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  • 1 D

    D, d (n. indecl., sometimes f. sc. littera), the flat dental mute, corresponding in character and sound to the English d and the Greek D, was the fourth letter of the Latin alphabet, and was called de: Ter. Maur. p. 2385 P., Auson. Idyll. 12, de Litt. Monos. 14. But at the end of a syllable, or after another consonant, its sound was sharpened, so that the grammarians often discuss the question whether d or t should be written, especially in conjunctions and prepositions. Illa quoque servata est a multis differentia, ut ad cum esset praepositio, d litteram, cum autem conjunctio, t acciperet (Quint. 1, 7, 5; cf. id. 1, 4, 16). Hence we may infer that some disputed this distinction, and that the sounds of ad and at must at least have been very similar (cf. also Terent. Scaur. p. 2250, Vel. Long. p. 2230 sq., Cassiod. p. 2287, 2291). Thus also aput, it, quit, quot, aliut, set, haut are found for apud, id, quid, quod, aliud, sed, haud. It would appear from the remarks of these authors that the last two words in particular, having a proclitic character, while they distinctly retained the d sound before an initial vowel in the following word, were pronounced before a consonant almost as set, haut (Mar. Vict. p. 2462 P., Vel. Long. l. l. v. Corss. Ausspr. 1, 191 sq.). The use of t for d in the middle of a word, as Alexenter for Alexander, atnato for adnato, is very rare (cf. Wordsworth, Fragm. p. 486 sq.). On the other hand, the use of d for t, which sometimes appears in MSS. and inscrr., as ed, capud, essed, inquid (all of which occur in the Cod. palimps. of Cic. Rep.), adque, quodannis, sicud, etc., fecid, reliquid, etc. (all in inscriptions after the Augustan period), is to be ascribed to a later phonetic softening (cf. Corss. Ausspr. 1, 191 sq.).
    As an initial, the letter d, in pure Latin words, suffers only a vowel after it; the single consonantal compound dr being found only in borrowed words, such as drama, Drusus, Druidae, etc., and in the two onomatopees drenso and drindio. Accordingly, the d of the initial dv, from du, was rejected, and the remaining v either retained unaltered (as in v iginti for du iginti; cf. triginta) or changed into b (as in b ellum, b is, b onus, for du ellum, du is, du onus; v. those words and the letter B). So too in and after the 4th century A.D., di before vowels was pronounced like j (cf. J ovis for Dj ovis, and J anus for Di anus); and hence, as the Greek di ( di) passed into dz, i. e. z (as in z a for d ia, and z eta for di aeta), we sometimes find the same name written in two or three ways, as Diabolenus, Jabolenus, Zabolenus; Jadera, Diadora, Zara. In many Greek words, however, which originally began with a y sound, d was prefixed by an instinctive effort to avoid a disagreeable utterance, just as in English the initial j has regularly assumed the sound of dj: thus Gr. zugon, i. e. diugon = L. jugum; and in such cases the d sound has been prefixed in Greek, not lost in Latin and other languages (v. Curt. Griech. Etym. p. 608 sq.).b. As a medial, d before most consonants undergoes assimilation; v. ad, no. II.; assum, init., and cf. iccirco, quippiam, quicquam, for idcirco, quidpiam, quidquam; and in contractions like cette from cedite, pelluviae from pediluviae, sella from sedela. In contractions, however, the d is sometimes dropped and a compensation effected by lengthening the preceding vowel, as scāla for scand-la. D before endings which begin with s was suppressed, as pes from ped-s, lapis from lapid-s, frons from frond-s, rasi from radsi, risi from rid-si, lusi from lud-si, clausi from claud-si; but in the second and third roots of cedo, and in the third roots of some other verbs, d is assimilated, as cessi, cessum, fossum, etc. D is also omitted before s in composition when another consonant follows the s, as ascendo, aspicio, asto, astringo, and so also before the nasal gn in agnatus, agnitus, and agnosco, from gnatus, etc.: but in other combinations it is assimilated, as assentio, acclamo, accresco; affligo, affrico; agglomero, aggrego; applico, approbo, etc. In tentum, from tendo, d is dropped to avoid the combination ndt or ntt, since euphony forbids a consonant to be doubled after another.g. Final d stood only in ad, apud, sed, and in the neuter pronouns quid, quod, illud, istud, and aliud, anciently alid. Otherwise, the ending d was considered barbarous, Prisc. p. 686 P.
    The letter d represents regularly an original Indo-Germanic d, in Greek d, but which in German becomes z, in Gothic t, and in Anglo-Saxon t: cf. Gr. hêdomai, Sanscr. svad, Germ. süss, Angl.-Sax. svēte (sweet), with Lat. suadeo; domare with Gr. damaô, Germ. zähmen, Eng. tame; domus with demô, timber, O. H. Germ. zimber; duo with duô, zwei, two. But it is also interchanged with other sounds, and thus sometimes represents—
    An original t: mendax from mentior; quadraginta, quadra, etc., from quatuor.—
    An original r: ar and ad; apur or apor and apud; meridies and medidies, audio and auris; cf. arbiter, from ad-beto; arcesso for ad-cesso.—
    An original l: adeps, Gr. aleipha; dacrima and lacrima, dingua and lingua; cf. on the contrary, olere for odere, consilium and considere, Ulixes from Odusseus (v. Corss. Ausspr. 1, 223).—
    An original s: Claudius, from the Sabine Clausus, medius and misos; and, on the contrary, rosa and rhodon. —
    A Greek th: fides, pistis; gaudere, gêtheô; vad-i-monium (from va-d-s, vadis), aethlon.
    In the oldest period of the language d was the ending of the ablat. sing. and of the adverbs which were originally ablatives (cf. Ritschl, Neue Plaut. Excur. I.; Brix ad Plaut. Trin. Prol. 10): pu CNANDO, MARID, DICTATORED, IN ALTOD MARID, NAVALED PRAEDAD on the Col. Rostr.; DE SENATVOS SENTENTIAD (thrice) IN OQVOLTOD, IN POPLICOD, IN PREIVATOD, IN COVENTIONID, and the adverbs SVPRAD SCRIPTVM EST (thrice), EXSTRAD QVAM SEI, and even EXSTRAD VRBEM, in S. C. de Bacch. So intra-d, ultra-d, citra-d, contra-d, infra-d, supra-d; contro-d, intro-d, etc.; and probably interea-d, postea-d. Here too belongs, no doubt, the adverb FACILVMED, found in the last-mentioned inscription. But this use of the d became antiquated during the 3d century B.C., and is not found at all in any inscription after 186 B. C. Plautus seems to have used or omitted it at will (Ritschl, Neue Plaut. Excurs. p. 18: Corss. Ausspr. 1, 197; 2, 1008).
    D final was also anciently found—
    In the accus. sing. of the personal pronouns med, ted, sed: INTER SED CONIOVRASE and INTER SED DEDISE, for inter se conjuravisse and inter se dedisse, in the S. C. de Bacch. This usage was retained, at least as a license of verse, when the next word began with a vowel, even in the time of Plautus. But in the classic period this d no longer appears. —
    In the imperative mood;

    as estod,

    Fest. p. 230. The Oscan language retained this ending (v. Corss. Ausspr. 1, 206).—
    In the preposition se-, originally identical with the conjunction sed (it is retained in the compound seditio); also in red-, prod-, antid-, postid-, etc. ( redire, prodire, etc.); and in these words, too, it is a remnant of the ancient characteristic of the ablative (v. Corss. Ausspr. 1, 200 sq.; Roby, Lat. Gr. 1, 49).
    As an abbreviation, D usually stands for the praenomen Decimus; also for Deus, Divus, Dominus, Decurio, etc.; over epitaphs, D. M. = Diis Manibus; over temple inscriptions, D. O. M. = Deo Optimo Maxumo; in the titles of the later emperors, D. N. = Dominus Noster, and DD. NN. = Domini Nostri. Before dates of letters, D signified dabam, and also dies; hence, a. d. = ante diem; in offerings to the gods, D. D. = dono or donum dedit; D. D. D. = dat, dicat, dedicat, etc. Cf. Orell. Inscr. II. p. 457 sq.
    The Romans denoted the number 500 by D; but the character was then regarded, not as a letter, but as half of the original Tuscan numeral (or CI[C ]) for 1000.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > D

  • 2 d

    D, d (n. indecl., sometimes f. sc. littera), the flat dental mute, corresponding in character and sound to the English d and the Greek D, was the fourth letter of the Latin alphabet, and was called de: Ter. Maur. p. 2385 P., Auson. Idyll. 12, de Litt. Monos. 14. But at the end of a syllable, or after another consonant, its sound was sharpened, so that the grammarians often discuss the question whether d or t should be written, especially in conjunctions and prepositions. Illa quoque servata est a multis differentia, ut ad cum esset praepositio, d litteram, cum autem conjunctio, t acciperet (Quint. 1, 7, 5; cf. id. 1, 4, 16). Hence we may infer that some disputed this distinction, and that the sounds of ad and at must at least have been very similar (cf. also Terent. Scaur. p. 2250, Vel. Long. p. 2230 sq., Cassiod. p. 2287, 2291). Thus also aput, it, quit, quot, aliut, set, haut are found for apud, id, quid, quod, aliud, sed, haud. It would appear from the remarks of these authors that the last two words in particular, having a proclitic character, while they distinctly retained the d sound before an initial vowel in the following word, were pronounced before a consonant almost as set, haut (Mar. Vict. p. 2462 P., Vel. Long. l. l. v. Corss. Ausspr. 1, 191 sq.). The use of t for d in the middle of a word, as Alexenter for Alexander, atnato for adnato, is very rare (cf. Wordsworth, Fragm. p. 486 sq.). On the other hand, the use of d for t, which sometimes appears in MSS. and inscrr., as ed, capud, essed, inquid (all of which occur in the Cod. palimps. of Cic. Rep.), adque, quodannis, sicud, etc., fecid, reliquid, etc. (all in inscriptions after the Augustan period), is to be ascribed to a later phonetic softening (cf. Corss. Ausspr. 1, 191 sq.).
    As an initial, the letter d, in pure Latin words, suffers only a vowel after it; the single consonantal compound dr being found only in borrowed words, such as drama, Drusus, Druidae, etc., and in the two onomatopees drenso and drindio. Accordingly, the d of the initial dv, from du, was rejected, and the remaining v either retained unaltered (as in v iginti for du iginti; cf. triginta) or changed into b (as in b ellum, b is, b onus, for du ellum, du is, du onus; v. those words and the letter B). So too in and after the 4th century A.D., di before vowels was pronounced like j (cf. J ovis for Dj ovis, and J anus for Di anus); and hence, as the Greek di ( di) passed into dz, i. e. z (as in z a for d ia, and z eta for di aeta), we sometimes find the same name written in two or three ways, as Diabolenus, Jabolenus, Zabolenus; Jadera, Diadora, Zara. In many Greek words, however, which originally began with a y sound, d was prefixed by an instinctive effort to avoid a disagreeable utterance, just as in English the initial j has regularly assumed the sound of dj: thus Gr. zugon, i. e. diugon = L. jugum; and in such cases the d sound has been prefixed in Greek, not lost in Latin and other languages (v. Curt. Griech. Etym. p. 608 sq.).b. As a medial, d before most consonants undergoes assimilation; v. ad, no. II.; assum, init., and cf. iccirco, quippiam, quicquam, for idcirco, quidpiam, quidquam; and in contractions like cette from cedite, pelluviae from pediluviae, sella from sedela. In contractions, however, the d is sometimes dropped and a compensation effected by lengthening the preceding vowel, as scāla for scand-la. D before endings which begin with s was suppressed, as pes from ped-s, lapis from lapid-s, frons from frond-s, rasi from radsi, risi from rid-si, lusi from lud-si, clausi from claud-si; but in the second and third roots of cedo, and in the third roots of some other verbs, d is assimilated, as cessi, cessum, fossum, etc. D is also omitted before s in composition when another consonant follows the s, as ascendo, aspicio, asto, astringo, and so also before the nasal gn in agnatus, agnitus, and agnosco, from gnatus, etc.: but in other combinations it is assimilated, as assentio, acclamo, accresco; affligo, affrico; agglomero, aggrego; applico, approbo, etc. In tentum, from tendo, d is dropped to avoid the combination ndt or ntt, since euphony forbids a consonant to be doubled after another.g. Final d stood only in ad, apud, sed, and in the neuter pronouns quid, quod, illud, istud, and aliud, anciently alid. Otherwise, the ending d was considered barbarous, Prisc. p. 686 P.
    The letter d represents regularly an original Indo-Germanic d, in Greek d, but which in German becomes z, in Gothic t, and in Anglo-Saxon t: cf. Gr. hêdomai, Sanscr. svad, Germ. süss, Angl.-Sax. svēte (sweet), with Lat. suadeo; domare with Gr. damaô, Germ. zähmen, Eng. tame; domus with demô, timber, O. H. Germ. zimber; duo with duô, zwei, two. But it is also interchanged with other sounds, and thus sometimes represents—
    An original t: mendax from mentior; quadraginta, quadra, etc., from quatuor.—
    An original r: ar and ad; apur or apor and apud; meridies and medidies, audio and auris; cf. arbiter, from ad-beto; arcesso for ad-cesso.—
    An original l: adeps, Gr. aleipha; dacrima and lacrima, dingua and lingua; cf. on the contrary, olere for odere, consilium and considere, Ulixes from Odusseus (v. Corss. Ausspr. 1, 223).—
    An original s: Claudius, from the Sabine Clausus, medius and misos; and, on the contrary, rosa and rhodon. —
    A Greek th: fides, pistis; gaudere, gêtheô; vad-i-monium (from va-d-s, vadis), aethlon.
    In the oldest period of the language d was the ending of the ablat. sing. and of the adverbs which were originally ablatives (cf. Ritschl, Neue Plaut. Excur. I.; Brix ad Plaut. Trin. Prol. 10): pu CNANDO, MARID, DICTATORED, IN ALTOD MARID, NAVALED PRAEDAD on the Col. Rostr.; DE SENATVOS SENTENTIAD (thrice) IN OQVOLTOD, IN POPLICOD, IN PREIVATOD, IN COVENTIONID, and the adverbs SVPRAD SCRIPTVM EST (thrice), EXSTRAD QVAM SEI, and even EXSTRAD VRBEM, in S. C. de Bacch. So intra-d, ultra-d, citra-d, contra-d, infra-d, supra-d; contro-d, intro-d, etc.; and probably interea-d, postea-d. Here too belongs, no doubt, the adverb FACILVMED, found in the last-mentioned inscription. But this use of the d became antiquated during the 3d century B.C., and is not found at all in any inscription after 186 B. C. Plautus seems to have used or omitted it at will (Ritschl, Neue Plaut. Excurs. p. 18: Corss. Ausspr. 1, 197; 2, 1008).
    D final was also anciently found—
    In the accus. sing. of the personal pronouns med, ted, sed: INTER SED CONIOVRASE and INTER SED DEDISE, for inter se conjuravisse and inter se dedisse, in the S. C. de Bacch. This usage was retained, at least as a license of verse, when the next word began with a vowel, even in the time of Plautus. But in the classic period this d no longer appears. —
    In the imperative mood;

    as estod,

    Fest. p. 230. The Oscan language retained this ending (v. Corss. Ausspr. 1, 206).—
    In the preposition se-, originally identical with the conjunction sed (it is retained in the compound seditio); also in red-, prod-, antid-, postid-, etc. ( redire, prodire, etc.); and in these words, too, it is a remnant of the ancient characteristic of the ablative (v. Corss. Ausspr. 1, 200 sq.; Roby, Lat. Gr. 1, 49).
    As an abbreviation, D usually stands for the praenomen Decimus; also for Deus, Divus, Dominus, Decurio, etc.; over epitaphs, D. M. = Diis Manibus; over temple inscriptions, D. O. M. = Deo Optimo Maxumo; in the titles of the later emperors, D. N. = Dominus Noster, and DD. NN. = Domini Nostri. Before dates of letters, D signified dabam, and also dies; hence, a. d. = ante diem; in offerings to the gods, D. D. = dono or donum dedit; D. D. D. = dat, dicat, dedicat, etc. Cf. Orell. Inscr. II. p. 457 sq.
    The Romans denoted the number 500 by D; but the character was then regarded, not as a letter, but as half of the original Tuscan numeral (or CI[C ]) for 1000.

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  • 3 Faunus

    Faunus, i, m. [faveo], a mythic son of Picus, grandson of Saturn, and father of Latinus, king of Latium; he instituted tillage and grazing, and after death was the protecting deity of agriculture and of shepherds, and also a giver of oracles; after the introduction of the worship of Pan into Italy, he was identified with Pan, and accordingly represented, like the latter, with horns and goats' feet, Lact. 1, 24; Cic. N. D. 3, 6, 15; Verg. A. 7, 48; 81; Ov. F. 2, 193; 3, 312 sq.; Prop. 4 (5), 2, 34; id. H. 5, 138; Hor. C. 1, 4, 11; 1, 17, 2; 3, 18, 1 et saep. On account of the assimilation of Faunus to Pan, the appellation Fauni was also used for Panes, sylvan deities, Lucr. 4, 581; Ov. M. 6, 392; 1, 193; Hor. Ep. 1, 19, 4; id. A. P. 244; Enn. ap. Cic. Brut. 19, 76 (Ann. v. 222 ed. Vahl.); Cic. N. D. 2, 2, 6; id. Div. 1, 45, 101.—
    Faunĭus, a, um, adj., pertaining to Faunus: versus, Victorinn. p. 2586 P.—
    Faunālĭa, ium, n., the festival celebrated on the nones of December, in honor of Faunus, acc. to Porphyr. and Acro, Hor. C. 3, 18, 1 and 10.

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  • 4 G

    G, g, indecl. n. or (on account of littera) f., had originally no place in the Latin alphabet: both the sharp and the flat guttural mutes, our k and g sounds, being represented by C; hence on the Columna Rostrata LECIONES, MACISTRATOS, EXFOCIONT, (pu)CNANDOD, PVCN(ad), CARTACINIENSIS, for legiones, etc.; hence, too, the archaic form ACETARE for agitare (v. Paul. ex Fest. p. 23 Müll. N. cr.), and the still common abbreviation of the names Gaius and Gneus in C and Cn.—At a later period (acc. to Plut. Qu. Rom. p. 277 D and 278 E, by means of a freedman of Spurius Carvilius Ruga, about the beginning of the second Punic war) a slight graphic alteration was made in the C, which introduced into the Roman orthography the letter G (on the old monuments C); thus we have in the S. C. de Bacchanal.: MAGISTER, MAGISTRATVM, FIGIER, GNOSCIER, AGRO; on the other hand, the orthography GNAIVOD PATRE PROGNATVS on the first Epitaph of the Scipios, which dates before that time, indicates either incorrectness in the copying or a later erection of the monument. When Greek words are written in Latin letters and vice versa, G always corresponds to G. Its sound was always hard, like Engl. g in gate, at least until the sixth century A. D.As an initial, g, in pure Latin words, enters into consonantal combination only with l and r; and therefore in words which, from their etymology, had the combination gn, the g was rejected in the classical period, and thus arose the class. forms nascor, natus, nosco, novi, notus, narus, navus, from the original gnascor, gnatus, gnosco, etc. (cf. the English gnaw, gnat, gnarr, etc., where the g has become silent); whereas in compounds the g again is often retained: cognatus, cognosco, ignarus, ignavus.—An initial g is dropped in lac (kindred to GALACT, gala), likewise in anser (kindred to Germ. Gans; Sanscr. hansa; Greek chên).As a medial, g combines with l, m, n, r, although it is sometimes elided before m in the course of formation; so in examen for exagmen from agmen; in contamino for contagmino (from con-TAG, tango). Before s the soft sound of g passes into the hard sound of c, and becomes blended with the s into x (v. the letter X); though sometimes the g (or c) is elided altogether, as in mulsi from mulgeo, indulsi from indulgeo; cf.: sparsus, mersus, tersus, etc. So too before t, as indultum from indulgeo. The medial g is often dropped between two vowels, and compensated for by lengthening the preced. vowel: māior from măgior, pulēium from pulēgium, āio from ăgio (root AG, Sanscr. ah, to say; cf. nego). Likewise the medial g is dropped in lēvis for legvis, Sanscr. laghn, fava for fagva, fruor for frugvor, flamma for flagma, stimulus for stigmulus, examen for exagmen; jumentum, from root jug-: sumen from sug-; cf.: umor, flamen, etc.As a final, g was only paragogic, acc. to Quint. 1, 7, 13, in the obsolete VESPERVG (for vesperu, analogous with noctu; v. Spald. ad loc.). Etymologically, g corresponds to an original Indo - European g or gh, or is weakened from c, k. Thus it stands where in Greek we have:
    g, as ago, agô; ager, agros; argentum, arguros; genus, genos; fulgeo, phlegô, and so very commonly;
    ch (usually before r, or in the middle of a word): ango, anchô; rigo, brechô; gratus, chairô, etc.;
    k: viginti, eikosi; gubernator, kubernêtês; gummi, kommi, etc.—By assimilation, g was produced from b and d in oggero, suggero, aggero, etc., from obgero, sub-gero, ad-gero, etc.As an abbreviation, G denotes Galliarum, Gallica, gemina, Germania, genius, etc.; and sometimes Gaius (instead of the usual C); v. Inscr. Orell. 467; 1660; 4680:

    G.P.R.F. genio populi Romani feliciter,

    Inscr. Orell. 4957; v. Corss. Ausspr. 1, 76 sqq.; Roby, Lat. Gr. 1, 38 sqq.

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  • 5 g

    G, g, indecl. n. or (on account of littera) f., had originally no place in the Latin alphabet: both the sharp and the flat guttural mutes, our k and g sounds, being represented by C; hence on the Columna Rostrata LECIONES, MACISTRATOS, EXFOCIONT, (pu)CNANDOD, PVCN(ad), CARTACINIENSIS, for legiones, etc.; hence, too, the archaic form ACETARE for agitare (v. Paul. ex Fest. p. 23 Müll. N. cr.), and the still common abbreviation of the names Gaius and Gneus in C and Cn.—At a later period (acc. to Plut. Qu. Rom. p. 277 D and 278 E, by means of a freedman of Spurius Carvilius Ruga, about the beginning of the second Punic war) a slight graphic alteration was made in the C, which introduced into the Roman orthography the letter G (on the old monuments C); thus we have in the S. C. de Bacchanal.: MAGISTER, MAGISTRATVM, FIGIER, GNOSCIER, AGRO; on the other hand, the orthography GNAIVOD PATRE PROGNATVS on the first Epitaph of the Scipios, which dates before that time, indicates either incorrectness in the copying or a later erection of the monument. When Greek words are written in Latin letters and vice versa, G always corresponds to G. Its sound was always hard, like Engl. g in gate, at least until the sixth century A. D.As an initial, g, in pure Latin words, enters into consonantal combination only with l and r; and therefore in words which, from their etymology, had the combination gn, the g was rejected in the classical period, and thus arose the class. forms nascor, natus, nosco, novi, notus, narus, navus, from the original gnascor, gnatus, gnosco, etc. (cf. the English gnaw, gnat, gnarr, etc., where the g has become silent); whereas in compounds the g again is often retained: cognatus, cognosco, ignarus, ignavus.—An initial g is dropped in lac (kindred to GALACT, gala), likewise in anser (kindred to Germ. Gans; Sanscr. hansa; Greek chên).As a medial, g combines with l, m, n, r, although it is sometimes elided before m in the course of formation; so in examen for exagmen from agmen; in contamino for contagmino (from con-TAG, tango). Before s the soft sound of g passes into the hard sound of c, and becomes blended with the s into x (v. the letter X); though sometimes the g (or c) is elided altogether, as in mulsi from mulgeo, indulsi from indulgeo; cf.: sparsus, mersus, tersus, etc. So too before t, as indultum from indulgeo. The medial g is often dropped between two vowels, and compensated for by lengthening the preced. vowel: māior from măgior, pulēium from pulēgium, āio from ăgio (root AG, Sanscr. ah, to say; cf. nego). Likewise the medial g is dropped in lēvis for legvis, Sanscr. laghn, fava for fagva, fruor for frugvor, flamma for flagma, stimulus for stigmulus, examen for exagmen; jumentum, from root jug-: sumen from sug-; cf.: umor, flamen, etc.As a final, g was only paragogic, acc. to Quint. 1, 7, 13, in the obsolete VESPERVG (for vesperu, analogous with noctu; v. Spald. ad loc.). Etymologically, g corresponds to an original Indo - European g or gh, or is weakened from c, k. Thus it stands where in Greek we have:
    g, as ago, agô; ager, agros; argentum, arguros; genus, genos; fulgeo, phlegô, and so very commonly;
    ch (usually before r, or in the middle of a word): ango, anchô; rigo, brechô; gratus, chairô, etc.;
    k: viginti, eikosi; gubernator, kubernêtês; gummi, kommi, etc.—By assimilation, g was produced from b and d in oggero, suggero, aggero, etc., from obgero, sub-gero, ad-gero, etc.As an abbreviation, G denotes Galliarum, Gallica, gemina, Germania, genius, etc.; and sometimes Gaius (instead of the usual C); v. Inscr. Orell. 467; 1660; 4680:

    G.P.R.F. genio populi Romani feliciter,

    Inscr. Orell. 4957; v. Corss. Ausspr. 1, 76 sqq.; Roby, Lat. Gr. 1, 38 sqq.

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  • 6 I

    I, i, the ninth letter of the Latin alphabet, a vowel; for even the old grammarians distinguished it from the consonant written with the same character; see the letter J. The short i is, next to ë, the least emphatic of the Latin vowels, and serves, corresp. to the Gr. o, as a connecting sound in forming compounds: aerĭfodina, aerĭpes, altitudo, altĭsonus, arcitenens, homĭcida, etc. It is often inserted in Latin words derived from Greek: mina, techina, cucinus, lucinus (for mna, techna, cycnus, lychnus, etc.); cf. Ritschl, Rhein. Mus. 8, p. 475 sq.; 9, p. 480; 10, p. 447 sq. And in similar manner inserted in arguiturus, abnuiturus, etc. The vowel i is most closely related to u, and hence the transition of the latter into the former took place not only by assimilation into a following i, as similis, together with simul and simultas; facilis, together with facul and facultas; familia, together with famul and famulus; but also simply for greater ease of utterance; so that, from the class. per. onward, we find i written in the place of the older u: optimus, maximus, finitimus, satira, lacrima, libet, libido, etc., instead of the earlier optumus, maxumus, finitumus, satura, lacruma, lubet, lubido, etc.; cf. also the archaic genitives cererus, venerus, honorus, nominus, etc., for the later Cereris, Veneris, honoris, nominis, etc., the archaic orthography caputalis for capitalis, etc. For the relation of i to a and e, see those letters. Examples of commutation between i and o are rare: -agnitus, cognitus, together with notus, ilico from in loco, the archaic forms ollus, ollic for ille, illic, and inversely, sispes and sispita for sospes and sospita. As an abbreviation, I (as the sign of the vowel i) denotes in, infra, ipse, Isis, etc.: IDQ iidemque, I. H. F. C. ipsius heres faciendum curavit, IM. immunis, IMP. imperium, imperator, etc. The capital letter I is often confounded with the numeral I. (unus, primus).

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > I

  • 7 i

    I, i, the ninth letter of the Latin alphabet, a vowel; for even the old grammarians distinguished it from the consonant written with the same character; see the letter J. The short i is, next to ë, the least emphatic of the Latin vowels, and serves, corresp. to the Gr. o, as a connecting sound in forming compounds: aerĭfodina, aerĭpes, altitudo, altĭsonus, arcitenens, homĭcida, etc. It is often inserted in Latin words derived from Greek: mina, techina, cucinus, lucinus (for mna, techna, cycnus, lychnus, etc.); cf. Ritschl, Rhein. Mus. 8, p. 475 sq.; 9, p. 480; 10, p. 447 sq. And in similar manner inserted in arguiturus, abnuiturus, etc. The vowel i is most closely related to u, and hence the transition of the latter into the former took place not only by assimilation into a following i, as similis, together with simul and simultas; facilis, together with facul and facultas; familia, together with famul and famulus; but also simply for greater ease of utterance; so that, from the class. per. onward, we find i written in the place of the older u: optimus, maximus, finitimus, satira, lacrima, libet, libido, etc., instead of the earlier optumus, maxumus, finitumus, satura, lacruma, lubet, lubido, etc.; cf. also the archaic genitives cererus, venerus, honorus, nominus, etc., for the later Cereris, Veneris, honoris, nominis, etc., the archaic orthography caputalis for capitalis, etc. For the relation of i to a and e, see those letters. Examples of commutation between i and o are rare: -agnitus, cognitus, together with notus, ilico from in loco, the archaic forms ollus, ollic for ille, illic, and inversely, sispes and sispita for sospes and sospita. As an abbreviation, I (as the sign of the vowel i) denotes in, infra, ipse, Isis, etc.: IDQ iidemque, I. H. F. C. ipsius heres faciendum curavit, IM. immunis, IMP. imperium, imperator, etc. The capital letter I is often confounded with the numeral I. (unus, primus).

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > i

  • 8 N

    N, n, had its full, pure sound only when it began a syllable; in the middle or at the end of a word it was weakened. Hence the remark of Priscian (p. 556 P.): n quoque plenior in primis sonat, et in ultimis partibus syllabarum, ut nomen, stamen; exilior in mediis, ut amnis, damnum, is not accurate, v. Corss. Ausspr. 1, p. 248 sq. Between two vowels, the single n frequently takes the place, in MSS. and inscriptions, of double n; thus: Pescenius, Porsena, conubium, conecto, conitor, coniveo. The n of con- for com- often falls away before h; as: cohaerere, coheres, cohibere, cohors; and before j; as: coicere, cojux or cojunx, cosul, etc. In very late Latin, n was frequently dropped before s in the participial ending -ans, -ens, and before st, scr, or simple s in composition. In the earlier language this occurs in the ending -iens; as: quoties, toties, vicies, for quotiens, etc.; and in a few other instances, as castresis for castrensis; formosus for the older form formonsus; and in inscriptions, meses for menses, tösor for tonsor, etc.; cf. also, quăsi for quansi (quam si). Before the guttural letters a medial n receives the sound of Greek g before gutturals, wherefore, in early times, viz., by Attius, we have also g written for n: Agchises, agceps, aggulus, aggens, agguilla, iggerunt, etc., Varr. ap. Prisc. p. 556 P. (cf. Varr. L. L. p. 264 Müll.); cf. Mar. Victor. p. 2462 and 2465 P.; hence called n adulterinum by Nigid. ap. Gell. 19, 14, 7.Assimilation commonly takes place before l, m, and r: illabor, immitto, irrumpo (v. in), yet is often neglected; before the labials, n is commonly changed into m: imberbis, imbutus; impar, impleo; and before initial m the preposition in is frequently written im, v. Prol. Verg. p. 433 Rib.The letter n is frequently inserted, particularly before s: me n sis, e n sis, ansa; Megalesia and Megalensia, frons and frus. Less freq. before other consonants: tu n do, ju n go, mi n go, pu n go, etc.; cf. also: lanterna and laterna, ligula and lingula. Sometimes n is inserted with a vowel: fru-niscor from fruor, and perh. fenestra from festra. The double forms, alioquin and alioqui, ceteroqui and ceteroquin, seem to rest on purely phonetic grounds, v. h. vv.As an abbreviation, N usually stands for natus, nefastus dies, nepos, nomine, novum, the praenomen Numerius, numero, numine.—N = natione, natus, nostri, nostro, etc., numerus, numero, etc. N. D. N. = numini domini nostri. N. L. = non liquet (v. liqueo). N. M. V. = nobilis memoriae vir. NN. BB. = nobilissimi. NP. = nefastus prior. NVM. = nummum. In poetry, n alone sometimes stands for the enclitic ne, even before a consonant:

    nostin quae sit?

    Ter. Eun. 2, 3, 58; Verg. A. 3, 319; 12, 797 al.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > N

  • 9 n

    N, n, had its full, pure sound only when it began a syllable; in the middle or at the end of a word it was weakened. Hence the remark of Priscian (p. 556 P.): n quoque plenior in primis sonat, et in ultimis partibus syllabarum, ut nomen, stamen; exilior in mediis, ut amnis, damnum, is not accurate, v. Corss. Ausspr. 1, p. 248 sq. Between two vowels, the single n frequently takes the place, in MSS. and inscriptions, of double n; thus: Pescenius, Porsena, conubium, conecto, conitor, coniveo. The n of con- for com- often falls away before h; as: cohaerere, coheres, cohibere, cohors; and before j; as: coicere, cojux or cojunx, cosul, etc. In very late Latin, n was frequently dropped before s in the participial ending -ans, -ens, and before st, scr, or simple s in composition. In the earlier language this occurs in the ending -iens; as: quoties, toties, vicies, for quotiens, etc.; and in a few other instances, as castresis for castrensis; formosus for the older form formonsus; and in inscriptions, meses for menses, tösor for tonsor, etc.; cf. also, quăsi for quansi (quam si). Before the guttural letters a medial n receives the sound of Greek g before gutturals, wherefore, in early times, viz., by Attius, we have also g written for n: Agchises, agceps, aggulus, aggens, agguilla, iggerunt, etc., Varr. ap. Prisc. p. 556 P. (cf. Varr. L. L. p. 264 Müll.); cf. Mar. Victor. p. 2462 and 2465 P.; hence called n adulterinum by Nigid. ap. Gell. 19, 14, 7.Assimilation commonly takes place before l, m, and r: illabor, immitto, irrumpo (v. in), yet is often neglected; before the labials, n is commonly changed into m: imberbis, imbutus; impar, impleo; and before initial m the preposition in is frequently written im, v. Prol. Verg. p. 433 Rib.The letter n is frequently inserted, particularly before s: me n sis, e n sis, ansa; Megalesia and Megalensia, frons and frus. Less freq. before other consonants: tu n do, ju n go, mi n go, pu n go, etc.; cf. also: lanterna and laterna, ligula and lingula. Sometimes n is inserted with a vowel: fru-niscor from fruor, and perh. fenestra from festra. The double forms, alioquin and alioqui, ceteroqui and ceteroquin, seem to rest on purely phonetic grounds, v. h. vv.As an abbreviation, N usually stands for natus, nefastus dies, nepos, nomine, novum, the praenomen Numerius, numero, numine.—N = natione, natus, nostri, nostro, etc., numerus, numero, etc. N. D. N. = numini domini nostri. N. L. = non liquet (v. liqueo). N. M. V. = nobilis memoriae vir. NN. BB. = nobilissimi. NP. = nefastus prior. NVM. = nummum. In poetry, n alone sometimes stands for the enclitic ne, even before a consonant:

    nostin quae sit?

    Ter. Eun. 2, 3, 58; Verg. A. 3, 319; 12, 797 al.

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  • 10 ob

    ŏb (old form obs, v. III.), prep. with acc. (in late Lat. also with the abl.:


    Inscr. Orell. 106) [Osc. op; kindr. with Sanscr. api; Gr. epi].
    With verbs of motion, towards, to (only ante-class.): IS TERTHS DIEBVS OB PORTVM OBVAGVLATVM ITO, let him go before his house to summon him, Fragm. XII. Tab. ap. Paul. ex Fest. s. v. portum, p. 233 Müll.: ob Romam legiones ducere, Enn. ap. Paul. ex Fest. p. 179 Müll. (Ann. v. 295 Vahl.); cf.:

    ob Troiam duxit,

    id. ib. p. 178 Müll. (Incert. libr. v. 5 Vahl.): cujus ob os Grai ora obvertebant sua, Poët. ap. Cic. Tusc. 3, 18, 39; and ap. Cic. Fam. 9, 26, 2 (Trag. Rel. p. 211 Rib.).—
    With verbs of rest, about, before, in front of, over (in Cic.):

    follem sibi obstringit ob gulam,

    Plaut. Aul. 2, 4, 23:

    lanam ob oculum habere,

    id. Mil. 5, 37:

    ob oculos mihi caliginem obstitisse,

    before my eyes, id. ib. 2, 4, 51:

    mors ob oculos saepe versata est,

    Cic. Rab. Post. 14, 39; id. Sest. 21, 47:

    ignis qui est ob os offusus,

    id. Univ. 14.—
    Transf., to indicate the object or cause, on account of, for, because of, by reason of, etc.
    In gen. (freq. and class.):

    etiam ob stultitiam tuam te tueris?

    do you still defend yourself with regard to your folly? Plaut. Trin. 3, 2, 82:

    pretium ob stultitiam fero,

    Ter. And. 3, 5, 4; id. Phorm. 2, 3, 23:

    ob eam rem iratus,

    on that account, Plaut. Bacch. 4, 4, 33:

    neu quid ob eam rem succenseat,

    id. ib. 4, 4, 39; Ter. Ad. 5, 6, 7: Mi. Ob eam rem? De. Ob eam, id. ib. 5. 9, 20:

    ob rem nullam,

    id. Hec. 5, 3, 2:

    hanc Epicurus rationem induxit ob eam rem, quod veritus est, ne, etc.,

    Cic. Fat. 10, 23:

    ob eam causam, quod, etc.,

    id. Rep. 1, 7, 12: quam ob causam venerant, id. de Or. 1, 7, 26:

    non solum ob eam causam fieri volui, quod, etc.,

    id. Rep. 1, 21, 34:

    ob hanc causam, quod,

    id. ib. 2, 1, 3:

    nec ob aliam causam ullam, etc.,

    id. Lael. 20, 74:

    ob meas injurias,

    Ter. Heaut. 1, 1, 85; cf.:

    quodnam ob facinus?

    id. ib. 5, 2, 3: ob peccatum hoc. id. ib. v. 37:

    ob malefacta haec,

    id. Ad. 2, 1, 46:

    ob illam injuriam,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 25, 46:

    ob aliquod emolumentum suum,

    id. Font. 8, 17: (eum) ac Troiam misi ob defendendam Graeciam, Enn. ap. Cic. Tusc. 3, 13, 28 (Trag. v. 362 Vahl.):

    ob rem judicandam pecuniam adcipere,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 32, § 78; id. Att. 1, 17, 8; id. Mur. 1, 1; id. Verr. 2, 2, 48, § 119; Sall. J. 89, 2; Quint. 5, 10, 87:

    nec meliores ob eam scientiam nec beatiores esse possumus,

    on account of, for that knowledge, Cic. Rep. 1, 19, 32:

    ob eam (amicitiam) summā fide servatam,

    id. Lael. 7, 25:

    is igitur dicitur ab Amulio ob labefactandi regni timorem, ad Tiberim exponi jussus esse,

    id. Rep. 2, 2, 4:

    unius ob iram Prodimur,

    Verg. A. 1, 251; cf.:

    saevae memorem Junonis ob iram,

    id. ib. 1, 4; cf.

    also: aut ob avaritiam aut miserā ambitione laborat,

    Hor. S. 1, 4, 26:

    barbarus eum quidam palam ob iram interfecti ab eo domini obtruncat,

    Liv. 21, 2, 6:

    non noxā neque ob metum,

    Tac. H. 2, 49:

    Germanicum mortem ob rem publicam obiisse,

    for the republic, id. A. 2, 83:

    cum quibus ob rem pecuniariam disceptabat,

    id. ib. 6, 5.—
    In partic.
    In consideration of, in return for, instead of (mostly ante-class.):

    ob asinos ferre argentum,

    Plaut. As. 2, 2, 80; id. Ep. 5, 2, 38:

    quin arrhabonem a me accepisti ob mulierem?

    id. Rud. 3, 6, 23:

    ager oppositus est pignori Ob decem minas,

    Ter. Phorm. 4, 3, 56: talentum magnum ob unam fabulam datum esse, C. Gracch. ap. Gell. 11, 10 fin.:

    pecuniam ob absolvendum accipere,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 32, § 78:

    pecuniam ob delicta dare,

    Tac. A. 14, 14.—
    Ob rem, like ex re (opp. frustra), to the purpose, with advantage, profitably, usefully (very rare): An. Non pudet Vanitatis? Do. Minime, dum ob rem, Ter Phorm. 3, 2, 41:

    verum id frustra an ob rem faciam, in vostrā manu situm est,

    Sall. J. 31, 5.—
    Ob industriam, on purpose, intentionally, Plaut. Cas. 4, 3, 6; 2, 3, 58 (id. ib. 2, 3, 60, de industriā); cf. id. Men. 1, 2, 14.—
    Quam ob rem, also written in one word, quamobrem, on which account, wherefore, therefore, hence, accordingly; a very freq. particle of transition, esp. in Cic.:

    quam ob rem id primum videamus, quatenus, etc.,

    Cic. Lael. 11, 36:

    quam ob rem utrique nostrūm gratum admodum feceris,

    id. ib. 4, 16; 2, 10; 3, 12; 4, 15; id. Rep. 1, 5, 9; 1, 19, 32 et saep.—
    Ob id, ob hoc, ob haec, ob ea, ob quae, on that account, therefore (not ante-Aug.).
    Ob id:

    ignaris hostibus et ob id quietis,

    Liv. 25, 35; 28, 2; Tac. A. 2, 66; 3, 75; 13, 5:

    ob id ipsum,

    Curt. 4, 16, 23.—
    Ob hoc:

    ob hoc cum omnia neglecta apud hostes essent,

    Liv. 25, 37; Sen. Q. N. 7, 14, 4; Col. 7, 3, 21; cf.:

    ob hoc miserior,

    Sen. Ep. 98, 5. —
    Ob haec:

    ob haec cum legatos mitti placuisset,

    Liv. 8, 23; 21, 50; 38, 34; Cels. 1 praef.—
    Ob ea:

    ob ea consul Albinus senatum de foedere consulebat,

    Sall. J. 39, 2.—
    Ob quae:

    ob quae posterum diem reus petivit,

    Tac. A. 2, 30 fin.; Suet. Ner. 13.—
    In composition, the b of ob remains unchanged before vowels and most consonants; only before p, f, c, g, is assimilation more common: oppeto, offero, occido, ogganio, etc.—An ancient form obs, analogous to abs, is implied in obs-olesco and os-tendo.—In signification, that of direction towards, or of existence at or before a thing is predominant, although it likewise gives to the simple verb the accessory notion of against: obicere, opponere, obrogare.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > ob

  • 11 obs

    ŏb (old form obs, v. III.), prep. with acc. (in late Lat. also with the abl.:


    Inscr. Orell. 106) [Osc. op; kindr. with Sanscr. api; Gr. epi].
    With verbs of motion, towards, to (only ante-class.): IS TERTHS DIEBVS OB PORTVM OBVAGVLATVM ITO, let him go before his house to summon him, Fragm. XII. Tab. ap. Paul. ex Fest. s. v. portum, p. 233 Müll.: ob Romam legiones ducere, Enn. ap. Paul. ex Fest. p. 179 Müll. (Ann. v. 295 Vahl.); cf.:

    ob Troiam duxit,

    id. ib. p. 178 Müll. (Incert. libr. v. 5 Vahl.): cujus ob os Grai ora obvertebant sua, Poët. ap. Cic. Tusc. 3, 18, 39; and ap. Cic. Fam. 9, 26, 2 (Trag. Rel. p. 211 Rib.).—
    With verbs of rest, about, before, in front of, over (in Cic.):

    follem sibi obstringit ob gulam,

    Plaut. Aul. 2, 4, 23:

    lanam ob oculum habere,

    id. Mil. 5, 37:

    ob oculos mihi caliginem obstitisse,

    before my eyes, id. ib. 2, 4, 51:

    mors ob oculos saepe versata est,

    Cic. Rab. Post. 14, 39; id. Sest. 21, 47:

    ignis qui est ob os offusus,

    id. Univ. 14.—
    Transf., to indicate the object or cause, on account of, for, because of, by reason of, etc.
    In gen. (freq. and class.):

    etiam ob stultitiam tuam te tueris?

    do you still defend yourself with regard to your folly? Plaut. Trin. 3, 2, 82:

    pretium ob stultitiam fero,

    Ter. And. 3, 5, 4; id. Phorm. 2, 3, 23:

    ob eam rem iratus,

    on that account, Plaut. Bacch. 4, 4, 33:

    neu quid ob eam rem succenseat,

    id. ib. 4, 4, 39; Ter. Ad. 5, 6, 7: Mi. Ob eam rem? De. Ob eam, id. ib. 5. 9, 20:

    ob rem nullam,

    id. Hec. 5, 3, 2:

    hanc Epicurus rationem induxit ob eam rem, quod veritus est, ne, etc.,

    Cic. Fat. 10, 23:

    ob eam causam, quod, etc.,

    id. Rep. 1, 7, 12: quam ob causam venerant, id. de Or. 1, 7, 26:

    non solum ob eam causam fieri volui, quod, etc.,

    id. Rep. 1, 21, 34:

    ob hanc causam, quod,

    id. ib. 2, 1, 3:

    nec ob aliam causam ullam, etc.,

    id. Lael. 20, 74:

    ob meas injurias,

    Ter. Heaut. 1, 1, 85; cf.:

    quodnam ob facinus?

    id. ib. 5, 2, 3: ob peccatum hoc. id. ib. v. 37:

    ob malefacta haec,

    id. Ad. 2, 1, 46:

    ob illam injuriam,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 25, 46:

    ob aliquod emolumentum suum,

    id. Font. 8, 17: (eum) ac Troiam misi ob defendendam Graeciam, Enn. ap. Cic. Tusc. 3, 13, 28 (Trag. v. 362 Vahl.):

    ob rem judicandam pecuniam adcipere,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 32, § 78; id. Att. 1, 17, 8; id. Mur. 1, 1; id. Verr. 2, 2, 48, § 119; Sall. J. 89, 2; Quint. 5, 10, 87:

    nec meliores ob eam scientiam nec beatiores esse possumus,

    on account of, for that knowledge, Cic. Rep. 1, 19, 32:

    ob eam (amicitiam) summā fide servatam,

    id. Lael. 7, 25:

    is igitur dicitur ab Amulio ob labefactandi regni timorem, ad Tiberim exponi jussus esse,

    id. Rep. 2, 2, 4:

    unius ob iram Prodimur,

    Verg. A. 1, 251; cf.:

    saevae memorem Junonis ob iram,

    id. ib. 1, 4; cf.

    also: aut ob avaritiam aut miserā ambitione laborat,

    Hor. S. 1, 4, 26:

    barbarus eum quidam palam ob iram interfecti ab eo domini obtruncat,

    Liv. 21, 2, 6:

    non noxā neque ob metum,

    Tac. H. 2, 49:

    Germanicum mortem ob rem publicam obiisse,

    for the republic, id. A. 2, 83:

    cum quibus ob rem pecuniariam disceptabat,

    id. ib. 6, 5.—
    In partic.
    In consideration of, in return for, instead of (mostly ante-class.):

    ob asinos ferre argentum,

    Plaut. As. 2, 2, 80; id. Ep. 5, 2, 38:

    quin arrhabonem a me accepisti ob mulierem?

    id. Rud. 3, 6, 23:

    ager oppositus est pignori Ob decem minas,

    Ter. Phorm. 4, 3, 56: talentum magnum ob unam fabulam datum esse, C. Gracch. ap. Gell. 11, 10 fin.:

    pecuniam ob absolvendum accipere,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 32, § 78:

    pecuniam ob delicta dare,

    Tac. A. 14, 14.—
    Ob rem, like ex re (opp. frustra), to the purpose, with advantage, profitably, usefully (very rare): An. Non pudet Vanitatis? Do. Minime, dum ob rem, Ter Phorm. 3, 2, 41:

    verum id frustra an ob rem faciam, in vostrā manu situm est,

    Sall. J. 31, 5.—
    Ob industriam, on purpose, intentionally, Plaut. Cas. 4, 3, 6; 2, 3, 58 (id. ib. 2, 3, 60, de industriā); cf. id. Men. 1, 2, 14.—
    Quam ob rem, also written in one word, quamobrem, on which account, wherefore, therefore, hence, accordingly; a very freq. particle of transition, esp. in Cic.:

    quam ob rem id primum videamus, quatenus, etc.,

    Cic. Lael. 11, 36:

    quam ob rem utrique nostrūm gratum admodum feceris,

    id. ib. 4, 16; 2, 10; 3, 12; 4, 15; id. Rep. 1, 5, 9; 1, 19, 32 et saep.—
    Ob id, ob hoc, ob haec, ob ea, ob quae, on that account, therefore (not ante-Aug.).
    Ob id:

    ignaris hostibus et ob id quietis,

    Liv. 25, 35; 28, 2; Tac. A. 2, 66; 3, 75; 13, 5:

    ob id ipsum,

    Curt. 4, 16, 23.—
    Ob hoc:

    ob hoc cum omnia neglecta apud hostes essent,

    Liv. 25, 37; Sen. Q. N. 7, 14, 4; Col. 7, 3, 21; cf.:

    ob hoc miserior,

    Sen. Ep. 98, 5. —
    Ob haec:

    ob haec cum legatos mitti placuisset,

    Liv. 8, 23; 21, 50; 38, 34; Cels. 1 praef.—
    Ob ea:

    ob ea consul Albinus senatum de foedere consulebat,

    Sall. J. 39, 2.—
    Ob quae:

    ob quae posterum diem reus petivit,

    Tac. A. 2, 30 fin.; Suet. Ner. 13.—
    In composition, the b of ob remains unchanged before vowels and most consonants; only before p, f, c, g, is assimilation more common: oppeto, offero, occido, ogganio, etc.—An ancient form obs, analogous to abs, is implied in obs-olesco and os-tendo.—In signification, that of direction towards, or of existence at or before a thing is predominant, although it likewise gives to the simple verb the accessory notion of against: obicere, opponere, obrogare.

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  • 12 re

    , or with d demonstrative (see the letter D), rĕd (so, too, before vowels and h; also in red-do, and with the union-vowel i in rĕdĭ-vivus. In reicio and often in later Latin re is found before vowels and h; e. g. reaedifico, reexinanio, reinvito, etc. Assimilation of the d before consonants produced the forms relligio, relliquiae, reccido; and the suppression of the d may account for the frequent lengthening of the e by poets in rēduco, rēlatum. The orthography and quantity of words compounded with re are in general somewhat arbitrary, especially in the ante- and post-class. poets). An inseparable particle, whose fundamental signification answers to the Engl. again and against. Thus, it denotes either,
    A turning back ward (Engl. back): recedo, recurro, reicio, remitto, resolvo, etc.; or,
    An opposition: reboo, reclamo, redamo, reluctor, repugno; and,
    A restoration of a thing to its original condition (e. g. a freeing or loosing from a state of constraint; Engl. re-, un-): redintegro, reficio, restituo, relaxo, relego, resero, recludo, resolvo, retego, etc.—
    A transition into an opposite state: recharmido, reprobo (opp. comprobo), retracto, revelo.—
    A repetition of an action: recoquo, resumo, reviso, etc.—
    It is sometimes intensive, as redundo.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > re

  • 13 red

    , or with d demonstrative (see the letter D), rĕd (so, too, before vowels and h; also in red-do, and with the union-vowel i in rĕdĭ-vivus. In reicio and often in later Latin re is found before vowels and h; e. g. reaedifico, reexinanio, reinvito, etc. Assimilation of the d before consonants produced the forms relligio, relliquiae, reccido; and the suppression of the d may account for the frequent lengthening of the e by poets in rēduco, rēlatum. The orthography and quantity of words compounded with re are in general somewhat arbitrary, especially in the ante- and post-class. poets). An inseparable particle, whose fundamental signification answers to the Engl. again and against. Thus, it denotes either,
    A turning back ward (Engl. back): recedo, recurro, reicio, remitto, resolvo, etc.; or,
    An opposition: reboo, reclamo, redamo, reluctor, repugno; and,
    A restoration of a thing to its original condition (e. g. a freeing or loosing from a state of constraint; Engl. re-, un-): redintegro, reficio, restituo, relaxo, relego, resero, recludo, resolvo, retego, etc.—
    A transition into an opposite state: recharmido, reprobo (opp. comprobo), retracto, revelo.—
    A repetition of an action: recoquo, resumo, reviso, etc.—
    It is sometimes intensive, as redundo.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > red

  • 14 S

    S, s, indecl. n. or (agreeing with littera) f.
    The eighteenth letter of the Latin alphabet, corresponding in form to the old Greek S for S (Etruscan in a reversed form,);

    in its nature a sibilant semi-vowel, whose peculiarities were much discussed by the ancients, and are even treated of in a special work by Messala, a contemporary of Augustus (Messala in libro de S littera,

    Quint. 1, 7, 23; cf. Mart. Cap. 3, § 245).—
    As an initial and medial it has a hard and sharp sound (which is softened, however, between two vowels), and is therefore joined only with the tenues (c, p, t; cf., on the contrary, the Gr. sbennumi);

    and, as a medial, often written double after long vowels: caussa, cassus, divissiones (these forms, used by Cicero and Vergil, were already uncommon in Quintilian's time,

    Quint. 1, 7, 20; v. Corss. Ausspr. 1, 283 sq.).—
    As a final it had a weakened sound, and therefore not only admitted the medial b before it (plebs, urbs, abs; Arabs, chalybs, etc.; v. the letter B), but often entirely disappeared. So in the ante-class. poets down to the early years of Cicero (and also in his own poem, entitled Aratus, written in his youth), before words beginning with a consonant, to avoid position: Ratu' Romulus, Fulviu' Nobilior, gravi' Terra, est sati' bella, Hyperioni' cursum, Virgine' nam sibi, etc.; cf. Cic. Or. 48, 161; Quint. 9, 4, 38; and v. Freund, in Jahn's Neue Jahrb. 1835, XIII. p. 25 sq.; less freq. before words beginning with a vowel, in which case, to avoid a hiatus, the vowel before s was also elided; vas' argenteis (for vasis argenteis) and palm' et crinibus (for palmis et crinibus); v. Cic. Or. 45, 153. So, too, in the fourth Epitaph of the Scipios (Inscr. Orell. 553), L. CORNELIO L. F. instead of CORNELIOS (cf. a similar elision of the M under that letter). Final s is also elided, and the preceding vowel either dropped with it or weakened, in the forms sat from satis, mage from magis; in the neutr. forms of adjectives of the third declension, acre, agreste, facile (v. the letter E); in the collat. forms of the sec. pers. sing. pass., fatere, fateare, fatebare, etc.; in the gen. sing. of the first, second, and fifth declensions, and in the nom. plur. of the first and second declensions (aurai for aura-is, analog. to reg is, etc.). Lastly, s disappears in the (mostly familiar) collat. forms abin', scin', viden', satin', from abisne, scisne, videsne, satisne, etc.—
    As an etymological initial aspirate, s appears in many words whose Greek equivalents begin with a vowel: sal, semi-, serpo, sex, super, sus, corresp. to hals, hêmi-, herpô, hex, huper, us, etc.; si (archaic sei), sero, Segesta, corresp. to ei, ERÔ (whence eirô), Egesta. Less freq. in radical words beginning with a consonant: sculpo corresp. to gluphô, and the derivatives scruta, from grutê, and scrupedae, from kroupeza. To soften the termination, s appears in abs = ab, and ex corresp. to ek.—Very freq., on the contrary, an initial s appears in cognate forms in other languages, where corresp. Latin words have lost the s: Lat. fallo, Gr. sphallô; fungus, Gr. sphongos; fides, Gr. sphidê (comp. also nix with Engl. [p. 1609] snow, nurus with old Germ. snur, daughterin-law); cf. also cutis and scutum; cauda and root sku-, in Goth. skauts, etc.; casa and Gr. skia, skênê; cerno and Gr. krinô for skirnô, skôr, skôria; calumnia and skallô; gradior and root scra-, Germ. schreiten; parco and sparnos; penuria and spanis; pando and spaô; tego and stegô; tono and stonos; taurus and Sanscr. sthūras, Germ. Stier al.; v. Corss. Ausspr. 1, p. 277 sqq.—In the middle of a word s is dropped in at from ast.—
    S is interchanged,
    Most freq. with r; in partic., an original s, between two vowels, becomes r; v. Varr. L. L. 7, § 26 Müll.; so foederum for foedesum, plurima for plusima, meliorem for meliosem, Lares for Lases, etc.; cf. eram and sum, quaero and quaeso, nasus and naris. Appius Claudius, the censor, is said to have introduced r into the names Furius, Valerius, etc., in place of s, B.C. 312 (v. the letter R, II.).—
    With d: Claudius, from the Sabine Clausus; and, on the other hand, rosa, corresp. to the Gr. rhodon; cf. Schneid. Gram. 1, p. 259.—
    With t: tensus and tentus, resina corresp. to rhêtinê; and, on the contrary, aggrettus for aggressus; mertare, pultare, for mersare, pulsare (perh. also assentor for assensor).—
    With x; v. that letter.—
    S is assimilated before f in the compounds of dis: differo, difficilis, diffluo, etc.; v. 3. dis.— On the other hand, it arises by assimilation from d, in assum, assumo, cessi, for adsum, adsumo, ced-si; from t in fassus, from fateor; from b in jussi, from jubeo; from m in pressi, from premo; from r in gessi, from gero; and dossuarius, from dorsum. —
    As an abbreviation, S denotes sacrum, semis, sibi, suis, etc.; S. AS. D., sub asciā dedicavit; S. C., senatusconsultum; perh. also, sententia collegii (Inscr. Orell. 2385); S. P., sua pecunia; S. P. Q. R., Senatus Populusque Romanus, etc.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > S

  • 15 s

    S, s, indecl. n. or (agreeing with littera) f.
    The eighteenth letter of the Latin alphabet, corresponding in form to the old Greek S for S (Etruscan in a reversed form,);

    in its nature a sibilant semi-vowel, whose peculiarities were much discussed by the ancients, and are even treated of in a special work by Messala, a contemporary of Augustus (Messala in libro de S littera,

    Quint. 1, 7, 23; cf. Mart. Cap. 3, § 245).—
    As an initial and medial it has a hard and sharp sound (which is softened, however, between two vowels), and is therefore joined only with the tenues (c, p, t; cf., on the contrary, the Gr. sbennumi);

    and, as a medial, often written double after long vowels: caussa, cassus, divissiones (these forms, used by Cicero and Vergil, were already uncommon in Quintilian's time,

    Quint. 1, 7, 20; v. Corss. Ausspr. 1, 283 sq.).—
    As a final it had a weakened sound, and therefore not only admitted the medial b before it (plebs, urbs, abs; Arabs, chalybs, etc.; v. the letter B), but often entirely disappeared. So in the ante-class. poets down to the early years of Cicero (and also in his own poem, entitled Aratus, written in his youth), before words beginning with a consonant, to avoid position: Ratu' Romulus, Fulviu' Nobilior, gravi' Terra, est sati' bella, Hyperioni' cursum, Virgine' nam sibi, etc.; cf. Cic. Or. 48, 161; Quint. 9, 4, 38; and v. Freund, in Jahn's Neue Jahrb. 1835, XIII. p. 25 sq.; less freq. before words beginning with a vowel, in which case, to avoid a hiatus, the vowel before s was also elided; vas' argenteis (for vasis argenteis) and palm' et crinibus (for palmis et crinibus); v. Cic. Or. 45, 153. So, too, in the fourth Epitaph of the Scipios (Inscr. Orell. 553), L. CORNELIO L. F. instead of CORNELIOS (cf. a similar elision of the M under that letter). Final s is also elided, and the preceding vowel either dropped with it or weakened, in the forms sat from satis, mage from magis; in the neutr. forms of adjectives of the third declension, acre, agreste, facile (v. the letter E); in the collat. forms of the sec. pers. sing. pass., fatere, fateare, fatebare, etc.; in the gen. sing. of the first, second, and fifth declensions, and in the nom. plur. of the first and second declensions (aurai for aura-is, analog. to reg is, etc.). Lastly, s disappears in the (mostly familiar) collat. forms abin', scin', viden', satin', from abisne, scisne, videsne, satisne, etc.—
    As an etymological initial aspirate, s appears in many words whose Greek equivalents begin with a vowel: sal, semi-, serpo, sex, super, sus, corresp. to hals, hêmi-, herpô, hex, huper, us, etc.; si (archaic sei), sero, Segesta, corresp. to ei, ERÔ (whence eirô), Egesta. Less freq. in radical words beginning with a consonant: sculpo corresp. to gluphô, and the derivatives scruta, from grutê, and scrupedae, from kroupeza. To soften the termination, s appears in abs = ab, and ex corresp. to ek.—Very freq., on the contrary, an initial s appears in cognate forms in other languages, where corresp. Latin words have lost the s: Lat. fallo, Gr. sphallô; fungus, Gr. sphongos; fides, Gr. sphidê (comp. also nix with Engl. [p. 1609] snow, nurus with old Germ. snur, daughterin-law); cf. also cutis and scutum; cauda and root sku-, in Goth. skauts, etc.; casa and Gr. skia, skênê; cerno and Gr. krinô for skirnô, skôr, skôria; calumnia and skallô; gradior and root scra-, Germ. schreiten; parco and sparnos; penuria and spanis; pando and spaô; tego and stegô; tono and stonos; taurus and Sanscr. sthūras, Germ. Stier al.; v. Corss. Ausspr. 1, p. 277 sqq.—In the middle of a word s is dropped in at from ast.—
    S is interchanged,
    Most freq. with r; in partic., an original s, between two vowels, becomes r; v. Varr. L. L. 7, § 26 Müll.; so foederum for foedesum, plurima for plusima, meliorem for meliosem, Lares for Lases, etc.; cf. eram and sum, quaero and quaeso, nasus and naris. Appius Claudius, the censor, is said to have introduced r into the names Furius, Valerius, etc., in place of s, B.C. 312 (v. the letter R, II.).—
    With d: Claudius, from the Sabine Clausus; and, on the other hand, rosa, corresp. to the Gr. rhodon; cf. Schneid. Gram. 1, p. 259.—
    With t: tensus and tentus, resina corresp. to rhêtinê; and, on the contrary, aggrettus for aggressus; mertare, pultare, for mersare, pulsare (perh. also assentor for assensor).—
    With x; v. that letter.—
    S is assimilated before f in the compounds of dis: differo, difficilis, diffluo, etc.; v. 3. dis.— On the other hand, it arises by assimilation from d, in assum, assumo, cessi, for adsum, adsumo, ced-si; from t in fassus, from fateor; from b in jussi, from jubeo; from m in pressi, from premo; from r in gessi, from gero; and dossuarius, from dorsum. —
    As an abbreviation, S denotes sacrum, semis, sibi, suis, etc.; S. AS. D., sub asciā dedicavit; S. C., senatusconsultum; perh. also, sententia collegii (Inscr. Orell. 2385); S. P., sua pecunia; S. P. Q. R., Senatus Populusque Romanus, etc.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > s

См. также в других словарях:

  • assimilation — [ asimilasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1503; assimulation 1374; lat. assimilatio, de assimilare → assimiler 1 ♦ Acte de l esprit qui considère (une chose) comme semblable (à une autre). ⇒ identification, rapprochement. L assimilation d une chose à une autre,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Assimilation — (von lateinisch similis „ähnlich“) steht für: Assimilation (Biologie), die schrittweise erfolgende Stoffumwandlung körperfremder in körpereigene Stoffe, sowohl im Pflanzen als auch im Tierreich Assimilation (Lernpsychologie), die Integration… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Assimilation — (from Latin assimilatio ; to render similar ) may refer to more than one article: *Assimilation (linguistics), a linguistic process by which a sound becomes similar to an adjacent sound *Cultural assimilation, the process whereby a minority group …   Wikipedia

  • Assimilation — As*sim i*la tion, n. [L. assimilatio: cf. F. assimilation.] 1. The act or process of assimilating or bringing to a resemblance, likeness, or identity; also, the state of being so assimilated; as, the assimilation of one sound to another. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Assimilation — Assimilation, die Aufnahme und Verarbeitung der Nährstoffe durch die Pflanze, insbesondere Aufnahme des Kohlenstoffs aus der Kohlensäure der atmosphärischen Luft und Einführung desselben in den Stoffwechsel. Nach der Einrichtung ihrer… …   Lexikon der gesamten Technik

  • Assimilation — Assimilation, d.i. Verähnlichung, heißt der physiologische Vorgang, durch welchen der aus der aufgenommenen Nahrung durch die Verdauung bereitete Milchsaft dem Blute allmählig ähnlicher gemacht und endlich ganz in solches umgewandelt wird. Auch… …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • assimilation — [ə sim΄ə lā′shən] n. an assimilating or being assimilated; specif., a) the cultural absorption of a minority group into the main cultural body b) Linguis. a process in which a sound, influenced by a neighboring sound, tends to become like it in… …   English World dictionary

  • assimilation — assimilation. См. ассимиляция. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) …   Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.

  • Assimilation — (v. lat.), 1) Verähnlichung, Ähnlichmachung; 2) (Gramm.), in zusammengesetzten Wörtern die Verwandlung des Endconsonanten des ersten Wortes in den Anfangsconsonanten des zweiten, zur leichteren Aussprache, z.B. das Wort A. selbst für Adsimilation …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Assimilation — (lat., »Verähnlichung«), der Vorgang, durch den Bestandteile der Nahrung innerhalb der lebenden Wesen zu Bestandteilen von deren Körper werden. Hierhin ist bei den Tieren zu rechnen die Verwandlung der im Verdauungskanal aus den genossenen… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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