1 Brit.
2 Brit
3 Brit
4 Brit
[brɪt]nfam Brite m Britin f -
5 Brit
[brɪt]nfam Brite m Britin f -
6 Rationalized Codabar (Brit. a. -ised)
< edp> ■ Vereinfachter Codabar mEnglish-german technical dictionary > Rationalized Codabar (Brit. a. -ised)
7 bandy about (Brit) or around
vt sepsb's name immer wieder nennen; story, secret herumerzählen, herumtragen; ideas verbreiten; figures, sum, words, technical expressions um sich werfen mitthe press have been bandying his name/these words around a lot —
I'd rather you didn't bandy my nickname around the office — es wäre mir lieber, wenn Sie meinen Spitznamen nicht im Büro herumposaunen würden (inf)
8 bang about (Brit) or around
9 barge about (Brit) or around
vi (inf)herumpoltern (inf) -
10 boss about (Brit) or around
vt sep (inf)rumkommandieren (inf) -
11 bum about (Brit) or around
12 bump about (Brit) or around
viherumpoltern -
13 buzz about (Brit) or around
vi (inf)herumschwirren -
14 cast about (Brit) or around for
vi +prep objzu finden versuchen; for new job etc also sich umsehen nachhe was casting about or around ( in his mind) for something to say/for an excuse — er suchte nach Worten/nach einer Ausrede
15 chuck about (Brit) or around
vt sep (inf)rumschmeißen ( mit) (inf) -
16 fart about (Brit) or around
vi1) (= rush around) hin und her sausen (inf)2) (= loaf around) herumbummeln (inf)stop farting about or around and do some work — jetzt halte dich nicht länger auf und arbeite mal was (inf)
to fart about or around with sth — an etw (dat) herumfummeln (inf)
17 feel about (Brit) or around
viumhertasten; (in drawer, bag etc) herumsuchen, herumtasten -
18 fiddle about (Brit) or around
vito fiddle about or around with sth — an etw (dat) herumspielen or herumfummeln (inf)
he dived under the bonnet and fiddled about or around for a while — er verschwand unter der Kühlerhaube und fummelte eine Weile herum (inf)
I'm not spending all day just fiddling around with this one little job! — ich werde doch nicht den ganzen Tag damit zubringen, an dieser einen Kleinigkeit rumzufummeln! (inf)
19 fool about (Brit) or fool around
vi1) (= waste time) herumtrödelnhe spends his time fooling about or around with his friends — er verschwendet seine ganze Zeit mit seinen Freunden
2) (= play the fool) herumalbern3)4)(sexually)
he's fooling around with my wife — er treibt seine Spielchen mit meiner Fraushe was fooling around — sie hat sich mit anderen eingelassen
English-german dictionary > fool about (Brit) or fool around
20 fuss about (Brit) or around
viherumfuhrwerken (inf)
См. также в других словарях:
brit — brit·ain; brit·i·cism; brit·ish·er; brit·ish·ism; brit·ish·ly; brit·on; brit·ta·ny; brit·ton·ic; brit; brit·ish; brit·tle; brit·ish·ness; brit·tle·ly; brit·tle·ness; brit·tly; ca·brit; em·brit·tle·ment; … English syllables
Brit — may refer to: *Briton **British Islands **United Kingdom *BRIT Awards *Bedford Road Invitational Tournament, a basketball tournament held in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada *Botanical Research Institute of Texas *Brit, the young of a herring or a … Wikipedia
Brit — [brɪt] written abbreviation forBritain orBritish * * * Brit UK US /brɪt/ noun [C] INFORMAL ► a British person: »The company has named a Brit to head its worldwide pharmaceutical operations … Financial and business terms
Brit- — /brit / combining form Denoting contemporary British culture Britˈart noun A movement in British modern art originating in the 1990s Britˈpop noun A type of guitar based British popular music of the mid 1990s … Useful english dictionary
brit — [brit] pl.n. sing. brit [Cornish < OCelt brith, varicolored; akin to Cornish bruit, speckled] 1. the young of the herring and some other fishes 2. small sea animals, esp. certain crustaceans, as copepods, eaten by the baleen whales and many… … English World dictionary
Brit — Brit, Britt Britt, n. (Zo[ o]l.) (a) The young of the common herring; also, a small species of herring; the sprat. (b) The minute marine animals (chiefly Entomostraca) upon which the right whales feed. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Brit — [brıt] n [Date: 1900 2000; Origin: British] informal someone from Britain … Dictionary of contemporary English
Brit — [ brıt ] noun count INFORMAL someone who comes from the U.K … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Brit — Brit1 [brit] Informal adj. British n. Britisher Brit2 abbrev. British … English World dictionary
Brit — Brit, Küstenfluß im südlichen England, mündet 3 km unterhalb Bridport (s.d.) … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
brit — /brit/, n. 1. the group of small marine animals forming the food of whalebone whales. 2. the young of herring and sprat. Also, britt. [1595 1605; perh. < Cornish brythel mackerel; akin to Old Cornish bryth, Welsh brith speckled] * * * … Universalium