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  • 1 all

    بِكَثِير \ all: (with comparatives) much: If you run you’ll get there all the sooner. by far: by a long way or very much: He is by far the better player of the two. He plays better by far. far: (comparing things) much: He works far harder than you do. lot: a lot very much: I feel a lot better today. He likes her a lot. much: (in comparisons; before more, etc., and before too) a lot; by a great amount: This is much more useful than that. I feel much better today. It’s much too expensive. well: quite a long way: He’s well over 60. Stand well back from the line.

    Arabic-English glossary > all

  • 2 طريق

    طَرِيق \ course: a line of action to be followed: He was given a course of treatment for disease. Your best course is to wait for an answer. key: sth. that provides an answer, or a way to gain sth.: Hard work is the key to success. passage: passing; way: Fallen rocks blocked our passage. procedure: a regular or official way of doing things: What’s the usual procedure at an election?. process: a course of action, a course of change: Coal was formed out of forests by chemical processes. road: a track with a hard surface, suitable for cars, etc.: a main road; the road to London. route: the way that one takes from one place to another: Which is the safest route up the mountain?. street: a road in a town (or the main road in a village), with buildings beside it: Side streets lead from a main street into the back streets. tack: the course that is taken when one is tacking, the course that is being followed in any planned action: I think she’s on the right tack. track: a rough road or path: a cart track; a mountain track; a railway track (the ground on which the line is laid, or the line itself). way: a road: highway; motorway, a direction Which is the way to London? I’ve lost my way. It’s a long way away (it’s far away) Please lead the way (Please go in front). \ See Also طَريقَة عَمَلِيَّة، خطة (خُطَّة)، سَبيل، مفتاح (مِفْتاح)، درب (دَرْب)، مرور (مُرور)، مِنْهاج سَيْر العَمَل \ بِطَريقٍ مُتَشابهة \ similarly: in the same way: They were similarly dressed. \ طَرِيق تُرابِيّ \ path: (also footpath, pathway) a track made by people’s feet, across open ground; a way made for people to walk along: a path over the fields; a garden path. \ طَرِيق جَانِبيّ \ bypass: a road that avoids a town by passing round it. \ طَرِيق خاصّة \ drive: a private road to a house. \ طَرِيق سيارات سريع \ motorway, freeway: a broad road with limited entrances, for fast travel over a long distance, which goes over or under all other roads. \ See Also رئيسي (رئيسيّ)‏ \ طَرِيق ضيّق \ lane: a narrow road in the country. path: also footpath, pathway) a track made by people’s feet, across open ground; a way made for people to walk along: a path over the fields; a garden path. \ طَرِيق عامّ \ highway: a main road; any public road. \ See Also رئيس( رئيسسريع( سريع)‏ \ طَرِيق فَرْعِيٌّ \ byroad: an unimportant road; a side road. \ See Also خاص (خَاصّ)‏ \ طَرِيق مائيّ \ waterway: a river or canal along which boats can travel. \ طَرِيق مُخْتَصَرَة \ short cut: a way between two places that shortens the distance: Instead of following the road, we took a short cut across the fields, a quicker way of doing sth. I can add the numbers up in my head, but using a calculating machine is a short cut. \ طَرِيق مُسَفْلَتة \ tarmac: Tarred surface: The aircraft landed smoothly on the tarmac.

    Arabic-English dictionary > طريق

  • 3 علم

    عِلْم \ knowledge: what one knows: His knowledge of radio is very wide. His general knowledge is slight. learning: knowledge that is gained by long serious study: He is a man of great learning. scholarship: the qualities of a very learned person: This writer on Shakespeare is famous for his scholarship. science: the careful study of any serious subject: political science; the science of language. \ بِغَير عِلْمِه \ behind sb.’s back: when someone is not present: He tells untrue stories about me behind my back. \ عِلْم الآثار القَديمة \ archaeology, archeology: the scientific study of life in the distant past by digging up ancient cities, examining buried objects, etc. \ عِلْم الاجْتِماع \ sociology: the study of society and human behaviour in groups. \ عِلْم الإِحْصَاء \ statistics: (with pl. verb) facts that are shown by numbers; (with sg. verb) the science of showing facts by numbers: National statistics of births and deaths are collected regularly. Statistics is a modern science. \ عِلْم الأَحْياء \ biology: the science of living things. \ عِلْم الأخلاق \ ethics: the study of good and bad in human behaviour. \ عِلْم الأرصاد الجوّيّة \ meteorology: the science of the weather. \ عِلْم الأساطير \ mythology: myths in general; the study of myths. \ عِلْم الاشْتِقاق (في علم اللُّغَة)‏ \ etymology: the study of the history of words. \ عِلْم الأصوات \ phonetics: (as subject of study; pl. as a practical activity) the science of speech sounds; the signs used for these sounds; the practical use of this science: Phonetics is a modern science. Are these phonetics correct? Phonetics help foreigners to pronounce words. \ عِلْم الاقتصاد \ economics: the science of national economy. \ عِلْم الإنْسَان \ anthropology: the scientific study of man, his way of life, religions, races, etc. \ عِلْم بالوُصُول \ acknowledg(e)ment: a note of receipt: I sent the money but I’ve had no acknowledgement. \ عِلْم التاريخ \ history: an orderly record or study of past events: a student of history; the history of Europe. \ عِلْم التَّحْليل النَّفْسي \ psychoanalysis: (the scientific study of) a way of treating disorders ot the mind by examination of all that sb. can remember of his past life, dreams, feelings, etc.. \ عِلْم التَّدْبِير المنزليّ \ domestic science: the study of cooking and other housekeeping skills. \ عِلْم التَّنْجيم \ astrology: the study of the stars in relation to human fate. \ عِلْم الجَبْر \ algebra: a branch of mathematics, using signs and letters as well as numbers. \ عِلْم الجُغْرافيا \ geography: the scientific study of the structure, produce and use of the earth’s surface. \ عِلْم الحَرْب \ warfare: the science of making war; fighting. \ عِلْم حَرَكة السوائل \ hydraulics: the science of controlling and using liquid pressure, esp. for engineering purposes. \ عِلْم الحَشَرات \ entomology: the study of insects. \ عِلْم الحَيَوان \ zoology: the scientific study of animal life. \ عِلْم الرِّياضيّات \ mathematics: the science of numbers and space; the practical use of this science: Mathematics is an exact science. maths: the usual shortening of mathematics. \ عِلْم الزراعة بدون تُربة \ hydroponics: the science of growing plants in water, without soil. \ عِلْم السِّيَاسَة \ politics: (sg. as an art or activity; pl. as personal beliefs, etc.) the art of government; the affairs of government; one’s opinions on government: Is politics an art or a science? My politics are my private concern. \ عِلْم الصحّة \ hygiene: the study and practice of how to keep good health, esp. by paying attention to cleaniness. \ عِلْم صيانة الأحراش \ forestry: the science of growing trees for man’s use as wood. \ عِلْم الطّبّ \ medicine: the science and the art of dealing with disease. \ عِلْم طَبَقات الأرض \ geology: the study of the rocks that make up the earth. \ عِلْم الطبيعة \ physics: the science of heat, light, sound, Motion, etc.: Physics is an important branch of science. \ See Also الفيزياء \ عِلْم طبيعيّ \ science: the study of the substances, forces, etc. found in nature (esp. Biology; Chemistry; Physics): Schools teach science. \ عِلْم الطُّيُور \ ornithology: the scientific study of birds. \ عِلْم الفَلَك \ astronomy: the scientific study of the stars. \ عِلْم الكِيمْياء \ chemistry: the science that studies the nature and behaviour of all substances. \ عِلْم المالية \ finance: the science of controlling money. \ See Also إدارة المال \ عِلْم المَنْطِق \ logic: the science of reasoning. \ عِلْم النَّبَات \ botany: the scientific study of plants. \ عِلْم النَّفْس \ psychology: the scientific study of the mind. \ عِلْم الهَنْدَسة \ geometry: the science of lines, angles, surfaces and solid figures, and of their measurements.

    Arabic-English dictionary > علم

  • 4 عمل

    عَمَلٌ \ act: a deed; sth. done: Men judge us by our acts, not by our words. action: doing things: We want more action and less talk. activity: sth. one does; a form of work or play: Music and swimming are among our school activities. affair: a happening; event; action: The meeting was a noisy affair. appointment: the position for which sb. is chosen: I hope to get a government appointment. business: one’s work: My business is writing books. career: one’s job in life: What career shall I follow on leaving school? A business career?. deed: sth. done; an act: an evil deed. doing: (an) action: This damage was not my doing. Tell me about your doings in London. employment: work; activity: I am growing lazy for lack of employment. function: special work or duty: The function of an ear is to hear. job: regular employment: He has an office job. They lost their jobs when the factory closed, a piece of work I have several jobs to do in my garden. labour: hard work (esp. work with the hands; digging, lifting, carrying, etc.): Heavy labour is very tiring. occupation: employment; job: What is your occupation? Are you a teacher?. operation: the working of a machine or plan: The law is not yet in operation - it comes into operation next year. performance: (an act of) performing: Our team’s performance has been very good this year. There were seven performances of the play. post: a job with particular duties; an official position: He held the post of headmaster for ten years. profession: (used loosely, in a general sense) any work or job. thing: an action: You did the wrong thing. undertaking: a job that has been undertaken: a dangerous undertaking. work: doing or making sth.; sth. that needs doing; the opposite of rest and play: school work; office work; work in the home; a brain always at work (always busy), employment; a paid job He has left school and started work. I’m out of work (unemployed). Jane is at work (at her place of work), sth. sb. has made or done Writers have to sell their work. This crime was the work of a madman.. A work of art: the works of Shakespeare (his plays and poems; to be busy (for some good purpose) \ See Also نشاط (نَشاطٌ)، وظيفة (وَظيفَة)‏ \ أَعمال \ works. \ See Also عمل (عَمَل)‏ \ أَعْمال الخَشَب (في مَبْنى)‏ \ woodwork: the wooden parts of a structure; the art of making things with wood. \ أَعْمال منزليّة \ housework: work done in taking care of a house, esp. cleaning. \ عَمَلٌ أَحْمَق \ folly: foolishness; an example of this; youthful follies. \ عَمَلٌ بارِع \ trick: a skilful act that is done for amusement: Animals can be taught to perform tricks. \ عَمَلٌ تافِه \ trash: worthless writing, painting, etc.. \ عَمَلٌ تِجاريّ \ business: to trade in general: Social disorder is bad for business. Business is quiet today. \ عَمَلٌ تَخريبيّ \ sabotage: serious damage that is done secretly by an enemy, so as to make sth. useless (esp. a machine, a factory, a ship, a railway, etc.). \ عَمَلٌ رَتيب \ chore: a piece of uninteresting or disliked work: It’s such a chore to do the shopping every day. \ عَمَلٌ رتيب مُتكرِّر \ routine: a usual and regular way of doing things: Her morning routine is to wash, dress, feed the cats, sweep the floor and prepare breakfast. \ عَمَلٌ سَهْل \ child’s play: sth. that is very easy to do: Climbing hills is child’s play for a mountaineer. \ عَمَلٌ شاقّ \ task: a piece of work (usu. hard work) that has to be done: I was given the task of preparing the sports field for the races. toil: old use hard work. \ عَمَلٌ طائش \ escapade: a wild or slightly dangerous act, usu. against the rules. \ عَمَلُ القِسّيس \ ministry: the work of a Christian priest. \ عَمَلٌ مُتّصِل \ application: continual hard work: You need application to learn a foreign language. \ عَمَلٌ مُثير لا فائدة مِنْه \ stunt: a clever, sometimes dangerous, but useless act, esp. one which aims to draw public attention. \ عَمَلٌ مَجيد \ exploit: a bold and exciting deed: The lion-hunter described his exploits. \ عَمَلٌ مُخْزٍ \ outrage: a shameful or violent act that shocks public opinion. \ عَمَلٌ مزيَّف \ fake: (often attrib.) sth. that is not what it pretends or seems to be: This ring isn’t real gold, it’s a fake. \ عَمَلٌ وَحْشيّ \ atrocity: a very cruel action. \ عَمَلٌ وِدِّيّ \ a good turn: a helpful action: You did me a good turn. \ عَمَلٌ يَدَويّ \ handiwork: sth. done or made by a certain person: These pictures are all my own handiwork.

    Arabic-English dictionary > عمل

  • 5 أثار

    أَثَارَ \ aggravate: to make sb. angry: That noise aggravates me. agitate: (often passive) to make sb. anxious: She was agitated when her husband didn’t come home from work. arouse, to excite: to give sb. strong feelings (of joy, anger, hope, etc.): The news excited him. It was exciting news. It excited his interest. Our players were wildly excited by their success. incite: to cause or lead (sb.) to a strong feeling or violent action. instigate: to cause (sth. bad or sb. to do sth. bad) by urging it: Two workers instigated all the trouble at the factory. provoke: to annoy sb. (usu. on purpose) so as to make him do sth.: If you provoke the dog, he may bite you. cause: (laughter, violence, interest, etc.). raise: to bring up (a point, a question, etc.) for attention: The matter of his pay was not raised at the meeting. rouse: to stir (sb., or his feelings): His cruelty roused their anger. stimulate: to excite; make the mind or body more active or awake stir. to excite:: Poetry should stir one’s imagination. \ أَثَارَ \ irritate: to cause discomfort to the body: Smoke irritates the throat. \ See Also هَيَّج الجسم \ أَثَارَ الاِسْتِيَاء \ displease: to annoy. \ أَثَارَ الاشمِئْزَاز \ disgust: (of sth. shameful or nasty) to give sb. a strong feeling of dislike: Her rude behaviour disgusted him. There was a disgusting smell in the kitchen. \ أَثَارَ الأعْصَاب \ get on sb.’s nerves: to destroy sb.’s peace of mind; make sb. excitedly anxious or angry. irritate: to annoy. \ أَثَارَ اهتمام أو فُضُول \ intrigue: (of sth. strange that cannot easily be explained); to interest (sb.) greatly. \ أَثَارَ الشَّغَب \ agitate: to make noisy public demands: He agitated for a change in the marriage laws. \ أَثَارَ ضجةً أو جلبة \ clamour, clamor: to make a loud noise, esp. in complaining or demanding sth.: The prisoners clamoured to be let out. \ أَثَارَ الغَضَب \ anger: to make (sb.) angry. \ أثَارَ المشاعِر والعَواطِف \ thrill: to give a thrill to; excite: a thrilling film. touch: to have a sad effect on; to concern: Her sad story touched my heart. It was a touching story (It stirred my feelings). affect: to move the feelings of: The news affected him greatly. \ أثَارَ جَلَبَةً بدون داعٍ \ fuss: to behave in a nervous, restless or anxious way about small things: Don’t fuss, we’re sure to catch our train.

    Arabic-English dictionary > أثار

  • 6 وجه

    وَجْه \ aspect: part of a difficulty, idea, etc. We must consider all aspects of this question. face: the front of the head (including the eyes, nose and mouth), the front of other things (such as a cliff or a clock). side: (of a sheet) one of the two surfaces: Write on one side of the paper only, a group of supporters (in a quarrel, etc.); a way of looking at sth. They fought on our side in the war. There are two sides to every quarrel. They took his side. surface: the outside of any object: A brick has six surfaces (a top, a bottom, two sides and two ends) Ice forms on the surface of a lake. \ See Also جانب (جانِب)‏ \ بِوَجْهٍ خاص \ especially: more than usually: He is especially good at English. \ وَجْهُ السَّاعة \ dial: the face of an instrument (clock, radio, etc.), marked with figures. \ وَجْهُ الشَّبَه \ resemblance: likeness: There’s little resemblance between the two sisters. \ وَجْهُ العُمْلة الذي تَظهر عليه الكتابة لا الصّورة \ tail: (pl. when an interj.) the side of a coin that does not show a ruler’s head. \ وَجْهًا لِوَجْه \ face to face: looking straight at each other: I met my enemy face to face.

    Arabic-English dictionary > وجه

  • 7 aspect

    وَجْه \ aspect: part of a difficulty, idea, etc. We must consider all aspects of this question. face: the front of the head (including the eyes, nose and mouth), the front of other things (such as a cliff or a clock). side: (of a sheet) one of the two surfaces: Write on one side of the paper only, a group of supporters (in a quarrel, etc.); a way of looking at sth. They fought on our side in the war. There are two sides to every quarrel. They took his side. surface: the outside of any object: A brick has six surfaces (a top, a bottom, two sides and two ends) Ice forms on the surface of a lake. \ See Also جانب (جانِب)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > aspect

  • 8 face

    وَجْه \ aspect: part of a difficulty, idea, etc. We must consider all aspects of this question. face: the front of the head (including the eyes, nose and mouth), the front of other things (such as a cliff or a clock). side: (of a sheet) one of the two surfaces: Write on one side of the paper only, a group of supporters (in a quarrel, etc.); a way of looking at sth. They fought on our side in the war. There are two sides to every quarrel. They took his side. surface: the outside of any object: A brick has six surfaces (a top, a bottom, two sides and two ends) Ice forms on the surface of a lake. \ See Also جانب (جانِب)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > face

  • 9 side

    وَجْه \ aspect: part of a difficulty, idea, etc. We must consider all aspects of this question. face: the front of the head (including the eyes, nose and mouth), the front of other things (such as a cliff or a clock). side: (of a sheet) one of the two surfaces: Write on one side of the paper only, a group of supporters (in a quarrel, etc.); a way of looking at sth. They fought on our side in the war. There are two sides to every quarrel. They took his side. surface: the outside of any object: A brick has six surfaces (a top, a bottom, two sides and two ends) Ice forms on the surface of a lake. \ See Also جانب (جانِب)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > side

  • 10 surface

    وَجْه \ aspect: part of a difficulty, idea, etc. We must consider all aspects of this question. face: the front of the head (including the eyes, nose and mouth), the front of other things (such as a cliff or a clock). side: (of a sheet) one of the two surfaces: Write on one side of the paper only, a group of supporters (in a quarrel, etc.); a way of looking at sth. They fought on our side in the war. There are two sides to every quarrel. They took his side. surface: the outside of any object: A brick has six surfaces (a top, a bottom, two sides and two ends) Ice forms on the surface of a lake. \ See Also جانب (جانِب)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > surface

  • 11 غير

    غَيْر \ another: a different one: We’ll go there another time. If this hat does not fit, try another. besides: as well as: I have two brothers besides John.. other: (in comparisons) different: He likes French cigarettes and won’t smoke any other kind. This side is dry; the other side is wet. I can’t do it now; I have other things to do. short of: less than; other than: Nothing short of a new government will save the country. un-: giving an opposite sense: ‘Unlikely’ means ‘not likely’. \ See Also آخر (آخَر)‏ \ غَيْرُ أَجْوَف \ solid: not hollow: without holes: a solid rubber ball. \ See Also صلب (صُلْب)‏ \ غَيْرُ أَكيد \ faint: (of thoughts and feelings) weak; uncertain: I haven’t the faintest idea where she is. uncertain: not certain doubtful; undecided; changeable: I’m uncertain what time he’s coming. Our holiday plans are still uncertain, we haven’t decided where to go. The weather is uncertain - it may rain soon. \ See Also ضعيف (ضَعِيف)، غير مؤكّد \ غَيْرُ أمْلَس \ rough: not smooth: a rough road; a rough surface. \ غَيْرُ آمن \ insecure: not safe; not supported or able to support other things: Be careful of that door - the lock is very insecure. \ غَيْرُ أُمِّيّ \ literate: able to read and write. \ غَيْرَ أنَّ \ but: yet: He came but she did not. I need food but I have no money to buy any. She is thin but strong. only: but: She wanted to buy it, only she had no money. \ غَيْرُ أهل للثّقة \ suspect: not trustworthy; possibly the cause of trouble: a rather suspect character. \ غَيْرُ بالِغ \ immature: not fully formed or developed. \ غَيْرُ بهيج \ dull: (of weather or colour) not clean or bright; cloudy: a dull day; a dull blue. \ غَيْرُ جاهز للعَمَل \ out of training: not in good condition. \ غَيْرُ جَمِيل \ plain: (of people) not good-looking: He was a nice boy, but rather plain and not very clever. \ غَيْرُ جَمِيل \ homely: (of people, faces, etc.) not goodlooking. \ See Also جذاب (جذّاب)‏ \ غَيْرُ حادّ \ dull: (of the senses) not sharp: a dull pain. \ غَيْرُ حَذِر \ unwary: (esp. as a noun with the) careless; not looking out for danger or deceit: ‘Easy’ questions in an exam are often a trap for the unwary (or for unwary people). \ غَيْرُ حقيقي \ unreal: imaginary; not related to facts. \ غَيْرُ دقيق \ rough: not carefully made; not properly finished; not exact: a rough drawing; a rough guess. \ غَيْرُ ذلك \ else: other (together with the first one); besides: Who else came? Did you look anywhere else, or only under the bed?, other (instead of the first one); instead Let’s talk about something else. Peter was ill, so someone else came. If there’s no coffee, what else can I drink?. otherwise: differently: I thought it was true, but they thought otherwise. \ غَيْرُ رَسْمِيّ \ informal: without ceremony or special dress: The prince paid an informal visit to the town. private: not official; not concerning one’s work; concerning one’s home and family: In his private life, the actor is rather quiet, although in the play he is loud and angry. \ غَيْرُ سَارّ \ bad, worse, worst: (of news, weather, etc.) unpleasant. \ غَيْرُ سالِك \ impassable: (of roads) unfit for use; blocked (by snow, mud, etc.). \ غَيْرُ سَكران \ sober: not under the control of alcohol; not drunk: A car driver ought to be sober. \ غَيْرُ سليمة \ broken, break: (of language) incorrectly spoken by a foreigner: broken English. \ غَيْرُ شَرْعِيّ \ illegal: against the law: A crime is an illegal act. illegitimate: (of a child) born to a mother who is not married. \ غَيْرُ شريف \ crooked: dishonest. \ غَيْرُ شَفّاف \ opaque: not allowing light to pass through it: opaque glass. \ غَيْرُ صافٍ \ gross: (of figures or amounts) whole, before subtracting anything; the opposite of net: Your gross pay is the amount before tax is paid. \ غَيْرُ صَالِح للاستعمال \ out of order: not working: I couldn’t ring you up yesterday because our telephone was out of order. \ غَيْرُ صالح للأَكل \ inedible: not fit to eat. \ غَيْرُ صَالِح لِلْعَمَل \ out of action: not working; out of order: This telephone is out of action. \ غَيْرُ صِحّي \ insanitary: so dirty that health is put at risk: an insanitary kitchen. \ غَيْرُ صحيح \ false: wrong; incorrect: a false idea. \ غَيْرُ صَحيح \ unsound: not in good condition, not satisfactory: unsound teeth; an unsound explanation. \ See Also سَليم \ غَيْرُ ضَارّ \ harmless: causing no harm; gentle: A lamb is a harmless creature. Is this insect poison harmless to people?. \ غَيْرُ ضروريّ \ needless: useless; unnecessary (trouble, expense etc.). \ غَيْرُ طاهر \ impure: not pure. \ غَيْرُ طَبيعِيّ \ artificial: adj. (of teeth, light, silk, etc.) not natural; made by man. False: not natural: false teeth. weird: very strange. \ غَيْرُ عَادِيّ \ abnormal: different from what is natural or usual: It is abnormal to have only 3 fingers on one hand. exceptional: unusual: That book is an exeptional one. It was an exceptionally hot summer. peculiar: unusual strange. remarkable: surprising; unusual and worth noticing: a remarkable change; a remarkably goodlooking child. unusual: not usual; strange. \ غَيْرُ عالِم بِـ \ ignorant of: not having heard about (a particular thing): I was ignorant of his plans. \ غَيْرُ عَمَليّ \ theoretical: adj. of theories; not learned from experience; supposed; not proved: I have only a theoretical knowledge of cooking from reading cookery books. \ غَيْرُ فَعّال \ inefficient: not working well; wasting time or power: Old machines are often inefficient. He is an inefficient clerk. \ غَيْرُ قابل للتصديق (غير معقول)‏ \ incredible: too strange to be believed; unbelievable: an incredible story. \ غَيْرُ قادِر \ incapable: not able to do sth.; not having the power or nature to do sth.: flowers are incapable of growing without light. She is incapable of being unkind to people. \ غَيْرُ قادِر على الحركة \ numb: having no feeling: My fingers were numb with cold. \ غَيْرُ قانونيّ \ illegal: against the law: A crime is an illegal act. wrongful: unjust; unlawful: wrongful imprisonment. \ غَيْرُ كافٍ \ insufficient: not enough (in power, ability, etc.): insufficient knowledge; insufficient food. lacking: missing: The bread was enough but the butter was lacking. scanty: (of a supply, of clothing, etc.) very small; not enough: He was too scantily dressed to keep warm. \ غَيْرُ كامِل \ incomplete: not complete; not perfect: This piece of work is incomplete - please finish it. His explanation is incomplete - it doesn’t explain all the facts. \ غَيْرُ كَثِيف \ sparse: thinly scattered: sparse hair; sparse grass. \ غَيْرُ كُفْء \ inefficient: not working well; wasting time or power: Old machines are often inefficient. He is an inefficient clerk. \ غَيْرُ لائق \ beneath sb.’s dignity: unsuitable for sb. to do: It was beneath the teacher’s dignity to sweep the classroom. improper: not proper; unsuitable; not polite: improper behaviour. \ غَيْرُ لَبِق \ awkward: (of manner or movement) showing difficulty; not skilful: He is too awkward on his feet to be a dancer. tactless: showing no understanding or skill in dealing with others: a tactless person; a tactless statement. \ غَيْرُ مُؤَدَّب \ impolite: not polite; rude. \ غَيْرُ مُؤذٍ \ innocent: harmless: innocent amusements. \ غَيْرُ مؤكَّد \ uncertain: not certain; doubtful; undecided; changeable: I’m uncertain what time he’s coming. Our holiday plans are still uncertain, we haven’t decided where to go. The weather is uncertain - it may rain soon. \ غَيْرُ مُؤلم \ painless: causing no pain. \ غَيْرُ مأْلوف \ queer: strange, unusually and not understood: a queer noise. uncouth: lacking good manners; strange in one’s appearance: It is uncouth to push your knife into your mouth when eating. Modern young men don’t condiser it uncouth to wear their hair long. \ غَيْرُ مَأْهول \ desert: (of an island) with nobody living on it. wild: (of plants, creatures, land, etc.) in a natural state, not under the control of man. \ غَيْرُ مُبَاشِر \ indirect: not straight or directly joined to; meaning something which is not directly said: an indirect road; the indirect result of an action; an indirect answer. \ غَيْرُ مُبَالٍ \ indifferent: not caring; not interested: He was quite indifferent to his children’s troubles. \ غَيْرُ مَبْتُوت بأمْرِه \ pending: (of a doubtful matter, esp. in court) not yet settled. \ غَيْرُ مُبْهَم \ definite: certain; clear: a definite promise; a definite plan of action. \ غَيْرُ متأكِّد \ in doubt: uncertain: When in doubt, ask your father. \ غَيْرُ مُتَجَانِس \ odd: mixed; different from each other: a boxful of odd tools; two odd shoes (not a pair). \ غَيْرُ مُتَحَرِّك \ stationary: not moving: a stationary vehicle. \ غَيْرُ مُتَحَفِّظ \ outspoken: (of sb. or his speech) saying just what one thinks, although it may annoy some people. \ غَيْرُ مُتَحَمِّس \ cool: unfriendly; They gave us rather a cool welcome. \ غَيْرُ متحمّس لِـ \ half-hearted: not eager; showing little effort or interest: He made a half-hearted attempt at the work. \ غَيْرُ مُتَرَابِط \ scrappy: made of scraps; incomplete; badly arranged: a scrappy meal; a scrappy report. \ غَيْرُ مُتَّصِل \ intermittent: repeatedly stopping and starting; not continuous: intermittent rain. \ غَيْرُ مُتَّصِل بِـ \ irrelevant: not concerned with, not in any way related to the subject: If you are appointing a good teacher, his height is quite irrelevant. \ غَيْرُ مُتَطَرِّف \ moderate: reasonable (in size or amount; in one’s customs or opinions, etc.); neither too big nor too small; neither too much nor too little: moderate prices; moderate political aims. \ غَيْرُ مُتقَن \ rough: not carefully made; not properly finished; not exact: a rough drawing; a rough guess. \ غَيْرُ مُتْقَن (للشيء أو العمل)‏ \ sloppy: (of a person) lacking effort or spirit; weakly lazy; (of a substance) wet and loose: a sloppy piece of work; a sloppy paste. \ غَيْرُ مُتَكَلّف \ homely: simple and friendly; making one feel at home: This little hotel has a homely feeling. \ غَيْرُ مُتَمدِّن (إنسان)‏ \ savage: old use sb. living in an undeveloped society, seen as fierce and wild and likely to attack strangers. \ غَيْرُ مُتَوَازِن \ top-heavy: so heavy at the top that it is likely to fall over: a top heavy load. \ غَيْرُ مُتَوَافر \ out of stock: not in stock. \ غَيْرُ مُتَوَقَّع \ abrupt: (of movement, change, etc.) sudden and unexpected: an abrupt change of plan. unexpected: not expected; surprising that one did not think would happen: an unexpected present; something quite unexpected. \ غَيْرُ مُجْدٍ \ vain: useless; unsuccessful: a vain attempt. ineffective: not able to produce the desired effect: This medicine is quite ineffective. \ غَيْرُ مُحْتَرِف \ amateur: one who works or plays for pleasure, not for money: an amateur actor. \ غَيْرُ مُحْتَمَل \ improbable: not likely to happen: That is an improbable idea. intolerable: (of heat, annoyance, rudeness, etc.) more than one can bear. \ غَيْرُ مُحَدَّد \ indefinite: adj. not clear; not fixed in time: indefinite ideas; at an indefinite date. \ غَيْرُ مَحْدُود \ infinite: endless; not measurable: I have infinite faith in his abilities. This is infinitely better than that. The infinite space of the sky. whole-hearted: full, unlimited, eager and willing: His plan had their whole-hearted support. \ غَيْرُ مُدْرِك \ unaware: not knowing: I was unaware of all the facts. He was unaware of the danger he was in. \ غَيْرُ مَرْئيّ \ invisible: unable to be seen: The sun remained invisible behind the heavy clouds. unseen: not seen; without being seen: The prisoner escaped unseen. \ غَيْرُ مُرَاعٍ لشُعور الآخرين \ thoughtless: careless; not troubling about the future or about other people: a thoughtless waste of money; thoughtless cruelty. \ غَيْرُ مَرْبُوط \ undone: not done finished; no longer fastened: He left half the work undone. Your shoe has came undone. \ غَيْرُ مَرْبُوط \ loose: not tied; not contained in sth.: The sweets were sold loose, not packed in tins. \ See Also مقيد (مُقيَّد)‏ \ غَيْرُ مُرْتاح \ uneasy: anxious, uncomfortable. \ غَيْرُ مُرَتَّب \ dishevelled: (of a person’s appearance, esp. hair) untidy. \ غَيْرُ مُرَكَّز \ watery: like water; containing too much water: watery milk. weak: (of liquids like tea or coffee) lacking taste or strength, because of too much water or milk. \ غَيْرُ مُريح \ inconvenient: causing difficulty; not what suits one: That is an inconvenient time to visit me. uncomfortable: not comfortable: This chair is very uncomfortable. I’m very uncomfortable in it. \ غَيْرُ مَسْؤُول \ irresponsible: doing foolish things without thinking of the probable results; not trustworthy: It was irresponsible of you to give the child a box of matches to play with. \ غَيْرُ مُسْتَحَبّ \ unpleasant: not pleasing or enjoyable; (of people) wanting to quarrel; unkind: What an unpleasant smell! The heat of summer can be very unpleasant. That man was rather unpleasant to me. \ غَيْرُ مُسْتَخْدَم \ obsolete: no longer used; out of date: an obsolete word; an obsolete custom. \ غَيْرُ مُسْتَعْمَل \ archaic: very old; (esp. of words) no longer used. \ غَيْرُ مُسْتَوٍ \ irregular: not regular; uneven: irregular visits; an irregular shape. rugged: rough and rocky: a rugged coast; rugged cliffs. \ غَيْرُ مُسْرَج \ bareback: (in riding horses, etc.) without a proper leather seat: The boys rode bareback. \ غَيْرُ مُسْكِر (للشَّراب)‏ \ soft: (of drinks) not alcoholic. \ غَيْرُ مَشْرُوع \ foul: (in sport) disobeying the rules: Foul play. The whistle was blown for a foul. \ غَيْرُ مشغول \ free: not busy; not in use: If you’re free this evening, let’s go to the cinema. Is this seat free?. \ غَيْرُ مُصابٍ بِأَذى \ intact: not touched; not damaged or broken; complete: The box was broken but the contents were intact. \ غَيْرُ مَصْقول \ rough: not carefully made; not properly finished; not exact: a rough drawing; a rough guess. coarse: (of people and their manners) rough; rude: a coarse fellow; a coarse laugh. \ غَيْرُ مُصَنَّع \ crude: in its natural state: crude oil. \ غَيْرُ مَصْنُوع \ undone: not done finished; no longer fastened: He left half the work undone. Your shoe has come undone. \ See Also منجز (مُنْجَز)‏ \ غَيْرُ مطبوخ \ raw: uncooked: raw meat. \ غَيْرُ مُطْلَق \ relative: comparative: the relative values of gold and iron. \ غَيْرُ مُعَدّ \ rambling: (of speeches, stories, etc.) not planned; wandering aimlessly: He wrote a long rambling letter about his troubles. \ غَيْرُ مُعَشَّق \ out of gear: with the engine separated from the driving wheels. \ غَيْرُ مُعَقَّد \ simple: plain; not fine or grand: We lead a simple life in the country. \ See Also منمق (مُنَمَّق)، متكلف (مُتَكَلَّف)‏ \ غَيْرُ مَعْقُول \ absurd: not at all sensible; foolish: The singer’s absurd clothes made us laugh. \ غَيْرُ مُغَطّى \ naked: not protected by a cover: naked sword; a naked light (whose flame is therefore dangerous). \ غَيْرُ مُفيد \ useless: worthless; fulfilling no purpose; without effect. \ غَيْرُ مَقْرُوء \ illegible: difficult or impossible to read (because the letters or figures cannot be clearly seen). \ غَيْرُ مُقَيَّد \ open: not limited: The next race is open to children of any age. It’s an open race. \ غَيْرُ مُقَيَّد \ wanton: carelessly uncontrolled;with no good reason; wild or playful, with bad resutls: Wanton behaviour causes wanton damage. \ غَيْرُ مُكْتَرِث \ careless: not taking care: Careless drivers cause accidents. indifferent: not caring; not interested: He was quite indifferent to his children’s troubles. \ غَيْرُ مُكْتَرَث بِه \ perfunctory: done with little interest or care: a perfunctory piece of work. \ غَيْرُ مُلائِم \ adverse: unfavourable: an adverse report; adverse winds that delay sailing. improper: not proper; unsuitable; not polite: improper behaviour. inconvenient: causing difficulty; not what suits one: That is an inconvenient time to visit me. \ غَيْرُ مُمطِر \ dry: not wet; with no rain; with no water: a dry cloth; dry weather; a dry river. \ غَيْرُ ممكِن \ impossible: not possible. \ غَيْرُ مُمَيّز \ indiscriminate: not choosing carefully: He invited people indiscriminately to his party. \ غَيْرُ مناسب \ wrong: not correct; mistaken; unsuitable: That’s the wrong answer, and the wrong way to do it. She came in the wrong clothes for riding. \ See Also ملائم (مُلائِم)‏ \ غَيْرُ مُنْطَبِق على \ irrelevant: not concerned with, not in any way related to the subject: If you are appointing a good teacher, his height is quite irrelevant. \ غَيْرُ مُنَظَّم \ random: not planned, not regular: random visits to the city. \ See Also غَيْر مُخَطَّط \ غَيْرُ مَنْظُور \ unseen: not seen; without being seen: The prisoner escaped unseen. \ غَيْرُ مُهْتَمّ به \ perfunctory: done with little interest or care: a perfunctory piece of work. \ غَيْرُ مُهَذَّب \ impolite: not polite; rude. uncouth: lacking good manners; strange in one’s appearance: It is uncouth to push your knife into your mouth when eating. Modern young men don’t condiser it uncouth to wear their hair long. \ غَيْرُ مَوْثوق \ irresponsible: doing foolish things without thinking of the probable results; not trustworthy: It was irresponsible of you to give the child a box of matches to play with. suspect: not trustworthy; possibly the cause of trouble: a rather suspect character. \ غَيْرُ مُوجِع \ painless: causing no pain. \ غَيْرُ موجُود \ lacking: missing: The bread was enough but the butter was lacking. \ غَيْرُ مَوْصُول بالمُحَرِّك \ out of gear: with the engine separated from the driving wheels. \ غَيْرُ ناضج \ immature: not fully formed or developed. \ غَيْرُ نِظاميّ \ irregular: not regular; uneven: irregular visits; an irregular shape. \ غَيْرُ نَقِيّ \ cloudy: (of liquids) not clear. impure: not pure. \ غَيْرُ واثِق \ uncertain: not certain doubtful; undecided; changeable: I’m uncertain what time he’s coming. \ غَيْرُ واثِق من نفْسه \ insecure: feeling afraid and not sure of oneself: He’s a very insecure person, and so he always thinks other people don’t like him. \ غَيْرُ واضِح \ dull: (of the senses) not sharp: a dull pain. vague: not clearly seen or expressed or understood; (of people) having no clear ideas: She made a vague statement. He’s rather vague about his duties. \ غَيْرُ واقعي \ fictitious: imagined; not a fact; not true: a fictitious character in a book. \ غَيْرُ وِدّي \ icy: (of a voice or manner) very cold; very unfriendly. cold: unfriendly: a cold welcome; a cold heart.

    Arabic-English dictionary > غير

  • 12 مجموعة

    مَجْمُوعَة \ body: a group of people, united in some way: a small body of helpers.. bunch: a group of things of the same kind, growing or placed together: a bunch of keys. category: a group or division in which each member is like the rest in a certain way; a kind or sort: Fishing may be placed in the category of sport, or in that of earning a living, according to its purpose. cluster: a group of people gathered close together. collection: things collected: His friend has a collection of ancient coins. crew: a group of people working together, doing certain jobs: a repair crew. group: a number of people or things, gathered together or considered together: They stood in a group under the tree. He controls a group of companies. set: a group of things that look like one another or are used together: a coffee set (coffee pot and cups, etc., of the same pattern); a set of rules. \ See Also جمهور (جُمهور)، طقم (طَقْم)‏ \ مَجْمُوعَة أشياء مُخْتَلِطة \ jumble: a confused mixture: a jumble of sounds. \ مَجْمُوعَة أشياء من صِنف واحِد \ line: a kind or class of goods: We sell a cheap line in brushes. \ مَجْمُوعَة الأَغاني \ repertoire: all the songs or pieces of music that a singer or musician can perform. \ See Also القِطَع المُوسيقيّة \ مَجْمُوعَة أوراق اللَّعب ذات النَّقْش الوَاحِد \ suit: one of the four patterns in a set of playing cards (clubs, diamonds, hearts, spades). \ مَجْمُوعَة دَرَج \ flight: a set of stairs: His room was up three flights of stairs. step: pl. usu. outside a building, compared with stairs in a building) a set of these: He ran down the steps into the street. \ مَجْمُوعَة رموز سِرّيّة \ code: a special way of using words, letters, numbers, etc. instead of writing, to keep messages secret. \ مَجْمُوعَة سَكَنِيّة متكامِلة \ housing estate: a large group of houses that are built together at one time, often with their own shops, like a small new town. \ مَجْمُوعَة قوانين \ code: a special collection of laws, rules, or customs: an established code of behaviour; Christianity’s moral code. \ مَجْمُوعَة كاملة من وَرَق اللّعب \ pack: a set of playing cards. \ مَجْمُوعَة متجانِسَة \ colony: a group of people or animals of the same kind, living together: a colony of artists; a colony of ants; a colony of Americans in Rome. \ مَجْمُوعَة متجانِسة من الطّلاب يدرسون مَعًا (في المدارس)‏ \ stream: (in schools) a division of children of the same age according to their ability. \ مَجْمُوعَة مُتَرابِطَة \ complex: sth. (esp. a building) made up of many different but related parts: a factory complex. \ مَجْمُوعَة المُفردات ومعانِيها (في آخر كتاب)‏ \ vocabulary: a list of words with their meanings (at the end of a school book; in a student’s notebook). \ مَجْمُوعَة مَقالات \ omnibus: a large book that contains various works of one writer (or of several writers, on related subjects): an omnibus of murder stories. \ مَجْمُوعَة من ورق الرسائِل \ pad: a block of writing-paper, in which the sheets are stuck together at one end. \ مَجْمُوعَة مُنَوّعَة \ assortment: an assorted collection: Our new shop has a large assortment of kitchen goods. choice: a variety from which to choose: The shop had a good choice of shoes. range: a variety (between limits that may not be stated): a wide range of colours (from light yellow to dark brown). \ مَجْمُوعَة نجوم ثابِتَة \ constellation: a group of fixed stars, often with a name, such as the Great Bear.

    Arabic-English dictionary > مجموعة

  • 13 كثير

    كَثِير \ ample: enough or more than is necessary: There is an ample supply of food. We have ample time to catch the train. considerable: great (of amount, cost, difficulty, distance, etc.). constant: happening very often: He paid constant visit to the doctor. good: fairly large: It cost a good deal of money. many: a large number (of): He has (very) many friends. Many (of them) are at school with him. Many hands make light work (A job is done faster if we help each other). many a: used with a singular noun, equal in sense to a plural noun: I’ve been there many a time (many times). plentiful: (esp. of fruit or vegetables) obtainable in large numbers: Apples are plentiful this year. We had a plentiful supply of fruit. \ بِكَثِير \ all: (with comparatives) much: If you run you’ll get there all the sooner. by far: by a long way or very much: He is by far the better player of the two. He plays better by far. far: (comparing things) much: He works far harder than you do. lot: a lot very much: I feel a lot better today. He likes her a lot. much: (in comparisons; before more, etc., and before too) a lot; by a great amount: This is much more useful than that. I feel much better today. It’s much too expensive. well: quite a long way: He’s well over 60. Stand well back from the line. \ كَثِير الأحلام \ dreamy: having an appearance of dreaming; inattentive to what is around one. \ كَثِير الأعشاب الضَّارَّة \ weedy: full of weeds or weed. \ كَثِير إلى هذا الحَدّ \ so many, so much: such a lot of: I never knew that you had so many brothers. \ كَثِير الإنتاج \ productive: (of land, work, plans, etc.) producing (many) goods or results. \ كَثِير التِّلال \ hilly: (of a country or roads) full of hills. \ كَثِير التَّنقُّل \ on the move: moving; travelling: He’s always on the move and never settles for long. \ كَثِير الجِبال \ mountainous: (of land) full of mountains. \ كَثِير جدًّا \ a good many, a great many: very many: a good many people. immensely: very much: I enjoyed myself immensely. in abundance: in large quantities. so many, so much: such a lot of: I never knew that you had so many brothers. \ كَثِير الحِجارة \ stony: having many stones: stony soil. \ كَثِير الحَرَاشِف \ scaly: covered with scales: A scaly creature; a scaly surface. \ كَثِير الدُّخَان \ smoky: producing much smoke; full of smoke; of a greyish brown colour. \ كَثِير الرّياح \ windy: having a lot of wind: Windy weather; a windy hillside. \ كَثِير الرِّيح \ breezy: (of weather) rather windy; fresh. \ كَثِير السُّؤَال \ inquisitive: too eager to know about other people’s affairs. \ كَثِير الشَّعْر \ hairy: covered with hair: hairy legs. \ كَثِير الضَّباب \ foggy: not clear because of fog: a foggy day. \ كَثِير الضَّجيج \ noisy: making a lot of noise: noisy children. \ كَثِير العَدَد \ numerous: great in number; very many: numerous mistakes. \ كَثِير العُشْب \ grassy: covered with grass. \ كَثِير العُصَارة \ juicy: (of fruit, etc.) containing a lot of liquid: a juicy apple. \ كَثِير العَظْم \ bony: (of fish or meat) full of bones. \ كَثِير العَمَل \ busy: working; having much to do: My wife is busy cooking. I’ve had a busy day at the office. \ See Also مشغول (مَشْغُول)‏ \ كَثِير مِن \ a lot of, lots of: a great deal of (but much or many is more common in questions or negative sentences): He has a lot of money but he hasn’t much sense. a good deal, a great deal: a lot: he suffers a good deal of pain. He has a great deal of money. dozen: a lot: I have dozens of relations. masses: a lot: I’ve got masses of work to finish. much: (it should be used: (a) only with nu nouns; use many for nc. nouns; (b) in negative sentences or questions; (c) in statements only when it describes the subject or when it follows how, too, so or as; in other statements use a lot, plenty of, a good deal of) a large amount of: We haven’t much food. Much money was spent on repairs. You eat too much sugar. \ كَثِير النُّتُوءات \ lumpy: full of lumps; covered with lumps; not smooth. \ كَثِير النِّسْيَان \ forgetful: often failing to remember things. \ كَثيرًا \ lot: a lot very much: I feel a lot better today. He likes her a lot. much: (only in negative sentences or questions; always after the verb) often: Does he come here much?, (with p.p) greatly a much-loved friend, (with verbs (a) it must not come between the verb and its object, (b) it may come at the end of a negative sentence or question, (c) it may only come at the end of a statement if it follows very) greatly: I don’t much like it or (I don’t like it). often: many times: It often rains in winter. \ كَثيرًا جدًّا \ highly: greatly; very; very much: I was highly delighted at his success. This substance is highly poisonous. She is a highly experienced taecher. I value your advice highly. \ كَثيرةُ الأرجُل (من المَفْصِليّات)‏ \ millepedes or millipedes, Myriapoda. \ _(field) Zool.

    Arabic-English dictionary > كثير

  • 14 جماعة

    جَمَاعَة \ batch: a set of people or things dealt with or taken as a group: The first batch of loaves baked too hard. I’ve just corrected several batches of exam papers. body: a group of people, united in some way: a small body of helpers. community: a group of people living together; the people of a place: In our small village community we all know each other. company: a group (of soldiers, actors, etc.). group: a number of people or things, gathered together or considered together: They stood in a group under the tree. He controls a group of companies. party: a group of people who travel together or who gather for a special purpose: A party of students got on the bus. A search party found the lost child. swarm: a restless gathering: a swarm of ants. \ See Also مجموعة (مَجْمُوعَة)‏ \ جَمَاعَة \ personnel: people employed (by a large business, by the government, esp. in its armed forces, etc.): Naval personnel do not all work on ships. \ See Also هَيئة المُوَظَّفين أو المُسْتَخْدَمين \ جَمَاعَة المُحَامين \ the bar: all those lawyers who appear in court. \ جَمَاعَة المُمَثِّلِين في مَسْرَحِيَّة \ cast: the actors in a play.

    Arabic-English dictionary > جماعة

  • 15 crash

    1. noun
    1) a noise as of heavy things breaking or falling on something hard:

    I heard a crash, and looked round to see that he'd dropped all the plates.

    صَوتُ التَّصادُم
    2) a collision:

    There was a crash involving three cars.


    the Wall Street crash.

    إنهِيار، إفْـلاس
    4) a sudden failure of a computer:

    A computer crash is very costly.

    2. verb
    1) to (cause to) fall with a loud noise:

    The glass crashed to the floor.

    يَتَحَطَّـم، يَنْكَسـر
    2) to drive or be driven violently (against, into):

    His car crashed into a wall.

    يَصْطَدم بِقُوّه، يبعَج
    3) (of aircraft) to land or be landed in such a way as to be damaged or destroyed:

    His plane crashed in the mountains.

    يتَحَطَّم، تَسْقُط الطائره
    4) (of a business) to fail.
    5) to force one's way noisily (through, into):

    He crashed through the undergrowth.

    يَشُقُّ طَريقَه بضجَّـةِ
    6) (of a computer) to stop working suddenly:

    If the computer crashes, we may lose all our files.

    3. adjective
    rapid and concentrated:

    a crash course in computer technology.

    سَريع ومُرَكَّـز

    Arabic-English dictionary > crash

  • 16 a lot

    بِكَثِير \ all: (with comparatives) much: If you run you’ll get there all the sooner. by far: by a long way or very much: He is by far the better player of the two. He plays better by far. far: (comparing things) much: He works far harder than you do. lot: a lot very much: I feel a lot better today. He likes her a lot. much: (in comparisons; before more, etc., and before too) a lot; by a great amount: This is much more useful than that. I feel much better today. It’s much too expensive. well: quite a long way: He’s well over 60. Stand well back from the line.

    Arabic-English glossary > a lot

  • 17 by far

    بِكَثِير \ all: (with comparatives) much: If you run you’ll get there all the sooner. by far: by a long way or very much: He is by far the better player of the two. He plays better by far. far: (comparing things) much: He works far harder than you do. lot: a lot very much: I feel a lot better today. He likes her a lot. much: (in comparisons; before more, etc., and before too) a lot; by a great amount: This is much more useful than that. I feel much better today. It’s much too expensive. well: quite a long way: He’s well over 60. Stand well back from the line.

    Arabic-English glossary > by far

  • 18 far

    بِكَثِير \ all: (with comparatives) much: If you run you’ll get there all the sooner. by far: by a long way or very much: He is by far the better player of the two. He plays better by far. far: (comparing things) much: He works far harder than you do. lot: a lot very much: I feel a lot better today. He likes her a lot. much: (in comparisons; before more, etc., and before too) a lot; by a great amount: This is much more useful than that. I feel much better today. It’s much too expensive. well: quite a long way: He’s well over 60. Stand well back from the line.

    Arabic-English glossary > far

  • 19 lot

    بِكَثِير \ all: (with comparatives) much: If you run you’ll get there all the sooner. by far: by a long way or very much: He is by far the better player of the two. He plays better by far. far: (comparing things) much: He works far harder than you do. lot: a lot very much: I feel a lot better today. He likes her a lot. much: (in comparisons; before more, etc., and before too) a lot; by a great amount: This is much more useful than that. I feel much better today. It’s much too expensive. well: quite a long way: He’s well over 60. Stand well back from the line.

    Arabic-English glossary > lot

  • 20 much

    بِكَثِير \ all: (with comparatives) much: If you run you’ll get there all the sooner. by far: by a long way or very much: He is by far the better player of the two. He plays better by far. far: (comparing things) much: He works far harder than you do. lot: a lot very much: I feel a lot better today. He likes her a lot. much: (in comparisons; before more, etc., and before too) a lot; by a great amount: This is much more useful than that. I feel much better today. It’s much too expensive. well: quite a long way: He’s well over 60. Stand well back from the line.

    Arabic-English glossary > much

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