1 additional article
Дипломатический термин: дополнительная статья -
2 additional article
3 additional article
4 additional article
5 article
n1) статья (договора и т.п.); пункт, параграф2) pl договор, соглашение3) дип. грамота4) статья ( в периодической печати)5) предмет, товар, изделие•- amended articleto vote article by article — голосовать постатейно / отдельно по каждой статье
- articles of consumption
- articles of expenditure
- articles of luxury
- articles of personal use
- articles of prime necessity
- burning article
- dutiable articles
- feature article
- final article
- full-page article
- hard-hitting article
- introductory article
- leading article
- magazine article
- polemical article
- reaction to an article
- removal of an article of the Constitution
- repeal of an article of the Constitution
- speculative article
- survey article
- taxed articles
- the article as a whole is adopted
- the main comment article
- under article 3 -
6 article
n1) статья (договора); пункт, параграф2) pl договор, соглашение; устав3) предмет, товар, изделие• -
7 Article 119
Judges may be citizens of the Russian Federation over 25 years of age with a higher education in law and a law service record of not less than five years. The federal law may introduce additional requirements for judges of the courts of the Russian Federation.__________ <На русском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (Russian)"]Статья 119[/ref]> <На немецком языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (German)"]Artikel 119[/ref]> <На французском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (French)"]Article 119[/ref]>The Constitution of Russia. English-Russian dictionary > Article 119
8 Article 133
Local self-government in the Russian Federation shall be guaranteed by the right for judicial protection, for a compensation for additional expenses emerging as a result of decisions adopted by state authority bodies, by a ban on the limitations on the rights of local self-government fixed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the federal laws.__________ <На русском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (Russian)"]Статья 133[/ref]> <На немецком языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (German)"]Artikel 133[/ref]> <На французском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (French)"]Article 133[/ref]>The Constitution of Russia. English-Russian dictionary > Article 133
9 Article 39
1. Everyone shall be guaranteed social security at the expense of the State in old age, in case of an illness, disableness, loss of the bread-winner, for upbringing of children and in other cases established by law.2. State pensions and social allowances shall be established by law. 3. Promotion shall be given to voluntary social insurance and the creation of additional forms of social security and charity. __________ <На русском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (Russian)"]Статья 39[/ref]> <На немецком языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (German)"]Artikel 39[/ref]> <На французском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (French)"]Article 39[/ref]>The Constitution of Russia. English-Russian dictionary > Article 39
10 screwless fixed part (or component)
- часть (или компонент), с безвинтовым креплением
часть (или компонент), с безвинтовым креплением
Доступная часть (или компонент), которая после крепления, установки, монтажа или сборки в (или на) оборудование или другой компонент или на специально подготовленное основание удерживается на месте с помощью определенных средств, независимых от применения винтов. Разборка или съем может требовать использование инструмента, который применяют непосредственно к этой части (или компоненту) или используют для получения доступа к средствам крепления.
Примечание. Примеры частей, которые не рассматриваются как части или компоненты с безвинтовым креплением:
- части компонентов, закрепляемые с помощью заклепок, клея или подобных средств;
- плоские втычные соединители;
- безвинтовые зажимы;
- стандартные вилки и розетки;
- стандартные приборные соединители, даже если они имеют дополнительные замковые устройства, предотвращающие разъединение одним действием:
- сменные лампы с байонетным патроном;
- скрученные конструкции;
- конструкции с фиксацией трением.
[ГОСТ IЕС 60730-1-2011]EN
screwless fixed part (or component)
accessible part (or component) which, after attachment, installation, mounting or assembly into or onto an equipment or another component, or to a specially prepared support, is retained in position by positive means which do not depend on screws
Note 1 to entry: Disassembly or removal may require the use of a tool, either applied directly to the part (or component), or to obtain access to the retaining means.
Note 2 to entry: The following are some examples of parts which are not regarded as screwless fixed parts or components:
- parts of components fixed permanently by rivets, glueing or similar means;
- flat, pushon connectors;
- screwless terminals;
- standard plugs and socketoutlets;
- standard appliance couplers, even if such have additional latching devices to prevent a single action uncoupling;
- the replacement of a lamp in a bayonet type lampholder;
- twistlug construction;
- frictionfit construction.
partie (ou élément) à fixation sans vis
partie (ou élément) accessible qui, après fixation, installation, montage ou assemblage dans ou sur un matériel ou autre élément, ou encore sur un support spécialement préparé, est maintenu en place par des moyens directs qui ne dépendent pas de vis
Note 1 à l'article: Le démontage ou enlèvement peut nécessiter un outil, utilisé directement sur la partie (ou élément), ou encore utilisé pour accéder au moyen de retenue.
Note 2 à l'article: Comme exemples de parties qui ne sont pas considérées comme parties (ou éléments) à fixation sans vis, on peut citer:
- des parties d'éléments fixées en permanence par rivets, collage ou moyens analogues;
- les connecteurs à languette;
- les bornes sans vis;
- les fiches et prises de courant normalisées;
- les socles de connecteur normalisés, même si ces socles comportent des dispositifs à loquet supplémentaires destinés à empêcher un débranchement à action unique;
- le remplacement d'une lampe à douille à baïonnette;
- la construction à cosse tournante;
- la construction à fixation par frottement.
- электротехника, основные понятия
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > screwless fixed part (or component)
11 set in
1) вставлять, вкладывать( что-л. во что-л.) Set the eggs gently in the basket. ≈ Аккуратно положи яйца в корзину.
2) добавлять( что-л. к чему-л.) This additional page must be set in at the correct point in the article. ≈ Эту дополнительную страницу надо вставить в статью в нужное место.
3) вшивать (рукав, вставку и т. п.) Can you help me to set in the sleeves? ≈ Помоги мне вшить рукава, пожалуйста.
4) начинаться, наступать, устанавливаться the tide set in ≈ начался прилив rain set in ≈ пошел обложной дождь;
установилась дождливая погода winter has set in ≈ наступила зима You'd better paint the woodwork before decay sets in. ≈ Лучше окрасть дерево до того, как оно начало гнить.
5) дуть, двигаться по направлению к берегу (о ветре, течении и т. п.) Don't leave your things on the sand, the sea is setting in and they could get wet. ≈ Не оставляй вещи на песке, идет прилив, они промокнут.
6) направлять (судно) к берегу to be set in one's habits/ways ≈ иметь твердое мнение, убеждение to set one's (own) house in order ≈ содержать свои дела в порядке to set someone in mind of ≈ напомнить( о чем-л., ком-л.) to set something in motion ≈ начать (делать) что-л. наступать, устанавливаться, начинаться - winter has * very early this year в этом году зима наступила очень рано - the tide is setting in начинается прилив - night was setting in наступала /приближалась/ ночь - the weather is setting in fine устанавливается хорошая погода - it * to /for/ rain начались дожди - it is setting in for a wet day день будет дождливый - before it * to freeze до начала заморозков - this fashion is setting in это начинает входить в моду - if no complications * если не будет никаких осложнений двигаться (в каком-л. направлении) - the current sets in to(wards) the shore течение направлено к берегу сажать( растения, семена) вшивать (рукав, вставку и т. п.) -
12 set in
set in а) вставлять, вкладывать (что-л. во что-л.) set the glass incarefully so that it fits the window frame exactly. set the eggs gently in thebasket. б) добавлять (что-л. к чему-л.) This additional page must be set in atthe correct point in the article. в) вшивать (рукав, вставку и т. п.) Can youhelp me to set in the sleeves? г) начинаться, наступать, устанавливаться; thetide set in начался прилив; rain set in пошел обложной дождь; установиласьдождливая погода; winter has set in наступила зима You'd better paint thewoodwork before decay sets in. д) дуть, двигаться по направлению к берегу (оветре, течении и т. п.) Don't leave your things on the sand, the sea issetting in and they could get wet. е) направлять (судно) к берегу It's time toset the ship in, we're expected in the harbour in an hour. to be set in one'shabits/ways иметь твердое мнение, убеждение to set one's (own) house in orderсодержать свои дела в порядке to set someone in mind of напомнить (о чем-л.,ком-л.) to set something in motion начать (делать) что-л. -
13 ATA
1) Общая лексика: (American Translators Association) Американская ассоциация переводчиков (http://www.atanet.org)2) Компьютерная техника: Advanced Technology Architecture, Analog Telephone Adaptor3) Авиация: фактическое время прибытия4) Медицина: anterior tibial artery, alimentary toxic aleukia5) Спорт: American Taekwondo Association6) Военный термин: Air Traffic Agency, Air Transport Association, Anti-Tank Assault, Army Transportation Association, Atlantic Treaty Association, Ocean Tug, actual time of arrival, additional training assembly, advanced tactical aircraft, air training advisor, air training area, air transport auxiliary, air-to-air, automatic track acquisition, automatic tracking antenna, auxiliary timer assembly, aviation training aids, перспективный испытательный ускоритель, перспективный тактический самолёт7) Техника: American Translators Association, American Trucking Association, ammonium triacetate, attention active, avionics test article, azimuth torquer amplifier8) Шутливое выражение: All Terrain Ants, Always Tardy Airlines9) Юридический термин: Alternatives To Aggression10) Экономика: Admission Temporaire, Temporary Admission11) Автомобильный термин: American Tracking Association, Американская автотранспортная ассоциация12) Ветеринария: Animal Transport Association13) Грубое выражение: Any Time Anywhere14) Телекоммуникации: Analog Telephone Adapter15) Сокращение: Advanced Test Accelerator, Aerospace Technologies of Australia, American Taxpayers Association, American Teachers Association, Army Technical Architecture, Automatic Target Acquisition, Automatic Terrain Avoidance, Automatic Trouble Analysis, Auxiliary Ocean Tug (USA), Advanced Technology (AT) Attachment, Asynchronous Terminal Adapter, Agrarische Termijnmarkt Amsterdam (Netherlands)16) Физиология: Abort The Abortion17) Вычислительная техника: ARCnet Trade Association, advanced technology attachment, Advanced Technology Attachment (ATA, HDD), интерфейс ATA18) Нефть: accrued treasury assets19) Транспорт: A Tired American, Air Transport Association of America, American Taxicab Association, American Transit Association, American Trucking Associations, Arrival Times Approximate20) Пищевая промышленность: атипичный характер старения (белые вина) (atypical aging character of white wines)21) Фирменный знак: American Towing Alliance, American Trans Air23) Образование: application-theory-application (метод обучения)24) Сетевые технологии: AT attachment25) Полимеры: aurin-tricarbonic acid26) Телефония: analog terminal adapter, адаптер аналогового терминала27) Океанография: American Tunaboat Association28) Авиационная медицина: absolute atmosphere29) Hi-Fi. Automatic Tuner Activator30) Общественная организация: American Thyroid Association, American Tinnitus Association31) Международная торговля: Admission Temporaire-Temporary Admission -
14 claim
1) требование, притязание; притязать2) утверждение; заявление; утверждать; заявлять3) претензия4) формула изобретения, патентная формула5) пункт формулы изобретения (однозвенная формула изобретения или пункт многозвенной формулы, способный быть объектом самостоятельной охраны)•- as defined in claim
- as claimed in claim above
- as recited in claim
- as set forth in claim
- claim by inference
- claim for a patent
- claim for damages
- claim for infringement
- claim having a prior art
- claim in return
- claim in subparagraph form
- no claim is allowed
- claim reads on the infringing device
- claim reciting a figure
- claim stand rejected
- claim supposed by the description
- claim to compensation
- claim an invention
- claim a right
- claim damages
- claim to priority
- claim priority
- claim recognition of the patent rights
- claim of infringement
- claim of ownership
- claim of priority
- additional claim
- aggregative claim
- allowed claim
- alternative claim
- ambiguous claim
- amended claim
- apparatus claim
- appealed claim
- appended claim
- applicant's claim
- application claim
- article claim
- basic claim
- bridge claim
- bridging claim
- broad claim
- clear and concise claim
- closed-form claim
- colliding claims
- conflicting claims
- composition claim
- defective claim
- dependent claim
- depending claim
- disputed claim
- dormant claim
- draft claim
- European claim
- excess claims
- extra claim
- false claim
- faulty claim
- first claim
- functional claim
- general claim
- generic claim
- Hartig claim
- head claim
- hybrid claim
- improper claim
- independent claim
- infringed claim
- interfering claim
- invalid claim
- Jepson claim
- justifiable claim
- legal claim
- legitimate claim
- linking claim
- machine claim
- main claim
- Markush claim
- means-plus-function claim
- method claim
- narrow claim
- nonstatutory claim
- omnibus claim
- overbroad claim
- patent claim
- plaintiff's claim
- plant patent claim
- preceding claim
- preliminary claim
- primary claim
- process claim
- product claim
- product-by-process claim
- prolix claim
- reissue claim
- rejected claim
- secondary claim
- settled claim
- species claim
- specific claim
- speculative claim
- statutory claim
- structure claim
- subordinate claim
- subprocess claim
- subsidiary claim
- supplementary claim
- tabular claim
- tentative claim
- unauthorized claim
- unfounded claim of infringement
- unpatentable claim
- unpatented claim
- unsearchable claim
- valid claim* * *притязание (на изобретение); формула изобретения (часть описания изобретения, в которой точно определены существо изобретения и объем притязаний); пункт формулы изобретения (однозвенная формула изобретения или пункт многозвенной формулы, способный обеспечить самостоятельную охрану) -
15 fee
1) вознаграждение; гонорар2) пошлина; денежный сбор; взнос•- fee for a patent
- fee for a trademark
- fee for laying open the application documents
- increase in fee due to classification
- fee per an article
- fee required by law
- additional fee
- annual patent fee
- upfront license fee
- up-front license fee
- appeal fee
- application fee
- attorney's fee
- basic fee under the PCT
- contingent fee
- court fees
- deposit fee
- designation fee
- examination fee
- extra fee
- filing fee
- final fee
- handling fee
- international fee under the PCT
- issuance fee
- license fee
- litigation fee
- maintenance fee
- national fee under the PCT
- official fee
- preliminary examination fee
- prescribed filing fee
- printing fee
- publication fee
- reasonable fee
- registration fee
- renewal fee
- sealing fee
- search fee
- total fees
- transmittal fee* * *пошлина; сбор -
16 patent
1) патент (охранный документ на изобретение, удостоверяющий признание предложения изобретением, его приоритет и исключительное право на него патентообладателя)2) патентовать; патентованный; патентный•- patent applied for
- patent in force
- patent being in force
- patent for a design
- patent for an invention
- patent for a plant
- patent for improvement
- patent in dispute
- patent on a design
- patent pending
- patent referred to
- patent abroad
- patent of addition
- patent of confirmation
- patent of importation
- patent of improvement
- patent of revalidation
- abandoned patent
- additional patent
- adjudicated patent
- AEC-owned patent
- anticipating patent
- apparatus patent
- art patent
- article patent
- assailable patent
- assigned patent
- atomic energy patent
- attackable patent
- attacked patent
- basic patent
- biological patent
- blocking patent
- blocking-off patent
- borderline patent
- British Letters patent
- broad patent
- business method patent
- cancelled patent
- ceased patent
- chemical patent
- cited patent
- collateral patent
- colonial patent
- combination patent
- Commission-owned patent
- communicated patent
- competing patent
- complementary patent
- composition-of-matter patent
- confirmation patent
- conflicting patent
- contestable patent
- copending patents
- corresponding patents
- deadwood patent
- dead-wood patent
- defective patent
- dependent patent
- design letters patent
- device patent
- disputed patent
- divisional patent
- domestic patent
- dominant patent
- dormant patent
- double patent
- dragnet patent
- drug patent
- duplicate patents
- earlier patent
- economic patent
- electrical patent
- European patent
- exclusive patent
- exercisable patent
- existing patent
- expired patent
- exploitable patent
- extended patent
- extinct patent
- fencing-off patent
- final patent
- foreign patent
- forfeited patent
- fortifying patent
- freed patent
- free-lance patent
- French pharmaceutical patent
- granted patent
- home patent
- importation patent
- improvement patent
- incipient patent
- incontestable patent
- independent patent
- indigenous patent
- industrial patent
- industrial development patent
- infringed patent
- infringing patent
- infringing patents
- inoperative patent
- interdependent patents
- intervening patent
- invalid patent
- issued patent
- joint patent
- key patent
- land patent
- lapsed patent
- later patent
- later-dated patent
- legally effective patent
- letters patent
- licensed patent
- litigious patent
- live patent
- machine patent
- main patent
- manufacture patent
- master patent
- material patent
- mechanical patent
- medical patent
- metallurgical patent
- method patent
- minor patent
- modification patent
- more recent patent
- narrow patent
- national patent
- national patent under the PCT
- native's patent
- new use patent
- non-convention patent
- Nordic patent
- not infringed patent
- nuisance patent
- objected patent
- obstructive patent
- old patent
- operative patent
- original patent
- ornamental design patent
- overlapping patents
- paper patent
- parallel patent
- parent patent
- pending patent
- petty patent
- pharmaceutical patent
- pioneer patent
- plant patent
- pooled patent
- posthumous patent
- practicable patent
- printed patent
- prior patent
- process patent
- product patent
- provisional European patent
- questionable patent
- reference patent
- regional patent
- reinstated patent
- reissue patent
- reissued patent
- related patent
- revoked patent
- scarecrow patent
- secret patent
- senior patent
- shot gun patent
- simultaneous patent
- small patent
- software patent
- standard patent
- strain patent
- strong patent
- structure patent
- subordinate patent
- subsequent patent
- subservient patent
- subsidiary patent
- sued upon patent
- suppressed patent
- transfer of technology patent
- unenforceable patent
- unexpired patent
- universal patent
- unjustified patent
- unused patent
- U. S. patent
- useful model patent
- utility patent
- valid patent
- valuable patent
- void patent
- voidable patent
- weak patent
- withheld patent
- world-wide patent
- worthless patent
- X-series patent
- younger patent
- youngest patent* * *патент (охранный документ, представляющий исключительнее право на осуществление, использование и продажу изобретения в течение определенного срока и на определенно» территории) -
17 set in
фраз. гл.1) добавлять (что-л. к чему-л.)This additional page must be set in at the correct point in the article. — Эта дополнительная страница должна быть вставлена в статью, на своё место.
2) вшивать (рукав, вставку и т. п.)Can you help me to set in the sleeves? — Помоги мне вшить рукава, пожалуйста.
3) начинаться, наступать, устанавливаться ( обычно о погоде)The tide set in. — начался прилив.
The rain set in. — Установилась дождливая погода
Winter has set in. — Наступила зима.
You'd better paint the woodwork before decay sets in. — Покрась дерево, пока оно не начало гнить.
4) дуть с моря ( о ветре)Don't leave your things on the sand, the sea is setting in and they could get wet. — Не оставляй вещи на песке, идёт прилив, они промокнут.
6) мор. направлять ( судно) к берегу -
18 duty
n1) долг; обязанность2) пошлина, сбор, налог3) производительность; мощность4) работа; режим работы
- additional duty
- ad valorem duty
- agent's duties
- anti-dumping duty
- basic duty
- bound duties
- combined duty
- compensatory duty
- compound duty
- conventional duty
- countervailing duty
- currency protecting duty
- customs duty
- death duties
- differential duty
- discriminating duty
- discriminatory duty
- entrance duty
- estate duty
- excess profits duty
- excise duty
- export duty
- extra duty
- financial duty
- fiscal duty
- fixed duty
- heavy duty
- high duty
- import duty
- increment value duty
- infant-industry duty
- key industry duty
- levied duty
- licence duty
- low duty
- matching duty
- maximum duty
- mill duty
- minimum duty
- mixed duty
- motor vehicle duty
- night duty
- official duties
- penalty duty
- policy duty
- port duties
- preferential duty
- primage duty
- prohibitive duty
- protective duty
- retaliatory duty
- revenue duty
- seasonal duty
- special duty
- specific duty
- stamp duty
- stamp duty on bills of exchange
- stamp duty on a contract
- stamp duty on securities
- succession duty
- supplementary duty
- tonnage duty
- transit duty
- weight duty
- duty for consignee's account
- duty for revenue
- duties of an agent
- duties of an arbitrator
- duties off
- duties of parties
- duties of the principal
- duty on
- duty on cargo
- duty on entry
- duty on exports
- duty on imported goods
- duty on imports
- duty on luxury goods
- duty per article
- duty under a contract
- off duty
- on duty
- exempt from duty
- free from duty
- free of duty
- liable to duty
- subject to duty
- abolish duties
- allocate duties
- assess a duty
- calculate a duty
- charge a duty
- collect duties
- discharge one's duties
- establish a duty
- evade customs duties
- fix a duty
- impose duties
- increase duties
- introduce a duty
- lay a duty
- levy a duty
- pay a duty
- perform duties
- reduce duties
- refund the duty
- take up one's duties -
19 fee
n1) гонорар; вознаграждение; комиссия, плата за услуги2) взнос3) сбор, пошлина4) земельная собственность или недвижимость, которые могут продаваться или передаваться по наследству
- additional fee
- administration fee
- administrative fee
- admission fee
- advance fee
- agency fee
- agent's fee
- annual fee
- application fee
- appraisal fee
- arbitration fee
- arbitrator's fee
- arrangement fee
- assignment fee
- auction fee
- booking fee
- broker's fee
- business filing fees
- busines registration fee
- cargo fee
- chartering fee
- clearing fee
- C.O.D.
- collection fee
- commission fee
- commitment fee
- consular fee
- consultancy fee
- consultant fee
- consultation fee
- contractor fee
- counsel fees
- court fees
- current fees
- customs fees
- director's fees
- discharging fee
- doctor's fee
- entrance fee
- exchange commission fee
- exit fee
- extra fee
- facility fee
- factoring fee
- filing fee
- finder's fee
- fixed fee
- flat fee
- franchise fee
- front end fees
- guarantee fees
- handling fee
- import fee
- incentive fee
- initial fee
- installation fee
- insurance fee
- insurance survey fee
- issue fee
- landing fee
- late payment fee
- legal fee
- licence fee
- listing fee
- litigation fee
- management fee
- membership fee
- nonrefundable fee
- notarial fee
- official's fee
- oil import fees
- origination fee
- packaging fee
- packing fee
- parcel fee
- parcel registration fee
- participation fee
- passport fee
- patent fee
- pick-up fee
- pilot fee
- pilotage fee
- port fees
- procuration fee
- professional fee
- protest fee
- public accounting fees
- publication fee
- quarantine fee
- reasonable fee
- registration fee
- remittance fee
- renewal fee
- rental fee
- revival fee
- safe custody fee
- sanitary fee
- school fees
- service fee
- stand fee
- standard fee
- storage fee
- submission fee
- subscription fee
- survey fees
- tax return preparation fees
- transfer fee
- tuition fee
- unloading fee
- warehouse fee
- weighing fee
- fees for arbitration services
- fees for consultancy services
- fee for a design
- fee for granting an import licence
- fee for a patent
- fee for paying a cheque
- fee for the return of deposit
- fee for a trademark
- fee for the use
- fees in a case
- fee of an average adjuster
- fee on a loan
- fee per article
- at a nominal fee
- for a fee
- fees paid to practise a profession
- fees payable to the bank
- fees receivable
- apportion fees
- be liable to a fee
- be remunerated with a fee
- charge a fee
- collect fees
- estimate a fee
- pay fees -
20 patent
1. n
- additional patent
- apparatus patent
- article patent
- basic patent
- blocking-off patent
- borderline patent
- broad patent
- cancelled patent
- confirmed patent
- competing patent
- confirmation patent
- corresponding patent
- design patent
- device patent
- domestic patent
- drug patent
- existing patent
- expired patent
- fencing-in patent
- fencing-off patent
- foreign patent
- granted patent
- home patent
- improvement patent
- independent patent
- infringing patent
- inoperative patent
- invalid patent
- invalidated patent
- issued patent
- joint patent
- key patent
- lapsed patent
- letters patent
- litigious patent
- live patent
- main patent
- method patent
- minor patent
- modification patent
- national patent
- obtained patent
- parent patent
- prior patent
- process patent
- product patent
- questionable patent
- registered patent
- reinstated patent
- related patent
- secret patent
- small patent
- subordinate patent
- subsequent patent
- unexpired patent
- universal patent
- unjustified patent
- valid patent
- valuable patent
- void patent
- youngest patent
- patent for a design
- patent for improvement
- patent in addition
- patent on an invention
- abandon a patent
- annul a patent
- apply for a patent
- assign a patent
- attack a patent
- avoid a patent
- cancel a patent
- cede a patent
- circumvent a patent
- contest a patent
- deliver a patent
- dispute a patent
- dodge a patent
- drop a patent
- exploit a patent
- extend a patent
- file a patent
- forfeit a patent
- get a patent
- grant a patent
- have the right to a patent
- hold a patent
- infringe a patent
- invalidate a patent
- issue a patent
- litigate a patent
- maintain a patent in force
- nullify a patent
- obtain a patent
- oppose a patent
- practise a patent
- put a patent into practice
- receive a patent
- refuse a patent
- reinstate a patent
- reject a patent
- renew a patent
- retain a patent
- revoke a patent
- secure a patent
- sell a patent
- suppress a patent
- surrender a patent
- take out a patent
- transfer a patent
- use a patent
- vend a patent
- violate a patent
- withdraw a patent
- withhold a patent2. vEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > patent
- 1
- 2
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