1 легкомысленные слова
Русско-английский словарь по общей лексике > легкомысленные слова
2 легкомысленный вид
Русско-английский словарь по общей лексике > легкомысленный вид
3 легкомысленный
прллегкомы́сленный посту́пок — thoughtless action
легкомы́сленное замеча́ние — flippant remark
легкомы́сленная деви́ца — flippant/frivolous girl
4 давать волю рукам
1) General subject: be flippant with hands, manhandle, to be flippant with ( one's) hands2) Colloquial: man-handle -
5 несерьёзный
1) General subject: Mickey Mouse, childish, facetious, futile, hollow, light, lightweight, sportive, tinkering, windy, giddy-pated, unserious, flippant, nonthreatening, silly, trifling2) Medicine: slight3) Rare: toyish (о чем-л.)4) Economy: irresponsible5) Politics: flippant ( man)6) Jargon: cushy (о ранении), small beer, sophomore -
6 несерьезный
1) General subject: Mickey Mouse, childish, facetious, futile, hollow, light, lightweight, sportive, tinkering, windy, giddy-pated, unserious, flippant, nonthreatening, silly, trifling2) Medicine: slight3) Rare: toyish (о чем-л.)4) Economy: irresponsible5) Politics: flippant ( man)6) Jargon: cushy (о ранении), small beer, sophomore -
7 легкомысленный
light, light-minded, frivolous, light-headed, thoughtless, flippantлегкомысленный человек — light-headed / thoughtless man*, frivolous person
легкомысленный поступок — thoughtless / careless action
8 ветреный
1) (о погоде)
2) (о человеке)
flippant, frivolous, giddy (легкомысленный); flighty, fickle, unstable (непостоянный)* * ** * *windy, gusty* * *blowingblowycorkyflippantfly-awaygiddygustywindy -
9 легкомысленный
light(-minded), light-headed, thoughtless, flippant; frivolous* * ** * *light(-minded), light-headed, thoughtless* * *airycarelessdaftfastfeather-brainedfeather-headedflippantfrivolousgiddyhare-brainedharum-scarumlightlight-headedlight-mindedlightsomepuerilescatterbrainedunreflecting -
10 серьезный
1. thorough, solidЭта организация нуждается в серьезной реформе — this organization needs a thorough reform.Это серьезная работа — This is a solid piece of work.2. serious, carefulМы ожидаем, что американская сторона со всей серьезностью отнесется к изложенным соображениям. - We expect that the American side will give serious/careful consideration to the views expressed here.@ несерьезныйthoughtless, flippantДанное заявление (г-на Чейни) является некомпетентным и несерьезным… - That particular statement is out of Mr. Cheney’s area of experience/jurisdiction (не incompetent!) and thoughtless/flippant (не not serious!).@ серьезный человекserious person – обделенный чувством юмора!He means business/knows what he is talking about/he is an experienced professional @ серьезный ученыйreputable, eminent, knowledgeable, professional scientist@ это несерьезноThat would be irresponsible/nonprofessional/wrong.You don't/can't mean that. You must be kidding. @Словарь переводчика-синхрониста (русско-английский) > серьезный
11 несерьезный
thoughtless, flippantДанное заявление (г-на Чейни) является некомпетентным и несерьезным… - That particular statement is out of Mr. Cheney’s area of experience/jurisdiction (не incompetent!) and thoughtless/flippant (не not serious!).Русско-английский словарь переводчика-синхрониста > несерьезный
12 легкомысленный
light-minded, light-headed, thoughtless; flippantлегкомы́сленный челове́к — light-headed / thoughtless person
легкомы́сленный посту́пок — thoughtless / careless action
легкомы́сленный сове́т — thoughtless advice
легкомы́сленный вид — flippant air
13 бездумный
1) General subject: empty pated, empty-headed, empty-pated, feckless, flip, half baked, incogitant, light headed, light-headed, shatter brained, shatter-brained, thoughtless, unreflecting, unspeculative, unthinking, vacant, flippant2) Colloquial: half-baked3) Bookish: irreflective4) Psychology: unreflective5) Jargon: chicken -
14 беспечный
1) General subject: blithe, carefree, careless, cavalier (having or showing no concern for something that is important or serious - см. http://www.merriam-webster.com/top-ten-lists/top-10-simple-but-intelligent-words/cavalier.html), devil may care, devil-may-care, devoid of cares, easy going, easygoing, gay, happy go lucky, happy-go-lucky, inapprehensive, incautious, jaunty, light, light hearted, light-hearted, lightsome, negligent, nonchalant, reckless, rocked in security, slaphappy, thoughtless, uncareful, unconcerned, unguarded, unheedful, unmindful, unthinking, unthoughtful, unworried, volatile, watchless, flippant, devil-may-carish, giddy-pated, mindless2) Colloquial: slapdash3) Poetical language: blithesome5) Aviation medicine: inadvertent -
15 болтливый
1) General subject: babbling, blithering, chatty, chinning, chitchatty, flippant, garrulous, gassy, gossipy, indiscreet, lippy, long tongued, long-tongued, loose tongued, loose-tongued, loquacious, mouthy, speechful, talkative, talking, talky, voluble, windy, loose lipped, glib2) Colloquial: chinny, leaky, newsy, big-mouthed4) Rare: chattery5) Jargon: yakky6) Literature: over-talkative8) Taboo: gobby -
16 ветреный
1) General subject: blasty, blowing, blowy (о погоде), corky, feather pated, feather-brained, feather-headed, feather-pated (о человеке), featherbrained (о человеке), flighty, flippant, fly away, fly-away, foul (о погоде), giddy, giddy brained, giddy headed, giddy-brained, gusty (о погоде и т. п.), hair-brained, harebrained, harum scarum, harum-scarum, light headed, light-headed, rough, scatter-brained, skittish, unthinking, volatile, whisky, windy, giddy-pated2) Colloquial: scatterbrained3) Dialect: huffy4) Rare: volage5) Meteorology: blustery (о погоде: blustery and chilly)6) Scottish language: hellicat7) Makarov: airy, giddy-headed, harebrain -
17 дерзкий
1) General subject: adventuresome, as bold as brass, audacious, bauld, bold, bold as brass, brattish, bratty, cheeky, cocksy, cocky, cool, coxy, daring, defiant, disrespectful, feisty, flippant, forward, free swinging, free-swinging, fresh, gutsy, hardy, impertinent, impudent, insolent, lippy, necky, out of line, overbold, perk, perky, perquisite, pert, petulant, presumptuous, provocative, reckless, sassy, saucy, tossy, uppish, venturesome, venturous, wise, edge3) Dialect: pawky4) Obsolete: malapert5) Bookish: contumelious6) Australian slang: cockie9) Jargon: off base, some pumpkins, crusty, fly, salty11) Makarov: step out of line12) Phraseological unit: brass neck (A person with gall.) -
18 дерзкий ответ
1) General subject: back-chat, back-talk, cross talk, saucy retort2) Australian slang: cocky answer4) Makarov: back-answer, cross-talk (старшему по возрасту или по положению), flippant answer, impudent reply, pert answer -
19 легкомысленный
1) General subject: air-headed, airy, careless, casual, cavalier, daft, empty pated, empty-headed, empty-pated, fast, flip, flippant, fly away, fly-away, frivolous, giddy, giddy brained, giddy headed, giddy-brained, giggish, gossipy, hare-brained, harebrained, harum scarum, harum-scarum, high-hearted, highty tighty, hoity toity, hoity-toity, jejune, light, light minded, light-headed, light-minded, lightheaded, lightsome, puerile, scatter-brained, shallow hearted, shallow-hearted, shatter-brained, thoughtless, unreflecting, unthinking, carefree, play fast and loose, giddy-pated, irresponsible, silly, mindless, helter skelter2) Colloquial: corky, scatterbrained, ditsy3) Rare: volage4) Scottish language: hellicat5) Jargon: bliss ninny (Tiffany is such a bliss ninny! Тиффани такая лекгомысленная!), breezy (Your breezy attitude burns me out. Твоё легкомысленное отношение истощает меня.), in a twitter, dingy6) leg.N.P. lighthearted, lightmindedness, trifling7) Makarov: empty (о человеке), frivolous (о человеке), giddy-headed8) Phraseological unit: brain-dead -
20 небрежный
1) General subject: Cavalier, careless, casual, devil may care, devil-may-care, floppy (о стиле), forgetful, harum-scarum, heedless, hit or miss, hit-or-miss, inadvertent, inattentive, inexact, lax, loose, neglectful, negligent, nonchalant, on the sketchy side, oscitant, overly, perfunctory, ragged (о стиле), raunchy, remiss, scratchy, slack, slapdash, slipshod, slobbery, sloppy, slouchy, sloven, slovenly, touch-and-go, uncareful, unkempt (о стиле), unthorough, offhand (тон), slurred, flippant, devil-may-carish, mindless, unheeding2) Rare: regardless3) Law: reckless4) Architecture: sketchy6) Business: dishonest7) Quality control: slack (о работе)8) Makarov: backhand, backhanded
См. также в других словарях:
Flippant — Flip pant, a. [Prov. E. flip to move nimbly; cf. W. llipa soft, limber, pliant, or Icel. fleipa to babble, prattle. Cf. {Flip}, {Fillip}, {Flap}, {Flipper}.] 1. Of smooth, fluent, and rapid speech; speaking with ease and rapidity; having a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Flippant — Flip pant, n. A flippant person. [R.] Tennyson. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
flippant — flippant, e adj. Qui procure les effets de la drogue (drogue). / Démoralisant, qui fait peur : C est flippant … Dictionnaire du Français argotique et populaire
flippant — index brazen, frivolous, impertinent (insolent), insolent, presumptuous Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
flippant — c.1600, talkative; 1670s, displaying unbecoming levity, apparently an extended form of FLIP (Cf. flip) (v.). Shortened form flip is attested from 1847. Related: Flippantly … Etymology dictionary
flippant — [adj] irreverent brassy, breezy, cheeky*, cocky, disrespectful, flighty, flip*, fresh, frivolous, glib, impertinent, impudent, insolent, lippy*, nervy*, offhand, pert, playful, rude, sassy*, smart*, smart alecky*, superficial; concept 401 Ant.… … New thesaurus
flippant — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ not showing the proper seriousness or respect. DERIVATIVES flippancy noun flippantly adverb. ORIGIN originally in the senses «nimble» and «talkative»: from FLIP(Cf. ↑flip) … English terms dictionary
flippant — [flip′ənt] adj. [Early ModE, nimble, prob. < FLIP1] 1. Obs. glib; talkative 2. frivolous and disrespectful; saucy; impertinent flippantly adv … English World dictionary
flippant — 2. flipper [ flipe ] v. intr. <conjug. : 1> • v. 1970; de l angl. amér. to flip « secouer, agiter » ♦ Fam. 1 ♦ Être abattu, déprimé lorsque la drogue a fini son effet. 2 ♦ Par ext. Être déprimé. ♢ Être angoissé, avoir peur. ⇒ baliser.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
flippant — flip|pant [ˈflıpənt] adj [Date: 1600 1700; Origin: FLIP1] not being serious about something that other people think you should be serious about ▪ a rather flippant remark flippant about ▪ You shouldn t be flippant about such things.… … Dictionary of contemporary English
flippant — [[t]flɪ̱pənt[/t]] ADJ GRADED (disapproval) If you describe a person or what they say as flippant, you are criticizing them because you think they are not taking something as seriously as they should. Don t be flippant, damn it! This is serious! … English dictionary