1 comarca
f.area, district.una comarca arrocera a rice-growing region o areapres.indicat.3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) present indicative of spanish verb: comarcar.imperat.2nd person singular (tú) Imperative of Spanish verb: comarcar.* * *1 area, region* * ** * *femenino region•• Cultural note:In Spain, a geographical, social, and culturally homogeneous region, with a clear natural or administrative demarcation. Comarcas are normally smaller than regiones. They are often famous for some reason, for example Ampurdán (Catalonia) for its wines, or La Mancha (Castile) for its cheeses* * *femenino region•• Cultural note:In Spain, a geographical, social, and culturally homogeneous region, with a clear natural or administrative demarcation. Comarcas are normally smaller than regiones. They are often famous for some reason, for example Ampurdán (Catalonia) for its wines, or La Mancha (Castile) for its cheeses* * *regionIn Spain, a geographical, social, and culturally homogeneous region, with a clear natural or administrative demarcation. Comarcas are normally smaller than regiones (↑ región a1). They are often famous for some reason, for example Ampurdán (Catalonia) for its wines, or La Mancha (Castile) for its cheeses.* * *
comarca sustantivo femenino
comarca sustantivo femenino region
vino de la comarca, local wine
' comarca' also found in these entries:
- desarrollo
- propagarse
* * *comarca nf= administrative unit smaller than a region and larger than a municipality, ≈ district;una comarca arrocera a rice-growing area* * *f area* * *comarca nfregión: region* * *comarca n region / area -
2 comarca
n (f) district -
3 comarca
• district• precinct• region• zonal• zone bit -
4 comarca deprimida
f.less favored area, less favoured area. -
5 cabecera
f.1 head.2 heading. (peninsular Spanish)3 headwaters.4 headboard, head, top part of bed.5 heading of the page.* * *1 (gen) top, head2 (de cama) headboard3 (de mesa) head4 (de un río) source, headwaters plural5 (de un periódico) headline; (de un libro) headband6 (de una iglesia) sanctuary* * *noun f.1) top, heading, title-page2) bedside3) head* * *SF1) [de página] top; [de artículo] heading; [de carta] opening; (Inform) title-pagela noticia apareció en la cabecera de todos los periódicos — the news made the headlines in all the newspapers
2) [de río] headwaters pl3) [de manifestación] head, front4) [de cama] headboardlibro 1), médico 2.5) [de mesa] head6) [de organización, ministerio] top (level)* * *1)a) ( de la cama) headboardb) ( de una mesa) head, topc) ( de un río) headwaters (pl)d) ( de una manifestación) head, front2) (Adm, Pol) tbcabecera de comarca — administrative center*
3) (Esp) ( de periódico) masthead, flag; ( de página) head, top* * *= head, label, leader, masthead [mast-head], record label, head, headwaters.Nota: De un río.Ex. The running title is the title, or abbreviated title, of the book repeated at the head of each page or at the head of the versos.Ex. The label contains information about the record, indicating, for instance, its length, status, for example, new, amended, type and class.Ex. Leader fields contain coded information required at the beginning of all MARC records.Ex. The masthead is the statement of title, ownership, editors, etc., of a newspaper or periodical.Ex. The label contains information about the record, indicating, for instance, its length, status, for example, new, amended, type and class.Ex. The chief members of the impression carriage were two upright cheeks about 2 m. high and placed 60-65 cm. apart, carrying between them the winter and, above it, the head, two massive cross timbers mortised into the cheeks which contained the vertical thrust of the impression.Ex. Minneapolis, the first great metropolis at the headwaters of this life-giving waterway, will be the perfect site for the 2004 MCN conference.----* cabecera repetida = running head, running headline.* campo de cabecera = leader field.* médico de cabecera = general practitioner (GP), family practitioner, family doctor.* título de cabecera = caption title.* * *1)a) ( de la cama) headboardb) ( de una mesa) head, topc) ( de un río) headwaters (pl)d) ( de una manifestación) head, front2) (Adm, Pol) tbcabecera de comarca — administrative center*
3) (Esp) ( de periódico) masthead, flag; ( de página) head, top* * *= head, label, leader, masthead [mast-head], record label, head, headwaters.Nota: De un río.Ex: The running title is the title, or abbreviated title, of the book repeated at the head of each page or at the head of the versos.
Ex: The label contains information about the record, indicating, for instance, its length, status, for example, new, amended, type and class.Ex: Leader fields contain coded information required at the beginning of all MARC records.Ex: The masthead is the statement of title, ownership, editors, etc., of a newspaper or periodical.Ex: The label contains information about the record, indicating, for instance, its length, status, for example, new, amended, type and class.Ex: The chief members of the impression carriage were two upright cheeks about 2 m. high and placed 60-65 cm. apart, carrying between them the winter and, above it, the head, two massive cross timbers mortised into the cheeks which contained the vertical thrust of the impression.Ex: Minneapolis, the first great metropolis at the headwaters of this life-giving waterway, will be the perfect site for the 2004 MCN conference.* cabecera repetida = running head, running headline.* campo de cabecera = leader field.* médico de cabecera = general practitioner (GP), family practitioner, family doctor.* título de cabecera = caption title.* * *A1 (de la cama) headboarda la cabecera del enfermo at the patient's bedsidehabía un crucifijo en la cabecera there was a crucifix over the bed o at the head of the bed2 (de una mesa) head3 (de un río) headwaters (pl)4 (de una manifestación) head, front; (de una comisión) chairmanshipCompuesto:end of the runwayB1 (de un periódico) masthead, flag; (de una página) headlo pusieron en cabecera they made it their front-page headline, it appeared as the headline on the front page2 (de un libro) headbandcabecera de comarca administrative center** * *
cabecera sustantivo femenino
cabecera sustantivo femenino
1 (de una cama) headboard
2 Tip headline
Prensa masthead
3 (de una mesa) top, head
4 libro de cabecera, bedside book
médico de cabecera, family doctor
' cabecera' also found in these entries:
- médico
- family doctor
- general practitioner
- GP
- head
- practitioner
- sickbed
- bed
* * *cabecera nf1. [de fila, de mesa] head2. [de cama] top end;estar a la cabecera de (la cama de) alguien to be at sb's bedside[de periódico] masthead4. [de programa televisivo] title sequence5. [principio] [de río] source;[de manifestación] head; [de tren] front; [de pista de aterrizaje] start;la cabecera del autobús 38 está aquí the 38 bus starts from here6. Esp [de organización]ocupa la cabecera de la organización desde 1995 he has headed the organization since 19957. Esp cabecera de comarca = administrative centre of a Spanish “comarca”, Br ≈ county town, US ≈ county seat* * *f2 de periódico masthead3 de texto top4 INFOR header* * *cabecera nf1) : headboard2) : headcabecera de la mesa: head of the table3) : heading, headline4) : headwaters pl5)médico de cabecera : family doctor6)* * *cabecera n1. (en general) head2. (de periódico) headline -
6 partido
adj.cut, cleft, split, riven.m.1 party.2 game (Sport).partido amistoso friendlyun partido de baloncesto/rugby a game of basketball/rugby3 match.buen/mal partido good/bad match4 advantage, profit, gain.sacar partido de take advantage of...5 team.6 hair parting, part, part in one's hair.7 prospect, prospect for marriage.past part.past participle of spanish verb: partir.* * *1 (grupo político) party, group2 (provecho) profit, advantage————————1→ link=partir partir► adjetivo1 (dividido) divided2 (roto) broken, split1 (grupo político) party, group2 (provecho) profit, advantage\sacar partido de to profit fromser un buen partido familiar to be a good catchtomar partido to take sidestomar partido por alguien to side with somebodypartido amistoso friendly gamepartido de exhibición exhibition matchpartido de ida first legpartido de vuelta second legpartido judicial administrative areapartido político political partysistema de partidos party system* * *noun m.1) party2) game, match3) play4) tie•* * *SM1) (Pol) partytomar partido por algo/algn — to side with sth/sb
2) (Dep) game, matchpartido amistoso — friendly (game o match)
partido de casa — home game o match
partido de dobles — (Tenis) doubles match, game of doubles
partido de exhibición — exhibition game o match
partido de fútbol — football game o match
partido (de) homenaje — benefit game o match
partido de ida — away game o match, first leg
partido de vuelta — return game o match, second leg
3) (=provecho)4)ser un buen partido — [persona] to be a good match
5) (=distrito) district, administrative areapartido judicial — district under the jurisdiction of a local court
6) frm (=apoyo) support7) frmdarse a partido, venir(se) a partido — to give way
8) Cono Sur (Naipes) hand* * *I- da adjetivo2) (Mat)IInueve partido por tres da... — nine divided by three gives...
1)b) (AmL) ( partida) game2) (Pol) partyun partido de izquierda/centro — a left-wing/center party
sistema de partido único — one-party o single-party system
3) ( provecho)4) ( para casarse)5) ( comarca) administrative area* * *I- da adjetivo2) (Mat)IInueve partido por tres da... — nine divided by three gives...
1)b) (AmL) ( partida) game2) (Pol) partyun partido de izquierda/centro — a left-wing/center party
sistema de partido único — one-party o single-party system
3) ( provecho)4) ( para casarse)5) ( comarca) administrative area* * *partido11 = party.Ex: Surely the concept 'Conservative party' appears last in the citation order of this class number.
* aparato del partido = party machinery.* buen partido = eligible party, eligible bachelor.* de dos partidos políticos = bipartisan [bi-partisan].* obtener partido de = capitalise on/upon [capitalize, -USA].* partido conservador = conservative party.* partido de derechas = right wing party.* partido de izquierdas = left-wing party.* partido de la oposición = opposition party.* partido disidente = splinter party.* partido en el gobierno = governing party.* partido en el poder, el = ruling party, the.* partido gobernante = governing party.* Partido Laborista, el = Labour Party, the.* Partido Liberal Democrático, el = Liberal Democrats, the.* partido político = political party.* Partido Socialista Nacional, el = National Socialist Party, the.* sacar el máximo partido = exploit + full potential, take + full advantage (of), take + the best advantage.* sacar el máximo partido a = get + the most out of.* sacar el máximo partido a Algo = reach + the full potential of.* sacar el máximo partido de = harness + the power of, make + the best of.* sacar el máximo partido de Algo = make + the most of.* sacar el mayor partido al dinero de uno = get + the most for + Posesivo + money.* sacar el mejor partido de = get + the best out of.* sacar el mejor partido de Algo = make + the best advantage of, make + the best use of, make + the best possible use of.* sacar el mejor partido posible = get + the best of both worlds, get + the best of all worlds.* sacarle partido a = make + an opportunity (out) of.* sacar más partido = get + more for + Posesivo + money.* sacar mayor partido a = squeeze + more life out of.* sacar mejor partido = get + more for + Posesivo + money.* sacar partido = take + advantage (of), exploit + benefits.* sacar partido a una oportunidad = capitalise on + opportunity.* sin afiliación a un partido político = non-partisan [nonpartisan].* tomar partido = take + sides.* tomar partido por = side with.* tomar partido por Alguien = side in + Posesivo + favour.* un buen partido = a good catch.partido22 = sports match, game, match, fixture.Ex: School events may be regular and seasonal, like Christmas and vacations, or occasional and minor like sports matches.
Ex: A game is a set of materials designed for play according to prescribed rules.Ex: That was one of the finest matches they ever played.Ex: New fixtures for the rest of the season have been issued along with some changes in the First Division.* partido amistoso = friendly match.* partido de competición = club game.* partido de fútbol = football game, soccer game, football match.* partido de ida = away game, first leg.* partido de liga = league game.* partido de vuelta = second leg, home game.* partido entre equipos rivales = local derby.* partido oficial = official game.* partido que se juega en casa = home game.* partido que se juega fuera de casa = away game.* perder un partido = lose + match.* resultado de un partido = score.* tres goles en un mismo partido = hat trick.partido33 = cloven, forked.Ex: It is a very old belief that the Devil always appears with a cloven foot as a distinguishing mark.
Ex: One theory suggests that the forked section of the hieroglyph represents an animal's legs with the central shaft as the body or elongated neck (like a giraffe).* con el corazón partido = broken-hearted.* luchar a brazo partido = fight + tooth and nail.* pelear a brazo partido = fight + tooth and nail.* * *A ‹labios› chapped; ‹barbilla› cleftB ( Mat):siete partido por diez seven over teneste número, partido por tres, nos da el valor de X this number, divided by three, gives us the value of XA1 (de fútbol) game, match ( BrE)vamos a echar un partido de tenis let's have a game of tennisel partido de tenis entre Gómez y Rendall the tennis match between Gómez and Rendallun partido de ajedrez a game of chessCompuestos:friendly game o match, friendlyreplay, deciding gameexhibition game o matchbenefit game o match, benefitfirst legsecond leghome game o ( BrE also) matchaway game o ( BrE also) matchB1 ( Pol) partypartido político political partypartido de la oposición opposition partyun partido de izquierda(s)/derecha(s)/centro a left-wing/right-wing/center partysistema de partido único one-party o single-party systemtomar partido to take sides2 (partidarios) followingsu música tiene mucho partido entre la juventud his music has a big following among young peopleesta postura tiene mucho partido entre los agricultores this position enjoys wide support among farmers o is widely supported by farmersCompuesto:C(provecho): le sabe sacar partido a cualquier situación he knows how to make the most of any situationtrata de sacar el mejor partido de tus conocimientos try to make the best use of o try to take full advantage of your knowledgeD(para casarse): un buen partido a good catchno pudo encontrar peor partido para casarse she couldn't have found anyone worse to marryE (comarca) administrative areaCompuesto:( Esp) administrative area* * *
Del verbo partir: ( conjugate partir)
partido es:
el participio
Multiple Entries:
partido 1◊ -da adjetivo
1 ‹ labios› chapped;
‹ barbilla› cleft
2 (Mat):
nueve partido por tres da … nine divided by three gives …
partido 2 sustantivo masculino
( de tenis) match;
un partido de béisbol a baseball game;
partido amistoso friendly game o match;
partido de desempate deciding game, decider;
partido en casa/fuera de casa home/away match
2 (Pol) party;
tomar partido to take sides
3 ( provecho):
sacarle partido a algo to make the most of sth
4 ( para casarse):
partir ( conjugate partir) verbo transitivo
‹nuez/avellana› to crack;
‹rama/palo› to break
‹ cabeza› to split open
verbo intransitivo
2a) partido DE algo ‹de una premisa/un supuesto› to start from sthb)◊ a partir de from;
a partido de ahora/ese momento from now on/that moment on;
a partido de hoy (as o starting) from today
partirse verbo pronominal
‹ diente› to break, chip
partido,-a sustantivo masculino
1 Pol party
2 Dep match, game
partido de vuelta, return match
3 (beneficio, oportunidades, jugo) advantage, benefit: sácale partido a la vida, make the most of life 4 ser un buen partido, to be a good catch
♦ Locuciones: tomar partido por, to side with
I verbo transitivo
1 (romper, quebrar) to break: me parte el corazón verte tan desalentada, it's heartbreaking to see you so depressed
partir una nuez, to shell a walnut
2 (dividir) to split, divide
(con un cuchillo) to cut
II vi (irse) to leave, set out o off
♦ Locuciones: a partir de aquí/ahora, from here on/now on
a partir de entonces no volvimos a hablarnos, we didn't speak to each other from then on
' partido' also found in these entries:
- adhesión
- antológica
- antológico
- arrojadiza
- arrojadizo
- bajón
- baño
- barrer
- beneficio
- centenaria
- centenario
- continuismo
- convoy
- correligionaria
- correligionario
- cotización
- cualquiera
- decidir
- depurar
- desempate
- desmembrarse
- despeje
- dirección
- dirigir
- dirigente
- disputada
- disputado
- engranaje
- entrar
- épica
- épico
- ser
- escaño
- europeísta
- fila
- fracturar
- fruto
- ganarse
- grupúsculo
- imperante
- independiente
- izquierda
- izquierdo
- judicial
- laborista
- liberal
- lucha
- mayoría
- mayoritaria
- amid
- brain
- brokenhearted
- call off
- cancel
- capital
- cardholder
- centre
- close
- closely
- decider
- derby
- disappoint
- double
- equal
- eventual
- fair
- fixture
- football match
- fortunately
- friendly
- game
- grass roots
- heart-broken
- hooligan
- hot up
- international
- job
- join
- kick-off
- labour
- Liberal Party
- line
- machine
- majority
- match
- member
- membership
- minority
- office
- opponent
- opposing
- ostracize
- party line
- pep talk
- play
- profit
- quite
* * *partido nm1. [político] party;partido político political party;un partido de izquierda(s) a left-wing party;el partido en el gobierno the ruling party;un partido de (la) oposición an opposition partypartido bisagra = minority party holding the balance of power2. [deportivo] game, Br match;un partido de baloncesto/rugby a game of basketball/rugby;un partido de liga/copa a league/cup game o Br matchpartido amistoso friendly;partido de consolación consolation final;partido de desempate play-off;partido de las estrellas all-star game;partido (de) homenaje testimonial (game);partido de ida [en copa] first leg;partido internacional international, Br international match;partido de vuelta [en copa] second leg3. Am [partida] game;un partido de ajedrez a game of chess4. [futuro cónyuge]ser buen/mal partido to be a good/bad match6. Compsacar partido de, sacarle partido a to make the most of;tomar partido por [ponerse de parte de] to side with;[decidir] to decide on;tomar partido por hacer algo to decide to do sth* * *m1 POL party2 DEP game;partido en casa home game3:sacar partido de take advantage of;tomar partido take sides* * *partido nm1) : (political) party2) : game, matchpartido de futbol: soccer game3) apoyo: support, following4) provecho: profit, advantagesacar partido de: to profit from* * *partido n1. (competición) match2. (organización) party -
7 aislar
v.1 to isolate (person).El doctor aisló al paciente The doctor isolated the patient.El científico aisló al virus The scientist isolated the virus.2 to insulate.Marcos aisló la casa para el invierno Mark insulated the house for winter.3 to cut off (place).la nevada aisló la comarca del resto del país the snow cut the area off from the rest of the country4 to isolate (virus).5 to keep off.6 to seclude, to isolate from the world, to sequester.* * *(stressed í in certain persons of certain tenses)Present IndicativePresent SubjunctiveImperative* * *1. VT1) (=dejar solo) to isolate; (=separar) to separate, detach2) [+ ciudad, fortaleza] to cut off3) (Elec) to insulate2.See:* * *1.verbo transitivo1)a) (apartar, separar) < enfermo> to isolate, keep in isolation; < preso> to place... in solitary confinement; < virus> to isolateb) ( dejar sin communicación) < lugar> to cut off2) (Elec) to insulate2.aislarse v pron (refl) to cut oneself off* * *= cut off, isolate, lock out, seclude, quarantine.Ex. The question I have regards natural concerns about the computer going down, and the situation that may exist when the library is cut off for an extended period of time from the online catalog.Ex. How were such educational practicalities to be isolated and discussed?.Ex. This article examines the role of public library trustees who appear to live on the fringes of the library profession, locked out of the decision making mainstream.Ex. Can't you seclude yourself and do nothing but work on this topic for the week?.Ex. Australia cannot afford to quarantine itself from global trends and needs to compete with other countries for scarce global capital.----* aislar de = insulate from.* aislarse de = cut + Reflexivo + off from.* protección para excluir o aislar = excluder.* * *1.verbo transitivo1)a) (apartar, separar) < enfermo> to isolate, keep in isolation; < preso> to place... in solitary confinement; < virus> to isolateb) ( dejar sin communicación) < lugar> to cut off2) (Elec) to insulate2.aislarse v pron (refl) to cut oneself off* * *= cut off, isolate, lock out, seclude, quarantine.Ex: The question I have regards natural concerns about the computer going down, and the situation that may exist when the library is cut off for an extended period of time from the online catalog.
Ex: How were such educational practicalities to be isolated and discussed?.Ex: This article examines the role of public library trustees who appear to live on the fringes of the library profession, locked out of the decision making mainstream.Ex: Can't you seclude yourself and do nothing but work on this topic for the week?.Ex: Australia cannot afford to quarantine itself from global trends and needs to compete with other countries for scarce global capital.* aislar de = insulate from.* aislarse de = cut + Reflexivo + off from.* protección para excluir o aislar = excluder.* * *vtA1(apartar, separar): conviene aislar a los enfermos the patients should be isolated o kept in isolationlas riadas aislaron el pueblo the village was cut off by the floodssus amigos los han aislado their friends have turned their backs on them o have cut themselves off from them2 ‹preso› to place … in solitary confinement3 ‹virus› to isolateB ( Elec) to insulate■ aislarse( refl) to isolate oneself, cut oneself off* * *
aislar ( conjugate aislar) verbo transitivo
‹ preso› to place … in solitary confinement;
‹ virus› to isolate
c) (Elec) to insulate
aislarse verbo pronominal ( refl) to cut oneself off
aislar verbo transitivo
1 to isolate
2 Téc to insulate
' aislar' also found in these entries:
cut off
- insulate
- isolate
- ostracize
- shut off
- shut out
- cut
- screen
- shut
* * *♦ vt1. [persona] to isolate2. [del frío, de la electricidad] to insulate;[del ruido] to soundproof3. [incomunicar] to cut off;la nevada aisló la comarca del resto del país the snow cut the area off from the rest of the country4. [virus] to isolate♦ viestas ventanas aíslan muy bien del frío/ruido these windows are very good at keeping the cold/noise out* * *v/t1 isolate2 EL insulate* * *aislar {5} vt1) : to isolate2) : to insulate* * *aislar vb1. (separar) to isolate -
8 abarcar
v.1 to embrace, to cover.2 to be able to see, to have a view of.desde la torre se abarca todo el valle you can see the whole valley from the tower3 to span, to extend through, to extend over, to extend across.El viaje abarca la región sur The trip extends throughout the south.4 to comprise, to encompass, to comprehend, to embrace.El estudio abarca la era glacial The research comprises the glacial era.5 to dominate.6 to monopolize.EXEX abarcó el mercado textil EXEX monopolized the textile market sector.* * *1 (englobar) to cover, embrace2 (abrazar) to embrace, get one's arms around3 (trabajo) to undertake, take on\quien mucho abarca poco aprieta Jack of all trades, master of none* * *verb1) to cover2) include* * *VT1) [con los brazos] to get one's arms round2) (=comprender) to include, take in; (=contener) to contain, comprisesus conocimientos abarcan todo el campo de... — his knowledge ranges over the whole field of...
abarca una hectárea — it takes up a hectare, it's a hectare in size
3) [+ tarea] to undertake, take on4) LAm (=acaparar) to monopolize, corner the market in5) [con la vista] to take in* * *verbo transitivoa) <temas/materias> to cover; <superficie/territorio> to span, cover; <siglos/generaciones> to spanel libro abarca desde el siglo XVII hasta nuestros días — the book covers o spans from the 17th century to the present day
b) ( dar abasto con) <trabajos/actividades> to cope withc) (con los brazos, la mano) to encircle* * *= comprise (of), cover, encompass, include, span, embrace.Ex. The first edition comprised basic classes analysed into facets, using the colon as the notational device for synthesis.Ex. The schedules are divided into two parts, one covering music scores and parts and the other concerned with music literature.Ex. The classification schemes that have been considered so far are general bibliographic classification schemes in that they attempt to encompass all of knowledge.Ex. Document descriptions may be included in catalogues, bibliographies and other listings of documents.Ex. The shelflist itself had problems, since it consisted of cataloging practices that spanned some fifty years.Ex. The library community is now ready to embrace the most revolutionary technology for libraries -- CD-ROM.----* abarcar de... a... = range from... to..., stretch from... to....* abarcar el mundo = span + the globe.* abarcarlo todo = be all inclusive.* abarcar todas las posibilidades = run + the gamut.* curso que abarca varias disciplinas = umbrella course.* el que mucho abarca poco aprieta = jack of all trades, master of none.* intentar abarcar demasiado = burn + the candle at both ends.* que abarca = girdling.* que lo abarca todo = all-embracing.* quien mucho abarca poco aprieta = bite off more than + Pronombre + can chew.* sujetar abarcando = brace.* tratar de abarcar más de lo que se puede = bite off more than + Pronombre + can chew.* * *verbo transitivoa) <temas/materias> to cover; <superficie/territorio> to span, cover; <siglos/generaciones> to spanel libro abarca desde el siglo XVII hasta nuestros días — the book covers o spans from the 17th century to the present day
b) ( dar abasto con) <trabajos/actividades> to cope withc) (con los brazos, la mano) to encircle* * *= comprise (of), cover, encompass, include, span, embrace.Ex: The first edition comprised basic classes analysed into facets, using the colon as the notational device for synthesis.
Ex: The schedules are divided into two parts, one covering music scores and parts and the other concerned with music literature.Ex: The classification schemes that have been considered so far are general bibliographic classification schemes in that they attempt to encompass all of knowledge.Ex: Document descriptions may be included in catalogues, bibliographies and other listings of documents.Ex: The shelflist itself had problems, since it consisted of cataloging practices that spanned some fifty years.Ex: The library community is now ready to embrace the most revolutionary technology for libraries -- CD-ROM.* abarcar de... a... = range from... to..., stretch from... to....* abarcar el mundo = span + the globe.* abarcarlo todo = be all inclusive.* abarcar todas las posibilidades = run + the gamut.* curso que abarca varias disciplinas = umbrella course.* el que mucho abarca poco aprieta = jack of all trades, master of none.* intentar abarcar demasiado = burn + the candle at both ends.* que abarca = girdling.* que lo abarca todo = all-embracing.* quien mucho abarca poco aprieta = bite off more than + Pronombre + can chew.* sujetar abarcando = brace.* tratar de abarcar más de lo que se puede = bite off more than + Pronombre + can chew.* * *abarcar [A2 ]vt1 ‹temas/materias› to coverel programa abarca desde la Reconquista hasta el siglo XIX the program takes in o covers o spans the period from the Reconquest to the 19th centurysus tierras abarcan desde el río hasta la sierra his land stretches o extends from the river up to the mountainsabarcaba todo el territorio que ahora se conoce como Uruguay it extended over o embraced o spanned o included all the territory now known as Uruguay2 (dar abasto con) ‹trabajos/actividades› to cope withse ha echado encima más de lo que puede abarcar he's bitten off more than he can chew, he's taken on more than he can cope withquien mucho abarca poco aprieta don't try to take on too much ( o you've/he's taken on too much etc)3 (con los brazos) to embrace, encircleno le abarco la muñeca con la mano I can't get my hand around his wrist4 (con la mirada) to take in* * *
abarcar ( conjugate abarcar) verbo transitivo
‹superficie/territorio› span, cover;
‹siglos/generaciones› to span;
◊ quien mucho abarca poco aprieta you shouldn't bite off more than you can chew
abarcar verbo transitivo
1 to cover
(asuntos, trabajo) no puedes abarcarlo todo, you can't take on too much
2 (con los brazos) to embrace
3 (dominar) su finca es tan grande que no se puede abarcar con la vista, she owns so much land that you can't contemplate it all from one angle
4 LAm (acaparar) to monopolize
' abarcar' also found in these entries:
- ir
- dominar
- candle
- chew
- cover
- embody
- embrace
- span
- take in
- encompass
- take
* * *abarcar vt1. [incluir] to cover;nuestra hacienda abarca un tercio de la comarca our estate covers a third of the district;este artículo intenta abarcar demasiado this article tries to cover too much;el libro abarca cinco siglos de historia de Latinoamérica the book covers o spans five centuries of Latin American history;quien mucho abarca poco aprieta don't bite off more than you can chew2. [ver] to be able to see, to have a view of;desde la torre se abarca todo el valle you can see the whole valley from the tower;hasta donde abarca la vista as far as the eye can see* * *v/t1 territorio cover; figcomprise, cover2 L.Am. ( acaparar) hoard, stockpile3:abarcar con la vista take in* * *abarcar {72} vt1) : to cover, to include, to embrace2) : to undertake3) : to monopolize* * *abarcar vb1. (contener, incluir) to cover / to include -
9 bañar
v.1 to bathe, to give a bath to, to bath.La madre baña al bebé a diario The mother bathes the baby daily.2 to apply a coating to, to coat.El alfarero baña el jarrón The potter applies a coating to the vase.3 to immerse in water.* * *1 (gen) to bathe2 (lavar) to bath■ ¿vas a bañar al bebé? are you going to bath the baby?3 (cubrir) to coat; (en oro etc) to plate1 to bathe (nadar) to have a swim, go for a swim■ me voy a bañar, hace calor I'm going for a swim, it's hot* * *verb1) to bathe, wash2) dip, coat•- bañarse* * *1. VT1)bañar a algn — to bath sb, bathe sb (EEUU), give sb a bath
bañé al bebé esta mañana — I bathed the baby this morning, I gave the baby a bath this morning
2) (Culin)una galleta bañada en coñac — a biscuit dipped o soaked in brandy
he bañado el pastel de o con chocolate — I've covered the cake with chocolate icing, I've iced the cake with chocolate
3) (=dar una capa de) to plate4) (=cubrir)bañado en sangre/sudor — [persona] bathed o drenched in blood/sweat; [ropa] drenched in blood/sweat
tenía la cara bañada en lágrimas — her face was bathed in o wet with tears
5) [mar, lago] to wash liter6) [luz, sol] to flood, batheel sol bañaba de luz su cuarto — the sun flooded his room with light, the sun bathed his room in light
2.See:* * *1.verbo transitivo1) <niño/enfermo> to bath, give... a bath2)a) <pulsera/cubierto> to plateb)bañado en algo — (en salsa/sangre) covered with something; en sudor bathed o covered in something; en lágrimas bathed in something
3)a) (liter) mar/río to bathe (liter), wash (liter)b) (liter) luz/sol to bathe (liter)2.bañarse v pron (refl)a) ( en bañera) to have o take a bath, to bathe (AmE)b) (en mar, río) to swim, bathemandar a alguien a bañarse — (CS fam) to tell somebody to get lost (colloq)
* * *= bathe.Ex. We also spend a certain amount of time each day dealing with our bodily functions, bathing, washing, brushing our teeth and so on.----* bañarse = bathe.* bañarse desnudo = skinny dip.* bañarse en bolas = skinny dip.* * *1.verbo transitivo1) <niño/enfermo> to bath, give... a bath2)a) <pulsera/cubierto> to plateb)bañado en algo — (en salsa/sangre) covered with something; en sudor bathed o covered in something; en lágrimas bathed in something
3)a) (liter) mar/río to bathe (liter), wash (liter)b) (liter) luz/sol to bathe (liter)2.bañarse v pron (refl)a) ( en bañera) to have o take a bath, to bathe (AmE)b) (en mar, río) to swim, bathemandar a alguien a bañarse — (CS fam) to tell somebody to get lost (colloq)
* * *= bathe.Ex: We also spend a certain amount of time each day dealing with our bodily functions, bathing, washing, brushing our teeth and so on.
* bañarse = bathe.* bañarse desnudo = skinny dip.* bañarse en bolas = skinny dip.* * *bañar [A1 ]vtA ‹niño/enfermo› (en la bañera) to bath, give … a bath; (en la ducha) to give … a showerhay que bañar al or el perro we have to give the dog a bathB1 ‹pulsera/cubierto› to plate bañar algo EN algo to plate sth WITH sthel anillo está bañado en oro the ring is gold-plated2 (cubrir) to coverservir la coliflor bañada con or en salsa de tomate serve the cauliflower covered with tomato saucellegó bañado en sudor he arrived bathed o covered in sweatcon el rostro bañado en lágrimas with his face bathed in tearssu cadáver bañado en sangre his dead body covered in bloodCsu rostro bañado por la luz de la luna her face bathed in moonlightD( Ven fam) (superar): Julio lo baña en inglés Julio is way o miles o streets ahead of him in English ( colloq)■ bañarse( refl)1 (en la bañera) to have o take a bath, to bathe ( AmE); (en la ducha) to shower, have o take a shower¡te has bañado en perfume! you've certainly splashed on the perfume!2 (en el mar, un río) to swim, batheno me gusta bañarme en el río I don't like bathing/swimming in the river¿te has bañado hoy? have you been in the water o been swimming today?[ S ] prohibido bañarse no bathing, no swimmingmandar or echar a algn a bañarse (CS fam); to tell sb to get lost ( colloq), to tell sb to go to hell (sl)¡anda a bañarte! go jump in a lake ( colloq)* * *
bañar ( conjugate bañar) verbo transitivo
1 ‹niño/enfermo› to bath, give … a bath
2 ‹pulsera/cubierto› to plate
bañarse verbo pronominal ( refl)
bañar verbo transitivo
1 (en agua) to bath
2 (cubrir) to coat, cover: tienes que bañar en oro esa pulsera, you have to goldplate that bracelet
3 (una costa, una comarca) to bathe: Mallorca es una isla bañada por el Mediterráneo, Mallorca is surrounded by the Mediterranean
' bañar' also found in these entries:
- dip
- bathe
- frost
- ice
* * *♦ vt1. [asear] to give a bath to, Br to bath;Med [paciente] to bathe2. [revestir] to coat;baña el bizcocho con chocolate pour chocolate over the sponge, cover the sponge in chocolate;bañado en oro/plata gold-/silver-plated;bañado en sudor bathed in sweat3. [sujeto: río] to flow through;el Índico baña las costas del país the Indian Ocean washes the coast of the country4. [sujeto: sol, luz] to bathe;el sol bañaba el patio the courtyard was bathed in sunlight* * *v/tbath;bañado en lágrimas bathed in tears* * *bañar vt1) : to bathe, to wash2) : to immerse, to dip3) : to coat, to coverbañado en lágrimas: bathed in tears* * *bañar vb1. (niño, etc) to bath2. (pastel) to cover / to coat -
10 baño
m.1 restroom, rest room, bathroom, loo.2 bath, shower, wash.3 coating, plating.4 icing, coating, frosting.5 swim.6 bathing, showering, cleansing, tubbing.7 balneum.pres.indicat.1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: bañar.* * *1 (gen) bath; (en piscina, mar) dip, swim2 (cuarto) bathroom; (servicio) toilet3 (bañera) bath, bathtub4 (capa) coat, coating; (de oro etc) plating1 (balneario) spa sing\baño de María→ link=bañobaño Maríabaño de pie footbathbaño de sangre bloodbathbaño de vapor steam bathbaño María bain-mariebaño turco Turkish bath* * *noun m.1) bath, swim2) bathtub3) bathroom* * *SM1) (=bañera) bath, bathtubcuarto de baño — bathroom; (=aseo) toilet, bathroom ( esp EEUU)
2) (=acción) [en bañera] bath; [en el mar, piscina] swimdarse o tomar un baño — [en bañera] to have o take a bath; [en mar, piscina] to have a swim, go for a swim
baño de burbujas — foam bath, bubble bath
baño de espuma — foam bath, bubble bath
baño de masas, baño de multitudes — walkabout
darse un baño de masas o multitudes — to go on a walkabout, mingle with the crowd
baño de sol, darse o tomar un baño de sol — to sunbathe
3) (Culin)le he dado un baño de chocolate al pastel — I've covered the cake with chocolate icing, I've iced the cake with chocolate
4) [de oro, plata] plating; [de pintura] coat5) (Arte) washir a baños — † to take the waters †, bathe at a spa (EEUU)
7) (=paliza)darle un baño a algn — * to thrash sb *, wipe the floor with sb *
8) Caribe (=lugar) cool place* * *1) ( en bañera) bath; (en mar, río) swim¿nos damos un baño en la piscina? — shall we go for a swim in the pool?
2)a) ( cuarto de baño) bathroomb) ( bañera) bathc) (esp AmL) ( wáter) ( en casa privada) bathroom (AmE), lavatory o toilet (BrE), loo (BrE colloq); ( en edificio público) restroom (AmE), toilet (BrE); (- de señoras) ladies; (- de caballeros) men's room (AmE), gents (BrE)3)a) ( de metal) platingb) (Coc) coating* * *= washroom, restroom [rest room], bathtub, bath, bathing, swim.Ex. The library office is in the basement, 'downstairs' as it is euphemistically referred to, along with a staff lounge, the washrooms, heating equipment, and electrical and janitor's closets.Ex. Airport restrooms have become popular meeting places for men looking for sexual trysts with other men.Ex. The article 'The beast in the bathtub, and other archival laments' stresses the importance for bibliographers and historians of printing of printed items in archives and manuscript collections.Ex. The author explains how finding needed data on the Web can be like paddling round in a bath of milk.Ex. Bathing & washing clothes in the river are perceived as pleasurable & traditional social activities.Ex. The picture portrays a mother and daughter drying off after a swim.----* accesorios de baño = bathroom accessories, bathroom fittings.* armario de baño = bathroom cabinet.* armario de cuarto de baño = bathroom cabinet.* asiento de baño = toilet seat.* baño de arena = sand bath.* baño de azúcar glaseado = glacé icing.* baño de barro = mud bath.* baño de chocolate = chocolate icing.* baño de fuego = baptism of fire.* baño de lodo = mud bath.* baño de pies = footbath.* baño de sangre = bloodbath [blood bath].* baño de vapor = steam bath.* baños de agua caliente = hot springs.* báscula de baño = bathroom scales.* bata de baño = bathrobe.* bolsa de baño = toiletry bag, sponge bag.* cocer al baño María = steam.* cocinar al baño María = steam.* con baño = en suite, en-suite bathroom, en-suite bath, en-suite facilities.* cuarto de baño = bathroom.* darse un baño de sol = sunbathe.* descanso para ir al baño = bathroom break.* enseñado a pedir el baño = toilet-trained.* peso de baño = bathroom scales.* ropa de baño = swimwear, togs.* sales de baño = bath salts.* traje de baño = bathing suit, swimming costume, swimsuit, swimming suit, bathing dress.* * *1) ( en bañera) bath; (en mar, río) swim¿nos damos un baño en la piscina? — shall we go for a swim in the pool?
2)a) ( cuarto de baño) bathroomb) ( bañera) bathc) (esp AmL) ( wáter) ( en casa privada) bathroom (AmE), lavatory o toilet (BrE), loo (BrE colloq); ( en edificio público) restroom (AmE), toilet (BrE); (- de señoras) ladies; (- de caballeros) men's room (AmE), gents (BrE)3)a) ( de metal) platingb) (Coc) coating* * *= washroom, restroom [rest room], bathtub, bath, bathing, swim.Ex: The library office is in the basement, 'downstairs' as it is euphemistically referred to, along with a staff lounge, the washrooms, heating equipment, and electrical and janitor's closets.
Ex: Airport restrooms have become popular meeting places for men looking for sexual trysts with other men.Ex: The article 'The beast in the bathtub, and other archival laments' stresses the importance for bibliographers and historians of printing of printed items in archives and manuscript collections.Ex: The author explains how finding needed data on the Web can be like paddling round in a bath of milk.Ex: Bathing & washing clothes in the river are perceived as pleasurable & traditional social activities.Ex: The picture portrays a mother and daughter drying off after a swim.* accesorios de baño = bathroom accessories, bathroom fittings.* armario de baño = bathroom cabinet.* armario de cuarto de baño = bathroom cabinet.* asiento de baño = toilet seat.* baño de arena = sand bath.* baño de azúcar glaseado = glacé icing.* baño de barro = mud bath.* baño de chocolate = chocolate icing.* baño de fuego = baptism of fire.* baño de lodo = mud bath.* baño de pies = footbath.* baño de sangre = bloodbath [blood bath].* baño de vapor = steam bath.* baños de agua caliente = hot springs.* báscula de baño = bathroom scales.* bata de baño = bathrobe.* bolsa de baño = toiletry bag, sponge bag.* cocer al baño María = steam.* cocinar al baño María = steam.* con baño = en suite, en-suite bathroom, en-suite bath, en-suite facilities.* cuarto de baño = bathroom.* darse un baño de sol = sunbathe.* descanso para ir al baño = bathroom break.* enseñado a pedir el baño = toilet-trained.* peso de baño = bathroom scales.* ropa de baño = swimwear, togs.* sales de baño = bath salts.* traje de baño = bathing suit, swimming costume, swimsuit, swimming suit, bathing dress.* * *Con referencia al cuarto de aseo de una casa particular, el inglés americano emplea normalmente bathroom. El inglés británico emplea toilet, lavatory o (coloquialmente) loo. Cuando se habla de los servicios de un edificio público, el inglés americano utiliza washroom, rest room, men's room o ladies' room. El inglés británico emplea the Gents, the ladies, o the toilets. En la calle y en los parques públicos se emplea public toilets, o en inglés británico más formal public conveniencesA (en la bañera) bath; (en el mar, río) swim¿vienes a darte un baño en la piscina? are you coming for a swim in the pool?me desperté en un baño de sudor I woke up bathed o covered in sweatCompuestos:hip bathle recetaron baños de mar he was told to bathe in the sea o in sea watercalentar al baño (de) María heat in a double boiler o in a bain-marieeyebathfootbathbloodbathtomar baños de sol to sunbatheeyebathmpl medicinal baths (pl)mpl public baths (pl)mpl thermal baths (pl)Turkish bathel autobús era un baño turco it was like a sauna on the busB1 (cuarto de baño) bathroom2 (bañera) bath3( esp AmL) (wáter): ¿dónde está el baño? (en una casa privada) where's the bathroom? ( AmE), where's the lavatory o toilet? ( BrE), where's the loo? ( BrE colloq) (en un edificio público — de señoras) where's the rest room ( AmE) o ( BrE) toilet?, where's the ladies?; (— de caballeros) where's the rest room ( AmE) o ( BrE) toilet?, where's the men's room ( AmE) o ( BrE) gents?Compuesto:C1 (de metal) platingesta pulsera tiene un baño de oro this bracelet is gold-plated2 ( Coc) coatingun baño de chocolate/limón a chocolate/lemon coating* * *
Del verbo bañar: ( conjugate bañar)
baño es:
1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo
bañó es:
3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo
Multiple Entries:
bañar ( conjugate bañar) verbo transitivo
1 ‹niño/enfermo› to bath, give … a bath
2 ‹pulsera/cubierto› to plate
bañarse verbo pronominal ( refl)
baño sustantivo masculino◊ Nota:
Con referencia al cuarto de baño de una casa particular, el inglés americano emplea normalmente bathroom. El inglés británico emplea toilet, lavatory o (coloquialmente) loo. Cuando se habla de los servicios de un edificio público, el inglés americano utiliza washroom, restroom, men's room o ladies' room. El inglés británico emplea the Gents, the ladies, o the toilets. En la calle y en los parques públicos se emplea public toilets, o en inglés británico más formal, public conveniences.
1 ( en bañera) bath;
(en mar, río) swim;◊ darse un baño to have a bath/to go for a swim;
baño de sangre bloodbath;
baños públicos public baths (pl);
baño turco Turkish bath
( en edificio público) restroom (AmE), toilet (BrE);◊ baño público (AmL) public toilet
3 ( de metal) plating
bañar verbo transitivo
1 (en agua) to bath
2 (cubrir) to coat, cover: tienes que bañar en oro esa pulsera, you have to goldplate that bracelet
3 (una costa, una comarca) to bathe: Mallorca es una isla bañada por el Mediterráneo, Mallorca is surrounded by the Mediterranean
baño sustantivo masculino
1 bath
tomar o darse un baño, to have o take a bath: voy a darme un baño, I'm going to have a bath
darse un baño de sol, to sunbathe, tomar baños de lodo, to have mud baths
2 (cuarto de baño) bathroom
(retrete) toilet
3 (cobertura de un objeto) coat: mis pendientes tienen un baño de plata, my earrings are silver-plated
(de un alimento) coating, covering 4 baño María, bain marie, a double saucepan ♦ LOC figurado aquello fue un baño de sangre, that was a bloodbath
fig fam (ganar/perder estrepitosamente) dar un baño: en el partido de ayer nos dieron/les dimos un baño, they thrashed us/we thrashed them in the match yesterday
' baño' also found in these entries:
- caseta
- chapuzón
- cisterna
- comunicarse
- cuarta
- cuarto
- desvestirse
- escobilla
- eternizarse
- lavabo
- lechada
- plateada
- plateado
- retrete
- sal
- sentar
- servicio
- tibia
- tibio
- traje
- turca
- turco
- accesorio
- alfombrilla
- armario
- arriba
- artefacto
- báscula
- casitas
- desocupado
- encerrado
- espuma
- gabinete
- gorro
- maillot
- malla
- mobiliario
- pileta
- reconfortante
- relajante
- sanitario
- vestido
- zambullida
- bath
- bath towel
- bathing
- bathroom
- bloodbath
- bubble bath
- cloakroom
- coating
- dip
- disinfectant
- douse
- fitting
- lavatory
- loo
- modernize
- orgy
- private
- refreshing
- run
- self-contained
- stop
- swim
- swimming cap
- swimming costume
- swimsuit
- swimwear
- take
- toilet
- bathing suit
- bed
- bubble
- cap
- costume
- could
- fixture
- frosting
- john
- ladies'
- men
- off
- rest
- scale
- self
- silver
- steam
- swimming
- trunk
- Turkish
- use
* * *baño nm1. [acción] [en bañera] bath;[en playa, piscina] swim; [en playa, piscina] to go for a swim; Esp Famdar un baño a alguien to take sb to the cleanersbaño de asiento hip bath;baño de espuma bubble bath;baño (de) María bain-marie;calentar algo al baño (de) María to heat sth in a bain-marie;Fig baño de sangre bloodbath;baño de sol: [m5] tomar baños de sol to sunbathe;baño turco Turkish bath;baño de vapor steam bath2. [cuarto de aseo] bathroom;una casa con tres baños a three-bathroom house3. [servicios] Br toilet, US bathroom, washroom;¿dónde está el baño? where's the Br toilet o US bathroom?Am baño público Br public toilet, US washroom4.baños [balneario] spa;tomar los baños to go to a spabaños termales thermal baths5. Am [ducha] shower;darse un baño to have a shower6. [bañera] bathtub, bath7. [vahos] inhalation8. [capa] coat;un reloj con un baño de oro a gold-plated watch* * *mde multitudes fig a huge crowd celebrated their victory3 esp L.Am.bathroom; ( ducha) shower4 TÉC plating5:baños pl spa sg* * *baño nm1) : bath2) : swim, dip3) : bathroom4)baño María : double-boiler* * *baño n1. (en la bañera) bath2. (en el mar, piscina) swim3. (cuarto de baño) bathroom -
11 declarar
v.1 to declare.declarar la verdad to tell the truthdeclarar culpable/inocente a alguien to find somebody guilty/not guilty¿algo que declarar? anything to declare? (en aduana)Ella declaró sus razones She declared her reasons.2 to testify, to give evidence (law).lo llamaron a declarar he was called to give evidence3 to bear witness, to testify, to give evidence, to depose.Ricardo declara en contra de ella Richard bears witness against her.4 to pronounce, to declare, to adjudge.Los declaro marido y mujer I pronounce you husband and wife.5 to declare oneself to.Declaró ser el único líder He declared himself to be the only leader.* * *1 (gen) to declare; (manifestar) to state■ el inspector nos preguntó si teníamos algo que declarar the inspector asked us whether we had anything to declare■ el presidente declaró que no se devaluaría la corona the President stated that the crown would not be devalued2 DERECHO to find3 (en bridge) to bid, declare1 to declare2 DERECHO to testify1 (amor) to declare one's love (a, for)2 (fuego, guerra, etc) to break out, start\declarar la guerra a un país to declare war on a countrydeclararse a favor de to declare oneself in favour (US in favor) ofdeclararse en contra to declare oneself againstdeclararse en huelga to go on strikedeclararse en quiebra to go into bankruptcy, declare oneself bankrupt* * *verb1) to declare, state2) testify•* * *1. VT1) (=proclamar) [+ guerra, independencia] to declare2) (=considerar) to declareel tribunal médico lo declaró no apto para el servicio militar — the medical board declared him unfit for military service
declarar culpable a algn — to find sb guilty•
declarar inocente a algn — to find sb innocent3) (=manifestar) [en público, ante el juez] to state; [como anuncio, noticia] to announceel ministro declaró no saber nada del asunto — the minister stated that he knew nothing of the matter
4) (Com) [en la aduana, a Hacienda] to declare¿(tiene) algo que declarar? — (do you have) anything to declare?
5) (Naipes) to bid2. VI1) (Jur) (=testificar) to give evidence, testify2) (=declarar impuestos) to submit one's tax return3) (Naipes) to bid3.See:* * *1.verbo transitivo1)a) ( manifestar) <apoyo/oposición/intención> to declare, statedeclaró que no renunciaría — he announced o stated that he would not resign
b) ( proclamar) to declaredeclarar la guerra/el cese de las hostilidades — to declare war/a ceasefire
el presidente declaró abierta la sesión — the chairman pronounced o declared the session open
el jurado lo declaró culpable/inocente — the jury found him guilty/not guilty
2)a) ( en la aduana) to declare¿algo que declarar? — anything to declare?
b) (Fisco) <bienes/ingresos> to declare2.declarar vi to give evidence, testify3.declararse v pron1)a) ( manifestarse) to declare oneselfdeclararse culpable/inocente — to plead guilty/not guilty
declararse en quiebra or bancarrota — to declare oneself bankrupt
b) ( confesar amor) (+ me/te/le etc)se le declaró — he declared himself o his love to her
2) incendio/epidemia to break out* * *= declare, state, pronounce, adjudge, affirm.Ex. 24.17 declares Enter a body created or controlled by a government under its own name unless it belongs to one or more of the types listed in 24.18.Ex. Short abstracts are generally preferred, but there are instances where the most effective approach is to cite the original unamended, and to state that this is what has been done.Ex. 'Look,' she pronounced impatiently, 'I have lots of work to do'.Ex. National library associations should look for sponsors who will publish manuscripts they have adjudged to have met international standards.Ex. This move has probably affirmed the future of DC.----* declarar a favor de = testify (to/of).* declarar culpable = convict.* declarar ilegal = outlaw.* declarar la guerra = break out into + declared war, go to + war, take up + arms.* declarar la guerra a = declare + war on.* declarar la guerra a muerte a = declare + open season on, declare + open season on.* declarar muerto = declare + dead, pronounce + dead.* declararse culpable = plead + guilty.* declararse en guerra = go to + war.* declararse en huelga = strike, stage + strike, strike + break out.* declararse en quiebra = go into + liquidation.* declararse inocente = protest + Posesivo + innocence, plead + not guilty.* declarar vencedor = adjudge + winner.* digno de declarar = reportable.* * *1.verbo transitivo1)a) ( manifestar) <apoyo/oposición/intención> to declare, statedeclaró que no renunciaría — he announced o stated that he would not resign
b) ( proclamar) to declaredeclarar la guerra/el cese de las hostilidades — to declare war/a ceasefire
el presidente declaró abierta la sesión — the chairman pronounced o declared the session open
el jurado lo declaró culpable/inocente — the jury found him guilty/not guilty
2)a) ( en la aduana) to declare¿algo que declarar? — anything to declare?
b) (Fisco) <bienes/ingresos> to declare2.declarar vi to give evidence, testify3.declararse v pron1)a) ( manifestarse) to declare oneselfdeclararse culpable/inocente — to plead guilty/not guilty
declararse en quiebra or bancarrota — to declare oneself bankrupt
b) ( confesar amor) (+ me/te/le etc)se le declaró — he declared himself o his love to her
2) incendio/epidemia to break out* * *= declare, state, pronounce, adjudge, affirm.Ex: 24.17 declares Enter a body created or controlled by a government under its own name unless it belongs to one or more of the types listed in 24.18.
Ex: Short abstracts are generally preferred, but there are instances where the most effective approach is to cite the original unamended, and to state that this is what has been done.Ex: 'Look,' she pronounced impatiently, 'I have lots of work to do'.Ex: National library associations should look for sponsors who will publish manuscripts they have adjudged to have met international standards.Ex: This move has probably affirmed the future of DC.* declarar a favor de = testify (to/of).* declarar culpable = convict.* declarar ilegal = outlaw.* declarar la guerra = break out into + declared war, go to + war, take up + arms.* declarar la guerra a = declare + war on.* declarar la guerra a muerte a = declare + open season on, declare + open season on.* declarar muerto = declare + dead, pronounce + dead.* declararse culpable = plead + guilty.* declararse en guerra = go to + war.* declararse en huelga = strike, stage + strike, strike + break out.* declararse en quiebra = go into + liquidation.* declararse inocente = protest + Posesivo + innocence, plead + not guilty.* declarar vencedor = adjudge + winner.* digno de declarar = reportable.* * *declarar [A1 ]vtA1 (manifestar) ‹apoyo/oposición› to declare, state; ‹noticia/decisión› to announce, statedeclaró abiertamente su simpatía por el régimen he openly declared his sympathy with the régimedeclaró que no convocaría elecciones anticipadas he announced that he would not call early elections2 (proclamar) to declaredeclarar la guerra/el cese de las hostilidades to declare war/a ceasefiredeclararon la comarca zona catastrófica the region was declared a disaster areael presidente declaró abierta la sesión the chairman pronounced o declared the session openlo declararon apto para el servicio militar he was declared o passed fit for military serviceyo os declaro marido y mujer I pronounce you man and wifeel jurado lo declaró culpable the jury found him guiltyB1 (en la aduana) to declare¿algo que declarar? anything to declare?2 ( Fisco) ‹bienes/ingresos› to declare■ declararvito give evidence, testifyfue llamado a declarar como testigo he was called to give evidence o to testify o as a witnessA1 (manifestarse) to declare oneselfse declaró partidaria del divorcio she declared herself (to be) in favor of divorce, she declared o stated that she was in favor of divorcese declaró culpable he pleaded guiltydeclararse en quiebra or bancarrota to declare oneself bankruptdeclararse en huelga to go on strike2 (confesar amor) (+ me/te/le etc):se le declaró he declared his love to her, he told her he loved herB «incendio/epidemia» to break outse declaró una emergencia a bordo del barco an emergency arose on board the ship* * *
declarar ( conjugate declarar) verbo transitivo
verbo intransitivo
to give evidence, testify;
declararse verbo pronominal
declararse culpable/inocente to plead guilty/not guilty;
declararse en huelga to go on strikeb) ( confesar amor):◊ se le declaró he declared himself o his love to her
2 [incendio/epidemia] to break out
I verbo transitivo
1 to declare
2 (decir, anunciar) to state
3 Jur (un juez) to find: les declararon culpables/ inocentes, they were found guilty/not guilty
4 (un bien a Hacienda) to declare
US to report
II vi Jur (ante un juez) to testify
' declarar' also found in these entries:
- profesar
- announce
- annul
- assert
- certify
- condemn
- convict
- declare
- find
- pronounce
- protest
- state
- testify
- war
- write off
- evidence
- null
- outlaw
- proclaim
- write
* * *♦ vt1. [manifestar] [ante la autoridad] to declare;declarar la verdad to tell the truth;declarar el patrimonio to declare one's property;declarar culpable/inocente a alguien to find sb guilty/not guilty;¿algo que declarar? [en aduana] anything to declare?;¿tú declaras (a Hacienda) todo lo que ganas? do you declare all your earnings (to the Tax Inspector)?2. [afirmar] to state, to say;declaró a la prensa sus próximos proyectos he informed the press of his future plans/projects;el monarca declaró su apoyo al nuevo gobierno the monarch expressed his support for the new government;el secretario declaró abierta la sesión the secretary declared the session open;la región fue declarada zona catastrófica the region was declared a disaster area;ha sido declarado candidato a la presidencia his candidacy for the presidency has been announced♦ viDer to testify, to give evidence;declarar ante un tribunal to testify before a tribunal;lo llamaron a declarar he was called to give evidence* * *I v/t1 state2 bienes declare3:declarar culpable a alguien find s.o. guiltyII v/i JUR give evidence* * *declarar vt: to declare, to statedeclarar viatestiguar: to testify* * *declarar vb1. (en general) to declare2. (decir en público) to state / to announce -
12 desarrollo
m.1 development (mejora).desarrollo del producto product developmentdesarrollo sostenible sustainable development2 growth (crecimiento).pres.indicat.1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: desarrollar.* * *1 (gen) development2 MATEMÁTICAS expansion3 DEPORTE run, course\índice de desarrollo growth ratepaís en vías de desarrollo developing country* * *noun m.* * *SM1) [de economía, industria, mercado] development2) [de teoría, tema, punto] development3) (=realización) [de proyecto, plan] carrying out; [de técnica, método] development4) [de capacidad, memoria, músculos] development5) (Mat) [de ecuación, función] expansion; [de problema] working6) [de persona, animal, planta] developmentestá en la edad del desarrollo — she's reaching puberty, she's beginning to develop
7) [de historia, acontecimiento] developmentel desarrollo de la trama — the unfolding o development of the plot
8) [de bicicleta] gear ratio* * *1)a) (Econ) developmentb) (de facultad, capacidad) developmentc) (de niño, de planta) growth, developmentd) ( de adolescente) development2) (de teoría, tema, estrategia) development3) (de acto, acontecimiento)durante el desarrollo del acto — during o in the course of proceedings
* * *= advance, amplification, building, development, evolution, blooming.Ex. I think that the most important advance that we can look forward to is a great increase in the amount of authority data in MARC form.Ex. Even with such a limitation and many later supplementations by various hands, by way of addition, correction and amplification, it falls far short of completeness.Ex. Enumerative schemes can be difficult to revise to take account of new developments.Ex. A number of ancillary factors about the development of knowledge can be examined such as the extent of self-citation and the evolution of concepts.Ex. The article 'The blooming of readers' presents a body of research that supports the notion that children can acquire reading skills without being directly taught to read.----* área en desarrollo = growth area.* autodesarrollo = self-actualisation [self-actualization, -USA].* ayuda al desarrollo = development aid.* biología del desarrollo = developmental biology.* de desarrollo = developmental.* de desarrollo rápido = fast-evolving.* desarrollo académico = academic development.* desarrollo atrofiado = arrested development.* desarrollo cronológico = chronology.* desarrollo de aplicaciones = software development, application development.* desarrollo de capacidades = capacity building.* desarrollo de la colección = collection building, collection development [collections development].* desarrollo de la identidad nacional = nation building.* desarrollo del plan de estudios = curriculum development.* desarrollo del potencial = capacity building.* desarrollo de material educativo = instructional development.* desarrollo de nuevos productos = product development.* desarrollo de programas = software development.* desarrollo de prototipos = prototyping.* desarrollo económico = economic development.* desarrollo empresarial = business development.* desarrollo estratégico = strategic development.* desarrollo industrial = industrial development.* desarrollo infantil = child development.* desarrollo mental = mental development.* desarrollo nacional = national development.* desarrollo personal = self-actualisation [self-actualization, -USA].* desarrollo prenatal = prenatal development.* desarrollo profesional = professional development, career development.* desarrollo profesional del personal = staff development.* desarrollo social = social development.* desarrollo sostenible = sustainable development.* desarrollo sostenido = sustainable development.* desarrollo tardío = late start.* desarrollo temporal = temporal development, timeline [time line].* desarrollo urbanístico = urban growth.* describir el desarrollo de = trace + the development of, trace + the evolution of.* economía en vías de desarrollo = transitional economy, developing economy.* empresa dedicada al desarrollo de productos = product developer.* en desarrollo = evolving, under development.* en período de desarrollo = in ascendancy.* en pleno desarrollo = in full swing, in full gear.* en vías de desarrollo = in course of development, emergent, developing.* especialista en el desarrollo = developmentalist.* estimular el desarrollo de = stimulate + the development of.* etapa de desarrollo = stage of development.* Fondo para el Desarrollo Europeo = European Development Fund.* Fondo para el Desarrollo Regional Europeo = European Regional Development Fund.* herramienta de desarrollo = development tool.* herramientas de desarrollo = toolkit.* instituto de desarrollo = development institute.* instituto para el desarrollo = development institute.* instituto para la investigación y el desarrollo = research and development institute.* investigación y desarrollo (I+D) = research and development (R&D).* nivel de desarrollo = stage of development, developmental level, development level, level of development.* Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo = Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).* PADIS (Sistema de Información para el Desarrollo de Africa) = PADIS (Pan-African Development Information System).* país en vías de desarrollo = developing country, transitional nation, transitional economy, developing nation, emerging economy, developing economy, country with developing economy.* países en vías de desarrollo, los = developing world, the.* política de desarrollo de la colección = collection development policy.* posibilidad de desarrollo = potential for development.* retrasar el desarrollo de Algo = push back + development.* ritmo de desarrollo = pace of development.* sicología del desarrollo = developmental psychology.* teoría del desarrollo humano = developmental theory.* * *1)a) (Econ) developmentb) (de facultad, capacidad) developmentc) (de niño, de planta) growth, developmentd) ( de adolescente) development2) (de teoría, tema, estrategia) development3) (de acto, acontecimiento)durante el desarrollo del acto — during o in the course of proceedings
* * *= advance, amplification, building, development, evolution, blooming.Ex: I think that the most important advance that we can look forward to is a great increase in the amount of authority data in MARC form.
Ex: Even with such a limitation and many later supplementations by various hands, by way of addition, correction and amplification, it falls far short of completeness.Ex: Enumerative schemes can be difficult to revise to take account of new developments.Ex: A number of ancillary factors about the development of knowledge can be examined such as the extent of self-citation and the evolution of concepts.Ex: The article 'The blooming of readers' presents a body of research that supports the notion that children can acquire reading skills without being directly taught to read.* área en desarrollo = growth area.* autodesarrollo = self-actualisation [self-actualization, -USA].* ayuda al desarrollo = development aid.* biología del desarrollo = developmental biology.* de desarrollo = developmental.* de desarrollo rápido = fast-evolving.* desarrollo académico = academic development.* desarrollo atrofiado = arrested development.* desarrollo cronológico = chronology.* desarrollo de aplicaciones = software development, application development.* desarrollo de capacidades = capacity building.* desarrollo de la colección = collection building, collection development [collections development].* desarrollo de la identidad nacional = nation building.* desarrollo del plan de estudios = curriculum development.* desarrollo del potencial = capacity building.* desarrollo de material educativo = instructional development.* desarrollo de nuevos productos = product development.* desarrollo de programas = software development.* desarrollo de prototipos = prototyping.* desarrollo económico = economic development.* desarrollo empresarial = business development.* desarrollo estratégico = strategic development.* desarrollo industrial = industrial development.* desarrollo infantil = child development.* desarrollo mental = mental development.* desarrollo nacional = national development.* desarrollo personal = self-actualisation [self-actualization, -USA].* desarrollo prenatal = prenatal development.* desarrollo profesional = professional development, career development.* desarrollo profesional del personal = staff development.* desarrollo social = social development.* desarrollo sostenible = sustainable development.* desarrollo sostenido = sustainable development.* desarrollo tardío = late start.* desarrollo temporal = temporal development, timeline [time line].* desarrollo urbanístico = urban growth.* describir el desarrollo de = trace + the development of, trace + the evolution of.* economía en vías de desarrollo = transitional economy, developing economy.* empresa dedicada al desarrollo de productos = product developer.* en desarrollo = evolving, under development.* en período de desarrollo = in ascendancy.* en pleno desarrollo = in full swing, in full gear.* en vías de desarrollo = in course of development, emergent, developing.* especialista en el desarrollo = developmentalist.* estimular el desarrollo de = stimulate + the development of.* etapa de desarrollo = stage of development.* Fondo para el Desarrollo Europeo = European Development Fund.* Fondo para el Desarrollo Regional Europeo = European Regional Development Fund.* herramienta de desarrollo = development tool.* herramientas de desarrollo = toolkit.* instituto de desarrollo = development institute.* instituto para el desarrollo = development institute.* instituto para la investigación y el desarrollo = research and development institute.* investigación y desarrollo (I+D) = research and development (R&D).* nivel de desarrollo = stage of development, developmental level, development level, level of development.* Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo = Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).* PADIS (Sistema de Información para el Desarrollo de Africa) = PADIS (Pan-African Development Information System).* país en vías de desarrollo = developing country, transitional nation, transitional economy, developing nation, emerging economy, developing economy, country with developing economy.* países en vías de desarrollo, los = developing world, the.* política de desarrollo de la colección = collection development policy.* posibilidad de desarrollo = potential for development.* retrasar el desarrollo de Algo = push back + development.* ritmo de desarrollo = pace of development.* sicología del desarrollo = developmental psychology.* teoría del desarrollo humano = developmental theory.* * *A1 ( Econ) developmentpaíses en vías de desarrollo developing countries2 (de una facultad, capacidad) development3 (de un niño, de una planta) growth, development4 (de un adolescente) developmentla edad del desarrollo puberty, the age of pubertyCompuesto:desarrollo sostenible or perdurableB1 (de una teoría, un tema) development2 ( Mat) development3 (de una estrategia) developmentel desarrollo de nuevas técnicas en este campo the development o evolution of new techniques in this fieldC(de un acto, acontecimiento): contemplaron el desarrollo del desfile they watched the parade pass byintentaron impedir el normal desarrollo del acto they tried to disrupt the proceedingspara ver el desarrollo de los acontecimientos to see how things develop o turn outD (en ciclismo) ≈ gear ratio* * *
Del verbo desarrollar: ( conjugate desarrollar)
desarrollo es:
1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo
desarrolló es:
3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo
Multiple Entries:
desarrollar ( conjugate desarrollar) verbo transitivo
1 ( en general) to develop
desarrollarse verbo pronominal
1 ( en general) to develop
2 [acto/entrevista/escena] to take place
desarrollo sustantivo masculino
según el desarrollo de los acontecimientos according to how things develop
desarrollar verbo transitivo
1 to develop: ha desarrollado su musculatura desde que hace deporte, he has become more muscular since he started doing sport
(un proyecto, teoría) han desarrollado un nuevo modelo de ordenador portátil, they've developed a new type of portable computer
2 (exponer con mayor detalle) to explain
desarrollo sustantivo masculino
1 (crecimiento, progreso) development
el desarrollo industrial de la comarca, the industrial development of the area
su bebé tiene un desarrollo satisfactorio, her baby is coming along fine
2 (exposición detallada) development
(solución por pasos de un problema) working out
3 (transcurso) course: una persona se desmayó durante el desarrollo del acto, someone fainted during the ceremony
' desarrollo' also found in these entries:
- despegue
- extensa
- extenso
- planteamiento
- retrasada
- retrasado
- retraso
- curso
- emotivo
- frenar
- ir
- marcha
- potenciar
- precoz
- progreso
- propulsar
- rápido
- retroceso
- vía
- appropriate
- arrest
- boomtown
- cramp
- developing
- development
- evolution
- growth
- progress
- research
- disrupt
- grown
- swing
* * *desarrollo nm1. [mejora] development;el desarrollo económico economic development;países en vías de desarrollo developing countries;el pleno desarrollo de las capacidades intelectuales the full development of intellectual abilitiesdesarrollo sostenible sustainable development2. [crecimiento] growth;el desarrollo del ser humano human development;la edad del desarrollo (the age of) puberty3. [exposición] [de tema, teoría, idea] explanation4. [transcurso] [de negociaciones, conferencia] course;no hubo incidentes en el desarrollo de la manifestación there were no incidents in the course of the demonstration5. [realización] [de actividad, trabajo, proyecto] carrying out6. [creación] [de prototipos, técnicas, estrategias] development;investigaciones encaminadas al desarrollo de una vacuna contra el sida research aimed at developing a vaccine against AIDS7. [en bicicleta] gear ratio;mover un gran desarrollo to turn a big gear[de ecuación, problema] solving, working out* * *m development* * *desarrollo nm: development* * *desarrollo n development -
13 paisaje
m.landscape (pintura, terreno).* * *1 landscape* * *noun m.1) landscape2) scenery* * *SM1) (=terreno) landscape2) (=vista panorámica)3) (Arte) landscape* * *a) ( panorama) landscape, sceneryel paisaje es agreste/boscoso — it is a rugged/wooded landscape
b) (Art) landscape* * *= landscape, scenery, countryside.Ex. We might define this particular area of knowledge called geography by saying that it describes and analyses the landscape.Ex. This article considers the research needs of those producing amateur theatre production (costumes and scenery) and suggests ways in which they may work closely with public libraries.Ex. Problems of community service seem to show up more clearly in the countryside.----* algo que estropea el paisaje = a blot on the landscape.* arquitecto de paisajes = landscape architect.* arquitectura del paisaje = landscape architecture.* belleza del paisaje = scenic beauty.* cambiar el paisaje = change + the scenery.* formar parte del paisaje = blend into + the landscape.* integrarse en el paisaje = blend into + the landscape.* paisaje asombroso = breathtaking scenery.* paisaje cárstico = karst.* paisaje impresionante = breathtaking scenery.* paisaje kárstico = karst.* paisaje lunar = lunarscape, moonscape.* paisaje marítimo = seascape.* paisaje montañoso = mountainscape.* paisaje natural = natural scenery, natural landscape.* paisaje rural = rural countryside, rural landscape.* paisaje sobrecogedor = breathtaking scenery.* paisaje urbanístico = townscape, built environment.* paisaje urbano = townscape, built environment.* que estropea el paisaje = eyesore.* salpicar el paisaje = dot + the countryside.* * *a) ( panorama) landscape, sceneryel paisaje es agreste/boscoso — it is a rugged/wooded landscape
b) (Art) landscape* * *= landscape, scenery, countryside.Ex: We might define this particular area of knowledge called geography by saying that it describes and analyses the landscape.
Ex: This article considers the research needs of those producing amateur theatre production (costumes and scenery) and suggests ways in which they may work closely with public libraries.Ex: Problems of community service seem to show up more clearly in the countryside.* algo que estropea el paisaje = a blot on the landscape.* arquitecto de paisajes = landscape architect.* arquitectura del paisaje = landscape architecture.* belleza del paisaje = scenic beauty.* cambiar el paisaje = change + the scenery.* formar parte del paisaje = blend into + the landscape.* integrarse en el paisaje = blend into + the landscape.* paisaje asombroso = breathtaking scenery.* paisaje cárstico = karst.* paisaje impresionante = breathtaking scenery.* paisaje kárstico = karst.* paisaje lunar = lunarscape, moonscape.* paisaje marítimo = seascape.* paisaje montañoso = mountainscape.* paisaje natural = natural scenery, natural landscape.* paisaje rural = rural countryside, rural landscape.* paisaje sobrecogedor = breathtaking scenery.* paisaje urbanístico = townscape, built environment.* paisaje urbano = townscape, built environment.* que estropea el paisaje = eyesore.* salpicar el paisaje = dot + the countryside.* * *1 (panorama) landscape, sceneryla belleza del paisaje asturiano the beauty of the Asturian countryside o landscape o sceneryen esta zona el paisaje es precioso the scenery is beautiful in this part of the countrydesde aquí se aprecia mejor el paisaje you get a better view of the countryside from hereel terremoto alteró el paisaje the earthquake changed the landscapeel paisaje es agreste/boscoso it is a rugged/wooded landscape2 ( Art) landscape* * *
paisaje sustantivo masculino
b) (Art) landscape
paisaje sustantivo masculino landscape, scenery
' paisaje' also found in these entries:
- abrupto
- adusta
- adusto
- bucólica
- bucólico
- campo
- fragosa
- fragoso
- impresionante
- panorama
- triste
- afear
- agreste
- belleza
- bello
- contemplar
- desolado
- hermosura
- imponente
- otoñal
- perspectiva
- uniforme
- bleak
- breath
- countryside
- featureless
- flat
- forbidding
- hilly
- landscape
- lie
- scenery
- stark
- sweep
- unspoilt
- wild
- blot
- land
* * *paisaje nm1. [terreno] landscape;[vista panorámica] scenery, view;una de las características del paisaje de esta comarca one of the features of the landscape of this area;un paisaje montañoso/accidentado/costero a mountainous/rugged/coastal landscape;se pararon a contemplar el paisaje they stopped to admire the view o scenerypaisaje lunar moonscape, lunar landscape;paisaje natural unspoilt countryside2. [pintura] landscape* * *m landscape* * *paisaje nm: scenery, landscape* * *paisaje n landscape / scenery -
14 propagarse
VPR1) [ideas, rumores, enfermedad, incendio] to spread2) (Bio) to propagate* * *(v.) = percolate, sweep throughEx. A culture of violence and hatred seems to have percolated through the corridors of the institutions of learning particularly schools.Ex. A killer bacteria resistant to antibiotics is sowing panic across Israel as it sweeps through hospitals leaving scores dead.* * *(v.) = percolate, sweep throughEx: A culture of violence and hatred seems to have percolated through the corridors of the institutions of learning particularly schools.
Ex: A killer bacteria resistant to antibiotics is sowing panic across Israel as it sweeps through hospitals leaving scores dead.* * *
■propagarse verbo reflexivo to spread: el fuego se propagó por toda la comarca, the fire spread throughout the region
' propagarse' also found in these entries:
- travel
* * *vpr1. [extenderse, divulgarse] to spread;la noticia se propagó rápidamente the news spread quickly;el incendio se propagó de forma incontrolada the fire spread uncontrollably2. [especies, ondas] to propagate* * *v/r spread* * *vr* * *propagarse vb to spread [pt. & pp. spread] -
15 región
f.1 region, area, territory, expanse.2 region, district, area.* * *1 region* * *noun f.* * *SF1) (Geog, Pol) region; (=área) area, part2) (Anat) region* * *1)a) (Geog) regionuna región montañosa — a mountainous region o area
b) (Adm) region, district2) (Anat) region, area* * *= region, tract, regional area.Ex. The catalogue often forms the basis for co-operation and good relations between the libraries in a region.Ex. Protecting the remaining large tracts of tropical forests is not a financially impossible task.Ex. All regional areas in Australia will be provided with access to digital television services over the next three years.----* corazón de una región = heartland.* dentro de una región = intra-regional [intraregional].* entre regiones = cross-regional, inter-regional [interregional].* especificación de la región de pertenencia = regionalisation [regionalization, -USA].* región alveolar = alveolar region.* región atrasada = backward region.* región autonómica = autonomous region.* Región Bibliotecaria de Londres y el Sudeste (LASER) = London and South Eastern Library Region (LASER).* región central de los Estados Unidos, la = American midwest, the.* región costera = coastal region.* región del Golfo, la = Gulf region, the.* región del Golfo Persa, la = Arabian Gulf region, the.* región del Pacífico asiático = Asia-Pacific region.* región del Pacífico, la = Pacific region, the.* región ecológica = ecoregion.* región ecuatorial = equatorial region.* regiones salvajes de Africa, las = wilds of Africa, the.* región geográfica = geographical region, geographic region.* región lechera = dairy region.* región lumbar, la = low back, the, lumbar region, the.* región lumbar, the = lower back, the.* región menos favorecida = less favoured region (LFR).* región montañosa = highland.* típico de la región = vernacular.* * *1)a) (Geog) regionuna región montañosa — a mountainous region o area
b) (Adm) region, district2) (Anat) region, area* * *= region, tract, regional area.Ex: The catalogue often forms the basis for co-operation and good relations between the libraries in a region.
Ex: Protecting the remaining large tracts of tropical forests is not a financially impossible task.Ex: All regional areas in Australia will be provided with access to digital television services over the next three years.* corazón de una región = heartland.* dentro de una región = intra-regional [intraregional].* entre regiones = cross-regional, inter-regional [interregional].* especificación de la región de pertenencia = regionalisation [regionalization, -USA].* región alveolar = alveolar region.* región atrasada = backward region.* región autonómica = autonomous region.* Región Bibliotecaria de Londres y el Sudeste (LASER) = London and South Eastern Library Region (LASER).* región central de los Estados Unidos, la = American midwest, the.* región costera = coastal region.* región del Golfo, la = Gulf region, the.* región del Golfo Persa, la = Arabian Gulf region, the.* región del Pacífico asiático = Asia-Pacific region.* región del Pacífico, la = Pacific region, the.* región ecológica = ecoregion.* región ecuatorial = equatorial region.* regiones salvajes de Africa, las = wilds of Africa, the.* región geográfica = geographical region, geographic region.* región lechera = dairy region.* región lumbar, la = low back, the, lumbar region, the.* región lumbar, the = lower back, the.* región menos favorecida = less favoured region (LFR).* región montañosa = highland.* típico de la región = vernacular.* * *regiones (↑ región a1)A1 ( Geog) regionuna región montañosa a mountainous region o areala región andina the Andean regionlas regiones del país donde opera la guerrilla the areas o regions of the country where the guerillas operate2 ( Adm) region, districtCompuesto:military districtB ( Anat) region, area* * *
región sustantivo femenino
región f Geog Anat Mil region
' región' also found in these entries:
- adelantado
- arroba
- atrasada
- atrasado
- autonomía
- caldo
- caribeña
- caribeño
- comarca
- comunidad
- degustación
- dinamitar
- históricamente
- latitud
- oasis
- propagarse
- propia
- propio
- serranía
- sierra
- suave
- tonillo
- vinícola
- zona
- alfajor
- arrocero
- Ártico
- autónomo
- caracterizar
- Chaco
- coya
- deshabitado
- diseminado
- este
- explorar
- exportador
- fecundo
- gentilicio
- habla
- lluvioso
- lugar
- milonga
- nordeste
- noroeste
- norte
- oeste
- pampa
- poblar
- seco
- area
- country
- district
- map
- northern
- ravage
- region
- wreak
- Arctic
- blight
- break
- Caribbean
- coast
- decline
- deprived
- desert
- east
- frozen
- grip
- inhospitable
- Lake District
- lawless
- Midwest
- north
- police
- produce
- pubic
- settle
- small
- south
- southern
- survey
- tour
- undeveloped
- uninhabited
- wash
- west
- wine
* * *región nf1. [área] region2. [administrativa] region3. Mil districtregión aérea aerial zone;región militar military zone;región naval naval zone4. Anat region, area* * *f region;región lumbar ANAT lumbar region* * ** * *región n region -
16 vino
adj.nosey.m.wine, grape wine.vino blanco/tinto white/red winevino de la casa house winevino clarete light red winevino dulce/seco sweet/dry winevino espumoso sparkling winevino generoso full-bodied winevino de mesa table winevino rosado rosépret.indicat.3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) Preterite Indicative of Spanish verb: venir.* * *1 wine\ahogar las penas en vino familiar to drown one's sorrowsbautizar el vino figurado to water down winedormir el vino to sleep it offir de vinos to go out for a few drinkstener mal vino figurado to become aggressive when drunkvino a granel wine from the barrelvino abocado fortified winevino añejo vintage winevino blanco white winevino clarete dark rosé winevino de aguja slightly sparkling winevino de Jerez sherryvino de la casa house winevino de mesa table winevino dulce sweet winevino espumoso sparkling winevino generoso full-bodied winevino peleón familiar plonkvino rosado rosévino seco dry winevino tinto red wine* * *noun m.* * *SM1) (=bebida) wineaguar o bautizar el vino — to water the wine
vino del año — new wine, wine for early drinking
vino peleón — cheap wine, plonk *
2) (=recepción) drinks [pl], receptionvino de honor — official reception; ( Cono Sur) special wine
* * *I1) ( bebida) winevino dulce/seco — sweet/dry wine
bautizar el vino — (fam) to water down the wine
2) ( recepción) reception•II* * *= wine.Ex. This article evaluates the wine journals of the world with the exception of those devoted to the discussion of grape growing or technical aspects of wine making.----* aficionado al vino = wine lover.* amante del vino = wine lover.* barril de vino = wine cask.* bodega de vinos = winery, wine cellar.* carta de vinos = wine list.* cata de vinos = wine tasting.* conocedor del vino = wine lover.* copa de vino = glass of wine.* copa para el vino = wine glass.* degustación de vinos = wine tasting.* echar vino = pour + wine.* elaboración de vinos = winemaking.* escanciar vino = pour + wine.* lista de vinos = wine list.* llamar al pan pan y al vino vino = call + a spade a spade.* producción de vino = winemaking.* productor de vino = winemaker.* tonel de vino = wine cask.* vaso de vino = glass of wine.* vino de cosecha = young wine.* vino de crianza = young wine.* vino de Jerez = sherry.* vino de Oporto = port.* vino de reserva = mature wine.* vino dulce = sweet wine.* vino espumoso = sparkling wine.* vino fortificado = fortified wine.* vino joven = young wine.* vino nuevo en pellejos viejos = new wine in old wineskins, new wine in old bottles.* vino peleón = plonk.* vino perfumado = perfumed wine.* vino viejo en pellejos nuevos = old wine in new bottles.* * *I1) ( bebida) winevino dulce/seco — sweet/dry wine
bautizar el vino — (fam) to water down the wine
2) ( recepción) reception•II* * *= wine.Ex: This article evaluates the wine journals of the world with the exception of those devoted to the discussion of grape growing or technical aspects of wine making.
* aficionado al vino = wine lover.* amante del vino = wine lover.* barril de vino = wine cask.* bodega de vinos = winery, wine cellar.* carta de vinos = wine list.* cata de vinos = wine tasting.* conocedor del vino = wine lover.* copa de vino = glass of wine.* copa para el vino = wine glass.* degustación de vinos = wine tasting.* echar vino = pour + wine.* elaboración de vinos = winemaking.* escanciar vino = pour + wine.* lista de vinos = wine list.* llamar al pan pan y al vino vino = call + a spade a spade.* producción de vino = winemaking.* productor de vino = winemaker.* tonel de vino = wine cask.* vaso de vino = glass of wine.* vino de cosecha = young wine.* vino de crianza = young wine.* vino de Jerez = sherry.* vino de Oporto = port.* vino de reserva = mature wine.* vino dulce = sweet wine.* vino espumoso = sparkling wine.* vino fortificado = fortified wine.* vino joven = young wine.* vino nuevo en pellejos viejos = new wine in old wineskins, new wine in old bottles.* vino peleón = plonk.* vino perfumado = perfumed wine.* vino viejo en pellejos nuevos = old wine in new bottles.* * *A (bebida) winevino dulce/seco sweet/dry winetomamos unos vinos we had a few drinks o a few glasses of winebautizar el vino ( fam); to water down the wineCompuestos:white winerosé winehouse winelocal winetable winesparkling winesparkling winerosé winered wineB (recepción) receptionCompuesto:reception* * *
Del verbo venir: ( conjugate venir)
vino es:
3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo
Multiple Entries:
venir ( conjugate venir) verbo intransitivo
¿a qué vino? what did he come by o around for?;
vine dormida todo el tiempo I slept (for) the whole journey;
vino por or (Esp) a por algn/algo to come for sb/sth, come to pick sb/sth up;
la vino a buscar su madre her mother came to pick her up;
ven a ver esto come and see this
no vengas tarde don't be late home o backc) ( salir):
no me vengas con exigencias don't start making demands
2a) ( tener lugar):
¿qué viene después de las noticias? what's on after the news?;
ya vendrán tiempos mejores things will get betterb) ( indicando procedencia) vino de algo to come from sth;
le viene de familia it runs in his family;
¿a qué viene eso? why do you say that?
d) ( estar incluido):
no viene nada sobre la huelga there's nothing about the strike
3 ( convenir):
el jueves no me viene bien Thursday's no good for me;
me vendría bien un descanso I could do with a rest
4 ( como aux):
hace mucho que lo venía diciendo I'd been saying so all along
venirse verbo pronominal ( enf)
vinose abajo [ persona] to go to pieces;
[ techo] to fall in, collapse;
[ estante] to collapse;
[ ilusiones] to go up in smoke;
[ proyectos] to fall through
vino sustantivo masculino ( bebida) wine;◊ vino dulce/seco sweet/dry wine;
vino blanco/rosado/tinto white/rosé/red wine;
vino de la casa house wine
venir verbo intransitivo
1 to come
ven y mira lo que he dibujado, come and see what I've drawn
2 (llegar) to come: viene el invierno, winter is coming
acaba de venir de la tienda, he's just come from the shop
3 (volver) to come back: vengo en un minuto, I'll be back in a minute
4 (proceder) to come from: estos juguetes vienen de China, these toys come from China
5 (surgir, sobrevenir) me vino la gripe, I went down with flu
(suceder) entonces vino la guerra civil, then came the civil war
6 (quedar) este jersey me viene grande, this sweater is too big for me
7 (aparecer, presentarse) to come: esa información viene en el capítulo dos, that information comes in chapter two
¿viene algo del terremoto?, is there anything about the earthquake?
viene en un estuche verde, it comes in a green case
8 (indicando aproximación) este libro viene a tener unos cien años, this book must be about a hundred years old
♦ Locuciones: venir al mundo, to be born
venir de lejos, to come from afar
vino sustantivo masculino wine
vino de mesa, table wine
vino espumoso, sparkling wine
vino rosado/clarete, rosé
vino tinto/blanco/dulce, red/white/sweet wine
' vino' also found in these entries:
- afrutado
- añeja
- añejo
- aroma
- ayuda
- bar
- bautizar
- bebible
- bodega
- bota
- cabeza
- cabezón
- cabezona
- caja
- caldo
- cava
- cielo
- comarca
- concesión
- copa
- criar
- de
- envejecer
- escanciar
- espumosa
- espumoso
- evanescente
- excelente
- fantástica
- fantástico
- fina
- fino
- fogosidad
- generosa
- generoso
- granada
- granado
- idea
- innegablemente
- intención
- ligue
- manzanilla
- ninguna
- ninguno
- obviedad
- oporto
- pan
- picada
- picado
- appreciation
- averse
- awfully
- barrel
- best
- body
- boot
- bottle
- bottled
- bouquet
- Burgundy
- butt
- case
- cave in
- cellar
- champagne
- chill
- come along
- crack
- disagree
- dry wine
- fall apart
- full-bodied
- fuzzy
- glass
- go
- go around
- goblet
- godsend
- heady
- hunt
- last
- leave
- little
- mature
- mellow
- minus
- never
- nobody
- old
- over
- plonk
- pop in
- port
- pour out
- prefer
- pretext
- quarter
- red
* * *♦ nm1. [bebida] wine;se tomaron un vino they had a glass of wine;ir de vinos to go out for a few glasses of wine;tiene mal vino he turns nasty when he's had one too manyvino añejo mature wine;vino blanco white wine;vino de la casa house wine;vino clarete light red wine;vino dulce sweet wine;vino espumoso sparkling wine;vino generoso full-bodied wine;vino de Jerez sherry;vino de mesa table wine;vino de Oporto port;vino peleón cheap wine, Br plonk;Andes vino rojo red wine;vino rosado rosé;vino seco dry wine;vino tinto red wine♦ adj invcolor vino wine-coloured;unos zapatos color vino wine-coloured shoes* * *I m wineII vb → venir* * *vino nm: wine* * *vino n wine -
17 bañado
SM1) LAm (=pantano) swamp, marshland2) And (=charco) rain pool3) (Téc) bath* * *masculino (Bol, RPl) area of marshland* * *masculino (Bol, RPl) area of marshland* * *(Bol, RPl)area of marshland* * *
Del verbo bañar: ( conjugate bañar)
bañado es:
el participio
Multiple Entries:
bañado◊ -da adjetivo (Bol, RPl) bañado en algo (en sangre/sudor) covered with sth;
‹ en lágrimas› bathed in sth;◊ bañado en oro/plata gold-plated/silver-plated
bañar ( conjugate bañar) verbo transitivo
1 ‹niño/enfermo› to bath, give … a bath
2 ‹pulsera/cubierto› to plate
bañarse verbo pronominal ( refl)
bañar verbo transitivo
1 (en agua) to bath
2 (cubrir) to coat, cover: tienes que bañar en oro esa pulsera, you have to goldplate that bracelet
3 (una costa, una comarca) to bathe: Mallorca es una isla bañada por el Mediterráneo, Mallorca is surrounded by the Mediterranean
' bañado' also found in these entries:
* * *bañado nmBol, RP [terreno] marshy area -
18 local
adj.1 local.el equipo local the home team2 topical, applied to the surface.m.1 (business) premises (establecimiento).local de ensayo rehearsal spacelocal nocturno night spot2 site, locale, place of business, premises.3 local, local resident.* * *► adjetivo1 local1 (para negocio) premises plural\local comercial business premises plural* * *1. noun m. 2. adj.1) local2) home* * *1.ADJ [cultura, producción] local2. SM1) [de negocio] premises pllocal comercial — [gen] business premises pl ; [sin ocupar] shop unit
2) (=lugar) place* * *Iadjetivo localIImasculino premises (pl)* * *Iadjetivo localIImasculino premises (pl)* * *local11 = facility, premise, locale.Ex: Solutions include constructing compact shelving, on-site remote storage or building new library facilities.
Ex: Perhaps university libraries are concentrating on finding low-use book storage on the campus or in cheap local warehousing premises.Ex: Sudak is one of the most beautiful and tranquil locales on the Black Sea coast.* local aglomerado = crowded quarter.* local comercial = storefront.* local compartido = shared premise.* local de entretenimiento nocturno = night spot.* local donde la gente va en sus ratos libres = drop-in facility.* locales = accommodation.* local nocturno = night spot.* local que da a una calle comercial = shop-front premise.local22 = domestic, homemade, local, local situs, locally based [locally-based], vernacular.Nota: Adjetivo.Ex: Results indicate that bibliographers at these libraries depend on inadequate reviewing sources and domestic approval plans for developing these literatures.
Ex: And may I say parenthetically that two publishers out of the enormous number that are so often touted as belonging to the CIP program are now printing their own homemade and superior cataloging in publication data.Ex: AACR2 generally recommends collocation although it is suggested that the extent of collocation and the need for uniform titles is a matter for local decisions.Ex: The establishment of the local situs intangibles tax in 1931 in Ohio and its use for sole support of public libraries led to various problems over the ensuing years.Ex: A virtual library should provide seamless access to both remote and locally-based resources contained.Ex: The exhibition focuses on three examples of American vernacular architecture: diners, gasoline stations, and fast-food restaurants.* acontecimientos locales = local events.* adaptación a las circunstancias locales = localisation [localization, -USA].* anestesia local = local anaesthetic.* a nivel local = locally.* autoridad local = local authority official, local authority officer.* biblioteca local = local library.* catálogo local = local catalogue.* colección de fondos locales = local collection.* colección local = local collection.* comunidad local = local community.* estatuto local = by-law [bye-law, -USA].* fichero topográfico local = local copy file.* impuestos locales = local taxes.* LAN (red local) = LAN (Local Area Network).* periódico local = local paper, local newspaper, local community newspaper.* personaje local = local figure.* personalidad local = local figure.* prensa local, la = local press, the.* Sala de Manuscritos e Historia Local = Manuscript and Local History Room.* signatura topográfica local = local call number.* transporte local público = local public transport.* * *1 ‹tradiciones/autoridades/periódico› localganó el equipo local the home team won2 ‹infección› localpremises (pl)[ S ] se alquilan locales comerciales business premises to letpor favor desalojen el local please vacate the premises o the buildingtocaba en un local nocturno de dudosa reputación he used to play in a seedy nightclub/barpara mayor información dirigirse a nuestros locales en la calle Paz 13 for further details visit our offices at number 13 Paz Street* * *
local adjetivo
■ sustantivo masculino
premises (pl)
I adjetivo local
anestesia local, local anesthesia
II sustantivo masculino
1 (para instalar un comercio, negocio, etc) premises pl
2 (negocio) un local de la Quinta Avenida, a business on Fifth Avenue; un local de copas, a pub
un local de mala muerte, a dive
' local' also found in these entries:
- abarrotado
- acondicionada
- acondicionado
- administración
- ambientada
- ambientado
- anestesia
- antro
- baja
- bajo
- barrio
- billar
- bodega
- botiquín
- caché
- cachet
- cacique
- capacidad
- cine
- clausura
- comarca
- delegación
- desierta
- desierto
- elección
- estimativa
- estimativo
- foral
- insonorización
- lugar
- lugareña
- lugareño
- magnificar
- marchosa
- marchoso
- nave
- paisana
- paisano
- pintoresca
- pintoresco
- proveedor
- proveedora
- timba
- tipismo
- tugurio
- uso
- vecinal
- acondicionar
- acústica
- area code
- backroom
- band
- christen
- colour
- daily
- exhaustive
- guild
- local
- local call
- local council
- practice
- practise
- premise
- venue
- bus
- corner
- dealer
- ground
- home
- man
- rate
- vernacular
- wash
* * *♦ adj1. [de un lugar] local;el equipo local the home team2. [anestesia] local♦ nm[establecimiento] premises local comercial business o commercial premises;local de ensayo rehearsal space;buscan un local de ensayo they're looking for somewhere to rehearse;local nocturno night spot* * *I adj localII m premises pl ;local comercial commercial premises pl ;local nocturno nightspot* * *local adj: local♦ localmente advlocal nm: premises pl* * *local1 adj local / homelocal2 n premises -
19 naranjero
adj.1 applied to pieces of artillery which carry balls of the size of oranges.2 applied to a blunderbuss with a mouth of the size of an orange.m.orange grower.* * *► adjetivo1 orange► nombre masculino,nombre femenino1 (agricultor) orange grower; (vendedor) orange seller1 blunderbuss————————1 blunderbuss* * *naranjero, -a1.ADJ [país, comarca, región] orange-growing2.SM / F (=agricultor) orange grower; (=vendedor) orange seller3.SM (=árbol) orange tree* * *- ra masculino, femeninoa) (Agr) orange grower* * *- ra masculino, femeninoa) (Agr) orange grower* * *naranjero -ramasculine, feminineA1 ( Agr) orange grower2B* * *naranjero, -a♦ adjla industria naranjera the orange industry;una región naranjera an orange-growing region♦ nm,f1. [vendedor] orange seller2. [cultivador] orange grower* * *m, naranjera f orange grower -
20 redonda
f.1 semibreve(British), whole note (United States) (Music).2 neighborhood, neighbourhood.3 whole note.* * *1 (comarca) region1 MÚSICA semibreve, US whole note\a la redonda around■ la explosión se oyó en varios kilómetros a la redonda the explosion could be heard several kilometres away* * *f., (m. - redondo)* * *SF1) (Mús) semibreve, whole note (EEUU)2) (Tip) roman3)a la redonda: en muchas millas a la redonda — for many miles around
* * *1) (Impr) Roman character2) (Mús) semibreve3)a la redonda: en diez metros a la redonda within a ten meter radius; se oyó a varios kilómetros a la redonda — it could be heard for miles around
* * *1) (Impr) Roman character2) (Mús) semibreve3)a la redonda: en diez metros a la redonda within a ten meter radius; se oyó a varios kilómetros a la redonda — it could be heard for miles around
* * *A ( Impr) Roman characterimpreso en redondas printed in Roman typeB ( Mús) semibreveCa la redonda: no había una sola casa en dos kilómetros a la redonda there wasn't a single house within a two kilometer radiusse oyó a varios kilómetros a la redonda it could be heard for miles aroundlos gritos se oían cuadras a la redonda ( AmL); the shouts could be heard blocks o streets away* * *
redonda sustantivo femenino
1 (Mús) semibreve
2◊ a la redonda: en diez metros a la redonda within a ten meter radius;
se oyó a varios kilómetros a la redonda it could be heard for miles around
redondo,-a adjetivo
1 (cosa, forma, número) round
2 (perfecto) perfect, complete
un negocio redondo, a great deal
♦ Locuciones: caer redondo, to collapse, keel over
girar en redondo, to turn (right) around
negarse en redondo, to refuse point blank
redonda f Mús semibreve
♦ Locuciones: a la redonda, around: en cuatro metros a la redonda, within a four metre radius
' redonda' also found in these entries:
- melocotón
- mesa
- pecera
- round-table meeting
- around
- round-
- round
- semibreve
- whole
* * *♦ nf2. Imprenta roman character;en redonda in roman (type)♦ a la redonda loc adven 15 kilómetros a la redonda within a 15 kilometre radius;la explosión se oyó en muchos kilómetros a la redonda the explosion was heard for miles around* * *f:a la redonda around, round about* * *redonda nf1) : region, surrounding area2)a la redonda alrededor: aroundde diez millas a la redonda: for ten miles around* * *redonda n
См. также в других словарях:
comarca — sustantivo femenino 1. División territorial más o menos homogénea geográfica, comercial y culturalmente, compuesta de varias poblaciones: En esta comarca siempre ha habido industria textil. Esta comarca ha pertenecido a diferentes entidades… … Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española
Comarca — (weiblich; Spanisch und Katalanisch) ist eine traditionelle Bezeichnung für einen regionalen oder lokalen Verwaltungsbezirk, der in Teilen Spaniens, in Teilen von Südfrankreich, in Panama, Portugal und Brasilien verwendet wird. Die Comarca ist… … Deutsch Wikipedia
comarca — (De co y marca, provincia). f. División de territorio que comprende varias poblaciones. en comarca. loc. adv. ant. cerca2 … Diccionario de la lengua española
Comarca — (portug. u. italien.), Gerichtsbezirk. C. di Roma, Theil des Kirchenstaates, begreift außer der Stadt Rom noch die Gebiete von Tivoli u. Subiaco u. grenzt südlich an die Legationen von Velletri u. Frosinone, östlich an Neapel, nördlich an die… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Comárca — (ital.), Gerichtsbezirk; C. di Roma, das Gebiet der Stadt Rom und seiner Umgebung, das zur Zeit der weltlichen Herrschaft des Papstes eine besondere Provinz des Kirchenstaates bildete … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
comarca — s. f. 1. Divisão territorial que tem julgado de primeira instância. 2. Região. 3. Território … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
Comarca — Para otros usos de este término, véase Comarca (desambiguación). Comarca de Alcalá de Henares (Madrid). La comarca se define en el Diccionario de la Real Academia Española de la Lengua como una división del territorio que configuran varias… … Wikipedia Español
Comarca — A comarca (Spanish: [koˈmarka], Portuguese: [kuˈmaɾkɐ] or [koˈmaʁkɐ], Galician: [koˈmaɾka] pl. comarcas; Catalan: [kuˈmarkə] or [koˈmaɾka], pl. comarques) is a traditional region or local administrative division found in parts … Wikipedia
Comarca — (Derivado de marca.) ► sustantivo femenino ADMINISTRACIÓN, GEOGRAFÍA División de un territorio con unos límites precisos debidos a una clara unidad geográfica, o a razones históricas o políticas, donde se asientan varias poblaciones: ■ los… … Enciclopedia Universal
comarca — {{#}}{{LM C09387}}{{〓}} {{SynC09614}} {{[}}comarca{{]}} ‹co·mar·ca› {{《}}▍ s.f.{{》}} Territorio geográfica, social y culturalmente homogéneo y con una clara delimitación natural o administrativa: • Normalmente una comarca comprende varias… … Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos
Comarca — Comarque Voir « comarque » sur le Wiktionnaire … Wikipédia en Français