1 bell mouth socket
шлипс с направляющим раструбом (для ловли труб за муфту)Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > bell mouth socket
2 bell mouth socket
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > bell mouth socket
3 bell mouth socket
4 bell mouth socket
шлипс с направляющим раструбом (для ловли труб за муфту).English-Russian dictionary of terms for geological exploration drilling > bell mouth socket
5 bell; mouth; socket
Англо-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу > bell; mouth; socket
6 socket bell; mouth; socket
колокол, ловильныйАнгло-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу > socket bell; mouth; socket
7 fishing bell; mouth; socket
конус, ловильныйАнгло-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу > fishing bell; mouth; socket
8 guide; bowl bell; mouth; socket
воронка, направляющая; раструб, направляющийАнгло-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу > guide; bowl bell; mouth; socket
9 socket
1. место посадки башмака обсадной колонны в скважине || обсадить ( скважину)2. овершот; ропсокет; канатный замок; канатный замок с серьгой3. каверна, камера ( образовавшаяся в скважине в результате взрыва заряда ВВ)4. раструб; уширенный конец трубы; ловильный колокол5. стакан ( невыпаленная часть шпура), невзорванное дно шпура6. муфта, гильза, втулка; серьга; зажим7. впадина; гнездо; углублениеcombination bit and mud socket — американский песочный насос с долотообразным выступом под клапаном (служит для очистки пробки в скважине)
* * *
1. место посадки башмака обсадной колонны в скважине || обсадить ( скважину)2. довольный колокол; овершот, ловильный шлипс3. раструб4. канатный замок; канатный замок с серьгой
* * *
муфта, гильза, втулка; раструб, расширенный конец ( трубы); серьга, замок, зажим; ловильный колокол
* * *
1) муфта; гильза; втулка2) овершот3) канатный замок; канатный замок с серьгой; серьга; зажим4) раструб; уширенный конец трубы6) место посадки башмака ( обсадной колонны в скважине) || обсадить ( скважину)7) стакан ( невыпаленная часть шпура); невзорванное дно шпура8) каверна; камера ( образовавшаяся в скважине в результате взрыва заряда взрывчатого вещества)9) обсаживать ( скважину)•- babcock manila-rope socket
- ball socket
- bell socket
- bell mouth socket
- bit-and-mud socket
- bit-cone fishing socket
- boot socket
- bowl slip socket
- brace socket
- bulldog pin socket
- bulldog slip socket
- center jar socket
- circulating slip socket
- collar socket
- combination socket
- combination bit-and-mud socket
- combination tubing and sucker rod socket
- corrugated friction socket
- drill pipe bell socket
- drilling-unit brace socket
- drive-down socket
- fishing socket
- friction socket
- half-turn socket
- horn socket
- horn socket with bowl
- jar socket
- jar crotch socket
- jar rein socket
- mandrel socket
- mud socket
- new era socket
- oval socket
- pipe socket
- Prosser socket
- pump-rod fishing socket
- reducing socket
- releasing socket
- rock-bit cone fishing socket
- roller-ratchet socket
- rope socket
- self-releasing socket
- side-jar socket
- slip socket
- square socket
- sucker-rod socket
- swivel socket
- swivel rope socket
- T-socket
- tongue socket
- tube socket
- tubing socket
- tubing-and-sucker rod socket
- wedge socket
- widemouth socket
- wing socket
- wireline socket
- wirerope socket* * *• 1) ловильный колокол; 2) муфта• воронка• зажим• камера• обсадить• розетка• ропсокет• серьга• шлипс -
10 socket
розетка имя существительное: -
11 mouth
12 bell
13 Bell
14 раструб
bell, ( трубы) flared end, spigot end, flare fitting, flare, flaring, funnel, ( чугунной трубы) hub, bell mouth, socket, trumpet -
15 раструб
1) (трубы) socket, bell, bell mouth;
flare (о белье, звонке и т.д.) ;
funnel-shaped opening
2) (духового инструмента) bellм. funnel-shaped opening;
bell, bell-mouth;
socket (of pipe) ;
с ~ом bell-shaped, bell-mouthed;
брюки с ~ами bell-bottomed trousers;
соединение ~ом bell-and-spigot joint. -
16 bells
17 joint
1) соединять2) соединение3) шов4) стык5) сращивание6) саз7) соединенный -
18 faucet
19 trumpet
20 joint
1) соединение; сочленение; шарнир2) узел фермы; геометрический узел4) геол. трещина5) замок ( для канатов)6) совместный ( о предприятии)7) соединять ( при помощи вставных частей); наращивать•- abutment joint - abutting joint - adhesive joint - airtight joint - alternate joints - angle joint - angle half-lap joint - arc-welded joint - articulated joint - asymmetric joint - back joint - ball joint - ball-and-socket joint - bayonet joint - bead joint - beam butt joint - beam-to-beam joint - beam-to-beam moment joint - beam-to-column joint - bed joint - bell-and-plain end joint - bell-and-spigot joint - bell butt joint - bellows joint - bevelled joint - bleeding joint - blind joint - bolt joint - bolted joint - bolt-adhesive joint - bracket joint - branch joint - branch tee-saddle joint - brazed joint - brazed-welded joint - breaking joints - brick joint - brickwork joints - bricks joints - bridge joint - bridle joint - broken joints - building wall joints - butt joint - butt-and-collar joint - buttered joint - cable joint - carpenter's joint - cash joint - castellated joint - cast-welded rail joint - caulked joint - caulking joint - cemented joint - centre joint - chamfered joint - chamfered-edge lap joint - circular joint - clamping plate joint - clamping ring joint - clasp joint - cleat joint - clip joint - closed-tee joint - cluster joint - coach joint - cogged joint - collar joint - compensation joint - composite joint - compound for joint sealing - compression joint - concave joint - concealed joint - concrete mix joint - conduit joint - constricted-end joint - construction joint - contact joint - contraction joint - control joint - convex joint - coped joint - corner joint - cornerlock joint - cotter pin joint - coursing joint - couvre joint - cross joint - cross-halved joint - cruciform joint - curb joint - cut joint - dado joint - dead joint - demountable joint - detachable joint - dilatation joint - direct-edge splined joint - disk joint - divided tenon joint - double joint - double-bevel butt joint - double-butt joint - double-lap riveted joint - double-shear joint - dovetail joint - dovetail halving joint - dovetail scarf joint - dowelled joint - draw-band joint - dry joint - dummy joint - eccentric joint - edge joint - edge butt joint - elastic joint - elbow joint - end joint - erection joint - expanded joint - expansion joint - exposed joint - eye joint - face joint - faced joint - false joint - faucet joint - faulty joint - field joint - fillet joint - fillistered joint - finger joint - firm-and-impervious joint - fish-mouth joint - fixed joint - flange joint - flange-to-web joint - flashed joint - flat joint - flexible joint - flush joint - flush-cut joint - flush cylindrical joint - flush taper joint - folded-over joint - forge-welded joint - fork joint - friction joint - full open-corner joint - full-strength joint - gasketless joint - gastight joint - gas-welded joint - girth joint - glue joint - groove joint - grooved and tongued joint - ground joint - grouted joint - half joint - half-lap joint - half-mitre joint - halved joint - header joint - heading joint of flooring boards - hem joint - hinge joint - hinged joint - hollow joint - hook joint - housed joint - impervious joint - inclined joint - inclined tee joint - indented joint - involute splined joint - J-groove joint - joggle joint - joint double-strap lap joint - keyed joint - king-post joint - lap joint - lapped corner joint - lead joint - leakage of joint - leaky joint - ledge joint - lift joint - linear slotted lap joint - lipped joint - lock joint - longitudinal joint - loop joint - loose joint - loose tongue joint - married joints - match joint - milter joint - mortar mix joint - mortise joint - mortise and tenon joint - mortise dowel joint - movable joint - movement of joint - multiple joint - multiple bar joint - nipple joint - oblique joint - open joint - open-butt joint - open-drained joint - opening of joint - open mortise and tenon joint - open tee joint - overlap joint - packed joint - permeable joints - pillow joint - pilot joint - pin joint - pin-connected joint - pipe joint - plain lap joint - poured joint - pressure-welded joint - profiled joint - push joint - racked joint - related joint - rigid joint - ring joint - rivet joint - riveted lap joint with butt strap - rocker joint - rope joint - rotating joint - rubbed joint - rust joint - saddle joint - scarf joint - screw joint - sealing of joints - seamless joint - secret joint - semiflexible joint - shilap joint - shove joint - skew joint - skew scarf joint - sliding joint - slip joint - socket-and-spigot joint - soldered joint - spherical joint - splined joint - split joint - square joint - S-slip joint - step joint - strapped joint - strength joint - strike joint - structural joints - swivel joint - swivel rod joint - tale-to-tale joint - taper joint - tapered-end joint - telescope joint - tenon joint - tension joint - thermit joint - threaded gas pipe joint - tianged-edge joint - tight joint - toe joint - tongue-and-groove joint - tooth cogging joint - transverse joint - treated joint - U-groove joint - unchamfered joint - universal joint - voussoir joint - V-shaped joint - wall-footing joint - water-sealed joint - watertight joint - weathered joint - wedge joint - welded joint - welding joint - woodworking jointto joint with skew, scarf and key — соединять зигзагом
* * *1. соединение, шов; узел, стык2. разрыв, трещина ( горных пород)joint between precast members — соединение элементов сборных (железо)бетонныхжелезобетонных¦бетонных конструкций
joint fixed [locked] against rotation — узел, закреплённый против поворота; узел с наложенными связями против поворота
joint restrained by elastic members — упруго-податливое соединение, упруго-податливый узел
joint transmitting compression — соединение, передающее усилие сжатия
- abutting jointjoint transmitting shears — соединение, обеспечивающее передачу поперечных сил [сдвигающих усилий]
- adhesive-bonded joint
- adhesive joint
- angle joint
- angle half-lap joint
- articulated joint
- aseismic joint
- ball joint
- beam butt joint
- beam-column joint
- bed joint
- bell-and-spigot joint
- birdsmouth joint
- bolted joint
- box dovetail joint
- breaking joints
- break joints
- brick joints
- bridle joint
- butt joint
- buttered joint
- cable joint
- capillary joint
- caulked joint
- cleat joint
- closely-spaced joints
- coax scarf joint
- cog scarf joint
- cold joint
- combed joint
- compression joint
- concave joint
- construction joint
- contraction joint
- convex joint
- corner joint
- cornerlock joint
- coursing joint
- crimped joint
- crimp upstand joint
- cross joint
- cross-lap joint
- curb joint
- cut joint
- dilatation joint
- dismountable joint
- double-shear joint
- double-S slip joint
- dovetail halving joint
- doweled contraction joint
- draw band joint
- duct flange joint
- dummy joint
- edge joint
- end joint
- end lap joint
- erection joint
- expansion joint
- face joint
- fail-safe joint
- false joint
- feather joint
- field joint
- finger joint
- fixed joint
- flanged joint
- flared joint
- flat joint
- flexible joint
- flexible ball joint
- floor joint
- floor-to-wall joint
- flush joint
- friction-type joint
- gland joint
- glued joint
- groove joint
- ground joint
- grouted joint
- half-lap joint
- halved joint
- heading joint
- head joint
- head contact joint
- head free joint
- Hercules pile joint
- hick joint
- high joint due to frost action
- hinged joint
- hinge joint
- incompressible joint
- insulated flanged pipe joint
- insulated rail joint
- isolation joint
- joggle joint
- keyed joint
- keys scarf joint
- knuckle joint
- laminated joint
- lapped joint
- lap joint
- lead joint
- lengthening joint
- lift joint
- lock joint
- longitudinal joint
- loose flange joint
- manipulative joint
- miter joint
- mortise-and-tenon joint
- mortise joint
- movement joint
- nonmanipulative joint
- oblique joint
- oblique butt joint
- open joint
- overstrained joint
- packed joint
- pin joint
- pipe expansion joint
- plain-S slip joint
- ploughed-and-tongued joint
- pocket lock joint
- pointed joint
- pressure-tight joint
- push fit joint
- rail joint
- raked joint
- rebated joint
- reinforced bar slip joint
- reinforced standing seam joint
- released joint
- resilient joint
- rigid joint
- ring seal joint
- rough-cut joint
- rustication joint
- rustic joint
- saddle joint
- sawed joint
- scarf joint
- screwed joint
- screw joint
- sealed joint
- semiflexible joint
- settlement joint
- shear joint
- shoved joint
- shrinkage joint
- shrinkage compensating concrete floor joint
- shrunk rubber ring joint
- single dovetail joint
- sleeve joint
- sliding joint
- slip joint
- solvent welded joint
- socket joint
- socket-and-spigot joint
- spalled joint
- spigot-and-socket joint
- S slip joint
- stagger joints
- steel crossing construction joint
- struck joint
- T and G joint
- tank base joint
- telescope joint
- threaded joint
- tight joint
- toggle joint
- tongue and groove joint
- tool joint
- tooled joint
- transverse joint
- treated joint
- undoweled joint
- unsealed joint
- V-shaped joint
- wall-footing joint
- warping joint
- watertight joint
- weathered joint
- welded joint
- wiped joint
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Don't Look a Smith Horse in the Mouth — American Dad! episode Stan s Horse … Wikipedia
Tooth development — Radiograph of lower right (from left to right) third, second, and first molars in different stages of development. Tooth development or odontogenesis is the complex process by which teeth form from embryonic cells, grow, and erupt into the mouth … Wikipedia
skeleton — skeletonless, adj. skeletonlike, adj. /skel i tn/, n. 1. Anat., Zool. the bones of a human or an animal considered as a whole, together forming the framework of the body. 2. any of various structures forming a rigid framework in an invertebrate.… … Universalium
List of Chinese inventions — A bronze Chinese crossbow mechanism with a buttplate (the wooden components have … Wikipedia
List of Celebrity Deathmatch episodes — This is the list of all the episodes and fights in the claymation series Celebrity Deathmatch. Bolded characters s names are the winners in a fight. Contents 1 Pilot episodes (January 1 25, 1998) … Wikipedia
Tooth (human) — For other uses of tooth or teeth , see Tooth (disambiguation). Teeth An adult human s teeth … Wikipedia
Tooth — Infobox Anatomy Name = Teeth Caption = An adult human s teeth. Caption2 = CGI posterior view of teeth taken from inside of mouthTeeth (singular, Tooth) are small whitish structures found in the jaws (or mouths) of many vertebrates that are used… … Wikipedia
muscle — muscleless, adj. muscly, adj. /mus euhl/, n., v., muscled, muscling, adj. n. 1. a tissue composed of cells or fibers, the contraction of which produces movement in the body. 2. an organ, composed of muscle tissue, that contracts to produce a… … Universalium
Head and neck anatomy — focuses on the structures of the head and neck of the human body, including the brain, bones, muscles, blood vessels, nerves, glands, nose, mouth, teeth, tongue, and throat. It is an area frequently studied in depth by surgeons, dentists, dental… … Wikipedia
Salad Fingers — plays with Horace Horsecollar in Episode 6. Genre Psychological horror Dark humor Form … Wikipedia
Northanger Abbey — L Abbaye de Northanger Cet article concerne le roman. Pour le téléfilm dérivé, voir Northanger Abbey (téléfilm). Pour les articles homonymes, voir Abbey. L Abbaye de Northanger[N 1] … Wikipédia en Français