1 с куриными мозгами
harebrained имя прилагательное:Русско-английский синонимический словарь > с куриными мозгами
2 безрассудный план
1) General subject: a hair-brained scheme, a harebrain scheme, a harebrained scheme2) Makarov: harebrained scheme -
3 безрассудный
1) General subject: blind, blindfold, bull headed, bull-headed, daft, daredevil, desperate, fond, foolish, gadarene, hardy, hare-brained, harum-scarum, heady, hell bent, hell-bent, imprudent, insane, mad, madcap, precipitant, profligate, rash, reckless, shatter brained, shatter-brained, swashbuckling, thoughtless, unreasonable, unreasoning, devil-may-carish, gung ho, harebrained, foolhardy, trifling2) Colloquial: fool, barmy on the crumpet3) American: bodacious4) Bookish: temerarious5) Law: heedless6) Psychology: unthoughtful7) Jargon: devil-may-care, dizzy8) Makarov: headlong, precipitate9) Archaic: derring -
4 ветреный
1) General subject: blasty, blowing, blowy (о погоде), corky, feather pated, feather-brained, feather-headed, feather-pated (о человеке), featherbrained (о человеке), flighty, flippant, fly away, fly-away, foul (о погоде), giddy, giddy brained, giddy headed, giddy-brained, gusty (о погоде и т. п.), hair-brained, harebrained, harum scarum, harum-scarum, light headed, light-headed, rough, scatter-brained, skittish, unthinking, volatile, whisky, windy, giddy-pated2) Colloquial: scatterbrained3) Dialect: huffy4) Rare: volage5) Meteorology: blustery (о погоде: blustery and chilly)6) Scottish language: hellicat7) Makarov: airy, giddy-headed, harebrain -
5 легкомысленный
1) General subject: air-headed, airy, careless, casual, cavalier, daft, empty pated, empty-headed, empty-pated, fast, flip, flippant, fly away, fly-away, frivolous, giddy, giddy brained, giddy headed, giddy-brained, giggish, gossipy, hare-brained, harebrained, harum scarum, harum-scarum, high-hearted, highty tighty, hoity toity, hoity-toity, jejune, light, light minded, light-headed, light-minded, lightheaded, lightsome, puerile, scatter-brained, shallow hearted, shallow-hearted, shatter-brained, thoughtless, unreflecting, unthinking, carefree, play fast and loose, giddy-pated, irresponsible, silly, mindless, helter skelter2) Colloquial: corky, scatterbrained, ditsy3) Rare: volage4) Scottish language: hellicat5) Jargon: bliss ninny (Tiffany is such a bliss ninny! Тиффани такая лекгомысленная!), breezy (Your breezy attitude burns me out. Твоё легкомысленное отношение истощает меня.), in a twitter, dingy6) leg.N.P. lighthearted, lightmindedness, trifling7) Makarov: empty (о человеке), frivolous (о человеке), giddy-headed8) Phraseological unit: brain-dead -
6 неосторожный
1) General subject: careless, guardless, hair-brained, harebrained, heedless, imprudent, inadvertent, incautious, indiscreet, rash, thoughtless, uncareful, unchary, undeliberate, unguarded, unwary, unwatchful3) Business: negligent4) Makarov: harebrain, unadvised (о человеке) -
7 несуразный
1) General subject: absurd, foolish, ungainly, harebrained, unreasonable2) Colloquial: wet3) Jargon: wat -
8 опрометчивый
1) General subject: Icarian, gadarene, hair-brained, hardy, harebrained, harum-scarum, hasteful, hasty, headlong, heady, hell bent, hell-bent, hot brained, hot-brained, hot-headed, hotheaded, ill advised, ill considered, ill-considered, imprudent, incautious, inconsiderate, inconsideration, overbold, overhasty, precipitant, precipitate, rash, reckless, slap bang, slap-bang, swashbuckling, unadvised (о поступках, словах), unwary, ill-advised, over-hasty, temerarious, audacious2) Colloquial: previous3) Psychology: indiscreet4) Jargon: mad5) Makarov: harebrain, precipitous -
9 В-69
ВЕТЕР В ГОЛОВЕ (гуляет, бродит, свистит) у кого coll, disapprov NP Invar VP subj. with быть« or subj usu. pres) s.o. is light-minded, frivolous (often said by older people when characterizing the young): у X-a ветер в голове « X is flighty (harebrained, lightheaded) X never has a serious thought in his head. -
10 ветер в голове
• ВЕТЕР В ГОЛОВЕ (гуляет, бродит, свистит) у кого coll, disapprov[NP; Invar; VPsubj with быть or subj; usu. pres]=====⇒ s.o. is light-minded, frivolous (often said by older people when characterizing the young):- у X-a ветер в голове≈ X is flighty (harebrained, lightheaded);- X never has a serious thought in his head.Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > ветер в голове
11 прожектёрство
ирон.harebrained schemes / plans, building castles in the air -
12 бездумный
13 безрассудный
reckless имя прилагательное: -
14 ветреный
windy имя прилагательное: -
15 глупый
stupid имя прилагательное:fool (глупый, безрассудный)birdbrained (глупый, с куриными мозгами)featherbrain (глупый, ветреный)woodenheaded (глупый, тупой)idle-headed (глупый, пустоголовый)fat-witted (глупый, тупой)bird-witted (глупый, с куриными мозгами)mutton-headed (глупый, медленно соображающий)thick-skulled (глупый, тупоголовый)словосочетание:dead above the ears (глупый, тупой)lame under the hat (глупый, несообразительный) -
16 легкомысленный
frivolous имя прилагательное:giddy (головокружительный, легкомысленный, испытывающий головокружение, ветреный, непостоянный, вертящийся)scatterbrained (легкомысленный, ветреный)light-minded (легкомысленный, бездумный) -
17 неосторожный
18 опрометчивый
heady имя прилагательное: -
19 выносливый
20 выносливый
1. harebrained2. enduring; sturdy; hardy; tough3. hardy4. tough5. wiryСинонимический ряд:стойко (прил.) двужильно; закаленно; крепко; стойко
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Harebrained — Hare brained (h[^a]r br[=a]nd ), a. Wild; giddy; volatile; heedless. A mad hare brained fellow. North (Plutarch). [Written also {hairbrained}.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
harebrained — index impolitic, precipitate, thoughtless, unpolitic Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
harebrained — [adj] stupid, unthinking absurd, asinine, barmy, bizarre, careless, changeable, crazy, dizzy*, empty headed*, featherbrained*, flighty, foolish, frivolous, giddy, half baked*, heedless, inane, irresponsible, loony*, mindless, preposterous, rash,… … New thesaurus
harebrained — [her′brānd΄] adj. having or showing little sense; reckless, flighty, giddy, rash, etc … English World dictionary
harebrained — {adj.} Thoughtless; foolish. * /Most of the harebrained things Ed does may be attributable to his youth and lack of experience./ … Dictionary of American idioms
harebrained — {adj.} Thoughtless; foolish. * /Most of the harebrained things Ed does may be attributable to his youth and lack of experience./ … Dictionary of American idioms
harebrained — hare|brained [ her,breınd ] adjective silly or very unlikely to succeed: I ve had enough of your harebrained ideas! … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
harebrained — adj thoughtless; foolish. Most of the harebrained things Ed does may be attributable to his youth and lack of experience … Словарь американских идиом
harebrained — adjective a harebrained person, plan etc is very silly and unlikely to succeed: wasting public money on hairbrained schemes … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
harebrained — adjective very foolish harebrained ideas took insane risks behind the wheel a completely mad scheme to build a bridge between two mountains • Syn: ↑insane, ↑mad • Similar to: ↑foolish … Useful english dictionary
harebrained — adjective Date: 1534 1. foolish 1 2. absurd, ridiculous … New Collegiate Dictionary