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  • 121 mejor

    no hay nada mejor que… there's nothing better than…
    es mejor que no vengas it would be better if you didn't come
    será mejor que te calles you'd better shut up, I suggest you shut up
    1 better.
    ahora veo mejor I can see better now
    mejor no se lo digas it'd be better if you don't tell him
    mejor dicho (or) rather
    mejor que mejor so much the better
    2 best.
    el que la conoce mejor the one who knows her best
    * * *
    1 (comparativo) better
    mi mejor amigo,-a my best friend
    1 (comparativo) better
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino el/la mejor
    1 the best (one)
    a lo mejor perhaps, maybe
    en el mejor de los casos at the very best
    mejor dicho or rather
    mejor o peor one way or another
    mejor que mejor so much the better
    tanto mejor so much the better
    * * *
    1. adj.
    2) best
    2. adv.
    2) best
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) [comparativo]
    a) (=más bueno) [resultado, producto] better; [calidad, oferta] better, higher

    y lo que es mejor — and even better, and better still

    mejor que algo — better than sth

    b) (=preferible)

    ser mejor — to be better

    2) [superlativo]
    a) [de dos] better

    de estos dos refrescos, ¿cuál es el mejor? — which is the better (out) of these two drinks?

    b) [de varios] [persona, producto] best; [calidad] top, highest; [oferta] highest, best

    ¿quién es tu mejor amigo? — who is your best friend?

    ser el mejor de la clase — to be the best in the class, be top of the class

    un jamón de la mejor calidad — a top quality ham, a ham of the highest quality


    lo mejor — the best

    os deseo (todo) lo mejor — I wish you all the best, my best wishes (to you)

    lo mejor del caso es que... — the good thing is that..., the best part of it is that...

    os deseo lo mejor del mundoI wish you all the best

    tenéis que hacerlo lo mejor posible — you have to do the best you can, you have to do your best

    lo hice lo mejor que pude — I did it the best I could, I did it as well as I could

    estar en lo mejor de la vidato be in the prime of life

    partir 1., 3)
    2. ADV
    1) [comparativo de bien] better

    ¿te sientes algo mejor? — do you feel any better?

    ¡pues si no quieres venir con nosotros, mejor! — well, if you don't want to come with us, so much the better!

    mejor dicho — or rather, or I should say

    lleva tres años en Inglaterra, o mejor dicho, en el Reino Unido — she's been in England, or rather o or I should say the United Kingdom, for three years

    mucho mejor — much better, a lot better *

    mejor o peor, mejor o peor, ya saldremos adelante — for better or (for) worse, we'll come through this

    mejor que mejor, tanto mejor — so much the better, all the better

    2) [superlativo de bien] best

    ¿quién es el que lo hace mejor? — who does it best?

    3) (=preferiblemente)

    mejor quedamos otro día — why don't we meet another day?, it'd be better if we met another day

    tú, mejor te callas — * you'd better keep quiet *

    mejor me voy* I'd better go

    cuanto 2., 2)

    a lo mejor viene mañana — he might come tomorrow, maybe he'll come tomorrow

    -¿crees que lloverá hoy? -a lo mejor — "do you think it will rain today?" - "maybe" o "it might"

    * * *
    a) ( comparativo de bueno) <producto/profesor> better; < calidad> better, higher, superior

    va a ser mejor que... — it's better if...

    tanto mejor or mejor que mejor — so much the better

    al final todo fue para mejorit was all for o it all worked out for the best in the end

    b) ( comparativo de bien) better
    a) ( superlativo de bueno) ( entre dos) better; ( entre varios) best

    éste es el mejorit's the best one o this one is the best

    a) ( comparativo) better

    mejor dicho: me lleva dos años, mejor dicho, dos y medio — she's two years older than me, or rather, two and a half

    a) ( superlativo) best

    lo hice lo mejor que pudeI did it as best I could o (frml) to the best of my ability


    a lo mejor: a lo mejor este verano vamos a Italia — we may o might go to Italy this summer

    3) (esp AmL) ( en sugerencias)
    masculino y femenino

    el/la mejor — ( de dos) the better; ( de varios) the best

    * * *
    = advantageous, better, improved, increased, optimal, superior, top, top quality, high-end, best ever.
    Ex. Often it would be advantageous to be able to snap the camera and to look at the picture immediately.
    Ex. Some degree of ignorance of this kind is not unusual since the usual objective in consulting an information source is to become better informed.
    Ex. The matter of bulk is well taken care of by improved microfilming.
    Ex. Information networks are critical tools to ensure the exchange, transfer, and use of information which will facilitate the increased quality and quantity of agricultural production.
    Ex. The information manager supervises all services to ensure competitiveness, optimal staff deployment and attention to users.
    Ex. Superior cataloguing may result, since more consistency and closer adherence to standard codes are likely to emerge with cataloguers who spend all of their time cataloguing, than with a librarian who tackles cataloguing as one of various professional tasks.
    Ex. ISI's indexes let you locate research in the world's top journals by citation, title word, author, institution, or journal.
    Ex. The quality of a university's research library may not be sufficient to attract top quality students.
    Ex. The system provides extensive map facilities which until now have been available only on high-end hypermedia systems like Intermedia.
    Ex. The conference had a wobbly start in 1997 but has since grown increasingly stronger and has had its best ever year with over 650 attendees.
    * acabar con mejor cara = end up on + a high note.
    * acabar mejor de lo que + empezar = end up on + a high note.
    * alcanzar + Posesivo + mejor momento = peak.
    * alcanzar + Posesivo + mejor momento demasiado pronto = peak + too early.
    * al mejor precio = at the best price.
    * al mejor precio posible = at the best possible price.
    * apreciar mejor = gain + an appreciation.
    * aprovechar mejor = make + the best use of.
    * aprovechar mejor el dinero = get + more for + Posesivo + money.
    * arreglárselas lo mejor posible = make + the best of things.
    * arreglarse lo mejor posible = look + Posesivo + best.
    * atraído por la promesa de una vida mejor = drawn by the promise of a better life.
    * aun mejor = better still.
    * ayudar a comprender mejor = offer + insights, improve + understanding, glean + insights, give + an insight into, provide + insight into, lend + understanding to.
    * ayudar a conocer mejor = advance + understanding.
    * ayudar a entender mejor = lend + understanding to.
    * bestseller de los mejores = runaway bestseller.
    * cada vez mejor = from strength to strength.
    * cambiar para mejor = change for + the better.
    * como mejor + poder = as best + Pronombre + can.
    * comprender mejor = gain + insight into, increase + understanding, gain + a better understanding, gain + a greater understanding, gain + a better sense of, get + a better sense of, place + Nombre + in/into + perspective.
    * con la mejor voluntad del mundo = in good faith.
    * con las mejores intenciones = best-intentioned.
    * conocer mejor = gain + a better understanding, gain + a greater understanding.
    * cuando uno se encuentra mejor de ánimo = on the upswing.
    * cuanto antes mejor = sooner the better, the.
    * cuantos más, mejor = the more the merrier, the more the better.
    * dar lo mejor de Uno mismo = give of + Posesivo + best.
    * dársele a Uno mejor Algo = be better at.
    * dársele mejor a Uno = do + best.
    * de la mejor forma posible = to the best of + Posesivo + ability.
    * de la mejor manera posible = to the best of + Posesivo + ability.
    * del mejor modo posible = to the best of + Posesivo + ability.
    * de los mejores = high-end, as good as any, top-class.
    * de mejor manera = best.
    * demostrar ser mejor = prove + superior.
    * el ataque es la mejor defensa = attack is the best form of defence.
    * el mejor = best of breed, the.
    * el mejor de todos = the cream of the crop, crème de la crème.
    * el mejor hasta ahora = the best yet.
    * el mejor modo de = the best way of.
    * el mejor momento de todos = the time of all times.
    * el mejor + Nombre = the best available + Nombre.
    * el mejor que ha hecho hasta ahora = Posesivo + best yet.
    * el perro es el mejor amigo del hombre = a dog is man's best friend.
    * empezar a jugar mejor = get back into + the game.
    * encontrarse en una mejor situación económica = be economically better off.
    * en el mejor de los casos = at best, at most, ideally, in the best of circumstances, the best case scenario, at the most, at the best of times, at the very best.
    * en el mejor momento de Uno = at + Posesivo + (very) best.
    * en la mejor posición = best-positioned.
    * en las mejores condiciones posibles = in the best possible conditions.
    * en su mejor momento = at + Posesivo + peak.
    * entender mejor = gain + a better sense of, get + a better sense of, place + Nombre + in/into + perspective.
    * estar en la mejor posición para = be best positioned to.
    * estar mejor = be better off, be better served by.
    * funcionar mejor = work + best, do + best.
    * hacer el mejor uso de = make + the best of.
    * hacerlo lo mejor que uno pueda = do + Posesivo + utmost, give + Posesivo + utmost, give + Posesivo + best.
    * hacerlo mejor = do + a better job.
    * hacer lo mejor que Uno pued = give of + Posesivo + best.
    * hacer lo mejor que Uno pueda = put + Posesivo + best into.
    * hacer lo mejor que Uno puede = try + Posesivo + heart out.
    * hacer mejor = give + Nombre + an edge.
    * hacer resaltar las mejores cualidades de = bring out + the best in.
    * interpretar la ley según le convenga mejor a Uno = bend + the rules to suit + Posesivo + own purposes.
    * ir cada vez mejor = go from + strength to strength, go + great guns.
    * la mejor forma de hacer Algo = lessons learned [lessons learnt].
    * la mejor manera = how best.
    * la mejor manera de = the best way of.
    * la mejor oferta = the best deal.
    * la mejor opción = the best bet.
    * la mejor salida = the best way forward.
    * la mejor solución = the best way forward.
    * lo mejor = the top of the tree.
    * lo mejor de = the beauty of, showpiece.
    * lo mejor de ambas partes = the best of both worlds.
    * lo mejor de lo mejor = the best of the best.
    * lo mejor de todo = best of all.
    * lo mejor entre lo mejor = the best of the best.
    * lo mejor es que... = the good news is (that)....
    * lo mejor está aún por llegar = the best is yet to come.
    * lo mejor posible = to the best of + Posesivo + ability, at + Posesivo + (very) best, optimally.
    * lo mejor que pueda = to the best of + Posesivo + ability.
    * lo mejor que se puede hacer = the best bet.
    * lo mejor + ser = the beautiful part + be.
    * lo que es aun mejor = better still.
    * lo que es mejor aun = better still.
    * mejor amigo = best friend.
    * mejor aun = better still.
    * mejor compra = best buy.
    * mejor conservado = best-preserved.
    * mejor dicho = nay.
    * mejor diseñado = best-designed, best-laid, best-laid.
    * mejor, el = best, the.
    * mejor imposible = as good as it gets.
    * mejor intento = best stab, best shot.
    * mejor oferta = best buy.
    * mejor oferta, la = best value, the.
    * mejor pensado = best-laid.
    * mejor planeado = best-laid.
    * mejor que = in preference to.
    * mejor relación calidad-precio, la = best value for money, the.
    * mejor sería que + Subjuntivo = might + as well + Verbo.
    * mientras más, mejor = the more the merrier, the more the better.
    * mucho mejor = far better.
    * mucho mejor que = far superior to.
    * nada es mejor que = nothing beats....
    * nada sabe mejor que sentirse delgado = nothing tastes as good as thin feels.
    * no estar en el mejor momento de Uno = be past + Posesivo + best.
    * no hay nada mejor que = nothing beats....
    * ocupar la mejor posición para = be in the best position to, be best positioned to, be the best placed to.
    * Oficina para el Mejor Comercio = Better Business Bureau.
    * o mejor dicho = or rather.
    * para un futuro mejor = for a better future.
    * pasar a mejor vida = bite + the dust, give up + the ghost.
    * pasar a vida mejor = lay + Nombre + low.
    * pastos mejores = greener pastures, pastures new.
    * persona con la mejor nota = top scorer, top scorer.
    * poner de manifiesto las mejores cualidades de = bring out + the best in.
    * Posesivo + mejor amigo = Posesivo + best friend.
    * potenciar las mejores cualidades de = bring out + the best in.
    * ¡que gane el mejor! = may the best man win!, may the best man win!.
    * que ocupa la mejor posición = best-positioned.
    * sacar a relucir las mejores cualidades de = bring out + the best in.
    * sacar el mejor partido de = get + the best out of.
    * sacar el mejor partido de Algo = make + the best use of, make + the best advantage of, make + the best possible use of.
    * sacar el mejor partido posible = get + the best of both worlds, get + the best of all worlds.
    * sacar mejor partido = get + more for + Posesivo + money.
    * secreto mejor guardado = best kept secret.
    * sería mejor que + Imperfecto de Subjuntivo = had better + Infinitivo.
    * sería mejor que + Subjuntivo = better + Infinitivo.
    * sería mejor que yo = I'd better [I had better].
    * ser la mejor alternativa = be the best bet.
    * ser la mejor manera de = be the conduit for.
    * ser mejor en = be better at.
    * ser mejor que = be superior to, compare + favourably.
    * ser mejor que + Subjuntivo = better + Infinitivo.
    * tanto mejor = so much the better.
    * tener el mejor aspecto posible = look + Posesivo + best.
    * tener lo mejor de ambos mundos = have + the best of both worlds.
    * tener lo mejor de los dos mundos = have + the best of both worlds.
    * terminar con mejor cara = end up on + a high note.
    * terminar mejor de lo que + empezar = end up on + a high note.
    * tierras mejores = greener pastures, pastures new.
    * todavía no ha pasado lo mejor = the best is yet to come.
    * trabajar mejor = work + best.
    * una mejor ocasión = a better time.
    * un mejor momento = a better time.
    * vida mejor = better life.
    * y aun mejor = better yet.
    * y mejor aun = better yet.
    * * *
    a) ( comparativo de bueno) <producto/profesor> better; < calidad> better, higher, superior

    va a ser mejor que... — it's better if...

    tanto mejor or mejor que mejor — so much the better

    al final todo fue para mejorit was all for o it all worked out for the best in the end

    b) ( comparativo de bien) better
    a) ( superlativo de bueno) ( entre dos) better; ( entre varios) best

    éste es el mejorit's the best one o this one is the best

    a) ( comparativo) better

    mejor dicho: me lleva dos años, mejor dicho, dos y medio — she's two years older than me, or rather, two and a half

    a) ( superlativo) best

    lo hice lo mejor que pudeI did it as best I could o (frml) to the best of my ability


    a lo mejor: a lo mejor este verano vamos a Italia — we may o might go to Italy this summer

    3) (esp AmL) ( en sugerencias)
    masculino y femenino

    el/la mejor — ( de dos) the better; ( de varios) the best

    * * *
    el mejor
    = best, the

    Ex: This fact further reinforces the notion that Western Europeans 'civilized' the world in the best interests of us -- the majority -- all.

    = advantageous, better, improved, increased, optimal, superior, top, top quality, high-end, best ever.

    Ex: Often it would be advantageous to be able to snap the camera and to look at the picture immediately.

    Ex: Some degree of ignorance of this kind is not unusual since the usual objective in consulting an information source is to become better informed.
    Ex: The matter of bulk is well taken care of by improved microfilming.
    Ex: Information networks are critical tools to ensure the exchange, transfer, and use of information which will facilitate the increased quality and quantity of agricultural production.
    Ex: The information manager supervises all services to ensure competitiveness, optimal staff deployment and attention to users.
    Ex: Superior cataloguing may result, since more consistency and closer adherence to standard codes are likely to emerge with cataloguers who spend all of their time cataloguing, than with a librarian who tackles cataloguing as one of various professional tasks.
    Ex: ISI's indexes let you locate research in the world's top journals by citation, title word, author, institution, or journal.
    Ex: The quality of a university's research library may not be sufficient to attract top quality students.
    Ex: The system provides extensive map facilities which until now have been available only on high-end hypermedia systems like Intermedia.
    Ex: The conference had a wobbly start in 1997 but has since grown increasingly stronger and has had its best ever year with over 650 attendees.
    * acabar con mejor cara = end up on + a high note.
    * acabar mejor de lo que + empezar = end up on + a high note.
    * alcanzar + Posesivo + mejor momento = peak.
    * alcanzar + Posesivo + mejor momento demasiado pronto = peak + too early.
    * al mejor precio = at the best price.
    * al mejor precio posible = at the best possible price.
    * apreciar mejor = gain + an appreciation.
    * aprovechar mejor = make + the best use of.
    * aprovechar mejor el dinero = get + more for + Posesivo + money.
    * arreglárselas lo mejor posible = make + the best of things.
    * arreglarse lo mejor posible = look + Posesivo + best.
    * atraído por la promesa de una vida mejor = drawn by the promise of a better life.
    * aun mejor = better still.
    * ayudar a comprender mejor = offer + insights, improve + understanding, glean + insights, give + an insight into, provide + insight into, lend + understanding to.
    * ayudar a conocer mejor = advance + understanding.
    * ayudar a entender mejor = lend + understanding to.
    * bestseller de los mejores = runaway bestseller.
    * cada vez mejor = from strength to strength.
    * cambiar para mejor = change for + the better.
    * como mejor + poder = as best + Pronombre + can.
    * comprender mejor = gain + insight into, increase + understanding, gain + a better understanding, gain + a greater understanding, gain + a better sense of, get + a better sense of, place + Nombre + in/into + perspective.
    * con la mejor voluntad del mundo = in good faith.
    * con las mejores intenciones = best-intentioned.
    * conocer mejor = gain + a better understanding, gain + a greater understanding.
    * cuando uno se encuentra mejor de ánimo = on the upswing.
    * cuanto antes mejor = sooner the better, the.
    * cuantos más, mejor = the more the merrier, the more the better.
    * dar lo mejor de Uno mismo = give of + Posesivo + best.
    * dársele a Uno mejor Algo = be better at.
    * dársele mejor a Uno = do + best.
    * de la mejor forma posible = to the best of + Posesivo + ability.
    * de la mejor manera posible = to the best of + Posesivo + ability.
    * del mejor modo posible = to the best of + Posesivo + ability.
    * de los mejores = high-end, as good as any, top-class.
    * de mejor manera = best.
    * demostrar ser mejor = prove + superior.
    * el ataque es la mejor defensa = attack is the best form of defence.
    * el mejor = best of breed, the.
    * el mejor de todos = the cream of the crop, crème de la crème.
    * el mejor hasta ahora = the best yet.
    * el mejor modo de = the best way of.
    * el mejor momento de todos = the time of all times.
    * el mejor + Nombre = the best available + Nombre.
    * el mejor que ha hecho hasta ahora = Posesivo + best yet.
    * el perro es el mejor amigo del hombre = a dog is man's best friend.
    * empezar a jugar mejor = get back into + the game.
    * encontrarse en una mejor situación económica = be economically better off.
    * en el mejor de los casos = at best, at most, ideally, in the best of circumstances, the best case scenario, at the most, at the best of times, at the very best.
    * en el mejor momento de Uno = at + Posesivo + (very) best.
    * en la mejor posición = best-positioned.
    * en las mejores condiciones posibles = in the best possible conditions.
    * en su mejor momento = at + Posesivo + peak.
    * entender mejor = gain + a better sense of, get + a better sense of, place + Nombre + in/into + perspective.
    * estar en la mejor posición para = be best positioned to.
    * estar mejor = be better off, be better served by.
    * funcionar mejor = work + best, do + best.
    * hacer el mejor uso de = make + the best of.
    * hacerlo lo mejor que uno pueda = do + Posesivo + utmost, give + Posesivo + utmost, give + Posesivo + best.
    * hacerlo mejor = do + a better job.
    * hacer lo mejor que Uno pued = give of + Posesivo + best.
    * hacer lo mejor que Uno pueda = put + Posesivo + best into.
    * hacer lo mejor que Uno puede = try + Posesivo + heart out.
    * hacer mejor = give + Nombre + an edge.
    * hacer resaltar las mejores cualidades de = bring out + the best in.
    * interpretar la ley según le convenga mejor a Uno = bend + the rules to suit + Posesivo + own purposes.
    * ir cada vez mejor = go from + strength to strength, go + great guns.
    * la mejor forma de hacer Algo = lessons learned [lessons learnt].
    * la mejor manera = how best.
    * la mejor manera de = the best way of.
    * la mejor oferta = the best deal.
    * la mejor opción = the best bet.
    * la mejor salida = the best way forward.
    * la mejor solución = the best way forward.
    * lo mejor = the top of the tree.
    * lo mejor de = the beauty of, showpiece.
    * lo mejor de ambas partes = the best of both worlds.
    * lo mejor de lo mejor = the best of the best.
    * lo mejor de todo = best of all.
    * lo mejor entre lo mejor = the best of the best.
    * lo mejor es que... = the good news is (that)....
    * lo mejor está aún por llegar = the best is yet to come.
    * lo mejor posible = to the best of + Posesivo + ability, at + Posesivo + (very) best, optimally.
    * lo mejor que pueda = to the best of + Posesivo + ability.
    * lo mejor que se puede hacer = the best bet.
    * lo mejor + ser = the beautiful part + be.
    * lo que es aun mejor = better still.
    * lo que es mejor aun = better still.
    * mejor amigo = best friend.
    * mejor aun = better still.
    * mejor compra = best buy.
    * mejor conservado = best-preserved.
    * mejor dicho = nay.
    * mejor diseñado = best-designed, best-laid, best-laid.
    * mejor, el = best, the.
    * mejor imposible = as good as it gets.
    * mejor intento = best stab, best shot.
    * mejor oferta = best buy.
    * mejor oferta, la = best value, the.
    * mejor pensado = best-laid.
    * mejor planeado = best-laid.
    * mejor que = in preference to.
    * mejor relación calidad-precio, la = best value for money, the.
    * mejor sería que + Subjuntivo = might + as well + Verbo.
    * mientras más, mejor = the more the merrier, the more the better.
    * mucho mejor = far better.
    * mucho mejor que = far superior to.
    * nada es mejor que = nothing beats....
    * nada sabe mejor que sentirse delgado = nothing tastes as good as thin feels.
    * no estar en el mejor momento de Uno = be past + Posesivo + best.
    * no hay nada mejor que = nothing beats....
    * ocupar la mejor posición para = be in the best position to, be best positioned to, be the best placed to.
    * Oficina para el Mejor Comercio = Better Business Bureau.
    * o mejor dicho = or rather.
    * para un futuro mejor = for a better future.
    * pasar a mejor vida = bite + the dust, give up + the ghost.
    * pasar a vida mejor = lay + Nombre + low.
    * pastos mejores = greener pastures, pastures new.
    * persona con la mejor nota = top scorer, top scorer.
    * poner de manifiesto las mejores cualidades de = bring out + the best in.
    * Posesivo + mejor amigo = Posesivo + best friend.
    * potenciar las mejores cualidades de = bring out + the best in.
    * ¡que gane el mejor! = may the best man win!, may the best man win!.
    * que ocupa la mejor posición = best-positioned.
    * sacar a relucir las mejores cualidades de = bring out + the best in.
    * sacar el mejor partido de = get + the best out of.
    * sacar el mejor partido de Algo = make + the best use of, make + the best advantage of, make + the best possible use of.
    * sacar el mejor partido posible = get + the best of both worlds, get + the best of all worlds.
    * sacar mejor partido = get + more for + Posesivo + money.
    * secreto mejor guardado = best kept secret.
    * sería mejor que + Imperfecto de Subjuntivo = had better + Infinitivo.
    * sería mejor que + Subjuntivo = better + Infinitivo.
    * sería mejor que yo = I'd better [I had better].
    * ser la mejor alternativa = be the best bet.
    * ser la mejor manera de = be the conduit for.
    * ser mejor en = be better at.
    * ser mejor que = be superior to, compare + favourably.
    * ser mejor que + Subjuntivo = better + Infinitivo.
    * tanto mejor = so much the better.
    * tener el mejor aspecto posible = look + Posesivo + best.
    * tener lo mejor de ambos mundos = have + the best of both worlds.
    * tener lo mejor de los dos mundos = have + the best of both worlds.
    * terminar con mejor cara = end up on + a high note.
    * terminar mejor de lo que + empezar = end up on + a high note.
    * tierras mejores = greener pastures, pastures new.
    * todavía no ha pasado lo mejor = the best is yet to come.
    * trabajar mejor = work + best.
    * una mejor ocasión = a better time.
    * un mejor momento = a better time.
    * vida mejor = better life.
    * y aun mejor = better yet.
    * y mejor aun = better yet.

    * * *
    1 (comparativo de bueno) ‹producto/obra/profesor› better; ‹calidad› better, higher, superior
    resultó mejor que el otro/de lo que pensábamos it was better than the other one/than we expected
    va a ser mejor que no nos veamos más it's better if we don't see each other anymore
    y si no quiere comer tanto mejor or mejor que mejor and if she doesn't want to eat, all the better o so much the better
    cuanto más grande mejor the bigger the better
    al final todo fue para mejor it was all o it all worked out for the best in the end
    me siento mejor que ayer I feel better than (I did) yesterday
    sabe mucho mejor así it tastes much better like that
    es el mejor jugador del equipo he's the best player in the team
    mi mejor amiga my best friend
    productos de la mejor calidad products of the highest quality
    este vino es de lo mejorcito que producen ( fam); this is one of their better wines
    lo mejor es que le digas la verdad the best thing (to do) is to tell her the truth
    le deseo lo mejor I wish you the very best o all the best
    hoy es el día en que la he encontrado mejor today is the best I've seen her
    la que está mejor de dinero the one who has most money o ( colloq) who's best off
    1 (comparativo) better
    luego lo pensé mejor y decidí aceptar then I thought better of it and decided to accept
    pintas cada vez mejor your painting is getting better and better o is getting better all the time
    mejor dicho: me lleva dos años, mejor dicho, dos años y medio she's two years older than me, sorry, two and a half o or rather, two and a half o no, two and a half
    éste es el lugar desde donde se ve mejor this is where you can see best (from)
    la versión mejor ambientada de la obra the best-staged production of the play
    lo hice lo mejor que pude I did it as well as I could, I did it as best I could o ( frml) to the best of my ability
    a lo mejor: a lo mejor este verano vamos a Italia we may o might go to Italy this summer
    a lo mejor no se han enterado they may o might not have heard, maybe o perhaps they haven't heard
    ( esp AmL) (en sugerencias): mejor lo dejamos para otro día why don't we leave it for another day?, I suggest we leave it o let's leave it for another day
    mejor me callo I think I'd better shut up
    mejor pídeselo tú it would be better if you asked him, why don't you ask him?
    el/la mejor (de dos) the better; (de varios) the best
    se quedó con el mejor de los dos/de todos she kept the better of the two/the best one of all for herself
    es la mejor de la clase she's the best in the class, she's top of the class
    * * *


    mejor adjetivo

    bueno) ‹producto/profesor better;

    calidad better, higher, superior;

    cuanto más grande mejor the bigger the better

    bien) better;

    está mejor así it's better like this

    ( entre varios) best;

    productos de la mejor calidad products of the highest quality;
    lo mejor es que se lo digas the best thing (to do) is to tell her;
    le deseo lo mejor I wish you the very best o all the best

    bien): la que está mejor de dinero the one who has the most money

    ■ adverbio
    1 ( comparativo) better;

    pintas cada vez mejor your painting is getting better and better;
    me lleva dos años, mejor dicho, dos y medio she's two years older than me, or rather, two and a half
    2 ( superlativo) best;

    la versión mejor ambientada de la obra the best-staged production of the play;
    lo hice lo mejor que pude I did it as best I could o (frml) to the best of my ability;
    a lo mejor maybe, perhaps;
    a lo mejor vamos a Italia we may o might go to Italy
    3 (esp AmL) ( en sugerencias):

    mejor me callo I think I'd better shut up
    ■ sustantivo masculino y femenino:
    el/la mejor ( de dos) the better;

    ( de varios) the best;

    I adjetivo
    1 (comparativo de bueno) better: mi bolígrafo es mejor que el tuyo, my pen is better than yours
    es mejor que confieses, you'd better confess
    no hay nada mejor, there's nothing better
    2 (superlativo de bueno) best
    la mejor de la clase, the best in the class
    lo mejor, the best thing
    II adverbio
    1 (comparativo de bien) better: canta mucho mejor, he sings much better
    estamos mejor atendidos, we are better looked after
    lo hace mejor que tú, she does it better than you do
    2 (superlativo de bien) best: soy la que mejor lo hace, I'm the one who does it best
    3 (antes, preferiblemente) mejor lo escribes, you'd better write it down
    déjalo mejor para la tarde, it'd be better if you left it for the evening
    ♦ Locuciones: a lo mejor, maybe, perhaps, tanto mejor, so much the better

    ' mejor' also found in these entries:
    - calaña
    - caso
    - concebir
    - corta
    - corto
    - cuanta
    - cuanto
    - desear
    - despersonalizada
    - despersonalizado
    - dicha
    - dicho
    - diplomacia
    - don
    - duda
    - él
    - embalarse
    - flor
    - gafar
    - infinitamente
    - ingeniar
    - irse
    - modestamente
    - pegar
    - pique
    - postor
    - postora
    - premio
    - que
    - resbaladiza
    - resbaladizo
    - revolver
    - según
    - sentar
    - sentirse
    - superarse
    - superior
    - tanta
    - tanto
    - vaho
    - vida
    - voluntad
    - alegrar
    - caber
    - cada
    - camino
    - casi
    - como
    - cuando
    - acknowledge
    - and
    - any
    - at
    - attest
    - awaken
    - best
    - better
    - brand
    - bust up
    - but
    - by
    - change
    - choose
    - clean up
    - dog
    - ever
    - eyesight
    - far
    - female
    - few
    - flagship
    - gazump
    - gazumping
    - grade
    - highlight
    - institution
    - job
    - late
    - laugh
    - lion
    - look up
    - lot
    - love
    - male-dominated
    - maybe
    - mile
    - more
    - much
    - next
    - of
    - off
    - one-upmanship
    - optimal
    - out
    - outdistance
    - outmaneuver
    - outmanoeuvre
    - pain
    * * *
    1. [comparativo] better ( que than);
    un mundo mejor a better world;
    ella tiene una moto mucho mejor she has a much better motorbike;
    una televisión de mejor calidad a better-quality television;
    no hay nada mejor que… there's nothing better than…;
    es mejor que no vengas it would be better if you didn't come;
    será mejor que te calles you'd better shut up, I suggest you shut up;
    sería mejor que llamáramos a un médico we ought to call a doctor;
    un cambio a o [m5] para mejor a change for the better
    2. [superlativo]
    el/la mejor… the best…;
    el mejor vino de todos/del mundo the best wine of all/in the world;
    un producto de la mejor calidad a top-quality product, a product of the highest quality;
    es lo mejor que nos pudo ocurrir it was the best thing that could have happened to us;
    lo mejor es que nos marchemos it would be best if we left;
    te deseo lo mejor I wish you all the best;
    lo mejor fue que… the best thing was that…;
    a lo mejor maybe, perhaps;
    a lo mejor voy I may go
    el/la mejor (de) the best (in);
    el mejor de todos/del mundo the best of all/in the world;
    el mejor de los dos the better of the two;
    que gane el mejor may the best man win
    1. [comparativo] better ( que than);
    ahora veo mejor I can see better now;
    el inglés se me da mejor que el alemán I'm better at English than I am at German;
    lo haces cada vez mejor you're getting better and better at it;
    ¿qué tal las vacaciones? – mejor imposible Br how were your holidays?, US how was your vacation? – couldn't have been any better;
    mejor me quedo I'd better stay;
    mejor no se lo digas it'd be better if you didn't tell him;
    mejor quedamos mañana it would be better if we met tomorrow;
    estar mejor [no tan malo] to feel better;
    [recuperado] to be better;
    nos va mejor con este gobierno we're better off under this government;
    me lo he pensado mejor I've thought better of it;
    mejor dicho (or) rather;
    mejor para ti/él/ etc so much the better;
    si tienen mucho dinero, mejor para ellos if they've got lots of money, so much the better;
    me han invitado a la ceremonia – mejor para ti I've been invited to the ceremony – good for you;
    mejor que mejor so much the better;
    tanto mejor so much the better
    2. [superlativo] best;
    el que la conoce mejor the one who knows her best;
    esto es lo que se me da mejor this is what I'm best at;
    los vinos mejor elaborados the finest wines;
    el personal mejor preparado the best-qualified staff
    * * *
    I adj
    1 comp better;
    está mejor that’s better;
    ir a mejor get better;
    tanto mejor all the better
    2 sup
    el mejor the best;
    lo mejor the best thing;
    lo mejor posible as well as possible;
    dar lo mejor de sí mismo do one’s best
    mejor para ti good for you;
    a lo mejor perhaps, maybe
    * * *
    mejor adv
    1) : better
    Carla cocina mejor que Ana: Carla cooks better than Ana
    2) : best
    ella es la que lo hace mejor: she's the one who does it best
    3) : rather
    mejor morir que rendirme: I'd rather die than give up
    4) : it's better that...
    mejor te vas: you'd better go
    a lo mejor : maybe, perhaps
    mejor adj
    1) (comparative of bueno) : better
    a falta de algo mejor: for lack of something better
    2) (comparative of bien) : better
    está mucho mejor: he's much better
    3) (superlative of bueno) : best, the better
    mi mejor amigo: my best friend
    4) (superlative of bien) : best, the better
    duermo mejor en un clima seco: I sleep best in a dry climate
    5) preferible: preferable, better
    lo mejor : the best thing, the best part
    mejor nmf, (with definite article) : the better (one), the best (one)
    * * *
    mejor adj adv
    1. (comparativo) better
    (es) mejor que... it's better...

    Spanish-English dictionary > mejor

  • 122 SEGJA

    * * *
    (segi, sagða, sagðr), v.
    1) to say, tell (seg þú mér þat, er ek spyr þik);
    þeir sögðu, at þeir skyldu aldri upp gefast, they said they would never yield;
    segja e-m leið, to tell the way, esp. on the sea, to pilot;
    segja tíðendi, to tell news;
    impers. it is told (hér segir frá Birni bunu);
    sem áðr sagði, as was told before;
    segjanda er allt vin sínum, all can be told to a friend;
    2) to say, declare, in an oath;
    ek segi þat guði (Æsi), I declare to God (to the ‘Áss’);
    3) law phrases;
    segja sik í þing, lög, to declare oneself member of a community;
    segja sik ór þingi, lögum, to declare oneself out of, withdraw from, a community;
    segja skilit við konu, to declare oneself separated from, divorce, one’s wife;
    segja fram sök, to declare one’s case;
    segja lög, to recite the law, of the lögsögumaðr;
    4) to signify, mean (þetta segir svá);
    5) with preps., segja e-n af e-u, to declare one off a thing, take it from him;
    segja e-t á e-n, to impose on (bœta at þeim hluta, sem lög segði á hann); to announce (segja á reiði, úsátt sína);
    segja eptir e-m, to tell tales of one;
    segja frá e-u, to tell, relate;
    Unnr, er ek sagða þér frá, U. of whom I told thee;
    segja fyrir e-u, to prescribe (svá var með öllu farit, sem hann hafði fyrir sagt);
    segja fyrir skipi, to bid God-speed to a ship;
    segja e-t fyrir, to predict, foretell (segja fyrir úorðna hluti);
    segja e-u sundr, í sundr, to break up, dissolve (segja sundr friði, frændsemi, hjúskap);
    segja til e-s, to tell, inform of (segit honum ekki til, hvat þér hafit gört við hrossit);
    segja til nafns síns, segja til sín, to tell (give) one’s name;
    segja upp e-t, to pronounce (segja upp dóm, gørð);
    segja upp lög, to proclaim the law (from the law-hill);
    segja e-n upp, to give one up;
    segja upp e-u, to declare at an end (segja upp friði, griðum);
    segja upp þjónustu við e-n, to leave one’s service;
    6) refl., segjast, to declare of oneself;
    hann sagðist þá vaka, he said that he was awake;
    kristnir menn ok heiðnir sögðust hvárir ór lögum annarra, they declared themselves each out of the other’s laws;
    láta (sér) segjast, to let oneself be spoken to, listen to reason;
    impers., e-m segist svá, one’s tale runs so.
    * * *
    pres. segi, segir, segi, pl. segjum, segit, segja; pret. sagði, pl. sögðu; pres. subj. segja; pret. segða, segðir, segði; imperat. seg, segðú; part. sagðr: doubtful forms are sagat, sagaðr, Merl. 2. 4: a pres. indic. seg, segr, ek seg, Grág. i. 64, 134; segr hann, Fms. x. 421; segsk, Grág.i. 159, ii. 57: with a neg. suff. segr-at, Grág. ii. 214; sagðit, Hým. 14; segit-a, tell ye not! Vkv. 21: an older form seggja with a double g is suggested in Lex. Poët. in two or three passages, cp. A. S. secgan, as also seggr; but in Haustl. l. c. the g in ‘sagna’ is soft, and not hard (gg) as in mod. Icel. pronunciation, and sagna would fairly rhyme with segjaandum: [a word common to all Teut. languages, except that, strangely enough, no Goth. form is recorded, for Ulf. renders λαλειν, λέγειν, εἰπειν, by maþljan, quiþan, rodjan; so it may be that the earliest sense was not to say = Lat. dicere, but a limited one, to tell, proclaim; A. S. secgan; Engl. say; Dan. sige; Swed. segja.]
    A. To say, in the oldest poems chiefly,
    I. to tell, report, Lat. narrare, dicere; segðu, imperat. tell thou me! say! Vþm. 11, 13, 15. 17, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, Alm. 10, 12, 14, 16. etc., Skm. 3; segðu mér ór helju ek man ór heimi, Vtkv. 6; atgeirinn sagði ( foretold) manns bana, eins eðr fleiri, Nj. 119; mér segir svá hugr um, my mind tells me, I have a foreboding; eigi segir mér vel hugr um þessa ferð, Ld. 366; sagði honum mjök úvænt hugr um hennar hag, Fms. x. 215; sagðit honum hugr vel þá, Hým. 14; seg oss draum þinn, Nj. 95; hann segir honum greiniliga slíkt er hann spurði, Fms. ii. 99; þessi saga er nú ætlu vér at segja, viii. 1 (see saga); hann spurði hvers synir þeir væri,—þeir sögðu, Nj. 125; fór sveinninn ok sagði til Haralds, Fms. vii. 167; hvat hark var þat?—Honum var sagt, 168; svá hafa spakir menn sagt, Ib. 6; svá sagði Þorkell oss, 5; svá sagði Teitr oss, id.; svá sagði oss Úlfhéðinn Gunnarsson, 9; þenna atburð sagði Teitr oss, at því es Kristni kom á Ísland, 13; en Hallr sagði oss svá, 15; svá sagði hann oss, id.; en honum sagði Þórarinn bróðir hans, 16; es sannliga es sagt, at fyrst færi til Íslands, 4; hvatki er missagt es í fræðum þessum (pref.); þar sagði hann eigi koma dag á vetr, Landn. (pref.); svá segja vitrir menn, … en svá er sagt, 25; svá sagði Sæmundr prestr enn fróði, 27; er svá sagt, at honum hafi flestir hlutir höfðingligast gefnir verit, Nj. 254: of inscriptions, writing, segja þær (the Runes) formála þenna allan, Eg. 390; segja bækr, at …, 625. 88; skal sú skrá hafa sitt mál, er lengra segir, Grág. i. 7: segja leið, to tell the way, to guide, esp. on the sea, to pilot, Fms. xi. 123, Eg. 359 (leið-sögn, leiðsögu-maðr):—to tell, bid, far þú ok seg Agli, at þeir búisk þaðan fimmtán, Nj. 94; hann sendi húskarl at segja Steinari, at hann færði bústað sinn, to tell S. to change his abode, Eg. 749; segðu honum að koma, tell him to come!
    2. with prepp.; segja eptir e-m, to tell tales of one, inform against, Al. 125; hann sagði eptir mér, segðu ekki eptir mér!—s. frá e-u (frá-sögn), to tell, relate, Nj. 96; þar er hón nú, Unnr, er ek sagða þér frá, U., of whom I told thee, 3; eigi má ofsögum segja frá vitsmunum þínum, Ld. 132: s. fyrir, to dictate, Fms. vii. 226, Fb. iii. 533, Nj. 256: to foretel, Rb. 332; s. fyrir úorðna hluti, Fms. i. 76, viii. 5: segja fyrir skipi, to bid Godspeed to a ship (on her first voyage), ix. 480: to prescribe, Ld. 54; þeir sigldu um nóttina, en hann sagði fyrir ( piloted) með viti ok gæfu, Bs. i. 562: s. manni fyrir jörðu, to give notice as to the redemption of an estate, Gþl. 295–297, 301 sqq.:—segja til, to give up; s. til nafns sins, to give one’s name (on being asked), Hbl.; hvat er nafn höfðingja yðvars? Rútr segir til sin. R. told his name (said, my name is R.) Nj. 8; sagði Örnólfr til svá-felldra itaka, Dipl. i. 1; skal ek hér fá þér sæmd ok virðing, þá er þú kannt mér sjálfr til s., Eg. 312.
    3. impers. it is told: hér hefsk Landnáma-bok, ok segir í hinum fyrsta kapitula, hversn, Landn. 24: hér segir frá Birni bunu, 39; segir nokkut af hans orrostum, Fms. viii. 3; sem segir í sögu hans, i. 4 (see saga); sem áðr sagði, … sem sagði fyrr, as was told before, x. 382, 410.
    II. to say, pronounce, declare; eg seg þat Guði, I declare to God (in an oath, cp. Engl. ‘so help me, God’), Grág. i. 64, 134; ok segi ek þat Æsi, Glúm. 388.
    2. so in the law phrases, segja sik í þing, lög, and the like, to declare oneself in a community, to enter a community under the law; as also, segja sik ór þingi, lögum, to declare oneself out of, to withdraw from, a community, Grág. and the Sagas passim; segja skilit við konu, to declare oneself separated from, to divorce one’s wife, Nj. 50; segja þing laust, to declare a meeting at an end, Grág, i. 116:—segja lög, to say the law, used of the speaker’s (lögsögu-maðr) decisions; syni Erlings segi ek engi lög, i. e. I give no sentence for him, Fms. ix. 331: iron., sögðu sverð þeirra ein lög öllum Svíum, ii. 315; s. prófan (á) málum, K. Á. 216; s. dóm, to give sentence.
    3. with prepp.; s. e-n af e-n, to ‘declare a person off a thing,’ i. e. take it from him; hann sagði Vastes af drottningar-dómi ok öllu því ríki, Sks. 462; þá er hann þegar sagðr af lærðra manna tign, 694; skipta svá miklum ríkdómi, ok segja hann af einhverjum ok til annars, i. e. to take it from one and give it to another, Fms. ix. 330; þann dag segja lög mann at aptni af griði, Grág. i. 146; s. e-n afhendan, to declare a person off one’s hands, give him up, Fs. 34:—s. e-t á, to announce:þú skalt segja á reiði mína, Nj. 216; s. á úsátt sína, 256; bæta at þeim hluta sem lög segði á hann, as the law declared, imposed, Fms. x. 152:—s. aptr, to break up, dissolve; s. friði aptr, N. G. L. i. 103:—segja sundr = segja aptr, s. sundr griðum, frændsemi, Fms. ix. 276, x. 133, Fas. ii. 136:—s. fram, to say, pronounce, esp. of pleading, to read; s. fram sök and the like, Grág., Nj. passim:—s. fyrir, see l. 2:—s. upp, to pronounce; er hann hafði þenna kost upp sagðan, Fms. xi. 284: segja upp görð, dóm, sætt, to pronounce sentence, as a judge or umpire, Grág., Nj. Band. 12, passim; s. upp lög, to proclaim the law from the law-hill (the act was called upp-saga), Ib. 17, Bs. i. 25; at hann segði upp lögin, Nj. 164: s. e-n upp, to give one up, Sturl. iii. 181 C: segja e-u upp, to declare at an end; segja upp friði, griðum, Fms. x. 133; segja upp þjónustu við e-n, to leave one’s service, Hkr. iii. 68. to speak, talk; skaut konungr á erendi, talaði hátt ok hvellt ok segir svá—þat er …, Fms. i. 215; ‘þenna kost viljum vér,’ segir Skapti, Nj. 150; ‘frauva,’ segir hann, ‘þat er satt er þú mælir,’ Fms. x. 421. 2. in a dialogue: segir hann, segir hón, says he, says she, etc.; ‘Kenni ek víst,’ segir Otkell,—‘Hverr á,’ segir Skamkell; ‘Melkólfr þræll,’ segir Otkell,—‘Kenna skulu þá fleiri,’ segir Skamkell, ‘en vit tveir,’ 75; Gunnarr mælti—‘Veiztú hvat þér mun verða at bana?’—‘Veit ek,’ segir Njáll,—‘Hvat?’ segir Gunnarr;—‘Þat sem allir munn sízt ætla,’ segir Njáll, 85; and so in countless instances.
    IV. to signify, mean; þetta segir svá, Fms. viii. 239; ‘fiat voluntas tua,’ þat segir svá, ‘verði þinn vili,’ Hom. 157.
    B. Reflex. to declare of oneself; hann sagðisk þá vaka, he said that he was awake, Nj. 153; sagðisk Haraldr vilja leggja við hann vináttu, Fms. i. 53; þeir sem sögðusk segja fyrir úvorðna hluti, 76; at þú sér annarr en þú segisk, Fas. ii. 544, freq. esp. in mod. usage, for the old writers in this case prefer kveðsk, káðusk (from kveða).
    II. as a law phrase, þú segsk í þing með Áskatli goða, Nj. 231; maðr skal segjask í þing með goða þeim er hann vill, Grág. i. 159; nefndu hvárir vátta, Kristnir menn ok heiðnir, ok sögðusk hvárir ór lögum annarra, Nj. 164 (Id. 11, Bs. i. 22); hón sagðisk í ætt sína, she told her origin, i. e. she was exactly like her parents, Njarð. 382: impers. phrase, e-m segisk svá, one’s tale runs so; honum sagðisk svá til, his story runs; or, honum segist vel, he speaks well; honum sagðist vél í dag, he preached well to-day! það segist á e-u, there is a penalty on it, ‘tis not allowed; láta sér segjask. to let oneself be spoken to, be reasonable, Am. 29, and in mod. usage.
    III. part., sönnu sagðr, convicted of, Sdm. 25; Jupiter vill vita hvárt hann er sönnu sagðr, if the charge is true, Bret. 12: gerund., in the saying, segjanda er allt vin sínum, all can be said to a friend, one can open one’s, heart to him. Eg. 330.
    IV. pass. it is said; svá segisk, at …, Fms. i. 98; þessi kvikendi segjask augnafull umhverfis, Hom. 48; hann segisk ( is said to be, Lat. dicitur) skapaðr ór jörðn, Eluc. 21; segist í hverri viku sálu-messa, Dipl. i. 8; Zabulon, þat má hér segjast bygging, Stj.; ef nokkut riptist eðr af segðist, Dipl. iii. 11; segist þetta með öngu móti aptr, cannot be refuted, Fms. ix. 476, Hom. 154; af sögðum bæjum, aforesaid, Vm. 84; fyrr-sagðr, aforesaid; but this passive is unclassical, being taken from the Latin, and rare even in mod. usage.
    V. segendr, part. pl. (seggendr, with a double g. Haustl.), sayers, reporters; sjáendr eða segendr, Grág. ii. 88. segjands-saga, u, f. a hearsay tale; skoluð ér hér vera ok sjá þau tíðendi er hér görask, er yðr þá eigi segjanz-saga til, þvíat ér skolut frá segja ok yrkja um síðan, Ó. H. 206; hence the mod. það er segin saga, a told tale, a thing of course [cp. Fr. ca va sans dire].

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > SEGJA

  • 123 trennen

    tren·nen [ʼtrɛnən]
    1) ( abtrennen)
    etw von etw \trennen to cut sth off sth; ( bei einem Unfall) to sever sth from sth;
    vor dem Reinigen müssen die Lederknöpfe vom Mantel getrennt werden the leather buttons have to removed from [or taken off] the coat before cleaning
    2) ( ablösen)
    etw aus etw/von etw \trennen to take sth out of [or remove sth from sth] sth/detach sth from sth;
    die Knöpfe von etw \trennen to remove the buttons from [or take the buttons off] sth
    [voneinander/von jdm] \trennen to separate [people from each other [or one another] /sb from sb];
    es kann gefährlich sein, bei einer Prügelei die Streitenden zu \trennen it can be dangerous to separate people in a fight;
    im Krieg werden Kinder oft von ihren Eltern getrennt children are often separated from their parents in war;
    [voneinander] \trennen to separate [or split up] [from each other [or one another] ]
    4) ( teilen)
    etw [von etw] \trennen to separate [or divide] sth [from sth]
    [voneinander] \trennen to differentiate [or distinguish] between sb/each other [or one another];
    die unterschiedliche Herkunft kann Menschen \trennen people can be distinguished by their different backgrounds
    etw \trennen to divide [or split up sep] sth; s. a. getrennt
    sich \trennen to part [from each other [or one another] ], to part company;
    hier \trennen wir uns this is where we part company [or go our separate ways];
    sich [voneinander] \trennen to split up [with each other [or one another] ], to separate;
    sich von jdm \trennen to split up with sb
    sich von etw \trennen to part with sth;
    4) (euph: kündigen)
    sich von jdm \trennen to part [company] with sb
    5) sport ( mit einem Spielstand beenden) to finish somehow;
    Schalke 04 und der Hertha trennten sich mit 5:3 [the game between] Schalke 04 and Hertha finished 5-3, the final score [in the game] between Schalke 04 and Hertha was 5-3; s. a. Weg
    [zwischen ihnen] \trennen to differentiate [or distinguish] [between them];
    Kommunismus und Sozialismus sind zwei verschiedene Konzepte - man sollte zwischen ihnen \trennen communism and socialism are two different concepts - a distinction should be drawn [or made] between them

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch für Studenten > trennen

  • 124 расходиться

    I несовер. - расходиться;
    совер. - разойтись возвр.
    1) go away;
    disperse( в разные стороны) ;
    break up( о толпе, собрании и т.п.) ;
    part, separate( о двух-трех людях) ;
    drift apart (рассеиваться) ;
    pass мор.
    2) (с кем-л./чем-л. в чем-л.) (не соглашаться) differ( from in) ;
    disagree( with) ;
    be at variance( with), conflict( with)
    3) (о линиях и т.п.) diverge, branch off;
    fork (о дорогах тж.) ;
    radiate( о лучах) ;
    ramify (разветвляться)
    4) (с кем-л.) (расставаться) part (from), separate (from) ;
    get divorced( from) (разводиться)
    5) pass/miss one another;
    fail to meet;
    cross( о письмах)
    6) (распродаваться) be sold out, sell;
    be out of print( о книге тж.)
    7) (растрачиваться) be spent, run out of;
    8) melt (растапливаться) ;
    dissolve (растворяться)
    9) (разъединяться): полы пальто расходятся ≈ the coat doesn't meet in front половицы разошлись ≈ the floor-boards shrunk
    10) разг. (распространяться) spread
    11) разг. (набирать скорость) gather speed II несовер. - расходиться;
    совер. - разойтись возвр.;
    1) (разбушеваться) become enraged;
    fly into a temper, lose one's self-control, let oneself go, fly off the handle
    2) get excited/animated;
    get worked up
    , разойтись
    1. (уходить в разные стороны) disperse;
    (о толпе, собрании и т. п. тж.) break* up;
    ~ по домам go* home;
    гости разошлись в 12 часов the party broke up at twelve;

    2. (рассеиваться, исчезать) disperse;
    тучи разошлись the clouds dispersed;

    3. (с тв.;
    не встречаться в пути) miss (smb.) ;

    4. (встретившись, давать пройти) pass (each other) ;

    5. (прекращать общение, знакомство) part;
    (с тв.) break* (with), separate (from) ;
    (разводиться) divorce( smb.) ;
    разойтись со старым другом break* with an old friend;

    6. (с тв. в пр.;
    не соглашаться) disagree (with smb. in, over), differ (with, from smb. over, in) ;
    ~ с кем-л. во мнениях disagree with smb. ;
    ~ с кем-л. в оценке чего-л. differ from smb. in one`s estimation of smth. ;

    7. (разветвляться) diverge;
    (о дорогах тж.) fork;
    перен. (не совпадать) differ;
    за деревней дорога разошлась the road forked outside the village;
    мнения разошлись opinions differed;

    8. (разъединяться): полы пальто расходятся the coat doesn`t meet in front;
    половицы разошлись the floor-boards have shrunk;

    9. (распродаваться, раскупаться) sell*;
    be* sold;

    10. (тратиться) go*;
    деньги разошлись на разные мелочи the money went on all kinds of trifles;

    11. dissolve;

    12. разг. let oneself go, fly off the handle;
    разг. gather speed;
    буря разошлась the storm raged.

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > расходиться

  • 125 rozstawać się

    impf ⇒ rozstać się
    * * *
    (-aję, -ajesz)

    perf; -; vt rozstawać się z kimś — to part from sb, to part company with sb

    rozstać się ( perf) z mężem/żoną — to split up with one's husband/wife

    * * *
    1. (= rozłączać się) part ( z kimś from sb); ( w danej chwili) part company ( z kimś with sth); (= zerwać) (z narzeczonym, narzeczoną) split up ( z kimś with sth).
    2. (= pozbywać się) part ( z czymś with sth); rozstać się z życiem (= umrzeć) depart from life, depart this life.
    3. (= rezygnować) give up ( z czymś sth).

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > rozstawać się

  • 126 разделям

    1. (деля на части) divide (на into)
    разделям на две/наполовина divide in two/in half; split
    разделям по равно divide equally
    разделям на части parcel out, break up
    2. (разпределям, раздавам) divide; distribute; share (out); partition, apportion
    (храна и пр.) portion out
    (сума и пр.) split up ( между between)
    разделям печалбата split/share the profit
    3. (отделям) (хора) separate, part; sever
    (чрез преграда) partition (off), box off; тех. disjoin, disconnect, uncouple, ungear
    4. (класирам) divide, classify
    5. мат, divide
    разделям десет на две divide ten by two
    6. прен. (внасям разединение) set at variance; disunite, split
    7. (деля се на части) divide, be separated (into); branch; split
    отрядът се раздели на групи the detachment split into groups
    8. (отделям се) part, separate ( и за съпрузи); sever; part company
    разделям се с part from, ( с предмет) part with
    те се разделиха пред вратата they parted/separated at the door/gate
    утре се разделяме tomorrow we part company
    след смъртта на бащата синовете му се разделиха after their father's death the sons divided the inheritance
    9. мат, divide (на by), be divisible (by)
    разделям се с мисълта put the thought out of o.'s head, give up the thought/idea (of с ger.)
    * * *
    1. ( деля на части) divide (на into); \разделям на две/наполовина divide in two/in half; split; \разделям на части parcel out, break up; ( територия, наследство) divide; разг. carve up;
    2. ( разпределям, раздавам) divide; distribute; share (out); partition, apportion; ( храна и пр.) portion out; ( сума и пр.) split up ( между between);
    3. ( чрез преграда) partition (off), box off; техн. disjoin, disconnect, uncouple, ungear;
    4. ( класирам) divide, classify;
    5. мат. divide; \разделям десет на две divide ten by two;
    6. прен. ( внасям разединение) set at variance; disunite, split;
    \разделям се 1. ( деля се на части) divide, be separated (into); branch; split; пътят се разделя на две the road forks;
    2. ( отделям се) part, separate (и за съпрузи); sever; part company; разделихме се като добри приятели we parted good friends; \разделям се с part from, (с предмет) part with;
    3. мат. divide (на by), be divisible (by); • пътищата ни се разделят that’s where we part; \разделям се с мисълта put the thought out of o.’s head, give up the thought/idea (of c ger.).
    * * *
    divide: They разделямd the money among themselves. - Те разделиха парите помежду си., The river разделямs the town. - Реката разделя града., разделям 30 by 6 - разделям 30 на 6; separate; fall apart (се): Our band fell apart. - Групата ни се раздели; apportion; come between: None can разделям us. - Никой не може да ни раздели.; disconnect; divorce{di`vO:s}; parcel: They разделямed at the door. - Разделиха се пред вратата.; partition; sever{`sevx}; separate
    * * *
    1. (деля на части) divide (на into) 2. (деля се на части) divide, be separated (into);branch;split 3. (класирам) divide, classify 4. (отделям се) part, separate (и за съпрузи);sever;part company 5. (отделям) (хора) separate, part;sever 6. (сума и пр.) split up (между between) 7. (храна и пр.) portion out 8. (чрез преграда) partition (off), box off;mex. disjoin, disconnect, uncouple, ungear 9. 2, (разпределям, раздавам) divide;distribute;share (out);partition, apportion 10. РАЗДЕЛЯМ десет на две divide ten by two 11. РАЗДЕЛЯМ на две/наполовина divide in two/in half;split 12. РАЗДЕЛЯМ на части parcel out, break up 13. РАЗДЕЛЯМ пo равно divide equally 14. РАЗДЕЛЯМ печалбата split/share the profit 15. РАЗДЕЛЯМ се 16. РАЗДЕЛЯМ се с part from, (с предмет) part with 17. РАЗДЕЛЯМ се с мисълта put the thought out of o.'s head, give up the thought/idea (of с ger.) 18. мат, divide 19. мат, divide (на by), be divisible (by) 20. отрядът се раздели на групи the detachment split into groups 21. прен. (внасям разединение) set at variance;disunite, split 22. пътищата ни се разделят that's where we part 23. пътят се разделя на две the road forks 24. разделихме се като добри приятели we parted good friends 25. след смъртта на бащата синовете му се разделиха after their father's death the sons divided the inheritance 26. те се разделиха пред вратата they parted/separated at the door/gate: утре се разделяме tomorrow we part company

    Български-английски речник > разделям

  • 127 discedo

    dis-cēdo, cessi, cessum, 3 ( perf. sync. discesti, Plaut. As. 2, 1, 3), v. n.
    (With the notion of dis predominating.)
    To part asunder, divide, separate (rare but class.; cf.: linquo, relinquo, desero, desum, destituo, deficio).

    cum terra discessisset magnis quibusdam imbribus,

    Cic. Off. 3, 9:


    opens, id. Div. 1, 43, 97; 1, 44, 99, i. e. clears off, Verg. A. 9, 20 (this last is quoted in Sen. Q. N. 7, 20):

    sulcus vomere,

    Luc. 6, 382: VT SODALITATES DECVRIATIQVE DISCEDERENT, SC. ap. Cic. Q. Fr. 2, 3, 5; cf.:

    cum discedere populum jussissent tribuni,

    Liv. 3, 11:

    populus ex contione,

    Sall. J. 34 fin.: armati in latitudinem, Sisenn. ap. Non. 99, 7:

    in duas partes,

    Sall. J. 13, 1:

    in partes,

    Tac. A. 1, 49; cf.:

    in manipulos,

    id. ib. 1, 34:

    fumus in auras,

    Lucr. 3, 436:

    ad semina rerum,

    id. 2, 833:

    palus multos discessit in amnes,

    Luc. 6, 360:

    citius paterer caput hoc discedere collo,

    Prop. 2, 6, 7.—

    divisio in tres partes,

    Quint. 12, 10, 58:

    haec in duo genera,

    id. 3, 6, 86.—
    To part from one's connection with one, i. e. to leave, forsake, desert (rare but class.).—With a or ab: uxor a Dolabella discessit, Cael. ap. Cic. Fam. 8, 6:

    ab amicis in re publica peccantibus,

    Cic. Lael. 12, 42:

    ab amicis,

    id. ib. 20, 75:

    a nobis,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 60, 3:

    milites in itinere ab eo discedunt,

    id. ib. 1, 12, 2:

    a Perseo,

    Liv. 43, 6.
    (With the notion of cedere predominating.) To depart from any place or person, to go away from, to leave (cf.: proficiscor, abeo; so most frequently in all periods and sorts of composition).
    In gen.: constr. with ab, ex, or absol., rarely with de —With ab: cum discesti ab [p. 586] hero, atque abisti ad forum, Plaut. As. 2, 1, 3;

    so with abire,

    id. ib. 3, 3, 13; Cic. Att. 7, 2 fin.:

    quod legati eorum paulo ante a Caesare discesserant,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 12, 1:

    ab suis,

    id. ib. 5, 3, 6:

    ab exercitu,

    id. ib. 7, 9, 1; id. B. C. 1, 9, 3 et saep.:

    a senis latere numquam,

    Cic. Lael. 1, 1:

    a vallo,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 37, 3:

    ab loco,

    id. ib. 5, 34, 1:

    a litore,

    id. ib. 5, 8 fin. et saep.—With ex:

    non modo illum e Gallia non discessisse, sed ne a Mutina quidem recessisse,

    Cic. Phil. 8, 7, 21:

    ex contione,

    Caes. B. C. 2, 33, 2:

    e medio,

    Suet. Caes. 1:

    e patria,

    Ov. Tr. 1, 3, 85 et saep.—With de:

    de foro,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 65, § 147; 2, 4, 22, § 49; id. Rosc. Am. 29, 79:

    de colloquio,

    Liv. 32, 40.—With abl. without a prep.:


    Ov. M. 1, 381:

    finibus Ausoniae,

    id. Tr. 1, 3, 5:


    id. H. 1, 81:


    Caes. B. C. 2, 21, 5:


    Cic. Att. 7, 21.— Absol.:

    ille discessit, ego somno solutus sum,

    Cic. Rep. 6, 26 fin.;


    Caes. B. G. 1, 39, 3; id. B. C. 1, 22 fin.; Hor. S. 1, 9, 8 et saep.— Pass. impers.:

    ne longius ab agmine discedi pateretur,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 19, 3:

    ab concilio disceditur,

    id. ib. 7, 2 fin.:

    de colloquio discessum,

    Liv. 32, 40; Caes. B. C. 3, 87 fin.; Tac. A. 6, 44 fin.
    Designating the term. ad quem, to go away to any place:

    in silvas,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 39, 2:

    ex fuga in civitates,

    id. ib. 7, 88 fin.:

    in castra,

    id. B. C. 1, 83, 3:

    in proximos colles,

    Sall. J. 54 fin.:

    in loca occulta,

    id. ib. 56, 3:

    ad urbem,

    Verg. A. 12, 184 et saep.:


    Tac. A. 6, 20:

    ex castris domum,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 7, 5; cf.

    simply domum,

    id. B. C. 1, 13, 3; 3, 87, 3:

    domos suas,

    Nep. Them. 4, 2 al.:


    Cic. Rep. 6, 10.—
    In partic.
    In milit. lang., to march off, march away, decamp:

    discessit a Brundisio obsessionemque nostrorum omisit,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 24 fin.:

    ab Gergovia,

    id. B. G. 7, 43 fin.:

    a mari Dyrrhachioque,

    id. B. C. 3, 44, 1:

    ab Zama,

    Sall. J. 61 al.:

    ex ea parte vici,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 2, 1:

    ex hibernis,

    id. ib. 5, 28, 3:

    ex eo loco,

    id. B. C. 3, 30, 7; cf.:

    ex iis locis cum classe,

    id. ib. 3, 101 fin.:


    id. ib. 2, 21, 5 et saep.:

    dispersi ac dissipati discedunt,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 58, 3; so absol., id. ib. 5, 53 fin.; 6, 33, 4 et saep.;

    so milit.: discedere ab signis,

    to quit the standard, leave the order of battle, Caes. B. G. 5, 16, 1; id. B. C. 1, 44, 4; Liv. 25, 20:

    qui discedere et abire cœptabant,

    i. e. to break ranks and go away, Suet. Oth. 11; cf.: ab ordinibus signisque Front. Strat. 1, 5, 3:

    ab armis,

    to lay down one's arms, Caes. B. G. 5, 41, 8; id. B. C. 1, 9, 5; Sall. C. 34, 1; Cic. Phil. 8, 11, 33; Liv. 9, 14 al.—
    Also in milit. lang., to get away, come away, come off in any manner from the battle (victorious, conquered, wounded, etc.); and sometimes to be translated simply to become, to be, etc.:


    Caes. B. C. 1, 47, 1; so,


    Sall. C. 39, 4:


    Caes. B. C. 3, 47, 6; cf.:

    victor ab hoste,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 10, 37:


    to be conquered, Sall. C. 49, 2:

    graviter vulneratus,

    id. ib. 61, 7 et saep.:

    aequo proelio,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 112, 7; cf.:

    aequa manu,

    Sall. C. 39, 4:

    aequo Marte cum Volscis,

    Liv. 2, 40:

    sine detrimento,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 46, 6 et saep.— Pass. impers.:

    a proelio disceditur,

    Just. 6, 7, 12.—
    Transf. beyond the milit. sphere (freq. into the judicial sphere, on account of its analogy to the former):

    ut spoliis Sexti Roscii hoc judicio ornati auctique discedant,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 3 fin.:


    id. Caecin. 1, 2; so,


    Nep. Phoc. 2, 3:

    omnium judicio probatus,

    Cic. Brut. 64, 229:

    impunita (tanta injuria),

    id. Verr. 2, 4, 30 et saep.:

    discessisses non male,

    Plaut. Stich. 2, 2, 70; cf.:

    pulchre et probe et praeter spem,

    Ter. Phorm. 5, 8, 58:

    aut cum summa gloria aut sine molestia,

    Cic. Att. 2, 21 fin.; cf.:

    a judicio capitis maximā gloriā,

    Nep. Epam. 8 fin.:

    ita tum discedo ab illo, ut qui se filiam Neget daturum,

    Ter. And. 1, 1, 121; cf.:

    si possum discedere, ne causa optima in senatu pereat,

    Cic. Fam. 2, 16 fin.
    In gen., to depart, deviate, swerve from; to leave, forsake, give up:

    nihil a statu naturae, nihil a dignitate sapientis,

    Cic. Off. 1, 20, 67:

    a fide justitiaque,

    id. ib. 3, 20, 79:

    longe ab consuetudine mea et cautione ac diligentia,

    id. Font. 1, 2:

    a constantia atque a mente, atque a se ipse,

    id. Div. 2, 55, 114; cf.:

    a se,

    id. Brut. 79, 273; id. Fin. 5, 11, 33; 4, 5, 41; id. Tusc. 4, 6, 11: a recta conscientia, Att. ap. Cic. Att. 13, 20:

    a sua sententia,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 2, 5: ab officio, id. B. G. 1, 40, 3:

    ab oppugnatione castrorum,

    id. B. C. 2, 31, 3 et saep.:

    a judiciisque causisque,

    Cic. de Or. 2, 33, 144:

    a litteris,

    id. Fam. 9, 26:

    ab illa acerrima contentione,

    id. Or. 31:

    ab illa cavillatione,

    Quint. 12, 2, 14:

    a suscepta semel persuasione,

    id. 12, 2, 26 et saep.—
    In partic.
    Pregn., to pass away, to vanish, to cease (very rarely):

    modo audivi, quartanam a te discessisse,

    had left you, Cic. Att. 8, 6:

    ex animo memoria alicujus,

    id. Rep. 6, 9: hostibus spes potiundi oppidi discessit (opp. studium propugnandi accessit), Caes. B. G. 2, 7, 2:

    ubi hae sollicitudines discessere,

    Liv. 4, 52 fin.
    In alicujus sententiam, in polit. lang., to pass or go over to another's opinion, Sall. C. 55, 1; Liv. 3, 41; 28, 45; cf.

    the opp., in alia omnia,

    Cic. Fam. 10, 12, 3 (v. alius). In like manner:

    decurritur ad illud extremum atque ultimum SC., quo nisi paene in ipso urbis incendio... numquam ante discessum est,

    which had never before been resorted to, Caes. B. C. 1, 5, 3;

    so perh.: ex oratione Caesaris... hanc in opinionem discessi, ut, etc.,

    Cic. Fam. 6, 14 fin.
    Ab aliquo, in Cicero's letters in the sense of to leave out of consideration, i. e. to except:

    cum a vobis meae salutis auctoribus discesserim, neminem esse, cujus officiis me tam esse devinctum confitear,

    if I except you, you excepted, Cic. Fam. 1, 9, 18:

    ut cum ab illo discesserint, me habeant proximum,

    id. ib. 6, 12, 2:

    amoris erga me, cum a fraterno amore domesticoque discessi, tibi primas defero,

    id. Att. 1, 17, 5.
    Once in the part.
    perf.: custodibus discessis, Cael. ap. Prisc. p. 869 P.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > discedo

  • 128 stem

    I 1. [stem] noun
    1) (the part of a plant that grows upward from the root, or the part from which a leaf, flower or fruit grows; a stalk: Poppies have long, hairy, twisting stems.) stilk; stængel
    2) (the narrow part of various objects, eg of a wine-glass between the bowl and the base: the stem of a wine-glass / of a tobacco-pipe.) stilk; spids
    3) (the upright piece of wood or metal at the bow of a ship: As the ship struck the rock, she shook from stem to stern.) fra for til agter
    2. verb
    ((with from) to be caused by: Hate sometimes stems from envy.) stamme
    II [stem] past tense, past participle - stemmed; verb
    (to stop (a flow, eg of blood).) standse
    * * *
    I 1. [stem] noun
    1) (the part of a plant that grows upward from the root, or the part from which a leaf, flower or fruit grows; a stalk: Poppies have long, hairy, twisting stems.) stilk; stængel
    2) (the narrow part of various objects, eg of a wine-glass between the bowl and the base: the stem of a wine-glass / of a tobacco-pipe.) stilk; spids
    3) (the upright piece of wood or metal at the bow of a ship: As the ship struck the rock, she shook from stem to stern.) fra for til agter
    2. verb
    ((with from) to be caused by: Hate sometimes stems from envy.) stamme
    II [stem] past tense, past participle - stemmed; verb
    (to stop (a flow, eg of blood).) standse

    English-Danish dictionary > stem

См. также в других словарях:

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