1) ( change) lit, fig changer2) (also switch over ou round) [people] ( change positions) changer; ( change scheduling) permuter•Phrasal Verbs: -
5 switch
A n1 ( change) (in weather, policy, behaviour, method, practice, allegiance) changement m (in de) ; the switch (away) from gas to electricity le passage du gaz à l'électricité ; a switch to the Conservatives un glissement en faveur des conservateurs ;2 Elec ( for light) interrupteur m ; (on radio, appliance) bouton m ; on/off switch interrupteur m marche-arrêt ; ignition switch Aut démarreur m ; the switch is on/off c'est allumé/éteint ;5 ( hairpiece) postiche m.B vtr1 ( change) reporter [support, attention] (to sur) ; transférer [bank account] (to dans) ; to switch brands/parties/flights changer de marque/parti/vol ; to switch lanes Aut changer de voie ; to switch the conversation to another topic changer de sujet de conversation ; the organization has switched its support from amateurs to professionals l'organisation a reporté son soutien des amateurs aux professionnels ; she switched her support to the other party elle a reporté son soutien sur l'autre parti ; she switched from the violin to the viola elle est passée du violon à l'alto ; to switch the emphasis to remettre l'accent sur ; he switched his allegiance back to Labour il est revenu au parti travailliste ; could you switch the TV over? est-ce que tu pourrais changer de chaîne? ;2 ( also switch round) ( change position or order of) intervertir [objects, roles, jobs] ; I've switched the furniture round j'ai changé la disposition des meubles ; switch the players round at half-time permutez les joueurs à la mi-temps ;3 ( whip) donner un coup de badine à [horse] ;4 Rail aiguiller [train].C vi1 ( change) lit, fig changer ; to switch between two languages/brands alterner entre deux langues/marques ; I can't switch from German to French je n'arrive pas à passer de l'allemand au français ; we have switched (over) from oil to gas nous sommes passés du mazout au gaz ; he has switched (over) from Labour to the Green party il est passé du parti travailliste au parti écologiste ; in the end she switched back to teaching/to her original brand finalement elle est revenue à l'enseignement/à sa marque d'avant ; can we switch back to BBC 2? est-ce qu'on peut remettre BBC 2? ; I switched from shopping on Saturdays to shopping on Mondays j'ai cessé de faire mes courses le samedi pour les faire le lundi ;2 ( also switch over ou round) [people] ( change positions) changer, alterner ; ( change scheduling) ( in work rota) permuter (with avec) ; I'm tired, can we switch (over ou round)? je suis fatigué, on peut changer or alterner? ;3 Comput to switch to sth basculer vers qch.■ switch off:2 ○ ( stop listening) décrocher ○ ;▶ switch off [sth], switch [sth] off1 Aut, Elec éteindre [appliance, light] ; couper [supply] ; éteindre, couper [car engine] ; the kettle switches itself off la bouilloire s'éteint tout seul or automatiquement ;2 fig to switch off the charm cesser de faire du charme.■ switch on:▶ switch on [sth], switch [sth] on2 fig to switch on the charm faire du charme ; -
6 ♦ switch
♦ switch /swɪtʃ/n.2 bacchettata; vergata; frustata3 treccia di capelli posticci; posticcio; parrucchino4 (elettr., radio) interruttore; chiavetta; commutatore: master switch, interruttore generale; lever switch, interruttore a leva; band switch (o wave-change switch) commutatore d'onda; to flick a switch, azionare un interruttore5 (elettron.) commutatore7 (fin.) scambio di titoli; transazione triangolare● ( USA) switch-blade knife, coltello a serramanico □ switch-hitter, ( baseball) battitore ambidestro; ( slang USA) ambidestro, bisessuale, bisex □ (market.) switch selling, vendite effettuate facendo uso di articoli civetta ( illegale in GB) □ (ferr., USA) switch signal, segnale dello scambio □ (ferr., USA) switch tongue, ago dello scambio.♦ (to) switch /swɪtʃ/A v. t.2 agitare; dimenare; scuotere; sferzare l'aria con: The cat switched its tail in anger, il gatto dimenava stizzosamente la coda5 cambiare; mutare; spostare; volgere ( il pensiero, ecc.) in un'altra direzione: We switched the conversation, abbiamo cambiato discorso; ( tennis, ecc.) to switch one's line of attack, cambiare linea di attacco6 afferrare; agguantare; strappareB v. i.● to switch one's allegiance, cambiare partito; passare al nemico □ to switch hats, passare da un ruolo a un altro, da un'attività a un'altra ( temporaneamente); cambiare ruolo □ to switch into overdrive, (autom.) inserire l'overdrive; (fig.) accelerare il ritmo, mettere la quarta (fig.) □ (fig.) to switch things, cambiare le carte in tavola; fare un imbroglio □ ( in pista) to switch tracks, cambiare corsia. -
7 switch on
switch on vb encendercould you switch the light on? ¿podrías encender la luz?v.• arrancar v.1) v + o + adv, v + adv + o (esp BrE) \<\<light/heating/machine\>\> encender*, prender (AmL)2) v + adv \<\<light/heating/machine\>\> encenderse*, prenderse (AmL)1. VT + ADV1) (Elec, Aut) [+ light, television, gas, electricity] encender, prender (LAm); [+ alarm clock, burglar alarm] ponerignitionto leave the television switched on — dejar la televisión puesta or encendida
2) (fig)a) (=use)b) (=excite)2.VI + ADV (Elec) [washing-machine, light, heating] encenderse; [viewer] encender la televisión, poner la televisión, prender la televisión (LAm); [listener] encender la radio, poner la radio, prender la radio (LAm); [driver] arrancar* * *1) v + o + adv, v + adv + o (esp BrE) \<\<light/heating/machine\>\> encender*, prender (AmL)2) v + adv \<\<light/heating/machine\>\> encenderse*, prenderse (AmL) -
8 ■ switch on
■ switch onA v. i. + avv.2 (fig. fam.) acquistare interesse; svegliarsi (fig.); eccitarsi: to use drugs to switch on, usare la droga per eccitarsiB v. t. + avv.1 (elettr.) inserire ( un contatto); chiudere ( un circuito); attaccare (fam.): Switch on the electricity!, attacca la corrente!; dai la luce!2 accendere ( la luce, il televisore, la radio, ecc.): (autom.) to switch on the engine, accendere il motore4 (fig. fam.) interessare; eccitare; stimolare: to switch one's students on, interessare i propri studenti □ ( di un forno elettrico, ecc.) to switch on by itself, accendersi da solo □ (autom.) to switch on the ignition, inserire l'accensione; mettere in moto □ (telef.) to switch sb. on to sb. else, mettere q. in comunicazione con q. altro. -
9 switch on
switch on [appliance, light] accendersi, essere acceso; switch on [sth.], switch [sth.] on accendere [appliance, light]* * *1. vt + advElec, TV etc, accendere, (water supply) aprire, (machine) Auto mettere in moto, avviare, (ignition) inserire2. vi + adv(heater, oven) accendersi da solo (-a)* * *switch on [appliance, light] accendersi, essere acceso; switch on [sth.], switch [sth.] on accendere [appliance, light] -
10 switch
switch [swɪtʃ]1. n1) эл. выключа́тель; переключа́тель; коммута́тор2) переключе́ние; перен. поворо́т, измене́ние ( темы разговора и т.п.)3) прут; хлыст4) амер. ж.-д. стре́лка5) фальши́вая коса́; накла́дка ( волос)2. v1) эл. переключа́ть; включа́ть; выключа́ть2) переводи́ть ( поезд) на друго́й путь3) напра́вить (мысли, разговор) в другу́ю сто́рону (to, over to)4) меня́ть(ся)5) ре́зко хвата́ть (что-л.);to switch smth. out of smb.'s hand вы́хватить что-л. у кого́-л. из рук
6) ударя́ть пруто́м или хлысто́м; отстега́ть пруто́м7) маха́ть, разма́хиватьа) разг. отключа́ться, не слу́шать;б) выключа́ть ток;в) разъединя́ть телефо́нного абоне́нта;г) дава́ть отбо́й;д) выключа́ть радиоприёмник;а) включа́ть (свет, радио и т.п.);б) соединя́ть абоне́нта -
11 switch on
12 switch on
13 switch
switch I v 1. schalten; 2. vermitteln (Datenkommunikation) switch II 1. Geräteschalter m; Schalter m; Umschalter m; Trennschalter m, Switch m; 2. Weiche fEnglish-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > switch
14 Switch
Switch ® [swɪtʃ]British = société de cartes de paiement britannique;∎ to pay by Switch ≃ payer par Carte bleue►► Switch card ® = carte de paiement utilisée en Grande-Bretagne, ≃ Carte f bleue -
15 ■ switch to
■ switch tov. i. + prep.passare a ( un altro argomento, la produzione di beni diversi, ecc.) □ ( del semaforo) to switch to green, diventare verde. -
16 switch to
switch to GEN Umstellung f auf (z. B. auf einen Tender) switch v to GEN überwechseln zu (from one thing to another) -
17 switch
switch I v 1. EL schalten; umschalten; 2. rangieren (Züge) switch II 1. EL Schalter m; Lichtschalter m; Umschalter m; 2. VERK Weiche f; 3. Rute fEnglish-German dictionary of Architecture and Construction > switch
18 switch to
• switch to something to replace one thing with another переключиться на что-то другоеHe played basketball for a while, but then switched to swimming. This is boring, let’s switch to a more interesting subject.
19 Switch
A tool used by flax sorters for straightening pieces of flax after machine hackling. It consists of a piece of wood studded with about 22 rows of pins projecting one inch from the wood. The tool number indicates the number of pins in one row of the tool, e.g., a 240 switch has 240 pins in a row of 71/4-in. long. The rows occupy 2-in. to 3-in. from front to back. -
20 switch in
См. также в других словарях:
SWITCH — – Teleinformatikdienste für Lehre und Forschung Rechtsform Stiftung Gründung 1987 Sitz … Deutsch Wikipedia
Switch On! — Single par Anna Tsuchiya Face A Switch On! Face B Switch On!Rock n Roll States edit.(inst) Sortie 23 novembre 2011 … Wikipédia en Français
Switch — Switch, n. [Cf. OD. swick a scourage, a whip. Cf. {Swink}, {Swing}.] 1. A small, flexible twig or rod. [1913 Webster] Mauritania, on the fifth medal, leads a horse with something like a thread; in her other hand she holds a switch. Addison. [1913 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Switch (DJ) — Switch (a.k.a. Dave Taylor, A. Brucker, Solid Groove) is a UK based DJ, sound engineer and record producer. A leading figure of the fidget house genre, Switch runs his own music label Dubsided. He further produces with fellow DJ/Producer Sinden,… … Wikipedia
Switch — Switch, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Switched}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Switching}.] 1. To strike with a switch or small flexible rod; to whip. Chapman. [1913 Webster] 2. To swing or whisk; as, to switch a cane. [1913 Webster] 3. To trim, as, a hedge. [Prov.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
switch — [swich] n. [Early ModE swits, prob. < MDu or LowG, as in MDu swick, a whip, akin to ON sveigr, flexible stalk: for IE base see SWOOP] 1. a thin, flexible twig, rod, stick, etc., esp. one used for whipping 2. the bushy part of the tail in some… … English World dictionary
Switch — trademark a type of system used for paying for goods and services in the UK, by which customers use a type of plastic card called a ↑debit card, and money is immediately taken out of their bank account ▪ Do you take Switch? ▪ I ll pay by Switch … Dictionary of contemporary English
switch — ► NOUN 1) a device for making and breaking an electrical connection. 2) a change or exchange. 3) a slender, flexible shoot cut from a tree. 4) N. Amer. a set of points on a railway track. 5) a tress of hair used in hairdressing to supplement… … English terms dictionary
Switch — Switch, v. i. To walk with a jerk. [Prov. Eng.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
switch — s.m.inv. ES ingl. 1. TS elettr. → commutatore | TS elettron. dispositivo a scatto che consente di impostare il parametro di funzionamento di un congegno scegliendo tra due o più posizioni 2. TS inform. in un programma, istruzione che consente di… … Dizionario italiano
switch — SVITCI/ s. n. modalitate de plată a importului de mărfuri, utilizată în cazul în care debitorului îi lipsesc mijloacele de plată. (< engl. switch) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român