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  • 21 materia

    1 matter (sustancia, asunto).
    en materia de on the subject of, concerning
    la legislación en materia de medio ambiente the legislation on the subject of o concerning the environment
    entrar en materia to get down to business
    materia grasa fat content
    materia gris gray matter
    materia orgánica organic matter
    2 material (material).
    materia prima raw material
    3 subject (asignatura).
    * * *
    1 (sustancia) matter
    2 (material) material, substance
    3 (asignatura) subject
    4 (asunto) subject, matter
    en materia de... on the subject of...
    entrar en materia to get to the point
    índice de materias table of contents
    materia gris grey matter
    materia prima raw material
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    1) (Fís) matter; (=material) material, substance

    materia fecalfaeces pl, feces pl (EEUU)

    materia grisgrey o (EEUU) gray matter

    2) (=tema) subject matter; (Escol) subject

    entrar en materia — to get down to business, get to the point

    materia optativa — (Escol) option, optional subject

    * * *
    1) ( sustancia) matter
    a) (tema, asunto) subject

    en materia de — as regards, with regard to

    entrar en materia: entremos en materia — let's get straight to the matter in hand o straight down to business

    b) ( material) material
    c) (esp AmL) ( asignatura) subject
    * * *
    = matter, subject, subject term, topic, subject matter, rubric, material, subject discipline.
    Ex. Ranganathan proposed five basic types of facets which may occur in many subject fields: personality, matter, energy, space, time.
    Ex. What is a subject?.
    Ex. In alphabetical indexing languages, such as are embodied in thesauri and subject headings lists, subject terms are the alphabetical names of the subjects.
    Ex. A book index is an alphabetically arranged list of words or terms leading the reader to the numbers of pages on which specific topics are considered, or on which specific names appear.
    Ex. The librarian generally looks at the book's title, subtitle, preface, contents list, etc, in order to determine the subject matter.
    Ex. And, as another instance, it's not fair to employ rubrics for ethnic groups that are not their own, preferred names.
    Ex. The material in the exhibition is organized into four thematic sections: objects used in daily life, funerary rites, religious items, and works of art.
    Ex. Respondents indicated that they needed to master several subject disciplines and a sizable vocabulary to understand the literature they use.
    * acceso a la información por la materia = subject approach to information, subject approach.
    * acceso por materias = subject access.
    * al estilo de los índices de materia = subject-type.
    * alfabético por materias = alphabetico-subject.
    * aportar materia prima para = provide + grist for + Posesivo + mill.
    * asignación de materias = subject indexing, subject assignment.
    * buscado por materia = subject-traced.
    * buscador por materias = subject gateway.
    * búsqueda por materia = subject searching, topical subject search.
    * búsqueda por materias = subject search, subject query, subject browsing.
    * catalogador de materias = subject cataloguer.
    * catálogo alfabético de materias = alphabetical subject catalogue.
    * catálogo de materias = subject catalogue.
    * catálogo sistemático de materias = classified subject catalogue.
    * clasificación por materia = subject classification.
    * clasificar por materia = subject classify.
    * conocer muy bien la materia = know + Posesivo + stuff.
    * conocimiento sobre una materia = subject knowledge.
    * consulta por materias = subject browsing.
    * control de materias = subject control.
    * cuerpo de estanterías por materia = subject bay.
    * dar materia para la reflexión = provide + food for thought.
    * derechos en materia de procreación = reproductive rights.
    * descriptor de materia = subject descriptor.
    * distribución de una materia en su índice = subject scatter.
    * encabezamiento alfabético de materias = alphabetical subject heading.
    * encabezamiento de materia = subject heading, subject description.
    * encabezamiento de materia específico = specific subject heading.
    * Encabezamientos de Materia de Medicina (MeSH) = Medical Subject Headings (MeSH).
    * en materia de = in matters of, as regards, with regard(s) to, regarding, on, concerning, in the field of.
    * entrada alfabética de materia = alphabetical subject entry.
    * entrada de materia = subject entry.
    * especialista en una materia = subject specialist.
    * experto en la materia = subject expert.
    * fichero de materias = descriptor file.
    * fichero ordenado por materias = subject file.
    * identificador de materia = subject label.
    * índice alfabético de materias = alphabetical subject index.
    * índice articulado de materias = articulated subject index.
    * índice de materias = subject index, topical index, subject guide.
    * Indice Permutado de Materias = Permuterm Subject Index.
    * índices de títulos al estilo de los índices de materia = subject-type title indexes.
    * Indización Permutada de Materias basada en Postulados (POPSI) = Postulate-based Permuted Subject Indexing (POPSI).
    * indización por materias = subject indexing.
    * información como materia prima, la = information commodity.
    * información sobre la materia = subject data.
    * LCSH (Lista de Encabezamientos de Materia de la Biblioteca del Congreso) = LCSH (Library of Congress List of Subject Headings).
    * lista alfabética de encabezamientos de materia = alphabetical list of subject headings.
    * lista de encabezamientos de materia = subject headings list.
    * Lista de Encabezamientos de Materia de la Asociación de Bibliotecas Escolar = SLA List.
    * Lista de Encabezamientos de Materias de Sears = Sears' List of Subject Headings.
    * materia asociada = collateral subject.
    * materia compuesta = complex subject, composite subject, compound subject.
    * materia coordinada = coordinate subject.
    * materia de estudio = subject of study.
    * materia específica = subordinate subject, specific subject.
    * materia favorita = pet subject.
    * materia general = superordinate subject, parent subject.
    * materia gris = grey matter [gray matter].
    * materia impresa = printed matter.
    * materia inanimada = dead matter, inanimate matter.
    * materia inorgánica = dead matter, inanimate matter.
    * materia más específica = narrower subject.
    * materia más general = broader subject.
    * materia muerta = dead matter, inanimate matter.
    * materia optativa = option.
    * materia orgánica = organic matter, organic materials.
    * materia preferida = pet subject.
    * materia prima = raw material, staple diet, grist, primary raw material, feedstock.
    * materia principal = main subject.
    * materia representada por un solo descriptor = one-concept subject.
    * materia representada por varios descriptores = multi-concept subject.
    * materia secundaria = fringe subject.
    * materias troncales = core curriculum.
    * materia troncal = core subject.
    * materia viva = living matter.
    * mercado de materias primas, el = commodity market, the.
    * nombre de materia = subject name.
    * número indicador de materia = SIN, Subject Indicator Number.
    * ordenación por materias = subject arrangement.
    * organización de materias = subject organisation.
    * porcentaje de materias servidas = subject fill rate.
    * por materias = subject-based, topically.
    * precios de las materias primas = commodity prices.
    * profano en la materia = non-scholar.
    * recuperación por materias = subject access, subject retrieval.
    * registro de encabezamiento secundario de materia = subject tracing.
    * salud en materia de procreación = reproductive health.
    * ser la materia prima de = be grist to + Posesivo + mill.
    * ser un experto en la materia = know + Posesivo + stuff.
    * subdivisión de materia = subject subdivision.
    * subencabezamiento de materia = subject heading subdivision, topical subheading.
    * terminología usada para las materias = subject terminology.
    * tratamiento alfabético de materias = alphabetical subject approach.
    * * *
    1) ( sustancia) matter
    a) (tema, asunto) subject

    en materia de — as regards, with regard to

    entrar en materia: entremos en materia — let's get straight to the matter in hand o straight down to business

    b) ( material) material
    c) (esp AmL) ( asignatura) subject
    * * *
    = matter, subject, subject term, topic, subject matter, rubric, material, subject discipline.

    Ex: Ranganathan proposed five basic types of facets which may occur in many subject fields: personality, matter, energy, space, time.

    Ex: What is a subject?.
    Ex: In alphabetical indexing languages, such as are embodied in thesauri and subject headings lists, subject terms are the alphabetical names of the subjects.
    Ex: A book index is an alphabetically arranged list of words or terms leading the reader to the numbers of pages on which specific topics are considered, or on which specific names appear.
    Ex: The librarian generally looks at the book's title, subtitle, preface, contents list, etc, in order to determine the subject matter.
    Ex: And, as another instance, it's not fair to employ rubrics for ethnic groups that are not their own, preferred names.
    Ex: The material in the exhibition is organized into four thematic sections: objects used in daily life, funerary rites, religious items, and works of art.
    Ex: Respondents indicated that they needed to master several subject disciplines and a sizable vocabulary to understand the literature they use.
    * acceso a la información por la materia = subject approach to information, subject approach.
    * acceso por materias = subject access.
    * al estilo de los índices de materia = subject-type.
    * alfabético por materias = alphabetico-subject.
    * aportar materia prima para = provide + grist for + Posesivo + mill.
    * asignación de materias = subject indexing, subject assignment.
    * buscado por materia = subject-traced.
    * buscador por materias = subject gateway.
    * búsqueda por materia = subject searching, topical subject search.
    * búsqueda por materias = subject search, subject query, subject browsing.
    * catalogador de materias = subject cataloguer.
    * catálogo alfabético de materias = alphabetical subject catalogue.
    * catálogo de materias = subject catalogue.
    * catálogo sistemático de materias = classified subject catalogue.
    * clasificación por materia = subject classification.
    * clasificar por materia = subject classify.
    * conocer muy bien la materia = know + Posesivo + stuff.
    * conocimiento sobre una materia = subject knowledge.
    * consulta por materias = subject browsing.
    * control de materias = subject control.
    * cuerpo de estanterías por materia = subject bay.
    * dar materia para la reflexión = provide + food for thought.
    * derechos en materia de procreación = reproductive rights.
    * descriptor de materia = subject descriptor.
    * distribución de una materia en su índice = subject scatter.
    * encabezamiento alfabético de materias = alphabetical subject heading.
    * encabezamiento de materia = subject heading, subject description.
    * encabezamiento de materia específico = specific subject heading.
    * Encabezamientos de Materia de Medicina (MeSH) = Medical Subject Headings (MeSH).
    * en materia de = in matters of, as regards, with regard(s) to, regarding, on, concerning, in the field of.
    * entrada alfabética de materia = alphabetical subject entry.
    * entrada de materia = subject entry.
    * especialista en una materia = subject specialist.
    * experto en la materia = subject expert.
    * fichero de materias = descriptor file.
    * fichero ordenado por materias = subject file.
    * identificador de materia = subject label.
    * índice alfabético de materias = alphabetical subject index.
    * índice articulado de materias = articulated subject index.
    * índice de materias = subject index, topical index, subject guide.
    * Indice Permutado de Materias = Permuterm Subject Index.
    * índices de títulos al estilo de los índices de materia = subject-type title indexes.
    * Indización Permutada de Materias basada en Postulados (POPSI) = Postulate-based Permuted Subject Indexing (POPSI).
    * indización por materias = subject indexing.
    * información como materia prima, la = information commodity.
    * información sobre la materia = subject data.
    * LCSH (Lista de Encabezamientos de Materia de la Biblioteca del Congreso) = LCSH (Library of Congress List of Subject Headings).
    * lista alfabética de encabezamientos de materia = alphabetical list of subject headings.
    * lista de encabezamientos de materia = subject headings list.
    * Lista de Encabezamientos de Materia de la Asociación de Bibliotecas Escolar = SLA List.
    * Lista de Encabezamientos de Materias de Sears = Sears' List of Subject Headings.
    * materia asociada = collateral subject.
    * materia compuesta = complex subject, composite subject, compound subject.
    * materia coordinada = coordinate subject.
    * materia de estudio = subject of study.
    * materia específica = subordinate subject, specific subject.
    * materia favorita = pet subject.
    * materia general = superordinate subject, parent subject.
    * materia gris = grey matter [gray matter].
    * materia impresa = printed matter.
    * materia inanimada = dead matter, inanimate matter.
    * materia inorgánica = dead matter, inanimate matter.
    * materia más específica = narrower subject.
    * materia más general = broader subject.
    * materia muerta = dead matter, inanimate matter.
    * materia optativa = option.
    * materia orgánica = organic matter, organic materials.
    * materia preferida = pet subject.
    * materia prima = raw material, staple diet, grist, primary raw material, feedstock.
    * materia principal = main subject.
    * materia representada por un solo descriptor = one-concept subject.
    * materia representada por varios descriptores = multi-concept subject.
    * materia secundaria = fringe subject.
    * materias troncales = core curriculum.
    * materia troncal = core subject.
    * materia viva = living matter.
    * mercado de materias primas, el = commodity market, the.
    * nombre de materia = subject name.
    * número indicador de materia = SIN, Subject Indicator Number.
    * ordenación por materias = subject arrangement.
    * organización de materias = subject organisation.
    * porcentaje de materias servidas = subject fill rate.
    * por materias = subject-based, topically.
    * precios de las materias primas = commodity prices.
    * profano en la materia = non-scholar.
    * recuperación por materias = subject access, subject retrieval.
    * registro de encabezamiento secundario de materia = subject tracing.
    * salud en materia de procreación = reproductive health.
    * ser la materia prima de = be grist to + Posesivo + mill.
    * ser un experto en la materia = know + Posesivo + stuff.
    * subdivisión de materia = subject subdivision.
    * subencabezamiento de materia = subject heading subdivision, topical subheading.
    * terminología usada para las materias = subject terminology.
    * tratamiento alfabético de materias = alphabetical subject approach.

    * * *
    A (sustancia) matter
    materia orgánica/viva organic/living matter
    feces* (pl), fecal* matter
    gray* matter
    dark matter
    ( Econ, Tec) raw material; ( Fin) commodity
    el mercado de materias primas the commodities market
    1 (tema, asunto) subject
    los libros están ordenados por materias the books are arranged according to subject
    en materia jurídica es un experto he's an expert on legal matters
    en materia de as regards, with regard to
    es un país muy avanzado en materia de sanidad it is a very advanced country in terms of o with regard to o as regards health care
    entrar en materia: entró inmediatamente en materia he went straight into the subject, he got straight to the point
    2 (material) material
    aquí hay materia para hacer un estudio muy completo there is enough material here to do an in-depth study
    3 ( esp AmL) (asignatura) subject
    classified information
    * * *


    materia sustantivo femenino
    1 ( sustancia) matter;
    materia gris gray( conjugate gray) matter;

    materia prima (Econ, Tec) raw material;

    (Fin) commodity
    a) (tema, asunto) subject;

    materia sustantivo femenino
    1 matter
    materia inorgánica/orgánica, inorganic/organic matter
    materia no contaminante, non-polluting material
    2 (tema) matter, stuff: domina muy bien la materia, she knows her stuff
    es un especialista en la materia, he's an expert on the subject
    3 Educ (asignatura) subject
    ' materia' also found in these entries:
    - consistente
    - curso
    - en
    - gris
    - lega
    - lego
    - prima
    - primo
    - revés
    - saber
    - sebo
    - tierra
    - autoridad
    - conocer
    - corromper
    - corrompido
    - corrupción
    - pasta
    - procesar
    - profano
    - reprobar
    - commodity
    - cut
    - deterioration
    - fluid
    - grey matter
    - ground
    - insulation
    - last
    - material
    - matter
    - of
    - out of
    - raw material
    - rock
    - rubber
    - soft
    - soil
    - strong
    - subject
    - subject matter
    - substitute
    - tarmac
    - wood
    - lay
    - raw
    - subsidiary
    - wastage
    * * *
    1. [sustancia] matter
    Anat materia gris grey matter;
    materia orgánica organic matter;
    Astron materia oscura dark matter
    2. [asunto] matter;
    materia de reflexión food for thought;
    en materia de on the subject of, concerning;
    han llegado a un acuerdo en materia de impuestos they have come to an agreement on o concerning taxation;
    la legislación en materia de medio ambiente the legislation on the subject of o concerning the environment;
    entrar en materia to get down to business
    3. [material] material
    materia prima raw material
    4. [asignatura] subject
    RP Univ materia previa = module that has to be passed in order to do a more advanced module
    * * *
    1 matter
    2 ( material) material
    3 ( tema) subject;
    entrar en materia get on to the subject;
    en materia de as regards
    * * *
    1) : matter
    materia gris: gray matter
    2) : material
    materia prima: raw material
    3) : (academic) subject
    en materia de : on the subject of, concerning
    * * *
    1. (en general) matter
    2. (asignatura, tema) subject

    Spanish-English dictionary > materia

  • 22 conocimiento

    1 knowledge.
    hablar/actuar con conocimiento de causa to know what one is talking about/doing
    poner algo en conocimiento de alguien to bring something to somebody's attention, to inform somebody of something
    tener conocimiento de algo to be aware of something
    ha llegado a mi conocimiento que estás insatisfecho it has come to my attention that you are not happy
    2 consciousness (sentido, conciencia).
    perder/recobrar el conocimiento to lose/regain consciousness
    estaba tumbado en el suelo, sin conocimiento he was lying unconscious on the floor
    3 awareness, consciousness, cognizance.
    * * *
    1 (In 1, also used in plural with the same meaning) (saber) knowledge
    2 (sensatez) good sense
    3 (conciencia) consciousness
    con conocimiento de causa with full knowledge of the facts
    perder el conocimiento to lose consciousness
    poner algo en conocimiento de alguien to make something known to somebody, inform somebody of something
    recobrar el conocimiento to regain consciousness, come round
    tener conocimiento de algo to know about something
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *
    1) (=saber) knowledge

    conocimientos(=nociones) knowledge sing

    mis pocos conocimientos de filosofía/cocina — my limited knowledge of philosophy/cookery

    2) (=información) knowledge

    dar conocimiento de algo, dimos conocimiento del robo a la policía — we informed the police about the robbery

    llegar a conocimiento de algn — to come to sb's attention o notice

    tener conocimiento de algo, aún no tenemos conocimiento de su detención — we still do not know that he has been arrested

    desea ponerlo en conocimiento público — he wants it brought to the public's attention, he wishes it to be made public

    conocimiento de causa, hacer algo con conocimiento de causa — to be fully aware of what one is doing

    3) (=consciencia) consciousness

    recobrar o recuperar el conocimiento — to regain consciousness

    4) (=sentido común) common sense
    5) (Jur) cognizance frm
    6) (Com)
    * * *
    a) ( saber) knowledge
    b) conocimientos masculino plural ( nociones) knowledge
    2) (frml) ( información)

    dar conocimiento de algo a alguiento inform o (frml) apprise somebody of something

    pongo en su conocimiento que... — (Corresp) I am writing to inform you that...

    con conocimiento de causa: obró con conocimiento de causa (frml) he took this step, fully aware of what the consequences would be; hablo con conocimiento de causa — I know what I'm talking about

    3) ( sentido) consciousness

    perder/recobrar el conocimiento — to lose/regain consciousness

    aún es pequeño, no tiene todavía conocimiento — he's not old enough to understand

    * * *
    = cognition, competency, enlightenment, expertise, familiarisation [familiarization, -USA], familiarity, insight, knowledge, learning, acquaintance, understanding, cognisance [cognizance, -USA], connoisseurship, consciousness.
    Ex. The information-processing model of cognition, and developments in artificial intelligence encourage such comparisons = El modelo de la cognición sobre el procesamiento de la información de y los avances de la inteligencia artificial fomentan este tipo de comparaciones.
    Ex. SLIS programmes intended to 'produce' librarians with competency in the use of IT have to be designed.
    Ex. Considered as necessary work in the interest of humanity and general enlightenment, bibliography gains ground as the years pass.
    Ex. Its primary function is to provide a centre for software and hardware expertise for its members.
    Ex. Step 1 Familiarisation: This first step involves the indexer in becoming conversant with the subject content of the document to be indexed.
    Ex. The most effective searchers are those who have both system experience and some familiarity with the subject area in which they are searching.
    Ex. The human indexer works mechanically and rapidly; he should require no insight into the document content.
    Ex. These factors form the basis of the problems in identifying a satisfactory subject approach, and start to explain the vast array of different tolls used in the subject approach to knowledge.
    Ex. It is the responsibility of educators to stretch their student's intellects, hone their skills of intuitive judgment and synthesis, and build a love of learning that will sustain them beyond the level of formal education.
    Ex. It is only with accumulating experience and many years of close study and acquaintance with bibliographic works that a really substantial body of knowledge of the potential of bibliographic sources is acquired.
    Ex. We librarians ought to have a clearer understanding of our stock-in-trade (books) and their function of social mechanism.
    Ex. The passive cognisance of growth causes considerable difficulties = El conocimiento pasivo del crecimiento causa dificultades importantes.
    Ex. This book explores the underlying institutional factors that help museum-based connoisseurship and aestheticism and university-based critical theory and revisionist scholarship exist.
    Ex. For example, the latter are unlikely to engage themselves in conservation issues as these now press upon the professional consciousness of librarians.
    * actualizar los conocimientos = upgrade + Posesivo + skills.
    * adquirir conocimiento = gain + knowledge, glean + knowledge, acquire + knowledge, build up + knowledge.
    * ampliar el conocimiento = expand + Posesivo + knowledge, expand + Posesivo + knowledge, widen + knowledge, broaden + knowledge, deepen + understanding.
    * ampliar las fronteras del conocimiento = push back + the frontiers of knowledge.
    * análisis de áreas del conocimiento = domain analysis.
    * análisis de dominios del conocimiento = domain analysis.
    * aprendizaje rico en conocimiento = knowledge-rich learning.
    * área de conocimiento = area of study.
    * área del conocimiento = area of knowledge, discipline, subject field, field of activity, knowledge domain, discipline of knowledge.
    * aumentar el conocimiento = expand + Posesivo + knowledge, deepen + awareness.
    * aumento del conocimiento = knowledge building.
    * bannco de conocimiento = knowledge bank.
    * basado en el conocimiento = knowledge-based.
    * basado en las disciplinas del conocimiento = discipline-based.
    * bibliotecario con conocimientos de medicina = informationist.
    * búsqueda del conocimiento = quest for/of knowledge.
    * campo del conocimiento = field of knowledge.
    * centrado en el conocimiento = knowledge-centric.
    * ciencia del conocimiento = cognitive science.
    * compartir el conocimiento = knowledge sharing, pool + knowledge.
    * con conocimiento = authoritatively.
    * con conocimiento básico en el manejo de la información = information literate [information-literate].
    * con conocimiento básico en el uso de la biblioteca = library literate [library-literate].
    * con conocimiento de = appreciative of, conversant with.
    * con conocimiento de causa = knowingly, knowingly.
    * con conocimiento de informática = computer literate [computer-literate].
    * con conocimiento en el uso de Internet = Internet-savvy.
    * con conocimientos en = versed in.
    * con conocimientos sobre el correo electrónico = e-mail literate.
    * con el conocimiento de que = on the understanding that.
    * conjunto de conocimientos = body of knowledge.
    * conocimiento académico = academic knowledge.
    * conocimiento acumulado sobre un tema = lore.
    * conocimiento básico = working familiarity, working knowledge.
    * conocimiento científico = scientific knowledge.
    * conocimiento compartido = knowledge sharing.
    * conocimiento de base = foundation study.
    * conocimiento de cómo sobrevivir en el bosque = woodcraft.
    * conocimiento de embarque = bill of lading.
    * conocimiento de la existencia = awareness.
    * conocimiento de lengua = language skill.
    * conocimiento del objeto = object knowledge.
    * conocimiento de los diferentes soportes = media competency.
    * conocimiento detallado = intimate knowledge.
    * conocimiento de un área temática = area knowledge.
    * conocimiento documentado = recorded knowledge.
    * conocimiento enciclopédico = factual knowledge.
    * conocimiento en tecnología = technological skill.
    * conocimiento específico = expert knowledge.
    * conocimiento experto = expert knowledge, expertise.
    * conocimiento explícito = explicit knowledge.
    * conocimiento factual = declarative knowledge.
    * conocimiento humano = human consciousness.
    * conocimiento humano, el = human record, the.
    * conocimiento indígena = indigenous knowledge.
    * conocimiento lingüístico = language skill.
    * conocimiento mutuo = mutual knowledge.
    * conocimiento pasivo = nodding acquaintance.
    * conocimiento pleno = awareness.
    * conocimiento práctico = working knowledge, procedural knowledge.
    * conocimiento previo = foreknowledge.
    * conocimientos = knowledge base [knowledge-base].
    * conocimientos básicos = literacy.
    * conocimientos básicos de búsqueda, recuperación y organización de informació = information literacy.
    * conocimientos básicos de documentación = information literacy.
    * conocimientos básicos de informática = computer literacy.
    * conocimientos básicos en tecnología = technical literacy.
    * conocimientos básicos sobre el uso de las bibliotecas = library skills.
    * conocimientos de tecnología = techno-savvy, tech-savvy.
    * conocimientos en el manejo de la información = info-savvy.
    * conocimiento sobre una materia = subject knowledge.
    * conocimientos requeridos = job specs.
    * conocimiento tácito = tacit knowledge, tacit knowledge, tacit knowledge.
    * conocimiento técnico = know-how, technical knowledge.
    * conocimiento teórico = declarative knowledge.
    * con poco conocimiento de las nuevas tecnologías = technologically challenged.
    * corpus de conocimiento = corpus of knowledge.
    * crear un fondo común de conocimientos = pool + knowledge.
    * cúmulo de conocimiento = repository of knowledge, knowledge repository.
    * decisión con conocimiento de causa = informed decision.
    * difundir el conocimiento = spread + knowledge.
    * director ejecutivo de la gestión del conocimiento = knowledge executive.
    * dominio del conocimiento = knowledge domain.
    * economía basada en el conocimiento = knowledge driven economy.
    * economía del conocimiento = knowledge economy.
    * Era del Conocimiento, la = Knowledge Age, the.
    * estructuración del conocimiento = knowledge structuring.
    * examinar los conocimientos = test + knowledge.
    * falta de conocimiento = unfamiliarity.
    * filtro del conocimiento = knowledge filter.
    * fomentar el conocimiento = advance + knowledge.
    * fondo común de conocimientos = pool of knowledge, pool of expertise.
    * frontera del conocimiento = frontier of knowledge.
    * fundamentos del conocimiento, los = foundations of knowledge, the.
    * gestión del conocimiento = knowledge management (KM).
    * gestor del conocimiento = knowledge worker, knowledge manager.
    * hacer avanzar el conocimiento = push back + the frontiers of knowledge.
    * hacer gala del conocimiento que uno tiene = air + knowledge.
    * hacer perder el conocimiento = knock + Nombre + out, knock + Nombre + unconscious.
    * hacer uso de un conocimiento = draw on/upon + knowledge.
    * impartir conocimiento = impart + knowledge.
    * inculcar conocimiento = instil + knowledge.
    * ingeniería del conocimiento = knowledge engineering.
    * ingeniero del conocimiento = knowledge engineer.
    * institucion del conocimiento = institution of learning.
    * intercambio de conocimientos = learning exchange, cross-fertilisation [cross-fertilization, -USA], cross-fertilisation of knowledge.
    * jefe de los servicios de gestión del conocimiento = chief knowledge officer (CKO).
    * metaconocimiento = meta-knowledge.
    * navegación por el conocimiento = knowledge navigation.
    * navegador del conocimiento = knowledge navigator.
    * obtener conocimiento = gain + an understanding.
    * ofrecer conocimiento = package + knowledge.
    * perder el conocimiento = lose + Posesivo + senses, pass out, lose + Posesivo + consciousness.
    * pérdida del conocimiento = unconsciousness, fainting, fainting fit, loss of consciousness.
    * personas sin conocimientos técnicos, las = non-technical, the.
    * presentar conocimiento = package + knowledge.
    * producto del conocimiento = knowledge record.
    * profundizar en el conocimiento = deepen + knowledge.
    * propagar el conocimiento = propagate + knowledge.
    * proporcionar conocimientos técnicos = supply + know-how.
    * quedarse sin conocimiento = lose + Posesivo + consciousness, pass out.
    * rama del conocimiento = branch of learning.
    * recobrar el conocimiento = regain + Posesivo + consciousness.
    * recuperar el conocimiento = regain + Posesivo + consciousness.
    * red de conocimiento = knowledge network.
    * servidor del conocimiento = knowledge server.
    * sin conocimiento = unconscious.
    * sin conocimiento de causa = unbeknown to, unbeknownst to.
    * sintetizar el conocimiento = synthesise + knowledge.
    * sistema basado en el conocimiento = knowledge-base system.
    * sistema de gestión del conocimiento = knowledge management system (KMS).
    * sociedad basada en el conocimiento = knowledge based society.
    * sociedad del conocimiento = knowledge society.
    * Sociedad para el Conocimiento Global = Global Knowledge Partnership.
    * suministrar conocimientos técnicos = supply + know-how.
    * tener conocimiento de = be privy to, be aware of.
    * toma de decisiones con conocimiento de causa = informed decision making.
    * tomar decisiones con conocimiento de causa = make + informed decisions.
    * transferencia de conocimiento = transfer of knowledge, knowledge transfer.
    * utilizar los conocimientos de Uno = put + Posesivo + knowledge to work.
    * * *
    a) ( saber) knowledge
    b) conocimientos masculino plural ( nociones) knowledge
    2) (frml) ( información)

    dar conocimiento de algo a alguiento inform o (frml) apprise somebody of something

    pongo en su conocimiento que... — (Corresp) I am writing to inform you that...

    con conocimiento de causa: obró con conocimiento de causa (frml) he took this step, fully aware of what the consequences would be; hablo con conocimiento de causa — I know what I'm talking about

    3) ( sentido) consciousness

    perder/recobrar el conocimiento — to lose/regain consciousness

    aún es pequeño, no tiene todavía conocimiento — he's not old enough to understand

    * * *
    = cognition, competency, enlightenment, expertise, familiarisation [familiarization, -USA], familiarity, insight, knowledge, learning, acquaintance, understanding, cognisance [cognizance, -USA], connoisseurship, consciousness.

    Ex: The information-processing model of cognition, and developments in artificial intelligence encourage such comparisons = El modelo de la cognición sobre el procesamiento de la información de y los avances de la inteligencia artificial fomentan este tipo de comparaciones.

    Ex: SLIS programmes intended to 'produce' librarians with competency in the use of IT have to be designed.
    Ex: Considered as necessary work in the interest of humanity and general enlightenment, bibliography gains ground as the years pass.
    Ex: Its primary function is to provide a centre for software and hardware expertise for its members.
    Ex: Step 1 Familiarisation: This first step involves the indexer in becoming conversant with the subject content of the document to be indexed.
    Ex: The most effective searchers are those who have both system experience and some familiarity with the subject area in which they are searching.
    Ex: The human indexer works mechanically and rapidly; he should require no insight into the document content.
    Ex: These factors form the basis of the problems in identifying a satisfactory subject approach, and start to explain the vast array of different tolls used in the subject approach to knowledge.
    Ex: It is the responsibility of educators to stretch their student's intellects, hone their skills of intuitive judgment and synthesis, and build a love of learning that will sustain them beyond the level of formal education.
    Ex: It is only with accumulating experience and many years of close study and acquaintance with bibliographic works that a really substantial body of knowledge of the potential of bibliographic sources is acquired.
    Ex: We librarians ought to have a clearer understanding of our stock-in-trade (books) and their function of social mechanism.
    Ex: The passive cognisance of growth causes considerable difficulties = El conocimiento pasivo del crecimiento causa dificultades importantes.
    Ex: This book explores the underlying institutional factors that help museum-based connoisseurship and aestheticism and university-based critical theory and revisionist scholarship exist.
    Ex: For example, the latter are unlikely to engage themselves in conservation issues as these now press upon the professional consciousness of librarians.
    * actualizar los conocimientos = upgrade + Posesivo + skills.
    * adquirir conocimiento = gain + knowledge, glean + knowledge, acquire + knowledge, build up + knowledge.
    * ampliar el conocimiento = expand + Posesivo + knowledge, expand + Posesivo + knowledge, widen + knowledge, broaden + knowledge, deepen + understanding.
    * ampliar las fronteras del conocimiento = push back + the frontiers of knowledge.
    * análisis de áreas del conocimiento = domain analysis.
    * análisis de dominios del conocimiento = domain analysis.
    * aprendizaje rico en conocimiento = knowledge-rich learning.
    * área de conocimiento = area of study.
    * área del conocimiento = area of knowledge, discipline, subject field, field of activity, knowledge domain, discipline of knowledge.
    * aumentar el conocimiento = expand + Posesivo + knowledge, deepen + awareness.
    * aumento del conocimiento = knowledge building.
    * bannco de conocimiento = knowledge bank.
    * basado en el conocimiento = knowledge-based.
    * basado en las disciplinas del conocimiento = discipline-based.
    * bibliotecario con conocimientos de medicina = informationist.
    * búsqueda del conocimiento = quest for/of knowledge.
    * campo del conocimiento = field of knowledge.
    * centrado en el conocimiento = knowledge-centric.
    * ciencia del conocimiento = cognitive science.
    * compartir el conocimiento = knowledge sharing, pool + knowledge.
    * con conocimiento = authoritatively.
    * con conocimiento básico en el manejo de la información = information literate [information-literate].
    * con conocimiento básico en el uso de la biblioteca = library literate [library-literate].
    * con conocimiento de = appreciative of, conversant with.
    * con conocimiento de causa = knowingly, knowingly.
    * con conocimiento de informática = computer literate [computer-literate].
    * con conocimiento en el uso de Internet = Internet-savvy.
    * con conocimientos en = versed in.
    * con conocimientos sobre el correo electrónico = e-mail literate.
    * con el conocimiento de que = on the understanding that.
    * conjunto de conocimientos = body of knowledge.
    * conocimiento académico = academic knowledge.
    * conocimiento acumulado sobre un tema = lore.
    * conocimiento básico = working familiarity, working knowledge.
    * conocimiento científico = scientific knowledge.
    * conocimiento compartido = knowledge sharing.
    * conocimiento de base = foundation study.
    * conocimiento de cómo sobrevivir en el bosque = woodcraft.
    * conocimiento de embarque = bill of lading.
    * conocimiento de la existencia = awareness.
    * conocimiento de lengua = language skill.
    * conocimiento del objeto = object knowledge.
    * conocimiento de los diferentes soportes = media competency.
    * conocimiento detallado = intimate knowledge.
    * conocimiento de un área temática = area knowledge.
    * conocimiento documentado = recorded knowledge.
    * conocimiento enciclopédico = factual knowledge.
    * conocimiento en tecnología = technological skill.
    * conocimiento específico = expert knowledge.
    * conocimiento experto = expert knowledge, expertise.
    * conocimiento explícito = explicit knowledge.
    * conocimiento factual = declarative knowledge.
    * conocimiento humano = human consciousness.
    * conocimiento humano, el = human record, the.
    * conocimiento indígena = indigenous knowledge.
    * conocimiento lingüístico = language skill.
    * conocimiento mutuo = mutual knowledge.
    * conocimiento pasivo = nodding acquaintance.
    * conocimiento pleno = awareness.
    * conocimiento práctico = working knowledge, procedural knowledge.
    * conocimiento previo = foreknowledge.
    * conocimientos = knowledge base [knowledge-base].
    * conocimientos básicos = literacy.
    * conocimientos básicos de búsqueda, recuperación y organización de informació = information literacy.
    * conocimientos básicos de documentación = information literacy.
    * conocimientos básicos de informática = computer literacy.
    * conocimientos básicos en tecnología = technical literacy.
    * conocimientos básicos sobre el uso de las bibliotecas = library skills.
    * conocimientos de tecnología = techno-savvy, tech-savvy.
    * conocimientos en el manejo de la información = info-savvy.
    * conocimiento sobre una materia = subject knowledge.
    * conocimientos requeridos = job specs.
    * conocimiento tácito = tacit knowledge, tacit knowledge, tacit knowledge.
    * conocimiento técnico = know-how, technical knowledge.
    * conocimiento teórico = declarative knowledge.
    * con poco conocimiento de las nuevas tecnologías = technologically challenged.
    * corpus de conocimiento = corpus of knowledge.
    * crear un fondo común de conocimientos = pool + knowledge.
    * cúmulo de conocimiento = repository of knowledge, knowledge repository.
    * decisión con conocimiento de causa = informed decision.
    * difundir el conocimiento = spread + knowledge.
    * director ejecutivo de la gestión del conocimiento = knowledge executive.
    * dominio del conocimiento = knowledge domain.
    * economía basada en el conocimiento = knowledge driven economy.
    * economía del conocimiento = knowledge economy.
    * Era del Conocimiento, la = Knowledge Age, the.
    * estructuración del conocimiento = knowledge structuring.
    * examinar los conocimientos = test + knowledge.
    * falta de conocimiento = unfamiliarity.
    * filtro del conocimiento = knowledge filter.
    * fomentar el conocimiento = advance + knowledge.
    * fondo común de conocimientos = pool of knowledge, pool of expertise.
    * frontera del conocimiento = frontier of knowledge.
    * fundamentos del conocimiento, los = foundations of knowledge, the.
    * gestión del conocimiento = knowledge management (KM).
    * gestor del conocimiento = knowledge worker, knowledge manager.
    * hacer avanzar el conocimiento = push back + the frontiers of knowledge.
    * hacer gala del conocimiento que uno tiene = air + knowledge.
    * hacer perder el conocimiento = knock + Nombre + out, knock + Nombre + unconscious.
    * hacer uso de un conocimiento = draw on/upon + knowledge.
    * impartir conocimiento = impart + knowledge.
    * inculcar conocimiento = instil + knowledge.
    * ingeniería del conocimiento = knowledge engineering.
    * ingeniero del conocimiento = knowledge engineer.
    * institucion del conocimiento = institution of learning.
    * intercambio de conocimientos = learning exchange, cross-fertilisation [cross-fertilization, -USA], cross-fertilisation of knowledge.
    * jefe de los servicios de gestión del conocimiento = chief knowledge officer (CKO).
    * metaconocimiento = meta-knowledge.
    * navegación por el conocimiento = knowledge navigation.
    * navegador del conocimiento = knowledge navigator.
    * obtener conocimiento = gain + an understanding.
    * ofrecer conocimiento = package + knowledge.
    * perder el conocimiento = lose + Posesivo + senses, pass out, lose + Posesivo + consciousness.
    * pérdida del conocimiento = unconsciousness, fainting, fainting fit, loss of consciousness.
    * personas sin conocimientos técnicos, las = non-technical, the.
    * presentar conocimiento = package + knowledge.
    * producto del conocimiento = knowledge record.
    * profundizar en el conocimiento = deepen + knowledge.
    * propagar el conocimiento = propagate + knowledge.
    * proporcionar conocimientos técnicos = supply + know-how.
    * quedarse sin conocimiento = lose + Posesivo + consciousness, pass out.
    * rama del conocimiento = branch of learning.
    * recobrar el conocimiento = regain + Posesivo + consciousness.
    * recuperar el conocimiento = regain + Posesivo + consciousness.
    * red de conocimiento = knowledge network.
    * servidor del conocimiento = knowledge server.
    * sin conocimiento = unconscious.
    * sin conocimiento de causa = unbeknown to, unbeknownst to.
    * sintetizar el conocimiento = synthesise + knowledge.
    * sistema basado en el conocimiento = knowledge-base system.
    * sistema de gestión del conocimiento = knowledge management system (KMS).
    * sociedad basada en el conocimiento = knowledge based society.
    * sociedad del conocimiento = knowledge society.
    * Sociedad para el Conocimiento Global = Global Knowledge Partnership.
    * suministrar conocimientos técnicos = supply + know-how.
    * tener conocimiento de = be privy to, be aware of.
    * toma de decisiones con conocimiento de causa = informed decision making.
    * tomar decisiones con conocimiento de causa = make + informed decisions.
    * transferencia de conocimiento = transfer of knowledge, knowledge transfer.
    * utilizar los conocimientos de Uno = put + Posesivo + knowledge to work.

    * * *
    1 (saber) knowledge
    tiene algunos conocimientos de inglés he has some knowledge of English, he knows some English
    B ( frml)
    (información): dio conocimiento del suceso a las autoridades he informed o ( frml) apprised the authorities of the incident
    puso el hecho en conocimiento de la policía she informed the police of the incident, she reported the incident to the police
    pongo en su conocimiento que … ( Corresp) I am writing to inform you that …
    al tener conocimiento del suceso upon learning of the incident ( frml)
    a esas horas no se tenía todavía conocimiento de la noticia at that time we/they still had not heard the news
    ciertas personas tienen conocimiento de sus actividades certain people are aware of her activities
    llegar a conocimiento de algn to come to sb's attention o notice ( frml)
    con conocimiento de causa: obró con conocimiento de causa ( frml); he took this step, fully aware of what the consequences would be
    te lo digo con conocimiento de causa I know what I'm talking about
    bill of lading, waybill
    C (sentido) consciousness
    perder el conocimiento to lose consciousness
    cuando recobró el conocimiento when he regained consciousness, when he came to o round
    estar sin conocimiento to be unconscious
    (entendimiento): aún es pequeño, no tiene todavía conocimiento he's not old enough to understand
    * * *


    conocimiento sustantivo masculino

    poner algo en conocimiento de algn to inform sb of sth;
    tener conocimiento de algo to be aware of sth

    perder/recobrar el conocimiento to lose/regain consciousness;

    estar sin conocimiento to be unconscious
    conocimiento sustantivo masculino
    1 knowledge
    2 (conciencia) consciousness
    3 conocimientos, knowledge
    ♦ Locuciones: perder/recobrar el conocimiento, to lose/regain consciousness
    con conocimiento de causa, with full knowledge of the facts
    ' conocimiento' also found in these entries:
    - ciencia
    - conciencia
    - desfallecer
    - desvanecerse
    - dominio
    - error
    - orientación
    - parcela
    - revelar
    - sentida
    - sentido
    - experiencia
    - perder
    - pérdida
    - reanimar
    - recobrar
    - saber
    - air
    - black out
    - blackout
    - cognizance
    - come to
    - comprehensive
    - consciousness
    - familiarity
    - grounding
    - improve
    - knock out
    - knowledge
    - notice
    - privy
    - recover
    - self-awareness
    - sketchy
    - superficial
    - thorough
    - unconsciousness
    - black
    - knock
    - know
    - pass
    * * *
    1. [saber] knowledge;
    hablar/actuar con conocimiento de causa to know what one is talking about/doing;
    puso el robo en conocimiento de la policía she informed the police of the burglary;
    ponemos en su conocimiento que se ha detectado un error en el programa this is to inform you that an error has been detected in the program;
    no teníamos conocimiento de su dimisión we were not aware that he had resigned;
    al tener conocimiento del accidente, acudió inmediatamente al hospital when she found out about the accident she immediately went to the hospital;
    ha llegado a mi conocimiento que estás insatisfecho it has come to my attention that you are not happy
    conocimientos [nociones] knowledge;
    tengo algunos conocimientos de informática I have some knowledge of computers, I know a bit about computers;
    nuestros conocimientos acerca de la enfermedad son muy limitados our knowledge of the disease is very limited, we know very little about the disease
    3. [sentido, conciencia] consciousness;
    perder el conocimiento to lose consciousness;
    recobrar el conocimiento to regain consciousness;
    estaba tumbado en el suelo, sin conocimiento he was lying unconscious on the floor
    4. [juicio] (common) sense;
    5. Com conocimiento de embarque bill of lading
    * * *
    1 knowledge;
    con conocimiento de causa hacer algo fully aware of the consequences;
    para su conocimiento for your information;
    conocimientos pl ( nociones) knowledge sg
    2 MED consciousness;
    perder el conocimiento lose consciousness;
    sin conocimiento unconscious;
    recobrar el conocimiento regain consciousness
    * * *
    1) : knowledge
    2) sentido: consciousness
    * * *
    1. (en general) knowledge
    2. (sentido) consciousness

    Spanish-English dictionary > conocimiento

  • 23 no

    1 not.
    no sé I don't know
    no es fácil it's not easy, it isn't easy
    no tiene dinero he has no money, he hasn't got any money
    no veo nada I can't see anything
    todavía no not yet
    ¿has oído las noticias? — no have you heard the news? — no o no, I haven't
    ¿aprobó? — no did she pass? — no o no, she didn't
    ¿comen juntos? -- no siempre do they go for lunch together? -- not always
    no fumadores non-smokers
    2 no, not.
    no, nah, no way, nay.
    * * *
    1 ( nordoeste) northwest; (símbolo) NW
    * * *
    1) no, not
    2) non
    * * *
    = noroeste NW
    * * *
    (= noroeste) NW
    * * *
    = by no means, NOT, nay, no, not.
    Nota: Negación usada con verbos; para los nombres, véase no.
    Ex. However, UDC is by no means always applied to this degree of detail in libraries.
    Ex. The Boolean logic operator NOT excludes records containing a particular word.
    Ex. Said another timidly, nay, sheepishly: 'You can see we need help, can't you Mr. Bibeau?'.
    Ex. In either case, the patient keys in the responses, which may be as simple as 'yes' or 'no'.
    Ex. The Boolean logic operator not excludes records containing a particular word.
    * alfabeto no romano = non-Roman alphabet.
    * aún no nacido = unborn.
    * aunque no lo creas = believe it or not.
    * base de datos no bibliográfica = non-bibliographic database.
    * catalogación no automatizada = non-computerised cataloguing.
    * con datos no pertinentes = dirty [dirtier -comp., dirtiest -sup.].
    * ¿de dónde si no...? = where else...?.
    * ¡Dios no lo quiera! = God forbid.
    * documento recuperado no pertinente = false drop.
    * el no va más = the be all and end all, the bee's knees.
    * el último pero no el menos importante = the last but by no means least.
    * encabezamiento no admitido = non-approved heading.
    * encabezamiento no específico = non-specific heading.
    * esto no quiere decir que = this is not to say that.
    * evaluación no intrusiva = unobtrusive evaluation.
    * información no codificada = non-coded information.
    * lo creas o no = believe it or not.
    * material no devuelto = non-return.
    * material no impreso = non-print [nonprint], non-print media.
    * modo no interactivo = non-interactive mode.
    * ¿no? = do you?, do you?.
    * no {predisponer} en contra = stay on + the right side of.
    * no abandonar = stick with, stand by.
    * no abrasivo = non-abrasive.
    * no aburrir a Alguien con todos los detalles = spare + Nombe + all the details.
    * no académico = non-academic.
    * no acentuado = unaccented.
    * no aceptar = disavow.
    * no aceptarse = go by + the board.
    * no aceptar un no por respuesta = not take + no for an answer.
    * no acercarse a = steer + clear of, stay away from, give + Nombre + a wide berth, steer away from.
    * no acercarse a Algo ni muerto = would not touch + Nombre + with a barge pole.
    * no ácido = acid-free.
    * no acostumbrado a = unfamiliar with.
    * no actual = non-current.
    * no actuando en capacidad de autor = non-authorial.
    * no actuar como se debe = be remiss.
    * no actuar correctamente = be remiss.
    * no actuar debidamente = be remiss.
    * no acudir = stay away.
    * no acuoso = non-aqueous.
    * no admitir discusión = be out of the question.
    * no adosado = detached.
    * no afectado = unaffected.
    * no afectar = be immune against, leave + unaffected.
    * no afiliado = unaffiliated.
    * no afín = nonrelative [non-relative].
    * no agobiarse = take + Posesivo + time.
    * no agravante = non-exacerbating.
    * no agrupado = unclustered.
    * no aguantar más = have had enough.
    * no aguantar ver Algo o Alguien = can't stand + sight.
    * no alcanzar a + Infinitivo (con mucho) = fall (far) short of + Gerundio.
    * no alergénico = non-allergenic.
    * no alfabetizado = non-literate.
    * no amante de la literatura = non-literary.
    * no americano = non-US, un-American.
    * no amortizable = irredeemable.
    * no analizado = unexamined.
    * no anclado = unanchored.
    * no andar con reparos = make + no bones about + Algo.
    * no andar con tapujos = make + no bones about + Algo.
    * no andar en nada bueno = be up to no good, get up to + no good.
    * no andar muy equivocado = be in the right realm.
    * no andarse con rodeos = call + a spade a spade.
    * no antes de = no sooner than.
    * no añorar el pasado = never + look back.
    * no aparecer = be not included.
    * no apartarse del buen camino = keep on + the right track.
    * no aprovechar Algo lo suficiente = under-exploit [underexploit].
    * no aprovechar el potencial = fall (far) short of + potential, fall (far) behind + potential.
    * no apto para menores = X-rated.
    * no arrepentirse = not look back, never + look back.
    * no arriesgarse = play it + safe.
    * no asignado = unallocated, unassigned.
    * no asistencia = non-attendance.
    * no asistente = non-attender [nonattender].
    * no asistir = stay away.
    * no atendido = unsatisfied.
    * no atreverse a = flinch at/from, have + no stomach for.
    * no atreverse a tratar = fear to + tread.
    * no auténtico = unauthentic.
    * no autorizado = unauthorised [unauthorized, -USA], unapproved.
    * no avanzar = tread + water.
    * no avanzar más = go + no further.
    * no bajarse del burro = stick to + Posesivo + guns.
    * no bastar = not be good enough.
    * no bibliográfico = non-book [nonbook], non-bibliographic, non-bibliographical.
    * no bibliotecario = non-librarian.
    * no británico = non-UK.
    * no buscarle las pulgas al perro = let + sleeping dogs lie.
    * no cabe ni un alfiler = no room to swing a cat.
    * no caber en sí de alegría = thrill + Nombre + to bits, be chuffed to bits, be tickled pink.
    * no cambiar = keep + it up, keep up + the good work, keep up + the great work, stand + pat.
    * no canjeable = irredeemable.
    * no cantante = nonsinger.
    * no cantes victoria antes de tiempo = don't count your chickens before they are hatched.
    * no captar la idea = miss + the point.
    * no ceder = stand + Posesivo + ground, put + Posesivo + foot down.
    * no ceder a las presiones = withstand + pressure.
    * no ceder terreno = stand + Posesivo + ground.
    * no centrado = unfocused [unfocussed].
    * no científico = unscientific.
    * no cobrado = uncollected.
    * no codificado = non-coded.
    * no coercitivo = non-coercive.
    * no coger Algo = go (way) over + Posesivo + head.
    * no coger por sorpresa = come as + no surprise.
    * no coincidente = ill matched.
    * no colar = Negativo + hold + water.
    * no comentado = unannotated.
    * no comercial = non-profit making, non-commercial [noncommercial].
    * no compatible = non-compatible.
    * no compensatorio = non-compensatory [noncompensatory].
    * no comprender = be beyond + Pronombre.
    * no comprobado = untested.
    * no comprometido = uncommitted.
    * no concebirse desde ningún punto de vista = be impossible under any hypothesis.
    * no concentrado = unfocused [unfocussed].
    * no concentrar el esfuerzo = spread + Nombre + thinly.
    * no concordar con = be at odds with.
    * no conducir a nada = be exercises in + futility.
    * no conductual = nonbehavioural [nonbehavioral, -USA].
    * no confirmado = unsubstantiated.
    * no conformarse con un no = not take + no for an answer.
    * no conmovedor = unmoving.
    * no conocer a Alguien de nada = not know + Pronombre + from Adam.
    * no conocer a Alguien para nada = not know + Pronombre + from Adam.
    * no conseguir nada = achieve + nothing.
    * no conseguir ni una cosa ni otra = fall (between/through) + the cracks.
    * no considerarse parte de = hold + Reflexivo + apart from.
    * no consumible = nonconsumptive.
    * no consumidor = nonconsumptive.
    * no contagioso = non-contagious.
    * no contaminado = untainted, uncontaminated.
    * no contar = be out of the picture.
    * no contar con = leave + Nombre + out of the picture, drop + Nombre + out of the picture.
    * no contar con la aprobación = frown on/upon.
    * no contencioso = non-contentious.
    * no convencional = non-conventional.
    * no convexo = nonconvex [non-convex].
    * no corregido = uncorrected.
    * no correlativo = non-consecutive.
    * no correr prisa = there + be + no hurry.
    * no corroborado = unsubstantiated.
    * no creerse Algo al pie de la letra = take + Nombre + with a pinch of salt.
    * no creerse Algo del todo = take + Nombre + with a pinch of salt.
    * no crítico = non-critical.
    * no cualificado = unskilled.
    * no cuestionarse la veracidad de Algo temporalmente = suspend + disbelief.
    * no cumplido = unfulfilled, unrealised [unrealized, -USA].
    * no cumplir = fall + short of, welsh on.
    * no cumplir con el plazo de publicación = miss + publication deadline.
    * no cumplir con + Posesivo + deber = be remiss.
    * no cumplir las expectativas = fall + short of expectations.
    * no cumplir lo esperado = fall + short of expectations.
    * no cumplir lo prometido = fall + short of + Posesivo + promise.
    * no cumplir una norma = fall (far) short of + norm.
    * no cumplir un objetivo = fall + short of goal.
    * no cumplir unos criterios = fall (far) short of + criteria.
    * no cumplir unos requisitos = fall + short of requirements.
    * no cursar una asignatura = skip + grades.
    * no dar crédito a = disbelief.
    * no dar crédito a + Posesivo + oídos = not believe + Posesivo + ears.
    * no dar crédito a + Posesivo + ojos = not believe + Posesivo + eyes.
    * no dar fruto = come to + nothing.
    * no darle demasiada importancia a Algo = think + little of.
    * no darle demasiada importancia a + Infinitivo = think + nothing of + Gerundio.
    * no darle importancia a = think + very little about/of.
    * no dar más de sí = stretch + Nombre + to the limit, overstretch.
    * no dar ningún resultado = give + zero results, be of no avail, be to no avail.
    * no darse cuenta de = sneak under + the radar, go + unnoticed.
    * no darse de cuenta de = be blind to.
    * no darse por vencido fácilmente = not take + no for an answer.
    * no dar una impresión clara = send + mixed signals.
    * no debemos + Infinitivo = let us not + Infinitivo.
    * no deber nada = pay + Posesivo + dues.
    * no + deber + sorprender que = it + be + not surprising that.
    * no debes juzgar un libro por el color de sus pastas = don't judge a book by its cover, don't judge a book by its cover.
    * no debidamente reconocido = unsung.
    * no decir a Alguien lo que está ocurriendo = leave + Nombre + in the dark.
    * no decir nada = keep + quiet.
    * no decir nada a nadie = lips + seal.
    * no decir nada nuevo = much ado about nothing.
    * no decir palabrotas = watch + Posesivo + mouth.
    * no de comportamiento = nonbehavioural [nonbehavioral, -USA].
    * no de conducta = nonbehavioural [nonbehavioral, -USA].
    * no decreciente = non-decreasing.
    * no dedicado a la investigación = non-research.
    * no definido = unstated.
    * no definirse = sit on + the fence.
    * no dejar a nadie fuera = inclusivity.
    * no dejar de enviar + Nombre = keep + Nombre + coming.
    * no dejar de mandar + Nombre = keep + Nombre + coming.
    * no dejar duda = leave + little doubt.
    * no dejar entrar = turn + Nombre + away, keep out.
    * no dejar ninguna duda = leave + no doubt.
    * no dejar ni un cabo suelto = tie up + all the loose ends.
    * no dejar pasar = keep out.
    * no dejar pasar la oportunidad = ride + the wave.
    * no dejar títere con cabeza = turn + everything upside down.
    * no deliberado = unintentional.
    * no del todo maduro = underripe.
    * no democrático = undemocratic.
    * no desanimarse = keep + Posesivo + chin up.
    * no descansar en + Posesivo + tumba = spin + in + Posesivo + grave.
    * no descriptor = non-descriptor.
    * no deseado = unwanted, undesired, uninvited.
    * no desfallecer = keep up.
    * no desgastarse fácilmente = wear + well.
    * no desglosable = unbreakable.
    * no desmerecer = compare + favourably.
    * no destructivo = non-destructive.
    * no desvelar + Posesivo + identidad = protect + Posesivo + identity.
    * no determinista = nondeterministic [non-deterministic].
    * no devolverse = be non-refundable.
    * no diferenciador = nondistinctive.
    * no diferenciarse de = be nothing short of.
    * no digno de confianza = untrustworthy.
    * no discapacitado = able-bodied.
    * no disciplinario = impunitive.
    * no discriminatorio con respecto al sexo = gender neutral.
    * no disponible = not applicable [N/A].
    * no disponible para el préstamo = not-loanable.
    * no dispuesto = unprepared.
    * no distinguir entre... y... = make + little distinction between... and....
    * no distintivo = nondistinctive.
    * no distribuido = undelivered, undelivered.
    * no docente = non-teaching.
    * no económico = non-economic [noneconomic].
    * no educativo = non-teaching, non-educational.
    * no efímero = non-volatile [nonvolatile].
    * no eléctrico = nonelectrical [non-electrical].
    * no encontrar nada + Adjetivo = find far from + Adjetivo.
    * no encontrar ni el pie ni la cabeza = can't make head(s) or tail(s) of.
    * no encontrar palabras = be at a loss for words, be lost for words.
    * no en inglés = non-English.
    * no entender = be beyond + Pronombre.
    * no entender Algo = go (way) over + Posesivo + head.
    * no entender lo esencial = miss + the point.
    * no entender ni una papa de = can't make head(s) or tail(s) of.
    * no entendido por la materia = outsider.
    * no entregado = undelivered.
    * no envío = non-shipment.
    * no epiléptico = non-epileptic.
    * no es asombroso que = not surprisingly, unsurprisingly.
    * no escatimar = unstinting.
    * no escatimar dinero = lavish + money.
    * no escatimar gastos = go to + town on, lash out (on).
    * no escrito = unwritten.
    * no es de extrañar que = no wonder that, small wonder that.
    * no es de sorprender que = not surprisingly, unsurprisingly.
    * no esencial = non-essential [nonessential].
    * no es lo mismo en el caso de = the same is not true (for/of/with).
    * no especialista = non-expert [nonexpert].
    * no especializado = broader-based.
    * no especificar = leave + undefined.
    * no está claro todavía = the jury is still out (on).
    * no esta disponible = be down.
    * no estándar = non-standard [nonstandard].
    * no estar + Adjetivo + en absoluto = be far from + Adjetivo.
    * no estar a la altura de las expectativas = fall below + expectations.
    * no estar a la altura de lo que se espera = fall below + expectations, be below par, be under par.
    * no estar al tanto de = be out of touch with.
    * no estar bien equilibrado = skew.
    * no estar contento = be unhappy.
    * no estar convencido = be dubious.
    * no estar coordinado con = be out of step with.
    * no estar de acuerdo = be at variance, disagree, beg to differ.
    * no estar de acuerdo (con) = disapprove (of).
    * no estar de acuerdo con la idea de = disapprove of + the idea of.
    * no estar de suerte = be out of luck.
    * no estar deteriorado = unimpaired.
    * no estar disponible = be unavailable.
    * no estar dispuesto a = be unwilling to, be negatively disposed to.
    * no estar documentado = be undocumented.
    * no estar en condiciones de = be unfit for.
    * no estar en el mejor momento de Uno = be past + Posesivo + best.
    * no estar en funcionamiento = be down.
    * no estar en plenitud de facultades = be past + Posesivo + best.
    * no estar en + Posesivo + cabales = insane.
    * no estar en sintonía con = be out of step with.
    * no estar expuesto al público = be out of the public eye.
    * no estar familiarizado con = be unfamiliar with.
    * no estar finalizado (con mucho) = fall (far) short of + completeness.
    * no estar incluido = be not included.
    * no estar muy católico = feel + bad.
    * no estar muy lejos de = be just one step away from.
    * no estar nada + Adjetivo = be anything but + Adjetivo.
    * no estar nunca satisfecho = enough + be + not/never + enough.
    * no estar presente en = be absent (from).
    * no estar relacionado con = be unrelated to.
    * no estar seguro = be uncertain.
    * no estar seguro de = be unsure about/of.
    * no estar utilizable = be down.
    * no es una ciencia exacta = not (exactly) rocket science.
    * no es un misterio = not (exactly) rocket science.
    * no exacerbado = non-exacerbating.
    * no examinado = unexamined.
    * no exclusivo = non-exclusive.
    * no excluyente = inclusive, socially-inclusive.
    * no existe = not applicable [N/A].
    * no existir = be out of the picture.
    * no existir como tal = there + be + no such thing as, there + be + no such thing as.
    * no existir límites = there + be + no limit.
    * no existir muchos indicios de que = there + be + little sign of.
    * no existir ningún indicio de que = there + be + no sign of.
    * no experto = non-expert [nonexpert].
    * no explorado = unexplored.
    * no explosivo = non-explosive.
    * no expresado = unspoken, unstated.
    * no expuesto a la luz = unexposed.
    * no falla = reliable.
    * no faltar el respeto = be civil towards.
    * no familiarizado con = unfamiliar with.
    * no ferroso = non-ferrous [nonferrous].
    * no fibroso = non-fibrous.
    * no figurar = be not included.
    * no fijado = non-net.
    * no fructificar = come to + nothing.
    * no fumador = non-smoker, non-smoking.
    * no funcionar = be out of order.
    * no funcionario = untenured, non-tenured.
    * no + Futuro = won't [will not].
    * no ganado = unearned.
    * no guardar relación con = be incommensurate with.
    * no gubernamental = non-government, non-governmental [nongovernmental].
    * no gustar = have + a dislike for, dislike, be uncomfortable + Gerundio, be uncomfortable with, feel + uncomfortable with, feel + uncomfortable + Gerundio.
    * no haber = be unavailable.
    * no haber consecuencias = nothing + come of.
    * no + haber + dos + Nombre que = no two + Nombre.
    * no haber duda de que = there + be + no doubt that.
    * no haber duda (que) = there + be + no question (that).
    * no haber forma de = there + be + no way.
    * no haber indicios de que = there + be + no indication that.
    * no haber límites = there + be + no limit.
    * no haber llegado todavía = be yet to come.
    * no haber manera de = there + be + no way.
    * no haber modo de = there + be + no means of.
    * no haber muchas señales de que = there + be + little sign of.
    * no + haber + nada como = there + be + nothing like.
    * no haber nada de verdad en = there + be + any/no truth to.
    * no + haber + nada malo en = there + be + nothing wrong in/with.
    * no haber palabras para describirlo = beggar + description.
    * no haber pero que valer = not take + no for an answer.
    * no haber prisa = there + be + no hurry.
    * no haber problemas = be fine.
    * no haber señal de que = there + be + no sign of.
    * no habiendo = in the absence of.
    * no hace falta decir que = it goes without saying that, needless to say.
    * no hace mucho = in the recent past.
    * no hace mucho tiempo = not so long ago.
    * no hacer Algo ni muerto = would not touch + Nombre + with a barge pole.
    * no hacer Algo por cobardía = wimp out (on), wimp, chicken out (on/of).
    * no hacer Algo por miedo = wimp out (on), wimp, chicken out (on/of).
    * no hacer caso = brush aside.
    * no hacer caso a = turn + Posesivo + back on.
    * no hacer caso de = slight.
    * no hacer los deberes = be asleep at the wheel.
    * no hacer más que = do + no more than.
    * no hacer nada = vegetate, veg out.
    * no hacer nada al respecto = leave + unchecked.
    * no hacer nada de particular = do + nothing in particular.
    * no hacer ninguna gracia = not take + kindly to.
    * no hacer ningún cambio = stand + pat.
    * no hacer otra cosa que = do + nothing but.
    * no hacer sino = do + no more than.
    * no hay = there ain't [there aren't/isn't].
    * no hay dos sin tres = things + come in threes.
    * no hay duda de que = undoubtedly.
    * no hay escapatoria = needs must when the devil drives.
    * no hay forma de que = for the life of me.
    * no hay límite(s) = the sky is the limit.
    * no hay mal que por bien no venga = every cloud has a silver lining, be a blessing in disguise, to every cloud, there is a silver lining.
    * no hay manera de que = for the life of me.
    * no hay más remedio = needs must when the devil drives.
    * no hay modo de que = for the life of me.
    * no hay nada como = nothing beats....
    * no hay nada imposible = all bets are off.
    * no hay nada mejor que = nothing beats....
    * no hay nada oculto = what you see is what you get.
    * no hay + Nombre + que sean = no + Nombre + be.
    * no higroscópico = non-hygroscopic.
    * no hindú = non-Hindu.
    * no homosexual = straight man.
    * no humano = non-human [nonhuman].
    * no hurgar en la herida = let + sleeping dogs lie.
    * no idéntico = non-identical.
    * no identificado = unnamed.
    * no idoneidad = unsuitability.
    * no impacientarse con = bear with + Pronombre.
    * no importa = never mind, regardless of, whatever.
    * no importa + Adjetivo/Adverbio + que seaAdjetivo/Adverbio + que sea = however + Adjetivo/Adverbio.
    * no importa cómo = no matter how.
    * no importa lo + Adjetivo + que + Subjuntivo = no matter how + Adjetivo.
    * no importa lo bien = no matter how well.
    * No importa lo que se conoce, sino a quién se conoce = It's not what you know, but who you know.
    * no importa qué = whatever.
    * no importar = be all right with + Persona, make + no difference, cope with.
    * no importar Algo a Alguien = think + little of.
    * no importar en absoluto = have + no qualms about.
    * no importar + Infinitivo = think + nothing of + Gerundio.
    * no importar lo más mínimo = could not care less.
    * no importar lo que + pensar de = whatever + Pronombre + make of.
    * no importar nada = not give a damn, not give a shit, not give a fuck.
    * no importa si... o = no matter whether... or.
    * no impreso = unprinted.
    * no incluido = unlisted.
    * no incluye = exclusive of.
    * no indicado = unstated.
    * no + Indicativo = fail to + Infinitivo.
    * no + Infinitivo = failure to + Infinitivo.
    * no infringir las leyes = stay on + the right side of the law, keep on + the right side of the law.
    * no ingresado = unearned.
    * no inmiscuirse en = remain + uninvolved in, stay away from.
    * no inmutarse = not bat an eyelid, not bat an eyelash, keep + a stiff upper lip.
    * no inscripción = non-registration.
    * no intencional = non-intentional.
    * no interactivo = non-interactive.
    * no interesar = can't/couldn't be bothered.
    * no intervencionista = hands-off, isolationist.
    * no intrusivo = nonobtrusive.
    * no invasivo = noninvasive [non-invasive].
    * no invitado = uninvited.
    * no invitados, los = uninvited, the.
    * no involucrado = uninvolved.
    * no jerárquico = non-hierarchical.
    * no lector = non-reader [nonreader].
    * no letal = non-lethal.
    * no levantarse hasta tarde = have + a lie-in.
    * no librario = non-book [nonbook].
    * no lineal = nonlinear [non-linear].
    * no linealidad = nonlinearity [no-linearity].
    * no listo = unready.
    * no literario = unliterary, non-literary.
    * no llegar a = stop + short of, fall + short of.
    * no llegar a entender = miss + the mark, miss + the point.
    * no llegar a + Infinitivo (con mucho) = fall (far) short of + Gerundio.
    * no llegar a un ideal = fall + short of ideal.
    * no llevar a ninguna parte = achieve + nothing, go + nowhere.
    * no llevar a ningún fin = beat + a dead horse, flog + a dead horse, fart + in the wind.
    * no llevar a ningún sitio = go + nowhere.
    * no lo bastante lejos = not far enough.
    * no lo dudes = take it from me.
    * no lucrativo = non-profit [nonprofit], non-profit making.
    * no manifiesto = undeclared.
    * no MARC = non-MARC.
    * no más que = in any more than.
    * no materializarse = fall through.
    * Nombre + no tardará mucho en = it won't be long before + Nombre.
    * Nombre + no tardó mucho en = it wasn't long before + Nombre.
    * no médico = non-clinical.
    * no merecer la pena = be no good.
    * no merecerse Algo = be unworthy of.
    * no meterse en líos = keep out of + trouble.
    * no meterse en problemas = keep out of + trouble.
    * no miel sin hiel = no pain, no gain.
    * no miembro = non-member [nonmember].
    * no militar = nonmilitary.
    * no monográfico = non-monographic.
    * no morderse la lengua = call + a spade a spade.
    * no moverse = stay + put.
    * no mucho después = not long after.
    * no musical = non-musical.
    * no muy acertado = wide of the mark.
    * no muy apropiado = wide of the mark.
    * no muy bien informado = not-too-well-informed.
    * no muy despierto = slow.
    * no muy lejos = within easy travelling distance, not far behind, not far off, not far away, not far, not too far.
    * no muy listos, los = none-too-bright, the.
    * no nacido = unborn.
    * no necesitar mantenimiento = maintenance-free.
    * no nombrado = unnamed.
    * no nórdico = non-Nordic.
    * no obstaculizar = be out of the way of.
    * no obstante = albeit (that), however, nevertheless, nonetheless, still, yet, notwithstanding, none the less, though, that being said, all this said, when all is said and done.
    * no occidental = non-Western.
    * no ocultar las preferencias de Uno sobre Algo = make + no bones about + Algo.
    * no oficial = non-government.
    * no olvidar = bear in + mind, be aware of.
    * no ordenado = unsorted.
    * no orgánico = non-organic.
    * no parar mucho en un sitio = live out of + a suitcase.
    * no parecer que = there + be + no sign of, there + be + little sign of.
    * no parecerse en nada a = be nothing like.
    * no parecerse ni por asomo = different as night and day.
    * no parecer Uno Mismo = be out of character.
    * no participar = be out of the picture.
    * no participar en = be uninvolved in, remain + uninvolved in.
    * no partidista = non-partisan [nonpartisan].
    * no pasar mucho tiempo antes de que + Subjuntivo = be not long before + Indicativo.
    * no patentado = non-proprietary.
    * no pegar ni con cola = stick out like + a sore thumb.
    * no pensar en otra cosa que = be wrapped up in.
    * no pensar más en Algo = dismiss from + Posesivo + mind.
    * no pensar más que en = be wrapped up in.
    * no percatarse de = be blind to.
    * no percatarse de la importancia de Algo = have + no feeling for.
    * no perder de vista = keep + an eye on, keep + a beady eye on, keep in + sight.
    * no perder el ánimo = keep + Posesivo + chin up.
    * no perder el control = stay on top of, stay on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * no perder el trabajo = stay in + work.
    * no perder la cabeza = keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.
    * no perder la calma = keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.
    * no perderse = keep on + the right track.
    * no perderse en/por = find + Posesivo + way round/through.
    * no perderse mucho, no perderse nada = be no great loss.
    * no perderse nada = be no great loss.
    * no perfumado = non-scented.
    * no periódico = non-periodical.
    * no permitir = disallow.
    * no pertenecer a = have + no place in.
    * no perteneciente a la Comunidad Europea = non-EC.
    * no perteneciente al juzgado = out-of-court.
    * no pestañear = not bat an eyelid, not bat an eyelash.
    * no pillar Algo = go (way) over + Posesivo + head.
    * no pillar la idea = miss + the point.
    * no planificado = unplanned.
    * no poder = be unable to, cannot, can't [cannot].
    * no poder aguantar a Alguien = have + it in for + Nombre.
    * no poder conciliar el sueño = have + trouble sleeping, have + trouble sleeping.
    * no poder darse el lujo de = ill afford.
    * no poder dejar de mencionar = cannot but notice.
    * no poder dejar de recalcar la importancia de Algo = cannot + give + too much emphasis + to the importance of, the importance of + Nombre + cannot be stressed too strongly.
    * no poder dormir = sleeplessness.
    * no poder estarse quieto = have + the fidgets, fidget.
    * no poder evitar + Infinitivo = cannot help + Gerundio, cannot help but + Verbo.
    * no poder evitar mencionar = cannot but notice.
    * no poder hacer más que = do + little more than.
    * no poder permitirse = ill afford.
    * no poder permitirse el lujo de = ill afford.
    * no poder quitarse Algo de la cabeza = can't get it out of my mind.
    * no poderse buscar = be unsearchable.
    * no poderse negar que = there + be + no denying that.
    * no poder sino + Infinitivo = cannot help but + Verbo.
    * no poder ver a Alguien = have + it in for + Nombre.
    * no poder ver Algo o Alguien = can't stand + sight.
    * no polémico = non-controversial [noncontroversial], non-contentious.
    * no poner en duda = be unquestioned.
    * ¡No, por lo que más quieras! = Not on your life!.
    * no precipitarse = keep + a cool head, play it + cool.
    * no predisponer a Alguien en contra = keep on + the right side of.
    * no preguntes porque no te puedo decir la verdad = ask no questions and hear no lies.
    * no preocuparse que = rest + assured that.
    * no preparado = uninformed, unready, unprepared.
    * no presentado a examen = absent from exam.
    * no prestar atención = disregard, overlook, close + the door on, go + unheeded, fly in + the face of.
    * no prestar atención al hecho de que = overlook + the fact that.
    * no prestar la suficiente atención = give + short shrift.
    * no pretender ser = make + no claim to.
    * no probado = untested.
    * no procesado = unprocessed.
    * no profesional = non-professional [nonprofessional].
    * no programador = non-programmer.
    * no prolongado = unsustained.
    * no pronunciado = undelivered.
    * no prosperar = fall by + the wayside.
    * no provocado = unprovoked.
    * no publicado = unpublished.
    * no público = non-public.
    * no pude evitar notar que = couldn't help but notice (that).
    * no puedo aguantarlo = can't take it.
    * no puedo comprender = I can't get over.
    * no puedo entender cómo = can't get over how.
    * no quebrar = stay in + business.
    * no quedarse ahí = there + be + more to it than that.
    * no querer saber más nada de = drop + Nombre + like a hot potato, drop + Nombre + like a hot brick.
    * no querer saber nada de = want + nothing to do with.
    * no querer tener nada que ver con Algo = would not touch + Nombre + with a barge pole.
    * no querer tener nada que ver con = want + nothing to do with.
    * no racial = colour-blind.
    * no racista = race-neutral.
    * no realizado = unfulfilled, unrealised [unrealized, -USA].
    * no recargado = uncluttered.
    * no reciclable = non-recyclable.
    * no recogido = uncollected.
    * no recompensado = unrewarded.
    * no reconocido = unacknowledged, unrecognised [unrecognized, -USA].
    * no recopilado = uncollected.
    * no redimido = unredeemed.
    * no reembolsable = non-repayable, non-refundable.
    * no registrado = unlisted, unaffiliated.
    * no reglamentado = unregulated.
    * no regulado = unregulated.
    * no relacionado = unrelated, nonrelative [non-relative].
    * no relacionados entre sí = unrelated.
    * no relativo = nonrelative [non-relative].
    * no relevante = non-relevant.
    * no remunerado = unpaid, unsalaried, non-paying, unremunerated, non-remunerated.
    * no renovable = non-renewable.
    * no renovado = unrenewed.
    * no rentable = uneconomic, unprofitable.
    * no reparar en gastos = go to + town on, lash out (on).
    * no repartido = undelivered.
    * no representativo = unrepresentative.
    * no restrictivo = non-restrictive.
    * no restringido = non-restrictive, unconfined.
    * no resuelto = unresolved.
    * no resultar fácil = not be easy.
    * no retirado = uncollected.
    * * *
    (= noroeste) NW
    * * *
    no {predisponer} en contra
    (v.) = stay on + the right side of

    Ex: Many of the stories told about fairies seem to be cautionary tales, showing that they can be very helpful, as long as you stay on the right side of them.

    = by no means, NOT, nay, no, not.
    Nota: Negación usada con verbos; para los nombres, véase no.

    Ex: However, UDC is by no means always applied to this degree of detail in libraries.

    Ex: The Boolean logic operator NOT excludes records containing a particular word.
    Ex: Said another timidly, nay, sheepishly: 'You can see we need help, can't you Mr. Bibeau?'.
    Ex: In either case, the patient keys in the responses, which may be as simple as 'yes' or 'no'.
    Ex: The Boolean logic operator not excludes records containing a particular word.
    * alfabeto no romano = non-Roman alphabet.
    * aún no nacido = unborn.
    * aunque no lo creas = believe it or not.
    * base de datos no bibliográfica = non-bibliographic database.
    * catalogación no automatizada = non-computerised cataloguing.
    * con datos no pertinentes = dirty [dirtier -comp., dirtiest -sup.].
    * ¿de dónde si no...? = where else...?.
    * ¡Dios no lo quiera! = God forbid.
    * documento recuperado no pertinente = false drop.
    * el no va más = the be all and end all, the bee's knees.
    * el último pero no el menos importante = the last but by no means least.
    * encabezamiento no admitido = non-approved heading.
    * encabezamiento no específico = non-specific heading.
    * esto no quiere decir que = this is not to say that.
    * evaluación no intrusiva = unobtrusive evaluation.
    * información no codificada = non-coded information.
    * lo creas o no = believe it or not.
    * material no devuelto = non-return.
    * material no impreso = non-print [nonprint], non-print media.
    * modo no interactivo = non-interactive mode.
    * ¿no? = do you?, do you?.
    * no {predisponer} en contra = stay on + the right side of.
    * no abandonar = stick with, stand by.
    * no abrasivo = non-abrasive.
    * no aburrir a Alguien con todos los detalles = spare + Nombe + all the details.
    * no académico = non-academic.
    * no acentuado = unaccented.
    * no aceptar = disavow.
    * no aceptarse = go by + the board.
    * no aceptar un no por respuesta = not take + no for an answer.
    * no acercarse a = steer + clear of, stay away from, give + Nombre + a wide berth, steer away from.
    * no acercarse a Algo ni muerto = would not touch + Nombre + with a barge pole.
    * no ácido = acid-free.
    * no acostumbrado a = unfamiliar with.
    * no actual = non-current.
    * no actuando en capacidad de autor = non-authorial.
    * no actuar como se debe = be remiss.
    * no actuar correctamente = be remiss.
    * no actuar debidamente = be remiss.
    * no acudir = stay away.
    * no acuoso = non-aqueous.
    * no admitir discusión = be out of the question.
    * no adosado = detached.
    * no afectado = unaffected.
    * no afectar = be immune against, leave + unaffected.
    * no afiliado = unaffiliated.
    * no afín = nonrelative [non-relative].
    * no agobiarse = take + Posesivo + time.
    * no agravante = non-exacerbating.
    * no agrupado = unclustered.
    * no aguantar más = have had enough.
    * no aguantar ver Algo o Alguien = can't stand + sight.
    * no alcanzar a + Infinitivo (con mucho) = fall (far) short of + Gerundio.
    * no alergénico = non-allergenic.
    * no alfabetizado = non-literate.
    * no amante de la literatura = non-literary.
    * no americano = non-US, un-American.
    * no amortizable = irredeemable.
    * no analizado = unexamined.
    * no anclado = unanchored.
    * no andar con reparos = make + no bones about + Algo.
    * no andar con tapujos = make + no bones about + Algo.
    * no andar en nada bueno = be up to no good, get up to + no good.
    * no andar muy equivocado = be in the right realm.
    * no andarse con rodeos = call + a spade a spade.
    * no antes de = no sooner than.
    * no añorar el pasado = never + look back.
    * no aparecer = be not included.
    * no apartarse del buen camino = keep on + the right track.
    * no aprovechar Algo lo suficiente = under-exploit [underexploit].
    * no aprovechar el potencial = fall (far) short of + potential, fall (far) behind + potential.
    * no apto para menores = X-rated.
    * no arrepentirse = not look back, never + look back.
    * no arriesgarse = play it + safe.
    * no asignado = unallocated, unassigned.
    * no asistencia = non-attendance.
    * no asistente = non-attender [nonattender].
    * no asistir = stay away.
    * no atendido = unsatisfied.
    * no atreverse a = flinch at/from, have + no stomach for.
    * no atreverse a tratar = fear to + tread.
    * no auténtico = unauthentic.
    * no autorizado = unauthorised [unauthorized, -USA], unapproved.
    * no avanzar = tread + water.
    * no avanzar más = go + no further.
    * no bajarse del burro = stick to + Posesivo + guns.
    * no bastar = not be good enough.
    * no bibliográfico = non-book [nonbook], non-bibliographic, non-bibliographical.
    * no bibliotecario = non-librarian.
    * no británico = non-UK.
    * no buscarle las pulgas al perro = let + sleeping dogs lie.
    * no cabe ni un alfiler = no room to swing a cat.
    * no caber en sí de alegría = thrill + Nombre + to bits, be chuffed to bits, be tickled pink.
    * no cambiar = keep + it up, keep up + the good work, keep up + the great work, stand + pat.
    * no canjeable = irredeemable.
    * no cantante = nonsinger.
    * no cantes victoria antes de tiempo = don't count your chickens before they are hatched.
    * no captar la idea = miss + the point.
    * no ceder = stand + Posesivo + ground, put + Posesivo + foot down.
    * no ceder a las presiones = withstand + pressure.
    * no ceder terreno = stand + Posesivo + ground.
    * no centrado = unfocused [unfocussed].
    * no científico = unscientific.
    * no cobrado = uncollected.
    * no codificado = non-coded.
    * no coercitivo = non-coercive.
    * no coger Algo = go (way) over + Posesivo + head.
    * no coger por sorpresa = come as + no surprise.
    * no coincidente = ill matched.
    * no colar = Negativo + hold + water.
    * no comentado = unannotated.
    * no comercial = non-profit making, non-commercial [noncommercial].
    * no compatible = non-compatible.
    * no compensatorio = non-compensatory [noncompensatory].
    * no comprender = be beyond + Pronombre.
    * no comprobado = untested.
    * no comprometido = uncommitted.
    * no concebirse desde ningún punto de vista = be impossible under any hypothesis.
    * no concentrado = unfocused [unfocussed].
    * no concentrar el esfuerzo = spread + Nombre + thinly.
    * no concordar con = be at odds with.
    * no conducir a nada = be exercises in + futility.
    * no conductual = nonbehavioural [nonbehavioral, -USA].
    * no confirmado = unsubstantiated.
    * no conformarse con un no = not take + no for an answer.
    * no conmovedor = unmoving.
    * no conocer a Alguien de nada = not know + Pronombre + from Adam.
    * no conocer a Alguien para nada = not know + Pronombre + from Adam.
    * no conseguir nada = achieve + nothing.
    * no conseguir ni una cosa ni otra = fall (between/through) + the cracks.
    * no considerarse parte de = hold + Reflexivo + apart from.
    * no consumible = nonconsumptive.
    * no consumidor = nonconsumptive.
    * no contagioso = non-contagious.
    * no contaminado = untainted, uncontaminated.
    * no contar = be out of the picture.
    * no contar con = leave + Nombre + out of the picture, drop + Nombre + out of the picture.
    * no contar con la aprobación = frown on/upon.
    * no contencioso = non-contentious.
    * no convencional = non-conventional.
    * no convexo = nonconvex [non-convex].
    * no corregido = uncorrected.
    * no correlativo = non-consecutive.
    * no correr prisa = there + be + no hurry.
    * no corroborado = unsubstantiated.
    * no creerse Algo al pie de la letra = take + Nombre + with a pinch of salt.
    * no creerse Algo del todo = take + Nombre + with a pinch of salt.
    * no crítico = non-critical.
    * no cualificado = unskilled.
    * no cuestionarse la veracidad de Algo temporalmente = suspend + disbelief.
    * no cumplido = unfulfilled, unrealised [unrealized, -USA].
    * no cumplir = fall + short of, welsh on.
    * no cumplir con el plazo de publicación = miss + publication deadline.
    * no cumplir con + Posesivo + deber = be remiss.
    * no cumplir las expectativas = fall + short of expectations.
    * no cumplir lo esperado = fall + short of expectations.
    * no cumplir lo prometido = fall + short of + Posesivo + promise.
    * no cumplir una norma = fall (far) short of + norm.
    * no cumplir un objetivo = fall + short of goal.
    * no cumplir unos criterios = fall (far) short of + criteria.
    * no cumplir unos requisitos = fall + short of requirements.
    * no cursar una asignatura = skip + grades.
    * no dar crédito a = disbelief.
    * no dar crédito a + Posesivo + oídos = not believe + Posesivo + ears.
    * no dar crédito a + Posesivo + ojos = not believe + Posesivo + eyes.
    * no dar fruto = come to + nothing.
    * no darle demasiada importancia a Algo = think + little of.
    * no darle demasiada importancia a + Infinitivo = think + nothing of + Gerundio.
    * no darle importancia a = think + very little about/of.
    * no dar más de sí = stretch + Nombre + to the limit, overstretch.
    * no dar ningún resultado = give + zero results, be of no avail, be to no avail.
    * no darse cuenta de = sneak under + the radar, go + unnoticed.
    * no darse de cuenta de = be blind to.
    * no darse por vencido fácilmente = not take + no for an answer.
    * no dar una impresión clara = send + mixed signals.
    * no debemos + Infinitivo = let us not + Infinitivo.
    * no deber nada = pay + Posesivo + dues.
    * no + deber + sorprender que = it + be + not surprising that.
    * no debes juzgar un libro por el color de sus pastas = don't judge a book by its cover, don't judge a book by its cover.
    * no debidamente reconocido = unsung.
    * no decir a Alguien lo que está ocurriendo = leave + Nombre + in the dark.
    * no decir nada = keep + quiet.
    * no decir nada a nadie = lips + seal.
    * no decir nada nuevo = much ado about nothing.
    * no decir palabrotas = watch + Posesivo + mouth.
    * no de comportamiento = nonbehavioural [nonbehavioral, -USA].
    * no de conducta = nonbehavioural [nonbehavioral, -USA].
    * no decreciente = non-decreasing.
    * no dedicado a la investigación = non-research.
    * no definido = unstated.
    * no definirse = sit on + the fence.
    * no dejar a nadie fuera = inclusivity.
    * no dejar de enviar + Nombre = keep + Nombre + coming.
    * no dejar de mandar + Nombre = keep + Nombre + coming.
    * no dejar duda = leave + little doubt.
    * no dejar entrar = turn + Nombre + away, keep out.
    * no dejar ninguna duda = leave + no doubt.
    * no dejar ni un cabo suelto = tie up + all the loose ends.
    * no dejar pasar = keep out.
    * no dejar pasar la oportunidad = ride + the wave.
    * no dejar títere con cabeza = turn + everything upside down.
    * no deliberado = unintentional.
    * no del todo maduro = underripe.
    * no democrático = undemocratic.
    * no desanimarse = keep + Posesivo + chin up.
    * no descansar en + Posesivo + tumba = spin + in + Posesivo + grave.
    * no descriptor = non-descriptor.
    * no deseado = unwanted, undesired, uninvited.
    * no desfallecer = keep up.
    * no desgastarse fácilmente = wear + well.
    * no desglosable = unbreakable.
    * no desmerecer = compare + favourably.
    * no destructivo = non-destructive.
    * no desvelar + Posesivo + identidad = protect + Posesivo + identity.
    * no determinista = nondeterministic [non-deterministic].
    * no devolverse = be non-refundable.
    * no diferenciador = nondistinctive.
    * no diferenciarse de = be nothing short of.
    * no digno de confianza = untrustworthy.
    * no discapacitado = able-bodied.
    * no disciplinario = impunitive.
    * no discriminatorio con respecto al sexo = gender neutral.
    * no disponible = not applicable [N/A].
    * no disponible para el préstamo = not-loanable.
    * no dispuesto = unprepared.
    * no distinguir entre... y... = make + little distinction between... and....
    * no distintivo = nondistinctive.
    * no distribuido = undelivered, undelivered.
    * no docente = non-teaching.
    * no económico = non-economic [noneconomic].
    * no educativo = non-teaching, non-educational.
    * no efímero = non-volatile [nonvolatile].
    * no eléctrico = nonelectrical [non-electrical].
    * no encontrar nada + Adjetivo = find far from + Adjetivo.
    * no encontrar ni el pie ni la cabeza = can't make head(s) or tail(s) of.
    * no encontrar palabras = be at a loss for words, be lost for words.
    * no en inglés = non-English.
    * no entender = be beyond + Pronombre.
    * no entender Algo = go (way) over + Posesivo + head.
    * no entender lo esencial = miss + the point.
    * no entender ni una papa de = can't make head(s) or tail(s) of.
    * no entendido por la materia = outsider.
    * no entregado = undelivered.
    * no envío = non-shipment.
    * no epiléptico = non-epileptic.
    * no es asombroso que = not surprisingly, unsurprisingly.
    * no escatimar = unstinting.
    * no escatimar dinero = lavish + money.
    * no escatimar gastos = go to + town on, lash out (on).
    * no escrito = unwritten.
    * no es de extrañar que = no wonder that, small wonder that.
    * no es de sorprender que = not surprisingly, unsurprisingly.
    * no esencial = non-essential [nonessential].
    * no es lo mismo en el caso de = the same is not true (for/of/with).
    * no especialista = non-expert [nonexpert].
    * no especializado = broader-based.
    * no especificar = leave + undefined.
    * no está claro todavía = the jury is still out (on).
    * no esta disponible = be down.
    * no estándar = non-standard [nonstandard].
    * no estar + Adjetivo + en absoluto = be far from + Adjetivo.
    * no estar a la altura de las expectativas = fall below + expectations.
    * no estar a la altura de lo que se espera = fall below + expectations, be below par, be under par.
    * no estar al tanto de = be out of touch with.
    * no estar bien equilibrado = skew.
    * no estar contento = be unhappy.
    * no estar convencido = be dubious.
    * no estar coordinado con = be out of step with.
    * no estar de acuerdo = be at variance, disagree, beg to differ.
    * no estar de acuerdo (con) = disapprove (of).
    * no estar de acuerdo con la idea de = disapprove of + the idea of.
    * no estar de suerte = be out of luck.
    * no estar deteriorado = unimpaired.
    * no estar disponible = be unavailable.
    * no estar dispuesto a = be unwilling to, be negatively disposed to.
    * no estar documentado = be undocumented.
    * no estar en condiciones de = be unfit for.
    * no estar en el mejor momento de Uno = be past + Posesivo + best.
    * no estar en funcionamiento = be down.
    * no estar en plenitud de facultades = be past + Posesivo + best.
    * no estar en + Posesivo + cabales = insane.
    * no estar en sintonía con = be out of step with.
    * no estar expuesto al público = be out of the public eye.
    * no estar familiarizado con = be unfamiliar with.
    * no estar finalizado (con mucho) = fall (far) short of + completeness.
    * no estar incluido = be not included.
    * no estar muy católico = feel + bad.
    * no estar muy lejos de = be just one step away from.
    * no estar nada + Adjetivo = be anything but + Adjetivo.
    * no estar nunca satisfecho = enough + be + not/never + enough.
    * no estar presente en = be absent (from).
    * no estar relacionado con = be unrelated to.
    * no estar seguro = be uncertain.
    * no estar seguro de = be unsure about/of.
    * no estar utilizable = be down.
    * no es una ciencia exacta = not (exactly) rocket science.
    * no es un misterio = not (exactly) rocket science.
    * no exacerbado = non-exacerbating.
    * no examinado = unexamined.
    * no exclusivo = non-exclusive.
    * no excluyente = inclusive, socially-inclusive.
    * no existe = not applicable [N/A].
    * no existir = be out of the picture.
    * no existir como tal = there + be + no such thing as, there + be + no such thing as.
    * no existir límites = there + be + no limit.
    * no existir muchos indicios de que = there + be + little sign of.
    * no existir ningún indicio de que = there + be + no sign of.
    * no experto = non-expert [nonexpert].
    * no explorado = unexplored.
    * no explosivo = non-explosive.
    * no expresado = unspoken, unstated.
    * no expuesto a la luz = unexposed.
    * no falla = reliable.
    * no faltar el respeto = be civil towards.
    * no familiarizado con = unfamiliar with.
    * no ferroso = non-ferrous [nonferrous].
    * no fibroso = non-fibrous.
    * no figurar = be not included.
    * no fijado = non-net.
    * no fructificar = come to + nothing.
    * no fumador = non-smoker, non-smoking.
    * no funcionar = be out of order.
    * no funcionario = untenured, non-tenured.
    * no + Futuro = won't [will not].
    * no ganado = unearned.
    * no guardar relación con = be incommensurate with.
    * no gubernamental = non-government, non-governmental [nongovernmental].
    * no gustar = have + a dislike for, dislike, be uncomfortable + Gerundio, be uncomfortable with, feel + uncomfortable with, feel + uncomfortable + Gerundio.
    * no haber = be unavailable.
    * no haber consecuencias = nothing + come of.
    * no + haber + dos + Nombre que = no two + Nombre.
    * no haber duda de que = there + be + no doubt that.
    * no haber duda (que) = there + be + no question (that).
    * no haber forma de = there + be + no way.
    * no haber indicios de que = there + be + no indication that.
    * no haber límites = there + be + no limit.
    * no haber llegado todavía = be yet to come.
    * no haber manera de = there + be + no way.
    * no haber modo de = there + be + no means of.
    * no haber muchas señales de que = there + be + little sign of.
    * no + haber + nada como = there + be + nothing like.
    * no haber nada de verdad en = there + be + any/no truth to.
    * no + haber + nada malo en = there + be + nothing wrong in/with.
    * no haber palabras para describirlo = beggar + description.
    * no haber pero que valer = not take + no for an answer.
    * no haber prisa = there + be + no hurry.
    * no haber problemas = be fine.
    * no haber señal de que = there + be + no sign of.
    * no habiendo = in the absence of.
    * no hace falta decir que = it goes without saying that, needless to say.
    * no hace mucho = in the recent past.
    * no hace mucho tiempo = not so long ago.
    * no hacer Algo ni muerto = would not touch + Nombre + with a barge pole.
    * no hacer Algo por cobardía = wimp out (on), wimp, chicken out (on/of).
    * no hacer Algo por miedo = wimp out (on), wimp, chicken out (on/of).
    * no hacer caso = brush aside.
    * no hacer caso a = turn + Posesivo + back on.
    * no hacer caso de = slight.
    * no hacer los deberes = be asleep at the wheel.
    * no hacer más que = do + no more than.
    * no hacer nada = vegetate, veg out.
    * no hacer nada al respecto = leave + unchecked.
    * no hacer nada de particular = do + nothing in particular.
    * no hacer ninguna gracia = not take + kindly to.
    * no hacer ningún cambio = stand + pat.
    * no hacer otra cosa que = do + nothing but.
    * no hacer sino = do + no more than.
    * no hay = there ain't [there aren't/isn't].
    * no hay dos sin tres = things + come in threes.
    * no hay duda de que = undoubtedly.
    * no hay escapatoria = needs must when the devil drives.
    * no hay forma de que = for the life of me.
    * no hay límite(s) = the sky is the limit.
    * no hay mal que por bien no venga = every cloud has a silver lining, be a blessing in disguise, to every cloud, there is a silver lining.
    * no hay manera de que = for the life of me.
    * no hay más remedio = needs must when the devil drives.
    * no hay modo de que = for the life of me.
    * no hay nada como = nothing beats....
    * no hay nada imposible = all bets are off.
    * no hay nada mejor que = nothing beats....
    * no hay nada oculto = what you see is what you get.
    * no hay + Nombre + que sean = no + Nombre + be.
    * no higroscópico = non-hygroscopic.
    * no hindú = non-Hindu.
    * no homosexual = straight man.
    * no humano = non-human [nonhuman].
    * no hurgar en la herida = let + sleeping dogs lie.
    * no idéntico = non-identical.
    * no identificado = unnamed.
    * no idoneidad = unsuitability.
    * no impacientarse con = bear with + Pronombre.
    * no importa = never mind, regardless of, whatever.
    * no importa + Adjetivo/Adverbio + que seaAdjetivo/Adverbio + que sea = however + Adjetivo/Adverbio.
    * no importa cómo = no matter how.
    * no importa lo + Adjetivo + que + Subjuntivo = no matter how + Adjetivo.
    * no importa lo bien = no matter how well.
    * No importa lo que se conoce, sino a quién se conoce = It's not what you know, but who you know.
    * no importa qué = whatever.
    * no importar = be all right with + Persona, make + no difference, cope with.
    * no importar Algo a Alguien = think + little of.
    * no importar en absoluto = have + no qualms about.
    * no importar + Infinitivo = think + nothing of + Gerundio.
    * no importar lo más mínimo = could not care less.
    * no importar lo que + pensar de = whatever + Pronombre + make of.
    * no importar nada = not give a damn, not give a shit, not give a fuck.
    * no importa si... o = no matter whether... or.
    * no impreso = unprinted.
    * no incluido = unlisted.
    * no incluye = exclusive of.
    * no indicado = unstated.
    * no + Indicativo = fail to + Infinitivo.
    * no + Infinitivo = failure to + Infinitivo.
    * no infringir las leyes = stay on + the right side of the law, keep on + the right side of the law.
    * no ingresado = unearned.
    * no inmiscuirse en = remain + uninvolved in, stay away from.
    * no inmutarse = not bat an eyelid, not bat an eyelash, keep + a stiff upper lip.
    * no inscripción = non-registration.
    * no intencional = non-intentional.
    * no interactivo = non-interactive.
    * no interesar = can't/couldn't be bothered.
    * no intervencionista = hands-off, isolationist.
    * no intrusivo = nonobtrusive.
    * no invasivo = noninvasive [non-invasive].
    * no invitado = uninvited.
    * no invitados, los = uninvited, the.
    * no involucrado = uninvolved.
    * no jerárquico = non-hierarchical.
    * no lector = non-reader [nonreader].
    * no letal = non-lethal.
    * no levantarse hasta tarde = have + a lie-in.
    * no librario = non-book [nonbook].
    * no lineal = nonlinear [non-linear].
    * no linealidad = nonlinearity [no-linearity].
    * no listo = unready.
    * no literario = unliterary, non-literary.
    * no llegar a = stop + short of, fall + short of.
    * no llegar a entender = miss + the mark, miss + the point.
    * no llegar a + Infinitivo (con mucho) = fall (far) short of + Gerundio.
    * no llegar a un ideal = fall + short of ideal.
    * no llevar a ninguna parte = achieve + nothing, go + nowhere.
    * no llevar a ningún fin = beat + a dead horse, flog + a dead horse, fart + in the wind.
    * no llevar a ningún sitio = go + nowhere.
    * no lo bastante lejos = not far enough.
    * no lo dudes = take it from me.
    * no lucrativo = non-profit [nonprofit], non-profit making.
    * no manifiesto = undeclared.
    * no MARC = non-MARC.
    * no más que = in any more than.
    * no materializarse = fall through.
    * Nombre + no tardará mucho en = it won't be long before + Nombre.
    * Nombre + no tardó mucho en = it wasn't long before + Nombre.
    * no médico = non-clinical.
    * no merecer la pena = be no good.
    * no merecerse Algo = be unworthy of.
    * no meterse en líos = keep out of + trouble.
    * no meterse en problemas = keep out of + trouble.
    * no miel sin hiel = no pain, no gain.
    * no miembro = non-member [nonmember].
    * no militar = nonmilitary.
    * no monográfico = non-monographic.
    * no morderse la lengua = call + a spade a spade.
    * no moverse = stay + put.
    * no mucho después = not long after.
    * no musical = non-musical.
    * no muy acertado = wide of the mark.
    * no muy apropiado = wide of the mark.
    * no muy bien informado = not-too-well-informed.
    * no muy despierto = slow.
    * no muy lejos = within easy travelling distance, not far behind, not far off, not far away, not far, not too far.
    * no muy listos, los = none-too-bright, the.
    * no nacido = unborn.
    * no necesitar mantenimiento = maintenance-free.
    * no nombrado = unnamed.
    * no nórdico = non-Nordic.
    * no obstaculizar = be out of the way of.
    * no obstante = albeit (that), however, nevertheless, nonetheless, still, yet, notwithstanding, none the less, though, that being said, all this said, when all is said and done.
    * no occidental = non-Western.
    * no ocultar las preferencias de Uno sobre Algo = make + no bones about + Algo.
    * no oficial = non-government.
    * no olvidar = bear in + mind, be aware of.
    * no ordenado = unsorted.
    * no orgánico = non-organic.
    * no parar mucho en un sitio = live out of + a suitcase.
    * no parecer que = there + be + no sign of, there + be + little sign of.
    * no parecerse en nada a = be nothing like.
    * no parecerse ni por asomo = different as night and day.
    * no parecer Uno Mismo = be out of character.
    * no participar = be out of the picture.
    * no participar en = be uninvolved in, remain + uninvolved in.
    * no partidista = non-partisan [nonpartisan].
    * no pasar mucho tiempo antes de que + Subjuntivo = be not long before + Indicativo.
    * no patentado = non-proprietary.
    * no pegar ni con cola = stick out like + a sore thumb.
    * no pensar en otra cosa que = be wrapped up in.
    * no pensar más en Algo = dismiss from + Posesivo + mind.
    * no pensar más que en = be wrapped up in.
    * no percatarse de = be blind to.
    * no percatarse de la importancia de Algo = have + no feeling for.
    * no perder de vista = keep + an eye on, keep + a beady eye on, keep in + sight.
    * no perder el ánimo = keep + Posesivo + chin up.
    * no perder el control = stay on top of, stay on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * no perder el trabajo = stay in + work.
    * no perder la cabeza = keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.
    * no perder la calma = keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.
    * no perderse = keep on + the right track.
    * no perderse en/por = find + Posesivo + way round/through.
    * no perderse mucho, no perderse nada = be no great loss.
    * no perderse nada = be no great loss.
    * no perfumado = non-scented.
    * no periódico = non-periodical.
    * no permitir = disallow.
    * no pertenecer a = have + no place in.
    * no perteneciente a la Comunidad Europea = non-EC.
    * no perteneciente al juzgado = out-of-court.
    * no pestañear = not bat an eyelid, not bat an eyelash.
    * no pillar Algo = go (way) over + Posesivo + head.
    * no pillar la idea = miss + the point.
    * no planificado = unplanned.
    * no poder = be unable to, cannot, can't [cannot].
    * no poder aguantar a Alguien = have + it in for + Nombre.
    * no poder conciliar el sueño = have + trouble sleeping, have + trouble sleeping.
    * no poder darse el lujo de = ill afford.
    * no poder dejar de mencionar = cannot but notice.
    * no poder dejar de recalcar la importancia de Algo = cannot + give + too much emphasis + to the importance of, the importance of + Nombre + cannot be stressed too strongly.
    * no poder dormir = sleeplessness.
    * no poder estarse quieto = have + the fidgets, fidget.
    * no poder evitar + Infinitivo = cannot help + Gerundio, cannot help but + Verbo.
    * no poder evitar mencionar = cannot but notice.
    * no poder hacer más que = do + little more than.
    * no poder permitirse = ill afford.
    * no poder permitirse el lujo de = ill afford.
    * no poder quitarse Algo de la cabeza = can't get it out of my mind.
    * no poderse buscar = be unsearchable.
    * no poderse negar que = there + be + no denying that.
    * no poder sino + Infinitivo = cannot help but + Verbo.
    * no poder ver a Alguien = have + it in for + Nombre.
    * no poder ver Algo o Alguien = can't stand + sight.
    * no polémico = non-controversial [noncontroversial], non-contentious.
    * no poner en duda = be unquestioned.
    * ¡No, por lo que más quieras! = Not on your life!.
    * no precipitarse = keep + a cool head, play it + cool.
    * no predisponer a Alguien en contra = keep on + the right side of.
    * no preguntes porque no te puedo decir la verdad = ask no questions and hear no lies.
    * no preocuparse que = rest + assured that.
    * no preparado = uninformed, unready, unprepared.
    * no presentado a examen = absent from exam.
    * no prestar atención = disregard, overlook, close + the door on, go + unheeded, fly in + the face of.
    * no prestar atención al hecho de que = overlook + the fact that.
    * no prestar la suficiente atención = give + short shrift.
    * no pretender ser = make + no claim to.
    * no probado = untested.
    * no procesado = unprocessed.
    * no profesional = non-professional [nonprofessional].
    * no programador = non-programmer.
    * no prolongado = unsustained.
    * no pronunciado = undelivered.
    * no prosperar = fall by + the wayside.
    * no provocado = unprovoked.
    * no publicado = unpublished.
    * no público = non-public.
    * no pude evitar notar que = couldn't help but notice (that).
    * no puedo aguantarlo = can't take it.
    * no puedo comprender = I can't get over.
    * no puedo entender cómo = can't get over how.
    * no quebrar = stay in + business.
    * no quedarse ahí = there + be + more to it than that.
    * no querer saber más nada de = drop + Nombre + like a hot potato, drop + Nombre + like a hot brick.
    * no querer saber nada de = want + nothing to do with.
    * no querer tener nada que ver con Algo = would not touch + Nombre + with a barge pole.
    * no querer tener nada que ver con = want + nothing to do with.
    * no racial = colour-blind.
    * no racista = race-neutral.
    * no realizado = unfulfilled, unrealised [unrealized, -USA].
    * no recargado = uncluttered.
    * no reciclable = non-recyclable.
    * no recogido = uncollected.
    * no recompensado = unrewarded.
    * no reconocido = unacknowledged, unrecognised [unrecognized, -USA].
    * no recopilado = uncollected.
    * no redimido = unredeemed.
    * no reembolsable = non-repayable, non-refundable.
    * no registrado = unlisted, unaffiliated.
    * no reglamentado = unregulated.
    * no regulado = unregulated.
    * no relacionado = unrelated, nonrelative [non-relative].
    * no relacionados entre sí = unrelated.
    * no relativo = nonrelative [non-relative].
    * no relevante = non-relevant.
    * no remunerado = unpaid, unsalaried, non-paying, unremunerated, non-remunerated.
    * no renovable = non-renewable.
    * no renovado = unrenewed.
    * no rentable = uneconomic, unprofitable.
    * no reparar en gastos = go to + town on, lash out (on).
    * no repartido = undelivered.
    * no representativo = unrepresentative.
    * no restrictivo = non-restrictive.
    * no restringido = non-restrictive, unconfined.
    * no resuelto = unresolved.
    * no resultar fácil = not be easy.
    * no retirado = uncollected.

    * * *
    (= noroeste) [ Vocabulary notes (Spanish) ] NW
    * * *


    Multiple Entries:
    NO (
    noroeste) NW

    no adverbio
    a) ( como respuesta) no;

    (modificando adverbios, oraciones, verbos) not la negación de la mayoría de los verbos ingleses requiere el uso del auxiliar `do'
    ¿te gustó? — no did you like it? — no, I didn't;

    ¿vienes o no? are you coming or not?;
    no te preocupes don't worry;
    ¿por qué no quieres ir? — porque no why don't you want to go?I just don't

    no veo nada I can't see a thing o anything;

    no viene nunca she never comes

    está mejor ¿no? she's better, isn't she?;

    ha dimitido ¿no? he has resigned, hasn't he?

    se ganó la lotería — ¡no! he won the lottery — he didn't! o no!

    ¿te gustó? a mí no did you like it? I didn't
    f) (delante de n, adj, pp):

    la no violencia non-violence;
    un hijo no deseado an unwanted child
    ■ sustantivo masculino (pl
    noes) no

    I adverbio
    1 (como respuesta) no: ¿quieres un poco?, - no, gracias, would you like a bit?, - no, thanks
    2 (en frases negativas) not: aún no está dormido, he isn't asleep yet
    hoy no es jueves, today isn't Thursday
    no, no iré, no, I will not go
    no tengo hambre, I am not hungry
    ¿por qué no?, why not?
    ya no fuma, she doesn't smoke any more
    3 (antepuesto a un nombre) la no colaboración se penalizará, non-collaboration will be penalized
    4 (con otros negativos) no diré nada, I won't say a single word
    no lo haré jamás, I'll never do it
    no sin antes..., not without first...
    5 (en advertencia, cartel) no fumar, no smoking
    6 (en preguntas retóricas o de confirmación) está enfadado, ¿no es así?, he is angry, isn't he?
    estoy guapa, ¿o no?, I'm smart, aren't I?
    firmarás el contrato, ¿no?, you'll sign the contract, won't you?
    ¿no nos presentaron el otro día?, weren't we introduced the other day?
    7 (para expresar un temor) llévate el paraguas, no sea que llueva, take your umbrella in case it rains
    II sustantivo masculino no: ¿es un no definitivo?, is that a definite no?

    'no' also found in these entries:
    - abandonar
    - abandonada
    - abandonado
    - abandonarse
    - abarcar
    - abarrotada
    - abarrotado
    - abasto
    - abatir
    - abatimiento
    - abonarse
    - abortar
    - abrir
    - abreviar
    - abrigar
    - absoluta
    - absolutamente
    - absoluto
    - abstraerse
    - abuela
    - abundar
    - aburrida
    - aburrido
    - abusar
    - acabar
    - acallar
    - acalorarse
    - acariciar
    - acaso
    - accesoria
    - accesorio
    - aceptar
    - acertada
    - acertado
    - achacar
    - achantarse
    - aclararse
    - aconsejar
    - actuación
    - actual
    - acudir
    - adelantar
    - adelante
    - adentro
    - adivinar
    - admitir
    - adónde
    - adorno
    - advertir
    - ablaze
    - able
    - about
    - absence
    - absent
    - accepted
    - accommodate
    - account
    - accountable
    - accustom
    - act on
    - action
    - actual
    - actually
    - add up
    - adequately
    - adjust
    - admit
    - admittance
    - advertise
    - advise
    - affair
    - afford
    - afraid
    - agree
    - agreement
    - albeit
    - alike
    - alive
    - all
    - alone
    - aloud
    - also
    - alternative
    - altogether
    - always
    - ambit
    - amiss
    - amusing
    - anathema
    - and
    - answer
    - answer back
    - antisexist
    - any
    - anybody
    - anything
    - anywhere
    - apart
    * * *
    NO (abrev de Noroeste)
    * * *
    abr (= noroeste) NW, Northwest
    * * *
    no adv
    1) : no
    ¿quieres ir al mercado? no, voy más tarde: do you want to go shopping? no, I'm going later
    2) : not
    ¡no hagas eso!: don't do that!
    creo que no: I don't think so
    3) : non-
    no fumador: non-smoker
    ¡como no! : of course!
    no bien : as soon as, no sooner
    * * *
    no adv
    ¿vienes? No are you coming? No
    ¡no a los accidentes! no more accidents!
    no toques eso don't touch that que no con verbos como creer, pensar, etc se puede traducir por un verbo negativo y so
    La doble negación en inglés equivale a una afirmación, así que con un solo negativo basta
    Si se emplea ¿no? para hacer una pregunta, en inglés se emplea una tag question
    fuiste al médico, ¿no? you went to the doctor's, didn't you?
    el martes es fiesta, ¿no? Tuesday is a holiday, isn't it?
    puedo ir, ¿no? I can go, can't I?

    Spanish-English dictionary > no

  • 24 técnica

    1 technique, skill, expertise, know-how.
    2 procedure, method.
    * * *
    1 (tecnología) technique, technology
    2 (habilidad) technique, method
    3 (ingeniería) engineering
    * * *
    1. f., (m. - técnico) 2. noun f.
    skill, technique
    3. f., (m. - técnico)
    * * *
    1) (=método) technique
    2) (=tecnología) technology
    3) (=destreza) skill
    * * *
    a) ( método) technique
    b) ( destreza) skill
    2) ( tecnología) technology
    3) ( en baloncesto) technical foul
    * * *
    = approach [approaches, -pl.], know-how, mechanics, skill, technique, technic.
    Ex. During the last twenty years the variety of approaches to the organisation of knowledge has proliferated with the introduction of computer-based methods.
    Ex. What was lacking, however, was the know-how for forming and running such groups.
    Ex. However, it is clear that the mechanics of searching post-coordinate indexes differ from those involved in searching pre-coordinate indexes.
    Ex. However, successful human free language indexing is very dependent upon the skills of the individual indexer.
    Ex. Improvements in document delivery services (DDS) via the further application of techniques such as facsimile transmission will also have an important role to play.
    Ex. The technic of automatic indexing indicates a list of key-words (simple and compound words) to an expert in a given field.
    * arte y técnica de escribir obras de teatro = playwriting.
    * desarrollar una técnica = develop + skill, build + skill.
    * dominar una técnica = master + technique.
    * técnica analítica = analytical technique.
    * técnica bibliométrica = bibliometric technique.
    * técnica bibliotecaria = library technique.
    * técnica cluster = clustering technique.
    * técnica convolucionista = convolution technique.
    * técnica de apoyo = enabling skill.
    * técnica de audio simultáneo = audio streaming.
    * técnica de búsqueda automatizada = computer-searching technique.
    * técnica de construcción = construction technique.
    * técnica de diseño = design technique.
    * técnica de encuadernación = binding technique.
    * técnica de fabricación = construction technique.
    * técnica de grupo nominal = nominal group technique.
    * técnica de incidencias = critical incident technique.
    * técnica de investigación = research technique.
    * técnica Delphi, la = Delphi technique, the.
    * técnica de mercado = merchandising technique.
    * técnica de navegación = navigational technique.
    * técnica de recuperación de información por coincidencia óptima = best match technique.
    * técnica de recuperación por medio de la lógica difusa = fuzzy IR technique.
    * técnica de repografía = reprography technique.
    * técnica de vídeo simultáneo = video streaming.
    * técnica documental = document-handling technique.
    * técnicas de composición escrita = writing skills.
    * técnicas de estudio = study skills.
    * técnicas de proyección = forecasting techniques.
    * técnicas de redacción = writing skills.
    * * *
    a) ( método) technique
    b) ( destreza) skill
    2) ( tecnología) technology
    3) ( en baloncesto) technical foul
    * * *
    = approach [approaches, -pl.], know-how, mechanics, skill, technique, technic.

    Ex: During the last twenty years the variety of approaches to the organisation of knowledge has proliferated with the introduction of computer-based methods.

    Ex: What was lacking, however, was the know-how for forming and running such groups.
    Ex: However, it is clear that the mechanics of searching post-coordinate indexes differ from those involved in searching pre-coordinate indexes.
    Ex: However, successful human free language indexing is very dependent upon the skills of the individual indexer.
    Ex: Improvements in document delivery services (DDS) via the further application of techniques such as facsimile transmission will also have an important role to play.
    Ex: The technic of automatic indexing indicates a list of key-words (simple and compound words) to an expert in a given field.
    * arte y técnica de escribir obras de teatro = playwriting.
    * desarrollar una técnica = develop + skill, build + skill.
    * dominar una técnica = master + technique.
    * técnica analítica = analytical technique.
    * técnica bibliométrica = bibliometric technique.
    * técnica bibliotecaria = library technique.
    * técnica cluster = clustering technique.
    * técnica convolucionista = convolution technique.
    * técnica de apoyo = enabling skill.
    * técnica de audio simultáneo = audio streaming.
    * técnica de búsqueda automatizada = computer-searching technique.
    * técnica de construcción = construction technique.
    * técnica de diseño = design technique.
    * técnica de encuadernación = binding technique.
    * técnica de fabricación = construction technique.
    * técnica de grupo nominal = nominal group technique.
    * técnica de incidencias = critical incident technique.
    * técnica de investigación = research technique.
    * técnica Delphi, la = Delphi technique, the.
    * técnica de mercado = merchandising technique.
    * técnica de navegación = navigational technique.
    * técnica de recuperación de información por coincidencia óptima = best match technique.
    * técnica de recuperación por medio de la lógica difusa = fuzzy IR technique.
    * técnica de repografía = reprography technique.
    * técnica de vídeo simultáneo = video streaming.
    * técnica documental = document-handling technique.
    * técnicas de composición escrita = writing skills.
    * técnicas de estudio = study skills.
    * técnicas de proyección = forecasting techniques.
    * técnicas de redacción = writing skills.

    * * *
    1 (método) technique
    2 (habilidad, destreza) skill
    conduce con mucha técnica she's a very skilful driver
    B (tecnología) technology
    avances de la técnica advances in technology
    electronic technology
    hydraulic technology
    C (en baloncesto) technical foul
    * * *


    técnica sustantivo femenino

    2 ( tecnología) technology
    3 ( en baloncesto) technical foul
    I adjetivo technical
    un problema técnico, a technical hitch
    II sustantivo masculino y femenino technician, technical expert
    técnica sustantivo femenino
    1 (método) technique
    2 (tecnología) technology
    ' técnica' also found in these entries:
    - carrera
    - ensayar
    - escala
    - ficha
    - grabada
    - grabado
    - imprenta
    - inédita
    - inédito
    - inventar
    - ITV
    - maravilla
    - novedosa
    - novedoso
    - relojería
    - revista
    - tela
    - vídeo
    - aplicación
    - asistencia
    - dotar
    - fotografía
    - medio
    - modernizar
    carbon dating
    - mastery
    - oil painting
    - skill
    - technique
    - coach
    - extensively
    - manager
    * * *
    1. [procedimiento] technique;
    en Florencia aprendió la técnica pictórica del fresco in Florence he learned the fresco technique;
    tiene mucha técnica she has very good technique, she's very skilful
    técnicas de reproducción asistida assisted reproduction techniques;
    técnicas de venta sales techniques
    2. [tecnología] technology;
    los grandes avances de la técnica great advances in technology
    3. [en baloncesto] technical foul;
    el árbitro le pitó una técnica al entrenador the referee blew the whistle for a technical foul by the trainer
    * * *
    1 technique
    2 en baloncesto: infracción technical foul
    * * *
    1) : technique, skill
    2) : technology
    * * *
    técnica n technique

    Spanish-English dictionary > técnica

  • 25 nun

    I Adv.
    1. (jetzt) now; von nun an from now on, henceforth förm.; (seitdem) from that time (onwards); was nun? what now ( oder next)?; was sagst du nun? what do you say to that (then)?; nun sag bloß... umg. don’t say..., you don’t mean to say...; nun erst sah er... only then did he see...; nun gerade! (jetzt erst recht!) you just watch me!
    2. (also) zur Einleitung oder Fortsetzung der Rede: well; nun denn! aufmunternd: come on, then; nun ja zögernd: well(, you see); nun gut! all right
    3. fragend: nun? well?; (wie geht’s?) well, how are things?; wenn er nun...? what if he...?; hältst du das nun für richtig? so do you think that’s for the best?; kommst du nun mit oder nicht? so are you coming or not?; wenn sie das nun Mutter gesagt hat? what if she’s told mother?
    4. (eben, halt): so ist das nun that’s just the way it is; da es nun einmal so ist since ( oder being as) that’s the way it is; das mag ich nun einmal nicht I just don’t like it
    5. verstärkend: ist sie nun verheiratet oder nicht? so is she married or isn’t she?; und so was nennt sich nun Fachmann! umg. and he calls himself an expert!; das ist nun wirklich nicht zu viel verlangt that really isn’t asking too much; da hat man nun ein Leben lang geschuftet and to think that I etc. have slaved all my etc. life for that; er mag nun kommen oder nicht whether he comes or not; siehe auch jetzt
    II Konj. altm.: nun (da) now that, since
    * * *
    at present; now
    * * *
    1. adv
    1) (= jetzt) now

    von nún an — from now on, as of now, from here on in

    nún und nimmer(mehr) (liter)nevermore (liter)

    nún, da er da ist, können wir anfangen — now that he's here we can get started

    nún erst, erst nún — only now

    nún ist aber genug! — now that's enough

    nún endlich — (now) at last

    was nún? — what now?

    was nún (schon wieder)? — what (is it) now?

    2) (= danach) then

    nún erst ging er — only then did he go


    ich bin nún eben dumm — I'm just stupid, that's all

    er will nún mal nicht — he simply doesn't want to

    wir hatten uns nún eben entschlossen zu gehen... — after all, we had decided to go...

    dann muss ich das nún wohl tun! — then I'll just have to do it

    nún, wenns unbedingt sein muss — well, if I/you etc really must

    nún, du hast ja recht, wenn du das sagst, aber... — well or OK (inf) or fair enough (inf) what you say is true but...

    das ist nún (ein)mal sothat's just the way things are

    nún ja or gut, aber... — all right or OK (inf) but...

    nún ja — well yes

    nún gut — (well) all right, (well) OK (inf)

    nún, meinetwegen —

    er mag nún wollen oder nicht (liter)whether he wants to or not or no

    nún gerade erst!, nún erst recht! — just for that (I'll do it)!

    nún taten wirs erst recht nicht — just because they/he/she etc said/did that, we didn't do it

    4) (Folge) now

    das hast du nún davon! — (it) serves you right

    5) (Aufforderung) come on, go on

    nún denn (geh)well then

    nún, wirds bald? (inf) — come on then, hurry up then

    6) (bei Fragen) well

    nún? — well?

    7) (beschwichtigend) come on

    nún, nún! (warnend) — come on now, come, come, now, now; (tröstend) there, there

    2. conj (obs)
    since (that (obs, now that
    * * *
    1) (expressing disapproval, drawing attention etc: Come, come! That was very rude of you!) come
    2) ((in stories) then; at that time: We were now very close to the city.) now
    3) (used when re-starting a conversation, starting an explanation etc: Do you remember John Watson? Well, he's become a teacher.) well
    * * *
    I. adv
    1. (jetzt) now
    das hat er \nun davon it serves him right
    was \nun? what now?
    von \nun an from now on
    2. (dann) then
    \nun erst bemerkte er sie only then did he notice her
    3. (na ja) well
    was hältst du von ihm? — \nun, ich weiß nicht what do you think of him? — well, I don't know
    4. (eben) just
    es ist \nun [ein]mal so that's the way it is
    ich will \nun mal nicht im Norden Urlaub machen! but I just don't want to go on holiday in the north!
    Mathematik liegt ihr \nun mal nicht maths just isn't her thing
    was hilft's, hier wird \nun mal so verfahren what can you do? that's the way things are done around here
    5. (etwa) well
    hat sich die Mühe \nun gelohnt? well, was it worth the trouble?
    er mag \nun einverstanden sein oder nicht whether he agrees or not
    7. in Fragesätzen (denn) then
    war es \nun wirklich so schlimm mit der Prüfung? so, was the exam really so bad then?
    ob es \nun auch sein kann, dass einfach eine Verwechslung vorliegt? could it be then that there is simply some mistake?
    wenn sie sich \nun wirklich etwas angetan hat? what if she has really done sth to herself?
    \nun denn (geh) so, well then
    \nun gut [o schön] alright, all right
    \nun ja well
    \nun ja [o gut], aber... well yes, but...
    \nun, \nun! now, now!
    II. konj (veraltend geh: jetzt da) now that
    \nun der Vorhang gefallen war, konnte der Intendant erleichtert aufatmen now that the curtain was down, the director was able to heave a sigh of relief
    * * *
    Adverb now

    nun, wo sie krank ist — now [that] she's ill


    so ist das nun [einmal/mal] — that's just the way it is or things are

    nun gut od. schön — [well,] all right

    nun, nun! — now, come on

    nun ja... — well, yes...

    nun denn!(also gut) well, all right!; (also los) well then

    * * *
    A. adv
    1. (jetzt) now;
    von nun an from now on, henceforth form; (seitdem) from that time (onwards);
    was nun? what now ( oder next)?;
    was sagst du nun? what do you say to that (then)?;
    nun sag bloß … umg don’t say …, you don’t mean to say …;
    nun erst sah er … only then did he see …;
    nun gerade! (jetzt erst recht!) you just watch me!
    2. (also) zur Einleitung oder Fortsetzung der Rede: well;
    nun denn! aufmunternd: come on, then;
    nun ja zögernd: well(, you see);
    nun gut! all right
    3. fragend:
    nun? well?; (wie geht’s?) well, how are things?;
    wenn er nun …? what if he …?;
    hältst du das nun für richtig? so do you think that’s for the best?;
    kommst du nun mit oder nicht? so are you coming or not?;
    wenn sie das nun Mutter gesagt hat? what if she’s told mother?
    4. (eben, halt):
    so ist das nun that’s just the way it is;
    da es nun einmal so ist since ( oder being as) that’s the way it is;
    das mag ich nun einmal nicht I just don’t like it
    ist sie nun verheiratet oder nicht? so is she married or isn’t she?;
    und so was nennt sich nun Fachmann! umg and he calls himself an expert!;
    das ist nun wirklich nicht zu viel verlangt that really isn’t asking too much;
    da hat man nun ein Leben lang geschuftet and to think that I etc have slaved all my etc life for that;
    er mag nun kommen oder nicht whether he comes or not; auch jetzt
    B. konj obs:
    nun (da) now that, since
    * * *
    Adverb now

    nun, wo sie krank ist — now [that] she's ill


    so ist das nun [einmal/mal] — that's just the way it is or things are

    nun gut od. schön — [well,] all right

    nun, nun! — now, come on

    ja nun! — oh, well!; nun? well?

    nun ja... — well, yes...

    nun denn! (also gut) well, all right!; (also los) well then

    * * *
    now adv.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > nun

  • 26 lay

    1. lei past tense, past participle - laid; verb
    1) (to place, set or put (down), often carefully: She laid the clothes in a drawer / on a chair; He laid down his pencil; She laid her report before the committee.) poner, colocar
    2) (to place in a lying position: She laid the baby on his back.) tender
    3) (to put in order or arrange: She went to lay the table for dinner; to lay one's plans / a trap.) preparar
    4) (to flatten: The animal laid back its ears; The wind laid the corn flat.) tender; allanar; alisar
    5) (to cause to disappear or become quiet: to lay a ghost / doubts.) calmar, aquietar
    6) ((of a bird) to produce (eggs): The hen laid four eggs; My hens are laying well.) poner
    7) (to bet: I'll lay five pounds that you don't succeed.) apostar

    2. verb
    (to put, cut or arrange in layers: She had her hair layered by the hairdresser.) dividir en capas
    - lay-by
    - layout
    - laid up
    - lay aside
    - lay bare
    - lay by
    - lay down
    - lay one's hands on
    - lay hands on
    - lay in
    - lay low
    - lay off
    - lay on
    - lay out
    - lay up
    - lay waste

    II see lie II
    III lei adjective
    1) (not a member of the clergy: lay preachers.) laico
    2) (not an expert or a professional (in a particular subject): Doctors tend to use words that lay people don't understand.) lego, no profesional

    IV lei noun
    (an epic poem.) romance
    lay1 vb poner
    will you lay the table? ¿quieres poner la mesa?
    lay2 vb
    she lay unconscious on the floor yacía en el suelo, inconsciente
    en el sentido de yacer, estar tumbado
    1 SMALLRELIGION/SMALL laico,-a, seglar
    2 (non-professional) lego,-a, no profesional
    lay brother hermano lego
    lay figure maniquí
    lay preacher predicador,-ra seglar
    lay sister hermana lega
    1 SMALLLITERATURE/SMALL (ballad) romance nombre masculino
    1→ link=lie lie{ 2
    transitive verb (pt & pp laid tr[leɪd])
    1 (gen) poner, colocar; (spread out) extender
    2 (bricks, carpet) poner; (cable, pipe) tender; (foundations, basis) echar; (bomb) colocar
    3 (prepare) preparar; (curse) lanzar
    4 (eggs) poner
    5 (bet) apostar
    6 (charge) formular
    7 taboo follar
    1 (hen) poner huevos
    to be a great lay taboo ser muy bueno,-a en la cama
    to be laid low estar enfermo,-a ( with, de)
    to be laid up tener que guardar cama
    to lay claim to something hacer valer su derecho a algo
    to lay down the law dictar la ley
    to lay emphasis on something hacer hincapié en algo
    to lay it on / lay it on a bit thick familiar cargar la mano, cargar las tintas 2 (praise) hacer la pelota
    to lay one on somebody SMALLBRITISH ENGLISH/SMALL familiar hacerle una jugarreta a alguien
    to lay open to... exponer a...
    to lay something flat derribar algo
    to lay something on the line (make clear) dejar algo bien claro 2 (risk) arriesgar
    to lay the table poner la mesa
    to lay the blame on somebody echar la culpa a alguien
    to lay waste to arrasar, asolar
    the lay of the land SMALLAMERICAN ENGLISH/SMALL la topografía
    lay ['leɪ] vt, laid ['leɪd] ; laying
    1) place, put: poner, colocar
    she laid it on the table: lo puso en la mesa
    to lay eggs: poner huevos
    2) : hacer
    to lay a bet: hacer una apuesta
    3) impose: imponer
    to lay a tax: imponer un impuesto
    to lay the blame on: echarle la culpa a
    to lay out present: presentar, exponer
    he laid out his plan: presentó su proyecto
    to lay out design: diseñar (el trazado de)
    lay pp lie
    lay adj
    secular: laico, lego
    lay n
    1) : disposición f, configuración f
    the lay of the land: la configuración del terreno
    2) ballad: romance m, balada f
    laical adj.
    laico, -a adj.
    lego, -a adj.
    seglar adj.
    disposición s.f.
    situación s.f.
    (Preterito definido de "to lie")
    (§ p.,p.p.: laid) = acabar con v.
    acostar v.
    derribar v.
    poner v.
    (§pres: pongo, pones...) pret: pus-
    pp: puesto
    fut/c: pondr-•)

    I leɪ
    past of lie II II

    (past & past p laid) transitive verb
    1) (put, place) poner*
    2) (arrange, put down in position) \<\<bricks/carpet\>\> poner*, colocar*; \<\<cable/pipes\>\> tender*, instalar; \<\<mines\>\> sembrar*
    3) ( prepare) \<\<trap/ambush\>\> tender*; \<\<plans\>\> hacer*

    to lay the table — poner* la mesa

    4) (present, put forward)

    to lay a complaint against somebodyformular or presentar una queja contra alguien; claim I 2)

    5) ( impose)

    to lay a burden/fine on somebody — imponer* una carga sobre/una multa a alguien; see also blame II a), stress I 2) a), emphasis

    to lay somebody low: he was laid low by malaria — estuvo postrado con malaria

    7) ( Zool)

    to lay eggs\<\<bird/reptile\>\> poner* huevos; \<\<fish/insects\>\> desovar*

    8) \<\<bet\>\> hacer*; \<\<money\>\> apostar*; odds 1)
    9) ( to have sex with) (sl)

    1) \<\<hen\>\> poner* huevos
    2) (crit) lie II II
    Phrasal Verbs:

    adjective (before n)
    a) ( secular) ( Relig) <organization/education> laico

    lay preacher — predicador, -dora m,f seglar

    the lay reader — el lector profano en la materia, el lector no especializado

    noun (sl)

    he's/she's a good lay — es muy bueno/buena en la cama (fam)

    I [leɪ]
    1. VT
    (pt, pp laid)
    1) (=place, put) poner, colocar; [+ carpet, lino] poner, extender; [+ bricks] poner, colocar; [+ pipes] (in building) instalar; [+ cable, mains, track, trap] tender; [+ foundations] echar; [+ foundation stone] colocar; [+ bomb, explosives] colocar; [+ mines] sembrar

    I haven't laid eyes on him for years — hace años que no lo veo

    I didn't lay a finger on it! — ¡no lo toqué!

    I don't know where to lay my hands on... — no sé dónde echar mano a or conseguir...

    to lay sth over or on sth — extender algo encima de algo

    2) (=prepare) [+ fire] preparar; [+ plans] hacer

    to lay the table(Brit) poner la mesa

    - the best laid plans
    3) (=present) [+ plan, proposal] presentar ( before a); [+ accusation, charge] hacer; [+ complaint] formular, presentar

    to lay a claim before sb — presentar una reivindicación a algn

    to lay the facts before sb — presentar los hechos a algn

    charge 1., 1), claim 1., 2)
    4) (=attribute) [+ blame] echar; [+ responsibility] atribuir (on a)
    5) (=flatten, suppress) [+ corn] abatir, encamar; [+ dust] matar; [+ doubts, fears] acallar; [+ ghost] conjurar
    6) (=cause to be)

    to lay a town flatarrasar or destruir una ciudad

    he has been laid low with flu — la gripe lo ha tenido en cama

    to lay o.s. open to attack/criticism — exponerse al ataque/a la crítica

    to be laid to restser enterrado

    7) [+ bet] hacer; [+ money] apostar (on a)

    I'll lay you a fiver on it! — ¡te apuesto cinco libras a que es así!

    to lay that... — apostar a que...

    8) [+ egg] [bird, reptile] poner; [fish, amphibian, insect] depositar

    it lays its eggs on/in... — [fish, amphibian, insect] deposita los huevos or desova en...

    9) ** (=have sex with) tirarse a ***, follarse a (Sp) ***
    VI [hen] poner (huevos)
    3. N
    1) [of countryside, district etc] disposición f, situación f

    the lay of the land(US) la configuración del terreno; (fig) la situación, el estado de las cosas


    hen in laygallina f ponedora

    3) **
    4) *** (=act) polvo *** m

    lay days NPL — (Comm) días mpl de detención or inactividad

    PT of lie II, 1., 1)
    III [leɪ]
    ADJ (Rel) laico, lego, seglar; (=non-specialist) lego, profano, no experto

    lay brother N — (Rel) donado m, lego m, hermano m lego

    lay person N — (Rel) lego(-a) m / f; (=non-specialist) profano(-a) m / f

    lay preacher Npredicador(a) m / f laico(-a)

    lay reader N — (Rel) persona laica encargada de conducir parte de un servicio religioso

    lay sister N — (Rel) donada f, lega f

    N (Mus, Literat) trova f, canción f
    * * *

    I [leɪ]
    past of lie II II

    (past & past p laid) transitive verb
    1) (put, place) poner*
    2) (arrange, put down in position) \<\<bricks/carpet\>\> poner*, colocar*; \<\<cable/pipes\>\> tender*, instalar; \<\<mines\>\> sembrar*
    3) ( prepare) \<\<trap/ambush\>\> tender*; \<\<plans\>\> hacer*

    to lay the table — poner* la mesa

    4) (present, put forward)

    to lay a complaint against somebodyformular or presentar una queja contra alguien; claim I 2)

    5) ( impose)

    to lay a burden/fine on somebody — imponer* una carga sobre/una multa a alguien; see also blame II a), stress I 2) a), emphasis

    to lay somebody low: he was laid low by malaria — estuvo postrado con malaria

    7) ( Zool)

    to lay eggs\<\<bird/reptile\>\> poner* huevos; \<\<fish/insects\>\> desovar*

    8) \<\<bet\>\> hacer*; \<\<money\>\> apostar*; odds 1)
    9) ( to have sex with) (sl)

    1) \<\<hen\>\> poner* huevos
    2) (crit) lie II II
    Phrasal Verbs:

    adjective (before n)
    a) ( secular) ( Relig) <organization/education> laico

    lay preacher — predicador, -dora m,f seglar

    the lay reader — el lector profano en la materia, el lector no especializado

    noun (sl)

    he's/she's a good lay — es muy bueno/buena en la cama (fam)

    English-spanish dictionary > lay

  • 27 autorizado

    1 authorized, permitted, licensed, accredited.
    2 approved, sanctioned.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: autorizar.
    * * *
    1→ link=autorizar autorizar
    1 (oficial) authorized, official
    2 (experto) authoritative, expert
    * * *
    1) (=oficial) authorized, official
    2) (=fiable) authoritative
    3) (Com) approved

    la persona autorizada — the officially designated person, the approved person

    * * *
    - da adjetivo <fuente/portavoz> official; < distribuidor> authorized, official; < opinión> expert (before n), authoritative
    * * *
    = authorised [authorized, -USA], accredited, approved, ratified.
    Ex. These files may be updated only by authorized persons from the local library.
    Ex. Please remember that only accredited representatives of voting members of IFLA are entitled to vote at IFLA Council meetings.
    Ex. Most of this software takes the form of content filtering software, but there are some applications that are based on the idea of 'selection' of approved Web sites.
    Ex. The legal theory of this case must come from the ratified treaties, statutes, and case law defining the relationship of the United States and the Indian tribes.
    * autorizado de antemano = pre-authorised [pre-authorized, -USA].
    * autorizado por la compañía = company-approved.
    * autorizado por la FDA = FDA-approved.
    * cruzar la carretera por un sitio no autorizado = jaywalking, jaywalk.
    * no autorizado = unauthorised [unauthorized, -USA].
    * persona que cruza la carretera por un sitio no autorizado = jaywalker.
    * sólo para personal autorizado = restricted access.
    * * *
    - da adjetivo <fuente/portavoz> official; < distribuidor> authorized, official; < opinión> expert (before n), authoritative
    * * *
    = authorised [authorized, -USA], accredited, approved, ratified.

    Ex: These files may be updated only by authorized persons from the local library.

    Ex: Please remember that only accredited representatives of voting members of IFLA are entitled to vote at IFLA Council meetings.
    Ex: Most of this software takes the form of content filtering software, but there are some applications that are based on the idea of 'selection' of approved Web sites.
    Ex: The legal theory of this case must come from the ratified treaties, statutes, and case law defining the relationship of the United States and the Indian tribes.
    * autorizado de antemano = pre-authorised [pre-authorized, -USA].
    * autorizado por la compañía = company-approved.
    * autorizado por la FDA = FDA-approved.
    * cruzar la carretera por un sitio no autorizado = jaywalking, jaywalk.
    * no autorizado = unauthorised [unauthorized, -USA].
    * persona que cruza la carretera por un sitio no autorizado = jaywalker.
    * sólo para personal autorizado = restricted access.

    * * *
    1 ‹fuente/portavoz› official; ‹distribuidor› authorized, official
    2 ‹opinión› expert ( before n), authoritative
    las personas autorizadas opinan que … the experts are of the opinion that …
    * * *

    Del verbo autorizar: ( conjugate autorizar)

    autorizado es:

    el participio

    Multiple Entries:
    ◊ -da adjetivo ‹fuente/portavoz official;

    distribuidor authorized, official;
    opinión expert ( before n)
    autorizar ( conjugate autorizar) verbo transitivo
    a)manifestación/documento/firma to authorize;

    aumento/pago/obra to authorize, approve
    b) persona›:

    ¿quién te autorizó? who gave you permission?;

    lo autoricé para recibir el pago I authorized him to receive the payment;
    me autorizó para salir he gave me permission to go out;
    eso no te autoriza a or para hablarme así that doesn't give you the right to talk to me like that
    autorizado,-a adjetivo authorized, official
    autorizar verbo transitivo to authorize
    ' autorizado' also found in these entries:
    - bar
    - lawful
    - licensed
    - official
    - unauthorized
    * * *
    autorizado, -a adj
    1. [permitido] authorized;
    un distribuidor autorizado an authorized o official distributor;
    una película no autorizada para menores a movie passed as unsuitable for children;
    autorizada para mayores de 18 años [en letrero] Br ≈ 18, US ≈ R;
    una manifestación no autorizada an unauthorized demonstration;
    una biografía no autorizado an unofficial biography
    2. [digno de crédito] authoritative
    * * *
    adj authorized;
    autorizado a firmar authorized to sign;
    no autorizado unauthorized
    * * *
    autorizado, -da adj
    1) : authorized
    2) : authoritative

    Spanish-English dictionary > autorizado

  • 28 destacado

    1 prominent, featured, distinguished, outstanding.
    2 highlighted, marked.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: destacar.
    * * *
    1→ link=destacar destacar
    1 (persona) outstanding, distinguished, prominent, leading; (actuación) outstanding
    * * *
    (f. - destacada)
    outstanding, prominent
    * * *
    1) (=distinguido) [gen] outstanding; [personaje] distinguished; [dato] noteworthy
    2) (Mil) stationed
    * * *
    - da adjetivo
    1) <profesional/artista> prominent, distinguished; < actuación> outstanding

    destacadas personalidadesprominent o distinguished figures

    2) [estar] < tropas> stationed

    el cuerpo diplomático destacado en... — the diplomatic staff in...

    * * *
    = leading, outstanding, salient, distinguished, marked, high profile, esteemed, singular, with a difference, prominent, elevated, of note, standout, selected, unique.
    Ex. In addition to her reputation as a leading expert in information control, Phyllis Richmond is another of ISAD's official reviewers of the AACR2's draft.
    Ex. The PRECIS indexing system is a set of procedures for producing index entries which in theoretical terms represents an advance outstanding for its highly formularized approach to citation order and reference, or added entry, generation.
    Ex. There must be instructions explaining salient features of the index.
    Ex. This is a contribution to a festschrift in honour of Samuel Rothstein, the distinguished Canadian reference librarian.
    Ex. It hardly needs to be said that the microcomputer is now a fact of life, but its impact upon the world of information retrieval and libraries generally has been less marked than in many other areas.
    Ex. The South African government is under pressure to bring rapid and high profile improvements to its schools = El gobierno de Sudáfrica está siendo presionado para que traiga mejoras rápidas y notorias a sus escuelas.
    Ex. This tremendous outpouring of titles is one reason why British publishing has such a highly esteemed place in the world.
    Ex. The second edition was also well received all over the world, and was accorded the singular honour of translation into Portuguese for use in library schools in Brazil.
    Ex. The article 'Web authoring with a difference' reviews the current authoring tools available for organizations wishing to become involved in the World Wide Web (WWW).
    Ex. Classification is also prominent in the physical arrangement of documents.
    Ex. Public investment in rebuilding the church and the gifts of individual donors were important indications of its elevated social standing.
    Ex. Another analytical study of note is the one for Columbia University Libraries.
    Ex. Among its standout features is a collection of animated maps that are not terribly detailed but are accompanied by high-quality pictures of many interesting sites.
    Ex. This month-long fellowship will offer participants an opportunity to train at selected North American libraries.
    Ex. The basic requirement of a shelf arrangement system is that each document has a unique place in the sequence.
    * elemento destacado = standout.
    * lo más destacado = highlights.
    * más destacado = foremost.
    * miembro destacado = leading member.
    * ocupar un lugar destacado para + Pronombre = stand + high on + Posesivo + list.
    * persona destacada = standout.
    * * *
    - da adjetivo
    1) <profesional/artista> prominent, distinguished; < actuación> outstanding

    destacadas personalidadesprominent o distinguished figures

    2) [estar] < tropas> stationed

    el cuerpo diplomático destacado en... — the diplomatic staff in...

    * * *
    = leading, outstanding, salient, distinguished, marked, high profile, esteemed, singular, with a difference, prominent, elevated, of note, standout, selected, unique.

    Ex: In addition to her reputation as a leading expert in information control, Phyllis Richmond is another of ISAD's official reviewers of the AACR2's draft.

    Ex: The PRECIS indexing system is a set of procedures for producing index entries which in theoretical terms represents an advance outstanding for its highly formularized approach to citation order and reference, or added entry, generation.
    Ex: There must be instructions explaining salient features of the index.
    Ex: This is a contribution to a festschrift in honour of Samuel Rothstein, the distinguished Canadian reference librarian.
    Ex: It hardly needs to be said that the microcomputer is now a fact of life, but its impact upon the world of information retrieval and libraries generally has been less marked than in many other areas.
    Ex: The South African government is under pressure to bring rapid and high profile improvements to its schools = El gobierno de Sudáfrica está siendo presionado para que traiga mejoras rápidas y notorias a sus escuelas.
    Ex: This tremendous outpouring of titles is one reason why British publishing has such a highly esteemed place in the world.
    Ex: The second edition was also well received all over the world, and was accorded the singular honour of translation into Portuguese for use in library schools in Brazil.
    Ex: The article 'Web authoring with a difference' reviews the current authoring tools available for organizations wishing to become involved in the World Wide Web (WWW).
    Ex: Classification is also prominent in the physical arrangement of documents.
    Ex: Public investment in rebuilding the church and the gifts of individual donors were important indications of its elevated social standing.
    Ex: Another analytical study of note is the one for Columbia University Libraries.
    Ex: Among its standout features is a collection of animated maps that are not terribly detailed but are accompanied by high-quality pictures of many interesting sites.
    Ex: This month-long fellowship will offer participants an opportunity to train at selected North American libraries.
    Ex: The basic requirement of a shelf arrangement system is that each document has a unique place in the sequence.
    * elemento destacado = standout.
    * lo más destacado = highlights.
    * más destacado = foremost.
    * miembro destacado = leading member.
    * ocupar un lugar destacado para + Pronombre = stand + high on + Posesivo + list.
    * persona destacada = standout.

    * * *
    A ‹profesional/artista› prominent, distinguished; ‹actuación› outstanding
    la nota más destacada del día the highlight of the day
    en presencia de destacadas personalidades in the presence of prominent o distinguished figures
    B [ ESTAR] ‹tropas› stationed
    las fuerzas destacadas en las zonas montañosas the forces stationed in the mountain areas
    el cuerpo diplomático destacado en Addis-Abeba the diplomatic staff in Addis Ababa o assigned to Addis Ababa
    * * *


    Del verbo destacar: ( conjugate destacar)

    destacado es:

    el participio

    Multiple Entries:
    ◊ -da adjetivo

    1profesional/artista prominent, distinguished;
    actuación outstanding
    2 [estar] ‹ tropas stationed
    destacar ( conjugate destacar) verbo transitivo
    1 (recalcar, subrayar) to emphasize, stress
    2 ( realzar) ‹belleza/figura to enhance;
    color/plano to bring out
    a) (Mil) ‹ tropas to post

    b)periodista/fotógrafo to send

    verbo intransitivo
    to stand out;
    destacado en algo to excel at o in sth
    destacado,-a adjetivo outstanding
    destacar vtr fig to emphasize, stress
    destacar(se) verbo intransitivo & verbo reflexivo to stand out
    ' destacado' also found in these entries:
    - maestra
    - maestro
    - señera
    - señero
    - sobresaliente
    - figure
    - foremost
    - highlight
    - leading
    - outstanding
    - prominent
    - striking
    - towering
    - distinction
    - out
    - prominently
    - top
    * * *
    destacado, -a adj
    1. [persona] distinguished, prominent;
    [acto] outstanding;
    era uno de nuestros alumnos más destacados he was one of our most outstanding pupils;
    tuvo una destacada actuación her performance was outstanding
    2. [tropas] stationed;
    [corresponsales] assigned, sent;
    las tropas destacadas en Bosnia the troops stationed in Bosnia;
    conectamos con nuestra unidad móvil destacada en la zona we're going over to our mobile unit in the area itself
    * * *
    adj outstanding
    * * *
    destacado, -da adj
    1) : outstanding, prominent
    2) : stationed, posted
    * * *
    1. (en general) outstanding
    2. (persona) prominent / leading

    Spanish-English dictionary > destacado

  • 29 ducho

    1 expert, skilled, deft.
    2 wise.
    1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: duchar.
    * * *
    1 knowledgeable
    estar ducho,-a en la materia to be well versed in the subject, be an expert on the subject
    * * *

    ducho en algo(=experimentado) experienced in sth; (=hábil) skilled at sth

    * * *
    - cha adjetivo

    ducho en algo — ( bien informado) knowledgeable about something, well versed in something; ( experimentado) experienced in something

    * * *
    = adept.
    Ex. The machine is indeed quite adept at creating alternate access points and customized sequences.
    * estar ducho en = be adept at.
    * poco ducho en las nuevas tecnologías = technologically challenged.
    * * *
    - cha adjetivo

    ducho en algo — ( bien informado) knowledgeable about something, well versed in something; ( experimentado) experienced in something

    * * *

    Ex: The machine is indeed quite adept at creating alternate access points and customized sequences.

    * estar ducho en = be adept at.
    * poco ducho en las nuevas tecnologías = technologically challenged.

    * * *
    ducho EN algo (bien informado) knowledgeable ABOUT sth, well versed IN sth; (experimentado) experienced IN sth
    es muy ducho en la materia he is very knowledgeable about o very well versed in the subject, he knows a great deal about the subject, he is an expert on the subject
    un sindicalista ducho en negociaciones a union leader experienced in negotiations, a union leader with a great deal of negotiating experience
    * * *

    Del verbo duchar: ( conjugate duchar)

    ducho es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo

    duchó es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo

    Multiple Entries:
    ducho,-a adjetivo expert: está muy ducho en matemáticas, he's well versed in maths
    ' ducho' also found in these entries:
    * * *
    ducho, -a adj
    ser o [m5] estar ducho en [entendido] to know a lot about;
    [diestro] to be skilled at; [experimentado] to be experienced in;
    no estoy muy ducho en química I don't know a lot about chemistry;
    es un jugador muy ducho en torneos de Gran Slam he's a very experienced player in Grand Slam tournaments
    * * *
    adj knowledgeable
    * * *
    ducho, - cha adj
    : experienced, skilled, expert

    Spanish-English dictionary > ducho

  • 30 informático

    information-technology, software, computer, of information technology.
    * * *
    1 computer, computing
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    1 computer expert
    * * *
    informático, -a
    ADJ computer antes de s
    SM / F (=técnico) computer expert; (=programador) computer programmer
    * * *
    - ca adjetivo computer (before n)
    masculino y femenino computer specialist (o programmer etc)
    * * *
    - ca adjetivo computer (before n)
    masculino y femenino computer specialist (o programmer etc)
    * * *
    1 = computer scientist, computer specialist.

    Ex: Others engaged in organizing and exploiting information, such as managers, computer scientists and administrators, should also find something of interest.

    Ex: Close attention to the role of the computer specialist provides a glimpse of the world behind the reference desk.
    * informáticos = computer staff.

    2 = computational, computering.

    Ex: This article considers the future impact of exponential increases in computational, storage and telecommunication capacities on automated information systems.

    Ex: The 1980s have seen a significant increase in the quantity and breadth of offshore computering services -- those based in the developing countries.
    * animación informática = computer animation.
    * auditoría informática = computer audit, computer auditing.
    * fraude informático = computer fraud.
    * friki informático = computer geek, computer whiz.
    * friqui informático = computer geek, computer whiz.
    * ingeniero informático = computer engineer.
    * jerga informática = geek speak.
    * modelo informático = computer model.
    * operador informático = computer operator.
    * piratería informática = hackery.
    * programa informático comercial = commercial application, commercial software.
    * programa informático con mantenimiento incluido = supported software.
    * programa informático hecho por encargo = tailor-made software.
    * sistema informático = computer system.

    * * *
    computer ( before n)
    computer specialist
    * * *


    ◊ -ca adjetivo

    computer ( before n)
    I adjetivo computer, computing: es un programa informático muy novedoso, it's a very innovative computer programme
    II sustantivo masculino y femenino (computer) technician

    ' informático' also found in these entries:
    - material
    - pirata
    - programa
    - delito
    - computer program
    - hacker
    - inform
    - package
    * * *
    informático, -a
    red informática computer network
    [experto] computer expert; [técnico] computer technician
    * * *
    I adj computer atr
    II m, informática f IT specialist

    Spanish-English dictionary > informático

  • 31 maestro

    master, main, principal.
    1 teacher, instructor, master, professor.
    2 maestro, conductor, orchestra conductor.
    3 primary teacher, primary school teacher.
    * * *
    1 (principal) master; (pared, viga) main, supporting
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    1 (de primaria - hombre) schoolmaster; (- mujer) schoolmistress
    2 (instructor) teacher
    3 (experto) master
    es un maestro en el arte de mentir he is a master in the art of lying, he is a consummate liar
    4 (que alecciona) teacher
    1 (compositor) composer; (director) conductor
    ¡música, maestro! music, maestro!
    maestro albañil/carpintero master bricklayer/carpenter
    3 (en toros) matador
    grandes maestros great masters
    maestro de ceremonias master of ceremonies
    maestro de escuela schoolteacher
    maestro de esgrima fencing master
    maestro de obras (arquitecto) master builder 2 (capataz) foreman 3 (aparejador) clerk of works
    1 (compositor) composer; (director) conductor
    ¡música, maestro! music, maestro!
    maestro albañil/carpintero master bricklayer/carpenter
    3 (en toros) matador
    * * *
    1. (f. - maestra)
    2. (f. - maestra)
    * * *
    maestro, -a
    1. SM / F
    1) (=profesor) teacher

    maestro/a de escuela — schoolteacher

    2) [en un arte, un oficio] master

    maestro/a albañil — master mason

    maestro/a de armas — fencing master

    maestro/a de ceremonias — master of ceremonies

    maestro/a de cocina — head chef

    maestro/a de esgrima — fencing master

    maestro/a de obras — foreman

    2. SM
    1) (=autoridad) authority

    el maestro de todos los medievalistas españoles — the greatest authority among the Spanish medievalists, the doyen of Spanish medievalists

    2) esp LAm (=oficial) skilled workman, craftsman
    3) (Mús) maestro

    el maestro Fallathe great musician o composer Falla

    ¡música, maestro! — music, maestro!

    "Los maestros cantores" — "The Mastersingers"

    4) (Ajedrez) master

    Kasparov, uno de los grandes maestros — Kasparov, one of the grand masters

    3. ADJ
    1) (Téc) (=principal) main

    llave maestra — master key, pass key

    obra 2), b)
    2) (Zool) [animal] trained
    abeja, maestra
    * * *
    - tra masculino, femenino
    a) (Educ) teacher, schoolteacher
    b) (en un arte, disciplina)

    un maestro de las letras españolasa leading authority o an expert on Spanish literature

    c) ( en un oficio) master (before n)
    d) (Chi) ( obrero) builder
    2) (Mús) maestro
    3) (Taur) matador
    4) ( en ajedrez) master
    5) maestro masculino (AmL) ( como apelativo) buddy (AmE colloq), mate (BrE colloq)
    * * *
    - tra masculino, femenino
    a) (Educ) teacher, schoolteacher
    b) (en un arte, disciplina)

    un maestro de las letras españolasa leading authority o an expert on Spanish literature

    c) ( en un oficio) master (before n)
    d) (Chi) ( obrero) builder
    2) (Mús) maestro
    3) (Taur) matador
    4) ( en ajedrez) master
    5) maestro masculino (AmL) ( como apelativo) buddy (AmE colloq), mate (BrE colloq)
    * * *
    1 = schoolmaster, teacher, schoolteacher, elementary schoolteacher, dominie, class teacher.

    Ex: These figures of 'authority', the local postman, the vicar, the village postmistress and schoolmaster were fast disappearing from the rural scene.

    Ex: For example a set of slides for use by teachers may be indexed according to alphabetical subject headings.
    Ex: Parents place great emphasis on the acquisition of reading skills, at times pressing so hard on their children that schoolteachers have to try to reduce that pressure = Los padres ponen un gran énfasis en la adquisición de la capacidad de leer, a veces presionando tanto a sus hijos que los profesores tienen que intentar reducir esta presión.
    Ex: Elementary schoolteachers play an important part in the development of bibliographic skills.
    Ex: 'Imagine,' these dominies tend to begin, 'that a man from outer space has come to earth and describe a screwdriver to him as clearly as you can'.
    Ex: Her class teacher began it all by putting on an exhibition of about thirty of the best picture books in the school's infant-class library books for the five-to-seven-year- olds = Todo empezó con la exposición que montó su profesora de los treinta mejores cuentos de los libros de la biblioteca de la clase de primaria para los niños de cinco a siete años.
    * la práctica hace al maestro = practice makes perfect.
    * maestro de ceremonias = master of ceremonies, toastmaster.
    * maestro de escuela = school teacher.
    * más hambre que un maestro de escuela = as hungry as a wolf, as hungry as a bear, as hungry as a hunter.

    2 = master, masterly.

    Ex: The great significance of a fully developed network will be that it will relieve libraries of the necessity of maintaining their own copies of the master data base.

    Ex: He shows a masterly command of imagery throughout, but his style has always left little margin for error, and the errors here are bothersome.
    * lista maestra = master list.
    * llave maestra = skeleton key, master key.
    * obra maestra = showpiece, masterpiece.
    * obra maestra de la pintura clásica = old master, old master painting.
    * plan maestro = master plan.

    * * *
    llave2 (↑ llave (2)), obra, etc
    masculine, feminine
    1 ( Educ) teacher, schoolteacher
    la maestra/el maestro del pueblo the village schoolteacher, the village schoolmistress/schoolmaster ( BrE)
    la vida es la mejor maestra life is the best teacher
    (en un arte, disciplina): es un consumado maestro de la danza española he is a master of Spanish dance
    el profesor Moreno, maestro de las letras españolas Professor Moreno, a leading authority o an expert on Spanish literature
    maestro panadero/carpintero master baker/carpenter
    4 ( Chi) (obrero) builder
    (Arg, Col) feminine kindergarten teacher, nursery school teacher ( BrE)
    ( Chi fam pey) shoddy workman
    fencing master
    master of ceremonies
    maestro de escuela, maestra de escuela
    masculine, feminine school teacher
    master builder
    B ( Mús) maestro
    C ( Taur) matador
    D (en ajedrez) master
    ¡hola maestro! hi buddy!, how are you doing, mate?
    * * *


    ◊ - tra sustantivo masculino, femenino


    b) ( en un arte):

    un maestro de las letras españolas a leading authority o an expert on Spanish literature

    d) (Chi) ( obrero) builder

    2 (Mús) maestro
    3 ( en ajedrez) master
    I sustantivo masculino y femenino
    1 Educ teacher, schoolteacher
    2 (en un oficio) master: es un maestro de la diplomacia, he's a master of diplomacy
    3 Mús maestro
    II adjetivo
    1 (excelente, destacado) master
    obra maestra, masterpiece
    2 (principal) main, master
    llave maestra, master key
    viga maestra, main beam
    ' maestro' also found in these entries:
    - penitencia
    - práctica
    - pupilo
    - riguroso
    - master plan
    - schoolmaster
    - schoolteacher
    - teacher
    - toastmaster
    - as
    - coup
    - elementary
    - keep
    - practice
    - school
    * * *
    maestro, -a
    1. [excelente] masterly;
    una obra maestra de la literatura universal one of the masterpieces of world literature
    2. [principal] main;
    llave maestra passkey, master key;
    viga maestra main beam
    1. [profesor] teacher
    maestro de escuela schoolmaster, f schoolmistress; Col, RP maestra jardinera kindergarten o nursery school teacher
    2. Méx [en universidad] Br lecturer, US professor
    3. [experto] master;
    un maestro de la cocina francesa a master of French cuisine
    4. [en oficio] master;
    maestro carpintero/albañil master carpenter/builder
    5. Mús maestro
    6. [director] maestro de ceremonias master of ceremonies;
    7. Taurom matador
    Am [apelativo] Br mate, US buddy;
    ¿qué tal está, maestro? how's it going, Br mate o US buddy?;
    ¿cuánto le debo, maestro? what do I owe you, Br mate o US buddy?
    * * *
    I adj master atr
    II m
    1 EDU teacher;
    maestro de preescolar kindergarten teacher
    2 en oficio master
    3 MÚS maestro
    * * *
    maestro, - tra adj
    1) : masterly, skilled
    2) : chief, main
    3) : trained
    un elefante maestro: a trained elephant
    maestro, - tra n
    1) : teacher (in grammar school)
    2) : expert, master
    3) : maestro
    * * *
    1. (profesor) teacher
    2. (experto) master

    Spanish-English dictionary > maestro

  • 32 destacar

    1 to emphasize, to highlight (poner de relieve).
    cabe destacar que… it is important to point out that…
    hay que destacar el trabajo de los actores the acting deserves special mention
    Ella destaca sus logros She highlights his achievements.
    Ella destacó su importancia She emphasized its importance.
    2 to station (tropas).
    3 to stand out.
    destaca entre sus otras novelas por su humor it stands out among her other novels for o because of its humor
    Sus logros destacan His achievements stand out.
    4 to put on the front, to deploy, to detach, to put at the front line.
    Ricardo destacó al alumno Richard put the student on the front.
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ SACAR], like link=sacar sacar
    1 (despuntar) to stand out
    1 MILITAR to detach
    2 (en pintura) to highlight, make stand out
    3 figurado (dar énfasis) to point out, emphasize
    1 to stand out
    * * *
    1) to highlight, emphasize
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=hacer resaltar) to emphasize

    quiero destacar que... — I wish to emphasize that...

    2) (Mil) to detach, detail
    3) (Inform) to highlight
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) (recalcar, subrayar) to emphasize, stress
    2) ( realzar) <belleza/figura> to enhance; <color/plano> to bring out
    a) (Mil) < tropas> to post

    destacar a alguien para + inf — to detail somebody to + inf

    b) <periodista/fotógrafo> to send
    destacar vi to stand out

    destacar en algoto excel at o in something

    * * *
    = bring into + focus, emphasise [emphasize, -USA], give + prominence, give + emphasis, highlight, make + Posesivo + mark, single out, illuminate, heighten, stand out in + the text, play up, stand out, foreground, lay + emphasis on, be to the fore, bring to + the fore, come to + the fore, give + highlights, excel, spotlight, bring to + the forefront, place + great store on, create + a high profile for, give + a high profile, have + high profile, bring + attention to, stand + apart, shine, deploy, flag + Nombre + up, stand + proud.
    Ex. The current technological scene is reviewed to bring fee-related issues into sharper focus.
    Ex. Analytical cataloguing aims to emphasise the content of documents, rather than relying entirely upon cataloguing whole works.
    Ex. Provision should be on the basis of quality and originality, with classic works of the genre given prominence.
    Ex. Some are poorly written giving either too much or too little data, and giving undue emphasis to the author's priorities.
    Ex. In each case the object of the discussion will be to highlight what appear to be the significant aspects, particularly those concerning the background which affect the nature of the scheme.
    Ex. Prior to that date he had already begun to make his mark.
    Ex. Conference proceedings are singled out for special attention because they are an important category of material in relation to abstracting and indexing publications.
    Ex. This appraisal attempts to illuminate aspects of Irish library history omitted from international reference works.
    Ex. Automated support services have heightened the sense of interdependency between libraries and vendors.
    Ex. Both Dialog and Chemical Abstracts Service stand out in the text.
    Ex. A long-standing but unfortunate tradition plays up antagonism between those librarians who become catalogers and those who opt for reference or public service.
    Ex. Three national library catalogues stand out as highly important sources of general bibliography.
    Ex. His survey of how such poetry has been edited in recent years, however, shows that a single edition is still foregrounded while other editions are only obliquely indicated via footnotes.
    Ex. Her article lays emphasis on some of the concerns that are important to the continued development of effective information policies.
    Ex. Those countries which were already to the fore in science and technology certainly faced problems in the handling of information.
    Ex. Installation of new computer terminals may bring the problem to the fore.
    Ex. As this table shows, the age profile for all borrowers is very close to that of all adults in the country but when one looks at the more frequent users, the regular borrowers, the older people come more to the fore.
    Ex. This article gives highlights of a trade show on the applications of optical information systems in publishing organised by Learned Information and held in New York City, 15-17 Oct 86.
    Ex. Expert systems represent an attempt to harness, as an intellectual tool, those features of the computer where it excels in the handling of data.
    Ex. This article spotlights the role that authority files play in promoting uniformity of cataloguing practice.
    Ex. This theft of valuable letters and documents brings to the forefront, once again, the question of collection security in the nation's archives.
    Ex. The IFLA letter places great store on the number of FID members who are also IFLA members.
    Ex. This article pesents an interview with George Cunningham who sees his role as creating a high profile for the library profession and fostering a love of books.
    Ex. The course gives information technology a very high profile.
    Ex. Before the launch of Penguin Books India in 1987, trade publishing in English in India did not have the high profile in bookstores it has today..
    Ex. In crisp, economical prose, the journal calmly brought attention to the nooks and crannies, and absurdities of university life, concerning itself with both the idiosyncratic and the profound.
    Ex. There are many books published in the world and of many kinds, but one category stands apart: books that come under the heading of literature.
    Ex. A light box would be provided for this purpose so that the cards could be accurately stacked on top of each other to allow the light from the light box to shine through any holes that the three cards had in common.
    Ex. Any attack on Iran will require that military forces quickly deploy to Dubai to forestall the closing of the strait.
    Ex. If you spot an error then flag it up to your bank promptly and insist they take action to rectify it.
    Ex. Even now, hundreds of years after his death, his timepieces stand proud in historic buildings around the world.
    * destacar con mucho sobre = stand out + head and shoulders (above/over), be head and shoulder (above/over).
    * destacar en = pull off on.
    * destacar la importancia = underscore + importance.
    * destacar la importancia de = stress + the importance of, emphasise + the importance of, highlight + the importance of.
    * destacar por encima de los demás = stand out from + the rest, stand out above + the rest, stand out in + the crowd.
    * destacar sobre los demás = stand out above + the rest, stand out from + the rest, stand out in + the crowd.
    * es de destacar que = significantly.
    * es importante destacar = importantly.
    * hay que destacar = importantly.
    * sin acontecimientos que destacar = uneventful.
    * sin nada que destacar = uneventful.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) (recalcar, subrayar) to emphasize, stress
    2) ( realzar) <belleza/figura> to enhance; <color/plano> to bring out
    a) (Mil) < tropas> to post

    destacar a alguien para + inf — to detail somebody to + inf

    b) <periodista/fotógrafo> to send
    destacar vi to stand out

    destacar en algoto excel at o in something

    * * *
    = bring into + focus, emphasise [emphasize, -USA], give + prominence, give + emphasis, highlight, make + Posesivo + mark, single out, illuminate, heighten, stand out in + the text, play up, stand out, foreground, lay + emphasis on, be to the fore, bring to + the fore, come to + the fore, give + highlights, excel, spotlight, bring to + the forefront, place + great store on, create + a high profile for, give + a high profile, have + high profile, bring + attention to, stand + apart, shine, deploy, flag + Nombre + up, stand + proud.

    Ex: The current technological scene is reviewed to bring fee-related issues into sharper focus.

    Ex: Analytical cataloguing aims to emphasise the content of documents, rather than relying entirely upon cataloguing whole works.
    Ex: Provision should be on the basis of quality and originality, with classic works of the genre given prominence.
    Ex: Some are poorly written giving either too much or too little data, and giving undue emphasis to the author's priorities.
    Ex: In each case the object of the discussion will be to highlight what appear to be the significant aspects, particularly those concerning the background which affect the nature of the scheme.
    Ex: Prior to that date he had already begun to make his mark.
    Ex: Conference proceedings are singled out for special attention because they are an important category of material in relation to abstracting and indexing publications.
    Ex: This appraisal attempts to illuminate aspects of Irish library history omitted from international reference works.
    Ex: Automated support services have heightened the sense of interdependency between libraries and vendors.
    Ex: Both Dialog and Chemical Abstracts Service stand out in the text.
    Ex: A long-standing but unfortunate tradition plays up antagonism between those librarians who become catalogers and those who opt for reference or public service.
    Ex: Three national library catalogues stand out as highly important sources of general bibliography.
    Ex: His survey of how such poetry has been edited in recent years, however, shows that a single edition is still foregrounded while other editions are only obliquely indicated via footnotes.
    Ex: Her article lays emphasis on some of the concerns that are important to the continued development of effective information policies.
    Ex: Those countries which were already to the fore in science and technology certainly faced problems in the handling of information.
    Ex: Installation of new computer terminals may bring the problem to the fore.
    Ex: As this table shows, the age profile for all borrowers is very close to that of all adults in the country but when one looks at the more frequent users, the regular borrowers, the older people come more to the fore.
    Ex: This article gives highlights of a trade show on the applications of optical information systems in publishing organised by Learned Information and held in New York City, 15-17 Oct 86.
    Ex: Expert systems represent an attempt to harness, as an intellectual tool, those features of the computer where it excels in the handling of data.
    Ex: This article spotlights the role that authority files play in promoting uniformity of cataloguing practice.
    Ex: This theft of valuable letters and documents brings to the forefront, once again, the question of collection security in the nation's archives.
    Ex: The IFLA letter places great store on the number of FID members who are also IFLA members.
    Ex: This article pesents an interview with George Cunningham who sees his role as creating a high profile for the library profession and fostering a love of books.
    Ex: The course gives information technology a very high profile.
    Ex: Before the launch of Penguin Books India in 1987, trade publishing in English in India did not have the high profile in bookstores it has today..
    Ex: In crisp, economical prose, the journal calmly brought attention to the nooks and crannies, and absurdities of university life, concerning itself with both the idiosyncratic and the profound.
    Ex: There are many books published in the world and of many kinds, but one category stands apart: books that come under the heading of literature.
    Ex: A light box would be provided for this purpose so that the cards could be accurately stacked on top of each other to allow the light from the light box to shine through any holes that the three cards had in common.
    Ex: Any attack on Iran will require that military forces quickly deploy to Dubai to forestall the closing of the strait.
    Ex: If you spot an error then flag it up to your bank promptly and insist they take action to rectify it.
    Ex: Even now, hundreds of years after his death, his timepieces stand proud in historic buildings around the world.
    * destacar con mucho sobre = stand out + head and shoulders (above/over), be head and shoulder (above/over).
    * destacar en = pull off on.
    * destacar la importancia = underscore + importance.
    * destacar la importancia de = stress + the importance of, emphasise + the importance of, highlight + the importance of.
    * destacar por encima de los demás = stand out from + the rest, stand out above + the rest, stand out in + the crowd.
    * destacar sobre los demás = stand out above + the rest, stand out from + the rest, stand out in + the crowd.
    * es de destacar que = significantly.
    * es importante destacar = importantly.
    * hay que destacar = importantly.
    * sin acontecimientos que destacar = uneventful.
    * sin nada que destacar = uneventful.

    * * *
    destacar [A2 ]
    A (recalcar, subrayar) to emphasize, stress
    destacó la gravedad de la situación he underlined o stressed o emphasized the gravity of the situation
    B ( Art) to highlight, bring out
    1 (enviar) ‹tropas› to post
    fueron destacados para defender el puente they were detailed to defend the bridge
    2 ‹periodista/fotógrafo› to send
    ■ destacar
    to stand out
    el trabajo destaca por su originalidad the work is remarkable for o stands out because of its originality
    el marco hace destacar aún más la belleza del cuadro the frame further enhances the beauty of the picture
    destacó como autor teatral he was an outstanding playwright
    a lo lejos destacaba el campanario de la iglesia the church tower stood out in the distance
    nunca destacó como estudiante he never excelled o shone as a student
    destaca entre los de su edad por su estatura he stands out from others of his age because of his height
    * * *


    destacar ( conjugate destacar) verbo transitivo
    1 (recalcar, subrayar) to emphasize, stress
    2 ( realzar) ‹belleza/figura to enhance;
    color/plano to bring out
    a) (Mil) ‹ tropas to post

    b)periodista/fotógrafo to send

    verbo intransitivo
    to stand out;
    destacar en algo to excel at o in sth
    destacar vtr fig to emphasize, stress
    destacar(se) verbo intransitivo & verbo reflexivo to stand out
    ' destacar' also found in these entries:
    - despuntar
    - destacarse
    - perfilarse
    - realzar
    - resaltar
    - sobresalir
    - subrayar
    - detail
    - highlight
    - shine
    - stand out
    - crowd
    - excel
    - heighten
    - stand
    - tower
    * * *
    1. [poner de relieve] to emphasize, to highlight;
    debo destacar lo importante que es la operación I must stress o emphasize how important the operation is;
    cabe destacar que… it is important to point out that…;
    hay que destacar el trabajo de los actores the acting deserves special mention
    2. [tropas] to station;
    [corresponsales] to assign, to send
    [sobresalir] to stand out;
    tiene afán por destacar she is keen to excel;
    destacó como concertista de piano he was an outstanding concert pianist;
    hay una alumna que destaca de los demás/entre todos there is one student who stands out from the others/from all the others;
    destaca en sus estudios she is an outstanding student;
    destaca entre sus otras novelas por su humor it stands out from her other novels for o because of its humour;
    destaca mucho por su imponente físico he really stands out because of his impressive physique;
    un pueblo que no destaca por nada en particular a town that is not remarkable for anything in particular, a rather unremarkable town
    * * *
    I v/i stand out
    II v/t emphasize
    * * *
    destacar {72} vt
    1) enfatizar, subrayar: to emphasize, to highlight, to stress
    2) : to station, to post
    : to stand out
    * * *
    1. (resaltar) to point out / to emphasize
    2. (sobresalir) to stand out [pt. & pp. stood]

    Spanish-English dictionary > destacar

  • 33 call

    A n
    1 Telecom appel m (téléphonique) (from de) ; business call appel professionnel ; private ou personal call appel privé ; (tele)phone call appel m (téléphonique) ; I have a call for you j'ai un appel pour vous ; to make a call appeler, téléphoner ; to make a call to Italy appeler l'Italie, téléphoner en Italie ; to receive/take a call recevoir/prendre un appel ; to give sb a call appeler qn ; to return sb's call rappeler qn ; to put a call through to sb passer un appel à qn ;
    2 ( audible cry) ( human) appel m (for à) ; ( animal) cri m ; to give sb a call appeler qn ;
    3 ( summons) appel m, this is the last call for passengers to Berlin Aviat ceci est le dernier appel pour les passagers à destination de Berlin ; this is your ten minute call Theat en scène dans dix minutes ; to put out a call for sb ( over public address) faire appeler qn ; ( over radio) lancer un appel à qn ; the Red Cross has put out a call for blankets la Croix Rouge a lancé un appel pour obtenir des couvertures ;
    4 ( visit) visite f ; social call visite f de courtoisie ; to make ou pay a call lit rendre visite (on à) ; to pay a call euph aller aux toilettes ; to return sb's call rendre sa visite à qn ;
    5 ( demand) demande f ; the strikers' call for a pay rise la demande d'augmentation de salaire de la part des grévistes ; there were calls for his resignation sa démission a été réclamée ; a call for reform une demande de réforme ; she has many calls on her time elle est très sollicitée ; there's no call for it Comm il n'y a pas de demande (pour cet article) ; we don't get much call for that nous n'avons guère de demande pour cela ; to have first call on sth avoir la priorité sur qch ;
    6 ( need) there's no call for sth/to do il n'y a pas de raison pour qch/de faire ; there was no call for her to say that elle n'avait aucune raison or aucun besoin de dire cela ;
    7 ( allure) (of mountains, sea, the unknown) appel m (of de) ;
    8 Sport décision f ;
    9 Fin ( for repayment of loan) demande f de remboursement ; ( request) appel m ; ( right to buy) option f d'achat ; money at ou on call argent à court terme or au jour le jour ; on three months' call à trois mois ; payable at call remboursable sur présentation or à vue ; a call for capital/tenders un appel de fonds/d'offres ;
    10 ( duty) to be on call [doctor] être de garde ; [engineer] être de service ;
    11 Relig ( vocation) vocation f.
    B vtr
    1 ( say loudly) ( also call out) appeler [name, number] ; crier [answer, instructions] ; annoncer [result] ; Games parier [heads, tails] ; annoncer [flight] ; to call the register Sch faire l'appel ; he called (out) ‘Goodbye’ il a crié ‘au revoir’ ;
    2 ( summon) appeler [lift] ; ( by shouting) appeler [person, animal, witness] ; ( by phone) appeler [person, police, taxi] ; ( by letter) convoquer [applicant, candidate] ; he was called before the committee il a été convoqué devant la commission ; the boss called me into his office le chef m'a fait venir dans son bureau ; the police were called to the scene la police a été appelée sur les lieux ; I've called you a taxi je vous ai appelé un taxi ; come when you're called venez quand on vous appelle ; call the next witness appelez le témoin suivant ; you may be called to give evidence il se peut que vous soyez convoqué pour témoigner ;
    3 ( telephone) ( also call up) appeler [person, institution, number] (at à ; from de) ; don't call us, we'll call you hum (n'appelez pas) nous vous appellerons ;
    4 ( give a name) appeler [person, baby, animal, place, product] (by par) ; intituler [book, film, music, play] ; she prefers to be called by her maiden name elle préfère qu'on l'appelle par son nom de jeune fille ;
    5 ( arrange) organiser [strike] ; convoquer [conference, meeting, rehearsal] ; fixer [election] ;
    6 ( waken) réveiller [person] ; what time shall I call you in the morning? à quelle heure voulez-vous que je vous réveille? ;
    7 ( describe as) to call sb stupid/a liar traiter qn d'imbécile/de menteur/-euse ; I wouldn't call it spacious/beautiful je ne dirais pas que c'est vaste/beau ; do you call that plate clean? tu appelles ça une assiette propre? ; it's not what you'd call an exciting film on ne peut pas dire que ce film soit passionnant ; it's what you might call a delicate situation c'est ce qui s'appelle une situation délicate ; call that a garden ! tu appelles ça un jardin! ; call it what you will appelle ça comme tu veux ; parapsychology or whatever they ou you call it la métapsychologie ou quelque chose dans ce goût-là ; (let's) call it £5 disons cinq livres sterling ; he hasn't a place to call his own il n'a pas de chez-lui ;
    8 Sport [referee, linesman] déclarer ; the linesman called the ball in le juge de ligne a déclaré que la balle était bonne ;
    9 Fin demander le remboursement de [loan] ;
    10 Comput appeler [file, program].
    C vi
    1 ( cry out) ( also call out) [person, animal] appeler ; ( louder) crier ; [bird] crier ; London calling Radio ici Londres ;
    2 ( telephone) appeler ; where are you calling from? d'où appelez-vous? ; I'm calling about your advertisement j'appelle au sujet de votre annonce ; thank you for calling merci d'avoir appelé ; please call back in an hour rappelez dans une heure s'il vous plaît, veuillez rappeler dans une heure fml ; to call home appeler chez soi or à la maison ; who's calling? qui est à l'appareil? ;
    3 ( visit) passer ; to call at [person] passer chez [person, shop] ; [person] passer à [bank, library, town] ; [train] s'arrêter à [town, station] ; [boat] faire escale à [port] ; the London train calling at Reading and Slough le train à destination de Londres desservant les gares de Reading et Slough ;
    4 (tossing coins, racquet) parier ; you call, heads or tails? à toi de parier, pile ou face?
    D v refl to call oneself se faire appeler [Smith, Bob] ; ( claim to be) se dire, se prétendre [poet, designer] ; he calls himself a writer but… il se dit or se prétend écrivain mais… ; call yourself a sailor ? et tu te prétends marin? ; I am proud to call myself European je suis fier d'être européen.
    it was a close call c'était de justesse.
    call away:
    call [sb] away appeler ; to be called away être obligé de s'absenter.
    call back:
    1 ( on phone) rappeler ;
    2 ( return) repasser ;
    call [sb] back
    1 (summon by shouting, phone back) rappeler [person] ;
    2 ( recall) rappeler [representative, diplomat].
    call by passer.
    call down:
    call down ( shout from above) appeler ;
    call down [sth], call [sth] down appeler [blessing, curse, vengeance] (on sur).
    call for:
    call for [sth]
    1 ( shout) appeler à [help] ; appeler [ambulance, doctor] ;
    2 ( demand) [person] demander [food, drink, equipment, tool] ; [report, article, politician, protesters] réclamer [changes, improvements] ; they are calling for talks to be extended ils réclament la prolongation des négociations ;
    3 ( require) [situation, problem, conditions] exiger [treatment, skill, action, understanding] ; nécessiter [change, intervention, improvements] ; this calls for a celebration! ça se fête! ; that was not called for c'était déplacé ;
    4 ( collect) passer prendre [person] ; passer chercher [object].
    call forth [sth], call [sth] forth susciter.
    call in:
    call in
    1 ( visit) passer ;
    2 ( telephone) appeler ; to call in sick [employee] appeler pour dire qu'on est malade ;
    call in [sb], call [sb] in
    1 lit ( summon inside) faire rentrer [person, animal] ; faire entrer [candidate, client, patient] ;
    2 ( send for) faire appel à [expert, police, engineer] ;
    call in [sth], call [sth] in
    1 ( recall) demander le retour de [library book, ticket, surplus, supplies] ; retirer [qch] de la circulation [currency] ; retirer [qch] du commerce [product] ;
    2 Fin demander le remboursement de [loan].
    call off:
    call off [sth], call [sth] off
    1 lit rappeler [dog, attacker] ;
    2 fig ( halt) interrompre [arrangement, deal, plan, search, investigation, strike] ; ( cancel) annuler [show, meeting, wedding] ; to call off one's engagement rompre ses fiançailles ; to call off a strike annuler un ordre de grève ; let's call the whole thing off laissons tomber.
    call on:
    call on [sb/sth]
    1 ( visit) ( also call in on) rendre visite à [relative, friend] ; visiter [patient, client] ;
    2 ( invite) demander à [speaker, lecturer] (to do de faire) ;
    3 ( urge) demander à (to do de faire) ; ( stronger) enjoindre fml (to do de faire) ; he called on his colleagues to oppose it il a demandé à ses collègues de s'y opposer ;
    4 (appeal to, resort to) s'adresser à [person] ; avoir recours à [services] ; faire appel à [moral quality] ; neighbours she can call on des voisins à qui elle peut s'adresser ; we will call on your services nous aurons recours à vos services ; you will have to call on all your patience and courage il faudra faire appel à toute ta patience et tout ton courage.
    call out:
    call out ( cry aloud) appeler ; ( louder) crier ;
    call out [sb], call [sb] out
    1 ( summon outside) appeler ; the teacher called me out to the front of the class le professeur m'a fait venir devant le reste de la classe ;
    2 ( send for) appeler [expert, doctor, emergency service, repairman, troops] ;
    3 Ind [union] lancer un ordre de grève à [members] ; to call sb out on strike lancer un ordre de grève à qn ;
    call [sth] out, call out [sth] appeler [name, number].
    call over:
    call over to [sb] appeler ;
    call [sb] over appeler.
    call round ( visit) venir.
    call up:
    call up appeler ;
    call up [sb/sth], call [sb/sth] up
    1 ( on phone) appeler ;
    2 ( summon) appeler [reserves, reinforcements] ; appeler [qn] sous les drapeaux [soldier] ; invoquer [ghost, spirit] ;
    3 ( evoke) rappeler [memory, past event, scene] ;
    4 Comput appeler (à l'écran), afficher [data, file, menu] ;
    5 Sport sélectionner [player].

    Big English-French dictionary > call

  • 34 asesoramiento

    1 advice.
    2 advising, assessorship, consultation.
    * * *
    1 (acción) advising
    2 (consejo) advice
    * * *
    * * *
    masculino advice
    * * *
    = advising, guidance, advice, counsel, advice-giving, advisement.
    Ex. CACs have dealt with pre-shopping advice, education on consumers' rights and complaints about goods and services, advising the client and often obtaining expert assessments.
    Ex. The command function 'HELP' is used to obtain guidance online when in difficulty.
    Ex. A large part of the work of information and advice has been the interpretation of people's eligibility for welfare benefits and other social services.
    Ex. Of course, this is on the outer fringes of reference work as such, but librarians should at least be aware that people frequently find counsel and support and encouragement more effective than the supply of specific information to help solve their problems.
    Ex. Many librarians even regard advice-giving as not part of their function, on the grounds that they do not have the time, the training or the protection (against giving wrong advice).
    Ex. This article evaluates various academic advisement systems for distance education students and presents conclusions and recommendations.
    * asesoramiento antes de la compra = pre-shopping advice.
    * asesoramiento jurídico = legal advice.
    * asesoramiento legal = legal advice, legal aid.
    * asesoramiento matrimonial = marriage counseling.
    * asesoramiento prematrimonial = premarital counseling.
    * asesoramiento profesional = career(s) advice.
    * asesoramiento sobre la lectura = reading guidance.
    * asesoramiento técnico = technical advice.
    * bajo el asesoramiento de = on the advice of.
    * centro de asesoramiento = counselling centre.
    * Comité Nacional de Asesoramiento (NACO) = National Advisory Committee (NACO).
    * de asesoramiento = consultative.
    * ofrecer asesoramiento = offer + advice, offer + guidance, dispense + advice.
    * persona que recibe asesoramiento = counselee.
    * proporcionar asesoramiento = dispense + advice.
    * Sección de Garantía del Asesoramiento Agrícola y del Fondo de Garantía Europ = Guarantee Section of the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF).
    * servicio de asesoramiento = consulting service, counselling service, advisory service.
    * servicio de asesoramiento jurídico = legal aid service.
    * sesión de asesoramiento jurídico = legal advice surgery.
    * sesión de asesoramiento legal = legal advice surgery.
    * taller de asesoramiento jurídico = legal advice surgery.
    * * *
    masculino advice
    * * *
    = advising, guidance, advice, counsel, advice-giving, advisement.

    Ex: CACs have dealt with pre-shopping advice, education on consumers' rights and complaints about goods and services, advising the client and often obtaining expert assessments.

    Ex: The command function 'HELP' is used to obtain guidance online when in difficulty.
    Ex: A large part of the work of information and advice has been the interpretation of people's eligibility for welfare benefits and other social services.
    Ex: Of course, this is on the outer fringes of reference work as such, but librarians should at least be aware that people frequently find counsel and support and encouragement more effective than the supply of specific information to help solve their problems.
    Ex: Many librarians even regard advice-giving as not part of their function, on the grounds that they do not have the time, the training or the protection (against giving wrong advice).
    Ex: This article evaluates various academic advisement systems for distance education students and presents conclusions and recommendations.
    * asesoramiento antes de la compra = pre-shopping advice.
    * asesoramiento jurídico = legal advice.
    * asesoramiento legal = legal advice, legal aid.
    * asesoramiento matrimonial = marriage counseling.
    * asesoramiento prematrimonial = premarital counseling.
    * asesoramiento profesional = career(s) advice.
    * asesoramiento sobre la lectura = reading guidance.
    * asesoramiento técnico = technical advice.
    * bajo el asesoramiento de = on the advice of.
    * centro de asesoramiento = counselling centre.
    * Comité Nacional de Asesoramiento (NACO) = National Advisory Committee (NACO).
    * de asesoramiento = consultative.
    * ofrecer asesoramiento = offer + advice, offer + guidance, dispense + advice.
    * persona que recibe asesoramiento = counselee.
    * proporcionar asesoramiento = dispense + advice.
    * Sección de Garantía del Asesoramiento Agrícola y del Fondo de Garantía Europ = Guarantee Section of the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF).
    * servicio de asesoramiento = consulting service, counselling service, advisory service.
    * servicio de asesoramiento jurídico = legal aid service.
    * sesión de asesoramiento jurídico = legal advice surgery.
    * sesión de asesoramiento legal = legal advice surgery.
    * taller de asesoramiento jurídico = legal advice surgery.

    * * *
    requerirá el asesoramiento de un experto you will need to get expert advice o the opinion of an expert
    * * *


    asesoramiento sustantivo masculino
    asesoramiento sustantivo masculino
    1 (acción de aconsejar) advising
    2 (consejo) advice
    ' asesoramiento' also found in these entries:
    - counselling
    - dean
    * * *
    [de político] advice; [de empresario] consultancy;
    esta empresa proporciona asesoramiento de imagen a varios políticos this company acts as image consultant to several politicians
    * * *
    m advice;
    asesoramiento de empresas management consultancy
    * * *
    : advice, counsel

    Spanish-English dictionary > asesoramiento

  • 35 estudioso

    studious, scholarly, academic.
    scholar, learned person.
    * * *
    1 studious
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    1 student, scholar
    * * *
    (f. - estudiosa)
    * * *
    estudioso, -a
    SM / F expert, scholar

    un estudioso de la literatura medievalan expert in o a scholar of medieval literature

    * * *
    - sa adjetivo studious
    - sa masculino, femenino scholar
    * * *
    = connoisseur, scholar, studious.
    Ex. Some of them will be sufficiently bizarre to suit the most fastidious connoisseur of the present artifacts of civilization.
    Ex. Under 'American scholar' he found editions published beginning, I believe, in the 1880s.
    Ex. His face wore a look of studious concentration.
    * estudioso de la metodología = methodologist.
    * estudioso de los incunables = incunabulist.
    * * *
    - sa adjetivo studious
    - sa masculino, femenino scholar
    * * *
    = connoisseur, scholar, studious.

    Ex: Some of them will be sufficiently bizarre to suit the most fastidious connoisseur of the present artifacts of civilization.

    Ex: Under 'American scholar' he found editions published beginning, I believe, in the 1880s.
    Ex: His face wore a look of studious concentration.
    * estudioso de la metodología = methodologist.
    * estudioso de los incunables = incunabulist.

    * * *
    estudioso1 -sa
    estudioso2 -sa
    masculine, feminine
    un estudioso del arte renacentista an expert in Renaissance art, a Renaissance art scholar
    * * *

    ◊ -sa adjetivo

    ■ sustantivo masculino, femenino
    I adjetivo studious
    II sustantivo masculino y femenino specialist

    ' estudioso' also found in these entries:
    - haber
    - pedagogo
    * * *
    estudioso, -a
    [especialista] expert, scholar;
    un estudioso de la cultura persa a scholar of Persian culture;
    un estudioso de la naturaleza humana a student of human nature
    * * *
    adj studious
    * * *
    estudioso, -sa adj
    : studious
    * * *
    estudioso adj studious

    Spanish-English dictionary > estudioso

  • 36 profano

    profane, worldly, irreligious.
    f. & m.
    1 lay person, non-specialist.
    2 layman.
    1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: profanar.
    * * *
    1 (no sagrado) profane, secular
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    1 (hombre) layman; (mujer) laywoman
    ser profano,-a en la materia to know nothing about the subject
    * * *
    profano, -a
    1. ADJ
    1) (=laico) profane, secular
    2) (=irrespetuoso) irreverent
    3) (=no experto) lay, uninitiated; (=ignorante) ignorant

    soy profano en música — I don't know anything about music, I'm a layman when it comes to music

    4) (=deshonesto) indecent, immodest
    SM / F (=inexperto) layman/laywoman; (=ajeno) outsider
    * * *
    - na adjetivo
    a) ( no sagrado) <escritor/música> secular, profane (frml); < fiesta> secular
    b) ( antirreligioso) profane (frml), irreverent
    - na masculino, femenino
    1) (Relig) (m) layman; (f) laywoman
    2) ( no especialista) non-specialist
    * * *
    = layman [laymen, -pl.], outsider, lay, lay person [layperson], unholy, pedestrian.
    Ex. Mechanization may yet force the issue, especially in the scientific field; whereupon scientific jargon would become still less intelligible to the layman.
    Ex. If we look at a totally different sort of book, romantic fiction, we find here a form of novel which, to the outsider who has never read one of them, may seem to be endlessly repetitious.
    Ex. Most public libraries in western countries are under local control and the smaller the local government unit, the more all embracing is the lay, and therefore uninformed, control.
    Ex. This is an evaluative tool which brings lay people together with experts, under pressure of limited time, for study of specific problems.
    Ex. The unholy and more holy sources of community information are mentioned from pimps and prostitutes to the preacher and the policeman.
    Ex. The article 'Modems: an overview for the pedestrian' offers help in selecting a modem for a personal computer.
    * profano en la materia = non-scholar.
    * representación de personas profanas en la materia = lay representation.
    * * *
    - na adjetivo
    a) ( no sagrado) <escritor/música> secular, profane (frml); < fiesta> secular
    b) ( antirreligioso) profane (frml), irreverent
    - na masculino, femenino
    1) (Relig) (m) layman; (f) laywoman
    2) ( no especialista) non-specialist
    * * *
    = layman [laymen, -pl.], outsider, lay, lay person [layperson], unholy, pedestrian.

    Ex: Mechanization may yet force the issue, especially in the scientific field; whereupon scientific jargon would become still less intelligible to the layman.

    Ex: If we look at a totally different sort of book, romantic fiction, we find here a form of novel which, to the outsider who has never read one of them, may seem to be endlessly repetitious.
    Ex: Most public libraries in western countries are under local control and the smaller the local government unit, the more all embracing is the lay, and therefore uninformed, control.
    Ex: This is an evaluative tool which brings lay people together with experts, under pressure of limited time, for study of specific problems.
    Ex: The unholy and more holy sources of community information are mentioned from pimps and prostitutes to the preacher and the policeman.
    Ex: The article 'Modems: an overview for the pedestrian' offers help in selecting a modem for a personal computer.
    * profano en la materia = non-scholar.
    * representación de personas profanas en la materia = lay representation.

    * * *
    profano1 -na
    1 (no sagrado) ‹escritor/música› secular, profane ( frml); ‹fiesta› secular
    2 (antirreligioso) profane, irreverent
    (no especializado): soy profano en la materia I'm not an expert on the subject
    profano2 -na
    masculine, feminine
    A ( Relig) ( masculine) layman; ( feminine) laywoman
    B (no especialista) non-specialist
    su nombre no dice demasiado a los profanos his name doesn't mean much to the non-specialist o the layperson o the layman
    * * *

    Del verbo profanar: ( conjugate profanar)

    profano es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo

    profanó es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo

    Multiple Entries:
    profanar ( conjugate profanar) verbo transitivotemplo/sepultura to desecrate, defile
    ◊ -na adjetivo

    a) ( no sagrado) ‹escritor/música secular, profane (frml);

    fiesta secular

    2 ( no especializado):

    ■ sustantivo masculino, femenino
    1 (Relig) (m) layman;
    (f) laywoman
    2 ( no especialista) non-specialist
    profanar verbo transitivo to desecrate
    I adjetivo
    1 (no sacro) profane, secular
    2 (no experto) ignorant, lay
    II sustantivo masculino y femenino layperson
    (hombre) layman
    (mujer) laywoman
    ' profano' also found in these entries:
    - temporal
    - profane
    - secular
    * * *
    profano, -a
    1. [no sagrado] profane, secular;
    literatura/música profana secular literature/music
    2. [ignorante] ignorant, uninitiated;
    soy profano en la materia I'm a layman when it comes to that subject, I know nothing about the subject
    layman, f laywoman;
    soy un profano en cuestiones de economía I'm a layman when it comes to economics, I know nothing about economics
    * * *
    I adj fig
    lay atr
    II m layman
    * * *
    profano, -na adj
    1) : profane
    2) : worldly, secular
    profano, -na n
    : nonspecialist

    Spanish-English dictionary > profano

  • 37 turbina

    * * *
    1 turbine
    * * *

    turbina a o de vapor — steam engine

    * * *
    femenino turbine
    * * *
    = turbine, turbine engine.
    Ex. The author reviews the history of the steam turbine at sea from the 1880s to modern turbines.
    Ex. This expert system was designed to provide the apprentice mechanic with the ability to diagnose and repair the turbine engine like an expert mechanic.
    * turbina a vapor = steam turbine.
    * turbina eólica = wind turbine.
    * * *
    femenino turbine
    * * *
    = turbine, turbine engine.

    Ex: The author reviews the history of the steam turbine at sea from the 1880s to modern turbines.

    Ex: This expert system was designed to provide the apprentice mechanic with the ability to diagnose and repair the turbine engine like an expert mechanic.
    * turbina a vapor = steam turbine.
    * turbina eólica = wind turbine.

    * * *
    wind turbine
    * * *

    turbina sustantivo femenino
    turbina sustantivo femenino turbine
    ' turbina' also found in these entries:
    * * *
    turbina eólica wind turbine;
    turbina hidráulica water turbine
    * * *
    f turbine
    * * *
    : turbine

    Spanish-English dictionary > turbina

  • 38 tabla

    1 plank.
    tabla de planchar ironing board
    2 pleat (pliegue).
    3 table.
    tabla de materias table of contents
    tabla de multiplicación multiplication table
    tabla periódica (de los elementos) periodic table (of elements)
    4 board.
    tabla de surf surfboard
    5 panel (art).
    6 backboard.
    * * *
    1 (de madera) board, plank
    2 (de piedra) slab; (de metal) sheet
    3 (estante) shelf
    4 ARTE panel
    5 COSTURA pleat
    6 (tablón de anuncios) notice board, US bulletin-board
    7 (índice) index
    8 (lista) list; (catálogo) catalogue (US catalog)
    10 (faja de tierra) strip, plot; (bancal) patch; (arriate) bed
    11 MATEMÁTICAS table
    1 TEATRO stage sing, boards
    2 (ajedrez) stalemate sing, draw sing
    a raja tabla strictly, to the letter
    hacer tabla rasa de algo to make a clean sweep of something
    hacer tablas (gen) to be deadlocked, reach stalemate 2 (ajedrez etc) to end in a draw
    pisar las tablas to tread the boards, go on the stage
    quedar en tablas→ link=hacer hacer tablas
    tener tablas / tener muchas tablas (gen) to be an old hand 2 (en teatro - hombre) to be an experienced actor 3 (- mujer) be an experienced actress
    tabla de cocina chopping board
    tabla de lavar washboard
    la Tabla Redonda the Round Table
    las Tablas de la Ley RELIGIÓN the Tables of the Law
    tabla de materias contents plural, table of contents
    tabla de multiplicar multiplication table
    tabla de plancha / tabla de planchar ironing board
    tabla de salvación figurado last hope, last resort
    tabla de surf surfboard
    tabla de windsurf sailboard
    * * *
    noun f.
    2) board, plank
    * * *
    1. SF
    1) (=pieza) [de madera] plank, board; [de piedra] slab; (Arte) panel; (=estante) shelf; Caribe (=mostrador) shop counter

    hacer tabla rasa de algo — to completely disregard sth, ride roughshod over sth

    tabla a vela — surfboard, windsurfing board

    tabla de cocina, tabla de cortar — chopping board

    tabla de salvación — (fig) last resort, only hope

    tabla deslizadora, tabla de surf — surfboard

    2) pl tablas
    a) (Taur) barrier sing
    b) (Teat) stage sing

    salir a las tablas — to go on the stage, become an actor/actress

    - tener muchas tablas
    3) pl tablas (Ajedrez) draw sing ; (fig) stalemate sing

    hacer tablas, quedar en tablas — (lit) to draw; (fig) to reach stalemate, be deadlocked

    el partido quedó en tablas — the game was a draw, the game was drawn

    4) [de falda] box pleat, broad pleat
    5) (=lista) (Mat) table; [en libro] (=índice) table; (Dep) (tb: tabla clasificatoria) table, (league) table; (Inform) array

    tabla de consulta — (Inform) lookup table

    tabla de ejercicios, tabla de gimnasia — exercise routine, set of exercises

    6) (Agr) plot, patch
    7) And
    SM ** queer **, fairy **, fag (EEUU) **
    * * *
    1) ( de madera) plank

    salvarse en or por una tablita — (Méx fam) to have a narrow escape (colloq)

    2) tablas femenino plural
    a) (Teatr) stage

    tener tablasactor, cantante (fam) to be an old hand o an expert, to have presence

    b) (Taur) barrier
    3) ( de surfing) surfboard; ( de windsurf) sailboard, windsurfer; ( para natación) float
    a) (gráfico, listado) table
    b) (Mat) tb
    5) ( de falda) pleat
    6) ( de terreno) plot, lot (AmE)
    7) tb

    tabla de gimnasia — ( serie de ejercicios) circuit training; ( en competición) routine

    8) tablas femenino plural ( en ajedrez)

    acabar or quedar en tablas — to end in a draw

    estar tablas — (Méx fam) to be even o quits (colloq)

    * * *
    1) ( de madera) plank

    salvarse en or por una tablita — (Méx fam) to have a narrow escape (colloq)

    2) tablas femenino plural
    a) (Teatr) stage

    tener tablasactor, cantante (fam) to be an old hand o an expert, to have presence

    b) (Taur) barrier
    3) ( de surfing) surfboard; ( de windsurf) sailboard, windsurfer; ( para natación) float
    a) (gráfico, listado) table
    b) (Mat) tb
    5) ( de falda) pleat
    6) ( de terreno) plot, lot (AmE)
    7) tb

    tabla de gimnasia — ( serie de ejercicios) circuit training; ( en competición) routine

    8) tablas femenino plural ( en ajedrez)

    acabar or quedar en tablas — to end in a draw

    estar tablas — (Méx fam) to be even o quits (colloq)

    * * *
    1 = plank, board.

    Ex: Fine-grained hardwoods were preferred, nearly always cut across the grain, although the largest size types were sometimes cut on the plank.

    Ex: Add to the designation, when appropriate, the number and the name(s) of the component pieces of the object; e.g., 1 game (1 board), 50 cards, 2 dice.
    * cerrar con tablas = board up.
    * cubrir con tablas = board up.
    * hacer tabla rasa = level + the playing field.
    * miedo a las tablas = stage fright.
    * proteger con tablas = board up.
    * quedarse en tablas = split down the middle.
    * tabla comedero para pájaros = bird table.
    * tabla de chocolate = six-pack, six-pack abs.
    * tabla de colores = palette, palette of colours.
    * tabla de la plancha = ironing board.
    * tabla de lavar = washboard.
    * tabla del entarimado = floorboard.
    * tabla de planchar = ironing board.
    * tabla de planchar pantalones = trousers press.
    * tabla rasa = clean slate, new leaf, a fresh start.

    2 = table.
    Nota: Documento que contiene datos ordenados generalmente en filas y columnas que pueden ir acompañados de texto.

    Ex: The document containing ordered data typically in rows and columns and possibly with an accompanying text is known as tables.

    * basado en tablas = table-driven.
    * confeccionar una tabla = draft + table.
    * elaborar una tabla = draft + table.
    * presentar en forma de tabla = tabulate.
    * tabla de calcular = ready reckoner, reckoner.
    * tabla de cálculo = reckoner, ready reckoner.
    * tabla de clasificación = classification schedule.
    * tabla de comparación de precios = price-comparison table.
    * tabla de contenido = table of contents [ToC].
    * tabla genealógica = genealogical table.
    * tabla hash = hash table.
    * tabla periódica = periodic table.

    = schedules, the.
    Nota: Lista de conceptos que forman un sistema en el que las relaciones se muestran de forma linear escalonada mediante el uso de tipografía especial o de un sistema de notaciones.

    Ex: The list of terms, representing concepts systematically arranged and showing their relationships, constitutes the schedules of a classification scheme.

    * tabla auxiliar = auxiliary schedule.
    * tablas auxiliares = tables, auxiliary tables.
    * tablas principales = main tables, main schedules.

    * * *
    1 (de madera) board
    he puesto una tabla debajo del colchón I've put a board under the mattress
    las tablas que forman el casco del barco the planks that make up the ship's hull
    las tablas del suelo the floorboards
    como tabla ( Chi fam): están como tabla con él they are solidly behind him
    iremos todos como tabla a apoyarlos we'll be there in force to cheer them on
    pasear la tabla to walk the plank
    salvarse en or por una tablita ( Méx fam); to have a narrow escape ( colloq)
    2 (de conglomerado) piece, sheet; (de metal) sheet
    tabla armónica or de armonía
    belly, soundboard
    chopping board
    ironing board
    fue mi tabla de salvación it was my salvation, it saved my life ( colloq)
    se aferra a sus recuerdos como a una tabla de salvación he clings to his memories like a drowning man to a piece of wood
    tabula rasa
    hacer tabla rasa to wipe the slate clean
    fpl tables of the law (pl)
    1 ( Teatr) stage
    volvió a las tablas después de varios años de ausencia she returned to the stage o ( dated) to the boards after an absence of several years
    la primera vez que pisó las tablas the first time he appeared on stage
    tener muchas tablas ( Méx fam); to be an old hand o an expert
    tener tablas ( fam); to have presence, have a good stage presence
    2 ( Taur) barrier
    tabla a vela sailboard, windsurfer
    3 (para nieve) snowboard
    1 (gráfico, listado) table
    las tablas (de clasificación) de la liga the division o conference o league tables
    las tablas de los verbos the verb tables
    2 ( Mat) tb
    tabla de multiplicar multiplication table
    la tabla del 6 the 6 times table
    ( Inf) color* palette
    log table
    periodic table
    tide table
    table of contents
    translation table
    periodic table
    una falda de tablas a pleated skirt
    F (de terreno) plot, lot ( AmE)
    (en ajedrez): quedaron or hicieron tablas they drew
    la partida quedó or acabó en tablas the game ended in a draw, the game was drawn
    estar tablas ( Méx fam); to be even o quits ( colloq)
    * * *


    tabla sustantivo femenino
    1 ( de madera) plank;

    tabla de picar/planchar chopping/ironing board;
    tener tablas [actor/cantante] (fam) to be an old hand o an expert
    2 ( de surfing) surfboard;
    ( de windsurf) sailboard, windsurfer;
    ( para natación) float
    3 (gráfico, listado) table;
    (Mat) tb

    4 ( de falda) pleat;

    tablas sustantivo femenino plural ( en ajedrez): acabar or quedar en tablas to end in a draw;

    estar tablas (Méx fam) to be even o quits (colloq)
    tabla sustantivo femenino
    1 board
    (más gruesa) plank
    tabla de planchar, ironing board
    2 (para nadar) float
    (de surf) surfboard
    (de windsurf) sailboard
    3 (de una falda) pleat
    4 (lista, índice) table
    tabla periódica, periodic table
    5 Mat table
    la tabla del 4, the 4 times table
    6 (en ajedrez) tablas, draw sing, stalemate sing: hicieron tablas, they drew
    7 Teat (escenario) tablas, stage sing: es la primera vez que pisa las tablas, it's the first time he's been on the stage
    8 figurado tabla de salvación, last resort, salvation
    ♦ Locuciones: tener tablas, (un artista) to have presence o to be an old hand
    fam (persona) to have a lot of experience
    Rel tablas de la ley, the Ten Commandments
    (tajantemente) a raja tabla, without exception
    (prescindir, obviar algo) hacer tabla rasa, to erase the past o to deliberately forget about sthg
    ' tabla' also found in these entries:
    - madero
    - multiplicar
    - periódica
    - periódico
    - tablero
    - clasificación
    - clasificar
    - crujir
    - patín
    - planilla
    - suelto
    - tentar
    - windsurf
    - breadboard
    - chart
    - cheeseboard
    - chopping board
    - floorboard
    - ironing board
    - multiplication table
    - pancake
    - plank
    - sailboard
    - slab
    - surfboard
    - table
    - windsurfer
    - box
    - bread
    - cheese
    - floor
    - ironing
    - pleat
    - sprinkle
    - surf
    - wind
    * * *
    1. [de madera] plank, board;
    [de mármol, piedra] slab;
    un puente de tablas a plank bridge;
    la ventana estaba tapada con tablas the window was boarded up;
    lo escondió bajo una tabla del suelo he hid it under a floorboard;
    tú fuiste mi tabla de salvación you were my salvation;
    nuestro partido no será la tabla de salvación del gobierno our party will not bale the government out;
    hacer tabla rasa to wipe the slate clean;
    hacer tabla rasa de algo: intentó hacer tabla rasa de su pasado she tried to wipe out o obliterate her past;
    el presidente hizo tabla rasa de las instituciones democráticas the president did away with o swept away the institutions of democracy
    tabla de cocina chopping board;
    tabla de lavar washboard;
    Rel las tablas de la ley the tablets of the law;
    tabla de patés selection of pâtés;
    tabla de planchar ironing board;
    tabla de quesos cheeseboard
    2. [en deportes] board
    tabla de saltos [trampolín] diving board;
    tabla de snowboard snowboard;
    tabla de surf surfboard;
    tabla de windsurf windsurfing board, sailboard
    3. [del inodoro] seat
    4. Arte panel
    5. [lista, gráfico] table;
    Informát table;
    el equipo sigue primero en la tabla de clasificación the team is still at the top of the league Br table o US standings
    tabla de conversión conversion table;
    tabla de materias table of contents;
    tabla periódica (de los elementos) periodic table (of the elements)
    6. Mat table;
    la tabla del 3 the 3 times table
    tabla de multiplicar multiplication table
    7. [de gimnasia] exercise routine
    8. [pliegue] pleat;
    una falda de tablas a pleated skirt
    9. Ven Fam [billete] = 100 bolivar note
    tablas nfpl
    1. [en ajedrez]
    hizo tablas con el campeón del mundo he drew with the world champion;
    quedamos en tablas [en ajedrez, juego] the game ended in stalemate;
    [en enfrentamiento] we reached a stalemate
    2. [escenario, teatro]
    las tablas the stage;
    su regreso a las tablas his return to the stage;
    pisar las tablas to tread the boards;
    salir o [m5] subir a las tablas to go on stage;
    tener (muchas) tablas to be an experienced actor;
    Fig to be an old hand
    3. Taurom = fence surrounding a bullring
    * * *
    1 de madera board, plank
    2 PINT panel; ( cuadro) table
    3 en ajedrez
    quedar en tablas end in a tie
    tener tablas TEA be a natural actor
    * * *
    tabla nf
    1) : table, list
    tabla de multiplicar: multiplication table
    2) : board, plank, slab
    tabla de planchar: ironing board
    3) : plot, strip (of land)
    4) tablas nfpl
    : stage, boards pl
    * * *
    3. (lista) table

    Spanish-English dictionary > tabla

  • 39 experto

    ◊ -ta adjetivo: es experto en casos de divorcio he's an expert on divorce cases;
    experto en hacer algo very good at doing sth ■ sustantivo masculino, femenino expert
    experto,-a sustantivo masculino y femenino expert [en, at/in] ' experto' also found in these entries: Spanish: canto - como - dictamen - en - experta - interpretación - preparada - preparado - profana - profano - autoridad - entendido - especialista - perito English: accomplished - adept - authority - connoisseur - environmentalist - expert - master - no - oats - practiced - practised - pundit - purport - skilled - have - profess - professional - professionally - untrained

    English-spanish dictionary > experto

  • 40 perito

    Del verbo peritar: ( conjugate peritar) \ \
    perito es: \ \
    1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo

    peritó es: \ \
    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo
    Multiple Entries: peritar     perito
    ◊ -ta sustantivo masculino, femenino ( experto) expert;
    perito agrónomo agricultural technician; perito industrial engineer; perito mercantil qualified accountant
    I adjetivo expert, skilled
    II sustantivo masculino y femenino qualified person, expert
    perito agrónomo, agronomist, perito industrial, engineer ' perito' also found in these entries: Spanish: perita English: assess - surveyor - expert - survey

    English-spanish dictionary > perito

См. также в других словарях:

  • Expert (company) — Infobox Company name = Expert ASA type = Public (ose|EXPERT) genre = foundation = founder = location city = Nittedal location country = Norway location = locations = area served = Nordic/Baltic key people = industry = Retail products = Consumer… …   Wikipedia

  • expert — ex·pert n: a person with special or superior skill or knowledge in a particular area see also expert witness at witness Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • Expert Gamer — (often abbreviated to XG ) was a United States based video game magazine that was published by Ziff Davis from August 1998 to October 2001. There are 39 issues of Expert Gamer total. The bulk of XG s content was video game strategy guides and… …   Wikipedia

  • expert witness — see witness Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. expert witness n …   Law dictionary

  • Expert determination — is a historically accepted form of dispute resolution invoked when there isn t a formulated dispute in which the parties have defined positions that need to be subjected to arbitration, but rather both parties are in agreement that there is a… …   Wikipedia

  • expert testimony — n. Opinions about a subject offered by an expert in the field in order to help the jury understand specialized evidence in a case. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.… …   Law dictionary

  • expert — adj *proficient, adept, skilled, skillful, masterly Analogous words: practiced, drilled (see PRACTICE vb): trained, schooled (see TEACH): *dexterous, deft, adroit Antonyms: amateurish Contrasted words: inept, maladroit, *awkward, clumsy expert …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • expert — [eks′pərt; ] for adj., also [ eks pʉrt′, ik spʉrt′] adj. [ME < OFr < L expertus, pp. of experiri: see PERIL] 1. very skillful; having much training and knowledge in some special field 2. of or from an expert [an expert opinion] n. [Fr] a… …   English World dictionary

  • Expert — For other uses, see Expert (disambiguation). Cognoscenti redirects here. For the Marvel character, see Cognoscenti (comics). Sociology …   Wikipedia

  • Expert system — In artificial intelligence, an expert system is a computer system that emulates the decision making ability of a human expert.[1] Expert systems are designed to solve complex problems by reasoning about knowledge, like an expert, and not by… …   Wikipedia

  • Expert systems for mortgages — An expert system for mortgages is a computer program that contains the knowledge and analytical skills of human experts, related to mortgage banking. Loan departments are interested in expert systems for mortgages because of the growing cost of… …   Wikipedia

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