1 hum
2 hum
English-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > hum
3 hum
4 hum
1. intransitive verb,- mm-1) summen; [Motor, Maschine, Kreisel:] brummen2) (coll.): (be in state of activity) voller Leben od. Aktivität sein2. transitive verb,- mm- summen [Melodie, Lied]3. noun1) Summen, das; (of spinning top, machinery, engine) Brummen, das2) (inarticulate sound) Hm, das3) (of voices, conversation) Gemurmel, das; (of insects and small creatures) Gesumme, das; (of traffic) Brausen, das4. interjectionhm* * *1. past tense, past participle - hummed; verb1) (to make a musical sound with closed lips: He was humming a tune to himself.) summen2) (to make a similar sound: The bees were humming round the hive.) summen3) (to be active: Things are really humming round here.) sich lebhaft bewegen2. noun(a humming sound: I could hear the hum of the machines; a hum of conversation.) das Summen- academic.ru/116708/humming-bird">humming-bird* * *[hʌm]I. vi<- mm->the pub was \humming with activity in der Kneipe ging es hoch herto make things \hum die Sache in Schwung [o fam zum Laufen] bringen3. (sing) summen5.II. vt<- mm->▪ to \hum sth etw summenIII. n Summen nt kein pl; of machinery Brummen nt kein pl; of insects Summen nt kein pl; of a conversation Gemurmel nt kein pl; of a small machine Surren nt kein plI could hear the constant \hum of the traffic outside von draußen her konnte ich das stetige Brausen des Verkehrs hören* * *[hʌm]1. n1) (of insect, person) Summen nt; (of traffic) Brausen nt; (of engine, electric tool, radio, top etc) Brummen nt; (of small machine, camera etc) Surren nt; (of voices) Gemurmel nt2. vi1) (insect, person) summen; (traffic) brausen; (engine, electric tool, radio, top etc) brummen; (small machine, camera etc) surren2) (fig inf party, concert etc) in Schwung kommento make things/the party hum — die Sache/die Party in Schwung bringen
the headquarters was humming with activity — im Hauptquartier ging es zu wie in einem Bienenstock
3)4) (inf: smell) stinken (inf)3. vtmusic, tune summen4. interjhm* * *hum1 [hʌm]A v/i1. summen (Bienen, Draht, Geschoss, Person etc):my head is humming mir brummt der Kopf2. ELEK brummen3. hum and hawa) nicht recht mit der Sprache herauswollen, herumdrucksen umg,b) unschlüssig sein, (hin und her) schwankenmake things hum die Sache in Schwung bringen, Leben in die Bude bringen;things are starting to hum allmählich kommt Schwung in die Sache oder Leben in die Bude5. umg stinkenB v/t ein Lied summenC s1. Summen n2. ELEK Brummen n:hum frequency Brummfrequenz f3. Hm n:hums and ha’s pl verlegenes Geräusper4. umg Gestank mD int hm!* * *1. intransitive verb,- mm-1) summen; [Motor, Maschine, Kreisel:] brummenhum and ha or haw — (coll.) herumdrucksen (ugs.)
2) (coll.): (be in state of activity) voller Leben od. Aktivität sein2. transitive verb,- mm- summen [Melodie, Lied]3. noun1) Summen, das; (of spinning top, machinery, engine) Brummen, das2) (inarticulate sound) Hm, das3) (of voices, conversation) Gemurmel, das; (of insects and small creatures) Gesumme, das; (of traffic) Brausen, das4. interjectionhm* * *v.summen v. -
5 hum
1)the pub was \humming with activity in der Kneipe ging es hoch her;3) ( sing) summen;to \hum under one's breath vor sich akk hinsummenPHRASES:to \hum sth etw summen n Summen nt kein pl; of machinery Brummen nt kein pl; of insects Summen nt kein pl; of a conversation Gemurmel nt kein pl; of a small machine Surren nt kein pl;I could hear the constant \hum of the traffic outside von draußen her konnte ich das stetige Brausen des Verkehrs hören -
6 hum (N.)
7 hum
<el> ■ Brumm mvi <av> ■ brummen vi -
8 hum
9 hum
10 hum
11 hum-bucker
English-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > hum-bucker
12 hum streak
English-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > hum streak
13 hum bars
hum bars Brummbereich mEnglish-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > hum bars
14 hum-bucking coil
hum-bucking coil Kompensationswicklung f, Kompensationsspule f, Brummkompensationsspule f (gegen Brummeinstreuung)English-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > hum-bucking coil
15 hum component
hum component Brummanteil mEnglish-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > hum component
16 hum effect
hum effect Brummeffekt mEnglish-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > hum effect
17 hum eliminator
English-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > hum eliminator
18 hum factor
English-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > hum factor
19 hum filtering
hum filtering Entbrummen nEnglish-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > hum filtering
20 hum-free
hum-free brummfreiEnglish-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > hum-free
См. также в других словарях:
hum — hum … Dictionnaire des rimes
hum — [ ɶm; hɶm ] interj. • 1611; onomat. ♦ Interjection qui exprime généralement le doute, la réticence. ⇒ hem. Hum ! ça m étonnerait ! Hum ! cela cache quelque chose ! « Hum ! qu est ce que je te disais ? » (Aragon). ⇒HEM, HUM, mot inv. A. [Gén.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Hum — may refer to: * Hum (sound), a sound produced with closed lips, or by machinery, insects, or other periodic motion * The Hum, a phenomenon involving a persistent and invasive low frequency noise of unknown origin which occurs in some geographic… … Wikipedia
Hum — ist ein geographischer Begriff mit mehreren Bedeutungen: eine Stadt in Kroatien, siehe Hum (Kroatien); ein Ort in Slowenien, siehe Hum (Slowenien); ein Ort in Bosnien, siehe Hum (Bosnien); eine historische Landschaft im Grenzgebiet zwischen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
hum — hȗm m <N mn húmovi> DEFINICIJA 1. omanji brijeg pod travom 2. (Hum) pov. (u nekim izvorima) Hercegovina ONOMASTIKA pr. (etnici): Hȗm (100, Osijek, Koprivnica), Hùmačkić, Hùmek (120, Varaždin), Huméljak (Humeljȃk) (Velika Gorica), Húmić (60 … Hrvatski jezični portal
hum — s. n. Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic HUM s.n. (geol.) Martor carstic sub formă de bloc izolat, rămas din masa calcarului. [cf. germ. Hum, fr., engl. hum]. Trimis de LauraGellner … Dicționar Român
Hum — Hum, n. 1. A low monotonous noise, as of bees in flight, of a swiftly revolving top, of a wheel, or the like; a drone; a buzz. [1913 Webster] The shard borne beetle with his drowsy hums. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. Any inarticulate and buzzing sound; … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hum — Hȗm m DEFINICIJA naselje u Istri, smatra se najmanjim gradom na svijetu, 23 stan.; povezuje ga s Ročem 7 km dugačka »Aleja glagoljaša« ONOMASTIKA top. (često dio imena naselja, npr. Hum na Sutli, Hum Stubički, Hum Bistrički, Hum Breznički i dr.) … Hrvatski jezični portal
hum — /hum/, v., hummed, humming, n., interj. v.i. 1. to make a low, continuous, droning sound. 2. to give forth an indistinct sound of mingled voices or noises. 3. to utter an indistinct sound in hesitation, embarrassment, dissatisfaction, etc.; hem.… … Universalium
hum — hum1 [hum] vi. hummed, humming [ME hummen, of echoic orig., as in Ger hummel, bumblebee, MDu hommeln, hum] 1. to make a low, continuous, murmuring sound like that of a bee or a motor 2. to sing with the lips closed, not producing words 3. to give … English World dictionary
Hum — (h[u^]m), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Hummed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Humming}.] [Of imitative origin; cf. G. hummen, D. hommelen. [root]15.] 1. To make a low, prolonged sound, like that of a bee in flight; to drone; to murmur; to buzz; as, a top hums. P.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English