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со всех языков на все языки


  • 1 There may be occasions when we deal with or for you in the wholesale market in non-investment products.

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > There may be occasions when we deal with or for you in the wholesale market in non-investment products.

  • 2 when

    when [wen]
    when does the term start? quand commence le trimestre ?
    when was the Channel Tunnel opened? quand a-t-on ouvert le tunnel sous la Manche ?
    when's the wedding? quand a lieu le mariage ?
    ► There is no inversion after quand in indirect questions.
    ► If when means what time, the more specific translation is often used.
    when does the train leave? à quelle heure part le train ?
    say when! (inf) (pouring drinks) vous m'arrêterez...
       a. ( = at the time that) quand
    ► If the when clause refers to the future, the future tense is used in French.
    when you're older, you'll understand quand tu seras plus grand, tu comprendras
    en + present participle may be used, if the subject of both clauses is the same, and the verb is one of action.
    when + noun/adjective
    when a student at Oxford, she... quand elle était étudiante à Oxford, elle...
    my father, when young, had a fine tenor voice quand mon père était jeune il avait une belle voix de ténor
       b. (with day, time, movement)
       c. ( = which is when) he arrived at 8 o'clock, when traffic is at its peak il est arrivé à 8 heures, heure à laquelle la circulation est la plus intense
    in August, when peaches are at their best en août, époque où les pêches sont les plus savoureuses
       e. ( = after) quand
    when he had made the decision, he felt better après avoir pris la décision, il s'est senti soulagé
       f. ( = whereas) alors que
    he thought he was recovering, when in fact... il pensait qu'il était en voie de guérison alors qu'en fait...
       g. ( = if) how can I be self-confident when I look like this? comment veux-tu que j'aie confiance en moi en étant comme ça ?
    how can you understand when you won't listen? comment voulez-vous comprendre si vous n'écoutez pas ?
    * * *
    [wen], US [hwen] 1.
    1) ( with prepositions) quand

    that's when I was born — ( day) c'est le jour où je suis né; ( year) c'est l'année où je suis né

    1) ( as interrogative) quand (est-ce que)

    I forget exactly when — ( time) j'ai oublié l'heure exacte; ( date) j'ai oublié la date exacte

    tell me ou say when — ( pouring drink) dis-moi stop

    at the time when — ( precise moment) au moment où; ( during same period) à l'époque où

    one morning when he was getting up, he... — un matin en se levant, il...

    3) ( then)

    she resigned in May, since when we've had no applicants — elle a démissionné en mai, et depuis (lors) nous n'avons reçu aucune candidature

    4) ( whenever) quand

    when I sunbathe, I get freckles — chaque fois que je prends un bain de soleil, j'ai des taches de rousseur

    1) ( at the precise time when) quand, lorsque
    2) ( during the period when) quand, lorsque
    3) ( as soon as) quand, dès que

    I was strolling along when all of a sudden... — je marchais tranquillement quand tout d'un coup...

    4) ( when it is the case that) alors que
    5) ( whereas) alors que

    English-French dictionary > when

  • 3 when

    whenUsage note: when, US hwen
    A pron
    1 ( with prepositions) quand ; by when? avant quand? ; from when until when? de quand à quand? ; since when? depuis quand? also iron ;
    2 ( the time when) that was when it all started to go wrong c'est à ce moment-là que tout a commencé à mal aller ; that's when I was born ( day) c'est le jour où je suis né ; ( year) c'est l'année où je suis né ; now is when we must act c'est maintenant qu'il faut agir ; he spoke of when he was a child il a parlé de l'époque où il était enfant.
    B adv
    1 ( as interrogative) quand (est-ce que) ; when are we leaving? quand est-ce qu'on part? ; when is the concert? c'est quand le concert? ; when is it possible to say/use…? quand est-ce qu'on peut dire/utiliser…? ; when do the first rains come? quand commence la saison des pluies? ; when was it that he died? quand est-ce qu'il est mort? ;
    2 ( as indirect interrogative) quand ; ask him when he wrote the letter demande-lui quand il a écrit la lettre ; I wonder when the film starts je me demande à quelle heure commence le film ; I forget exactly when ( time) j'ai oublié l'heure exacte ; ( date) j'ai oublié la date exacte ; there was some disagreement as to when… tout le monde n'était pas d'accord sur la date à laquelle… ; tell me ou say when ( pouring drink) dis-moi d'arrêter ;
    3 ( as relative) on Monday/in 1993 when lundi/en 1993 quand ; at the time when ( precise moment) au moment où ; ( during same period) à l'époque où ; the week when it all happened la semaine où tout s'est passé ; on those rare occasions when les rares fois où ; there are times when il y a des moments où ; it's times like that when c'est dans ces moments-là que ; it's the time of year when c'est la période de l'année où ; one morning when he was getting up, he… un matin en se levant, il… ;
    4 ( then) she resigned in May, since when we've had no applicants elle a démissionné en mai, et depuis (lors) nous n'avons reçu aucune candidature ; until when we must stay calm d'ici là nous devons rester calmes ; by when we will have received the information d'ici là nous aurons reçu toutes les informations ;
    5 ( whenever) quand ; he's only happy when he's moaning il n'est content que quand il rouspète ; when on holiday you should relax quand on est en vacances il faut se détendre ; when I sunbathe, I get freckles chaque fois que je prends un bain de soleil, j'ai des taches de rousseur ; when necessary quand c'est nécessaire ; when possible dans la mesure du possible.
    C conj
    1 ( at the precise time when) quand, lorsque ; when she reaches 18 quand elle aura 18 ans ;
    2 ( during the period when) quand, lorsque ; when he was at school/just a trainee quand il était à l'école/simplement stagiaire ; when you're in your teens quand on est adolescent ; when sailing, always wear a lifejacket quand on fait de la voile, il faut toujours porter un gilet de sauvetage ;
    3 ( as soon as) quand, dès que ; when he arrives, I'll tell him quand or dès qu'il arrivera, je le lui dirai ; when drawn up, the plan… quand le projet sera rédigé, il…, une fois rédigé, le projet… ;
    4 ( when simultaneously) quand ; I was in the bath when the phone rang j'étais dans mon bain quand le téléphone a sonné ;
    5 ( when suddenly) quand ; I was strolling along when all of a sudden… je marchais tranquillement quand tout d'un coup… ; hardly ou scarcely ou barely had I sat down when je venais à peine de m'asseoir quand ;
    6 (once, after) quand, une fois que ; when you've been to Scotland, you'll want to go again and again quand or une fois que vous aurez visité l'Écosse, vous aurez forcément envie d'y retourner ;
    7 ( when it is the case that) alors que ; why buy their products when ours are cheaper? pourquoi acheter leurs produits alors que les nôtres sont moins chers? ;
    8 ( whereas) alors que ; she became a nun when she could have been an actress elle est devenue religieuse alors qu'elle aurait pu devenir actrice ; he refused when I would have gladly accepted il a refusé alors que j'aurais été ravi d'accepter.

    Big English-French dictionary > when

  • 4 when

    1. adverb
    1) (at what time) wann

    say when(coll.): (pouring drink) sag halt

    that was when I interveneddas war der Moment, wo ich eingriff

    2) (at which)

    the time when... — die Zeit, zu der od. (ugs.) wo/(with past tense) als...

    the day when... — der Tag, an dem od. (ugs.) wo/(with past tense) als...

    do you remember [the time] when we... — erinnerst du dich daran, wie wir...

    2. conjunction
    1) (at the time that) als; (with present or future tense) wenn

    when [I was] young — als ich jung war; in meiner Jugend

    when in doubtim Zweifelsfall

    when speaking French — wenn ich/sie usw. Französisch spreche/spricht usw.

    2) (whereas)

    why do you go abroad when it's cheaper here?warum fährst du ins Ausland, wo es doch hier billiger ist?

    I received only £5 when I should have got £10 — ich bekam nur 5 Pfund, hätte aber 10 Pfund bekommen sollen

    3) (considering that) wenn

    how can I finish it when you won't help? — wie soll ich es fertig machen, wenn du nicht hilfst?

    4) (and at that moment) als
    3. pronoun

    by/till when...? — bis wann...?

    from/since when...? — ab/seit wann...?

    but that was yesterday, since when things have changed — aber das war gestern, und inzwischen hat sich manches geändert

    * * *
    1. [wen] adverb
    (at what time(?): When did you arrive?; When will you see her again?; I asked him when the incident had occurred; Tell me when to jump.) wann
    2. [wən, wen] conjunction
    1) ((at or during) the time at which: It happened when I was abroad; When you see her, give her this message; When I've finished, I'll telephone you.) als; wenn
    2) (in spite of the fact that; considering that: Why do you walk when you have a car?) wenn
    - academic.ru/81941/whence">whence
    - whenever
    * * *
    I. adv inv
    1. interrog (at what time) wann
    \when do you want to go? wann möchtest du gehen?
    \when's the baby due? wann hat sie Geburtstermin?
    do you know \when he'll be back? weißt du, wann er zurückkommt?
    to tell sb \when to do sth jdm sagen, wann er/sie etw tun soll
    since \when...? seit wann...?
    until \when...? wie lange...?
    2. interrog (in what circumstances) wann
    \when is it OK to cross the road? — when the little green man is lit up wann darf man die Straße überqueren? — wenn das kleine grüne Männchen aufleuchtet
    3. rel (in following circumstances) wenn; (at which, on which) wo
    when is it OK to cross the road? — \when the little green man is lit up wann darf man die Straße überqueren? — wenn das kleine grüne Männchen aufleuchtet
    the week between Christmas and New Year is \when we carry out an inventory in der Woche zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr machen wir eine Inventur
    March is the month \when the monsoon arrives im März kommt der Monsun
    this is one of those occasions \when I could wring his neck dies ist eine der Gelegenheiten, wo ich ihm den Hals umdrehen könnte
    she was only twenty \when she had her first baby sie war erst zwanzig, als sie das erste Kind bekam
    Saturday is the day \when I get my hair done samstags lasse ich mir immer die Haare machen
    there are times \when... es gibt Momente [o Augenblicke], wo...
    II. conj
    1. (at, during the time) als
    I used to love that film \when I was a child als Kind liebte ich diesen Film
    I loved maths \when I was at school in der Schule liebte ich Mathe
    2. (after) wenn
    he was quite shocked \when I told him er war ziemlich schockiert, als ich es ihm erzählte
    call me \when you've finished ruf mich an, wenn du fertig bist
    3. (whenever) wenn
    I hate it \when there's no one in the office ich hasse es, wenn niemand im Büro ist
    4. (and just then) als
    I was just getting into the bath \when the telephone rang ich stieg gerade in die Badewanne, als das Telefon läutete
    how can you say you don't like something \when you've never even tried it? wie kannst du sagen, dass du etwas nicht magst, wenn du es nie probiert hast?
    6. (although) obwohl
    I don't understand how he can say that everything's fine \when it's so obvious that it's not ich verstehe nicht, wie er sagen kann, dass alles in Ordnung ist, wenn doch offensichtlich was nicht stimmt
    * * *
    1. adv
    1) (= at what time) wann

    ... since when he has been here —... und seitdem ist er hier

    say when! (inf)sag or schrei (inf) halt!


    (rel) on the day when — an dem Tag, an dem or als or da (liter) or wo (inf)

    at the time when — zu der Zeit, zu der or als or da (liter) or wo (inf)

    he wrote last week, up till when I had heard nothing from him — er schrieb letzte Woche und bis dahin hatte ich nichts von ihm gehört

    in 1960, up till when he... —

    during the time when he was in Germany — während der Zeit, als or wo or die (inf) er in Deutschland war

    2. conj
    1) wenn; (with past reference) als

    you can go when I have finished — du kannst gehen, sobald or wenn ich fertig bin

    he did it when younger tat es in seiner Jugend

    2) (+gerund) beim; (= at or during which time) wobei

    be careful when crossing the road — seien Sie beim Überqueren der Straße vorsichtig, seien Sie vorsichtig, wenn Sie über die Straße gehen

    the PM is coming here in May, when he will... — der Premier kommt im Mai hierher und wird dann...

    3) (= although, whereas) wo... doch

    why do you do it that way when it would be much easier like this? — warum machst du es denn auf die Art, wo es doch so viel einfacher wäre?

    * * *
    when [wen; hwen]
    A adv
    1. (fragend) wann:
    when did it happen?;
    2. (relativ) als, wo, da:
    the day when der Tag, an dem oder als;
    the time when it happened die Zeit, in oder zu der es geschah;
    the years when we were poor die Jahre, als wir arm waren;
    there are occasions when es gibt Gelegenheiten, wo
    B konj
    1. wann:
    she doesn’t know when to be silent
    2. (damals, zu der Zeit oder in dem Augenblick,) als:
    when (he was) young, he lived in M.;
    we were about to start when it began to rain wir wollten gerade fortgehen, als es zu regnen anfing oder da fing es zu regnen an;
    he broke a leg when skiing er brach sich beim Skifahren ein Bein;
    say when umg sag Halt!, sag, wenn du genug hast! (besonders beim Einschenken)
    3. (dann,) wenn:
    when it is very cold, you like to stay at home wenn es sehr kalt ist, bleibt man gern(e) zu Hause;
    when due bei Fälligkeit
    4. (immer) wenn, sobald, sooft:
    5. (ausrufend) wenn:
    when I think what I have done for her! wenn ich daran denke, was ich für sie getan habe!
    6. woraufhin, und dann:
    we explained it to him, when he at once consented
    7. während, obwohl, wo … (doch), da … doch:
    why did you tell her, when you knew it would hurt her? warum hast du es ihr gesagt, wo du (doch) wusstest, es würde ihr wehtun?
    C pron
    1. wann, welche Zeit:
    from when does it date? aus welcher Zeit stammt es?
    2. (relativ) welcher Zeitpunkt, wann:
    they left us on Wednesday, since when we have heard nothing sie verließen uns am Mittwoch, und seitdem haben wir nichts mehr von ihnen gehört;
    till when und bis dahin
    D s meist pl Wann n:
    the whens and wheres of sth das Wann und Wo einer Sache
    * * *
    1. adverb

    say when(coll.): (pouring drink) sag halt

    that was when I intervened — das war der Moment, wo ich eingriff

    the time when... — die Zeit, zu der od. (ugs.) wo/(with past tense) als...

    the day when... — der Tag, an dem od. (ugs.) wo/(with past tense) als...

    do you remember [the time] when we... — erinnerst du dich daran, wie wir...

    2. conjunction
    1) (at the time that) als; (with present or future tense) wenn

    when [I was] young — als ich jung war; in meiner Jugend

    when speaking French — wenn ich/sie usw. Französisch spreche/spricht usw.

    why do you go abroad when it's cheaper here? — warum fährst du ins Ausland, wo es doch hier billiger ist?

    I received only £5 when I should have got £10 — ich bekam nur 5 Pfund, hätte aber 10 Pfund bekommen sollen

    how can I finish it when you won't help? — wie soll ich es fertig machen, wenn du nicht hilfst?

    3. pronoun

    by/till when...? — bis wann...?

    from/since when...? — ab/seit wann...?

    but that was yesterday, since when things have changed — aber das war gestern, und inzwischen hat sich manches geändert

    * * *
    als adv.
    sobald adv.
    wann adv.
    wenn adv.
    während adv.

    English-german dictionary > when

  • 5 when

    [(h)wen] adv
    \when do you want to go? wann möchtest du gehen?;
    \when's the baby due? wann hat sie Geburtstermin?;
    do you know \when he'll be back? weißt du, wann er zurückkommt?;
    to tell sb \when to do sth jdm sagen, wann er/sie etw tun soll;
    since \when...? seit wann...?;
    until \when...? wie lange...?
    \when is it OK to cross the road? - when the little green man is lit up wann darf man die Straße überqueren? - wenn das kleine grüne Männchen aufleuchtet
    (at which, on which) wo;
    when is it OK to cross the road? - \when the little green man is lit up wann darf man die Straße überqueren? - wenn das kleine grüne Männchen aufleuchtet;
    the week between Christmas and New Year is \when we carry out an inventory in der Woche zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr machen wir eine Inventur;
    March is the month \when the monsoon arrives im März kommt der Monsun;
    this is one of those occasions \when I could wring his neck dies ist eine der Gelegenheiten, wo ich ihm den Hals umdrehen könnte;
    she was only twenty \when she had her first baby sie war erst zwanzig, als sie das erste Kind bekam;
    Saturday is the day \when I get my hair done samstags lasse ich mir immer die Haare machen;
    there are times \when... es gibt Momente [o Augenblicke], wo... conj
    1) (at, during the time) als;
    I used to love that film \when I was a child als Kind liebte ich diesen Film;
    I loved maths \when I was at school in der Schule liebte ich Mathe
    2) ( after) wenn;
    he was quite shocked \when I told him er war ziemlich schockiert, als ich es ihm erzählte;
    call me \when you've finished ruf mich an, wenn du fertig bist
    3) ( whenever) wenn;
    I hate it \when there's no one in the office ich hasse es, wenn niemand im Büro ist
    4) ( and just then) als;
    I was just getting into the bath \when the telephone rang ich stieg gerade in die Badewanne, als das Telefon läutete
    5) ( considering that) wenn;
    how can you say you don't like something \when you've never even tried it? wie kannst du sagen, dass du etwas nicht magst, wenn du es nie probiert hast?
    6) ( although) obwohl;
    I don't understand how he can say that everything's fine \when it's so obvious that it's not ich verstehe nicht, wie er sagen kann, dass alles in Ordnung ist, wenn doch offensichtlich was nicht stimmt

    English-German students dictionary > when

  • 6 en

    viven en la capital they live in the capital
    tiene el dinero en el banco he keeps his money in the bank
    en la mesa/el plato on the table/plate
    en casa/el trabajo at home/work
    2 into.
    el avión cayó en el mar the plane fell into the sea
    entraron en la habitación they came/went into the room
    3 in (time) (month, year).
    nació en 1953/marzo she was born in 1953/March
    en Nochebuena on Christmas Eve
    en Navidades at Christmas
    en aquella época at that time, in those days
    en un par de días in a couple of days
    ir en tren/coche/avión/barco to go by train/car/plane/boat
    5 in (modo).
    en voz baja in a low voice
    lo dijo en inglés she said it in English
    pagar en libras to pay in pounds
    la inflación aumentó en un 10 por ciento inflation increased by 10 percent
    todo se lo gasta en ropa he spends everything on clothes
    6 in (price).
    las ganancias se calculan en millones profits are calculated in millions
    te lo dejo en 5.000 I'll let you have it for 5,000
    7 from (causa).
    lo detecté en su forma de hablar I could tell from the way he was speaking
    8 in, made of (materia).
    en seda in silk
    9 in terms of.
    lo supera en inteligencia she is more intelligent than he is
    10 on, over, upon.
    11 at, over at, in, over in.
    En ese momento ...at that moment.
    12 to.
    * * *
    1 (lugar - gen) in, at
    2 (- en el interior) in, inside
    4 (año, mes, estación) in; (día) on; (época, momento) at
    7 (tema, materia) at, in
    8 (modo, manera) in
    los valores aumentaron en un 6% securities increased by 6%
    10 en + gerund upon
    en llegando el maestro, los niños se levantan upon the teacher's arrival, the children stand up
    de casa en casa from house to house
    en cuanto as soon as
    en camino on the way
    * * *
    1) in
    2) on
    3) at
    4) by
    6) into
    * * *
    1) [indicando lugar]
    a) (=dentro de) in

    está en el cajón/en el armario — it's in the drawer/in the wardrobe

    b) (=encima de) on
    c) [con países, ciudades, calles]
    d) [con edificios]
    2) [indicando movimiento] into
    3) [indicando modo] in
    4) [indicando proporción] by
    5) [indicando tiempo]

    ayer en la mañana LAm yesterday morning

    en la mañana del accidente LAm on the morning of the accident

    6) [indicando tema, ocupación]

    Hugo en Segismundo — (Cine, Teat) Hugo as Segismundo, Hugo in the role of Segismundo

    7) [con medios de transporte] by
    8) [con cantidades] at, for
    9) [con infinitivo]
    10) [con gerundio]
    EN Como preposición de lugar, en se traduce normalmente por on, in o at. La elección de una de estas tres preposiciones depende a menudo de cómo percibe el hablante la relación espacial. He aquí unas líneas generales: Se traduce por on cuando en equivale a encima de o nos referimos a algo que se percibe como una superficie o una línea, por ejemplo una mesa, una carretera {etc}: "¿Has visto mi vestido?" - "Está en la tabla de planchar" "Have you seen my dress?" - "It's on the ironing-board" Estaban tumbados en la playa They were lying on the beach Está construyendo una casa en la colina He's building a house on the hill ... un pueblo en la costa oeste...... a village on the west coast... La gasolinera está en la carretera que va a Motril The petrol station is on the road to Motril Dibujó un león en la hoja de papel He drew a lion on the piece of paper Tiene un grano en la nariz He has a spot on his nose Lo vi en la tele I saw him on TV ► Se usa in cuando equivale a dentro de o cuando nos referimos a un espacio que se percibe como limitado (calle, montañas, etc): Tus gafas están en mi bolso Your glasses are in my bag Tienes una pestaña en el ojo You've got an eyelash in your eye Lo leí en un libro I read it in a book Se han comprado un chalet en la sierra They've bought a chalet in the mountains Viven en la calle de Serrano They live in the Calle de Serrano ► Lo traducimos por at para referirnos a un edificio cuando hablamos de la actividad que normalmente se realiza en él o cuando en indica un lugar concreto. También se traduce por at cuando en la dirección incluimos el número o el nombre de la casa: ¿Por qué no comemos en el restaurante de tu hermano? Why don't we have lunch at your brother's restaurant? Voy a pasar el día en el museo I'm going to spend the day at the museum Te espero en la parada del autobús I'll meet you at the bus-stop Vivimos en la calle Dale nº 12 We live at 12 Dale Street Para otros usos y ejemplos ver la entrada
    * * *
    a) (refiriéndose a ciudad, edificio)

    viven en París/en una granja/en el número diez/en un hotel — they live in Paris/on a farm/at number ten/in a hotel

    viven en la calle Goyathey live on o (BrE) in Goya Street

    nos quedamos en casawe stayed home (AmE), we stayed at home (BrE)

    b) ( dentro de) in
    c) ( sobre) on
    2) (expresando circunstancias, ambiente, medio) in
    a) (indicando tema, especialidad, cualidad)
    b) (indicando proporción, precio)

    lo vendió en $30 — he sold it for $30

    las pérdidas se calcularon en $50.000 — the losses were calculated at $50,000

    a) (indicando estado, manera) in

    en buenas/malas condiciones — in good/bad condition

    en llamas — in flames, on fire

    ir en taxi/barco — to go by taxi/by boat

    fueron en bicicleta — they cycled, they went on their bikes


    ¿lo tienen en azul? — do you have it in blue?

    en la mañana/tarde/noche — (esp AmL) in the morning/afternoon/at night

    * * *
    = in, onto, into, at, throughout.
    Ex. The first institute, 'The Catalog: Its Nature and Prospects,' was held in New York City on October 9 and 10, 1975.
    Ex. When one is in place, the depression of a lever causes it to be photographed onto the next blank space.
    Ex. The application of a classification scheme to a set of documents should result in the ordering or arranging of that set of documents into groups or classes according to their subject content.
    Ex. He also resolved to talk with Cleo Passantino, a young librarian who had been at the library for three years and with whom he had had little contact.
    Ex. Throughout this chapter the term 'document' is used to refer to any item which might be found in a library or information center or data base.
    * en absoluto = at all, in the slightest, whatsoever, not at all, in any shape or form.
    * en abstracto = abstractly.
    * en abundancia = in plenty, liberally, in abundance, exuberantly, in profusion, aplenty [a-plenty], prodigiously, plentifully.
    * en activo = practising [practicing, -USA].
    * en adelante = forward [forwards].
    * en agradecimiento por = appreciative of.
    * en alerta roja = on red alert.
    * en alguna ocasión = on any one occasion.
    * en alguna parte = someplace.
    * en alguna parte de + Nombre = some way down + Nombre.
    * en algún lugar = somewhere, at some point.
    * en algún lugar (de por ahí) = somewhere out there.
    * en algún momento = somewhere along the line, sometime, at sometime, at some point, at some point in time, at one time or another.
    * en algunos casos = in some cases.
    * en algunos grupos = in some quarters.
    * en algunos grupos de la población = in some quarters.
    * en algunos sectores = in some quarters.
    * en algunos sectores de la población = in some quarters.
    * en algunos sentidos = in some respects.
    * en algunos sitios = in places.
    * en alquiler = rented.
    * en alta mar = on the open sea, offshore, on the high seas.
    * en alza = on the upswing.
    * en ambas direcciones = two-way.
    * en ambos casos = in either case, in either instance.
    * en ángulo = angled.
    * en ángulo recto = at right angles.
    * en antaño = in olden times, in olden days.
    * en antelación = anticipatory.
    * en anticipación = anticipatory.
    * en años anteriores = in prior years, in years past, in past years.
    * en apariencia = apparently, looking, seemingly, on the face of it, on the surface, ostensibly.
    * en apenas nada = in no time at all, in next to no time, in no time.
    * en apoyo a = in support of.
    * en apuros = hard-pressed, beleaguered, in deep trouble, in difficulties, if it comes to the crunch, when push comes to shove, when it comes to the crunch, when the worst comes to the worst, if the worst comes to the worst, in deep water, in hot water, in dire straits.
    * en aquel entonces = at the time, the then + Nombre, by this time, at that time, in the course of events, during the course of events, back then, in those days.
    * en aquella época = at the time, at that time, in those days.
    * en aquellas ocasiones cuando = on occasions when.
    * en aquellos casos = in those cases.
    * en aquellos casos en los que = in those cases where.
    * en aquellos tiempos = at the time, the then + Nombre, by this time, in those days.
    * en aquel momento = at the time, the then + Nombre, by this time, at that time.
    * en aras a = in the name of.
    * en aras de = in the interest(s) of.
    * en armonía = harmoniously, in harmony.
    * en armonía con = in harmony with, in harness with, in keeping with, in tune with, in sync with.
    * en ascuas = on tenterhooks.
    * en auge = in ascendancy, buoyant, booming, on the rise, at high tide.
    * en aumento = burgeoning, growing, increasing, mounting, rising, on the rise, heightening.
    * en aumento gradual = gradually quickening.
    * en Babia = absent-minded.
    * en balde = in vain, vainly, to no avail, of no avail.
    * en bandada = in full force.
    * en bandadas = in droves.
    * en base a = in terms of, on the grounds that/of, on the basis of.
    * en beneficio de = for the benefit of, to the benefit of.
    * en beneficio propio = to + Posesivo + advantage.
    * en bisel = angled.
    * en blanco = blankly, blank.
    * en blanco y negro = b&w (black and white).
    * en bloque = en bloc.
    * en boga = in vogue, in fashion, voguish.
    * en bolas = stark naked, in the nod, in the buff.
    * en breve = shortly, the long and (the) short of, soon [sooner -comp., soonest -sup.].
    * en broma = teasingly.
    * en buena compañía = in good company.
    * en buena condición = in good condition, in good shape, in good nick.
    * en buena forma = in good nick.
    * en buena parte = for the most part.
    * en buenas condiciones para navegar = seaworthy.
    * en buenas manos = in a safe place, in safekeeping.
    * en buen estado = in good condition, in good working condition, in good shape, in good nick.
    * en buen estado de funcionamiento = in good working condition.
    * en busca de quimeras = in pursuit of + windmills.
    * en búsqueda de = a quest for.
    * en cada fase = at each stage.
    * en caída = flowing.
    * en caja = boxed.
    * en caliente = in the heat of the moment, on the spur of the moment.
    * en cama = abed.
    * en cambio = by contrast, in contrast, instead, shifting, by comparison.
    * en camino = on the way.
    * en cantidad = bulk.
    * en + Cantidad + años = in + Cantidad + years' time.
    * en capilla = on tenterhooks, in suspense.
    * en carnavales = carnivalistically.
    * en carne y hueso = in the flesh.
    * en casa = in the home.
    * en casa de herrero cuchillo de palo = the cobbler's children run barefoot.
    * en casi nada = in no time at all, in next to no time, in no time.
    * en casi todos los + Nombre = in just about every + Nombre.
    * en caso de darse circunstancias ajenas a + Posesivo + control = in the event of circumstances beyond + Posesivo + control.
    * en caso de emergencia = in an emergency, in an emergency situation.
    * en caso de fuerza mayor = in the event of circumstances beyond + Posesivo + control.
    * en CD-ROM = CD-ROM-based.
    * en chirona = behind bars.
    * en ciernes = developing, budding, in the making.
    * en cierta medida = to some extent, to a certain extent, to some degree.
    * en ciertas circunstancias = in certain circumstances.
    * en ciertas ocasiones = at certain times.
    * en cierto grado = something of.
    * en cierto modo = to some extent, after a fashion, to a certain extent, in a manner of speaking, so to speak, to some degree.
    * en cierto modo + Verbo = sort of + Verbo.
    * en ciertos casos = in certain cases.
    * en cierto sentido = in several respects, to some extent, in a sense, in some respects, to some degree.
    * en circuito cerrado = looped.
    * en círcuitos de segunda categoría = in the provinces.
    * en circuitos de segundo orden = in the provinces.
    * en circumstancias difíciles = under difficult circumstances.
    * en circunstancias misteriosas = in mysterious circumstances.
    * en circunstancias normales = in the course of events, during the course of events, under normal circumstances.
    * en circusntancias normales = in the normal run of things.
    * en coche = drive.
    * en colaboración = collaborative, cooperative [co-operative], jointly, participatory, in concert, in consort, collaboratively, synergistic, synergistically, in tandem, in a tandem fashion, in partnership.
    * en colaboración con = in concert with, in consultation with, in collaboration with, in alliance with, in conjunction with, in partnership with.
    * en colaboración con, junto con, de manera conjunta con = in partnership with.
    * en color = coloured [colored, -USA], full-colour.
    * en columnas = columnar.
    * en colusión con = in collusion with, in complicity with, in connivance with.
    * en coma = comatose.
    * en combinación con = in parallel to/with, in combination with.
    * en comisión de servicios = seconded.
    * en comparación = by comparison.
    * en comparación con = against, as compared to, set against, in comparison with, in comparison to.
    * en compensación = compensatory.
    * en complicidad con = in cahoots (with), in complicity with, in complicity with, in collusion with, in connivance with.
    * en común con = in common with.
    * en conciencia = in good conscience.
    * en conclusión = in conclusion.
    * en concordancia con = in accordance with, in accord with.
    * en concreto = in particular, to be specific.
    * en condiciones = decent.
    * en condiciones de = in the position to.
    * en condiciones de igualdad = on an equal footing, on equal terms, on an equal basis.
    * en condiciones difíciles = under difficult conditions.
    * en conexión con = in respect of.
    * en confidencia = in confidence.
    * en conflicto (con) = in conflict (with).
    * en conformidad con = in conformity with, in keeping with.
    * en conjunción con = in conjunction with, in tandem with.
    * en conjunto = altogether, on balance, bulk, all in all, overall, overall.
    * en conmemoración de = in celebration of, commemorative.
    * en connivencia = colluding.
    * en connivencia con = in collusion with, in cahoots (with), in complicity with, in connivance with.
    * en consecuencia = accordingly, consequently, hence, in consequence, as a consequence (of), it follows that, on this basis, on that basis, in doing so.
    * en consecuencia lógica = by implication.
    * en consideración = under consideration.
    * en consideración a = for the sake of, out of consideration for, out of respect for.
    * en consonacia con = in line with.
    * en consonancia con = in concert with, in keeping with, in step with, in tune with, in consonance with.
    * en constante cambio = ever-changing [ever changing], ever-fluid, on the move, fast changing [fast-changing], ever-shifting.
    * en constante expansión = ever-expanding, ever-growing.
    * en constante movimiento = on the move, on the go.
    * en construcción = under development, under construction.
    * en contacto = in communication.
    * en contacto con la realidad = in touch with + reality.
    * en contadas ocasiones = rarely, seldom, on rare occasions.
    * en contenedor = containerised [containerized, -USA].
    * en continua expansión = expanding.
    * en continuo aumento = ever-increasing.
    * en continuo cambio = constantly shifting, ever-changing [ever changing], ever-shifting.
    * en contra = counterpoint, against.
    * en contra de la guerra = antiwar [anti-war].
    * en contra de la opinión general = contrary to popular belief.
    * en contra de la raza blanca = anti-white [antiwhite].
    * en contra de la raza negra = antiblack [anti-black].
    * en contra de las circunstancias = against circumstances.
    * en contra de las instituciones = anti-establishment.
    * en contra del gobierno = anti-government.
    * en contraposición a = as opposed to, in contrast (to/with), in contradistinction to.
    * en contraste con = in contrast (to/with).
    * en contravención de = in contravention of.
    * en contubernio (con) = in cahoots (with).
    * en cooperación = cooperative [co-operative].
    * en cooperación con = in cooperation with.
    * en cooperativa = cooperatively [co-operatively].
    * en costras = caked.
    * en crisis = depressed, crisis-ridden, on the rocks.
    * en cuadernillo = in booklet form.
    * en cualquier caso = for that matter, in any event, in any case, in either case.
    * en cualquier domingo = on any given Sunday.
    * en cualquier lugar = everywhere, anywhere.
    * en cualquier momento = anytime, at any one time, at any point, at any point in time, at any time, at any moment, at any given point, at any moment in time, at any given moment, momentarily, on any given Sunday.
    * en cualquier momento en el futuro = at some stage.
    * en cualquier orden = either way round.
    * en cualquier otra circunstancia = in the normal run of things, in the normal run of events.
    * en cualquier otra parte = anywhere else, everywhere else.
    * en cualquier otra situación = in the normal run of things, in the normal run of events.
    * en cualquier otro lugar = anywhere else, everywhere else.
    * en cualquier otro momento = some other time.
    * en cualquier otro sitio = anywhere else.
    * en cualquier parte = anywhere, everywhere.
    * en cualquier sitio = everywhere, anywhere.
    * en cualquier situación = in any given situation.
    * en + Cuantificador + aspectos = in + Cuantificador + respects.
    * en + Cuantificador + sentidos = in + Cuantificador + respects.
    * en cuanto a = as to, in extent of, in regard to, in terms of, in the way of, with regard(s) to, as for, as regards, as to the matter of, in reference to, now as to, moving on to.
    * en cuanto a él = as for him.
    * en cuanto a ella = as for her.
    * en cuanto a ellos = as for them.
    * en cuanto a los hechos = factually.
    * en cuanto a mí = as for me.
    * en cuanto a nosotros = as for us.
    * en cuanto a ti = as for you.
    * en cuanto a usted = as for you.
    * en cuanto a vosotros = as for you.
    * en cuanto + nacer = at birth.
    * en cuanto que = in that.
    * en cuarto lugar = fourthly.
    * en cuatro niveles = quadraplaner.
    * en cuclicllas = in a squatting position.
    * en cuclillas = squat, in a squat position, in a crouching position.
    * en cueros = in the buff, in the nod, stark naked.
    * en cuestión = at hand, concerned, in hand, individual, at issue, of concern.
    * en cuestión de minutos = within minutes, in a matter of minutes.
    * en cuestión de segundos = within seconds, in a matter of seconds.
    * en cuestión de + Tiempo = in a matter of + Tiempo, within a matter of + Tiempo.
    * en cuestiones de = in matters of.
    * en cumplimiento con = in line with, in compliance with.
    * en cursiva = in italic type.
    * en curso = in process, underway [under way], in progress, ongoing [on-going], afoot, current, under preparation.
    * en curso de = in course of.
    * en cuyo caso = in which case.
    * en danza = on the run.
    * en decadencia = bankrupt.
    * en defensa propia = in self-defence.
    * en definitiva = in all, all in all, in the last analysis, in the final analysis, all things considered.
    * en definitiva, bien mirado, bien considerado = all things considered.
    * en demanda = in-demand.
    * en demasía = excess, to excess, excessively.
    * en desacuerdo = disapproving, at odds.
    * en desacuerdo con = at odds with.
    * en desarmonía con = out of tune with, out of keeping with.
    * en desarrollo = evolving, under development.
    * en descomposición = decaying, putrefying.
    * en desesperación = despairing, in despair.
    * en desuso = obsolete, disused.
    * en detalle = at length.
    * en deterioro = deteriorating, crumbling, decaying, dilapidated, disintegrating.
    * en determinadas ocasiones = sometimes, on particular occasions.
    * en detrimento de = to the detriment of, to + Posesivo + detriment, to the neglect of.
    * en diagonal = herringbone.
    * en días alternos = every other day.
    * en diferente grado = differing, in varying measures.
    * en diferente medida = differing, in varying measures.
    * en diferentes momentos = at various times, at different times.
    * en diferentes ocasiones = at different times, at various times.
    * en dificultades = stranded.
    * en dinero = monetised [monetized, -pl.].
    * en dirección de la proa = abaft.
    * en dirección este = eastward(s), eastbound.
    * en dirección norte = northbound.
    * en dirección oeste = westbound, westward(s).
    * en dirección sur = southward(s), southbound.
    * en disco = ondisc.
    * en disminución = dwindling, on the wane.
    * en + Distancia + a la redonda = within + Distancia.
    * en distinta medida = differing, in varying measures.
    * en distintas ocasiones = at different times, at various times, on several occasions.
    * en distinto grado = in varying measures, differing, to varying degrees.
    * en distintos formatos = multiform.
    * en distintos momentos = at different times, at various times.
    * en diversas lenguas = multilingually.
    * en diversas ocasiones = on several occasions.
    * en diverso grado = to varying extents, to varying degrees.
    * en diversos formatos = multiform.
    * en donde = where, wherein.
    * en dos años = over a two-year period.
    * en dos lenguas = bilingually.
    * en dos niveles = split-level.
    * en dos palabras = in a nutshell, in a nutshell.
    * en dos volúmenes = two-volume.
    * en duda = in doubt.
    * en edad de trabajar = working-age.
    * en efecto = to all intents and purposes, for all intents and purposes.
    * en ejercicio = incumbent, practising [practicing, -USA].
    * en el abandono = in the wilderness.
    * en el acto = ipso facto, outright, on the spot, while-you-wait [while-u-wait], at the drop of a hat.
    * en el aire = in mid-air, airborne.
    * en el ámbito de = in the realm of.
    * en el año catapún = in the dim and distant past.
    * en el año del Señor = in the year of our Lord.
    * en el año entrante = in the coming year.
    * en el año próximo = in the coming year.
    * en el año venidero = in the coming year.
    * en el área de + Lugar = Lugar + area.
    * en el asiento de atrás = in the back seat.
    * en el asiento trasero = in the back seat.
    * en el aula de clase = classroom-based.
    * en el banquillo = on the bench.
    * en el blanco de mira = in the spotlight, in the crosshairs.
    * en el camino = along the way, en route, in the process.
    * en el campo de = in the realm of, in the field of.
    * en el campus universitario = campus-based.
    * en el candelero = in the spotlight.
    * en el cargo = in the saddle, in office.
    * en el caso de = for, in association with, in the case of, in the event of, in case of, in the context of.
    * en (el) caso de que = in the event that, should, in case.
    * en el caso poco probable de que = in the unlikely case (that).
    * en el centro de = at the heart of.
    * en el cine = at the movies.
    * en el clima actual de = in the present climate of.
    * en el contexto de = in the realm of.
    * en el culo = in the bottom.
    * en el culo del mundo = in the arse of nowhere.
    * en el curso de la historia = in the course of history.
    * en el curso normal de = in the mainstream of.
    * en el curso normal de las cosas = in the normal run of things, in the normal run of events.
    * en el curso normal de las cosas, en el curso normal de los acontecimientos, = in the normal run of things.
    * en el curso normal de los acontecimientos = in the normal run of events, in the normal run of things.
    * en el desierto = in the wilderness.
    * en el detalle = in detail.
    * en el día a día = in the day to day, in the trenches.
    * en el dique seco = in dry dock, in the wilderness.
    * en el eje = at the core (of).
    * en el entorno de = in the realm of.
    * en el escenario = on stage.
    * en el escenario mundial = on the world stage.
    * en el espacio = spatially.
    * en el estricto sentido de la palabra = strictly speaking.
    * en el estudio = at study, at study.
    * en el extranjero = abroad, overseas, offshore.
    * en el extremo opuesto = at the far end.
    * en el fin de semana = over the weekend, over the weekend, at the weekend.
    * en el foco de atención = in the spotlight.
    * en el fondo = at heart, deep down, in the back of + Posesivo + mind, in the back of + Posesivo + head, at the back of + Posesivo + head, bottom line, the, in the bottom.
    * en el fondo de = at the root of.
    * en el futuro = Número + Tiempo + ahead, down the road, in future, in time(s) to come, at + future date, in (the) years to come, at some future time, in the years to come, in the years ahead, in years to come, at some future point, in the future, for future reference, for the years to come.
    * en el futuro a largo plazo = in the long-term future.
    * en el futuro cercano = in the foreseeable future.
    * en el futuro inmediato = in the offing, in the foreseeable future.
    * en el futuro lejano = further in the future.
    * en el haber de Uno = under + Posesivo + belt.
    * en el horario de trabajo = on company time.
    * en el horizonte = on the horizon.
    * en el hospital = at the bedside.
    * en el improbable caso de que = in the unlikely case (that).
    * en el instante en que + Subjuntivo = the moment + Verbo.
    * en el ínterin = in the interim, in the intervening years, in the intervening period, ad interim.
    * en el juego = at play.
    * en el lado negativo = on the debit side, on the negative side, on the downside.
    * en el lado positivo = on the credit side, on the positive side, on the plus side, on the bright side.
    * en ello = therein, thereupon [thereon].
    * en el lugar del accidente = at the scene, at the scene of the accident.
    * en el lugar de los hechos = at the scene.
    * en el mandato = in office.
    * en el mando = at the wheel.
    * en el mar = at sea.
    * en el marco de = within the ambit of, within the bounds of.
    * en el más allá = dead and gone.
    * en el mayor secreto = a veil of secrecy.
    * en el mejor de los casos = at best, at most, ideally, in the best of circumstances, the best case scenario, at the most, at the best of times, at the very best.
    * en el mejor momento de Uno = at + Posesivo + (very) best.
    * en el mismo centro (de) = plumb in the middle (of).
    * en el mismo número de años = in as many years.
    * en el mismo orden que = in sync with.
    * en el momento = on the spot.
    * en el momento actual = in this day and age, at the present time.
    * en el momento adecuado = at the right time.
    * en el momento de = at the time (that/of).
    * en el momento de escribir estas líneas = at the time of writing.
    * en el momento de la impresión = at the time of going to print.
    * en el momento en que se necesita = at the point-of-need, at the point of use, point of use.
    * en el momento en que + Subjuntivo = the moment + Verbo.
    * en el momento justo = on cue.
    * en el momento más débil de Alguien = at + Posesivo + weakest.
    * en el momento oportuno = at the right time, not a moment too soon, not a minute too soon.
    * en el momento peor de Alguien = at + Posesivo + weakest.
    * en el mundo = on the face of the earth, on the world stage.
    * en el mundo antiguo = in antiquity.
    * en el mundo entero = all over the world, worldwide [world-wide], all around the world, throughout the world, around the planet, the world over.
    * en el mundo que nos rodea = out there.
    * en el nivel básico = at grass roots level.
    * en el nivel intermedio de = in the middle range of.
    * en el nivel medio de = in the middle range of.
    * en el norte del estado = upstate.
    * en el núcleo = at the core (of).
    * en el ocaso = over the hill.
    * en el ojo del huracán = in the eye of the storm, in the eye of the hurricane.
    * en el orden del día = on the agenda.
    * en el origen (de) = in the early days (of).
    * en el otro extremo = at the other extreme.
    * en el otro extremo de la escala = at the other end of the scale, at the other end of the spectrum, at the other extreme.
    * en el país de los ciegos el tuerto es el rey = in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king, in the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king, in the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
    * en el país de los ciegos el tuerto es el rey = be a case of the blind leading the blind.
    * en el pasado = in the past, in past eras, at some point in the past, in years gone by, in days gone by, in former times.
    * en el pasado remoto = in the dim and distant past.
    * en el peor de los casos = at worst, in the worst of circumstances, at + Posesivo + very worst, the worst case scenario, at + Posesivo + worst, in the worst case.
    * en el período penoso de = in the throes of.
    * en el período previo a = in the run up to, during the run up to.
    * en el piso de abajo = downstairs.
    * en el piso de arriba = upstairs.
    * en el poder = in office.
    * en el primer caso = in the former case.
    * en el proceso = in the process.
    * en el propio campus universitario = campus-based.
    * en el propio cortijo = on-farm.
    * en el próximo año = in the year ahead, in the coming year.
    * en el puesto de dirección = in the hot seat.
    * en el punto álgido de = at the height of.
    * en el punto de mira = in the spotlight, in the crosshairs.
    * en el que = wherein.
    * en el que se puede buscar = searchable.
    * en el quinto coño = in the arse of nowhere.
    * en el quinto pino = in the arse of nowhere.
    * en el quirófano = under the knife.
    * en el resto = everywhere else.
    * en el resto de = elsewhere.
    * en el seguimiento de = in the pursuit of.
    * en el segundo caso = in the latter case.
    * en el seno de = within, among.
    * en el sentido de las agujas del reloj = clockwise.
    * en el sentido de que = in the sense that, along the lines that, in that.
    * en el sentido más amplio = in the broadest sense, in the widest sense.
    * en el sentido más general = in the broadest sense.
    * en el sentido que = in which.
    * en el timón = in the saddle.
    * en el trabajo = on-the-job, at work.
    * en el transcurso de = throughout the course of, throughout the course of, in the course of, during the course of, over the course of, throughout.
    * en el transcurso de algunos años = over a period of years.
    * en el transcurso de la historia = in the course of history.
    * en el transcurso de los siglos = over the course of the centuries.
    * en el transcurso normal de + Posesivo + vida(s) = in the normal course of + Posesivo + life/lives.
    * en el trasfondo de = at the root of.
    * en el último caso = in the latter case.
    * en el último minuto = last minute [last-minute], at the last minute.
    * en el último momento = at the eleventh hour, at the very last minute, at the very last moment, at the very last, at the last minute.
    * en el umbral de = on the threshold of.
    * en el vuelo = in-flight.
    * en entrante = recessed.
    * en entredicho = under challenge.
    * en episodios = episodic.
    * en época de carnaval = carnivalistically.
    * en época de feria = carnivalistically.
    * en época de paz = in peacetime, during peacetime.
    * en épocas anteriores = in former times, in past eras.
    * en épocas de = in times of.
    * en épocas de guerra = in time(s) of war.
    * en épocas de paz = in time(s) of peace.
    * en épocas de prosperidad económica = in affluent times.
    * en épocas difíciles = in times of need.
    * en épocas pasadas = in past ages.
    * en escamas = flaky.
    * en ese caso = in that case.
    * en ese mismo instante = at that very moment.
    * en ese mismo momento = at that very moment.
    * en ese momento = at that point, at this point, at that time, just then, at that point in time.
    * en esencia = in essence, essentially.
    * en ese sentido = on that score, to that effect.
    * en esos casos = in those cases.
    * en espacios cerrados = indoors.
    * en especial = especially (specially), notably, specially (especially).
    * en especie = in kind.
    * en espera = on hold.
    * en espiga = herringbone.
    * en esta coyuntura = at this juncture.
    * en estado = pregnant, in the family way.
    * en estado de abandono = decaying, dilapidated, dilapidated.
    * en estado de alerta = on alert.
    * en estado de alerta, de guardia = on standby.
    * en estado de buena esperanza = pregnant, in the family way.
    * en estado de cambio = in a state of flux.
    * en estado de descomposición = decaying.
    * en estado de deterioro = decaying, dilapidated.
    * en estado de reserva = on standby.
    * en estado de reserva, en estado de alerta, de guardia = on standby.
    * en estado de sitio = in a state of siege, under siege.
    * en estado embrionario = embryo, embryonic, in embryonic stage, in embryo, in the embryo stage.
    * en esta época del año = around this time of year.
    * en esta ocasión = on this occasion.
    * en estas circunstancias = under these circumstances.
    * en esta situación = at this juncture.
    * en este caso = in this case.
    * en este contexto = against this background.
    * en este documento = herein, herewith, hereto.
    * en este extremo = to this extent.
    * en este grado = to this extent.
    * en este mismo sentido = along the same lines.
    * en este momento = at this point, at this stage, at this juncture, at this time, at this moment in time, right now.
    * en este período = in the course of events, during the course of events.
    * en este sentido = along these lines, in this connection, in this direction, in this sense, in this vein, in this spirit, in this regard, in this effort, in that spirit, on this score, to that effect.
    * en estos casos = in these cases.
    * en estos días = today, these days.
    * en estos tiempos = in these times, in this day and age.
    * en estrecha colaboración = in close collaboration.
    * en estrecha colaboración con = hand-in-glove with.
    * en estuche = boxed.
    * en excelente estado = in tip-top condition, in tip-top form.
    * en excelentes condiciones = in tip-top condition, in tip-top form.
    * en exceso = overflow, overflowing, excessively, excess, to excess.
    * en exclusiva = exclusively.
    * en existencia = in existence.
    * en expansión = expanded.
    * en exposición = on exhibit, on show, on display.
    * en + Expresión Temporal = as of + Expresión Temporal, come + Expresión Temporal.
    * en extensión = in length.
    * en extenso = at length, in full.
    * en extremo = no end, to no end.
    * en fase terminal = terminally ill.
    * en favor de = in favour of.
    * en flor = in full blossom, in blossom.
    * en forma = fit [fitter -comp., fittest -sup.], toned.
    * en forma de = in the form of, in the shape of.
    * en forma de A = A-shaped.
    * en forma de arco = arched, bowed.
    * en forma de capa = cape-like.
    * en forma de cruz = cross-shaped.
    * en forma de cuadrado = square-shaped.
    * en forma de cuña = wedge-shaped.
    * en forma de cúpula = dome-shaped, domed.
    * en forma de D = d-shaped.
    * en forma de estrella = star-shaped [star shaped].
    * en forma de L = L-shaped.
    * en forma de libro = in book form.
    * en forma de medialuna = crescent-shaped.
    * en forma de parásito = parasitically.
    * en forma de pera = pear-shaped.
    * en forma de pirámide = pyramidal-shaped.
    * en forma de trompeta = trumpet-shaped.
    * en forma de U = U-shaped.
    * en forma de V = V-shaped.
    * en forma física = physically fit.
    * en forma física y mental = physically and mentally fit.
    * en forma ovalada = oval-shaped.
    * en forma piramidal = pyramidal-shaped.
    * en formato de libro moderno = in codex form.
    * en formato digital = digitally.
    * en formato electrónico = in electronic form.
    * en formato MARC = in MARC form.
    * en formato papel = paper-based, in hard copy.
    * en frente = ahead, in front.
    * en frente de = in front of.
    * en funcionamiento = in operation.
    * en función de = according to, as a function of, depending on/upon.
    * en general = at large, by and large, for the most part, generally, in general, in the main, on balance, on the whole, overall, all in all, broadly, as a whole, generally speaking.
    * en germinación = budding.
    * en gestación = in the making.
    * en grado mínimo = minimally.
    * en gran cantidad = prodigiously.
    * en grandes cantidades = en masse, in good number, in record numbers, in bulk.
    * en grandes números = in record numbers.
    * en gran formato = oversize, oversized.
    * en gran medida = broadly, by and large, extensively, greatly, heavily, largely, to a considerable extent, to a high degree, to a large extent, tremendously, vastly, very much, keenly, in no small way, to any great degree, in many ways, in large part, in large measure, in no small measure, to a great extent, to a large degree, to a great degree.
    * en gran número = numerously.
    * en gran parte
    * * *
    a) (refiriéndose a ciudad, edificio)

    viven en París/en una granja/en el número diez/en un hotel — they live in Paris/on a farm/at number ten/in a hotel

    viven en la calle Goyathey live on o (BrE) in Goya Street

    nos quedamos en casawe stayed home (AmE), we stayed at home (BrE)

    b) ( dentro de) in
    c) ( sobre) on
    2) (expresando circunstancias, ambiente, medio) in
    a) (indicando tema, especialidad, cualidad)
    b) (indicando proporción, precio)

    lo vendió en $30 — he sold it for $30

    las pérdidas se calcularon en $50.000 — the losses were calculated at $50,000

    a) (indicando estado, manera) in

    en buenas/malas condiciones — in good/bad condition

    en llamas — in flames, on fire

    ir en taxi/barco — to go by taxi/by boat

    fueron en bicicleta — they cycled, they went on their bikes


    ¿lo tienen en azul? — do you have it in blue?

    en la mañana/tarde/noche — (esp AmL) in the morning/afternoon/at night

    * * *
    = in, onto, into, at, throughout.

    Ex: The first institute, 'The Catalog: Its Nature and Prospects,' was held in New York City on October 9 and 10, 1975.

    Ex: When one is in place, the depression of a lever causes it to be photographed onto the next blank space.
    Ex: The application of a classification scheme to a set of documents should result in the ordering or arranging of that set of documents into groups or classes according to their subject content.
    Ex: He also resolved to talk with Cleo Passantino, a young librarian who had been at the library for three years and with whom he had had little contact.
    Ex: Throughout this chapter the term 'document' is used to refer to any item which might be found in a library or information center or data base.
    * en absoluto = at all, in the slightest, whatsoever, not at all, in any shape or form.
    * en abstracto = abstractly.
    * en abundancia = in plenty, liberally, in abundance, exuberantly, in profusion, aplenty [a-plenty], prodigiously, plentifully.
    * en activo = practising [practicing, -USA].
    * en adelante = forward [forwards].
    * en agradecimiento por = appreciative of.
    * en alerta roja = on red alert.
    * en alguna ocasión = on any one occasion.
    * en alguna parte = someplace.
    * en alguna parte de + Nombre = some way down + Nombre.
    * en algún lugar = somewhere, at some point.
    * en algún lugar (de por ahí) = somewhere out there.
    * en algún momento = somewhere along the line, sometime, at sometime, at some point, at some point in time, at one time or another.
    * en algunos casos = in some cases.
    * en algunos grupos = in some quarters.
    * en algunos grupos de la población = in some quarters.
    * en algunos sectores = in some quarters.
    * en algunos sectores de la población = in some quarters.
    * en algunos sentidos = in some respects.
    * en algunos sitios = in places.
    * en alquiler = rented.
    * en alta mar = on the open sea, offshore, on the high seas.
    * en alza = on the upswing.
    * en ambas direcciones = two-way.
    * en ambos casos = in either case, in either instance.
    * en ángulo = angled.
    * en ángulo recto = at right angles.
    * en antaño = in olden times, in olden days.
    * en antelación = anticipatory.
    * en anticipación = anticipatory.
    * en años anteriores = in prior years, in years past, in past years.
    * en apariencia = apparently, looking, seemingly, on the face of it, on the surface, ostensibly.
    * en apenas nada = in no time at all, in next to no time, in no time.
    * en apoyo a = in support of.
    * en apuros = hard-pressed, beleaguered, in deep trouble, in difficulties, if it comes to the crunch, when push comes to shove, when it comes to the crunch, when the worst comes to the worst, if the worst comes to the worst, in deep water, in hot water, in dire straits.
    * en aquel entonces = at the time, the then + Nombre, by this time, at that time, in the course of events, during the course of events, back then, in those days.
    * en aquella época = at the time, at that time, in those days.
    * en aquellas ocasiones cuando = on occasions when.
    * en aquellos casos = in those cases.
    * en aquellos casos en los que = in those cases where.
    * en aquellos tiempos = at the time, the then + Nombre, by this time, in those days.
    * en aquel momento = at the time, the then + Nombre, by this time, at that time.
    * en aras a = in the name of.
    * en aras de = in the interest(s) of.
    * en armonía = harmoniously, in harmony.
    * en armonía con = in harmony with, in harness with, in keeping with, in tune with, in sync with.
    * en ascuas = on tenterhooks.
    * en auge = in ascendancy, buoyant, booming, on the rise, at high tide.
    * en aumento = burgeoning, growing, increasing, mounting, rising, on the rise, heightening.
    * en aumento gradual = gradually quickening.
    * en Babia = absent-minded.
    * en balde = in vain, vainly, to no avail, of no avail.
    * en bandada = in full force.
    * en bandadas = in droves.
    * en base a = in terms of, on the grounds that/of, on the basis of.
    * en beneficio de = for the benefit of, to the benefit of.
    * en beneficio propio = to + Posesivo + advantage.
    * en bisel = angled.
    * en blanco = blankly, blank.
    * en blanco y negro = b&w (black and white).
    * en bloque = en bloc.
    * en boga = in vogue, in fashion, voguish.
    * en bolas = stark naked, in the nod, in the buff.
    * en breve = shortly, the long and (the) short of, soon [sooner -comp., soonest -sup.].
    * en broma = teasingly.
    * en buena compañía = in good company.
    * en buena condición = in good condition, in good shape, in good nick.
    * en buena forma = in good nick.
    * en buena parte = for the most part.
    * en buenas condiciones para navegar = seaworthy.
    * en buenas manos = in a safe place, in safekeeping.
    * en buen estado = in good condition, in good working condition, in good shape, in good nick.
    * en buen estado de funcionamiento = in good working condition.
    * en busca de quimeras = in pursuit of + windmills.
    * en búsqueda de = a quest for.
    * en cada fase = at each stage.
    * en caída = flowing.
    * en caja = boxed.
    * en caliente = in the heat of the moment, on the spur of the moment.
    * en cama = abed.
    * en cambio = by contrast, in contrast, instead, shifting, by comparison.
    * en camino = on the way.
    * en cantidad = bulk.
    * en + Cantidad + años = in + Cantidad + years' time.
    * en capilla = on tenterhooks, in suspense.
    * en carnavales = carnivalistically.
    * en carne y hueso = in the flesh.
    * en casa = in the home.
    * en casa de herrero cuchillo de palo = the cobbler's children run barefoot.
    * en casi nada = in no time at all, in next to no time, in no time.
    * en casi todos los + Nombre = in just about every + Nombre.
    * en caso de darse circunstancias ajenas a + Posesivo + control = in the event of circumstances beyond + Posesivo + control.
    * en caso de emergencia = in an emergency, in an emergency situation.
    * en caso de fuerza mayor = in the event of circumstances beyond + Posesivo + control.
    * en CD-ROM = CD-ROM-based.
    * en chirona = behind bars.
    * en ciernes = developing, budding, in the making.
    * en cierta medida = to some extent, to a certain extent, to some degree.
    * en ciertas circunstancias = in certain circumstances.
    * en ciertas ocasiones = at certain times.
    * en cierto grado = something of.
    * en cierto modo = to some extent, after a fashion, to a certain extent, in a manner of speaking, so to speak, to some degree.
    * en cierto modo + Verbo = sort of + Verbo.
    * en ciertos casos = in certain cases.
    * en cierto sentido = in several respects, to some extent, in a sense, in some respects, to some degree.
    * en circuito cerrado = looped.
    * en círcuitos de segunda categoría = in the provinces.
    * en circuitos de segundo orden = in the provinces.
    * en circumstancias difíciles = under difficult circumstances.
    * en circunstancias misteriosas = in mysterious circumstances.
    * en circunstancias normales = in the course of events, during the course of events, under normal circumstances.
    * en circusntancias normales = in the normal run of things.
    * en coche = drive.
    * en colaboración = collaborative, cooperative [co-operative], jointly, participatory, in concert, in consort, collaboratively, synergistic, synergistically, in tandem, in a tandem fashion, in partnership.
    * en colaboración con = in concert with, in consultation with, in collaboration with, in alliance with, in conjunction with, in partnership with.
    * en colaboración con, junto con, de manera conjunta con = in partnership with.
    * en color = coloured [colored, -USA], full-colour.
    * en columnas = columnar.
    * en colusión con = in collusion with, in complicity with, in connivance with.
    * en coma = comatose.
    * en combinación con = in parallel to/with, in combination with.
    * en comisión de servicios = seconded.
    * en comparación = by comparison.
    * en comparación con = against, as compared to, set against, in comparison with, in comparison to.
    * en compensación = compensatory.
    * en complicidad con = in cahoots (with), in complicity with, in complicity with, in collusion with, in connivance with.
    * en común con = in common with.
    * en conciencia = in good conscience.
    * en conclusión = in conclusion.
    * en concordancia con = in accordance with, in accord with.
    * en concreto = in particular, to be specific.
    * en condiciones = decent.
    * en condiciones de = in the position to.
    * en condiciones de igualdad = on an equal footing, on equal terms, on an equal basis.
    * en condiciones difíciles = under difficult conditions.
    * en conexión con = in respect of.
    * en confidencia = in confidence.
    * en conflicto (con) = in conflict (with).
    * en conformidad con = in conformity with, in keeping with.
    * en conjunción con = in conjunction with, in tandem with.
    * en conjunto = altogether, on balance, bulk, all in all, overall, overall.
    * en conmemoración de = in celebration of, commemorative.
    * en connivencia = colluding.
    * en connivencia con = in collusion with, in cahoots (with), in complicity with, in connivance with.
    * en consecuencia = accordingly, consequently, hence, in consequence, as a consequence (of), it follows that, on this basis, on that basis, in doing so.
    * en consecuencia lógica = by implication.
    * en consideración = under consideration.
    * en consideración a = for the sake of, out of consideration for, out of respect for.
    * en consonacia con = in line with.
    * en consonancia con = in concert with, in keeping with, in step with, in tune with, in consonance with.
    * en constante cambio = ever-changing [ever changing], ever-fluid, on the move, fast changing [fast-changing], ever-shifting.
    * en constante expansión = ever-expanding, ever-growing.
    * en constante movimiento = on the move, on the go.
    * en construcción = under development, under construction.
    * en contacto = in communication.
    * en contacto con la realidad = in touch with + reality.
    * en contadas ocasiones = rarely, seldom, on rare occasions.
    * en contenedor = containerised [containerized, -USA].
    * en continua expansión = expanding.
    * en continuo aumento = ever-increasing.
    * en continuo cambio = constantly shifting, ever-changing [ever changing], ever-shifting.
    * en contra = counterpoint, against.
    * en contra de la guerra = antiwar [anti-war].
    * en contra de la opinión general = contrary to popular belief.
    * en contra de la raza blanca = anti-white [antiwhite].
    * en contra de la raza negra = antiblack [anti-black].
    * en contra de las circunstancias = against circumstances.
    * en contra de las instituciones = anti-establishment.
    * en contra del gobierno = anti-government.
    * en contraposición a = as opposed to, in contrast (to/with), in contradistinction to.
    * en contraste con = in contrast (to/with).
    * en contravención de = in contravention of.
    * en contubernio (con) = in cahoots (with).
    * en cooperación = cooperative [co-operative].
    * en cooperación con = in cooperation with.
    * en cooperativa = cooperatively [co-operatively].
    * en costras = caked.
    * en crisis = depressed, crisis-ridden, on the rocks.
    * en cuadernillo = in booklet form.
    * en cualquier caso = for that matter, in any event, in any case, in either case.
    * en cualquier domingo = on any given Sunday.
    * en cualquier lugar = everywhere, anywhere.
    * en cualquier momento = anytime, at any one time, at any point, at any point in time, at any time, at any moment, at any given point, at any moment in time, at any given moment, momentarily, on any given Sunday.
    * en cualquier momento en el futuro = at some stage.
    * en cualquier orden = either way round.
    * en cualquier otra circunstancia = in the normal run of things, in the normal run of events.
    * en cualquier otra parte = anywhere else, everywhere else.
    * en cualquier otra situación = in the normal run of things, in the normal run of events.
    * en cualquier otro lugar = anywhere else, everywhere else.
    * en cualquier otro momento = some other time.
    * en cualquier otro sitio = anywhere else.
    * en cualquier parte = anywhere, everywhere.
    * en cualquier sitio = everywhere, anywhere.
    * en cualquier situación = in any given situation.
    * en + Cuantificador + aspectos = in + Cuantificador + respects.
    * en + Cuantificador + sentidos = in + Cuantificador + respects.
    * en cuanto a = as to, in extent of, in regard to, in terms of, in the way of, with regard(s) to, as for, as regards, as to the matter of, in reference to, now as to, moving on to.
    * en cuanto a él = as for him.
    * en cuanto a ella = as for her.
    * en cuanto a ellos = as for them.
    * en cuanto a los hechos = factually.
    * en cuanto a mí = as for me.
    * en cuanto a nosotros = as for us.
    * en cuanto a ti = as for you.
    * en cuanto a usted = as for you.
    * en cuanto a vosotros = as for you.
    * en cuanto + nacer = at birth.
    * en cuanto que = in that.
    * en cuarto lugar = fourthly.
    * en cuatro niveles = quadraplaner.
    * en cuclicllas = in a squatting position.
    * en cuclillas = squat, in a squat position, in a crouching position.
    * en cueros = in the buff, in the nod, stark naked.
    * en cuestión = at hand, concerned, in hand, individual, at issue, of concern.
    * en cuestión de minutos = within minutes, in a matter of minutes.
    * en cuestión de segundos = within seconds, in a matter of seconds.
    * en cuestión de + Tiempo = in a matter of + Tiempo, within a matter of + Tiempo.
    * en cuestiones de = in matters of.
    * en cumplimiento con = in line with, in compliance with.
    * en cursiva = in italic type.
    * en curso = in process, underway [under way], in progress, ongoing [on-going], afoot, current, under preparation.
    * en curso de = in course of.
    * en cuyo caso = in which case.
    * en danza = on the run.
    * en decadencia = bankrupt.
    * en defensa propia = in self-defence.
    * en definitiva = in all, all in all, in the last analysis, in the final analysis, all things considered.
    * en definitiva, bien mirado, bien considerado = all things considered.
    * en demanda = in-demand.
    * en demasía = excess, to excess, excessively.
    * en desacuerdo = disapproving, at odds.
    * en desacuerdo con = at odds with.
    * en desarmonía con = out of tune with, out of keeping with.
    * en desarrollo = evolving, under development.
    * en descomposición = decaying, putrefying.
    * en desesperación = despairing, in despair.
    * en desuso = obsolete, disused.
    * en detalle = at length.
    * en deterioro = deteriorating, crumbling, decaying, dilapidated, disintegrating.
    * en determinadas ocasiones = sometimes, on particular occasions.
    * en detrimento de = to the detriment of, to + Posesivo + detriment, to the neglect of.
    * en diagonal = herringbone.
    * en días alternos = every other day.
    * en diferente grado = differing, in varying measures.
    * en diferente medida = differing, in varying measures.
    * en diferentes momentos = at various times, at different times.
    * en diferentes ocasiones = at different times, at various times.
    * en dificultades = stranded.
    * en dinero = monetised [monetized, -pl.].
    * en dirección de la proa = abaft.
    * en dirección este = eastward(s), eastbound.
    * en dirección norte = northbound.
    * en dirección oeste = westbound, westward(s).
    * en dirección sur = southward(s), southbound.
    * en disco = ondisc.
    * en disminución = dwindling, on the wane.
    * en + Distancia + a la redonda = within + Distancia.
    * en distinta medida = differing, in varying measures.
    * en distintas ocasiones = at different times, at various times, on several occasions.
    * en distinto grado = in varying measures, differing, to varying degrees.
    * en distintos formatos = multiform.
    * en distintos momentos = at different times, at various times.
    * en diversas lenguas = multilingually.
    * en diversas ocasiones = on several occasions.
    * en diverso grado = to varying extents, to varying degrees.
    * en diversos formatos = multiform.
    * en donde = where, wherein.
    * en dos años = over a two-year period.
    * en dos lenguas = bilingually.
    * en dos niveles = split-level.
    * en dos palabras = in a nutshell, in a nutshell.
    * en dos volúmenes = two-volume.
    * en duda = in doubt.
    * en edad de trabajar = working-age.
    * en efecto = to all intents and purposes, for all intents and purposes.
    * en ejercicio = incumbent, practising [practicing, -USA].
    * en el abandono = in the wilderness.
    * en el acto = ipso facto, outright, on the spot, while-you-wait [while-u-wait], at the drop of a hat.
    * en el aire = in mid-air, airborne.
    * en el ámbito de = in the realm of.
    * en el año catapún = in the dim and distant past.
    * en el año del Señor = in the year of our Lord.
    * en el año entrante = in the coming year.
    * en el año próximo = in the coming year.
    * en el año venidero = in the coming year.
    * en el área de + Lugar = Lugar + area.
    * en el asiento de atrás = in the back seat.
    * en el asiento trasero = in the back seat.
    * en el aula de clase = classroom-based.
    * en el banquillo = on the bench.
    * en el blanco de mira = in the spotlight, in the crosshairs.
    * en el camino = along the way, en route, in the process.
    * en el campo de = in the realm of, in the field of.
    * en el campus universitario = campus-based.
    * en el candelero = in the spotlight.
    * en el cargo = in the saddle, in office.
    * en el caso de = for, in association with, in the case of, in the event of, in case of, in the context of.
    * en (el) caso de que = in the event that, should, in case.
    * en el caso poco probable de que = in the unlikely case (that).
    * en el centro de = at the heart of.
    * en el cine = at the movies.
    * en el clima actual de = in the present climate of.
    * en el contexto de = in the realm of.
    * en el culo = in the bottom.
    * en el culo del mundo = in the arse of nowhere.
    * en el curso de la historia = in the course of history.
    * en el curso normal de = in the mainstream of.
    * en el curso normal de las cosas = in the normal run of things, in the normal run of events.
    * en el curso normal de las cosas, en el curso normal de los acontecimientos, = in the normal run of things.
    * en el curso normal de los acontecimientos = in the normal run of events, in the normal run of things.
    * en el desierto = in the wilderness.
    * en el detalle = in detail.
    * en el día a día = in the day to day, in the trenches.
    * en el dique seco = in dry dock, in the wilderness.
    * en el eje = at the core (of).
    * en el entorno de = in the realm of.
    * en el escenario = on stage.
    * en el escenario mundial = on the world stage.
    * en el espacio = spatially.
    * en el estricto sentido de la palabra = strictly speaking.
    * en el estudio = at study, at study.
    * en el extranjero = abroad, overseas, offshore.
    * en el extremo opuesto = at the far end.
    * en el fin de semana = over the weekend, over the weekend, at the weekend.
    * en el foco de atención = in the spotlight.
    * en el fondo = at heart, deep down, in the back of + Posesivo + mind, in the back of + Posesivo + head, at the back of + Posesivo + head, bottom line, the, in the bottom.
    * en el fondo de = at the root of.
    * en el futuro = Número + Tiempo + ahead, down the road, in future, in time(s) to come, at + future date, in (the) years to come, at some future time, in the years to come, in the years ahead, in years to come, at some future point, in the future, for future reference, for the years to come.
    * en el futuro a largo plazo = in the long-term future.
    * en el futuro cercano = in the foreseeable future.
    * en el futuro inmediato = in the offing, in the foreseeable future.
    * en el futuro lejano = further in the future.
    * en el haber de Uno = under + Posesivo + belt.
    * en el horario de trabajo = on company time.
    * en el horizonte = on the horizon.
    * en el hospital = at the bedside.
    * en el improbable caso de que = in the unlikely case (that).
    * en el instante en que + Subjuntivo = the moment + Verbo.
    * en el ínterin = in the interim, in the intervening years, in the intervening period, ad interim.
    * en el juego = at play.
    * en el lado negativo = on the debit side, on the negative side, on the downside.
    * en el lado positivo = on the credit side, on the positive side, on the plus side, on the bright side.
    * en ello = therein, thereupon [thereon].
    * en el lugar del accidente = at the scene, at the scene of the accident.
    * en el lugar de los hechos = at the scene.
    * en el mandato = in office.
    * en el mando = at the wheel.
    * en el mar = at sea.
    * en el marco de = within the ambit of, within the bounds of.
    * en el más allá = dead and gone.
    * en el mayor secreto = a veil of secrecy.
    * en el mejor de los casos = at best, at most, ideally, in the best of circumstances, the best case scenario, at the most, at the best of times, at the very best.
    * en el mejor momento de Uno = at + Posesivo + (very) best.
    * en el mismo centro (de) = plumb in the middle (of).
    * en el mismo número de años = in as many years.
    * en el mismo orden que = in sync with.
    * en el momento = on the spot.
    * en el momento actual = in this day and age, at the present time.
    * en el momento adecuado = at the right time.
    * en el momento de = at the time (that/of).
    * en el momento de escribir estas líneas = at the time of writing.
    * en el momento de la impresión = at the time of going to print.
    * en el momento en que se necesita = at the point-of-need, at the point of use, point of use.
    * en el momento en que + Subjuntivo = the moment + Verbo.
    * en el momento justo = on cue.
    * en el momento más débil de Alguien = at + Posesivo + weakest.
    * en el momento oportuno = at the right time, not a moment too soon, not a minute too soon.
    * en el momento peor de Alguien = at + Posesivo + weakest.
    * en el mundo = on the face of the earth, on the world stage.
    * en el mundo antiguo = in antiquity.
    * en el mundo entero = all over the world, worldwide [world-wide], all around the world, throughout the world, around the planet, the world over.
    * en el mundo que nos rodea = out there.
    * en el nivel básico = at grass roots level.
    * en el nivel intermedio de = in the middle range of.
    * en el nivel medio de = in the middle range of.
    * en el norte del estado = upstate.
    * en el núcleo = at the core (of).
    * en el ocaso = over the hill.
    * en el ojo del huracán = in the eye of the storm, in the eye of the hurricane.
    * en el orden del día = on the agenda.
    * en el origen (de) = in the early days (of).
    * en el otro extremo = at the other extreme.
    * en el otro extremo de la escala = at the other end of the scale, at the other end of the spectrum, at the other extreme.
    * en el país de los ciegos el tuerto es el rey = in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king, in the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king, in the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
    * en el país de los ciegos el tuerto es el rey = be a case of the blind leading the blind.
    * en el pasado = in the past, in past eras, at some point in the past, in years gone by, in days gone by, in former times.
    * en el pasado remoto = in the dim and distant past.
    * en el peor de los casos = at worst, in the worst of circumstances, at + Posesivo + very worst, the worst case scenario, at + Posesivo + worst, in the worst case.
    * en el período penoso de = in the throes of.
    * en el período previo a = in the run up to, during the run up to.
    * en el piso de abajo = downstairs.
    * en el piso de arriba = upstairs.
    * en el poder = in office.
    * en el primer caso = in the former case.
    * en el proceso = in the process.
    * en el propio campus universitario = campus-based.
    * en el propio cortijo = on-farm.
    * en el próximo año = in the year ahead, in the coming year.
    * en el puesto de dirección = in the hot seat.
    * en el punto álgido de = at the height of.
    * en el punto de mira = in the spotlight, in the crosshairs.
    * en el que = wherein.
    * en el que se puede buscar = searchable.
    * en el quinto coño = in the arse of nowhere.
    * en el quinto pino = in the arse of nowhere.
    * en el quirófano = under the knife.
    * en el resto = everywhere else.
    * en el resto de = elsewhere.
    * en el seguimiento de = in the pursuit of.
    * en el segundo caso = in the latter case.
    * en el seno de = within, among.
    * en el sentido de las agujas del reloj = clockwise.
    * en el sentido de que = in the sense that, along the lines that, in that.
    * en el sentido más amplio = in the broadest sense, in the widest sense.
    * en el sentido más general = in the broadest sense.
    * en el sentido que = in which.
    * en el timón = in the saddle.
    * en el trabajo = on-the-job, at work.
    * en el transcurso de = throughout the course of, throughout the course of, in the course of, during the course of, over the course of, throughout.
    * en el transcurso de algunos años = over a period of years.
    * en el transcurso de la historia = in the course of history.
    * en el transcurso de los siglos = over the course of the centuries.
    * en el transcurso normal de + Posesivo + vida(s) = in the normal course of + Posesivo + life/lives.
    * en el trasfondo de = at the root of.
    * en el último caso = in the latter case.
    * en el último minuto = last minute [last-minute], at the last minute.
    * en el último momento = at the eleventh hour, at the very last minute, at the very last moment, at the very last, at the last minute.
    * en el umbral de = on the threshold of.
    * en el vuelo = in-flight.
    * en entrante = recessed.
    * en entredicho = under challenge.
    * en episodios = episodic.
    * en época de carnaval = carnivalistically.
    * en época de feria = carnivalistically.
    * en época de paz = in peacetime, during peacetime.
    * en épocas anteriores = in former times, in past eras.
    * en épocas de = in times of.
    * en épocas de guerra = in time(s) of war.
    * en épocas de paz = in time(s) of peace.
    * en épocas de prosperidad económica = in affluent times.
    * en épocas difíciles = in times of need.
    * en épocas pasadas = in past ages.
    * en escamas = flaky.
    * en ese caso = in that case.
    * en ese mismo instante = at that very moment.
    * en ese mismo momento = at that very moment.
    * en ese momento = at that point, at this point, at that time, just then, at that point in time.
    * en esencia = in essence, essentially.
    * en ese sentido = on that score, to that effect.
    * en esos casos = in those cases.
    * en espacios cerrados = indoors.
    * en especial = especially (specially), notably, specially (especially).
    * en especie = in kind.
    * en espera = on hold.
    * en espiga = herringbone.
    * en esta coyuntura = at this juncture.
    * en estado = pregnant, in the family way.
    * en estado de abandono = decaying, dilapidated, dilapidated.
    * en estado de alerta = on alert.
    * en estado de alerta, de guardia = on standby.
    * en estado de buena esperanza = pregnant, in the family way.
    * en estado de cambio = in a state of flux.
    * en estado de descomposición = decaying.
    * en estado de deterioro = decaying, dilapidated.
    * en estado de reserva = on standby.
    * en estado de reserva, en estado de alerta, de guardia = on standby.
    * en estado de sitio = in a state of siege, under siege.
    * en estado embrionario = embryo, embryonic, in embryonic stage, in embryo, in the embryo stage.
    * en esta época del año = around this time of year.
    * en esta ocasión = on this occasion.
    * en estas circunstancias = under these circumstances.
    * en esta situación = at this juncture.
    * en este caso = in this case.
    * en este contexto = against this background.
    * en este documento = herein, herewith, hereto.
    * en este extremo = to this extent.
    * en este grado = to this extent.
    * en este mismo sentido = along the same lines.
    * en este momento = at this point, at this stage, at this juncture, at this time, at this moment in time, right now.
    * en este período = in the course of events, during the course of events.
    * en este sentido = along these lines, in this connection, in this direction, in this sense, in this vein, in this spirit, in this regard, in this effort, in that spirit, on this score, to that effect.
    * en estos casos = in these cases.
    * en estos días = today, these days.
    * en estos tiempos = in these times, in this day and age.
    * en estrecha colaboración = in close collaboration.
    * en estrecha colaboración con = hand-in-glove with.
    * en estuche = boxed.
    * en excelente estado = in tip-top condition, in tip-top form.
    * en excelentes condiciones = in tip-top condition, in tip-top form.
    * en exceso = overflow, overflowing, excessively, excess, to excess.
    * en exclusiva = exclusively.
    * en existencia = in existence.
    * en expansión = expanded.
    * en exposición = on exhibit, on show, on display.
    * en + Expresión Temporal = as of + Expresión Temporal, come + Expresión Temporal.
    * en extensión = in length.
    * en extenso = at length, in full.
    * en extremo = no end, to no end.
    * en fase terminal = terminally ill.
    * en favor de = in favour of.
    * en flor = in full blossom, in blossom.
    * en forma = fit [fitter -comp., fittest -sup.], toned.
    * en forma de = in the form of, in the shape of.
    * en forma de A = A-shaped.
    * en forma de arco = arched, bowed.
    * en forma de capa = cape-like.
    * en forma de cruz = cross-shaped.
    * en forma de cuadrado = square-shaped.
    * en forma de cuña = wedge-shaped.
    * en forma de cúpula = dome-shaped, domed.
    * en forma de D = d-shaped.
    * en forma de estrella = star-shaped [star shaped].
    * en forma de L = L-shaped.
    * en forma de libro = in book form.
    * en forma de medialuna = crescent-shaped.
    * en forma de parásito = parasitically.
    * en forma de pera = pear-shaped.
    * en forma de pirámide = pyramidal-shaped.
    * en forma de trompeta = trumpet-shaped.
    * en forma de U = U-shaped.
    * en forma de V = V-shaped.
    * en forma física = physically fit.
    * en forma física y mental = physically and mentally fit.
    * en forma ovalada = oval-shaped.
    * en forma piramidal = pyramidal-shaped.
    * en formato de libro moderno = in codex form.
    * en formato digital = digitally.
    * en formato electrónico = in electronic form.
    * en formato MARC = in MARC form.
    * en formato papel = paper-based, in hard copy.
    * en frente = ahead, in front.
    * en frente de = in front of.
    * en funcionamiento = in operation.
    * en función de = according to, as a function of, depending on/upon.
    * en general = at large, by and large, for the most part, generally, in general, in the main, on balance, on the whole, overall, all in all, broadly, as a whole, generally speaking.
    * en germinación = budding.
    * en gestación = in the making.
    * en grado mínimo = minimally.
    * en gran cantidad = prodigiously.
    * en grandes cantidades = en masse, in good number, in record numbers, in bulk.
    * en grandes números = in record numbers.
    * en gran formato = oversize, oversized.
    * en gran medida = broadly, by and large, extensively, greatly, heavily, largely, to a considerable extent, to a high degree, to a large extent, tremendously, vastly, very much, keenly, in no small way, to any great degree, in many ways, in large part, in large measure, in no small measure, to a great extent, to a large degree, to a great degree.
    * en gran número = numerously.
    * en gran parte

    * * *
    (refiriéndose a una ciudad, un edificio): viven en París/en una granja/en el número diez/en un hotel they live in Paris/on a farm/at number ten/in a hotel
    en el quinto piso on the sixth ( AmE) o ( BrE) fifth floor
    viven en la calle Goya they live on o ( BrE) in Goya Street
    nos quedamos en casa we stayed home ( AmE), we stayed at home ( BrE)
    métete en la cama get into bed
    lo puso en una caja he put it in a box
    metió la mano en el conducto she stuck her hand into ( o down etc) the pipe
    3 (sobre) on
    lo puso en la mesa/pared he put it on the table/wall
    se sentó en una silla/en un sillón she sat down on a chair/in an armchair
    tendrás que dormir en el suelo you'll have to sleep on the floor
    se le nota en la cara you can see it in his face
    1 (expresando circunstancias, ambiente, medio) in
    vivir en armonía con la naturaleza to live in harmony with nature
    de … en …: van de casa en casa/de puerta en puerta pidiendo dinero they go from house to house/from door to door asking for money
    nos tienes de sorpresa en sorpresa you're full of surprises
    1 ‹un tema/una especialidad/una cualidad›
    es licenciado en filosofía he has a degree in philosophy
    es un experto en la materia he's an expert on the subject
    es muy bueno en historia he's very good at history
    supera a su hermana en inteligencia she surpasses her sister in intelligence
    2 ‹una proporción/un precio›
    ha aumentado en un diez por ciento it has gone up by ten per cent
    me lo vendió en $30 he sold it to me for $30
    las pérdidas se calcularon en $50.000 the losses were calculated at $50,000
    1 ‹un estado/una manera› in
    en buenas/malas condiciones in good/bad condition
    un edificio en llamas a building in flames o on fire
    nos recibió en camisón he received us in his nightshirt
    con los músculos en tensión with (his) muscles tensed
    en posición vertical in an upright position
    (con forma de): termina en punta it's pointed, it ends in o comes to a point
    colóquense en círculo get into o in a circle
    Luis Girón en el Alcalde Luis Girón as the Mayor
    pensamos ir en taxi/en coche/en barco we plan to go by taxi/by car/by boat
    ¿fueron en tren? — no, en avión did you go by train? — no, by plane o no, we flew
    fueron en bicicleta they cycled, they went on their bikes
    fuimos a dar una vuelta en coche we went for a drive o we went for a ride in the car
    (expresando el material): un modelo realizado en seda natural an outfit in natural silk
    ¿lo tienen en azul/(un) 38? do you have it in blue/a 38?
    una obra en tres actos a play in three acts
    ¿cuánto pesas en kilos? how much do you weigh in kilos?
    en ruso/en el código Morse in Russian/in Morse Code
    (en expresiones de tiempo): en verano in (the) summer
    en mayo/1947 in May/1947
    en varias ocasiones on several occasions
    llegó justo en ese momento she arrived just at that moment, just then she arrived
    en la mañana/tarde ( esp AmL); in the morning/afternoon
    en la noche ( esp AmL); at night
    no vi a nadie en todo el día I didn't see anybody all day
    no hay nada de malo en lo que hacen there's nothing wrong in what they're doing
    en + INF:
    tardó media hora en resolverlo it took her half an hour to work it out
    siempre es el último en salir he's always the last to leave
    (con complementos de persona): en él ha encontrado un amigo she's found a friend in him
    problemas que se dan en las personas de edad problems which affect old people
    * * *


    Multiple Entries:
    en preposición
    1 ( en expresiones de lugar)
    a) (refiriéndose a ciudad, edificio):

    viven en París/en el número diez/en un hotel they live in Paris/at number ten/in a hotel;

    en el último piso on the top floor;
    está en la calle Goya it's on o (BrE) in Goya Street;
    en casa at home
    b) ( dentro de) in;

    c) ( sobre) on;

    se le nota en la cara you can see it in his face
    2 (expresando circunstancias, ambiente) in;

    a) (indicando tema, especialidad):

    doctor en derecho Doctor of Law
    b) (indicando proporción, precio):

    en dólares in dollars
    a) (indicando estado, manera) in;

    en llamas in flames, on fire

    colóquense en círculo get into o in a circle

    fueron en bicicleta they cycled, they went on their bikes;
    dimos una vuelta en coche we went for a ride in the car

    una escultura en bronce a bronze (sculpture)

    en azul/ruso in blue/Russian

    6 ( con expresiones de tiempo):

    en varias ocasiones on several occasions;
    en la mañana/noche (esp AmL) in the morning/at night

    fuí el último en salir I was the last to leave

    en preposición
    1 (lugar) in, on, at: nos encontramos en el autobús, we met on the bus
    en Barcelona/Río, in Barcelona/Rio
    en el cajón, in the drawer
    en casa/el trabajo, at home/work
    (sobre) en la mesa, on the table
    2 (tiempo) in, on, at: cae en lunes, it falls on a Monday
    en 1975, in 1975
    en ese preciso instante, at that very moment
    en un minuto, in a minute
    en primavera, in spring
    LAm en la mañana, in the morning
    3 (modo) en bata, in a dressing gown
    en francés, in French
    en serio, seriously
    4 (medio) by, in: puede venir en avión/ coche/metro/tren, she can come by air/car/tube/train
    ¿por qué no vienes en avión?, why don't you fly?
    5 (movimiento) into: entró en la habitación, he went into the room
    entró en escena, he went on stage
    6 (tema, materia) at, in
    es muy bueno en matemáticas, he's very good at maths
    experto en finanzas, expert in finances
    7 (partición, fases) in: hicimos el viaje en dos etapas, we did the journey in two stages
    8 (de... en...) entraremos de tres en tres, we shall go in three by three
    9 (con infinitivo) fue rápido en desenfundar, he was quick to pull out
    se le nota la timidez en el hablar, you can notice his shyness by the way he speaks
    'en' also found in these entries:
    - abajo
    - abarrotada
    - abarrotado
    - abasto
    - abatimiento
    - abdicar
    - abierta
    - abierto
    - abogar
    - abogada
    - abogado
    - abominar
    - abonada
    - abonado
    - abordar
    - abrir
    - abreviar
    - absoluta
    - absoluto
    - absorta
    - absorto
    - abstracta
    - abstracto
    - abstraída
    - abstraído
    - abuela
    - abundar
    - abundancia
    - abundante
    - abusar
    - acabar
    - academia
    - acariciar
    - acceder
    - acentuar
    - achantarse
    - achatamiento
    - achuchar
    - acoger
    - acomodar
    - acompañar
    - aconsejar
    - acontecer
    - acordar
    - acordarse
    - acostada
    - acostado
    - acostumbrada
    - acostumbrado
    - aback
    - abdicate
    - abide
    - ablaze
    - able
    - above
    - above-board
    - abreast
    - abroad
    - abscess
    - absence
    - absent
    - absolutely
    - absorbed
    - abstract
    - abundant
    - academic
    - academy
    - accent
    - access
    - account
    - accustom
    - acknowledgement
    - acquiesce
    - acquire
    - act
    - acting
    - action
    - active
    - actually
    - add
    - add in
    - addition
    - adept
    - adequate
    - administration
    - admission
    - admit
    - advance
    - advantage
    - adventure
    - advertise
    - advertising
    - affair
    - affect
    - afford
    - afloat
    - afraid
    - after
    * * *
    EN nm (abrev de Encuentro Nacional)
    = Paraguayan political party
    * * *
    1 ( dentro de) in;
    en un mes in a month;
    en junio in June;
    en casa at home;
    en el cielo in heaven
    2 ( sobre) on;
    en la mesa on the table;
    en la calle on the street, Br tb in the street
    en coche/tren by car/train
    en inglés in English;
    póngamelo en la cuenta put it on my account;
    aumentar en un 10 % grow (by) 10%, increase (by) 10%
    * * *
    en prep
    1) : in
    en el bolsillo: in one's pocket
    en una semana: in a week
    2) : on
    en la mesa: on the table
    3) : at
    en casa: at home
    en el trabajo: at work
    en ese momento: at that moment
    * * *
    en prep
    ¿en qué calle vives? which street do you live in?
    2. (edificios, fiestas específicas) at
    3. (superficies, días concretos) on

    Spanish-English dictionary > en

  • 7 ocasión

    1 occasion, instance, chance, opportunity.
    2 motive, reason, cause.
    * * *
    1 (momento) occasion
    2 (oportunidad) opportunity, chance
    cómpralo, aprovecha la ocasión buy it while you've got the chance
    3 COMERCIO bargain
    4 (motivo) reason
    de ocasión (de segunda mano) second-hand 2 (barato) cut-price, at bargain prices
    en cierta ocasión once, on one occasion
    la ocasión hace al ladrón opportunity makes the thief
    a la ocasión la pintan calva strike while the iron is hot
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    1) (=vez) occasion
    2) (=oportunidad) chance, opportunity

    aprovechar la ocasión — to take one's chance, seize one's opportunity

    3) (=motivo) cause

    de ocasión — (Com) secondhand, used

    5) LAm (=ganga) bargain

    precio de ocasión — bargain price, reduced price

    * * *
    a) (vez, circunstancia) occasion
    b) ( momento oportuno) opportunity
    2) ( ganga) bargain

    muebles de ocasión — ( usados) secondhand furniture; ( baratos) cut-price furniture

    coches de ocasiónused o secondhand cars

    * * *
    = occasion, time, chance.
    Ex. As with author headings, sometimes one heading or title will be both sought and provide collocation, but on other occasions there will be a conflict between soughtness' and collocation.
    Ex. Because reorganisation allows the optimization of update and searching procedures, it moves the maintenance to a time when it does not affect the operation of the system.
    Ex. In some authority files (titles, ISBN/ISSN, national bibliographic record numbers), no search of the file is made because there is little chance of finding the new entry in the file.
    * aprovechándose de la ocasión = opportunistically.
    * aprovechar la ocasión = use + the occasion.
    * celebrar la ocasión = mark + the occasion.
    * celebrar una ocasión especial = mark + a special occasion.
    * coche de ocasión = used car, second-hand car.
    * con ocasión de = on the occasion of.
    * crear una ocasión = create + opportunity.
    * de ocasión = second-hand [secondhand].
    * desperdiciar una ocasión = kill + chance.
    * en alguna ocasión = on any one occasion.
    * en aquellas ocasiones cuando = on occasions when.
    * en ciertas ocasiones = at certain times.
    * en contadas ocasiones = rarely, seldom, on rare occasions.
    * en determinadas ocasiones = sometimes, on particular occasions.
    * en diferentes ocasiones = at different times, at various times.
    * en distintas ocasiones = at different times, at various times, on several occasions.
    * en diversas ocasiones = on several occasions.
    * en esta ocasión = on this occasion.
    * en más de una ocasión = on more than one occasion, in more than one instance, in more than one occasion.
    * en + Número + ocasión = on + Número + occasion.
    * en ocasiones = on occasion(s).
    * en ocasiones determinadas = on any one occasion.
    * en otra ocasión = in another context, some other time.
    * en otras ocasiones = at other times.
    * en raras ocasiones = in rare cases.
    * en toda ocasión = at every turn.
    * en vairadas ocasiones = on several occasions.
    * en varias ocasiones = on several occasions.
    * hecho para una única ocasión = one shot.
    * la ocasión la pintan calva = make + hay while the sun shines.
    * ocasión + dar lugar a = occasion + give rise to.
    * para otra ocasión = for future reference.
    * para una única ocasión = one-time.
    * presentarse una ocasión = occasion + arise.
    * según surja la ocasión = as the occasion arises.
    * ser una buena ocasión para + Infinitivo = be a good time to + Infinitivo.
    * sólo en una ocasión = on a one-time basis.
    * surgir una ocasión = occasion + arise.
    * tener la ocasión de = have + opportunity to.
    * una mejor ocasión = a better time.
    * vendedor de coches de ocasión = second-hand car dealer, used-car dealer.
    * vestirse para la ocasión = dress + the part.
    * * *
    a) (vez, circunstancia) occasion
    b) ( momento oportuno) opportunity
    2) ( ganga) bargain

    muebles de ocasión — ( usados) secondhand furniture; ( baratos) cut-price furniture

    coches de ocasiónused o secondhand cars

    * * *
    = occasion, time, chance.

    Ex: As with author headings, sometimes one heading or title will be both sought and provide collocation, but on other occasions there will be a conflict between soughtness' and collocation.

    Ex: Because reorganisation allows the optimization of update and searching procedures, it moves the maintenance to a time when it does not affect the operation of the system.
    Ex: In some authority files (titles, ISBN/ISSN, national bibliographic record numbers), no search of the file is made because there is little chance of finding the new entry in the file.
    * aprovechándose de la ocasión = opportunistically.
    * aprovechar la ocasión = use + the occasion.
    * celebrar la ocasión = mark + the occasion.
    * celebrar una ocasión especial = mark + a special occasion.
    * coche de ocasión = used car, second-hand car.
    * con ocasión de = on the occasion of.
    * crear una ocasión = create + opportunity.
    * de ocasión = second-hand [secondhand].
    * desperdiciar una ocasión = kill + chance.
    * en alguna ocasión = on any one occasion.
    * en aquellas ocasiones cuando = on occasions when.
    * en ciertas ocasiones = at certain times.
    * en contadas ocasiones = rarely, seldom, on rare occasions.
    * en determinadas ocasiones = sometimes, on particular occasions.
    * en diferentes ocasiones = at different times, at various times.
    * en distintas ocasiones = at different times, at various times, on several occasions.
    * en diversas ocasiones = on several occasions.
    * en esta ocasión = on this occasion.
    * en más de una ocasión = on more than one occasion, in more than one instance, in more than one occasion.
    * en + Número + ocasión = on + Número + occasion.
    * en ocasiones = on occasion(s).
    * en ocasiones determinadas = on any one occasion.
    * en otra ocasión = in another context, some other time.
    * en otras ocasiones = at other times.
    * en raras ocasiones = in rare cases.
    * en toda ocasión = at every turn.
    * en vairadas ocasiones = on several occasions.
    * en varias ocasiones = on several occasions.
    * hecho para una única ocasión = one shot.
    * la ocasión la pintan calva = make + hay while the sun shines.
    * ocasión + dar lugar a = occasion + give rise to.
    * para otra ocasión = for future reference.
    * para una única ocasión = one-time.
    * presentarse una ocasión = occasion + arise.
    * según surja la ocasión = as the occasion arises.
    * ser una buena ocasión para + Infinitivo = be a good time to + Infinitivo.
    * sólo en una ocasión = on a one-time basis.
    * surgir una ocasión = occasion + arise.
    * tener la ocasión de = have + opportunity to.
    * una mejor ocasión = a better time.
    * vendedor de coches de ocasión = second-hand car dealer, used-car dealer.
    * vestirse para la ocasión = dress + the part.

    * * *
    1 (vez, circunstancia) occasion
    en alguna ocasión occasionally o on occasion
    con ocasión de la inauguración on the occasion of the inauguration
    un traje para las grandes ocasiones a suit for special occasions
    2 (momento oportuno) opportunity
    ésta es una buena ocasión para decírselo this is a good opportunity o chance o moment to tell him
    no dejes escapar esta ocasión don't pass up o miss this opportunity o chance
    no tuve ocasión de hablarle I didn't have an opportunity o a chance to talk to him
    en la primera ocasión que surja at the first available opportunity
    cogió la ocasión al vuelo she seized the opportunity
    a la ocasión la pintan calva you have to strike while the iron is hot, make the most of the chances that come your way
    la ocasión hace al ladrón opportunity makes the thief
    B (ganga) bargain
    es una auténtica ocasión it's a real bargain
    precios de ocasión bargain prices
    muebles de ocasión (usados) secondhand furniture; (baratos) cut-rate o ( BrE) cut-price furniture
    coches de ocasión used o secondhand cars
    * * *


    ocasión sustantivo femenino
    a) (vez, circunstancia) occasion;

    en alguna ocasión occasionally

    no tuve ocasión de hablarle I didn't have an opportunity o a chance to talk to him

    2 ( ganga) bargain;

    muebles› ( usados) secondhand;
    ( baratos) cut-rate o (BrE) cut-price;
    coches secondhand
    ocasión sustantivo femenino
    1 (circunstancia) occasion: en una ocasión me dijo que..., once he told me that...
    2 (coyuntura favorable) opportunity, chance: no tuve ocasión de decírselo, I didn't have the chance to tell him ➣ Ver nota en opportunity 3 Com bargain
    coches de ocasión, second-hand cars
    precios de ocasión, discount prices
    ♦ Locuciones: con ocasión de..., on the occasion of...
    ' ocasión' also found in these entries:
    - desperdiciar
    - día
    - lugar
    - momento
    - presentarse
    - reservarse
    - sazón
    - siempre
    - única
    - único
    - vestirse
    - vez
    - amargar
    - apropiado
    - cierto
    - comida
    - dar
    - librería
    - perder
    - por
    - prestar
    - realce
    - trascendental
    - occasion
    - opportunity
    - previous
    - affair
    * * *
    1. [oportunidad] opportunity, chance;
    una ocasión de oro a golden opportunity;
    una ocasión irrepetible an unrepeatable opportunity;
    aprovechar una ocasión to take advantage of an opportunity;
    estaba esperando una buena ocasión para preguntarle I was waiting for a suitable opportunity to ask him;
    en o [m5] a la primera ocasión at the first opportunity;
    tener ocasión de hacer algo to have the chance to do sth;
    apenas tuve ocasión de hablar con ella I scarcely had the chance to speak to her;
    no tuvimos ocasión de vernos we didn't have the chance to meet up;
    la ocasión la pintan calva this is my/your/ etc big chance;
    tenía ganas de ir a París y al tener unos días de vacaciones pensé, la ocasión la pintan calva I was keen to go to Paris and since I had a few days off I thought it's now or never;
    Esp Fam
    coger la ocasión por los pelos to seize the opportunity (by the scruff of the neck);
    quien quita la ocasión quita el peligro opportunity makes the thief
    2. [momento] moment, time;
    [vez] occasion;
    en dos ocasiones on two occasions;
    en alguna ocasión sometimes;
    en ocasiones sometimes, at times;
    en otra ocasión some other time
    3. [motivo]
    con ocasión de on the occasion of;
    dar ocasión para algo/para hacer algo to give cause for sth/to do sth;
    no le des ocasión para regañarte don't give him cause to tell you off
    4. [ganga] bargain;
    automóviles de ocasión second-hand o used cars
    * * *
    1 occasion;
    con ocasión de on the occasion of;
    en ocasiones on occasion
    2 ( oportunidad) chance, opportunity;
    la ocasión hace al ladrón fam don’t put temptation in a thief’s way;
    la ocasión la pintan calva fam strike while the iron is hot fam
    3 COM
    de ocasión cut-price, bargain atr ; de segunda mano second-hand, used
    * * *
    ocasión nf, pl - siones
    1) : occasion, time
    2) : opportunity, chance
    3) : bargain
    de ocasión : secondhand
    aviso de ocasión Mex : classified ad
    * * *
    1. (vez) time / occasion
    2. (oportunidad) chance / opportunity [pl. opportunities]
    de ocasión cheap / cut price

    Spanish-English dictionary > ocasión

  • 8 en aquellas ocasiones cuando

    Ex. On occasions when the title is not appropriate for use as a filing element, a chronological order of entries for documents according to the date of publication of the document may be preferred.
    * * *

    Ex: On occasions when the title is not appropriate for use as a filing element, a chronological order of entries for documents according to the date of publication of the document may be preferred.

    Spanish-English dictionary > en aquellas ocasiones cuando

  • 9 cuando

    cuando me agacho, me duele la espalda when o whenever I bend down, my back hurts
    cuando quieras whenever you like
    de cuando en cuando, de vez en cuando from time to time, now and again
    cuando más at the most
    cuando menos at least
    1 if.
    cuando tú lo dices será verdad it must be true if you say so
    no será tan malo cuando ha vendido tantas copias it can't be that bad if it's sold so many copies
    2 even though (contrast indicates).
    no tiene muchos amigos, cuando en realidad es una persona muy agradable he doesn't have a lot of friends, even though he's actually a very nice person
    * * *
    1 (tiempo) when
    1 (temporal) when, whenever
    3 (causal) since
    1 during, at the time of
    cuando más at the most
    cuando menos at least
    cuando mucho at the most
    de cuando en cuando / de vez en cuando now and then, from time to time
    hasta cuando until
    * * *
    1. prep.
    2) if
    2. conj.
    1) when
    2) if
    * * *
    1. CONJ
    1) [con valor temporal] [en un momento concreto] when; [en cualquier momento] whenever

    cuando iba allí lo veía — whenever I went there I saw him, I used to see him when(ever) I went there

    2) [con valor condicional, causal] if

    cuando él lo dice, será verdad — if he says so, it must be true

    cuando no te ha dicho nada todavía, es que no piensa invitarte — if he hasn't said anything yet, that means he isn't thinking of inviting you

    3) [con valor adversativo] when

    yo lo hago todo, cuando es él quien debería hacerlo — I'm the one that does it all, when it should be him

    aun 3)
    2. ADV

    fue entonces cuando comprendí la importancia del problemait was then that o that was when I understood the seriousness of the problem

    en abril es cuando más casos hay — April is when there are most cases, it's in April that there are most cases

    de cuando en cuando, de vez en cuando — from time to time, now and again, every so often


    cuando másat (the) most

    tardaremos, cuando más, una semana — it will take us a week at (the) most o at the outside

    cuando menosat least

    esperamos llegar, cuando menos, a las semifinales — we are hoping to reach the semifinals, at least

    cuando muchoat (the) most

    cuando noif not

    docenas, cuando no cientos, de películas — dozens, if not hundreds, of films


    cuando niño yo era muy traviesoas a child o when I was a child I was very naughty

    * * *

    cuando éramos pequeños — when we were young; (+ subj)

    ven cuando quierascome when o whenever you like

    b) ( referido al futuro) (+ subj) when
    a) (si) if

    cada cuando — (esp AmL) every so often

    de vez en cuando — from time to time, every so often

    cuando más or mucho — at (the) most, at the outside

    * * *
    = at the time (that/of), when, where, at what point.
    Ex. This order is consistent with the established relationships between subjects at the time that the scheme was first published (1876).
    Ex. When the record transfer is complete, the catalog summary screen is shown for the new record so that the user can review and update it.
    Ex. An appreciation of alternative approaches is particularly important in this field where trends towards standardisation are the norm.
    Ex. Libraries are having to decide at what point a service should become chargeable without creating a disadvantage to those who cannot pay = Las bibliotecas tienen que decidir cuándo se debería cobrar por un servicio sin crear un problema para los que no pueden pagar.
    * aun cuando = even if, even though, even when.
    * cada cuando = every so often, every now and then, every now and again, every once in a while.
    * como cuando + Indicativo = as in + Gerundio.
    * como y cuando = as and when.
    * como y cuando sea + Adjetivo = as + Adjetivo.
    * cuando antes + Pronombre + sea posible = at + Posesivo + earliest convenience, at + Posesivo + earliest convenience.
    * cuando antes pueda = at + Posesivo + earliest convenience.
    * cuando a uno le venga bien = at leisure.
    * cuando el río, suena agua lleva = there's no smoke without fire, where there's smoke there's fire.
    * cuando el río suena agua lleva, donde hay humo hay fuego = there's no smoke without fire.
    * cuando el sol aprieta = during the heat of the day.
    * cuando el tiempo lo permita = when the weather permits.
    * cuando era niño = as a boy.
    * cuando hace frío = in the cold.
    * cuando la marea está alta = at high tide.
    * cuando la marea está baja = at low tide.
    * cuando le surja la necesidad = at + Posesivo + time of need.
    * cuando llegó la hora de + Infinitivo = when it came to + Gerundio.
    * cuando llegue la hora = when the time comes.
    * cuando lo necesite = at + Posesivo + time of need.
    * cuando menos te lo esperes = on any given Sunday.
    * cuando proceda = where appropriate, when applicable.
    * cuando quieras = anytime.
    * cuando sea el caso = when applicable.
    * cuando sea necesario = when necessary.
    * cuando sea pertinente = where applicable, where appropriate.
    * cuando se está en + Nombre = when in + Nombre.
    * cuando se le antoje a Uno = on a whim.
    * cuando se solicite = on demand, on request, upon + request.
    * cuando se trata de + Infinitivo = when it comes to + Gerundio.
    * cuando..., si es que... = if and when.
    * cuando uno se encuentra mejor de ánimo = on the upswing.
    * de cuando en cuando = every once in a while, every so often, every now and then, every now and again.
    * de vez en cuando = from time to time, now and then, now and again, once in a while, every once in a while, at various times, occasionally, off and on, on and off, occasional, every so often, every now and then, every now and again.
    * en aquellas ocasiones cuando = on occasions when.
    * ganar cuando todo parece estar perdido = victory from the jaws of defeat.
    * para cuando = by the time.
    * siempre y cuando = on the condition that, with the condition that, if and when.
    * siempre y cuando + Subjuntivo = provided (that), as long as.
    * * *

    cuando éramos pequeños — when we were young; (+ subj)

    ven cuando quierascome when o whenever you like

    b) ( referido al futuro) (+ subj) when
    a) (si) if

    cada cuando — (esp AmL) every so often

    de vez en cuando — from time to time, every so often

    cuando más or mucho — at (the) most, at the outside

    * * *
    = at the time (that/of), when, where, at what point.

    Ex: This order is consistent with the established relationships between subjects at the time that the scheme was first published (1876).

    Ex: When the record transfer is complete, the catalog summary screen is shown for the new record so that the user can review and update it.
    Ex: An appreciation of alternative approaches is particularly important in this field where trends towards standardisation are the norm.
    Ex: Libraries are having to decide at what point a service should become chargeable without creating a disadvantage to those who cannot pay = Las bibliotecas tienen que decidir cuándo se debería cobrar por un servicio sin crear un problema para los que no pueden pagar.
    * aun cuando = even if, even though, even when.
    * cada cuando = every so often, every now and then, every now and again, every once in a while.
    * como cuando + Indicativo = as in + Gerundio.
    * como y cuando = as and when.
    * como y cuando sea + Adjetivo = as + Adjetivo.
    * cuando antes + Pronombre + sea posible = at + Posesivo + earliest convenience, at + Posesivo + earliest convenience.
    * cuando antes pueda = at + Posesivo + earliest convenience.
    * cuando a uno le venga bien = at leisure.
    * cuando el río, suena agua lleva = there's no smoke without fire, where there's smoke there's fire.
    * cuando el río suena agua lleva, donde hay humo hay fuego = there's no smoke without fire.
    * cuando el sol aprieta = during the heat of the day.
    * cuando el tiempo lo permita = when the weather permits.
    * cuando era niño = as a boy.
    * cuando hace frío = in the cold.
    * cuando la marea está alta = at high tide.
    * cuando la marea está baja = at low tide.
    * cuando le surja la necesidad = at + Posesivo + time of need.
    * cuando llegó la hora de + Infinitivo = when it came to + Gerundio.
    * cuando llegue la hora = when the time comes.
    * cuando lo necesite = at + Posesivo + time of need.
    * cuando menos te lo esperes = on any given Sunday.
    * cuando proceda = where appropriate, when applicable.
    * cuando quieras = anytime.
    * cuando sea el caso = when applicable.
    * cuando sea necesario = when necessary.
    * cuando sea pertinente = where applicable, where appropriate.
    * cuando se está en + Nombre = when in + Nombre.
    * cuando se le antoje a Uno = on a whim.
    * cuando se solicite = on demand, on request, upon + request.
    * cuando se trata de + Infinitivo = when it comes to + Gerundio.
    * cuando..., si es que... = if and when.
    * cuando uno se encuentra mejor de ánimo = on the upswing.
    * de cuando en cuando = every once in a while, every so often, every now and then, every now and again.
    * de vez en cuando = from time to time, now and then, now and again, once in a while, every once in a while, at various times, occasionally, off and on, on and off, occasional, every so often, every now and then, every now and again.
    * en aquellas ocasiones cuando = on occasions when.
    * ganar cuando todo parece estar perdido = victory from the jaws of defeat.
    * para cuando = by the time.
    * siempre y cuando = on the condition that, with the condition that, if and when.
    * siempre y cuando + Subjuntivo = provided (that), as long as.

    * * *
    a las siete es cuando me viene mejor seven o'clock is the best time for me
    cuando estoy solo when I'm alone
    justo cuando la fiesta empezaba a animarse just as o just when the party was beginning to liven up
    ¿te acuerdas de cuando éramos pequeños? do you remember when we were young?
    (+ subj): cuando se entere me mata when he finds out he'll kill me!
    ven cuando quieras come when o whenever you like
    (si): cuando él lo dice será verdad if he says so then it must be true
    cuando yo te digo que es un fresco … didn't I tell you he had a nerve?
    se ha molestado cuando soy yo la que debería sentirse ofendida he's upset when really I'm the one who ought to feel offended
    ¿por qué me voy a preocupar cuando a él no le importa? why should I worry if o when he doesn't care?
    C ( en locs):
    cada cuando every so often, from time to time, now and then
    de vez en cuando from time to time, every so often, now and then
    cuando más or mucho at (the) most, at the outside
    cuando menos at least
    cuando quiera whenever
    cuando quiera que ocurren estas tragedias … whenever these tragedies occur …
    ( fam):
    nos conocimos cuando la mili we met when we were doing our military service, we met during our military service
    yo estaba allí cuando la explosión I was there when the explosion happened o at the time of the explosion
    una ermita de cuando los moros a hermitage dating from Moorish times
    * * *


    Multiple Entries:
    cuando conjunción

    ven cuándo quieras come when o whenever you like;

    cuándo se mejore when she gets better;
    ahora es cuándo me viene mejor now is the best time for me
    b) (si) if;

    c) ( en locs)

    de vez en cuando from time to time, every so often
    cuándo adverbio
    ¿de cuándo es esa foto? when was that photo taken?;

    ¿desde cuándo lo sabes? how long have you known?;
    ¿desde cuándo? since when?;
    ¡cuándo no! (AmL) as usual!
    I adverbio (de tiempo) when
    II conj
    1 (temporal) when: cuando quieras, whenever you want
    cuando termines, when you finish
    2 (condicional) (si) if
    3 (concesiva) (aunque) (aun) cuando, even if
    III preposición during, at the time of
    cuando la guerra, during the war
    cuando joven, when young
    ♦ Locuciones: cuando más/mucho, at the most
    cuando menos, at least
    cuando quiera que, whenever
    de cuando en cuando/de vez en cuando, from time to time
    cuándo adverbio interr when?
    ¿desde cuándo?, since when?
    ¿para cuándo vienes?, when are you coming?

    ' cuándo' also found in these entries:
    - acertar
    - achantarse
    - ahorcarse
    - antojarse
    - apéndice
    - asesinar
    - asomar
    - atravesada
    - atravesado
    - aun
    - avisar
    - baja
    - bajo
    - balón
    - bastante
    - bien
    - bisbiseo
    - bobalicón
    - bobalicona
    - boca
    - caer
    - caerse
    - calmarse
    - campante
    - casarse
    - cerca
    - cerdo
    - cien
    - codazo
    - comecome
    - como
    - cómo
    - componenda
    - cónclave
    - contra
    - cordera
    - cordero
    - corta
    - corto
    - cota
    - cuando
    - dejarse
    - delirio
    - demasiada
    - demasiado
    - demonio
    - derrumbarse
    - desconectarse
    - desde
    - add in
    - admit
    - advise
    - again
    - agree
    - alter
    - alternate
    - antidepressant
    - appreciate
    - apron
    - as
    - ashen
    - ask
    - averse
    - away
    - baby
    - back
    - back off
    - bed
    - beeline
    - behave
    - blow
    - blue
    - bluff
    - blunt
    - blur
    - boo
    - bow out
    - buckle
    - burglar alarm
    - burst
    - by-election
    - cat
    - catch
    - clean
    - come on
    - come out
    - composure
    - console
    - crack
    - crop up
    - cry out for
    - dare
    - deadline
    - delay
    - devil
    - dicey
    - dinner
    - dishearten
    * * *
    cuando llegue el verano iremos de viaje when summer comes we'll go travelling;
    cuando me agacho, me duele la espalda when o whenever I bend down, my back hurts;
    se marchó cuando mejor lo estábamos pasando she left just when we were having a really good time;
    acababa de cerrar la puerta, cuando estalló la bomba I had just closed the door when the bomb went off;
    fue entonces cuando comprendí el problema it was then that I realized the problem;
    para cuando llegamos, la fiesta ya había acabado by the time we arrived the party was already over;
    ven a visitarnos cuando quieras come and stay with us whenever you like;
    cambia mucho de cuando está de buen humor a cuando está enfadado he's very different when he's in a good mood to when he's angry;
    ¿te acuerdas de cuando nos dieron el premio? do you remember when o the time they gave us the prize?;
    apenas se marchó el profesor, cuando todos los alumnos se pusieron a hablar no sooner had the teacher left than all the pupils started talking;
    de cuando en cuando, de vez en cuando from time to time, now and again;
    cuando más, cuando mucho at (the) most;
    cuando más, te ayudaré un rato I'll help you for a short while, but no longer;
    cuando menos at least;
    nos harán falta cuando menos cinco personas we'll need at least five people;
    cuando quiera que me lo encuentro, siempre me sonríe whenever I meet him he smiles at me
    1. [si] if;
    cuando tú lo dices será verdad it must be true if you say so;
    cuando no te ha llegado la invitación, será porque no te quieren ver if you haven't received an invitation, it must be because they don't want to see you;
    no será tan malo cuando ha vendido tantas copias it can't be that bad if it's sold so many copies
    2. [después de “aun”] [aunque]
    no mentiría aun cuando le fuera en ello la vida she wouldn't lie even if her life depended on it
    3. [indica contraste]
    no tiene muchos amigos, cuando en realidad es una persona muy agradable he doesn't have a lot of friends, even though he's actually a very nice person
    4. [introduce valoración negativa] when, even though;
    siempre está protestando, cuando es el que más oportunidades recibe he's always complaining even though o when he's the one who gets more chances than anyone else
    quemaron ese colegio cuando la guerra that school was burned down during the war;
    son restos de cuando los romanos they are remains from Roman times;
    cuando niño, solía bañarme en este río when I was a boy I used to swim in this river
    * * *
    I conj when; condicional if;
    cuando quieras whenever you want
    II adv when;
    de cuando en cuando from time to time;
    cuando menos at least;
    cuando más, cuando mucho at (the) most
    * * *
    cuándo adv & conj
    1) : when
    ¿cuándo llegará?: when will she arrive?
    no sabemos cuándo será: we don't know when it will be
    ¿de cuándo acá? : since when?, how come?
    cuando conj
    1) : when
    cuando llegó: when he arrived
    2) : since, if
    cuando lo dices: if you say so
    cuando más : at the most
    de vez en cuando : from time to time
    cuando prep
    : during, at the time of
    cuando la guerra: during the war
    * * *
    cuando adv when

    Spanish-English dictionary > cuando

  • 10 случай

    (см. также вариант, версия, факт) case, event, occurrence, incident, occasion, chance
    Безусловно это можно использовать лишь в случае, если... - Of course this applies only if...
    Безусловно, в некоторых случаях... - In some cases, of course,...
    Частным случаем все еще является тот, в котором... - A still more restricted case is that in which...
    В огромном большинстве случаев... - In the vast majority of cases,...
    В данном случае единственной возможностью является... - For this case, the only recourse is to...
    В данном случае значение переменной Q не имеет какого-либо элементарного или очевидного объяснения. - In this case the quantity Q has no elementary or obvious meaning.
    В данном случае можно использовать другой подход. - In this case a different approach can be used.
    В зависимости от... возникают три случая. - Three cases arise depending on whether...
    В зависимости от того, действительно ли..., необходимо различать два случая. - Two cases are to be distinguished, according to whether...
    В качестве дополнительной иллюстрации рассмотрим случай... - As an additional illustration, consider the case of...
    В лучшем случае, подобные величины представляют (собой)... - At best such values represent...
    В любом случае, более удовлетворительным является (использовать и т. п.)... - In any case it is more satisfactory to...
    В любом случае, возможно, было бы правильным сказать, что... - In any case, it is probably fair to say that...
    В любом случае, очевидно, что... - At any rate, it is clear that...
    В некоторых случаях более надежные значения для F могут быть получены из... - In some cases more reliable values for F can be obtained from...
    В некоторых случаях более полезно... - In some cases it is more useful to...
    В некоторых случаях возможно... - In some cases it is possible to...
    В некоторых случаях достаточно... - In some cases, it is sufficient to...
    В некоторых случаях может оказаться необходимым... - It may be necessary in some cases to...
    В некоторых случаях эти два ограничения... - In some instances the two bounds fall close together...
    В общем случае будет невозможно (найти и т. п.)... - It will not in general be possible to...
    В общем случае будет обнаружено, что... - In the general case it will be found that...
    В общем случае возможно доказать, что... - In general, it is possible to prove that...
    В общем случае довольно трудно... - Generally, it is rather difficult to...
    В общем случае мы считаем наилучшим (вычислить и т. п.)... - In general, we find it best to...
    В общем случае несправедливо, что... - It is not in general true that...
    В общем случае предполагается, что... - It is generally assumed that...
    В общем случае рассуждение делают строгим, используя... - For the general case the argument is made precise by use of...
    В общем случае следует ожидать, что... - In general it should be anticipated that...
    В общем случае у нас нет оснований ожидать... - In the general case, we cannot reasonably expect...
    В общем случае это не будет происходить, если только не... - This will not happen, in general, unless...
    В общем случае это несправедливо. - In general this is not true.
    В общем случае, рассматриваемом ниже,... - In the general case to be dealt with below,...
    В обычном (= типичном) случае, например, можно было бы... - In a typical case, for example, one might...
    В подобном случае могло бы быть проще уточнить... - In such a case, it might be simpler to specify...
    В подобных случаях было предложено, чтобы... - In such cases it was suggested that...
    В последнем случае может быть достаточно (вычислить и т. п.)... - In the latter case it may be sufficient to...
    В простом специальном случае, когда X имеет форму (2.3), мы можем записать... - In the simple special case that X has the form (2.3) we can write...
    В различных случаях мы обнаружили, что удобно... - We have found it convenient on various occasions to...
    В следующей главе мы упростим ситуацию, рассматривая случай... - In the next chapter we simplify matters by considering the case of...
    В случае (а) неравенство (1) доказывается в [2]. - In the case (a) inequality (1) is proved in [2].
    В случае, если лекция откладывается, вас известят. - You will be given due notice in the event that the lecture is postponed.
    В соответствии с природой... возникают четыре разных случая. - Four distinct cases arise according to the nature of...
    В таком случае естественно сказать, что... - In this case it is natural to say that...
    В таком случае мы часто говорим, что... - In this situation, we often say that...
    В частных случаях может произойти (что-л). - In particular cases it may happen that...
    В этой главе мы рассматриваем различные случаи... - In this chapter we consider various cases of...
    В этом случае мы могли бы определить (= ввести)... - For this case we may define...
    В этом случае особенно просто... - In this case it is particularly easy to...
    В этом случае, невозможно более (использовать и т. п.)... - In this case, it is no longer possible to...
    Важный случай возникает, когда... - An important case occurs when...
    Во всех случаях общепризнанно, что... - In all cases it is generally recognized that...
    Во втором случае говорится о... - In the latter case one speaks of...
    Во многих случаях необходимо знать скорость (= частоту), при которой... - In many cases it is required to know the rate at which...
    Во многих случаях необходимо обращаться за помощью к приближенным методам. - In many cases it is necessary to resort to approximate methods.
    Во многих случаях это будет очевидно из простого наблюдения. - In many cases this will be obvious by inspection.
    Во многих случаях это не имеет значения. - In many cases this is of no importance.
    Возвращаясь теперь к более общему случаю, где/ когда... - Returning now to the more general case where...
    Все случаи такого типа покрываются... - All cases of this kind are covered by...
    Все это возникает как частные случаи (чего-л). - All of these arise as particular cases of...
    Выберем специальный случай, когда... - Let us choose the special case where...
    Давайте представим случай, когда... - Let us imagine a case where...
    Давайте применим наше правило к простому случаю... - Let us now apply our rule to the simple case of...
    Давайте рассмотрим некоторые частные случаи (чего-л). - Let us look at some particular cases of...
    Давайте сейчас проведем данную процедуру в специальном случае... - Let us carry out this procedure here for the special case of...
    Далее, мы кратко рассматриваем случаи, в которых... - Further, we briefly treat cases in which...
    Данный метод особенно подходит в случае, когда... - The method is particularly appropriate when...
    Действительно, наиболее типичным является случай, когда... - Indeed, it is typically the case that...
    Для простоты мы ограничимся случаем... - For simplicity we shall confine ourselves to the case of...
    До сих пор мы рассматривали лишь случаи, когда... - So far we have considered only cases in which...
    Другие случаи молено обсудить в подобной манере. - In a similar manner other cases may be discussed.
    Другим крайним случаем является... - At the other extreme is the case of...
    Другим частным случаем является тот из... - Another simple case is that of...
    Другой случай, представляющий для нас интерес, получается, если/ когда... - Another case of interest is obtained if...
    Если это тот самый случай, то отсюда следует... - This being the case, it follows that...
    Еще один интересный случай - это (случай)... - A further case of interest is that of...
    За исключением специальных простых случаев, во всех остальных не является очевидным, действительно ли... - Except in certain simple cases it will not be obvious whether...
    Зарегистрированы случаи (чего-л). - There are cases on record of...
    Здесь будет рассмотрен только последний (= второй) случай. - Only the latter case will be treated here.
    Здесь мы видим простой случай (чего-л). - Here we see a simple case of...
    й в данном случае это находится в соответствии с... - Again this is in accordance with...
    Из симметрии в данном случае очевидно, что... - In this case it is obvious from symmetry that...; From symmetry it is obvious that...
    Имеются несколько специальных случаев, представляющих для нас большой интерес. - There are several special cases of particular interest to us.
    Имеются случаи, когда... - There are cases when...
    Имеются случаи, когда можно (показать и т. п.)... - There are cases when it is possible to...
    Интересны несколько специальных случаев. - Several special cases are of interest.
    Интересный случай возникает, когда... - An interesting case occurs when...
    Интересным является случай, когда... - An interesting special case is when...
    Исследование каждого случая отдельно приводит к... - Examination of each individual case leads to...
    Итак, мы ограничимся наиболее важным случаем, который... - We therefore confine ourselves to the most important case, which is...
    К несчастью, встречаются случаи, когда... - Unfortunately there are occasions when...
    К сожалению, за исключением простейших случаев, довольно трудно (получить и т. п.)... - With the exception of the simplest cases it is, unfortunately, rather difficult to...
    Критический случай получается, когда... - The critical case is that in which...
    Между этими двумя весьма крайними случаями лежит большинство... - Between these two rather extreme cases lies the great majority of...
    Можно отметить три специальных случая. - Three special cases may be noticed. •'
    Мы до сих пор не рассматривали случай, когда... - We still have not dealt with the case in which...
    Мы должны отличать последний случай от случая... - This last case should be distinguished from the case of...
    Мы имеем здесь дело со случаем, когда... - We deal here with the case in which...
    Мы можем, конечно, применить теорему 1 к случаю, где/ когда... - We can, of course, apply Theorem 1 to the case where...
    Мы обсуждаем это в общем случае, когда... - We discuss this in the general case when...
    Мы ограничим наши рассуждения случаем... - We shall restrict our considerations to the case of...
    Мы очень просто включим сюда все случаи, сказав, что... - We include all cases very simply by saying that...
    Мы пренебрегаем случаем, когда х < 0. - We disregard the case when x < 0.
    Мы применим наши результаты к одному простому случаю. - We shall apply our results to a simple case.
    Мы проиллюстрируем данный метод для случая... - We shall illustrate the procedure for the case of...
    Мы рассматриваем каждый из этих двух случаев отдельно. - We consider these two cases separately.
    Мы увидим, что данное исследование применимо также в случае... - It will be observed that this investigation applies also to the case of...
    Мы уже применили здесь один специальный случай (чего-л). - We have used here a special case of...
    Мы уже убедились, что в общем случае мы не можем ожидать... - We have already seen that we cannot, in general, expect...
    На практике мы почти всегда встречаем случай, когда... - In practice, it is almost invariably the case that...
    Наиболее важным случаем является тот, в котором... - The most important case is that in which...
    Наиболее заметным (этот) случай становится, когда... - The most conspicuous case occurs when...
    Простейший и, одновременно, наиболее широко используемый случай это... - The simplest case, and the most widely used, is that of...
    Нам не известны случаи (чего-л). - No case of... has come to our notice.
    Наше задание становится существенно сложнее в случае... - The task at hand is more complicated in the case of...
    Общий случай рассматривается в упражнении 54. - The general case is considered in Exercise 54.
    Однако в данном случае проделать это затруднительно. - In the present situation, however, it is not feasible to do this.
    Однако в общем случае мы заинтересованы в измерении других характеристик... - In general, however, we are interested in measuring other properties of...
    Однако в общем случае эта идея имеет небольшую область приложений. - However, this idea has little application in general.
    Однако в случае... эти эффекты относительно малы. - These effects are, however, relatively small in the case of...
    Однако в специальных случаях это затруднение можно обойти. - In special cases, however, this difficulty may be circumvented.
    Однако во многих случаях мы не знаем... - But in many cases, we do not know...
    Однако для этих случаев часто более эффективно... - For these cases it is, however, often more efficient to...
    Однако из экспериментов мы знаем, что бывают случаи, когда... - Experimentally, however, we know that there are cases when...
    Однако имеется много случаев, когда... - There are, however, many cases in which...
    Однако имеется один интересный случай, когда... - There is, however, one interesting case in which...
    Однако имеются два предельных случая, когда... - There are, however, two limiting cases in which...
    Однако имеются некоторые специальные случаи, когда... - There are, however, some special cases in which...
    Однако имеются несколько специальных случаев, в которых/ когда... - There are, however, a few specific cases in which...
    Однако легко обобщить это исследование на случай, когда... - It is easy, however, to generalize this treatment to the case of...
    Однако существуют важные специальные случаи, когда... - There are, however, important special cases when...
    Однако это, несомненно, случай... - But this is by no means the case for...
    Однако, в общем случае, несправедливо, что... - It is not true in general, however, that...
    Одним важным исключением является случай... - An important exception is the case of...
    Основные результаты приводятся ниже, сначала для случая... - The main results are stated below, first for the case of...
    Особенно важным для наших целей является случай, что... - Particularly important for our purposes is the case of...
    Особенно это тот случай, когда... - This is particularly the case when...
    Особый интерес вызывают случаи, когда... - Special interest attaches to cases in which...
    Оставляя в стороне особые случаи, мы... - Leaving these singular cases aside, we...
    Оставляя этот случай в стороне, получаем, что... - Leaving this case out of consideration, it follows that...
    Остается рассмотреть случай, когда... - It remains now to deal with the case when...
    Очевидно, они неприменимы к случаям, где/ когда... - Clearly they do not apply to cases where...
    Первым и самым простым из этих случаев является случай, когда... - The first of these, and the simplest, is...
    Подобные случаи могут быть описаны общим уравнением... - Such cases can be covered by the general equation...
    Поучительно решить эти уравнения в случае... - It is instructive to work out these equations for the case of...
    Применение данной теории к частным случаям требует... - The application of the theory to particular cases requires...
    Простейший пример такой ситуации дается специальным случаем... - The simplest example of such a situation is the special case of...
    Простейшим случаем является тот, когда/в котором... - The simplest case is that in which...
    С другой стороны, в общем случае не всегда допустимо... - On the other hand, it is not in general permissible to...
    Ситуация становится проще в случае, когда... - The situation is slightly simpler in the case where...
    Следовательно в каждом отдельном из этих случаев необходимо... - In each of these cases, therefore, it is necessary to...
    Следующим простейшим случаем является тот, в котором... - The next simplest case is that in which...
    Случаем огромного практического интереса является тот, в котором/где/ когда... - A case of great practical interest is that in which...
    Случаи, имеющие практический интерес, приводятся ниже. - Cases of practical interest are given below.
    Случай (чего-л) требует специального рассмотрения. - The case of... requires special consideration.
    Случай этого сорта возникает, когда... - This kind of case arises when...
    Случай, вызывающий особый интерес, возникает, когда... - A case of special interest arises when...
    Сначала мы рассматриваем случай... - We first deal with the case of...
    Существенно более важным случаем является тот, когда... - By far the most important case is that in which...
    Существуют два случая, когда это должно быть принято во внимание. - There are two situations where this has to be taken into account:
    Такая связь является простейшей в случае... - This connection is simplest in the case of...
    Тем не менее, мы говорим в общем случае, что... - Nevertheless, we generally say that...
    Теорема 2 может быть расширена на случай параболического уравнения. - Theorem 2 can be extended to deal with parabolic equations.
    Теперь мы можем обобщить (это) на случай... - We can now generalize to the case of...
    Теперь мы обнаруживаем, что обязаны различать между двумя случаями. - We have now two cases to distinguish.
    То, что было сказано выше, применяется, в частности, к случаю... - What has been said above applies in particular to...
    Только что приведенный пример является специальным случаем... - The example just given is a special case of...
    Нам не представится случай использовать... - We shall not have occasion to use...
    Уже сформулированные правила молено распространить на случай... - The rules presented so far can be extended to...
    Частным случаем этой теоремы является... - A particular case of this theorem is that...
    Что важно в любом из случаев, это... - What is important in either case is that...
    Чтобы получить практический результат в подобных случаях, мы... - То obtain a practical result in such cases, we...
    Чтобы рассмотреть общий случай, давайте... - То deal with the general case, let...
    Чтобы рассмотреть этот случай, мы... - То cover this case, we...
    Эти результаты теперь могут быть специализированы для случая... - These results can now be specialized to the case of...
    Это может рассматриваться как специальный случай... - This may now be regarded as a special case of...
    Это обычный случай. - This is a common occurrence.
    Это очевидно для случая, когда/где... - This is obvious in the case of...
    Это практически важный случай, потому что... - This is an important case in practice because...
    Это просто частный случай (теоремы и т. п.)... - This is simply a particular case of...
    Это случай, наиболее часто встречающийся на практике. - This is the case that occurs most frequently in practice.
    Это существенно отличается от конечномерного случая, где... - This is in marked contrast to the finite dimensional case, where...
    Это удовлетворительно во многих случаях, однако... - This is satisfactory in many instances; however,...
    Это хорошо подтверждается в случае... - This is well confirmed in the case of...
    Этого, очевидно, достаточно, чтобы рассмотреть случай.,. - It is obviously enough to consider the case...
    Этот случай дает прекрасный пример (чего-л). - This case provides an excellent example of...
    Этот случай хорошо иллюстрируется (чем-л). - This case is neatly illustrated by...

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > случай

  • 11 cultivo

    1 farming.
    2 crop.
    3 culture.
    4 cultivation, farming, tilth.
    5 breeding.
    6 production, growing.
    El cultivo de las frutas The production [growing] of fruits.
    1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: cultivar.
    * * *
    1 (acción) cultivation, farming
    2 (cosecha) crop
    3 BIOLOGÍA culture
    4 figurado (desarrollo) development, growth
    poner en cultivo to cultivate
    * * *
    noun m.
    1) crop
    2) cultivation, farming
    * * *
    1) (=acto) cultivation, growing
    2) (=cosecha) crop
    3) (Bio) culture
    caldo 3)
    * * *
    1) (Agr)
    a) ( de tierra) farming, cultivation; ( de plantas) growing, cultivation

    cultivo intensivo/extensivo — intensive/extensive farming

    b) ( cosa cultivada) crop

    cultivos de secano/de regadío — dry-farmed/irrigated crops

    2) (Biol, Med) ( acción) culturing; ( producto) culture
    3) ( de las artes) promotion, encouragement
    * * *
    = crop, cultivation, smear, soil, culture, growing.
    Ex. There will be occasions when it is difficult to see any helpful principle; for example, in what order should we arrange grain crops, root crops, legumes, etc. in the crops facet in Agriculture?.
    Ex. He wrote a report on the shifting cultivation of hill rice.
    Ex. Populary light response is poor and intraocular pressure is normal and smear shows no organisms.
    Ex. Wide, voracious, indiscriminate reading is the base soil from which discrimination and taste eventually grow.
    Ex. This article outlines safety regulations involved when handling microorganism cultures.
    Ex. Sometimes information is sought on activities that are unequivocally illegal such as the growing of cannabis.
    * caldo de cultivo = hotbed, breeding ground, petri dish.
    * cultivo de flores = flower growing, flower cultivation.
    * cultivo de la caña de azúcar = sugar farming.
    * cultivo de la uva = grape growing.
    * cultivo de perlas = pearl culture.
    * cultivo de tejidos = tissue culture.
    * cultivo en el espacio = astroculture.
    * cultivo láctico = lactic acid bacteria.
    * cultivo principal = staple crop.
    * período de cultivo = growing season.
    * rotación de cultivos = crop rotation.
    * tener cultivos = grow + crops.
    * tierra de cultivo = farmland [farm land].
    * zona de cultivo del trigo = wheatbelt.
    * * *
    1) (Agr)
    a) ( de tierra) farming, cultivation; ( de plantas) growing, cultivation

    cultivo intensivo/extensivo — intensive/extensive farming

    b) ( cosa cultivada) crop

    cultivos de secano/de regadío — dry-farmed/irrigated crops

    2) (Biol, Med) ( acción) culturing; ( producto) culture
    3) ( de las artes) promotion, encouragement
    * * *
    = crop, cultivation, smear, soil, culture, growing.

    Ex: There will be occasions when it is difficult to see any helpful principle; for example, in what order should we arrange grain crops, root crops, legumes, etc. in the crops facet in Agriculture?.

    Ex: He wrote a report on the shifting cultivation of hill rice.
    Ex: Populary light response is poor and intraocular pressure is normal and smear shows no organisms.
    Ex: Wide, voracious, indiscriminate reading is the base soil from which discrimination and taste eventually grow.
    Ex: This article outlines safety regulations involved when handling microorganism cultures.
    Ex: Sometimes information is sought on activities that are unequivocally illegal such as the growing of cannabis.
    * caldo de cultivo = hotbed, breeding ground, petri dish.
    * cultivo de flores = flower growing, flower cultivation.
    * cultivo de la caña de azúcar = sugar farming.
    * cultivo de la uva = grape growing.
    * cultivo de perlas = pearl culture.
    * cultivo de tejidos = tissue culture.
    * cultivo en el espacio = astroculture.
    * cultivo láctico = lactic acid bacteria.
    * cultivo principal = staple crop.
    * período de cultivo = growing season.
    * rotación de cultivos = crop rotation.
    * tener cultivos = grow + crops.
    * tierra de cultivo = farmland [farm land].
    * zona de cultivo del trigo = wheatbelt.

    * * *
    A ( Agr)
    1 (de tierra) farming, cultivation; (de plantas) growing, cultivation
    cultivo intensivo/extensivo intensive/extensive farming
    cultivo de frutas fruit growing
    cultivos de secano dry-farmed crops
    cultivos de regadío irrigated crops
    B ( Biol, Med) (acción) culturing; (producto) culture caldo, perla1 (↑ perla (1))
    tissue culture
    C (de las artes) promotion, encouragement
    * * *


    Del verbo cultivar: ( conjugate cultivar)

    cultivo es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo

    cultivó es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo

    Multiple Entries:
    cultivar ( conjugate cultivar) verbo transitivo
    a)campo/tierras to cultivate, farm;

    plantas to grow, cultivate
    b)bacterias/perlas to culture

    inteligencia/memoria to develop;
    artes/interés to encourage
    cultivo sustantivo masculino

    (de plantas, frutas) growing, cultivation;

    c) (Biol, Med) ( acción) culturing;

    ( producto) culture

    cultivar verbo transitivo
    1 to cultivate, farm
    2 Biol to culture
    cultivo sustantivo masculino
    1 cultivation
    (planta) crop
    2 Biol culture
    ' cultivo' also found in these entries:
    - campo
    - huerta
    - riego
    - suelo
    - tierra
    - arrocero
    - café
    - choclo
    - ecológico
    - fumigar
    - milpa
    - perla
    breeding ground
    - crop
    - cultivation
    - farming
    - hotbed
    - nurture
    - rotate
    - tree surgeon
    - arable
    - breeding
    - cash
    - culture
    * * *
    1. [de tierra] farming, cultivation;
    [de plantas] growing
    2. [plantación] crop
    cultivo extensivo extensive farming;
    cultivo hidropónico hydroponics;
    cultivo intensivo intensive farming;
    cultivo de regadío irrigated crop;
    cultivo de secano dry-farmed crop;
    cultivo de subsistencia subsistence crop;
    3. [de gérmenes] culture
    cultivo celular cell culture;
    cultivo de tejidos tissue culture
    4. [de las artes] promotion
    * * *
    1 AGR crop
    2 AGR acto growing, cultivation
    3 BIO culture
    * * *
    1) : cultivation, farming
    2) : crop
    * * *
    cultivo n crop / cultivation

    Spanish-English dictionary > cultivo

  • 12 raíz

    1 root, radicle.
    2 root, bottom, center.
    3 radical, stem, stem of the word, root.
    4 root, nth root.
    * * *
    1 root
    a raíz de figurado as a result of
    arrancar de raíz to pull up by the roots, uproot 2 figurado to eradicate
    cortar algo de raíz (erradicar) to root out something 2 (abortar) to nip something in the bud
    de raíz entirely
    echar raíces (planta) to take root 2 (persona) to settle, put down roots
    raíz cuadrada square root
    raíz cúbica cube root
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    1) [de planta] root

    de raíz —

    2) [de diente, pelo] root
    3) (Mat)
    4) (=origen) root

    la bebida fue la raíz de todos sus malesdrink was the root cause o was at the root of all his troubles

    6) (Ling) root
    7) (Inform) root
    * * *
    a) (Bot) root

    de raíz: arrancar una planta de raíz to uproot a plant; arranca el vello de raíz it removes the hair at the roots; eliminaron de raíz el problema they eradicated the problem; echar raíces — planta to take root; persona to put down roots; costumbre/doctrina to take root

    b) (de diente, pelo) root
    2) (Ling) root
    a) (Mat) root

    raíz cuadrada/cúbica — square/cube root

    b) (Inf)
    a) ( origen) root
    * * *
    = root, root, root, stem, root element, root cause.
    Ex. There will be occasions when it is difficult to see any helpful principle; for example, in what order should we arrange grain crops, root crops, legumes, etc. in the crops facet in Agriculture?.
    Ex. However, many indexing systems have evolved over the last century, and have their roots in a time when detailed specification of subjects was unnecessary.
    Ex. The procedure begins by matching strings of characters in the title word with roots, or stems, of words stored in computer memory.
    Ex. Some subjects have one stem, for example, sterilizer, sterilizing, sterilized, sterilization.
    Ex. The structure of a hierarchical file can be represented as a tree with a single root element at the top, plus node elements at the ends of the branches that spread out from the top to the bottom.
    Ex. This article highlights the root causes of nativism against both immigrants and U.S. immigration policy arising from increasing legal and illegal immigration.
    * agrupar palabras que tienen la misma raíz = merge + word forms.
    * a raíz de = in the wake of.
    * cepillo de raíces = scrubbing brush.
    * cortar Algo de raíz = nip + Nombre + in the bud, nip + Nombre + in the bud.
    * echar raíces = settle down, root.
    * las raíces se remontan = roots + lie.
    * las raíces se remontan a = roots + lie.
    * olvidarse de las raíces de Uno = forget + Posesivo + roots.
    * raíz cuadrada = square root.
    * raíz del problema, la = root of the problem, the.
    * raíz de palabra = word stem.
    * raíz histórica = historical root.
    * reducción de una palabra a su raíz = stemming.
    * reducir una palabra a su raíz = stem.
    * Tesauro Raíz = Root Thesaurus.
    * * *
    a) (Bot) root

    de raíz: arrancar una planta de raíz to uproot a plant; arranca el vello de raíz it removes the hair at the roots; eliminaron de raíz el problema they eradicated the problem; echar raíces — planta to take root; persona to put down roots; costumbre/doctrina to take root

    b) (de diente, pelo) root
    2) (Ling) root
    a) (Mat) root

    raíz cuadrada/cúbica — square/cube root

    b) (Inf)
    a) ( origen) root
    * * *
    = root, root, root, stem, root element, root cause.

    Ex: There will be occasions when it is difficult to see any helpful principle; for example, in what order should we arrange grain crops, root crops, legumes, etc. in the crops facet in Agriculture?.

    Ex: However, many indexing systems have evolved over the last century, and have their roots in a time when detailed specification of subjects was unnecessary.
    Ex: The procedure begins by matching strings of characters in the title word with roots, or stems, of words stored in computer memory.
    Ex: Some subjects have one stem, for example, sterilizer, sterilizing, sterilized, sterilization.
    Ex: The structure of a hierarchical file can be represented as a tree with a single root element at the top, plus node elements at the ends of the branches that spread out from the top to the bottom.
    Ex: This article highlights the root causes of nativism against both immigrants and U.S. immigration policy arising from increasing legal and illegal immigration.
    * agrupar palabras que tienen la misma raíz = merge + word forms.
    * a raíz de = in the wake of.
    * cepillo de raíces = scrubbing brush.
    * cortar Algo de raíz = nip + Nombre + in the bud, nip + Nombre + in the bud.
    * echar raíces = settle down, root.
    * las raíces se remontan = roots + lie.
    * las raíces se remontan a = roots + lie.
    * olvidarse de las raíces de Uno = forget + Posesivo + roots.
    * raíz cuadrada = square root.
    * raíz del problema, la = root of the problem, the.
    * raíz de palabra = word stem.
    * raíz histórica = historical root.
    * reducción de una palabra a su raíz = stemming.
    * reducir una palabra a su raíz = stem.
    * Tesauro Raíz = Root Thesaurus.

    * * *
    1 ( Bot) root
    de raíz: arrancar una planta de raíz to uproot a plant, to pull a plant up by the roots
    arranca el vello de raíz it removes the hair at the roots
    eliminaron de raíz el problema de la droga they eradicated the drug problem
    echar raíces «planta» to root, take root;
    «persona» to put down roots; «costumbre/doctrina» to take root, take hold
    una costumbre que no ha echado raíces aquí a custom which has not taken root o taken hold o caught on here
    2 (de un diente, pelo) root
    B ( Ling) root
    1 ( Mat) root
    raíz cuadrada/cúbica square/cube root
    2 ( Inf):
    está en el directorio raíz it's in the root directory
    1 (origen) root
    la raíz de todos los males de la sociedad the root of all society's ills
    este problema tiene raíces políticas the roots of this problem are political
    hay que atacar este mal en su raíz we have to attack the root causes of this evil, we have to attack this evil at its roots
    la tradición tiene sus raíces en los países nórdicos the tradition originated in the Nordic countries
    tiene sus raíces en la Alta Edad Media it has its roots in o it dates back to the Early Middle Ages
    esta secta tiene sus raíces en la India this sect originated in India
    a raíz de as a result of
    a raíz de los acontecimientos del pasado martes as a result of o following last Tuesday's events
    * * *


    raíz sustantivo femenino ( en general) root;

    vello› to remove … at the roots;

    a raíz de as a result of;
    echar raíces [planta/costumbre/ideología] to take root;

    [ persona] to put down roots
    raíz sustantivo femenino root
    la raíz del problema, the heart of the matter
    Mat raíz cuadrada/cúbica, square/cube root
    ♦ Locuciones: a raíz de, as a result of, in the wake of
    de raíz, at the root of: cortaron el problema de raíz, they nipped the problem in the bud
    ' raíz' also found in these entries:
    - cúbica
    - cúbico
    - cuajo
    - lonja
    - profundo
    - nip
    - root
    - root out
    - root up
    - square
    - stem
    - tear up
    - free
    - result
    - strain
    - up
    * * *
    1. [de planta] root;
    la solución tiene que ser de raíz the solution has to attack the heart of the problem;
    arrancar algo de raíz [planta] to root sth out completely;
    el gobierno cortó de raíz el levantamiento the government nipped the uprising in the bud;
    eliminaron de raíz el problema del terrorismo the problem of terrorism was stamped out;
    echar raíces [árbol, planta] to take root;
    [persona] to put down roots raíz tuberosa tuberous root
    2. [de pelo, muela] root
    3. [origen] origin;
    de raíces humildes of humble origins;
    la costumbre tiene su raíz en la España del siglo XV the custom has its roots o origin in 15th century Spain
    4. [causa] root;
    el dinero es la raíz de todos sus males money is at the root of all her problems
    5. Ling root
    6. Informát root
    7. Mat root
    raíz cuadrada square root;
    raíz cúbica cube root
    a raíz de loc prep
    as a result of, following;
    * * *
    1 root;
    echar raíces de persona put down roots; de costumbre take root;
    arrancar de raíz pull up by the root;
    cortar algo de raíz fig nip sth in the bud;
    a raíz de as a result of
    2 MAT
    raíz cuadrada/cúbica square/cube root
    * * *
    raíz nf, pl raíces
    1) : root
    2) : origin, source
    a raíz de : following, as a result of
    echar raíces : to take root
    * * *
    raíz n root

    Spanish-English dictionary > raíz

  • 13 occasion

    1) случай, раз

    I did what the occasion required (demanded). — Я сделал то, что требовали обстоятельства. /Я поступил так, как требовали обстоятельства.

    We met only on one occasion. — Мы встречались только один раз.

    There are occasions when you must not refuse. — Бывают такие обстоятельства/случаи, когда нельзя отказаться.

    - favourable occasion
    - on that occasion
    - on the occasion of his arrival
    - on many occasions
    - on all occasions
    - on all occasion
    - on another occasion
    - on similar occasions
    - on the last occasion
    - on the occasion of my sister's mariage
    - meet smb on several occasions
    - profit by the occasion

    It was quite an occasion. — Это было целое событие.

    He wrote the music for this occasion. — Он написал музыку специально для этого случая.

    The whole family gathered for the occasion. — Вся семья собралась по поводу этого события.

    - great occasion
    - historical occasion
    - festive occasion
    - domestic occasion
    - on this happy occasion
    - mark the occasion
    3) возможность, удобный случай, подходящий момент

    I'll do it on the first possible occasion. — Я сделаю это при первой возможности.

    - unexpected occasion
    - rare occasion to do smth
    - offer a splendid occasion to do smth
    - have frequent occasion to see him
    - have a sence of occasion
    - have occasion to observe the ceremony
    - take the occasion
    - choose one's occasion
    - fit the occasion
    4) повод, причина, основание

    There is no occasion for alarm. — Нет никаких оснований для тревоги.

    It was the occasion for a new quarrel. — Это послужило поводом для новой ссоры.

    I've already had occasion to warn him about it. — Мне уже приходилось предупреждать его об этом

    - have occasion for complaint
    - give smb occasion to be angry

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > occasion

  • 14 aquel

    * * *
    1 that
    2 aquellos,-as those
    * * *
    = aquella, adj.
    - aquellas
    * * *
    aquel, -la I
    ADJ DEM that

    aquellos/as — those

    SM Esp * (=gracia) charm; (=atractivo) sex appeal

    tiene mucho aquelshe's got it *, she certainly has sex appeal

    =aquél PRON DEM aquél, -la that, that one

    aquellos/as — those, those ones

    estos son negros mientras aquellos son blancos — these ones are black, whereas those ones are white

    todo aquel que... — anyone who...

    In the past the standard spelling for these demonstrative pronouns was with an accent (aquél, aquélla, aquéllos and aquéllas). Nowadays the Real Academia Española advises that the accented forms are only required where there might otherwise be confusion with the adjective.
    * * *
    aquella adjetivo demostrativo (pl aquellos, aquellas) that; (pl) those
    * * *
    = that.
    Ex. It is important to know what police or fire responses are triggered by alarms and how that reaction can be aborted and the alarm silenced.
    * aquella = the one.
    * aquello que se sale de lo normal = unconventional, the.
    * aquellos = those.
    * aquellos que = those who.
    * de aquel entonces = of that day.
    * en aquel entonces = at the time, the then + Nombre, by this time, at that time, in the course of events, during the course of events, back then, in those days.
    * en aquella época = at that time, in those days.
    * en aquellas ocasiones cuando = on occasions when.
    * en aquellos casos = in those cases.
    * en aquellos casos en los que = in those cases where.
    * en aquellos tiempos = at the time, the then + Nombre, by this time, in those days.
    * en aquel momento = at the time, the then + Nombre, by this time, at that time.
    * hacer esto y aquello de un modo relajado = mess about, pootle, piddle around.
    * hacer esto y aquello sin prisas = pootle.
    * hasta aquel entonces = until that time.
    * hasta aquel momento = until that time.
    * por aquel entonces = at the time, about that time, by this time.
    * * *
    aquella adjetivo demostrativo (pl aquellos, aquellas) that; (pl) those
    * * *
    = that.

    Ex: It is important to know what police or fire responses are triggered by alarms and how that reaction can be aborted and the alarm silenced.

    * aquella = the one.
    * aquello que se sale de lo normal = unconventional, the.
    * aquellos = those.
    * aquellos que = those who.
    * de aquel entonces = of that day.
    * en aquel entonces = at the time, the then + Nombre, by this time, at that time, in the course of events, during the course of events, back then, in those days.
    * en aquella época = at that time, in those days.
    * en aquellas ocasiones cuando = on occasions when.
    * en aquellos casos = in those cases.
    * en aquellos casos en los que = in those cases where.
    * en aquellos tiempos = at the time, the then + Nombre, by this time, in those days.
    * en aquel momento = at the time, the then + Nombre, by this time, at that time.
    * hacer esto y aquello de un modo relajado = mess about, pootle, piddle around.
    * hacer esto y aquello sin prisas = pootle.
    * hasta aquel entonces = until that time.
    * hasta aquel momento = until that time.
    * por aquel entonces = at the time, about that time, by this time.

    * * *
    (pl aquellos, aquellas)
    that; (pl) those
    las chicas aquellas que te presenté those girls I introduced you to
    en aquellos tiempos in those days
    ( Esp ant)
    tiene un aquel she has a certain something
    * * *


    Multiple Entries:
    aquella adj dem (pl aquellos, aquellas) that;

    (pl) those
    aquélla pron dem (pl aquéllos, aquéllas) The written accent may be omitted when there is no risk of confusion with the adjective

    (pl) those;
    ese no, aquél or aquel not that one, the o that other one
    b) ( refiriéndose a persona): todo aquél or aquel que lo necesite (frml) anyone o (frml) any person needing it;

    el cuento de aquél or aquel que … the story about the man who …
    aquel, aquella adj dem
    1 that
    aquel individuo, that man 2 aquellos,-as, those
    aquellas señoras, those women
    aquél, aquélla pron dem m,f
    1 that one
    (mencionado antes) the former: Paco y María expusieron sus cuadros, aquél recibió críticas y ésta elogios, Paco and Mary exhibited their paintings, the former was criticized and the latter was praised 2 aquél,-ella que, anyone who, whoever 3 aquéllos,-as, those
    (los mencionados antes) the former
    ' aquél' also found in these entries:
    - antesala
    - antológica
    - antológico
    - aquel
    - aquella
    - aquélla
    - bochinche
    - botija
    - desgraciada
    - desgraciado
    - entonces
    - espina
    - exilio
    - golpe
    - imponente
    - indicada
    - indicado
    - innegablemente
    - levantarse
    - militarista
    - resolver
    - resultar
    - sazón
    - tumbo
    - ajeno
    - novedad
    - todo
    - decoy
    - former
    - intrigue
    - latter
    - less
    - lionise
    - one
    - potshot
    - remember
    - that
    - then
    - zenith
    * * *
    aquel1, -ella (pl aquellos, -ellas)
    adj demostrativo
    * * *
    aquel, aquella, aquellos, aquellas
    det singular that; plural those
    * * *
    aquel, aquella adj, mpl aquellos : that, those
    1) : that (one), those (ones)
    2) : the former
    * * *
    aquel adj that

    Spanish-English dictionary > aquel

  • 15 cum or (earlier) quom (not quum)

        cum or (earlier) quom (not quum) conj.    [1 CA-].    I. Prop., of time (cum temporale), constr. with indic. in an independent assertion; with subj. in a subordinate statement.—Fixing a point of time, when, at the time when: Lacrumo, quom in mentem venit, now that, T.: auditis, cum ea breviter dicuntur: eo cum venio: Postera cum lustrabat terras dies, V.: cum contionem habuit: cum proxime Romae fui: cum Italia vexata est: cum stellas fugarat dies, V.: quom non potest haberi, cupis, T.: tempus cum pater iacebat: eo tempore, cum necesse erat: memini noctis illius, cum pollicebar: tunc, cum adempta sunt arma, L.: etiam tum, cum verisimile erit, latratote, not until: cum peroraro, tum requiratis: cum signum dedero, tum invadite, L.: sese, cum opus esset, signum daturum, Cs.: sua bona, cum causae dicendae data facultas sit, tum se experturum, L. — Fixing or defining a period of time, when, while, during the time that, as, as long as, after: Alium esse censes nunc me, atque olim quom dabam? T.: risum vix tenebam, cum comparabas, etc.: tum, cum illum exterminari volebam, putabam, etc.: Hasdrubal, cum haec gerebantur, apud Syphaeum erat, L.—Of repeated action, when, whenever, at times when, as often as, always... when, if: omnes, quom valemus, recta consilia aegrotis damus, T.: cum permagna praemia sunt, est causa peccandi: Cum furit... Profuit aestūs avertere, V.: cum cogniti sunt, retinent caritatem: cum rosam viderat, tum incipere ver arbitrabatur, never until.—In clauses stating a fact, the point or period of time fixed by the main sentence (cum inversum), when, at the time when, and at this time, and meanwhile, and yet: longe iam abieram, quom sensi, T.: dies nondum decem intercesserant, cum filius necatur: Vix ea fatus erat, cum scindit se nubes, V.: multum diei processerat, cum etiamtum eventus in incerto erat, S.: nondum lucebat, cum scitum est: iamque hoc facere apparabant, cum matres procurrerunt, Cs.: Et iam phalanx ibat... flammas cum puppis Extulerat, V.: anni sunt octo, cum interea invenitis, etc.: cum interim milites domum obsidere coeperunt: nondum centum anni sunt, cum lata lex est.—Describing a time by natural events, when, while, as soon as: ipsi, cum iam dilucesceret, deducuntur: cum lux adpropinquaret.—In narration, describing the occasion or circumstances of an action (cum historicum), when, on the occasion that, under the circumstances that, while, after.—With imperf: Magistratus quom ibi adesset, occeptast agi, T.: Marius, cum secaretur, vetuit se adligari: Caesar cum ab hoste non amplius abesset... legati revertuntur, Cs.: heri, cum vos non adessetis: cum ad tribum Polliam ventum est, et praeco cunctaretur, ‘cita,’ inquit, etc., L.: Socrates, cum XXX tyranni essent, pedem portā non extulit, as long as: vidi, Cum tu terga dares, O.: is cum interrogaretur... respondit.—With maxime, just as, precisely when: Caesar, cum maxime furor arderet Antoni, exercitum comparavit: cum maxime agmen explicaretur, adoriuntur, L. — With perf: hic pagus, cum domo exisset, Cassium interfecerat, Cs.: cum domos vacuas fecissent, iunguntur nuptiis, L.: cum fanum expilavisset, navigabat Syracusas. — Of repeated occasions, when, whenever, on every occasion that, as often as.—With imperf: dispersos, cum longius procederent, adoriebatur, Cs.: saepe, cum aliquem videret, etc., on seeing, N.: numquam est conspectus, cum veniret. — With pluperf: Cum cohortes ex acie procucurrissent, Numidae effugiebant, Cs.: qui cum in convivium venisset: quantum obfuit multis, cum fecissent, etc.—Describing a time named in the principal sentence, when, such that, in which: Si ullum fuit tempus quom ego fuerim, etc., T.: fuit antea tempus, cum Galli superarent, Cs.: vigesimo anno, cum tot praetores in provinciā fuissent: eodem anno, cum omnia infida essent, L.: biduum supererat, cum frumentum metiri oporteret, in which, Cs.: fuit cum arbitrarer, etc.: audivi cum diceret, etc.—    II. Meton., of identical actions, when, in that, by the fact that: Qui quom hunc accusant, Naevium accusant, T.: quae cum taces, nulla esse concedis: quod cum facit, iudicat, etc.: senatum intueri videor, cum te videor, L.: loco ille motus est, cum ex urbe est depulsus: quod cum dederis, illud dederis, ut, etc.: illa scelera, cum eius domum evertisti (which you committed) in uprooting: purgatio est cum factum conceditur, culpa removetur.—In hypothesis, assuming a fact, when, if: ad cuius fidem confugiet, cum per eius fidem laeditur, etc.—Contrary to fact, when, if, if at such a time: haec neque cum ego dicerem, neque cum tu negares, magni momenti nostra esset oratio: quod esset iudicium, cum tres... adsedissent?—Explaining a feeling, etc., that, because, for: Dis habeo gratiam, Quom adfuerunt liberae, T.: gratulor tibi, cum tantum vales. — As connective, correl. with tum, while, when; cum... tum, as... so, both... and, and besides, while... especially: Quom id mihi placebat, tum omnes bona dicere, T.: cum omnes eo convenerant, tum navium quod ubique fuerat coëgerant, Cs.: qui cum multa providit, tum quod te consulem non vidit: movit patres cum causa, tum auctor, L.—In the adverb. phrase cum maxime, with ellips. of predicate, in the highest degree, most: hanc Amabat, ut quom maxime, tum Pamphilus, as much as ever, T.: ea, quae fiunt cum maxime, i. e. at this very moment: sed cum maxime tamen hoc significabat, precisely this: quae multos iam annos, et nunc cum maxime, cupit.—    III. Praegn., giving a cause or reason (cum causale), when, since, because, inasmuch as, seeing that, in that, in view of the fact that: haud invito sermo mi accessit tuos, Quom... intellego, T.: Deos quaeso ut sit superstes, Quom veritust facere, etc., T.: an pater familiarissimis suscensuit, cum Sullam laudarent? for praising: quae cum ita sint, videamus, etc.: cum longinqua instet militia, commeatum do, L.: cum tanta multitudo tela conicerent, potestas erat, etc., Cs.: cum esset egens, coepit, etc.: Caesar cum constituisset hiemare in continenti, obsides imperat, Cs.—So often nunc cum, now that, since in fact: nunc vero cum sit unus Pompeius.—Often with praesertim, especially since, more than all when: nam puerum non tollent... Praesertim quom sit, etc., T.: cum praesertim vos aliam miseritis.—With quippe, since evidently, since of course: nihil est virtute amabilius... quippe cum propter virtutem diligamus, etc. — In contrasts, when, while, whereas, while on the contrary, and yet (cum adversativum): finem faciam dicundi, quom ipse finem non facit? T.: quo tandem ore mentionem facitis... cum fateamini, etc.: cum maximis eum rebus liberares... culpam relinquebas: simulat se confiteri, cum interea aliud machinetur.—In concessions, when, although, notwithstanding (cum concessivum): nil quom est, nil defit tamen, T.: pecuniam facere cum posset, non statuit: cum aquae vim vehat ingentem (Druentia), non tamen navium patiens est, L.: patrem meum, cum proscriptus non esset, ingulastis: quam causam dixerat, cum annos ad quinquaginta natus esset?

    Latin-English dictionary > cum or (earlier) quom (not quum)

  • 16 formal

    1) (done etc according to a fixed and accepted way: a formal letter.) formel; korrekt
    2) (suitable or correct for occasions when things are done according to a fixed and accepted way: You must wear formal dress.) formel; korrekt
    3) ((of behaviour, attitude etc) not relaxed and friendly: formal behaviour.) formel; stiv
    4) ((of language) exactly correct by grammatical etc rules but not conversational: Her English was very formal.) korrekt; formelt
    5) ((of designs etc) precise and following a fixed pattern rather than occuring naturally: formal gardens.) anlagt
    - formality
    * * *
    1) (done etc according to a fixed and accepted way: a formal letter.) formel; korrekt
    2) (suitable or correct for occasions when things are done according to a fixed and accepted way: You must wear formal dress.) formel; korrekt
    3) ((of behaviour, attitude etc) not relaxed and friendly: formal behaviour.) formel; stiv
    4) ((of language) exactly correct by grammatical etc rules but not conversational: Her English was very formal.) korrekt; formelt
    5) ((of designs etc) precise and following a fixed pattern rather than occuring naturally: formal gardens.) anlagt
    - formality

    English-Danish dictionary > formal

  • 17 bichear

    VT esp Cono Sur (=mirar) to observe; (=espiar) to spy on
    * * *
    = lurk.
    Ex. On the rare occasions when I venture beyond lurking to pose the occasional query, I am often overwhelmed by the generosity of those who take the time to reply.
    * * *
    = lurk.

    Ex: On the rare occasions when I venture beyond lurking to pose the occasional query, I am often overwhelmed by the generosity of those who take the time to reply.

    Spanish-English dictionary > bichear

  • 18 cereal

    cereales (breakfast) cereal
    * * *
    1 cereal
    1 cereal
    1 (desayuno) breakfast cereal sing
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *
    ADJ cereal, grain antes de s
    2. SM
    1) (=grano) cereal, grain
    2) pl cereales [de desayuno] cereal sing, cereals
    * * *
    masculino (planta, grano) cereal; ( para desayunar) (AmL) cereal
    * * *
    = cereal, grain.
    Ex. For example, wheat is just one kind of species of the genus cereals.
    Ex. There will be occasions when it is difficult to see any helpful principle; for example, in what order should we arrange grain crops, root crops, legumes, etc. in the crops facet in Agriculture?.
    * empresa dedicada al proceso del cereal = corn processor.
    * * *
    masculino (planta, grano) cereal; ( para desayunar) (AmL) cereal
    * * *
    = cereal, grain.

    Ex: For example, wheat is just one kind of species of the genus cereals.

    Ex: There will be occasions when it is difficult to see any helpful principle; for example, in what order should we arrange grain crops, root crops, legumes, etc. in the crops facet in Agriculture?.
    * empresa dedicada al proceso del cereal = corn processor.

    * * *
    1 (planta, grano) cereal
    2 ( AmL) ( Coc) cereal
    desayunó cereal she had cereal o cereals for breakfast
    * * *

    cereal sustantivo masculino
    cereal sustantivo masculino cereal
    ' cereal' also found in these entries:
    - cascarilla
    - cereales
    - malta
    - ear
    - grain
    - corn
    - oat
    * * *
    cereal nm
    cereales [de desayuno] (breakfast) cereal
    * * *
    I adj cereal atr
    II m cereal;
    cereales pl (breakfast) cereal sg
    * * *
    cereal nm
    : cereal
    cereal adj
    * * *
    cereal n (planta, grano) cereal

    Spanish-English dictionary > cereal

  • 19 cosecha

    1 harvest (agriculture).
    ser de la (propia) cosecha de alguien (informal figurative) to be made up o invented by somebody
    2 vintage.
    3 harvest time.
    3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) present indicative of spanish verb: cosechar.
    2nd person singular (tú) Imperative of Spanish verb: cosechar.
    * * *
    1 harvest, crop
    2 (tiempo) harvest time
    3 (año del vino) vintage
    de cosecha propia (hortalizas, fruta) home-grown 2 (ideas etc) of one's own invention
    * * *
    noun f.
    crop, harvest
    * * *
    1) (=recogida) harvest; (=temporada) harvest, harvest time

    la cosecha de 1972(=vino) the 1972 vintage

    2) (=producto) crop

    de cosecha propia — home-grown, home-produced

    3) (=producción) yield
    * * *
    a) (acción, época) harvest
    b) ( producto) crop

    de mi/tu/su (propia) cosecha: estas zanahorias son de mi propia cosecha I grew these carrots myself; unos poemas de su propia cosecha — some of his own poems

    2) (de premios, éxitos)
    * * *
    = crop, harvesting, vintage, harvest.
    Ex. There will be occasions when it is difficult to see any helpful principle; for example, in what order should we arrange grain crops, root crops, legumes, etc. in the crops facet in Agriculture?.
    Ex. This collocation surely meets a general need more effectively than if everything were brought together under process, scattering materials on crops: harvesting of wheat, oats, barlye, etc., all colocated at harvesting.
    Ex. Bibliometric analyses confirmed that review articles on topics that are generating high levels of research activity tend to have relatively voluminous bibliographies made up of a disproportionate number of citations to source materials of very recent vintage.
    Ex. The article is entitled 'Bountiful harvest: aquaculture and agriculture information services for the Pacific'.
    * cosecha de fruta = fruit crop.
    * cosecha extraordinariamente buena = bumper crop.
    * de cosecha propia = home-grown [home grown/homegrown], home-produced.
    * de propia cosecha = home-grown [home grown/homegrown].
    * vino de cosecha = young wine.
    * * *
    a) (acción, época) harvest
    b) ( producto) crop

    de mi/tu/su (propia) cosecha: estas zanahorias son de mi propia cosecha I grew these carrots myself; unos poemas de su propia cosecha — some of his own poems

    2) (de premios, éxitos)
    * * *
    = crop, harvesting, vintage, harvest.

    Ex: There will be occasions when it is difficult to see any helpful principle; for example, in what order should we arrange grain crops, root crops, legumes, etc. in the crops facet in Agriculture?.

    Ex: This collocation surely meets a general need more effectively than if everything were brought together under process, scattering materials on crops: harvesting of wheat, oats, barlye, etc., all colocated at harvesting.
    Ex: Bibliometric analyses confirmed that review articles on topics that are generating high levels of research activity tend to have relatively voluminous bibliographies made up of a disproportionate number of citations to source materials of very recent vintage.
    Ex: The article is entitled 'Bountiful harvest: aquaculture and agriculture information services for the Pacific'.
    * cosecha de fruta = fruit crop.
    * cosecha extraordinariamente buena = bumper crop.
    * de cosecha propia = home-grown [home grown/homegrown], home-produced.
    * de propia cosecha = home-grown [home grown/homegrown].
    * vino de cosecha = young wine.

    * * *
    1 (acción, época) harvest
    un vino de la cosecha del 70 a 1970 vintage wine
    2 (producto) crop
    el mal tiempo echó a perder la cosecha the bad weather caused the crop to fail
    de mi/tu/su (propia) cosecha: estas zanahorias son de mi propia cosecha I grew these carrots myself, these carrots are from my garden
    unos poemas de su propia cosecha some of his own poems
    (de premios, éxitos): nuestra cosecha en las olimpíadas fue pobre our medal tally at the Olympics was poor, we did not win many medals at the Olympics
    después de su cosecha de éxitos en Europa following his many successes in Europe, following the successes he reaped in Europe ( journ)
    * * *


    Del verbo cosechar: ( conjugate cosechar)

    cosecha es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente indicativo

    2ª persona singular (tú) imperativo

    Multiple Entries:
    cosecha sustantivo femenino
    a) (acción, época) harvest;

    cosechar ( conjugate cosechar) verbo transitivo

    legumbres to pick
    b) (Esp) ( cultivar) ‹cereales/patatas to grow

    c)aplausos/premios/honores to win;

    éxitos to achieve
    verbo intransitivo
    to harvest
    cosecha sustantivo femenino
    1 Agr harvest
    2 (año de vendimia) vintage
    I verbo transitivo
    1 Agr to harvest, gather (in)
    2 (éxitos) to reap, achieve
    (críticas, aplausos) to win
    II verbo intransitivo to harvest
    ' cosecha' also found in these entries:
    - diezmar
    - falta
    - granizada
    - malograrse
    - precoz
    - recoger
    - recolectar
    - vendimiar
    - abundante
    - adelantar
    - copioso
    - echar
    - helar
    - malograr
    - pizca
    - crop
    - gather in
    - harvest
    - homegrown
    - pick
    - vintage
    - yield
    * * *
    1. [recogida, época] harvest;
    es de la cosecha del 79 it's the 1979 vintage;
    hacer la cosecha to harvest;
    ser de la (propia) cosecha de alguien to be made up o invented by sb
    2. [producto] crop;
    la cosecha de vid de este año ha sido muy buena the grape harvest has been very good this year;
    se ha perdido toda la cosecha the entire crop o harvest has been lost
    3. [de títulos, premios] tally;
    este último galardón se añade a su cosecha personal this latest award adds one more to his personal tally
    * * *
    1 harvest; fig
    tally, score
    de cosecha propia one’s own;
    no ser de su cosecha fig fam not be one’s own work
    * * *
    : harvest, crop
    * * *
    1. (acción) harvest
    2. (producto) crop

    Spanish-English dictionary > cosecha

  • 20 de sobra

    (sobrante) spare 2 (en cantidad) more than enough
    * * *
    * * *
    = spare, to spare, one too many
    Ex. If variable-length data (e.g. a title) are to be entered into a fixed-length field, there will be occasions when there is spare capacity in the field.
    Ex. Dexter Rundle had plenty of moments to spare, however, for his next appointment was not until half past eleven.
    Ex. She was beginning to suspect that perhaps Ashenden had tippled one too many.
    * * *
    = spare, to spare, one too many

    Ex: If variable-length data (e.g. a title) are to be entered into a fixed-length field, there will be occasions when there is spare capacity in the field.

    Ex: Dexter Rundle had plenty of moments to spare, however, for his next appointment was not until half past eleven.
    Ex: She was beginning to suspect that perhaps Ashenden had tippled one too many.

    Spanish-English dictionary > de sobra

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