1 patrol
patról -
2 patrol
1 noun∎ the patrol is or are on the way la patrouille est en route;∎ American highway patrol police f des autoroutes∎ to be on patrol être de patrouille, patrouiller;∎ they were sent out on patrol ils ont été envoyés en patrouillepatrouiller, être en patrouille(area, streets) patrouiller dans;∎ the border is patrolled by armed guards des gardes armés patrouillent le long de la frontière►► patrol boat patrouilleur m;patrol car voiture f de police;patrol leader chef m de patrouille;American, Australian & New Zealand patrol wagon fourgon m cellulaire -
3 patrol
A n1 (surveillance, activity) patrouille f ; to be/go (out) on patrol être de/aller en patrouille ; air/sea patrol patrouille aérienne/maritime ; foot/traffic/night patrol patrouille à pied/routière/de nuit ; to carry out a patrol faire une ronde ; -
4 patrol
patrol [pəˈtrəʊl]1. noun[+ district, town, streets] patrouiller dans[troops, police] patrouiller4. compounds* * *[pə'trəʊl] 1.noun ( all contexts) patrouille f2. 3.transitive verb, intransitive verb (p prés etc - ll-) patrouiller -
5 patrol
patrol [pəˊtrəυl]1. n1) патрули́рование2) воен. дозо́р; разъе́зд; патру́ль;on patrol в дозо́ре
3) attr. патру́льный, дозо́рный; сторожево́й;patrol dog сторожева́я соба́ка
;patrol wagon (обыкн. амер.) тюре́мная каре́та
2. v1) патрули́ровать; охраня́ть2) стоя́ть на стра́же; надзира́ть3) ав. барражи́ровать -
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дозор; патруль; патрулирование; разведывательное подразделение [группа]; поисковая группа; охранять; патрулировать; вести разведку [поиск]; действовать дозорами— amphibious reconnaissance patrol— combat fighting patrol— long-range reconnaissance patrol— mounted reconnaissance patrol— officer's patrol— short-range reconnaissance patrol -
10 patrol
1. past tense, past participle - patrolled; verb(to watch or protect (an area) by moving continually around or through it: Soldiers patrolled the streets.) patrullar
2. noun1) (a group of people etc who patrol an area: They came across several army patrols in the hills.) patrulla2) (the act of watching or guarding by patrolling: The soldiers went out on patrol; (also adjective) patrol duty.) (de) patrullapatrol1 n patrullapatrol2 vb patrullartr[pə'trəʊl]1 (act) patrulla, ronda; (person, group) patrulla1 patrullar por, estar de patrulla en1 patrullar\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto be on patrol patrullar, estar de patrullapatrol boat patrullerapatrol car coche nombre masculino patrullapatrol n: patrulla fn.• patrulla s.f.• ronda s.f.v.• patrullar v.• rondar v.
I pə'trəʊla) u c ( act) patrulla f, ronda fto be on patrol — estar* patrullando, estar* de patrulla; (before n)
patrol boat — (lancha f) patrullera f
patrol car — coche m patrulla, patrullero m (RPl), auto m patrulla (Chi)
patrol wagon — (AmE) furgón m policial, (coche m) celular m (Esp), patrulla f (Col, Méx)
b) ( group) patrulla f
transitive/intransitive verb - ll- patrullar[pǝ'trǝʊl]1.2.VT [+ streets] patrullar por; [+ frontier] patrullar3.VI patrullar4.CPDpatrol boat N — patrullero m, (lancha f) patrullera f
patrol car N — (Brit) coche m patrulla
patrol leader N — jefe m de patrulla
patrol wagon N — (US) coche m celular
* * *
I [pə'trəʊl]a) u c ( act) patrulla f, ronda fto be on patrol — estar* patrullando, estar* de patrulla; (before n)
patrol boat — (lancha f) patrullera f
patrol car — coche m patrulla, patrullero m (RPl), auto m patrulla (Chi)
patrol wagon — (AmE) furgón m policial, (coche m) celular m (Esp), patrulla f (Col, Méx)
b) ( group) patrulla f
transitive/intransitive verb - ll- patrullar -
11 patrol
1. noun1) (of police) Streife, die; (of watchman) Runde, die; (of aircraft, ship; also Mil.) Patrouille, diebe on or keep patrol — [Soldat, Wächter:] patrouillieren
2. intransitive verb,police patrol — Polizeistreife, die
- ll- patrouillieren; [Polizei:] Streife laufen/fahren; [Wachmann:] seine Runde[n] machen; [Flugzeug:] Patrouille fliegen3. transitive verb,- ll- patrouillieren durch (+ Akk.); abpatrouillieren [Straßen, Mauer, Gegend, Lager]; patrouillieren vor (+ Dat.) [Küste, Grenze]; [Polizei:] Streife laufen/fahren in (+ Dat.) [Straßen, Stadtteil]; [Wachmann:] seine Runde[n] machen in (+ Dat.)* * *[pə'trəul] 1. past tense, past participle - patrolled; verb(to watch or protect (an area) by moving continually around or through it: Soldiers patrolled the streets.) patroullieren2. noun1) (a group of people etc who patrol an area: They came across several army patrols in the hills.) die Patroullie2) (the act of watching or guarding by patrolling: The soldiers went out on patrol; ( also adjective) patrol duty.) die Streife; Streifen-...* * *pa·trol[pəˈtrəʊl, AM -ˈtroʊl]I. vi<- ll->patrouillierenII. vt<- ll->▪ to \patrol sth etw abpatrouillierenthe whole town is \patrolled by police in der ganzen Stadt sind Polizeistreifen unterwegsa security guard with a dog \patrols the building site ein Sicherheitsbeamter mit Hund macht auf der Baustelle seine Rundeto \patrol the streets durch die Straßen patrouillierenIII. n Patrouille f, [Polizei]streife fhighway \patrol AM Polizei, die die Highways überwachtto go on \patrol auf Streife gehen* * *[pə'trəʊl]1. n1) (= patrolling) (by police) Streife f; (by aircraft, ship) Patrouille f; (by watchman etc) Runde f, Rundgang mthe army/navy carry out or make weekly patrols of the area — das Heer/die Marine patrouilliert das Gebiet wöchentlich
the army/navy maintain a constant patrol — das Heer/die Marine führt ständige Patrouillen durch
on patrol (Mil) — auf Patrouille; (police) auf Streife; (guard dogs, squad car, detectives) im Einsatz
2) (= patrol unit) (MIL) Patrouille f; (= police patrol) (Polizei)streife f; (of boy scouts) Fähnlein nt; (of girl guides) Gilde f2. vt (MIL)district, waters, sky, streets patrouillieren, patrouillieren in (+dat); frontier, coast patrouillieren, patrouillieren vor (+dat); (policeman, watchman) seine Runden machen in (+dat); (police car) Streife fahren in (+dat); (guard dogs, gamewarden) einen Rund- or Streifengang or eine Runde machen in (+dat)the frontier is not patrolled — die Grenze wird nicht bewacht or ist unbewacht
3. vi(soldiers, ships, planes) patrouillieren; (planes also) Patrouille fliegen; (policeman) seine Streife machen; (watchman, store detective etc) seine Runden machento patrol up and down — auf und ab gehen
* * *patrol [pəˈtrəʊl]A v/i1. patrouillieren (Soldaten), FLUG Patrouille fliegen, auf Streife sein (Polizisten), seine Runde machen (Wachmann)2. MIL auf Spähdienst seinB v/t abpatrouillieren, FLUG eine Strecke abfliegen, auf Streife sein in (dat), seine Runde machen in (dat)C s1. Patrouille f, Streife f, Runde f:on patrol auf Patrouille, auf Streife2. a) MIL Patrouille f, Späh-, Stoßtrupp mb) (Polizei)Streife f:patrol activity Spähtrupptätigkeit f;* * *1. noun1) (of police) Streife, die; (of watchman) Runde, die; (of aircraft, ship; also Mil.) Patrouille, diebe on or keep patrol — [Soldat, Wächter:] patrouillieren
2. intransitive verb,police patrol — Polizeistreife, die
- ll- patrouillieren; [Polizei:] Streife laufen/fahren; [Wachmann:] seine Runde[n] machen; [Flugzeug:] Patrouille fliegen3. transitive verb,- ll- patrouillieren durch (+ Akk.); abpatrouillieren [Straßen, Mauer, Gegend, Lager]; patrouillieren vor (+ Dat.) [Küste, Grenze]; [Polizei:] Streife laufen/fahren in (+ Dat.) [Straßen, Stadtteil]; [Wachmann:] seine Runde[n] machen in (+ Dat.)* * *n.Patrouille f. -
12 patrol
[pəˈtrəul]evening patrol(s) вечерний патруль; ночной патруль night patrol(s) ночной патруль patrol воен. дозор; разъезд; патруль; on patrol в дозоре patrol ав. барражировать patrol воен. дозор; разъезд; патруль; on patrol в дозоре patrol патрулирование patrol патрулировать; охранять patrol стоять на страже; надзирать patrol attr. патрульный, дозорный; сторожевой; patrol dog сторожевая собака; patrol wagon амер. тюремная карета patrol attr. патрульный, дозорный; сторожевой; patrol dog сторожевая собака; patrol wagon амер. тюремная карета patrol attr. патрульный, дозорный; сторожевой; patrol dog сторожевая собака; patrol wagon амер. тюремная карета police patrol полицейский патруль shore patrol амер. береговой дозор special patrol специальный патруль -
13 patrol
1. сущ.
1) а) воен. дозор;
патруль on patrol ≈ в дозоре highway patrol ≈ дорожный патруль motorway patrol ≈ дорожный патруль military patrol ≈ военный патруль police patrol ≈ полицейский патруль reconnaissance patrol ≈ разведывательный патруль shore patrol ≈ береговой патруль patrol dog ≈ сторожевая собака б) разведывательный отряд
2) патрулирование;
обход Syn: watching, guarding
2. гл.
1) а) патрулировать;
охранять Syn: guard, protect б) стоять на страже;
2) авиац. барражировать патруль;
дозор - police * полицейский патруль - on * в дозоре патрулирование (авиация) барражирование отряд бойскаутов (из восьми или шести человек) патрулировать;
охранять (авиация) барражировать (пренебрежительное) болтаться, слоняться по улице - bands of youths * steets on Saturday nights субботними вечерами молодежь слоняется по улицам evening ~(s) вечерний патруль;
ночной патруль night ~(s) ночной патруль ~ воен. дозор;
on patrol в дозоре patrol ав. барражировать ~ воен. дозор;
on patrol в дозоре ~ патрулирование ~ патрулировать;
охранять ~ стоять на страже;
надзирать ~ attr. патрульный, дозорный;
patrol dog сторожевая собака;
patrol wagon амер. тюремная карета ~ attr. патрульный, дозорный;
patrol dog сторожевая собака;
patrol wagon амер. тюремная карета ~ attr. патрульный, дозорный;
patrol dog сторожевая собака;
patrol wagon амер. тюремная карета police ~ полицейский патруль shore ~ амер. береговой дозор special ~ специальный патруль -
14 patrol
1. n патруль; дозор2. n патрулирование3. n ав. барражирование4. n отряд бойскаутов5. v патрулировать; охранять6. v ав. барражировать7. v пренебр. болтаться, слоняться по улицеbands of youths patrol the streets on Saturday nights — субботними вечерами молодёжь слоняется по улицам
Синонимический ряд:1. beat (noun) beat; circuit; round; watch2. defense (noun) convoying; defending; defense; escorting; protecting; protection; safeguarding; safekeeping; vigilance3. sentinel (noun) defender; guard; lookout; look-out; patrol officer; protector; scout; sentinel; sentry; watchman4. guard (verb) guard; inspect; keep vigil; make the rounds; monitor; police; safeguard; walk a beat; watch -
15 patrol
( воздушный) патруль; патрулировать -
16 patrol
I 1. [pə'trəʊl]1) perlustrazione f., ricognizione f.to be, go (out) on patrol — essere di pattuglia, andare in perlustrazione
2) (of group) pattuglia f., ronda f.2. II 1. [pə'trəʊl] 2.* * *[pə'trəul] 1. past tense, past participle - patrolled; verb(to watch or protect (an area) by moving continually around or through it: Soldiers patrolled the streets.) pattugliare2. noun1) (a group of people etc who patrol an area: They came across several army patrols in the hills.) pattuglia2) (the act of watching or guarding by patrolling: The soldiers went out on patrol; ( also adjective) patrol duty.) pattuglia, ronda* * *patrol /pəˈtrəʊl/n.3 (aeron.) volo di ricognizione● patrol car, auto della polizia ( in servizio di pattugliamento); autopattuglia; gazzella (fam.) □ (naut.) patrol vessel, vedetta; nave da pattuglia □ (fam. USA) patrol wagon, furgone cellulare; cellulare.(to) patrol /pəˈtrəʊl/A v. i.pattugliare; andare di pattuglia; fare la rondaB v. t.perlustrare; pattugliare● patrolled building, condominio sorvegliato da un guardiano armato.* * *I 1. [pə'trəʊl]1) perlustrazione f., ricognizione f.to be, go (out) on patrol — essere di pattuglia, andare in perlustrazione
2) (of group) pattuglia f., ronda f.2. II 1. [pə'trəʊl] 2. -
17 patrol
патруль имя существительное: глагол:барражировать (patrol, barrage)стоять на страже (guard, patrol, sentinel)имя прилагательное:сторожевой (guard, patrol, protective) -
18 patrol
1) патруль; патрулювання2) патрулювати, здійснювати патрулювання•- patrol car
- patrol-car
- patrol duty
- patrol force
- patrol in an automobile
- patrol investigation
- patrol on foot
- patrol service
- patrol streets
- patrol wagon -
19 patrol
1. nдозор, патруль, патрулирование- border patrol
- military patrol
- on mobile patrol
- police patrol
- stop-and-search patrol 2. attr 3. v -
20 patrol
[pə'trəul] 1. npatrol m2. vt* * *[pə'trəul] 1. past tense, past participle - patrolled; verb(to watch or protect (an area) by moving continually around or through it: Soldiers patrolled the streets.) patrolować2. noun1) (a group of people etc who patrol an area: They came across several army patrols in the hills.) patrol2) (the act of watching or guarding by patrolling: The soldiers went out on patrol; ( also adjective) patrol duty.) patrol, patrolowy
См. также в других словарях:
patrol — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. mnż III, D. u; lm D. i {{/stl 8}}{{stl 20}} {{/stl 20}}{{stl 12}}1. {{/stl 12}}{{stl 7}} grupa osób wydzielona do przeprowadzenia zwiadu, rozpoznania, kontroli itp. (głównie w wojsku) : {{/stl 7}}{{stl 10}}Patrol wojskowy … Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień
Patrol — Pa*trol , n. [F. patrouille, OF. patouille. See {Patrol}, v. i.] 1. (Mil.) (a) A going of the rounds along the chain of sentinels and between the posts, by a guard, usually consisting of three or four men, to insure greater security from attacks… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Patrol — Pa*trol , v. t To go the rounds of, as a sentry, guard, or policeman; as, to patrol a frontier; to patrol a beat. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Patrol — Pa*trol , v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Patrolled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Patrolling}.] [F. patrouiller, O. & Prov. F. patrouiller to paddle, paw about, patrol, fr. patte a paw; cf. D. poot paw, G. pfote, and E. pat, v.] To go the rounds along a chain of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
patrol — [n] guarding; guard convoying, defending, escorting, garrison, lookout, patroler, policing, protecting, protection, rounds, safeguarding, scouting, sentinel, spy, vigilance, watch, watching, watchperson; concepts 134,354,358 patrol [v] guard,… … New thesaurus
patrol — [pə trōl′] vt., vi. patrolled, patrolling [Fr patrouiller, altered < OFr patouiller, to paddle, puddle, patrol < pate, paw: see PATOIS] to make a regular and repeated circuit of (an area, town, camp, etc.) in guarding or inspecting n. [Fr… … English World dictionary
patrol — I verb attend, be on the alert, be on the lookout, be on the watch, circumire, cover, cover a beat, go the rounds, guard, inspect, keep an eye on, keep guard, keep in view, keep vigil, keep watch, look out, march, monitor, observe, overlook, pace … Law dictionary
patrol — as a verb has inflected forms patrolled, patrolling in both BrE and AmE … Modern English usage
patrol — ► NOUN 1) a person or group sent to keep watch over an area, especially a detachment of guards or police. 2) the action of patrolling an area. 3) a military or naval expedition to carry out reconnaissance. ► VERB (patrolled, patrolling) ▪ keep… … English terms dictionary
Patrol — In military tactics, a patrol is often a small tactical grouping sent out by land, sea or air to perform a specific task. The basic task of a patrol is to follow a known route at regular intervals looking out for anything out of the ordinary… … Wikipedia
patrol */ — I UK [pəˈtrəʊl] / US [pəˈtroʊl] noun Word forms patrol : singular patrol plural patrols 1) a) [countable] a group of people or vehicles that move around a place in order to prevent trouble or crime He was arrested for shooting at an army patrol.… … English dictionary