1 adjective
['æ‹iktiv](a word which describes a noun: a red flower; air which is cool.) přídavné jméno* * *• přídavné jméno• adjektivní -
2 demonstrative adjective/pronoun
3 abandoned
1) (shameless: an abandoned young woman.) nestoudný, nemravný2) (having been left without any intention of returning to or reclaiming: The police found the abandoned car.) opuštěný* * *• zpustlý• opuštěný• nemravný -
4 aboriginal
5 abridged
6 abrupt
1) (sudden; unexpected: The car came to an abrupt halt.) náhlý, neočekávaný2) ((of a person's manner of speaking etc) rude or sharp.) úsečný3) (lacking in continuity.) přerušený, přetržený•- abruptly- abruptness* * *• prudký• příkrý• strohý• strmý• náhlý• nesouvislý• neočekávaný• nečekaný -
7 absent-minded
adjective (not noticing what is going on around one because one is thinking deeply: an absent-minded professor.) roztržitý* * *• roztržitý• duchem nepřítomný -
8 absorbent
9 abundant
10 acceptable
1) (satisfactory: The decision should be acceptable to most people.) přijatelný2) (pleasing: a very acceptable gift.) vhodný, vítaný* * *• přijatelný -
11 accepted
adjective (generally recognized: It is an accepted fact that the world is round.) uznaný* * *• přijatý• přijato• přijal -
12 accessible
adjective ((of a person or place) able to be reached or approached easily: His house is not accessible by car.) dostupný, dosažitelný* * *• přístupný• dostupný• dosažitelný -
13 accommodating
14 accomplished
15 accustomed
16 acquiescent
17 acrobatic
18 acting
adjective (temporarily carrying out the duties of: He is acting president of the society.) zastupující* * *• úřadující• herecké výkony -
19 adaptable
adjective (willing or able to change to fit in with different circumstances: Children are usually very adaptable.) přizpůsobivý* * *• přizpůsobitelný -
20 addicted
adjective ((often with to) dependent on (especially a drug): He is addicted to alcohol.) závislý (na), propadlý (čemu)* * *• závislý
См. также в других словарях:
adjective — 1. general. The term adjective was itself an adjective for a hundred years before it became used as a noun for one of the parts of speech. Joseph Priestley, in The Rudiments of English Grammar (1761), was perhaps the first English grammarian to… … Modern English usage
Adjective — Ad jec*tive, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Adjectived}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Adjectiving}.] To make an adjective of; to form or change into an adjective. [R.] [1913 Webster] Language has as much occasion to adjective the distinct signification of the verb,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Adjective — Ad jec*tive ([a^]d j[e^]k*t[i^]v), a. [See {Adjective}, n.] [1913 Webster] 1. Added to a substantive as an attribute; of the nature of an adjunct; as, an adjective word or sentence. [1913 Webster] 2. Not standing by itself; dependent. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
adjective — late 14c., as an adjective, adjectival, in noun adjective, from O.Fr. adjectif (14c.), from L. adjectivum that is added to (the noun), neut. of adjectivus added, from pp. of adicere to throw or place (a thing) near, from ad to (see AD (Cf. ad ))… … Etymology dictionary
adjective — [aj′ik tiv] n. [ME & OFr adjectif < L adjectivus, that is added < adjectus, pp. of adjicere, to add to < ad , to + jacere, to throw: see JET1] any of a class of words used to modify a noun or other substantive, as by describing qualities … English World dictionary
Adjective — Ad jec*tive, n. [L. adjectivum (sc. nomen), neut. of adjectivus that is added, fr. adjicere: cf. F. adjectif. See {Adject}.] 1. (Gram.) A word used with a noun, or substantive, to express a quality of the thing named, or something attributed to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
adjective — ► NOUN Grammar ▪ a word used to describe or modify a noun, such as sweet, red, or technical. DERIVATIVES adjectival adjective. ORIGIN Old French adjectif, from Latin adicere add … English terms dictionary
adjective — index procedural Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
adjective — [n] word that modifies a noun accessory, additional, adjunct, adnoun, attribute, attributive, dependent, descriptive, identifier, modifier, qualifier; concept 275 … New thesaurus
Adjective — Examples That s an interesting idea. (attributive) That idea is interesting. (predicative) Tell me something interesting. (postpositive) The good, the bad, and the ugly. (substantive) In grammar, an adjective is a describing word; the main… … Wikipedia
adjective — /ˈædʒəktɪv / (say ajuhktiv) noun 1. Grammar a. one of the major word classes in many languages, comprising words that typically modify a noun. b. such a word, as wise in a wise ruler, or in she is wise. –adjective 2. Grammar relating to an… …