Перевод: со всех языков на все языки

со всех языков на все языки


  • 1 American built-up section of stanchion

    American built-up section of stanchion BT, TK Stützenquerschnitt m

    English-German dictionary of Architecture and Construction > American built-up section of stanchion

  • 2 -built

    de construcción..., de fabricación...

    brick-built/stone-built — hecho de ladrillo/piedra

    ADJ (ending in compounds)
    * * *

    brick-built/stone-built — hecho de ladrillo/piedra

    English-spanish dictionary > -built

  • 3 American English

    •• American English / British English

    •• Любой разговор о различиях американского и британского вариантов английского языка нельзя не начать со знаменитого, «зацитированного до дыр» высказывания Оскара Уайльда. Приведу его по книге Reader’s Digest Success With Words: Oscar Wilde’s Description of Britain and America as “two great nations divided by a common language” contains truth as well as wit [знаменитое высказывание Оскара Уайльда о том, что Британия и Америка – «две великие нации, разделенные общим языком», не только остроумно, но и содержит большую долю истины]. They have never had much trouble understanding each other, but they have a long history of being irritated with each other. Действительно, знаменитый английский лексикограф Сэмьюэл Джонсон считал «американский диалект» испорченным английским (a corruption of English). А в 1930 году член английского парламента консерватор сэр Альфред Нокс потребовал ограничить показ в Англии американских фильмов по следующей причине: The words and accent are disgusting, and there can be no doubt that such films are an evil influence on our language. Американцы нередко отвечали тем же. Основоположник американской лексикографии Дэниэл Уэбстер подводил под независимость «американского языка» теоретическую базу: The reasons for American English being different than English English are simple: As an independent nation, our honor requires us to have a system of our own, in language as well as government....достоинство независимой нации требует, чтобы мы имели собственную систему – не только в делах государственных, но и в языке. А Марк Твен то ли в шутку, то ли всерьез заявлял о превосходстве американского варианта: The King’s English is not the King’s. It is a joint stock company, and Americans own most of the shares.
    •• Отголоски утверждений о резких различиях между двумя вариантами или диалектами английского и споров о том, какой из них лучше, можно услышать и сейчас. Но преобладает иное мнение, и я его разделяю: «американский» и «британский» сближаются, причем все быстрее, и в век сокращающихся расстояний, всепроникающих средств информации и связи, глобализации экономики в этом нет ничего удивительного. Крайности специфического произношения, акцента и словоупотребления стираются в обеих странах, и одновременно в процессе взаимодействия двух народов и всех других говорящих и пишущих по-английски происходит дальнейшая нивелировка различий. Надо признать, что влияние распространяется в основном с запада на восток, из Америки в Англию и дальше на другие страны, но немало и обратных примеров. Достаточно вспомнить о знаменитой ливерпульской четверке «Битлз». Американцы вообще не стесняются заимствовать слова (и не только их) у кого угодно (см. статью foreign words and phrases). Для нас важны лишь те различия, которые обязательно должен знать переводчик во избежание ошибок, недоразумений и даже конфуза. Таких различий не слишком много, и затрагивают они в основном лексику и произношение (грамматические и стилистические различия, а также различия в правописании, хотя иногда и существенны, для переводчика, как правило, непринципиальны).
    •• Начнем с произношения. Фонетические различия между американцами и англичанами (т.е. различия, говоря упрощенно, в манере произнесения слов) могут быть довольно значительными, но к ним быстро привыкаешь, и они редко создают трудности для переводчика. Существеннее фонологические различия (т.е. различия собственно в произношении). Отметим главные, которых не так много.
    •• Слова, в которых американцы произносят «открытый слог», а англичане – «закрытый» или предпочитают традиционное произношение: dynasty, vitamin (американцы призносят как в слове eye, англичане – как в слове din); tomato (американцы произносят tomeito, англичане – как в слове path).
    •• Большинство англичан произносит слова either и neither как в слове my, подавляющее большинство американцев – как в слове see.
    •• В словах clerk и derby англичане по традиции произносят длинное a (как в слове path), американцы – читают «по правилам».
    •• Англичане произносят слово leisure так же, как pleasure. Американцы предпочитают довольно странное произношение с длинным e, как в слове leave.
    •• Букву z англичане называют zed, американцы только zee.
    •• Имя героя знаменитого романа Сервантеса по-разному звучит в устах американцев и англичан: приближенно к испанскому произношению у первых и «англизированно» у вторых .
    •• Большинству изучающих английский знакомо различное произношение слова schedule – sk- у америкацев и sh- у англичан. То же самое – со словом lieutenant (англичане произносят его , американцы – .
    •• Слово алюминий англичане и американцы и пишут и произносят по-разному (англичане aluminium с ударением на третьем слоге, американцы aluminum с ударением на втором).
    •• Есть и некоторые другие различия в произношении, но большее внимание все-таки стоит уделить различиям в лексике.
    •• Среди них есть, если можно так выразиться, различия антонимического характера (одно и то же слово означает у англичан и американцев противоположные вещи, и, наоборот, противоположные по смыслу слова – одно и то же). Такие случаи редки, порой забавны и всегда требуют переводческой бдительности. Несколько примеров.
    •• Начнем с «общеизвестного». В США public school – государственная школа, «школа для всех». В Англии – закрытая частная школа, «школа для немногих».
    •• В английской парламентской практике to table a proposal – то же, что submit т.е. предложить, поставить на обсуждение. В Америке – отложить, не обсуждать, «положить в долгий ящик». Чтобы не возникало путаницы, в ООН это словосочетание предпочитают не употреблять.
    •• Глагол to enjoin в США употребляется в основном в судебной практике и означает запретить, воспрепятствовать. Есть и другое значение, почти противоположное – приказать, распорядиться. У англичан слово enjoin употребляется только в этом последнем значении.
    •• Американский политик, выставивший свою кандидатуру на выборах, runs. Вообще большая часть терминологии здесь «беговая» – presidential race, runoff (второй тур выборов). Пример из американского журнала Time: White has rebounded and is now believed to be running neck and neck with his rival. Британский или ирландский политик – stands. Пример из Financial Times: Yesterday John Hume, the Northern Irish nationalist leader, decided after weeks of prevarication not to stand.
    •• В некоторых случаях различие не столь «антонимично», но весьма существенно. Привожу список наиболее характерных и часто встречающихся слов такого рода в алфавитном порядке (первым идет американское слово) – разумеется, некоторые слова в этом списке широко известны, но не включить их нельзя.
    •• administration брит. government. В США слово government (см. статью government, governance) относят ко всем ветвям власти, к государству вообще, в Великобритании, как у нас, к правительству в смысле кабинета министров;
    •• apartment брит. flat. В США слово flat тоже встречается, но обычно употребляется в отношении плохих, дешевых квартир;
    •• bill брит. note (в значении банкнота);
    •• check брит. bill. Имеется в виду чек, который приносит клиенту официант в ресторане;
    •• closet брит. cupboard. В США встроенный шкаф называется built-in closet, а walk-in closet – это кладовка, темная комната для одежды. Правда, слово closet, употребляемое как прилагательное в значении тайный, скрывающий свое истинное лицо, распространено и в США, и в Англии (closet liberal, closet homosexual);
    •• drunk driving (встречается также drinking and driving) брит. drink driving. Совершенно непонятно, почему в двух «братских странах» существует это небольшое, но существенное различие в обозначении этого «кое-где у них порой» встречающегося явления. Не берусь судить, кто прав, тем более что я не автомобилист (кстати, по обе стороны океана автомобилист чаще всего – motorist). Англичане говорят также drink drivers: Government advertisements are aimed at putting off drink drivers (Skynews). – Государство проводит в СМИ кампанию с целью убедить водителей не садиться за руль в нетрезвом состоянии. В США имеется The National Commission Against Drunk Driving, а само это явление обозначается часто сокращениями DUI (Driving under the influence) или DWI (Driving while intoxicated): DWI is a serious offense in New Jersey. Сокращение может употребляться как существительное: Being arrested for a DUI can be an unnerving experience (сайт www.bktlaw.com). – Арест за управление автомобилем в нетрезвом состоянии/состоянии опьянения может превратиться для вас в большую нервотрепку. (Кстати, юристы отмечают, что drunk driving, DUI и DWI не являются строгими юридическими терминами. Точнее – impaired driving, т.е. управление автомобилем при содержании алкоголя в крови (blood alcohol concentration – BAC) от 0,08 процента.) В соответствующей русской терминологии тоже часто используются сокращения: управление т/с (транспортным средством) в НС (нетрезвом состоянии);
    •• garbage брит. rubbish;
    •• garbage can брит. dustbin. Соответственно, американский garbage man – это английский dustman. Кстати, у англичан есть выражение dustbin of history (свалка истории), что «по-американски» звучит иначе – ash heap of history;
    •• gas, gasoline брит. petrol. Во избежание путаницы американцы называют газ natural gas;
    •• in брит. of. Переводчику на английский язык надо иметь в виду, что у американцев и англичан сохраняются «принципиальные разногласия» по поводу некоторых предлогов. Наверное, самое заметное из них: американцы говорят participants in a conference, англичане – participants of a conference;
    •• installment plan брит. hire purchase (покупка в кредит);
    •• license plate брит. number plate. По-русски номерной знак или просто номер (на автомобиле);
    •• liquor store брит. off-license. Винно-водочный магазин. Несколько странное английское название означает, что магазин имеет лицензию продавать спиртное (амер. liquor, брит. [ wines and] spirits) «на вынос» – to be consumed off the premises;
    •• mail брит. post. Но почтовое отделение в обеих странах называется post office;
    •• nervy – в американском словоупотреблении имеет значение наглый (someone who has a lot of nerve). Англичанин скорее всего скажет impudent;
    •• orchestra seats (в театре) брит. stalls;
    •• pants брит. trousers. У англичан pants – трусы (амер. underpants или shorts);
    •• pantyhose брит. tights;
    •• parka брит. anorak;
    •• recess брит. break. Значение этого слова – перерыв. Американцы говорят break о кратком перерыве (coffee break; we’ll take a short break for a commercial announcement) и о каникулах в школах и университетах (spring break). В остальных случаях – recess (в школе; ударение на первом слоге), intermission (на концерте) или даже interruption;
    •• sick брит. ill. Англичане говорят sick, только когда человека тошнит, американцы – и в этом случае, и о любой болезни ( sick leave – что-то среднее между отгулом и отсутствием на работе по болезни; в американских учреждениях и компаниях обычно разрешается пропустить несколько дней в году по болезни без справки от врача).
    •• station wagon брит. estate car. «Волгу» такого типа у нас в свое время называли «волга-сарай». Вместо этого устаревшего и чисто разговорного «термина» сейчас предлагается «универсал»;
    •• subway брит. underground;
    •• teller (в банке) брит. cashier;
    •• truck брит. lorry;
    •• vacation брит. holiday (в значении отпуск). Выходной праздничный день в обеих странах называется public holiday.
    •• Англичане и американцы по-разному именуют так называемые места общего пользования. В Британии все довольно просто. Если вам надо узнать, где туалет, так и спрашивайте: Where is the toilet/lavatory? А англичанин нередко употребляет и простецкое the loo (слово малоизвестное в Америке). В США, может быть, из-за пуританских корней американцев, этот вопрос звучит по-другому: Where is the bathroom/restroom/men’s room/ladies’ room. Общественные туалеты в нью-йоркском Центральном парке называются – и это правда! – comfort stations.
    •• Наконец, не будем забывать, что англичане, в отличие от нас и американцев, считают этажи по-своему: first floor у них то, что у нас второй этаж. У американцев первый этаж может называться first floor или ground floor, но дальше в любом случае идет second floor.

    English-Russian nonsystematic dictionary > American English

  • 4 As- Built Drawing

    American: ABD

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > As- Built Drawing

  • 5 custom-built

    American po naročilu narejen

    English-Slovenian dictionary > custom-built

  • 6 the American Navy has built up its presence in the Mediterranean

    Politics english-russian dictionary > the American Navy has built up its presence in the Mediterranean

  • 7 hecho en América

    Ex. Technical difficulties beset the development of the Monotype through the 1890s, and it was not until 1901 that the English Monotype Corporation could offer American-built machines in quantity.
    * * *

    Ex: Technical difficulties beset the development of the Monotype through the 1890s, and it was not until 1901 that the English Monotype Corporation could offer American-built machines in quantity.

    Spanish-English dictionary > hecho en América

  • 8 América

    1 America.
    2 America.
    * * *
    1 America
    América Central Central America
    América del Norte North America
    América del Sur South America
    América Latina Latin America
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    SF (=continente, Norteamérica) America; LAm (=Hispanoamérica) South America, Spanish America, Latin America

    hacerse la América Cono Sur to make a fortune

    * * *
    femenino ( continente) America
    * * *
    Ex. The fruits of Mr. Kilgour's labors and creations have substantially altered the texture of contemporary America library service = Los frutos de los trabajos y creaciones del Sr. Kilgour han alterado sustancialmente la naturaleza del servicio bibliotecario de la América contemporánea.
    * América Central = Central America.
    * América colonial, la = Colonial America.
    * América de habla hispana = Spanish America.
    * América del Sur = South America.
    * América Latina = Latin America.
    * con sede en América = American-based.
    * hecho en América = American-built.
    * norte de América = northern America.
    * publicado en América = American-published.
    * Sociedad Bibliográfica de America = Bibliographical Society of America.
    * * *
    femenino ( continente) America
    * * *

    Ex: The fruits of Mr. Kilgour's labors and creations have substantially altered the texture of contemporary America library service = Los frutos de los trabajos y creaciones del Sr. Kilgour han alterado sustancialmente la naturaleza del servicio bibliotecario de la América contemporánea.

    * América Central = Central America.
    * América colonial, la = Colonial America.
    * América de habla hispana = Spanish America.
    * América del Sur = South America.
    * América Latina = Latin America.
    * con sede en América = American-based.
    * hecho en América = American-built.
    * norte de América = northern America.
    * publicado en América = American-published.
    * Sociedad Bibliográfica de America = Bibliographical Society of America.

    * * *
    A (continente) America
    el descubrimiento de América the discovery of America
    se usa más en América que en España it's used more in Latin America than in Spain
    flora que sólo se da en América flora found only in America o in the Americas
    hacerse la América to make a fortune, get rich
    Central America
    América del Norte or Septentrional
    North America
    América del Sur or Meridional
    South America
    Latin America
    B ( Esp) (Estados Unidos) America, the States (pl)
    * * *

    América sustantivo femenino
    1 ( continente) America;
    hacerse la américa to make a fortune, get rich;

    américa Central Central America;
    américa del Norte or Septentrional North America;
    américa del Sur or Meridional South America;
    américa Latina Latin America
    2 (Esp) ( Estados Unidos) America, the States (pl)
    América sustantivo femenino America
    América Central/ del Norte/del Sur/Latina, Central/North/South/Latin America
    ' América' also found in these entries:
    - cono
    - EE. UU.
    - Estados Unidos
    - Hispanoamérica
    - Iberoamérica
    - latina
    - latino
    - Latinoamérica
    - Norteamérica
    - originaria
    - originario
    - Sudamérica
    - Suramérica
    - yacaré
    - allá
    - conquista
    - conquistador
    - embarcar
    - indio
    - Mesoamérica
    - norteamericano
    - plática
    - platicar
    - sos
    - vos
    - vosotros
    - ya
    - antiaging
    - Central America
    - Latin
    - North America
    - South America
    - United States
    - United States of America
    - USA
    - work
    - Central
    - Indian
    - moose
    - north
    - South
    - united
    * * *
    [continente] America, the Americas; esp Esp [Estados Unidos] America, the States;
    un vocablo típico del español de América a word which is typical of Latin American Spanish;
    el comercio de esclavos hacia América the slave trade with the Americas
    América Central Central America;
    América Latina Latin America;
    América del Norte North America;
    América del Sur South America
    * * *
    f America;
    hacer las Américas make a fortune

    Spanish-English dictionary > América

  • 9 hecho

    1 made, done.
    2 made, created.
    1 done.
    2 agreed.
    1 fact, point of fact, event, happening.
    2 act, feat, deed, action.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: hacer.
    * * *
    1 (realidad) fact
    2 (suceso) event, incident
    1→ link=hacer hacer
    1 (carne) done
    2 (persona) mature
    3 (frase, expresión) set
    4 (ropa) ready-made
    1 (realidad) fact
    2 (suceso) event, incident
    interjección ¡hecho!
    1 done!, agreed!
    a lo hecho pecho it's no use crying over spilt milk
    ¡bien hecho! well done!
    de hecho in fact
    el hecho es que... the fact is that...
    eso está hecho figurado that won't take long, that'll only take a minute
    estar hecho,-a un,-a... to be...
    está hecho un vago he's a real waster, he's a real layabout
    hecho,-a a mano handmade
    hecho,-a a máquina machine-made
    hecho,-a en casa home-made
    hechos son amores actions speak louder than words
    lo hecho hecho está what's done is done
    muy hecho,-a (carne) well-cooked 2 (pasada) overdone
    poco,-a hecho,-a (carne) rare 2 (insuficientemente) underdone
    hecho consumado fait accompli
    hecho de armas feat of arms
    Hechos de los Apóstoles RELIGIÓN Acts of the Apostles
    * * *
    1. noun m.
    1) fact
    2) deed
    2. (f. - hecha)
    1) done, made
    * * *
    PP de hacer
    2. ADJ
    1) (=realizado) done

    si le dijiste que no fuera, mal hecho — if you told him not to go, then you were wrong o you shouldn't have

    ¡hecho! — (=de acuerdo) agreed!, it's a deal!

    2) (=manufacturado) made

    ¿de qué está hecho? — what's it made of?

    3) (=acabado) done, finished; (=listo) ready

    ¿está hecha la comida? — is dinner ready?

    4) (Culin)
    a) (=maduro) [queso, vino] mature; [fruta] ripe
    b) (=cocinado)

    muy hecho(=bien) well-cooked; (=demasiado) overdone

    no muy hecho, poco hecho — underdone, undercooked

    un filete poco o no muy hecho — a rare steak

    5) (=convertido en)

    ella, hecha una furia, se lanzó — she hurled herself furiously

    6) [persona]

    hecho y derecho —

    7) (=acostumbrado)
    3. SM
    1) (=acto)

    hechos, y o que no palabras — actions speak louder than words

    2) (=realidad) fact; (=suceso) event

    el hecho es que... — the fact is that...

    un hecho histórico(=acontecimiento) an historic event; (=dato) a historical fact

    hecho imponible — (Econ) taxable source of income


    de hecho — in fact, as a matter of fact

    de hecho, yo no sé nada de eso — in fact o as a matter of fact, I don't know anything about that

    4) (Jur)
    * * *
    - cha participio pasado [ ver tb hacer]
    1) ( manufacturado) made

    bien/mal hecho — well/badly made

    lo hecho, hecho está — what's done is done

    tú estás hecho un vagoyou've become o turned into a lazy devil

    hecho a algoused o accustomed to something

    hecho! — it's a deal!, done!

    - cha adjetivo
    1) < ropa> ready-to-wear, off-the-rack (AmE), off-the-peg (esp BrE)
    2) ( terminado) < trabajo> done

    hecho y derecho< hombre> (fully) grown; < abogado> fully-fledged

    3) (esp Esp) < carne> done

    un filete muy/poco hecho — a well-done/rare steak

    a) (acto, acción)

    ésas son palabras y yo quiero hechos — those are just words, I want action o I want something done

    b) (suceso, acontecimiento) event
    2) (realidad, verdad) fact

    el hecho es que... — the fact (of the matter) is that...

    * * *
    - cha participio pasado [ ver tb hacer]
    1) ( manufacturado) made

    bien/mal hecho — well/badly made

    lo hecho, hecho está — what's done is done

    tú estás hecho un vagoyou've become o turned into a lazy devil

    hecho a algoused o accustomed to something

    hecho! — it's a deal!, done!

    - cha adjetivo
    1) < ropa> ready-to-wear, off-the-rack (AmE), off-the-peg (esp BrE)
    2) ( terminado) < trabajo> done

    hecho y derecho< hombre> (fully) grown; < abogado> fully-fledged

    3) (esp Esp) < carne> done

    un filete muy/poco hecho — a well-done/rare steak

    a) (acto, acción)

    ésas son palabras y yo quiero hechos — those are just words, I want action o I want something done

    b) (suceso, acontecimiento) event
    2) (realidad, verdad) fact

    el hecho es que... — the fact (of the matter) is that...

    * * *
    1 = event, fact, deed.

    Ex: The concept of corporate body includes named occasional groups and events, such as meetings, conferences, congresses, expeditions, exhibitions, festivals, and fairs.

    Ex: Apart from the fact that different librarians may consult different reference sources, there are other factors which may lead different cataloguers to different decisions.
    Ex: Books were kept for historical records of deeds done by the inhabitants: their worthy acts as well as their sins.
    * apuntar el hecho de que = point to + the fact that.
    * cegarse ante el hecho de que = blind + Pronombre + to the fact that.
    * de derecho pero no de hecho = in name only.
    * de hecho = actually, as a matter of fact, as it happened, de facto, in actual fact, in effect, in fact, indeed, in point of fact, in actuality, as it happens, as it is, effectively, for all intents and purposes, to all intents and purposes, for that matter.
    * del dicho al hecho hay mucho trecho = easier said than done.
    * del dicho al hecho hay mucho trecho = There's many a slip 'twixt cup and lip.
    * demostración del hecho de que = evidence of the fact that.
    * desde el punto de vista de los hechos = factually.
    * dicho sin hecho no tiene provecho = actions speak louder than words.
    * el hecho es que = fact is, the fact is (that).
    * el hecho es que... = the fact of the matter is that....
    * en cuanto a los hechos = factually.
    * en el lugar de los hechos = at the scene.
    * enfrentarse al hecho de que = face + (up to) the fact that.
    * entre el dicho y el hecho hay un gran trecho = many a slip between the cup and the lip.
    * enunciado de los hechos = statement of fact.
    * estado de hecho = rule of men.
    * explicar + Posesivo + versión de los hechos = explain + Posesivo + side of the story.
    * exposición de los hechos = statement of fact.
    * hacer frente al hecho de que = face + (up to) the fact that.
    * hacer frente a los hechos = face + facts.
    * hecho casual = coincidence, chance happening.
    * hecho consumado = fait accompli.
    * hecho demostrado = established fact.
    * hecho ineludible = hard fact.
    * hecho real = brute fact.
    * hechos dispersos = random facts.
    * hechos, los = plain fact, the.
    * hechos reales = true story.
    * no prestar atención al hecho de que = overlook + the fact that.
    * olvidarse del hecho de que = lose + sight of the fact that.
    * pareja de hecho = common-law husband, common-law wife, common-law marriage.
    * partiendo del hecho de que = based on the understanding that.
    * perder de vista el hecho de que = lose + sight of the fact that.
    * por el hecho de que = because of the fact that.
    * por el mero hecho de saber = for knowledge's sake.
    * presunción de hecho = prima facie.
    * prueba del hecho de que = evidence of the fact that.
    * ser un hecho ampliamente aceptado = it + be + widely agreed.
    * ser un hecho ampliamente reconocido = it + be + widely recognised.
    * ser un hecho bien conocido que = it + be + a (well)-known fact that.
    * ser un hecho bien sabido que = it + be + a (well)-known fact that.
    * ser un hecho poco conocido que = it + be + a little known fact that.
    * ser un hecho poco sabido que = it + be + a little known fact that.
    * sin meternos en el hecho de que = to say nothing of.
    * sin tener en cuenta el hecho de que = overlook + the fact that.
    * verificación de los hechos = fact checking.


    Ex: What was pinned up ranged from sheets of paper with nothing more written on them than a title and author to elaborate and beautifully executed illustrations.

    * a lo hecho, pecho = no use crying over spilt/spilled milk, you've made your bed, now you must lie in it!.
    * bien hecho = well-rendered, well done.
    * cartón hecho de paja = strawboard.
    * comprar Algo hecho en serie = buy + off-the-shelf.
    * comprar Algo ya hecho de antemano = buy + off-the-shelf.
    * cosa hecha = plain sailing, walkover.
    * dado por hecho = foregone.
    * dando por hecho que = based on the understanding that, on the understanding that.
    * dar por hecho = take for + granted.
    * dejar hecho polvo = screw + Nombre + up.
    * dicho y hecho = no sooner said than done.
    * estar hecho a escala = be to scale.
    * estar hecho con la intención de = be intended for/to.
    * estar hecho con la mismas dimensiones que el original = be to scale.
    * estar hecho el uno para el otro = be two of a kind, be a right pair.
    * estar hecho para = be geared to, be intended for/to, mean, be cut out for.
    * estar hecho polvo = be + wreck.
    * estar hecho un desastre = be a shambles, look like + the wreck of the Hesperus, look like + drag + through a hedge backwards, be (in) a mess.
    * estar hecho un esqueleto = be a bag of bones.
    * frase hecha = bound phrase, cliche, formulaic words, formulaic phrase.
    * hecho a base de parches = patchwork.
    * hecho a mano = hand-made, hand-drawn, handcrafted.
    * hecho a máquina = machine-made.
    * hecho a medida = customised [customized, -USA], purpose-designed, tailored, tailor-made [tailormade], custom-made, custom-built [custom built], custom-designed [custom designed], custom-tailored [custom tailored], bespoke, made to measure, fitted, made-to-order.
    * hecho añicos = shattered.
    * hecho a propósito = tailor-made [tailormade], custom-made, custom-built [custom built], custom-designed [custom designed], custom-tailored [custom tailored].
    * hecho cisco = wrecked.
    * hecho como de pasada = throwaway.
    * hecho de antemano = off-the-peg, ready-made.
    * hecho de encaje = lacy.
    * hecho de grava = metalled [metaled, -USA].
    * hecho de trozos = piecewise.
    * hecho de un modo gratuito = pro bono.
    * hecho en América = American-built.
    * hecho en casa = homespun, homemade.
    * hecho en el extranjero = foreign-made.
    * hecho en el Reino Unido = British-made.
    * hecho en lugar de otra persona = delegated.
    * hecho exclusivamente para = born and bred.
    * hecho exclusivamente para la web = Web-centric.
    * hecho expresamente para = intended for.
    * hecho para una situación específica = niche-specific.
    * hecho para una única ocasión = one shot.
    * hecho polvo = wrecked, dog tired.
    * hecho por el autor = author-designated, author-prepared.
    * hecho por el hombre = man-made.
    * hecho por encargo = tailor-made [tailormade], bespoke, custom-made, custom-built [custom built], custom-designed [custom designed], custom-tailored [custom tailored], made-to-order, made to measure.
    * hecho por la OCLC = OCLC-produced.
    * hecho por la propia biblioteca = in-house [inhouse].
    * hecho por multicopista = mimeographed.
    * hecho por uno mismo = home-grown [home grown/homegrown], home-produced, self-made.
    * hecho puré = mashed.
    * hecho recientemente = fresh-made.
    * hechos el uno para el otro = made for each other.
    * hecho una salsa = saucy [saucier -comp., sauciest -sup.].
    * hecho una sopa = drenched to the skin, wringing wet, soaked to the skin, soaking wet, wet through to the skin.
    * hecho un desastre = in shambles, like the wreck of the Hesperus, upside down.
    * hecho un toro = as strong as an ox.
    * hecho y derecho = full-bodied, full-scale, full-service, fully-fledged.
    * ir hecho un desastre = look like + drag + through a hedge backwards, look like + the wreck of the Hesperus.
    * lo hecho hecho está = no use crying over spilt/spilled milk.
    * mal hecho para = ill suited to/for.
    * medio hecho = halfway done, half done.
    * menos hecho = rarer.
    * páguese por el uso hecho = pay-as-you-go.
    * papel hecho a mano = hand-made paper.
    * papel hecho a máquina = machine-made paper.
    * papel verjurado hecho a máquina = machine-made laid paper.
    * ponerse hecho una fiera = go + ballistic, go + berserk, go + postal, lose + Posesivo + temper.
    * ponerse hecho una furia = go + berserk, go + postal, lose + Posesivo + temper.
    * ponerse hecho un basilisco = go + ballistic, go + berserk, go + postal, lose + Posesivo + temper.
    * ponerse hecho un energúmeno = go + ballistic.
    * recién hecho = hot off the griddle.
    * resumen hecho para una disciplina concreta = discipline-oriented abstract.
    * sistema informático hecho por encargo = tailored system.
    * solución hecha = cut-and-dried solution.
    * tener Algo hecho a la medida de uno = have + Nombre + cut out.
    * tenerlo todo hecho = have + an easy ride.
    * un trabajo bien hecho = a job well done.

    * * *
    hecho a mano handmade
    hecho a máquina machine-made, machine-produced
    un traje hecho a (la) medida a made-to-measure suit
    está muy bien/mal hecho it's very well/badly made
    (refiriéndose a una acción): ¡bien hecho! así aprenderá well done! o good for you! that'll teach him
    tomé la decisión yo solo — pues mal hecho, tenías que haberlo consultado I took the decision myself — well you shouldn't have (done), you should have discussed it with him
    lo hecho, hecho está it's no use crying over spilled milk
    (convertido en): estaba hecho una fiera or furia he was livid o furious
    está hecha una foca she's got(ten) really fat
    se apareció hecho un mamarracho he turned up looking a real mess
    me dejaron con los nervios hechos trizas when they finished my nerves were in tatters o in shreds o ( colloq) shot to pieces
    tú estás hecho un vago you've become o turned into a lazy devil
    D (acostumbrado) hecho A algo used o accustomed TO sth
    un hombre muy hecho a la vida en el campo a man well used to o quite accustomed to life in the country
    (expresando acuerdo): ¡hecho! it's a deal!, done!
    A ‹ropa› ready-to-wear, off-the-peg
    con ese físico se puede comprar los trajes hechos with his build he can buy ready-to-wear suits o he can buy his suits off the peg
    B (terminado) ‹trabajo› done
    hecho y derecho: un hombre hecho y derecho a grown o a fully grown man
    un abogado hecho y derecho a fully-fledged lawyer
    ya es un jugador hecho y derecho he is already an inveterate o a confirmed gambler
    C ( esp Esp) ‹carne› done
    un filete muy/poco hecho a well-done/rare steak
    D ( Chi fam) (borracho) plastered ( colloq)
    (Col, Ven fam) (económicamente bien): estar hecho to have it made ( colloq)
    (acto, acción): ésas son palabras y yo quiero hechos those are just words, I want action
    demuéstramelo con hechos prove it to me by doing something about it
    no es el hecho en sí de que me lo haya robado lo que me duele sino … it's not the actual theft that upsets me but …, it's not the fact that she stole it from me that upsets me but …
    2 (suceso, acontecimiento) event
    hechos como la caída del gobierno de Castillo events such as the fall of the Castillo government
    los documentos hallados en el lugar de los hechos the documents found at the scene of the crime
    limítese el testigo a relatar los hechos the witness will please limit o confine his testimony to the facts
    fait accompli
    ( frml); battle
    ( frml); violent crime ( involving bloodshed)
    los hecho de los Apóstoles The Acts of the Apostles
    B (realidad, verdad) fact
    es un hecho conocido por todos it's a well-known fact
    para esa fecha los viajes espaciales ya eran un hecho by that time space travel was already a reality
    el hecho es que … the fact (of the matter) is that …
    es un gran conocedor del país, debido al hecho de que … he knows the country very well owing to the fact that o because …
    el hecho de que habla tres idiomas le da una gran ventaja the fact that he speaks three languages gives him a great advantage
    el hecho DE QUE + SUBJ:
    el hecho de que mucha gente lo compre no quiere decir que sea un buen periódico the fact that a lot of people buy it doesn't make it a good newspaper, just because a lot of people buy it doesn't mean that it's a good newspaper
    de hecho: de hecho, ya es significativo que haya hecho esa propuesta the fact that he has made such a proposal is in itself significant
    no fue una sorpresa, de hecho, me avisaron el mes pasado it didn't come as a surprise; in fact they warned me only last month
    él es el director pero de hecho la que manda es ella he's the director, but she's the one who actually runs the place, he's the director, but in reality o in actual fact she's the one who runs the place
    * * *


    Del verbo hacer: ( conjugate hacer)

    hecho es:

    el participio

    Multiple Entries:
    hacer ( conjugate hacer) verbo transitivo
    a) ( crear) ‹mueble/vestido to make;

    casa/carretera to build;
    nido to build, make;
    túnelto make, dig;
    dibujo/plano to do, draw;
    lista to make, draw up;
    resumen to do, make;
    película to make;
    nudo/lazo to tie;
    pan/pastel to make, bake;
    vino/café/tortilla to make;
    cerveza to make, brew;

    hacen buena pareja they make a lovely couple
    b) (producir, causar) ‹ ruido to make;

    estos zapatos me hacen daño these shoes hurt my feet
    a) (efectuar, llevar a cabo) ‹ sacrificio to make;

    milagro to work, perform;
    deberes/ejercicios/limpieza to do;
    mandado to run;
    transacción/investigación to carry out;
    experimento to do, perform;
    entrevista to conduct;
    gira/viaje to do;
    regalo to give;
    favor to do;
    trato to make;

    aún queda mucho por hecho there is still a lot (left) to do;
    dar que hecho to make a lot of work
    b)cheque/factura to make out, write out

    3 (formular, expresar) ‹declaración/promesa/oferta to make;
    proyecto/plan to make, draw up;
    crítica/comentario to make, voice;
    pregunta to ask;


    hecho caca (fam) to do a poop (AmE) o (BrE) a pooh (colloq);

    hecho pis or pipí (fam) to have a pee (colloq);
    hecho sus necesidades (euf) to go to the bathroom o toilet (euph)

    las vacas hacen `mu' cows go `moo'

    5 ( adquirir) ‹dinero/fortuna to make;
    amigo to make
    6 (preparar, arreglar) ‹ cama to make;
    maleta to pack;
    hice el pescado al horno I did o cooked the fish in the oven;

    tengo que hecho la comida I must make lunch;
    ver tb comida b
    7 ( recorrer) ‹trayecto/distancia to do, cover
    8 (en cálculos, enumeraciones):
    son 180 … y 320 hacen 500 that's 180 … and 320 is o makes 500


    ¿hacemos algo esta noche? shall we do something tonight?;
    hecho ejercicio to do (some) exercise;
    ¿hace algún deporte? do you play o do any sports?;
    See Also→ amor 1b
    b) (como profesión, ocupación) to do;

    ¿qué hace tu padre? what does your father do?

    2 (realizar cierta acción, actuar de cierta manera) to do;
    ¡eso no se hace! you shouldn't do that!;

    ¡qué le vamos a hecho! what can you o (frml) one do?;
    toca bien el pianoantes lo hacía mejor she plays the piano wellshe used to play better;
    hechola buena (fam): ¡ahora sí que la hice! now I've really done it!;
    See Also→ tonto sustantivo masculino, femenino
    1 (transformar en, volver) to make;

    hizo pedazos la carta she tore the letter into tiny pieces;
    ese vestido te hace más delgada that dress makes you look thinner;
    hecho algo de algo to turn sth into sth;
    quiero hecho de ti un gran actor I want to make a great actor of you
    a) (obligar a, ser causa de que)

    me hizo abrirla he made me open it;
    me hizo llorar it made me cry;
    hágalo pasar tell him to come in;
    me hizo esperar tres horas she kept me waiting for three hours;
    hecho que algo/algn haga algo to make sth/sb do sth

    hacer hacer algo to have o get sth done/made;

    hice acortar las cortinas I had o got the curtains shortened
    verbo intransitivo
    1 (obrar, actuar):
    déjame hecho a mí just let me handle this o take care of this;

    ¿cómo se hace para que te den la beca? what do you have to do to get the scholarship?;
    hiciste bien en decírmelo you did o were right to tell me;
    haces mal en mentir it's wrong of you to lie
    2 (fingir, simular):

    haz como si no lo conocieras act as if o pretend you don't know him
    3 ( servir):
    esta sábana hará de toldo this sheet will do for o as an awning;

    la escuela hizo de hospital the school served as o was used as a hospital
    4 ( interpretar personaje) hecho de algo/algn to play (the part of) sth/sb
    (+ compl) ( sentar):

    (+ me/te/le etc)

    la trucha me hizo mal (AmL) the trout didn't agree with me
    hecho v impers
    1 ( refiriéndose al tiempo atmosférico):
    hace frío/sol it's cold/sunny;

    hace tres grados it's three degrees;
    (nos) hizo un tiempo espantoso the weather was terrible
    2 ( expresando tiempo transcurrido):

    hace mucho que lo conozco I've known him for a long time;
    hacía años que no lo veía I hadn't seen him for o in years;
    ¿cuánto hace que se fue? how long ago did she leave?;
    hace poco/un año a short time/a year ago;
    hasta hace poco until recently
    hacerse verbo pronominal
    1 ( producirse) (+ me/te/le etc):

    se le hizo una ampolla she got a blister;
    hacérsele algo a algn (Méx): por fin se le hizo ganar el premio she finally got to win the award
    a) ( refl) ( hacer para sí) ‹café/falda to make oneself;

    se hizo la cirugía estética she had plastic surgery
    3 ( causarse):
    ¿qué te hiciste en el brazo? what did you do to your arm?;

    ¿te hiciste daño? did you hurt yourself?
    4 ( refiriéndose a necesidades fisiológicas):
    todavía se hace pis/caca (fam) she still wets/messes herself

    5 ( refl) ( adquirir) to make;

    a) (volverse, convertirse en) to become;

    se están haciendo viejos they are getting o growing old
    b) ( resultar):

    (+ me/te/le etc)

    se me hace difícil creerlo I find it very hard to believe
    c) ( impers):

    se está haciendo tarde it's getting late
    d) ( cocinarse) [pescado/guiso] to cook

    e) (AmL) ( pasarle a):

    ¿qué se habrá hecho María? what can have happened to María?

    2 ( acostumbrarse) hechose a algo to get used to sth
    3 ( fingirse):

    ¿es bobo o se (lo) hace? (fam) is he stupid or just a good actor? (colloq);
    hechose pasar por algn (por periodista, doctor) to pass oneself off as sb
    4 ( moverse) (+ compl) to move;

    hacerse de (AmL) (de fortuna, dinero) to get;

    ( de amigos) to make
    hecho 1
    ◊ - cha pp [ ver tb hacer]

    1 ( manufacturado) made;

    un traje hecho a (la) medida a made-to-measure suit;
    bien/mal hecho well/badly made
    2 ( refiriéndose a acción):
    ¡bien hecho! well done!;

    no le avisépues mal hecho I didn't let him knowwell you should have (done);
    lo hecho, hecho está what's done is done
    3 ( convertido en):

    tú estás hecho un vago you've become o turned into a lazy devil
    ■ adjetivo

    b) ( terminado) ‹ trabajo done

    c) (esp Esp) ‹ carne done;

    un filete muy/poco hecho a well-done/rare steak

    hecho 2 sustantivo masculino
    a) (acto, acción):

    yo quiero hechos I want action, I want something done;

    demuéstramelo con hechos prove it to me by doing something about it
    b) (suceso, acontecimiento) event;

    2 (realidad, verdad) fact;

    I verbo transitivo
    1 (crear, fabricar, construir) to make
    hacer un jersey, to make a sweater
    hacer un puente, to build a bridge
    2 (una acción) to do: eso no se hace, it isn't done
    haz lo que quieras, do what you want
    ¿qué estás haciendo?, (en este momento) what are you doing?
    (para vivir) what do you do (for a living)?
    hace atletismo, he does athletics
    hacer una carrera/ medicina, to do a degree/ medicine
    3 (amigos, dinero) to make
    4 (obligar, forzar) to make: hazle entrar en razón, make him see reason
    5 (causar, provocar) to make: ese hombre me hace reír, that man makes me laugh
    estos zapatos me hacen daño, these shoes are hurting me
    no hagas llorar a tu hermana, don't make your sister cry
    6 (arreglar) to make
    hacer la cama, to make the bed
    hacer la casa, to do the housework
    7 Mat (sumar, dar como resultado) to make: y con éste hacen cincuenta, and that makes fifty
    8 (producir una impresión) to make... look: ese vestido la hace mayor, that dress makes her look older
    9 (en sustitución de otro verbo) to do: cuido mi jardín, me gusta hacerlo, I look after my garden, I like doing it
    10 (representar) to play: Juan hizo un papel en Fuenteovejuna, Juan played a part in Fuenteovejuna
    11 (actuar como) to play: no hagas el tonto, don't play the fool
    12 (suponer) te hacía en casa, I thought you were at home
    II verbo intransitivo
    1 (en el teatro, etc) to play: hizo de Electra, she played Electra
    2 ( hacer por + infinitivo) to try to: hice por ayudar, I tried to help
    3 (simular) to pretend: hice como si no lo conociera, I acted as if I didn't know him
    4 fam (venir bien, convenir) to be suitable: si te hace, nos vamos a verle mañana, if it's all right for you, we'll visit him tomorrow
    III verbo impersonal
    1 (tiempo transcurrido) ago: hace mucho (tiempo), a long time ago
    hace tres semanas que no veo la televisión, I haven't watched TV for three weeks
    hace tres años que comenzaron las obras, the building works started three years ago
    2 (condición atmosférica) hacía mucho frío, it was very cold
    ¿To make o to do?
    El significado básico del verbo to make es construir, fabricar algo juntando los componentes (aquí hacen unos pasteles maravillosos, they make marvellous cakes here), obligar (hazle callar, make him shut up) o convertir: Te hará más fuerte. It'll make you stronger. También se emplea en expresiones compuestas por palabras tales como dinero ( money), ruido ( a noise), cama ( the bed), esfuerzo ( an effort), promesa ( a promise), c omentario ( a comment), amor ( love), guerra ( war).
    El significado del verbo to do es cumplir o ejecutar una tarea o actividad, especialmente tratándose de los deportes y las tareas domésticas: Hago mis deberes por la noche. I do my homework in the evening. ¿Quién hace la plancha en tu casa? Who does the ironing in your house? También se emplea con palabras tales como deber ( duty), deportes ( sports), examen ( an exam), favor ( a favour), sumas ( sums).
    I adjetivo
    1 (realizado) made, done: está muy bien hecho, it's really well done
    2 (acostumbrado) used: está hecho a trabajar en este clima, he's used to working in this climate
    3 (cocinado, cocido) done
    un filete muy/poco hecho, a well-cooked/rare steak
    4 (persona) mature
    5 (frase) set
    (ropa) ready-made
    II sustantivo masculino
    1 (suceso real) fact
    el hecho es que..., the fact is that...
    de hecho, in fact ➣ Ver nota en actually 2 (obra, acción) act, deed
    3 (acontecimiento, caso) event, incident
    III interj ¡hecho!, it's a deal! o all right!
    ' hecho' also found in these entries:
    - actual
    - asesinar
    - braga
    - bribón
    - bribona
    - buena
    - bueno
    - casera
    - casero
    - chapucera
    - chapucero
    - chapuza
    - chaval
    - chavala
    - como
    - conmoverse
    - considerable
    - consumada
    - consumado
    - Cristo
    - de
    - despeluchar
    - desvarío
    - dicha
    - dicho
    - documentalista
    - elemento
    - encubrir
    - entrar
    - exquisita
    - exquisito
    - fideo
    - fiera
    - flan
    - furia
    - haber
    - habilidosa
    - habilidoso
    - hallar
    - hecha
    - higo
    - hojalata
    - humanamente
    - incidencia
    - interdisciplinaria
    - interdisciplinario
    - jirón
    - jugarreta
    - lástima
    - action
    - actual
    - actually
    - adjust
    - admission
    - admit
    - advance
    - angry
    - appease
    - asbestos
    - bandwagon
    - bargain
    - basis
    - beat
    - by
    - challenge
    - cock-up
    - collar
    - come
    - confirm
    - cry
    - custom
    - cut out
    - damage
    - deal
    - decree
    - delay
    - deliberately
    - done
    - dream
    - effect
    - effectively
    - enforce
    - established
    - fact
    - failure
    - fait accompli
    - find out
    - fitted
    - freshly
    - fully-fledged
    - good
    - grown
    - gumbo
    - hand
    - handmade
    - however
    - hurried
    - in
    * * *
    hecho, -a
    ver hacer
    1. [llevado a cabo]
    hecho a mano handmade;
    hecho a máquina machine-made;
    una película bien hecha a well-made film;
    ¡eso está hecho! it's a deal!, you're on!;
    ¡bien hecho! well done!;
    ¡mal hecho, me tenías que haber avisado! you were wrong not to tell me!;
    ¿me podrás conseguir entradas? – ¡eso está hecho! will you be able to get me tickets? – it's as good as done!;
    lo hecho, hecho está what is done is done;
    a lo hecho, pecho: no me gusta, pero a lo hecho, pecho I don't like it, but what's done is done;
    tú lo hiciste, así que a lo hecho, pecho you did it, so you'll have to take what's coming
    2. [acabado] mature;
    una mujer hecha y derecha a fully grown woman;
    estás hecho un artista you've become quite an artist
    3. [carne, pasta] done;
    quiero el filete muy hecho/poco hecho I'd like my steak well done/rare
    4. [acostumbrado]
    estar hecho a algo/a hacer algo to be used to sth/to doing sth;
    está hecha a la dureza del clima she's used to the harsh climate;
    no estoy hecho a levantarme tan temprano I'm not used to getting up so early
    5. Andes, RP Fam
    estar hecho [en condiciones] to have it all;
    con la compra de estos zapatos creo que estoy hecho after buying these shoes I think I've got everything I need;
    me faltan dos materias de la carrera y estoy hecha I need to do two more subjects in my degree and that's me done
    1. [suceso] event;
    los hechos tuvieron lugar de madrugada the events took place in the early morning;
    el cuerpo de la víctima fue retirado del lugar de los hechos the victim's body was removed from the scene of the crime
    hecho consumado fait accompli
    2. [realidad, dato] fact;
    el hecho de que seas el jefe no te da derecho a comportarte así just because you're the boss doesn't mean you have the right to behave like that;
    es un hecho indiscutido que… it is an indisputable fact that…;
    el hecho es que… the fact is that…;
    hecho ineludible fact of life
    3. [obra] action, deed;
    sus hechos hablan por él his actions speak for him;
    queremos hechos, y no promesas we want action, not promises
    los Hechos de los Apóstoles the Acts of the Apostles; Mil hecho de armas feat of arms
    de hecho [en realidad] in fact, actually;
    claro que lo conozco, de hecho, fuimos juntos al colegio of course I know him, indeed o in fact we actually went to school together
    5. [en la práctica] de facto;
    es el presidente de hecho he's the de facto president
    it's a deal!, you're on!;
    te lo vendo por un millón – ¡hecho! I'll sell it to you for a million – done! o it's a deal!
    * * *
    I parthacer; ( confeccionado)
    hecho a mano hand-made;
    un traje hecho an off-the-peg suit;
    muy hecho carne well-done;
    ¡bien hecho! well done!;
    ¡hecho!, ¡eso está hecho ! done!, it’s a deal!;
    a lo hecho, pecho what’s done is done
    II adj finished;
    un hombre hecho y derecho a fully grown man
    III m
    1 ( realidad) fact;
    de hecho in fact;
    el hecho es que the fact is that
    2 ( suceso) event
    3 ( obra) action, deed;
    un hecho consumado a fait accompli
    * * *
    hecho, - cha adj
    1) : made, done
    2) : ready-to-wear
    3) : complete, finished
    hecho y derecho: full-fledged
    hecho nm
    1) : fact
    2) : event
    hechos históricos: historic events
    3) : act, action
    de hecho : in fact, in reality
    * * *
    hecho1 adj
    ¿de qué está hecho? what's it made of?
    2. (cocinado) done
    ¡bien hecho! well done!
    ¡hecho! done!
    hecho2 n
    1. (en general) fact
    2. (acto) action
    demuéstraselo con hechos y no con palabras prove it with actions, not words

    Spanish-English dictionary > hecho

  • 10 hecho2

    Ex. What was pinned up ranged from sheets of paper with nothing more written on them than a title and author to elaborate and beautifully executed illustrations.
    * a lo hecho, pecho = no use crying over spilt/spilled milk, you've made your bed, now you must lie in it!.
    * bien hecho = well-rendered, well done.
    * cartón hecho de paja = strawboard.
    * comprar Algo hecho en serie = buy + off-the-shelf.
    * comprar Algo ya hecho de antemano = buy + off-the-shelf.
    * cosa hecha = plain sailing, walkover.
    * dado por hecho = foregone.
    * dando por hecho que = based on the understanding that, on the understanding that.
    * dar por hecho = take for + granted.
    * dejar hecho polvo = screw + Nombre + up.
    * dicho y hecho = no sooner said than done.
    * estar hecho a escala = be to scale.
    * estar hecho con la intención de = be intended for/to.
    * estar hecho con la mismas dimensiones que el original = be to scale.
    * estar hecho el uno para el otro = be two of a kind, be a right pair.
    * estar hecho para = be geared to, be intended for/to, mean, be cut out for.
    * estar hecho polvo = be + wreck.
    * estar hecho un desastre = be a shambles, look like + the wreck of the Hesperus, look like + drag + through a hedge backwards, be (in) a mess.
    * estar hecho un esqueleto = be a bag of bones.
    * frase hecha = bound phrase, cliche, formulaic words, formulaic phrase.
    * hecho a base de parches = patchwork.
    * hecho a mano = hand-made, hand-drawn, handcrafted.
    * hecho a máquina = machine-made.
    * hecho a medida = customised [customized, -USA], purpose-designed, tailored, tailor-made [tailormade], custom-made, custom-built [custom built], custom-designed [custom designed], custom-tailored [custom tailored], bespoke, made to measure, fitted, made-to-order.
    * hecho añicos = shattered.
    * hecho a propósito = tailor-made [tailormade], custom-made, custom-built [custom built], custom-designed [custom designed], custom-tailored [custom tailored].
    * hecho cisco = wrecked.
    * hecho como de pasada = throwaway.
    * hecho de antemano = off-the-peg, ready-made.
    * hecho de encaje = lacy.
    * hecho de grava = metalled [metaled, -USA].
    * hecho de trozos = piecewise.
    * hecho de un modo gratuito = pro bono.
    * hecho en América = American-built.
    * hecho en casa = homespun, homemade.
    * hecho en el extranjero = foreign-made.
    * hecho en el Reino Unido = British-made.
    * hecho en lugar de otra persona = delegated.
    * hecho exclusivamente para = born and bred.
    * hecho exclusivamente para la web = Web-centric.
    * hecho expresamente para = intended for.
    * hecho para una situación específica = niche-specific.
    * hecho para una única ocasión = one shot.
    * hecho polvo = wrecked, dog tired.
    * hecho por el autor = author-designated, author-prepared.
    * hecho por el hombre = man-made.
    * hecho por encargo = tailor-made [tailormade], bespoke, custom-made, custom-built [custom built], custom-designed [custom designed], custom-tailored [custom tailored], made-to-order, made to measure.
    * hecho por la OCLC = OCLC-produced.
    * hecho por la propia biblioteca = in-house [inhouse].
    * hecho por multicopista = mimeographed.
    * hecho por uno mismo = home-grown [home grown/homegrown], home-produced, self-made.
    * hecho puré = mashed.
    * hecho recientemente = fresh-made.
    * hechos el uno para el otro = made for each other.
    * hecho una salsa = saucy [saucier -comp., sauciest -sup.].
    * hecho una sopa = drenched to the skin, wringing wet, soaked to the skin, soaking wet, wet through to the skin.
    * hecho un desastre = in shambles, like the wreck of the Hesperus, upside down.
    * hecho un toro = as strong as an ox.
    * hecho y derecho = full-bodied, full-scale, full-service, fully-fledged.
    * ir hecho un desastre = look like + drag + through a hedge backwards, look like + the wreck of the Hesperus.
    * lo hecho hecho está = no use crying over spilt/spilled milk.
    * mal hecho para = ill suited to/for.
    * medio hecho = halfway done, half done.
    * menos hecho = rarer.
    * páguese por el uso hecho = pay-as-you-go.
    * papel hecho a mano = hand-made paper.
    * papel hecho a máquina = machine-made paper.
    * papel verjurado hecho a máquina = machine-made laid paper.
    * ponerse hecho una fiera = go + ballistic, go + berserk, go + postal, lose + Posesivo + temper.
    * ponerse hecho una furia = go + berserk, go + postal, lose + Posesivo + temper.
    * ponerse hecho un basilisco = go + ballistic, go + berserk, go + postal, lose + Posesivo + temper.
    * ponerse hecho un energúmeno = go + ballistic.
    * recién hecho = hot off the griddle.
    * resumen hecho para una disciplina concreta = discipline-oriented abstract.
    * sistema informático hecho por encargo = tailored system.
    * solución hecha = cut-and-dried solution.
    * tener Algo hecho a la medida de uno = have + Nombre + cut out.
    * tenerlo todo hecho = have + an easy ride.
    * un trabajo bien hecho = a job well done.

    Spanish-English dictionary > hecho2

  • 11 dificultades + aquejar

    (n.) = difficulties + beset
    Ex. Technical difficulties beset the development of the Monotype through the 1890s, and it was not until 1901 that the English Monotype Corporation could offer American-built machines in quantity.
    * * *
    (n.) = difficulties + beset

    Ex: Technical difficulties beset the development of the Monotype through the 1890s, and it was not until 1901 that the English Monotype Corporation could offer American-built machines in quantity.

    Spanish-English dictionary > dificultades + aquejar

  • 12 durante la década de

    = through + Década
    Ex. Technical difficulties beset the development of the Monotype through the 1890s, and it was not until 1901 that the English Monotype Corporation could offer American-built machines in quantity.
    * * *
    = through + Década

    Ex: Technical difficulties beset the development of the Monotype through the 1890s, and it was not until 1901 that the English Monotype Corporation could offer American-built machines in quantity.

    Spanish-English dictionary > durante la década de

  • 13 monotipia

    * * *
    SF Monotype ®
    * * *
    Ex. Technical difficulties beset the development of the Monotype through the 1890s, and it was not until 1901 that the English Monotype Corporation could offer American-built machines in quantity.
    * * *

    Ex: Technical difficulties beset the development of the Monotype through the 1890s, and it was not until 1901 that the English Monotype Corporation could offer American-built machines in quantity.

    * * *

    Spanish-English dictionary > monotipia

  • 14 ofrecer en cantidad

    (v.) = offer + in quantity
    Ex. Technical difficulties beset the development of the Monotype through the 1890s, and it was not until 1901 that the English Monotype Corporation could offer American-built machines in quantity.
    * * *
    (v.) = offer + in quantity

    Ex: Technical difficulties beset the development of the Monotype through the 1890s, and it was not until 1901 that the English Monotype Corporation could offer American-built machines in quantity.

    Spanish-English dictionary > ofrecer en cantidad

  • 15 Stützenquerschnitt

    Stützenquerschnitt m column (cross) section, support section, American built-up section of stanchion

    Deutsch-Englisch Fachwörterbuch Architektur und Bauwesen > Stützenquerschnitt

  • 16 British English

    •• American English / British English

    •• Любой разговор о различиях американского и британского вариантов английского языка нельзя не начать со знаменитого, «зацитированного до дыр» высказывания Оскара Уайльда. Приведу его по книге Reader’s Digest Success With Words: Oscar Wilde’s Description of Britain and America as “two great nations divided by a common language” contains truth as well as wit [знаменитое высказывание Оскара Уайльда о том, что Британия и Америка – «две великие нации, разделенные общим языком», не только остроумно, но и содержит большую долю истины]. They have never had much trouble understanding each other, but they have a long history of being irritated with each other. Действительно, знаменитый английский лексикограф Сэмьюэл Джонсон считал «американский диалект» испорченным английским (a corruption of English). А в 1930 году член английского парламента консерватор сэр Альфред Нокс потребовал ограничить показ в Англии американских фильмов по следующей причине: The words and accent are disgusting, and there can be no doubt that such films are an evil influence on our language. Американцы нередко отвечали тем же. Основоположник американской лексикографии Дэниэл Уэбстер подводил под независимость «американского языка» теоретическую базу: The reasons for American English being different than English English are simple: As an independent nation, our honor requires us to have a system of our own, in language as well as government....достоинство независимой нации требует, чтобы мы имели собственную систему – не только в делах государственных, но и в языке. А Марк Твен то ли в шутку, то ли всерьез заявлял о превосходстве американского варианта: The King’s English is not the King’s. It is a joint stock company, and Americans own most of the shares.
    •• Отголоски утверждений о резких различиях между двумя вариантами или диалектами английского и споров о том, какой из них лучше, можно услышать и сейчас. Но преобладает иное мнение, и я его разделяю: «американский» и «британский» сближаются, причем все быстрее, и в век сокращающихся расстояний, всепроникающих средств информации и связи, глобализации экономики в этом нет ничего удивительного. Крайности специфического произношения, акцента и словоупотребления стираются в обеих странах, и одновременно в процессе взаимодействия двух народов и всех других говорящих и пишущих по-английски происходит дальнейшая нивелировка различий. Надо признать, что влияние распространяется в основном с запада на восток, из Америки в Англию и дальше на другие страны, но немало и обратных примеров. Достаточно вспомнить о знаменитой ливерпульской четверке «Битлз». Американцы вообще не стесняются заимствовать слова (и не только их) у кого угодно (см. статью foreign words and phrases). Для нас важны лишь те различия, которые обязательно должен знать переводчик во избежание ошибок, недоразумений и даже конфуза. Таких различий не слишком много, и затрагивают они в основном лексику и произношение (грамматические и стилистические различия, а также различия в правописании, хотя иногда и существенны, для переводчика, как правило, непринципиальны).
    •• Начнем с произношения. Фонетические различия между американцами и англичанами (т.е. различия, говоря упрощенно, в манере произнесения слов) могут быть довольно значительными, но к ним быстро привыкаешь, и они редко создают трудности для переводчика. Существеннее фонологические различия (т.е. различия собственно в произношении). Отметим главные, которых не так много.
    •• Слова, в которых американцы произносят «открытый слог», а англичане – «закрытый» или предпочитают традиционное произношение: dynasty, vitamin (американцы призносят как в слове eye, англичане – как в слове din); tomato (американцы произносят tomeito, англичане – как в слове path).
    •• Большинство англичан произносит слова either и neither как в слове my, подавляющее большинство американцев – как в слове see.
    •• В словах clerk и derby англичане по традиции произносят длинное a (как в слове path), американцы – читают «по правилам».
    •• Англичане произносят слово leisure так же, как pleasure. Американцы предпочитают довольно странное произношение с длинным e, как в слове leave.
    •• Букву z англичане называют zed, американцы только zee.
    •• Имя героя знаменитого романа Сервантеса по-разному звучит в устах американцев и англичан: приближенно к испанскому произношению у первых и «англизированно» у вторых .
    •• Большинству изучающих английский знакомо различное произношение слова schedule – sk- у америкацев и sh- у англичан. То же самое – со словом lieutenant (англичане произносят его , американцы – .
    •• Слово алюминий англичане и американцы и пишут и произносят по-разному (англичане aluminium с ударением на третьем слоге, американцы aluminum с ударением на втором).
    •• Есть и некоторые другие различия в произношении, но большее внимание все-таки стоит уделить различиям в лексике.
    •• Среди них есть, если можно так выразиться, различия антонимического характера (одно и то же слово означает у англичан и американцев противоположные вещи, и, наоборот, противоположные по смыслу слова – одно и то же). Такие случаи редки, порой забавны и всегда требуют переводческой бдительности. Несколько примеров.
    •• Начнем с «общеизвестного». В США public school – государственная школа, «школа для всех». В Англии – закрытая частная школа, «школа для немногих».
    •• В английской парламентской практике to table a proposal – то же, что submit т.е. предложить, поставить на обсуждение. В Америке – отложить, не обсуждать, «положить в долгий ящик». Чтобы не возникало путаницы, в ООН это словосочетание предпочитают не употреблять.
    •• Глагол to enjoin в США употребляется в основном в судебной практике и означает запретить, воспрепятствовать. Есть и другое значение, почти противоположное – приказать, распорядиться. У англичан слово enjoin употребляется только в этом последнем значении.
    •• Американский политик, выставивший свою кандидатуру на выборах, runs. Вообще большая часть терминологии здесь «беговая» – presidential race, runoff (второй тур выборов). Пример из американского журнала Time: White has rebounded and is now believed to be running neck and neck with his rival. Британский или ирландский политик – stands. Пример из Financial Times: Yesterday John Hume, the Northern Irish nationalist leader, decided after weeks of prevarication not to stand.
    •• В некоторых случаях различие не столь «антонимично», но весьма существенно. Привожу список наиболее характерных и часто встречающихся слов такого рода в алфавитном порядке (первым идет американское слово) – разумеется, некоторые слова в этом списке широко известны, но не включить их нельзя.
    •• administration брит. government. В США слово government (см. статью government, governance) относят ко всем ветвям власти, к государству вообще, в Великобритании, как у нас, к правительству в смысле кабинета министров;
    •• apartment брит. flat. В США слово flat тоже встречается, но обычно употребляется в отношении плохих, дешевых квартир;
    •• bill брит. note (в значении банкнота);
    •• check брит. bill. Имеется в виду чек, который приносит клиенту официант в ресторане;
    •• closet брит. cupboard. В США встроенный шкаф называется built-in closet, а walk-in closet – это кладовка, темная комната для одежды. Правда, слово closet, употребляемое как прилагательное в значении тайный, скрывающий свое истинное лицо, распространено и в США, и в Англии (closet liberal, closet homosexual);
    •• drunk driving (встречается также drinking and driving) брит. drink driving. Совершенно непонятно, почему в двух «братских странах» существует это небольшое, но существенное различие в обозначении этого «кое-где у них порой» встречающегося явления. Не берусь судить, кто прав, тем более что я не автомобилист (кстати, по обе стороны океана автомобилист чаще всего – motorist). Англичане говорят также drink drivers: Government advertisements are aimed at putting off drink drivers (Skynews). – Государство проводит в СМИ кампанию с целью убедить водителей не садиться за руль в нетрезвом состоянии. В США имеется The National Commission Against Drunk Driving, а само это явление обозначается часто сокращениями DUI (Driving under the influence) или DWI (Driving while intoxicated): DWI is a serious offense in New Jersey. Сокращение может употребляться как существительное: Being arrested for a DUI can be an unnerving experience (сайт www.bktlaw.com). – Арест за управление автомобилем в нетрезвом состоянии/состоянии опьянения может превратиться для вас в большую нервотрепку. (Кстати, юристы отмечают, что drunk driving, DUI и DWI не являются строгими юридическими терминами. Точнее – impaired driving, т.е. управление автомобилем при содержании алкоголя в крови (blood alcohol concentration – BAC) от 0,08 процента.) В соответствующей русской терминологии тоже часто используются сокращения: управление т/с (транспортным средством) в НС (нетрезвом состоянии);
    •• garbage брит. rubbish;
    •• garbage can брит. dustbin. Соответственно, американский garbage man – это английский dustman. Кстати, у англичан есть выражение dustbin of history (свалка истории), что «по-американски» звучит иначе – ash heap of history;
    •• gas, gasoline брит. petrol. Во избежание путаницы американцы называют газ natural gas;
    •• in брит. of. Переводчику на английский язык надо иметь в виду, что у американцев и англичан сохраняются «принципиальные разногласия» по поводу некоторых предлогов. Наверное, самое заметное из них: американцы говорят participants in a conference, англичане – participants of a conference;
    •• installment plan брит. hire purchase (покупка в кредит);
    •• license plate брит. number plate. По-русски номерной знак или просто номер (на автомобиле);
    •• liquor store брит. off-license. Винно-водочный магазин. Несколько странное английское название означает, что магазин имеет лицензию продавать спиртное (амер. liquor, брит. [ wines and] spirits) «на вынос» – to be consumed off the premises;
    •• mail брит. post. Но почтовое отделение в обеих странах называется post office;
    •• nervy – в американском словоупотреблении имеет значение наглый (someone who has a lot of nerve). Англичанин скорее всего скажет impudent;
    •• orchestra seats (в театре) брит. stalls;
    •• pants брит. trousers. У англичан pants – трусы (амер. underpants или shorts);
    •• pantyhose брит. tights;
    •• parka брит. anorak;
    •• recess брит. break. Значение этого слова – перерыв. Американцы говорят break о кратком перерыве (coffee break; we’ll take a short break for a commercial announcement) и о каникулах в школах и университетах (spring break). В остальных случаях – recess (в школе; ударение на первом слоге), intermission (на концерте) или даже interruption;
    •• sick брит. ill. Англичане говорят sick, только когда человека тошнит, американцы – и в этом случае, и о любой болезни ( sick leave – что-то среднее между отгулом и отсутствием на работе по болезни; в американских учреждениях и компаниях обычно разрешается пропустить несколько дней в году по болезни без справки от врача).
    •• station wagon брит. estate car. «Волгу» такого типа у нас в свое время называли «волга-сарай». Вместо этого устаревшего и чисто разговорного «термина» сейчас предлагается «универсал»;
    •• subway брит. underground;
    •• teller (в банке) брит. cashier;
    •• truck брит. lorry;
    •• vacation брит. holiday (в значении отпуск). Выходной праздничный день в обеих странах называется public holiday.
    •• Англичане и американцы по-разному именуют так называемые места общего пользования. В Британии все довольно просто. Если вам надо узнать, где туалет, так и спрашивайте: Where is the toilet/lavatory? А англичанин нередко употребляет и простецкое the loo (слово малоизвестное в Америке). В США, может быть, из-за пуританских корней американцев, этот вопрос звучит по-другому: Where is the bathroom/restroom/men’s room/ladies’ room. Общественные туалеты в нью-йоркском Центральном парке называются – и это правда! – comfort stations.
    •• Наконец, не будем забывать, что англичане, в отличие от нас и американцев, считают этажи по-своему: first floor у них то, что у нас второй этаж. У американцев первый этаж может называться first floor или ground floor, но дальше в любом случае идет second floor.

    English-Russian nonsystematic dictionary > British English

  • 17 Allen, Horatio

    b. 10 May 1802 Schenectady, New York, USA
    d. 1 January 1890 South Orange, New Jersey, USA
    American engineer, pioneer of steam locomotives.
    Allen was the Resident Engineer for construction of the Delaware \& Hudson Canal and in 1828 was instructed by J.B. Jervis to visit England to purchase locomotives for the canal's rail extension. He drove the locomotive Stourbridge Lion, built by J.U. Rastrick, on its first trial on 9 August 1829, but weak track prevented its regular use.
    Allen was present at the Rainhill Trials on the Liverpool \& Manchester Railway in October 1829. So was E.L.Miller, one of the promoters of the South Carolina Canal \& Rail Road Company, to which Allen was appointed Chief Engineer that autumn. Allen was influential in introducing locomotives to this railway, and the West Point Foundry built a locomotive for it to his design; it was the first locomotive built in the USA for sale. This locomotive, which bore some resemblance to Novelty, built for Rainhill by John Braithwaite and John Ericsson, was named Best Friend of Charleston. On Christmas Day 1830 it hauled the first scheduled steam train to run in America, carrying 141 passengers.
    In 1832 the West Point Foundry built four double-ended, articulated 2–2–0+0–2–2 locomotives to Horatio Allen's design for the South Carolina railroad. From each end of a central firebox extended two boiler barrels side by side with common smokeboxes and chimneys; wheels were mounted on swivelling sub-frames, one at each end, beneath these boilers. Allen's principal object was to produce a powerful locomotive with a light axle loading.
    Allen subsequently became a partner in Stillman, Allen \& Co. of New York, builders of marine engines, and in 1843 was President of the Erie Railroad.
    Further Reading
    J.Marshall, 1978, A Biographical Dictionary of Railway Engineers, Newton Abbot: David \& Charles.
    Dictionary of American Biography.
    R.E.Carlson, 1969, The Liverpool \& Manchester Railway Project 1821–1831, Newton Abbot: David \& Charles.
    J.F.Stover, 1961, American Railroads, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    J.H.White Jr, 1994, "Old debts and new visions", in Common Roots—Separate Branches, London: Science Museum, 79–82.

    Biographical history of technology > Allen, Horatio

  • 18 Baldwin, Matthias William

    b. 10 November 1795 Elizabethtown, New Jersey, USA
    d. 7 September 1866 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
    American builder of steam locomotives, founder of Baldwin Locomotive Works.
    After apprenticeship as a jeweller, Baldwin set up a machinery manufacturing business, and built stationary steam engines and, in 1832, his first locomotive, Old Ironsides, for the then-new Philadelphia, Germantown \& Norristown Railroad. Old Ironsides achieved only 1 mph (1.6 km/h) on trial, but after experimentation reached 28 mph (45 km/h). Over the next ten years Baldwin built many stationary engines and ten more locomotives, and subsequently built locomotives exclusively.
    He steadily introduced detail improvements in locomotive design; standardized components by means of templates and gauges from 1838 onwards; introduced the cylinder cast integrally with half of the smokebox saddle in 1858; and in 1862 imported steel tyres, which had first been manufactured in Germany by Krupp of Essen in 1851, and began the practice in the USA of shrinking them on to locomotive wheels. At the time of Matthias Baldwin's death, the Baldwin Locomotive Works had built some 1,500 locomotives: it went on to become the largest locomotive building firm to develop from a single foundation, and by the time it built its last steam locomotive, in 1955, had produced about 75,000 in total.
    Further Reading
    J.H.White Jr, 1979, A History of the American Locomotive—Its Development 1830–
    1880, New York: Dover Publications Inc.
    J.Marshall, 1978, A Biographical Dictionary of Railway Engineers, Newton Abbot: David \& Charles.
    Dictionary of American Biography.

    Biographical history of technology > Baldwin, Matthias William

  • 19 Edison, Thomas Alva

    b. 11 February 1847 Milan, Ohio, USA
    d. 18 October 1931 Glenmont
    American inventor and pioneer electrical developer.
    He was the son of Samuel Edison, who was in the timber business. His schooling was delayed due to scarlet fever until 1855, when he was 8½ years old, but he was an avid reader. By the age of 14 he had a job as a newsboy on the railway from Port Huron to Detroit, a distance of sixty-three miles (101 km). He worked a fourteen-hour day with a stopover of five hours, which he spent in the Detroit Free Library. He also sold sweets on the train and, later, fruit and vegetables, and was soon making a profit of $20 a week. He then started two stores in Port Huron and used a spare freight car as a laboratory. He added a hand-printing press to produce 400 copies weekly of The Grand Trunk Herald, most of which he compiled and edited himself. He set himself to learn telegraphy from the station agent at Mount Clements, whose son he had saved from being run over by a freight car.
    At the age of 16 he became a telegraphist at Port Huron. In 1863 he became railway telegraphist at the busy Stratford Junction of the Grand Trunk Railroad, arranging a clock with a notched wheel to give the hourly signal which was to prove that he was awake and at his post! He left hurriedly after failing to hold a train which was nearly involved in a head-on collision. He usually worked the night shift, allowing himself time for experiments during the day. His first invention was an arrangement of two Morse registers so that a high-speed input could be decoded at a slower speed. Moving from place to place he held many positions as a telegraphist. In Boston he invented an automatic vote recorder for Congress and patented it, but the idea was rejected. This was the first of a total of 1180 patents that he was to take out during his lifetime. After six years he resigned from the Western Union Company to devote all his time to invention, his next idea being an improved ticker-tape machine for stockbrokers. He developed a duplex telegraphy system, but this was turned down by the Western Union Company. He then moved to New York.
    Edison found accommodation in the battery room of Law's Gold Reporting Company, sleeping in the cellar, and there his repair of a broken transmitter marked him as someone of special talents. His superior soon resigned, and he was promoted with a salary of $300 a month. Western Union paid him $40,000 for the sole rights on future improvements on the duplex telegraph, and he moved to Ward Street, Newark, New Jersey, where he employed a gathering of specialist engineers. Within a year, he married one of his employees, Mary Stilwell, when she was only 16: a daughter, Marion, was born in 1872, and two sons, Thomas and William, in 1876 and 1879, respectively.
    He continued to work on the automatic telegraph, a device to send out messages faster than they could be tapped out by hand: that is, over fifty words per minute or so. An earlier machine by Alexander Bain worked at up to 400 words per minute, but was not good over long distances. Edison agreed to work on improving this feature of Bain's machine for the Automatic Telegraph Company (ATC) for $40,000. He improved it to a working speed of 500 words per minute and ran a test between Washington and New York. Hoping to sell their equipment to the Post Office in Britain, ATC sent Edison to England in 1873 to negotiate. A 500-word message was to be sent from Liverpool to London every half-hour for six hours, followed by tests on 2,200 miles (3,540 km) of cable at Greenwich. Only confused results were obtained due to induction in the cable, which lay coiled in a water tank. Edison returned to New York, where he worked on his quadruplex telegraph system, tests of which proved a success between New York and Albany in December 1874. Unfortunately, simultaneous negotiation with Western Union and ATC resulted in a lawsuit.
    Alexander Graham Bell was granted a patent for a telephone in March 1876 while Edison was still working on the same idea. His improvements allowed the device to operate over a distance of hundreds of miles instead of only a few miles. Tests were carried out over the 106 miles (170 km) between New York and Philadelphia. Edison applied for a patent on the carbon-button transmitter in April 1877, Western Union agreeing to pay him $6,000 a year for the seventeen-year duration of the patent. In these years he was also working on the development of the electric lamp and on a duplicating machine which would make up to 3,000 copies from a stencil. In 1876–7 he moved from Newark to Menlo Park, twenty-four miles (39 km) from New York on the Pennsylvania Railway, near Elizabeth. He had bought a house there around which he built the premises that would become his "inventions factory". It was there that he began the use of his 200- page pocket notebooks, each of which lasted him about two weeks, so prolific were his ideas. When he died he left 3,400 of them filled with notes and sketches.
    Late in 1877 he applied for a patent for a phonograph which was granted on 19 February 1878, and by the end of the year he had formed a company to manufacture this totally new product. At the time, Edison saw the device primarily as a business aid rather than for entertainment, rather as a dictating machine. In August 1878 he was granted a British patent. In July 1878 he tried to measure the heat from the solar corona at a solar eclipse viewed from Rawlins, Wyoming, but his "tasimeter" was too sensitive.
    Probably his greatest achievement was "The Subdivision of the Electric Light" or the "glow bulb". He tried many materials for the filament before settling on carbon. He gave a demonstration of electric light by lighting up Menlo Park and inviting the public. Edison was, of course, faced with the problem of inventing and producing all the ancillaries which go to make up the electrical system of generation and distribution-meters, fuses, insulation, switches, cabling—even generators had to be designed and built; everything was new. He started a number of manufacturing companies to produce the various components needed.
    In 1881 he built the world's largest generator, which weighed 27 tons, to light 1,200 lamps at the Paris Exhibition. It was later moved to England to be used in the world's first central power station with steam engine drive at Holborn Viaduct, London. In September 1882 he started up his Pearl Street Generating Station in New York, which led to a worldwide increase in the application of electric power, particularly for lighting. At the same time as these developments, he built a 1,300yd (1,190m) electric railway at Menlo Park.
    On 9 August 1884 his wife died of typhoid. Using his telegraphic skills, he proposed to 19-year-old Mina Miller in Morse code while in the company of others on a train. He married her in February 1885 before buying a new house and estate at West Orange, New Jersey, building a new laboratory not far away in the Orange Valley.
    Edison used direct current which was limited to around 250 volts. Alternating current was largely developed by George Westinghouse and Nicola Tesla, using transformers to step up the current to a higher voltage for long-distance transmission. The use of AC gradually overtook the Edison DC system.
    In autumn 1888 he patented a form of cinephotography, the kinetoscope, obtaining film-stock from George Eastman. In 1893 he set up the first film studio, which was pivoted so as to catch the sun, with a hinged roof which could be raised. In 1894 kinetoscope parlours with "peep shows" were starting up in cities all over America. Competition came from the Latham Brothers with a screen-projection machine, which Edison answered with his "Vitascope", shown in New York in 1896. This showed pictures with accompanying sound, but there was some difficulty with synchronization. Edison also experimented with captions at this early date.
    In 1880 he filed a patent for a magnetic ore separator, the first of nearly sixty. He bought up deposits of low-grade iron ore which had been developed in the north of New Jersey. The process was a commercial success until the discovery of iron-rich ore in Minnesota rendered it uneconomic and uncompetitive. In 1898 cement rock was discovered in New Village, west of West Orange. Edison bought the land and started cement manufacture, using kilns twice the normal length and using half as much fuel to heat them as the normal type of kiln. In 1893 he met Henry Ford, who was building his second car, at an Edison convention. This started him on the development of a battery for an electric car on which he made over 9,000 experiments. In 1903 he sold his patent for wireless telegraphy "for a song" to Guglielmo Marconi.
    In 1910 Edison designed a prefabricated concrete house. In December 1914 fire destroyed three-quarters of the West Orange plant, but it was at once rebuilt, and with the threat of war Edison started to set up his own plants for making all the chemicals that he had previously been buying from Europe, such as carbolic acid, phenol, benzol, aniline dyes, etc. He was appointed President of the Navy Consulting Board, for whom, he said, he made some forty-five inventions, "but they were pigeonholed, every one of them". Thus did Edison find that the Navy did not take kindly to civilian interference.
    In 1927 he started the Edison Botanic Research Company, founded with similar investment from Ford and Firestone with the object of finding a substitute for overseas-produced rubber. In the first year he tested no fewer than 3,327 possible plants, in the second year, over 1,400, eventually developing a variety of Golden Rod which grew to 14 ft (4.3 m) in height. However, all this effort and money was wasted, due to the discovery of synthetic rubber.
    In October 1929 he was present at Henry Ford's opening of his Dearborn Museum to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the incandescent lamp, including a replica of the Menlo Park laboratory. He was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal and was elected to the American Academy of Sciences. He died in 1931 at his home, Glenmont; throughout the USA, lights were dimmed temporarily on the day of his funeral.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Member of the American Academy of Sciences. Congressional Gold Medal.
    Further Reading
    M.Josephson, 1951, Edison, Eyre \& Spottiswode.
    R.W.Clark, 1977, Edison, the Man who Made the Future, Macdonald \& Jane.

    Biographical history of technology > Edison, Thomas Alva

  • 20 Ford, Henry

    b. 30 July 1863 Dearborn, Michigan, USA
    d. 7 April 1947 Dearborn, Michigan, USA
    American pioneer motor-car maker and developer of mass-production methods.
    He was the son of an Irish immigrant farmer, William Ford, and the oldest son to survive of Mary Litogot; his mother died in 1876 with the birth of her sixth child. He went to the village school, and at the age of 16 he was apprenticed to Flower brothers' machine shop and then at the Drydock \& Engineering Works in Detroit. In 1882 he left to return to the family farm and spent some time working with a 1 1/2 hp steam engine doing odd jobs for the farming community at $3 per day. He was then employed as a demonstrator for Westinghouse steam engines. He met Clara Jane Bryant at New Year 1885 and they were married on 11 April 1888. Their only child, Edsel Bryant Ford, was born on 6 November 1893.
    At that time Henry worked on steam engine repairs for the Edison Illuminating Company, where he became Chief Engineer. He became one of a group working to develop a "horseless carriage" in 1896 and in June completed his first vehicle, a "quadri cycle" with a two-cylinder engine. It was built in a brick shed, which had to be partially demolished to get the carriage out.
    Ford became involved in motor racing, at which he was more successful than he was in starting a car-manufacturing company. Several early ventures failed, until the Ford Motor Company of 1903. By October 1908 they had started with production of the Model T. The first, of which over 15 million were built up to the end of its production in May 1927, came out with bought-out steel stampings and a planetary gearbox, and had a one-piece four-cylinder block with a bolt-on head. This was one of the most successful models built by Ford or any other motor manufacturer in the life of the motor car.
    Interchangeability of components was an important element in Ford's philosophy. Ford was a pioneer in the use of vanadium steel for engine components. He adopted the principles of Frederick Taylor, the pioneer of time-and-motion study, and installed the world's first moving assembly line for the production of magnetos, started in 1913. He installed blast furnaces at the factory to make his own steel, and he also promoted research and the cultivation of the soya bean, from which a plastic was derived.
    In October 1913 he introduced the "Five Dollar Day", almost doubling the normal rate of pay. This was a profit-sharing scheme for his employees and contained an element of a reward for good behaviour. About this time he initiated work on an agricultural tractor, the "Fordson" made by a separate company, the directors of which were Henry and his son Edsel.
    In 1915 he chartered the Oscar II, a "peace ship", and with fifty-five delegates sailed for Europe a week before Christmas, docking at Oslo. Their objective was to appeal to all European Heads of State to stop the war. He had hoped to persuade manufacturers to replace armaments with tractors in their production programmes. In the event, Ford took to his bed in the hotel with a chill, stayed there for five days and then sailed for New York and home. He did, however, continue to finance the peace activists who remained in Europe. Back in America, he stood for election to the US Senate but was defeated. He was probably the father of John Dahlinger, illegitimate son of Evangeline Dahlinger, a stenographer employed by the firm and on whom he lavished gifts of cars, clothes and properties. He became the owner of a weekly newspaper, the Dearborn Independent, which became the medium for the expression of many of his more unorthodox ideas. He was involved in a lawsuit with the Chicago Tribune in 1919, during which he was cross-examined on his knowledge of American history: he is reputed to have said "History is bunk". What he actually said was, "History is bunk as it is taught in schools", a very different comment. The lawyers who thus made a fool of him would have been surprised if they could have foreseen the force and energy that their actions were to release. For years Ford employed a team of specialists to scour America and Europe for furniture, artefacts and relics of all kinds, illustrating various aspects of history. Starting with the Wayside Inn from South Sudbury, Massachusetts, buildings were bought, dismantled and moved, to be reconstructed in Greenfield Village, near Dearborn. The courthouse where Abraham Lincoln had practised law and the Ohio bicycle shop where the Wright brothers built their first primitive aeroplane were added to the farmhouse where the proprietor, Henry Ford, had been born. Replicas were made of Independence Hall, Congress Hall and the old City Hall in Philadelphia, and even a reconstruction of Edison's Menlo Park laboratory was installed. The Henry Ford museum was officially opened on 21 October 1929, on the fiftieth anniversary of Edison's invention of the incandescent bulb, but it continued to be a primary preoccupation of the great American car maker until his death.
    Henry Ford was also responsible for a number of aeronautical developments at the Ford Airport at Dearborn. He introduced the first use of radio to guide a commercial aircraft, the first regular airmail service in the United States. He also manufactured the country's first all-metal multi-engined plane, the Ford Tri-Motor.
    Edsel became President of the Ford Motor Company on his father's resignation from that position on 30 December 1918. Following the end of production in May 1927 of the Model T, the replacement Model A was not in production for another six months. During this period Henry Ford, though officially retired from the presidency of the company, repeatedly interfered and countermanded the orders of his son, ostensibly the man in charge. Edsel, who died of stomach cancer at his home at Grosse Point, Detroit, on 26 May 1943, was the father of Henry Ford II. Henry Ford died at his home, "Fair Lane", four years after his son's death.
    1922, with S.Crowther, My Life and Work, London: Heinemann.
    Further Reading
    R.Lacey, 1986, Ford, the Men and the Machine, London: Heinemann. W.C.Richards, 1948, The Last Billionaire, Henry Ford, New York: Charles Scribner.

    Biographical history of technology > Ford, Henry

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