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  • 1 point of horse

    English-Russian dictionary of geology > point of horse

  • 2 point of horse

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > point of horse

  • 3 point of horse

    English-Russian mining dictionary > point of horse

  • 4 point a horse to a fence

    Сельское хозяйство: заставить лошадь взять барьер

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > point a horse to a fence

  • 5 point

    1. точка, температура (перехода) 2. пик, вершина 3. выступающая морская коса; мыс, язык 4. деление (шкалы); румб
    point of congelation точка застывания
    point of horse точка разветвления рудной жилы
    point of intersection 1. точка пересечения 2. засечка
    point of lattice узел решётки
    point of maximum curvature точка наибольшей кривизны
    point of solidification точка затвердевания, точка отверждения
    point of tangency точка касания
    points of the same elevation точки с одинаковыми отметками
    amphidromic point амфидромная точка
    antipodal point антиподная точка
    Audi point археол. остроконечник с выемкой
    barbed point археол. зазубренный наконечник
    bending point место изгиба
    boil point точка кипения
    boiling point точка кипения
    break point точка перелома
    bubble point точка начала кипения
    cardinal point страна света
    casing point глубина, которой достигает колонна обсадных труб
    center point центральная точка
    common depth point общая глубинная точка
    compensation point точка компенсации
    congruent melting point точка конгруэнтного плавления
    conjugate image point точка сопряжённого изображения
    consolute point точка консолюции
    control point контрольная точка
    corresponding image point соответствующая точка изображения
    creep point точка ползучести
    critical point критическая точка
    critical end point критическая конечная точка
    critical solution point точка консолюции
    cross point 1. крестовая головка 2. крестовая коронка
    Curie point точка Кюри
    cut point точка пересечения
    data point экспериментальная точка на графике
    datum point репер, опорная точка
    depth point 1. точка определения глубины 2. точка на глубине, глубинная точка
    dew point точка росы, точка конденсации
    dissociation point геохим. точка диссоциации
    Draper point вулк. точка Дрейпера
    eutectic point точка эвтектики, эвтектика
    focal point фокальная точка, фокус, центр
    freezing point точка замерзания
    hand point археол. ручное рубило
    hardness points набор минералов для определения твёрдости по шкале Мооса
    ice point точка замерзания воды
    inaccessible point недоступная точка (при съёмке или разведке)
    incongruent melting point точка инконгруэнтного плавления
    inversion point крист. точка инверсии
    lentocapillary point линзокапиллярная точка (обозначения влажности)
    nadir point точка надира
    nonvariant point нонвариантная точка
    pass point точка, определяемая фотограмметрическим путём
    peritectic point перитектическая точка, перитектика; реакционная точка
    piercing point точка протыкания
    Plait point точка Плэта (1. условия, при которых две сопряжённые фазы становятся идентичными 2. критическая точка)
    plumb point надир
    plunge point зона разрушения морских волн
    pressure melting point точка плавления под давлением
    principal point главная точка, центр
    projecting point выступающая точка
    reaction point реакционная точка
    reference point контрольная точка, точка приведения
    saturation point точка насыщения
    second boiling point вторая точка кипения (выделение газовой фазы из раствора при охлаждении)
    shot point 1. точка взрыва (при сейсмических взрывных работах) 2. местонахождение источников сейсмической энергии 3. площадь, прилегающая к взрывной скважине
    spilling point точка максимального наполнения структурной или литологической ловушки нефтью или газом
    stagnation point застойная точка
    sticky point предел вязкости почвы
    time-stratigraphic calibration point опорная точка геохронологической шкалы
    transition point крист. точка инверсии
    triangulation point триангуляционный пункт
    turning point поворотный пункт, точка поворота (при топографической съёмке)
    vortex point вихревая точка
    witness point точка привязки, опорная точка
    world point единичный, ограниченный по размерам, но представительный для данной местности выход пород
    point-counter автоматический счётчик (при помощи которого осуществляется точечный анализ)
    * * *

    English-Russian dictionary of geology > point

  • 6 point

    [point] 1. noun
    1) (the sharp end of anything: the point of a pin; a sword point; at gunpoint (= threatened by a gun).) ponta
    2) (a piece of land that projects into the sea etc: The ship came round Lizard Point.) cabo
    3) (a small round dot or mark (.): a decimal point; five point three six (= 5.36); In punctuation, a point is another name for a full stop.) ponto
    4) (an exact place or spot: When we reached this point of the journey we stopped to rest.) ponto
    5) (an exact moment: Her husband walked in at that point.) momento
    6) (a place on a scale especially of temperature: the boiling-point of water.) ponto
    7) (a division on a compass eg north, south-west etc.) ponto
    8) (a mark in scoring a competition, game, test etc: He has won by five points to two.) ponto
    9) (a particular matter for consideration or action: The first point we must decide is, where to meet; That's a good point; You've missed the point; That's the whole point; We're wandering away from the point.) ponto
    10) ((a) purpose or advantage: There's no point (in) asking me - I don't know.) sentido
    11) (a personal characteristic or quality: We all have our good points and our bad ones.) traço
    12) (an electrical socket in a wall etc into which a plug can be put: Is there only one electrical point in this room?) tomada
    2. verb
    1) (to aim in a particular direction: He pointed the gun at her.) apontar
    2) (to call attention to something especially by stretching the index finger in its direction: He pointed (his finger) at the door; He pointed to a sign.) apontar
    3) (to fill worn places in (a stone or brick wall etc) with mortar.) preencher frinchas
    - pointer
    - pointless
    - pointlessly
    - points
    - be on the point of
    - come to the point
    - make a point of
    - make one's point
    - point out
    - point one's toes
    * * *
    [pɔint] n 1 ponto: a) sinal, mancha. b) Geom grandeza considerada por abstração, sem dimensão alguma. c) circunstância, detalhe, pormenor. d) Sports tento. e) ponto principal, o essencial. f) duodécima parte da linha (1/72 de polegada). g) local, sítio, posição. h) objetivo, escopo, mira. i) desígnio. j) grau, situação. k) fim, termo. l) instante, momento. m) Gram sinal de pontuação. n) furo feito por agulha. o) assunto, caso, questão. p) unidade de valores ou preços. q) renda feita com agulha. r) Naut cada uma das 32 divisões do compasso. s) Naut intervalo entre dois pontos do compasso. t) pinta (de cartas ou dados). u) ponto decimal. 2 ponta: a) extremidade aguçada, bico. b) extremidade, cabo, promontório. 3 pico, cume. 4 fato ou argumento que impressiona. 5 direção, curso. 6 Typogr corpo. 7 decisão, resolução. 8 agulha de ferrovia. 9 ferramenta ou arma pontiaguda. 10 característica, atributo. 11 auge, apogeu. 12 ato de apontar. 13 punctura, picada. 14 Mil patrulha de ponta. • vt+vi 1 apontar: a) fazer ponta em, aguçar. b) indicar, mostrar. c) dirigir para, assestar. d) mostrar indicando. e) dirigir-se com a ponta para. 2 separar com pontos ou traços. 3 pontuar. 4 aludir, mencionar, sugerir. 5 salientar, evidenciar. 6 conduzir a, tender para. 7 encher com argamassa. at the point of death às portas da morte. at the point of the sword sob coação, impelido pela força. at this point neste momento, a esta altura. beside the point fora do assunto, alheio à questão, irrelevante. boiling point ponto de ebulição. breaking point momento de ruptura. cardinal points pontos cardeais. freezing point ponto de congelamento. from point to point detalhadamente, minuciosamente. he gained his point ele obteve seu desígnio. he wandered from the point ele desviou-se do assunto. in point of a respeito de, com referência a. in point of fact de fato, na realidade. it is a good point in his character é um elemento positivo do seu caráter. I was on the point of doing it estava prestes a fazê-lo. music is her strong (weak) point música é o forte (fraco) dela. not to put too fine a point on it falar claramente. point of contact ponto de contato. point of conscience questão de consciência. point of controversy ponto de divergência. point of departure ponto de partida, especialmente em uma discussão. point of honor ponto de honra, questão de honra. point of inflection ponto de inflexão. point of intersection ponto de intersecção. point of no return ponto sem retorno (viagem, avião). point of order questão de ordem. point of origin local de origem. point of reference ponto de referência. point of sale Com ponto de venda. point of support ponto de apoio. point of view a) ponto de vista. b) opinião. point out apontar, indicar, chamar atenção para. that’s not to the point isto não vem ao caso, não diz respeito à questão. that’s the point eis a questão. the conversation ended in point a conversa tornou-se mais aguçada. the points of a horse as qualidades de um cavalo. the winner on points o vencedor por pontos. they spoke to the point falaram objetivamente. to be on the point of estar prestes a. to get to the point ir ao ponto principal. to give points to dar vantagens a. to keep to the point limitar-se ao assunto. to lose on points (boxe) perder por pontos. to make a point of fazer questão de, considerar. to miss the point não compreender. to point a wall rebocar uma parede. to point out mostrar, apontar para, chamar a atenção para. to point towards a) apontar para. b) estar voltado para. to point up enfatizar. to stick to the point permanecer no assunto, prender-se ao assunto. to stretch (strain) a point conceder um pouco, abrir uma exceção. to the point a) importante, relevante. b) conciso, objetivo. to win on points (boxe) ganhar por pontos. turning point a) momento de decisão. b) ponto crítico. up to a certain point até certo ponto. we made a point of doing it fizemos questão de fazê-lo. when it came to the point quando chegou o momento decisivo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > point

  • 7 point

    1. noun
    1) (tiny mark, dot) Punkt, der
    2) (sharp end of tool, weapon, pencil, etc.) Spitze, die

    come to a [sharp] point — spitz zulaufen

    at gun-point/knife-point — mit vorgehaltener [Schuss]waffe/vorgehaltenem Messer

    not to put too fine a point on it(fig.) um nichts zu beschönigen

    3) (single item) Punkt, der

    agree on a pointin einem Punkt od. einer Frage übereinstimmen

    be a point of honour with somebody — für jemanden [eine] Ehrensache sein

    4) (unit of scoring) Punkt, der

    score points off somebody(fig.) jemanden an die Wand spielen

    things have reached a point where or come to such a point that... — die Sache ist dahin od. so weit gediehen, dass...; (negatively) es ist so weit gekommen, dass...

    up to a pointbis zu einem gewissen Grad

    she was abrupt to the point of rudenesssie war in einer Weise barsch, die schon an Unverschämtheit grenzte

    6) (moment) Zeitpunkt, der

    be at/on the point of something — kurz vor etwas (Dat.) sein; einer Sache (Dat.) nahe sein

    be on the point of doing somethingim Begriff sein, etwas zu tun; etwas gerade tun wollen

    7) (distinctive trait) Seite, die

    best/strong point — starke Seite; Stärke, die

    the point(essential thing) das Entscheidende

    8) (thing to be discussed)

    that is just the point or the whole point — das ist genau der springende Punkt

    come to or get to the point — zur Sache od. zum Thema kommen

    keep or stick to the point — beim Thema bleiben

    be beside the point — unerheblich sein; keine Rolle spielen

    carry or make one's point — sich durchsetzen

    make a point of doing something — [großen] Wert darauf legen, etwas zu tun

    make or prove a point — etwas beweisen

    you have a point thereda hast du recht; da ist [et]was dran (ugs.)

    9) (tip) Spitze, die; (Boxing) Kinnspitze, die; Kinn, das; (Ballet) Spitze, die
    10) (of story, joke, remark) Pointe, die; (pungency, effect) (of literary work) Eindringlichkeit, die; (of remark) Durchschlagskraft, die
    11) (purpose, value) Zweck, der; Sinn, der

    there's no point in protestinges hat keinen Sinn od. Zweck zu protestieren

    12) (precise place, spot) Punkt, der; Stelle, die; (Geom.) Punkt, der

    point of contact — Berührungspunkt, der

    point of no return — Punkt, an dem es kein Zurück mehr gibt

    point of view(fig.) Standpunkt, der

    13) (Brit.)

    [power or electric] point — Steckdose, die

    14) usu in pl. (Brit. Railw.) Weiche, die
    15) usu. in pl. (Motor Veh.): (contact device) Kontakt, der

    prices/the cost of living went up three points — die Preise/Lebenshaltungskosten sind um drei [Prozent]punkte gestiegen

    17) (on compass) Strich, der
    2. intransitive verb
    1) zeigen, weisen, [Person auch:] deuten (to, at auf + Akk.)

    point towards or to — (fig.) [hin]deuten od. hinweisen auf (+ Akk.)

    3. transitive verb
    1) (direct) richten [Waffe, Kamera] (at auf + Akk.)

    point one's finger at something/somebody — mit dem Finger auf etwas/jemanden deuten od. zeigen od. weisen

    2) (Building) aus-, verfugen [Mauer, Steine]
    Phrasal Verbs:
    - academic.ru/108004/point_out">point out
    * * *
    [point] 1. noun
    1) (the sharp end of anything: the point of a pin; a sword point; at gunpoint (= threatened by a gun).) die Spitze
    2) (a piece of land that projects into the sea etc: The ship came round Lizard Point.) die Landspitze
    3) (a small round dot or mark (.): a decimal point; five point three six (= 5.36); In punctuation, a point is another name for a full stop.) der Punkt
    4) (an exact place or spot: When we reached this point of the journey we stopped to rest.) der Punkt
    5) (an exact moment: Her husband walked in at that point.) der Punkt
    6) (a place on a scale especially of temperature: the boiling-point of water.) der Punkt
    7) (a division on a compass eg north, south-west etc.) der Kompaßstrich
    8) (a mark in scoring a competition, game, test etc: He has won by five points to two.) der Punkt
    9) (a particular matter for consideration or action: The first point we must decide is, where to meet; That's a good point; You've missed the point; That's the whole point; We're wandering away from the point.) der Punkt
    10) ((a) purpose or advantage: There's no point (in) asking me - I don't know.) der Zweck
    11) (a personal characteristic or quality: We all have our good points and our bad ones.) die Eigenschaft
    12) (an electrical socket in a wall etc into which a plug can be put: Is there only one electrical point in this room?) der Kontakt
    2. verb
    1) (to aim in a particular direction: He pointed the gun at her.) richten
    2) (to call attention to something especially by stretching the index finger in its direction: He pointed (his finger) at the door; He pointed to a sign.) zeigen
    3) (to fill worn places in (a stone or brick wall etc) with mortar.) verfugen
    - pointed
    - pointer
    - pointless
    - pointlessly
    - points
    - be on the point of
    - come to the point
    - make a point of
    - make one's point
    - point out
    - point one's toes
    * * *
    I. NOUN
    1. (sharp end) Spitze f; of a star Zacke f; of deer Ende nt fachspr, Sprosse f fachspr
    the \point of the chin die Kinnspitze
    knife/pencil \point Messer-/Bleistiftspitze f
    to hold sb at gun\point/knife \point jdn mit vorgehaltener Pistole/vorgehaltenem Messer bedrohen
    2. (dot) Punkt m
    \point of light Lichtpunkt m
    3. (punctuation mark) Punkt; (in Hebrew) Vokalzeichen nt
    4. (decimal point) Komma
    decimal \point Dezimalpunkt m
    5. (position) Stelle f, Punkt m
    ... at London and all \points west... in London und allen Orten westlich davon
    \point of contact Berührungspunkt m
    \point of departure [or starting \point] Ausgangspunkt m a. fig
    \point of entry (border) Ort m der Einreise; (bullet wound) Einschussstelle f
    to reach the \point of no return den Punkt erreichen, an dem man nicht mehr zurück kann
    at this \point an dieser Stelle
    6. (particular time) Zeitpunkt m
    this seems like a good \point dies scheint ein günstiger Zeitpunkt zu sein
    she was on the \point of collapse sie stand kurz vor dem Zusammenbruch
    I was completely lost at one \point an einer Stelle hatte ich mich komplett verlaufen
    when it comes to the \point that... wenn es einmal so weit kommt, dass...
    they tickled him to the \point of torture sie kitzelten ihn so sehr, dass es fast zur Folter wurde
    at no \point did I think our relationship wouldn't work out zu keinem Zeitpunkt hatte ich daran gezweifelt, dass es zwischen uns nicht klappen würde
    to be [or lie] at the \point of death an der Schwelle des Todes stehen geh, im Sterben liegen
    at this/that \point in time zu dieser/jener Zeit
    at that \point zu diesem Zeitpunkt; (then) in diesem Augenblick
    from that \point on... von da an...
    7. (about to do)
    to be on the \point of doing sth [gerade] im Begriff sein, etw zu tun
    I was on the \point of ringing you myself actually ich wollte dich auch gerade anrufen!
    she was on the \point of telling him the truth when... sie wollte ihm gerade die Wahrheit sagen, als...
    I was on the \point of handing in my resignation beinahe hätte ich gekündigt
    I was on the \point of leaving him ich war kurz davor, ihn zu verlassen
    8. (argument, issue) Punkt m
    ok ok, you've made your \point! ja, ich hab's jetzt verstanden! fam
    you made some interesting \points in your speech Sie haben in Ihrer Rede einige interessante Punkte angesprochen
    what \point are you trying to make? worauf wollen Sie hinaus?
    you have a \point there da ist was dran fam
    she does have a \point though so ganz Unrecht hat sie nicht
    she made the \point that... sie wies darauf hin, dass...; (stress) sie betonte, dass...
    my \point was that... ich wollte sagen, dass...
    my \point exactly das sag ich ja fam
    ok, \point taken o.k., ich hab schon begriffen fam
    that's a \point das ist ein Argument sl
    I take your \point einverstanden
    I can see your \point ich weiß, was du sagen willst
    the \point under dispute der strittige Punkt
    \point of detail Detailfrage f
    to make [or raise] a \point in favour of/against sth ein Argument für etw akk /gegen etw akk einbringen
    to drive home the \point seinen Standpunkt klarmachen
    \point of honour Ehrensache f
    \point of law Rechtsfrage f
    a 5-\point plan ein Fünfpunkteplan m
    to make/prove one's \point seinen Standpunkt deutlich machen
    \point by \point Punkt für Punkt
    9. no pl (most important idea)
    the \point der springende Punkt
    the \point is... der Punkt ist nämlich der,...
    more to the \point, however,... wichtiger jedoch ist...
    your arguments were very much to the \point deine Argumente waren wirklich sehr sachbezogen
    that's beside the \point [or not the \point]! darum geht es doch gar nicht!
    to come [or get] to the \point auf den Punkt [o zur Sache] kommen
    to get the \point of sth etw verstehen
    to keep [or stick] to the \point beim Thema bleiben
    to make a \point of doing sth [großen] Wert darauf legen, etw zu tun
    to miss the \point of sth nicht verstehen [o begreifen], worum es geht
    10. no pl (purpose) Sinn m, Zweck m
    but that's the whole \point! aber das ist doch genau der Punkt!
    what's the \point of waiting for them? warum sollten wir auf sie warten?
    there's no \point of talking about it any longer es hat keinen Zweck, sich noch länger darüber zu unterhalten
    I really don't see the \point of going to this meeting ich weiß wirklich nicht, warum ich zu dieser Besprechung gehen sollte
    but that's the whole \point of doing it! aber deswegen machen wir es ja gerade!
    what's the \point anyway? was soll's?
    11. (stage in process) Punkt m
    from that \point on... von diesem Moment an...
    the high \point of the evening... der Höhepunkt des Abends...
    things have reached a \point where I just can't bear it any longer ich bin an einen Punkt angelangt, wo ich es einfach nicht mehr aushalten kann
    it got to the \point where no one knew what was going on irgendwann wusste dann keiner mehr, was Sache war
    ... when it came to the \point...... als es soweit war,...
    we'll start again tomorrow from the \point where we left off today wir werden morgen da weitermachen, wo wir heute aufgehört haben
    up to a \point bis zu einem gewissen Grad [o Maße
    being single does have its \points single zu sein hat auch seine Vorteile
    bad/good \points schlechte/gute Seiten
    the book has its \points das Buch hat auch seine guten Seiten
    sb's strong \points jds Stärken
    sb's weak \points jds Schwächen
    13. (in sports) Punkt m
    San Francisco has scored 31 \points San Francisco hat 31 Punkte erzielt
    a win on \points ein Sieg m nach Punkten
    to win on \points nach Punkten siegen
    14. (unit) STOCKEX Punkt m; (with prices) [Prozent]punkt m
    to have risen seven \points sieben Punkte gestiegen sein
    15. (for diamonds) 0,01 Karat
    16. (on compass) Strich m; (on thermometer) Grad m
    17. (in bridge) Punkt m
    18. BOXING Kinnspitze f
    19. (in ballet) Spitze f
    to dance on \points auf Spitzen tanzen
    20. BRIT, AUS (socket) Steckdose f
    21. AUTO
    \points pl Unterbrecherkontakte pl
    \points pl Weichen pl
    23. (promontory) Landspitze f
    24. TYPO Punkt m
    the small letters are in 6 \point die kleinen Buchstaben haben Schriftgröße 6 Punkt
    25. (cricket) Position in der Nähe des Schlagmannes
    \points pl of horse, dog Extremitäten pl
    27. (punch line) of a story Pointe f
    to be a good case in \point [für etw akk] ein gutes Beispiel sein
    sb makes a \point of doing sth für jdn ist es wichtig, etw zu tun
    I know the door was locked because I made a point of checking it ich weiß, dass die Tür abgeschlossen war, weil ich extra nochmal nachgesehen habe
    to not put too fine a \point on sth nicht um den heißen Brei herumreden fam
    not to put too fine a \point on it,... ehrlich gesagt...
    1. (with finger) deuten, zeigen
    to \point at [or to] sth/sb [mit dem Finger] auf etw/jdn zeigen
    it's rude to \point at people man zeigt nicht mit dem Finger auf Leute
    2. (be directed) weisen
    there was an arrow \pointing to the door ein Pfeil wies den Weg zur Tür
    the needle was \pointing to ‘empty’ die Nadel zeigte auf ‚leer‘
    to \point east/west nach Osten/Westen weisen [o zeigen
    to \point to sth auf etw akk hinweisen [o hindeuten]
    all the signs \point to his reinstatement alles deutet darauf hin, dass er wieder eingestellt wird
    4. (use as evidence)
    to \point to sth auf etw akk verweisen
    5. HUNT dog vorstehen
    to \point sth at sb/sth weapon etw [auf jdn/etw] richten; stick, one's finger mit etw dat auf jdn/etw zeigen
    to \point the finger [at sb] ( fig) sich akk [über jdn] beschweren
    to \point sb in the direction of sth jdn den Weg zu etw dat beschreiben
    could you \point me in the direction of the bus station, please? könnten Sie mir bitte sagen, wie ich zum Busbahnhof komme?
    to \point the way [to sth] ( fig) den Weg [für etw akk] ebnen
    3. (extend)
    to \point one's toes die Zehen strecken
    to \point sth etw verfugen [o ausfugen
    5. HUNT
    to \point sth dog etw anzeigen
    to \point sth etw interpunktieren fachspr; (in Hebrew) etw vokalisieren
    to \point a psalm einen Psalm mit Deklamationszeichen versehen
    * * *
    point [pɔınt]
    A s
    1. (Nadel-, Messer-, Schwert-, Bleistift- etc) Spitze f:
    not put too fine a point upon sth etwas nicht gerade gewählt ausdrücken;
    at the point of the pistol mit vorgehaltener Pistole oder Waffe, mit Waffengewalt;
    at the point of the sword fig unter Zwang, mit Gewalt
    2. obs
    a) Dolch m
    b) Schwert n
    3. TECH spitzes Instrument, besonders
    a) Stecheisen n
    b) Grabstichel m, Griffel m
    c) Radier-, Ätznadel f
    d) Ahle f
    4. GEOG
    a) Landspitze f
    b) Bergspitze f
    5. JAGD (Geweih)Ende n, Sprosse f
    6. pl Gliedmaßen pl (besonders von Pferden)
    7. LING Punkt m (am Satzende)
    8. TYPO
    a) Punktur f
    b) (typografischer) Punkt (= 0,376 mm)
    c) Punkt m (Blindenschrift)
    9. MATH (geometrischer) Punkt: intersection 2, 3 a
    10. MATH (Dezimal) Punkt m, Komma n:
    (nought) point three ( in Ziffern: 0.3 oder.3) null Komma drei (0,3);
    9 points fig 90%, fast das Ganze;
    possession is nine points of the law (Sprichwort) der Besitzende hat fast immer das Gesetz auf seiner Seite
    11. auch point of the compass Kompassstrich m
    12. Punkt m:
    a) bestimmte Stelle
    b) PHYS Grad m (einer Skala), Stufe f ( auch TECH eines Schalters):
    4 points below zero 4 Grad unter null;
    point of contact Berührungspunkt;
    point of impact MIL Aufschlag-, Auftreffpunkt;
    a) FLUG Gefahrenmitte f, Umkehrgrenzpunkt m,
    b) fig Punkt, von dem es kein Zurück mehr gibt;
    up to a point fig bis zu einem gewissen Grad; boiling point, freezing A 1, etc
    13. GEOG Himmelsrichtung f
    14. Punkt m, Stelle f, Ort m:
    point of destination Bestimmungsort;
    point of entry WIRTSCH Eingangshafen m;
    point of lubrication TECH Schmierstelle f, Schmiernippel m
    15. Anschluss-, Verbindungspunkt m, besonders
    a) ELEK Kontakt(punkt) m
    b) ELEK Br Steckdose f
    16. Grenz-, Höhe-, Gipfelpunkt m, Grenze f:
    point of culmination Kulminations-, Höhepunkt;
    frankness to the point of insult Offenheit, die schon an Beleidigung grenzt;
    it gave a point to their day das setzte ihrem Tag ein Glanzlicht auf
    17. a) auch point of time Zeitpunkt m, Augenblick m
    b) kritischer Punkt, entscheidendes Stadium:
    when it came to the point als es so weit war, als es darauf ankam;
    at this point in diesem Augenblick, weitS. an dieser Stelle, hier (in einer Rede etc);
    at the point of death im Sterben, im Augenblick des Todes;
    be on the point of doing sth im Begriff oder auf dem Sprung sein, etwas zu tun;
    18. Punkt m (einer Tagesordnung etc), (Einzel-, Teil)Frage f:
    a case in point ein einschlägiger Fall, ein (typisches) Beispiel;
    at all points in allen Punkten, in jeder Hinsicht;
    differ on several points in etlichen Punkten nicht übereinstimmen;
    point of comparison Vergleichspunkt;
    a point of interest eine interessante Einzelheit;
    point of order PARL Antrag m zur Geschäftsordnung;
    five-point plan Fünfpunkteplan m; controversy 3, order A 7, question A 2
    19. entscheidender oder springender Punkt, Kernpunkt m, -frage f:
    come (speak) to the point zur Sache kommen (sprechen);
    a) nicht zur Sache gehörig, abwegig,
    b) unwichtig, unerheblich;
    be beside the point auch nichts zur Sache tun;
    to the point zur Sache (gehörig), sachdienlich, sachlich, (zu-)treffend;
    make a point ein Argument anbringen, seine Ansicht durchsetzen;
    the point I’m trying to make is that … was ich sagen will, ist, dass …;
    a) Wert oder Gewicht legen auf (akk), bestehen auf (dat),
    b) sich etwas zum Prinzip machen;
    make the point that … bemerken, dass …;
    that is the point das ist die Frage oder der springende Punkt;
    that’s not the point darum geht es nicht;
    the point is that … die Sache ist die, dass …;
    that’s the point I wanted to make darauf wollte ich hinaus;
    you have a point there es ist etwas dran an dem, was Sie sagen;
    I take your point ich verstehe, was Sie meinen;
    it hasn’t got much point es ist nicht sehr wichtig
    20. Pointe f (eines Witzes etc)
    21. auch point of view Stand-, Gesichtspunkt m, Ansicht f:
    from a political point of view vom politischen Standpunkt aus (gesehen), politisch gesehen;
    make sth a point of hono(u)r etwas als Ehrensache betrachten;
    it’s a point of hono(u)r to him das ist Ehrensache für ihn;
    in point of hinsichtlich (gen);
    in point of fact tatsächlich; press A 13, stretch A 11
    22. Ziel n, Zweck m, Absicht f:
    carry ( oder make) one’s point sich oder seine Ansicht durchsetzen;
    what’s the point of doing that? was für einen Sinn oder Zweck hat es, das zu tun?;
    what’s your point in doing that? was bezweckst du damit?;
    there is no point in going there es hat keinen Zweck oder es ist sinnlos hinzugehen
    23. Nachdruck m:
    give point to one’s words seinen Worten Gewicht oder Nachdruck verleihen
    24. (hervorstechende) Eigenschaft, (Charakter)Zug m:
    good (bad) points gute (schlechte) Eigenschaften;
    a noble point in her ein edler Zug an ihr;
    strong point starke Seite, Stärke f;
    weak point wunder Punkt, schwache Seite;
    it has its points es hat so seine Vorzüge
    25. Tierzucht: besonderes Rassenmerkmal
    26. Punkt m (eines Bewertungs- oder Rationierungssystems):
    point rationing Punktrationierung f
    27. WIRTSCH Börsensprache: Punkt m, Point m (bei Kursschwankungen)
    28. SPORT Punkt m:
    three points from three games drei Punkte aus drei Spielen;
    be on five points bei fünf Punkten liegen;
    win (lose) on points nach Punkten gewinnen (verlieren);
    points defeat Punktniederlage f;
    points win Punktsieg m, Sieg m nach Punkten;
    winner on points, points winner Punktsieger(in);
    beat sb on points jemanden nach Punkten schlagen;
    be in the points auf einem Punkterang liegen;
    finish out of the points außerhalb der Punkteränge enden;
    a) jemandem vorgeben,
    b) fig jemandem überlegen sein;
    be points better than sb fig jemandem hoch überlegen sein; score B 1
    29. Boxen: Punkt m, Kinnspitze f
    30. Würfel-, Kartenspiel: Auge n, Punkt m
    a) Näh-, Nadelspitze f (Ggs Klöppelspitze)
    b) Handarbeitsspitze f
    c) point lace
    d) Stickstich m
    32. MUS
    a) Stakkatopunkt m
    b) Wiederholungszeichen n
    c) charakteristisches Motiv
    d) Imitationsmotiv n
    e) (Themen) Einsatz m
    33. MIL
    a) Spitze f (einer Vorhut)
    b) Ende n (einer Nachhut)
    34. JAGD Stehen n (des Hundes):
    make ( oder come to) a point (vor)stehen (vor dem Wild)
    35. BAHN
    a) Weiche f
    b) Br Weichenschiene f
    36. Heraldik: Feld n (eines Wappens)
    37. potatoes and point sl Kartoffeln mit ohne was dazu
    B v/t
    1. einen Bleistift etc (an-, zu)spitzen
    2. fig seine Worte etc pointieren, betonen
    3. eine Waffe etc richten (at auf akk):
    point one’s finger at sb
    a) (mit dem Finger) auf jemanden deuten oder zeigen,
    b) auch point a ( oder the) finger at sb fig mit Fingern oder dem Finger auf jemanden zeigen;
    point (up)on seine Augen, Gedanken etc richten auf (akk);
    point to den Kurs, jemandes Aufmerksamkeit lenken auf (akk), jemanden bringen auf (akk)
    4. zeigen:
    point the way den Weg weisen (a. fig);
    a) zeigen,
    b) fig hinweisen oder aufmerksam machen auf (akk), betonen,
    c) fig aufzeigen (auch Fehler), klarmachen,
    d) fig ausführen, darlegen;
    point out to sb that … jemanden darauf aufmerksam machen, dass …
    5. auch point up fig betonen, unterstreichen ( beide:
    with mit)
    6. MATH Dezimalstellen durch einen Punkt oder ein Komma trennen:
    point off places Stellen abstreichen
    a) ARCH verfugen,
    b) TECH eine Fuge glatt streichen
    8. JAGD einem Wild vorstehen
    C v/i
    1. (mit dem Finger) deuten, weisen ( beide:
    at, to auf akk)
    2. point to nach einer Richtung weisen oder liegen (Haus)
    3. point to fig
    a) hinweisen, -deuten auf (akk):
    b) ab-, hinzielen auf (akk)
    4. SCHIFF hart am Wind segeln
    5. JAGD vorstehen (Jagdhund)
    6. MED reifen (Abszess etc)
    pt abk
    1. part T.
    3. pint ( pints pl)
    5. port
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (tiny mark, dot) Punkt, der
    2) (sharp end of tool, weapon, pencil, etc.) Spitze, die

    come to a [sharp] point — spitz zulaufen

    at gun-point/knife-point — mit vorgehaltener [Schuss]waffe/vorgehaltenem Messer

    not to put too fine a point on it(fig.) um nichts zu beschönigen

    3) (single item) Punkt, der

    agree on a pointin einem Punkt od. einer Frage übereinstimmen

    be a point of honour with somebody — für jemanden [eine] Ehrensache sein

    4) (unit of scoring) Punkt, der

    score points off somebody(fig.) jemanden an die Wand spielen

    5) (stage, degree)

    things have reached a point where or come to such a point that... — die Sache ist dahin od. so weit gediehen, dass...; (negatively) es ist so weit gekommen, dass...

    she was abrupt to the point of rudeness — sie war in einer Weise barsch, die schon an Unverschämtheit grenzte

    6) (moment) Zeitpunkt, der

    be at/on the point of something — kurz vor etwas (Dat.) sein; einer Sache (Dat.) nahe sein

    be on the point of doing something — im Begriff sein, etwas zu tun; etwas gerade tun wollen

    7) (distinctive trait) Seite, die

    best/strong point — starke Seite; Stärke, die

    the point (essential thing) das Entscheidende

    that is just the point or the whole point — das ist genau der springende Punkt

    come to or get to the point — zur Sache od. zum Thema kommen

    keep or stick to the point — beim Thema bleiben

    be beside the point — unerheblich sein; keine Rolle spielen

    carry or make one's point — sich durchsetzen

    make a point of doing something — [großen] Wert darauf legen, etwas zu tun

    make or prove a point — etwas beweisen

    you have a point there — da hast du recht; da ist [et]was dran (ugs.)

    9) (tip) Spitze, die; (Boxing) Kinnspitze, die; Kinn, das; (Ballet) Spitze, die
    10) (of story, joke, remark) Pointe, die; (pungency, effect) (of literary work) Eindringlichkeit, die; (of remark) Durchschlagskraft, die
    11) (purpose, value) Zweck, der; Sinn, der

    there's no point in protestinges hat keinen Sinn od. Zweck zu protestieren

    12) (precise place, spot) Punkt, der; Stelle, die; (Geom.) Punkt, der

    point of contact — Berührungspunkt, der

    point of no return — Punkt, an dem es kein Zurück mehr gibt

    point of view(fig.) Standpunkt, der

    13) (Brit.)

    [power or electric] point — Steckdose, die

    14) usu in pl. (Brit. Railw.) Weiche, die
    15) usu. in pl. (Motor Veh.): (contact device) Kontakt, der
    16) (unit in competition, rationing, stocks, shares, etc.) Punkt, der

    prices/the cost of living went up three points — die Preise/Lebenshaltungskosten sind um drei [Prozent]punkte gestiegen

    17) (on compass) Strich, der
    2. intransitive verb
    1) zeigen, weisen, [Person auch:] deuten (to, at auf + Akk.)

    point towards or to — (fig.) [hin]deuten od. hinweisen auf (+ Akk.)

    3. transitive verb
    1) (direct) richten [Waffe, Kamera] (at auf + Akk.)

    point one's finger at something/somebody — mit dem Finger auf etwas/jemanden deuten od. zeigen od. weisen

    2) (Building) aus-, verfugen [Mauer, Steine]
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    (Typography) n.
    typographischer Punkt (Schriftgrößenskala) m. n.
    Einzelheit f.
    Punkt -e m.
    Spitze -n (Kinn-, Messer-) f.
    Standpunkt m. v.
    zeigen v.

    English-german dictionary > point

  • 8 point

    [pɔɪnt] n
    1) ( sharp end) Spitze f; of a star Zacke f; of deer Ende nt fachspr, Sprosse f fachspr;
    the \point of the chin die Kinnspitze;
    knife/pencil \point Messer-/Bleistiftspitze f;
    to hold sb at gun\point/knife-\point jdn mit vorgehaltener Pistole/vorgehaltenem Messer bedrohen
    2) ( dot) Punkt m;
    \point of light Lichtpunkt m
    3) ( punctuation mark) Punkt;
    ( in Hebrew) Vokalzeichen nt
    4) ( decimal point) Komma;
    decimal \point Dezimalpunkt m
    5) ( position) Stelle f, Punkt m;
    ... at London and all \points west... in London und allen Orten westlich davon;
    \point of contact Berührungspunkt m;
    \point of departure [or starting \point] Ausgangspunkt m (a. fig)
    \point of entry ( border) Ort m der Einreise;
    ( bullet wound) Einschussstelle f;
    to reach the \point of no return den Punkt erreichen, an dem man nicht mehr zurück kann;
    at this \point an dieser Stelle
    6) ( particular time) Zeitpunkt m;
    this seems like a good \point dies scheint ein günstiger Zeitpunkt zu sein;
    she was on the \point of collapse sie stand kurz vor dem Zusammenbruch;
    I was completely lost at one \point an einer Stelle hatte ich mich komplett verlaufen;
    when it comes to the \point that... wenn es einmal so weit kommt, dass...;
    they tickled him to the \point of torture sie kitzelten ihn so sehr, dass es fast zur Folter wurde;
    at no \point did I think our relationship wouldn't work out zu keinem Zeitpunkt hatte ich daran gezweifelt, dass es zwischen uns nicht klappen würde;
    to be [or lie] at the \point of death an der Schwelle des Todes stehen ( geh), im Sterben liegen;
    at this/that \point in time zu dieser/jener Zeit;
    at that \point zu diesem Zeitpunkt;
    ( then) in diesem Augenblick;
    from that \point on... von da an...
    to be on the \point of doing sth [gerade] im Begriff sein, etw zu tun;
    I was on the \point of ringing you myself actually ich wollte dich auch gerade anrufen!;
    she was on the \point of telling him the truth when... sie wollte ihm gerade die Wahrheit sagen, als...;
    I was on the \point of handing in my resignation beinahe hätte ich gekündigt;
    I was on the \point of leaving him ich war kurz davor, ihn zu verlassen
    8) (argument, issue) Punkt m;
    ok ok, you've made your \point! ja, ich hab's jetzt verstanden! ( fam)
    you made some interesting \points in your speech Sie haben in Ihrer Rede einige interessante Punkte angesprochen;
    what \point are you trying to make? worauf wollen Sie hinaus?;
    you have a \point there da ist was dran ( fam)
    she does have a \point though so ganz Unrecht hat sie nicht;
    she made the \point that... sie wies darauf hin, dass...;
    ( stress) sie betonte, dass...;
    my \point was that... ich wollte sagen, dass...;
    my \point exactly das sag ich ja ( fam)
    ok, \point taken o.k., ich hab schon begriffen ( fam)
    that's a \point das ist ein Argument (sl)
    I take your \point einverstanden;
    I can see your \point ich weiß, was du sagen willst;
    the \point under dispute der strittige Punkt;
    \point of detail Detailfrage f;
    to make [or raise] a \point in favour of/ against sth ein Argument für etw akk /gegen etw akk einbringen;
    to drive home the \point seinen Standpunkt klarmachen;
    \point of honour Ehrensache f;
    \point of law Rechtsfrage f;
    a 5-\point plan ein Fünfpunkteplan m;
    to make/prove one's \point seinen Standpunkt deutlich machen;
    \point by \point Punkt für Punkt
    the \point der springende Punkt;
    the \point is... der Punkt ist nämlich der,...;
    more to the \point, however,... wichtiger jedoch ist...;
    your arguments were very much to the \point deine Argumente waren wirklich sehr sachbezogen;
    that's beside the \point [or not the \point] ! darum geht es doch gar nicht!;
    to come [or get] to the \point auf den Punkt [o zur Sache] kommen;
    to get the \point of sth etw verstehen;
    to keep [or stick] to the \point beim Thema bleiben;
    to make a \point of doing sth [großen] Wert darauf legen, etw zu tun;
    to miss the \point of sth nicht verstehen [o begreifen], worum es geht
    10) no pl ( purpose) Sinn m, Zweck m;
    but that's the whole \point! aber das ist doch genau der Punkt!;
    what's the \point of waiting for them? warum sollten wir auf sie warten?;
    there's no \point of talking about it any longer es hat keinen Zweck, sich noch länger darüber zu unterhalten;
    I really don't see the \point of going to this meeting ich weiß wirklich nicht, warum ich zu dieser Besprechung gehen sollte;
    but that's the whole \point of doing it! aber deswegen machen wir es ja gerade!;
    what's the \point anyway? was soll's?
    11) ( stage in process) Punkt m;
    from that \point on... von diesem Moment an...;
    the high \point of the evening... der Höhepunkt des Abends...;
    things have reached a \point where I just can't bear it any longer ich bin an einen Punkt angelangt, wo ich es einfach nicht mehr aushalten kann;
    it got to the \point where no one knew what was going on irgendwann wusste dann keiner mehr, was Sache war;
    ... when it came to the \point...... als es so weit war,...;
    we'll start again tomorrow from the \point where we left off today wir werden morgen dort da weitermachen, wo wir heute aufgehört haben;
    up to a \point bis zu einem gewissen Grad [o Maße];
    being single does have its \points Single zu sein hat auch seine Vorteile;
    bad/good \points schlechte/gute Seiten;
    the book has its \points das Buch hat auch seine guten Seiten;
    sb's strong \points jds Stärken pl;
    sb's weak \points jds Schwächen
    13) ( in sports) Punkt m;
    San Francisco has scored 31 \points San Francisco hat 31 Punkte erzielt;
    a win on \points ein Sieg m nach Punkten;
    to win on \points nach Punkten siegen
    14) ( unit) stockex Punkt m; ( with prices) [Prozent]punkt m;
    to have risen seven \points sieben Punkte gestiegen sein
    15) ( for diamonds) 0,01 Karat
    16) ( on compass) Strich m; ( on thermometer) Grad m
    17) ( in bridge) Punkt m
    18) boxing Kinnspitze f
    19) ( in ballet) Spitze f;
    to dance on \points auf Spitzen tanzen
    20) (Brit, Aus) ( socket) Steckdose f
    \points pl Unterbrecherkontakte mpl
    \points pl Weichen fpl
    23) ( promontory) Landspitze f
    24) typo Punkt m;
    the small letters are in 6 \point die kleinen Buchstaben haben Schriftgröße 6 Punkt
    \points pl of horse, dog Extremitäten pl
    to be a good case in \point [für etw akk] ein gutes Beispiel sein;
    to not put too fine a \point on sth nicht um den heißen Brei herumreden ( fam)
    not to put too fine a \point on it,... ehrlich gesagt...;
    sb makes a \point of doing sth für jdn ist es wichtig, etw zu tun;
    I know the door was locked because I made a point of checking it ich weiß, dass die Tür abgeschlossen war, weil ich extra nochmal nachgesehen habe vi
    1) ( with finger) deuten, zeigen;
    to \point at [or to] sth/sb [mit dem Finger] auf etw/jdn zeigen;
    it's rude to \point at people man zeigt nicht mit dem Finger auf Leute
    2) ( be directed) weisen;
    there was an arrow \pointing to the door ein Pfeil wies den Weg zur Tür;
    the needle was \pointing to ‘empty’ die Nadel zeigte auf ‚leer‘;
    to \point east/ west nach Osten/Westen weisen [o zeigen];
    3) ( indicate)
    to \point to sth auf etw akk hinweisen [o hindeuten];
    all the signs \point to his reinstatement alles deutet darauf hin, dass er wieder eingestellt wird
    to \point to sth auf etw akk verweisen
    5) hunt dog vorstehen vt
    1) ( aim)
    to \point sth at sb/ sth weapon etw [auf jdn/etw] richten; stick, one's finger mit etw dat auf jdn/etw zeigen;
    to \point the finger [at sb] ( fig) sich akk [über jdn] beschweren
    2) ( direct)
    to \point sb in the direction of sth jdn den Weg zu etw dat beschreiben;
    could you \point me in the direction of the bus station, please? könnten Sie mir bitte sagen, wie ich zum Busbahnhof komme?;
    to \point the way [to sth] ( fig) den Weg [für etw akk] ebnen
    3) ( extend)
    to \point one's toes die Zehen strecken
    4) ( building)
    to \point sth etw verfugen [o ausfugen];
    5) hunt
    to \point sth dog etw anzeigen
    6) ( punctuate)
    to \point sth etw interpunktieren fachspr; ( in Hebrew) etw vokalisieren;
    to \point a psalm einen Psalm mit Deklamationszeichen versehen

    English-German students dictionary > point

  • 9 horse-trading

    familiar négociations f pl acharnées;
    a lot of horse-trading was required to clinch the deal l'accord a été conclu à l'issu de négociations acharnées

    AT&T's rejection of Comcast came as no surprise to analysts, but many had expected the horse- trading for AT&T Broadband to continue with higher offers for the unit, either from Comcast or other cable companies. "[AT&T] is playing a game of poker at this point," said InfoTech Broadband Analyst Erv Paw. "They're trying to get the price up."

    English-French business dictionary > horse-trading

  • 10 point

    فِكْرَة \ concept: a general idea, thought, or understanding. conception: an imaginative idea or plan: Raffles’ conception of turning a well-placed piece of coast into a great port came true at Singapore. hunch: an idea (guided by imagination, not by reason) that sth. is happening or will happen: I have a hunch that this horse will win the race. idea: an opinion or belief: He has very modern ideas about art, a new thought This a clever idea for a new machine, a picture or thought in the mind (of sth. not actually seen or known) I’ve no idea what he looks like or how old he is. notion: an idea: I’ve no notion (of) what he wants. point: the chief idea; the important matter: Please stick to the point (Don’t start talking about unimportant things that concern us less). thought: an idea; sth. that is thought: A sudden thought struck her. His thoughts were far away. \ See Also مفهوم (مَفْهوم)، سانحة (سانِحَة)، شعور (شُعور)، رأي (رَأي)، صورة ذِهنيَّة، صُلْبُ الموضوع

    Arabic-English glossary > point

  • 11 Point Reyes National Seashore

    Национальное ландшафтное морское побережье "Пойнт Рейс"
    Полуостров на Тихоокеанском побережье штата Калифорния, северо-западнее г. Сан-Франциско, одно из популярных мест отдыха горожан. Имеет репутацию самого туманного и продуваемого всеми ветрами места на западном побережье страны. В созданном здесь парке широко представлен животный и растительный мир региона. Более 300 видов птиц и 70 видов млекопитающих. У берега живописные песчаные дюны и пляжи, утесы, лагуны. На оконечности мыса находится маяк [Point Reyes Lighthouse]. К парку примыкает ранчо-конезавод [Morgan horse ranch]. Площадь - около 28,7 тыс. га

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Point Reyes National Seashore

  • 12 beat a dead horse

     продолжать ненужный спор
     Stop arguing! You have won your point. You are just beating a dead horse.

    English-Russian small dictionary of idioms > beat a dead horse

  • 13 κέντρον

    κέντρον, τό, ([etym.] κεντέω)
    1 horse-goad, [

    ἵπποι] ἄνευ κέντροιο θέοντες Il.23.387

    , cf. 430, Ar.Nu. 1297, X.Cyr.7.1.29, etc.;

    διπλοῖς κέντροισι S.OT 809


    ὄνειδος ἔτυψεν δίκαν διφρηλάτου μεσολαβεῖ κ. A.Eu. 157

    (lyr.): post-Hom., ox-goad (Hom. βουπλήξ), used as an instrument of torture, Hdt.3.130;

    κέντροις καὶ μάστιξιν Pl.Lg. 777a

    : prov., πρὸς κέντρα λακτίζειν (v.

    λακτίζω 2


    δεῖ.. κέντρου πολλάκις, οὕτω δὲ καὶ χαλινοῦ Longin.2.2

    ; as a symbol of sovereignty,

    λαβὼν.. χερσὶν κέντρα κηδεύει πόλιν S.Fr. 683

    b metaph., goad, spur, incentive, Pi.Fr.124.4, A.Pr. 691 (lyr.); ποῦ γὰρ τοσοῦτο κ. ὡς μητροκτονεῖν; Id.Eu. 427;

    κέντροις ἔρωτος E.Hipp.39

    , cf. 1303;

    πόθου κ. Pl.R. 573a


    κέντρα καὶ ὠδῖνες Id.Phdr. 251e


    κ. ἐγερτικὸν θυμοῦ Plu.Lyc.21

    ; κέντρα πτολέμοιο, of the Argives, Orac. ap. Sch.Theoc.14.48; κ. ἐμοῦ desire for me, S.Ph. 1039.
    2 metaph., in pl., tortures, pangs, Id.Tr. 840 (lyr.): sg.,

    τὸ κ. τοῦ θανάτου ἡ ἁμαρτία 1 Ep.Cor.15.56

    3 point of a spear, Plb.6.22.4: pl., of the περόναι with which Oedipus pierced his eyes, S.OT 1318.
    4 peg of a top, Pl.R. 436d.
    5 of animals,
    a sting of bees and wasps, Ar.V. 225, 407 (lyr.), al.; of scorpions, Arist.PA 683a12 (so of the constellation Scorpio, Arat.505): hence, metaph., of malicious persons,

    ἐς τοὺς ἔχοντας κέντρ' ἀφιᾶσιν E.Supp. 242


    πορεύεται, ὥσπερ σκορπίος, ἠρκὼς τὸ κ. D.25.52

    ; of Pericles as an orator,

    τὸ κ. ἐγκατέλειπε τοῖς ἀκροωμένοις Eup.94.7

    ; of Socrates,

    ὥσπερ μέλιττα τὸ κ. ἐγκαταλιπών Pl.Phd. 91c


    οἷον ὀφθαλμῷ κ. ἐνθεῖσα Philostr.Im.2.1

    ; βλέμματος κ. Onomarch. ap. Philostr.VS2.18.
    b spur of a cock, Gp.14.7.17.
    c quill of the porcupine, Ael.NA12.26.
    d = πόσθη, Sotad.1.
    6 stationary point of a pair of compasses, Vitr.3.1.3: generally, centre of a circle, Pl. Ti. 54e, Arist.APr. 41b15, al.; ἡ ἐκ τοῦ κ. (sc. εὐθεῖα) radius, Euc.Opt. 34;

    ὥσπερ κύκλον κέντρῳ περιέγραψαν τὴν πόλιν Plu.Rom.11


    τὸ κ. τᾶς σφαίρας Ti.Locr.100e


    τὸ κ. τῆς γῆς Ptol.Tetr.52

    ; κ. βάρεος centre of gravity, Archim.Aequil.1Def.4: metaph., κ. καὶ διαστήματι περιγράφειν circumscribe, Plu.2.513c, 524f.
    7 pin, rivet, Paus.10.16.1; spur, tip, for fixing a machine in the ground, Apollod Poliorc. 144.1.
    9 Astron., cardinal point on the ecliptic, Ptol.Tetr.74, S.E.M.5.12, Vett.Val.50.18, etc.
    10 hard knot in stone, Thphr.HP5.2.3; flaw in crystals, Plin.HN37.28.

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > κέντρον

  • 14 заставить лошадь взять барьер

    1) General subject: put a horse to a fence
    2) Agriculture: point a horse to a fence

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > заставить лошадь взять барьер

  • 15 точка разветвления рудной жилы

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > точка разветвления рудной жилы

  • 16 cavallo

    m horse
    scacchi knight
    cavallo da corsa race horse
    andare a cavallo go riding
    vivere a cavallo di due secoli straddle two centuries
    * * *
    cavallo s.m.
    1 horse: cavallo da corsa, racehorse (o racer); cavallo da corsa a ostacoli, steeplechaser; cavallo da caccia, hunter; cavallo da sella, saddle-horse; cavallo da soma, pack-horse (o sumpter horse o mil. bathorse); cavallo da tiro, draught-horse; cavallo di battaglia, warhorse (o charger o poet. steed); (fig.) favourite piece; cavallo purosangue, blood-horse; cavallo di razza, (anche fig.) thoroughbred; cavallo pezzato, pomellato, dapple; cavallo sauro, sorrel; cavallo baio, bayard; cavallo bigio, grey; cavallo bolso, roarer; corsa di cavalli, horse-race // cavallo a dondolo, rocking horse // ferro di cavallo, horseshoe: tavola a ferro di cavallo, horseshoe table // a cavallo, on horseback (o mounted o astride): andare a cavallo, to ride (on horseback); essere a cavallo, to be riding on horseback; (fig.) to be out of danger (o to be safe o to be home and dry); montare a cavallo, to mount; percorrere ( un lungo tratto) a cavallo, to ride (a long distance); a cavallo!, to horse! // guardie a cavallo, horse guards; artiglieria a cavallo, horse artillery // scendere da cavallo, to dismount // (mil.) cavallo di Frisia, cheval de Frise // coda di cavallo, ( acconciatura) ponytail // andare col cavallo di S. Francesco, to go on shanks's pony // avere una febbre da cavallo, to have a raging fever; gli hai dato una dose da cavallo, you have given him enough to kill a horse // cavallo di Troia, wooden horse of Troy; (fig.) Trojan horse // a caval donato non si guarda in bocca, (prov.) you must not look a gift horse in the mouth // l'occhio del padrone ingrassa il cavallo, (prov.) business prospers under the master's eye // campa cavallo che l'erba cresce, that'll be the day
    2 (zool.) cavallo marino, ( Odobenus rosmarus) walrus, (pop.) morse, sea cow, seahorse
    3 pl. ( soldati a cavallo) mounted soldiers; horse (coll. con costruzione pl.)
    4 ( scacchi) knight
    5 ( attrezzo per ginnastica) (vaulting) horse: volteggi al cavallo, (horse) vaulting (o horse vaults)
    6 (metrol.) cavallo vapore, horsepower (abbr. HP o hp): un motore di 35 cavalli ( vapore), a 35 horsepower (o a 35 HP) engine
    7 ( di pantaloni) crotch, crutch
    8 (bot.) erba da cavalli, ( Melilotus officinalis) sweet clover.
    * * *
    1. sm

    a cavallo di(sedia, moto, bici) astride, straddling

    andare a cavallo — to go on horseback, ride

    montare a/scendere da cavallo — to mount/dismount

    da cavallo(fig : dose) drastic, (febbre) raging

    a caval donato non si guarda in bocca (Proverbio) don't look a gift horse in the mouth

    2) (dei pantaloni) crotch, Scacchi knight, (attrezzo ginnico) (vaulting) horse
    3) (anche: cavallo vapore) horsepower
    * * *
    sostantivo maschile
    1) zool. horse

    cavallo da tiro — carthorse, draught-horse

    scendere da cavallo — to dismount, to get off a horse

    2) (carne) horsemeat, horseflesh
    3) sport (vaulting) horse; (con maniglie) pommel horse
    4) (di scacchi) knight
    5) (di pantaloni) crotch, crutch
    6) mecc.
    7) fig.

    essere a cavallo di due secolito bridge o straddle two centuries

    cavallo di battaglia — strong point, big number; teatr. speciality act BE, specialty number AE

    cavallo di Frisiamil. cheval-de-frise


    essere a cavallo — to be sitting pretty, to be home and dry

    a caval donato non si guarda in boccaprov. don't look a gift horse in the mouth

    * * *
    sostantivo m.
     1 zool. horse; cavallo di razza thoroughbred (anche fig.); cavallo da corsa racehorse; cavallo da tiro carthorse, draught-horse; cavallo da soma pack horse; a (dorso di) cavallo on horseback; passeggiata a cavallo (horse) ride; sai andare a cavallo? can you ride? vado a cavallo una volta al mese I go (horseback) riding once a month; montare a cavallo to mount; scendere da cavallo to dismount, to get off a horse; ferro di cavallo horseshoe; cura da cavallo strong treatment; febbre da cavallo raging fever; corsa di -i horse race; puntare sul cavallo vincente to be on to a winner (anche fig.)
     2 (carne) horsemeat, horseflesh
     3 sport (vaulting) horse; (con maniglie) pommel horse
     4 (di scacchi) knight
     5 (di pantaloni) crotch, crutch
     6 mecc. un motore da 100 -i a 100 horsepower engine
     7 fig. essere a cavallo di due secoli to bridge o straddle two centuries
    essere a cavallo to be sitting pretty, to be home and dry; a caval donato non si guarda in bocca prov. don't look a gift horse in the mouth; campa cavallo! that'll be the day!
    cavallo di battaglia strong point, big number; teatr. speciality act BE, specialty number AE cavallo a dondolo rocking horse; cavallo di Frisia mil. cheval-de-frise; cavallo di Troia Trojan horse; cavallo vapore horsepower.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > cavallo

  • 17 HP

    1) Общая лексика: hold point, headphones
    5) Сельское хозяйство: Hydroxyproline, heat production
    6) Шутливое выражение: Hyperbolic Poseur, Has Problems (HP computer)
    7) Строительство: л.с.
    8) Математика: Harmonic Progression
    9) Юридический термин: High Profile
    10) Бухгалтерия: Half Paid, hire purchase
    11) Оптика: high pass
    12) Сокращение: Civil aircraft marking (Panama), Hand-held Photo, Hewlett-Packard Co. (USA), Hit Points, Houses of Parliament, horse-power, hot-press, house physician, уровень здоровья, Higher Power (sort of an AA "in" term, usually God), Health Points
    13) Физиология: Headache Prone, Hemipelvectomy, Hot pack
    14) Электроника: High Purity, Higher Power
    15) Вычислительная техника: горизонтальная табуляция, Hewlett Packard, Inc. (Corporate name), Hewlett Packard (Hersteller), Higher Power (sort of an AA 'in' term, usually God)
    17) Картография: highest point
    18) Силикатное производство: hot pressing
    19) Фирменный знак: Hercules Powder, Hitching Post, Horse Park
    20) Деловая лексика: "от дома до пристани" (вид доставки, house-pier), High Price, High Priced, High Productivity
    22) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: high point, high production, horse power (unit of power equal to 746 watts and nearly equivalent to the English gravitational unit of the same name that equals 550 foot-pounds of work per second [10.70 kg-calories per minute]), indicated horse power, treated gas scrubber F-301, точка остановки (ПКК)
    23) Сетевые технологии: Hewlett-Packard
    24) Полимеры: high polymer, high pressure, horsepower
    25) Программирование: Half Precision
    28) Расширение файла: Hewlett-Packard (Company), Printout file for HP printers/plotters (HP/GL), Primary hash file (THOR database)
    29) Нефть и газ: high pour point
    30) США: Highland Park
    31) Имена и фамилии: Harlem Pete, Harry Potter
    32) Чат: Holy Poop!, How Perfect
    33) Правительство: Hunter's Point
    34) НАСА: Heat Pipe
    35) Общая лексика: hypersensitivity pneumonitis

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > HP

  • 18 Hp

    1) Общая лексика: hold point, headphones
    5) Сельское хозяйство: Hydroxyproline, heat production
    6) Шутливое выражение: Hyperbolic Poseur, Has Problems (HP computer)
    7) Строительство: л.с.
    8) Математика: Harmonic Progression
    9) Юридический термин: High Profile
    10) Бухгалтерия: Half Paid, hire purchase
    11) Оптика: high pass
    12) Сокращение: Civil aircraft marking (Panama), Hand-held Photo, Hewlett-Packard Co. (USA), Hit Points, Houses of Parliament, horse-power, hot-press, house physician, уровень здоровья, Higher Power (sort of an AA "in" term, usually God), Health Points
    13) Физиология: Headache Prone, Hemipelvectomy, Hot pack
    14) Электроника: High Purity, Higher Power
    15) Вычислительная техника: горизонтальная табуляция, Hewlett Packard, Inc. (Corporate name), Hewlett Packard (Hersteller), Higher Power (sort of an AA 'in' term, usually God)
    17) Картография: highest point
    18) Силикатное производство: hot pressing
    19) Фирменный знак: Hercules Powder, Hitching Post, Horse Park
    20) Деловая лексика: "от дома до пристани" (вид доставки, house-pier), High Price, High Priced, High Productivity
    22) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: high point, high production, horse power (unit of power equal to 746 watts and nearly equivalent to the English gravitational unit of the same name that equals 550 foot-pounds of work per second [10.70 kg-calories per minute]), indicated horse power, treated gas scrubber F-301, точка остановки (ПКК)
    23) Сетевые технологии: Hewlett-Packard
    24) Полимеры: high polymer, high pressure, horsepower
    25) Программирование: Half Precision
    28) Расширение файла: Hewlett-Packard (Company), Printout file for HP printers/plotters (HP/GL), Primary hash file (THOR database)
    29) Нефть и газ: high pour point
    30) США: Highland Park
    31) Имена и фамилии: Harlem Pete, Harry Potter
    32) Чат: Holy Poop!, How Perfect
    33) Правительство: Hunter's Point
    34) НАСА: Heat Pipe
    35) Общая лексика: hypersensitivity pneumonitis

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Hp

  • 19 hp

    1) Общая лексика: hold point, headphones
    5) Сельское хозяйство: Hydroxyproline, heat production
    6) Шутливое выражение: Hyperbolic Poseur, Has Problems (HP computer)
    7) Строительство: л.с.
    8) Математика: Harmonic Progression
    9) Юридический термин: High Profile
    10) Бухгалтерия: Half Paid, hire purchase
    11) Оптика: high pass
    12) Сокращение: Civil aircraft marking (Panama), Hand-held Photo, Hewlett-Packard Co. (USA), Hit Points, Houses of Parliament, horse-power, hot-press, house physician, уровень здоровья, Higher Power (sort of an AA "in" term, usually God), Health Points
    13) Физиология: Headache Prone, Hemipelvectomy, Hot pack
    14) Электроника: High Purity, Higher Power
    15) Вычислительная техника: горизонтальная табуляция, Hewlett Packard, Inc. (Corporate name), Hewlett Packard (Hersteller), Higher Power (sort of an AA 'in' term, usually God)
    17) Картография: highest point
    18) Силикатное производство: hot pressing
    19) Фирменный знак: Hercules Powder, Hitching Post, Horse Park
    20) Деловая лексика: "от дома до пристани" (вид доставки, house-pier), High Price, High Priced, High Productivity
    22) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: high point, high production, horse power (unit of power equal to 746 watts and nearly equivalent to the English gravitational unit of the same name that equals 550 foot-pounds of work per second [10.70 kg-calories per minute]), indicated horse power, treated gas scrubber F-301, точка остановки (ПКК)
    23) Сетевые технологии: Hewlett-Packard
    24) Полимеры: high polymer, high pressure, horsepower
    25) Программирование: Half Precision
    28) Расширение файла: Hewlett-Packard (Company), Printout file for HP printers/plotters (HP/GL), Primary hash file (THOR database)
    29) Нефть и газ: high pour point
    30) США: Highland Park
    31) Имена и фамилии: Harlem Pete, Harry Potter
    32) Чат: Holy Poop!, How Perfect
    33) Правительство: Hunter's Point
    34) НАСА: Heat Pipe
    35) Общая лексика: hypersensitivity pneumonitis

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > hp

  • 20 no

    1 not.
    no sé I don't know
    no es fácil it's not easy, it isn't easy
    no tiene dinero he has no money, he hasn't got any money
    no veo nada I can't see anything
    todavía no not yet
    ¿has oído las noticias? — no have you heard the news? — no o no, I haven't
    ¿aprobó? — no did she pass? — no o no, she didn't
    ¿comen juntos? -- no siempre do they go for lunch together? -- not always
    no fumadores non-smokers
    2 no, not.
    no, nah, no way, nay.
    * * *
    1 ( nordoeste) northwest; (símbolo) NW
    * * *
    1) no, not
    2) non
    * * *
    = noroeste NW
    * * *
    (= noroeste) NW
    * * *
    = by no means, NOT, nay, no, not.
    Nota: Negación usada con verbos; para los nombres, véase no.
    Ex. However, UDC is by no means always applied to this degree of detail in libraries.
    Ex. The Boolean logic operator NOT excludes records containing a particular word.
    Ex. Said another timidly, nay, sheepishly: 'You can see we need help, can't you Mr. Bibeau?'.
    Ex. In either case, the patient keys in the responses, which may be as simple as 'yes' or 'no'.
    Ex. The Boolean logic operator not excludes records containing a particular word.
    * alfabeto no romano = non-Roman alphabet.
    * aún no nacido = unborn.
    * aunque no lo creas = believe it or not.
    * base de datos no bibliográfica = non-bibliographic database.
    * catalogación no automatizada = non-computerised cataloguing.
    * con datos no pertinentes = dirty [dirtier -comp., dirtiest -sup.].
    * ¿de dónde si no...? = where else...?.
    * ¡Dios no lo quiera! = God forbid.
    * documento recuperado no pertinente = false drop.
    * el no va más = the be all and end all, the bee's knees.
    * el último pero no el menos importante = the last but by no means least.
    * encabezamiento no admitido = non-approved heading.
    * encabezamiento no específico = non-specific heading.
    * esto no quiere decir que = this is not to say that.
    * evaluación no intrusiva = unobtrusive evaluation.
    * información no codificada = non-coded information.
    * lo creas o no = believe it or not.
    * material no devuelto = non-return.
    * material no impreso = non-print [nonprint], non-print media.
    * modo no interactivo = non-interactive mode.
    * ¿no? = do you?, do you?.
    * no {predisponer} en contra = stay on + the right side of.
    * no abandonar = stick with, stand by.
    * no abrasivo = non-abrasive.
    * no aburrir a Alguien con todos los detalles = spare + Nombe + all the details.
    * no académico = non-academic.
    * no acentuado = unaccented.
    * no aceptar = disavow.
    * no aceptarse = go by + the board.
    * no aceptar un no por respuesta = not take + no for an answer.
    * no acercarse a = steer + clear of, stay away from, give + Nombre + a wide berth, steer away from.
    * no acercarse a Algo ni muerto = would not touch + Nombre + with a barge pole.
    * no ácido = acid-free.
    * no acostumbrado a = unfamiliar with.
    * no actual = non-current.
    * no actuando en capacidad de autor = non-authorial.
    * no actuar como se debe = be remiss.
    * no actuar correctamente = be remiss.
    * no actuar debidamente = be remiss.
    * no acudir = stay away.
    * no acuoso = non-aqueous.
    * no admitir discusión = be out of the question.
    * no adosado = detached.
    * no afectado = unaffected.
    * no afectar = be immune against, leave + unaffected.
    * no afiliado = unaffiliated.
    * no afín = nonrelative [non-relative].
    * no agobiarse = take + Posesivo + time.
    * no agravante = non-exacerbating.
    * no agrupado = unclustered.
    * no aguantar más = have had enough.
    * no aguantar ver Algo o Alguien = can't stand + sight.
    * no alcanzar a + Infinitivo (con mucho) = fall (far) short of + Gerundio.
    * no alergénico = non-allergenic.
    * no alfabetizado = non-literate.
    * no amante de la literatura = non-literary.
    * no americano = non-US, un-American.
    * no amortizable = irredeemable.
    * no analizado = unexamined.
    * no anclado = unanchored.
    * no andar con reparos = make + no bones about + Algo.
    * no andar con tapujos = make + no bones about + Algo.
    * no andar en nada bueno = be up to no good, get up to + no good.
    * no andar muy equivocado = be in the right realm.
    * no andarse con rodeos = call + a spade a spade.
    * no antes de = no sooner than.
    * no añorar el pasado = never + look back.
    * no aparecer = be not included.
    * no apartarse del buen camino = keep on + the right track.
    * no aprovechar Algo lo suficiente = under-exploit [underexploit].
    * no aprovechar el potencial = fall (far) short of + potential, fall (far) behind + potential.
    * no apto para menores = X-rated.
    * no arrepentirse = not look back, never + look back.
    * no arriesgarse = play it + safe.
    * no asignado = unallocated, unassigned.
    * no asistencia = non-attendance.
    * no asistente = non-attender [nonattender].
    * no asistir = stay away.
    * no atendido = unsatisfied.
    * no atreverse a = flinch at/from, have + no stomach for.
    * no atreverse a tratar = fear to + tread.
    * no auténtico = unauthentic.
    * no autorizado = unauthorised [unauthorized, -USA], unapproved.
    * no avanzar = tread + water.
    * no avanzar más = go + no further.
    * no bajarse del burro = stick to + Posesivo + guns.
    * no bastar = not be good enough.
    * no bibliográfico = non-book [nonbook], non-bibliographic, non-bibliographical.
    * no bibliotecario = non-librarian.
    * no británico = non-UK.
    * no buscarle las pulgas al perro = let + sleeping dogs lie.
    * no cabe ni un alfiler = no room to swing a cat.
    * no caber en sí de alegría = thrill + Nombre + to bits, be chuffed to bits, be tickled pink.
    * no cambiar = keep + it up, keep up + the good work, keep up + the great work, stand + pat.
    * no canjeable = irredeemable.
    * no cantante = nonsinger.
    * no cantes victoria antes de tiempo = don't count your chickens before they are hatched.
    * no captar la idea = miss + the point.
    * no ceder = stand + Posesivo + ground, put + Posesivo + foot down.
    * no ceder a las presiones = withstand + pressure.
    * no ceder terreno = stand + Posesivo + ground.
    * no centrado = unfocused [unfocussed].
    * no científico = unscientific.
    * no cobrado = uncollected.
    * no codificado = non-coded.
    * no coercitivo = non-coercive.
    * no coger Algo = go (way) over + Posesivo + head.
    * no coger por sorpresa = come as + no surprise.
    * no coincidente = ill matched.
    * no colar = Negativo + hold + water.
    * no comentado = unannotated.
    * no comercial = non-profit making, non-commercial [noncommercial].
    * no compatible = non-compatible.
    * no compensatorio = non-compensatory [noncompensatory].
    * no comprender = be beyond + Pronombre.
    * no comprobado = untested.
    * no comprometido = uncommitted.
    * no concebirse desde ningún punto de vista = be impossible under any hypothesis.
    * no concentrado = unfocused [unfocussed].
    * no concentrar el esfuerzo = spread + Nombre + thinly.
    * no concordar con = be at odds with.
    * no conducir a nada = be exercises in + futility.
    * no conductual = nonbehavioural [nonbehavioral, -USA].
    * no confirmado = unsubstantiated.
    * no conformarse con un no = not take + no for an answer.
    * no conmovedor = unmoving.
    * no conocer a Alguien de nada = not know + Pronombre + from Adam.
    * no conocer a Alguien para nada = not know + Pronombre + from Adam.
    * no conseguir nada = achieve + nothing.
    * no conseguir ni una cosa ni otra = fall (between/through) + the cracks.
    * no considerarse parte de = hold + Reflexivo + apart from.
    * no consumible = nonconsumptive.
    * no consumidor = nonconsumptive.
    * no contagioso = non-contagious.
    * no contaminado = untainted, uncontaminated.
    * no contar = be out of the picture.
    * no contar con = leave + Nombre + out of the picture, drop + Nombre + out of the picture.
    * no contar con la aprobación = frown on/upon.
    * no contencioso = non-contentious.
    * no convencional = non-conventional.
    * no convexo = nonconvex [non-convex].
    * no corregido = uncorrected.
    * no correlativo = non-consecutive.
    * no correr prisa = there + be + no hurry.
    * no corroborado = unsubstantiated.
    * no creerse Algo al pie de la letra = take + Nombre + with a pinch of salt.
    * no creerse Algo del todo = take + Nombre + with a pinch of salt.
    * no crítico = non-critical.
    * no cualificado = unskilled.
    * no cuestionarse la veracidad de Algo temporalmente = suspend + disbelief.
    * no cumplido = unfulfilled, unrealised [unrealized, -USA].
    * no cumplir = fall + short of, welsh on.
    * no cumplir con el plazo de publicación = miss + publication deadline.
    * no cumplir con + Posesivo + deber = be remiss.
    * no cumplir las expectativas = fall + short of expectations.
    * no cumplir lo esperado = fall + short of expectations.
    * no cumplir lo prometido = fall + short of + Posesivo + promise.
    * no cumplir una norma = fall (far) short of + norm.
    * no cumplir un objetivo = fall + short of goal.
    * no cumplir unos criterios = fall (far) short of + criteria.
    * no cumplir unos requisitos = fall + short of requirements.
    * no cursar una asignatura = skip + grades.
    * no dar crédito a = disbelief.
    * no dar crédito a + Posesivo + oídos = not believe + Posesivo + ears.
    * no dar crédito a + Posesivo + ojos = not believe + Posesivo + eyes.
    * no dar fruto = come to + nothing.
    * no darle demasiada importancia a Algo = think + little of.
    * no darle demasiada importancia a + Infinitivo = think + nothing of + Gerundio.
    * no darle importancia a = think + very little about/of.
    * no dar más de sí = stretch + Nombre + to the limit, overstretch.
    * no dar ningún resultado = give + zero results, be of no avail, be to no avail.
    * no darse cuenta de = sneak under + the radar, go + unnoticed.
    * no darse de cuenta de = be blind to.
    * no darse por vencido fácilmente = not take + no for an answer.
    * no dar una impresión clara = send + mixed signals.
    * no debemos + Infinitivo = let us not + Infinitivo.
    * no deber nada = pay + Posesivo + dues.
    * no + deber + sorprender que = it + be + not surprising that.
    * no debes juzgar un libro por el color de sus pastas = don't judge a book by its cover, don't judge a book by its cover.
    * no debidamente reconocido = unsung.
    * no decir a Alguien lo que está ocurriendo = leave + Nombre + in the dark.
    * no decir nada = keep + quiet.
    * no decir nada a nadie = lips + seal.
    * no decir nada nuevo = much ado about nothing.
    * no decir palabrotas = watch + Posesivo + mouth.
    * no de comportamiento = nonbehavioural [nonbehavioral, -USA].
    * no de conducta = nonbehavioural [nonbehavioral, -USA].
    * no decreciente = non-decreasing.
    * no dedicado a la investigación = non-research.
    * no definido = unstated.
    * no definirse = sit on + the fence.
    * no dejar a nadie fuera = inclusivity.
    * no dejar de enviar + Nombre = keep + Nombre + coming.
    * no dejar de mandar + Nombre = keep + Nombre + coming.
    * no dejar duda = leave + little doubt.
    * no dejar entrar = turn + Nombre + away, keep out.
    * no dejar ninguna duda = leave + no doubt.
    * no dejar ni un cabo suelto = tie up + all the loose ends.
    * no dejar pasar = keep out.
    * no dejar pasar la oportunidad = ride + the wave.
    * no dejar títere con cabeza = turn + everything upside down.
    * no deliberado = unintentional.
    * no del todo maduro = underripe.
    * no democrático = undemocratic.
    * no desanimarse = keep + Posesivo + chin up.
    * no descansar en + Posesivo + tumba = spin + in + Posesivo + grave.
    * no descriptor = non-descriptor.
    * no deseado = unwanted, undesired, uninvited.
    * no desfallecer = keep up.
    * no desgastarse fácilmente = wear + well.
    * no desglosable = unbreakable.
    * no desmerecer = compare + favourably.
    * no destructivo = non-destructive.
    * no desvelar + Posesivo + identidad = protect + Posesivo + identity.
    * no determinista = nondeterministic [non-deterministic].
    * no devolverse = be non-refundable.
    * no diferenciador = nondistinctive.
    * no diferenciarse de = be nothing short of.
    * no digno de confianza = untrustworthy.
    * no discapacitado = able-bodied.
    * no disciplinario = impunitive.
    * no discriminatorio con respecto al sexo = gender neutral.
    * no disponible = not applicable [N/A].
    * no disponible para el préstamo = not-loanable.
    * no dispuesto = unprepared.
    * no distinguir entre... y... = make + little distinction between... and....
    * no distintivo = nondistinctive.
    * no distribuido = undelivered, undelivered.
    * no docente = non-teaching.
    * no económico = non-economic [noneconomic].
    * no educativo = non-teaching, non-educational.
    * no efímero = non-volatile [nonvolatile].
    * no eléctrico = nonelectrical [non-electrical].
    * no encontrar nada + Adjetivo = find far from + Adjetivo.
    * no encontrar ni el pie ni la cabeza = can't make head(s) or tail(s) of.
    * no encontrar palabras = be at a loss for words, be lost for words.
    * no en inglés = non-English.
    * no entender = be beyond + Pronombre.
    * no entender Algo = go (way) over + Posesivo + head.
    * no entender lo esencial = miss + the point.
    * no entender ni una papa de = can't make head(s) or tail(s) of.
    * no entendido por la materia = outsider.
    * no entregado = undelivered.
    * no envío = non-shipment.
    * no epiléptico = non-epileptic.
    * no es asombroso que = not surprisingly, unsurprisingly.
    * no escatimar = unstinting.
    * no escatimar dinero = lavish + money.
    * no escatimar gastos = go to + town on, lash out (on).
    * no escrito = unwritten.
    * no es de extrañar que = no wonder that, small wonder that.
    * no es de sorprender que = not surprisingly, unsurprisingly.
    * no esencial = non-essential [nonessential].
    * no es lo mismo en el caso de = the same is not true (for/of/with).
    * no especialista = non-expert [nonexpert].
    * no especializado = broader-based.
    * no especificar = leave + undefined.
    * no está claro todavía = the jury is still out (on).
    * no esta disponible = be down.
    * no estándar = non-standard [nonstandard].
    * no estar + Adjetivo + en absoluto = be far from + Adjetivo.
    * no estar a la altura de las expectativas = fall below + expectations.
    * no estar a la altura de lo que se espera = fall below + expectations, be below par, be under par.
    * no estar al tanto de = be out of touch with.
    * no estar bien equilibrado = skew.
    * no estar contento = be unhappy.
    * no estar convencido = be dubious.
    * no estar coordinado con = be out of step with.
    * no estar de acuerdo = be at variance, disagree, beg to differ.
    * no estar de acuerdo (con) = disapprove (of).
    * no estar de acuerdo con la idea de = disapprove of + the idea of.
    * no estar de suerte = be out of luck.
    * no estar deteriorado = unimpaired.
    * no estar disponible = be unavailable.
    * no estar dispuesto a = be unwilling to, be negatively disposed to.
    * no estar documentado = be undocumented.
    * no estar en condiciones de = be unfit for.
    * no estar en el mejor momento de Uno = be past + Posesivo + best.
    * no estar en funcionamiento = be down.
    * no estar en plenitud de facultades = be past + Posesivo + best.
    * no estar en + Posesivo + cabales = insane.
    * no estar en sintonía con = be out of step with.
    * no estar expuesto al público = be out of the public eye.
    * no estar familiarizado con = be unfamiliar with.
    * no estar finalizado (con mucho) = fall (far) short of + completeness.
    * no estar incluido = be not included.
    * no estar muy católico = feel + bad.
    * no estar muy lejos de = be just one step away from.
    * no estar nada + Adjetivo = be anything but + Adjetivo.
    * no estar nunca satisfecho = enough + be + not/never + enough.
    * no estar presente en = be absent (from).
    * no estar relacionado con = be unrelated to.
    * no estar seguro = be uncertain.
    * no estar seguro de = be unsure about/of.
    * no estar utilizable = be down.
    * no es una ciencia exacta = not (exactly) rocket science.
    * no es un misterio = not (exactly) rocket science.
    * no exacerbado = non-exacerbating.
    * no examinado = unexamined.
    * no exclusivo = non-exclusive.
    * no excluyente = inclusive, socially-inclusive.
    * no existe = not applicable [N/A].
    * no existir = be out of the picture.
    * no existir como tal = there + be + no such thing as, there + be + no such thing as.
    * no existir límites = there + be + no limit.
    * no existir muchos indicios de que = there + be + little sign of.
    * no existir ningún indicio de que = there + be + no sign of.
    * no experto = non-expert [nonexpert].
    * no explorado = unexplored.
    * no explosivo = non-explosive.
    * no expresado = unspoken, unstated.
    * no expuesto a la luz = unexposed.
    * no falla = reliable.
    * no faltar el respeto = be civil towards.
    * no familiarizado con = unfamiliar with.
    * no ferroso = non-ferrous [nonferrous].
    * no fibroso = non-fibrous.
    * no figurar = be not included.
    * no fijado = non-net.
    * no fructificar = come to + nothing.
    * no fumador = non-smoker, non-smoking.
    * no funcionar = be out of order.
    * no funcionario = untenured, non-tenured.
    * no + Futuro = won't [will not].
    * no ganado = unearned.
    * no guardar relación con = be incommensurate with.
    * no gubernamental = non-government, non-governmental [nongovernmental].
    * no gustar = have + a dislike for, dislike, be uncomfortable + Gerundio, be uncomfortable with, feel + uncomfortable with, feel + uncomfortable + Gerundio.
    * no haber = be unavailable.
    * no haber consecuencias = nothing + come of.
    * no + haber + dos + Nombre que = no two + Nombre.
    * no haber duda de que = there + be + no doubt that.
    * no haber duda (que) = there + be + no question (that).
    * no haber forma de = there + be + no way.
    * no haber indicios de que = there + be + no indication that.
    * no haber límites = there + be + no limit.
    * no haber llegado todavía = be yet to come.
    * no haber manera de = there + be + no way.
    * no haber modo de = there + be + no means of.
    * no haber muchas señales de que = there + be + little sign of.
    * no + haber + nada como = there + be + nothing like.
    * no haber nada de verdad en = there + be + any/no truth to.
    * no + haber + nada malo en = there + be + nothing wrong in/with.
    * no haber palabras para describirlo = beggar + description.
    * no haber pero que valer = not take + no for an answer.
    * no haber prisa = there + be + no hurry.
    * no haber problemas = be fine.
    * no haber señal de que = there + be + no sign of.
    * no habiendo = in the absence of.
    * no hace falta decir que = it goes without saying that, needless to say.
    * no hace mucho = in the recent past.
    * no hace mucho tiempo = not so long ago.
    * no hacer Algo ni muerto = would not touch + Nombre + with a barge pole.
    * no hacer Algo por cobardía = wimp out (on), wimp, chicken out (on/of).
    * no hacer Algo por miedo = wimp out (on), wimp, chicken out (on/of).
    * no hacer caso = brush aside.
    * no hacer caso a = turn + Posesivo + back on.
    * no hacer caso de = slight.
    * no hacer los deberes = be asleep at the wheel.
    * no hacer más que = do + no more than.
    * no hacer nada = vegetate, veg out.
    * no hacer nada al respecto = leave + unchecked.
    * no hacer nada de particular = do + nothing in particular.
    * no hacer ninguna gracia = not take + kindly to.
    * no hacer ningún cambio = stand + pat.
    * no hacer otra cosa que = do + nothing but.
    * no hacer sino = do + no more than.
    * no hay = there ain't [there aren't/isn't].
    * no hay dos sin tres = things + come in threes.
    * no hay duda de que = undoubtedly.
    * no hay escapatoria = needs must when the devil drives.
    * no hay forma de que = for the life of me.
    * no hay límite(s) = the sky is the limit.
    * no hay mal que por bien no venga = every cloud has a silver lining, be a blessing in disguise, to every cloud, there is a silver lining.
    * no hay manera de que = for the life of me.
    * no hay más remedio = needs must when the devil drives.
    * no hay modo de que = for the life of me.
    * no hay nada como = nothing beats....
    * no hay nada imposible = all bets are off.
    * no hay nada mejor que = nothing beats....
    * no hay nada oculto = what you see is what you get.
    * no hay + Nombre + que sean = no + Nombre + be.
    * no higroscópico = non-hygroscopic.
    * no hindú = non-Hindu.
    * no homosexual = straight man.
    * no humano = non-human [nonhuman].
    * no hurgar en la herida = let + sleeping dogs lie.
    * no idéntico = non-identical.
    * no identificado = unnamed.
    * no idoneidad = unsuitability.
    * no impacientarse con = bear with + Pronombre.
    * no importa = never mind, regardless of, whatever.
    * no importa + Adjetivo/Adverbio + que seaAdjetivo/Adverbio + que sea = however + Adjetivo/Adverbio.
    * no importa cómo = no matter how.
    * no importa lo + Adjetivo + que + Subjuntivo = no matter how + Adjetivo.
    * no importa lo bien = no matter how well.
    * No importa lo que se conoce, sino a quién se conoce = It's not what you know, but who you know.
    * no importa qué = whatever.
    * no importar = be all right with + Persona, make + no difference, cope with.
    * no importar Algo a Alguien = think + little of.
    * no importar en absoluto = have + no qualms about.
    * no importar + Infinitivo = think + nothing of + Gerundio.
    * no importar lo más mínimo = could not care less.
    * no importar lo que + pensar de = whatever + Pronombre + make of.
    * no importar nada = not give a damn, not give a shit, not give a fuck.
    * no importa si... o = no matter whether... or.
    * no impreso = unprinted.
    * no incluido = unlisted.
    * no incluye = exclusive of.
    * no indicado = unstated.
    * no + Indicativo = fail to + Infinitivo.
    * no + Infinitivo = failure to + Infinitivo.
    * no infringir las leyes = stay on + the right side of the law, keep on + the right side of the law.
    * no ingresado = unearned.
    * no inmiscuirse en = remain + uninvolved in, stay away from.
    * no inmutarse = not bat an eyelid, not bat an eyelash, keep + a stiff upper lip.
    * no inscripción = non-registration.
    * no intencional = non-intentional.
    * no interactivo = non-interactive.
    * no interesar = can't/couldn't be bothered.
    * no intervencionista = hands-off, isolationist.
    * no intrusivo = nonobtrusive.
    * no invasivo = noninvasive [non-invasive].
    * no invitado = uninvited.
    * no invitados, los = uninvited, the.
    * no involucrado = uninvolved.
    * no jerárquico = non-hierarchical.
    * no lector = non-reader [nonreader].
    * no letal = non-lethal.
    * no levantarse hasta tarde = have + a lie-in.
    * no librario = non-book [nonbook].
    * no lineal = nonlinear [non-linear].
    * no linealidad = nonlinearity [no-linearity].
    * no listo = unready.
    * no literario = unliterary, non-literary.
    * no llegar a = stop + short of, fall + short of.
    * no llegar a entender = miss + the mark, miss + the point.
    * no llegar a + Infinitivo (con mucho) = fall (far) short of + Gerundio.
    * no llegar a un ideal = fall + short of ideal.
    * no llevar a ninguna parte = achieve + nothing, go + nowhere.
    * no llevar a ningún fin = beat + a dead horse, flog + a dead horse, fart + in the wind.
    * no llevar a ningún sitio = go + nowhere.
    * no lo bastante lejos = not far enough.
    * no lo dudes = take it from me.
    * no lucrativo = non-profit [nonprofit], non-profit making.
    * no manifiesto = undeclared.
    * no MARC = non-MARC.
    * no más que = in any more than.
    * no materializarse = fall through.
    * Nombre + no tardará mucho en = it won't be long before + Nombre.
    * Nombre + no tardó mucho en = it wasn't long before + Nombre.
    * no médico = non-clinical.
    * no merecer la pena = be no good.
    * no merecerse Algo = be unworthy of.
    * no meterse en líos = keep out of + trouble.
    * no meterse en problemas = keep out of + trouble.
    * no miel sin hiel = no pain, no gain.
    * no miembro = non-member [nonmember].
    * no militar = nonmilitary.
    * no monográfico = non-monographic.
    * no morderse la lengua = call + a spade a spade.
    * no moverse = stay + put.
    * no mucho después = not long after.
    * no musical = non-musical.
    * no muy acertado = wide of the mark.
    * no muy apropiado = wide of the mark.
    * no muy bien informado = not-too-well-informed.
    * no muy despierto = slow.
    * no muy lejos = within easy travelling distance, not far behind, not far off, not far away, not far, not too far.
    * no muy listos, los = none-too-bright, the.
    * no nacido = unborn.
    * no necesitar mantenimiento = maintenance-free.
    * no nombrado = unnamed.
    * no nórdico = non-Nordic.
    * no obstaculizar = be out of the way of.
    * no obstante = albeit (that), however, nevertheless, nonetheless, still, yet, notwithstanding, none the less, though, that being said, all this said, when all is said and done.
    * no occidental = non-Western.
    * no ocultar las preferencias de Uno sobre Algo = make + no bones about + Algo.
    * no oficial = non-government.
    * no olvidar = bear in + mind, be aware of.
    * no ordenado = unsorted.
    * no orgánico = non-organic.
    * no parar mucho en un sitio = live out of + a suitcase.
    * no parecer que = there + be + no sign of, there + be + little sign of.
    * no parecerse en nada a = be nothing like.
    * no parecerse ni por asomo = different as night and day.
    * no parecer Uno Mismo = be out of character.
    * no participar = be out of the picture.
    * no participar en = be uninvolved in, remain + uninvolved in.
    * no partidista = non-partisan [nonpartisan].
    * no pasar mucho tiempo antes de que + Subjuntivo = be not long before + Indicativo.
    * no patentado = non-proprietary.
    * no pegar ni con cola = stick out like + a sore thumb.
    * no pensar en otra cosa que = be wrapped up in.
    * no pensar más en Algo = dismiss from + Posesivo + mind.
    * no pensar más que en = be wrapped up in.
    * no percatarse de = be blind to.
    * no percatarse de la importancia de Algo = have + no feeling for.
    * no perder de vista = keep + an eye on, keep + a beady eye on, keep in + sight.
    * no perder el ánimo = keep + Posesivo + chin up.
    * no perder el control = stay on top of, stay on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * no perder el trabajo = stay in + work.
    * no perder la cabeza = keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.
    * no perder la calma = keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.
    * no perderse = keep on + the right track.
    * no perderse en/por = find + Posesivo + way round/through.
    * no perderse mucho, no perderse nada = be no great loss.
    * no perderse nada = be no great loss.
    * no perfumado = non-scented.
    * no periódico = non-periodical.
    * no permitir = disallow.
    * no pertenecer a = have + no place in.
    * no perteneciente a la Comunidad Europea = non-EC.
    * no perteneciente al juzgado = out-of-court.
    * no pestañear = not bat an eyelid, not bat an eyelash.
    * no pillar Algo = go (way) over + Posesivo + head.
    * no pillar la idea = miss + the point.
    * no planificado = unplanned.
    * no poder = be unable to, cannot, can't [cannot].
    * no poder aguantar a Alguien = have + it in for + Nombre.
    * no poder conciliar el sueño = have + trouble sleeping, have + trouble sleeping.
    * no poder darse el lujo de = ill afford.
    * no poder dejar de mencionar = cannot but notice.
    * no poder dejar de recalcar la importancia de Algo = cannot + give + too much emphasis + to the importance of, the importance of + Nombre + cannot be stressed too strongly.
    * no poder dormir = sleeplessness.
    * no poder estarse quieto = have + the fidgets, fidget.
    * no poder evitar + Infinitivo = cannot help + Gerundio, cannot help but + Verbo.
    * no poder evitar mencionar = cannot but notice.
    * no poder hacer más que = do + little more than.
    * no poder permitirse = ill afford.
    * no poder permitirse el lujo de = ill afford.
    * no poder quitarse Algo de la cabeza = can't get it out of my mind.
    * no poderse buscar = be unsearchable.
    * no poderse negar que = there + be + no denying that.
    * no poder sino + Infinitivo = cannot help but + Verbo.
    * no poder ver a Alguien = have + it in for + Nombre.
    * no poder ver Algo o Alguien = can't stand + sight.
    * no polémico = non-controversial [noncontroversial], non-contentious.
    * no poner en duda = be unquestioned.
    * ¡No, por lo que más quieras! = Not on your life!.
    * no precipitarse = keep + a cool head, play it + cool.
    * no predisponer a Alguien en contra = keep on + the right side of.
    * no preguntes porque no te puedo decir la verdad = ask no questions and hear no lies.
    * no preocuparse que = rest + assured that.
    * no preparado = uninformed, unready, unprepared.
    * no presentado a examen = absent from exam.
    * no prestar atención = disregard, overlook, close + the door on, go + unheeded, fly in + the face of.
    * no prestar atención al hecho de que = overlook + the fact that.
    * no prestar la suficiente atención = give + short shrift.
    * no pretender ser = make + no claim to.
    * no probado = untested.
    * no procesado = unprocessed.
    * no profesional = non-professional [nonprofessional].
    * no programador = non-programmer.
    * no prolongado = unsustained.
    * no pronunciado = undelivered.
    * no prosperar = fall by + the wayside.
    * no provocado = unprovoked.
    * no publicado = unpublished.
    * no público = non-public.
    * no pude evitar notar que = couldn't help but notice (that).
    * no puedo aguantarlo = can't take it.
    * no puedo comprender = I can't get over.
    * no puedo entender cómo = can't get over how.
    * no quebrar = stay in + business.
    * no quedarse ahí = there + be + more to it than that.
    * no querer saber más nada de = drop + Nombre + like a hot potato, drop + Nombre + like a hot brick.
    * no querer saber nada de = want + nothing to do with.
    * no querer tener nada que ver con Algo = would not touch + Nombre + with a barge pole.
    * no querer tener nada que ver con = want + nothing to do with.
    * no racial = colour-blind.
    * no racista = race-neutral.
    * no realizado = unfulfilled, unrealised [unrealized, -USA].
    * no recargado = uncluttered.
    * no reciclable = non-recyclable.
    * no recogido = uncollected.
    * no recompensado = unrewarded.
    * no reconocido = unacknowledged, unrecognised [unrecognized, -USA].
    * no recopilado = uncollected.
    * no redimido = unredeemed.
    * no reembolsable = non-repayable, non-refundable.
    * no registrado = unlisted, unaffiliated.
    * no reglamentado = unregulated.
    * no regulado = unregulated.
    * no relacionado = unrelated, nonrelative [non-relative].
    * no relacionados entre sí = unrelated.
    * no relativo = nonrelative [non-relative].
    * no relevante = non-relevant.
    * no remunerado = unpaid, unsalaried, non-paying, unremunerated, non-remunerated.
    * no renovable = non-renewable.
    * no renovado = unrenewed.
    * no rentable = uneconomic, unprofitable.
    * no reparar en gastos = go to + town on, lash out (on).
    * no repartido = undelivered.
    * no representativo = unrepresentative.
    * no restrictivo = non-restrictive.
    * no restringido = non-restrictive, unconfined.
    * no resuelto = unresolved.
    * no resultar fácil = not be easy.
    * no retirado = uncollected.
    * * *
    (= noroeste) NW
    * * *
    no {predisponer} en contra
    (v.) = stay on + the right side of

    Ex: Many of the stories told about fairies seem to be cautionary tales, showing that they can be very helpful, as long as you stay on the right side of them.

    = by no means, NOT, nay, no, not.
    Nota: Negación usada con verbos; para los nombres, véase no.

    Ex: However, UDC is by no means always applied to this degree of detail in libraries.

    Ex: The Boolean logic operator NOT excludes records containing a particular word.
    Ex: Said another timidly, nay, sheepishly: 'You can see we need help, can't you Mr. Bibeau?'.
    Ex: In either case, the patient keys in the responses, which may be as simple as 'yes' or 'no'.
    Ex: The Boolean logic operator not excludes records containing a particular word.
    * alfabeto no romano = non-Roman alphabet.
    * aún no nacido = unborn.
    * aunque no lo creas = believe it or not.
    * base de datos no bibliográfica = non-bibliographic database.
    * catalogación no automatizada = non-computerised cataloguing.
    * con datos no pertinentes = dirty [dirtier -comp., dirtiest -sup.].
    * ¿de dónde si no...? = where else...?.
    * ¡Dios no lo quiera! = God forbid.
    * documento recuperado no pertinente = false drop.
    * el no va más = the be all and end all, the bee's knees.
    * el último pero no el menos importante = the last but by no means least.
    * encabezamiento no admitido = non-approved heading.
    * encabezamiento no específico = non-specific heading.
    * esto no quiere decir que = this is not to say that.
    * evaluación no intrusiva = unobtrusive evaluation.
    * información no codificada = non-coded information.
    * lo creas o no = believe it or not.
    * material no devuelto = non-return.
    * material no impreso = non-print [nonprint], non-print media.
    * modo no interactivo = non-interactive mode.
    * ¿no? = do you?, do you?.
    * no {predisponer} en contra = stay on + the right side of.
    * no abandonar = stick with, stand by.
    * no abrasivo = non-abrasive.
    * no aburrir a Alguien con todos los detalles = spare + Nombe + all the details.
    * no académico = non-academic.
    * no acentuado = unaccented.
    * no aceptar = disavow.
    * no aceptarse = go by + the board.
    * no aceptar un no por respuesta = not take + no for an answer.
    * no acercarse a = steer + clear of, stay away from, give + Nombre + a wide berth, steer away from.
    * no acercarse a Algo ni muerto = would not touch + Nombre + with a barge pole.
    * no ácido = acid-free.
    * no acostumbrado a = unfamiliar with.
    * no actual = non-current.
    * no actuando en capacidad de autor = non-authorial.
    * no actuar como se debe = be remiss.
    * no actuar correctamente = be remiss.
    * no actuar debidamente = be remiss.
    * no acudir = stay away.
    * no acuoso = non-aqueous.
    * no admitir discusión = be out of the question.
    * no adosado = detached.
    * no afectado = unaffected.
    * no afectar = be immune against, leave + unaffected.
    * no afiliado = unaffiliated.
    * no afín = nonrelative [non-relative].
    * no agobiarse = take + Posesivo + time.
    * no agravante = non-exacerbating.
    * no agrupado = unclustered.
    * no aguantar más = have had enough.
    * no aguantar ver Algo o Alguien = can't stand + sight.
    * no alcanzar a + Infinitivo (con mucho) = fall (far) short of + Gerundio.
    * no alergénico = non-allergenic.
    * no alfabetizado = non-literate.
    * no amante de la literatura = non-literary.
    * no americano = non-US, un-American.
    * no amortizable = irredeemable.
    * no analizado = unexamined.
    * no anclado = unanchored.
    * no andar con reparos = make + no bones about + Algo.
    * no andar con tapujos = make + no bones about + Algo.
    * no andar en nada bueno = be up to no good, get up to + no good.
    * no andar muy equivocado = be in the right realm.
    * no andarse con rodeos = call + a spade a spade.
    * no antes de = no sooner than.
    * no añorar el pasado = never + look back.
    * no aparecer = be not included.
    * no apartarse del buen camino = keep on + the right track.
    * no aprovechar Algo lo suficiente = under-exploit [underexploit].
    * no aprovechar el potencial = fall (far) short of + potential, fall (far) behind + potential.
    * no apto para menores = X-rated.
    * no arrepentirse = not look back, never + look back.
    * no arriesgarse = play it + safe.
    * no asignado = unallocated, unassigned.
    * no asistencia = non-attendance.
    * no asistente = non-attender [nonattender].
    * no asistir = stay away.
    * no atendido = unsatisfied.
    * no atreverse a = flinch at/from, have + no stomach for.
    * no atreverse a tratar = fear to + tread.
    * no auténtico = unauthentic.
    * no autorizado = unauthorised [unauthorized, -USA], unapproved.
    * no avanzar = tread + water.
    * no avanzar más = go + no further.
    * no bajarse del burro = stick to + Posesivo + guns.
    * no bastar = not be good enough.
    * no bibliográfico = non-book [nonbook], non-bibliographic, non-bibliographical.
    * no bibliotecario = non-librarian.
    * no británico = non-UK.
    * no buscarle las pulgas al perro = let + sleeping dogs lie.
    * no cabe ni un alfiler = no room to swing a cat.
    * no caber en sí de alegría = thrill + Nombre + to bits, be chuffed to bits, be tickled pink.
    * no cambiar = keep + it up, keep up + the good work, keep up + the great work, stand + pat.
    * no canjeable = irredeemable.
    * no cantante = nonsinger.
    * no cantes victoria antes de tiempo = don't count your chickens before they are hatched.
    * no captar la idea = miss + the point.
    * no ceder = stand + Posesivo + ground, put + Posesivo + foot down.
    * no ceder a las presiones = withstand + pressure.
    * no ceder terreno = stand + Posesivo + ground.
    * no centrado = unfocused [unfocussed].
    * no científico = unscientific.
    * no cobrado = uncollected.
    * no codificado = non-coded.
    * no coercitivo = non-coercive.
    * no coger Algo = go (way) over + Posesivo + head.
    * no coger por sorpresa = come as + no surprise.
    * no coincidente = ill matched.
    * no colar = Negativo + hold + water.
    * no comentado = unannotated.
    * no comercial = non-profit making, non-commercial [noncommercial].
    * no compatible = non-compatible.
    * no compensatorio = non-compensatory [noncompensatory].
    * no comprender = be beyond + Pronombre.
    * no comprobado = untested.
    * no comprometido = uncommitted.
    * no concebirse desde ningún punto de vista = be impossible under any hypothesis.
    * no concentrado = unfocused [unfocussed].
    * no concentrar el esfuerzo = spread + Nombre + thinly.
    * no concordar con = be at odds with.
    * no conducir a nada = be exercises in + futility.
    * no conductual = nonbehavioural [nonbehavioral, -USA].
    * no confirmado = unsubstantiated.
    * no conformarse con un no = not take + no for an answer.
    * no conmovedor = unmoving.
    * no conocer a Alguien de nada = not know + Pronombre + from Adam.
    * no conocer a Alguien para nada = not know + Pronombre + from Adam.
    * no conseguir nada = achieve + nothing.
    * no conseguir ni una cosa ni otra = fall (between/through) + the cracks.
    * no considerarse parte de = hold + Reflexivo + apart from.
    * no consumible = nonconsumptive.
    * no consumidor = nonconsumptive.
    * no contagioso = non-contagious.
    * no contaminado = untainted, uncontaminated.
    * no contar = be out of the picture.
    * no contar con = leave + Nombre + out of the picture, drop + Nombre + out of the picture.
    * no contar con la aprobación = frown on/upon.
    * no contencioso = non-contentious.
    * no convencional = non-conventional.
    * no convexo = nonconvex [non-convex].
    * no corregido = uncorrected.
    * no correlativo = non-consecutive.
    * no correr prisa = there + be + no hurry.
    * no corroborado = unsubstantiated.
    * no creerse Algo al pie de la letra = take + Nombre + with a pinch of salt.
    * no creerse Algo del todo = take + Nombre + with a pinch of salt.
    * no crítico = non-critical.
    * no cualificado = unskilled.
    * no cuestionarse la veracidad de Algo temporalmente = suspend + disbelief.
    * no cumplido = unfulfilled, unrealised [unrealized, -USA].
    * no cumplir = fall + short of, welsh on.
    * no cumplir con el plazo de publicación = miss + publication deadline.
    * no cumplir con + Posesivo + deber = be remiss.
    * no cumplir las expectativas = fall + short of expectations.
    * no cumplir lo esperado = fall + short of expectations.
    * no cumplir lo prometido = fall + short of + Posesivo + promise.
    * no cumplir una norma = fall (far) short of + norm.
    * no cumplir un objetivo = fall + short of goal.
    * no cumplir unos criterios = fall (far) short of + criteria.
    * no cumplir unos requisitos = fall + short of requirements.
    * no cursar una asignatura = skip + grades.
    * no dar crédito a = disbelief.
    * no dar crédito a + Posesivo + oídos = not believe + Posesivo + ears.
    * no dar crédito a + Posesivo + ojos = not believe + Posesivo + eyes.
    * no dar fruto = come to + nothing.
    * no darle demasiada importancia a Algo = think + little of.
    * no darle demasiada importancia a + Infinitivo = think + nothing of + Gerundio.
    * no darle importancia a = think + very little about/of.
    * no dar más de sí = stretch + Nombre + to the limit, overstretch.
    * no dar ningún resultado = give + zero results, be of no avail, be to no avail.
    * no darse cuenta de = sneak under + the radar, go + unnoticed.
    * no darse de cuenta de = be blind to.
    * no darse por vencido fácilmente = not take + no for an answer.
    * no dar una impresión clara = send + mixed signals.
    * no debemos + Infinitivo = let us not + Infinitivo.
    * no deber nada = pay + Posesivo + dues.
    * no + deber + sorprender que = it + be + not surprising that.
    * no debes juzgar un libro por el color de sus pastas = don't judge a book by its cover, don't judge a book by its cover.
    * no debidamente reconocido = unsung.
    * no decir a Alguien lo que está ocurriendo = leave + Nombre + in the dark.
    * no decir nada = keep + quiet.
    * no decir nada a nadie = lips + seal.
    * no decir nada nuevo = much ado about nothing.
    * no decir palabrotas = watch + Posesivo + mouth.
    * no de comportamiento = nonbehavioural [nonbehavioral, -USA].
    * no de conducta = nonbehavioural [nonbehavioral, -USA].
    * no decreciente = non-decreasing.
    * no dedicado a la investigación = non-research.
    * no definido = unstated.
    * no definirse = sit on + the fence.
    * no dejar a nadie fuera = inclusivity.
    * no dejar de enviar + Nombre = keep + Nombre + coming.
    * no dejar de mandar + Nombre = keep + Nombre + coming.
    * no dejar duda = leave + little doubt.
    * no dejar entrar = turn + Nombre + away, keep out.
    * no dejar ninguna duda = leave + no doubt.
    * no dejar ni un cabo suelto = tie up + all the loose ends.
    * no dejar pasar = keep out.
    * no dejar pasar la oportunidad = ride + the wave.
    * no dejar títere con cabeza = turn + everything upside down.
    * no deliberado = unintentional.
    * no del todo maduro = underripe.
    * no democrático = undemocratic.
    * no desanimarse = keep + Posesivo + chin up.
    * no descansar en + Posesivo + tumba = spin + in + Posesivo + grave.
    * no descriptor = non-descriptor.
    * no deseado = unwanted, undesired, uninvited.
    * no desfallecer = keep up.
    * no desgastarse fácilmente = wear + well.
    * no desglosable = unbreakable.
    * no desmerecer = compare + favourably.
    * no destructivo = non-destructive.
    * no desvelar + Posesivo + identidad = protect + Posesivo + identity.
    * no determinista = nondeterministic [non-deterministic].
    * no devolverse = be non-refundable.
    * no diferenciador = nondistinctive.
    * no diferenciarse de = be nothing short of.
    * no digno de confianza = untrustworthy.
    * no discapacitado = able-bodied.
    * no disciplinario = impunitive.
    * no discriminatorio con respecto al sexo = gender neutral.
    * no disponible = not applicable [N/A].
    * no disponible para el préstamo = not-loanable.
    * no dispuesto = unprepared.
    * no distinguir entre... y... = make + little distinction between... and....
    * no distintivo = nondistinctive.
    * no distribuido = undelivered, undelivered.
    * no docente = non-teaching.
    * no económico = non-economic [noneconomic].
    * no educativo = non-teaching, non-educational.
    * no efímero = non-volatile [nonvolatile].
    * no eléctrico = nonelectrical [non-electrical].
    * no encontrar nada + Adjetivo = find far from + Adjetivo.
    * no encontrar ni el pie ni la cabeza = can't make head(s) or tail(s) of.
    * no encontrar palabras = be at a loss for words, be lost for words.
    * no en inglés = non-English.
    * no entender = be beyond + Pronombre.
    * no entender Algo = go (way) over + Posesivo + head.
    * no entender lo esencial = miss + the point.
    * no entender ni una papa de = can't make head(s) or tail(s) of.
    * no entendido por la materia = outsider.
    * no entregado = undelivered.
    * no envío = non-shipment.
    * no epiléptico = non-epileptic.
    * no es asombroso que = not surprisingly, unsurprisingly.
    * no escatimar = unstinting.
    * no escatimar dinero = lavish + money.
    * no escatimar gastos = go to + town on, lash out (on).
    * no escrito = unwritten.
    * no es de extrañar que = no wonder that, small wonder that.
    * no es de sorprender que = not surprisingly, unsurprisingly.
    * no esencial = non-essential [nonessential].
    * no es lo mismo en el caso de = the same is not true (for/of/with).
    * no especialista = non-expert [nonexpert].
    * no especializado = broader-based.
    * no especificar = leave + undefined.
    * no está claro todavía = the jury is still out (on).
    * no esta disponible = be down.
    * no estándar = non-standard [nonstandard].
    * no estar + Adjetivo + en absoluto = be far from + Adjetivo.
    * no estar a la altura de las expectativas = fall below + expectations.
    * no estar a la altura de lo que se espera = fall below + expectations, be below par, be under par.
    * no estar al tanto de = be out of touch with.
    * no estar bien equilibrado = skew.
    * no estar contento = be unhappy.
    * no estar convencido = be dubious.
    * no estar coordinado con = be out of step with.
    * no estar de acuerdo = be at variance, disagree, beg to differ.
    * no estar de acuerdo (con) = disapprove (of).
    * no estar de acuerdo con la idea de = disapprove of + the idea of.
    * no estar de suerte = be out of luck.
    * no estar deteriorado = unimpaired.
    * no estar disponible = be unavailable.
    * no estar dispuesto a = be unwilling to, be negatively disposed to.
    * no estar documentado = be undocumented.
    * no estar en condiciones de = be unfit for.
    * no estar en el mejor momento de Uno = be past + Posesivo + best.
    * no estar en funcionamiento = be down.
    * no estar en plenitud de facultades = be past + Posesivo + best.
    * no estar en + Posesivo + cabales = insane.
    * no estar en sintonía con = be out of step with.
    * no estar expuesto al público = be out of the public eye.
    * no estar familiarizado con = be unfamiliar with.
    * no estar finalizado (con mucho) = fall (far) short of + completeness.
    * no estar incluido = be not included.
    * no estar muy católico = feel + bad.
    * no estar muy lejos de = be just one step away from.
    * no estar nada + Adjetivo = be anything but + Adjetivo.
    * no estar nunca satisfecho = enough + be + not/never + enough.
    * no estar presente en = be absent (from).
    * no estar relacionado con = be unrelated to.
    * no estar seguro = be uncertain.
    * no estar seguro de = be unsure about/of.
    * no estar utilizable = be down.
    * no es una ciencia exacta = not (exactly) rocket science.
    * no es un misterio = not (exactly) rocket science.
    * no exacerbado = non-exacerbating.
    * no examinado = unexamined.
    * no exclusivo = non-exclusive.
    * no excluyente = inclusive, socially-inclusive.
    * no existe = not applicable [N/A].
    * no existir = be out of the picture.
    * no existir como tal = there + be + no such thing as, there + be + no such thing as.
    * no existir límites = there + be + no limit.
    * no existir muchos indicios de que = there + be + little sign of.
    * no existir ningún indicio de que = there + be + no sign of.
    * no experto = non-expert [nonexpert].
    * no explorado = unexplored.
    * no explosivo = non-explosive.
    * no expresado = unspoken, unstated.
    * no expuesto a la luz = unexposed.
    * no falla = reliable.
    * no faltar el respeto = be civil towards.
    * no familiarizado con = unfamiliar with.
    * no ferroso = non-ferrous [nonferrous].
    * no fibroso = non-fibrous.
    * no figurar = be not included.
    * no fijado = non-net.
    * no fructificar = come to + nothing.
    * no fumador = non-smoker, non-smoking.
    * no funcionar = be out of order.
    * no funcionario = untenured, non-tenured.
    * no + Futuro = won't [will not].
    * no ganado = unearned.
    * no guardar relación con = be incommensurate with.
    * no gubernamental = non-government, non-governmental [nongovernmental].
    * no gustar = have + a dislike for, dislike, be uncomfortable + Gerundio, be uncomfortable with, feel + uncomfortable with, feel + uncomfortable + Gerundio.
    * no haber = be unavailable.
    * no haber consecuencias = nothing + come of.
    * no + haber + dos + Nombre que = no two + Nombre.
    * no haber duda de que = there + be + no doubt that.
    * no haber duda (que) = there + be + no question (that).
    * no haber forma de = there + be + no way.
    * no haber indicios de que = there + be + no indication that.
    * no haber límites = there + be + no limit.
    * no haber llegado todavía = be yet to come.
    * no haber manera de = there + be + no way.
    * no haber modo de = there + be + no means of.
    * no haber muchas señales de que = there + be + little sign of.
    * no + haber + nada como = there + be + nothing like.
    * no haber nada de verdad en = there + be + any/no truth to.
    * no + haber + nada malo en = there + be + nothing wrong in/with.
    * no haber palabras para describirlo = beggar + description.
    * no haber pero que valer = not take + no for an answer.
    * no haber prisa = there + be + no hurry.
    * no haber problemas = be fine.
    * no haber señal de que = there + be + no sign of.
    * no habiendo = in the absence of.
    * no hace falta decir que = it goes without saying that, needless to say.
    * no hace mucho = in the recent past.
    * no hace mucho tiempo = not so long ago.
    * no hacer Algo ni muerto = would not touch + Nombre + with a barge pole.
    * no hacer Algo por cobardía = wimp out (on), wimp, chicken out (on/of).
    * no hacer Algo por miedo = wimp out (on), wimp, chicken out (on/of).
    * no hacer caso = brush aside.
    * no hacer caso a = turn + Posesivo + back on.
    * no hacer caso de = slight.
    * no hacer los deberes = be asleep at the wheel.
    * no hacer más que = do + no more than.
    * no hacer nada = vegetate, veg out.
    * no hacer nada al respecto = leave + unchecked.
    * no hacer nada de particular = do + nothing in particular.
    * no hacer ninguna gracia = not take + kindly to.
    * no hacer ningún cambio = stand + pat.
    * no hacer otra cosa que = do + nothing but.
    * no hacer sino = do + no more than.
    * no hay = there ain't [there aren't/isn't].
    * no hay dos sin tres = things + come in threes.
    * no hay duda de que = undoubtedly.
    * no hay escapatoria = needs must when the devil drives.
    * no hay forma de que = for the life of me.
    * no hay límite(s) = the sky is the limit.
    * no hay mal que por bien no venga = every cloud has a silver lining, be a blessing in disguise, to every cloud, there is a silver lining.
    * no hay manera de que = for the life of me.
    * no hay más remedio = needs must when the devil drives.
    * no hay modo de que = for the life of me.
    * no hay nada como = nothing beats....
    * no hay nada imposible = all bets are off.
    * no hay nada mejor que = nothing beats....
    * no hay nada oculto = what you see is what you get.
    * no hay + Nombre + que sean = no + Nombre + be.
    * no higroscópico = non-hygroscopic.
    * no hindú = non-Hindu.
    * no homosexual = straight man.
    * no humano = non-human [nonhuman].
    * no hurgar en la herida = let + sleeping dogs lie.
    * no idéntico = non-identical.
    * no identificado = unnamed.
    * no idoneidad = unsuitability.
    * no impacientarse con = bear with + Pronombre.
    * no importa = never mind, regardless of, whatever.
    * no importa + Adjetivo/Adverbio + que seaAdjetivo/Adverbio + que sea = however + Adjetivo/Adverbio.
    * no importa cómo = no matter how.
    * no importa lo + Adjetivo + que + Subjuntivo = no matter how + Adjetivo.
    * no importa lo bien = no matter how well.
    * No importa lo que se conoce, sino a quién se conoce = It's not what you know, but who you know.
    * no importa qué = whatever.
    * no importar = be all right with + Persona, make + no difference, cope with.
    * no importar Algo a Alguien = think + little of.
    * no importar en absoluto = have + no qualms about.
    * no importar + Infinitivo = think + nothing of + Gerundio.
    * no importar lo más mínimo = could not care less.
    * no importar lo que + pensar de = whatever + Pronombre + make of.
    * no importar nada = not give a damn, not give a shit, not give a fuck.
    * no importa si... o = no matter whether... or.
    * no impreso = unprinted.
    * no incluido = unlisted.
    * no incluye = exclusive of.
    * no indicado = unstated.
    * no + Indicativo = fail to + Infinitivo.
    * no + Infinitivo = failure to + Infinitivo.
    * no infringir las leyes = stay on + the right side of the law, keep on + the right side of the law.
    * no ingresado = unearned.
    * no inmiscuirse en = remain + uninvolved in, stay away from.
    * no inmutarse = not bat an eyelid, not bat an eyelash, keep + a stiff upper lip.
    * no inscripción = non-registration.
    * no intencional = non-intentional.
    * no interactivo = non-interactive.
    * no interesar = can't/couldn't be bothered.
    * no intervencionista = hands-off, isolationist.
    * no intrusivo = nonobtrusive.
    * no invasivo = noninvasive [non-invasive].
    * no invitado = uninvited.
    * no invitados, los = uninvited, the.
    * no involucrado = uninvolved.
    * no jerárquico = non-hierarchical.
    * no lector = non-reader [nonreader].
    * no letal = non-lethal.
    * no levantarse hasta tarde = have + a lie-in.
    * no librario = non-book [nonbook].
    * no lineal = nonlinear [non-linear].
    * no linealidad = nonlinearity [no-linearity].
    * no listo = unready.
    * no literario = unliterary, non-literary.
    * no llegar a = stop + short of, fall + short of.
    * no llegar a entender = miss + the mark, miss + the point.
    * no llegar a + Infinitivo (con mucho) = fall (far) short of + Gerundio.
    * no llegar a un ideal = fall + short of ideal.
    * no llevar a ninguna parte = achieve + nothing, go + nowhere.
    * no llevar a ningún fin = beat + a dead horse, flog + a dead horse, fart + in the wind.
    * no llevar a ningún sitio = go + nowhere.
    * no lo bastante lejos = not far enough.
    * no lo dudes = take it from me.
    * no lucrativo = non-profit [nonprofit], non-profit making.
    * no manifiesto = undeclared.
    * no MARC = non-MARC.
    * no más que = in any more than.
    * no materializarse = fall through.
    * Nombre + no tardará mucho en = it won't be long before + Nombre.
    * Nombre + no tardó mucho en = it wasn't long before + Nombre.
    * no médico = non-clinical.
    * no merecer la pena = be no good.
    * no merecerse Algo = be unworthy of.
    * no meterse en líos = keep out of + trouble.
    * no meterse en problemas = keep out of + trouble.
    * no miel sin hiel = no pain, no gain.
    * no miembro = non-member [nonmember].
    * no militar = nonmilitary.
    * no monográfico = non-monographic.
    * no morderse la lengua = call + a spade a spade.
    * no moverse = stay + put.
    * no mucho después = not long after.
    * no musical = non-musical.
    * no muy acertado = wide of the mark.
    * no muy apropiado = wide of the mark.
    * no muy bien informado = not-too-well-informed.
    * no muy despierto = slow.
    * no muy lejos = within easy travelling distance, not far behind, not far off, not far away, not far, not too far.
    * no muy listos, los = none-too-bright, the.
    * no nacido = unborn.
    * no necesitar mantenimiento = maintenance-free.
    * no nombrado = unnamed.
    * no nórdico = non-Nordic.
    * no obstaculizar = be out of the way of.
    * no obstante = albeit (that), however, nevertheless, nonetheless, still, yet, notwithstanding, none the less, though, that being said, all this said, when all is said and done.
    * no occidental = non-Western.
    * no ocultar las preferencias de Uno sobre Algo = make + no bones about + Algo.
    * no oficial = non-government.
    * no olvidar = bear in + mind, be aware of.
    * no ordenado = unsorted.
    * no orgánico = non-organic.
    * no parar mucho en un sitio = live out of + a suitcase.
    * no parecer que = there + be + no sign of, there + be + little sign of.
    * no parecerse en nada a = be nothing like.
    * no parecerse ni por asomo = different as night and day.
    * no parecer Uno Mismo = be out of character.
    * no participar = be out of the picture.
    * no participar en = be uninvolved in, remain + uninvolved in.
    * no partidista = non-partisan [nonpartisan].
    * no pasar mucho tiempo antes de que + Subjuntivo = be not long before + Indicativo.
    * no patentado = non-proprietary.
    * no pegar ni con cola = stick out like + a sore thumb.
    * no pensar en otra cosa que = be wrapped up in.
    * no pensar más en Algo = dismiss from + Posesivo + mind.
    * no pensar más que en = be wrapped up in.
    * no percatarse de = be blind to.
    * no percatarse de la importancia de Algo = have + no feeling for.
    * no perder de vista = keep + an eye on, keep + a beady eye on, keep in + sight.
    * no perder el ánimo = keep + Posesivo + chin up.
    * no perder el control = stay on top of, stay on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * no perder el trabajo = stay in + work.
    * no perder la cabeza = keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.
    * no perder la calma = keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.
    * no perderse = keep on + the right track.
    * no perderse en/por = find + Posesivo + way round/through.
    * no perderse mucho, no perderse nada = be no great loss.
    * no perderse nada = be no great loss.
    * no perfumado = non-scented.
    * no periódico = non-periodical.
    * no permitir = disallow.
    * no pertenecer a = have + no place in.
    * no perteneciente a la Comunidad Europea = non-EC.
    * no perteneciente al juzgado = out-of-court.
    * no pestañear = not bat an eyelid, not bat an eyelash.
    * no pillar Algo = go (way) over + Posesivo + head.
    * no pillar la idea = miss + the point.
    * no planificado = unplanned.
    * no poder = be unable to, cannot, can't [cannot].
    * no poder aguantar a Alguien = have + it in for + Nombre.
    * no poder conciliar el sueño = have + trouble sleeping, have + trouble sleeping.
    * no poder darse el lujo de = ill afford.
    * no poder dejar de mencionar = cannot but notice.
    * no poder dejar de recalcar la importancia de Algo = cannot + give + too much emphasis + to the importance of, the importance of + Nombre + cannot be stressed too strongly.
    * no poder dormir = sleeplessness.
    * no poder estarse quieto = have + the fidgets, fidget.
    * no poder evitar + Infinitivo = cannot help + Gerundio, cannot help but + Verbo.
    * no poder evitar mencionar = cannot but notice.
    * no poder hacer más que = do + little more than.
    * no poder permitirse = ill afford.
    * no poder permitirse el lujo de = ill afford.
    * no poder quitarse Algo de la cabeza = can't get it out of my mind.
    * no poderse buscar = be unsearchable.
    * no poderse negar que = there + be + no denying that.
    * no poder sino + Infinitivo = cannot help but + Verbo.
    * no poder ver a Alguien = have + it in for + Nombre.
    * no poder ver Algo o Alguien = can't stand + sight.
    * no polémico = non-controversial [noncontroversial], non-contentious.
    * no poner en duda = be unquestioned.
    * ¡No, por lo que más quieras! = Not on your life!.
    * no precipitarse = keep + a cool head, play it + cool.
    * no predisponer a Alguien en contra = keep on + the right side of.
    * no preguntes porque no te puedo decir la verdad = ask no questions and hear no lies.
    * no preocuparse que = rest + assured that.
    * no preparado = uninformed, unready, unprepared.
    * no presentado a examen = absent from exam.
    * no prestar atención = disregard, overlook, close + the door on, go + unheeded, fly in + the face of.
    * no prestar atención al hecho de que = overlook + the fact that.
    * no prestar la suficiente atención = give + short shrift.
    * no pretender ser = make + no claim to.
    * no probado = untested.
    * no procesado = unprocessed.
    * no profesional = non-professional [nonprofessional].
    * no programador = non-programmer.
    * no prolongado = unsustained.
    * no pronunciado = undelivered.
    * no prosperar = fall by + the wayside.
    * no provocado = unprovoked.
    * no publicado = unpublished.
    * no público = non-public.
    * no pude evitar notar que = couldn't help but notice (that).
    * no puedo aguantarlo = can't take it.
    * no puedo comprender = I can't get over.
    * no puedo entender cómo = can't get over how.
    * no quebrar = stay in + business.
    * no quedarse ahí = there + be + more to it than that.
    * no querer saber más nada de = drop + Nombre + like a hot potato, drop + Nombre + like a hot brick.
    * no querer saber nada de = want + nothing to do with.
    * no querer tener nada que ver con Algo = would not touch + Nombre + with a barge pole.
    * no querer tener nada que ver con = want + nothing to do with.
    * no racial = colour-blind.
    * no racista = race-neutral.
    * no realizado = unfulfilled, unrealised [unrealized, -USA].
    * no recargado = uncluttered.
    * no reciclable = non-recyclable.
    * no recogido = uncollected.
    * no recompensado = unrewarded.
    * no reconocido = unacknowledged, unrecognised [unrecognized, -USA].
    * no recopilado = uncollected.
    * no redimido = unredeemed.
    * no reembolsable = non-repayable, non-refundable.
    * no registrado = unlisted, unaffiliated.
    * no reglamentado = unregulated.
    * no regulado = unregulated.
    * no relacionado = unrelated, nonrelative [non-relative].
    * no relacionados entre sí = unrelated.
    * no relativo = nonrelative [non-relative].
    * no relevante = non-relevant.
    * no remunerado = unpaid, unsalaried, non-paying, unremunerated, non-remunerated.
    * no renovable = non-renewable.
    * no renovado = unrenewed.
    * no rentable = uneconomic, unprofitable.
    * no reparar en gastos = go to + town on, lash out (on).
    * no repartido = undelivered.
    * no representativo = unrepresentative.
    * no restrictivo = non-restrictive.
    * no restringido = non-restrictive, unconfined.
    * no resuelto = unresolved.
    * no resultar fácil = not be easy.
    * no retirado = uncollected.

    * * *
    (= noroeste) [ Vocabulary notes (Spanish) ] NW
    * * *


    Multiple Entries:
    NO (
    noroeste) NW

    no adverbio
    a) ( como respuesta) no;

    (modificando adverbios, oraciones, verbos) not la negación de la mayoría de los verbos ingleses requiere el uso del auxiliar `do'
    ¿te gustó? — no did you like it? — no, I didn't;

    ¿vienes o no? are you coming or not?;
    no te preocupes don't worry;
    ¿por qué no quieres ir? — porque no why don't you want to go?I just don't

    no veo nada I can't see a thing o anything;

    no viene nunca she never comes

    está mejor ¿no? she's better, isn't she?;

    ha dimitido ¿no? he has resigned, hasn't he?

    se ganó la lotería — ¡no! he won the lottery — he didn't! o no!

    ¿te gustó? a mí no did you like it? I didn't
    f) (delante de n, adj, pp):

    la no violencia non-violence;
    un hijo no deseado an unwanted child
    ■ sustantivo masculino (pl
    noes) no

    I adverbio
    1 (como respuesta) no: ¿quieres un poco?, - no, gracias, would you like a bit?, - no, thanks
    2 (en frases negativas) not: aún no está dormido, he isn't asleep yet
    hoy no es jueves, today isn't Thursday
    no, no iré, no, I will not go
    no tengo hambre, I am not hungry
    ¿por qué no?, why not?
    ya no fuma, she doesn't smoke any more
    3 (antepuesto a un nombre) la no colaboración se penalizará, non-collaboration will be penalized
    4 (con otros negativos) no diré nada, I won't say a single word
    no lo haré jamás, I'll never do it
    no sin antes..., not without first...
    5 (en advertencia, cartel) no fumar, no smoking
    6 (en preguntas retóricas o de confirmación) está enfadado, ¿no es así?, he is angry, isn't he?
    estoy guapa, ¿o no?, I'm smart, aren't I?
    firmarás el contrato, ¿no?, you'll sign the contract, won't you?
    ¿no nos presentaron el otro día?, weren't we introduced the other day?
    7 (para expresar un temor) llévate el paraguas, no sea que llueva, take your umbrella in case it rains
    II sustantivo masculino no: ¿es un no definitivo?, is that a definite no?

    'no' also found in these entries:
    - abandonar
    - abandonada
    - abandonado
    - abandonarse
    - abarcar
    - abarrotada
    - abarrotado
    - abasto
    - abatir
    - abatimiento
    - abonarse
    - abortar
    - abrir
    - abreviar
    - abrigar
    - absoluta
    - absolutamente
    - absoluto
    - abstraerse
    - abuela
    - abundar
    - aburrida
    - aburrido
    - abusar
    - acabar
    - acallar
    - acalorarse
    - acariciar
    - acaso
    - accesoria
    - accesorio
    - aceptar
    - acertada
    - acertado
    - achacar
    - achantarse
    - aclararse
    - aconsejar
    - actuación
    - actual
    - acudir
    - adelantar
    - adelante
    - adentro
    - adivinar
    - admitir
    - adónde
    - adorno
    - advertir
    - ablaze
    - able
    - about
    - absence
    - absent
    - accepted
    - accommodate
    - account
    - accountable
    - accustom
    - act on
    - action
    - actual
    - actually
    - add up
    - adequately
    - adjust
    - admit
    - admittance
    - advertise
    - advise
    - affair
    - afford
    - afraid
    - agree
    - agreement
    - albeit
    - alike
    - alive
    - all
    - alone
    - aloud
    - also
    - alternative
    - altogether
    - always
    - ambit
    - amiss
    - amusing
    - anathema
    - and
    - answer
    - answer back
    - antisexist
    - any
    - anybody
    - anything
    - anywhere
    - apart
    * * *
    NO (abrev de Noroeste)
    * * *
    abr (= noroeste) NW, Northwest
    * * *
    no adv
    1) : no
    ¿quieres ir al mercado? no, voy más tarde: do you want to go shopping? no, I'm going later
    2) : not
    ¡no hagas eso!: don't do that!
    creo que no: I don't think so
    3) : non-
    no fumador: non-smoker
    ¡como no! : of course!
    no bien : as soon as, no sooner
    * * *
    no adv
    ¿vienes? No are you coming? No
    ¡no a los accidentes! no more accidents!
    no toques eso don't touch that que no con verbos como creer, pensar, etc se puede traducir por un verbo negativo y so
    La doble negación en inglés equivale a una afirmación, así que con un solo negativo basta
    Si se emplea ¿no? para hacer una pregunta, en inglés se emplea una tag question
    fuiste al médico, ¿no? you went to the doctor's, didn't you?
    el martes es fiesta, ¿no? Tuesday is a holiday, isn't it?
    puedo ir, ¿no? I can go, can't I?

    Spanish-English dictionary > no

См. также в других словарях:

  • Horse stance — Horse stance, also called mǎbù (馬步) in Chinese, Nihongo| kiba dachi |騎馬立ち in Japanese, and kuda kuda in Indonesian, is an important posture in martial arts and takes its name from the position assumed when riding a horse. This stance can not only …   Wikipedia

  • Horse slaughter — is the practice of slaughtering horses for meat. These animals come from mainly from auctions, where they re sold by private sellers and breeders. Often horses are sent to auction and sold to slaughter without the owner s knowledge or consent by… …   Wikipedia

  • Horse breaking — Horse breaking, sometimes called starting or gentling, refers to the process used by humans to get horses to let themselves be ridden or harnessed. Before such a learning process is accomplished, a horse will normally reject attempts to ride it.… …   Wikipedia

  • Horse training — refers to a wide variety of practices that teach horses to perform certain behaviors when asked to do so by humans. Horses are trained to be manageable by humans for everyday care as well as for equestrian activities from horse racing to… …   Wikipedia

  • Horse (Ballspiel) — Horse (H O R S E) ist ein einfaches Spiel, dessen Ziel es ist, die Aktionen seiner Mitspieler so gut es geht zu kopieren. Dieses sehr allgemein gehaltene Spielprinzip findet in verschiedenen Sportarten Anwendung; besonders beliebt ist Horse im… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Point — Point, n. [F. point, and probably also pointe, L. punctum, puncta, fr. pungere, punctum, to prick. See {Pungent}, and cf. {Puncto}, {Puncture}.] 1. That which pricks or pierces; the sharp end of anything, esp. the sharp end of a piercing… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Point lace — Point Point, n. [F. point, and probably also pointe, L. punctum, puncta, fr. pungere, punctum, to prick. See {Pungent}, and cf. {Puncto}, {Puncture}.] 1. That which pricks or pierces; the sharp end of anything, esp. the sharp end of a piercing… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Point net — Point Point, n. [F. point, and probably also pointe, L. punctum, puncta, fr. pungere, punctum, to prick. See {Pungent}, and cf. {Puncto}, {Puncture}.] 1. That which pricks or pierces; the sharp end of anything, esp. the sharp end of a piercing… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Point of concurrence — Point Point, n. [F. point, and probably also pointe, L. punctum, puncta, fr. pungere, punctum, to prick. See {Pungent}, and cf. {Puncto}, {Puncture}.] 1. That which pricks or pierces; the sharp end of anything, esp. the sharp end of a piercing… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Point of contrary flexure — Point Point, n. [F. point, and probably also pointe, L. punctum, puncta, fr. pungere, punctum, to prick. See {Pungent}, and cf. {Puncto}, {Puncture}.] 1. That which pricks or pierces; the sharp end of anything, esp. the sharp end of a piercing… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Point of order — Point Point, n. [F. point, and probably also pointe, L. punctum, puncta, fr. pungere, punctum, to prick. See {Pungent}, and cf. {Puncto}, {Puncture}.] 1. That which pricks or pierces; the sharp end of anything, esp. the sharp end of a piercing… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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