1 wife-to-be
2 wife
3 wife
4 wife
noun, pl. wives Frau, dielawful wedded wife — (Eccl.) rechtmäßig angetraute Frau
old wives' tale — Ammenmärchen, das
* * *plural - wives; noun- academic.ru/117622/old_wives%27_tale">old wives' tale- wife-battering* * *<pl wives>[waɪf]will you be my \wife? möchtest du meine Frau werden?give my regards to your \wife grüßen Sie Ihre Frau von mirto live together as man and \wife wie Mann und Frau zusammenlebento make sb one's \wife jdn zu seiner [Ehe]frau machen* * *[waɪf] Frau f, Gattin f (form), Gemahlin f (liter, form)a woman whom he would never make his wife — eine Person, die er niemals zu seiner Frau machen würde
businessmen who take their wives with them on their trips —
to take a wife (old) to take sb to wife (old) — sich (dat) eine Frau or ein Weib (old) nehmen jdn zum Weibe nehmen (old)
* * *wife [waıf] pl wives [waıvz] s1. (Ehe-)Frau f, Gattin f:2. obs oder dial Weib nw. abk1. weight2. wide3. width4. wife5. with* * *noun, pl. wives Frau, dielawful wedded wife — (Eccl.) rechtmäßig angetraute Frau
old wives' tale — Ammenmärchen, das
* * *n.(§ pl.: wives)= Ehefrau -en f.Frau -en f.Gattin -nen f. -
5 wife
will you be my \wife? möchtest du meine Frau werden?;give my regards to your \wife grüßen Sie Ihre Frau von mir;to live together as man and \wife wie Mann und Frau zusammenleben;to make sb one's \wife jdn zu seiner [Ehe]frau machen;PHRASES: -
6 wife
germ. badjæ-; frijæ; gabadjæ-; kwēni-; kwenæ-; weiba- -
7 wife
8 wife
9 wife swapping
10 wife-swapping party
11 wife-swapping
12 wife-swapping party
'wife-swap·ping par·ty n -
13 wife-swapping
['waɪfswɒpɪŋ] noun (coll.) Partnertausch, der* * *ˈwife-swap·ping* * *['waIf"swɒpɪŋ]nPartnertausch mwife-swapping party — Party f mit Partnertausch
* * ** * *['waɪfswɒpɪŋ] noun (coll.) Partnertausch, der -
14 wife-battering
15 wife-batterer
16 wife-beater
17 wife battering
nounMisshandlung der [Ehe]frau* * *nounMisshandlung der [Ehe]frau -
18 trophy wife
tro·phy ˈwife* * *junge, gut aussehende Gattin eines erfolgreichen Mannesshe denies that she is a trophy wife — sie streitet ab, dass ihr Mann sie nur wegen ihrer Jugend und ihres Aussehens geheiratet hat
* * * -
19 battered wife
bat·tered ˈwifen misshandelte Ehefrau -
20 trophy wife
tro·phy 'wife n
См. также в других словарях:
Wife — Wife, n.; pl. {Wives}. [OE. wif, AS. wif; akin to OFries. & OS. wif, D. wijf, G. weib, OHG. w[=i]b, Icel. v[=i]f, Dan. viv; and perhaps to Skr. vip excited, agitated, inspired, vip to tremble, L. vibrare to vibrate, E. vibrate. Cf. Tacitus, [… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
wife — W1S1 [waıf] n plural wives [waıvz] [: Old English; Origin: wif woman, wife ] the woman that a man is married to →↑husband, spouse ↑spouse ▪ Have you met my wife? ▪ a refuge for battered wives ▪ … Dictionary of contemporary English
wife|ly — «WYF lee», adjective, li|er, li|est. of a wife; like a wife; suitable for a wife. –wife´li|ness, noun … Useful english dictionary
WIFE — can refer to:* WIFE (AM), a radio station at 1580 AM licensed to Connersville, Indiana * WIFE FM, a radio station at 94.3 FM licensed to Rushville, Indiana * WMOJ FM, an FM radio station formerly known as WIFE FM from 1994 2006 … Wikipedia
wife — [ waıf ] (plural wives [ waıvz ] ) noun count *** the woman that a man is married to: I d better phone my wife and tell her I ll be late. wife of: a reception for the wives of the ambassadors … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
wife — (n.) O.E. wif woman, from P.Gmc. *wiban (Cf. O.S., O.Fris. wif, O.N. vif, Dan., Swed. viv, M.Du., Du. wijf, O.H.G. wib, Ger. Weib), of uncertain origin. Du. wijf now means, in slang, girl, babe, having softened somewhat from earlier sense of… … Etymology dictionary
wife — [wīf] n. pl. wives [wīvz] [ME < OE wif, woman, akin to Swed viv, Ger weib < ? IE base * weip , to twist, turn, wrap, in sense “the hidden or veiled person”] 1. a woman: still so used in such compounds as midwife, housewife, etc. 2. a… … English World dictionary
wife — index consort, spouse Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
wife — has the plural form wives … Modern English usage
wife — [n] married woman bride, companion, consort, helpmate, mate, monogamist, other half*, partner, roommate, spouse; concepts 414,415 Ant. husband … New thesaurus
wife — ► NOUN (pl. wives) 1) a married woman considered in relation to her husband. 2) archaic or dialect a woman, especially an old or uneducated one. DERIVATIVES wifely adjective. ORIGIN Old English, «woman» … English terms dictionary