Перевод: с английского на чешский

с чешского на английский


  • 1 hockey

    (a game for two teams of eleven players, played with clubs which are bent at one end (hockey-sticks) and a ball, or in ice hockey, a round flat disc called a puck.) hokej
    * * *
    • pozemní hokej
    • hokejový

    English-Czech dictionary > hockey

  • 2 hockey-player

    • hokejista

    English-Czech dictionary > hockey-player

  • 3 a suicide pass (hockey)

    • druh nahrávky v hokeji

    English-Czech dictionary > a suicide pass (hockey)

  • 4 bump and grind (hockey)

    • narážet protihráče

    English-Czech dictionary > bump and grind (hockey)

  • 5 field hockey

    • pozemní hokej

    English-Czech dictionary > field hockey

  • 6 ice-hockey

    • hokej

    English-Czech dictionary > ice-hockey

  • 7 ice hockey

    • hokej
    • lední hokej

    English-Czech dictionary > ice hockey

  • 8 back

    [bæk] 1. noun
    1) (in man, the part of the body from the neck to the bottom of the spine: She lay on her back.) záda
    2) (in animals, the upper part of the body: She put the saddle on the horse's back.) hřbet
    3) (that part of anything opposite to or furthest from the front: the back of the house; She sat at the back of the hall.) zadní část
    4) (in football, hockey etc a player who plays behind the forwards.) obránce
    2. adjective
    (of or at the back: the back door.) zadní
    3. adverb
    1) (to, or at, the place or person from which a person or thing came: I went back to the shop; He gave the car back to its owner.) zpátky, nazpět
    2) (away (from something); not near (something): Move back! Let the ambulance get to the injured man; Keep back from me or I'll hit you!) zpět, pryč, dál
    3) (towards the back (of something): Sit back in your chair.) dozadu
    4) (in return; in response to: When the teacher is scolding you, don't answer back.) v odpověď
    5) (to, or in, the past: Think back to your childhood.) zpět (do minulosti)
    4. verb
    1) (to (cause to) move backwards: He backed (his car) out of the garage.) (vy)couvat
    2) (to help or support: Will you back me against the others?) podpořit
    3) (to bet or gamble on: I backed your horse to win.) vsadit si (na něco)
    - backbite
    - backbiting
    - backbone
    - backbreaking
    - backdate
    - backfire
    - background
    - backhand
    5. adverb
    (using backhand: She played the stroke backhand; She writes backhand.) backhandem, se sklonem doleva
    - back-number
    - backpack
    - backpacking: go backpacking
    - backpacker
    - backside
    - backslash
    - backstroke
    - backup
    - backwash
    - backwater
    - backyard
    - back down
    - back of
    - back on to
    - back out
    - back up
    - have one's back to the wall
    - put someone's back up
    - take a back seat
    * * *
    • týl
    • záda
    • zadní
    • zacouvat
    • zadní strana
    • zpět
    • zpáteční
    • zpátky
    • rub
    • obránce
    • hřbet
    • couvat

    English-Czech dictionary > back

  • 9 dribble

    ['dribl] 1. verb
    1) (to fall in small drops: Water dribbled out of the tap.) kapat
    2) ((of a baby etc) to allow saliva to run from the mouth.) slintat
    3) (in football, basketball, hockey etc to move the ball along by repeatedly kicking, bouncing or hitting it: The football player dribbled the ball up the field.) driblovat
    2. noun
    (a small quantity of liquid: A dribble ran down his chin.) kapka
    * * *
    • slina
    • kapat
    • driblovat

    English-Czech dictionary > dribble

  • 10 forward

    ['fo:wəd] 1. adjective
    1) (moving on; advancing: a forward movement.) kupředu, vpřed
    2) (at or near the front: The forward part of a ship is called the `bows'.) přední
    2. adverb
    1) ((also forwards) moving towards the front: A pendulum swings backward(s) and forward(s).) vpřed
    2) (to a later time: from this time forward.) od nynějška
    3. noun
    ((in certain team games, eg football, hockey) a player in a forward position.) útočník
    4. verb
    (to send (letters etc) on to another address: I have asked the post office to forward my mail.) odeslat
    * * *
    • uspíšit
    • útočník
    • vpřed
    • postoupit
    • odeslat
    • drzý
    • dopředu

    English-Czech dictionary > forward

  • 11 goal

    1) (in football, rugby, hockey etc the act of kicking, hitting etc a ball between the goalposts; the point gained by doing this: He scored six goals.) gól
    2) (an aim or purpose: My goal in life is to write a book.) cíl
    - goalpost
    * * *
    • gól
    • branka
    • cíl

    English-Czech dictionary > goal

  • 12 goalkeeper

    noun ((also keeper) a player, eg in hockey or football, whose job is to prevent members of the other team from scoring goals.) brankář
    * * *
    • brankář

    English-Czech dictionary > goalkeeper

  • 13 goalpost

    noun (one of the two upright posts which form the goal in football, rugby, hockey etc.) branková tyč
    * * *
    • branková tyč

    English-Czech dictionary > goalpost

  • 14 half

    1. plural - halves; noun
    1) (one of two equal parts of anything: He tried to stick the two halves together again; half a kilo of sugar; a kilo and a half of sugar; one and a half kilos of sugar.) půlka, půl
    2) (one of two equal parts of a game (eg in football, hockey) usually with a break between them: The Rangers scored three goals in the first half.) poločas
    2. adjective
    1) (being (equal to) one of two equal parts (of something): a half bottle of wine.) půl
    2) (being made up of two things in equal parts: A centaur is a mythical creature, half man and half horse.) napůl
    3) (not full or complete: a half smile.) polovičatý
    3. adverb
    1) (to the extent of one half: This cup is only half full; It's half empty.) zpola, napůl
    2) (almost; partly: I'm half hoping he won't come; half dead from hunger.) napůl
    - halve
    - half-and-half
    - half-back
    - half-brother
    - half-sister
    - half-caste
    - half-hearted
    - half-heartedly
    - half-heartedness
    - half-holiday
    - half-hourly
    - half-term
    - half-time
    - half-way
    - half-wit
    - half-witted
    - half-yearly
    - at half mast
    - by half
    - do things by halves
    - go halves with
    - half past three
    - four
    - seven
    - in half
    - not half
    * * *
    • polovička
    • poloviční
    • polovina
    • půl

    English-Czech dictionary > half

  • 15 half-back

    noun (in football, hockey etc, (a player in) a position directly behind the forwards.) záložník
    * * *
    • záložník

    English-Czech dictionary > half-back

  • 16 offside

    adverb ((in football, hockey etc) in a position (not allowed by the rules) between the ball and the opponents' goal: The referee disallowed the goal because one of the players was offside.) v postavení mimo hru
    * * *
    • postavení mimo hru
    • ofsajd

    English-Czech dictionary > offside

  • 17 polo

    (a game like hockey, played on horseback.) pólo
    * * *
    • pólo

    English-Czech dictionary > polo

  • 18 rink

    1) ((usually ice-rink) (a building containing) an area of ice, for ice-skating, ice hockey etc.) kluziště
    2) ((a building containing) a smooth floor for roller-skating.) kluziště pro kolečkové brusle
    * * *
    • kluziště

    English-Czech dictionary > rink

  • 19 stick

    I [stik] past tense, past participle - stuck; verb
    1) (to push (something sharp or pointed) into or through something: She stuck a pin through the papers to hold them together; Stop sticking your elbow into me!) propíchnout, píchat
    2) ((of something pointed) to be pushed into or through something: Two arrows were sticking in his back.) (v)bodnout
    3) (to fasten or be fastened (by glue, gum etc): He licked the flap of the envelope and stuck it down; These labels don't stick very well; He stuck (the broken pieces of) the vase together again; His brothers used to call him Bonzo and the name has stuck.) přilepit, slepit, zůstat
    4) (to (cause to) become fixed and unable to move or progress: The car stuck in the mud; The cupboard door has stuck; I'll help you with your arithmetic if you're stuck.) uváznout
    - sticky
    - stickily
    - stickiness
    - sticking-plaster
    - stick-in-the-mud
    - come to a sticky end
    - stick at
    - stick by
    - stick it out
    - stick out
    - stick one's neck out
    - stick to/with
    - stick together
    - stick up for
    II [stik] noun
    1) (a branch or twig from a tree: They were sent to find sticks for firewood.) větev
    2) (a long thin piece of wood etc shaped for a special purpose: She always walks with a stick nowadays; a walking-stick / hockey-stick; a drumstick.) hůl
    3) (a long piece: a stick of rhubarb.) stvol
    - get hold of the wrong end of the stick
    - get the wrong end of the stick
    * * *
    • tyčinka
    • prut
    • přilepit
    • stick/stuck/stuck
    • hůl
    • lepit
    • klacek

    English-Czech dictionary > stick

  • 20 tackle

    ['tækl] 1. noun
    1) (an act of tackling: a rugby tackle.) složení protihráče
    2) (equipment, especially for fishing: fishing tackle.) náčiní
    3) (ropes, pulleys etc for lifting heavy weights: lifting tackle.) kladkostroj
    4) (in sailing, the ropes, rigging etc of a boat.) takeláž
    2. verb
    1) (to try to grasp or seize (someone): The policeman tackled the thief.) chytit, složit (protihráče, protivníka)
    2) (to deal with or try to solve (a problem); to ask (someone) about a problem: He tackled the problem; She tackled the teacher about her child's work.) pustit se do; dotazovat se
    3) (in football, hockey etc, to (try to) take the ball etc from (a player in the other team): He tackled his opponent.) atakovat
    * * *
    • vypořádat se
    • řešit
    • obtěžovat
    • kladka

    English-Czech dictionary > tackle

См. также в других словарях:

  • Hockey — is any of a family of sports in which two teams compete by trying to maneuver a ball, or a hard, round, rubber or heavy plastic disc called a puck, into the opponent s net or goal, using a hockey stick.Field hockey Field hockey is played on… …   Wikipedia

  • hockey — [ ɔkɛ ] n. m. • 1876; mot angl., de l a. fr. hoquet « crochet, bâton crochu », frq. °hôk ♦ Sport d équipe, dont les règles rappellent celles du football, et qui consiste à faire passer une balle de cuir entre deux poteaux (buts), au moyen d une… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Hockey WA — is the organization responsible for the sport of Field Hockey in the state of Western Australia, Australia. Hockey WA is represented in the Australian Hockey League competition by the SmokeFree WA Thundersticks and the SmokeFree WA Diamonds.… …   Wikipedia

  • Hockey — (altfranzös. hoquet, „Schäferstock“) ist ein mit Hockeyschlägern auszuführendes Torspiel. Ausgehend vom traditionellen Hockey haben sich weitere Sportarten gebildet, von denen Feldhockey und Eishockey die bekanntesten und eigenständigsten sind.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • hockey —    Hockey is a common sport for men and women in English speaking countries, usually played on a grass field by two teams of eleven over two thirty five minute periods. The name was only arrived at in the eighteenth or nineteenth centuries,… …   Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture

  • hockey — (del inglés; pronunciamos joquei ) sustantivo masculino 1. (no contable) Deporte entre dos equipos de un número variable de jugadores que consiste en introducir, con un palo curvado, una bola o disco metálicos en la portería contraria: jugar al… …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • *hockey — ● hockey nom masculin (anglais hockey, crosse) Sport d équipe, pratiqué avec une crosse, et dont il existe deux variantes : le hockey sur gazon et le hockey sur glace. ● hockey (homonymes) nom masculin (anglais hockey, crosse) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Hockey — Sn (ein Feldspiel) erw. fach. (19. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus ne. hockey, dessen weitere Herkunft nicht sicher geklärt ist.    Ebenso nndl. hockey, nfrz. hockey, nschw. hockey, nisl. hokkí. ✎ Rey Debove/Gagnon (1988), 391. englisch e …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • hockey — [häk′ē] n. [Early ModE, prob. < OFr hoquet, bent stick, crook, dim. of hoc, hook < MDu hoec, HOOK ] ☆ 1. a team game played on ice, in which the players, using a curved stick with a flat blade (hockey stick) and wearing skates, try to drive …   English World dictionary

  • hockey — after an isolated reference from Ireland dated 1527 ( The horlinge of the litill balle with hockie stickes or staves ... ), the word is next recorded 1838 from W. Sussex; of unknown origin, perhaps related to M.Fr. hoquet shepherd s staff, crook …   Etymology dictionary

  • Hockey — Hockey: Der Name des Spiels wurde im 20. Jh. aus engl. hockey entlehnt, dessen weitere Herkunft unsicher ist. – Zus.: Eishockey …   Das Herkunftswörterbuch

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