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См. также в других словарях:

  • Might — Might, n. [AS. meaht, miht, from the root of magan to be able, E. may; akin to D. magt, OS. maht, G. macht, Icel. m[=a]ttr, Goth. mahts. [root]103. See {May}, v.] Force or power of any kind, whether of body or mind; energy or intensity of purpose …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Might — may refer to: Might, an English auxiliary verb, a verb whose function it is to give further semantic or syntactic information about the main or full verb which follows it Might , a song by Modest Mouse from their 1996 album This Is a Long Drive… …   Wikipedia

  • Might! — Studio album by NON Released 1995 Genre Noise Industrial Label …   Wikipedia

  • might — Ⅰ. might [1] ► MODAL VERB (3rd sing. present might) past of MAY(Cf. ↑may). 1) used to express possibility or make a suggestion. 2) used politely or tentatively in questions and requests. Ⅱ. might …   English terms dictionary

  • might — might1 [mīt] v.aux. [ME mihte < OE, akin to Ger möchte] 1. pt. of MAY1 2. used as a modal auxiliary in verbal phrases with present or future time reference, generally equivalent to MAY1 in meaning and use, with the following functions: a)… …   English World dictionary

  • might|y — «MY tee», adjective, might|i|er, might|i|est, adverb, noun, plural might|ies. –adj. 1. showing strength or power; powerful; …   Useful english dictionary

  • Might — (m[imac]t), imp. of {May}. [AS. meahte, mihte.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • might — I noun authoritativeness, brawn, durability, efficacy, energy, force, greatness, influence, intensity, main force, mightiness, muscle, potency, potential, powerfulness, prowess, puissance, robustness, severity, sinew, strength, sturdiness,… …   Law dictionary

  • might — n strength, energy, *power, force, puissance Analogous words: vigorousness or vigor, strenuousness, energeticness, lustiness (see corresponding adjectives at VIGOROUS): potency, powerfulness, forcibleness, forcefulness (see corresponding… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • might — [n] ability, power adequacy, arm, authority, capability, capacity, clout, command, competence, control, domination, efficacy, efficiency, energy, force, forcefulness, forcibleness, get up and go*, jurisdiction, lustiness, mastery, moxie*, muscle* …   New thesaurus

  • might|i|ly — «MY tuh lee», adverb. 1. in a mighty manner; powerfully; vigorously: »Samson strove mightily and pulled the pillars down. 2. very much; greatly: »We were mightily pleased at winning …   Useful english dictionary

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