Перевод: со всех языков на английский

с английского на все языки


  • 21 режим

    mode, condition, regime,

    function, operation, rating, setting
    - (вид работы аппаратуры, системы) — mode
    - (заданные условия работы двигателя при определенном положении рычага управнения двигателем) — power setting. in changing the power setting, the power-control lever must be moved in the manner prescribed.
    - (мощность или тяга двигателя в сочетании с определениями как взлетный, крейсерский максимально-продолжитепьный) — power, thrust. takeoff power /thrust/. maximum continuous power /thrust/
    - (номинальный, паспортный, расчетный) — rating
    работа в заданном пределе рабочих характеристик в определенных условиях. — rating is а designated limit of operating characteristics based оп definite conditions.
    - (номинальная мощность или тяга двигателя, приведенная к стандартным атмосферным условиям) — power rating. power ratings are based upon standard atmospheric conditions.
    - (при нанесении покрытия)condition
    - (работы агрегата по производительности) — rating. pump may be operated at low or high ratings.
    - (тяги двигателя при апрелеленном положении руд) — thrust. run the engine at the takeoff thrust.
    - (частота действий)rate
    - автоматического захода на посадкуautomatic approach (eondition)
    - автоматического обмена данными с взаимодействующими системами (напр., ins, tacan) — (mode of) transmission and/or reception of specifled data between systems in installations such as dual ons, ins, tacan, etc.
    - автоматического управления полетомautomatic flight condition
    - автоматической выставки (инерциальной системы)self-alignment mode
    - автоматической работы двигателя. — engine governed speed condition

    at any steady running condition below governed speed.
    - автоматической (бортовой) системы управления (абсу, сау) — afcs (automatic flight control system) mode
    - автомодуляцииself-modulation condition
    -, автономный (системы) — autonomus /independent/ mode
    -, автономный (системы сау) — independent control mode
    - авторотации (вертолета) — autorotation, autorotative condition
    заход на посадку производится с выключенным двигателем на режиме авторотации несущего винта. — the approach and landing made with power off and entered from steady autorotation.
    - авторотации (воздушного винта, ротора гтд, вращающегося под воздействием набегающего воздушного потока) — windmilling. propeller ог engine rotor(s) freely rotating because of а wind or airstream passing over the blades.
    -, астроинерциальный — stellar inertial mode
    - астрокоррекцииstellar monitoring mode
    -, бесфорсажный (без включения форсажной камеры) — cold power /thrust/, попafterburning power /thrust/
    -, бесфорсажный (без впрыска воды или воднометаноловой смеси на вход двигателя) — dry power, dry thrust
    - бов (блока опасной высоты)alert altitude (select) mode
    -, боевой (работы двигателя) — combat /military/ rating, combat /military/ power setting
    - бокового управления (системы сту) — lateral mode. the lateral modes of fd system are: heading, vor/loc, and approach.
    - большой тяги (двиг.) — high power setting
    - буферного подзаряда аккумулятораbattery trickle charge (condition)
    - быстрого согласования (гиpoагрегата)fast slave mode
    - ввода данныхdata entry mode
    - вертикальной скорости (автопилота)vertical speed (vs) mode
    -, вертикальный (системы сду или сту) — vertical mode. the basic vertical modes are mach, ias, vs. altitude, pitch
    -, взлетный (двигателя) — takeoff power
    -, взлетный (тяга двиг.) — takeoff thrust
    -, взлетный (полета) — takeoff condition
    - висения (вертолета)hovering
    - "вк" (работы базовой системы курса и вертикали (бскв) при коррекции от цвм) — cmptr mode
    -, внешний (работы сау) — coupled /interface/ control mode
    -, возможный в эксплуатации) — condition (reasonably) expected in operation
    - вор-илс (работы директорией системы) — vor-loc mode, v/l mode
    - воспроизведения (магн. записи) — playback mode
    - выдерживания (высоты, скорости) — (altitude, speed) hold mode
    - выдерживания заданного курсаhog hold mode
    - "выставка" (инерциальной системы) — alignment /align/ mode
    в режиме "выставка" система автоматически согласуется e заданными навигационными координатами и производится выставка гироскопических приборов, — in align mode system automatically aligned with reference to navigation coordinates and inertial instruments are automatically calibrated.
    - выставки, автоматический (инерциальной навигационной системы) — self-alignment mode. the align status can be observed any time the system is in self-alignment mode.
    - вычисления параметров ветpa — wind calculator mode. wind calculator mode is based on manually entered values of tas
    - вызова (навигационных параметров на индикаторы)call mode
    - вызова на индикаторы навигационных параметров без нарушения нормального самолетовождения (сист. омега) — remote mode. position "r" enables transmission and/or reception of specified data between systems in installations such as dual ons, ins/ons, etc.
    -, генераторный (стартер-генератора) — generator mode
    стартер-генератор может работать в генераторном или стартерном режиме, — starter-generator can operate in generator mode or in motor mode (motorizing functi on).
    -, гиперболический (работы системы омега) — hyperbolic mode. in the primary hyperbolic mode the position supplied at initialization needs only to be accurate to within 4 nm.
    - гиромагнитного (индукционного) компаса (гmk)gyro-flux gate (compass) mode
    - гиромагнитной коррекции (гмк)magnetic slaved mode (mag)
    - гmк (гиромагнитного компаca)gyro-flux gate (compass) mode
    - горизонтального полетаlevel flight condition
    - горячего резерва (рлс)standby (stby) mode
    - гпк (гирополукомпаса) — dg (directional gyro) mode, free gyro mode of operation
    - "да-нет" (работы, напр., сигнальной лампы) — "yes-no" operation mode
    -, дальномерный (дме) — dме mode
    -, дальномерный (счисления пути) (системы омега) — dead reckoning mode, dr mode of operation, relative mode
    - двигателя (no мощности или тяге) — engine power /thrust/, power /thrust/ setting
    - (работы двигателя) для захода на посадкуapproach power setting
    -, дежурный (работы оборудования) — standby rate (stby rate)
    - завышенных оборотовoverspeed condition
    - заниженных оборотовunderspeed condition
    - заданного курса (зк)heading mode
    режим работы пилотажного командного прибора (пкп) дпя выхода на и выдерживания зк. — in the heading mode, the command bars in the flight director indicator display bank (roll) commands to turn the aircraft to and maintain this selected heading.
    - заданного путевого угла (зпу)course mode
    - захвата луча глиссадного (курсового) радиомаякаglideslope (or localizer) cарture mode
    - "земля-контур" (рлс) — contour-mapping mode
    - земного малого газаground idle power (setting)

    with engines operating at ground idle (power).
    - и/или тяга, максимальный продолжительный — maximum continuous power and/or thrust
    -, импульсный (сигн. ламп) — light flashing
    "откл. имп. режима" (надпись) — lt flash cutout
    - инерциально-доплеровский (ид)inertial-doppler mode
    -, инерциальный (работы навигационной системы) — inertial mode
    -, командный (автопилота) — (autopilot) command position

    both autopilots in command position.
    -, компасный — compass mode
    в компасном режиме магнитная коррекция курса обеспечивается датчиком ид. — when compass mode is selected, magnetic monitoring is applied from detector unit.
    -, компасный (apk) (автоматического радиокомпаса) — adf compass mode. the adf function switch is set to "comp" position, (to operate in the compass mode).
    - "контроль" (инерц. системы) — test mode
    обеспечивает автономную проверку системы без подкпючения контр.-повер. аппаратуры. — provides the system selftesting
    - (-) "контур" -(работы рлс) — contour (mode) (cntr)
    - коррекции (координат места)up-dating mode
    -, крейсерский (двиг.) — cruising /cruise/ power
    -, крейсерский (на з-х двигатолях) (полета) — 3-engine cruise
    -, крейсерский (полета) — cruising (condition)
    -, крейсерский (с поэтапным увеличением оборотов при испытании двигателя) — incremental cruise power (or thrust)
    -, крейсерский, номинальный (полета) — normal cruise (nc)
    -, крейсерский рекомендуемый (максимальный) — (maximum) recommended cruising power
    - крейсерского полета (для скоростной или максимальной дальности)cruise method
    -, критический (работы системы, двигателя) — critical condition
    - критический, по углу атаки — stalling condition
    - "курсовертикаль" ("kb") — attitude (атт) mode
    в данном режиме от системы не требуется получение навигационных параметров. выдаются только сигналы крена (у) и тангажа (у). — in this mode ins alignment and navigation data, except attitude, are lost.
    -, курса-воздушный — air data-monitored heading hoid mode
    -, курсовой (при посадке по системе сп или илс) — localizer mode
    - курсозадатчика (курсовой системы гмк или гик) — flux gate slaving mode. the mode when the directional gyro is slaved to the flux gate detector.
    -, курсо-доплеровский — doppler-monitored heading hold mode
    - магнитной коррекции (мк)magnetic(ally) slaved mode (mag)
    - максимальной (наибольшей) дальности — long range cruise (lrc). lrc is based on a speed giving 99 % of max, range in no wind and 100 % max. range in about 100 kt headwind.
    - максимальной продолжительности (полета)high-endurance cruise
    -, максимальный крейсерский (mkp) (выполняется на предельной скорости) — high speed cruise (method)
    -, максимальный продолжительный (мпр) (двиг.) — maximum continuous power (мcp)
    -, максимальный продолжительный (по тяге) — maximum continuous thrust (мст)

    increase thrust to мст.
    - малого газаidling power (setting)
    попеременная работа двигателя на номинальной мощности и режиме малого газа или тяги, — one hour of alternate fiveminute periods at rated takeoff power and thrust аnd at idling power and thrust.
    - малого газа на земле — ground idling power /conditions/
    - малого газа при заходе на посадку — approach idling power /conditions/
    - малой тяги (двиг.) — low power setting
    - (-) "метео" (работы рлс) — weather (mode)
    - "метео-контур" (рлс) режим — contour-weather mode
    - (5-ти) минутной мощности (двиг.) — (five-) minute power
    - "мк" (магнитной коррекции) — mag
    - мощности, максимальный продолжительный (двиг.) — maximum continuous power
    - мощности, чрезвычайный — emergency power
    - набора высотыclimb condition
    - "навигация" (инерциальной системы) — navigation (nav) mode
    при заданном режиме система обеспечивает вычисление навигационных и директорных параметров и выдает информацию на пилотажные приборы и сау. — in this mode system computes navigation and steering data. provides attitude information to flight instruments and fcs.
    - наибольшей (макеимальной) дальностиlong range cruise (lrc)
    горизонтальный полет на скорости наибольшей дальности, на которой километровый расход топлива при полете на заданной высоте наименьший. — а level flight at а given altitude and best range cruise speed giving the minimum kilometric fuel consumption.
    - наибольшей продолжительности (полета)high-endurance cruise
    горизонтальный полет на скорости наибольшей продолжнтельности, на которой часовой расход топлива при полете на заданной высоте наименьший. — а level flight at а given altitude and high-endurance cruise speed giving the minimum fuel flow rate (in kg/h or liter/h)
    - начала автоматической работы (нар режим начала автоматического регулирования работы гтд) — engine governed run/operation/ onset mode
    - нвк (начальной выставкиinitial heading alignment
    -, непрерывной (обработки данных) — burst mods (data processing)
    -, нерасчетный — off-design rating
    -, неуетановившийся — unsteady condition
    - (0.65) номинала, на бедной смеси — (65%) power, lean mixture setting
    -, номинальный (двиг.) — (power) rating, rated power
    -, номинальный (mпp) — maximum continuous power
    - нормального обогрева (эп.) — normal-power heat (condition)
    -, нормальный (работы агрегата) — normal rating
    -, номинальный крейсерский (полета) — normal cruise (nc). used on regular legs and based on m = 0.85.
    - обзора земной поверхности (рлс)ground-mapping (map) mode
    - обнаружения грозовых образеванийthunderstorm detection mode (wx)
    - "обогрев" (инерц. системы) — standby mode
    режим предназначен для создания необходимых температурных условий работы элементов инерциальной системы (гироскопов, блоков автоматики и электроники). — the standby mode is а heating mode during which fast warm-up power is applied to the navigation unit until it reaches operating temperature.
    - обогреваheating mode
    - обогрева лобовых стекол "слабо", "сильно" — windshield "warm up", "full power" heating rating
    -, одночасовой максимальный (двиг.) — maximum one-hour power
    - ожидания ввода координат исходного места самолетаinitial position entry hold mode
    - ожидания посадкиholding
    -, оптимальный экономический (двиг.) — best economy cruising power
    - освещения меньше-больше (яркость) — dim-brt light modes check lights in dim and brt modes.
    -, основной навигационный (сист. "омега") — primary navigation mode
    - отключенного шага (программы)step off mode
    - отсутствия сигналов ивс (системы омега)no tas mode
    - оценки дрейфа гироскопаgyro drift evaluation mode
    - перемотки (маги, ленты) — (tape) (re)wind mode
    - пересиливания автопилота — autopilot overpower operation /mode/
    -, переходный — transient condition
    - планированияgliding condition
    - повышенных оборотовoverspeed condition
    - полета — flight condition /regime/
    состояние движения ла, при котором параметры, характеризующие это движение (например, скорость, высота) остаются неизменными в течение определенного времени. — it must be possible to make а smooth transition from one flight condition to any other without exceptional piloting skill, alertness, or strength.
    - полета, критический — critical flight (operating) condition
    - полета на курсовой маяк (при посадке) — localizer (loc) mode. flying in loc (or vor) mode.
    - полета на станцию ворvor mode
    - полета, неустановившийся — unsteady flight condition
    - полета по маяку ворvor mode
    - полета по системе илсils mode
    - полета по условным меридианамgrid mode
    данный режим применяется в районах, не обеспечивающих надежность компасной информации. — the grid mode can be used in areas where compass information is unreliable.
    - полета, установившийся — steady flight condition
    - полетного малого газаflight idle (power)
    -, полетный (двиг.) — flight power
    -, пониженный (ниже номинала) (двиг.) — derating
    - пониженных оборотовunderspeed condition
    при возникновении режима пониженных оборотов рогулятор оборотов вызывает дополнительное открытие дроссельного крана. — for underspeed condition, the governor will cause the larger throttle opening.
    -, поперечный (системы сду или сту) — lateral mode. the basic lateral modes are heading, vor/loc and approach.
    -, посадочный (полета) — landing condition
    - правой (левой) коррекции (оборотов двигателя вертолета) — engine operation with throttle control twist grip turned clockwise (counterclockwise)
    -, практически различаемый — practically separable operating condition
    к практически различаемым режимам полета относятся: взлетный, крейсерский (mapшрутный) и посадочный, — practically separable operating condition, such as takeoff, en route operation and landing.
    - (работы двигателя), приведенный к стандартной атмосфере — power rating based upon standard atmospheric conditions
    - приведения к горизонтуlevelling
    - продления глиссадыglideslope extension mode

    the annunciator indicates when glideslope extension (ext) mode provides command signals to the steering computer.
    - продольного управления (системы сту) — vertical mode. the vertical modes of fd system are: mach, ias, vs. altitude, pitch.
    - просмотра воздушного пространства (переднего)airspace observation mode (ahead of aircraft)
    - просмотра воздушного пространства на метеообстановку (рлс)radar weather observation mode
    - просмотра земной поверхности (рлс) — ground mapping operation. the antenna is tilted downward to receive ground return signals.
    - прямолинейного горизонтального полетаstraight and level flight condition
    - (частота) пусков ракет(rocket firing) rate
    - "работа" (положение рычага останова двигателя) — run
    - "работа" (инерциальной навигационной системы) — navigate mode, nav mode. system automatically changes from alignment to navigate mode.
    - работыcondition of operation

    test unit in particular condition of operation.
    - работы (агрегата, напр., наcoca) — rating
    - работы (агрегата по продолжительности)duty (cycle)
    режим работы может быть продопжитепьным или повторно-кратковременным. — the duty cycle may be continuous or intermittent.
    - работы (инерциальной системы) — mode of operation, operation mode
    - работы, автоматический (двиг.) — governed speed /power/ setting
    - работы автоматической системы управления (абсу, сау) — autoflight control system (afcs) mode
    - работы автопилотаautopilot mode
    - работы автопилота в условиях турбулентностиautopilot turbulence (turb) mode
    при работе в условиях турбулентности включается демпфер рыскания для обеспечения надежной управляемости и снижения нагрузок на конструкцию ла. — use of the yaw damper with the autopilot "turb" mode will aid in maintaining stable control and in reducing structural loads.
    - работы автопилота при входе в турбулентные слои атмосферыautopilot turbulence penetration mode
    данный режим применяется при полете в условиях сильной турбулентности воздуха, — use of the autopilot turbulence penetration mode is recommended for autopilot operation in severe turbulence.
    - работы автопилота с директорной системой, совмещенный — ap/fd coupled mode
    - работы двигателя (по мощности)engine power (setting)
    - работы двигателя (по тяге)engine thrust (setting)
    - работы двигателя (по положению руд)engine power setting
    - работы двигателя в особых условиях, (повышенный) — emergency (condition) power
    - работы двигателя на землеengine ground operation
    - работы двигателя на малых оборотахengine low speed operation
    - работы двигателя, номинальный — engine rating. ths jt9d-з-за engines operate at jt9d-3 engine ratings.
    - работы (двигателя), приведенный к стандартной атмосфере — power rating /setting/ based upon standard atmospheric conditions
    - работы источника света, установившийся — light source operation at steady value
    - работы, кратковременный — momentary operating condition
    - работы no времени (агрегата)time rating
    - работы, повторно-кратковременный (агрегата) — intermittent duty
    пусковая катушка работает в повторно-кратковременном режиме. — booster coil duty is intermittent.
    - работы (системы), полетный — (system) flight operation
    при выпуске передней опоры шасси система переключается на полетный режим, — when the nose lg is eхtended, the function of the system is transferred to flight operation.
    - работы no сигналам станции омегаomega mode operation
    - работы, продолжительный (агрегата) — continuous duty
    генератор двигателя работает в продолжительном режиме, — the engine-driven generator duty is continuous.
    - работы противообледенительной системы, нормальный — normal anti-icing
    - работы противообледенительной системы, форсированный — high anti-icing
    - работы самолетного ответчика (а - на внутренних линиях, в - на международных) — transponder mode (а - domestic, в - international)
    - работы системы траекторного управления (сту), боковой — lateral mode
    - работы сту, продольный — vertical mode
    - рабочий (работы автопилота) — (autopilot) active position both autopilots in command positions, one active and one standby.
    - рабочий (работы оборудования)normal rate (norm rate)
    - равновесной частоты (вращения) (двиг.) — on-speed condition
    - равновесных оборотовоп-speed condition
    работа регулятора оборотов в режиме равновесных оборотов. — the constant speed governor operation under on-speed condition.
    -, радиотелеграфный, тлг (автоматич. радиокомпаса) — c-w operation
    -, радиотелеграфный (связи) — c-w communication, radio telegraphic communication
    -, радиотелефонный, тлф (apk) — rt (radio telephone), voice operation (v), voice
    -, радиотелефонный (связи) — voice communication, radio telephone communication
    переключить передатчик на радиотелефонную связь, — set the transmitter for voice communication.
    -, рамочный (арк) — loop mode
    - распознавания светилаstar identification mode
    -, располагаемый максимальный продолжительный (двиг.) — available maximum continuous power
    -, расчетный — rating
    -, расчетный (условия работы) — design condition
    - регулирования избыточного давления (системы скв)differential pressure control (mode)
    -, резервный (аварийный) (дв.) — emergency power rating
    работа двигателя при гидромеханическом управлении оборотами и температурой при отказе электронной системы управления.
    -, резервный (работы автопилота) — (autopilot) standby position
    - самовращения (несущего винта) — autorotation, autorotative condition
    - самоориентирования (переднего колеса шасси)castoring
    - скоростной дальностиhigh-speed cruise method
    - "слабо", "сильно" (обогрева лобовых стекол) — (windshield heat) warm up, full power
    - слабого обогрева (эл.) — warm-up heat (condition)
    -, следящий (закрылков) — (flap) follow-up operation (mode)

    when the flaps are raised, the flap follow-up system operates the slat control valve.
    -, смешанный (работы спойлеров) — drag/aileron mode. а drag/aileron mode is used during descent both for retardation and lateral control.
    - сниженияdescent condition
    -, совмещенного управления — override control mode
    оперативное вмешательство в работу включенной системы.
    -, совмещенный (при работе с др. системой) — coupled mode
    -, совмещенной (работы автопилота) — autopilot override operation /mode/
    в этом режиме отключаются рм и корректор высоты и летчик оперативно вмешивается в управление ла посредством штурвала и педалей. — то manually or otherwise deliberately overrule autopilot system and thereby render it ineffective.
    -, совмещенный — both mode
    (работы рлс в режимах обзора метеообразований и земной поверхности и индицирования маяков) — for operation in rad and bcn modes.
    - согласования (автопилота)synchronization mode
    - согласования (работы следящей системы) — slave /synchronization/ mode
    - стабилизации (крена, тайгажа, направления, автопилота) — roll (pitch, yaw) stabilization mode
    - стабилизации (работы сту)hold mode

    the vertical and lateral modes are hold modes.
    - стабилизации крена (в сту) — roll /bank/ (attitude) hold mode
    - стабилизации курса (aп)heading hold mode
    - стабилизации тангажа (в сту)pitch (attitude) hold mode
    -, стартерный (всу) — engine start mode

    apu may run in the engine start mode or as apu.
    -, стартерный (стартер-гоноратора) — motor(izing) mode, (with) starter-generator operating as starter
    - стопорения (работы следящей системы)lock-out mode
    - "сход(на) нзад" — return-to-selected altitude (mode)
    - счисления пути (или дальномерный) (системы омега) — dead reckoning mode, dr mode of operation, relative mode
    -, температурный — temperature condition
    - тлг (работы арк)c-w operation
    - тлф (арк) — rt (radio telephone), voice
    -, тормозной (работы спойле — drag /retardation/ mode
    - управленияcontrol mode
    - управления в вертикальной плоскости (ап)vertical mode
    - управления в горизонтальной плоскости (инерциальной системы)lateral control mode
    управление по курсу, на маяки вор и крм. — the basic lateral modes are heading, vor/loc and approach.
    - управления, позиционный (no командно-пилотажному прибору) — flight director control mode
    - управления по крену (aп)roll (control) mode
    - управления, поперечный (автопилота) — lateral mode
    - управления по тангажу (ап)pitch (control) mode
    - управления, продольный (автопилота) — vertical mode. vertical command control provides either vertical speed or pitch command.
    - управления, штурвальный — manual (flight) control
    -, усиленный (дополнительный, форсированный) (двиг.) — augmented power (rating)
    при данном режиме увеличиваются температура газов на входе в турбину, обороты ротора или мощность на валу. — engine augmented takeoff power rating involves increase in turbine inlet temperature, rotor speed, or shaft power.
    -, установленный (для данных условий испытаний двигателя) — rated power. а 30-hour run consisting of alternate periods of 5 minutes at rated takeoff power.
    -, форсажный (с включенной форсажной камерой) — reheat /afterburning/ power /thrust/
    -, форсажный (по тяге двиг.) — reheat thrust
    -, форсажный (с впрыском воды или водометаноловой смеси на вход двигателя) — wet power, wet thrust
    -, форсажный, полный (двиг.) — full reheat power /thrust/
    - форсированного обогреваfull-power heat (conditions)
    -, форсированный (работы агрегата) — high rating
    -, форсированный (усиленный) (двиг.) — augmented power /thrust/
    -, форсированный взлетный — augmented takeoff power
    - холостого хода (двигателя вертолета с отключенной трансмиссией)idle run power (with rotor drive system declutched)
    - холостого хода (генератора, всу, электродвигателя) — по-load operation
    -, чрезвычайный (работы двигателя в особых условиях) — emergency (condition) power
    -, чрезвычайный (по тяге двигателя) — emergency thrust
    -, чрезвычайный, боевой (двиг.) — combat /war/ emergency power
    -, штурвальный (управления ла) — manual control mode
    -, экономичный крейсерский — (best) economy cruising power
    -, эксплуатационный (работы, агрегата, двигателя, самолета) — operational /operating/ condition
    -, эксплуатационный (двиг.) — operational power rating
    эксплуатационные режимы включают: взлетный, максимальный продолжительный (крейсерский), — operational power ratings cover takeoff, maximum continuous (and cruising) power ratings.
    -, эксплуатационный полетный (двиг.) — flight power (rating)
    двигатель должен нормально работать на всех эксплуатационных (полетных) режимах, — the engine must be capable of operation throughout the flight power range.
    -, электромоторный (стартер генератора) — motor(izing) mode
    -, элеронный (работы спойлеров) — aileron mode, lateral control augmentation mode
    в p. (работы оборудования) — in mode

    presently flying in heading (h) mode on a 030° heading.
    в p. самоориентирования (о переднем колесе шасси) — in castor, when castoring
    в пределах эксплуатационных р. — within (approved) operating limitations
    выход на р. малого газа (двиг.) — engine (power) setting at idle, engine idle power setting
    изменение p. работы двигатепя — change in engine power (or thrust)
    метод установки (получения) (заданного p. работы двигателя) — methods for setting (engine) thrust /power/
    на (взлетном) р. (двиг.) — at (takeoff) power

    with the engine operating at takeoff power.
    на (взлетном) р. (полета) — under (takeoff) condition
    на максимальном продолжительном p. — at maximum continuous power
    обороты (двигателя) на взлетном р. — takeoff (rotational) speed engine run at takeoff power with takeoff speed.
    обороты (двигателя) на максимальном продолжительном p. — maximum continuous speed engine run at rated maximum continuous power with maximum continuous speed.
    переключение p. (работы оборудования) — mode selection
    переход (вертолета) от нормального р. к р. висения — reconversion
    полет на крейсерском р. — cruise flight
    полет на р. висения — hovering flight
    при работе двигателя на взлетном р. — with engine at takeoff power, with takeoff power on (each) engine
    при работе каждого двигателя на р., не превышающем взлетный — with not more than takeoff power on each engine
    при установившемся р. работы с полной нагрузкой — at steady full-load condition
    (75)% максимального продолжительного (или номинального) р. — (75) percent maximum continuous power (thrust)
    работа на (взлетном) р. (двиг.) — (takeoff) power operation, operation at takeoff power
    установка p. работы (двиг.) — power setting
    этап p. (при испытаниях двигателя) — period. during the third and sixth takeoff power periods.
    включать р. (работы аппаратуры системы) — select mode
    включать р. продольного (поперечного) управления (aп, сду) — select vertical (lateral) mode
    включить систему в режим (напр., "выставка") — switch the system to (align mode, switch the system to operate in (align mode)
    выдерживать (взлетный) р. (двиг.) — maintain (takeoff) power
    выходить на (взлетный) р. (двиг.) — come to /attain, gain/ (takeoff) power /thrust/, set engine at takeoff power /thrust/, throttle to takeoff power /thrust/
    выходить на р. прямолинейного горизонтального полета гонять двигатель на (взлетном) р. — recover to straight and level flight run the engine at (takeoff) power
    изменять р. работы двигателя — change engine power
    изменять установленный р. (двиг.) — change power setting
    лететь в автоматическом р. управления — fly automatically
    лететь в курсовом р. — fly heading (н) mode
    лететь в штурвальном р. — fly manually
    передавать в телеграфном р. — transmit on c-w /rt/
    передавать в радиотелефонном р. — transmit on voice
    переключать р. — select mode
    переключаться на р. — switch to mode the computer automatically switches to course mode.
    переходить (автоматически) в режим (напр., курсовертикаль) — system automatically changes to атт mode
    переходить с р. (малого газа) на (взлетный) р. (двиг.) — come from (idle) power to (takeoff) power
    проводить р. (30 часовых) испытаний последовательно чередующимися периодами по... часов — conduct а (30-hour) run consisting of alternate periods of... hours
    работать в р. — operate on /in/ mode
    работать в режиме гпк — operate in dg mode, be servoed to directional gyro
    работать в индикаторном р. (о сельсине) — operate as synchro indicator
    работать в трансформаторном р. (о сельсине) — operate as synchro transformer
    работать на (взлетном) р. (двиг.) — operate at (takeoff) power /thrust/
    работать на р. малого газа — idle, operate at idle (power)
    увеличивать р. работы (двиг.) (до крейсерского) — add power (to cruising), throttle (to cruising power)
    уменьшать p. двигателя (до крейсерского) — reduce power to cruising
    устанавливать взлетный р. (двиг.) — set takeoff power /thrust/, set engine at takeoff power
    устанавливать компасный р. работы (apk) — select compass mode
    устанавливать p. набора высоты — establish climb
    устанавливать р. полета — establish flight condition
    устанавливать рамочный р. работы (арк) — select loop mode
    устанавливать (взлетный) р. работы двигателя — set (taksoff) power /thrust/, set the engine at takeoff power /thrust/
    устанавливать p. снижения — establish descent

    Русско-английский сборник авиационно-технических терминов > режим

  • 22 manera

    1 way, manner.
    a manera de as, by way of (como)
    a la manera de in the style of, after the fashion of
    a mi manera de ver the way I see it
    de cualquier manera any old how; (sin cuidado) anyway, in any case (de todos modos)
    de esta manera in this way
    lo hice de la misma manera que ayer/tú I did it the same way as yesterday/you
    de manera que so (that)
    de ninguna manera, en manera alguna by no means, under no circumstances; (refuerza negación) no way!, certainly not! (respuesta exclamativa)
    de una manera o de otra one way or another
    no hay manera there is no way, it's impossible
    ¡contigo no hay manera! you're impossible!
    ¡qué manera de llover! just look at that rain!
    manera de pensar way of thinking
    manera de ser way of being, nature
    2 fashion, style.
    * * *
    1 (gen) way, manner
    1 (educación) manners
    a manera de by way of
    a la manera de in the style of
    de cualquier manera (en cualquier caso) in any case 2 (sin cuidado, consideración, interés) carelessly
    de manera que so that
    de ninguna manera certainly not
    de todas maneras in any case, anyhow
    ¡de una manera! in such a way!
    en gran manera enormously
    no hay manera it's impossible
    ¡qué manera de... ! what a way to... !
    manera de ser character
    * * *
    noun f.
    way, manner
    - de ninguna manera
    - de todas maneras
    * * *
    1) (=modo) way

    eso no es manera de tratar a un animal — that's not the way to treat an animal, that's no way to treat an animal

    ¡llovía de una manera! — it was really pouring down!

    ¡nunca he visto nevar de esta manera! — I've never seen it snow like this!

    no hubo manera de convencerla — there was no convincing her, there was no way we could convince her

    a mi/tu etc manera — my/your etc way

    a mi manera de ver, tenemos dos opciones — the way I see it, we have two options

    a la manera de algn/algo, siguen arando a la manera de sus abuelos — they still plough as o in the way their grandfathers did

    de manera perfecta — perfectly, in a perfect way

    de esta manera — (in) this way, (in) this fashion

    de la misma manera — (in) the same way, (in) the same fashion

    manera de ser, es su manera de ser — that's the way she is

    2) [locuciones]

    de alguna manera — (=en cierto modo) to some extent; (=de cualquier modo) somehow; [al principio de frase] in a way, in some ways

    en cierta manera — in a way, to a certain extent

    de cualquier manera — (=sin cuidado) any old how; (=de todos modos) anyway

    en gran manera — to a large extent

    de mala manera, le pegó de mala manera — he hit her really hard

    lo estafaron de mala manera* they really ripped him off *

    ese tío se enrolla de mala manera* that guy just can't stop jabbering *

    de ninguna manera, eso no lo vamos a aceptar de ninguna manera — there's no way we are going to accept that

    ¡de ninguna manera! — certainly not!, no way!

    de otra manera — (=de otro modo) in a different way; (=por otra parte) otherwise

    de otra manera, no es posible entender su actitud — otherwise, it's impossible to understand his attitude

    dicho de otra manera — in other words, to put it another way

    sobre manera — exceedingly

    de tal manera que... — in such a way that...

    de todas maneras — anyway, in any case


    de manera que[antes de verbo] so; [después de verbo] so that

    ¿de manera que esto no te gusta? — so you don't like this?

    4) pl maneras (=modales) manners

    malas maneras — bad manners, rudeness

    tener maneras LAm to have good manners, be well-mannered

    5) liter (=tipo) kind
    6) (Arte, Literat) (=estilo) style
    MANERA, FORMA, MODO De manera + ((adjetivo)) Cuando de manera + ((adjetivo)) añade información sobre una acción, la traducción más frecuente al inglés es un adverbio terminado en -ly. En inglés este tipo de adverbio es mucho más común que el equivalente - mente español: Todos estos cambios ocurren de manera natural All these changes happen naturally La Constitución prohíbe de manera expresa la especulación inmobiliaria The Constitution expressly forbids speculation in real estate ► De manera + ((adjetivo)) también se puede traducir por in a + ((adjetvo)) + way si no existe un adverbio terminado en -ly que equivalga al adjetivo: Se lo dijo de manera amistosa He said it to her in a friendly way ► En los casos en que se quiere hacer hincapié en la manera de hacer algo, se puede utilizar tanto un adverbio en -ly como la construcción in a + ((adjetivo)) + way, aunque esta última posibilidad es más frecuente: Tienes que intentar comportarte de manera responsable You must try to behave responsibly o in a responsible way Ellos podrán ayudarte a manejar tu negocio de manera profesional They'll be able to help you run your business professionally o in a professional way Para otros usos y ejemplos ver manera, forma, modo
    * * *
    a) (modo, forma) way

    yo lo hago a mi manera — I do it my way, I have my own way of doing it

    ¿qué manera de comer es ésa? — that's no way to eat your food

    comimos de una manera...! — you should have seen the amount we ate!

    no saldrás a la calle vestida de esa manera ¿no? — you're not going out dressed like that, are you?

    no lo pongas así de cualquier manera, dóblalo — don't just put it in any which way (AmE) o (BrE) any old how, fold it up

    no hay/hubo manera — it is/it was impossible

    de cualquier manera or de todas maneras — anyway

    de manera que — ( así que) (+ indic) so; ( para que) (+ subj) so that, so

    de ninguna manera: ¿me lo das? - de ninguna manera will you give it to me? - certainly not; de ninguna manera lo voy a permitir there's no way I'm going to allow it; no son de ninguna manera inferiores they are in no way inferior; sobre manera sobremanera; de mala manera: me contestó de muy mala manera she answered me very rudely; la trataba de mala manera he used to treat her badly; los precios han subido de mala manera (Esp) prices have shot up (colloq); lo malcrió de mala manera (Esp) she spoiled him terribly o (colloq) rotten; querer algo de mala manera — (Esp fam) to want something really badly

    2) maneras femenino plural ( modales) manners (pl)
    * * *
    = approach [approaches, -pl.], avenue, form, guise, means, way, manner, fashion.
    Ex. During the last twenty years the variety of approaches to the organisation of knowledge has proliferated with the introduction of computer-based methods.
    Ex. In the attempt to match the above criteria, there are two fundamentally distinct avenues to the construction of the schedules of a classification scheme.
    Ex. It is under the chosen form of heading that the catalogue entry for a particular document is filed and hence located.
    Ex. In various guises, the basic concepts have found application in the design of a number of special classification schemes.
    Ex. The easiest means of illustrating some of the foregoing points is to introduce in outline some special classification schemes.
    Ex. They are likely to influence the future function of DC, and the way in which the scheme will evolve, but since there will be a continuing need for shelf arrangement, DC will remain necessary.
    Ex. City planning is a body of techniques and theories for co-ordinative decision-making which tries to distribute the community's resources in a manner which will best achieve the community's specific goals, whatever they may be = El urbanismo es un conjunto de técnicas y teorías para la toma coordinada de decisiones que intenta distribuir los recursos de la comunidad de tal forma que se consigan mejor los objetivos específicos de ésta, sean cuales sean.
    Ex. It was on the tip of his tongue to say: 'Must you speak to me in this uncivilized fashion?' But he discreetly forbore.
    * a + Posesivo + manera = in + Posesivo + own way.
    * buscar la manera de = explore + ways in which, explore + ways and means of.
    * conseguido de manera dudosa = ill-gotten.
    * de alguna manera = in some sense, in some way, somehow, in any sense, some way.
    * de buena manera = good-humouredly, good-humoured.
    * de cualquier manera = anyhow, higgledy-piggledy, willy-nilly, in any way at all, in any way [in anyway].
    * de esta manera = in this fashion, in this manner, in this way.
    * de igual manera = by the same token, in like fashion, in like manner, in like vein, in equal measure(s).
    * dejar que Alguien haga las cosas a su manera = let + Nombre + do things + Posesivo + (own) way.
    * de la manera normal = in the normal manner.
    * de la mejor manera posible = to the best of + Posesivo + ability.
    * de la misma manera = by the same token.
    * de la misma manera (que) = in the same way (as), in the same manner (as).
    * de la otra manera = the other way (a)round.
    * de las dos maneras = in both ways.
    * de la siguiente manera = in the following terms.
    * de manera amena = pleasantly.
    * de manera clara = distinctly, clearly.
    * de manera confusa = hazily.
    * de manera conjunta con = in partnership with.
    * de manera constructiva = constructively.
    * de manera decepcionante = disappointingly.
    * de manera deprimente = sombrely [somberly, -USA].
    * de manera despreocupada = casually.
    * de manera desproporcionada = disproportionately.
    * de manera divertida = funnily.
    * de manera encantadora = winningly.
    * de manera escandalosa = outrageously.
    * de manera especial = in a certain way, in a special way.
    * de manera esquemática = briefly.
    * de manera estupenda = marvellously [marvelously, -USA].
    * de manera extraña = oddly, funnily.
    * de manera global = holistically.
    * de manera graciosa = funnily.
    * de manera grotesca = grotesquely.
    * de manera humillante = abjectly.
    * de manera inconsecuente = inconsistently.
    * de manera informal = casually.
    * de manera inquietante = eerily.
    * de manera insinuante = suggestively.
    * de manera intermitente = intermittently.
    * de manera involuntaria = involuntarily.
    * de manera lamentable = lamentably, miserably.
    * de manera lógica = in a meaningful way.
    * de manera maravillosa = marvellously [marvelously, -USA].
    * de manera marginal = tangentially.
    * de manera memorable = memorably.
    * de manera misteriosa = eerily.
    * de manera muy clara = in no uncertain terms.
    * de manera muy similar a = in much the same way as.
    * de manera muy superficial = sketchily.
    * de manera negativa = in a negative light.
    * de manera obsesiva = neurotically.
    * de manera óptima = optimally.
    * de manera poco convincente = lamely.
    * de manera poco ética = unethically.
    * de manera poco profesional = unprofessionally.
    * de manera positiva = in a positive light.
    * de manera precisa = precisely.
    * de manera preocupante = disturbingly.
    * de manera previsible = predictably.
    * de manera protectora = protectively.
    * de manera provocativa = suggestively.
    * de manera que = in a form that.
    * de manera rara = oddly, funnily.
    * de manera realista = realistically.
    * de manera semipermanente = on a semi-permanent basis.
    * de manera significativa = to any significant extent, to a significant extent.
    * de manera similar = in a similar way.
    * de manera similar a = in a similar manner to.
    * de manera sofisticada = sophisticatedly.
    * de manera sorprendente = shockingly.
    * de manera sutil = subtly.
    * de manera tangencial = tangentially.
    * de manera uniforme = evenly.
    * de manera vaga = hazily.
    * de mejor manera = best.
    * de muchas maneras = in every way, in more ways than one.
    * de ninguna manera = at all, in any sense of the word, not at all, under no/any circumstances, on no account, not on any account, in any way at all.
    * !de ninguna manera! = Not on your life!, over + Posesivo + dead body.
    * de nuevas maneras = in new ways.
    * de tal manera que = so that.
    * de todas maneras = at any rate.
    * de una manera + Adjetivo = in + Adjetivo + fashion, in a + Adjetivo + manner, in + Adjetivo + manner, in a + Adjetivo + vein.
    * de una manera eficaz = competently.
    * de una manera extraña = strangely.
    * de una manera genial = in a masterful way.
    * de una manera lógica = logically.
    * de una manera más sencilla = in digestible form.
    * de una manera rara = strangely.
    * de una manera satisfactoria = neatly.
    * de una manera seductora = seductively.
    * de una manera significativa = meaningfully.
    * de una manera simple = in a simple manner.
    * de una manera solemne = solemnly.
    * de una manera tentad = seductively.
    * de una manera tentadora = seductively.
    * de una manera torpe = awkwardly, cumbrously.
    * de una misma manera = in a similar fashion.
    * de una nueva manera = in a new way.
    * estudiar la manera de = explore + ways in which, explore + ways and means of.
    * expresar de otra manera = rephrase.
    * fracasar de manera lamentable = fail + miserably, fail + dismally.
    * justo de la misma manera que = in just the same way as.
    * la manera de + Infinitivo = the way to go about + Gerundio.
    * la mejor manera = how best.
    * la mejor manera de = the best way of.
    * manera de actuar = line of attack.
    * manera de pensar = way of thinking.
    * manera de trabajar = work practice.
    * manera de tratar = avenue of approach.
    * manera de ver las cosas = line of thought.
    * no haber manera de = there + be + no way.
    * no hay manera de que = for the life of me.
    * pero no hubo manera = but no dice.
    * ponerlo de otra manera = put it + in a different way.
    * por decirlo de alguna manera = so to speak.
    * por la manera = by the way.
    * presentar de manera esquemática = give + overview.
    * redactar de otra manera = reword.
    * ser la manera de = be a recipe for.
    * ser la mejor manera de = be the conduit for.
    * una manera de empezar = a foot in the door.
    * usar de manera general = be in general use.
    * ver las cosas de diferente manera = see + things differently.
    * ver las cosas de una manera diferente = see + things differently.
    * * *
    a) (modo, forma) way

    yo lo hago a mi manera — I do it my way, I have my own way of doing it

    ¿qué manera de comer es ésa? — that's no way to eat your food

    comimos de una manera...! — you should have seen the amount we ate!

    no saldrás a la calle vestida de esa manera ¿no? — you're not going out dressed like that, are you?

    no lo pongas así de cualquier manera, dóblalo — don't just put it in any which way (AmE) o (BrE) any old how, fold it up

    no hay/hubo manera — it is/it was impossible

    de cualquier manera or de todas maneras — anyway

    de manera que — ( así que) (+ indic) so; ( para que) (+ subj) so that, so

    de ninguna manera: ¿me lo das? - de ninguna manera will you give it to me? - certainly not; de ninguna manera lo voy a permitir there's no way I'm going to allow it; no son de ninguna manera inferiores they are in no way inferior; sobre manera sobremanera; de mala manera: me contestó de muy mala manera she answered me very rudely; la trataba de mala manera he used to treat her badly; los precios han subido de mala manera (Esp) prices have shot up (colloq); lo malcrió de mala manera (Esp) she spoiled him terribly o (colloq) rotten; querer algo de mala manera — (Esp fam) to want something really badly

    2) maneras femenino plural ( modales) manners (pl)
    * * *
    = approach [approaches, -pl.], avenue, form, guise, means, way, manner, fashion.

    Ex: During the last twenty years the variety of approaches to the organisation of knowledge has proliferated with the introduction of computer-based methods.

    Ex: In the attempt to match the above criteria, there are two fundamentally distinct avenues to the construction of the schedules of a classification scheme.
    Ex: It is under the chosen form of heading that the catalogue entry for a particular document is filed and hence located.
    Ex: In various guises, the basic concepts have found application in the design of a number of special classification schemes.
    Ex: The easiest means of illustrating some of the foregoing points is to introduce in outline some special classification schemes.
    Ex: They are likely to influence the future function of DC, and the way in which the scheme will evolve, but since there will be a continuing need for shelf arrangement, DC will remain necessary.
    Ex: City planning is a body of techniques and theories for co-ordinative decision-making which tries to distribute the community's resources in a manner which will best achieve the community's specific goals, whatever they may be = El urbanismo es un conjunto de técnicas y teorías para la toma coordinada de decisiones que intenta distribuir los recursos de la comunidad de tal forma que se consigan mejor los objetivos específicos de ésta, sean cuales sean.
    Ex: It was on the tip of his tongue to say: 'Must you speak to me in this uncivilized fashion?' But he discreetly forbore.
    * a + Posesivo + manera = in + Posesivo + own way.
    * buscar la manera de = explore + ways in which, explore + ways and means of.
    * conseguido de manera dudosa = ill-gotten.
    * de alguna manera = in some sense, in some way, somehow, in any sense, some way.
    * de buena manera = good-humouredly, good-humoured.
    * de cualquier manera = anyhow, higgledy-piggledy, willy-nilly, in any way at all, in any way [in anyway].
    * de esta manera = in this fashion, in this manner, in this way.
    * de igual manera = by the same token, in like fashion, in like manner, in like vein, in equal measure(s).
    * dejar que Alguien haga las cosas a su manera = let + Nombre + do things + Posesivo + (own) way.
    * de la manera normal = in the normal manner.
    * de la mejor manera posible = to the best of + Posesivo + ability.
    * de la misma manera = by the same token.
    * de la misma manera (que) = in the same way (as), in the same manner (as).
    * de la otra manera = the other way (a)round.
    * de las dos maneras = in both ways.
    * de la siguiente manera = in the following terms.
    * de manera amena = pleasantly.
    * de manera clara = distinctly, clearly.
    * de manera confusa = hazily.
    * de manera conjunta con = in partnership with.
    * de manera constructiva = constructively.
    * de manera decepcionante = disappointingly.
    * de manera deprimente = sombrely [somberly, -USA].
    * de manera despreocupada = casually.
    * de manera desproporcionada = disproportionately.
    * de manera divertida = funnily.
    * de manera encantadora = winningly.
    * de manera escandalosa = outrageously.
    * de manera especial = in a certain way, in a special way.
    * de manera esquemática = briefly.
    * de manera estupenda = marvellously [marvelously, -USA].
    * de manera extraña = oddly, funnily.
    * de manera global = holistically.
    * de manera graciosa = funnily.
    * de manera grotesca = grotesquely.
    * de manera humillante = abjectly.
    * de manera inconsecuente = inconsistently.
    * de manera informal = casually.
    * de manera inquietante = eerily.
    * de manera insinuante = suggestively.
    * de manera intermitente = intermittently.
    * de manera involuntaria = involuntarily.
    * de manera lamentable = lamentably, miserably.
    * de manera lógica = in a meaningful way.
    * de manera maravillosa = marvellously [marvelously, -USA].
    * de manera marginal = tangentially.
    * de manera memorable = memorably.
    * de manera misteriosa = eerily.
    * de manera muy clara = in no uncertain terms.
    * de manera muy similar a = in much the same way as.
    * de manera muy superficial = sketchily.
    * de manera negativa = in a negative light.
    * de manera obsesiva = neurotically.
    * de manera óptima = optimally.
    * de manera poco convincente = lamely.
    * de manera poco ética = unethically.
    * de manera poco profesional = unprofessionally.
    * de manera positiva = in a positive light.
    * de manera precisa = precisely.
    * de manera preocupante = disturbingly.
    * de manera previsible = predictably.
    * de manera protectora = protectively.
    * de manera provocativa = suggestively.
    * de manera que = in a form that.
    * de manera rara = oddly, funnily.
    * de manera realista = realistically.
    * de manera semipermanente = on a semi-permanent basis.
    * de manera significativa = to any significant extent, to a significant extent.
    * de manera similar = in a similar way.
    * de manera similar a = in a similar manner to.
    * de manera sofisticada = sophisticatedly.
    * de manera sorprendente = shockingly.
    * de manera sutil = subtly.
    * de manera tangencial = tangentially.
    * de manera uniforme = evenly.
    * de manera vaga = hazily.
    * de mejor manera = best.
    * de muchas maneras = in every way, in more ways than one.
    * de ninguna manera = at all, in any sense of the word, not at all, under no/any circumstances, on no account, not on any account, in any way at all.
    * !de ninguna manera! = Not on your life!, over + Posesivo + dead body.
    * de nuevas maneras = in new ways.
    * de tal manera que = so that.
    * de todas maneras = at any rate.
    * de una manera + Adjetivo = in + Adjetivo + fashion, in a + Adjetivo + manner, in + Adjetivo + manner, in a + Adjetivo + vein.
    * de una manera eficaz = competently.
    * de una manera extraña = strangely.
    * de una manera genial = in a masterful way.
    * de una manera lógica = logically.
    * de una manera más sencilla = in digestible form.
    * de una manera rara = strangely.
    * de una manera satisfactoria = neatly.
    * de una manera seductora = seductively.
    * de una manera significativa = meaningfully.
    * de una manera simple = in a simple manner.
    * de una manera solemne = solemnly.
    * de una manera tentad = seductively.
    * de una manera tentadora = seductively.
    * de una manera torpe = awkwardly, cumbrously.
    * de una misma manera = in a similar fashion.
    * de una nueva manera = in a new way.
    * estudiar la manera de = explore + ways in which, explore + ways and means of.
    * expresar de otra manera = rephrase.
    * fracasar de manera lamentable = fail + miserably, fail + dismally.
    * justo de la misma manera que = in just the same way as.
    * la manera de + Infinitivo = the way to go about + Gerundio.
    * la mejor manera = how best.
    * la mejor manera de = the best way of.
    * manera de actuar = line of attack.
    * manera de pensar = way of thinking.
    * manera de trabajar = work practice.
    * manera de tratar = avenue of approach.
    * manera de ver las cosas = line of thought.
    * no haber manera de = there + be + no way.
    * no hay manera de que = for the life of me.
    * pero no hubo manera = but no dice.
    * ponerlo de otra manera = put it + in a different way.
    * por decirlo de alguna manera = so to speak.
    * por la manera = by the way.
    * presentar de manera esquemática = give + overview.
    * redactar de otra manera = reword.
    * ser la manera de = be a recipe for.
    * ser la mejor manera de = be the conduit for.
    * una manera de empezar = a foot in the door.
    * usar de manera general = be in general use.
    * ver las cosas de diferente manera = see + things differently.
    * ver las cosas de una manera diferente = see + things differently.

    * * *
    1 (modo, forma) way
    yo lo hago a mi manera I do it my way, I have my own way of doing it
    ¿qué manera de comer es ésa? that's no way to eat your food
    ¡comimos de una manera …! you should have seen the amount we ate!
    ¡qué manera de llover! it's absolutely pouring (with rain)
    ¡qué manera de malgastar el dinero! what a waste of money!
    no saldrás a la calle vestida de esa manera ¿no? you're not going out dressed like that, are you?
    se puede ir vestido de cualquier manera you can dress however you want, you can wear whatever you like
    no lo pongas así, de cualquier manera, dóblalo don't just put it in any which way ( AmE) o ( BrE) any old how o way, fold it up
    de esta manera iremos más cómodos we'll be more comfortable this way o like this
    de alguna manera tendré que conseguir el dinero I'll have to get the money somehow (or other)
    sus novelas son, de alguna manera, un reflejo de su propia juventud her novels are, to some extent o in some ways, a reflection of her own youth
    de una manera u otra habrá que terminarlo it'll have to be finished one way or another
    no hay/hubo manera it is/was impossible
    2 ( en locs):
    a manera de by way of
    a manera de ejemplo by way of example
    se levantó el sombrero a manera de saludo he lifted his hat in greeting
    de cualquier manera or de todas maneras anyway
    de cualquier manera or de todas maneras ya tenía que lavarlo I had to wash it anyway o in any case
    de manera que (así que) (+ indic) so;
    (para que) (+ subj) so that, so
    ¿de manera que te casas en julio? so you're getting married in July, are you?
    dilo en voz alta, de manera que todos te oigan say it out loud, so (that) everyone can hear you
    de ninguna manera: ¿me lo das? — de ninguna manera will you give it to me? — certainly not
    de ninguna manera lo voy a permitir there's no way I'm going to allow it
    no son de ninguna manera inferiores they are in no way inferior
    de mala manera: me contestó de muy mala manera she answered me very rudely
    la trataba de mala manera he used to treat her badly
    los precios han subido de mala manera ( Esp); prices have shot up ( colloq), prices have risen exorbitantly
    lo malcrió de mala manera ( Esp); she spoiled him terribly o ( colloq) rotten
    querer algo de mala manera ( Esp fam); to want sth really badly, want sth in the worst way ( AmE colloq)
    su manera de ser the way she is
    tiene una manera de ser que se lleva bien con todos she has a nice way about her, she gets on well with everyone ( colloq)
    su manera de ser le acarrea muchos problemas his manner o the way he comes across causes him a lot of problems
    B maneras fpl (modales) manners (pl)
    * * *


    manera sustantivo femenino
    1 (modo, forma) way;

    a manera de by way of;
    de todas maneras anyway;
    su manera de ser the way she is;
    se puede ir vestido de cualquier manera you can dress however you want;
    no lo pongas así, de cualquier manera don't just put it in any which way (AmE) o (BrE) any old how;
    de ninguna manera lo voy a permitir there's no way I'm going to allow it;
    de alguna manera tendré que conseguirlo I'll have to get it somehow (or other);
    no hay/hubo manera it is/it was impossible;
    de manera que so;
    de mala manera ‹ contestar rudely;

    tratar badly
    maneras sustantivo femenino plural ( modales) manners (pl)

    I sustantivo femenino
    1 way, manner: hagámoslo a nuestra manera, let's do it our way
    lo hace todo de cualquier manera, he does everything any old how
    no hay manera de que me escuche, there is no way to make him listen to me
    me disgusta su manera de ser, I don't like the way he behaves
    II fpl maneras, manners: contestó con malas maneras, she answered rudely
    ♦ Locuciones: a manera de, as: se puso una cacerola a manera de casco, she used a cooking pot as a helmet
    de cualquier manera/de todas maneras, anyway, at any rate, in any case
    de manera que, so (that)
    de ninguna manera, in no way, certainly not: no pienso disculparme de ninguna manera, there's no way that I'm going to apologise
    de tal manera que, in such a way that
    en cierta manera, in some sense: en cierta manera todos somos responsables de ella, to a certain degree we are all responsible for her
    ' manera' also found in these entries:
    - arrancar
    - categórica
    - categórico
    - como
    - como quiera
    - comoquiera
    - cortante
    - despatarrarse
    - despeluchar
    - encantar
    - enfocar
    - escritura
    - expiar
    - igual
    - inri
    - letra
    - mal
    - ninguna
    - ninguno
    - peculiar
    - perfectamente
    - precisamente
    - tal
    - tener
    - tuntún
    - bien
    - cómo
    - en
    - escándalo
    - forma
    - fórmula
    - habla
    - hacer
    - ilegal
    - inconsciente
    - índole
    - inesperado
    - interesado
    - medio
    - modo
    - norma
    - ordinariez
    - otro
    - plantear
    - seguir
    - temperamento
    - tirar
    - torpe
    - trato
    - abusive
    - accusingly
    - angrily
    - as
    - brittle
    - by
    - certainly
    - challenging
    - conciliatory
    - decidedly
    - definitive
    - differently
    - distant
    - dramatically
    - effective
    - elaborately
    - fashion
    - friendly
    - gait
    - impersonally
    - impossibly
    - in
    - intimidate
    - jabber
    - jangle
    - logical
    - manner
    - means
    - mimic
    - miserably
    - mismanage
    - naturally
    - nice
    - not
    - oddly
    - originally
    - other
    - otherwise
    - persuasively
    - pleasantly
    - practically
    - pretence
    - pretense
    - propose
    - radiantly
    - realistically
    - reception
    - remotely
    - should
    * * *
    manera nf
    1. [forma] way, manner;
    manera de pensar way of thinking;
    tiene una manera de ser muy agradable she has a very pleasant nature;
    no me gusta su manera de ser I don't like the way he is;
    no encuentro la manera de dejar el tabaco whatever I do, I just can't seem to give up smoking;
    esa no es manera de decir las cosas that's no way to speak;
    ¿has visto la manera en que o [m5] la manera como te mira? have you seen how o the way he's looking at you?;
    esta vez lo haremos a mi manera this time we'll do it my way;
    a la manera de in the style of, after the fashion of;
    a manera de [como] as, by way of;
    a mi manera de ver the way I see it;
    se le cayó el botón porque lo cosió de cualquier manera the button fell off because he sewed it on carelessly o any old how;
    hazlo de cualquier manera do it however you like;
    no te preocupes, de cualquier manera no pensaba ir don't worry, I wasn't going to go anyway;
    de esta/esa manera this/that way;
    trata a su hijo de mala manera he treats his son badly;
    lo dijo de mala manera she said it very rudely;
    Esp Fam
    estuvo lloviendo de mala manera it was pouring o Br bucketing down;
    Esp Fam
    se pusieron a beber de mala manera they started a serious drinking session;
    Esp Fam
    tu hermana se enrolla de mala manera your sister goes on a bit;
    de la misma manera similarly, in the same way;
    lo hice de la misma manera que ayer/tú I did it the same way as yesterday/you;
    lo organizaron de manera que acabara antes de las diez they organized it so (that) it finished before ten;
    ¿de manera que no te gusta? so, you don't like it (then)?;
    de ninguna manera o [m5] en manera alguna deberíamos dejarle salir under no circumstances should we let her out;
    de ninguna manera o [m5] en manera alguna quise ofenderte I in no way intended to offend you;
    ¿te he molestado? – de ninguna manera o [m5] en manera alguna did I annoy you? – not at all o by no means;
    ¿quieres que lo invitemos? – ¡de ninguna manera! shall we invite him? – no way o certainly not!;
    de otra manera… [si no] otherwise…;
    de tal manera (que) [tanto] so much (that);
    de todas maneras, ¿qué es eso que decías de un viaje? anyway, what's that you were saying about going away?;
    de una manera o de otra one way or another;
    en cierta manera in a way;
    la ópera me aburre en gran manera I find opera exceedingly tedious;
    no hay manera there is no way, it's impossible;
    no hay manera de que haga los deberes it's impossible to get him to do his homework;
    ¡contigo no hay manera! you're impossible!;
    ¡qué manera de hacer las cosas! that's no way to do things!;
    ¡qué manera de llover! just look at that rain!;
    me place sobre manera que recurran a nuestros servicios I'm exceedingly pleased that you should have decided to use our services
    maneras [modales] manners;
    buenas/malas maneras good/bad manners;
    de muy buenas maneras nos dijo que saliéramos she very politely asked us to leave;
    atiende a los clientes de malas maneras he's rude to the customers;
    de aquella manera: lo hicieron de aquella manera they did it any old how;
    ¿crees en Dios? – de aquella manera do you believe in God? – well, sort of
    * * *
    f way;
    esa es su manera de ser that’s the way he is;
    maneras pl manners;
    lo hace a su manera he does it his way;
    un cuadro a la manera de los cubistas a Cubist-style picture;
    no hay manera de it is impossible to;
    de manera que so (that);
    de ninguna manera certainly not;
    en gran manera greatly;
    sobre manera exceedingly;
    de todas maneras anyway, in any case;
    de cualquier manera anyway, anyhow;
    de la misma manera que in the same way that;
    de tal manera que in such a way that, so that
    * * *
    manera nf
    1) modo: way, manner, fashion
    de todas maneras : anyway, anyhow
    de manera que : so, in order that
    de ninguna manera : by no means, absolutely not
    manera de ser : personality, demeanor
    * * *
    manera n way
    de manera + adjetivo in a... way
    de manera extraña in a strange way / strangely

    Spanish-English dictionary > manera

  • 23 materia

    1 matter (sustancia, asunto).
    en materia de on the subject of, concerning
    la legislación en materia de medio ambiente the legislation on the subject of o concerning the environment
    entrar en materia to get down to business
    materia grasa fat content
    materia gris gray matter
    materia orgánica organic matter
    2 material (material).
    materia prima raw material
    3 subject (asignatura).
    * * *
    1 (sustancia) matter
    2 (material) material, substance
    3 (asignatura) subject
    4 (asunto) subject, matter
    en materia de... on the subject of...
    entrar en materia to get to the point
    índice de materias table of contents
    materia gris grey matter
    materia prima raw material
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    1) (Fís) matter; (=material) material, substance

    materia fecalfaeces pl, feces pl (EEUU)

    materia grisgrey o (EEUU) gray matter

    2) (=tema) subject matter; (Escol) subject

    entrar en materia — to get down to business, get to the point

    materia optativa — (Escol) option, optional subject

    * * *
    1) ( sustancia) matter
    a) (tema, asunto) subject

    en materia de — as regards, with regard to

    entrar en materia: entremos en materia — let's get straight to the matter in hand o straight down to business

    b) ( material) material
    c) (esp AmL) ( asignatura) subject
    * * *
    = matter, subject, subject term, topic, subject matter, rubric, material, subject discipline.
    Ex. Ranganathan proposed five basic types of facets which may occur in many subject fields: personality, matter, energy, space, time.
    Ex. What is a subject?.
    Ex. In alphabetical indexing languages, such as are embodied in thesauri and subject headings lists, subject terms are the alphabetical names of the subjects.
    Ex. A book index is an alphabetically arranged list of words or terms leading the reader to the numbers of pages on which specific topics are considered, or on which specific names appear.
    Ex. The librarian generally looks at the book's title, subtitle, preface, contents list, etc, in order to determine the subject matter.
    Ex. And, as another instance, it's not fair to employ rubrics for ethnic groups that are not their own, preferred names.
    Ex. The material in the exhibition is organized into four thematic sections: objects used in daily life, funerary rites, religious items, and works of art.
    Ex. Respondents indicated that they needed to master several subject disciplines and a sizable vocabulary to understand the literature they use.
    * acceso a la información por la materia = subject approach to information, subject approach.
    * acceso por materias = subject access.
    * al estilo de los índices de materia = subject-type.
    * alfabético por materias = alphabetico-subject.
    * aportar materia prima para = provide + grist for + Posesivo + mill.
    * asignación de materias = subject indexing, subject assignment.
    * buscado por materia = subject-traced.
    * buscador por materias = subject gateway.
    * búsqueda por materia = subject searching, topical subject search.
    * búsqueda por materias = subject search, subject query, subject browsing.
    * catalogador de materias = subject cataloguer.
    * catálogo alfabético de materias = alphabetical subject catalogue.
    * catálogo de materias = subject catalogue.
    * catálogo sistemático de materias = classified subject catalogue.
    * clasificación por materia = subject classification.
    * clasificar por materia = subject classify.
    * conocer muy bien la materia = know + Posesivo + stuff.
    * conocimiento sobre una materia = subject knowledge.
    * consulta por materias = subject browsing.
    * control de materias = subject control.
    * cuerpo de estanterías por materia = subject bay.
    * dar materia para la reflexión = provide + food for thought.
    * derechos en materia de procreación = reproductive rights.
    * descriptor de materia = subject descriptor.
    * distribución de una materia en su índice = subject scatter.
    * encabezamiento alfabético de materias = alphabetical subject heading.
    * encabezamiento de materia = subject heading, subject description.
    * encabezamiento de materia específico = specific subject heading.
    * Encabezamientos de Materia de Medicina (MeSH) = Medical Subject Headings (MeSH).
    * en materia de = in matters of, as regards, with regard(s) to, regarding, on, concerning, in the field of.
    * entrada alfabética de materia = alphabetical subject entry.
    * entrada de materia = subject entry.
    * especialista en una materia = subject specialist.
    * experto en la materia = subject expert.
    * fichero de materias = descriptor file.
    * fichero ordenado por materias = subject file.
    * identificador de materia = subject label.
    * índice alfabético de materias = alphabetical subject index.
    * índice articulado de materias = articulated subject index.
    * índice de materias = subject index, topical index, subject guide.
    * Indice Permutado de Materias = Permuterm Subject Index.
    * índices de títulos al estilo de los índices de materia = subject-type title indexes.
    * Indización Permutada de Materias basada en Postulados (POPSI) = Postulate-based Permuted Subject Indexing (POPSI).
    * indización por materias = subject indexing.
    * información como materia prima, la = information commodity.
    * información sobre la materia = subject data.
    * LCSH (Lista de Encabezamientos de Materia de la Biblioteca del Congreso) = LCSH (Library of Congress List of Subject Headings).
    * lista alfabética de encabezamientos de materia = alphabetical list of subject headings.
    * lista de encabezamientos de materia = subject headings list.
    * Lista de Encabezamientos de Materia de la Asociación de Bibliotecas Escolar = SLA List.
    * Lista de Encabezamientos de Materias de Sears = Sears' List of Subject Headings.
    * materia asociada = collateral subject.
    * materia compuesta = complex subject, composite subject, compound subject.
    * materia coordinada = coordinate subject.
    * materia de estudio = subject of study.
    * materia específica = subordinate subject, specific subject.
    * materia favorita = pet subject.
    * materia general = superordinate subject, parent subject.
    * materia gris = grey matter [gray matter].
    * materia impresa = printed matter.
    * materia inanimada = dead matter, inanimate matter.
    * materia inorgánica = dead matter, inanimate matter.
    * materia más específica = narrower subject.
    * materia más general = broader subject.
    * materia muerta = dead matter, inanimate matter.
    * materia optativa = option.
    * materia orgánica = organic matter, organic materials.
    * materia preferida = pet subject.
    * materia prima = raw material, staple diet, grist, primary raw material, feedstock.
    * materia principal = main subject.
    * materia representada por un solo descriptor = one-concept subject.
    * materia representada por varios descriptores = multi-concept subject.
    * materia secundaria = fringe subject.
    * materias troncales = core curriculum.
    * materia troncal = core subject.
    * materia viva = living matter.
    * mercado de materias primas, el = commodity market, the.
    * nombre de materia = subject name.
    * número indicador de materia = SIN, Subject Indicator Number.
    * ordenación por materias = subject arrangement.
    * organización de materias = subject organisation.
    * porcentaje de materias servidas = subject fill rate.
    * por materias = subject-based, topically.
    * precios de las materias primas = commodity prices.
    * profano en la materia = non-scholar.
    * recuperación por materias = subject access, subject retrieval.
    * registro de encabezamiento secundario de materia = subject tracing.
    * salud en materia de procreación = reproductive health.
    * ser la materia prima de = be grist to + Posesivo + mill.
    * ser un experto en la materia = know + Posesivo + stuff.
    * subdivisión de materia = subject subdivision.
    * subencabezamiento de materia = subject heading subdivision, topical subheading.
    * terminología usada para las materias = subject terminology.
    * tratamiento alfabético de materias = alphabetical subject approach.
    * * *
    1) ( sustancia) matter
    a) (tema, asunto) subject

    en materia de — as regards, with regard to

    entrar en materia: entremos en materia — let's get straight to the matter in hand o straight down to business

    b) ( material) material
    c) (esp AmL) ( asignatura) subject
    * * *
    = matter, subject, subject term, topic, subject matter, rubric, material, subject discipline.

    Ex: Ranganathan proposed five basic types of facets which may occur in many subject fields: personality, matter, energy, space, time.

    Ex: What is a subject?.
    Ex: In alphabetical indexing languages, such as are embodied in thesauri and subject headings lists, subject terms are the alphabetical names of the subjects.
    Ex: A book index is an alphabetically arranged list of words or terms leading the reader to the numbers of pages on which specific topics are considered, or on which specific names appear.
    Ex: The librarian generally looks at the book's title, subtitle, preface, contents list, etc, in order to determine the subject matter.
    Ex: And, as another instance, it's not fair to employ rubrics for ethnic groups that are not their own, preferred names.
    Ex: The material in the exhibition is organized into four thematic sections: objects used in daily life, funerary rites, religious items, and works of art.
    Ex: Respondents indicated that they needed to master several subject disciplines and a sizable vocabulary to understand the literature they use.
    * acceso a la información por la materia = subject approach to information, subject approach.
    * acceso por materias = subject access.
    * al estilo de los índices de materia = subject-type.
    * alfabético por materias = alphabetico-subject.
    * aportar materia prima para = provide + grist for + Posesivo + mill.
    * asignación de materias = subject indexing, subject assignment.
    * buscado por materia = subject-traced.
    * buscador por materias = subject gateway.
    * búsqueda por materia = subject searching, topical subject search.
    * búsqueda por materias = subject search, subject query, subject browsing.
    * catalogador de materias = subject cataloguer.
    * catálogo alfabético de materias = alphabetical subject catalogue.
    * catálogo de materias = subject catalogue.
    * catálogo sistemático de materias = classified subject catalogue.
    * clasificación por materia = subject classification.
    * clasificar por materia = subject classify.
    * conocer muy bien la materia = know + Posesivo + stuff.
    * conocimiento sobre una materia = subject knowledge.
    * consulta por materias = subject browsing.
    * control de materias = subject control.
    * cuerpo de estanterías por materia = subject bay.
    * dar materia para la reflexión = provide + food for thought.
    * derechos en materia de procreación = reproductive rights.
    * descriptor de materia = subject descriptor.
    * distribución de una materia en su índice = subject scatter.
    * encabezamiento alfabético de materias = alphabetical subject heading.
    * encabezamiento de materia = subject heading, subject description.
    * encabezamiento de materia específico = specific subject heading.
    * Encabezamientos de Materia de Medicina (MeSH) = Medical Subject Headings (MeSH).
    * en materia de = in matters of, as regards, with regard(s) to, regarding, on, concerning, in the field of.
    * entrada alfabética de materia = alphabetical subject entry.
    * entrada de materia = subject entry.
    * especialista en una materia = subject specialist.
    * experto en la materia = subject expert.
    * fichero de materias = descriptor file.
    * fichero ordenado por materias = subject file.
    * identificador de materia = subject label.
    * índice alfabético de materias = alphabetical subject index.
    * índice articulado de materias = articulated subject index.
    * índice de materias = subject index, topical index, subject guide.
    * Indice Permutado de Materias = Permuterm Subject Index.
    * índices de títulos al estilo de los índices de materia = subject-type title indexes.
    * Indización Permutada de Materias basada en Postulados (POPSI) = Postulate-based Permuted Subject Indexing (POPSI).
    * indización por materias = subject indexing.
    * información como materia prima, la = information commodity.
    * información sobre la materia = subject data.
    * LCSH (Lista de Encabezamientos de Materia de la Biblioteca del Congreso) = LCSH (Library of Congress List of Subject Headings).
    * lista alfabética de encabezamientos de materia = alphabetical list of subject headings.
    * lista de encabezamientos de materia = subject headings list.
    * Lista de Encabezamientos de Materia de la Asociación de Bibliotecas Escolar = SLA List.
    * Lista de Encabezamientos de Materias de Sears = Sears' List of Subject Headings.
    * materia asociada = collateral subject.
    * materia compuesta = complex subject, composite subject, compound subject.
    * materia coordinada = coordinate subject.
    * materia de estudio = subject of study.
    * materia específica = subordinate subject, specific subject.
    * materia favorita = pet subject.
    * materia general = superordinate subject, parent subject.
    * materia gris = grey matter [gray matter].
    * materia impresa = printed matter.
    * materia inanimada = dead matter, inanimate matter.
    * materia inorgánica = dead matter, inanimate matter.
    * materia más específica = narrower subject.
    * materia más general = broader subject.
    * materia muerta = dead matter, inanimate matter.
    * materia optativa = option.
    * materia orgánica = organic matter, organic materials.
    * materia preferida = pet subject.
    * materia prima = raw material, staple diet, grist, primary raw material, feedstock.
    * materia principal = main subject.
    * materia representada por un solo descriptor = one-concept subject.
    * materia representada por varios descriptores = multi-concept subject.
    * materia secundaria = fringe subject.
    * materias troncales = core curriculum.
    * materia troncal = core subject.
    * materia viva = living matter.
    * mercado de materias primas, el = commodity market, the.
    * nombre de materia = subject name.
    * número indicador de materia = SIN, Subject Indicator Number.
    * ordenación por materias = subject arrangement.
    * organización de materias = subject organisation.
    * porcentaje de materias servidas = subject fill rate.
    * por materias = subject-based, topically.
    * precios de las materias primas = commodity prices.
    * profano en la materia = non-scholar.
    * recuperación por materias = subject access, subject retrieval.
    * registro de encabezamiento secundario de materia = subject tracing.
    * salud en materia de procreación = reproductive health.
    * ser la materia prima de = be grist to + Posesivo + mill.
    * ser un experto en la materia = know + Posesivo + stuff.
    * subdivisión de materia = subject subdivision.
    * subencabezamiento de materia = subject heading subdivision, topical subheading.
    * terminología usada para las materias = subject terminology.
    * tratamiento alfabético de materias = alphabetical subject approach.

    * * *
    A (sustancia) matter
    materia orgánica/viva organic/living matter
    feces* (pl), fecal* matter
    gray* matter
    dark matter
    ( Econ, Tec) raw material; ( Fin) commodity
    el mercado de materias primas the commodities market
    1 (tema, asunto) subject
    los libros están ordenados por materias the books are arranged according to subject
    en materia jurídica es un experto he's an expert on legal matters
    en materia de as regards, with regard to
    es un país muy avanzado en materia de sanidad it is a very advanced country in terms of o with regard to o as regards health care
    entrar en materia: entró inmediatamente en materia he went straight into the subject, he got straight to the point
    2 (material) material
    aquí hay materia para hacer un estudio muy completo there is enough material here to do an in-depth study
    3 ( esp AmL) (asignatura) subject
    classified information
    * * *


    materia sustantivo femenino
    1 ( sustancia) matter;
    materia gris gray( conjugate gray) matter;

    materia prima (Econ, Tec) raw material;

    (Fin) commodity
    a) (tema, asunto) subject;

    materia sustantivo femenino
    1 matter
    materia inorgánica/orgánica, inorganic/organic matter
    materia no contaminante, non-polluting material
    2 (tema) matter, stuff: domina muy bien la materia, she knows her stuff
    es un especialista en la materia, he's an expert on the subject
    3 Educ (asignatura) subject
    ' materia' also found in these entries:
    - consistente
    - curso
    - en
    - gris
    - lega
    - lego
    - prima
    - primo
    - revés
    - saber
    - sebo
    - tierra
    - autoridad
    - conocer
    - corromper
    - corrompido
    - corrupción
    - pasta
    - procesar
    - profano
    - reprobar
    - commodity
    - cut
    - deterioration
    - fluid
    - grey matter
    - ground
    - insulation
    - last
    - material
    - matter
    - of
    - out of
    - raw material
    - rock
    - rubber
    - soft
    - soil
    - strong
    - subject
    - subject matter
    - substitute
    - tarmac
    - wood
    - lay
    - raw
    - subsidiary
    - wastage
    * * *
    1. [sustancia] matter
    Anat materia gris grey matter;
    materia orgánica organic matter;
    Astron materia oscura dark matter
    2. [asunto] matter;
    materia de reflexión food for thought;
    en materia de on the subject of, concerning;
    han llegado a un acuerdo en materia de impuestos they have come to an agreement on o concerning taxation;
    la legislación en materia de medio ambiente the legislation on the subject of o concerning the environment;
    entrar en materia to get down to business
    3. [material] material
    materia prima raw material
    4. [asignatura] subject
    RP Univ materia previa = module that has to be passed in order to do a more advanced module
    * * *
    1 matter
    2 ( material) material
    3 ( tema) subject;
    entrar en materia get on to the subject;
    en materia de as regards
    * * *
    1) : matter
    materia gris: gray matter
    2) : material
    materia prima: raw material
    3) : (academic) subject
    en materia de : on the subject of, concerning
    * * *
    1. (en general) matter
    2. (asignatura, tema) subject

    Spanish-English dictionary > materia

  • 24 bueno

    1 good, fine, okay.
    2 good-hearted, decent, kind, good.
    3 good, suitable, wholesome.
    4 favorable, good.
    1 okay.
    2 now then.
    3 hello.
    * * *
    1 (gen) good
    2 (persona - amable) kind; (- agradable) nice, polite
    3 (tiempo) good, nice
    4 (apropiado) right, suitable; (correcto) right
    5 (de salud) well
    ¿ya estás buena? are you better now?
    6 (grande) big; (considerable) considerable
    interjección ¡bueno!
    1 (sorpresa) well, very well; (de acuerdo) all right!
    de buenas a primeras familiar all of a sudden, just like that
    estar bueno,-a to be in good health 2 familiar to be good-looking
    estar de buen ver to be good-looking
    por la buenas willingly
    ¡ésta sí que es buena! familiar that's a good one!
    buen humor good humour (US humor)
    buenas noches good evening
    buenas tardes good afternoon
    buenos días good morning
    la buena mesa good food
    la buena vida the good life Table 1 NOTA See also buen/Table 1
    * * *
    (f. - buena)
    1) good
    2) kind, nice
    3) large, considerable
    4) healthy, well
    * * *
    bueno, -a
    1. ADJ
    ( antes de sm sing buen)
    1) [gen] good; [tiempo] fine, good, fair

    la mano buenahum the right hand

    ¡bueno está! — LAm that's enough!

    ¡qué bueno! — esp LAm excellent!, great!

    lo bueno es que... — the best thing is that..., the best part is that...

    lo bueno fue que ni siquiera quiso venirthe best thing o part was that he didn't even want to come

    2) (=bondadoso) [persona] kind, good

    es buena persona — he's a nice person, he's a good sort

    3) (=apropiado) good
    4) [de salud]
    5) * (=atractivo)
    6) (=considerable) good, large

    un buen número de... — a good o large number of...

    un buen trozo de... — a nice big piece of...

    7) iró

    ¡buen conductor! — a fine driver you are!, some driver you are!

    ¡esa sí que es buena! — that's a good one!

    ¡buena la has liado o hecho! — you've really gone and done it now!

    ¡en buen lío me he metido! — I've got myself into a fine mess!

    ¡estaría bueno! — * I should hope not!

    estaría bueno que... — it would be just great if...

    luego verás lo que es bueno* then you'll see

    le pusieron bueno* (=lo pegaron) they beat the living daylights out of him *; (=lo criticaron) they slagged him off *

    8) [en saludos]

    ¡buenas! — hello!

    buenas tardes[a primera hora] good afternoon; [más tarde] good evening

    ¿qué hay de bueno? — what's new?


    por las buenas —

    si no me obedeces por las buenas, tendrás que hacerlo por las malas — you can either do as I say willingly, or I'll have to force you to do it


    ¡bueno! — all right!, O.K.!; Méx (Telec) hello!

    bueno, pues... — well...

    bueno, resulta que... — well, it so happens that...

    bueno, ¿y qué? — well, so what?, well?

    ¡pero bueno, cómo puedes ser tan bruto! — honestly, how can you be so stupid!

    pero bueno, no nos vamos a meter en historias — but anyway, let's not go into this

    3. SM / F

    el bueno[de la película] the goody *, the good guy *

    * * *
    - na adjetivo
    [ buen is used before masculine singular nouns]
    a) [ser] ( de calidad) <hotel/producto> good
    b) ( valioso) good

    buenos consejosgood o useful advice

    c) (válido, correcto) <razón/excusa> good

    bueno está lo bueno (pero no lo demasiado) — (fam) you can have too much of a good thing

    a) [ser] ( competente) <médico/alumno> good

    ser bueno para algo: es muy buena para los negocios — she's got a very good head for business

    b) <padre/marido/amigo> good
    c) (eficaz, efectivo) <remedio/método> good

    es bueno para la gripe/los dolores de cabeza — it's good for the flu/headaches

    3) ( favorable) <oferta/suerte> good

    en las buenas — (CS) in the good times

    estar de buenas — ( de buen humor) (fam) to be in a good mood; ( afortunado) (Col fam) to be lucky

    4) [ser] ( conveniente) good
    5) (ingenioso, divertido) <chiste/idea> good, great (colloq)

    lo bueno fue que... — the funny thing was...

    a) ( agradable) nice

    ser bueno — to be good, be nice; (- de algo en particular)

    estar bueno — to be good, be nice


    qué bueno! — (AmL) great!

    7) [estar] ( en buen estado)

    ¿este pescado estará bueno? — do you think this fish is all right?

    8) [estar] (fam) ( sexualmente atractivo)
    9) (saludable, sano) <costumbre/alimentación> good

    bueno y sano — (Chi) ( sin novedad) safe and sound; ( sobrio) sober

    10) (en fórmulas, saludos) good

    buenos días! or (RPl) buen día! — good morning

    buenas tardes! — ( temprano) good afternoon; ( más tarde) good evening

    buenas noches! — ( al llegar) good evening; ( al despedirse) good night

    buen provecho! — enjoy your meal, bon appetit

    a) [ser] ( en sentido ético) good
    b) [ser] < niño> good
    12) (iró & fam)

    estaría bueno que ahora dijera que no! — it'd be just great if he said no now! (iro & colloq)

    de los buenos/de las buenas — (fam)


    un buen día se va a cansar y... — one day o one of these days she's going to get fed up and...

    un buen día llegó y dijo... — one (fine) day she came home and said...

    - na masculino, femenino
    a) (hum o leng infantil) (en películas, cuentos) goody (colloq)
    b) (bonachón, buenazo)

    el bueno de Juan/la buena de Pilar — good old Juan/Pilar

    a) (expresando conformidad, asentimiento) OK (colloq), all right

    ¿un café? - bueno — coffee? - OK o all right

    b) (expresando duda, indecisión, escepticismo) well

    bueno... ¿qué quieres que te diga? — well... what can I say?

    bueno, otra vez será — never mind, maybe next time


    bueno, se acabó a la cama! — right, that's it, bed!

    pero, bueno ¿lo quiere o no? — well, do you want it or not?

    y bueno! ¿qué querías que hiciera? — (RPl) well, what did you expect me to do?

    b) (expresando sorpresa, desagrado) (well) really!

    bueno! esto era lo único que faltaba — (iró) oh, great! that's all we needed (iro)

    a) ( introduciendo o reanudando un tema) now then, right then

    bueno, ¿dónde estábamos? — now (then) o right (then), where were we?

    no es un lugar turístico, bueno, no lo era — it isn't a tourist resort, well o at least, it didn't use to be

    * * *
    = fantastic, good [better -comp., best -sup.], neat [neater -comp., neatest -sup.], nice, sound [sounder -comp., soundest -sup.], seemly, decent, creditable, fantastical, good-natured, good-hearted, kind [kinder -comp., kindest -sup.].
    Ex. GODORT has done a fantastic job of dealing with and solving documents problems.
    Ex. A good thesaurus is a list that has been compiled to serve in the retrieval environment in which it is called upon to operate.
    Ex. What is possibly less easy is to making sure that the guiding stays clean, neat and accurate.
    Ex. One time he showed me a photograph in an art book of a woman's bare breasts and said ' Nice tits, uh?'.
    Ex. Thus the scheme has a sound organisational backing.
    Ex. They were the first cloth bindings that were intended to compete with paper boards as seemly but inexpensive covers for ordinary books.
    Ex. At present, the Internet's international expansion is hampered by the lack of a good supporting infrastructure, namely a decent telephone system.
    Ex. Maybe there is not creditable model, but a lot of publishers are trying to be the onw who discovers the best approach.
    Ex. Adorno's distinction between fantastical thought & the commodification of fantasy in the form of literature is addressed.
    Ex. The illustrations were projected on a large screen and the children were able to see that it was a locus amoenus and a reflection of the character of the good-natured host.
    Ex. Relaxing, joking and just being around guys and gals who are good-hearted people was just the ticket we needed.
    Ex. I would like to extend my thanks to our host who was kind enough to invite me.
    * a buen recaudo = in a safe place, in safekeeping.
    * acabarse la buena racha = the good times + run out.
    * acabarse la (buena) suerte = run out of + luck, luck + run out.
    * actuar de buena fe = act in + good faith.
    * a la buena de Dios = out in the cold.
    * algo bueno = a good thing.
    * amante de la buena bebida = drink enthusiast.
    * amante de la buena mesa = food enthusiast.
    * apartarse del buen camino = go off + the rails, stray from + the straight and narrow.
    * buen = good [better -comp., best -sup.].
    * buena calidad = goodness.
    * buena causa = good cause.
    * buena comida, la = good food.
    * buena compañía = good company.
    * buena compra = good buy.
    * buena condición física = physical fitness.
    * buena decisión = good judgement.
    * buena disposición = good nature, goodwill [good will], readiness.
    * Posesivo + buena estrella = Posesivo + lucky star.
    * buena fama = well respected, good repute, good reputation.
    * buena fe = goodwill [good will].
    * buena forma física = fitness, physical fitness.
    * buena fortuna = good fortune.
    * buena idea = cool idea.
    * buena influencia = good influence.
    * buen ajuste = good fit.
    * buen amigo = good friend.
    * buena oferta = good deal.
    * buena racha = winning streak.
    * buena relación = rapport.
    * buena relación calidad-precio = value for money.
    * buena reputación = well respected, good repute, good reputation.
    * buena salud = good health.
    * buenas costumbres = propriety, mores, decorum.
    * buenas noticas, las = good word, the.
    * buenas noticias = glad tidings.
    * buenas prácticas = best practices.
    * buena suerte = good luck!, good fortune, good luck.
    * ¡buena suerte! = break a leg!.
    * buena suma de dinero = hefty sum of money.
    * buenas vibraciones = vibrations, good vibes.
    * buena tierra = good soil.
    * buena vecindad = neighbourliness [neighborliness, -USA].
    * buena vida = good life.
    * buena voluntad = goodwill [good will].
    * buen camino, el = straight and narrow (path), the.
    * buen carácter = good humour.
    * buen comedor = hearty eater.
    * buen estado físico = fitness, physical fitness.
    * buen funcionamiento = smooth-running.
    * buen gusto, el = good taste.
    * buen humor = cheerfulness, good humour.
    * buen juicio = good judgement.
    * bueno de la película, el = good guy, the.
    * bueno, el = good guy, the.
    * Buenos Aires = Buenos Aires.
    * buenos días = good morning.
    * buenos, los = goodies, the.
    * buenos propósitos de Año Nuevo = New Year's resolution.
    * buenos tiempos = good times.
    * buen partido = eligible party, eligible bachelor.
    * buen ritmo de aprendizaje = learning curve.
    * buen rollo = good vibes.
    * buen samaritano = good samaritan.
    * buen sitio para pescar = fishing spot.
    * buen tiempo = fair weather.
    * buen tirador = good shot.
    * buen tocho de dinero = hefty sum of money.
    * buen trabajador = hard worker.
    * causar buena impresión = impress, come across.
    * causar una buena primera impresión = make + a good first impression.
    * código de buenas prácticas = code of practice, code of good practice.
    * comenzar Algo con buen pie = start + Nombre + off on the right foot.
    * comenzar con buen pie = start + Nombre + on the right footing.
    * con buena fama = respected.
    * con buena reputación = respected, reputable.
    * con buenas conexiones = well-connected.
    * con buenas intenciones = in good faith, well-intentioned, well-intended, well-meaning.
    * con buen gusto = tastefully.
    * con buen humor = good-humouredly.
    * con buenos contactos = well-connected.
    * con buenos modales = politely.
    * conseguir una buena formación en = get + a good grounding on.
    * con tan buenos resultados = to such good effect.
    * contar con el visto bueno = meet with + approval.
    * contar con + Posesivo + visto bueno = meet + Posesivo + approval.
    * continuar con el buen hacer = keep up + the good work, keep up + the great work.
    * con una buena financiación = well-funded.
    * con una buena plantilla = well-staffed.
    * con un buen nivel = fluent.
    * cosecha extraordinariamente buena = bumper crop.
    * crear una buena impresión en = make + a good impression on.
    * dar buen uso a Algo = put to + good use.
    * dar el visto bueno = approve.
    * dar el visto bueno a una factura = clear + invoice.
    * darle un buen repaso a Alguien = take + Nombre + to the cleaners.
    * dar una buena paliza = whitewash, thrash.
    * de buena calidad = good-quality.
    * de buena disposición = good-natured.
    * de buena fama = of good repute.
    * de buena fe = bona fide, in good faith.
    * de buena manera = good-humouredly, good-humoured.
    * de buena reputación = of good repute.
    * de buenas = on good terms.
    * de buenas a primeras = right off the bat, suddenly, without warning, all of a sudden, just like that.
    * de buena vecindad = neighbourly [neighborly, -USA].
    * de buena voluntad = in good faith.
    * de buen corazón = kind-hearted, good-hearted, big-hearted.
    * de buen grado = willing, good-humouredly, good-humoured, good-naturedly.
    * de buen gusto = tasteful.
    * de buen humor = good-humouredly, good-humoured, in good humour.
    * de buenos modales = well-mannered.
    * de buen vecino = neighbourly [neighborly, -USA].
    * de buen ver = good looking.
    * dejar a la buena de Dios = leave + Nombre + out in the cold.
    * dejar (un) buen sabor de boca = leave + a good taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * desempeñar una buena función = produce + the goods.
    * desviarse del buen camino = go off + the rails.
    * difundir buena imagen de = earn + credit for.
    * disfrutar de buena salud = be in good health.
    * echar una buena bronca = give + Nombre + a good roasting.
    * el bueno de + Nombre = good old + Nombre.
    * el cielo rojo al atardecer augura buen tiempo, el cielo rojo al amanecer aug = red sky at night, (shepherd/sailor)'s delight, red sky in the morning, (shepherd/sailor)'s warning.
    * empezar Algo con buen pie = start + Nombre + off on the right foot.
    * empezar con buen pie = start + Nombre + on the right footing, hit + the ground running.
    * en buena condición = in good condition, in good shape, in good nick.
    * en buena forma = in good nick.
    * en buena parte = for the most part.
    * en buenas condiciones para navegar = seaworthy.
    * en buenas manos = in a safe place, in safekeeping.
    * en buen estado = in good condition, in good working condition, in good shape, in good nick.
    * en buen estado de funcionamiento = in good working condition.
    * en estado de buena esperanza = pregnant, in the family way.
    * en sus buenos tiempos = in + Posesivo + heyday.
    * entrar con buen pie = start + Nombre + off on the right foot.
    * estar de buen humor = be high.
    * estar en buenas manos = be in safe hands.
    * estar en estado de buena esperanza = have + a bun in the oven, be up the spout.
    * estar tan bueno que no se puede dejar de comer = moreish.
    * estudiante con buenas notas = high achiever.
    * ganar un buen sueldo = make + good money, earn + good money.
    * hacer buenas migas = hit it off.
    * hacer buen uso de Algo = put to + good use.
    * hacer un buen trabajo = do + a good job.
    * ir por buen camino = be on the right track.
    * ir por el buen camino = be right on track.
    * la buena noticia = the good news.
    * llever a buen término = bring to + a close.
    * lo bueno de = the beauty of.
    * lo bueno es que = the good news is (that)..., on the positive side, on the bright side.
    * lo bueno viene en frascos pequeños = small is beautiful.
    * lo bueno y lo malo = the rights and wrongs.
    * lo que es bueno para uno es bueno para otro = what's good for the goose is good for the gander, what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
    * los buenos tiempos = the good old days.
    * luchar por una buena causa = fight + the good fight.
    * mamá pija y tía buena = yummy mummy.
    * mantener Algo en el buen camino = keep + Nombre + on track.
    * mantenerse en buen estado físico = keep + fit.
    * más bueno que un pan = as good as gold.
    * más vale malo conocido que bueno por conocer = better the devil you know (than the devil you don't).
    * no andar en nada bueno = be up to no good, get up to + no good.
    * no apartarse del buen camino = keep on + the right track.
    * no caer en buenas manos = fall into + the wrong hands.
    * no ser lo suficientemente bueno = not be good enough.
    * no ser tan bueno como se dice = not + it's cracked up to be.
    * no tan bueno = not-so-good.
    * no tener noticias es buena señal = no news is good news.
    * no ver buenos ojos = not take + kindly to.
    * obrar de buena fe = act in + good faith.
    * obras son amores y no buenas razones = actions speak louder than words.
    * otro bueno + Nombre = the next best + Nombre.
    * parecer bueno = look + good.
    * Participio Pasado + bastante bueno = decently + Participio Pasado.
    * pasar un buen rato = disport + Reflexivo.
    * poner a mal tiempo buena cara = keep + Posesivo + chin up.
    * por buena dirección = a step in the right direction.
    * por buen camino = a step in the right direction.
    * por las buenas o por las malas = by hook or by crook.
    * presentar un buen aspecto = look + good.
    * provisto de buenos fondos = stockholding.
    * que no haya noticias es buena señal = no news is good news.
    * quitarse un (buen) peso de encima = get + a (real) weight off + Posesivo + chest.
    * racha de buena suerte = winning streak.
    * realizar una buena labor = produce + the goods.
    * recibir + Posesivo + visto bueno = meet + Posesivo + approval.
    * saber de buena boca = have + it on good word.
    * saber de buena tinta = have + it on good word.
    * seguir con el buen hacer = keep up + the good work, keep up + the great work.
    * seguir el buen camino = keep on + the right track, keep on + the straight and narrow.
    * seguir por el buen camino = keep out of + trouble, keep on + the right track.
    * ser algo bueno = be a good thing.
    * ser buenísimo + Gerundio = be terrific at + Gerundio.
    * ser bueno = make + good + Nombre.
    * ser bueno en = be good at.
    * ser bueno para Alguien = be to + Posesivo + advantage.
    * ser muy buena señal = bode + well.
    * ser tan buen momento como cualquier otro = be as good a time as any.
    * ser una buena época = be a good time.
    * ser una buena ocasión para + Infinitivo = be a good time to + Infinitivo.
    * ser un buen chico = be a sport.
    * ser un buen comedor = be a hearty eater.
    * ser un momento tan bueno como cualqu = be as good a time as any.
    * si hace buen tiempo = weather permitting.
    * tan bueno como ningún otro = as good as any.
    * tener buena mano con las plantas = have + a green thumb, have + green fingers.
    * tener buen apetito = have + a good appetite.
    * tener buenas intenciones = be well-intentioned, mean + well.
    * tener buenas perspectivas para = be well-placed to.
    * tener buen ojo para juzgar a la gente = be a good judge of character.
    * tener una buena disposición = be well disposed.
    * tener un buen aspecto = look + good.
    * tener un buen concepto de Alguien = hold in + high regard.
    * tener un buen día = have + a good day.
    * tener un buen saque = be a hearty eater.
    * terminarse la (buena) suerte = run out of + luck, luck + run out.
    * tía buena = hottie [hotty], crumpet.
    * tierra buena = good soil.
    * tío bueno = stud, hunk, hunk of a man, hottie [hotty].
    * tomarse Algo de buen grado = take + Nombre + in good humour.
    * una buena alternativa a = the next best thing to.
    * una buena cantidad de = a fair amount of.
    * una buena cosa = a good thing.
    * una buena forma de empezar = a good way to start.
    * una buena parte de = a large measure of, a good deal of, a great deal of.
    * una buena pesca = a good catch.
    * un buen lugar de partida = a good place to start.
    * un buen número de = a good number of.
    * un buen partido = a good catch.
    * usar Algo con buen provecho = use + Nombre + to good advantage.
    * venir con buenas intenciones = come in + peace.
    * visto bueno = approval, endorsement, seal of approval.
    * * *
    - na adjetivo
    [ buen is used before masculine singular nouns]
    a) [ser] ( de calidad) <hotel/producto> good
    b) ( valioso) good

    buenos consejosgood o useful advice

    c) (válido, correcto) <razón/excusa> good

    bueno está lo bueno (pero no lo demasiado) — (fam) you can have too much of a good thing

    a) [ser] ( competente) <médico/alumno> good

    ser bueno para algo: es muy buena para los negocios — she's got a very good head for business

    b) <padre/marido/amigo> good
    c) (eficaz, efectivo) <remedio/método> good

    es bueno para la gripe/los dolores de cabeza — it's good for the flu/headaches

    3) ( favorable) <oferta/suerte> good

    en las buenas — (CS) in the good times

    estar de buenas — ( de buen humor) (fam) to be in a good mood; ( afortunado) (Col fam) to be lucky

    4) [ser] ( conveniente) good
    5) (ingenioso, divertido) <chiste/idea> good, great (colloq)

    lo bueno fue que... — the funny thing was...

    a) ( agradable) nice

    ser bueno — to be good, be nice; (- de algo en particular)

    estar bueno — to be good, be nice


    qué bueno! — (AmL) great!

    7) [estar] ( en buen estado)

    ¿este pescado estará bueno? — do you think this fish is all right?

    8) [estar] (fam) ( sexualmente atractivo)
    9) (saludable, sano) <costumbre/alimentación> good

    bueno y sano — (Chi) ( sin novedad) safe and sound; ( sobrio) sober

    10) (en fórmulas, saludos) good

    buenos días! or (RPl) buen día! — good morning

    buenas tardes! — ( temprano) good afternoon; ( más tarde) good evening

    buenas noches! — ( al llegar) good evening; ( al despedirse) good night

    buen provecho! — enjoy your meal, bon appetit

    a) [ser] ( en sentido ético) good
    b) [ser] < niño> good
    12) (iró & fam)

    estaría bueno que ahora dijera que no! — it'd be just great if he said no now! (iro & colloq)

    de los buenos/de las buenas — (fam)


    un buen día se va a cansar y... — one day o one of these days she's going to get fed up and...

    un buen día llegó y dijo... — one (fine) day she came home and said...

    - na masculino, femenino
    a) (hum o leng infantil) (en películas, cuentos) goody (colloq)
    b) (bonachón, buenazo)

    el bueno de Juan/la buena de Pilar — good old Juan/Pilar

    a) (expresando conformidad, asentimiento) OK (colloq), all right

    ¿un café? - bueno — coffee? - OK o all right

    b) (expresando duda, indecisión, escepticismo) well

    bueno... ¿qué quieres que te diga? — well... what can I say?

    bueno, otra vez será — never mind, maybe next time


    bueno, se acabó a la cama! — right, that's it, bed!

    pero, bueno ¿lo quiere o no? — well, do you want it or not?

    y bueno! ¿qué querías que hiciera? — (RPl) well, what did you expect me to do?

    b) (expresando sorpresa, desagrado) (well) really!

    bueno! esto era lo único que faltaba — (iró) oh, great! that's all we needed (iro)

    a) ( introduciendo o reanudando un tema) now then, right then

    bueno, ¿dónde estábamos? — now (then) o right (then), where were we?

    no es un lugar turístico, bueno, no lo era — it isn't a tourist resort, well o at least, it didn't use to be

    * * *
    el bueno
    (n.) = good guy, the

    Ex: From the viewpoint of periodical prices, learned society publishers are the ' good guys' and libraries should switch from commercial publishers to learned society publishers in order to reduce costs.

    = fantastic, good [better -comp., best -sup.], neat [neater -comp., neatest -sup.], nice, sound [sounder -comp., soundest -sup.], seemly, decent, creditable, fantastical, good-natured, good-hearted, kind [kinder -comp., kindest -sup.].

    Ex: GODORT has done a fantastic job of dealing with and solving documents problems.

    Ex: A good thesaurus is a list that has been compiled to serve in the retrieval environment in which it is called upon to operate.
    Ex: What is possibly less easy is to making sure that the guiding stays clean, neat and accurate.
    Ex: One time he showed me a photograph in an art book of a woman's bare breasts and said ' Nice tits, uh?'.
    Ex: Thus the scheme has a sound organisational backing.
    Ex: They were the first cloth bindings that were intended to compete with paper boards as seemly but inexpensive covers for ordinary books.
    Ex: At present, the Internet's international expansion is hampered by the lack of a good supporting infrastructure, namely a decent telephone system.
    Ex: Maybe there is not creditable model, but a lot of publishers are trying to be the onw who discovers the best approach.
    Ex: Adorno's distinction between fantastical thought & the commodification of fantasy in the form of literature is addressed.
    Ex: The illustrations were projected on a large screen and the children were able to see that it was a locus amoenus and a reflection of the character of the good-natured host.
    Ex: Relaxing, joking and just being around guys and gals who are good-hearted people was just the ticket we needed.
    Ex: I would like to extend my thanks to our host who was kind enough to invite me.
    * a buen recaudo = in a safe place, in safekeeping.
    * acabarse la buena racha = the good times + run out.
    * acabarse la (buena) suerte = run out of + luck, luck + run out.
    * actuar de buena fe = act in + good faith.
    * a la buena de Dios = out in the cold.
    * algo bueno = a good thing.
    * amante de la buena bebida = drink enthusiast.
    * amante de la buena mesa = food enthusiast.
    * apartarse del buen camino = go off + the rails, stray from + the straight and narrow.
    * buen = good [better -comp., best -sup.].
    * buena calidad = goodness.
    * buena causa = good cause.
    * buena comida, la = good food.
    * buena compañía = good company.
    * buena compra = good buy.
    * buena condición física = physical fitness.
    * buena decisión = good judgement.
    * buena disposición = good nature, goodwill [good will], readiness.
    * Posesivo + buena estrella = Posesivo + lucky star.
    * buena fama = well respected, good repute, good reputation.
    * buena fe = goodwill [good will].
    * buena forma física = fitness, physical fitness.
    * buena fortuna = good fortune.
    * buena idea = cool idea.
    * buena influencia = good influence.
    * buen ajuste = good fit.
    * buen amigo = good friend.
    * buena oferta = good deal.
    * buena racha = winning streak.
    * buena relación = rapport.
    * buena relación calidad-precio = value for money.
    * buena reputación = well respected, good repute, good reputation.
    * buena salud = good health.
    * buenas costumbres = propriety, mores, decorum.
    * buenas noticas, las = good word, the.
    * buenas noticias = glad tidings.
    * buenas prácticas = best practices.
    * buena suerte = good luck!, good fortune, good luck.
    * ¡buena suerte! = break a leg!.
    * buena suma de dinero = hefty sum of money.
    * buenas vibraciones = vibrations, good vibes.
    * buena tierra = good soil.
    * buena vecindad = neighbourliness [neighborliness, -USA].
    * buena vida = good life.
    * buena voluntad = goodwill [good will].
    * buen camino, el = straight and narrow (path), the.
    * buen carácter = good humour.
    * buen comedor = hearty eater.
    * buen estado físico = fitness, physical fitness.
    * buen funcionamiento = smooth-running.
    * buen gusto, el = good taste.
    * buen humor = cheerfulness, good humour.
    * buen juicio = good judgement.
    * bueno de la película, el = good guy, the.
    * bueno, el = good guy, the.
    * Buenos Aires = Buenos Aires.
    * buenos días = good morning.
    * buenos, los = goodies, the.
    * buenos propósitos de Año Nuevo = New Year's resolution.
    * buenos tiempos = good times.
    * buen partido = eligible party, eligible bachelor.
    * buen ritmo de aprendizaje = learning curve.
    * buen rollo = good vibes.
    * buen samaritano = good samaritan.
    * buen sitio para pescar = fishing spot.
    * buen tiempo = fair weather.
    * buen tirador = good shot.
    * buen tocho de dinero = hefty sum of money.
    * buen trabajador = hard worker.
    * causar buena impresión = impress, come across.
    * causar una buena primera impresión = make + a good first impression.
    * código de buenas prácticas = code of practice, code of good practice.
    * comenzar Algo con buen pie = start + Nombre + off on the right foot.
    * comenzar con buen pie = start + Nombre + on the right footing.
    * con buena fama = respected.
    * con buena reputación = respected, reputable.
    * con buenas conexiones = well-connected.
    * con buenas intenciones = in good faith, well-intentioned, well-intended, well-meaning.
    * con buen gusto = tastefully.
    * con buen humor = good-humouredly.
    * con buenos contactos = well-connected.
    * con buenos modales = politely.
    * conseguir una buena formación en = get + a good grounding on.
    * con tan buenos resultados = to such good effect.
    * contar con el visto bueno = meet with + approval.
    * contar con + Posesivo + visto bueno = meet + Posesivo + approval.
    * continuar con el buen hacer = keep up + the good work, keep up + the great work.
    * con una buena financiación = well-funded.
    * con una buena plantilla = well-staffed.
    * con un buen nivel = fluent.
    * cosecha extraordinariamente buena = bumper crop.
    * crear una buena impresión en = make + a good impression on.
    * dar buen uso a Algo = put to + good use.
    * dar el visto bueno = approve.
    * dar el visto bueno a una factura = clear + invoice.
    * darle un buen repaso a Alguien = take + Nombre + to the cleaners.
    * dar una buena paliza = whitewash, thrash.
    * de buena calidad = good-quality.
    * de buena disposición = good-natured.
    * de buena fama = of good repute.
    * de buena fe = bona fide, in good faith.
    * de buena manera = good-humouredly, good-humoured.
    * de buena reputación = of good repute.
    * de buenas = on good terms.
    * de buenas a primeras = right off the bat, suddenly, without warning, all of a sudden, just like that.
    * de buena vecindad = neighbourly [neighborly, -USA].
    * de buena voluntad = in good faith.
    * de buen corazón = kind-hearted, good-hearted, big-hearted.
    * de buen grado = willing, good-humouredly, good-humoured, good-naturedly.
    * de buen gusto = tasteful.
    * de buen humor = good-humouredly, good-humoured, in good humour.
    * de buenos modales = well-mannered.
    * de buen vecino = neighbourly [neighborly, -USA].
    * de buen ver = good looking.
    * dejar a la buena de Dios = leave + Nombre + out in the cold.
    * dejar (un) buen sabor de boca = leave + a good taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * desempeñar una buena función = produce + the goods.
    * desviarse del buen camino = go off + the rails.
    * difundir buena imagen de = earn + credit for.
    * disfrutar de buena salud = be in good health.
    * echar una buena bronca = give + Nombre + a good roasting.
    * el bueno de + Nombre = good old + Nombre.
    * el cielo rojo al atardecer augura buen tiempo, el cielo rojo al amanecer aug = red sky at night, (shepherd/sailor)'s delight, red sky in the morning, (shepherd/sailor)'s warning.
    * empezar Algo con buen pie = start + Nombre + off on the right foot.
    * empezar con buen pie = start + Nombre + on the right footing, hit + the ground running.
    * en buena condición = in good condition, in good shape, in good nick.
    * en buena forma = in good nick.
    * en buena parte = for the most part.
    * en buenas condiciones para navegar = seaworthy.
    * en buenas manos = in a safe place, in safekeeping.
    * en buen estado = in good condition, in good working condition, in good shape, in good nick.
    * en buen estado de funcionamiento = in good working condition.
    * en estado de buena esperanza = pregnant, in the family way.
    * en sus buenos tiempos = in + Posesivo + heyday.
    * entrar con buen pie = start + Nombre + off on the right foot.
    * estar de buen humor = be high.
    * estar en buenas manos = be in safe hands.
    * estar en estado de buena esperanza = have + a bun in the oven, be up the spout.
    * estar tan bueno que no se puede dejar de comer = moreish.
    * estudiante con buenas notas = high achiever.
    * ganar un buen sueldo = make + good money, earn + good money.
    * hacer buenas migas = hit it off.
    * hacer buen uso de Algo = put to + good use.
    * hacer un buen trabajo = do + a good job.
    * ir por buen camino = be on the right track.
    * ir por el buen camino = be right on track.
    * la buena noticia = the good news.
    * llever a buen término = bring to + a close.
    * lo bueno de = the beauty of.
    * lo bueno es que = the good news is (that)..., on the positive side, on the bright side.
    * lo bueno viene en frascos pequeños = small is beautiful.
    * lo bueno y lo malo = the rights and wrongs.
    * lo que es bueno para uno es bueno para otro = what's good for the goose is good for the gander, what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
    * los buenos tiempos = the good old days.
    * luchar por una buena causa = fight + the good fight.
    * mamá pija y tía buena = yummy mummy.
    * mantener Algo en el buen camino = keep + Nombre + on track.
    * mantenerse en buen estado físico = keep + fit.
    * más bueno que un pan = as good as gold.
    * más vale malo conocido que bueno por conocer = better the devil you know (than the devil you don't).
    * no andar en nada bueno = be up to no good, get up to + no good.
    * no apartarse del buen camino = keep on + the right track.
    * no caer en buenas manos = fall into + the wrong hands.
    * no ser lo suficientemente bueno = not be good enough.
    * no ser tan bueno como se dice = not + it's cracked up to be.
    * no tan bueno = not-so-good.
    * no tener noticias es buena señal = no news is good news.
    * no ver buenos ojos = not take + kindly to.
    * obrar de buena fe = act in + good faith.
    * obras son amores y no buenas razones = actions speak louder than words.
    * otro bueno + Nombre = the next best + Nombre.
    * parecer bueno = look + good.
    * Participio Pasado + bastante bueno = decently + Participio Pasado.
    * pasar un buen rato = disport + Reflexivo.
    * poner a mal tiempo buena cara = keep + Posesivo + chin up.
    * por buena dirección = a step in the right direction.
    * por buen camino = a step in the right direction.
    * por las buenas o por las malas = by hook or by crook.
    * presentar un buen aspecto = look + good.
    * provisto de buenos fondos = stockholding.
    * que no haya noticias es buena señal = no news is good news.
    * quitarse un (buen) peso de encima = get + a (real) weight off + Posesivo + chest.
    * racha de buena suerte = winning streak.
    * realizar una buena labor = produce + the goods.
    * recibir + Posesivo + visto bueno = meet + Posesivo + approval.
    * saber de buena boca = have + it on good word.
    * saber de buena tinta = have + it on good word.
    * seguir con el buen hacer = keep up + the good work, keep up + the great work.
    * seguir el buen camino = keep on + the right track, keep on + the straight and narrow.
    * seguir por el buen camino = keep out of + trouble, keep on + the right track.
    * ser algo bueno = be a good thing.
    * ser buenísimo + Gerundio = be terrific at + Gerundio.
    * ser bueno = make + good + Nombre.
    * ser bueno en = be good at.
    * ser bueno para Alguien = be to + Posesivo + advantage.
    * ser muy buena señal = bode + well.
    * ser tan buen momento como cualquier otro = be as good a time as any.
    * ser una buena época = be a good time.
    * ser una buena ocasión para + Infinitivo = be a good time to + Infinitivo.
    * ser un buen chico = be a sport.
    * ser un buen comedor = be a hearty eater.
    * ser un momento tan bueno como cualqu = be as good a time as any.
    * si hace buen tiempo = weather permitting.
    * tan bueno como ningún otro = as good as any.
    * tener buena mano con las plantas = have + a green thumb, have + green fingers.
    * tener buen apetito = have + a good appetite.
    * tener buenas intenciones = be well-intentioned, mean + well.
    * tener buenas perspectivas para = be well-placed to.
    * tener buen ojo para juzgar a la gente = be a good judge of character.
    * tener una buena disposición = be well disposed.
    * tener un buen aspecto = look + good.
    * tener un buen concepto de Alguien = hold in + high regard.
    * tener un buen día = have + a good day.
    * tener un buen saque = be a hearty eater.
    * terminarse la (buena) suerte = run out of + luck, luck + run out.
    * tía buena = hottie [hotty], crumpet.
    * tierra buena = good soil.
    * tío bueno = stud, hunk, hunk of a man, hottie [hotty].
    * tomarse Algo de buen grado = take + Nombre + in good humour.
    * una buena alternativa a = the next best thing to.
    * una buena cantidad de = a fair amount of.
    * una buena cosa = a good thing.
    * una buena forma de empezar = a good way to start.
    * una buena parte de = a large measure of, a good deal of, a great deal of.
    * una buena pesca = a good catch.
    * un buen lugar de partida = a good place to start.
    * un buen número de = a good number of.
    * un buen partido = a good catch.
    * usar Algo con buen provecho = use + Nombre + to good advantage.
    * venir con buenas intenciones = come in + peace.
    * visto bueno = approval, endorsement, seal of approval.

    * * *
    bueno1 -na
    [ The form buen is used before masculine singular nouns. buen]
    1 [ SER] (de calidad) ‹hotel/producto› good
    tiene buena memoria she has a good memory
    siempre lleva ropa buena he always wears good-quality clothes
    hizo un buen trabajo she did a good job
    ¿es bueno o de bisutería? is it real or imitation?
    lo bueno si breve dos veces bueno brevity is the soul of wit
    2 (valioso) good
    ¡qué buena idea! what a good idea!
    me dio muy buenos consejos she gave me (some) very good o useful advice
    3 (válido, correcto) ‹razón/excusa› good
    ¿tienes buena hora or hora buena? do you have the right o correct time?
    la bola fue buena the ball was in
    bueno está lo bueno (pero no lo demasiado) ( fam); you can have too much of a good thing
    1 [ SER] (competente) ‹médico/alumno› good
    como secretaria es muy buena she's a very good secretary
    es muy buena en francés she's very good at French
    2 ‹padre/marido/amigo› good
    3 (eficaz, efectivo) ‹remedio/método› good ser bueno PARA algo to be good for sth
    es bueno para el hígado it's good for the liver
    C (favorable) ‹oferta/suerte› good
    traigo buenas noticias I have good news (for you)
    la novela tuvo muy buena crítica the novel got very good reviews o was very well reviewed
    están en buena posición económica they're comfortably off
    en las buenas (CS); in the good times
    estar de buenas (de buen humor) ( fam) to be in a good mood; (afortunado) ( Col fam) to be lucky
    estar en la buena (CS); to be having a lucky streak, be on a run of good luck
    hoy no estoy en la buena it's not my lucky day
    por las buenas: si no lo hace por las buenas … if he won't do it willingly …
    intenta convencerlo por las buenas try persuading him nicely
    D [ SER] (conveniente) good
    no es buena hora para llamar it's not a good time to phone
    sería bueno que hablaras con él it would be a good idea o thing if you spoke to him
    no es bueno comer tanto it isn't good for you to eat so much
    E (ingenioso, divertido) ‹chiste/idea› good, great ( colloq)
    lo bueno fue que ella tampoco tenía ni idea the funny thing was she didn't have a clue either
    ¡qué buena pinta tiene esa ensalada! that salad looks delicious o really good
    hace muy buen tiempo the weather's lovely o very nice
    hace bueno ( Esp); it's a nice day
    2 (agradable al paladaren general) ser bueno; to be delicious, be nice (— de algo en particular) estar bueno; to be good, be delicious, be nice
    el guacamole es buenísimo guacamole is delicious o really nice
    ¡qué buena está la carne/esta pera! the meat/this pear is delicious
    la paella no te quedó or salió tan buena como la última vez the paella didn't turn out as well as last time
    ¡qué bueno! ( AmL); great!
    ¡qué bueno que se te ocurrió traerlo! it's a good thing you thought of bringing it
    G [ ESTAR]
    (en buen estado): esta leche no está buena this milk is off o has gone off
    estos zapatos todavía están buenos these shoes are still OK o still have some wear in them
    ¿este pescado estará bueno? do you think this fish is all right?
    H [ ESTAR] ( fam)
    (sexualmente atractivo): está muy buena she's quite a looker (sl), she's gorgeous ( colloq), she's a bit of all right ( BrE sl)
    está buenísimo he's really gorgeous o dishy o hunky ( colloq), he's a real looker (sl), he's a bit of all right ( BrE sl)
    (saludable, sano): tiene muy buen semblante she looks very well
    háblale por el oído bueno speak to him in his good ear
    aún no está bueno del todo ( Esp); he still hasn't recovered completely o isn't completely better
    bueno y sano ( Chi) (sin novedad) safe and sound; (sobrio) sober
    J (en fórmulas, saludos) good
    ¡buenos días! or ( RPl) ¡buen día! good morning
    ¡buenas tardes! (temprano) good afternoon; (más tarde) good evening
    ¡buenas noches! (al llegar) good evening; (al despedirse) good night
    dale las buenas noches a la abuela say good night to Grandma
    ¡buenas! ¿qué tal? ( fam); hi! o hullo! how are things? ( colloq)
    ¡buen viaje! have a good journey!
    ¡buen provecho! enjoy your meal, bon appetit
    de buenas a primeras (de repente) suddenly, all of a sudden, without warning
    no lo puedo decidir así, de buenas a primeras I can't make up my mind just like that
    A [ SER] (en sentido ético) ‹persona› good; ‹conducta/obra/acción› good
    fueron muy buenos conmigo they were very good to me
    un buen hombre a good man
    dígame, buen hombre … tell me, my good man …
    B [ SER] ‹niño› good
    sé buenito y no hagas ruido be a good little boy and don't make any noise
    A ( iró fam):
    ¡estás tú buena si crees que te va a ayudar! you must be crazy if you think he's going to help you
    ¡estaría bueno que ahora dijera que no! it'd be just great if he said no now! ( iro colloq)
    ¡en buena nos hemos metido! this is a fine mess we've got(ten) ourselves into
    darle una buena a algn ( fam); to give sb a good hiding ( colloq)
    de los buenos/de las buenas ( fam): nos echó un sermón de los buenos she gave us a real dressing-down ( colloq)
    (uso enfático): se llevó un buen susto she got a terrible fright
    lo que necesita es una buena paliza what he needs is a good thrashing
    se metió en un buen lío he got himself into a fine mess
    todavía nos falta un buen trecho we still have a fair way to go
    una buena cantidad a lot, a fair amount
    un buen día one day
    un buen día se va a cansar y … one day o one of these days she's going to get fed up and …
    un buen día llegó y dijo … one (fine) day she came home and said …
    feminine physical fitness
    está en muy buenoa forma she's very fit, she's in very good shape
    la buenoa mesa good cooking
    es un amante de la buenoa mesa he's a lover of good food o cooking
    la Buenoa Nueva the Good News
    ¡buenoa pieza resultó ser Ernesto! a fine one o a right one Ernesto turned out to be! ( colloq)
    la buenoa vida the good life
    masculine good name
    el Buen Pastor the good Shepherd
    bueno2 -na
    masculine, feminine
    1 ( hum o leng infantil) (en películas, cuentos) goody ( colloq)
    los buenos y los malos the goodies and the baddies ( colloq hum), the good guys and the bad guys ( colloq)
    (bonachón, buenazo): el bueno de Juan/la buena de Pilar good old Juan/Pilar
    1 (expresando conformidad, asentimiento) OK ( colloq), all right
    ¿un café? — bueno coffee? — OK o all right
    2 (expresando duda, indecisión) well
    (expresando resignación): bueno, otra vez será never mind, maybe next time
    5 (intentando calmar a algn) okay, all right
    bueno, bueno, tranquilízate okay, okay, calm down o all right, calm down
    (expresando irritación): bueno, se acabó, ¡a la cama! right, that's it, bed!
    ¡bueno, ya está bien! ¡os calláis los dos! right, that's enough, be quiet the pair of you!
    pero, bueno, ¿lo quiere o no lo quiere? well, do you want it or not?
    ¡y bueno! ¿qué querías que hiciera? ( RPl); well, what did you expect me to do?
    2 (expresando sorpresa, desagrado) (well) really!
    ¡bueno!, ¿qué manera de hablar es ésa? really! that's no way to talk!
    ¡bueno! esto era lo único que faltaba ( iró); oh, great! that's all we needed ( iro)
    bueno, ¿dónde estábamos? now (then) o right (then), where were we?
    (calificando lo expresado): no es un lugar turístico, bueno, no lo era it isn't a tourist resort, well o at least o at any rate, it didn't use to be
    era amarillo, bueno, más bien naranja it was yellow; well, actually it was more like orange
    * * *


    bueno 1
    ◊ -na adjetivo buen is used before masculine singular nouns

    1 [ser]
    a)hotel/producto/trabajo good;

    la buena mesa good cooking
    b)remedio/método good;

    es bueno para la gripe/los dolores de cabeza it's good for the flu/headaches

    c)médico/alumno good;

    un buen padre/amigo he's a good father/friend;

    es muy buena en francés she's very good at French;
    es buena para los negocios she's got a good head for business
    d) (amable, bondadoso) good, kind;

    fueron muy buenos conmigo they were very good o kind to me

    e) (conveniente, correcto) good;

    no es bueno comer tanto it isn't good to eat so much;
    es bueno para la salud it's good for your health;
    su inglés es bueno her English is good

    b) comida› ( en general)

    ( en particular)

    el guacamole es buenísimo guacamole is really good;
    esta sopa está muy buena this soup is very good
    c) ( favorable) ‹oferta/crítica good;

    3 [estar]
    a) ( en buen estado) ‹leche/pescado fresh;

    esta leche no está buena this milk is off o sour

    4 (saludable, sano) ‹costumbre/alimentación good;

    a) (en fórmulas, saludos) good;

    ¡buenos días! good morning;

    ¡buenas tardes! ( temprano) good afternoon;

    ( más tarde) good evening;
    ¡buenas noches! ( al llegar) good evening;

    ( al despedirse) good night;
    ¡buen viaje! have a good trip!;

    ¡buen provecho! enjoy your meal

    un buen día one day

    ¡qué bueno! (AmL) great


    por las buenas willingly
    ■ sustantivo masculino, femenino
    a) (hum o leng infantil) (en películas, cuentos) goody (colloq);

    b) (bonachón, buenazo):

    el bueno de Juan/la buena de Pilar good old Juan/Pilar

    bueno 2 interjección
    a) ( expresandoduda) well;

    (— conformidad) OK (colloq), all right;
    ¿un café? — bueno coffee? — OK o all right

    bueno, otra vez será never mind, maybe next time

    bueno, se acabó ¡a la cama! right, that's it, bed!;

    ¡y bueno! ¿qué querías que hiciera? (RPl) well, what did you expect me to do?
    2 (Méx) ( al contestar el teléfono)
    ¡bueno! hello

    I adjetivo
    1 good
    un café muy bueno, a very good coffee
    2 (bondadoso, bonachón) good, kind: es muy buena persona, she's a very kind soul
    3 (saludable) well, in good health: el niño se pondrá bueno en unos días, the child will be well again in a few days
    4 Meteor (apacible) good
    hoy hace muy buena noche, it's a lovely night tonight
    5 (rico, sabroso) good, nice: la cena estaba muy buena, the dinner was delicious
    6 (conveniente, provechoso) good: no es bueno que leas con esa luz, it's not good for you to read in this light
    sería bueno que nos reuniéramos los lunes, it would be a good idea if we met on Mondays
    7 (grande) considerable: un buen montón de dinero, a considerable amount of money
    8 fam (macizo) gorgeous, sexy: Javier está muy bueno, Javier's gorgeous
    9 irón fine, real: armó un buen jaleo, he kicked up quite a fuss
    ¡en buen lío nos hemos metido!, that's a fine mess we've got ourselves into!
    II sustantivo masculino y femenino (cándido, buenazo) el bueno de Pedro, good old Pedro
    III exclamación ¡bueno!, (vale) all right, OK
    (sorpresa) ¡bueno!, no me digas que te vas a casar, well!, don't tell me you're getting married!
    ♦ Locuciones: ¡buena la hemos hecho!, that's done it!
    ¡buenas!, hello!
    dar algo por bueno, to approve sthg
    estar de buenas, to be in a good mood
    ¡estaría bueno!, I should jolly well hope not!
    librarse de una buena, to get off scot free
    de buenas a primeras, suddenly, all at once
    por las buenas, willingly
    ' bueno' also found in these entries:
    - buen
    - buena
    - campeonato
    - canela
    - en
    - enrollada
    - enrollado
    - estar
    - estival
    - excedente
    - fantástica
    - fantástico
    - formidable
    - infravalorar
    - infravalorarse
    - inmejorable
    - magistral
    - más
    - mejor
    - pan
    - redundar
    - saber
    - saludable
    - vista
    - visto
    - antología
    - cara
    - conmigo
    - decir
    - igualmente
    - ir
    - malo
    - rollo
    - ser
    - súper
    - y
    - approval
    - as
    - assent
    - beauty
    - bright
    - brilliant
    - censor
    - clear
    - conducive
    - connotation
    - crush
    - decent
    - devil
    - endorse
    - endorsement
    - fair
    - fine
    - good
    - hot
    - hunk
    - indifferent
    - nearly
    - nice
    - OK
    - okay
    - quite
    - reasonable
    - right
    - satisfying
    - seal
    - short
    - so
    - something
    - such
    - sweet
    - thick
    - tick
    - to
    - upside
    - well
    - wind
    - worthy
    - allow
    - all right
    - anyway
    - be
    - better
    - bill
    - charitable
    * * *
    bueno, -a buen is used instead of bueno before masculine singular nouns (e.g. buen hombre good man). The comparative form of bueno is mejor (better), and the superlative form is el mejor (masculine) or la mejor (feminine) (the best).
    1. [en general] good;
    tu hijo es muy buen estudiante your son's a very good student;
    hacer ejercicio es bueno para la salud exercise is good for your health;
    la cena estaba muy buena the meal was very good;
    una buena oportunidad a good opportunity;
    los buenos tiempos the good times;
    ¿tienes hora buena? do you have the right time?;
    el juez de silla señaló que la bola fue/no fue buena the umpire said the ball was good/called the ball out;
    golpeó la pelota con la pierna buena he struck the ball with his stronger foot;
    tener buena acogida to be well received;
    tener buen aspecto [persona] to look well;
    [cosa] to look good;
    ir por buen camino to be on the right track;
    tener buen concepto de to think highly of;
    creo que éste no es un buen momento para decírselo I don't think this is a good time to tell her;
    lo bueno si breve dos veces bueno you can have too much of a good thing
    el buen salvaje the noble savage;
    el buen samaritano the Good Samaritan
    2. [bondadoso, amable] kind, good;
    ser bueno con alguien to be good to sb;
    ¡sé bueno! be good!
    3. [curado, sano] well, all right;
    ya estoy bueno I'm all right now;
    todavía no estoy bueno del todo I'm not completely better o recovered yet;
    ponerse bueno to get well
    4. [apacible] nice, fine;
    buen tiempo good o fine weather;
    hizo buen tiempo the weather was good;
    ¿hace bueno ahí fuera? is it nice out?
    5. [aprovechable] all right;
    [comida] fresh;
    esta lecha no está buena this milk is bad o off
    6. [uso enfático]
    ese buen hombre that good man;
    una buena cantidad de comida a good o considerable amount of food;
    tiene una buena cantidad de libros she has a large amount of books, she has quite a few books;
    un buen susto a real fright;
    un buen lío a real o fine mess;
    un buen día se va a llevar un disgusto one of these days she's going to get a nasty shock;
    le cayó una buena reprimenda he got a stern ticking-off;
    le pegó un puñetazo de los buenos he punched her really hard, he gave her an almighty punch
    7. Fam [atractivo]
    estar bueno to be gorgeous o Br a bit of all right o Br tasty;
    ¡qué bueno está tu vecino! your neighbour's gorgeous o a real hunk!
    8. Irónico [muy malo] fine;
    ¡bueno es lo bueno! enough's enough!;
    ¡bueno está! that's enough!;
    ¡buen amigo te has echado! some friend he is!;
    ¡buen granuja estás hecho! you rascal!, you're a real rascal!;
    ¡buena la has armado o [m5] hecho! you've really gone and done it now!;
    librarse de una buena to have a lucky o narrow escape;
    de buena te libraste you had a lucky o narrow escape;
    ¡si te pillo no te librarás de una buena! if I catch you, you'll be in for it!;
    estaría bueno that would really cap it all;
    si te crees que va a aceptar, estás bueno you're kidding yourself if you think she's going to accept;
    estamos buenos como tengamos que esperarle if we have to wait for him we've had it;
    te has metido en una buena this is a fine mess you've got o US gotten yourself into!;
    poner bueno a alguien to criticize sb harshly
    9. [en saludos]
    ¡buenas! hello!;
    ¡buenas!, ¿qué tal? hi o hello, how are you?;
    ¡buenos días!, RP [m5]¡buen día! good morning!;
    ¡buenas tardes! [hasta las cinco] good afternoon!;
    [después de las cinco] good evening!;
    ¡buenas noches! good night!;
    no me dio ni los buenos días she didn't even say good morning to me
    10. [en frases]
    ¡buen provecho! enjoy your meal!;
    ¡buen viaje! have a good trip!;
    de buen ver good-looking, attractive;
    de buena gana willingly;
    ¡me comería un bocadillo de buena gana! I'd really like o Br I really fancy a sandwich!;
    lo hizo, y de buena gana he did it willingly;
    lo haría de buena gana, pero estoy ocupado I'd be pleased o more than happy to do it, but I'm busy;
    dar algo por bueno to approve sth;
    Am Fam
    estar en la buena to be on a roll;
    lo bueno es que… the best thing about it is that…;
    prueba este pastel y verás lo que es bueno try this cake, it's excellent;
    como no me lo des, verás lo que es bueno if you don't give it to me, you'll be in for it
    1. Cine
    el bueno the goody;
    los buenos siempre ganan the good guys always win
    2. [bonachón]
    el bueno de tu hermano your good old brother
    1. [vale, de acuerdo] all right, O.K.;
    ¿te acompaño hasta la esquina? – bueno would you like me to walk up to the corner with you? – O.K.;
    le pregunté si quería ayuda y me dijo que bueno I asked her if she needed any help and she said all right;
    ¿quieres venir con nosotros? – bueno do you want to come with us? – if you like o sure;
    bueno, yo ya me voy right, I'm off now;
    ¡te has equivocado! – bueno ¿y qué? you were wrong – yeah, so what?
    2. [pues] well;
    bueno, el caso es que… well, the thing is…
    3. Am [bien]
    ¡qué bueno! (that's) great!;
    ¡qué bueno que vinieron! I'm so glad that you could come!
    1. [expresa sorpresa]
    ¡bueno!, ¡qué alegría verte por aquí! hey, how nice to see you!;
    ¡bueno, mira quien está aquí! well, look who's here!
    2. [expresa irritación]
    ¡bueno!, ¡lo que faltaba! great, that's just what we needed!
    3. Col, Méx [al teléfono] hello
    buenas nfpl
    estar de buenas [bien dispuesto] to be in a good mood;
    de buenas a primeras [de repente] all of a sudden;
    [a simple vista] at first sight, on the face of it;
    así, de buenas a primeras, no sé qué decir I'm not sure I know what to say without thinking about it first;
    por las buenas willingly;
    intentamos persuadirlo por las buenas we tried to convince him the nice way;
    lo hará por las buenas o por las malas she'll do it whether she likes it or not;
    ¿quieres hacerlo por las buenas o por las malas? do you want to do it the easy or the hard way?
    * * *
    I adj
    1 good;
    buena voluntad goodwill;
    lo bueno es que … the best thing about it is that …;
    estar de buenas be in a good mood;
    ponerse bueno get well;
    dar algo por bueno approve sth;
    ahora viene lo bueno irón here comes the good bit;
    ¡ésta sí que es buena! irón fam that’s a good one!;
    ¡estaría bueno! irón fam oh, terrific!;
    lo bueno, si breve, dos veces bueno brevity is the soul of wit
    2 ( bondadoso) kind;
    3 ( sabroso) nice
    por las buenas willingly;
    por las buenas o por las malas whether we/they/etc like it or not;
    de buenas a primeras without warning;
    a la buena de Dios any which way, Br any old how
    II int
    ¡bueno! well!;
    ¿bueno? Méx hello;
    ¡buenas! hello!;
    bueno día good morning;
    buenas noches good evening;
    buenas tardes good evening
    * * *
    1) : good
    una buena idea: a good idea
    2) bondadoso: nice, kind
    3) apropiado: proper, appropriate
    4) sano: well, healthy
    5) : considerable, goodly
    una buena cantidad: a lot
    buenos días : hello, good day
    buenas tardes : good afternoon
    buenas noches : good evening, good night
    bueno interj
    1) : OK!, all right!
    2) Mex : hello! (on the telephone)
    * * *
    bueno1 adj
    1. (en general) good [comp. better; superl. best]
    2. (agradable) nice
    ¡estas fresas están buenas! these strawberries are nice!
    3. (atractivo) gorgeous / good looking
    4. (sano) better
    cuando te pongas bueno, podrás salir a la calle you'll be able to go out when you get better
    5. (uso intensivo) big [comp. bigger; superl. biggest] / huge
    bueno2 adv (de acuerdo) OK / all right

    Spanish-English dictionary > bueno

  • 25 douceur

    douceur [dusœʀ]
    feminine noun
    [de peau, tissu, brosse, voix, lumière, couleur] softness ; [de temps, saveur, fromage] mildness ; [de parfum, fruit, liqueur, son, musique] sweetness ; [de caractère, personne, sourire, geste] gentleness
    en douceur [démarrage] smooth ; [démarrer] smoothly ; [commencer, manœuvrer] gently
    * * *
    1) (de matière, tissu, cheveux, peau) softness, smoothness; (de saveur, d'odeur) mildness; (de fruit, vin) mellowness; (de liqueur, d'alcool) smoothness; (de lumière, couleur, musique, son) softness
    2) (de climat, temps, soleil) mildness
    3) (de visage, traits, ton, voix, gestes, paroles) gentleness

    employer la douceur avec — to use the gentle approach with, to be gentle with

    avec douceur[parler, agir] gently

    en douceur[conduire, atterrir] smoothly; [atterrissage, transition] smooth

    4) (de relief, paysage) softness
    5) ( friandise) sweet GB, candy US

    plus fait douceur que violenceProverbe gentleness works better than violence

    * * *
    1. nf
    1) [surface, couleur, son] softness, [matière, soie] softness, smoothness

    Cette crème maintient la douceur de votre peau. — This cream keeps your skin soft.

    2) [aliment, friandise] sweetness
    3) [climat, air] mildness
    4) [personne, son attitude] gentleness

    en douceur [réveiller, prendre] — gently, [démarrer, atterrir] smoothly

    L'avion a atterri en douceur. — The plane made a smooth landing.

    2. douceurs nfpl
    (= friandises) sweets Grande-Bretagne candy sg USA
    * * *
    A nf
    1 (de matière, tissu, cheveux, peau) softness, smoothness; (de saveur, odeur) mildness; (de fruit, vin) mellowness; (de liqueur, alcool) smoothness; (de lumière, couleur) mellowness, softness; (de musique, son) softness; la douceur de l'amour love's sweetness;
    2 (de climat, temps, soleil) mildness; douceur de vivre relaxed rhythm of life;
    3 (de visage, traits, ton, voix, gestes, paroles) gentleness; il est d'une grande douceur avec les enfants he's very gentle with children; employer la douceur avec to use the gentle approach with, to be gentle with; prendre qn par la douceur to deal gently with sb; avec douceur [parler, répondre, agir] gently; traiter qn avec douceur to treat sb gently;
    4 (de relief, paysage) softness; ( de freinage) softness, smoothness;
    5 ( friandise) sweet GB, candy US;
    6 ( mot d'amour) dire des douceurs à qn to whisper sweet nothings to sb.
    B en douceur loc adv [freiner, démarrer, conduire, s'arrêter] gently, smoothly; [décoller, atterrir] smoothly; le problème/malentendu a été réglé en douceur the problem/misunderstanding was sorted out smoothly; les négociations se sont déroulées en douceur the negotiations went smoothly; lessive/shampooing qui lave en douceur mild ou gentle washing powder/shampoo; la transition s'est faite en douceur it was a smooth transition.
    plus fait douceur que violence Prov gentleness works better than violence.
    [dusɶr] nom féminin
    1. [toucher - d'une étoffe, d'une brosse] softness ; [ - des cheveux, de la peau] softness, smoothness
    [goût - d'un vin] sweetness ; [ - d'un fromage] mildness
    2. [délicatesse - de caresses, de mouvements, de manières] gentleness ; [ - d'une voix] softness
    3. [bonté - d'une personne] sweetness, gentleness ; [ - d'un regard, d'un sourire] gentleness
    4. [d'un relief] softness
    5. TECHNOLOGIE [d'une eau] softness
    7. [friandise] sweet
    douceurs nom féminin pluriel
    1. [agréments] pleasures
    les douceurs de la vie the pleasures of life, the pleasant things in life
    2. [propos agréables] sweet words
    en douceur locution adjectivale
    [décollage, démarrage] smooth
    en douceur locution adverbiale
    [sans brusquerie - généralement] gently ; [ - démarrer, s'arrêter] smoothly
    réveille-moi en douceur la prochaine fois next time, wake me up gently

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > douceur

  • 26 модульный центр обработки данных (ЦОД)

    1. modular data center


    модульный центр обработки данных (ЦОД)

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    [ http://loosebolts.wordpress.com/2008/12/02/our-vision-for-generation-4-modular-data-centers-one-way-of-getting-it-just-right/]

    [ http://dcnt.ru/?p=9299#more-9299]

    Data Centers are a hot topic these days. No matter where you look, this once obscure aspect of infrastructure is getting a lot of attention. For years, there have been cost pressures on IT operations and this, when the need for modern capacity is greater than ever, has thrust data centers into the spotlight. Server and rack density continues to rise, placing DC professionals and businesses in tighter and tougher situations while they struggle to manage their IT environments. And now hyper-scale cloud infrastructure is taking traditional technologies to limits never explored before and focusing the imagination of the IT industry on new possibilities.

    В настоящее время центры обработки данных являются широко обсуждаемой темой. Куда ни посмотришь, этот некогда малоизвестный аспект инфраструктуры привлекает все больше внимания. Годами ИТ-отделы испытывали нехватку средств и это выдвинуло ЦОДы в центр внимания, в то время, когда необходимость в современных ЦОДах стала как никогда высокой. Плотность серверов и стоек продолжают расти, все больше усложняя ситуацию для специалистов в области охлаждения и организаций в их попытках управлять своими ИТ-средами. И теперь гипермасштабируемая облачная инфраструктура подвергает традиционные технологии невиданным ранее нагрузкам, и заставляет ИТ-индустрию искать новые возможности.

    At Microsoft, we have focused a lot of thought and research around how to best operate and maintain our global infrastructure and we want to share those learnings. While obviously there are some aspects that we keep to ourselves, we have shared how we operate facilities daily, our technologies and methodologies, and, most importantly, how we monitor and manage our facilities. Whether it’s speaking at industry events, inviting customers to our “Microsoft data center conferences” held in our data centers, or through other media like blogging and white papers, we believe sharing best practices is paramount and will drive the industry forward. So in that vein, we have some interesting news to share.

    В компании MicroSoft уделяют большое внимание изучению наилучших методов эксплуатации и технического обслуживания своей глобальной инфраструктуры и делятся результатами своих исследований. И хотя мы, конечно, не раскрываем некоторые аспекты своих исследований, мы делимся повседневным опытом эксплуатации дата-центров, своими технологиями и методологиями и, что важнее всего, методами контроля и управления своими объектами. Будь то доклады на отраслевых событиях, приглашение клиентов на наши конференции, которые посвящены центрам обработки данных MicroSoft, и проводятся в этих самых дата-центрах, или использование других средств, например, блоги и спецификации, мы уверены, что обмен передовым опытом имеет первостепенное значение и будет продвигать отрасль вперед.

    Today we are sharing our Generation 4 Modular Data Center plan. This is our vision and will be the foundation of our cloud data center infrastructure in the next five years. We believe it is one of the most revolutionary changes to happen to data centers in the last 30 years. Joining me, in writing this blog are Daniel Costello, my director of Data Center Research and Engineering and Christian Belady, principal power and cooling architect. I feel their voices will add significant value to driving understanding around the many benefits included in this new design paradigm.

    Сейчас мы хотим поделиться своим планом модульного дата-центра четвертого поколения. Это наше видение и оно будет основанием для инфраструктуры наших облачных дата-центров в ближайшие пять лет. Мы считаем, что это одно из самых революционных изменений в дата-центрах за последние 30 лет. Вместе со мной в написании этого блога участвовали Дэниел Костелло, директор по исследованиям и инжинирингу дата-центров, и Кристиан Белади, главный архитектор систем энергоснабжения и охлаждения. Мне кажется, что их авторитет придаст больше веса большому количеству преимуществ, включенных в эту новую парадигму проектирования.

    Our “Gen 4” modular data centers will take the flexibility of containerized servers—like those in our Chicago data center—and apply it across the entire facility. So what do we mean by modular? Think of it like “building blocks”, where the data center will be composed of modular units of prefabricated mechanical, electrical, security components, etc., in addition to containerized servers.

    Was there a key driver for the Generation 4 Data Center?

    Наши модульные дата-центры “Gen 4” будут гибкими с контейнерами серверов – как серверы в нашем чикагском дата-центре. И гибкость будет применяться ко всему ЦОД. Итак, что мы подразумеваем под модульностью? Мы думаем о ней как о “строительных блоках”, где дата-центр будет состоять из модульных блоков изготовленных в заводских условиях электрических систем и систем охлаждения, а также систем безопасности и т.п., в дополнение к контейнеризованным серверам.
    Был ли ключевой стимул для разработки дата-центра четвертого поколения?

    If we were to summarize the promise of our Gen 4 design into a single sentence it would be something like this: “A highly modular, scalable, efficient, just-in-time data center capacity program that can be delivered anywhere in the world very quickly and cheaply, while allowing for continued growth as required.” Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? Well, keep in mind that these concepts have been in initial development and prototyping for over a year and are based on cumulative knowledge of previous facility generations and the advances we have made since we began our investments in earnest on this new design.

    Если бы нам нужно было обобщить достоинства нашего проекта Gen 4 в одном предложении, это выглядело бы следующим образом: “Центр обработки данных с высоким уровнем модульности, расширяемости, и энергетической эффективности, а также возможностью постоянного расширения, в случае необходимости, который можно очень быстро и дешево развертывать в любом месте мира”. Звучит слишком хорошо для того чтобы быть правдой, не так ли? Ну, не забывайте, что эти концепции находились в процессе начальной разработки и создания опытного образца в течение более одного года и основываются на опыте, накопленном в ходе развития предыдущих поколений ЦОД, а также успехах, сделанных нами со времени, когда мы начали вкладывать серьезные средства в этот новый проект.

    One of the biggest challenges we’ve had at Microsoft is something Mike likes to call the ‘Goldilock’s Problem’. In a nutshell, the problem can be stated as:

    The worst thing we can do in delivering facilities for the business is not have enough capacity online, thus limiting the growth of our products and services.

    Одну из самых больших проблем, с которыми приходилось сталкиваться Майкрософт, Майк любит называть ‘Проблемой Лютика’. Вкратце, эту проблему можно выразить следующим образом:

    Самое худшее, что может быть при строительстве ЦОД для бизнеса, это не располагать достаточными производственными мощностями, и тем самым ограничивать рост наших продуктов и сервисов.

    The second worst thing we can do in delivering facilities for the business is to have too much capacity online.

    А вторым самым худшим моментом в этой сфере может слишком большое количество производственных мощностей.

    This has led to a focus on smart, intelligent growth for the business — refining our overall demand picture. It can’t be too hot. It can’t be too cold. It has to be ‘Just Right!’ The capital dollars of investment are too large to make without long term planning. As we struggled to master these interesting challenges, we had to ensure that our technological plan also included solutions for the business and operational challenges we faced as well.
    So let’s take a high level look at our Generation 4 design

    Это заставило нас сосредоточиваться на интеллектуальном росте для бизнеса — refining our overall demand picture. Это не должно быть слишком горячим. И это не должно быть слишком холодным. Это должно быть ‘как раз, таким как надо!’ Нельзя делать такие большие капиталовложения без долгосрочного планирования. Пока мы старались решить эти интересные проблемы, мы должны были гарантировать, что наш технологический план будет также включать решения для коммерческих и эксплуатационных проблем, с которыми нам также приходилось сталкиваться.
    Давайте рассмотрим наш проект дата-центра четвертого поколения

    Are you ready for some great visuals? Check out this video at Soapbox. Click here for the Microsoft 4th Gen Video.

    It’s a concept video that came out of my Data Center Research and Engineering team, under Daniel Costello, that will give you a view into what we think is the future.

    From a configuration, construct-ability and time to market perspective, our primary goals and objectives are to modularize the whole data center. Not just the server side (like the Chicago facility), but the mechanical and electrical space as well. This means using the same kind of parts in pre-manufactured modules, the ability to use containers, skids, or rack-based deployments and the ability to tailor the Redundancy and Reliability requirements to the application at a very specific level.

    Посмотрите это видео, перейдите по ссылке для просмотра видео о Microsoft 4th Gen:

    Это концептуальное видео, созданное командой отдела Data Center Research and Engineering, возглавляемого Дэниелом Костелло, которое даст вам наше представление о будущем.

    С точки зрения конфигурации, строительной технологичности и времени вывода на рынок, нашими главными целями и задачами агрегатирование всего дата-центра. Не только серверную часть, как дата-центр в Чикаго, но также системы охлаждения и электрические системы. Это означает применение деталей одного типа в сборных модулях, возможность использования контейнеров, салазок, или стоечных систем, а также возможность подстраивать требования избыточности и надежности для данного приложения на очень специфичном уровне.

    Our goals from a cost perspective were simple in concept but tough to deliver. First and foremost, we had to reduce the capital cost per critical Mega Watt by the class of use. Some applications can run with N-level redundancy in the infrastructure, others require a little more infrastructure for support. These different classes of infrastructure requirements meant that optimizing for all cost classes was paramount. At Microsoft, we are not a one trick pony and have many Online products and services (240+) that require different levels of operational support. We understand that and ensured that we addressed it in our design which will allow us to reduce capital costs by 20%-40% or greater depending upon class.

    Нашими целями в области затрат были концептуально простыми, но трудно реализуемыми. В первую очередь мы должны были снизить капитальные затраты в пересчете на один мегаватт, в зависимости от класса резервирования. Некоторые приложения могут вполне работать на базе инфраструктуры с резервированием на уровне N, то есть без резервирования, а для работы других приложений требуется больше инфраструктуры. Эти разные классы требований инфраструктуры подразумевали, что оптимизация всех классов затрат имеет преобладающее значение. В Майкрософт мы не ограничиваемся одним решением и располагаем большим количеством интерактивных продуктов и сервисов (240+), которым требуются разные уровни эксплуатационной поддержки. Мы понимаем это, и учитываем это в своем проекте, который позволит нам сокращать капитальные затраты на 20%-40% или более в зависимости от класса.

    For example, non-critical or geo redundant applications have low hardware reliability requirements on a location basis. As a result, Gen 4 can be configured to provide stripped down, low-cost infrastructure with little or no redundancy and/or temperature control. Let’s say an Online service team decides that due to the dramatically lower cost, they will simply use uncontrolled outside air with temperatures ranging 10-35 C and 20-80% RH. The reality is we are already spec-ing this for all of our servers today and working with server vendors to broaden that range even further as Gen 4 becomes a reality. For this class of infrastructure, we eliminate generators, chillers, UPSs, and possibly lower costs relative to traditional infrastructure.

    Например, некритичные или гео-избыточные системы имеют низкие требования к аппаратной надежности на основе местоположения. В результате этого, Gen 4 можно конфигурировать для упрощенной, недорогой инфраструктуры с низким уровнем (или вообще без резервирования) резервирования и / или температурного контроля. Скажем, команда интерактивного сервиса решает, что, в связи с намного меньшими затратами, они будут просто использовать некондиционированный наружный воздух с температурой 10-35°C и влажностью 20-80% RH. В реальности мы уже сегодня предъявляем эти требования к своим серверам и работаем с поставщиками серверов над еще большим расширением диапазона температур, так как наш модуль и подход Gen 4 становится реальностью. Для подобного класса инфраструктуры мы удаляем генераторы, чиллеры, ИБП, и, возможно, будем предлагать более низкие затраты, по сравнению с традиционной инфраструктурой.

    Applications that demand higher level of redundancy or temperature control will use configurations of Gen 4 to meet those needs, however, they will also cost more (but still less than traditional data centers). We see this cost difference driving engineering behavioral change in that we predict more applications will drive towards Geo redundancy to lower costs.

    Системы, которым требуется более высокий уровень резервирования или температурного контроля, будут использовать конфигурации Gen 4, отвечающие этим требованиям, однако, они будут также стоить больше. Но все равно они будут стоить меньше, чем традиционные дата-центры. Мы предвидим, что эти различия в затратах будут вызывать изменения в методах инжиниринга, и по нашим прогнозам, это будет выражаться в переходе все большего числа систем на гео-избыточность и меньшие затраты.

    Another cool thing about Gen 4 is that it allows us to deploy capacity when our demand dictates it. Once finalized, we will no longer need to make large upfront investments. Imagine driving capital costs more closely in-line with actual demand, thus greatly reducing time-to-market and adding the capacity Online inherent in the design. Also reduced is the amount of construction labor required to put these “building blocks” together. Since the entire platform requires pre-manufacture of its core components, on-site construction costs are lowered. This allows us to maximize our return on invested capital.

    Еще одно достоинство Gen 4 состоит в том, что он позволяет нам разворачивать дополнительные мощности, когда нам это необходимо. Как только мы закончим проект, нам больше не нужно будет делать большие начальные капиталовложения. Представьте себе возможность более точного согласования капитальных затрат с реальными требованиями, и тем самым значительного снижения времени вывода на рынок и интерактивного добавления мощностей, предусматриваемого проектом. Также снижен объем строительных работ, требуемых для сборки этих “строительных блоков”. Поскольку вся платформа требует предварительного изготовления ее базовых компонентов, затраты на сборку также снижены. Это позволит нам увеличить до максимума окупаемость своих капиталовложений.
    Мы все подвергаем сомнению

    In our design process, we questioned everything. You may notice there is no roof and some might be uncomfortable with this. We explored the need of one and throughout our research we got some surprising (positive) results that showed one wasn’t needed.

    В своем процессе проектирования мы все подвергаем сомнению. Вы, наверное, обратили внимание на отсутствие крыши, и некоторым специалистам это могло не понравиться. Мы изучили необходимость в крыше и в ходе своих исследований получили удивительные результаты, которые показали, что крыша не нужна.
    Серийное производство дата центров

    In short, we are striving to bring Henry Ford’s Model T factory to the data center. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Ford#Model_T. Gen 4 will move data centers from a custom design and build model to a commoditized manufacturing approach. We intend to have our components built in factories and then assemble them in one location (the data center site) very quickly. Think about how a computer, car or plane is built today. Components are manufactured by different companies all over the world to a predefined spec and then integrated in one location based on demands and feature requirements. And just like Henry Ford’s assembly line drove the cost of building and the time-to-market down dramatically for the automobile industry, we expect Gen 4 to do the same for data centers. Everything will be pre-manufactured and assembled on the pad.

    Мы хотим применить модель автомобильной фабрики Генри Форда к дата-центру. Проект Gen 4 будет способствовать переходу от модели специализированного проектирования и строительства к товарно-производственному, серийному подходу. Мы намерены изготавливать свои компоненты на заводах, а затем очень быстро собирать их в одном месте, в месте строительства дата-центра. Подумайте о том, как сегодня изготавливается компьютер, автомобиль или самолет. Компоненты изготавливаются по заранее определенным спецификациям разными компаниями во всем мире, затем собираются в одном месте на основе спроса и требуемых характеристик. И точно так же как сборочный конвейер Генри Форда привел к значительному уменьшению затрат на производство и времени вывода на рынок в автомобильной промышленности, мы надеемся, что Gen 4 сделает то же самое для дата-центров. Все будет предварительно изготавливаться и собираться на месте.
    Невероятно энергоэффективный ЦОД

    And did we mention that this platform will be, overall, incredibly energy efficient? From a total energy perspective not only will we have remarkable PUE values, but the total cost of energy going into the facility will be greatly reduced as well. How much energy goes into making concrete? Will we need as much of it? How much energy goes into the fuel of the construction vehicles? This will also be greatly reduced! A key driver is our goal to achieve an average PUE at or below 1.125 by 2012 across our data centers. More than that, we are on a mission to reduce the overall amount of copper and water used in these facilities. We believe these will be the next areas of industry attention when and if the energy problem is solved. So we are asking today…“how can we build a data center with less building”?

    А мы упоминали, что эта платформа будет, в общем, невероятно энергоэффективной? С точки зрения общей энергии, мы получим не только поразительные значения PUE, но общая стоимость энергии, затраченной на объект будет также значительно снижена. Сколько энергии идет на производство бетона? Нам нужно будет столько энергии? Сколько энергии идет на питание инженерных строительных машин? Это тоже будет значительно снижено! Главным стимулом является достижение среднего PUE не больше 1.125 для всех наших дата-центров к 2012 году. Более того, у нас есть задача сокращения общего количества меди и воды в дата-центрах. Мы думаем, что эти задачи станут следующей заботой отрасли после того как будет решена энергетическая проблема. Итак, сегодня мы спрашиваем себя…“как можно построить дата-центр с меньшим объемом строительных работ”?
    Строительство дата центров без чиллеров

    We have talked openly and publicly about building chiller-less data centers and running our facilities using aggressive outside economization. Our sincerest hope is that Gen 4 will completely eliminate the use of water. Today’s data centers use massive amounts of water and we see water as the next scarce resource and have decided to take a proactive stance on making water conservation part of our plan.

    Мы открыто и публично говорили о строительстве дата-центров без чиллеров и активном использовании в наших центрах обработки данных технологий свободного охлаждения или фрикулинга. Мы искренне надеемся, что Gen 4 позволит полностью отказаться от использования воды. Современные дата-центры расходуют большие объемы воды и так как мы считаем воду следующим редким ресурсом, мы решили принять упреждающие меры и включить экономию воды в свой план.

    By sharing this with the industry, we believe everyone can benefit from our methodology. While this concept and approach may be intimidating (or downright frightening) to some in the industry, disclosure ultimately is better for all of us.

    Делясь этим опытом с отраслью, мы считаем, что каждый сможет извлечь выгоду из нашей методологией. Хотя эта концепция и подход могут показаться пугающими (или откровенно страшными) для некоторых отраслевых специалистов, раскрывая свои планы мы, в конечном счете, делаем лучше для всех нас.

    Gen 4 design (even more than just containers), could reduce the ‘religious’ debates in our industry. With the central spine infrastructure in place, containers or pre-manufactured server halls can be either AC or DC, air-side economized or water-side economized, or not economized at all (though the sanity of that might be questioned). Gen 4 will allow us to decommission, repair and upgrade quickly because everything is modular. No longer will we be governed by the initial decisions made when constructing the facility. We will have almost unlimited use and re-use of the facility and site. We will also be able to use power in an ultra-fluid fashion moving load from critical to non-critical as use and capacity requirements dictate.

    Проект Gen 4 позволит уменьшить ‘религиозные’ споры в нашей отрасли. Располагая базовой инфраструктурой, контейнеры или сборные серверные могут оборудоваться системами переменного или постоянного тока, воздушными или водяными экономайзерами, или вообще не использовать экономайзеры. Хотя можно подвергать сомнению разумность такого решения. Gen 4 позволит нам быстро выполнять работы по выводу из эксплуатации, ремонту и модернизации, поскольку все будет модульным. Мы больше не будем руководствоваться начальными решениями, принятыми во время строительства дата-центра. Мы сможем использовать этот дата-центр и инфраструктуру в течение почти неограниченного периода времени. Мы также сможем применять сверхгибкие методы использования электрической энергии, переводя оборудование в режимы критической или некритической нагрузки в соответствии с требуемой мощностью.
    Gen 4 – это стандартная платформа

    Finally, we believe this is a big game changer. Gen 4 will provide a standard platform that our industry can innovate around. For example, all modules in our Gen 4 will have common interfaces clearly defined by our specs and any vendor that meets these specifications will be able to plug into our infrastructure. Whether you are a computer vendor, UPS vendor, generator vendor, etc., you will be able to plug and play into our infrastructure. This means we can also source anyone, anywhere on the globe to minimize costs and maximize performance. We want to help motivate the industry to further innovate—with innovations from which everyone can reap the benefits.

    Наконец, мы уверены, что это будет фактором, который значительно изменит ситуацию. Gen 4 будет представлять собой стандартную платформу, которую отрасль сможет обновлять. Например, все модули в нашем Gen 4 будут иметь общепринятые интерфейсы, четко определяемые нашими спецификациями, и оборудование любого поставщика, которое отвечает этим спецификациям можно будет включать в нашу инфраструктуру. Независимо от того производите вы компьютеры, ИБП, генераторы и т.п., вы сможете включать свое оборудование нашу инфраструктуру. Это означает, что мы также сможем обеспечивать всех, в любом месте земного шара, тем самым сводя до минимума затраты и максимальной увеличивая производительность. Мы хотим создать в отрасли мотивацию для дальнейших инноваций – инноваций, от которых каждый сможет получать выгоду.
    Главные характеристики дата-центров четвертого поколения Gen4

    To summarize, the key characteristics of our Generation 4 data centers are:

    Plug-and-play spine infrastructure
    Factory pre-assembled: Pre-Assembled Containers (PACs) & Pre-Manufactured Buildings (PMBs)
    Rapid deployment
    Reduce TTM
    Reduced construction
    Sustainable measures

    Ниже приведены главные характеристики дата-центров четвертого поколения Gen 4:

    Готовая к использованию базовая инфраструктура;
    Изготовление в заводских условиях: сборные контейнеры (PAC) и сборные здания (PMB);
    Быстрота развертывания;
    Возможность демонтажа;
    Снижение времени вывода на рынок (TTM);
    Сокращение сроков строительства;

    Map applications to DC Class

    We hope you join us on this incredible journey of change and innovation!

    Long hours of research and engineering time are invested into this process. There are still some long days and nights ahead, but the vision is clear. Rest assured however, that we as refine Generation 4, the team will soon be looking to Generation 5 (even if it is a bit farther out). There is always room to get better.

    Использование систем электропитания постоянного тока.

    Мы надеемся, что вы присоединитесь к нам в этом невероятном путешествии по миру изменений и инноваций!

    На этот проект уже потрачены долгие часы исследований и проектирования. И еще предстоит потратить много дней и ночей, но мы имеем четкое представление о конечной цели. Однако будьте уверены, что как только мы доведем до конца проект модульного дата-центра четвертого поколения, мы вскоре начнем думать о проекте дата-центра пятого поколения. Всегда есть возможность для улучшений.

    So if you happen to come across Goldilocks in the forest, and you are curious as to why she is smiling you will know that she feels very good about getting very close to ‘JUST RIGHT’.

    Generations of Evolution – some background on our data center designs

    Так что, если вы встретите в лесу девочку по имени Лютик, и вам станет любопытно, почему она улыбается, вы будете знать, что она очень довольна тем, что очень близко подошла к ‘ОПИМАЛЬНОМУ РЕШЕНИЮ’.
    Поколения эволюции – история развития наших дата-центров

    We thought you might be interested in understanding what happened in the first three generations of our data center designs. When Ray Ozzie wrote his Software plus Services memo it posed a very interesting challenge to us. The winds of change were at ‘tornado’ proportions. That “plus Services” tag had some significant (and unstated) challenges inherent to it. The first was that Microsoft was going to evolve even further into an operations company. While we had been running large scale Internet services since 1995, this development lead us to an entirely new level. Additionally, these “services” would span across both Internet and Enterprise businesses. To those of you who have to operate “stuff”, you know that these are two very different worlds in operational models and challenges. It also meant that, to achieve the same level of reliability and performance required our infrastructure was going to have to scale globally and in a significant way.

    Мы подумали, что может быть вам будет интересно узнать историю первых трех поколений наших центров обработки данных. Когда Рэй Оззи написал свою памятную записку Software plus Services, он поставил перед нами очень интересную задачу. Ветра перемен двигались с ураганной скоростью. Это окончание “plus Services” скрывало в себе какие-то значительные и неопределенные задачи. Первая заключалась в том, что Майкрософт собиралась в еще большей степени стать операционной компанией. Несмотря на то, что мы управляли большими интернет-сервисами, начиная с 1995 г., эта разработка подняла нас на абсолютно новый уровень. Кроме того, эти “сервисы” охватывали интернет-компании и корпорации. Тем, кому приходится всем этим управлять, известно, что есть два очень разных мира в области операционных моделей и задач. Это также означало, что для достижения такого же уровня надежности и производительности требовалось, чтобы наша инфраструктура располагала значительными возможностями расширения в глобальных масштабах.

    It was that intense atmosphere of change that we first started re-evaluating data center technology and processes in general and our ideas began to reach farther than what was accepted by the industry at large. This was the era of Generation 1. As we look at where most of the world’s data centers are today (and where our facilities were), it represented all the known learning and design requirements that had been in place since IBM built the first purpose-built computer room. These facilities focused more around uptime, reliability and redundancy. Big infrastructure was held accountable to solve all potential environmental shortfalls. This is where the majority of infrastructure in the industry still is today.

    Именно в этой атмосфере серьезных изменений мы впервые начали переоценку ЦОД-технологий и технологий вообще, и наши идеи начали выходить за пределы общепринятых в отрасли представлений. Это была эпоха ЦОД первого поколения. Когда мы узнали, где сегодня располагается большинство мировых дата-центров и где находятся наши предприятия, это представляло весь опыт и навыки проектирования, накопленные со времени, когда IBM построила первую серверную. В этих ЦОД больше внимания уделялось бесперебойной работе, надежности и резервированию. Большая инфраструктура была призвана решать все потенциальные экологические проблемы. Сегодня большая часть инфраструктуры все еще находится на этом этапе своего развития.

    We soon realized that traditional data centers were quickly becoming outdated. They were not keeping up with the demands of what was happening technologically and environmentally. That’s when we kicked off our Generation 2 design. Gen 2 facilities started taking into account sustainability, energy efficiency, and really looking at the total cost of energy and operations.

    Очень быстро мы поняли, что стандартные дата-центры очень быстро становятся устаревшими. Они не поспевали за темпами изменений технологических и экологических требований. Именно тогда мы стали разрабатывать ЦОД второго поколения. В этих дата-центрах Gen 2 стали принимать во внимание такие факторы как устойчивое развитие, энергетическая эффективность, а также общие энергетические и эксплуатационные.

    No longer did we view data centers just for the upfront capital costs, but we took a hard look at the facility over the course of its life. Our Quincy, Washington and San Antonio, Texas facilities are examples of our Gen 2 data centers where we explored and implemented new ways to lessen the impact on the environment. These facilities are considered two leading industry examples, based on their energy efficiency and ability to run and operate at new levels of scale and performance by leveraging clean hydro power (Quincy) and recycled waste water (San Antonio) to cool the facility during peak cooling months.

    Мы больше не рассматривали дата-центры только с точки зрения начальных капитальных затрат, а внимательно следили за работой ЦОД на протяжении его срока службы. Наши объекты в Куинси, Вашингтоне, и Сан-Антонио, Техас, являются образцами наших ЦОД второго поколения, в которых мы изучали и применяли на практике новые способы снижения воздействия на окружающую среду. Эти объекты считаются двумя ведущими отраслевыми примерами, исходя из их энергетической эффективности и способности работать на новых уровнях производительности, основанных на использовании чистой энергии воды (Куинси) и рециклирования отработанной воды (Сан-Антонио) для охлаждения объекта в самых жарких месяцах.

    As we were delivering our Gen 2 facilities into steel and concrete, our Generation 3 facilities were rapidly driving the evolution of the program. The key concepts for our Gen 3 design are increased modularity and greater concentration around energy efficiency and scale. The Gen 3 facility will be best represented by the Chicago, Illinois facility currently under construction. This facility will seem very foreign compared to the traditional data center concepts most of the industry is comfortable with. In fact, if you ever sit around in our container hanger in Chicago it will look incredibly different from a traditional raised-floor data center. We anticipate this modularization will drive huge efficiencies in terms of cost and operations for our business. We will also introduce significant changes in the environmental systems used to run our facilities. These concepts and processes (where applicable) will help us gain even greater efficiencies in our existing footprint, allowing us to further maximize infrastructure investments.

    Так как наши ЦОД второго поколения строились из стали и бетона, наши центры обработки данных третьего поколения начали их быстро вытеснять. Главными концептуальными особенностями ЦОД третьего поколения Gen 3 являются повышенная модульность и большее внимание к энергетической эффективности и масштабированию. Дата-центры третьего поколения лучше всего представлены объектом, который в настоящее время строится в Чикаго, Иллинойс. Этот ЦОД будет выглядеть очень необычно, по сравнению с общепринятыми в отрасли представлениями о дата-центре. Действительно, если вам когда-либо удастся побывать в нашем контейнерном ангаре в Чикаго, он покажется вам совершенно непохожим на обычный дата-центр с фальшполом. Мы предполагаем, что этот модульный подход будет способствовать значительному повышению эффективности нашего бизнеса в отношении затрат и операций. Мы также внесем существенные изменения в климатические системы, используемые в наших ЦОД. Эти концепции и технологии, если применимо, позволят нам добиться еще большей эффективности наших существующих дата-центров, и тем самым еще больше увеличивать капиталовложения в инфраструктуру.

    This is definitely a journey, not a destination industry. In fact, our Generation 4 design has been under heavy engineering for viability and cost for over a year. While the demand of our commercial growth required us to make investments as we grew, we treated each step in the learning as a process for further innovation in data centers. The design for our future Gen 4 facilities enabled us to make visionary advances that addressed the challenges of building, running, and operating facilities all in one concerted effort.

    Это определенно путешествие, а не конечный пункт назначения. На самом деле, наш проект ЦОД четвертого поколения подвергался серьезным испытаниям на жизнеспособность и затраты на протяжении целого года. Хотя необходимость в коммерческом росте требовала от нас постоянных капиталовложений, мы рассматривали каждый этап своего развития как шаг к будущим инновациям в области дата-центров. Проект наших будущих ЦОД четвертого поколения Gen 4 позволил нам делать фантастические предположения, которые касались задач строительства, управления и эксплуатации объектов как единого упорядоченного процесса.




    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > модульный центр обработки данных (ЦОД)

  • 27 adaptar

    1 to adapt.
    un modelo adaptado a condiciones desérticas a model adapted to suit desert conditions
    María adaptó el programa a su casa Mary adapted the program to her house.
    Ricardo adaptó el computador Richard adapted=ported his computer.
    2 to adapt (libro, obra de teatro).
    * * *
    1 (acomodar) to adapt
    2 (ajustar) to adjust, fit
    1 (persona) to adapt oneself (a, to); (cosa) to fit, adjust
    * * *
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=acomodar) to adapt; (=encajar) to fit, make suitable ( para for)
    (=ajustar) to adjust
    2) (Inform) to convert ( para to)
    * * *
    verbo transitivo <cortinas/vestido> to alter; < habitación> to convert; <pieza/motor> to adapt; (Inf) to convert

    adaptó la obra al or para el cine — he adapted the play for the screen

    adaptarse v pron to adapt

    adaptarse a algo/+ inf — to adapt to something/-ing

    * * *
    = adapt, customise [customize, -USA], gear (to/toward(s)/for), make + amenable, pitch, bend, fit together, tune, arrange, retrofit, scale, tweak, muck around/about, key + Nombre + to.
    Ex. Order forms A and B can be adapted for local use.
    Ex. The system has to be customised to suit any specific application so that it suits the demands of the microcomputer with which it is being used.
    Ex. Most of the main subject headings lists are geared to the alphabetical subject approach found in dictionary catalogues.
    Ex. This flexibility represents an attempt to make the code amenable to use in a variety of different library environments.
    Ex. Thus pitching instructions at the right level can be difficult.
    Ex. Each cluster or niche of interests in the end user field will have specific individual needs and innovations will bend information technology to meet them.
    Ex. The narrative may be unfamiliar in its structure so that they are unsure about the way different elements of the story fit together.
    Ex. Just as delivery must be tuned to suit the kind of material chosen, so must the language used to tell a story.
    Ex. A vocal score is a score showing all vocal parts, with accompaniment, if any, arranged for keyboard instrument.
    Ex. This model is attractive both for 'retrofitting' existing software as well as providing flexibility to new systems.
    Ex. To produce a statewide estimate, this framework would need to be scaled to accommodate all public libraries in a particular state.
    Ex. This book offers strategies for high school teachers that provide tools for creating, repairing, and tweaking all the discernible components of teaching.
    Ex. I have looked at the book and mucked around with the database and using switches but can't see a solution.
    Ex. The case study found that children do have the ability to use a classification scheme that is keyed to their developmental level.
    * adaptar a la música = set to + music.
    * adaptar a las necesidades de = tailor to + the needs of, gear to + the needs of.
    * adaptar a las preferencias de Uno = suit + Posesivo + own preferences.
    * adaptar al cine = adapt to + the screen.
    * adaptar a una aplicación concreta = harness.
    * adaptar a una exigencia = tailor to + requirement.
    * adaptar a una necesidad = time to + need, suit + requirement.
    * adaptar para la pantalla = adapt to + the screen.
    * adaptarse = come to + terms with, morph.
    * adaptarse a = accommodate, comport with, attune to.
    * adaptarse a las circunstancias = suit + circumstances.
    * adaptarse al cambio = accommodate to + change, adapt to + change.
    * adaptarse al entorno = adjust to + environment.
    * adaptarse a los cambios = flow with + the tides.
    * adaptarse a los tiempos = change with + the times, move with + the times, keep up with + the times, adapt to + the times.
    * adaptarse a una aplicación = suit + application.
    * adaptarse a una función = step up to + role.
    * adaptarse a una innovación = meet + development.
    * adaptarse a una necesidad = suit + need.
    * adaptarse a un formato = meet + format.
    * adaptarse a un interés = accommodate + interest.
    * capaz de adaptarse y superar adversidades = resilient.
    * modificar y adaptar = repackage [re-package], repack.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo <cortinas/vestido> to alter; < habitación> to convert; <pieza/motor> to adapt; (Inf) to convert

    adaptó la obra al or para el cine — he adapted the play for the screen

    adaptarse v pron to adapt

    adaptarse a algo/+ inf — to adapt to something/-ing

    * * *
    = adapt, customise [customize, -USA], gear (to/toward(s)/for), make + amenable, pitch, bend, fit together, tune, arrange, retrofit, scale, tweak, muck around/about, key + Nombre + to.

    Ex: Order forms A and B can be adapted for local use.

    Ex: The system has to be customised to suit any specific application so that it suits the demands of the microcomputer with which it is being used.
    Ex: Most of the main subject headings lists are geared to the alphabetical subject approach found in dictionary catalogues.
    Ex: This flexibility represents an attempt to make the code amenable to use in a variety of different library environments.
    Ex: Thus pitching instructions at the right level can be difficult.
    Ex: Each cluster or niche of interests in the end user field will have specific individual needs and innovations will bend information technology to meet them.
    Ex: The narrative may be unfamiliar in its structure so that they are unsure about the way different elements of the story fit together.
    Ex: Just as delivery must be tuned to suit the kind of material chosen, so must the language used to tell a story.
    Ex: A vocal score is a score showing all vocal parts, with accompaniment, if any, arranged for keyboard instrument.
    Ex: This model is attractive both for 'retrofitting' existing software as well as providing flexibility to new systems.
    Ex: To produce a statewide estimate, this framework would need to be scaled to accommodate all public libraries in a particular state.
    Ex: This book offers strategies for high school teachers that provide tools for creating, repairing, and tweaking all the discernible components of teaching.
    Ex: I have looked at the book and mucked around with the database and using switches but can't see a solution.
    Ex: The case study found that children do have the ability to use a classification scheme that is keyed to their developmental level.
    * adaptar a la música = set to + music.
    * adaptar a las necesidades de = tailor to + the needs of, gear to + the needs of.
    * adaptar a las preferencias de Uno = suit + Posesivo + own preferences.
    * adaptar al cine = adapt to + the screen.
    * adaptar a una aplicación concreta = harness.
    * adaptar a una exigencia = tailor to + requirement.
    * adaptar a una necesidad = time to + need, suit + requirement.
    * adaptar para la pantalla = adapt to + the screen.
    * adaptarse = come to + terms with, morph.
    * adaptarse a = accommodate, comport with, attune to.
    * adaptarse a las circunstancias = suit + circumstances.
    * adaptarse al cambio = accommodate to + change, adapt to + change.
    * adaptarse al entorno = adjust to + environment.
    * adaptarse a los cambios = flow with + the tides.
    * adaptarse a los tiempos = change with + the times, move with + the times, keep up with + the times, adapt to + the times.
    * adaptarse a una aplicación = suit + application.
    * adaptarse a una función = step up to + role.
    * adaptarse a una innovación = meet + development.
    * adaptarse a una necesidad = suit + need.
    * adaptarse a un formato = meet + format.
    * adaptarse a un interés = accommodate + interest.
    * capaz de adaptarse y superar adversidades = resilient.
    * modificar y adaptar = repackage [re-package], repack.

    * * *
    adaptar [A1 ]
    1 ‹cortinas/vestido› to alter; ‹habitación› to convert; ‹pieza/motor› to adapt
    adaptaron el dormitorio para usarlo como aula the bedroom was converted into a classroom o for use as a classroom
    adaptó la obra al or para el cine he adapted the play for the screen
    2 ( Inf) to convert
    to adapt adaptar A algo/ + INF to adapt TO sth/ -ING
    hay que saber adaptarse a las circunstancias you have to learn to adapt to circumstances
    un coche que se adapta a cualquier terreno a car which is well suited to any terrain
    no se adapta a vivir sola she can't adapt to living alone
    * * *


    adaptar ( conjugate adaptar) verbo transitivocortinas/vestido to alter;
    habitación to convert;
    pieza/motor to adapt;
    obra/novela to adapt;
    (Inf) to convert
    adaptarse verbo pronominal
    to adapt;
    adaptarse a algo/hacer algo to adapt to sth/doing sth;

    adaptar verbo transitivo
    1 to adapt: esa obra de teatro fue adaptada al cine, this play was adapted for the screen
    2 (ajustar) to adjust

    ' adaptar' also found in these entries:
    - escenificar
    - gear
    - suit
    - tailor
    - customize
    * * *
    1. [modificar]
    un modelo adaptado a condiciones desérticas a model adapted to suit desert conditions;
    el edificio no ha sido aún adaptado a su nueva función the building still hasn't been modified to suit its new function
    2. [libro, obra de teatro] to adapt (a for);
    adaptó la novela al cine she adapted the novel for film o the screen
    * * *
    v/t adapt
    * * *
    1) modificar: to adapt
    2) : to adjust, to fit
    * * *
    adaptar vb (acomodar) to adapt

    Spanish-English dictionary > adaptar

  • 28 manejable

    1 manageable.
    2 drivable, driveable, controllable.
    * * *
    1 manageable, easy-to-handle
    * * *
    ADJ [asunto, pelo] manageable; [aparato, libro] user-friendly, easy to use; [vehículo] manoeuvrable, maneuvrable (EEUU)
    * * *
    a) < coche> maneuverable*; < máquina> easy-to-use
    b) < pelo> manageable
    2) < persona> easily led, easily manipulated
    * * *
    = manageable, tractable.
    Ex. In simple terms, the essence of subject organisation is the division of literature (or references to literature) into manageable, or scannable categories, with each category being associated with an index term.
    Ex. This approach becomes less tractable as the number of participating databases increases.
    * * *
    a) < coche> maneuverable*; < máquina> easy-to-use
    b) < pelo> manageable
    2) < persona> easily led, easily manipulated
    * * *
    = manageable, tractable.

    Ex: In simple terms, the essence of subject organisation is the division of literature (or references to literature) into manageable, or scannable categories, with each category being associated with an index term.

    Ex: This approach becomes less tractable as the number of participating databases increases.

    * * *
    1 ‹coche› maneuverable*; ‹máquina› easy-to-use
    esta aspiradora es muy poco manejable this vacuum cleaner is really cumbersome o unwieldy
    2 ‹pelo› manageable
    B ‹persona› easily led, easily manipulated
    * * *

    manejable adjetivo
    1 coche› maneuverable( conjugate maneuverable);
    máquina easy-to-use;
    pelo manageable
    2 persona easily led, easily manipulated
    manejable adjetivo
    1 (objeto) easy to use
    (vehículo) easy to drive
    2 (persona) easily led
    ' manejable' also found in these entries:
    * * *
    1. [cosa] manageable;
    [herramienta] easy to use; [vehículo] manoeuvrable
    2. [persona] easily led
    * * *
    1 objeto easy to handle
    2 automóvil maneuverable, Br
    * * *
    1) : manageable
    2) : docile, easily led
    * * *
    manejable adj easy to handle

    Spanish-English dictionary > manejable

  • 29 metodología

    methodology, approach, technique, procedure.
    * * *
    1 methodology
    * * *
    * * *
    femenino methodology
    * * *
    = framework, methodology.
    Ex. The intention is to establish a general framework, and then to give exceptions or further explanation and examples for each area in turn.
    Ex. Authors can cite another article because the two pieces of work use the same methodology.
    * adoptar una metodología = adopt + approach.
    * estudioso de la metodología = methodologist.
    * metodología acertada = best practices, lessons learned [lessons learnt].
    * metodología de agrupamiento por cocitas = cocitation clustering methodology.
    * metodología de estudio = study skills.
    * metodología de investigación = research methodology.
    * metodología de la enseñanza = teaching methodology.
    * metodología de observación = soft methodology.
    * metodología de planificación = planning methodology.
    * metodología para la realización de encuestas = survey methodology.
    * seguir una metodología = adopt + approach.
    * utilizar una metodología = employ + methodology.
    * * *
    femenino methodology
    * * *
    = framework, methodology.

    Ex: The intention is to establish a general framework, and then to give exceptions or further explanation and examples for each area in turn.

    Ex: Authors can cite another article because the two pieces of work use the same methodology.
    * adoptar una metodología = adopt + approach.
    * estudioso de la metodología = methodologist.
    * metodología acertada = best practices, lessons learned [lessons learnt].
    * metodología de agrupamiento por cocitas = cocitation clustering methodology.
    * metodología de estudio = study skills.
    * metodología de investigación = research methodology.
    * metodología de la enseñanza = teaching methodology.
    * metodología de observación = soft methodology.
    * metodología de planificación = planning methodology.
    * metodología para la realización de encuestas = survey methodology.
    * seguir una metodología = adopt + approach.
    * utilizar una metodología = employ + methodology.

    * * *
    * * *


    metodología sustantivo femenino
    metodología sustantivo femenino methodology
    ' metodología' also found in these entries:
    * * *
    * * *
    : methodology

    Spanish-English dictionary > metodología

  • 30 modo

    1 way (manera, forma).
    ¿has visto el modo en que o el modo como te mira? have you seen how o the way he's looking at you?
    no encuentro el modo de dejar el tabaco whatever I do, I just can't seem to give up smoking
    a modo de as, by way of
    al modo de in the style of
    de ese modo in that way
    de ningún modo in no way
    de todos modos in any case, anyway
    de un modo u otro one way or another
    en cierto modo in some ways
    modo de empleo instructions for use
    ¿de modo que no te gusta? so, you don't like it (then)?
    2 mood (grammar).
    modo adverbial adverbial phrase
    3 mode, brand, manner, way.
    4 grammar mood, mood.
    * * *
    1 way, manner
    1 manners
    a modo de as a, like a
    de todos modos anyhow, at any rate
    en cierto modo in a way
    modo de empleo instructions plural
    modo de ser character
    * * *
    noun m.
    1) way, manner
    2) mode
    3) mood
    - de modo que
    - de todos modos
    * * *
    1) (=manera) way, manner frm

    ¿no hay otro modo de hacerlo? — isn't there another way of doing it?

    a mi modo de pensar o ver — in my view, the way I see it

    2) [locuciones]

    a mi/tu modo — (in) my/your (own) way

    a modo de — as

    a modo de ejemplo/respuesta — by way of example/reply

    en cierto modo — in a way, to a certain extent

    de cualquier modo — [antes de verbo] anyway, in any case; (=después de verbo) anyhow

    de cualquier modo, ahora tenemos que irnos — we have to go now anyway o in any case

    hazlo de cualquier modo — do it anyway you like, do it anyhow, do it any old how *

    de modo + adj

    eso nos afectará de modo directo — this will have a direct effect on us, this will affect us directly

    de ese modo — [antes de verbo] (in) this way; [después de verbo] like that

    grosso modo — broadly speaking

    esa fue, grosso modo, la contestación que nos dio — broadly speaking, that was the answer he gave us

    de mal modo — rudely

    del mismo o de igual modo — in the same way

    todos van vestidos del mismo o de igual modo — they are all dressed the same o in the same way

    de ningún modo o en modo alguno, no quiero de ningún modo o en modo alguno implicarla en esto — I don't want to involve her in this in any way

    ¡de ningún modo! — certainly not!, no way! *

    de todos modos — anyway, all the same, in any case

    aunque no me dejes, me iré de todos modos — even if you don't let me, I'll go anyway o all the same o in any case

    aunque lo esperaba, de todos modos me sorprendió — even though I was expecting it, I was still surprised


    de modo que[antes de verbo] so; [después de verbo] so that

    ¡de modo que eras tú el que llamaba! — so it was you that was calling!

    4) Esp frm (=moderación) moderation
    5) LAm

    ¡ni modo! — (=de ninguna manera) no way *, not a chance *; (=no hay otra alternativa) what else can I/you etc do?

    si no me quieres, ni modo — if you don't love me, what else can I do?

    6) pl modos (=modales) manners

    buenos modos — good manners

    malos modos — bad manners

    7) (Ling) [del verbo] mood

    de modomanner antes de s

    8) (Inform) mode
    9) (Mús) mode

    modo mayor/menor — major/minor mode

    * * *
    a) (manera, forma) way, manner (frml)

    a mi modo de ver — to my way of thinking, in my opinion

    modo de empleo — instructions for use, directions

    me lo pidió de muy mal modo — (AmL) she asked me (for it) very rudely

    a mi/tu/su modo — (in) my/your/his (own) way

    a modo de: se puso una manta a modo de poncho he put a blanket round his shoulders like a poncho; a modo de introducción by way of introduction; de cualquier modo ( de todas formas) (indep) in any case, anyway; ( sin cuidado) anyhow; del mismo or de igual modo que just as, in the same way (that); de modo que ( así que) so; ( para que) (+ subj) so that; ¿de modo que se van? so they're going, are they?; de modo que se vean desde aquí so that they can be seen from here; de ningún modo no way; de ningún modo puedo aceptar there's no way I can accept; de todos modos anyway, anyhow; en cierto modo in a way; ni modo (AmL exc CS fam): ¿pudieron entrar? - no, ni modo did they get in? - no, no way (colloq); traté de persuadirlo pero ni modo I tried to persuade him but it was no good; ni modo, yo soy como soy that's tough o too bad, I am the way I am (colloq); ni modo que te quedes aquí — there's no way you're staying here (colloq)

    2) modos masculino plural ( modales) manners (pl)

    con buenos/malos modos — politely/rudely o impolitely

    3) (Ling) mood
    4) (Mús) mode
    * * *
    = approach [approaches, -pl.], avenue, guise, means, mode, way, manner, fashion.
    Ex. During the last twenty years the variety of approaches to the organisation of knowledge has proliferated with the introduction of computer-based methods.
    Ex. In the attempt to match the above criteria, there are two fundamentally distinct avenues to the construction of the schedules of a classification scheme.
    Ex. In various guises, the basic concepts have found application in the design of a number of special classification schemes.
    Ex. The easiest means of illustrating some of the foregoing points is to introduce in outline some special classification schemes.
    Ex. Various modes of operation are possible for such a journal, and the precise operation will depend upon the type of information being conveyed.
    Ex. They are likely to influence the future function of DC, and the way in which the scheme will evolve, but since there will be a continuing need for shelf arrangement, DC will remain necessary.
    Ex. City planning is a body of techniques and theories for co-ordinative decision-making which tries to distribute the community's resources in a manner which will best achieve the community's specific goals, whatever they may be = El urbanismo es un conjunto de técnicas y teorías para la toma coordinada de decisiones que intenta distribuir los recursos de la comunidad de tal forma que se consigan mejor los objetivos específicos de ésta, sean cuales sean.
    Ex. It was on the tip of his tongue to say: 'Must you speak to me in this uncivilized fashion?' But he discreetly forbore.
    * actuar de otro modo = do + otherwise.
    * actuar de un modo despiadado = play + hardball.
    * actuar de un modo diferente = strike out on + a different path.
    * actuar de un modo implacable = play + hardball.
    * actuar de un modo independiente = go it alone.
    * actuar de un modo intransigente = play + hardball.
    * adverbio de modo = adverb of mode.
    * a groso modo = crudely.
    * a grosso modo = roughly, rough draft.
    * al actuar de este modo = by so doing, in so doing, by doing so.
    * al modo de = a la.
    * a mi modo de ver = in my books.
    * a modo de = by way of, in the vein of, as a kind of.
    * a modo de aclaración = in parenthesis, on a sidenote.
    * a modo de advertencia = cautionary.
    * a modo de ejemplo = by way of illustration.
    * a modo de explicación = parenthetically.
    * a modo de ilustración = by way of illustration.
    * a modo de inciso = in passing, by the way of (a) digression.
    * a modo de paréntesis = parenthetical.
    * a modo de prólogo = prefatory.
    * a modo de resumen = wrap-up.
    * analizar de un modo imparcial = take + a cool look at.
    * andar de un modo pausado = stroll + at a leisurely pace.
    * artículo a modo de réplica = rebuttal article.
    * así como... de igual modo... = just as... so....
    * avecinarse de un modo amenazador = loom + large on the horizon.
    * buscar el modo de = explore + ways in which, explore + ways and means of.
    * como un modo de = as a way of.
    * conocer de algún modo = know + on some grounds.
    * crecer de modo exhuberante = grow + rampant.
    * de algún modo = in any way [in anyway], somehow, after a fashion, in some form, some way.
    * de algún modo + Adjetivo = otherwise + Adjetivo.
    * de algún modo u otro = of some sort.
    * decir Algo de un modo colérico = flame out.
    * decir de un modo enfadado = spit out.
    * de cualquier modo = however, either way.
    * de diferente modo = differently.
    * de ese modo = in doing so, in this,, thereby.
    * de este modo = by so doing, by this means, in so doing, in this fashion, in this manner, thereby, this way, thus, this way round, in this way, by doing so, in these ways, this is how, in doing so.
    * definir de un modo predeterminado e inamovible = hardwire [hard wire].
    * de igual modo = alike, equally, in like fashion, in like vein.
    * de igual modo que = just as, just as well... as..., along the lines of, on the lines (of).
    * del mejor modo posible = to the best of + Posesivo + ability.
    * del mismo modo = exactly, in the same vein, by the same token.
    * del mismo modo que = as, in the form that, in the same way (as), in the same way that, just as, in the same manner (as), along the lines, after the fashion of, similar to, in common with.
    * del otro modo = the other way (a)round.
    * de modo + Adjetivo = on a + Adjetivo + basis.
    * de modo agresivo = aggressively.
    * de modo alarmante = alarmingly.
    * de modo alternativo = alternatively.
    * de modo altivo = superciliously, haughtily.
    * de modo apreciable = to an appreciable extent.
    * de modo caprichoso = capriciously.
    * de modo censurable = reprehensibly.
    * de modo claro = transparently.
    * de modo comercial = on a commercial basis.
    * de modo competitivo = competitively.
    * de modo complementario = complimentarily.
    * de modo conjunto con = in partnership with.
    * de modo considerable = to a considerable extent.
    * de modo convincente = cogently, unconvincingly.
    * de modo decisivo = decisively.
    * de modo desastroso = disastrously.
    * de modo desconcertante = bewilderingly.
    * de modo divertido = funnily.
    * de modo egoísta = selfishly.
    * de modo errático = erratically.
    * de modo especulativo = speculatively.
    * de modo estructurado = in a structured fashion.
    * de modo fácil = with the tip of a hat.
    * de modo gracioso = funnily.
    * de modo gratuito = on a complimentary basis.
    * de modo heurístico = heuristically.
    * de modo humorístico = in a humorous vein.
    * de modo imaginativo = imaginatively.
    * de modo inconfundible = unmistakably.
    * de modo individual = on a case-by-case basis.
    * de modo inequívoco = unambiguously.
    * de modo inesperado = like a bolt out of the blue, like a bolt from the blue.
    * de modo informal = informally.
    * de modo ininterrumpido = in an unbroken line.
    * de modo insinuante = suggestively.
    * de modo irregular = erratically.
    * de modo irritante = annoyingly.
    * de modo pesimista = gloomily.
    * de modo poco imaginativo = unimaginatively.
    * de modo provocativo = suggestively.
    * de modo que = so.
    * de modo que + poder + oír = within earshot of.
    * de modo raro = funnily.
    * de modo recíproco = reciprocally.
    * de modo reprobatorio = reprovingly, reproachfully.
    * de modos diversos = variously.
    * de modos extraños = funnily.
    * de modo sorprendente = shockingly.
    * de modo tal que = so much so that.
    * demostrar de un modo contundente = demonstrate + beyond (all) doubt, prove + beyond all doubt.
    * de ningún modo = by no means, in no way, on no account, in no sense, by any means, not at all, under no/any circumstances, in any shape or form, for the life of me, not on any account, by no stretch of the imagination.
    * de nuevos modos = in new ways.
    * de otro modo = conversely.
    * de qué modo = by what means.
    * de tal modo que = in such a way that, so.
    * de tal modo que raya en lo ridículo = ridiculously.
    * de tal modo que + Subjuntivo = in such a way as to + Infinitivo.
    * de todos modos = at any rate.
    * de un mod discreto = unobtrusively.
    * de un modo = in a fashion.
    * de un modo absorto = absently.
    * de un modo aburrido y pesado = tediously.
    * de un modo acalorado = hotly.
    * de un modo adecuado = appropriately, fitly.
    * de un modo + Adjetivo = in + Adjetivo + fashion, in + Adjetivo + measure, in a + Adjetivo + manner, in + Adjetivo + manner, on a + Adjetivo + scale, to a + Adjetivo + degree, in a + Adjetivo + vein.
    * de un modo afirmativo = affirmatively.
    * de un modo ahorrativo = thriftily.
    * de un modo aleatorio = at random.
    * de un modo anafórico = anaphorically.
    * de un modo anárquico = anarchically.
    * de un modo anodino = prosaically.
    * de un modo antieconómico = wastefully.
    * de un modo apropiado = fitly, appropriately.
    * de un modo aprovechado = opportunistically.
    * de un modo atractivo = appealingly.
    * de un modo auténtico = authentically.
    * de un modo barato = inexpensively, thriftily.
    * de un modo bochornoso = shamefully.
    * de un modo cansado = wearily.
    * de un modo caro = expensively + Participio.
    * de un modo casual = in a by-the-way fashion.
    * de un modo chirriante = jarringly.
    * de un modo chocante = jarringly.
    * de un modo compacto = compactly.
    * de un modo concluyente = positively.
    * de un modo conservador = conservatively.
    * de un modo constante = on an ongoing basis.
    * de un modo constructivo = constructively.
    * de un modo convincente = convincingly, forcibly.
    * de un modo coordinado = synergistically.
    * de un modo crítico = critically.
    * de un modo decepcionante = disappointedly.
    * de un modo desconcertado = disconcertedly.
    * de un modo descontrolado = uncontrollably.
    * de un modo desenfadado = playfully.
    * de un modo deshonesto = dishonestly.
    * de un modo desordenado = higgledy-piggledy.
    * de un modo devastador = devastatingly.
    * de un modo diferente = differentially.
    * de un modo discreto = quietly.
    * de un modo disonante = jarringly.
    * de un modo económico = economically, thriftily.
    * de un modo elegante = elegantly.
    * de un modo encantador = charmingly.
    * de un modo engorroso = awkwardly, cumbrously.
    * de un modo equivalente = equivalently.
    * de un modo espectacular = spectacularly.
    * de un modo estrafalario = freakishly.
    * de un modo exhaustivo = comprehensively, in depth, exhaustively.
    * de un modo extraño = freakishly.
    * de un modo fiable = reliably.
    * de un modo flexible = flexibly.
    * de un modo fortuito = haphazardly.
    * de un modo fraudulento = fraudulently.
    * de un modo gradual = incrementally.
    * de un modo habitual = as a matter of routine.
    * de un modo heterogéneo = heterogeneously [heterogenously].
    * de un modo holístico = holistically.
    * de un modo imparcial = impartially.
    * de un modo impreciso = fuzzily.
    * de un modo impresionante = impressively.
    * de un modo impulsivo = impulsively.
    * de un modo incidental = incidentally.
    * de un modo incómodo = awkwardly, cumbrously.
    * de un modo incompetente = inefficiently.
    * de un modo incompleto = incompletely.
    * de un modo inconsistente = vagrantly.
    * de un modo incorrecto = inaccurately.
    * de un modo indiferente = regardless.
    * de un modo inductivo = inductively.
    * de un modo innovador = innovatively.
    * de un modo insolente = defiantly.
    * de un modo insulso = prosaically.
    * de un modo inteligente = intelligently.
    * de un modo interesante = interestingly.
    * de un modo intermitente = in bursts.
    * de un modo lógico = logically.
    * de un modo malsonante = jarringly.
    * de un modo matemático = mathematically.
    * de un modo mecánico = mechanically.
    * de un modo meditabundo = pensively.
    * de un modo molesto = annoyingly.
    * de un modo moralista = sanctimoniously.
    * de un modo muy general = crudely.
    * de un modo muy interesante = most interestingly + Verbo.
    * de un modo nervioso = nervously.
    * de un modo nítido = cleanly.
    * de un modo o de otro = either way.
    * de un modo oportunista = opportunistically.
    * de un modo opresivo = oppressively.
    * de un modo óptico = optically.
    * de un modo optimista = optimistically.
    * de un modo pasivo = passively.
    * de un modo penetrante = piercingly.
    * de un modo pensativo = pensively.
    * de un modo poco constructivo = unconstructively.
    * de un modo poco económico = wastefully.
    * de un modo poco natural = unnaturally.
    * de un modo positivo = positively, constructively.
    * de un modo práctico = practically.
    * de un modo provocador = defiantly.
    * de un modo provocativo = defiantly.
    * de un modo que causa confusión = confusingly.
    * de un modo racional = rationally.
    * de un modo rápido = rapidly, overnight, at short notice.
    * de un modo rapsódico = rhapsodically.
    * de un modo raro = freakishly.
    * de un modo regional = regionally.
    * de un modo regular = on a regular basis, on an ongoing basis, on a continuing basis.
    * de un modo relacionado = connectibly.
    * de un modo remunerado = gainfully.
    * de un modo retribuido = gainfully.
    * de un modo secuencial = step by step.
    * de un modo seguro = securely.
    * de un modo similar = in a similar vein.
    * de un modo simplista = simplistically.
    * de un modo sistemático = systematically.
    * de un modo susceptible = sensitively.
    * de un modo tautológico = tautologically.
    * de un modo temporal = on a temporary basis.
    * de un modo tosco = crudely.
    * de un modo trágico = tragically.
    * de un modo tranquilizador = soothingly, reassuringly.
    * de un modo transparente = seamlessly.
    * de un modo u otro = somehow, some way.
    * de un modo vergonzoso = shamefully.
    * de un modo voluntario = voluntarily.
    * de un nuevo modo = in a new way.
    * dicho de otro modo = in other words, said differently.
    * distribuir de un modo escalonado = lay out in + stages.
    * distribuir de un modo planificado = zone.
    * el mejor modo de = the best way of.
    * el modo como = the way in which.
    * el modo de = the way in which.
    * el modo de + Infinitivo = the way to go about + Gerundio.
    * en cierto modo = to some extent, after a fashion, to a certain extent, in a manner of speaking, so to speak, to some degree.
    * en cierto modo + Verbo = sort of + Verbo.
    * encontrar el modo de = find + way of/to.
    * encontrar el modo de paliar un problema = find + way (a)round + problem.
    * encontrar el modo de regresar = find + Posesivo + way back.
    * encontrar su propio modo de actuar = find + Posesivo + own way.
    * en metálico y de otro modo = in cash and in kind.
    * en modo alguno = by no means.
    * estimar a grosso modo = guesstimate.
    * estudiar el modo de = explore + ways in which, explore + ways and means of.
    * examinar el modo de = examine + way.
    * extenderse a modo de abanico = fan out.
    * flujo de datos de un modo intermitente = bursty traffic.
    * frase a modo de título = title-like phrase.
    * funcionar de un modo autónomo = operate under + an autonomous hand.
    * hablar del mismo modo = talk + alike.
    * hacer esto y aquello de un modo relajado = mess about, pootle, piddle around.
    * indizar de modo KWIC = KWIC.
    * información a modo de ejemplo = sample data.
    * ingeniarse el modo de = dream up + ways to.
    * modo de actuar = arrangement, course of action, practice, rationale.
    * modo de ahorro de energía = power save mode.
    * modo de andar = gait.
    * modo de aprendizaje = learning style.
    * modo de comportamiento = mode of behaviour, way of conduct.
    * modo de comunicación = communication pathway.
    * modo de conducta = mode of conduct, way of conduct.
    * modo de conseguir Algo = lever.
    * modo de expresión = way of expression, mode of expression.
    * modo de hacer preguntas = questioning behaviour.
    * modo de introducción de datos = input mode.
    * modo de pensar = thinking, way of thinking, mindset [mind-set], mode of thought, mode of thinking.
    * modo de presentación visual = display device.
    * modo de resaltar = spotlight.
    * modo de vida = way of life.
    * modo de vida tradicional = folklife.
    * modo no interactivo = non-interactive mode.
    * no haber modo de = there + be + no means of.
    * no hay modo de que = for the life of me.
    * o de algún otro modo = or otherwise.
    * pensar del mismo modo = think + alike.
    * pensar de un modo diferente = think out(side) + (of) the box.
    * pero no hubo modo = but no dice.
    * por decirlo de algún modo = in a manner of speaking, so to speak.
    * por el modo = by the way.
    * preparar de un modo rápido = throw together.
    * recordar de un modo rápido = sweep back to.
    * saber de algún modo = know + on some grounds.
    * ser en cierto modo un + Nombre = be something of a + Nombre.
    * surgir de un modo confuso = grow + like Topsy.
    * tratar de igual modo = treat as + equal.
    * usando el tiempo de un modo eficaz = time efficient [time-efficient].
    * usar de un modo descuidado = bandy (about/around).
    * usar de un modo despreocupado = bandy (about/around).
    * uso de un modo descuidado = bandying about.
    * ver las cosas de diferente modo = see + things differently.
    * ver las cosas de un modo diferente = see + things differently.
    * * *
    a) (manera, forma) way, manner (frml)

    a mi modo de ver — to my way of thinking, in my opinion

    modo de empleo — instructions for use, directions

    me lo pidió de muy mal modo — (AmL) she asked me (for it) very rudely

    a mi/tu/su modo — (in) my/your/his (own) way

    a modo de: se puso una manta a modo de poncho he put a blanket round his shoulders like a poncho; a modo de introducción by way of introduction; de cualquier modo ( de todas formas) (indep) in any case, anyway; ( sin cuidado) anyhow; del mismo or de igual modo que just as, in the same way (that); de modo que ( así que) so; ( para que) (+ subj) so that; ¿de modo que se van? so they're going, are they?; de modo que se vean desde aquí so that they can be seen from here; de ningún modo no way; de ningún modo puedo aceptar there's no way I can accept; de todos modos anyway, anyhow; en cierto modo in a way; ni modo (AmL exc CS fam): ¿pudieron entrar? - no, ni modo did they get in? - no, no way (colloq); traté de persuadirlo pero ni modo I tried to persuade him but it was no good; ni modo, yo soy como soy that's tough o too bad, I am the way I am (colloq); ni modo que te quedes aquí — there's no way you're staying here (colloq)

    2) modos masculino plural ( modales) manners (pl)

    con buenos/malos modos — politely/rudely o impolitely

    3) (Ling) mood
    4) (Mús) mode
    * * *
    = approach [approaches, -pl.], avenue, guise, means, mode, way, manner, fashion.

    Ex: During the last twenty years the variety of approaches to the organisation of knowledge has proliferated with the introduction of computer-based methods.

    Ex: In the attempt to match the above criteria, there are two fundamentally distinct avenues to the construction of the schedules of a classification scheme.
    Ex: In various guises, the basic concepts have found application in the design of a number of special classification schemes.
    Ex: The easiest means of illustrating some of the foregoing points is to introduce in outline some special classification schemes.
    Ex: Various modes of operation are possible for such a journal, and the precise operation will depend upon the type of information being conveyed.
    Ex: They are likely to influence the future function of DC, and the way in which the scheme will evolve, but since there will be a continuing need for shelf arrangement, DC will remain necessary.
    Ex: City planning is a body of techniques and theories for co-ordinative decision-making which tries to distribute the community's resources in a manner which will best achieve the community's specific goals, whatever they may be = El urbanismo es un conjunto de técnicas y teorías para la toma coordinada de decisiones que intenta distribuir los recursos de la comunidad de tal forma que se consigan mejor los objetivos específicos de ésta, sean cuales sean.
    Ex: It was on the tip of his tongue to say: 'Must you speak to me in this uncivilized fashion?' But he discreetly forbore.
    * actuar de otro modo = do + otherwise.
    * actuar de un modo despiadado = play + hardball.
    * actuar de un modo diferente = strike out on + a different path.
    * actuar de un modo implacable = play + hardball.
    * actuar de un modo independiente = go it alone.
    * actuar de un modo intransigente = play + hardball.
    * adverbio de modo = adverb of mode.
    * a groso modo = crudely.
    * a grosso modo = roughly, rough draft.
    * al actuar de este modo = by so doing, in so doing, by doing so.
    * al modo de = a la.
    * a mi modo de ver = in my books.
    * a modo de = by way of, in the vein of, as a kind of.
    * a modo de aclaración = in parenthesis, on a sidenote.
    * a modo de advertencia = cautionary.
    * a modo de ejemplo = by way of illustration.
    * a modo de explicación = parenthetically.
    * a modo de ilustración = by way of illustration.
    * a modo de inciso = in passing, by the way of (a) digression.
    * a modo de paréntesis = parenthetical.
    * a modo de prólogo = prefatory.
    * a modo de resumen = wrap-up.
    * analizar de un modo imparcial = take + a cool look at.
    * andar de un modo pausado = stroll + at a leisurely pace.
    * artículo a modo de réplica = rebuttal article.
    * así como... de igual modo... = just as... so....
    * avecinarse de un modo amenazador = loom + large on the horizon.
    * buscar el modo de = explore + ways in which, explore + ways and means of.
    * como un modo de = as a way of.
    * conocer de algún modo = know + on some grounds.
    * crecer de modo exhuberante = grow + rampant.
    * de algún modo = in any way [in anyway], somehow, after a fashion, in some form, some way.
    * de algún modo + Adjetivo = otherwise + Adjetivo.
    * de algún modo u otro = of some sort.
    * decir Algo de un modo colérico = flame out.
    * decir de un modo enfadado = spit out.
    * de cualquier modo = however, either way.
    * de diferente modo = differently.
    * de ese modo = in doing so, in this,, thereby.
    * de este modo = by so doing, by this means, in so doing, in this fashion, in this manner, thereby, this way, thus, this way round, in this way, by doing so, in these ways, this is how, in doing so.
    * definir de un modo predeterminado e inamovible = hardwire [hard wire].
    * de igual modo = alike, equally, in like fashion, in like vein.
    * de igual modo que = just as, just as well... as..., along the lines of, on the lines (of).
    * del mejor modo posible = to the best of + Posesivo + ability.
    * del mismo modo = exactly, in the same vein, by the same token.
    * del mismo modo que = as, in the form that, in the same way (as), in the same way that, just as, in the same manner (as), along the lines, after the fashion of, similar to, in common with.
    * del otro modo = the other way (a)round.
    * de modo + Adjetivo = on a + Adjetivo + basis.
    * de modo agresivo = aggressively.
    * de modo alarmante = alarmingly.
    * de modo alternativo = alternatively.
    * de modo altivo = superciliously, haughtily.
    * de modo apreciable = to an appreciable extent.
    * de modo caprichoso = capriciously.
    * de modo censurable = reprehensibly.
    * de modo claro = transparently.
    * de modo comercial = on a commercial basis.
    * de modo competitivo = competitively.
    * de modo complementario = complimentarily.
    * de modo conjunto con = in partnership with.
    * de modo considerable = to a considerable extent.
    * de modo convincente = cogently, unconvincingly.
    * de modo decisivo = decisively.
    * de modo desastroso = disastrously.
    * de modo desconcertante = bewilderingly.
    * de modo divertido = funnily.
    * de modo egoísta = selfishly.
    * de modo errático = erratically.
    * de modo especulativo = speculatively.
    * de modo estructurado = in a structured fashion.
    * de modo fácil = with the tip of a hat.
    * de modo gracioso = funnily.
    * de modo gratuito = on a complimentary basis.
    * de modo heurístico = heuristically.
    * de modo humorístico = in a humorous vein.
    * de modo imaginativo = imaginatively.
    * de modo inconfundible = unmistakably.
    * de modo individual = on a case-by-case basis.
    * de modo inequívoco = unambiguously.
    * de modo inesperado = like a bolt out of the blue, like a bolt from the blue.
    * de modo informal = informally.
    * de modo ininterrumpido = in an unbroken line.
    * de modo insinuante = suggestively.
    * de modo irregular = erratically.
    * de modo irritante = annoyingly.
    * de modo pesimista = gloomily.
    * de modo poco imaginativo = unimaginatively.
    * de modo provocativo = suggestively.
    * de modo que = so.
    * de modo que + poder + oír = within earshot of.
    * de modo raro = funnily.
    * de modo recíproco = reciprocally.
    * de modo reprobatorio = reprovingly, reproachfully.
    * de modos diversos = variously.
    * de modos extraños = funnily.
    * de modo sorprendente = shockingly.
    * de modo tal que = so much so that.
    * demostrar de un modo contundente = demonstrate + beyond (all) doubt, prove + beyond all doubt.
    * de ningún modo = by no means, in no way, on no account, in no sense, by any means, not at all, under no/any circumstances, in any shape or form, for the life of me, not on any account, by no stretch of the imagination.
    * de nuevos modos = in new ways.
    * de otro modo = conversely.
    * de qué modo = by what means.
    * de tal modo que = in such a way that, so.
    * de tal modo que raya en lo ridículo = ridiculously.
    * de tal modo que + Subjuntivo = in such a way as to + Infinitivo.
    * de todos modos = at any rate.
    * de un mod discreto = unobtrusively.
    * de un modo = in a fashion.
    * de un modo absorto = absently.
    * de un modo aburrido y pesado = tediously.
    * de un modo acalorado = hotly.
    * de un modo adecuado = appropriately, fitly.
    * de un modo + Adjetivo = in + Adjetivo + fashion, in + Adjetivo + measure, in a + Adjetivo + manner, in + Adjetivo + manner, on a + Adjetivo + scale, to a + Adjetivo + degree, in a + Adjetivo + vein.
    * de un modo afirmativo = affirmatively.
    * de un modo ahorrativo = thriftily.
    * de un modo aleatorio = at random.
    * de un modo anafórico = anaphorically.
    * de un modo anárquico = anarchically.
    * de un modo anodino = prosaically.
    * de un modo antieconómico = wastefully.
    * de un modo apropiado = fitly, appropriately.
    * de un modo aprovechado = opportunistically.
    * de un modo atractivo = appealingly.
    * de un modo auténtico = authentically.
    * de un modo barato = inexpensively, thriftily.
    * de un modo bochornoso = shamefully.
    * de un modo cansado = wearily.
    * de un modo caro = expensively + Participio.
    * de un modo casual = in a by-the-way fashion.
    * de un modo chirriante = jarringly.
    * de un modo chocante = jarringly.
    * de un modo compacto = compactly.
    * de un modo concluyente = positively.
    * de un modo conservador = conservatively.
    * de un modo constante = on an ongoing basis.
    * de un modo constructivo = constructively.
    * de un modo convincente = convincingly, forcibly.
    * de un modo coordinado = synergistically.
    * de un modo crítico = critically.
    * de un modo decepcionante = disappointedly.
    * de un modo desconcertado = disconcertedly.
    * de un modo descontrolado = uncontrollably.
    * de un modo desenfadado = playfully.
    * de un modo deshonesto = dishonestly.
    * de un modo desordenado = higgledy-piggledy.
    * de un modo devastador = devastatingly.
    * de un modo diferente = differentially.
    * de un modo discreto = quietly.
    * de un modo disonante = jarringly.
    * de un modo económico = economically, thriftily.
    * de un modo elegante = elegantly.
    * de un modo encantador = charmingly.
    * de un modo engorroso = awkwardly, cumbrously.
    * de un modo equivalente = equivalently.
    * de un modo espectacular = spectacularly.
    * de un modo estrafalario = freakishly.
    * de un modo exhaustivo = comprehensively, in depth, exhaustively.
    * de un modo extraño = freakishly.
    * de un modo fiable = reliably.
    * de un modo flexible = flexibly.
    * de un modo fortuito = haphazardly.
    * de un modo fraudulento = fraudulently.
    * de un modo gradual = incrementally.
    * de un modo habitual = as a matter of routine.
    * de un modo heterogéneo = heterogeneously [heterogenously].
    * de un modo holístico = holistically.
    * de un modo imparcial = impartially.
    * de un modo impreciso = fuzzily.
    * de un modo impresionante = impressively.
    * de un modo impulsivo = impulsively.
    * de un modo incidental = incidentally.
    * de un modo incómodo = awkwardly, cumbrously.
    * de un modo incompetente = inefficiently.
    * de un modo incompleto = incompletely.
    * de un modo inconsistente = vagrantly.
    * de un modo incorrecto = inaccurately.
    * de un modo indiferente = regardless.
    * de un modo inductivo = inductively.
    * de un modo innovador = innovatively.
    * de un modo insolente = defiantly.
    * de un modo insulso = prosaically.
    * de un modo inteligente = intelligently.
    * de un modo interesante = interestingly.
    * de un modo intermitente = in bursts.
    * de un modo lógico = logically.
    * de un modo malsonante = jarringly.
    * de un modo matemático = mathematically.
    * de un modo mecánico = mechanically.
    * de un modo meditabundo = pensively.
    * de un modo molesto = annoyingly.
    * de un modo moralista = sanctimoniously.
    * de un modo muy general = crudely.
    * de un modo muy interesante = most interestingly + Verbo.
    * de un modo nervioso = nervously.
    * de un modo nítido = cleanly.
    * de un modo o de otro = either way.
    * de un modo oportunista = opportunistically.
    * de un modo opresivo = oppressively.
    * de un modo óptico = optically.
    * de un modo optimista = optimistically.
    * de un modo pasivo = passively.
    * de un modo penetrante = piercingly.
    * de un modo pensativo = pensively.
    * de un modo poco constructivo = unconstructively.
    * de un modo poco económico = wastefully.
    * de un modo poco natural = unnaturally.
    * de un modo positivo = positively, constructively.
    * de un modo práctico = practically.
    * de un modo provocador = defiantly.
    * de un modo provocativo = defiantly.
    * de un modo que causa confusión = confusingly.
    * de un modo racional = rationally.
    * de un modo rápido = rapidly, overnight, at short notice.
    * de un modo rapsódico = rhapsodically.
    * de un modo raro = freakishly.
    * de un modo regional = regionally.
    * de un modo regular = on a regular basis, on an ongoing basis, on a continuing basis.
    * de un modo relacionado = connectibly.
    * de un modo remunerado = gainfully.
    * de un modo retribuido = gainfully.
    * de un modo secuencial = step by step.
    * de un modo seguro = securely.
    * de un modo similar = in a similar vein.
    * de un modo simplista = simplistically.
    * de un modo sistemático = systematically.
    * de un modo susceptible = sensitively.
    * de un modo tautológico = tautologically.
    * de un modo temporal = on a temporary basis.
    * de un modo tosco = crudely.
    * de un modo trágico = tragically.
    * de un modo tranquilizador = soothingly, reassuringly.
    * de un modo transparente = seamlessly.
    * de un modo u otro = somehow, some way.
    * de un modo vergonzoso = shamefully.
    * de un modo voluntario = voluntarily.
    * de un nuevo modo = in a new way.
    * dicho de otro modo = in other words, said differently.
    * distribuir de un modo escalonado = lay out in + stages.
    * distribuir de un modo planificado = zone.
    * el mejor modo de = the best way of.
    * el modo como = the way in which.
    * el modo de = the way in which.
    * el modo de + Infinitivo = the way to go about + Gerundio.
    * en cierto modo = to some extent, after a fashion, to a certain extent, in a manner of speaking, so to speak, to some degree.
    * en cierto modo + Verbo = sort of + Verbo.
    * encontrar el modo de = find + way of/to.
    * encontrar el modo de paliar un problema = find + way (a)round + problem.
    * encontrar el modo de regresar = find + Posesivo + way back.
    * encontrar su propio modo de actuar = find + Posesivo + own way.
    * en metálico y de otro modo = in cash and in kind.
    * en modo alguno = by no means.
    * estimar a grosso modo = guesstimate.
    * estudiar el modo de = explore + ways in which, explore + ways and means of.
    * examinar el modo de = examine + way.
    * extenderse a modo de abanico = fan out.
    * flujo de datos de un modo intermitente = bursty traffic.
    * frase a modo de título = title-like phrase.
    * funcionar de un modo autónomo = operate under + an autonomous hand.
    * hablar del mismo modo = talk + alike.
    * hacer esto y aquello de un modo relajado = mess about, pootle, piddle around.
    * indizar de modo KWIC = KWIC.
    * información a modo de ejemplo = sample data.
    * ingeniarse el modo de = dream up + ways to.
    * modo de actuar = arrangement, course of action, practice, rationale.
    * modo de ahorro de energía = power save mode.
    * modo de andar = gait.
    * modo de aprendizaje = learning style.
    * modo de comportamiento = mode of behaviour, way of conduct.
    * modo de comunicación = communication pathway.
    * modo de conducta = mode of conduct, way of conduct.
    * modo de conseguir Algo = lever.
    * modo de expresión = way of expression, mode of expression.
    * modo de hacer preguntas = questioning behaviour.
    * modo de introducción de datos = input mode.
    * modo de pensar = thinking, way of thinking, mindset [mind-set], mode of thought, mode of thinking.
    * modo de presentación visual = display device.
    * modo de resaltar = spotlight.
    * modo de vida = way of life.
    * modo de vida tradicional = folklife.
    * modo no interactivo = non-interactive mode.
    * no haber modo de = there + be + no means of.
    * no hay modo de que = for the life of me.
    * o de algún otro modo = or otherwise.
    * pensar del mismo modo = think + alike.
    * pensar de un modo diferente = think out(side) + (of) the box.
    * pero no hubo modo = but no dice.
    * por decirlo de algún modo = in a manner of speaking, so to speak.
    * por el modo = by the way.
    * preparar de un modo rápido = throw together.
    * recordar de un modo rápido = sweep back to.
    * saber de algún modo = know + on some grounds.
    * ser en cierto modo un + Nombre = be something of a + Nombre.
    * surgir de un modo confuso = grow + like Topsy.
    * tratar de igual modo = treat as + equal.
    * usando el tiempo de un modo eficaz = time efficient [time-efficient].
    * usar de un modo descuidado = bandy (about/around).
    * usar de un modo despreocupado = bandy (about/around).
    * uso de un modo descuidado = bandying about.
    * ver las cosas de diferente modo = see + things differently.
    * ver las cosas de un modo diferente = see + things differently.

    * * *
    1 (manera, forma) way, manner ( frml)
    éste no es modo de hacer las cosas this is no way of going about things
    no lo digas de ese modo don't say it like that
    hay que hacerlo del siguiente modo it has to be done in the following manner
    a mi modo de ver to my way of thinking, in my opinion
    ¿qué modo de hablarle a tu abuela es ése? that's no way to speak to your grandmother
    [ S ] modo de empleo instructions for use, directions
    me lo pidió de muy mal modo ( AmL); she asked me (for it) very rudely o in a very rude way
    2 ( en locs):
    a mi/tu/su modo (in) my/your/his (own) way
    hazlo a tu modo do it (in) your (own) way
    le gusta hacer las cosas a su modo he likes to do things his (own) way
    a modo de: se puso una manta a modo de poncho he put a blanket round his shoulders like a poncho
    a modo de introducción by way of introduction
    de cualquier modo (de todas formas) ( indep) in any case, anyway; (sin cuidado) anyhow, any which way ( AmE colloq), any old how ( BrE colloq)
    del mismo or de igual modo que just as, in the same way (that)
    de modo que (así que) (+ indic) so;
    (para que) (+ subj) so that
    lo hiciste porque quisiste, de modo que ahora no te quejes you did it because you wanted to, so don't complain now
    ¿de modo que se van? so they're going, are they?
    colócalos de modo que se vean desde aquí arrange them so that they can be seen from here
    yo no puedo aceptarlo, de ningún modo there is no way I can accept it
    de todos modos anyway, anyhow
    no creo que lo pueda lograr, de todos modos volveré a intentarlo I don't think I can do it, but I'll have another try anyway o anyhow
    en cierto modo in a way
    ni modo ( AmL exc CS fam): ¿pudieron entrar? — no, ni modo, las entradas se habían acabado did they get in? — no, no way o not a chance, it was sold out ( colloq)
    traté de persuadirlo para que fuera pero ni modo I tried to persuade him to go but it was no good
    ni modo, yo soy como soy that's tough o too bad, I am the way I am ( colloq)
    ni modo que ( AmL exc CS): tienes que regresar a tu casa, ni modo que te quedes aquí you have to go home, there's no way you're staying here ( colloq)
    B modos mpl (modales) manners (pl)
    con buenos/malos modos politely/rudely o impolitely
    C ( Ling) mood
    el modo indicativo/subjuntivo the indicative/subjunctive mood
    D ( Mús) mode
    modo mayor/menor
    major/minor mode
    E ( Inf) mode
    sleep mode
    * * *


    modo sustantivo masculino
    a) (manera, forma) way, manner (frml);

    del siguiente modo in the following manner;
    a mi modo de ver to my way of thinking, in my opinion;
    no lo digas de ese modo don't say it like that;
    de un modo u otro one way or another;
    su modo de ser the way he is;

    ( on signs) modo de empleo instructions for use, directions;

    b) ( en locs)

    a mi/tu/su modo (in) my/your/his (own) way;

    de cualquier modo ( de todas formas) ( indep) in any case, anyway;

    ( sin cuidado) anyhow;
    del mismo or de igual modo que just as, in the same way (that);

    ( para que) so that;

    de ningún modo puedo aceptar there's no way I can accept;
    de todos modos anyway, anyhow;
    en cierto modo in a way;
    ni modo (AmL exc CS fam) no way;
    traté de persuadirlo pero ni modo I tried to persuade him but it was no good;
    ni modo que te quedes aquí there's no way you're staying here (colloq)
    modos sustantivo masculino plural ( modales) manners (pl);

    con buenos/malos modos politely/rudely o impolitely
    modo sustantivo masculino
    1 (forma de hacer) way, manner: habla de un modo extraño, he speaks in a strange way
    2 Ling mode: modo imperativo, imperative mood 3 modos, manners: ¡no vengas aquí con esos malos modos!, don't come around here with those bad manners!
    ' modo' also found in these entries:
    - así
    - camino
    - cante
    - canto
    - carácter
    - censurar
    - cocina
    - como quiera
    - comoquiera
    - con
    - conforme
    - de
    - dicha
    - dicho
    - empleo
    - en
    - estilo
    - forma
    - ir
    - gustar
    - habla
    - igualmente
    - inciso
    - indicativa
    - indicativo
    - mirada
    - olla
    - parcial
    - pensión
    - poner
    - proceder
    - radical
    - reconocer
    - replicar
    - risa
    - según
    - sentada
    - sic
    - sistema
    - tal
    - temeraria
    - temerario
    - temperamento
    - tono
    - tres
    - uso
    - ver
    - vía
    - vida
    - alike
    - allowance
    - aloud
    - anyhow
    - as
    - at
    - captivate
    - casually
    - deliriously
    - depressingly
    - direction
    - dramatically
    - educationally
    - fashion
    - funnily
    - gloomily
    - haphazardly
    - harmlessly
    - illegibly
    - impressively
    - inadequately
    - incompletely
    - incomprehensibly
    - inconclusively
    - inconveniently
    - instruction
    - keenly
    - kind
    - loophole
    - love
    - maddeningly
    - manner
    - mode
    - modus operandi
    - mood
    - mother
    - nowhere
    - observe
    - offhandedly
    - originally
    - ostentatious
    - other
    - outrageous
    - pass round
    - plausibly
    - quizzical
    - ravishingly
    - reassuringly
    - reciprocally
    * * *
    1. [manera, forma] way;
    no encuentro el modo de dejar el tabaco whatever I do, I just can't seem to give up smoking;
    ése no es modo de comportarse that's no way to behave;
    ¿has visto el modo en que o [m5] el modo como te mira? have you seen how o the way he's looking at you?;
    esta vez lo haremos a mi modo this time we'll do it my way;
    al modo de in the style of, after the fashion of;
    a modo de as, by way of;
    a mi modo de ver the way I see it;
    de algún modo somehow;
    se le cayó el botón porque lo cosió de cualquier modo the button fell off because he sewed it on carelessly o any old how;
    hazlo de cualquier modo do it however you like;
    no te preocupes, de cualquier modo no pensaba ir don't worry, I wasn't going to go anyway;
    de ese/este modo that/this way;
    del mismo modo similarly, in the same way;
    lo hice del mismo modo que ayer/tú I did it the same way as yesterday/you;
    lo organizaron de modo que acabara antes de las diez they organized it so (that) it finished before ten;
    ¿de modo que no te gusta? so, you don't like it (then)?;
    de ningún modo o [m5] en modo alguno deberíamos dejarle salir under no circumstances should we let her out;
    de ningún modo o [m5] en modo alguno quise ofenderte I in no way intended to offend you;
    ¿te he molestado? – de ningún modo o [m5] en modo alguno did I annoy you? – not at all o by no means;
    ¿quieres que lo invitemos? – ¡de ningún modo! shall we invite him? – no way o certainly not!;
    de otro modo [si no] otherwise;
    de tal modo (que) [tanto] so much (that);
    de todos modos in any case, anyway;
    de todos modos seguiremos en contacto in any case, we'll keep in touch;
    de todos modos, ¿qué es eso que decías de un viaje? anyway, what's that you were saying about going away?;
    de un modo u otro one way or another;
    dicho de otro modo in other words, put another way;
    en cierto modo in a way;
    ¡qué modo de hacer las cosas! that's no way to do things!
    Ling modo de articulación manner of articulation;
    modo de empleo instructions for use;
    modo de pensar way of thinking;
    a mi modo de pensar to my way of thinking;
    modo de ser: [m5] tiene un modo de ser muy agradable she has a very pleasant nature;
    no me gusta su modo de ser I don't like the way he is;
    modo de vida way of life, lifestyle
    modos [modales] manners;
    buenos/malos modos good/bad manners;
    me contestó de buenos/malos modos she answered politely/rudely
    3. Gram mood;
    modo indicativo/subjuntivo indicative/subjunctive mood;
    en modo indicativo in the indicative (mood)
    4. Informát mode
    modo de edición edit mode;
    modo gráfico graphic mode;
    modo de inserción insert mode
    5. Mús mode
    ni modo loc adv
    Am salvo RP [de ninguna manera] no way, not a chance;
    ¿llegaremos a tiempo? – ni modo will we get there on time? – no way o not a chance;
    ni modo pues there's nothing we can do about it, then
    * * *
    1 way;
    a mi modo de ver to my way of thinking;
    dicho de otro modo to put it another way;
    de este modo like this;
    modo de ser personality
    2 GRAM mood
    3 MÚS mode
    modos pl manners;
    de modo que so that;
    de ningún modo not at all;
    de otro modo otherwise;
    de tal modo que so much that;
    de cualquier modo anyway, anyhow;
    en cierto modo in a way o sense
    * * *
    modo nm
    1) manera: way, manner, mode
    de un modo u otro: one way or another
    a mi modo de ver: to my way of thinking
    2) : mood (in grammar)
    3) : mode (in music)
    a modo de : by way of, in the manner of, like
    a modo de ejemplo: by way of example
    de cualquier modo : in any case, anyway
    de modo que : so, in such a way that
    de todos modos : in any case, anyway
    en cierto modo : in a way, to a certain extent
    * * *
    modo n way

    Spanish-English dictionary > modo

  • 31 ВПП

    ВПП сущ
    1. air strip
    2. flight strip асфальтовое покрытие ВПП
    asphaltic runway surface
    аэродром с перекрещивающимися ВПП
    X-type aerodrome
    базовая длина ВПП
    basic runway length
    бетонная ВПП
    concrete runway
    бетонное покрытие ВПП
    concrete runway surface
    боковая кромка ВПП
    runway edge
    боковая полоса безопасности ВПП
    runway shoulder
    боковые огни ВПП
    side row lights
    видимость на ВПП
    runway visibility
    влажная ВПП
    1. precipitation-covered runway
    (после выпадения атмосферных осадков) 2. wet runway 3. wet runway status 4. damp runway восходящий уклон ВПП
    upward slope
    ВПП для эксплуатации любых типов воздушных судов
    all-service runway
    ВПП занята
    the runway is not clear
    ВПП, не оборудованная для посадки по приборам
    noninstrument runway
    ВПП, не оборудованная для точного захода на посадку
    nonprecision approach runway
    ВПП, не соответствующая заданию на полет
    wrong runway
    ВПП, оборудованная для посадки по приборам
    instrument runway
    ВПП, оборудованная для точного захода на посадку
    precision approach runway
    ВПП, открытая только для взлетов
    takeoff runway
    ВПП, открытая только для посадок
    landing runway
    ВПП свободна
    the runway is clear
    ВПП с гладкой поверхностью
    smooth runway
    ВПП с дерновым покрытием
    sodded runway
    ВПП с жестким покрытием
    rigid pavement runway
    ВПП с искусственным покрытием
    paved runway
    ВПП с мягким покрытием
    soft-surface runway
    ВПП с низким коэффициентом сцепления
    slippery runway
    ВПП с поперечным уклоном
    cross-sloped runway
    ВПП с твердым покрытием
    hard-surface runway
    ВПП с травяным покрытием
    1. grass strip
    2. turf runway время нахождения на ВПП
    run-down occupancy time
    входные огни ВПП
    1. approach threshold lights
    2. runway threshold lights выкатываться за пределы ВПП
    1. overrun the runway
    2. run off the runway выпуклая ВПП
    humped runway
    выравнивание при входе в створ ВПП
    runway alignment
    высота пролета порога ВПП
    threshold crossing height
    выступающий торец порога ВПП
    exposed threshold lip
    гладкость поверхности ВПП
    runway surface evenness
    грунтовая ВПП
    1. earth air strip
    2. unpaved runway грунтовое покрытие ВПП
    dirt runway surface
    дальность видимости на ВПП
    1. runway visual range
    2. runway visual length датчик состояния поверхности ВПП
    runway surface condition sensor
    действия в момент касания ВПП
    touchdown operations
    действующая ВПП
    1. duty runway
    2. runway-in-use длина ВПП
    runway length
    допустимый запас высоты от колес до порога ВПП
    threshold wheel clearance
    дренажный слой ВПП
    runway wearing course
    загрязненная ВПП
    contaminate runway
    закрытая для полетов ВПП
    idle runway
    закрытая для эксплуатации ВПП
    closed runway
    залитая водой ВПП
    1. water-covered runway
    2. flooded runway запасная ВПП
    secondary runway
    заполнитель швов покрытия ВПП
    runway jointing sealant
    зона перед порогом ВПП
    undershoot area
    зона подхода к ВПП
    approach zone
    индикация ВПП
    runway presentation
    категория ВПП
    runway category
    комплект светотехнического оборудования ВПП
    runway lighting unit
    концевая зона безопасности ВПП
    runway end safety area
    концевая часть ВПП
    runway extremity
    коэффициент использования ВПП
    runway usability factor
    линия при сходе с ВПП
    turnoff curve
    максимально допустимая скорость прохождения порога ВПП
    maximum threshold speed
    маркер кромки ВПП
    runway edge marker
    маркировка боковой полосы ВПП
    side strip marking
    маркировка ВПП
    runway marking
    маркировка границ ВПП
    runway edge marking
    маркировка зоны перед порогом ВПП
    prethreshold marking
    маркировка осевой линии ВПП
    runway centerline marking
    маркировка покрытия ВПП
    runway surface marking
    маркировка порога ВПП
    runway threshold marking
    машина для очистки ВПП
    runway sweeper
    минимально допустимая скорость прохождения порога ВПП
    minimum threshold speed
    наблюдение за дальностью видимости на ВПП
    runway visual range observation
    наиболее благоприятное направление ВПП
    favourable runway orientation
    направление ВПП
    1. runway heading
    2. runway orientation направление расположения ВПП
    runway direction
    начало ВПП
    end of runway
    недолет до торца ВПП
    нивелирование ВПП
    grading of runway
    нисходящий уклон ВПП
    downward slope
    нулевой уклон ВПП
    zero runway slope
    обзорный радиолокатор подхода к ВПП
    runway approach surveillance radar
    обледеневшая ВПП
    ice-bound runway
    обозначать границы ВПП
    delimit the runway
    обработка поверхности ВПП
    runway surface treatment
    огни ВПП высокой интенсивности
    high intensity runway lights
    огни зоны приземления на ВПП
    runway touchdown lights
    огни концевой зоны безопасности ВПП
    runway end safety area lights
    огни ограждения ВПП
    runway guard lights
    огни осевой линии ВПП
    runway centerline lights
    огни подхода к ВПП
    runway lead-in lights
    ограничительные огни ВПП
    runway end lights
    одновременная эксплуатация нескольких ВПП
    simultaneous use of runways
    опознавательные огни ВПП
    runway identifier lights
    опознавательные огни торца ВПП
    runway end identifier lights
    опознавательный знак ВПП
    runway designation marking
    ориентировка ВПП по магнитному меридиану
    magnetic orientation of runway
    освобождать ВПП
    1. leave the runway
    2. clear the runway осевая линия ВПП
    runway centerline
    основание ВПП
    runway drainage course
    основная ВПП
    1. primary runway
    2. main runway основная действующая ВПП
    regular runway
    ось ВПП
    runway center line
    открытая для полетов ВПП
    operational runway
    очерчивать границы ВПП
    delineate the runway
    очистительная машина для ВПП
    runway cleaner
    передвижной диспетчерский пункт в районе ВПП
    runway control van
    перед касанием ВПП
    prior to touchdown
    передняя кромка ВПП
    runway leading edge
    перекрещивающиеся ВПП
    пересечение ВПП
    runway intersection
    пограничный маяк ВПП
    runway boundary beacon
    подготовленная для полетов ВПП
    maintained runway
    подушка ВПП
    runway subgrade
    покатая ВПП
    downhill runway
    покрывать ВПП пеной
    foam a runway
    покрытая снегом ВПП
    snow-covered runway
    покрытие ВПП
    runway surface
    покрытие ВПП из гравия
    gravel runway surface
    пологий уклон ВПП
    flatter slope
    поперечный уклон ВПП
    transverse slope
    пористое покрытие ВПП
    porous runway surface
    посадка с повторным ударом после касания ВПП
    rebound landing
    посадочные огни ВПП
    runway edge lights
    посадочный прожектор ВПП
    runway floodlight
    превышение ВПП
    runway elevation
    превышение порога ВПП
    threshold elevation
    предпочтительная по уровню шума ВПП
    noise preferential runway
    прибор для замера ВПП
    продольный уклон ВПП
    longitudinal slope
    пролет над ВПП
    1. passing over the runway
    2. overflying the runway пропускная способность ВПП
    1. runway acceptance rate
    2. runway capacity профиль ВПП
    runway profile
    рабочая часть ВПП
    runway usable distance
    располагаемая длина ВПП
    available runway length
    рифленое покрытие ВПП
    grooved runway surface
    ровное покрытие ВПП
    smooth runway surface
    рулежная дорожка у торца ВПП
    runway access taxiway
    сбор за пользование ВПП
    runway user charge
    световой сигнал готовности ВПП
    runway clearance light
    светосигнальная система ВПП
    runway lighting system
    светосигнальное оборудование ВПП
    runway lighting
    сигнальные огни входа в створ ВПП
    runway alignment indicator lights
    система классификации ВПП
    runway classification system
    система огней подхода к ВПП
    runway lead-in lighting system
    скорость прохождения порога ВПП
    threshold speed
    скорость схода с ВПП
    turnoff speed
    скрытое препятствие в районе ВПП
    runway hidden hazard
    смещенный порог ВПП
    displaced runway threshold
    событие до момента касания ВПП
    occurrence to touchdown
    состояние готовности ВПП к полетам
    clear runway status
    средний уклон ВПП
    average slope
    сухая ВПП
    1. dry runway
    2. dry runway status схема расположения ВПП
    runway pattern
    сходить с ВПП
    turn off
    сцепление колес с поверхностью ВПП
    runway surface friction
    торможение на мокрой ВПП
    wet braking acquisition
    тормозное устройство на ВПП
    runway arresting gear
    травяное покрытие ВПП
    grass runway surface
    удельное давление на поверхность ВПП
    footprint pressure
    удлинение ВПП
    runway extension
    указатель входа в створ ВПП
    runway alignment indicator
    указатель пересечения рулежной дорожки и ВПП
    1. taxiway intersection sign
    2. runway intersection sign указатель скорости снижения на ВПП
    rising runway indicator
    уклон ВПП
    1. slope on runway
    2. runway slope 3. runway gradient уровень ВПП
    runway level
    уровень положения глаз над порогом ВПП
    eye height over the threshold
    уровень превышения порога ВПП
    threshold level
    условия в районе ВПП
    runway environment
    условный код ВПП
    runway pattern symbol
    устанавливать воздушное судно по оси ВПП
    align the aircraft with the runway
    утопленный огонь на поверхности ВПП
    runway flush light
    участок ВПП
    portion of a runway
    участок разворота на ВПП
    runway turning bay
    характеристика ВПП
    runway performance
    характеристика сцепления поверхности ВПП
    runway friction characteristic
    цементно-щебеночное покрытие ВПП
    macadam runway surface
    частная ВПП
    private air strip
    четко видеть ВПП
    have the runway in sight
    ширина ВПП
    runway width
    щебеночное покрытие ВПП
    crushed stone runway surface

    Русско-английский авиационный словарь > ВПП

  • 32 решение

    solution, decision, determination
    Альтернативное решение, данное Смитом [1], состоит в следующем... - An alternative solution given by Smith [lj is...
    Более стандартным (= обычным) является представление решения в терминах... - It is more usual to express the solution in terms of...
    Более удобные формы решения были получены Смитом [1]. - More convenient forms of solution have been obtained by Smith [1].
    Более удовлетворительное в этом отношении решение получается... - A more satisfactory solution in this regard is obtained by...
    Будем искать решение в виде... - Let us seek a solution of the form...
    В подобных случаях можно использовать приближенное решение. - In such cases, approximate solutions may be used.
    В этом случае наше решение более не является точным, потому что... - Our solution is no longer exact in this case, because...
    Давайте использовать это решение, чтобы получить... - Let us use this solution to obtain...
    Данное решение противоречит физическому смыслу в том, что... - A nonphysical aspect of this solution is that...
    Данные результаты могут быть использованы для проверки численного решения. - These results provide a useful check on numerical solutions.
    Для этой дилеммы не существует настоящего решения. - There is no real solution to this dilemma.
    Другой способ решения задачи начинается с уравнения... - Another attack on the problem starts from the equation...
    Еще более общие решения могли бы быть сконструированы (с помощью и т. п.)... - Still more general solutions may be constructed by...
    Здесь рассматривается общий метод получения этих решений. - A general method of obtaining these solutions is considered here.
    Имеются три способа решения такой задачи. - There are three ways of attacking such a problem.
    Итак, мы могли бы попытаться найти решение уравнения (1)... - Thus we may attempt to find a solution of (1) by...
    Качественное поведение решения легко представить графически, если... - The nature of the solution is easily pictured if we...
    Мы будем использовать это решение, чтобы построить... - We shall use this solution to construct...
    Мы ввели широкий спектр методов для решения... - We have introduced a wide range of procedures for solving...
    На интервале [0,1] имеется ровно одно решение х. - There is exactly one solution x in the interval [0,1].
    На самом деле данная проблема заключается в решении... - The problem is really one of solving...
    Наиболее элементарным способом решения уравнения (1) является... - The most elementary approach to the solution of (1) is...
    Нам необходимо определить решение... - We need to determine the solution of...
    Общее решение здесь невозможно, так как... - No general resolution is possible, since...
    Обоснованием для этой схемы решения служит то, что... - The justification for this solution scheme is that...
    Однако решения все еще могут быть получены, обращаясь к чисто численным методам. - Solutions can still be obtained, however, by resorting to purely numerical methods.
    Одно такое решение дается (формулой и т. п.)... - One such solution is given by...
    Окончательное решение является компромиссом между... - The final solution is a compromise between...
    Она (задача) будет иметь решение тогда и только тогда, когда... - This will have a solution if and only if...
    Очевидно, что эти решения не так ценны, как... - Clearly these solutions are not as valuable as...
    Перед тем как упростить данное решение, давайте проверим... - Before simplifying this solution, let us examine...
    Под решением этой задачи мы понимаем... - By solving this problem we mean that...
    Подобные решения наиболее полезны для вычисления... - Such solutions are most useful for calculating...
    Полное решение дается... - The full solution is given by...
    Получим теперь решение... - We shall now derive a solution of...
    Поучительно провести детальное решение... - It is instructive to carry out in detail the solution of...
    Прежде чем приступить к решению уравнения (3), мы сначала обсудим... - Preparatory to solving Eq. (3), we will first discuss...
    При а < 0 у уравнения (1) решение не существует. - Equation (1) has no solution for a < 0.
    При решении данной задачи валено отметить, что... - In solving this problem it is important to notice that...
    Приближенное решение получается... - The approximate solution is obtained by...
    Проблема... до сих пор не имеет удовлетворительного решения. - The problem of... has not yet been solved satisfactorily.
    Процесс решения усложняется наличием... - The solution process is complicated by the presence of...
    Решение может существовать только при выполнении следующих условий. - A solution can exist only under the following conditions.
    Решение не существует при р > 0. - A solution does not exist when p > 0.
    Решение подобной проблемы легко выводится из рассмотрения... - The solution to such a problem is readily deduced by considering...
    Решение этой дилеммы было предложено Смитом [1] в 1980 г. - A way out of this dilemma was proposed in 1980 by Smith [1].
    Решения этих уравнений можно получить графически (с помощью и т. п.)... - Solutions to these equations can be obtained graphically by...
    Решения этого уравнения называются... - Solutions to this equation are called...
    Решения этой задачи легко вытекают из... - Solutions of this problem follow readily from...
    Следовательно, мы обязаны изучить решения (уравнения и т. п.)... - We must therefore study solutions to...
    Следовательно, необходимое решение принимает вид:... - The required solution is therefore...
    Следовательно, полное решение имеет вид... - The complete solution is therefore...
    Следовательно, у нас получилось формальное решение для... - We therefore have a formal solution for...
    Следующий пример демонстрирует этот тип решения. - The next example demonstrates this type of solution.
    Существует много способов решения данной задачи. - There are many ways to solve this problem.
    Существуют разные пути решения этой задачи. - There are various ways of tackling this problem.
    Теперь у нас имеется полное решение для... - We now have a complete solution for...
    То, что данное решение является единственным, следует из... - That this solution is unique follows from...
    Точное решение возможно только если... - An exact solution is only possible if...
    Точные решения уравнения (1) могут быть получены в терминах известных функций, когда... - Exact solutions to (1) can be obtained in terms of known functions when...
    Чтобы завершить это решение, мы должны... - То complete the solution, we must...
    Эта глава представляет один подход к решению... - This chapter presents one approach to the solution of...
    Эта техника обеспечивает рациональный базис, на основе которого инженеры могут принимать решение относительно... - The technique provides a rational basis on which engineers can make decisions about...
    Эти уравнения имеют нетривиальное решение, только если... - These equations have a nontrivial solution only if...
    Эти уравнения редко имеют аналитические решения. - Analytical solutions to these equations are seldom possible.
    Это не будет точным решением, так как... - This will not be an exact solution since...
    Это решение можно получить наиболее просто, используя... - The solution is most readily obtained by the use of...
    Это решение основано на предположении, что... - This solution is based on the assumption that...
    Это решение основывается на предположении, что... - This solution is based on the assumption that...
    Это решение приложимо только если... - This solution applies strictly only when...
    Это уравнение имеет одно и только одно решение. - This equation has one and only one solution.
    Этот фундаментальный подход полезен при решении... - This fundamental approach is useful in solving...

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > решение

  • 33 trocken

    I Adj.
    1. dry (auch Brot, Husten, Kuh, fig. Bemerkung, Humor, Person, Wein); Land: auch arid; Holz: (well-)seasoned; trocken werden dry (out); im Trockenen somewhere dry, in a dry place; bei Regen: auch under shelter; trocken(es) Brot essen eat dry bread, fig. live on bread and water
    2. (langweilig) dry, dull, boring; Vokabeln lernen ist mir zu trocken learning (new) vocabulary is too dull ( oder a snore umg.)
    3. Akustik: dry; Knall: dry, sharp; trockener Knall auch crack; trockene Kälte crisp cold; eine trockene Rechte ans Kinn des Gegners a crisp right(hander) to ( oder on) his opponent’s jaw; ein trockener Schuss aus 15 Metern beim Fußball: a 15-yard ( oder -met|re, Am. -er) drive
    4. fig., in Wendungen: trockenen Auges fig. callously, without a qualm; da blieb kein Auge trocken umg. vor Lachen: we ( oder they) couldn’t stop laughing, we ( oder they) were falling about (Am. were doubled over oder rolling in the aisles); vor Rührung: there wasn’t a dry eye in the place auch iro., we etc. all had tears in our eyes; trocken sein umg. (keinen Alkohol mehr trinken) be on the wagon; ich sitze ( völlig) auf dem Trockenen umg., fig. (ohne Geld) I’m stony (Am. stone) broke ( oder completely on the rocks); (ohne Getränk) I’m staring into an empty glass, I’m parched; (ohne Information) I don’t know ( oder have no idea) what’s going on, I’m all at sea; (ich weiß nicht weiter) I’m stuck ( oder stymied); noch nicht trocken hinter den Ohren still wet behind the ears; Kehle 1, Schäfchen etc.
    II Adv.
    1. trocken nach Hause kommen get home before the rain really starts ( oder without getting wet); sich trocken rasieren dry-shave, use an electric shaver ( oder razor); trocken aufbewahren keep in a dry place; trocken stehen (Kuh) be dry
    2. fig.: trocken bemerken, dass... remark ( oder observe) drily that...; recht trocken geschrieben written in a pedestrian style, dull in its approach, unimaginative
    * * *
    (herb) dry;
    (humorlos) humourless;
    (nicht nass) arid; dry
    * * *
    trọ|cken ['trɔkn]
    1. adj
    1) dry; Gebiet arid (form), dry; Gedeck without wine etc; (inf ) Alkoholiker dry, off the bottle, on the wagon (inf)

    trocken werden — to dry; (Brot) to go or get or become dry

    ins Trockene kommen/gehen — to come/go into the dry (esp Brit) or out of the rain

    auf dem Trockenen sitzen (inf)to be in a tight spot (inf) or in difficulties

    → Schäfchen, Ohr
    2) (= langweilig) dry
    3) (= herb) Sekt, Sherry dry
    4) (fig) Humor, Art etc dry
    2. adv
    aufbewahren, lagern in a dry place

    die Haare trocken schneiden — to cut one's/sb's hair dry

    * * *
    1) (dry: The soil is rather arid.) arid
    2) (having little, or no, moisture, sap, rain etc: The ground is very dry; The leaves are dry and withered; I need to find dry socks for the children.) dry
    3) (uninteresting and not lively: a very dry book.) dry
    4) ((of humour or manner) quiet, restrained: a dry wit.) dry
    5) ((of wine) not sweet.) dry
    6) (in a quiet, restrained (and humorous) manner: He commented drily on the untidiness of the room.) drily
    7) (in a quiet, restrained (and humorous) manner: He commented drily on the untidiness of the room.) dryly
    * * *
    I. adj
    \trockener Boden dry [or arid] ground
    \trockene Erde dry [or arid] soil
    \trocken sein/werden to be/become dry
    dieser Lack wird nach dem Verstreichen rasch \trocken this paint dries very quickly [or is dry very soon] after being applied
    auf dem T\trockenen on dry land [or terra firma]
    im T\trockenen in the dry
    ein \trockenes Gebiet/ \trockener Landstrich/eine \trockene Wüste a dry [or arid] region/area/wilderness
    infolge des Treibhauseffektes soll das Klima \trockener werden the climate is expected to become drier as a result of the greenhouse effect
    4. KOCHK (herb) dry
    5. (nüchtern) dry, dull
    ein \trockenes Buch a dull book
    \trockene Zahlen dry [or bare] figures; (lapidar) dry
    6. (hart) dry
    \trocken sein to be on the wagon sl
    auf dem T\trockenen sitzen (fam) to be broke fam [or BRIT sl skint]; s.a. Auge, Fuß
    II. adv
    \trocken aufbewahren [o lagern] to keep [or store] in a dry place
    sich akk \trocken rasieren to use an electric razor [or a[n electric] shaver]
    * * *
    1) dry

    etwas trocken bügeln/reinigen — dry-iron/dry-clean something

    auf dem Trock[e]nen sitzen od. sein — (ugs.) be completely stuck (coll.); (pleite sein) be skint (Brit. sl.)

    2) (ohne Zutat)

    trockenes od. (ugs.) trocken Brot essen — eat dry bread

    3) (sachlich-langweilig) dry, factual <account, report, treatise>; bare <words, figures>; dull, dry < person>
    4) (unverblümt) dry <humour, remark, etc.>
    5) (dem Klang nach) dry <laugh, cough, sound>; sharp < crack>
    1) (sachlich-langweilig) <speak, write> drily, in a matter-of-fact way
    2) (unverblümt) drily
    * * *
    A. adj
    1. dry (auch Brot, Husten, Kuh, fig Bemerkung, Humor, Person, Wein); Land: auch arid; Holz: (well-)seasoned;
    trocken werden dry (out);
    im Trockenen somewhere dry, in a dry place; bei Regen: auch under shelter;
    trocken(es) Brot essen eat dry bread, fig live on bread and water
    2. (langweilig) dry, dull, boring;
    Vokabeln lernen ist mir zu trocken learning (new) vocabulary is too dull ( oder a snore umg)
    3. Akustik: dry; Knall: dry, sharp;
    trockene Kälte crisp cold;
    eine trockene Rechte ans Kinn des Gegners a crisp right(hander) to ( oder on) his opponent’s jaw;
    ein trockener Schuss aus 15 Metern beim Fußball: a 15-yard ( oder -metre, US -er) drive
    4. fig, in Wendungen:
    trockenen Auges fig callously, without a qualm;
    da blieb kein Auge trocken umg vor Lachen: we ( oder they) couldn’t stop laughing, we ( oder they) were falling about (US were doubled over oder rolling in the aisles); vor Rührung: there wasn’t a dry eye in the place auch iron, we etc all had tears in our eyes;
    trocken sein umg (keinen Alkohol mehr trinken) be on the wagon;
    ich sitze (völlig) auf dem Trockenen umg, fig (ohne Geld) I’m stony (US stone) broke ( oder completely on the rocks); (ohne Getränk) I’m staring into an empty glass, I’m parched; (ohne Information) I don’t know ( oder have no idea) what’s going on, I’m all at sea; (ich weiß nicht weiter) I’m stuck ( oder stymied);
    noch nicht trocken hinter den Ohren still wet behind the ears; Kehle 1, Schäfchen etc
    B. adv
    trocken nach Hause kommen get home before the rain really starts ( oder without getting wet);
    sich trocken rasieren dry-shave, use an electric shaver ( oder razor);
    trocken aufbewahren keep in a dry place;
    trocken reiben rub ( oder towel) dry;
    trocken reinigen dry-clean;
    nur trocken reinigen! Schild: dry-clean only;
    trocken wischen wipe sth dry
    2. fig:
    trocken bemerken, dass … remark ( oder observe) drily that …;
    recht trocken geschrieben written in a pedestrian style, dull in its approach, unimaginative
    * * *
    1) dry

    etwas trocken bügeln/reinigen — dry-iron/dry-clean something

    auf dem Trock[e]nen sitzen od. sein — (ugs.) be completely stuck (coll.); (pleite sein) be skint (Brit. sl.)

    2) (ohne Zutat)

    trockenes od. (ugs.) trocken Brot essen — eat dry bread

    3) (sachlich-langweilig) dry, factual <account, report, treatise>; bare <words, figures>; dull, dry < person>
    4) (unverblümt) dry <humour, remark, etc.>
    5) (dem Klang nach) dry <laugh, cough, sound>; sharp < crack>
    1) (sachlich-langweilig) <speak, write> drily, in a matter-of-fact way
    2) (unverblümt) drily
    * * *
    arid adj.
    bald adj.
    dry adj.
    jejune adj. adv.
    aridly adv.
    drily adv.
    dryly adv.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > trocken

  • 34 начин

    way, manner; mode; method; tenor
    начин на действие a course of action, a modus operandi
    начин на производство a method of production
    начин на изразяване phrasing
    начин на живот a way of life, a manner/mode of living
    начин на работа a method of work/procedure, approach
    начин на употреба (за лекарство) directions (for use)
    по какъв начин? in what way/manner? how? by what means?
    по никакъв/никой начин by no means; in no wise
    по този/такъв начин in this way; by this/that means; thus; by so doing
    по съвсем същия начин, както in much the same manner as
    по друг начин in a different way
    по начин, щото so that, in a manner that
    по какъвто и да е начин no matter how, by fair means or foul, in some/one way or another
    търся начин да look for a way to (do s.th.)
    намирам начин да направя нещо devise a means of doing s.th.
    начин за бързо забогатяване an avenue of wealth
    по втория/другия начин прен. through the back door
    няма начин да не one can't but; one is bound to
    няма начин да не стане it is sure/bound to happen
    * * *
    м., -и, (два) на̀чина way, manner; mode; method; tenor; използвам по най-добрия възможен \начин make the best of (s.th.); намирам \начин да направя нещо devise a means of doing s.th.; \начин за бързо забогатяване an avenue of wealth; \начин на действие a course of action, modus operandi; \начин на живот a way of life, a manner/mode of living; \начин на изразяване phrasing; \начин на производство method of production; \начин на работа a method of work/procedure, approach; \начин на употреба (за лекарство) directions (for use); по един или друг \начин in one way or another; по какъв \начин? in what way/manner? how? by what means? по какъвто и да е \начин no matter how, by fair means or foul, in some/one way or another; по който \начин thereby; по никакъв/никой \начин by no means; in no wise; по този/такъв \начин in this way; by this/that means, thus; by so doing; търся \начин да look for a way to (do s.th.); • няма \начин да не one can’t but; one is bound to; няма \начин да не стане it is sure/bound to happen; по втория/другия \начин прен. through the back door.
    * * *
    device; fashion: a начин of living - начин на живот; mean; method; poise{pOiz}; resource; style{stail}; way: in this начин - по този начин
    * * *
    1. way, manner;mode;method;tenor 2. НАЧИН за бързо забогатяване an avenue of wealth 3. НАЧИН на действие a course of action, a modus operandi 4. НАЧИН на живот a way of life, a manner/mode of living 5. НАЧИН на изразяване phrasing 6. НАЧИН на производство a method of production 7. НАЧИН на работа a method of work/procedure, approach 8. НАЧИН на употреба (за лекарство) directions (for use) 9. използувам по най-добрия възможен НАЧИН make the best of (s.th.) 10. намирам НАЧИН да направя нещо devise a means of doing s. th. 11. няма НАЧИН да не one can't but;one is bound to 12. няма НАЧИН да не стане it is sure/bound to happen 13. по НАЧИН, щото so that, in a manner that 14. по втория/другия НАЧИН прен. through the back door 15. по друг НАЧИН in a different way 16. по един или друг НАЧИН in one way or another 17. по какъв НАЧИН ? in what way/manner?how?by what means? 18. по какъвто и да е НАЧИН no matter how, by fair means or foul, in some/one way or another 19. по който НАЧИН thereby 20. по никакъв/никой НАЧИН by no means;in no wise 21. по съвсем същия НАЧИН, както in much the same manner as 22. по този/такъв НАЧИН in this way;by this/that means;thus;by so doing 23. търся НАЧИН да look for a way to (do s.th.)

    Български-английски речник > начин

  • 35 Artificial Intelligence

       In my opinion, none of [these programs] does even remote justice to the complexity of human mental processes. Unlike men, "artificially intelligent" programs tend to be single minded, undistractable, and unemotional. (Neisser, 1967, p. 9)
       Future progress in [artificial intelligence] will depend on the development of both practical and theoretical knowledge.... As regards theoretical knowledge, some have sought a unified theory of artificial intelligence. My view is that artificial intelligence is (or soon will be) an engineering discipline since its primary goal is to build things. (Nilsson, 1971, pp. vii-viii)
       Most workers in AI [artificial intelligence] research and in related fields confess to a pronounced feeling of disappointment in what has been achieved in the last 25 years. Workers entered the field around 1950, and even around 1960, with high hopes that are very far from being realized in 1972. In no part of the field have the discoveries made so far produced the major impact that was then promised.... In the meantime, claims and predictions regarding the potential results of AI research had been publicized which went even farther than the expectations of the majority of workers in the field, whose embarrassments have been added to by the lamentable failure of such inflated predictions....
       When able and respected scientists write in letters to the present author that AI, the major goal of computing science, represents "another step in the general process of evolution"; that possibilities in the 1980s include an all-purpose intelligence on a human-scale knowledge base; that awe-inspiring possibilities suggest themselves based on machine intelligence exceeding human intelligence by the year 2000 [one has the right to be skeptical]. (Lighthill, 1972, p. 17)
       4) Just as Astronomy Succeeded Astrology, the Discovery of Intellectual Processes in Machines Should Lead to a Science, Eventually
       Just as astronomy succeeded astrology, following Kepler's discovery of planetary regularities, the discoveries of these many principles in empirical explorations on intellectual processes in machines should lead to a science, eventually. (Minsky & Papert, 1973, p. 11)
       Many problems arise in experiments on machine intelligence because things obvious to any person are not represented in any program. One can pull with a string, but one cannot push with one.... Simple facts like these caused serious problems when Charniak attempted to extend Bobrow's "Student" program to more realistic applications, and they have not been faced up to until now. (Minsky & Papert, 1973, p. 77)
       What do we mean by [a symbolic] "description"? We do not mean to suggest that our descriptions must be made of strings of ordinary language words (although they might be). The simplest kind of description is a structure in which some features of a situation are represented by single ("primitive") symbols, and relations between those features are represented by other symbols-or by other features of the way the description is put together. (Minsky & Papert, 1973, p. 11)
       [AI is] the use of computer programs and programming techniques to cast light on the principles of intelligence in general and human thought in particular. (Boden, 1977, p. 5)
       The word you look for and hardly ever see in the early AI literature is the word knowledge. They didn't believe you have to know anything, you could always rework it all.... In fact 1967 is the turning point in my mind when there was enough feeling that the old ideas of general principles had to go.... I came up with an argument for what I called the primacy of expertise, and at the time I called the other guys the generalists. (Moses, quoted in McCorduck, 1979, pp. 228-229)
       9) Artificial Intelligence Is Psychology in a Particularly Pure and Abstract Form
       The basic idea of cognitive science is that intelligent beings are semantic engines-in other words, automatic formal systems with interpretations under which they consistently make sense. We can now see why this includes psychology and artificial intelligence on a more or less equal footing: people and intelligent computers (if and when there are any) turn out to be merely different manifestations of the same underlying phenomenon. Moreover, with universal hardware, any semantic engine can in principle be formally imitated by a computer if only the right program can be found. And that will guarantee semantic imitation as well, since (given the appropriate formal behavior) the semantics is "taking care of itself" anyway. Thus we also see why, from this perspective, artificial intelligence can be regarded as psychology in a particularly pure and abstract form. The same fundamental structures are under investigation, but in AI, all the relevant parameters are under direct experimental control (in the programming), without any messy physiology or ethics to get in the way. (Haugeland, 1981b, p. 31)
       There are many different kinds of reasoning one might imagine:
        Formal reasoning involves the syntactic manipulation of data structures to deduce new ones following prespecified rules of inference. Mathematical logic is the archetypical formal representation. Procedural reasoning uses simulation to answer questions and solve problems. When we use a program to answer What is the sum of 3 and 4? it uses, or "runs," a procedural model of arithmetic. Reasoning by analogy seems to be a very natural mode of thought for humans but, so far, difficult to accomplish in AI programs. The idea is that when you ask the question Can robins fly? the system might reason that "robins are like sparrows, and I know that sparrows can fly, so robins probably can fly."
        Generalization and abstraction are also natural reasoning process for humans that are difficult to pin down well enough to implement in a program. If one knows that Robins have wings, that Sparrows have wings, and that Blue jays have wings, eventually one will believe that All birds have wings. This capability may be at the core of most human learning, but it has not yet become a useful technique in AI.... Meta- level reasoning is demonstrated by the way one answers the question What is Paul Newman's telephone number? You might reason that "if I knew Paul Newman's number, I would know that I knew it, because it is a notable fact." This involves using "knowledge about what you know," in particular, about the extent of your knowledge and about the importance of certain facts. Recent research in psychology and AI indicates that meta-level reasoning may play a central role in human cognitive processing. (Barr & Feigenbaum, 1981, pp. 146-147)
       Suffice it to say that programs already exist that can do things-or, at the very least, appear to be beginning to do things-which ill-informed critics have asserted a priori to be impossible. Examples include: perceiving in a holistic as opposed to an atomistic way; using language creatively; translating sensibly from one language to another by way of a language-neutral semantic representation; planning acts in a broad and sketchy fashion, the details being decided only in execution; distinguishing between different species of emotional reaction according to the psychological context of the subject. (Boden, 1981, p. 33)
       Can the synthesis of Man and Machine ever be stable, or will the purely organic component become such a hindrance that it has to be discarded? If this eventually happens-and I have... good reasons for thinking that it must-we have nothing to regret and certainly nothing to fear. (Clarke, 1984, p. 243)
       The thesis of GOFAI... is not that the processes underlying intelligence can be described symbolically... but that they are symbolic. (Haugeland, 1985, p. 113)
        14) Artificial Intelligence Provides a Useful Approach to Psychological and Psychiatric Theory Formation
       It is all very well formulating psychological and psychiatric theories verbally but, when using natural language (even technical jargon), it is difficult to recognise when a theory is complete; oversights are all too easily made, gaps too readily left. This is a point which is generally recognised to be true and it is for precisely this reason that the behavioural sciences attempt to follow the natural sciences in using "classical" mathematics as a more rigorous descriptive language. However, it is an unfortunate fact that, with a few notable exceptions, there has been a marked lack of success in this application. It is my belief that a different approach-a different mathematics-is needed, and that AI provides just this approach. (Hand, quoted in Hand, 1985, pp. 6-7)
       We might distinguish among four kinds of AI.
       Research of this kind involves building and programming computers to perform tasks which, to paraphrase Marvin Minsky, would require intelligence if they were done by us. Researchers in nonpsychological AI make no claims whatsoever about the psychological realism of their programs or the devices they build, that is, about whether or not computers perform tasks as humans do.
       Research here is guided by the view that the computer is a useful tool in the study of mind. In particular, we can write computer programs or build devices that simulate alleged psychological processes in humans and then test our predictions about how the alleged processes work. We can weave these programs and devices together with other programs and devices that simulate different alleged mental processes and thereby test the degree to which the AI system as a whole simulates human mentality. According to weak psychological AI, working with computer models is a way of refining and testing hypotheses about processes that are allegedly realized in human minds.
    ... According to this view, our minds are computers and therefore can be duplicated by other computers. Sherry Turkle writes that the "real ambition is of mythic proportions, making a general purpose intelligence, a mind." (Turkle, 1984, p. 240) The authors of a major text announce that "the ultimate goal of AI research is to build a person or, more humbly, an animal." (Charniak & McDermott, 1985, p. 7)
       Research in this field, like strong psychological AI, takes seriously the functionalist view that mentality can be realized in many different types of physical devices. Suprapsychological AI, however, accuses strong psychological AI of being chauvinisticof being only interested in human intelligence! Suprapsychological AI claims to be interested in all the conceivable ways intelligence can be realized. (Flanagan, 1991, pp. 241-242)
        16) Determination of Relevance of Rules in Particular Contexts
       Even if the [rules] were stored in a context-free form the computer still couldn't use them. To do that the computer requires rules enabling it to draw on just those [ rules] which are relevant in each particular context. Determination of relevance will have to be based on further facts and rules, but the question will again arise as to which facts and rules are relevant for making each particular determination. One could always invoke further facts and rules to answer this question, but of course these must be only the relevant ones. And so it goes. It seems that AI workers will never be able to get started here unless they can settle the problem of relevance beforehand by cataloguing types of context and listing just those facts which are relevant in each. (Dreyfus & Dreyfus, 1986, p. 80)
       Perhaps the single most important idea to artificial intelligence is that there is no fundamental difference between form and content, that meaning can be captured in a set of symbols such as a semantic net. (G. Johnson, 1986, p. 250)
        18) The Assumption That the Mind Is a Formal System
       Artificial intelligence is based on the assumption that the mind can be described as some kind of formal system manipulating symbols that stand for things in the world. Thus it doesn't matter what the brain is made of, or what it uses for tokens in the great game of thinking. Using an equivalent set of tokens and rules, we can do thinking with a digital computer, just as we can play chess using cups, salt and pepper shakers, knives, forks, and spoons. Using the right software, one system (the mind) can be mapped into the other (the computer). (G. Johnson, 1986, p. 250)
        19) A Statement of the Primary and Secondary Purposes of Artificial Intelligence
       The primary goal of Artificial Intelligence is to make machines smarter.
       The secondary goals of Artificial Intelligence are to understand what intelligence is (the Nobel laureate purpose) and to make machines more useful (the entrepreneurial purpose). (Winston, 1987, p. 1)
       The theoretical ideas of older branches of engineering are captured in the language of mathematics. We contend that mathematical logic provides the basis for theory in AI. Although many computer scientists already count logic as fundamental to computer science in general, we put forward an even stronger form of the logic-is-important argument....
       AI deals mainly with the problem of representing and using declarative (as opposed to procedural) knowledge. Declarative knowledge is the kind that is expressed as sentences, and AI needs a language in which to state these sentences. Because the languages in which this knowledge usually is originally captured (natural languages such as English) are not suitable for computer representations, some other language with the appropriate properties must be used. It turns out, we think, that the appropriate properties include at least those that have been uppermost in the minds of logicians in their development of logical languages such as the predicate calculus. Thus, we think that any language for expressing knowledge in AI systems must be at least as expressive as the first-order predicate calculus. (Genesereth & Nilsson, 1987, p. viii)
        21) Perceptual Structures Can Be Represented as Lists of Elementary Propositions
       In artificial intelligence studies, perceptual structures are represented as assemblages of description lists, the elementary components of which are propositions asserting that certain relations hold among elements. (Chase & Simon, 1988, p. 490)
       Artificial intelligence (AI) is sometimes defined as the study of how to build and/or program computers to enable them to do the sorts of things that minds can do. Some of these things are commonly regarded as requiring intelligence: offering a medical diagnosis and/or prescription, giving legal or scientific advice, proving theorems in logic or mathematics. Others are not, because they can be done by all normal adults irrespective of educational background (and sometimes by non-human animals too), and typically involve no conscious control: seeing things in sunlight and shadows, finding a path through cluttered terrain, fitting pegs into holes, speaking one's own native tongue, and using one's common sense. Because it covers AI research dealing with both these classes of mental capacity, this definition is preferable to one describing AI as making computers do "things that would require intelligence if done by people." However, it presupposes that computers could do what minds can do, that they might really diagnose, advise, infer, and understand. One could avoid this problematic assumption (and also side-step questions about whether computers do things in the same way as we do) by defining AI instead as "the development of computers whose observable performance has features which in humans we would attribute to mental processes." This bland characterization would be acceptable to some AI workers, especially amongst those focusing on the production of technological tools for commercial purposes. But many others would favour a more controversial definition, seeing AI as the science of intelligence in general-or, more accurately, as the intellectual core of cognitive science. As such, its goal is to provide a systematic theory that can explain (and perhaps enable us to replicate) both the general categories of intentionality and the diverse psychological capacities grounded in them. (Boden, 1990b, pp. 1-2)
       Because the ability to store data somewhat corresponds to what we call memory in human beings, and because the ability to follow logical procedures somewhat corresponds to what we call reasoning in human beings, many members of the cult have concluded that what computers do somewhat corresponds to what we call thinking. It is no great difficulty to persuade the general public of that conclusion since computers process data very fast in small spaces well below the level of visibility; they do not look like other machines when they are at work. They seem to be running along as smoothly and silently as the brain does when it remembers and reasons and thinks. On the other hand, those who design and build computers know exactly how the machines are working down in the hidden depths of their semiconductors. Computers can be taken apart, scrutinized, and put back together. Their activities can be tracked, analyzed, measured, and thus clearly understood-which is far from possible with the brain. This gives rise to the tempting assumption on the part of the builders and designers that computers can tell us something about brains, indeed, that the computer can serve as a model of the mind, which then comes to be seen as some manner of information processing machine, and possibly not as good at the job as the machine. (Roszak, 1994, pp. xiv-xv)
       The inner workings of the human mind are far more intricate than the most complicated systems of modern technology. Researchers in the field of artificial intelligence have been attempting to develop programs that will enable computers to display intelligent behavior. Although this field has been an active one for more than thirty-five years and has had many notable successes, AI researchers still do not know how to create a program that matches human intelligence. No existing program can recall facts, solve problems, reason, learn, and process language with human facility. This lack of success has occurred not because computers are inferior to human brains but rather because we do not yet know in sufficient detail how intelligence is organized in the brain. (Anderson, 1995, p. 2)

    Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Artificial Intelligence

  • 36 ansprechen

    (unreg., trennb., hat -ge-)
    I v/t
    1. (jemanden) speak to ( auf + Akk about); jemanden mit Vornamen / seinem Titel ansprechen address s.o. by his ( oder her) first name / title; ansprechen als address as; (herantreten an, auch einen Fremden) approach (about, on); in sexueller Absicht: accost, solicit; ich habe ihn einfach angesprochen (ein Gespräch angefangen) I just started talking to him; ich fühle mich nicht angesprochen it’s got nothing to do with me; keiner fühlt sich angesprochen nobody wants anything to do with it ( oder wants to know)
    2. (eine Zielgruppe) appeal to, target; (erreichen) reach
    3. (Fragen, Probleme) touch (up)on
    II v/i
    1. ( auf + Akk) (reagieren) Patient etc.: respond (to); Messgerät: react; Bremse, Lenkung: gut / schlecht ansprechen respond well / poorly
    2. (wirken) Medizin: have the desired effect, work; die Medizin spricht bei ihm nicht an he’s not responding ( oder reacting) to the medicine, the medicine’s having no effect on him
    III vt/i Sache: (gefallen) appeal to s.o.; go down well ( bei with); einen breiten Kreis ansprechen have wide appeal, be very popular
    * * *
    to speak to; to respond; to accost; to address
    * * *
    ạn|spre|chen sep
    1. vt
    1) (= anreden) to speak to; (= das Wort an jdn richten, mit Titel, Vornamen etc) to address; (belästigend) to accost

    /um etw ansprechen — to ask or approach sb about/for sth

    es kommt darauf an, wie man die Leute anspricht — it depends on how you talk to people

    2) (= gefallen) to appeal to; (= Eindruck machen auf) to make an impression on
    4) (= erwähnen) to mention
    2. vi
    1) (auf +acc to) (= reagieren) (Patient, Gaspedal etc) to respond; (Messgerät) to react, to respond

    diese Tabletten sprechen bei ihr nicht anthese tablets don't have any effect on her

    2) (= Anklang finden) to go down well, to meet with a good response
    * * *
    1) (to show a good reaction eg to some course of treatment: His illness did not respond to treatment by drugs.) respond
    2) (to pronounce: In the word `pneumonia', the letter p is not sounded.) sound
    * * *
    I. vt
    jdn \ansprechen to speak to sb
    jdn [mit Kasimir/seinem Namen/seinem Titel] \ansprechen to address sb [as Kasimir/by his name/by his title]
    jdn auf etw akk \ansprechen to approach sb about sth
    4. (bitten)
    jdn um etw akk \ansprechen to ask sb for sth, to request sth of sb form
    5. (meinen)
    jdn \ansprechen to concern sb
    etw \ansprechen to mention sth
    jdn \ansprechen to appeal to sb
    jdn \ansprechen to impress sb
    II. vi
    auf etw akk \ansprechen to respond to sth
    bei jdm \ansprechen to make an impression on sb
    bei etw dat/auf etw akk \ansprechen to respond to sth
    3. (Anklang finden)
    [bei jdm] \ansprechen to appeal to sb, to make an impression [on sb]
    sehr \ansprechen to make a strong impression
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges transitives Verb
    1) speak to; (zudringlich) accost

    jemanden mit ‘Herr Doktor’ ansprechen — address somebody as ‘doctor’

    jemanden auf etwas/jemanden ansprechen — speak to somebody about something/somebody

    2) (gefallen) appeal to
    3) (zur Sprache bringen) mention; (kurz, oberflächlich) touch on
    unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb
    1) (reagieren) < patient, brake, clutch, etc.> respond (auf + Akk. to)
    2) (wirken) work

    bei jemandem gut/nicht ansprechen — have/not have the desired effect on somebody

    * * *
    ansprechen (irr, trennb, hat -ge-)
    A. v/t
    1. (jemanden) speak to (
    auf +akk about);
    jemanden mit Vornamen/seinem Titel ansprechen address sb by his ( oder her) first name/title;
    ansprechen als address as; (herantreten an, auch einen Fremden) approach (about, on); in sexueller Absicht: accost, solicit;
    ich habe ihn einfach angesprochen (ein Gespräch angefangen) I just started talking to him;
    ich fühle mich nicht angesprochen it’s got nothing to do with me;
    keiner fühlt sich angesprochen nobody wants anything to do with it ( oder wants to know)
    2. (eine Zielgruppe) appeal to, target; (erreichen) reach
    3. (Fragen, Probleme) touch (up)on
    B. v/i
    1. (
    auf +akk) (reagieren) Patient etc: respond (to); Messgerät: react; Bremse, Lenkung:
    gut/schlecht ansprechen respond well/poorly
    2. (wirken) Medizin: have the desired effect, work;
    die Medizin spricht bei ihm nicht an he’s not responding ( oder reacting) to the medicine, the medicine’s having no effect on him
    C. v/t & v/i Sache: (gefallen) appeal to sb; go down well (
    bei with);
    einen breiten Kreis ansprechen have wide appeal, be very popular
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges transitives Verb
    1) speak to; (zudringlich) accost

    jemanden mit ‘Herr Doktor’ ansprechen — address somebody as ‘doctor’

    jemanden auf etwas/jemanden ansprechen — speak to somebody about something/somebody

    2) (gefallen) appeal to
    3) (zur Sprache bringen) mention; (kurz, oberflächlich) touch on
    unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb
    1) (reagieren) <patient, brake, clutch, etc.> respond (auf + Akk. to)
    2) (wirken) work

    bei jemandem gut/nicht ansprechen — have/not have the desired effect on somebody

    * * *
    to accost v.
    to respond v.
    to speak to v.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > ansprechen

  • 37 basado

    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: basar.
    * * *
    * aprendizaje basado en la memorización = rote learning.
    * basado en casos prácticos reales = case-based [case based].
    * basado en criterios = criteria-based.
    * basado en datos objetivos = informed.
    * basado en discos ópticos = optical disc based.
    * basado en el autor = author-based.
    * basado en el comentario personal = reportage-based.
    * basado en el conocimiento = knowledge-based.
    * basado en el desarrollo de destrezas prácticas = competency based.
    * basado en el empleado = employee-centered.
    * basado en el estudiante = student-centred.
    * basado en el hombre = human-centred [human-centered, -USA].
    * basado en el microordenador = micro-based.
    * basado en el objeto = artefact-centred [artefact-centered, -USA].
    * basado en el papel = paper-based.
    * basado en el rendimiento = performance-based.
    * basado en el tiempo = time-based.
    * basado en el trabajo en equipo = team-based.
    * basado en el usuario = use-based, client-centred [client-centered, -USA].
    * basado en facetas = facet-based.
    * basado en fichas = card-based.
    * basado en ideogramas = ideographic.
    * basado en imágenes gráficas = graphics-based.
    * basado en índices = index-based.
    * basado en Internet = Internet-based.
    * basado en la adquisición de contenidos teóricos = content based.
    * basado en la biblioteca = library-based.
    * basado en la calidad = quality-oriented.
    * basado en la colección = collection-centred, materials-centred [materials-centered], collection-based.
    * basado en la evidencia = evidence based [evidence-based].
    * basado en la evidencia empírica = evidence based [evidence-based].
    * basado en la información = information-based, information-intensive.
    * basado en la inteligencia artificial = AI-based.
    * basado en la lectura = book-centred.
    * basado en la OCLC = OCLC-based.
    * basado en la práctica = empirically-based, grounded in practice, practice-based.
    * basado en la realidad = reality-based.
    * basado en las disciplinas del conocimiento = discipline-based.
    * basado en las imágenes = image intensive.
    * basado en la tecnología = technologically-based, technology-based, technology-centred [technology-centered, -USA].
    * basado en la teoría = grounded in theory.
    * basado en la TI = IT-based.
    * basado en los costes = cost-based [cost based].
    * basado en los datos = data-driven.
    * basado en los objetos = object-specific.
    * basado en los recursos = resource-based.
    * basado en manualidades = craft-based.
    * basado en mapas = map-based.
    * basado en material impreso = print-based.
    * basado en microfichas = microfiche-based.
    * basado en OSI = OSI-based.
    * basado en Pascal = Pascal-based.
    * basado en película = film-based [film based].
    * basado en principios = principled.
    * basado en tablas = table-driven.
    * basado en tecnología web = Web-based.
    * basado en un gestor de bases de datos = DBMS-based.
    * basado en un método empírico = enquiry-based [inquiry-based, -USA].
    * basado en un método práctico = enquiry-based [inquiry-based, -USA].
    * basado en ventanas = window-based.
    * contrato basado en las diferencias de género = gender contract.
    * economía basada en el conocimiento = knowledge driven economy.
    * enseñanza basada en los resultados finales = outcome based education.
    * estudio basado en un cuestionario = questionnaire survey.
    * método basado en modelos = modelling approach [modeling approach, -USA].
    * sistema basado en el conocimiento = knowledge-base system.
    * sistema basado en las imágenes = image-based system.
    * sociedad basada en el conocimiento = knowledge based society.
    * tarifa basada en la utilización de un servicio = traffic-based pricing.
    * * *
    * aprendizaje basado en la memorización = rote learning.
    * basado en casos prácticos reales = case-based [case based].
    * basado en criterios = criteria-based.
    * basado en datos objetivos = informed.
    * basado en discos ópticos = optical disc based.
    * basado en el autor = author-based.
    * basado en el comentario personal = reportage-based.
    * basado en el conocimiento = knowledge-based.
    * basado en el desarrollo de destrezas prácticas = competency based.
    * basado en el empleado = employee-centered.
    * basado en el estudiante = student-centred.
    * basado en el hombre = human-centred [human-centered, -USA].
    * basado en el microordenador = micro-based.
    * basado en el objeto = artefact-centred [artefact-centered, -USA].
    * basado en el papel = paper-based.
    * basado en el rendimiento = performance-based.
    * basado en el tiempo = time-based.
    * basado en el trabajo en equipo = team-based.
    * basado en el usuario = use-based, client-centred [client-centered, -USA].
    * basado en facetas = facet-based.
    * basado en fichas = card-based.
    * basado en ideogramas = ideographic.
    * basado en imágenes gráficas = graphics-based.
    * basado en índices = index-based.
    * basado en Internet = Internet-based.
    * basado en la adquisición de contenidos teóricos = content based.
    * basado en la biblioteca = library-based.
    * basado en la calidad = quality-oriented.
    * basado en la colección = collection-centred, materials-centred [materials-centered], collection-based.
    * basado en la evidencia = evidence based [evidence-based].
    * basado en la evidencia empírica = evidence based [evidence-based].
    * basado en la información = information-based, information-intensive.
    * basado en la inteligencia artificial = AI-based.
    * basado en la lectura = book-centred.
    * basado en la OCLC = OCLC-based.
    * basado en la práctica = empirically-based, grounded in practice, practice-based.
    * basado en la realidad = reality-based.
    * basado en las disciplinas del conocimiento = discipline-based.
    * basado en las imágenes = image intensive.
    * basado en la tecnología = technologically-based, technology-based, technology-centred [technology-centered, -USA].
    * basado en la teoría = grounded in theory.
    * basado en la TI = IT-based.
    * basado en los costes = cost-based [cost based].
    * basado en los datos = data-driven.
    * basado en los objetos = object-specific.
    * basado en los recursos = resource-based.
    * basado en manualidades = craft-based.
    * basado en mapas = map-based.
    * basado en material impreso = print-based.
    * basado en microfichas = microfiche-based.
    * basado en OSI = OSI-based.
    * basado en Pascal = Pascal-based.
    * basado en película = film-based [film based].
    * basado en principios = principled.
    * basado en tablas = table-driven.
    * basado en tecnología web = Web-based.
    * basado en un gestor de bases de datos = DBMS-based.
    * basado en un método empírico = enquiry-based [inquiry-based, -USA].
    * basado en un método práctico = enquiry-based [inquiry-based, -USA].
    * basado en ventanas = window-based.
    * contrato basado en las diferencias de género = gender contract.
    * economía basada en el conocimiento = knowledge driven economy.
    * enseñanza basada en los resultados finales = outcome based education.
    * estudio basado en un cuestionario = questionnaire survey.
    * método basado en modelos = modelling approach [modeling approach, -USA].
    * sistema basado en el conocimiento = knowledge-base system.
    * sistema basado en las imágenes = image-based system.
    * sociedad basada en el conocimiento = knowledge based society.
    * tarifa basada en la utilización de un servicio = traffic-based pricing.

    Spanish-English dictionary > basado

  • 38 camino de acceso

    Ex. Approach paths to site should be wide and non-slippery with liberal use being made of ramps.
    * * *

    Ex: Approach paths to site should be wide and non-slippery with liberal use being made of ramps.

    Spanish-English dictionary > camino de acceso

  • 39 conocimiento

    1 knowledge.
    hablar/actuar con conocimiento de causa to know what one is talking about/doing
    poner algo en conocimiento de alguien to bring something to somebody's attention, to inform somebody of something
    tener conocimiento de algo to be aware of something
    ha llegado a mi conocimiento que estás insatisfecho it has come to my attention that you are not happy
    2 consciousness (sentido, conciencia).
    perder/recobrar el conocimiento to lose/regain consciousness
    estaba tumbado en el suelo, sin conocimiento he was lying unconscious on the floor
    3 awareness, consciousness, cognizance.
    * * *
    1 (In 1, also used in plural with the same meaning) (saber) knowledge
    2 (sensatez) good sense
    3 (conciencia) consciousness
    con conocimiento de causa with full knowledge of the facts
    perder el conocimiento to lose consciousness
    poner algo en conocimiento de alguien to make something known to somebody, inform somebody of something
    recobrar el conocimiento to regain consciousness, come round
    tener conocimiento de algo to know about something
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *
    1) (=saber) knowledge

    conocimientos(=nociones) knowledge sing

    mis pocos conocimientos de filosofía/cocina — my limited knowledge of philosophy/cookery

    2) (=información) knowledge

    dar conocimiento de algo, dimos conocimiento del robo a la policía — we informed the police about the robbery

    llegar a conocimiento de algn — to come to sb's attention o notice

    tener conocimiento de algo, aún no tenemos conocimiento de su detención — we still do not know that he has been arrested

    desea ponerlo en conocimiento público — he wants it brought to the public's attention, he wishes it to be made public

    conocimiento de causa, hacer algo con conocimiento de causa — to be fully aware of what one is doing

    3) (=consciencia) consciousness

    recobrar o recuperar el conocimiento — to regain consciousness

    4) (=sentido común) common sense
    5) (Jur) cognizance frm
    6) (Com)
    * * *
    a) ( saber) knowledge
    b) conocimientos masculino plural ( nociones) knowledge
    2) (frml) ( información)

    dar conocimiento de algo a alguiento inform o (frml) apprise somebody of something

    pongo en su conocimiento que... — (Corresp) I am writing to inform you that...

    con conocimiento de causa: obró con conocimiento de causa (frml) he took this step, fully aware of what the consequences would be; hablo con conocimiento de causa — I know what I'm talking about

    3) ( sentido) consciousness

    perder/recobrar el conocimiento — to lose/regain consciousness

    aún es pequeño, no tiene todavía conocimiento — he's not old enough to understand

    * * *
    = cognition, competency, enlightenment, expertise, familiarisation [familiarization, -USA], familiarity, insight, knowledge, learning, acquaintance, understanding, cognisance [cognizance, -USA], connoisseurship, consciousness.
    Ex. The information-processing model of cognition, and developments in artificial intelligence encourage such comparisons = El modelo de la cognición sobre el procesamiento de la información de y los avances de la inteligencia artificial fomentan este tipo de comparaciones.
    Ex. SLIS programmes intended to 'produce' librarians with competency in the use of IT have to be designed.
    Ex. Considered as necessary work in the interest of humanity and general enlightenment, bibliography gains ground as the years pass.
    Ex. Its primary function is to provide a centre for software and hardware expertise for its members.
    Ex. Step 1 Familiarisation: This first step involves the indexer in becoming conversant with the subject content of the document to be indexed.
    Ex. The most effective searchers are those who have both system experience and some familiarity with the subject area in which they are searching.
    Ex. The human indexer works mechanically and rapidly; he should require no insight into the document content.
    Ex. These factors form the basis of the problems in identifying a satisfactory subject approach, and start to explain the vast array of different tolls used in the subject approach to knowledge.
    Ex. It is the responsibility of educators to stretch their student's intellects, hone their skills of intuitive judgment and synthesis, and build a love of learning that will sustain them beyond the level of formal education.
    Ex. It is only with accumulating experience and many years of close study and acquaintance with bibliographic works that a really substantial body of knowledge of the potential of bibliographic sources is acquired.
    Ex. We librarians ought to have a clearer understanding of our stock-in-trade (books) and their function of social mechanism.
    Ex. The passive cognisance of growth causes considerable difficulties = El conocimiento pasivo del crecimiento causa dificultades importantes.
    Ex. This book explores the underlying institutional factors that help museum-based connoisseurship and aestheticism and university-based critical theory and revisionist scholarship exist.
    Ex. For example, the latter are unlikely to engage themselves in conservation issues as these now press upon the professional consciousness of librarians.
    * actualizar los conocimientos = upgrade + Posesivo + skills.
    * adquirir conocimiento = gain + knowledge, glean + knowledge, acquire + knowledge, build up + knowledge.
    * ampliar el conocimiento = expand + Posesivo + knowledge, expand + Posesivo + knowledge, widen + knowledge, broaden + knowledge, deepen + understanding.
    * ampliar las fronteras del conocimiento = push back + the frontiers of knowledge.
    * análisis de áreas del conocimiento = domain analysis.
    * análisis de dominios del conocimiento = domain analysis.
    * aprendizaje rico en conocimiento = knowledge-rich learning.
    * área de conocimiento = area of study.
    * área del conocimiento = area of knowledge, discipline, subject field, field of activity, knowledge domain, discipline of knowledge.
    * aumentar el conocimiento = expand + Posesivo + knowledge, deepen + awareness.
    * aumento del conocimiento = knowledge building.
    * bannco de conocimiento = knowledge bank.
    * basado en el conocimiento = knowledge-based.
    * basado en las disciplinas del conocimiento = discipline-based.
    * bibliotecario con conocimientos de medicina = informationist.
    * búsqueda del conocimiento = quest for/of knowledge.
    * campo del conocimiento = field of knowledge.
    * centrado en el conocimiento = knowledge-centric.
    * ciencia del conocimiento = cognitive science.
    * compartir el conocimiento = knowledge sharing, pool + knowledge.
    * con conocimiento = authoritatively.
    * con conocimiento básico en el manejo de la información = information literate [information-literate].
    * con conocimiento básico en el uso de la biblioteca = library literate [library-literate].
    * con conocimiento de = appreciative of, conversant with.
    * con conocimiento de causa = knowingly, knowingly.
    * con conocimiento de informática = computer literate [computer-literate].
    * con conocimiento en el uso de Internet = Internet-savvy.
    * con conocimientos en = versed in.
    * con conocimientos sobre el correo electrónico = e-mail literate.
    * con el conocimiento de que = on the understanding that.
    * conjunto de conocimientos = body of knowledge.
    * conocimiento académico = academic knowledge.
    * conocimiento acumulado sobre un tema = lore.
    * conocimiento básico = working familiarity, working knowledge.
    * conocimiento científico = scientific knowledge.
    * conocimiento compartido = knowledge sharing.
    * conocimiento de base = foundation study.
    * conocimiento de cómo sobrevivir en el bosque = woodcraft.
    * conocimiento de embarque = bill of lading.
    * conocimiento de la existencia = awareness.
    * conocimiento de lengua = language skill.
    * conocimiento del objeto = object knowledge.
    * conocimiento de los diferentes soportes = media competency.
    * conocimiento detallado = intimate knowledge.
    * conocimiento de un área temática = area knowledge.
    * conocimiento documentado = recorded knowledge.
    * conocimiento enciclopédico = factual knowledge.
    * conocimiento en tecnología = technological skill.
    * conocimiento específico = expert knowledge.
    * conocimiento experto = expert knowledge, expertise.
    * conocimiento explícito = explicit knowledge.
    * conocimiento factual = declarative knowledge.
    * conocimiento humano = human consciousness.
    * conocimiento humano, el = human record, the.
    * conocimiento indígena = indigenous knowledge.
    * conocimiento lingüístico = language skill.
    * conocimiento mutuo = mutual knowledge.
    * conocimiento pasivo = nodding acquaintance.
    * conocimiento pleno = awareness.
    * conocimiento práctico = working knowledge, procedural knowledge.
    * conocimiento previo = foreknowledge.
    * conocimientos = knowledge base [knowledge-base].
    * conocimientos básicos = literacy.
    * conocimientos básicos de búsqueda, recuperación y organización de informació = information literacy.
    * conocimientos básicos de documentación = information literacy.
    * conocimientos básicos de informática = computer literacy.
    * conocimientos básicos en tecnología = technical literacy.
    * conocimientos básicos sobre el uso de las bibliotecas = library skills.
    * conocimientos de tecnología = techno-savvy, tech-savvy.
    * conocimientos en el manejo de la información = info-savvy.
    * conocimiento sobre una materia = subject knowledge.
    * conocimientos requeridos = job specs.
    * conocimiento tácito = tacit knowledge, tacit knowledge, tacit knowledge.
    * conocimiento técnico = know-how, technical knowledge.
    * conocimiento teórico = declarative knowledge.
    * con poco conocimiento de las nuevas tecnologías = technologically challenged.
    * corpus de conocimiento = corpus of knowledge.
    * crear un fondo común de conocimientos = pool + knowledge.
    * cúmulo de conocimiento = repository of knowledge, knowledge repository.
    * decisión con conocimiento de causa = informed decision.
    * difundir el conocimiento = spread + knowledge.
    * director ejecutivo de la gestión del conocimiento = knowledge executive.
    * dominio del conocimiento = knowledge domain.
    * economía basada en el conocimiento = knowledge driven economy.
    * economía del conocimiento = knowledge economy.
    * Era del Conocimiento, la = Knowledge Age, the.
    * estructuración del conocimiento = knowledge structuring.
    * examinar los conocimientos = test + knowledge.
    * falta de conocimiento = unfamiliarity.
    * filtro del conocimiento = knowledge filter.
    * fomentar el conocimiento = advance + knowledge.
    * fondo común de conocimientos = pool of knowledge, pool of expertise.
    * frontera del conocimiento = frontier of knowledge.
    * fundamentos del conocimiento, los = foundations of knowledge, the.
    * gestión del conocimiento = knowledge management (KM).
    * gestor del conocimiento = knowledge worker, knowledge manager.
    * hacer avanzar el conocimiento = push back + the frontiers of knowledge.
    * hacer gala del conocimiento que uno tiene = air + knowledge.
    * hacer perder el conocimiento = knock + Nombre + out, knock + Nombre + unconscious.
    * hacer uso de un conocimiento = draw on/upon + knowledge.
    * impartir conocimiento = impart + knowledge.
    * inculcar conocimiento = instil + knowledge.
    * ingeniería del conocimiento = knowledge engineering.
    * ingeniero del conocimiento = knowledge engineer.
    * institucion del conocimiento = institution of learning.
    * intercambio de conocimientos = learning exchange, cross-fertilisation [cross-fertilization, -USA], cross-fertilisation of knowledge.
    * jefe de los servicios de gestión del conocimiento = chief knowledge officer (CKO).
    * metaconocimiento = meta-knowledge.
    * navegación por el conocimiento = knowledge navigation.
    * navegador del conocimiento = knowledge navigator.
    * obtener conocimiento = gain + an understanding.
    * ofrecer conocimiento = package + knowledge.
    * perder el conocimiento = lose + Posesivo + senses, pass out, lose + Posesivo + consciousness.
    * pérdida del conocimiento = unconsciousness, fainting, fainting fit, loss of consciousness.
    * personas sin conocimientos técnicos, las = non-technical, the.
    * presentar conocimiento = package + knowledge.
    * producto del conocimiento = knowledge record.
    * profundizar en el conocimiento = deepen + knowledge.
    * propagar el conocimiento = propagate + knowledge.
    * proporcionar conocimientos técnicos = supply + know-how.
    * quedarse sin conocimiento = lose + Posesivo + consciousness, pass out.
    * rama del conocimiento = branch of learning.
    * recobrar el conocimiento = regain + Posesivo + consciousness.
    * recuperar el conocimiento = regain + Posesivo + consciousness.
    * red de conocimiento = knowledge network.
    * servidor del conocimiento = knowledge server.
    * sin conocimiento = unconscious.
    * sin conocimiento de causa = unbeknown to, unbeknownst to.
    * sintetizar el conocimiento = synthesise + knowledge.
    * sistema basado en el conocimiento = knowledge-base system.
    * sistema de gestión del conocimiento = knowledge management system (KMS).
    * sociedad basada en el conocimiento = knowledge based society.
    * sociedad del conocimiento = knowledge society.
    * Sociedad para el Conocimiento Global = Global Knowledge Partnership.
    * suministrar conocimientos técnicos = supply + know-how.
    * tener conocimiento de = be privy to, be aware of.
    * toma de decisiones con conocimiento de causa = informed decision making.
    * tomar decisiones con conocimiento de causa = make + informed decisions.
    * transferencia de conocimiento = transfer of knowledge, knowledge transfer.
    * utilizar los conocimientos de Uno = put + Posesivo + knowledge to work.
    * * *
    a) ( saber) knowledge
    b) conocimientos masculino plural ( nociones) knowledge
    2) (frml) ( información)

    dar conocimiento de algo a alguiento inform o (frml) apprise somebody of something

    pongo en su conocimiento que... — (Corresp) I am writing to inform you that...

    con conocimiento de causa: obró con conocimiento de causa (frml) he took this step, fully aware of what the consequences would be; hablo con conocimiento de causa — I know what I'm talking about

    3) ( sentido) consciousness

    perder/recobrar el conocimiento — to lose/regain consciousness

    aún es pequeño, no tiene todavía conocimiento — he's not old enough to understand

    * * *
    = cognition, competency, enlightenment, expertise, familiarisation [familiarization, -USA], familiarity, insight, knowledge, learning, acquaintance, understanding, cognisance [cognizance, -USA], connoisseurship, consciousness.

    Ex: The information-processing model of cognition, and developments in artificial intelligence encourage such comparisons = El modelo de la cognición sobre el procesamiento de la información de y los avances de la inteligencia artificial fomentan este tipo de comparaciones.

    Ex: SLIS programmes intended to 'produce' librarians with competency in the use of IT have to be designed.
    Ex: Considered as necessary work in the interest of humanity and general enlightenment, bibliography gains ground as the years pass.
    Ex: Its primary function is to provide a centre for software and hardware expertise for its members.
    Ex: Step 1 Familiarisation: This first step involves the indexer in becoming conversant with the subject content of the document to be indexed.
    Ex: The most effective searchers are those who have both system experience and some familiarity with the subject area in which they are searching.
    Ex: The human indexer works mechanically and rapidly; he should require no insight into the document content.
    Ex: These factors form the basis of the problems in identifying a satisfactory subject approach, and start to explain the vast array of different tolls used in the subject approach to knowledge.
    Ex: It is the responsibility of educators to stretch their student's intellects, hone their skills of intuitive judgment and synthesis, and build a love of learning that will sustain them beyond the level of formal education.
    Ex: It is only with accumulating experience and many years of close study and acquaintance with bibliographic works that a really substantial body of knowledge of the potential of bibliographic sources is acquired.
    Ex: We librarians ought to have a clearer understanding of our stock-in-trade (books) and their function of social mechanism.
    Ex: The passive cognisance of growth causes considerable difficulties = El conocimiento pasivo del crecimiento causa dificultades importantes.
    Ex: This book explores the underlying institutional factors that help museum-based connoisseurship and aestheticism and university-based critical theory and revisionist scholarship exist.
    Ex: For example, the latter are unlikely to engage themselves in conservation issues as these now press upon the professional consciousness of librarians.
    * actualizar los conocimientos = upgrade + Posesivo + skills.
    * adquirir conocimiento = gain + knowledge, glean + knowledge, acquire + knowledge, build up + knowledge.
    * ampliar el conocimiento = expand + Posesivo + knowledge, expand + Posesivo + knowledge, widen + knowledge, broaden + knowledge, deepen + understanding.
    * ampliar las fronteras del conocimiento = push back + the frontiers of knowledge.
    * análisis de áreas del conocimiento = domain analysis.
    * análisis de dominios del conocimiento = domain analysis.
    * aprendizaje rico en conocimiento = knowledge-rich learning.
    * área de conocimiento = area of study.
    * área del conocimiento = area of knowledge, discipline, subject field, field of activity, knowledge domain, discipline of knowledge.
    * aumentar el conocimiento = expand + Posesivo + knowledge, deepen + awareness.
    * aumento del conocimiento = knowledge building.
    * bannco de conocimiento = knowledge bank.
    * basado en el conocimiento = knowledge-based.
    * basado en las disciplinas del conocimiento = discipline-based.
    * bibliotecario con conocimientos de medicina = informationist.
    * búsqueda del conocimiento = quest for/of knowledge.
    * campo del conocimiento = field of knowledge.
    * centrado en el conocimiento = knowledge-centric.
    * ciencia del conocimiento = cognitive science.
    * compartir el conocimiento = knowledge sharing, pool + knowledge.
    * con conocimiento = authoritatively.
    * con conocimiento básico en el manejo de la información = information literate [information-literate].
    * con conocimiento básico en el uso de la biblioteca = library literate [library-literate].
    * con conocimiento de = appreciative of, conversant with.
    * con conocimiento de causa = knowingly, knowingly.
    * con conocimiento de informática = computer literate [computer-literate].
    * con conocimiento en el uso de Internet = Internet-savvy.
    * con conocimientos en = versed in.
    * con conocimientos sobre el correo electrónico = e-mail literate.
    * con el conocimiento de que = on the understanding that.
    * conjunto de conocimientos = body of knowledge.
    * conocimiento académico = academic knowledge.
    * conocimiento acumulado sobre un tema = lore.
    * conocimiento básico = working familiarity, working knowledge.
    * conocimiento científico = scientific knowledge.
    * conocimiento compartido = knowledge sharing.
    * conocimiento de base = foundation study.
    * conocimiento de cómo sobrevivir en el bosque = woodcraft.
    * conocimiento de embarque = bill of lading.
    * conocimiento de la existencia = awareness.
    * conocimiento de lengua = language skill.
    * conocimiento del objeto = object knowledge.
    * conocimiento de los diferentes soportes = media competency.
    * conocimiento detallado = intimate knowledge.
    * conocimiento de un área temática = area knowledge.
    * conocimiento documentado = recorded knowledge.
    * conocimiento enciclopédico = factual knowledge.
    * conocimiento en tecnología = technological skill.
    * conocimiento específico = expert knowledge.
    * conocimiento experto = expert knowledge, expertise.
    * conocimiento explícito = explicit knowledge.
    * conocimiento factual = declarative knowledge.
    * conocimiento humano = human consciousness.
    * conocimiento humano, el = human record, the.
    * conocimiento indígena = indigenous knowledge.
    * conocimiento lingüístico = language skill.
    * conocimiento mutuo = mutual knowledge.
    * conocimiento pasivo = nodding acquaintance.
    * conocimiento pleno = awareness.
    * conocimiento práctico = working knowledge, procedural knowledge.
    * conocimiento previo = foreknowledge.
    * conocimientos = knowledge base [knowledge-base].
    * conocimientos básicos = literacy.
    * conocimientos básicos de búsqueda, recuperación y organización de informació = information literacy.
    * conocimientos básicos de documentación = information literacy.
    * conocimientos básicos de informática = computer literacy.
    * conocimientos básicos en tecnología = technical literacy.
    * conocimientos básicos sobre el uso de las bibliotecas = library skills.
    * conocimientos de tecnología = techno-savvy, tech-savvy.
    * conocimientos en el manejo de la información = info-savvy.
    * conocimiento sobre una materia = subject knowledge.
    * conocimientos requeridos = job specs.
    * conocimiento tácito = tacit knowledge, tacit knowledge, tacit knowledge.
    * conocimiento técnico = know-how, technical knowledge.
    * conocimiento teórico = declarative knowledge.
    * con poco conocimiento de las nuevas tecnologías = technologically challenged.
    * corpus de conocimiento = corpus of knowledge.
    * crear un fondo común de conocimientos = pool + knowledge.
    * cúmulo de conocimiento = repository of knowledge, knowledge repository.
    * decisión con conocimiento de causa = informed decision.
    * difundir el conocimiento = spread + knowledge.
    * director ejecutivo de la gestión del conocimiento = knowledge executive.
    * dominio del conocimiento = knowledge domain.
    * economía basada en el conocimiento = knowledge driven economy.
    * economía del conocimiento = knowledge economy.
    * Era del Conocimiento, la = Knowledge Age, the.
    * estructuración del conocimiento = knowledge structuring.
    * examinar los conocimientos = test + knowledge.
    * falta de conocimiento = unfamiliarity.
    * filtro del conocimiento = knowledge filter.
    * fomentar el conocimiento = advance + knowledge.
    * fondo común de conocimientos = pool of knowledge, pool of expertise.
    * frontera del conocimiento = frontier of knowledge.
    * fundamentos del conocimiento, los = foundations of knowledge, the.
    * gestión del conocimiento = knowledge management (KM).
    * gestor del conocimiento = knowledge worker, knowledge manager.
    * hacer avanzar el conocimiento = push back + the frontiers of knowledge.
    * hacer gala del conocimiento que uno tiene = air + knowledge.
    * hacer perder el conocimiento = knock + Nombre + out, knock + Nombre + unconscious.
    * hacer uso de un conocimiento = draw on/upon + knowledge.
    * impartir conocimiento = impart + knowledge.
    * inculcar conocimiento = instil + knowledge.
    * ingeniería del conocimiento = knowledge engineering.
    * ingeniero del conocimiento = knowledge engineer.
    * institucion del conocimiento = institution of learning.
    * intercambio de conocimientos = learning exchange, cross-fertilisation [cross-fertilization, -USA], cross-fertilisation of knowledge.
    * jefe de los servicios de gestión del conocimiento = chief knowledge officer (CKO).
    * metaconocimiento = meta-knowledge.
    * navegación por el conocimiento = knowledge navigation.
    * navegador del conocimiento = knowledge navigator.
    * obtener conocimiento = gain + an understanding.
    * ofrecer conocimiento = package + knowledge.
    * perder el conocimiento = lose + Posesivo + senses, pass out, lose + Posesivo + consciousness.
    * pérdida del conocimiento = unconsciousness, fainting, fainting fit, loss of consciousness.
    * personas sin conocimientos técnicos, las = non-technical, the.
    * presentar conocimiento = package + knowledge.
    * producto del conocimiento = knowledge record.
    * profundizar en el conocimiento = deepen + knowledge.
    * propagar el conocimiento = propagate + knowledge.
    * proporcionar conocimientos técnicos = supply + know-how.
    * quedarse sin conocimiento = lose + Posesivo + consciousness, pass out.
    * rama del conocimiento = branch of learning.
    * recobrar el conocimiento = regain + Posesivo + consciousness.
    * recuperar el conocimiento = regain + Posesivo + consciousness.
    * red de conocimiento = knowledge network.
    * servidor del conocimiento = knowledge server.
    * sin conocimiento = unconscious.
    * sin conocimiento de causa = unbeknown to, unbeknownst to.
    * sintetizar el conocimiento = synthesise + knowledge.
    * sistema basado en el conocimiento = knowledge-base system.
    * sistema de gestión del conocimiento = knowledge management system (KMS).
    * sociedad basada en el conocimiento = knowledge based society.
    * sociedad del conocimiento = knowledge society.
    * Sociedad para el Conocimiento Global = Global Knowledge Partnership.
    * suministrar conocimientos técnicos = supply + know-how.
    * tener conocimiento de = be privy to, be aware of.
    * toma de decisiones con conocimiento de causa = informed decision making.
    * tomar decisiones con conocimiento de causa = make + informed decisions.
    * transferencia de conocimiento = transfer of knowledge, knowledge transfer.
    * utilizar los conocimientos de Uno = put + Posesivo + knowledge to work.

    * * *
    1 (saber) knowledge
    tiene algunos conocimientos de inglés he has some knowledge of English, he knows some English
    B ( frml)
    (información): dio conocimiento del suceso a las autoridades he informed o ( frml) apprised the authorities of the incident
    puso el hecho en conocimiento de la policía she informed the police of the incident, she reported the incident to the police
    pongo en su conocimiento que … ( Corresp) I am writing to inform you that …
    al tener conocimiento del suceso upon learning of the incident ( frml)
    a esas horas no se tenía todavía conocimiento de la noticia at that time we/they still had not heard the news
    ciertas personas tienen conocimiento de sus actividades certain people are aware of her activities
    llegar a conocimiento de algn to come to sb's attention o notice ( frml)
    con conocimiento de causa: obró con conocimiento de causa ( frml); he took this step, fully aware of what the consequences would be
    te lo digo con conocimiento de causa I know what I'm talking about
    bill of lading, waybill
    C (sentido) consciousness
    perder el conocimiento to lose consciousness
    cuando recobró el conocimiento when he regained consciousness, when he came to o round
    estar sin conocimiento to be unconscious
    (entendimiento): aún es pequeño, no tiene todavía conocimiento he's not old enough to understand
    * * *


    conocimiento sustantivo masculino

    poner algo en conocimiento de algn to inform sb of sth;
    tener conocimiento de algo to be aware of sth

    perder/recobrar el conocimiento to lose/regain consciousness;

    estar sin conocimiento to be unconscious
    conocimiento sustantivo masculino
    1 knowledge
    2 (conciencia) consciousness
    3 conocimientos, knowledge
    ♦ Locuciones: perder/recobrar el conocimiento, to lose/regain consciousness
    con conocimiento de causa, with full knowledge of the facts
    ' conocimiento' also found in these entries:
    - ciencia
    - conciencia
    - desfallecer
    - desvanecerse
    - dominio
    - error
    - orientación
    - parcela
    - revelar
    - sentida
    - sentido
    - experiencia
    - perder
    - pérdida
    - reanimar
    - recobrar
    - saber
    - air
    - black out
    - blackout
    - cognizance
    - come to
    - comprehensive
    - consciousness
    - familiarity
    - grounding
    - improve
    - knock out
    - knowledge
    - notice
    - privy
    - recover
    - self-awareness
    - sketchy
    - superficial
    - thorough
    - unconsciousness
    - black
    - knock
    - know
    - pass
    * * *
    1. [saber] knowledge;
    hablar/actuar con conocimiento de causa to know what one is talking about/doing;
    puso el robo en conocimiento de la policía she informed the police of the burglary;
    ponemos en su conocimiento que se ha detectado un error en el programa this is to inform you that an error has been detected in the program;
    no teníamos conocimiento de su dimisión we were not aware that he had resigned;
    al tener conocimiento del accidente, acudió inmediatamente al hospital when she found out about the accident she immediately went to the hospital;
    ha llegado a mi conocimiento que estás insatisfecho it has come to my attention that you are not happy
    conocimientos [nociones] knowledge;
    tengo algunos conocimientos de informática I have some knowledge of computers, I know a bit about computers;
    nuestros conocimientos acerca de la enfermedad son muy limitados our knowledge of the disease is very limited, we know very little about the disease
    3. [sentido, conciencia] consciousness;
    perder el conocimiento to lose consciousness;
    recobrar el conocimiento to regain consciousness;
    estaba tumbado en el suelo, sin conocimiento he was lying unconscious on the floor
    4. [juicio] (common) sense;
    5. Com conocimiento de embarque bill of lading
    * * *
    1 knowledge;
    con conocimiento de causa hacer algo fully aware of the consequences;
    para su conocimiento for your information;
    conocimientos pl ( nociones) knowledge sg
    2 MED consciousness;
    perder el conocimiento lose consciousness;
    sin conocimiento unconscious;
    recobrar el conocimiento regain consciousness
    * * *
    1) : knowledge
    2) sentido: consciousness
    * * *
    1. (en general) knowledge
    2. (sentido) consciousness

    Spanish-English dictionary > conocimiento

  • 40 dinámico

    dynamic, energetic.
    * * *
    1 dynamic
    * * *
    (f. - dinámica)
    * * *
    * * *
    - ca adjetivo dynamic
    * * *
    = aggressive, dynamic, brisk [brisker -comp., briskest -sup.], fluid, proactive [pro-active], time-dependent, organic, dynamical, time-variant, vibrant, breezy [breezier -comp., breeziest -sup.], spry [spryer comp., spryest -sup.], sprightly [sprightlier -comp., sprightliest -sup.], fast and furious, energetic.
    Ex. During his tenure, OSU was recognized for the aggressive approach the library staff adopted with respect to publicizing OSU's many bibliographical services and encouraging patrons' use of them.
    Ex. A data base must respond to a dynamic reality in which terms, 'strain, crack and sometimes break under the burden, under the tension, slip, slide, perish, decay with imprecision, will not stay in place, will not stay still'.
    Ex. The classic example quoted by Jourard is the brisk, super-efficient nurse, whose manner appears to be something that she puts on when she dons her uniform.
    Ex. Literary language is vital, shifting, fluid; it looks constantly for new structures, new combinations that create new meanings.
    Ex. Compiling information of this nature requires a proactive and not a reactive approach to the task.
    Ex. This paper studies time-dependent (dynamical) aspects of scientific activities, as expressed in research publications.
    Ex. Innovation in organisations is a continuous and organic process.
    Ex. This paper studies time-dependent ( dynamical) aspects of scientific activities, as expressed in research publications.
    Ex. A data warehouse is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, nonvolatile collection of data in support of management's decision making process.
    Ex. All these issues were successfully addressed by rearranging study, reference, and stack areas and enclosing a small office to create a more vibrant, reference oriented library environment.
    Ex. This knowing sequel to the breezy glamor of 'Ocean's Eleven' provides more thieves, more heists, more twists, more locations, and more playfulness than the original.
    Ex. A spry 80 years young, Virginia has been painting murals for the last 50 years and a lot can be said for the advantages of experience.
    Ex. He was described as a ' sprightly nonagenarian' who was born in 1905.
    Ex. The pace was fast and furious and the noise was non-stop.
    Ex. She has been a vital and energetic voice in the movement to increase the sensitivity and responsibility of libraries to social issues, as well as a first-rate cataloger.
    * dinámica de trabajo = workflow [work flow].
    * dinámica social = social dynamics.
    * entrar en la dinámica = enter + the fray.
    * * *
    - ca adjetivo dynamic
    * * *
    = aggressive, dynamic, brisk [brisker -comp., briskest -sup.], fluid, proactive [pro-active], time-dependent, organic, dynamical, time-variant, vibrant, breezy [breezier -comp., breeziest -sup.], spry [spryer comp., spryest -sup.], sprightly [sprightlier -comp., sprightliest -sup.], fast and furious, energetic.

    Ex: During his tenure, OSU was recognized for the aggressive approach the library staff adopted with respect to publicizing OSU's many bibliographical services and encouraging patrons' use of them.

    Ex: A data base must respond to a dynamic reality in which terms, 'strain, crack and sometimes break under the burden, under the tension, slip, slide, perish, decay with imprecision, will not stay in place, will not stay still'.
    Ex: The classic example quoted by Jourard is the brisk, super-efficient nurse, whose manner appears to be something that she puts on when she dons her uniform.
    Ex: Literary language is vital, shifting, fluid; it looks constantly for new structures, new combinations that create new meanings.
    Ex: Compiling information of this nature requires a proactive and not a reactive approach to the task.
    Ex: This paper studies time-dependent (dynamical) aspects of scientific activities, as expressed in research publications.
    Ex: Innovation in organisations is a continuous and organic process.
    Ex: This paper studies time-dependent ( dynamical) aspects of scientific activities, as expressed in research publications.
    Ex: A data warehouse is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, nonvolatile collection of data in support of management's decision making process.
    Ex: All these issues were successfully addressed by rearranging study, reference, and stack areas and enclosing a small office to create a more vibrant, reference oriented library environment.
    Ex: This knowing sequel to the breezy glamor of 'Ocean's Eleven' provides more thieves, more heists, more twists, more locations, and more playfulness than the original.
    Ex: A spry 80 years young, Virginia has been painting murals for the last 50 years and a lot can be said for the advantages of experience.
    Ex: He was described as a ' sprightly nonagenarian' who was born in 1905.
    Ex: The pace was fast and furious and the noise was non-stop.
    Ex: She has been a vital and energetic voice in the movement to increase the sensitivity and responsibility of libraries to social issues, as well as a first-rate cataloger.
    * dinámica de trabajo = workflow [work flow].
    * dinámica social = social dynamics.
    * entrar en la dinámica = enter + the fray.

    * * *
    * * *

    ◊ -ca adjetivo

    dinámico,-a adjetivo dynamic

    ' dinámico' also found in these entries:
    - brisk
    - dynamic
    - breezy
    - high
    - spry
    * * *
    dinámico, -a adj
    1. [del movimiento, la dinámica] dynamic
    2. [activo] dynamic;
    necesitamos ejecutivos dinámicos y emprendedores we need dynamic and enterprising executives
    * * *
    adj fig
    * * *
    dinámico, -ca adj
    : dynamic
    * * *
    dinámico adj dynamic

    Spanish-English dictionary > dinámico

См. также в других словарях:

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  • approach — ap|proach1 [ ə proutʃ ] verb *** 1. ) intransitive or transitive to move closer to someone or something: She heard footsteps approaching from behind. A strange boat was approaching the shore. a ) intransitive if an event or a particular time… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • approach — I verb accedere, accost, advance, adventare, appropinquare, be in proximity, be in sight of, be in the neighborhood of, be in the vicinity of, be near, come forward, come near, confront, converge upon, draw near, edge close to, get near, go near …   Law dictionary

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  • Use-centered design — is a design philosophy in which the focus is on the goals and tasks associated with the use of certain technology, in contrast to user centered design approach, where the focus is on the needs, wants, and limitations of the end user of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Use case — A use case is a description of a system’s behaviour as it responds to a request that originates from outside of that system.The use case technique is used in software and systems engineering to capture the functional requirements of a system. Use …   Wikipedia

  • Approach plate — unreferenced|date=October 2006globalize/USAApproach Plates is a common term used to describe the printed procedures or charts, more formally Instrument Approach Procedures, that pilots use to fly approaches during IFR operations. In the United… …   Wikipedia

  • approach — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 way of dealing with sb/sth ADJECTIVE ▪ conventional, orthodox, traditional ▪ alternate (AmE), alternative, different, fresh, new …   Collocations dictionary

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  • Use tax — A use tax is a type of excise tax levied in the United States. It is assessed upon otherwise tax free tangible personal property purchased by a resident of the assessing state for use, storage or consumption of goods in that state (not for… …   Wikipedia

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