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  • 41 trust

    1) довірча власність; майно, яким управляють за дорученням; управління майном за дорученням; розпорядження майном на засадах довірчої власності; довірчий фонд, траст; довірчі майнові відносини; віра, довіра; опіка; підопічна територія; відповідальне становище; обов'язок; зобов'язання
    3) довіряти; покладатися; доручати піклуванню
    - trust company
    - trust deed
    - trust-deed
    - trust estate
    - trust formation
    - trust fund
    - trust funds
    - trust of limited duration
    - trust property
    - trust receipt
    - trust state
    - trust territory

    English-Ukrainian law dictionary > trust

  • 42 trust

    n. zekerheid, vertrouwen; deposito; trouw; monopool
    v. vertrouwen op; hopen
    [ trust]
    trust kartel
    aan iemands hoede toevertrouwd vermogen/persoonin het bijzonder juridisch vermogen onder beheer van trustee
    fulfill one's trust zijn opdracht/plicht vervullen
    zorg hoede
    1   a position of trust een vertrouwenspositie
    3   supply goods on trust goederen op krediet leveren
    4   commit a child to someone's trust een kind aan iemands zorgen toevertrouwen
    5   hold property in/under trust eigendom in bewaring/onder trust hebben
    1   you should not trust in him je mag hem niet vertrouwen
    vertrouwen opaannemen, hopen
    1   do not trust him to do it! reken er maar niet op dat hij dat doet!
         I trust everything is all right with him ik hoop maar dat alles met hem in orde is
    2   he trusted his car to a friend hij gaf zijn auto bij een vriend in bewaring

    English-Dutch dictionary > trust

  • 43 trust

    1. verb
    1) (to have confidence or faith; to believe: She trusted (in) him.) dôverovať, veriť
    2) (to give (something to someone), believing that it will be used well and responsibly: I can't trust him with my car; I can't trust my car to him.) zveriť
    3) (to hope or be confident (that): I trust (that) you had / will have a good journey.) dúfať
    2. noun
    1) (belief or confidence in the power, reality, truth, goodness etc of a person or thing: The firm has a great deal of trust in your ability; trust in God.) dôvera, viera
    2) (charge or care; responsibility: The child was placed in my trust.) opatera
    3) (a task etc given to a person by someone who believes that they will do it, look after it etc well: He holds a position of trust in the firm.) zodpovednosť
    4) (arrangement(s) by which something (eg money) is given to a person to use in a particular way, or to keep until a particular time: The money was to be held in trust for his children; ( also adjective) a trust fund) poručníctvo
    5) (a group of business firms working together: The companies formed a trust.) trust
    - trustworthy
    - trustworthiness
    - trusty
    - trustily
    - trustiness
    * * *
    • verit
    • úver
    • zodpovednost
    • zverovat
    • zverit
    • spoliehanie
    • trust
    • dôverovat
    • dôvera
    • dovolit
    • dúfat
    • dovolovat
    • byt presvedcený
    • opatrovníctvo
    • porucníctvo
    • povinnost
    • nádej

    English-Slovak dictionary > trust

  • 44 trust

    1. n վստահություն, հավատ. տնտ. տրեստ, կոնցեռն. have/put trust in վստահել, հավատ ընծայել. breach of trust վստա հության չարաշահում. take on trust հավատալ, հա վատով ընդունել. earn smb’s trust մեկի վստահությունը շահել. commit to smb’s trust մեկին վստահել. trust deed իրավ. հա վա տարմա գիր, լիազորագիր. The property is held in trust Սեփականությունը կառավարվում է լիազո րա գրի միջոցով. trust company խնամառու ընկե րություն. trust fund հավատարմագրային հիմ նադրում.
    2. a վստահված, վստահությամբ հանձնված
    [trʌst] v վստահել, հավա տալ. ապավինել, հույս դնել. trust fully, completely/blindly լրիվ, կուրորեն վստահել. He is not to be trusted Նրան չի կարելի վստահել. You can’t trust a word Ոչ մի խոսքին չի կարելի հավատալ. trust him to spoil things խսկց. Կարող ես վստահ լինել, նա ամեն ինչ կփչացնի

    English-Armenian dictionary > trust

  • 45 trust

    hitel, felelősség, reménység, célvagyonrendelés to trust: meg van győződve, megőrzésre átad, letétbe helyez
    * * *
    1. verb
    1) (to have confidence or faith; to believe: She trusted (in) him.) megbízik (vkiben v. vmiben)
    2) (to give (something to someone), believing that it will be used well and responsibly: I can't trust him with my car; I can't trust my car to him.) rábíz (vmit vkire)
    3) (to hope or be confident (that): I trust (that) you had / will have a good journey.) remél
    2. noun
    1) (belief or confidence in the power, reality, truth, goodness etc of a person or thing: The firm has a great deal of trust in your ability; trust in God.) bizalom
    2) (charge or care; responsibility: The child was placed in my trust.) megőrzés, őrizet
    3) (a task etc given to a person by someone who believes that they will do it, look after it etc well: He holds a position of trust in the firm.) bizalmi állás
    4) (arrangement(s) by which something (eg money) is given to a person to use in a particular way, or to keep until a particular time: The money was to be held in trust for his children; ( also adjective) a trust fund) bizalmi letét
    5) (a group of business firms working together: The companies formed a trust.) tröszt
    - trustworthy
    - trustworthiness
    - trusty
    - trustily
    - trustiness

    English-Hungarian dictionary > trust

  • 46 trust

    n. förtroende, tillit; deposition; pålitlighet; monopol
    v. lita på; förtrösta, tro (på); anförtro (åt); vara säker på
    * * *
    1. verb
    1) (to have confidence or faith; to believe: She trusted (in) him.) lita på, ha förtroende för
    2) (to give (something to someone), believing that it will be used well and responsibly: I can't trust him with my car; I can't trust my car to him.) anförtro, betro
    3) (to hope or be confident (that): I trust (that) you had / will have a good journey.) vara förvissad om, hoppas
    2. noun
    1) (belief or confidence in the power, reality, truth, goodness etc of a person or thing: The firm has a great deal of trust in your ability; trust in God.) förtroende, förtröstan, tilltro
    2) (charge or care; responsibility: The child was placed in my trust.) ansvar, vård
    3) (a task etc given to a person by someone who believes that they will do it, look after it etc well: He holds a position of trust in the firm.) förtroendeuppdrag
    4) (arrangement(s) by which something (eg money) is given to a person to use in a particular way, or to keep until a particular time: The money was to be held in trust for his children; ( also adjective) a trust fund) förvaltning; anförtrodda []
    5) (a group of business firms working together: The companies formed a trust.) trust, sammanslutning
    - trustworthy
    - trustworthiness
    - trusty
    - trustily
    - trustiness

    English-Swedish dictionary > trust

  • 47 trust

    1. verb
    1) (to have confidence or faith; to believe: She trusted (in) him.) důvěřovat
    2) (to give (something to someone), believing that it will be used well and responsibly: I can't trust him with my car; I can't trust my car to him.) svěřit
    3) (to hope or be confident (that): I trust (that) you had / will have a good journey.) doufat
    2. noun
    1) (belief or confidence in the power, reality, truth, goodness etc of a person or thing: The firm has a great deal of trust in your ability; trust in God.) důvěra, víra
    2) (charge or care; responsibility: The child was placed in my trust.) opatrovnictví, péče
    3) (a task etc given to a person by someone who believes that they will do it, look after it etc well: He holds a position of trust in the firm.) zodpovědnost
    4) (arrangement(s) by which something (eg money) is given to a person to use in a particular way, or to keep until a particular time: The money was to be held in trust for his children; ( also adjective) a trust fund) opatrovnictví
    5) (a group of business firms working together: The companies formed a trust.) trust
    - trustworthy
    - trustworthiness
    - trusty
    - trustily
    - trustiness
    * * *
    • věřit
    • společnost
    • důvěra
    • důvěřovat

    English-Czech dictionary > trust

  • 48 trust

    1. noun
    1) доверие, вера; to have (или to put, to repose) trust in доверять; to take on trust принимать на веру
    2) ответственность, долг, обязательство; a position of trust ответственный пост; breach of trust нарушение доверенным лицом своих обязательств
    3) надежда; he puts trust in the future он надеется на будущее
    4) comm. кредит; to supply goods on trust отпускать товар в кредит
    5) опека (над имуществом и т. п.); to have smth. in trust получить опеку над чем-л.
    6) leg. доверительная собственность; имущество,управляемое по доверенности; управление имуществом по доверенности; to hold in trust сохранять
    7) трест
    confidence, faith, reliance
    anxiety, distrust, doubt, afdb.htm>unbelief
    2. adjective
    доверенный (кому-л. или кем-л.)
    3. verb
    1) доверять(ся); полагаться (на кого-л.); a man not to be trusted человек, на которого нельзя положиться; ненадежный человек; he may be trusted to do the work well можно быть уверенным, что он выполнит работу хорошо
    2) вверять, поручать попечению; to trust smb. with smth., to trust smth. to smb. поручать, вверять что-л. кому-л.
    3) надеяться; полагать; I trust you will be better soon я надеюсь, вы скоро поправитесь
    4) давать в кредит
    * * *
    1 (a) доверенный; трастовый
    2 (n) вера; доверие; доверительный фонд; концерн; траст; трест
    3 (v) доверять
    * * *
    * * *
    [ trʌst] n. доверие, вера, ответственность; имущество; опека; кредит, траст, долг; трест, концерн v. доверять, верить, полагаться, доверяться, полагать, вверять попечению, вверить, ввериться, надеяться, поручать попечению, давать в кредит
    * * *
    * * *
    1. сущ. 1) а) вера б) надежда 2) а) коммерч. кредит б) юр. доверительная собственность; имущество, управляемое по доверенности; управление имуществом по доверенности 3) а) долг б) опека (над имуществом и т. п.) 2. прил. 1) доверенный (кому-л. или кем-л.) 2) устар. верный 3. гл. 1) верить, доверять(ся), полагаться (на кого-л.) 2) вверять, доверять, поручать попечению

    Новый англо-русский словарь > trust

  • 49 trust

    I n
    1. довір'я, віра
    2. ком. кредит
    3. ек. трест; концерн
    - breach of trust зловживання довір'ям; обманні дії
    - strengthening of trust зміцнення довіри
    - to strengthen trust зміцнювати довіру
    - trust deed юр. доручення

    English-Ukrainian diplomatic dictionary > trust

  • 50 trust

    1. verb
    1) (to have confidence or faith; to believe: She trusted (in) him.) a avea în­cre­dere (în), a se încrede (în)
    2) (to give (something to someone), believing that it will be used well and responsibly: I can't trust him with my car; I can't trust my car to him.) a încredinţa (ceva cuiva)
    3) (to hope or be confident (that): I trust (that) you had / will have a good journey.) a spera
    2. noun
    1) (belief or confidence in the power, reality, truth, goodness etc of a person or thing: The firm has a great deal of trust in your ability; trust in God.) încredere, speranţă
    2) (charge or care; responsibility: The child was placed in my trust.) grijă, păstrare
    3) (a task etc given to a person by someone who believes that they will do it, look after it etc well: He holds a position of trust in the firm.) răspundere
    4) (arrangement(s) by which something (eg money) is given to a person to use in a particular way, or to keep until a particular time: The money was to be held in trust for his children; ( also adjective) a trust fund) ad­mi­ni­strare prin tutelă
    5) (a group of business firms working together: The companies formed a trust.) trust
    - trustworthy
    - trustworthiness
    - trusty
    - trustily
    - trustiness

    English-Romanian dictionary > trust

  • 51 trust

    1. verb
    1) (to have confidence or faith; to believe: She trusted (in) him.) avoir confiance (en)
    2) (to give (something to someone), believing that it will be used well and responsibly: I can't trust him with my car; I can't trust my car to him.) confier (qqch. à qqn)
    3) (to hope or be confident (that): I trust (that) you had / will have a good journey.) espérer
    2. noun
    1) (belief or confidence in the power, reality, truth, goodness etc of a person or thing: The firm has a great deal of trust in your ability; trust in God.) confiance
    2) (charge or care; responsibility: The child was placed in my trust.) charge
    3) (a task etc given to a person by someone who believes that they will do it, look after it etc well: He holds a position of trust in the firm.) charge
    4) (arrangement(s) by which something (eg money) is given to a person to use in a particular way, or to keep until a particular time: The money was to be held in trust for his children; ( also adjective) a trust fund) (en) fiducie
    5) (a group of business firms working together: The companies formed a trust.) trust
    - trustworthy - trustworthiness - trusty - trustily - trustiness

    English-French dictionary > trust

  • 52 trust

    1. verb
    1) (to have confidence or faith; to believe: She trusted (in) him.) treysta
    2) (to give (something to someone), believing that it will be used well and responsibly: I can't trust him with my car; I can't trust my car to him.) treysta/trúa fyrir
    3) (to hope or be confident (that): I trust (that) you had / will have a good journey.) vona, vera viss um (að)
    2. noun
    1) (belief or confidence in the power, reality, truth, goodness etc of a person or thing: The firm has a great deal of trust in your ability; trust in God.) traust, tiltrú
    2) (charge or care; responsibility: The child was placed in my trust.) umsjá
    3) (a task etc given to a person by someone who believes that they will do it, look after it etc well: He holds a position of trust in the firm.) ábyrgð
    4) (arrangement(s) by which something (eg money) is given to a person to use in a particular way, or to keep until a particular time: The money was to be held in trust for his children; ( also adjective) a trust fund) fjárhald
    5) (a group of business firms working together: The companies formed a trust.) samsteypa
    - trustworthy
    - trustworthiness
    - trusty
    - trustily
    - trustiness

    English-Icelandic dictionary > trust

  • 53 trust

    n. güven, itimat, kredi, ümit, emanet, inanma, sorumluluk, tröst, güvenilir kişi
    v. güvenmek, inancı olmak, itimat etmek, emanet etmek, inanmak, ummak, veresiye vermek, kredi vermek
    * * *
    1. güven (v.) 2. güven (n.)
    * * *
    1. verb
    1) (to have confidence or faith; to believe: She trusted (in) him.) güvenmek, inanmak
    2) (to give (something to someone), believing that it will be used well and responsibly: I can't trust him with my car; I can't trust my car to him.) emniyet etmek
    3) (to hope or be confident (that): I trust (that) you had / will have a good journey.) ummak, emin olmak
    2. noun
    1) (belief or confidence in the power, reality, truth, goodness etc of a person or thing: The firm has a great deal of trust in your ability; trust in God.) güven, itimat, emniyet
    2) (charge or care; responsibility: The child was placed in my trust.) sorumluluk, mesuliyet
    3) (a task etc given to a person by someone who believes that they will do it, look after it etc well: He holds a position of trust in the firm.) sorumluluk
    4) (arrangement(s) by which something (eg money) is given to a person to use in a particular way, or to keep until a particular time: The money was to be held in trust for his children; ( also adjective) a trust fund) yeddiemin, vesayet
    5) (a group of business firms working together: The companies formed a trust.) tröst, tekelci örgüt
    - trustworthy
    - trustworthiness
    - trusty
    - trustily
    - trustiness

    English-Turkish dictionary > trust

  • 54 trust

    • olla varma
    • panna luottamuksensa
    • riippuvaisuus
    • trusti
    • toivoa
    • jonkun huostaan uskottu omaisuus
    • turvata
    • holhous
    • varmuus
    • vastuu
    • antaa luottoa
    • uskoa
    • usko
    • rahasto
    • kartelli
    • hartaasti toivoa
    • säätiö
    finance, business, economy
    • konserni
    • konfidenssi
    finance, business, economy
    • luotto
    • luottamus
    • luottaa
    * * *
    1. verb
    1) (to have confidence or faith; to believe: She trusted (in) him.) luottaa
    2) (to give (something to someone), believing that it will be used well and responsibly: I can't trust him with my car; I can't trust my car to him.) jättää jonkun huostaan
    3) (to hope or be confident (that): I trust (that) you had / will have a good journey.) uskoa
    2. noun
    1) (belief or confidence in the power, reality, truth, goodness etc of a person or thing: The firm has a great deal of trust in your ability; trust in God.) luottamus
    2) (charge or care; responsibility: The child was placed in my trust.) holhous
    3) (a task etc given to a person by someone who believes that they will do it, look after it etc well: He holds a position of trust in the firm.) luottamustehtävä
    4) (arrangement(s) by which something (eg money) is given to a person to use in a particular way, or to keep until a particular time: The money was to be held in trust for his children; ( also adjective) a trust fund) uskoa jonkun huostaan
    5) (a group of business firms working together: The companies formed a trust.) trusti
    - trustworthy
    - trustworthiness
    - trusty
    - trustily
    - trustiness

    English-Finnish dictionary > trust

  • 55 trust

    English-Georgian dictionary > trust

  • 56 trust

    1. verb
    1) (to have confidence or faith; to believe: She trusted (in) him.) ticēt
    2) (to give (something to someone), believing that it will be used well and responsibly: I can't trust him with my car; I can't trust my car to him.) uzticēt
    3) (to hope or be confident (that): I trust (that) you had / will have a good journey.) cerēt; ticēt
    2. noun
    1) (belief or confidence in the power, reality, truth, goodness etc of a person or thing: The firm has a great deal of trust in your ability; trust in God.) ticība
    2) (charge or care; responsibility: The child was placed in my trust.) atbildība
    3) (a task etc given to a person by someone who believes that they will do it, look after it etc well: He holds a position of trust in the firm.) atbildīgs uzdevums/amats
    4) (arrangement(s) by which something (eg money) is given to a person to use in a particular way, or to keep until a particular time: The money was to be held in trust for his children; ( also adjective) a trust fund) aizbildnība; pilnvarojums
    5) (a group of business firms working together: The companies formed a trust.) trests
    - trustworthy
    - trustworthiness
    - trusty
    - trustily
    - trustiness
    * * *
    uzticība; pienākums, atbildība; cerība; kredīts; aizbildnība; pārvaldīšanā nodotā manta; trests; uzticēties; uzticēt; paļauties; cerēt; dot uz kredīta; pilnvarots; tresta

    English-Latvian dictionary > trust

  • 57 trust

    1. verb
    1) (to have confidence or faith; to believe: She trusted (in) him.) tikėti
    2) (to give (something to someone), believing that it will be used well and responsibly: I can't trust him with my car; I can't trust my car to him.) patikėti
    3) (to hope or be confident (that): I trust (that) you had / will have a good journey.) tikėtis
    2. noun
    1) (belief or confidence in the power, reality, truth, goodness etc of a person or thing: The firm has a great deal of trust in your ability; trust in God.) (pasi)tikėjimas
    2) (charge or care; responsibility: The child was placed in my trust.) globa
    3) (a task etc given to a person by someone who believes that they will do it, look after it etc well: He holds a position of trust in the firm.) pavedimas, pasitikėjimas
    4) (arrangement(s) by which something (eg money) is given to a person to use in a particular way, or to keep until a particular time: The money was to be held in trust for his children; ( also adjective) a trust fund) išsaugojimas pagal įgaliojimą
    5) (a group of business firms working together: The companies formed a trust.) trestas
    - trustworthy
    - trustworthiness
    - trusty
    - trustily
    - trustiness

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > trust

  • 58 trust

    1. verb
    1) (to have confidence or faith; to believe: She trusted (in) him.) εμπιστεύομαι
    2) (to give (something to someone), believing that it will be used well and responsibly: I can't trust him with my car; I can't trust my car to him.) εμπιστεύομαι
    3) (to hope or be confident (that): I trust (that) you had / will have a good journey.) ελπίζω, πιστεύω
    2. noun
    1) (belief or confidence in the power, reality, truth, goodness etc of a person or thing: The firm has a great deal of trust in your ability; trust in God.) εμπιστοσύνη, πίστη
    2) (charge or care; responsibility: The child was placed in my trust.) ευθύνη
    3) (a task etc given to a person by someone who believes that they will do it, look after it etc well: He holds a position of trust in the firm.) ευθύνη
    4) (arrangement(s) by which something (eg money) is given to a person to use in a particular way, or to keep until a particular time: The money was to be held in trust for his children; ( also adjective) a trust fund) καταπίστευμα
    5) (a group of business firms working together: The companies formed a trust.) τραστ
    - trustworthy
    - trustworthiness
    - trusty
    - trustily
    - trustiness

    English-Greek dictionary > trust

  • 59 trust

    1. n
    1) доверие, вера
    2) ком. кредит
    3) трест, концерн, промышленное объединение
    4) траст, опека
    2. a
    управляемый по доверенности; подопечный

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > trust

  • 60 trust

    1. verb
    1) (to have confidence or faith; to believe: She trusted (in) him.) confiar
    2) (to give (something to someone), believing that it will be used well and responsibly: I can't trust him with my car; I can't trust my car to him.) confiar
    3) (to hope or be confident (that): I trust (that) you had / will have a good journey.) confiar
    2. noun
    1) (belief or confidence in the power, reality, truth, goodness etc of a person or thing: The firm has a great deal of trust in your ability; trust in God.) confiança
    2) (charge or care; responsibility: The child was placed in my trust.) guarda
    3) (a task etc given to a person by someone who believes that they will do it, look after it etc well: He holds a position of trust in the firm.) responsabilidade
    4) (arrangement(s) by which something (eg money) is given to a person to use in a particular way, or to keep until a particular time: The money was to be held in trust for his children; ( also adjective) a trust fund) depósito, créditos
    5) (a group of business firms working together: The companies formed a trust.) truste
    - trustworthy - trustworthiness - trusty - trustily - trustiness

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > trust

См. также в других словарях:

  • trust — n 1 a: a fiduciary relationship in which one party holds legal title to another s property for the benefit of a party who holds equitable title to the property b: an entity resulting from the establishment of such a relationship see also… …   Law dictionary

  • TRUST — Le trust est la forme primitive de concentration monopoliste des entreprises aux États Unis. Son nom vient d’une technique juridique anglaise, utilisée à l’origine pour faciliter cette concentration. La technique a été rapidement abandonnée; le… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Trust — may refer to:* Trust (social sciences), a relationship of reliance. ** Trust Fall, a trust building game.In law: * Trust law, where money or property is owned and managed on behalf of another * Escrow, where a thing is held in trust until… …   Wikipedia

  • Trust? — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Trust Información personal Origen  Francia …   Wikipedia Español

  • Trust — Trust, n. [OE. trust, trost, Icel. traust confidence, security; akin to Dan. & Sw. tr[ o]st comfort, consolation, G. trost, Goth. trausti a convention, covenant, and E. true. See {True}, and cf. {Tryst}.] 1. Assured resting of the mind on the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • trust — [trust] n. [ME < ON traust, trust, lit., firmness < IE * drou sto < base * deru , tree > TREE, TRUE + sto , standing < base * sta , to STAND] 1. a) firm belief or confidence in the honesty, integrity, reliability, justice, etc. of… …   English World dictionary

  • Trust — 〈[ trʌ̣st] m. 6〉 Zusammenschluss mehrerer Unternehmungen od. Firmen zu einem Großunternehmen unter Verlust ihrer Selbstständigkeit [engl. <mengl. trust, trost <anord. traust „Vertrauen, Zuversicht“; → Trost] * * * Trust [trast, trʌst ,… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Trust — Trust, v. i. 1. To have trust; to be credulous; to be won to confidence; to confide. [1913 Webster] More to know could not be more to trust. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. To be confident, as of something future; to hope. [1913 Webster] I will trust and …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Trust — Trust, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Trusted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Trusting}.] [OE. trusten, trosten. See {Trust}, n.] 1. To place confidence in; to rely on, to confide, or repose faith, in; as, we can not trust those who have deceived us. [1913 Webster] I… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Trust — steht für: Trust (Recht), Güter und Vermögensverwaltung (Trustrecht) Trust (Wirtschaft), Zusammenschluss mehrerer Unternehmer unter Aufgabe ihrer wirtschaftlichen und rechtlichen Selbständigkeit Trust (Unternehmen), Hardwarehersteller mit Sitz in …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • trust — TRÚST, trusturi, s.n. Monopol în cadrul căruia proprietatea asupra unor întreprinderi este unificată, proprietarii lor devenind acţionari, iar producţia şi finanţele întreprinderilor respective fiind reglementate de un consiliu de administraţie.… …   Dicționar Român

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