Перевод: с английского на русский

с русского на английский


См. также в других словарях:

  • Slept — Slept, imp. & p. p. of {Sleep}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • slept — [slept] the past tense and past participle of ↑sleep …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • slept — slept; un·slept; …   English syllables

  • slept — [slept] vi., vt. pt. & pp. of SLEEP …   English World dictionary

  • slept — /slept/, v. pt. and pp. of sleep. * * * …   Universalium

  • slept — past and past part of SLEEP …   Medical dictionary

  • slept — the past tense and past participle of sleep1 …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • SLEPT — past and past part. of SLEEP. * * * past of sleep * * * /slept/, v. pt. and pp. of sleep. * * * slept /slept/ pat and pap of ↑sleep * * * slept UK US the past tense and past participle of sleep1 Thesaurus: irregular past tenses and past… …   Useful english dictionary

  • šlept — šlèpt interj. DŽ, NdŽ, KŽ, GrvT32, šlept (intensyviau) 1. DŽ1 kartojant nusakomas šlepsėjimas: Šlept šlept su kaliošiais ateina DūnŽ. Šlèpt šlèpt – rodos, eina kažkas, naginėms apsiavęs Up. Pieną neša kaip muselė – visai nepagali: šlèpt… …   Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language

  • šlėpt — interj. 1. kartojant nusakomas sunkus šlepsėjimas: Šlėpt šlėpt nubėgo [šuo per balą] J.Balč. 2. sunkiam nukritimui, nugriuvimui nusakyti: Šlėpt ir sudribo kap vaško kumelaitė Kb …   Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language

  • Slept — Sleep Sleep, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Slept}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Sleeping}.] [OE. slepen, AS. sl?pan; akin to OFries. sl?pa, OS. sl[=a]pan, D. slapen, OHG. sl[=a]fan, G. schlafen, Goth. sl?pan, and G. schlaff slack, loose, and L. labi to glide, slide,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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