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См. также в других словарях:

  • brisk — [ brısk ] adjective 1. ) moving or acting quickly: We went for a brisk walk. The committee got off to a brisk start at its first meeting. a ) speaking quickly and only saying what is necessary. This word is sometimes used for saying that someone… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • brisk — [brɪsk] adjective FINANCE business or trading that is brisk is very busy, with a lot of products, shares etc bought and sold: • Restaurants do brisk business at Thanksgiving. • Following several days of brisk trading, the junk bond market was… …   Financial and business terms

  • brisk´ly — brisk «brihsk», adjective, verb. –adj. 1. quick and active; lively: »A brisk walk brings him home from work in ten minutes. SYNONYM(S): nimble, spry. 2. keen; sharp: »brisk weather …   Useful english dictionary

  • Brisk — may refer to: * Brest, Belarus (Brest Litovsk) Brisk (בריסק) is the city s name in Yiddish * The Brisk yeshivas and methods, a school of Jewish thought originated by the Soloveitchik family of Brest. * Brisk, an iced tea soft drink produced by a… …   Wikipedia

  • brisk — [brısk] adj [Date: 1500 1600; Origin: Probably from French brusque; BRUSQUE] 1.) quick and full of energy ▪ a brisk walk ▪ They set off at a brisk pace . 2.) quick, practical and showing that you want to get things done quickly ▪ Her tone of… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • brisk — [brisk] adj. [< ? Fr brusque,BRUSQUE] 1. quick in manner or movement; energetic [a brisk pace] 2. cool, dry, and bracing [brisk air] 3. pungent, keen, sharp, etc. [a brisk taste, a brisk tone of voice] 4. active; busy …   English World dictionary

  • brisk — brisk·en; brisk·ly; brisk·ness; brisk; …   English syllables

  • Brisk — (br[i^]sk), a. [Cf. W. brysg, fr. brys haste, Gael. briosg quick, lively, Ir. broisg a start, leap, jerk.] 1. Full of liveliness and activity; characterized by quickness of motion or action; lively; spirited; quick. [1913 Webster] Cheerily, boys; …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Brisk — Brisk, v. t. & i. [imp. & p. p. {Bricked}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Bricking}.] To make or become lively; to enliven; to animate; to take, or cause to take, an erect or bold attitude; usually with up. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • brisk — [adj1] fast moving; active adroit, agile, alert, animated, bustling, busy, energetic, lively, nimble, quick, speedy, sprightly, spry, vigorous, vivacious, zippy; concepts 542,584 Ant. inactive, slow, sluggish, unenergetic brisk [adj2] chilly,… …   New thesaurus

  • brisk|en — «BRIHS kuhn». transitive verb, intransitive verb. to make or become brisk …   Useful english dictionary

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