1 relay
relay nрелеantiskid interlock relayреле блокировки автомата торможенияblocking relayблокировочное релеbus tie relayреле стыковки шинcontactless relayбесконтактное релеdifferential relayдифференциальное релеexternal power relayреле включения внешнего питанияignition cutout relayреле выключения зажиганияlatching relayарретирующее релеlatch-in relayстопорное релеload monitor relayреле выбора потребителейoverload relayреле перегрузкиpower fail relayреле сигнализации отказа питанияpressure relayреле давленияrelay boxкоробка релеrelay clickщелчок при срабатывании релеrelay of messagesпередача сообщенийrelay stationретрансляционная станцияspeed warning relayреле максимальной скоростиstarter meshing relayреле включения муфты стартераthermal relayтермореле -
2 relay
- relay
- n1. реле, переключатель; серводвигатель, запасной агрегат
2. смена ( рабочая) || сменять, сменяться
- averaging relay
- gas relay
- magnetic overload relay
- protective relay
- reversing relay
- sequencing relay
- thermal relay
- thermal overload relay
- time delay relay
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
* * * -
3 relay
relay [ˊri:leɪ]1. n1) сме́на (особ. лошадей)2) сме́на ( рабочих);to work in ( или by) relays рабо́тать посме́нно
3) спорт. эстафе́та4) эл. реле́; переключа́тель5) attr.:relay system систе́ма смен ( на предприятии)
6) attr.:relay box эл. коро́бка реле́
2. v1) передава́ть ( дальше)2) радио ретрансли́ровать3) сменя́ть, обеспе́чивать сме́ну -
4 relay
relay переключать (импульс с нейрона на нейрон)English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > relay
5 relay
1) реле || ставить реле2) снабжать релейной защитой; ставить релейную защиту4) трансляция; передача ( сигнала) || транслировать; передавать ( сигнал)5) ретрансляция; переприём || ретранслировать•-
ac relay
ac system relays
accelerating relay
acoustic relay
actuating relay
alarm relay
allotter relay
all-to-all relay
amplitude comparison relay
angle armature relay
annunciation relay
antifailure automatics relay
armature relay
automatic reclosing relay
back-current relay
backup relay
balance beam relay
balanced relay
banked relay
biased relay
bimetallic-strip relay
bistable relay
blocking relay
block relay
brake application relay
brake release relay
braking relay
Buchholz relay
calling relay
call relay
capacitance relay
carrier-actuated relay
center-stable polarized relay
center-stable polar relay
central disconnection relay
change-of-current relay
charging rate relay
circuit-control relay
clappers-type relay
clappers relay
clearing relay
clock relay
closing relay
code relay
compelling relay
conductance relay
contact relay
contactless relay
continuous-duty relay
control relay
crossing relay
current relay
current-balance relay
current-overload relay
cut-in relay
cut-off relay
dc relay
definite minimum time-limit relay
definite-time-lag relay
delay relay
dependent-time measuring relay
dependent-time-lag relay
differential relay
digital radio relay
digital relay
direct-action relay
directional impedance relay
directional power relay
directional relay
directional-overcurrent relay
discriminating relay
distance relay
double-acting relay
draw-out relay
dry-feed relay
earth-fault relay
earthing relay
electrical relay
electrodynamic relay
electromagnetic relay
electromechanical relay
electronic relay
electron relay
electrostatic relay
element relay
enclosed relay
entrance relay
erase relay
excitation-loss relay
fast-operating relay
fast-release relay
ferrodynamic relay
ferromagnetic relay
field relay
field-application relay
field-failure relay
field-removal relay
frequency relay
frequency-selective relay
gas-actuated relay
gas relay
gas-filled relay
graded time-lag relay
grounding relay
ground relay
guard relay
hermetically sealed relay
high-speed relay
hinged-armature relay
holding relay
horn relay
hot-wire relay
impedance relay
independent time-lag relay
indicating relay
indirect-action relay
individual point relay
induction relay
inertia relay
initiating relay
instantaneous overcurrent relay
instantaneous relay
interlock relay
intermediate switching-off relay
interposing relay
inverse-time relay
keying relay
key relay
lagged relay
lag relay
latched relay
latch-in relay
latching relay
leakage relay
leak relay
LED-coupled solid-state relay
light relay
light-out relay
line relay
line-break relay
load relay
local-remote relay
locking relay
lock-up relay
low-voltage relay
low-voltage release relay
magnetic relay
magnetoelectric relay
main locomotive relay
main starting relay
maximum power relay
maximum-voltage relay
measuring relay
memory relay
mercury relay
mercury-contact relay
mercury-wetted-contact relay
metering relay
mho relay
microprocessor controlled relay for overcurrent protection
microwave radio relay
microwave relay
monostable relay
moving-iron relay
multiposition relay
negative phase-sequence relay
net-to-net relay
network master relay
network-phasing relay
neutral relay
no-load relay
nondirectional relay
nonpolarized relay
nonspecified-time relay
normally closed relay
normally open relay
notching relay
no-voltage relay
ohm relay
open-frame relay
open relay
open-phase relay
open-track-circuit relay
out-of-step relay
overcurrent relay
overload relay
overpower relay
overtemperature relay
overvoltage relay
percentage-differential relay
phase relay
phase-balance relay
phase-comparison relay
phase-failure relay
phase-reversal relay
phase-rotation relay
photocell relay
photoemissive relay
phototube relay
plunger relay
pneumatic amplifier relay
pneumatic relay
pneumatic time-delay relay
point detection relay
point operating relay
polarity-directional relay
polarized relay
positive phase-sequence relay
potential relay
power direction relay
power relay
power-transfer relay
pressure relay
primary relay
product relay
protection relay
pulse relay
pulse track relay
quick-operating relay
quotient relay
radio relay
rate-of-change relay
ratio-balance relay
reactance relay
reactive power relay
reclosing relay
reed relay
register relay
regulating relay
reply and call relay
reset relay
residual relay
resistance relay
reverse-current relay
reverse-phase relay
rinding relay
route relay
route-release relay
satellite relay
secondary relay
sector-type relay
selector relay
self-resetting relay
semiconductor relay
service restoring relay
shaded-pole relay
short-circuit relay
shunt relay
side-stable relay
signal selector relay
signaling relay
slave relay
slew relay
slow-acting relay
slow-release relay
solenoid relay
solid-state relay
speed relay
starting relay
static relay with output contact
static relay without output contact
static relay
step-back relay
stepping-type relay
stepping relay
storage relay
supervisory relay
switch control relay
switch indication relay
switch lock relay
switch position relay
switching relay
synchronizing relay
temperature relay
three-position relay
time relay
time-delay relay
timing relay
track indicating relay
track relay
trailing relay
train control relay
train-stop relay
transfer relay
transistor relay
trip-free relay
tuned relay
two-element selector relay
two-position relay
undercurrent relay
undervoltage relay
unenclosed relay
voltage-response relay
warning signal relay
wet-reed relay
wire-break relay
zero phase-sequence relay -
6 relay
1) реле5) ретрансляция; переприём || ретранслировать•relay with latching — реле с механической самоблокировкой, реле с механической фиксацией воздействия
- ac relay- acoustic relay
- active-power relay
- add-and-subtract relay
- alarm relay
- Allström relay
- all-to-all relay
- annunciation relay
- antenna relay
- antiplugging relay
- armature relay
- auxiliary relay
- balanced relay
- baseband relay
- biased relay
- bistable relay
- blocking relay
- break-in relay
- calling relay
- capacitance relay
- center-stable polar relay
- clapper relay
- clearing relay
- close-differential relay
- closing relay
- coaxial relay
- code relay
- command relay
- compelled relay
- conductance relay
- connector relay
- contact relay
- contactless relay
- continuous duty relay
- control relay
- correed relay
- current relay
- dc relay
- definite-purpose relay
- delay relay
- diaphragm relay
- differential relay
- digital radio relay
- direct-action relay
- directional relay
- directional-current relay
- directional-overcurrent relay
- directional-polarity relay
- directional-power relay
- directional-resistance relay
- directional-voltage relay
- directivity relay
- distance relay
- dry-reed relay
- earth-fault relay
- electrical relay
- electrical-mechanical relay
- electromagnetic relay
- electromechanical relay
- electronic relay
- electronic-tube relay
- electrostatic relay
- electrostrictive relay
- enclosed relay
- extraterrestrial relay
- fast-operate relay
- fast-packet frame-relay
- fast-release relay
- fault selective relay
- ferrodynamicrelay
- field application relay
- field loss relay
- flat-type relay
- flow relay
- frequency relay
- frequency-selective relay
- frequency-sensitive relay
- gas-filled relay
- gas-filled reed relay
- general-purpose relay
- ground relay
- ground protective relay
- group-selector relay
- guard relay
- heavy-duty relay
- hermetically sealed relay
- high G-relay
- high-speed relay
- homing relay
- hot-wire relay
- impedance relay
- indicating relay
- indirect-action relay
- inertia relay
- initiating relay
- instantaneous overcurrent relay
- instrument-type relay
- integrating relay
- interlock relay
- intersatellite relay
- key relay
- Kipp relay
- lag relay
- latch-in relay
- latching relay
- LED-coupled solid-state relay
- light relay
- light-activated switching relay
- line relay
- line-break relay
- locking relay
- lockout relay
- lock-up relay
- logic relay
- magnetic reed relay
- magnetostrictive relay
- manual-automatic relay
- marginal relay
- mechanical locking relay
- memory relay
- mercury relay
- mercury-contact relay
- mercury-wetted reed relay
- metering relay
- meter-type relay
- mho relay
- microwave relay
- microwave-radio relay
- motor-field failure relay
- multiposition relay
- NC relay
- net-to-net relay
- network relay
- network master relay
- network phasing relay
- neutral relay
- NO relay
- nonpolarized relay
- normally-closed relay
- normally-open relay
- notching relay
- open relay
- open-phase relay
- oscillating relay
- overcurrent relay
- overfrequency relay
- overload relay
- overpower relay
- overvoltage relay
- percentage-differential relay
- phase-balance relay
- phase-reversal relay
- phase-rotation relay
- phase-sequence relay
- phase-shift relay
- photoelectric relay
- plunger relay
- polar relay
- polarized relay
- polyphase relay
- power relay
- pressure relay
- protective relay
- pulse reed relay
- radar relay
- radio relay
- ratchet relay
- rate-of-change relay
- rate-of-change temperature relay
- rate-of-rise relay
- ratio-balance relay
- ratio-differential relay
- reactance relay
- reactive-power relay
- reclosing relay
- reed relay
- register relay
- regulating relay
- remanent relay
- reset relay
- residual relay
- resistance relay
- resonant-reed relay
- reverse relay
- reverse-current relay
- ringing relay
- rotary stepping relay
- satellite relay
- selector relay
- self-latching relay
- semiconductor relay
- sensitive relay
- separating relay
- sequence relay
- sequential relay
- side-stable relay
- signal-actuated relay
- single-phase relay
- slave relay
- slow-acting relay
- slow-action relay
- slow-cutting relay
- slow-operate relay
- slow-release relay
- solenoid relay
- solid-state relay
- space relay
- speed-sensitive relay
- spring-actuated stepping relay
- SR relay
- stepping relay
- storage relay
- supersensitive relay
- surge relay
- synchronizing relay
- tape relay
- temperature relay
- test relay
- thermal relay
- thermostat relay
- three-position relay
- three-step relay
- time relay
- time-delay relay
- timing relay
- transformer-coupled solid-state relay
- transhorizon radio relay
- trip-free relay
- tripping relay
- trunk relay
- tuned relay
- two-position relay
- two-step relay
- undercurrent relay
- underfrequency relay
- underpower relay
- undervoltage relay
- vacuum reed relay
- valve relay
- vibrating relay
- voltage relay
- zero phase-sequence relay -
7 relay
1) реле5) ретрансляция; переприём || ретранслировать•relay with latching — реле с механической самоблокировкой, реле с механической фиксацией воздействия
- ac relay- acoustic relay
- active-power relay
- add-and-subtract relay
- alarm relay
- Allström relay
- all-to-all relay
- annunciation relay
- antenna relay
- antiplugging relay
- armature relay
- auxiliary relay
- balanced relay
- baseband relay
- biased relay
- bistable relay
- blocking relay
- break-in relay
- calling relay
- capacitance relay
- center-stable polar relay
- clapper relay
- clearing relay
- close-differential relay
- closing relay
- coaxial relay
- code relay
- command relay
- compelled relay
- conductance relay
- connector relay
- contact relay
- contactless relay
- continuous duty relay
- control relay
- correed relay
- current relay
- dc relay
- definite-purpose relay
- delay relay
- diaphragm relay
- differential relay
- digital radio relay
- direct-action relay
- directional relay
- directional-current relay
- directional-overcurrent relay
- directional-polarity relay
- directional-power relay
- directional-resistance relay
- directional-voltage relay
- directivity relay
- distance relay
- dry-reed relay
- earth-fault relay
- electrical relay
- electrical-mechanical relay
- electromagnetic relay
- electromechanical relay
- electronic relay
- electronic-tube relay
- electrostatic relay
- electrostrictive relay
- enclosed relay
- extraterrestrial relay
- fast-operate relay
- fast-packet frame-relay
- fast-release relay
- fault selective relay
- ferrodynamic relay
- field application relay
- field loss relay
- flat-type relay
- flow relay
- frequency relay
- frequency-selective relay
- frequency-sensitive relay
- gas-filled reed relay
- gas-filled relay
- general-purpose relay
- ground protective relay
- ground relay
- group-selector relay
- guard relay
- heavy-duty relay
- hermetically sealed relay
- high G relay
- high-speed relay
- homing relay
- hot-wire relay
- impedance relay
- indicating relay
- indirect-action relay
- inertia relay
- initiating relay
- instantaneous overcurrent relay
- instrument-type relay
- integrating relay
- interlock relay
- intersatellite relay
- key relay
- Kipp relay
- lag relay
- latch-in relay
- latching relay
- LED-coupled solid-state relay
- light relay
- light-activated switching relay
- line relay
- line-break relay
- locking relay
- lockout relay
- lock-up relay
- logic relay
- magnetic reed relay
- magnetostrictive relay
- manual-automatic relay
- marginal relay
- mechanical locking relay
- memory relay
- mercury relay
- mercury-contact relay
- mercury-wetted reed relay
- metering relay
- meter-type relay
- mho relay
- microwave relay
- microwave-radio relay
- motor-field failure relay
- multiposition relay
- NC relay
- net-to-net relay
- network master relay
- network phasing relay
- network relay
- neutral relay
- NO relay
- nonpolarized relay
- normally-closed relay
- normally-open relay
- notching relay
- open relay
- open-phase relay
- oscillating relay
- overcurrent relay
- overfrequency relay
- overload relay
- overpower relay
- overvoltage relay
- percentage-differential relay
- phase-balance relay
- phase-reversal relay
- phase-rotation relay
- phase-sequence relay
- phase-shift relay
- photoelectric relay
- plunger relay
- polar relay
- polarized relay
- polyphase relay
- power relay
- pressure relay
- protective relay
- pulse reed relay
- radar relay
- radio relay
- ratchet relay
- rate-of-change relay
- rate-of-change temperature relay
- rate-of-rise relay
- ratio-balance relay
- ratio-differential relay
- reactance relay
- reactive-power relay
- reclosing relay
- reed relay
- register relay
- regulating relay
- remanent relay
- reset relay
- residual relay
- resistance relay
- resonant-reed relay
- reverse relay
- reverse-current relay
- ringing relay
- rotary stepping relay
- satellite relay
- selector relay
- self-latching relay
- semiconductor relay
- sensitive relay
- separating relay
- sequence relay
- sequential relay
- side-stable relay
- signal-actuated relay
- single-phase relay
- slave relay
- slow-acting relay
- slow-action relay
- slow-cutting relay
- slow-operate relay
- slow-release relay
- solenoid relay
- solid-state relay
- space relay
- speed-sensitive relay
- spring-actuated stepping relay
- SR relay
- stepping relay
- storage relay
- supersensitive relay
- surge relay
- synchronizing relay
- tape relay
- temperature relay
- test relay
- thermal relay
- thermostat relay
- three-position relay
- three-step relay
- time relay
- time-delay relay
- timing relay
- transformer-coupled solid-state relay
- transhorizon radio relay
- trip-free relay
- tripping relay
- trunk relay
- tuned relay
- two-position relay
- two-step relay
- undercurrent relay
- underfrequency relay
- underpower relay
- undervoltage relay
- vacuum reed relay
- valve relay
- vibrating relay
- voltage relay
- zero phase-sequence relayThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > relay
8 relay
1) реле3) ретрансляция; ретранслировать•- ac relay- accelerating relay
- active relay
- actuating relay
- air-borne radio relay
- all-or-nothing relay
- all-to-all relay
- amateur relay
- armature relay
- automating reclosing relay
- balanced relay
- bimetallic relay
- bimetallic strip relay
- blocking relay
- break-in relay
- burglar alarm device relay
- bypass relay
- calling relay
- capacitance relay
- cell relay
- center-zero relay
- clearing relay
- clock relay
- closing relay
- coaxial relay
- conductance relay
- connector relay
- corner relay
- current relay
- cut-in relay
- cut-off relay
- data-transmission relay
- dc relay
- delay relay
- differential relay
- digital relay
- directional relay
- disconnecting link relay
- distance relay
- double-pole relay
- double-wound relay
- dry-reed relay
- electric relay
- electromagnetic relay
- electromechanical relay
- electronic relay
- executive relay
- fast-release relay
- fast-speed relay
- flat-type relay
- frame relay
- frequency relay
- functional relay
- gas-filled relay
- group-selector relay
- guard relay
- heat relay
- homing relay
- impulse relay
- indicating relay
- indirect acting relay
- indirect action relay
- induction relay
- induction-disk relay
- inductive relay
- initiating relay
- instantaneous relay
- instrument-type relay
- interlock relay
- intermediate relay
- Kipp relay
- L-armature relay
- latch-in relay
- lock-up relay
- low-voltage relay
- magnetic locking relay
- marginal relay
- maximum-current relay
- metering relay
- meter-type relay
- microwave relay
- minimal relay
- network master relay
- neutral relay
- nonpolarized relay
- normally-closed relay
- normally-open relay
- no-voltage relay
- ohm relay
- optical-electronic relay
- output relay
- overload relay
- overpower relay
- overtemperature relay
- overvoltage relay
- peak relay
- phase relay
- phase-balance relay
- phase-comparison relay
- phase-sequence relay
- phase-shift relay
- phase-undervoltage relay
- photocell relay
- photoelectric relay
- phototube relay
- polarized relay
- polyphase relay
- positive sequence relay
- power relay
- primary relay
- programed-time relay
- protective relay
- pulse relay
- quick-operation relay
- radio relay
- ratio-balance relay
- reactance relay
- reclosing relay
- redundant relay
- reed relay
- register relay
- regulating relay
- reverse-current relay
- ringing relay
- rotary-stepping relay
- satellite relay
- SDI-relay
- SDV-relay
- secondary relay
- selective call relay
- self-reset relay
- shunt relay
- shutdown relay
- sidestable relay
- single-phase relay
- single-pole relay
- single-wound relay
- slow-acting relay
- slow-operate relay
- slow-release relay
- solenoid relay
- solid-state relay
- speed relay
- starting relay
- stepping relay
- storage relay
- switching relay
- switching-through relay
- synchronizing relay
- tape relay
- telephone relay
- terminal relay
- test relay
- thermionic relay
- three-phase relay
- thyratron relay
- time relay
- timing relay
- transistor relay
- trip-free relay
- trunk relay
- ultrafast relay
- undercurrent relay
- voltage relay
- wet-reed relay
- wholly-static relay
- zero-base sequence relayEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > relay
9 relay
1) реле
2) релейный
3) < radio> трансляционный
4) транслировать
5) передавать
6) ставить реле
– acknowledging relay
– antenna relay
– balanced relay
– biased relay
– busy relay
– cable-radio relay
– closing relay
– connector relay
– control relay
– copper-slug relay
– current relay
– cut-in relay
– cutoff relay
– delay relay
– differential relay
– drop-out of a relay
– dropout relay
– engine relay
– floater relay
– flow relay
– guard relay
– gulstad relay
– hesitating relay
– high-impedance relay
– holding relay
– initiating relay
– interlocking relay
– keying relay
– latching relay
– locking relay
– lockout relay
– master relay
– multi-wound relay
– neutral relay
– nonmetering relay
– nonpolarized relay
– operate lag of relay
– operation of relay
– overcurrent relay
– overfrequency relay
– overload relay
– photoemissive relay
– photoresistance-cell relay
– polarized relay
– power-transfer relay
– precendence relay
– pressure relay
– pulsing relay
– radio relay
– reclosing relay
– reed relay
– relay box
– relay channel
– relay computer
– relay housing
– relay link
– relay pileup
– relay selector
– relay sequencing
– relay servomechanism
– relay slug
– relay station
– relay switch
– relay switching
– relay transmitter
– relay tube
– relay unit
– release lag of relay
– repeater relay
– repeating relay
– ringing relay
– ringing-trip relay
– sealed-contact relay
– selector relay
– selenium-cell relay
– sequence-action relay
– shutdown relay
– slow-operating relay
– slow-release relay
– sounder relay
– stepping relay
– stick relay
– storage relay
– test relay
– thermal relay
– time relay
– time-lag relay
– timing relay
– track relay
– tripping relay
– undercurrent relay
– underload relay
– undervoltage relay
– vacuum-tube relay
approach lighting relay — < railways> реле предзажигания сигналов
mechanically latching relay — <engin.> реле с защелкой
polarized neutral relay — <comput.> реле комбинированное
radio relay link — < radio> линия релейная
10 relay
1) реле2) транслировать, передавать•- all-or-nothing relay
- automatic digital relay
- bistable relay
- coarse-fine relay
- control relay
- dependent-time measuring relay
- derived electrical relay
- derived relay
- diaphragm relay
- directional relay
- directional resistance relay
- electrical specified-time relay
- electrodynamic relay
- electromagnetic relay
- electromechanical relay
- electrovacuum relay
- fault relay
- ferrodynamic relay
- ferromagnetic relay
- frequency relay
- gas-filled relay
- general-purpose relay
- hydraulic relay
- impedance relay
- independent-time measuring relay
- indicating relay
- induction relay
- instantaneous acting relay
- interlocking relay
- latching relay
- locking relay
- lockout relay
- magnetoelectric relay
- master relay
- maximum relay
- measuring relay
- meter relay
- minimum relay
- monostable relay
- network relay
- network-phasing relay
- nonpolarized relay
- nonspecified-time relay
- ohmic resistance relay
- optoelectronic relay
- phase sequence relay
- phase shift relay
- polarized relay
- positioning relay
- power direction relay
- power relay
- primary relay
- protective action relay
- reactive power relay
- reed relay
- resistance relay
- safety relay
- secondary relay
- shunt relay
- signaling relay
- specified-time relay
- static electromechanical relay
- stepping relay
- storage relay
- thermal relay
- time delay relay
- time lag relay
- time relay
- timing relay
- voltage relay
- warning relayEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > relay
11 relay
12 relay
реле; ретранслятор, радиорелейная станция; ретранслировать; защищать -
13 relay
- automatic door photoelectric relay - blocking relay - clock relay - control relay - cut-in relay - cut-off relay - detonating relay - electrical relay - electromagnetic relay - elevator photoelectric relay - fault indicating relay - field-failure relay - non-responding relay - optional relay - out-of-step relay - pacing relay - photoelectric relay - seal-in relay - semiconductor relay - slow-release relay - slow-responding relay - thermal relay - wire break relay* * *1. реле, переключатель; серводвигатель, запасной агрегат2. смена ( рабочая) || сменять, сменяться- averaging relay
- gas relay
- magnetic overload relay
- protective relay
- reversing relay
- sequencing relay
- thermal relay
- thermal overload relay
- time delay relay -
14 relay
реле; переключатель; релейная связь; II заменять; предоставлять; перекладывать (мостовую); ставить реле; защищать; устраивать защиту; передавать; транслировать; обеспечивать смену- relay box - relay emergency valve - relay point - relay switch - relay valve - active-power relay - alarm relay - block relay - busy relay - control relay - cut-in relay - flasher relay - key relay - motor relay - overload relay - plunger relay - power relay - reverse-power relay - starting relay - trigger relay - relaying -
15 relay
1. реле2. трансляция; передача ( радиосигналов) || транслировать; передавать ( радиосигналы) -
16 relay
- alarm relay
- battery changeover relay
- battery-cutoff relay
- delay relay
- electronic relay
- horn relay
- low-fuel relay
- overload relay
- pilot relay
- protective relay
- reverse-current relay
- reversing light relay
- solid-state relay
- starting relay
- supplementary relay
- thermal relay
- time relay* * *• реле* * *• /vt/ передавать• реле -
17 relay
1) реле3) передавать, ретранслировать4) полагаться (на что-л.)•- coding relay
- control relay
- counting relay
- decoding relay
- differential relay
- latching relay
- LED relay
- locking relay
- mail relay
- meter relay
- pilot relay
- reset relay
- stepping relay
- storage relay
- supervisory relay
- time relay
- time-delay relayEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > relay
18 relay
19 relay
1. n почтовая станция2. n воен. ист. пост летучей почты3. n смена4. n спорт. эстафета5. n спорт. этап эстафетного бега или заплыва6. n спорт. тех. реле, переключатель7. n спорт. тех. серводвигатель8. v сменять,9. v сменяться10. v передавать по этапам11. v тлв. радио, передавать, транслироватьСинонимический ряд:1. crew (noun) crew; shift; team2. communicate (verb) communicate; convey; deliver; transfer; transmit3. send (verb) aim; beam; broadcast; emit; focus; give out; send -
20 relay
̘. ̈n.rɪˈleɪ
1. сущ.
1) а) смена( особ. лошадей) б) почтовая станция (место смены лошадей) I rode on as fast as possible to the next post relay. ≈ Я ехал верхом к следующей почтовой станции как можно быстрее.
2) смена (рабочих) to work in, by relays ≈ работать посменно The army was divided into relays, and one party worked while the other slept and ate. ≈ Вся масса народа была поделена на смены;
одна партия работала, пока другая спала и ела. relay system ≈ посменная система организации труда (на предприятии)
3) спорт а) эстафета 4x400 metres relay, four by 400 metres relays ≈ эстафета 4 по 400 м Syn: relay race б) этап эстафеты
4) электр. а) реле;
переключатель antenna relay ≈ антенный переключатель cut-in relay ≈ включающее реле, замыкающее реле delay relay ≈ реле выдержки времени;
реле с замедлением relay box ≈ блок реле, релейный шкаф, кожух реле relay switch ≈ релейный выключатель, релейный переключатель б) релейная связь relay channel ≈ канал радиорелейной связи relay transmitter ≈ ретрансляционный передатчик relay link ≈ ретрансляционная линия связи
2. гл.
1) заменять;
предоставлять, обеспечивать смену Those who watched in the mortuary room were relayed every ten minutes. ≈ Тех, кто стоял в траурном зале в почетном карауле, сменяли каждые десять минут.
2) получать замену;
сменять( особ. лошадей)
3) а) радио передавать, транслировать Prokofiev's opera War and Peace was relayed from the New Sydney Opera House in Australia. ≈ Опера Прокофьева "Война и мир" транслировалась по радио из нового австралийского оперного театра в Сиднее. Syn: transmit б) отправлять, пересылать, посылать (сообщение, информацию) President Nixon relayed word through a spokesman that he has no plans to visit the Middle East. ≈ Президент Никсон сообщил через пресс-секретаря, что он не намеревается посетить Средний Восток. смена, особ лошадей почтовая станция - I rode to the next ( post) * я поехал до следующей почтовой станции (военное) (историческое) пост летучей почты смена - * system система сменной работы( на предприятиях) - to work in /by/ *s работать посменно( спортивное) эстафета - one-way * простая эстафета (спортивное) этап эстафетного бега или заплыва (техническое) реле, переключатель (техническое) серводвигатель сменять, особ. лошадей - they were relaid every ten minutes их сменяли каждые десять минут сменяться передавать по этапам (радиотехника) (телевидение) передавать, транслировать relay передавать (дальше) ~ эл. реле;
переключатель ~ радио ретранслировать ~ смена (рабочих) ;
to work in (или by) relays работать посменно ~ смена (особ. лошадей) ~ сменять, обеспечивать смену ~ спорт. эстафета ~ box эл. коробка реле ~ station радио ретрансляционная станция ~ system система смен (на предприятии) ~ смена (рабочих) ;
to work in (или by) relays работать посменно
См. также в других словарях:
Relay 1 — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Relay 1 Relay 1 Organización NASA Estado Inactivo … Wikipedia Español
Relay — steht für: die englische Schreibweise für Relais Relay (Satellit), ein amerikanisches Programm experimenteller Kommunikationssatelliten Siehe auch: Relayer Relay Dienst Frame Relay Internet Relay Chat SMTP Relay Server … Deutsch Wikipedia
Relay — Re*lay (r? l? ), n. [F. relais (cf. OF. relais relaxation, discontinuance, It. rilascio release, relief, rilasso relay), fr. OF. relaissier to abandon, release, fr. L. relaxare. See {Relax}.] 1. A supply of anything arranged beforehand for… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
relay — [rē′lā΄; ] for v., also [ ri lā′] n. [ME relai < MFr relais, pl., orig., hounds kept as reserves at points along the course of a hunt < relaier, to leave behind < re (see RE ) + laier, to leave, let: see DELAY] 1. a fresh supply of dogs … English World dictionary
relay — Mail that a city letter carrier prepares in sacks for delivery to relay drop boxes along the line of travel of a route. After completing delivery of carry out mail, the letter carrier picks up additional mail from the relay drop box and resumes… … Glossary of postal terms
Relay — Re*lay (r? l? ), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Relaid} ( l?d); p. pr. & vb. n. {Relaying}.] [Pref. re + lay, v.] To lay again; to lay a second time; as, to relay a pavement. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Relay 1 — was principally a communications satellite. It was launched atop a Delta rocket on December 13 1962 from LC 17 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. Included in its payload were radiation experiments designed to map the earth s radiation belts.… … Wikipedia
relay — ► NOUN 1) a group of people or animals engaged in a task for a period of time and then replaced by a similar group. 2) a race between teams of runners, each team member in turn covering part of the total distance. 3) an electrical device which… … English terms dictionary
Relay — Re*lay , a. (Mach.) Relating to, or having the characteristics of, an auxiliary apparatus put into action by a feeble force but itself capable of exerting greater force, used to control a comparatively powerful machine or appliance. [Webster 1913 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
relay — index deliver, disseminate, pass (advance), send Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Relay — [engl.], Relais … Universal-Lexikon