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  • 1 queen of the night

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > queen of the night

  • 2 The Night of the Hunter

       1956 – США (95 мин)
         Произв. UA (Пол Грегори)
         Реж. ЧАРЛЗ ЛОТОН
         Сцен. Джеймс Эйджи по одноименному роману Дэйвида Грабба
         Опер. Стэнли Кортес
         Муз. Уолтер Шуманн
         В ролях Роберт Мичам (Гарри Пауэлл), Шелли Уинтерз (Уилла Харпер), Лиллиан Гиш (Рэйчел Купер), Питер Грейвз (Бен Харпер), Билли Чэйпин (Джо), Сэлли Джейн Брюс (Пёрл), Эвелин Вэрден (Айси Спун), Дон Беддоу (Уолт Спун), Джеймс Глисон (дядя Берди), Глория Кастило (Руби).
       Вирджиния, берег реки Огайо, 30-е гг. Перед арестом Бен Харпер успевает передать украденные 10 000 долларов своим детям: маленькому Джону и совсем маленькой Пёрл. Он берет с них клятву не говорить никому, даже матери, где находится сокровище, чтобы деньги дождались их совершеннолетия. Бена приговаривают к смерти за двойное убийство. В тюрьме он знакомится с пастором Гарри Пауэллом. Этот странный, полубезумный человек, убивший около дюжины вдов, одевается в черное; на пальцах его правой руки вытатуировано слово «ЛЮБОВЬ» (LOVE), на пальцах левой ― слово «НЕНАВИСТЬ» (HATE). Бен говорит во сне и, отвечая на вопросы Пауэлла, проговаривается о кладе.
       Выйдя на свободу, Пауэлл заявляется на ферму Харперов. Вскоре он замечает, что детям что-то известно. Он соблазняет их мать Уиллу и женится на ней. Он постоянно расспрашивает детей, то мягко, а то и с угрозами, но ничего не может добиться. Поняв, что Уилла ничего не знает, но начинает догадываться о его намерениях, Пауэлл убивает ее и распускает слух, что она уехала. На самом деле труп Уиллы, привязанный к машине, покоится на дне реки; ее волосы развеваются течением.
       Детям удается запереть Пауэлла в подвале. Перед этим он заставил девочку признаться, что деньги хранятся в ее кукле. Джон и Пёрл спускаются на лодке вниз по реке и находят приют у щедрой и заботливой пожилой дамы Рэйчел, которая уже поселила у себя нескольких детей. Пауэлл приходит к ней и требует вернуть Джона и Пёрл, как будто они – его дети, но Рэйчел прогоняет его, угрожая ружьем. Позднее он возвращается, Рэйчел стреляет в него и вызывает полицию. Джону, на чьих глазах хватают Пауэлла, мерещится арест отца, и он, подчиняясь внезапному порыву, отдает деньги Пауэллу.
       После суда толпа хочет линчевать Пауэлла. Полицейские вынуждены перевести его в другую тюрьму. Детей будет воспитывать Рэйчел.
         Этот не поддающийся классификации фильм с треском провалился в прокате и не позволил Чарлзу Лотону продолжить режиссерскую карьеру, зато всегда высоко ценился в определенных киноманских кругах. Он черпает вдохновение в разных кинематографических жанрах (вестерн, нуар), не укладываясь в рамки ни одного из них, однако в сценарном отношении вписывается в ряд мрачных сказок, фантастических и кошмарных приключенческих рассказов, где дети становятся одновременно и главными героями, и жертвами (см. Мунфлит, Moonfleet; Циклон на Ямайке Маккендрика по Ричарду Хьюзу, A Highwind in Jamaica, 1965; Дом нашей матери Джека Клейтона по книге Джулиэн Глоуг, Our Mother's House, 1967 и т. д.). Супруга Чарлза Лотона Эльза Ланчестер утверждает в автобиографии, что Лотон начал работать над сценарием с Дэйвидом Граббом, автором романа-первоисточника, затем заказал экранизацию Джеймсу Эйджи, но счел ее слишком длинной и реалистичной. Ему пришлось самому переделывать и сокращать сценарий, чтобы вернуть хотя бы часть необычной и сновидческой атмосферы первоисточника. (Джеймс Эйджи скончался в 1955 г. в 45 лет, так и не успев увидеть законченный фильм.)
       Неуклюжесть драматургической конструкции только усиливает необычность фильма. По правде говоря, развитие сюжета, разложенное на 3 этапа, где беспорядочно смешиваются объективная точка зрения рассказчика и субъективная точка зрения детей, играет в фильме гораздо меньшее значение, нежели атмосфера и персонажи. Нелепо утверждать, как это иногда делается, что Мичам играет здесь лучшую свою роль или же что он был открыт благодаря этому фильму (!), однако не вызывает сомнений, что его персонаж обладает незаурядной оригинальностью. В нем есть что-то от Синей Бороды, Людоеда и всех сказочных чудовищ, поражающих детское воображение. Во многом благодаря финальной сцене ареста некоторые видят в Пауэлле фигуру, заменяющую детям отца. Хотя такое психоаналитическое толкование очевидно приветствуется самой сутью картины, оно не отвечает на все вопросы и рискует оказаться безосновательным.
       Фильм поражает прежде всего красотой своей формы. Эта красота многим обязана операторской работе Стэнли Кортеса. Декорации, вдохновленные готикой и экспрессионизмом, воскрешают в памяти скандинавский мир и, в частности, вселенную Дрейера. Интерьеры (воссозданные в студии), несмотря на свою разнородность, объединены нереальной – и даже сюрреалистической – атмосферой, придающей фильму причудливую связность. Некоторые образы и сцены выходят за пределы рационального восприятия, и забыть их невозможно: труп Шелли Уинтерз под водной толщей; религиозный гимн, который на 2 голоса распевают Лиллиан Гиш, сидящая на веранде с ружьем в руках, и Роберт Мичам, следящий за ней из сада. Фильм снят в темных тонах, но при этом совсем не пессимистичен. Важная часть его посыла (выраженная в последней части) показывает, что природная выносливость и невинность детей могут справиться с безумием, алчностью и злобой, обуревающими многих взрослых. Но что станет с этими детьми, когда они вырастут?
       БИБЛИОГРАФИЯ: сценарий и диалоги во 2-м томе книги «Эйджи в кино» (Aigee on Film, New York, McDowell, Obolensky, 1960; переиздана в Лондоне – London, Peter Owen, 1965). Текст почти идентичен окончательной версии фильма. Также сюда включен сценарий Африканской царицы, The African Queen и материал по проекту Hoa-Hoa, Noa Noa (жизнеописание Гогена), который так и не был закончен. Фр. перевод обоих сценариев (Flammarion, 1988). Сценарий также опубликован в журнале «L'Avant-Scène», № 202 (1978). Также см. книгу Чарльза Тэйтума-мл., посвященную фильму (Éditions Yellow Now, Crisnée, Belgique, 1988).

    Авторская энциклопедия фильмов Жака Лурселля > The Night of the Hunter

  • 3 night

    1 ღამე
    at / by / in the night ღამე
    every night ყოველ ღამე / ღამღამობით
    dark / long / sleepless / summer night ბნელი / გრძელი / უძილო / ზაფხულის ღამე
    in the middle of the night / at the dead of night შუაღამისას
    he spent the night at our place ღამე ჩვენთან ეძინა / გაათია
    good night! ღამე მშვიდობისა! // ძილი ნებისა!
    2 საღამო (9-იდან 12 საათადმე)
    the night before წინაღამეს // წინა საღამოს
    ●●first night პრემიერა
    gala day / night სადღესასწაულო დღე // საზეიმო საღამო
    in the dead of night შუაღამეს, შუაღამისას

    English-Georgian dictionary > night

  • 4 the Queen of Heaven

    1) богиня неба, Юнона; см. тж. the Queen of Glory
    2) "царица неба", луна (тж. the Queen of the night)

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > the Queen of Heaven

  • 5 queen

    English-Georgian dictionary > queen

  • 6 queen

    1. сущ.
    1) королева( Queen - правительница;
    queen - жена короля) to crown, proclaim smb. a queen ≈ короновать кого-л., провозгласить кого-л. королевой to depose, dethrone a queen ≈ свергнуть королеву to toast the queen ≈ пить за здоровье королевы despotic queen ≈ деспотическая королева popular queen ≈ популярная, любимая народом королева strong queen ≈ сильная, могущественная королева weak queen ≈ слабая королева a queen mounts the throne ≈ королева садится на трон a queen abdicates (a throne) ≈ королева отрекается от трона
    2) перен. богиня, царица She is the queen of the genre. ≈ Вряд ли кто-нибудь может превзойти ее в этом жанре. beauty queen, queen of beauty ≈ королева красоты (победительница конкурса красоты) Syn: goddess
    3) карт. дама queen of hearts queen of spades
    4) шахм. ферзь
    5) пчелиная матка;
    (тж. queen bee)
    6) сл. гомосексуалист, одевающийся и ведущий себя как женщина ∙ when Queen Anne was aliveпри царе Горохе
    2. гл.
    1) делать королевой, короновать на престол
    2) а) править;
    быть королевой (тж. queen it) Syn: rule
    2., reign
    2. б) перен. руководить, управлять, командовать queen it over
    3) шахм. а) проводить пешку в ферзи The player who queens first easily wins. ≈ Игрок, который первым проводит свою пешку в ферзи, выигрывает без особого труда. б) становиться ферзем (о пешке) If the pawn have the move - it will queen. ≈ Если сейчас сделать ход этой пешкой, она станет ферзем.
    4) подсаживать пчелиную матку в улей королева - the Q. of England королева Англии - * dowager вдовствующая королева богиня, царица - Q. of heaven /of the night, of tides/ царица ночи, Луна - Q. of love богиня любви, Венера - * of beauty богиня красоты - Q. of glory /of grace, of paradise, of women/ дева Мария - * of seas (историческое) владычица морей - the rose, * of flowers роза - царица цветов победительница конкурса - beauty * королева красоты краса, жемчужина - Venice, the * of the Adriatic Венеция - жемчужина Адриатического моря дама сердца - * of (all) hearts /of (all) society/ покорительница сердец (карточное) дама - * of hearts дама червей (шахматное) ферзь, королева - *'s Indian defence новоиндийская защита (энтомология) матка (у пчел, муравьев и т. п.) первая красавица;
    первая дама - she is the * bee in her group среди своих подруг она самая привлекательная заводила (сленг) педераст > Q.'s Bench Суд королевской скамьи > Q.'s evidence (юридическое) обвиняемый, изобличающий своих сообщников > Q.'s colours королевское знамя > Q.'s Counsel королевский адвокат > Q.'s peace общественный порядок > Q.'s English безукоризненно правильный литературный английский язык > in the reign of * Dick никогда;
    когда рак на горе свистнет короновать, сделать королевой быть королевой;
    править, царить (пчеловодство) подсаживать матку (шахматное) проводить пешку или проходить в ферзи > to * it (разговорное) строить из себя королеву;
    разыгрывать из себя начальницу;
    возглавлять, заправлять( о женщине) ~ королева;
    Q's head марка с головой королевы queen богиня, царица;
    queen of beauty королева красоты ~ править (over) ;
    быть королевой;
    царить (тж. queen it) ~ карт. дама ~ делать королевой ~ королева;
    Q's head марка с головой королевы ~ матка (у пчел) ~ шахм. проводить пешку или проходить в ферзи ~ шахм. ферзь Queen Anne is dead! = открыл Америку! (ответ на запоздавшую новость) ;
    when Queen Anne was alive = при царе Горохе queen богиня, царица;
    queen of beauty королева красоты ~ of hearts дама червей ~ of hearts перен. покорительница сердец Queen Anne is dead! = открыл Америку! (ответ на запоздавшую новость) ;
    when Queen Anne was alive = при царе Горохе

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > queen

  • 7 queen

    1. [kwi:n] n
    1. королева
    2. 1) богиня, царица

    Queen of heaven /of night, of tides/ - царица ночи, Луна

    Queen of love - богиня любви, Венера

    Queen of glory /of grace, of paradise, of women/ - дева Мария

    queen of seas - ист. владычица морей

    the rose, queen of flowers - роза - царица цветов

    2) победительница конкурса
    3. краса, жемчужина

    Venice, the queen of the Adriatic - Венеция - жемчужина Адриатического моря

    4. дама сердца

    queen of (all) hearts /of (all) society/ - покорительница сердец

    5. 1) карт. дама
    2) шахм. ферзь, королева
    6. 1) энт. матка (у пчёл, муравьёв и т. п.)
    2) шутл. первая красавица; первая дама

    she is the queen bee in her group - среди своих подруг она самая привлекательная

    3) заводила
    7. сл. педераст

    Queen's Bench - Суд королевской скамьи

    Queen's evidence - юр. обвиняемый, изобличающий своих сообщников

    in the reign of queen Dick - никогда; ≅ когда рак на горе свиснет

    2. [kwi:n] v
    1. короновать, сделать королевой
    2. быть королевой; править, царить
    3. пчел. подсаживать матку
    4. шахм. проводить пешку или проходить в ферзи

    to queen it - разг. а) строить из себя королеву; б) разыгрывать из себя начальницу; возглавлять, заправлять ( о женщине)

    НБАРС > queen

  • 8 queen

    I. 1. кралица, царица
    2. прен. царица, любимка
    beauty QUEEN най-красивата жена (при конкурс)
    3. зоол. майка, царица
    4. карти дама, шахм. царица, дама
    QUEEN of spades/hearts, etc. дама пика/купа и пр
    5. женска котка
    6. sl. педераст
    QUEEN Аnnе is dead открил (си) Америка
    II. 1. управлявам/владея като кралица (over)
    2. провъзгласявам за кралица
    3. шахм. извaждам царица
    4. to QUEEN it държа се като царица, важнича, командувам, разпореждам
    * * *
    {kwi:n} n 1. кралица, царица; 2. прен. царица; любимка; beauty (2) {kwi:n} v 1. управлявам/владея като кралица (over); 2. пров
    * * *
    царица; дама; кралица;
    * * *
    1. beauty queen най-красивата жена (при конкурс) 2. i. кралица, царица 3. ii. управлявам/владея като кралица (over) 4. queen of spades/hearts, etc. дама пика/купа и пр 5. queen Аnnе is dead открил (си) Америка 6. sl. педераст 7. to queen it държа се като царица, важнича, командувам, разпореждам 8. женска котка 9. зоол. майка, царица 10. карти дама, шахм. царица, дама 11. прен. царица, любимка 12. провъзгласявам за кралица 13. шахм. извaждам царица
    * * *
    queen [kwi:n] I. n 1. кралица; \queen dowager вдовстваща кралица; \queen mother кралица майка; Q. of Scots Мария Стюарт; Q.' s English стандартен английски език; to turn \queen's evidence юрид. свидетелствам срещу съучастниците си; разг. предавам съучастниците си; 2. прен. царица, любимка; \queen of night Диана; луната, царицата на нощта; \queen of all hearts най-уважавана жена; Venice, \queen of the Adriatic Венеция, царица на Адриатика; \queen of the seas Великобритания; beauty \queen кралица на красотата, мис (при конкурс); 3. карти дама; \queen of hearts дама купа; 4. царица (в шаха); 5. пчела майка, царица; женска котка; 6. sl хомосексуалист; II. v 1. управлявам като кралица ( over); to \queen it разг. разпореждам се; налагам се; държа се безцеремонно; 2. рядко правя (някого) царица, кралица; 3. произвеждам (пешка в) царица (в шаха).

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > queen

  • 9 кактус крупноцветковый

    queen of the night, torch thistle (Cereus grandiflorus)
    queen of the night, torch thistle *(Selenicereus grandiflorus)

    Русско-англо-латинский словарь лекарственных растений > кактус крупноцветковый

  • 10 царица ночи

    queen of the night, torch thistle (Cereus grandiflorus)
    queen of the night, torch thistle *(Selenicereus grandiflorus)

    Русско-англо-латинский словарь лекарственных растений > царица ночи

  • 11 цереус крупноцветковый

    queen of the night, torch thistle (Cereus grandiflorus)
    queen of the night, torch thistle *(Selenicereus grandiflorus)

    Русско-англо-латинский словарь лекарственных растений > цереус крупноцветковый

  • 12 Königin

    f; -, -nen queen (auch Ameisen-, Bienenkönigin); sie war die Königin des Festes she was the belle of the ball; Königin der Nacht BOT. queen of the night
    * * *
    die Königin
    * * *
    Kö|ni|gin ['køːnigɪn]
    f -, -nen (AUCH ZOOL)

    Kö́nigin der Nacht (Bot)queen of the night, night-flowering cereus

    * * *
    1) (a woman who rules a country, who inherits her position by right of birth: the Queen of England; Queen Elizabeth II.) queen
    2) (the wife of a king: The king and his queen were both present.) queen
    3) (a woman who is in some way important, excellent or special: a beauty queen; a movie queen.) queen
    4) (the egg-laying female of certain kinds of insect (especially bees, ants and wasps).) queen
    * * *
    <-, -nen>
    1. (Herrscherin eines Königreiches) queen
    2. (Bienenkönigin) queen[-bee]
    3. BOT
    die \Königin der Nacht Queen of the Night
    * * *
    die; Königin, Königinnen (auch BienenKönigin) queen
    * * *
    Königin f; -, -nen queen (auch Ameisen-, Bienenkönigin);
    sie war die Königin des Festes she was the belle of the ball;
    Königin der Nacht BOT queen of the night
    * * *
    die; Königin, Königinnen (auch BienenKönigin) queen
    * * *
    -nen f.
    queen n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Königin

  • 13 Königin

    Kö·ni·gin <-, -nen> [ʼkø:nɪgɪn] f
    2) (Bienen\Königin) queen[-bee]
    3) bot
    die \Königin der Nacht Queen of the Night

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch für Studenten > Königin

  • 14 царица ночи

    2) Botanical term: queen of the night, torch thistle

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > царица ночи

  • 15 кактус крупноцветковый

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > кактус крупноцветковый

  • 16 цереус крупноцветковый

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > цереус крупноцветковый

  • 17 dronning

    * * *
    subst. queen, female monarch subst. [ sjakkbrikke] queen (ballets dronning) queen of the ball, belle of the ball [ nattens dronning] (Cereus grandiflorus) night-blooming cereus (regjerende dronning) reigning queen

    Norsk-engelsk ordbok > dronning

  • 18 महा _mahā

    महा A cow.
    महा The substitute of महत् at the beginning of Karmadhāraya and Bahuvrīhi compounds, and also at the beginning of some other irregular words. (Note: The number of compounds of which महा is the first mem- ber is very large, and may be multiplied ad infinitum. The more important of them, or such as have peculiar significations, are given below.)
    -Comp. -अक्षः an epithet of Śiva. ˚पटलिक a chief keeper of archives.
    -अङ्ग a. huge, bulky.
    -(ङ्गः) 1 a camel.
    -2 a kind of rat.
    -3 N. of Śiva.
    -अञ्जनः N. of a mountain.
    -अत्ययः a great danger or calamity.
    -अध्वनिक a. 'having gone a long way', dead.
    -अध्वरः a great sacrifice.
    -अनसम् 1 a heavy carriage.
    -2 cooking utensils. (
    -सी) a kitchen-maid. (
    -सः, -सम्) a kitchen; सूपानस्य करिष्यामि कुशलो$स्मि महानसे Mb.4.2.2.
    -अनिलः a whirl- wind; महानिलेनेव निदाघजं रजः Ki.14.59.
    -अनुभाव a.
    1 of great prowess, dignified, noble, glorious, magnanimous, exalted, illustrious; ग्रहीतुमार्यान् परिचर्यया मुहुर्महानु- भावा हि नितान्तमर्थिनः Śi.1.17; Ś.3.
    -2 virtuous, righteous, just.
    (-वः) 1 a worthy or respectable person.
    -2 (pl.) people of a religious sect in Mahārāṣtra founded by Chakradhara in the 13th century.
    -अन्तकः 1 death.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -अन्धकारः 1 thick darkness.
    -2 gross (spiritual) ignorance.
    -अन्ध्राः (pl.) N. of a people and their country.
    -अन्वय, -अभिजन a. nobly-born, of noble birth. (
    -यः, -नः) noble birth, high descent.
    -अभिषवः the great extraction of Soma.
    -अमात्यः the chief or prime minister (of a king).
    -अम्बुकः an epithet of Śiva.
    -अम्बुजम् a billion.
    -अम्ल a. very sour. (
    -म्लम्) the fruit of the tamarind tree. अरण्यम् a great (dreary) forest, large forest.
    -अर्घ a. very costly, costing a high price; महार्घस्तीर्थानामिव हि महतां को$प्यतिशयः U.6.11. (
    -र्घः) a kind of quail.
    -अर्घ्य a.
    1 valuable, precious.
    -2 invaluable; ines- timable; see महार्ह below.
    -अर्चिस् a. flaming high.
    -अर्णवः 1 the great ocean.
    -2 N. of Śiva.
    -अर्थ a.
    1 rich.
    -2 great, noble, dignified.
    -3 important, weighty.
    -4 significant.
    -अर्बुदम् one thousand millions.
    -अर्ह a.
    1 very valuable, very costly; महार्हशय्यापरिवर्तनच्युतैः स्वकेशपुष्पैरपि या स्म दूयते Ku.5.12.
    -2 invaluable, inestimable; महार्हशयनोपेत किं शेषे निहतो भुवि Rām.6.19. 2. (
    -र्हम्) white sandal-wood.
    -अवरोहः the fig-tree.
    -अशनिध्वजः a great banner in the form of the thunderbolt; जहार चान्येन मयूरपत्रिणा शरेण शक्रस्य महाशनि- ध्वजम् R.3.56.
    - अशन a. voracious, gluttonous; Mb. 4.
    -अश्मन् m. a precious stone, ruby.
    -अष्टमी the eighth day in the bright half of Āśvina sacred to Durgā; आश्विने शुक्लपक्षस्य भवेद् या तिथिरष्टमी । महाष्टमीति सा प्रोक्ता......
    -असिः a large sword.
    -असुरी N. of Durgā.
    -अह्नः the afternoon.
    -आकार a. extensive, large, great.
    -आचार्यः 1 a great teacher.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -आढ्य a. wealthy, very rich. (
    -ढ्यः) the Kadamba tree.
    -आत्मन् a.
    1 high-souled, high-minded, magnanimous, noble; अयं दुरात्मा अथवा महात्मा कौटिल्यः Mu.7; द्विषन्ति मन्दाश्चरितं महात्मनाम् Ku.5.75; U.1.49; प्रकृतिसिद्धमिदं हि महात्मनाम् Bh.1.63.
    -2 illustrious, distinguished, exalted, eminent; किमाचाराः किमाहाराः क्व च वासो महात्मनाम् Mb.3. 1.4.
    -3 mighty (महाबल); अथायमस्यां कृतवान् महात्मा लङ्केश्वरः कष्टमनार्यकर्म Rām.5.9.74. (-m.)
    1 the Supreme Spirit; युगपत्तु प्रलीयन्ते यदा तस्मिन् महात्मनि Ms.1.54.
    -2 the great principle, i. e. intellect of the Sāṅkhyas. (महात्मवत् means the same as महात्मन्).
    -आनकः a kind of large drum.
    -आनन्दः, -नन्दः 1 great joy or bliss.
    -2 espe- cially, the great bliss of final beatitude.
    (-न्दा) 1 spirituous liquor.
    -2 a festival on the ninth day in the bright half of Māgha.
    -आपगा a great river.
    -आयुधः an epithet of Śiva.
    -आरम्भ a. undertaking great works, enterprizing. (
    -म्भः) any great enterprize.
    -आलयः 1 a temple in general.
    -2 a sanctuary, an asylum.
    -3 a great dwelling.
    -4 a place of pilgrimage.
    -5 the world of Brahman.
    -6 the Supreme Spirit.
    -7 a tree &c. sacred to a deity.
    -8 N. of a particular dark fortnight.
    -9 पितृश्राद्ध in the month of Bhādra- pada. (
    -या) N. of a particular deity.
    - आशय a. high- souled, nobleminded, magnanimous, noble; दैवात् प्रबुद्धः शुश्राव वराहो हि महाशयः Ks; राजा हिरण्यगर्भो महाशयः H.4; see महात्मन्.
    (-यः) 1 a noble-minded or magnanimous person; महाशयचक्रवर्ती Bv.1.7.
    -2 the ocean.
    -आस्पद a.
    1 occupying a great position.
    -2 mighty, powerful.
    -आहवः a great or tumultuous fight.
    -इच्छ a.
    1 magnanimous, noble-minded, high-souled, noble; मही महेच्छः परिकीर्य सूनौ R.18.33.
    -2 having lofty aims or aspirations, ambitious; विद्यावतां महेच्छानां...... नाश्रयः पार्थिवं विना Pt.1.37.
    -इन्द्रः 1 'the great Indra', N. of Indra; इयं महेन्द्रप्रभृतीनधिश्रियः Ku.5.53; R.13.2; Ms.7.7.
    -2 a chief or leader in general.
    -3 N. of a mountain range; पतिर्महेन्द्रस्य महोदधेश्च R.6.54;4.39,43. ˚चापः rain-bow. ˚नगरी N. of Amarāvatī, the capital of Indra. ˚मन्त्रिन् m. an epithet of Bṛihaspati. ˚वाहः the elephant Airāvata; महेन्द्रवाहप्रतिमो महात्मा Mb.9.17.52.
    -इभ्य a. very rich.
    -इषुः a great archer; अधिरोहति गाण्डीवं महेषौ Ki.13.16.
    -इष्वासः a great archer, a great warrior; अत्र शूरा महेष्वासा भामार्जुनसमा युधि Bg.1.4.
    -ईशः, -ईशानः N. of Śiva; महेशस्त्वां धत्ते शिरसि रसराजस्य जयिनीम् Udb. ˚बन्धुः the Bilva tree.
    -ईशानी N. of Pārvatī.
    -ईश्वरः 1 a great lord, sovereign; महेश्वरस्त्र्यम्बक एव नापरः R.; गोप्तारं न निधीनां कथयन्ति महेश्वरं विबुधाः Pt.2.74.
    -2 N. of Śiva.
    -3 of Viṣṇu.
    -4 a god (opp. प्रकृति).
    -5 the Supreme Being (परमात्मा); मायां तु प्रकृतिं विद्यान्मायिनं तु महेश्वरम् Śvet. Up.4.1. ˚सखः N. of Kubera; यया कैलासभवने महेश्वरसखं बली Mb.9.11.55.
    (-री) 1 N. of Durgā.
    -2 a kind of bell-metal.
    -उक्षः (for उक्षन्) a large bull; a full grown or strong bull; महोक्षतां वत्सतरः स्पृशन्निव R.3.32;4.22;6.72; Śi.5.63.
    -उत्पलम् a large blue lotus. (
    -लः) the Sārasa bird.
    -उत्सवः 1 a great festival or occasion of joy; नयनविषयं जन्मन्येकः स एव महोत्सवः Māl.1.36.
    -2 the god of love.
    -उत्साह a. possessed of great energy, energetic, persevering; अहं च कर्णं जानामि...... सत्यसंधं महोत्साहं...... Mb.3.91.2.
    (-हः) 1 perseverance.
    -2 great pride; ये जात्यादिमहो- त्साहान्नरेन्द्रान्नोपयान्ति च । तेषामामरणं भिक्षा प्रायश्चितं विनिर्मितम् ॥ Pt.1.38.
    -उदधिः 1 the great ocean; महोदधेः पूर इवेन्दु- दर्शनात् R.3.17.
    -2 an epithet of Indra. ˚जः a conch- shell, shell.
    - उदय a. very prosperous or lucky, very glorious or splendid, of great prosperity.
    (-यः) 1 (a) great elevation or rise, greatness, prosperity; नन्दस्त्वतीन्द्रियं दृष्ट्वा लोकपालमहोदयम् Bhāg.1.28.1; अपवर्ग- महोदयार्थयोर्भुवमंशाविव धर्मयोर्गतौ R.8.16. (b) great fortune or good luck. (c) greatness, pre-eminence.
    -2 final beatitude.
    -3 a lord, master.
    -4 N. of the district called Kānyakubja or Kanouja; see App.
    -5 N. of the capital of Kanouja.
    -6 sour milk mixed with honey.
    -7 = महात्मन् q. v.; संसक्तौ किमसुलभं महोदयानाम Ki.7.27. ˚पर्वन् a time of union of the middle of श्रवण नक्षत्र and the end of व्यतिपात (generally in the month of माघ or पौष at the beginning of अमावास्या).
    - उदर a. big-bellied, corpulent.
    -(रम्) 1 a big belly.
    -2 dropsy.
    -उदार a.
    1 very generous or magnanimous.
    -2 mighty, powerful.
    -उद्यम a. = महोत्साह q. v; महोद्यमाः कर्म समा- रभन्ते.
    -उद्योग a. very industrious or diligent, hard- working.
    -उद्रेकः a particular measure (= 4 प्रस्थs).
    -उन्नत a. exceedingly lofty. (
    -तः) the palmyra tree.
    -उन्नतिः f. great rise or elevation (fig. also), high rank.
    -उपकारः a great obligation.
    -उपाध्यायः a great preceptor, a learned teacher.
    -उरगः a great serpent; वपुर्महोरगस्येव करालफणमण्डलम् R.12.98.
    -उरस्क a. broad-chested. (
    -स्कः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -उर्मिन् m. the ocean; ततः सागरमासाद्य कुक्षौ तस्य महोर्मिणः Mb.3.2.17.
    -उल्का 1 a great meteor.
    -2 a great fire-brand.
    -ऋत्विज् m. 'great priest', N. of the four chief sacri- ficial priests.
    -ऋद्धि a. very prosperous, opulent. (-f.) great prosperity or affluence.
    -ऋषभः a great bull.
    -ऋषिः 1 a great sage or saint; यस्मादृषिः परत्वेन महांस्त- स्मान्महर्षयः; (the term is applied in Ms.1.34 to the ten Prajāpatis or patriarchs of mankind, but it is also used in the general sense of 'a great sage').
    -2 N. of Sacute;iva.
    -3 of Buddha.
    -ओघ a. having a strong current.
    -घः a very large number; शतं खर्व- सहस्राणां समुद्रमभिधीयते । शतं समुद्रसाहस्रं महौघमिति विश्रुतम् ॥ Rām.6.28.37.
    -ओष्ठ (महोष्ठ) a. having large lips. (
    -ष्ठः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -ओजस् a. very mighty or powerful, possessed of great splendour or glory; महौजसा मानधना धनार्चिताः Ki.1.19. (-m.) a great hero or warrior, a champion. (-n.) great vigour.
    -ओजसम् the discus of Viṣṇu (सुदर्शन). (
    -सी) N. of plant (Mar. कांगणी).
    -ओदनी Asparagus Racemosus (Mar. शतावरी).
    -ओषधिः f.
    1 a very efficacious medicinal plant, a sovereign drug.
    -2 the Dūrvā grass.
    -3 N. of various plants ब्राह्मी, श्वेतकण्टकारी, कटुका, अतिविष &c. ˚गणः a collection of great or medicinal herbs:-- पृश्निपर्णी श्यामलता भृङ्गराजः शतावरी । गुड्चा सहदेवी च महौषधिगणः स्मृतः ॥ cf. also सहदेवी तथा व्याघ्री बला चातिबला त्वचा । शङ्खपुष्पी तथा सिंही अष्टमी च सुवर्चला ॥ महौषध्यष्टकं प्रोक्तं....
    -औषधम् 1 a sovereign remedy, panacea.
    -2 ginger.
    -3 garlic.
    -4 a kind of poison (वत्सनाभ).
    -कच्छः 1 the sea.
    -2 N. of Varuṇa.
    -3 a mountain.
    -कन्दः garlic.
    -कपर्दः a kind of shell.
    -कपित्थः 1 the Bilva tree.
    -2 red garlic.
    -कम्बु a. stark naked. (
    -म्बुः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -कर a.
    1 large-handed.
    -2 having a large revenue.
    -कर्णः an epithet of Śiva.
    -कर्मन् a. doing great works. (-m.) an epithet of Śiva.
    -कला the night of the new moon.
    -कल्पः a great cycle of time (1 years of Brahman); Bhāg.7.15.69.
    -कविः 1 a great poet, a classical poet, such as कालिदास, भवभूति, बाण, भारवि &c.
    -2 an epithet of Śukra.
    -कषायः N. of a plant (Mar. कायफळ).
    -कान्तः an epithet of Śiva. (
    -ता) the earth.
    -काय a. big-bodied, big, gigantic, bulky.
    (-यः) 1 an elephant.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -3 of Viṣṇu.
    -4 of a being attending on Śiva (= नन्दि).
    -कारुणिक a. exceedingly compassionate.
    -कार्तिकी the night of full-moon in the month of Kārtika.
    -कालः 1 a form of Śiva in his character as the destroyer of the world; महाकालं यजेद्देव्या दक्षिणे धूम्रवर्णकम् Kālītantram.
    -2 N. of a cele- brated shrine or temple of Śiva (Mahākāla) (one of the 12 celebrated Jyotirliṅgas) established at Ujjayinī (immortalized by Kālidāsa in his Meghadūta, which gives a very beautiful description of the god, his temple, worship &c., together with a graphic picture of the city; cf. Me.3-38; also R.6.34); महाकालनिवासिनं कालीविलासिनमनश्वरं महेश्वरं समाराध्य Dk.1.1.
    -3 an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -4 N. of a kind of gourd.
    -5 N. of Śiva's servant (नन्दि). ˚पुरम् the city of Ujjayinī. ˚फलम् a red fruit with black seeds; पक्वं महाकालफलं किलासीत् N.22.29.
    -काली an epithet of Durgā in her terrific form.
    -काव्यम् a great or classical poem; (for a full description of its nature, contents &c., according to Rhetoricians see S. D.559). (The number of Mahākāvyas is usually said to be five:-- रघुवंश, कुमारसंभव, किरातार्जुनीय, शिशुपालवध and नैषधचरित or six, if मेघदूत-- a very small poem or खण़्डकाव्य-- be added to the list. But this enumeration is apparently only traditional, as there are several other poems, such as the भट्टिकाव्य, विक्रमाङ्कदेवचरित, हरविजय &c. which have an equal claim to be considered as Mahākāvyas).
    -कीर्तनम् a house.
    -कुमारः the eldest son of a reigning prince, heir-apparent.
    -कुल, -कुलीन a. of noble birth or descent, sprung from a noble family, nobly born. (
    -लम्) a noble birth or family, high descent.
    -कुहः a species of parasitical worm.
    -कृच्छ्रम् a great penance.
    -केतुः N. of Śiva.
    -केशः, -कोशः 1 an epithet of Śiva.
    -2 a large sheath.
    -क्रतुः a great sacrifice; e. g. a horse-sacrifice; तदङ्गमग्ऱ्यं मघवन् महाक्रतोरमुं तुरङ्गं प्रतिमोक्तुमर्हसि R.3.46.
    -क्रमः an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -क्रोधः an epithet of Śiva.
    -क्षत्रपः a great satrap.
    -क्षीरः sugar-cane.
    -क्षीरा f. a She-buffalo; Nighaṇṭaratnākara.
    -खर्वः, -र्वम् a high number (ten billions ?).
    -गजः a great elephant; see दिक्करिन्.
    -गणपतिः a form of the god Gaṇeśa.
    -गदः fever.
    -गन्ध a. exceedingly fragrant. (
    -न्धः) a kind of cane. (
    -न्धम्) a kind of sandal- wood. (
    -न्धा) N. of Chāmuṇḍā.
    -गर्तः, -गर्भः -गीतः N. of Śiva.
    -गर्दभगन्धिका N. of a plant, भारङ्गी.
    -गल a. longnecked.
    -गवः Bos gavaeus.
    -गुण a. very efficacious, sovereign (as a medicine); त्वया ममैष संबन्धः कपिमुख्य महागुणः Rām.5.1.12. (
    -णः) a chief quality, cardinal virtue.
    -गुरुः a highly respectable or venerable person; (these are three, the father, mother and preceptor; पिता माता तथाचार्यो महागुरुरिति स्मृतः).
    -गुल्मा the Soma plant.
    -गृष्टिः f. a cow with a large hump.
    -ग्रहः 1 an epithet of Rāhu.
    -2 the sun; महाग्रहग्राहविनष्टपङ्कः Rām.5.5.6.
    -ग्रामः N. of the ancient capital of Ceylon, the modern Māgama.
    -ग्रीवः 1 a camel.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -ग्रीविन् m. a camel.
    -घूर्णा spirituous liquor.
    -घृतम् ghee kept for a long time (for medicinal purposes).
    -घोष a. noisy, loud-sounding. (
    -षम्) a market, fair. (
    -षः) a loud noise, clamour.
    -चक्रम् the mystic circle in the शाक्त ceremonial.
    -चक्रवर्तिन् m. a universal monarch.
    -चण्डा N. of Chāmuṇḍā.
    -चपला a kind of metre.
    -चमूः f. a large army.
    -छायः the fig-tree.
    -जङ्घः a camel.
    -जटः an epithet of Śiva.
    -जटा 1 a great braid of hair.
    -2 the matted hair of Śiva.
    -जत्रु a. having a great collar-bone. (
    -त्रुः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -जनः 1 a multitude of men, a great many beings, the general populace or public; महाजनो येन गतः स पन्थाः Mb.3.313. 117; आगम्य तु ततो राजा विसृज्य च महाजनम् 6.98.25.
    -2 the populace, mob; विलोक्य वृद्धोक्षमधिष्ठितं त्वया महाजनः स्मेरमुखो भविष्यति Ku.5.7.
    -3 a great man, a distinguished or eminent man; महाजनस्य संसर्गः कस्य नोन्नतिकारकः । पद्मपत्रस्थितं तोयं धत्ते मुक्ताफलश्रियम् Pt.3.6.
    -4 the chief of a caste or trade.
    -5 a merchant, tradesman.
    -जवः an antelope.
    -जातीय a.
    1 rather large.
    -2 of an excellent kind.
    -जालिः, -ली N. of a plant (Mar. सोनामुखी)
    -जिह्वः an epithet of Śiva.
    -ज्ञानिन् m.
    1 a very learned man.
    -2 a great sage.
    -3 N. of Śiva.
    -ज्यैष्ठी the day of fullmoon in the month of Jyeṣṭha; ताभिर्दृश्यत एष यान् पथि महाज्यैष्ठीमहे मन्महे N.15.89; पूर्णिमा रविवारेण महाज्यैष्ठी प्रकीर्तिता Agni P.121.63.
    -ज्योतिस् m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -ज्वरः great affliction.
    -ज्वाल a. very brilliant or shining.
    (-लः) 1 N. of Śiva.
    -2 a sacrificial fire.
    -डीनम् a kind of flight; 'यानं महाडीनमाहुः पवित्रामूर्जितां गतिम्' Mb.8.41.27 (com.).
    -तपस् m.
    1 a great ascetic.
    -2 an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -तलम् N. of one of the seven lower regions; see पाताल.
    -तारा N. of a Buddhist goddess.
    -तिक्तः the Nimba tree.
    -तिथिः the 6th day of a lunation.
    -तीक्ष्ण a. exceedingly sharp or pungent. (
    -क्ष्णा) the marking- nut plant.
    -तेजस् a.
    1 possessed of great lustre or splendour.
    -2 very vigorous or powerful, heroic. (-m.)
    1 a hero, warrior.
    -2 fire.
    -3 an epithet of Kārtikeya. (-n.) quick-silver.
    -त्याग, -त्यागिन् a. very generous. (-m.) N. of Śiva.
    -दंष्ट्रः a species of big tiger.
    -दन्तः 1 an elephant with large tusks.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -दण्डः 1 a long arm.
    -2 a severe punishment.
    -दम्भः an epithet of Śiva.
    -दशा the influence exercised (over a man's destiny) by a predominant planet.
    -दानम् the gift of gold equal to one's own weight; अथातः संप्रवक्ष्यामि महादानस्य लक्षणम्.
    -दारु n. the devadāru tree.
    -दुर्गम् a great calamity; Pt.
    -दूषकः a kind of grain.
    -देवः N. of Śiva.
    (-वी) 1 N. of Pārvatī.
    -2 the chief queen.
    -द्रुमः the sacred fig-tree.
    -द्वारम् a large gate, the chief or outer gate of a temple.
    -धन a.
    1 rich.
    -2 expensive, costly; हेमदण्डैर्महाधनैः Rām.7. 77.13.
    (-नम्) 1 gold.
    -2 incense.
    -3 a costly or rich dress.
    -4 agriculture, husbandry.
    -5 anything costly or precious.
    -6 great booty.
    -7 a great battle (Ved.).
    -धनुस् m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -धातुः 1 gold.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -3 lymph.
    -4 N. of Meru.
    -धी a. having a great understanding.
    -धुर्यः a full-grown draught ox.
    -ध्वजः a camel.
    -ध्वनिक a. dead.
    -नग्नः an athlete; Buddh.
    -नटः an epithet of Śiva; महानटः किं नु...... तनोति...... साम्प्रतमङ्गहारम् N.22.7; महानटबाहुनेव बद्धभुजाङ्केन Vās.
    -नदः a great river.
    -नदी 1 a great river, such as Gaṅgā, Kṛiṣṇā; मन्दरः पर्वतश्चाक्षो जङ्घा तस्य महानदी Mb.8.34.2; संभूयाम्भोधिमभ्येति महानद्या नगापगा Śi.2.1.
    -2 N. of a river falling into the bay of Bengal.
    -नन्दा 1 spirituous liquor.
    -2 N. of a river.
    -3 ninth day of the bright half of the month of Māgha; माघमासस्य या शुक्ला नवमी लोकपूजिचा । महानन्देति सा प्रोक्ता....
    -नरकः N. of one of the 21 hells.
    -नलः a kind of reed.
    -नवमी the ninth day in the bright half of Āśvina, sacred to the worship of Durgā ततो$नु नवमी यस्मात् सा महानवमी स्मृता.
    -नाटकम् 'the great drama', N. of a drama, also called Hanumannāṭaka, (being popularly ascribed to Hanumat); thus defined by S. D.:-- एतदेव यदा सर्वैः पताकास्थानकैर्युतम् । अङ्कैश्च दशभिर्धीरा महानाटकमूचिरे ॥
    -नाडी sinew, tendon.
    -नादः 1 a loud sound, uproar.
    -2 a great drum.
    -3 a thunder-cloud.
    -4 a shell.
    -5 an elephant.
    -6 a lion.
    -7 the ear.
    -8 a camel.
    -9 an epithet of Śiva. (
    -दम्) a musical instrument.
    -नाम्नी 1 N. of a परिशिष्ट of Sāmaveda.
    -2 (pl.) N. of 9 verses of Sāmaveda beginning with विदा मघवन् विदा.
    -नायकः 1 a great gem in the centre of a string of pearls.
    -2 a great head or chief.
    -नासः an epithet of Śiva.
    -निद्र a. fast asleep. (
    -द्रा) 'the great sleep', death.
    -निम्नम् intestines, abdomen.
    -नियमः an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -निर्वाणम् total extinction of individuality (according to the Buddhists).
    -निशा 1 the dead of night, the second and third watches of the night; महानिशा तु विज्ञेया मध्यमं प्रहरद्वयम्
    -2 an epithet of Durgā.
    -नीचः a washerman.
    -नील a. dark-blue. (
    -लः) a kind of sapphire or emerald; इन्द्रनीलमहानीलमणिप्रवरवेदिकम् Rām.5.9.16; महा- महानीलशिलारुचः Śi.1.16;4.44; R.18.42; Kau. A.2.11. 29. ˚उपलः a sapphire.
    -नृत्यः, -नेत्रः an epithet of Śiva.
    -नेमिः a crow.
    -न्यायः the chief rule.
    -पक्ष a.
    1 having many adherents.
    -2 having a large family or retinue; महापक्षे धनिन्यार्थे निक्षेपं निक्षिपेद् बुधः Ms.8.179.
    (-क्षः) 1 an epithet of Garuḍa.
    -2 a kind of duck. (
    -क्षी) an owl.
    -पङ्क्तिः, -पदपङ्क्तिः a kind of metre.
    -पञ्चमूलम् the five great roots:-- बिल्वो$ग्निमन्थः श्योनाकः काश्मरी पाटला तथा । सर्वैस्तु मिलितैरेतैः स्यान्महापञ्चमूलकम् ॥
    -पञ्चविषम् the five great or deadly poisons:-- शृङ्गी च कालकूटश्च मुस्तको वत्सनाभकः । शङ्खकर्णीति योगो$यं महापञ्चविषाभिधः ॥
    -पटः the skin.
    -पथः 1 chief road, principal street, high or main road; संतानकाकीर्णमहापथं तत् Ku.7.3.
    -2 the passage into the next world, i. e. death.
    -3 N. of certain mountain-tops from which devout persons used to throw themselves down to secure entrance into heaven.
    -4 an epithet of Śiva.
    -5 the long pilgrimage to mount Ke- dāra.
    -6 the way to heaven.
    -7 the knowledge of the essence of Śiva acquired in the pilgrimage to Kedāra.
    -पथिक a.
    1 undertaking great journeys.
    -2 one receiving Śulka (toll) on the high way; cf. Mb.12.76.6 (com. महापथिकः समुद्रे नौयानेन गच्छन् यद्वा महापथि शुल्कग्राहकः)
    -पद्मः 1 a particular high number.
    -2 N. of Nārada.
    -3 N. of one of the nine treasures of Kubera.
    -4 N. of the southernmost elephant supporting the world.
    -5 an epithet of Nanda.
    -6 a Kinnara attendant on Kubera.
    (-द्मम्) 1 a white lotus.
    -2 N. of a city. ˚पतिः N. of Nanda.
    -पराकः a. a particular penance; Hch.
    -पराङ्णः a late hour in the afternoon.
    -पवित्रः an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -पशुः large cattle; महापशूनां हरणे... दण्डं प्रकल्पयेत् Ms.8.324.
    -पातः a long flight; Pt.2.58.
    -पातकम् 1 a great sin, a heinous crime; ब्रह्महत्या सुरापानं स्तेयं गुर्वङ्गनागमः । महान्ति पातकान्याहुस्तत्संसर्गश्च पञ्चमम् ॥ Ms.1154.
    -2 any great sin or transgression.
    -पात्रः a prime minister.
    -पादः an epithet of Śiva.
    -पाप्मन् a. very sinful or wicked.
    -पुराणम् N. of a Purāṇa; महापुराणं विज्ञेयमेकादशकलक्षणम् Brav. P.
    -पुंसः a great man.
    -पुरुषः 1 a great man, an eminent or distinguished personage; शब्दं महापुरुषसंविहितं निशम्य U. 6.7.
    -2 the Supreme Spirit.
    -3 an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -पौरुषिकः a worshipper of Viṣṇu; तदहं ते$भिधास्यामि महापौरुषिको भवान् Bhāg.2.1.1.
    -पुष्पः a kind of worm.
    -पूजा great worship; any solemn worship performed on extraordinary occasions.
    -पृष्ठः a camel.
    -पोटगलः a kind of large reed.
    -प्रजापतिः N. of Viṣṇu.
    -प्रतीहारः a chief door-keeper.
    -प्रपञ्चः the great universe.
    -प्रभ a. of great lustre. (
    -भः) the light of a lamp.
    -प्रभुः 1 a great lord.
    -2 a king, sovereign.
    -3 a chief.
    -4 an epithet of Indra.
    -5 of Śiva
    -6 of Viṣṇu.
    -7 a great saint or holy man.
    -प्रलयः 'the great dissolution', the total annihilation of the universe at the end of the life of Brahman, when all the lokas with their inha- bitants, the gods, saints &c. including Brahman himself are annihilated; महाप्रलयमारुत...... Ve.3.4.
    -प्रश्नः a knotty question.
    -प्रसादः 1 a great favour.
    -2 a great present (of food offered to an idol); पादोदकं च निर्माल्यं नैवेद्यं च विशेषतः । महाप्रसाद इत्युक्त्वा ग्राह्यं विष्णोः प्रयत्नतः
    -प्रस्थानम् 1 departing this life, death.
    -2 setting out on a great journey for ending life; इहैव निधनं याम महाप्रस्थानमेव वा Rām.2.47.7 (com. महाप्रस्थानं मरणदीक्षा- पूर्वकमुत्तराभिमुखगमनम्); Mb.1.2.365.
    -प्राणः 1 the hard breathing or aspirate sound made in the pronunciation of the aspirates.
    -2 the aspirated letters themselves (pl.); they are:-- ख्, घ्, छ्, झ्, ठ्, ढ्, थ्, ध्, फ्, भ्, श्, ष्, स्, ह्.
    -3 a raven.
    -प्राणता possession of great strength or essence; अन्यांश्च जीवत एव महाप्राणतया स्फुरतो जग्राह K.
    -प्रेतः a noble departed spirit.
    -प्लवः a great flood, deluge;... क्षिप्तसागरमहाप्लवामयम् Śi.14.71.
    -फल a.
    1 bearing much fruit.
    -2 bringing much reward.
    (-ला) 1 a bitter gourd.
    -2 a kind of spear.
    (-लम्) 1 a great fruit or reward.
    -2 a testicle.
    -फेना the cuttle-fish bone.
    -बन्धः a peculiar position of hands or feet.
    -बभ्रुः a kind of animal living in holes.
    -बल a. very strong; नियुज्यमानो राज्याय नैच्छद्राज्यं महाबलः Rām
    (-लः) 1 wind, storm.
    -2 a Buddha.
    -3 a solid bamboo.
    -4 a palm.
    -5 a crocodile.
    -बला N. of a plant; महाबला च पीतपुष्पा सहदेवी च सा स्मृता Bhāva. P. (
    -लम्) lead. ˚ईश्वरः N. of a Liṅga of Śiva near the modern Mahābaleśwara.
    -बाध a. causing great pain or damage.
    -बाहु a. long-armed, powerful. (
    -हुः) an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -बि(वि)लम् 1 the atmosphere.
    -2 the heart.
    -3 a water-jar, pitcher.
    -4 a hole, cave.
    -बिसी a variety of skin (चर्म), a product of द्वादशग्राम in the Himālayas.
    -बी(वी)जः an epithet of Śiva.
    -बी (वी)ज्यम् the perinæum.
    -बुध्न a. having a great bottom or base (as a mountain).
    -बुशः barley.
    -बृहती a kind of metre.
    -बोधिः 1 the great intelligence of a Buddha.
    -2 a Buddha.
    -ब्रह्मम्, -ब्रह्मन् n. the Supreme Spirit.
    -ब्राह्मणः 1 a great or learned Brāhmaṇa.
    -2 a low or contemptible Brāhmaṇa.
    -भटः a great warrior; तदोजसा दैत्यमहाभटार्पितम् Bhāg.
    -भद्रा N. of the river Gaṅgā.
    -भाग a.
    1 very fortunate or blessed, very lucky or prosperous.
    -2 illustrious, distinguished, glo- rious; उभौ धर्मौ महाभागौ Mb.12.268.3; महाभागः कामं नरपतिरभिन्नस्थितिरसौ Ś.5.1; Ms.3.192.
    -3 very pure or holy, highly virtuous; पतिव्रता महाभागा कथं नु विचरिष्यति Mb.4.3.16.
    -भागता, -त्वम्, -भाग्यम् 1 extreme good fortune, great good luck, prosperity.
    -2 great excel- lence or merit.
    -भागवतम् the great Bhāgavata, one of the 18 Purāṇas. (
    -तः) a great worshipper of Viṣṇu.
    -भागिन् a. very fortunate or prosperous.
    -भाण्डम् a chief treasury.
    -भारतम् N. of the celebrated epic which describes the rivalries and contests of the sons of Dhṛitarāṣṭra and Pāṇḍu. (It consists of 18 Parvans or books, and is said to be the composition of Vyāsa; cf. the word भारत also); महत्त्वाद्भारतत्वाच्च महाभारतमुच्यते
    -भाष्यम् 1 a great commentary.
    -2 particularly, the great commentary of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini.
    -भासुरः an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -भिक्षुः N. of Śākyamuni.
    -भीता a kind of sensitive plant (लाजाळू).
    -भीमः an epithet of king Śantanu.
    -भीरुः a sort of beetle or fly.
    -भुज a. long-armed, powerful.
    -भूतम् a great or primary element; see भूत; तस्यैतस्य महाभूतस्य निःश्वसितमेतद्यदृग्वेदः Up.; तं वेधा विदधे नूनं महाभूतसमाधिना R.1. 29; Ms.1.6.
    (-तः) 1 the Supreme Being.
    -2 a great creature.
    -भोगः 1 a great enjoyment.
    -2 a great coil or hood; great winding.
    -3 a serpent. (
    -गा) an epi- thet of Durgā.
    -मणिः 1 a costly or precious jewel; संस्कारोल्लिखितो महामणिरिव क्षीणो$पि नालक्ष्यते Ś.6.5.
    -2 N. of Śiva.
    -मति a.
    1 high-minded.
    -2 clever. (
    -तिः) N. of Bṛihaspati or Jupiter.
    -मत्स्यः a large fish, sea-monster.
    -मद a. greatly intoxicated. (
    -दः) an elephant in rut.
    -मनस्, -मनस्क a.
    1 high-minded, noble- minded, magnanimous; ततो युधिष्ठिरो राजा धर्मपुत्रो महामनाः Mb.4.1.7.
    -2 liberal.
    -3 proud, haughty. (-m) a fabulous animal called शरभ q. v.
    -मन्त्रः 1 any sacred text of the Vedas.
    -2 a great or efficacious charm, a powerful spell.
    -मन्त्रिन् m. the prime-minister, premier.
    -मयूरी N. of Buddhist goddess.
    -मलहारी a kind of Rāgiṇi.
    -महः a great festive procession; Sinhās.
    -महस् n. a great light (seen in the sky).
    -महोपाध्यायः 1 a very great preceptor.
    -2 a title given to learned men and reputed scholars; e. g. महामहो- पाध्यायमल्लिनाथसूरि &c.
    -मांसम् 'costly flesh', especially human flesh; न खलु महामांसविक्रयादन्यमुपायं पश्यामि Māl.4; अशस्त्रपूतं निर्व्याजं पुरुषाङ्गोपकल्पितम् । विक्रीयते महामांसं गृह्यतां गृह्यतामिदम् 5.12 (see Jagaddhara ad loc.).
    -माघी the full-moon day in the month of Māgha.
    -मात्र a.
    1 great in measure, very great or large.
    -2 most excellent, best; वृष्ण्यन्धकमहामात्रैः सह Mb.1.221.27; 5.22.37.
    (-त्रः) 1 a great officer of state, high state- official, a chief minister; (मन्त्रे कर्मणि भूषायां वित्ते माने परिच्छदे । मात्रा च महती येषां महामात्रास्तु ते स्मृताः); Ms. 9.259; गूढपुरुषप्रणिधिः कृतमहामात्रापसर्पः (v. l. महामात्यापसर्पः) पौरजानपदानपसर्पयेत् Kau. A.1.13.9; Rām.2.37.1.
    -2 an elephant-driver or keeper; मदोन्मत्तस्य भूपस्य कुञ्जरस्य च गच्छतः । उन्मार्गं वाच्यतां यान्ति महामात्राः समीपगाः ॥ Pt.1.161.
    -3 a superintendent of elephants.
    (-त्री) 1 the wife of a chief minister.
    -2 the wife of a spiritual teacher.
    -मानसी N. of a Jain goddess.
    -मान्य a. being in great honour with; मकरन्दतुन्दिलानामरविन्दानामयं महामान्यः Bv.1.6.
    -मायः 1 an epithet of Śiva.
    -2 of Viṣṇu.
    -माया 1 worldly illusion, which makes the material world appear really existent.
    -2 N. of Durgā; महामाया हरेश्चैषा यया संमोह्यते जगत् Devīmāhātmya.
    -मायूरम् a particular drug. (
    -री) N. of an amulet and a goddess; Buddh.
    -मारी 1 cholera, an epidemic.
    -2 an epithet of Durgā.
    -मार्गः high road, main street. ˚पतिः a superintendent of roads.
    -मालः N. of Śiva.
    -माहेश्वरः a great worshipper of Maheśvara or Śiva.
    -मुखः a crocodile.
    -मुद्रा a parti- cular position of hands or feet (in practice of yoga).
    -मुनिः 1 a great sage.
    -2 N. of Vyāsa.
    -3 an epithet of Buddha.
    -4 of Agastya.
    -5 the coriander plant. (
    -नि n.)
    1 coriander seed.
    -2 any medicinal herb or drug.
    -मूर्तिः N. of Viṣṇu.
    -मूर्धन् m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -मूलम् a large radish. (
    -लः) a kind of onion.
    -मूल्य a. very costly. (
    -ल्यः) a ruby.
    -मृगः 1 any large animal.
    -2 an elephant,
    -3 the fabulous animal called शरभ.
    -मृत्युः, -मेधः N. of Śiva.
    -मृत्युंजयः a kind of drug.
    -मृधम् a great battle.
    -मेदः the coral tree; महामेदाभिधो ज्ञेयः Bhāva. P.
    -मेधा an epithet of Durgā.
    -मोहः great infatuation or confusion of mind. (ससर्ज) महामोहं च मोहं च तमश्चाज्ञानवृत्तयः Bhāg.3.12.2. (
    -हा) an epithet of Durgā.
    -यज्ञः 'a great sacrifice', a term applied to the five daily sacrifices or acts of piety to be performed by a house-holder; अध्यापनं ब्रह्मयज्ञः पितृयज्ञस्तु तर्पणम् । होमो दैवो (or देवयज्ञः) बलिर्भौतो (or भूतयज्ञः) नृयज्ञो$तिथिपूजनम् ॥ Ms.3.7,71, (for explanation, see the words s. v.).
    -2 N. of Viṣṇu.
    -यमकम् 'a great Yamaka', i. e. a stanza all the four lines of which have exactly the same words, though different in sense; e. g. see Ki.15.52, where विकाशमीयुर्जगतीशमार्गणाः has four different senses; cf. also बभौ मरुत्वान् विकृतः समुद्रः Bk.1.19.
    -यशस् a. very famous, renowned, celebrated.
    -यात्रा 'the great pilgrimage', the pilgrimage to Benares.
    -यानम् N. of the later system of Buddhist teaching, firstly promul- gated by Nāgārjuna (opp. हीनयान).
    -याम्यः an epi- thet of Viṣṇu.
    -युगम् 'a great Yuga', consisting of the four Yugas of mortals, or comprising 4,32, years of men.
    -योगिन् m.
    1 an epithet of Śiva.
    -2 of Viṣṇu.
    -3 a cock.
    -योनिः f. excessive dilation of the female organ.
    -रक्तम् coral.
    -रङ्गः a large stage.
    -रजतम् 1 gold; उच्चैर्महारजतराजिविराजितासौ Śi.4.28.
    -2 the thorn-apple.
    -रजनम् 1 safflower.
    -2 gold.
    -3 turmeric; तस्य हैतस्य पुरुषस्य रूपं यथा महारजनं वासः Bṛi. Up.2.3.6.
    -रत्नम् 1 a precious jewel; वज्रं मुक्ता प्रवालं च गोमेदश्चेन्द्रनीलकः ॥ वैडूर्यः पुष्करागश्च पाचिर्माणिक्यमेव च । महारत्नानि चैतानि नव प्रोक्तानि सूरिभिः ॥ Śukra.4.155-56.
    -रथः 1 a great chariot.
    -2 a great warrior or hero; द्रुपदश्च महारथः Bg.1.4; कुतः प्रभावो धनंजयस्य महारथजयद्रथस्य विपत्तिमुत्पादयितुम् Ve.2; दशरथः प्रशशास महारथः R.9.1; Śi.3.22; (a महारथ is thus defined:-- एको दशसहस्राणि योधयेद्यस्तु धन्विनाम् ॥ शस्त्रशास्त्र- प्रवीणश्च विज्ञेयः स महारथः ॥).
    -3 desire, longing; cf. मनोरथ.
    -रवः a frog.
    -रस a. very savoury.
    (-सः) 1 a sugar- cane.
    -2 quicksilver.
    -3 a precious mineral.
    -4 the fruit of the date tree.
    -5 any one of the eight substan- ces given below:-- दरदः पारदं शस्ये वैक्रान्तं कान्तमभ्रकम् । माक्षिकं विमलश्चेति स्युरेते$ष्टौ महारसाः ॥ (
    -सम्) sour ricewater.
    -राजः 1 a great king, sovereign or supreme ruler; पञ्चाशल्लक्षपर्यन्तो महाराजः प्रकीर्तितः Śukra.1.184.
    -2 a respect- ful mode of addressing kings or other great personages (my lord, your majesty, your highness); इति सत्यं महाराज बद्धो$स्म्यर्थेन कौरवैः Mb.
    -3 a deified Jaina teacher.
    -4 a fingernail. ˚अधिराजः a universal emperor, para- mount sovereign. ˚चूतः a kind of mango tree.
    -राजिकः N. of Viṣṇu.
    -राजिकाः (m. pl.) an epithet of a class of gods (said to be 22 or 236 in number.).
    -राज्यम् the rank or title of a reigning sovereign.
    -राज्ञी 1 the reigning or chief queen, principal wife of a king.
    -2 N. of Durgā.
    -रात्रम् midnight, dead of night.
    -रात्रिः, -त्री f.
    1 see महाप्रलय; ब्रह्मणश्च निपाते च महाकल्पो भवेन्नृप । प्रकीर्तिता महारात्रिः.
    -2 midnight.
    -3 the eighth night in the bright half of Āśvina.
    -राष्ट्रः 'the great kingdom', N. of a country in the west of India, the country of the Marāṭhās.
    -2 the people of Mahārāṣṭra; the Marāṭhās (pl.). (
    -ष्ट्री) N. of the principal Prākṛita; dialect, the language of the people of the Mahārāṣṭra; cf. Daṇḍin:-- महाराष्ट्राश्रयां भाषां प्रकृष्टं प्राकृतं विदुः Kāv.1.34.
    -रिष्टः a kind of Nimba tree growing on mountains.
    -रुज्, -ज a. very painful.
    -रुद्रः a form of Śiva.
    -रुरुः a species of antelope.
    -रूप a. mighty in form.
    (-पः) 1 an epithet of Śiva.
    -2 resin.
    -रूपकम् a kind of drama.
    -रेतस् m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -रोगः a dangerous illness, grievous malady; (these are eight:-- उन्मादो राजयक्ष्मा च श्वासस्त्वग्दोष एव च । मधुमेहश्चाश्मरी च तथो- दरभगन्दरौ ॥).
    -रौद्र a. very dreadful. (
    -द्री) an epithet of Durgā.
    -रौरवः N. of one of the 21 hells; Ms.4.88-9.
    -लक्ष्मी 1 the great Lakṣmī, or Śakti of Nārāyaṇa; सेवे सैरिभमर्दिनीमिह महालक्ष्मीं सरोजस्थिताम्.
    -2 a young girl who represents the goddess Durgā at the Durgā festival.
    -लयः 1 a great world destruction.
    -2 the Supreme Being (महदादीनां लयो यस्मिन्).
    -लिङ्गम् the great Liṅga or Phallus. (
    -ङ्गः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -लोलः a crow.
    -लोहम् a magnet.
    -वंशः N. of a wellknown work in Pali (of the 5th century).
    -वक्षस् m. epithet of Śiva.
    -वनम् a large forest in Vṛindāvana.
    -वरा Dūrvā grass.
    -वराहः 'the great boar', an epithet of Viṣṇu in his third or boar incarnation.
    -वर्तनम् high wages;
    -वल्ली 1 the Mādhavī creeper.
    -2 a large creeping plant.
    -वसः the porpoise.
    -वसुः silver; Gīrvāṇa.
    -वाक्यम् 1 a long sentence.
    -2 any continuous composition or literary work.
    -3 a great proposition, principal sentence; such as तत्त्वमसि, ब्रह्मैवेदं सर्वम् &c.
    -4 a complete sentence (opp. अवान्तरवाक्य q. v.); न च महावाक्ये सति अवान्तरवाक्यं प्रमाणं भवति ŚB. on MS.6.4.25.
    -वातः a stormy wind, violent wind; महावाता<?>तैर्महिषकुलनीलैर्जलधरैः Mk.5.22.
    -वादिन् m. a great or powerful disputant.
    -वायुः 1 air (as an element).
    -2 stormy wind, hur- ricane, tempest.
    -वार्तिकम् N. of the Vārtikas of Kātyāyana on Pāṇini's Sūtras.
    -विडम् a kind of factitious salt.
    -विदेहा N. of a certain वृत्ति or condition of the mind in the Yoga system of philosophy.
    -विद्या the great lores; काली तारा महाविद्या षोडशी भुवनेश्वरी । भैरवी छिन्नमस्ता च विद्या धूमवती तथा । बगला सिद्धविद्या च मातङ्गी कमला- त्मिका । एता दश महाविद्याः... ॥
    -विपुला a kind of metre.
    -विभाषा a rule giving a general option or alternative; इति महाविभाषया साधुः.
    -विभूतिः an epithet of Śiva.
    -विषः a serpent having two mouths.
    -विषुवम् the vernal equinox. ˚संक्रान्तिः f. the vernal equinox (the sun's entering the sign Aries).
    -विस्तर a. very extensive or copious.
    -वीचिः N. of a hell.
    -वीरः 1 a great hero or warrior.
    -2 a lion.
    -3 the thunderbolt of Indra.
    -4 an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -5 of Garuḍa.
    -6 of Hanumat.
    -7 a cuckoo.
    -8 a white horse.
    -9 a sacrificial fire.
    -1 a sacrificial vessel.
    -11 a kind of hawk. ˚चरितम् N. of a celebrated drama by Bhavabhūti.
    -वीर्य a. of great valour, very powerful.
    (-र्यः) 1 N. of Brah- man.
    -2 the Supreme Being. (
    -र्या) the wild cotton shrub.
    -2 an epithet of संज्ञा, the wife of the sun.
    -वृषः a great bull.
    -वेग a.
    1 very swift or fleet.
    (-गः) 1 great speed, excessive velocity.
    -2 an ape.
    -3 the bird Garuḍa.
    -वेघः a particular position of hands or feet (in the practice of Yoga).
    -वेल a. billowy.
    -व्याधिः f.
    1 a great disease.
    -2 a very bad kind of leprosy (black leprosy).
    -व्याहृतिः f. a great mystical word, i. e. भूर्, भुवस् and स्वर्.
    -व्रत a. very devotional, rigidly observing vows.
    (-तम्) 1 a great vow, a great reli- gious observance; a vow for not taking even water for a month; महाव्रतं चरेद्यस्तु Mb.12.35.22 (com. महाव्रतं मासमात्रं जलस्यापि त्यागः).
    -2 any great or funda- mental duty; प्राणैरपि हिता वृत्तिरद्रोहो व्याजवर्जनम् । आत्मनीव प्रियाधानमेतन्मैत्रीमहाव्रतम् Mv.5.59; क्रतौ महाव्रते पश्यन् ब्रह्मचारी- त्वरीरतम् N.17.23.
    -व्रतिन् m.
    1 a devotee, an ascetic.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -शक्तिः 1 an epithet of Śiva.
    -2 of Kārtikeya.
    -शङ्कुः the sine of the sun's eleva- tion.
    -शङ्खः 1 a great conch-shell; पौण्ड्रं दध्मौ महाशङ्खं Bg.1.15; महाशङ्खमयी माला ताराविद्याजपे प्रिया Tantra.
    -2 the temporal bone, forehead.
    -3 a human bone.
    -4 a particular high number.
    -5 one of Kubera's treasures.
    -शठः a kind of thorn-apple.
    -शब्द a. making a loud sound, very noisy, boisterous.
    -शल्कः a kind of sea- crab or prawn; Ms.3.272.
    -शालः a great householder.
    -शालिः a kind of large and sweetsmelling rice.
    -शाल्वणम् ('great fomentation') N. of a remedy; Suśr.
    -शासन a.
    1 exercising great power.
    -2 whose commands are great; त्रैलोक्यघिपतित्वमेव विरसं यस्मिन् महा- शासने Bh.3.8.
    (-नम्) 1 the knowledge of Brahma as expounded in the Upaniṣadas.
    -2 great order of government.
    -शिरस् m. a kind of serpent.
    -शिवरात्रिः N. of a festival on the 14th day of the dark half of Māgha,
    -शुक्तिः f. a pearl-shell.
    -शुक्ला an epithet of Sarasvatī.
    -शुभ्रम् silver.
    -शूद्रः (-द्री f.)
    1 a Sūdra in a high position.
    -2 a cowherd.
    -3 an upper servant. (
    -द्री) a female cow-keeper. (
    -द्रा) a Śudra woman in a high position.
    -शून्यम् a particular mental condi- tion of a Yogin.
    -शृङ्गः 1 a species of stag.
    -2 the शरभ animal.
    -श्मशानम् an epithet of Benares.
    -श्यामा the Sissoo tree. (Mar. शिसवी).
    -श्रमणः 1 an epithet of Buddha.
    -2 a Jain monk.
    -श्लक्ष्णा sand.
    -श्वासः a kind of asthma.
    -श्वेता 1 an epithet of Sarasvatī.
    -2 of Durgā.
    -3 white sugar.
    -संहिता great combi- nation.
    -संक्रान्तिः f. the winter solstice.
    -सती a very chaste woman.
    -सत्ता absolute existence.
    -सत्यः an epithet of Yama.
    -सत्त्व a.
    1 noble.
    -2 very strong or powerful.
    -3 just, righteous.
    (-त्त्वः) 1 a large animal.
    -2 N. of Sākyamuni.
    -3 an epithet of Kubera.
    -संधिविग्रहः the office of the minister of peace and war.
    -सन्नः an epithet of Kubera.
    -सन्निः m. (in music) a kind of measure.
    -समुद्रः the great ocean.
    -सर्गः a great or completely new creation (after a complete destruction of the world).
    -सर्जः the bread- fruit or jack-tree.
    -साधनभागः a great executive officer.
    -सांतपनः a kind of very rigid penance; see Ms.11. 218.
    -सांधिविग्रहिकः a minister of peace and war.
    -सामन्तः a great vassal.
    -सामान्यम् the widest genera- lity.
    -सारः a kind of Khadira tree.
    -सारथिः an epithet of Aruṇa.
    -साहसम् great violence or outrage, great audacity.
    -साहसिकः a dacoit, highwayman, a daring robber.
    -सिंहः the fabulous animal called Śarabha.
    -सिद्धिः f. a kind of magical power.
    -सुखम् 1 great pleasure.
    -2 copulation. (
    -खः) a Buddha.
    -सुगन्धम् a fragrant unguent.
    -सुगन्धिः a kind of antidote.
    -सुधा silver; Gīrvāṇa.
    -सुभिक्षम् good times.
    -सूक्तः the composer of the great Sūktas or hymns of the 1th Maṇḍala of the Ṛigveda.
    -सूक्ष्मा sand.
    -सूतः a mili- tary drum.
    -सेनः 1 an epithet of Kārtikeya; महासेन- प्रसूतिं तद्ययौ शरवणं महत् Rām.7.16.1.
    -2 the commander of a large army. (
    -ना) a great army.
    -स्कन्धः a camel.
    -स्थली the earth.
    -स्थानम् a great position.
    -स्नेहः a combination of the 4 kinds of fat.
    -स्मृतिः the Ṣaḍaṅgas and Smṛitis; महास्मृतिं पठेद्यस्तु तथैवानुस्मृतिं शुभाम् Mb.12.2.3.
    -स्रोतस् n. the bowels.
    -स्रग्विन् m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -स्वनः a kind of drum.
    -हंसः an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -हविस् n. clarified butter.
    -हस्तः an epithet of Śiva.
    -हासः a loud or boisterous laughter, cachinnation.
    -हिमवत् m. N. of a mountain.
    -ह्रस्वा N. of a plant (Mar. कुहिली).

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > महा _mahā

  • 19 von

    1. räumlich: from; von etw. weg: off s.th.; von wo( her)? where from?; vom
    2. zeitlich: from; von morgen an from tomorrow (onwards), as of tomorrow; an II
    3. für den (partitiven) Genitiv, Teil: of; die Einfuhr von Weizen the import of wheat; zwei von uns two of us; neun von zehn Leuten nine out of ( Statistik: in) ten people; ein Freund von mir a friend of mine; von dem Apfel essen have some of the apple
    4. Anfang, Ausgang(spunkt): from; von 20 Euro an oder aufwärts from 20 euros up(wards), 20 euros and up(wards); klein I
    5. Ursache, Urheber: of; beim Passiv: by; ein Brief von Jens a letter from Jens; ein Gedicht von Schiller a poem by Schiller; Kinder haben von have children by; das ist nett von ihm that’s nice of him; von mir aus I don’t mind, it’s all the same to me; von mir aus kann er gehen I don’t mind if he goes, I don’t mind him going, he can go as far as I’m concerned; selbst I; vom
    6. Maß, Qualität: ein Honorar von 500 Euro a fee of 500 euros; ein Aufenthalt von drei Wochen a three-week stay; ein Kind von drei Jahren a child of three; ein Mann von Charakter / Format a man of character / substance; ein Koloss von einem Mann a giant of a man; ein Kunstwerk von einem Kleid etc. a dress etc. that is a work of art in itself
    7. Thema: (über) of, about; ich habe von ihm gehört I’ve heard of him; er weiß von der Sache he knows about it; man spricht von Brandstiftung there’s talk of arson
    * * *
    from; by; of
    * * *
    vọn [fɔn]
    prep +dat
    1) (einen Ausgangspunkt angebend, räumlich, zeitlich) from

    von... an — from...

    vom 10. Lebensjahr an — since he/she was ten years old

    von diesem Tag/Punkt an or ab — from this day/point on(wards)

    Waren von 5 Euro an or abgoods from 5 euros (Brit), goods from 5 euros on (US)

    von... aus — from...

    von... bis — from... to

    von... zu — from... to

    2) (von... weg) from

    etw von etw nehmen/abreißen — to take/tear sth off sth

    3) (in Verbindung mit adj, vb siehe auch dort) (Ursache, Urheberschaft ausdrückend, im Passiv) by

    von etw beeindruckt/überrascht — impressed/surprised by sth

    4) (partitiv, anstelle von Genitiv) of

    dieser Dummkopf von Gärtner...! (inf) — that idiot of a gardener...!

    5) (in Verbindung mit n, adj, vb siehe auch dort) (Beschaffenheit, Eigenschaft etc ausdrückend, bestehend aus) of

    ein "von (und zu) " sein — to have a handle to one's name

    sich "von" schreiben (lit) — to have a "von" before one's name

    da kannst du dich aber "von" schreiben (fig)you can be really proud yourself (there)

    7) (= über) about

    Geschichten vom Weihnachtsmann/von Feen — stories about Santa Claus/fairies

    von wo/wann/was — where/when/what... from, from where/when/what (form)


    (inf in aufgelösten Kontraktionen) von dem halte ich gar nichts — I don't think much of him

    10) (inf)

    von wegenno way! (inf)

    von wegen der Karte/dem Buch (incorrect) — about the map/the book

    * * *
    1) (used (in the passive voice) to show the person or thing which performs an action: struck by a stone.) by
    2) (in respect of: a teacher by profession.) by
    3) (used before the place, thing, person, time etc that is the point at which an action, journey, period of time etc begins: from Europe to Asia; from Monday to Friday; a letter from her father.) from
    4) (used to indicate that from which something or someone comes: a quotation from Shakespeare.) from
    5) (used to indicate separation: Take it from him.) from
    6) from
    7) (belonging to: a friend of mine.) of
    8) (away from (a place etc); after (a given time): within five miles of London; within a year of his death.) of
    9) (written etc by: the plays of Shakespeare.) of
    10) (belonging to or forming a group: He is one of my friends.) of
    11) (showing: a picture of my father.) of
    12) (about: an account of his work.) of
    13) (away from; down from: It fell off the table; a mile off the coast; He cut about five centimetres off my hair.) off
    14) (from among: Four out of five people like this song.) out of
    * * *
    1. räumlich (ab, herkommend) from; (aus... herab/heraus) off, out of
    ich fliege morgen \von München nach Hamburg tomorrow I'm flying from Munich to Hamburg
    der Zug \von Wien nach Stuttgart fährt Bahnsteig an 2 ein the train from Vienna to Stuttgart arrives on platform 2
    wie komme ich vom Bahnhof am besten zum Rathaus? how can I best get from the station to the town hall?
    \von hier bis zur Wand müssten es etwa fünf Meter sein it must be about five metres from here to the wall
    \von diesem Fenster kann man alles gut beobachten you can see everything very well from this window
    diese Eier sind \von unserem Hof these eggs are from our farm
    er fiel \von der Leiter he fell off the ladder
    sie fiel vom Baum she fell out of the tree
    \von hinten/vorne from behind/the front
    \von links/rechts from left/right
    \von Norden/Westen, etc. from the North/West, etc.
    der Wind kommt \von Süden the wind comes from the South
    \von weit her kommen to come from far away
    \von woher...? where...from?, from where...?
    2. räumlich (etw entfernend) from, off
    er nahm die Whiskyflasche \von der Anrichte he took the bottle of whisky from the sideboard
    sie sprang vom Tisch she jumped off the table
    allen Ballast \von sich dat werfen to get rid of all burden
    sich dat den Schweiß \von der Stirn wischen to wipe sweat from one's brow
    die Wäsche \von der Leine nehmen to take the washing in off the line
    \von zu Hause weggehen to go away from home
    3. zeitlich (stammend) from
    ich kenne sie \von früher I knew her a long time ago
    ich will nichts mehr \von damals wissen! I don't want to know any more about that time!
    \von wann ist der Brief? when is the letter from?
    für Jugendliche \von 12 bis 16 gilt ein gesonderter Tarif there is a special price for adolescents from twelve to sixteen
    \von... bis from... to
    ich bin \von morgen bis zum 23. verreist I'm away from tomorrow until 23rd
    von 9 bis 5 Uhr arbeiten to work from 9 to 5
    \von Montag bis Freitag from Monday to Friday
    Ihr Brief vom... your letter from [or dated]...
    die Zeitung \von gestern yesterday's paper
    \von jetzt/morgen an from now/tomorrow on [or onwards]
    die neue Regelung gilt \von März an the new regulation is valid as of March
    \von klein an from her/his earliest days
    \von Tag zu Tag day after day
    4. (Urheber, Ursache) from
    \von wem ist dieses schöne Geschenk? who is this lovely present from?
    \von wem hast du das Buch bekommen? who gave you the book?
    \von wem weißt du das? who told you that?
    \von wem ist dieser Roman? who is this novel by?
    das Bild ist \von einem unbekannten Maler the picture is by an unknown painter
    \von solchen Tricks bin ich nicht sehr beeindruckt I'm not very impressed by tricks like that
    das war nicht nett \von dir! that was not nice of you!
    \von was ist hier eigentlich die Rede? (fam) what are we talking about here?
    \von was sollen wir eigentlich leben? (fam) what are we supposed to live on?
    er wurde \von einem Auto angefahren he was hit by a car
    \von der Sonne gebräunt werden [o sein] to be browned by the sun
    \von jdm gelobt werden to be praised by sb
    \von Hand gefertigt (fig) handmade
    müde \von der Arbeit tired of work
    die Musik \von Beethoven Beethoven's music
    \von Rechts wegen by operation of law, ipso jure
    5. statt Genitiv (Zugehörigkeit) of
    das Auto \von meinem Vater ist blau (fam) my father's car is blue
    er wohnt in der Nähe \von Köln he lives near Cologne
    ich möchte die Interessen \von meinen Geschwistern vertreten I should like to represent the interests of my brothers and sisters
    ein Freund/eine Freundin \von mir a friend of mine
    die Königin \von England the Queen of England
    Mutter/Vater \von vier Kindern sein to have four children
    der Vertrag \von Maastricht the Treaty of Maastricht
    6. (Menge, Gruppenangabe) of
    keiner \von uns wusste Bescheid none of us knew about it
    keiner \von diesen Vorwürfen ist wahr none of these accusations are true
    einer \von uns one of us
    einer \von vielen/hundert one of many/one in a hundred
    5 km \von Innsbruck entfernt 5 km away from Innsbruck
    einen Abstand \von zwei Metern a distance of two metres
    ein Aufenthalt \von vier Wochen a four-week stay
    eine Fahrt/Pause \von zehn Minuten a ten minute drive/break
    ein Kind \von sieben Jahren a seven year old child
    Städte \von über 100.000 Einwohnern cities with over 100,000 inhabitants
    8. (geh: Eigenschaft) of
    ein Mann \von Charakter a real character
    eine Frau \von Schönheit a beautiful woman
    eine Angelegenheit \von größter Wichtigkeit an extremely important matter
    9. (veraltend: Zusammensetzung) of
    ein Strauß \von Rosen a bunch of roses
    ein Ring \von purem Gold a ring made of pure gold
    die Herzogin von York the Duchess of York
    \von wegen! (fam) not a chance!, no way! fam
    \von wegen verschwiegen, das ist die größte Klatschbase, die ich kenne no way will she keep that quiet, she's the biggest gossip I know!
    * * *
    1) (räumlich) from

    nördlich/südlich von Mannheim — to the north/south of Mannheim

    rechts/links von mir — on my right/left

    von hier an od. (ugs.) ab — from here on[ward]

    etwas von etwas [ab]wischen/[ab]brechen/[ab]reißen — wipe/break/tear something off something; s. auch aus 2. 3); her 1); vorn I

    2) (zeitlich) from

    vonjetzt an od. (ugs.) ab — from now on

    von heute/morgen an — [as] from today/tomorrow; starting today/tomorrow

    von Kindheit anfrom or since childhood

    in der Nacht von Freitag auf od. zu Samstag — during Friday night or the night of Friday to Saturday

    das Brot ist von gestern — it's yesterday's bread; s. auch her 2)

    4) (zur Angabe des Urhebers, der Ursache, beim Passiv) by

    müde von der Arbeit sein — be tired from work[ing]

    sie hat ein Kind von ihm — she has a child by him; s. auch wegen 2.

    5) (zur Angabe von Eigenschaften) of

    Kinder [im Alter] von vier Jahren — children aged four

    9) (über) about
    * * *
    von präp
    1. räumlich: from; von etwas weg: off sth;
    von wo(her)? where from?; vom
    2. zeitlich: from;
    von morgen an from tomorrow (onwards), as of tomorrow; an B
    3. für den (partitiven) Genitiv, Teil: of;
    die Einfuhr von Weizen the import of wheat;
    zwei von uns two of us;
    neun von zehn Leuten nine out of ( Statistik: in) ten people;
    ein Freund von mir a friend of mine;
    von dem Apfel essen have some of the apple
    4. Anfang, Ausgang(spunkt): from;
    aufwärts from 20 euros up(wards), 20 euros and up(wards); klein A
    5. Ursache, Urheber: of; beim Passiv: by;
    ein Brief von Jens a letter from Jens;
    ein Gedicht von Schiller a poem by Schiller;
    Kinder haben von have children by;
    das ist nett von ihm that’s nice of him;
    von mir aus I don’t mind, it’s all the same to me;
    von mir aus kann er gehen I don’t mind if he goes, I don’t mind him going, he can go as far as I’m concerned; selbst A; vom
    6. Maß, Qualität:
    ein Honorar von 500 Euro a fee of 500 euros;
    ein Aufenthalt von drei Wochen a three-week stay;
    ein Kind von drei Jahren a child of three;
    ein Mann von Charakter/Format a man of character/substance;
    ein Koloss von einem Mann a giant of a man;
    ein Kunstwerk von einem Kleid etc a dress etc that is a work of art in itself
    7. Thema: (über) of, about;
    ich habe von ihm gehört I’ve heard of him;
    er weiß von der Sache he knows about it;
    man spricht von Brandstiftung there’s talk of arson
    der Herzog von Edinburgh the Duke of Edinburgh
    * * *
    1) (räumlich) from

    nördlich/südlich von Mannheim — to the north/south of Mannheim

    rechts/links von mir — on my right/left

    von hier an od. (ugs.) ab — from here on[ward]

    etwas von etwas [ab]wischen/[ab]brechen/[ab]reißen — wipe/break/tear something off something; s. auch aus 2. 3); her 1); vorn I

    2) (zeitlich) from

    vonjetzt an od. (ugs.) ab — from now on

    von heute/morgen an — [as] from today/tomorrow; starting today/tomorrow

    von Kindheit anfrom or since childhood

    in der Nacht von Freitag auf od. zu Samstag — during Friday night or the night of Friday to Saturday

    das Brot ist von gestern — it's yesterday's bread; s. auch her 2)

    4) (zur Angabe des Urhebers, der Ursache, beim Passiv) by

    müde von der Arbeit sein — be tired from work[ing]

    sie hat ein Kind von ihm — she has a child by him; s. auch wegen 2.

    5) (zur Angabe von Eigenschaften) of

    Kinder [im Alter] von vier Jahren — children aged four

    9) (über) about
    * * *
    off adj. präp.
    by prep.
    from prep.
    of prep.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > von

  • 20 rey

    1 king.
    los Reyes the King and Queen
    hablando del rey de Roma talk o speak of the devil
    (Día de) Reyes Epiphany
    los Reyes Católicos (6 January, day on which children receive presents) the Spanish Catholic monarchs Ferdinand V and Isabella
    los Reyes Magos the Three Kings, the Three Wise Men
    ¿qué les vas a pedir a los Reyes (Magos)? ? what are you going to ask Father Christmas for?
    el rey de la selva the king of the jungle
    2 Rey.
    * * *
    1 king
    a rey muerto, rey puesto off with the old, on with the new
    (día de) Reyes Epiphany
    el Rey Sol the Sun King
    los Reyes Católicos the Catholic Monarchs
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *
    1. SM
    1) (=monarca) king
    - hablando del rey de Roma por la puerta asoma

    rey de armas — ( Hist) king of arms

    2) pl Reyes (=fecha) Epiphany

    los Reyes Magos — the Magi, the Three Kings, the Three Wise Men

    ¿qué te han traído los Reyes? — what did Father Christmas bring you?

    3) [en ajedrez, naipes] king
    4) [uso apelativo] pet *

    anda, rey, cómetelo todo — come on, pet, eat it all up *

    DÍA DE REYES In the Spanish-speaking world, los Reyes or El Día de Reyes is the day when people traditionally receive presents for the Christmas season. When they go to bed on January 5, children leave their shoes outside their bedroom doors or by their windows in the expectation that the Reyes Magos (Wise Men) will leave presents beside them. They may already have written letters to SS.MM. los Reyes Magos de Oriente with a list of what they would like. For Reyes it is traditional to eat Roscón de Reyes, a ring-shaped cake studded with frosted fruits and containing a little trinket or coin.
    * * *
    a) ( monarca) king

    hablando del rey de Roma... — (fr hecha) talk of the devil!

    a rey muerto, rey puesto — no sooner has one gone than another comes along o comes to take their place

    b) (en ajedrez, naipes) king
    c) ( como apelativo) pet (colloq), precious (colloq)
    a) Reyes masculino Epiphany, January 6th
    b) los Reyes masculino plural: tb

    Los Reyes Magos — the Three Wise Men, The Three Kings

    •• Cultural note:
    The cabalgata de los Reyes Magos takes place in Spain on January 5, the day before Epiphany ( día de Reyes). It is a parade of floats symbolizing the coming of the Three Wise Men to Bethlehem. In Spain and some Latin American countries, Epiphany is the day when gifts are exchanged
    * * *
    = king.
    Ex. If only every chair could be a throne and hold a king or a queen.
    * a cuerpo de rey = the lap of luxury.
    * día de los Reyes Magos, el = Epiphany, the.
    * en el país de los ciegos el tuerto es el rey = in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king, in the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king, in the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
    * en el país de los ciegos el tuerto es el rey = be a case of the blind leading the blind.
    * nombrar rey = enthrone.
    * vivir a cuerpo de rey = live like + a king, live in + the lap of luxury.
    * vivir como un rey = live like + a king.
    * * *
    a) ( monarca) king

    hablando del rey de Roma... — (fr hecha) talk of the devil!

    a rey muerto, rey puesto — no sooner has one gone than another comes along o comes to take their place

    b) (en ajedrez, naipes) king
    c) ( como apelativo) pet (colloq), precious (colloq)
    a) Reyes masculino Epiphany, January 6th
    b) los Reyes masculino plural: tb

    Los Reyes Magos — the Three Wise Men, The Three Kings

    •• Cultural note:
    The cabalgata de los Reyes Magos takes place in Spain on January 5, the day before Epiphany ( día de Reyes). It is a parade of floats symbolizing the coming of the Three Wise Men to Bethlehem. In Spain and some Latin American countries, Epiphany is the day when gifts are exchanged
    * * *
    = king.

    Ex: If only every chair could be a throne and hold a king or a queen.

    * a cuerpo de rey = the lap of luxury.
    * día de los Reyes Magos, el = Epiphany, the.
    * en el país de los ciegos el tuerto es el rey = in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king, in the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king, in the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
    * en el país de los ciegos el tuerto es el rey = be a case of the blind leading the blind.
    * nombrar rey = enthrone.
    * vivir a cuerpo de rey = live like + a king, live in + the lap of luxury.
    * vivir como un rey = live like + a king.

    * * *
    Reyes Magos (↑ rey a1)
    1 (monarca) king
    la visita oficial de los Reyes de Suecia the official visit of the King and Queen of Sweden
    los Reyes y sus hijos the royal couple and their children
    el león, rey de la selva the lion, king of the jungle
    hablando del rey de Roma … ( fr hecha); talk of the devil!
    a rey muerto, rey puesto: ya tiene otro novio, a rey muerto, rey puesto she already has another boyfriend, as soon as one goes out the window another comes in the door o as soon as one's off the scene she's on to the next ( colloq)
    yo ni quito ni pongo rey it's nothing to do with me o I have no say in these things
    3 (como apelativo) pet ( colloq), precious ( colloq)
    ven aquí rey mío come here, my pet o my precious ( colloq)
    Reyes masculine Epiphany, January 6th
    los Reyes mpl tb Los Reyes Magos the Three Wise Men, The Three Kings, the Magi ( frml)
    * * *


    rey sustantivo masculino
    a) ( monarca) king;

    los Rreyes y sus hijos the royal couple and their children
    b) (en ajedrez, naipes) king

    c) ( como apelativo) pet (colloq), precious (colloq)


    Los Rreyes Magos the Three Wise Men, The Three Kings
    rey sustantivo masculino
    1 king
    2 (mago, genio) es el rey de rock, he's the king of rock
    3 Rel (el día de) Reyes, Epiphany o Twelfth Night o 6 January
    los Reyes Magos, the (Three) Wise Men
    Recuerda que el plural, kings, se refiere solo al sexo masculino. Los reyes de España, es decir, el rey y la reina, se traduce por the king and queen of Spain.
    Observa cómo se lee un nombre acompañado de un número: Elizabeth II, Elizabeth the Second; Henry VIII, Henry the Eighth.
    ' rey' also found in these entries:
    - coronación
    - cuerpo
    - incógnito
    - injuria
    - juramentar
    - misma
    - mismo
    - reina
    - suceder
    - coronar
    - corte
    - cortejo
    - de
    - destronar
    - disponer
    - fiel
    - infante
    - interceder
    - majestad
    - representación
    - séquito
    - vivir
    - ascend
    - bear
    - court
    - do
    - entertain
    - exile
    - fit
    - forget
    - inflict
    - king
    - queen
    - live
    - stalemate
    * * *
    rey nm
    1. [monarca] king;
    los Reyes the King and Queen;
    el rey de la selva the king of the jungle;
    hablando del rey de Roma talk o speak of the devil
    los Reyes Católicos = the Spanish Catholic monarchs Ferdinand V and Isabella;
    los Reyes Magos the Three Kings, the Three Wise Men;
    ¿qué les vas a pedir a los Reyes (Magos)? ≈ what are you going to ask Santa Claus for?;
    rey de la montaña [en ciclismo] king of the mountains;
    Hist el Rey Sol the Sun King; CAm, Méx rey de los zopilotes [ave] king vulture
    (Día de) Reyes Epiphany [6 January, day on which children receive presents]
    3. [en ajedrez] king
    4. [en naipes] king
    5. [apelativo] love, darling
    * * *
    m king;
    los reyes the king and queen;
    no quitar ni poner rey fig have no say
    * * *
    rey nm
    : king
    * * *
    rey n king
    Reyes Epiphany / January 6th
    El día de Reyes no se celebra en los países anglosajones. Los regalos se dan el día de Navidad
    ¿qué te han traído los Reyes? what did Father Christmas bring you?
    Reyes Magos Three Wise Men / Three Kings

    Spanish-English dictionary > rey

См. также в других словарях:

  • Queen of the Night — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda «Queen Of The Night» Sencillo de Whitney Houston del álbum The Bodyguard Publicación 15 de agosto de 1993 Formato 7 , cd maxi y cd …   Wikipedia Español

  • Queen of the Night — is a common name for varieties of flowering plants, especially:* Nightblooming cereus, several genera and species of cactus * Cestrum nocturnum , a woody evergreen commonly known as Night blooming Cestrum Queen of the Night can also also refer to …   Wikipedia

  • queen-of-the-night — banguotasis kertuotis statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Kaktusinių šeimos daržovinis, dekoratyvinis, vaisinis, maistinis kultūrinis augalas (Hylocereus undatus), kilęs iš Amerikos atogrąžų. Naudojamas gėrimams gaminti. atitikmenys: lot.… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • queen-of-the-night — didžiažiedis naktenis statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Kaktusinių šeimos dekoratyvinis, vaistinis augalas (Selenicereus grandiflorus), paplitęs Meksikoje ir Pietų Amerikoje. atitikmenys: lot. Selenicereus grandiflorus angl. night blooming… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • queen-of-the-night — šešiabriaunis stulpenis statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Kaktusinių šeimos augalas (Cereus hexagonus), paplitęs Prancūzijos Gvianoje, Gvianoje, Suriname ir Venesueloje. atitikmenys: lot. Cereus hexagonus angl. blue cereus; queen of the night …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • queen-of-the-night — tikrasis stulpenis statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Kaktusinių šeimos dekoratyvinis augalas (Cereus hildmannianus), paplitęs Pietų Amerikoje. atitikmenys: lot. Cereus hildmannianus angl. hedge cactus; queen of the night šaltinis Valstybinės… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • queen-of-the-night — tribriaunis kertuotis statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Kaktusinių šeimos augalas (Hylocereus triangularis), paplitęs Kuboje, Dominikos Respublikoje ir Jamaikoje. atitikmenys: lot. Hylocereus triangularis angl. queen of the night pranc.… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • Queen of the Night (film) — Queen of the Night (Croatian: Kraljica noci ) is a 2001 Croatian film directed by Branko Schmidt. It was Croatia s submission to the 74th Academy Awards for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film, but was not accepted as a nominee.cite… …   Wikipedia

  • Queen of the Night (song) — Infobox Single Name = Queen of the Night Artist = Whitney Houston from Album = B side = Released = August 15, 1993 (USA) Format = Recorded = Genre = Pop/R B Length = 3:49 (Album Version) 3:24 (CJ s Single Edit) Label = Arista Records Writer =… …   Wikipedia

  • Queen of the Night Clubs — Infobox Film name = Queen of the Night Clubs image size = caption = director = Bryan Foy producer = Bryan Foy writer = Addison Burkhard Murray Roth narrator = starring = Texas Guinan John Davidson Lila Lee John Miljan Arthur Housman Eddie Foy Jr …   Wikipedia

  • queen of the night — noun tropical American climbing cactus having triangular branches; often cultivated for its large showy night blooming flowers followed by yellow red streaked fruits • Syn: ↑Selenicereus grandiflorus • Hypernyms: ↑night blooming cereus * * * : a… …   Useful english dictionary

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