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со всех языков на английский


  • 41 take

    [teɪk] 1. гл.; прош. вр. took, прич. прош. вр. taken
    1) брать; хватать

    to take smb. by the shoulders — схватить кого-л. за плечи

    to take smth. (up) with a pair of tongs — взять что-л. щипцами

    I took her hand and kissed her. — Я взял её за руку и поцеловал.

    Here, let me take your coat. — Позвольте взять ваше пальто.

    He took the book from the table. — Он взял книгу со стола.

    а) захватывать, овладевать (с применением силы, с помощью какой-л. уловки)

    I was taken into custody. — Меня взяли под стражу.

    Someone took a jewellery store in the town. — Кто-то захватил ювелирный магазин в городе.

    б) разг. овладевать женщиной

    He wanted to throw her on a bed and take her against her will, violently. — Ему хотелось бросить её на кровать и против её воли, силой овладеть ею.

    в) крим. арестовать, "взять"
    а) ловить (диких животных, птиц, рыбу)

    They are readily taken by nets. — Их легко поймать сетями.

    б) хватать (добычу; о животных)
    а) завоёвывать, очаровывать, покорять

    You took the whole audience. — Вы полностью покорили зрителей.

    He was taken with her at their first meeting. — Он увлёкся ею с первой же их встречи.

    The play didn't take. — Пьеса не имела успеха.

    б) получать признание, становиться популярным
    в) привлекать (взгляд, внимание)

    My eye was taken by something bright. — Мой взгляд привлекло что-то блестящее.

    5) достигать цели, оказывать воздействие

    The vaccine from Europe, - unfortunately none of it took. — Вакцина из Европы - к сожалению она оказалась неэффективной.

    succeed, be effective, take effect
    6) нанимать, брать (постояльцев, работников, компаньонов); брать (под покровительство, в обучение)

    None were allowed to let their rooms or take lodgers. — Было запрещено сдавать комнаты или брать постояльцев.

    He took pupils to increase his income. — Он брал учеников, чтобы увеличить свой доход.

    а) брать в собственность; присваивать
    б) юр. наследовать, вступать во владение
    в) получать, наследовать (происхождение, имя, характер, качества)
    г) снимать (квартиру, дачу)
    д) регулярно покупать (продукты, товары), выписывать или регулярно покупать ( периодические издания)

    I take two magazines. — Я выписываю два журнала.

    8) потреблять, принимать внутрь; глотать; есть, пить; вдыхать

    to take the air — прогуливаться, дышать свежим воздухом

    Take this medicine after meals. — Принимай это лекарство после еды.

    He usually takes breakfast at about eight o'clock. — Он обычно завтракает где-то в восемь часов.

    а) принимать (форму, характер, имя и другие атрибуты)

    The house took its present form. — Дом принял свой нынешний облик.

    б) (принимать символ, знак, указывающий на выполняемую функцию)
    - take the crown
    - take the throne
    - take the habit
    - take the gown
    - take the ball
    - take an oar
    а) принимать (должность, пост)

    Captain Mayer was compelled by circumstances to take the responsibility. — Обстоятельства вынудили капитана Майера взять ответственность на себя.

    б) давать (клятву, обещание, обет)
    11) выполнять, осуществлять (функции, долг, службу)

    the female parts in plays being taken by boys and men — женские роли в пьесах, которые играют мальчики и мужчины

    12) занимать (место, позицию)
    а) впитывать, насыщаться ( влагой)

    a man who takes all the epidemics — человек, который подхватывает все заразные болезни

    в) легко поддаваться (окраске, обработке)

    the granite, capable of taking a high polish — гранит, который прекрасно шлифуется

    It takes dyes admirably - much better than cotton. — Эта ткань прекрасно окрашивается - гораздо лучше, чем хлопок.

    14) понимать, воспринимать, схватывать ( о значении слов)

    I take your point. — Я понимаю тебя.; Я понимаю, что ты хочешь сказать.

    Do you take me?разг. Вы меня понимаете?

    15) думать, полагать, считать; заключать

    You might take it that this court overruled the objection. — Можно заключить, что суд отклонил возражение.

    I take it that we are to go London. — Я так полагаю, что мы должны ехать в Лондон.

    You haven't congratulated me. Never mind, we'll take that as done. — Ты не поздравил меня. Ладно, неважно, будем считать, что это сделано.

    16) испытывать, чувствовать

    persons to whom I had taken so much dislike — лица, к которым я испытывал такую неприязнь

    а) воспринимать, учитывать, действовать в соответствии с (советом, предупреждением, намёком)

    He begged others to take warning by his fate. — Он умолял других сделать выводы из его несчастья.

    б) ( take as) воспринимать, считать

    to take things as they are — принимать вещи такими, какие они есть

    в) верить, считать правильным, истинным

    I think you must take it from me, Mr. Pennington, that we have examined all the possibilities very carefully. (A. Christie) — Полагаю, вы должны поверить мне, мистер Пеннингтон, что мы очень тщательно проанализировали все возможности.

    а) охватывать, поражать, обрушиваться

    Fire took the temple. — Огонь охватил храм.

    The kick of a horse took me across the ribs. — Удар лошади пришелся мне в ребра.

    The ball took him squarely between the eyes. — Мяч попал ему прямо между глаз.

    The ball took me an awful whack on the chest. — Мяч сильно ударил меня в грудь.

    б) быть поражённым, охваченным (болезнью, приступом, чувством)

    They were taken with a fit of laughing. — У них случился приступ хохота.

    He was taken with the idea. — Он увлёкся этой мыслью.

    I was not taken with him. — Он мне не понравился.

    а) получать, извлекать (из какого-л. источника, материального или нематериального); перенимать, усваивать, копировать; брать в качестве примера

    The proportions of the three Grecian orders were taken from the human body. — Пропорции тела человека были взяты в качестве основы во всех трёх греческих ордерах.

    б) добывать; собирать ( урожай)
    б) мед. приживаться ( о трансплантатах)

    Odds that a transplanted cadaveric kidney will "take" are usually no better than 50%. — Шансов, что пересаженная от умершего почка приживётся, обычно не больше 50%.

    в) держаться, приставать (о чернилах и т. п.)
    г) образовываться, создаваться (о льде; особенно на реках, озёрах)

    Seines were set in the water just before the ice "took" on the lake or river. — Сети ставились в воде непосредственно перед замерзанием озера или реки.

    д) тех. твердеть, схватываться ( о цементе)
    21) раздобывать, выяснять (информацию, факты); проводить (исследования, измерения)

    Tests are taken to see if the cable has sustained any damage. — Проводятся испытания, чтобы определить, повреждён ли кабель.

    The temperature has to be taken every hour. — Температуру приходится проверять каждый час.

    The weather was too cloudy to take any observations. — Погода была слишком облачной, чтобы проводить какие бы то ни было наблюдения.

    а) записывать, протоколировать

    He had no clinical clerks, and his cases were not taken. — У него не было в клинике регистраторов, поэтому на больных не заводились истории болезни.

    б) изображать; рисовать; фотографировать
    в) разг. выходить на фотографии (хорошо, плохо)

    He does not take well. — Он плохо выходит на фотографии.

    а) применять, использовать (средства, методы, возможности)

    Every possible means is now taken to conceal the truth. — В настоящее время используются все возможные средства, чтобы скрыть правду.

    б) использовать (какие-л.) средства передвижения

    They took train to London. — Они сели на поезд, идущий до Лондона.

    I took the packet-boat, and came over to England. — Я сел на пакетбот и добрался до Англии.

    а) получать; выигрывать
    б) подвергаться ( наказанию), переносить
    а) принимать, соглашаться (на что-л.); принимать ( ставку)

    They will not take such treatment. — Они не потерпят такого обращения.

    б) принимать (самцов; о самках)
    в) клевать, захватывать (наживку; о рыбах)
    26) принимать (с каким-л. чувством, настроем)

    to take it lying down — безропотно сносить что-л.

    to take things as one finds them — принимать вещи такими, какие они есть

    She takes the rough with the smooth. — Она стойко переносит превратности судьбы.

    27) пытаться преодолеть (что-л., мешающее продвижению); преодолевать, брать препятствие

    The horse took the hedge easily. — Лошадь легко взяла препятствие.

    He took the corner like a rally driver. — Он завернул за угол, как настоящий гонщик.

    а) разг. противостоять; нападать; наносить поражение; убить

    The man who tried to take me was Martinez. — Человек, пытавшийся меня убить, был Мартинес.

    б) ( take against) выступать против; испытывать неприязнь, не любить

    I've never done anything to offend her, but she just took against me from the start. — Я никогда не делал ничего, что могло бы оскорбить её, но она невзлюбила меня с самого начала.

    29) брать, бить (в картах, шахматах и др. играх)

    A pawn takes the enemy angularly. — Пешка бьёт фигуру противника по диагонали.

    The king takes the queen. — Король берёт ферзя.

    а) = take short / by surprise / at unawares заставать врасплох

    The doctor was not easily taken off his guard. — Доктора трудно было поймать врасплох.

    б) разг. обмануть, наколоть; вымогать ( деньги)

    It wasn't enough for Julie just to admit she'd been taken. — Для Джулии было недостаточно просто признать, что её облапошили.

    а) выбирать, избирать

    Take me a man, at a venture, from the crowd. — Выбери мне наугад какого-нибудь человека из толпы.

    б) выбрать (дорогу, путь), отправиться (по какой-л. дороге)

    to take (a place or person) in (on) one's way — заходить, заезжать (в какое-л. место или к кому-л.) по пути

    He did not take Rome in his way. — Он не включил Рим в свой маршрут.

    а) = take up занимать, отнимать, требовать (времени, активности, энергии)

    It will take two hours to translate this article. — Перевод этой статьи займёт два часа.

    Any ignoramus can construct a straight line, but it takes an engineer to make a curve. — Любой профан может построить прямую линию, но чтобы построить кривую, требуется инженер.

    б) носить, иметь размер (перчаток, обуви)
    33) начинать, начинать снова; возобновлять

    Eveline remained silent. The abbess took the word. — Эвелин продолжала молчать. Аббатиса снова заговорила.

    All Declensions take the Ending m for Masc. and Fem. Nouns. — Все склонения требуют окончания m у существительных мужского и женского рода.

    35) с последующим существительным выражает общее значение: делать, осуществлять; сочетание часто является перифразой соответствующего существительному глагола и выражает единичный акт или кратковременное действие

    to take a leap — сделать прыжок, прыгнуть

    to take one's departure — уйти, уехать

    to take adieu, farewell — прощаться

    My wife and my daughter were taking a walk together. — Мои жена и дочь предприняли совместную прогулку.

    - take five
    - take ten
    - take a fall
    36) доставлять; сопровождать; провожать; вести; брать с собой

    to take smb. home — провожать кого-л. домой

    to take smb. out for a walk — повести кого-л. погулять

    to take along a picnic basket / a laptop / a copy of the contract / a few books / one's financial statement — брать с собой корзину для пикника / ноутбук / копию контракта / несколько книг / свой финансовый отчёт

    to buy wine to take along — покупать вино, чтобы взять его с собой

    The second stage of the journey takes the traveller through Egypt. — На втором этапе путешествия путников провезут через Египет.

    I want to take her all over the house. — Я хочу показать ей дом.

    I'll take him around. — Я ему тут всё покажу.

    the business that took me to London — дело, которое привело меня в Лондон

    а) забирать, уносить; извлекать, удалять; избавлять (от чего-л.)

    The flood took many lives. — Наводнение унесло жизни многих людей.

    to take the life of (smb.) — лишить (кого-л.) жизни, убить

    to take one's (own) life — лишить себя жизни, совершить самоубийство


    It was God's will that he should be taken. (E. O'Neill) — Господу было угодно, чтобы он умер.

    в) = take off отнимать, вычитать
    г) ( take from) уменьшать, сокращать

    It takes greatly from the pleasure. — Это сильно уменьшает удовольствие.

    38) привыкать (к чему-л.)
    а) идти, двигаться (куда-л., в каком-л. направлении)

    I took across some fields for the nearest way. — Я двинулся по полям, чтобы добраться до ближайшей дороги.

    A gang of wolves took after her. — За ней бежала стая волков.

    He will take himself to bed. — Он направился в постель.

    б) уст. идти, бежать (о дороге, реке)

    The river takes straight to northward again. — Река снова течёт прямо на север.

    40) ( take after)
    а) походить на (кого-л.)

    The boy takes after his father. — Мальчик похож на своего отца.

    в) погнаться за (кем-л.), преследовать (кого-л.)

    The policeman dropped his load and took after the criminal, but failed to catch him. — Полицейский бросил свою ношу и побежал за преступником, но не сумел поймать его.

    41) ( take before) отправить (предложение, вопрос) на (рассмотрение кого-л.)

    The director intends to take your suggestion before the rest of the Board at their next meeting. — Директор собирается представить ваше предложение на следующем собрании правления.

    42) ( take for)
    а) принимать за (кого-л.)

    I took him for an Englishman. — Я принял его за англичанина.

    I am not the person you take me for. — Я не тот, за кого вы меня принимаете.

    I shall take it for $5. — Я куплю это за 5$.

    в) разг. грабить (кого-л.), обманывать (на какую-л. сумму)
    43) ( take from)
    а) верить; считать истинным
    б) принимать (вид, форму)
    в) наследовать (имя, название)

    The city of Washington takes its name from George Washington. — Город Вашингтон назван в честь Джорджа Вашингтона.

    г) отбирать, забирать

    I'll take it from him. — Я отберу это у него.

    44) ( take into)
    а) принять; взять на работу

    to take smth. into account — принять что-л. во внимание

    45) ( take to)
    а) пристраститься, увлечься (чем-л.); почувствовать симпатию к (кому-л.), полюбить (кого-л.)

    I took to him at once. — Он мне сразу понравился.

    б) привыкать, приспосабливаться к (чему-л.)
    в) обращаться, прибегать к (чему-л.)

    They had to take to the boats. — Им пришлось воспользоваться лодками.

    - take aback
    - take aboard
    - take abroad
    - take action about
    - take aim
    - take alarm
    - take amiss
    - take apart
    - take as read
    - take ashore
    - take at word
    - take away
    - take back
    - take the bearing of
    - take the bearing
    - take a breath
    - take charge of
    - take down
    - take down shorthand
    - take the edge
    - take hard
    - take hold
    - take a holiday
    - take home
    - take in
    - take it easy
    - take kindly
    - take leave of smb.
    - take liberties with
    - take notice
    - take off
    - take off a bandage
    - take offence
    - take on
    - take out
    - take over
    - take a picture
    - take a photograph
    - take pity on smb.
    - take place
    - take possession
    - take revenge
    - take root
    - take the sea
    - take shelter
    - take a shot at
    - take sick
    - take sides with
    - take steps
    - take through
    - take to a place
    - take to one's heels
    - take to earth
    - take umbrage about
    - take unawares
    - take up
    - take up quarters
    - take upon oneself
    - take vote

    to have (got) what it takes — обладать всем необходимым, иметь всё, что нужно

    take it or leave it — как хотите, на ваше усмотрение

    to take a joke — понимать шутку, принимать шутку

    to (be able to) take it — выносить, терпеть

    to take it (or life) on the chin — мужественно встречать неудачи, несчастья, не падать духом; выдержать жестокий удар

    to take on board — выпить; проглатывать; схватывать ( идею)

    to take it into one's head — вбить, забрать себе в голову

    to take to the woodsамер. уклоняться от своих обязанностей ( особенно от голосования)

    to take too much — подвыпить, хлебнуть лишнего

    to take the biscuitразг. взять первый приз

    2. сущ.
    а) взятие, захват
    б) улов ( рыбы); добыча ( на охоте)
    haul, catch 2.
    а) мнение, точка зрения (по какому-л. вопросу)

    She was asked for her take on recent scientific results. — Её спросили о том, что она думает о последних научных достижениях.

    б) трактовка, интерпретация (чего-л.)
    а) разг. барыши, выручка

    They will seek to increase their take by selling vegetables from their own garden. — Они попытаются увеличить выручку, продавая овощи из своего сада.

    б) кассовый сбор (фильма, спектакля)
    а) кино кинокадр; дубль
    б) фонограмма, звукозапись
    5) обаяние, очарование

    Her face had some kind of harmony and take in it. — В её лице были гармония и обаяние.

    charm 1.
    6) видимая, физическая реакция (кого-л. на какое-л. действие)
    7) мед. реакция (на прививку, укол и т. п.)
    8) бот. приживание ( привоя на растении)
    9) полигр. урок наборщика

    Англо-русский современный словарь > take

  • 42 take

    I [teɪk]
    1) cinem. ripresa f.
    2) (catch) (of fish) pesca f.; (of game) carniere m.

    to be on the takecolloq. prendere bustarelle

    II 1. [teɪk]
    verbo transitivo (pass. took; p.pass. taken)
    1) (take hold of) prendere [object, money]

    to take sb. by the hand — prendere qcn. per (la) mano

    to take sth. from — prendere qcs. da [ shelf]; prendere qcs. in [ drawer]

    to take sth. out of — tirare fuori qcs. da [ box]

    to take a knife to sb. — vibrare coltellate contro qcn

    2) (have) fare [bath, shower]; fare, prendersi [ holiday]; prendere [milk, pills]

    I'll take some apples, please — vorrei delle mele, per favore

    3) (carry along) portare [ object]

    to take sb. sth. to take sth. to sb. portare qcs. a qcn.; to take the car to the garage portare la macchina dal meccanico; did he take an umbrella (with him)? — ha preso l'ombrello?

    4) (accompany, lead)

    to take sb. to school — accompagnare qcn. a scuola

    to take sb. to — [ bus] portare qcn. in [ place]; [ road] portare o condurre qcn. a [ place]

    you can't take him anywhere!scherz. non si può andare in giro con uno così!

    5) (go by) prendere [bus, plane]; prendere, imboccare [ road]
    6) (negotiate) [ driver] prendere [ bend]; girare [ corner]; [ horse] saltare [ fence]
    7) (accept) [ machine] prendere [ coin]; [ shop] accettare [ credit card]; [ person] accettare, prendere [ bribe]; prendere [patients, pupils]; accettare [ job]; prendere [ phone call]; sopportare [pain, criticism]; accettare [ punishment]

    he can't take a joke — non accetta le battute, non sta allo scherzo

    8) (require) [activity, course of action] richiedere [skill, courage]
    9) ling. reggere [object, case]

    to take sth. well, badly, seriously — prendere qcs. bene, male, sul serio

    11) (adopt) adottare [measures, steps]

    to take sb. for o to be sth. prendere qcn. per; what do you take me for? per chi mi prendi? what do you take this poem to mean? — che significato dai a questa poesia?

    13) (consider) fare [ example]; prendere (in esempio) [person, case]

    take John (for example),... — prendi John (per esempio)

    14) (record) prendere [ notes]; prendere nota di [ statement]; misurare [temperature, blood pressure]; prendere, sentire [ pulse]

    to take sb.'s measurements — (for clothes) prendere le misure a qcn

    15) (hold) [hall, bus, tank, container] (potere) contenere
    16) (wear) (in clothes) portare, avere [ size]

    to take a size 4 (in shoes) portare il 37

    17) fot. prendere, fare [ photograph]
    18) mat. (subtract) sottrarre [ number]
    19) scol. univ. (study) studiare, prendere [ subject]; seguire [ course]; prendere [ lessons] (in di); (sit) dare [ exam]; fare [ test]; (teach) [ teacher] fare lezione a [ students]

    to take sb. for French — fare lezione di francese a qcn

    20) (officiate at) [ priest] celebrare [ service]
    21) (capture) [ army] prendere, espugnare [fortress, city]; (in chess) [ player] mangiare [ piece]; (in cards) [ person] prendere, vincere [ prize]
    verbo intransitivo (pass. took; p.pass. taken) (have desired effect) [ drug] fare effetto; [ dye] prendere; (grow successfully) [ plant] attecchire

    to take it o a lot out of sb. chiedere tanto a qcn.; to take it upon oneself to do farsi carico di fare; to take sb. out of himself fare distrarre o divertire qcn.; you can take it from me,... — credimi

    * * *
    (to take or keep (someone) as a hostage: The police were unable to attack the terrorists because they were holding three people hostage.) prendere/tenere in ostaggio
    * * *
    take /teɪk/
    1 il prendere; presa
    2 quantità di selvaggina (di pesce, ecc.) presa; carniere (fig.): It was an excellent take, siamo tornati (sono tornati, ecc.) col carniere pieno; a great take of fish, una pesca eccezionale
    3 incasso, introito (di cinema, teatr., ecc.)
    4 (cinem., TV) ripresa
    5 (fam.) guadagno; profitto; ricavo
    6 (fisc.) gettito: the tax take, il gettito delle imposte
    7 (fam.) bottino; parte ( del bottino, del malloppo)
    8 (fam.) bustarella; pizzo; tangente
    9 (fam. USA) punto di vista; interpretazione; teoria; opinione
    ● (fam.) to be on the take, prendere la bustarella (o il pizzo); farsi corrompere.
    ♦ (to) take /teɪk/
    (pass. took, p. p. taken)
    A v. t.
    1 prendere; pigliare; afferrare; cogliere, sorprendere; catturare; conquistare, impadronirsi di; conquistare; guadagnare; ricevere; comprare; sottrarre; togliere; rubare: Will you take a glass of wine?, prendi (o vuoi) un bicchiere di vino?; to take st. (up) with one's hands, prendere qc. con le mani; to take sb. 's hand, prendere (o afferrare) la mano a q.; Let me take your coat!, posso prenderti il cappotto? ( lo metto a posto io, ecc.); I took the flat for a year, presi l'appartamento (in affitto) per un anno; Take what you like, piglia quello che vuoi!; He was taken in the act, è stato colto (o preso) in flagrante; The fortress was taken by the enemy, la fortezza fu conquistata (o presa) dal nemico; to take a Senate seat, conquistare un seggio al Senato (in Italia, ecc.); He takes three hundred pounds a month, guadagna (o prende) trecento sterline al mese; The thief took all the silver, il ladro ha rubato tutta l'argenteria; The shopkeeper took 10 p off the price, il negoziante tolse dieci penny dal prezzo; We take two newspapers daily, compriamo due giornali tutti i giorni
    2 prendere con sé; portare via; portare; condurre; accompagnare: Take your umbrella with you, prenditi l'ombrello!; Take these parcels to the post office, will you?, mi porti questi pacchi alla posta?; This path will take you to the river, questo sentiero ti porterà al fiume; I took my guest home, accompagnai a casa l'ospite; Take the children for a walk, porta i bambini a fare una passeggiata! NOTA D'USO: - to bring o to take?-
    3 prendere; accettare; assumere; accollarsi: Do you take credit cards?, accettate le carte di credito?; DIALOGO → - Paying 1- Which credit cards do you take?, quali carte di credito accettate?; to take holy orders, prendere gli ordini sacri; to take one's degree, prendere la laurea; They won't take our advice, non accettano i nostri consigli; He took the job, ha accettato il posto; They cannot take defeat, non riescono ad accettare la sconfitta; to take the blame, accollarsi (o assumersi) la colpa
    4 prendere; assumere; ingerire: to take a medicine, prendere una medicina; to take one's meals at a restaurant, prendere i pasti (o mangiare) al ristorante; to take drugs, assumere droga; drogarsi
    5 prendere; prendere in esame; considerare; giudicare; ritenere; reputare; valutare; supporre: to take sb. at his word, prendere q. in parola; to take st. as done, considerare qc. come già fatto; to take sb. as a swindler, prendere q. per un imbroglione; Let's take John, for instance, prendiamo John, per esempio; to take sb. at his face value, valutare q. per quello che sembra; I take it you're the person in charge here, se non sbaglio è lei che comanda qui; DIALOGO → - Wedding- I take it she said yes then?, suppongo che abbia detto di sì, quindi
    6 comprendere, intendere: Do you take my meaning?, intendi quel che voglio dire?
    7 portare: Take him another glass of wine, portagli un altro bicchiere di vino!
    8 fare: to take a walk [a bath], fare una passeggiata [un bagno]; to take a nap, fare un sonnellino; to take a picture (o a photograph) fare una fotografia; to take an exam, fare (o dare, sostenere) un esame; (stat.) to take a census, fare un censimento; The horse took the jump, il cavallo ha fatto il salto ( non ha rifiutato l'ostacolo)
    9 attirare; attrarre; trasportare (fig.); incantare; cattivarsi; affascinare: I was not much taken by ( o with) his behaviour, sono stato tutt'altro che attratto dal suo comportamento; This author takes his readers with him, quest'autore affascina (o trasporta) i lettori
    10 (spesso impers.) impiegare; metterci; volerci; richiedere; occorrere: I took three days to finish my work, impiegai tre giorni per finire il mio lavoro; DIALOGO → - Building work- The builders said the job would take six to eight weeks, max, i muratori dicono che per i lavori ci vorranno da sei a otto settimane al massimo; How long did it take you to go there?, quanto tempo ci hai messo per andare là?; These things take time, ci vuol tempo per queste cose; It takes a lot of patience, ci vuole molta pazienza
    11 resistere a; reggere (a); sostenere; sopportare: to take a thrust, reggere una spinta
    12 (cinem., TV) riprendere; girare: to take a scene, riprendere una scena
    13 prendere; possedere ( una donna)
    14 (comm., leg.) prendere; accettare ( in pagamento)
    15 (gramm.) reggere; prendere: Transitive verbs take a direct object, i verbi transitivi reggono il complemento oggetto
    16 provare; sentire: to take pleasure in st. [in doing st.], provare piacere in qc. [a fare qc.]
    17 misurare; rilevare; prendere: to take sb. 's temperature, misurare la temperatura (fam.: la febbre) a q.
    18 afferrare; cogliere: to take an opportunity, cogliere un'occasione
    19 ( di un recipiente, un locale, un veicolo) contenere; portare: This bottle only takes half a litre, questa bottiglia contiene solo mezzo litro; The hall can take 200 people, la sala può contenere 200 persone; The coach takes (up) 50 passengers, il pullman porta 50 passeggeri
    20 tirare, sferrare; dare: to take a shot at a bird, tirare un colpo (o sparare) a un uccello; to take a punch at sb., tirare (o sferrare) un pugno a q.
    21 portare ( una misura d'indumento): What size do you take, madam?, che misura (o numero) porta, signora?
    22 ( sport) vincere: ( boxe) to take nearly every round, vincere quasi tutte le riprese; ( tennis) to take the set, vincere il set
    24 (fam.) darle (o suonarle) a (q.); battere (q.) ( a pugni, o in una gara): The champion took the challenger in the first round, il detentore del titolo batté lo sfidante nel primo round
    25 ( boxe) incassare ( colpi): He can take blows well, incassa bene i colpi; è un buon incassatore
    26 ( calcio, ecc.) fare, effettuare, eseguire ( un tiro, una rimessa, ecc.); dare ( un calcio); battere; segnare ( un gol, un canestro): to take a penalty, tirare (o battere) un rigore; ( cricket) to take a run, effettuare una corsa ( verso il wicket); to take a free kick, battere (o tirare) una punizione
    27 (fam.) imbrogliare; truffare; fregare (fam.): The salesman tried to take me, il commesso ha cercato di fregarmi
    28 (fam.; al passivo) defraudare; derubare: The old lady was taken for all her money, la vecchia signora è stata derubata di tutti i soldi
    B v. i.
    1 ( anche mecc.) prendere; far presa; attaccare: This gear won't take, quest'ingranaggio non prende (o non fa presa); The fire took rapidly, il fuoco prese subito; This paint takes well, questa vernice attacca bene
    2 avere successo; attecchire; I don't think it will take, non credo che attecchirà
    3 agire; funzionare; avere effetto: The vaccine did not take, il vaccino non ha agito
    4 (fam.) essere fotogenico; venire bene: She does not take well, non viene bene ( in fotografia)
    to take advantage of, approfittare di; sfruttare □ (mil.) to take aim, prendere la mira; mirare; puntare □ to take all the fun out of st., guastare la festa; rovinare tutto □ to take sb. 's arm, prendere il braccio di q.; prender q. per il braccio □ to take st. as read, dare qc. per letto □ (fig.) to take a back seat, occupare un posto di scarsa importanza; accontentarsi di un ruolo secondario □ (leg.) to take bankruptcy, accettare di essere messo in fallimento □ (autom., ecc.) to take a bend, prendere una curva: to take a bend as tightly as possible, stringere una curva al massimo □ to take bets, accettare scommesse □ (fig.) to take the bit between one's teeth, stringere i denti (fig.) □ to take breath, prendere (o ripigliare) fiato □ to take by surprise, cogliere di sorpresa; prendere (o conquistare) di sorpresa □ to take care, stare attento; fare attenzione; badare; guardarsi: Take care what you say, fa' attenzione a quel che dici!; Take care not to break it, bada di non romperlo! □ to take care of, badare a; prendersi cura di, aver cura di; (fam. eufem.) sistemare, eliminare, uccidere: Who will take care of the baby?, chi si prenderà cura del bambino?; Take care of yourself! abbi cura di te!; riguardati! □ (fig.) to take the chair, assumere la presidenza; presiedere una seduta □ to take a chair, prendere posto; accomodarsi; sedersi □ to take a chance, correre un rischio; tentare la sorte □ to take one's chances, correre il rischio; arrischiare, azzardare; tentare la sorte; stare al gioco (fig.) □ to take no chances, non volere correre rischi; andare sul sicuro □ to take charge of st., prendere in consegna qc.; occuparsi di qc.; assumere il comando (la direzione) di qc.: The new commander took charge of the garrison, il nuovo comandante assunse (o prese) il comando della guarnigione □ to take command, prendere il comando □ (relig.) to take communion, fare la comunione □ to take courage, farsi coraggio; farsi animo □ to take a deep breath, tirare un lungo respiro □ to take a different view, essere di tutt'altro avviso; essere di parere contrario □ to take effect, ( di una medicina, ecc.) avere (o fare) effetto; ( di una legge e sim.) entrare in vigore; essere attuato; andare in porto (fig.): The new law takes effect as of July 1st, la nuova legge entra in vigore dal primo di luglio □ to take a fever, contrarre una febbre ( malarica, ecc.) □ to take fright, prendersi paura; spaventarsi □ to take hold of sb., impadronirsi di q.: A great tenderness took hold of him, una grande tenerezza si è impadronita di lui □ to take hold of st., afferrare qc.: He took hold of the bar, ha afferrato la sbarra □ to take a holiday, andare in vacanza □ to take st. in hand, prendere in mano qc. (fig.); intraprendere qc. to take an interest in st., interessarsi a qc. to take into account, tener presente; tener conto di; prendere in considerazione: We must take his youth into account, dobbiamo tener conto della sua giovinezza □ to take sb. into one's confidence, concedere a q. la propria fiducia; mettere q. a parte dei propri segreti □ (fam.) to take it, tener duro; non batter ciglio □ to take it easy, prendersela comoda, non strapazzarsi; ( anche) non prendersela, restare calmo □ to take it into one's head (o mind), mettersi in testa, figgersi in capo ( un'idea, ecc.) □ to take a joke in earnest, prender sul serio uno scherzo □ to take a leap (o a jump), fare un salto □ to take leave of sb., prendere congedo (o commiato) da q.; accomiatarsi da q. to take leave of one's senses, impazzire □ (leg.) to take legal action, adire le vie legali □ to take legal advice, consultare un avvocato; rivolgersi a un legale per un parere □ to take a letter, ( anche) battere una lettera sotto dettatura □ to take sb. 's life, togliere la vita a q.; uccidere q. □ (fam.) to take one's life in one's hands, rischiare la vita □ to take a look at st., dare un'occhiata a qc. to take a look round, dare un'occhiata in giro; guardarsi attorno (o intorno) □ (fam.) to take the mickey out of sb., prendere in giro q.; sfottere q. (fam.) □ to take minutes, mettere a verbale; verbalizzare □ to take the nonsense out of sb., togliere i grilli dalla testa a q. to take notes, prendere appunti □ to take notice of st., fare attenzione a qc.; occuparsi (o interessarsi) di qc.; rendersi conto di qc. to take an oath, fare (o prestare) un giuramento □ to take offence, offendersi □ to take other people's ideas, appropriarsi delle idee altrui □ to take pains, darsi (o prendersi) pena (di fare qc.); sforzarsi; darsi da fare; fare il possibile: to take pains to do a job well, sforzarsi di fare bene un lavoro □ to take part in st., prendere parte, partecipare a qc. to take place, aver luogo; accadere; avvenire; verificarsi □ (polit.) to take power, salire al potere; andare al governo □ to take pride in st., andare orgoglioso di qc. □ (mil.) to take sb. prisoner, far prigioniero q. □ ( boxe) to take punishment, subire una punizione; incassare colpi durissimi □ (fam.) to take the rap, essere incolpato (spec. per colpe altrui); prendersi la colpa □ to take refuge, trovar rifugio; rifugiarsi; riparare □ to take a seat, prendere posto; mettersi a sedere; accomodarsi □ to take sides with sb., parteggiare per q.; schierarsi con q. to take stock, (comm.) fare l'inventario; (fig.) valutare la situazione (e sim.) □ to take things as they are, prendere il mondo come viene □ to take things coolly, conservare il sangue freddo; mantenere la calma; non agitarsi □ to take things easy, prender le cose alla leggera; tirare a campare; fare il proprio comodo; prendersela comoda □ to take things seriously, prender le cose sul serio □ to take one's time, prendersela comoda; andare adagio: He took his time over the job, se la prese comoda col lavoro □ to take its toll on sb. [st.], farsi sentire su q. [qc.] ( in senso negativo) □ to take the train, prendere il treno; servirsi del treno ( e non dell'autobus, ecc.): DIALOGO → - Asking about routine 2- I usually take the bus, but sometimes I go by train, di solito prendo l'autobus, ma a volte vado in treno □ to take the trouble to do st., prendersi il disturbo di fare qc.; darsi la pena di fare qc. to take turns, fare a turno, alternarsi: (autom.) to take turns at the wheel, alternarsi al volante □ to take a vow, fare un voto □ to take a wife, prender moglie □ to take wing, levarsi a volo □ to be taken ill, ammalarsi; sentirsi male □ (fam.) to be taken short, avere un bisognino ( un bisogno impellente) □ It took a lot of doing, ci volle del bello e del buono □ Take your seats!, seduti!, a posto!; ( anche, ferr.) in carrozza! □ How old do you take me to be?, quanti anni mi dai? □ (fam.) I can take him or leave him, non mi è né simpatico né antipatico; mi lascia indifferente □ Take it or leave it!, prendere o lasciare! □ (fam.) I am not taking any, grazie, no!; ( anche) non ci sto!
    NOTA D'USO: - to take o to get?-
    * * *
    I [teɪk]
    1) cinem. ripresa f.
    2) (catch) (of fish) pesca f.; (of game) carniere m.

    to be on the takecolloq. prendere bustarelle

    II 1. [teɪk]
    verbo transitivo (pass. took; p.pass. taken)
    1) (take hold of) prendere [object, money]

    to take sb. by the hand — prendere qcn. per (la) mano

    to take sth. from — prendere qcs. da [ shelf]; prendere qcs. in [ drawer]

    to take sth. out of — tirare fuori qcs. da [ box]

    to take a knife to sb. — vibrare coltellate contro qcn

    2) (have) fare [bath, shower]; fare, prendersi [ holiday]; prendere [milk, pills]

    I'll take some apples, please — vorrei delle mele, per favore

    3) (carry along) portare [ object]

    to take sb. sth. to take sth. to sb. portare qcs. a qcn.; to take the car to the garage portare la macchina dal meccanico; did he take an umbrella (with him)? — ha preso l'ombrello?

    4) (accompany, lead)

    to take sb. to school — accompagnare qcn. a scuola

    to take sb. to — [ bus] portare qcn. in [ place]; [ road] portare o condurre qcn. a [ place]

    you can't take him anywhere!scherz. non si può andare in giro con uno così!

    5) (go by) prendere [bus, plane]; prendere, imboccare [ road]
    6) (negotiate) [ driver] prendere [ bend]; girare [ corner]; [ horse] saltare [ fence]
    7) (accept) [ machine] prendere [ coin]; [ shop] accettare [ credit card]; [ person] accettare, prendere [ bribe]; prendere [patients, pupils]; accettare [ job]; prendere [ phone call]; sopportare [pain, criticism]; accettare [ punishment]

    he can't take a joke — non accetta le battute, non sta allo scherzo

    8) (require) [activity, course of action] richiedere [skill, courage]
    9) ling. reggere [object, case]

    to take sth. well, badly, seriously — prendere qcs. bene, male, sul serio

    11) (adopt) adottare [measures, steps]

    to take sb. for o to be sth. prendere qcn. per; what do you take me for? per chi mi prendi? what do you take this poem to mean? — che significato dai a questa poesia?

    13) (consider) fare [ example]; prendere (in esempio) [person, case]

    take John (for example),... — prendi John (per esempio)

    14) (record) prendere [ notes]; prendere nota di [ statement]; misurare [temperature, blood pressure]; prendere, sentire [ pulse]

    to take sb.'s measurements — (for clothes) prendere le misure a qcn

    15) (hold) [hall, bus, tank, container] (potere) contenere
    16) (wear) (in clothes) portare, avere [ size]

    to take a size 4 (in shoes) portare il 37

    17) fot. prendere, fare [ photograph]
    18) mat. (subtract) sottrarre [ number]
    19) scol. univ. (study) studiare, prendere [ subject]; seguire [ course]; prendere [ lessons] (in di); (sit) dare [ exam]; fare [ test]; (teach) [ teacher] fare lezione a [ students]

    to take sb. for French — fare lezione di francese a qcn

    20) (officiate at) [ priest] celebrare [ service]
    21) (capture) [ army] prendere, espugnare [fortress, city]; (in chess) [ player] mangiare [ piece]; (in cards) [ person] prendere, vincere [ prize]
    verbo intransitivo (pass. took; p.pass. taken) (have desired effect) [ drug] fare effetto; [ dye] prendere; (grow successfully) [ plant] attecchire

    to take it o a lot out of sb. chiedere tanto a qcn.; to take it upon oneself to do farsi carico di fare; to take sb. out of himself fare distrarre o divertire qcn.; you can take it from me,... — credimi

    English-Italian dictionary > take

  • 43 take

    n. tutma, tutuş, tutulan balık miktarı, avalanan hayvan miktarı, alıntı, hasat, pay, tepki, reaksiyon, kabul etme (vücut), alınan taş
    v. almak, götürmek, tahammül etmek, tutmak, icap etmek, ele geçirmek, elde etmek, yakalamak, çıkarmak, karşılamak, atlatmak, etmek, hissetmek, yanmak, kazanmak, yapmak, ölçmek, kabul etmek, sanmak, çekmek [fot.], katlanmak, dayanmak, kaplamak, gerektirmek, tedavi etmek, etkili olmak, kabul edilmek, oltaya vurmak, tutuşmak
    * * *
    1. al (v.) 2. alıntı (n.)
    * * *
    [teik] 1. past tense - took; verb
    1) ((often with down, out etc) to reach out for and grasp, hold, lift, pull etc: He took my hand; He took the book down from the shelf; He opened the drawer and took out a gun; I've had a tooth taken out.) almak, tutmak
    2) ((often with away, in, off, out etc) to carry, conduct or lead to another place: I took the books (back) to the library; He's taking me with him; Take her into my office; The police took him away; I took the dog out for a walk; He took her out for dinner.) götürmek
    3) (to do or perform some action: I think I'll take a walk; Will you take a look?; to take a bath) (bir eylem) yapmak
    4) (to get, receive, buy, rent etc: I'm taking French lessons; I'll take three kilos of strawberries; We took a house in London.) almak, tutmak, v.s.
    5) ((sometimes with back) to agree to have; to accept; He took my advice; They refused to take responsibility; I won't take that (insult) from you!; I'm afraid we can't take back goods bought in a sale.) almak, katlanmak, kabul etmek
    6) (to need or require: How long does it take you to go home?; It takes time to do a difficult job like this.) gerektirmek, almak, çekmek
    7) (to travel by (bus etc): I'm taking the next train to London; I took a taxi.) binmek, binip... ile gitmek
    8) (to have enough space for: The car takes five people.) almak, yeri olmak
    9) (to make a note, record etc: He took a photograph of the castle; The nurse took the patient's temperature.) çekmek; ölçmek
    10) (to remove, use, occupy etc with or without permission: Someone's taken my coat; He took all my money.) çalmak, aşırmak
    11) (to consider (as an example): Take John for example.) düşünmek, ele almak
    12) (to capture or win: He took the first prize.) kazanmak
    13) ((often with away, from, off) to make less or smaller by a certain amount: Take (away) four from ten, and that leaves six.) çıkarmak
    14) (to suppose or think (that something is the case): Do you take me for an idiot?) sanmak, zannetmek
    15) (to eat or drink: Take these pills.) yemek, içmek
    16) (to conduct, lead or run; to be in charge or control of: Will you take the class/lecture/meeting this evening?) ders vermek, öğretmek, idare etmek
    17) (to consider or react or behave to (something) in a certain way: He took the news calmly.) karşılamak
    18) (to feel: He took pleasure/pride / a delight / an interest in his work.) hissetmek, duymak
    19) (to go down or go into (a road): Take the second road on the left.) gitmek, takip etmek
    2. noun
    1) (the amount of money taken in a shop etc; takings: What was the take today?) hasılat, kazanç
    2) (the filming of a single scene in a cinema film: After five takes, the director was satisfied.) çekim, sahne
    - takings
    - take-away
    - be taken up with
    - be taken with/by
    - take after
    - take back
    - take down
    - take an examination/test
    - take someone for
    - take for
    - take in
    - take it from me that
    - take it from me
    - take it into one's head to
    - take it into one's head
    - take off
    - take on
    - take it out on
    - take over
    - take to
    - take up
    - take something upon oneself
    - take upon oneself
    - take something up with someone
    - take up with someone
    - take something up with
    - take up with

    English-Turkish dictionary > take

  • 44 Off

    Away from: P. and V. πό ( gen).
    Out of: P. and V. ἐκ (gen.).
    Off ( the coast): P. and V. πρός .(dat.), κατ (acc.).
    Off Laconia: P. κατὰ τὴν Λακωνικήν (Thuc. 4, 2; cf., Thuc. 8, 86).
    Away: P. and V. ἐκποδών, Ar. and P. πόρρω, V. πρόσω, πόρσω.
    A long way off: P. διὰ πολλοῦ.
    Be off, be distant, v.: P. and V. πέχειν, P. διέχειν.
    Be off, begone, interj.: Ar. and V. ἔρρε, V. ἔρροις, Ar. παγε.
    Off, gone: Ar. and V. φροῦδος (also Antipho. but rare P.).
    Be off, be gone, v.: P. and V. οἴχεσθαι, παλλαγῆναι ( 2nd aor. pass. ἀπαλλάσσειν), ποίχεσθαι, V. ἐξοίχεσθαι, Ar. and V. διοίχεσθαι (also Plat. but rare P.), ἔρρειν (also Plat. But rare P.).
    Be ( well or badly) off: P. and V. (εὖ or κακῶς) ἔχειν.
    Be badly off: P. ἀπόρως διακεῖσθαι.
    How are you off for friends: V. πῶς δʼ εὐμενείας (gen. sing.)... ἔχεις; (Eur., Hel. 313).
    Come off, v.: see Occur.
    Of a person, come off ( better or worse): P. and V. παλλάσσειν.
    Cut off: lit., P. and V. τέμνειν, κόπτειν, Ar. and P. ποτέμνειν, V. θερίζειν, παμᾶν; see under Cut.
    Intercept: P. ἀπολαμβάνειν, διαλαμβνειν.
    Destroy: P. and καθαιρεῖν; see Destroy.
    Get off: see Escape.
    Be acquitted: P. and V. φεύγειν, σώζεσθαι, Ar. and P. ἀποφεύγειν.
    Keep off, ward off: P. and V. μύνειν; see ward off.
    Refrain: P. and V. πέχειν.
    Lie off, of a ship: P. ἐφορμεῖν (dat.); of an island: P. ἐπικεῖσθαι (dat. or absol.).
    Make off, run away: Ar. and P. ποδιδράσκειν.
    Put off, defer: P. and V. ποτθεσθαι, εἰς αὖθις ναβάλλεσθαι; see under Put.
    Take off (clothes, etc.): P. and V. ἐκδειν, Ar. and P. ποδειν.
    Take off from oneself: use mid. of verbs given.
    Parody: Ar. and P. κωμῳδεῖν (acc.).

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Off

  • 45 off it

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > off it

  • 46 pass off

    1. transitive verb
    (represent falsely) ausgeben (as, for als); als echt ausgeben [Fälschung]
    2. intransitive verb
    1) (disappear gradually) [Schock, Schmerz, Hochstimmung:] abklingen
    2) (take place) verlaufen
    * * *
    ((of sickness, an emotion etc) to go away: By the evening, his sickness had passed off and he felt better.) vergehen
    * * *
    I. vt
    1. (hide)
    to \pass off off ⇆ sth etw abtun
    to \pass off off one's embarrassment seine Verlegenheit überspielen
    to \pass off off an episode einen Zwischenfall übergehen
    2. (pretend)
    to \pass off off ⇆ sth as sth etw als etw akk ausgeben
    the dealer was trying to \pass off off fakes as valuable antiques der Händler versuchte Fälschungen als echte Antiquitäten zu verkaufen
    he tried to \pass off this nonsense off as literature er versuchte diesen Quatsch als Literatur hinzustellen fam
    to \pass off oneself off as sb sich akk als jd ausgeben
    II. vi
    1. (take place) verlaufen
    2. (fade) nachlassen; elation verfliegen
    * * *
    1. vi
    1) (= take place) ablaufen, vonstattengehen
    2) (= end) vorüber- or vorbeigehen
    3) (= be taken as) durchgehen (as als)
    2. vt sep

    to pass oneself/sb/sth off as sth — sich/jdn/etw als or für etw ausgeben

    * * *
    A v/t
    1. jemanden oder etwas ausgeben (as für, als)
    B v/i
    1. gut etc vorbei-, vorübergehen, vonstattengehen, verlaufen
    2. vergehen (Schmerz etc)
    3. durchgehen (as als)
    * * *
    1. transitive verb
    (represent falsely) ausgeben (as, for als); als echt ausgeben [Fälschung]
    2. intransitive verb
    1) (disappear gradually) [Schock, Schmerz, Hochstimmung:] abklingen
    2) (take place) verlaufen
    * * *
    vergehen v.

    English-german dictionary > pass off

  • 47 throw off

    transitive verb
    1) (discard) ablegen [Maske, Verkleidung]; von sich werfen [Kleider]; (get rid of) loswerden [Erkältung, lästige Person]
    2) (perform or write casually) [mühelos] hinwerfen [Rede, Gedicht usw.]
    * * *
    1) (to get rid of: She finally managed to throw off her cold; They were following us but we threw them off.) loswerden,abschütteln
    2) (to take off very quickly: He threw off his coat and sat down.) ablegen
    * * *
    1. (remove forcefully)
    to \throw off sb/sth off sth jdn/etw aus etw dat hinauswerfen
    to \throw off off ⇆ sth clothing etw schnell ausziehen
    2. (jump)
    to \throw off oneself off sth sich akk von etw dat hinunterstürzen
    3. (cause to lose balance)
    to \throw off sb off balance jdn aus dem Gleichgewicht bringen; ( fig) jdn aus dem Konzept bringen
    4. (escape)
    to \throw off off ⇆ sb jdn abschütteln
    5. (rid oneself of)
    to \throw off off ⇆ sth etw loswerden
    to \throw off off an idea sich akk von einer Idee lösen [o befreien
    6. (speak, write)
    to \throw off off ⇆ sth etw schnell hinwerfen [o fam aus dem Ärmel schütteln]
    to \throw off off a comment eine Bemerkung fallenlassen
    7. (radiate)
    to \throw off off ⇆ energy/heat/warmth Energie/Hitze/Wärme abgeben
    to \throw off off one's shackles seine Fesseln abwerfen
    to \throw off off the shackles [or the yoke] [of sth] sich akk von den Fesseln [einer S. gen] befreien
    * * *
    vt sep
    1) (= get rid of) clothes abwerfen; disguise, habits ablegen; pursuer abschütteln; cold loswerden

    to throw off the yoke of tyrannydie Ketten der Tyrannei sprengen

    2) (= emit) sparks, smell abgeben, von sich geben
    * * *
    A v/t
    1. ein Kleidungsstück, auch fig seine Skrupel etc abwerfen, seine Nervosität etc ablegen
    2. ein Joch etc abwerfen, abschütteln:
    throw off the chains of marriage sich aus den Fesseln der Ehe befreien
    3. jemanden, eine Krankheit etc loswerden
    4. einen Verfolger abschütteln, einen Jagdhund auch von der Fährte abbringen
    5. in die Irre führen
    6. ein Gedicht etc hinwerfen, aus dem Ärmel schütteln
    7. eine Bemerkung hinwerfen, fallen lassen
    8. jemanden aus dem Konzept oder aus der Fassung oder in Verlegenheit oder ins Schleudern bringen
    9. TECH
    a) kippen, umlegen
    b) auskuppeln, -rücken
    10. TYPO abziehen
    B v/i Aus umg lästern (at über akk)
    * * *
    transitive verb
    1) (discard) ablegen [Maske, Verkleidung]; von sich werfen [Kleider]; (get rid of) loswerden [Erkältung, lästige Person]
    2) (perform or write casually) [mühelos] hinwerfen [Rede, Gedicht usw.]

    English-german dictionary > throw off

  • 48 pass off

    to \pass off off <-> sth etw abtun;
    to \pass off off one's embarrassment seine Verlegenheit überspielen;
    to \pass off off an episode einen Zwischenfall übergehen
    2) ( pretend)
    to \pass off sth <-> off as sth etw als etw akk ausgeben;
    the dealer was trying to \pass off off fakes as valuable antiques der Händler versuchte Fälschungen als echte Antiquitäten zu verkaufen;
    he tried to \pass off this nonsense off as literature er versuchte diesen Quatsch als Literatur hinzustellen ( fam)
    to \pass off oneself off as a Dubliner sich akk als Dubliner ausgeben vi
    1) ( take place) verlaufen
    2) ( fade) nachlassen; elation verfliegen

    English-German students dictionary > pass off

  • 49 come off

    1) (to fall off: Her shoe came off.) caerse, soltarse
    2) (to turn out (well); to succeed: The gamble didn't come off.) tener lugar, suceder
    come off vb caerse / quitarse / desprenderse
    despegar v.
    come off*
    realizarse v.
    a) v + adv ( detach itself) \<\<handle\>\> soltarse*; \<\<button\>\> desprenderse, caerse*; \<\<wallpaper\>\> despegarse*; \<\<dirt/grease\>\> quitarse, salir*
    b) v + prep + o ( fall off) \<\<horse/motorcycle\>\> caerse* de
    2) v + adv
    a) ( take place) suceder
    b) ( succeed) tener* éxito
    c) (fare, acquit oneself)

    to come off badly — salir* mal parado

    d) (appear, seem) (AmE colloq)

    to come off as something: she doesn't come off as very bright — no da la impresión de ser muy inteligente

    3) v + prep + o
    a) ( stop taking) \<\<drug\>\> dejar de tomar

    come off it! — (colloq) anda! no digas tonterías! (fam)

    1. VI + ADV
    1) [button] caerse; [stain] quitarse

    does this lid come off? — ¿se puede quitar esta tapa?

    2) (=take place, come to pass) tener lugar, realizarse
    3) (=succeed) tener éxito, dar resultados

    to come off well/badly — (=turn out) salir bien/mal

    4) (=acquit o.s.) portarse

    to come off best — salir mejor parado, salir ganando

    5) (Theat)
    2. VI + PREP
    1) (=separate from)

    come off it! * — ¡vamos, anda!, ¡venga ya!

    2) (=give up) dejar
    * * *
    a) v + adv ( detach itself) \<\<handle\>\> soltarse*; \<\<button\>\> desprenderse, caerse*; \<\<wallpaper\>\> despegarse*; \<\<dirt/grease\>\> quitarse, salir*
    b) v + prep + o ( fall off) \<\<horse/motorcycle\>\> caerse* de
    2) v + adv
    a) ( take place) suceder
    b) ( succeed) tener* éxito
    c) (fare, acquit oneself)

    to come off badly — salir* mal parado

    d) (appear, seem) (AmE colloq)

    to come off as something: she doesn't come off as very bright — no da la impresión de ser muy inteligente

    3) v + prep + o
    a) ( stop taking) \<\<drug\>\> dejar de tomar

    come off it! — (colloq) anda! no digas tonterías! (fam)

    English-spanish dictionary > come off

  • 50 come off

    ['] intransitive verb
    1) (become detached) [Griff, Knopf:] abgehen; (be removable) sich abnehmen lassen; [Fleck:] weg-, rausgehen (ugs.)
    2) (fall from something) runterfallen
    3) (emerge from contest etc.) abschneiden
    4) (succeed) [Pläne, Versuche:] Erfolg haben, (ugs.) klappen
    5) (take place) stattfinden

    their wedding/holiday did not come off — aus ihrer Hochzeit/ihrem Urlaub wurde nichts

    ['] transitive verb

    come off a horse/bike — vom Pferd/Fahrrad fallen

    come 'off it!(coll.) nun mach mal halblang! (ugs.)

    * * *
    1) (to fall off: Her shoe came off.) abgehen
    2) (to turn out (well); to succeed: The gamble didn't come off.) davonkommen
    * * *
    1. ( fam: succeed) Erfolg haben, gelingen, klappen fam; attempts glücken
    his jokes didn't \come off off seine Witze gingen in die Hose fam
    2. (take place) stattfinden
    their marriage didn't \come off off aus ihrer Hochzeit wurde nichts
    3. (end up) abschneiden
    to always \come off off worse immer den Kürzeren ziehen
    to \come off off with a few scratches mit ein paar Kratzern davonkommen
    4. (become detached) handle, knob abgehen
    does the hood \come off off? lässt sich die Kapuze abnehmen?
    my lipstick came off on his collar mein Lippenstift färbte auf seinen Kragen ab
    5. (removeable) stain rausgehen
    6. (fall) [he]runterfallen
    7. (stop being performed) play, film, show abgesetzt werden
    8. AM (complete)
    the company was coming off one of its best years ever die Firma hatte einen ihrer besten Jahresabschlüsse gemacht
    9. ( fam: have orgasm) kommen fam
    10. (fall)
    to \come off off a horse vom Pferd fallen
    11. (get over)
    to \come off off an injury sich akk von einer Verletzung erholen
    12. esp BRIT (stop taking)
    to \come off off sth mit etw dat aufhören
    to \come off off the alcohol mit dem Trinken aufhören
    \come off off it! ( fam) jetzt mach aber mal halblang! fam
    * * *
    1. vi
    1) (person off bicycle etc) runterfallen
    2) (button, handle, paint etc) abgehen; (= be removable also) sich abnehmen lassen
    3) (stains, marks) weg- or rausgehen
    4) (= take place) stattfinden
    5) (plans etc) klappen (inf); (attempts, experiments etc also) glücken, gelingen
    6) (= acquit oneself) abschneiden

    he came off well in comparison to his brotherim Vergleich zu seinem Bruder ist er gut weggekommen

    7) (sl: have orgasm) kommen (inf)
    2. vi +prep obj
    1) bicycle, horse etc fallen von
    2) (button, paint, stain) abgehen von
    3) case, assignment etc abgeben
    5) (= be removed from price of) runtergehen von (inf)
    * * *
    1. abgehen oder losgehen oder sich lösen von
    2. von Pferd, Rad etc herunterfallen
    3. auslaufen (Stück), enden (Ausstellung)
    4. umg stattfinden, über die Bühne gehen, (Projekt etc) zustande kommen
    5. umg
    a) abschneiden:
    b) erfolgreich verlaufen, glücken
    7. come off it! umg hör schon auf damit!
    * * *
    ['] intransitive verb
    1) (become detached) [Griff, Knopf:] abgehen; (be removable) sich abnehmen lassen; [Fleck:] weg-, rausgehen (ugs.)
    2) (fall from something) runterfallen
    3) (emerge from contest etc.) abschneiden
    4) (succeed) [Pläne, Versuche:] Erfolg haben, (ugs.) klappen
    5) (take place) stattfinden

    their wedding/holiday did not come off — aus ihrer Hochzeit/ihrem Urlaub wurde nichts

    ['] transitive verb

    come off a horse/bike — vom Pferd/Fahrrad fallen

    come 'off it!(coll.) nun mach mal halblang! (ugs.)

    * * *
    sich ablösen (Haut, Farbe etc.) v.

    English-german dictionary > come off

  • 51 get off

    1) (to take off or remove (clothes, marks etc): I can't get my boots off; I'll never get these stains off (my dress).) quitarse; quitar, sacar
    2) (to change (the subject which one is talking, writing etc about): We've rather got off the subject.) cambiar de
    get off vb bajar / bajarse
    get off (on sth.)
    disfrutar (de algo) expr. (Orgasm)*
    venirse** (Orgasmo) expr.
    1) v + adv v + prep + o
    a) (alight, dismount) bajarse

    to get off the train/horse/bicycle — bajarse del tren/del caballo/de la bicicleta

    b) ( remove oneself from) \<\<flowerbed/lawn\>\> salir* de
    c) ( finish) \<\<work/school\>\> salir* de
    2) v + adv
    a) ( leave) \<\<person/letter\>\> salir*
    b) ( go to sleep) (BrE) dormirse*
    c) (escape unpunished, unscathed)

    to get off lightly o (AmE also) easy: I consider I got off lightly with just a broken collar bone creo que tuve suerte al romperme sólo la clavícula; he got off lightly ( with little punishment) no recibió el castigo que se merecía; to get off with something: he got off with a fine — se escapó con sólo una multa

    3) v + prep + o
    a) ( get up from) \<\<floor\>\> levantarse de
    b) ( deviate from) \<\<track/tourist routes\>\> salir* or alejarse de; \<\<point\>\> desviarse* or irse* de

    get off it! — (AmE colloq) basta ya!

    c) ( evade) \<\<duty\>\> librarse or salvarse de
    4) v + o + adv v + o + prep + o ( remove) \<\<lid/top/stain\>\> quitar

    we tried to get them off our landintentamos echarlos or sacarlos de nuestras tierras

    5) v + o + adv
    a) (send, see off)
    b) ( to sleep) (BrE) \<\<children\>\> (hacer*) dormir*
    6) v + o + prep + o
    a) ( obtain from) (colloq)
    b) ( wean from)
    1. VT + ADV
    1) (=remove) [+ stain, top, lid] quitar
    2) (=send off) [+ letter, telegram] mandar (to a)
    3) (=save from punishment)
    4) (=have as leave) [+ day, time] tener libre
    5) (=learn) aprender
    6) (=rescue) rescatar
    2. VT + PREP
    1) (=cause to give up)

    to get sb off[+ drugs, alcohol, addiction] hacer que algn deje

    get 1., 1)
    2) (=remove)

    get your dog off me! — ¡quítame al perro de encima!

    3. VI + PREP
    1) (=descend from) [+ bus, train, bike, horse] bajarse de, apearse de frm

    to get off sb's back —

    I wish he would get off my back! * — ¡ojalá me dejara en paz!

    high 1., 3)
    2) (=leave) salir de

    get off my land! — ¡sal de mis tierras!

    get off my foot! — ¡deja de pisarme el pie!

    what time do you get off work/school? — ¿a qué hora sales del trabajo/del colegio?

    3) (=move away from)

    let's get off this subject — cambiemos de tema, dejemos el tema

    4) * (=escape) [+ chore etc] escaquearse de *
    5) (=get up from) levantarse de

    why don't you get off your backside and do some work? ** — ¿por qué no mueves el trasero y te pones a hacer algo de trabajo? **

    6) (=give up) [+ drugs, alcohol, addiction] dejar
    4. VI + ADV
    1) (from bus, train, bike, horse) bajarse, apearse frm

    get off!(=let go) ¡suelta!

    - tell sb where to get off
    2) (=leave) partir

    can you get off early tomorrow? (from work) ¿puedes salir del trabajo temprano mañana?

    3) (=escape injury, punishment) librarse

    you're not going to get off that lightly! — ¡no se va a librar con tan poco!

    he got off lightly, he could have been killed — tuvo suerte, podría haberse matado

    they got off lightly, we should have killed them — no se llevaron lo que se merecían, deberíamos haberlos matado

    he got off with a fine — se libró con una multa

    * * *
    1) v + adv v + prep + o
    a) (alight, dismount) bajarse

    to get off the train/horse/bicycle — bajarse del tren/del caballo/de la bicicleta

    b) ( remove oneself from) \<\<flowerbed/lawn\>\> salir* de
    c) ( finish) \<\<work/school\>\> salir* de
    2) v + adv
    a) ( leave) \<\<person/letter\>\> salir*
    b) ( go to sleep) (BrE) dormirse*
    c) (escape unpunished, unscathed)

    to get off lightly o (AmE also) easy: I consider I got off lightly with just a broken collar bone creo que tuve suerte al romperme sólo la clavícula; he got off lightly ( with little punishment) no recibió el castigo que se merecía; to get off with something: he got off with a fine — se escapó con sólo una multa

    3) v + prep + o
    a) ( get up from) \<\<floor\>\> levantarse de
    b) ( deviate from) \<\<track/tourist routes\>\> salir* or alejarse de; \<\<point\>\> desviarse* or irse* de

    get off it! — (AmE colloq) basta ya!

    c) ( evade) \<\<duty\>\> librarse or salvarse de
    4) v + o + adv v + o + prep + o ( remove) \<\<lid/top/stain\>\> quitar

    we tried to get them off our landintentamos echarlos or sacarlos de nuestras tierras

    5) v + o + adv
    a) (send, see off)
    b) ( to sleep) (BrE) \<\<children\>\> (hacer*) dormir*
    6) v + o + prep + o
    a) ( obtain from) (colloq)
    b) ( wean from)

    English-spanish dictionary > get off

  • 52 get off

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > get off

  • 53 throw off

    1) (to get rid of: She finally managed to throw off her cold; They were following us but we threw them off.) librarse/deshacerse de
    2) (to take off very quickly: He threw off his coat and sat down.) quitarse de encima (rápidamente), deshacerse de
    escupir v.
    sacudir v.
    v + o + adv, v + adv + o
    a) <jacket/hat> quitarse ( rápidamente)
    b) ( rid oneself of) <illness/habit> quitarse; < pursuer> despistar, zafarse de; <doubts/burden> librarse de, deshacerse* de
    VT + ADV
    1) (=remove) [+ clothes, shoes, disguise] quitarse a toda prisa
    2) (=get rid of) [+ depression] salir de; [+ cold, infection, habit] quitarse; [+ burden, yoke] librarse de, quitarse de encima
    3) (=escape) [+ pursuers] zafarse de, dar esquinazo a
    4) (=make wrong) [+ calculations, timing] desbaratar, dar al traste con
    5) (=emit) [+ heat] despedir, emitir; [+ sparks] echar
    6) * (=write quickly) [+ poem, composition] improvisar
    * * *
    v + o + adv, v + adv + o
    a) <jacket/hat> quitarse ( rápidamente)
    b) ( rid oneself of) <illness/habit> quitarse; < pursuer> despistar, zafarse de; <doubts/burden> librarse de, deshacerse* de

    English-spanish dictionary > throw off

  • 54 pay off

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > pay off

  • 55 make a nuisance of oneself

    (make a nuisance of oneself (тж. make oneself a nuisance))
    надоедать, досаждать, докучать (кому-л.)

    ‘These are not normal times,’ said Soames. ‘To be quite plain, unless I have that information I must tender my resignation.’ He saw very well what was passing in their minds. A newcomer making himself a nuisance - they would take his resignation readily - only it would look awkward just before a general meeting... (J. Galsworthy, ‘The White Monkey’, part I, ch. VII) — - Сейчас ненормальное время, - сказал Сомс, - короче говоря, если я не получу точной информации, я буду вынужден подать в отставку. Он прекрасно видел, что они думают: "Новичок - и подымает такой шум", - они охотно приняли бы его отставку - только это было не совсем удобно перед общим собранием...

    If he's the sort of man that isn't happy unless he's making a nuisance of himself, I'm well rid of him. (J. Lindsay, ‘Runaway’, ch. IX) — Если он принадлежит к людям, которые только тогда счастливы, когда становятся кому-нибудь поперек горла, то я удачно избавился от него.

    Giotti had ordered Charley off the premises because he was making a damned nuisance of himself. (K. S. Prichard, ‘The Roaring Nineties’, ch. 31) — Джиотти запретил Чарли показываться в трактире, потому что от него просто житья не стало.

    ‘You ought to have gone to the authorities,’ he said. ‘Just what I did do, my dear fellow. Made a positive nuisance of myself pestering the police.’ (A. Christie, ‘N or M?’, ch. V) — - Вам следовало бы обратиться к властям, - сказал Блетчли. - Я это и сделал, мой дорогой. Буквально обивал пороги и осточертел полиции.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > make a nuisance of oneself

  • 56 taken

    /teik/ * danh từ - sự cầm, sự nắm, sự lấy - chầu, mẻ (số lượng săn được, câu được, bắt được) =a great take of fish+ mẻ cá lớn - tiền thu (trong buổi hoà nhạc, diễn kịch) - (điện ảnh) cảnh quay (vào phim) * ngoại động từ took; taken - cầm, nắm, giữ =to take something in one's hand+ cầm vật gì trong tay =to take someone by the throat+ nắm cổ ai - bắt, chiếm =to be taken in the act+ bị bắt quả tang =to take a fortress+ chiếm một pháo đài - lấy, lấy đi, lấy ra, rút ra, trích ra =if you take 5 from 12 you have 7 left+ lấy 12 trừ 5, anh sẽ còn lại 7 - mang, mang theo, đem, đem theo =you must take your raincoat+ anh phải mang theo áo mưa =take this letter to the post+ hãy mang bức thư này ra nhà bưu điện - đưa, dẫn, dắt =I'll take the children for a walk+ tôi sẽ dẫn bọn trẻ con đi chơi =the tram will take you there in ten minutes+ xe điện sẽ đưa anh đến đó trong mười phút - đi, theo =to take a bus+ đi xe buýt =we must have taken the wrong road+ hẳn là chúng tôi đi lầm đường - thuê, mướn, mua =to take a ticket+ mua vé =to take a house+ thuê một căn nhà - ăn, uống, dùng =will you take tea or coffee?+ anh uống (dùng) trà hay cà phê? =to take breakfast+ ăn sáng, ăn điểm tâm =to take 39 in boot+ đi giày số 39 - ghi, chép, chụp =to take notes+ ghi chép =to have one's photograph taken+ để cho ai chụp ảnh - làm, thực hiện, thi hành =to take a journey+ làm một cuộc du lịch =to take a bath+ đi tắm - lợi dụng, nắm =to take the opportunity+ lợi dụng cơ hội, nắm lấy cơ hội =to take advantage of+ lợi dụng - bị, mắc, nhiễm =to take cold+ bị cảm lạnh, bị nhiễm lạnh =to be taken ill+ bị ốm - coi như, cho là, xem như, lấy làm, hiểu là, cảm thấy =to take a joke in earnest+ coi đùa làm thật =do you take my meaning?+ anh có hiểu ý tôi không? - đòi hỏi, cần có, yêu cầu, phải =it would take a strong man to move it+ phải có một người khoẻ mới chuyển nổi cái này đi =it does not take more than two minutes to do it+ làm cái đó không (đòi hỏi) mất quá hai phút - chịu, chịu đựng, tiếp, nhận =to take a beating+ chịu một trận đòn =enemy troops took many casualties+ quân địch bị tiêu diệt nhiều =to take all the responsibility+ chịu (nhận) hết trách nhiệm - được, đoạt; thu được =to take a first prize in...+ được giải nhất về... =to take a degree at the university+ tốt nghiệp đại học - chứa được, đựng =the car can't take more than six+ chiếc xe không chứa được quá sáu người - mua thường xuyên, mua dài hạn (báo, tạp chí...) =the "Times" is the only paper he takes+ tờ " Thời báo" là tờ báo độc nhất anh ấy mua dài hạn - quyến rũ, hấp dẫn, lôi cuốn =to be taken with+ bị lôi cuốn, bị quyến rũ, say mê, say đắm - vượt qua, đi tới, nhảy vào; trốn tránh ở =to take an obstacle+ vượt qua một điều trở ngại, vượt qua một vật chướng ngại =the thoroughbred takes the hedge with greatest ease+ con ngựa nòi vượt qua hàng rào một cách hết sức dễ dàng =to take the water+ nhảy xuống nước =the bandits had taken the forest+ bọn cướp đã trốn vào rừng * nội động từ - bắt, bén (lửa); ngấm, có hiệu lực (thuốc) =the medicine did not take+ thuốc không có hiệu lực - ăn ảnh =she does not take well+ cô ta không ăn ảnh lắm - thành công, được ưa thích =his second play took even more than the first+ vở kịch thứ hai của ông ta còn thành công hơn cả vở kịch thứ nhất !to take after - giống =he takes after his uncle+ nó giống ông chú nó !to take along - mang theo, đem theo =I'll take that book along with me+ tôi sẽ mang theo cuốn sách này với tôi !to take aside - kéo ra một chỗ, đưa ra một chỗ để nói riêng !to take away - mang đi, lấy đi, đem đi, cất đi !to take back - lấy lại, mang về, đem về =to take back one's words+ nói lại, rút lui ý kiến !to take down - tháo xuống, bỏ xuống, hạ xuống - tháo ra, dỡ ra - ghi chép - làm nhục, sỉ nhục - nuốt khó khăn !to take from - giảm bớt, làm yếu !to take in - mời vào, đưa vào, dẫn vào, đem vào (người đàn bà mình sẽ ngồi cạnh ở bàn tiệc) - tiếp đón; nhận cho ở trọ =to take in lodgers+ nhận khách trọ - thu nhận, nhận nuôi =to take in an orphan+ nhận nuôi một trẻ mồ côi - mua dài hạn (báo chí...) - nhận (công việc) về nhà làm =to take in sewing+ nhận đồ khâu về nhà làm - thu nhỏ, làm hẹp lại =to take in a dress+ khâu hẹp cái áo - gồm có, bao gồm - hiểu, nắm được, đánh giá đúng =to take in a situation+ nắm được tình hình - vội tin, nhắm mắt mà tin =to take in a statement+ nhắm mắt mà tin một bản tuyên bố - lừa phỉnh, lừa gạt, cho vào tròng, cho vào bẫy !to take into - đưa vào, để vào, đem vào =to take someone into one's confidence+ thổ lộ chuyện riêng với ai =to take it into one's head (mind)+ có ý nghĩ, có ý định !to take off - bỏ (mũ), cởi (quần áo); giật ra, lấy đi, cuốn đi =to take off one's hat to somebody+ thán phục ai - dẫn đi, đưa đi, tiễn đưa (ai) =to take oneself off+ ra đi, bỏ đi - nhổ đi, xoá bỏ, làm mất tích - nuốt chửng, nốc, húp sạch - bớt, giảm (giá...) - bắt chước; nhại, giễu - (thể dục,thể thao) giậm nhảy - (hàng không) cất cánh !to take on - đảm nhiệm, nhận làm, gách vác =to take on extra work+ nhận làm việc thêm (việc ngoài giờ) =to take on responsibilities+ đảm nhận trách nhiệm - nhận đánh cuộc, nhận lời thách đố =to take someone on at billiards+ nhận đấu bi a với ai =to take on a bet+ nhận đánh cuộc - nhận vào làm, thuê, mướn (người làm...) - dẫn đi tiếp - (thông tục) choáng váng, xúc động mạnh, bị kích thích; làm hoảng lên !to take out - đưa ra, dẫn ra ngoài - lấy ra, rút ra; xoá sạch, tẩy sạch, làm mất đi =to take out a stain+ xoá sạch một vết bẩn =to take it out of+ rút hết sức lực (của ai), làm (ai) mệt lử; trả thù (ai) - nhận được, được cấp, được phát (bằng, giấy phép, giấy đăng ký...) - nhận (cái gì...) để bù vào; nhận số lượng tương đương để bù vào =as he could not get paid he took it out in goods+ vì nó không lấy được tiền nên phải lấy hàng bù vào !to take over - chuyển, chở, đưa, dẫn qua (đường, sông...) - tiếp quản, kế tục, nổi nghiệp, tiếp tục =we take over Hanoi in 1954+ chúng ta tiếp quản Hà nội năm 1954 =to take over the watch+ thay (đổi) phiên gác !to take to - dùng đến, nhờ cậy đến, cần đến =the ship was sinking and they had to take to the boats+ tàu bị chìm và họ phải dùng đến thuyền - chạy trốn, trốn tránh =to take to flight+ bỏ chạy, rút chạy =to take to the mountain+ trốn vào núi - bắt đầu ham thích, bắt đầu say mê, tập, nhiễm =to take to drinking+ bắt đầu nghiện rượu =to take to bad habits+ nhiễm những thói xấu =to take to chemistry+ ham thích hoá học - có cảm tình, ưa, mến =the baby takes to her murse at once+ đứa bé mến ngay người vú =to take to the streets+ xuống đường (biểu tình, tuần hành...) !to take up - nhặt, cầm lên, lượm lên; đưa lên, dẫn lên, mang lên - cho (hành khách) lên (ô tô, xe lửa) =the car stops to take up passengers+ xe đỗ lại cho hành khách lên, xe đỗ lại lấy khách - tiếp tục (một công việc bỏ dở...) - chọn (một nghề); đảm nhiệm, gánh vác (một công việc) - thu hút, choán, chiếm (thời gian, tâm trí...) - hút, thấm =sponges take up water+ bọt biển thấm (hút) nước - bắt giữ, tóm =he was taken up by the police+ nó bị công an bắt giữ - (thông tục) la rầy, quở mắng, trách móc - ngắt lời (ai...) - đề cập đến, xét đến, bàn đến (một vấn đề) - hiểu =to take up someone's idea+ hiểu ý ai - nhận, áp dụng =to take up a bet+ nhận đánh cuộc =to take up a challenge+ nhận lời thách =to take up a method+ áp dụng một phương pháp - móc lên (một mũi đan tuột...) =to take up a dropped stitch+ móc lên một mũi đan tuột - vặn chặt (chỗ jơ); căng (dây cáp) !to take up with - kết giao với, giao thiệp với, đi lại với, thân thiết với, chơi bời với !to take aim - (xem) aim !to take one's chance - (xem) chance !to take earth - chui xuống lỗ (đen & bóng) !to take one's life in one's hand - liều mạng

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > taken

  • 57 took

    /teik/ * danh từ - sự cầm, sự nắm, sự lấy - chầu, mẻ (số lượng săn được, câu được, bắt được) =a great take of fish+ mẻ cá lớn - tiền thu (trong buổi hoà nhạc, diễn kịch) - (điện ảnh) cảnh quay (vào phim) * ngoại động từ took; taken - cầm, nắm, giữ =to take something in one's hand+ cầm vật gì trong tay =to take someone by the throat+ nắm cổ ai - bắt, chiếm =to be taken in the act+ bị bắt quả tang =to take a fortress+ chiếm một pháo đài - lấy, lấy đi, lấy ra, rút ra, trích ra =if you take 5 from 12 you have 7 left+ lấy 12 trừ 5, anh sẽ còn lại 7 - mang, mang theo, đem, đem theo =you must take your raincoat+ anh phải mang theo áo mưa =take this letter to the post+ hãy mang bức thư này ra nhà bưu điện - đưa, dẫn, dắt =I'll take the children for a walk+ tôi sẽ dẫn bọn trẻ con đi chơi =the tram will take you there in ten minutes+ xe điện sẽ đưa anh đến đó trong mười phút - đi, theo =to take a bus+ đi xe buýt =we must have taken the wrong road+ hẳn là chúng tôi đi lầm đường - thuê, mướn, mua =to take a ticket+ mua vé =to take a house+ thuê một căn nhà - ăn, uống, dùng =will you take tea or coffee?+ anh uống (dùng) trà hay cà phê? =to take breakfast+ ăn sáng, ăn điểm tâm =to take 39 in boot+ đi giày số 39 - ghi, chép, chụp =to take notes+ ghi chép =to have one's photograph taken+ để cho ai chụp ảnh - làm, thực hiện, thi hành =to take a journey+ làm một cuộc du lịch =to take a bath+ đi tắm - lợi dụng, nắm =to take the opportunity+ lợi dụng cơ hội, nắm lấy cơ hội =to take advantage of+ lợi dụng - bị, mắc, nhiễm =to take cold+ bị cảm lạnh, bị nhiễm lạnh =to be taken ill+ bị ốm - coi như, cho là, xem như, lấy làm, hiểu là, cảm thấy =to take a joke in earnest+ coi đùa làm thật =do you take my meaning?+ anh có hiểu ý tôi không? - đòi hỏi, cần có, yêu cầu, phải =it would take a strong man to move it+ phải có một người khoẻ mới chuyển nổi cái này đi =it does not take more than two minutes to do it+ làm cái đó không (đòi hỏi) mất quá hai phút - chịu, chịu đựng, tiếp, nhận =to take a beating+ chịu một trận đòn =enemy troops took many casualties+ quân địch bị tiêu diệt nhiều =to take all the responsibility+ chịu (nhận) hết trách nhiệm - được, đoạt; thu được =to take a first prize in...+ được giải nhất về... =to take a degree at the university+ tốt nghiệp đại học - chứa được, đựng =the car can't take more than six+ chiếc xe không chứa được quá sáu người - mua thường xuyên, mua dài hạn (báo, tạp chí...) =the "Times" is the only paper he takes+ tờ " Thời báo" là tờ báo độc nhất anh ấy mua dài hạn - quyến rũ, hấp dẫn, lôi cuốn =to be taken with+ bị lôi cuốn, bị quyến rũ, say mê, say đắm - vượt qua, đi tới, nhảy vào; trốn tránh ở =to take an obstacle+ vượt qua một điều trở ngại, vượt qua một vật chướng ngại =the thoroughbred takes the hedge with greatest ease+ con ngựa nòi vượt qua hàng rào một cách hết sức dễ dàng =to take the water+ nhảy xuống nước =the bandits had taken the forest+ bọn cướp đã trốn vào rừng * nội động từ - bắt, bén (lửa); ngấm, có hiệu lực (thuốc) =the medicine did not take+ thuốc không có hiệu lực - ăn ảnh =she does not take well+ cô ta không ăn ảnh lắm - thành công, được ưa thích =his second play took even more than the first+ vở kịch thứ hai của ông ta còn thành công hơn cả vở kịch thứ nhất !to take after - giống =he takes after his uncle+ nó giống ông chú nó !to take along - mang theo, đem theo =I'll take that book along with me+ tôi sẽ mang theo cuốn sách này với tôi !to take aside - kéo ra một chỗ, đưa ra một chỗ để nói riêng !to take away - mang đi, lấy đi, đem đi, cất đi !to take back - lấy lại, mang về, đem về =to take back one's words+ nói lại, rút lui ý kiến !to take down - tháo xuống, bỏ xuống, hạ xuống - tháo ra, dỡ ra - ghi chép - làm nhục, sỉ nhục - nuốt khó khăn !to take from - giảm bớt, làm yếu !to take in - mời vào, đưa vào, dẫn vào, đem vào (người đàn bà mình sẽ ngồi cạnh ở bàn tiệc) - tiếp đón; nhận cho ở trọ =to take in lodgers+ nhận khách trọ - thu nhận, nhận nuôi =to take in an orphan+ nhận nuôi một trẻ mồ côi - mua dài hạn (báo chí...) - nhận (công việc) về nhà làm =to take in sewing+ nhận đồ khâu về nhà làm - thu nhỏ, làm hẹp lại =to take in a dress+ khâu hẹp cái áo - gồm có, bao gồm - hiểu, nắm được, đánh giá đúng =to take in a situation+ nắm được tình hình - vội tin, nhắm mắt mà tin =to take in a statement+ nhắm mắt mà tin một bản tuyên bố - lừa phỉnh, lừa gạt, cho vào tròng, cho vào bẫy !to take into - đưa vào, để vào, đem vào =to take someone into one's confidence+ thổ lộ chuyện riêng với ai =to take it into one's head (mind)+ có ý nghĩ, có ý định !to take off - bỏ (mũ), cởi (quần áo); giật ra, lấy đi, cuốn đi =to take off one's hat to somebody+ thán phục ai - dẫn đi, đưa đi, tiễn đưa (ai) =to take oneself off+ ra đi, bỏ đi - nhổ đi, xoá bỏ, làm mất tích - nuốt chửng, nốc, húp sạch - bớt, giảm (giá...) - bắt chước; nhại, giễu - (thể dục,thể thao) giậm nhảy - (hàng không) cất cánh !to take on - đảm nhiệm, nhận làm, gách vác =to take on extra work+ nhận làm việc thêm (việc ngoài giờ) =to take on responsibilities+ đảm nhận trách nhiệm - nhận đánh cuộc, nhận lời thách đố =to take someone on at billiards+ nhận đấu bi a với ai =to take on a bet+ nhận đánh cuộc - nhận vào làm, thuê, mướn (người làm...) - dẫn đi tiếp - (thông tục) choáng váng, xúc động mạnh, bị kích thích; làm hoảng lên !to take out - đưa ra, dẫn ra ngoài - lấy ra, rút ra; xoá sạch, tẩy sạch, làm mất đi =to take out a stain+ xoá sạch một vết bẩn =to take it out of+ rút hết sức lực (của ai), làm (ai) mệt lử; trả thù (ai) - nhận được, được cấp, được phát (bằng, giấy phép, giấy đăng ký...) - nhận (cái gì...) để bù vào; nhận số lượng tương đương để bù vào =as he could not get paid he took it out in goods+ vì nó không lấy được tiền nên phải lấy hàng bù vào !to take over - chuyển, chở, đưa, dẫn qua (đường, sông...) - tiếp quản, kế tục, nổi nghiệp, tiếp tục =we take over Hanoi in 1954+ chúng ta tiếp quản Hà nội năm 1954 =to take over the watch+ thay (đổi) phiên gác !to take to - dùng đến, nhờ cậy đến, cần đến =the ship was sinking and they had to take to the boats+ tàu bị chìm và họ phải dùng đến thuyền - chạy trốn, trốn tránh =to take to flight+ bỏ chạy, rút chạy =to take to the mountain+ trốn vào núi - bắt đầu ham thích, bắt đầu say mê, tập, nhiễm =to take to drinking+ bắt đầu nghiện rượu =to take to bad habits+ nhiễm những thói xấu =to take to chemistry+ ham thích hoá học - có cảm tình, ưa, mến =the baby takes to her murse at once+ đứa bé mến ngay người vú =to take to the streets+ xuống đường (biểu tình, tuần hành...) !to take up - nhặt, cầm lên, lượm lên; đưa lên, dẫn lên, mang lên - cho (hành khách) lên (ô tô, xe lửa) =the car stops to take up passengers+ xe đỗ lại cho hành khách lên, xe đỗ lại lấy khách - tiếp tục (một công việc bỏ dở...) - chọn (một nghề); đảm nhiệm, gánh vác (một công việc) - thu hút, choán, chiếm (thời gian, tâm trí...) - hút, thấm =sponges take up water+ bọt biển thấm (hút) nước - bắt giữ, tóm =he was taken up by the police+ nó bị công an bắt giữ - (thông tục) la rầy, quở mắng, trách móc - ngắt lời (ai...) - đề cập đến, xét đến, bàn đến (một vấn đề) - hiểu =to take up someone's idea+ hiểu ý ai - nhận, áp dụng =to take up a bet+ nhận đánh cuộc =to take up a challenge+ nhận lời thách =to take up a method+ áp dụng một phương pháp - móc lên (một mũi đan tuột...) =to take up a dropped stitch+ móc lên một mũi đan tuột - vặn chặt (chỗ jơ); căng (dây cáp) !to take up with - kết giao với, giao thiệp với, đi lại với, thân thiết với, chơi bời với !to take aim - (xem) aim !to take one's chance - (xem) chance !to take earth - chui xuống lỗ (đen & bóng) !to take one's life in one's hand - liều mạng

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > took

  • 58 удалиться

    I несовер. - удаляться;
    совер. - удалиться возвр.
    1) (от кого-л./чего-л.) move off/away (from) удалиться от берега удалиться от темы удалиться от дел удалиться от общества
    2) (уходить) take oneself off, retire, withdraw поспешно удалиться II страд. от удалить
    remove ;
    extract (tooth) ;
    -ся retire, withdraw ;
    move away ;

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > удалиться

  • 59 удаляться

    I несовер. - удаляться;
    совер. - удалиться возвр.
    1) (от кого-л./чего-л.) move off/away (from) удаляться от берега удаляться от темы удаляться от дел удаляться от общества
    2) (уходить) take oneself off, retire, withdraw быстро удаляться ≈ whisk поспешно удалиться II страд. от удалять

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > удаляться

  • 60 take13

    1) take smb., smth. by (in, between, with, etc.) smth. take a child by the hand (him by the sleeve, an axe by the handle, a pen in one's hand, a stick between one's finger and thumb, coal with a pair of tongs, a butterfly with one's fingers, etc.) взять ребенка за руку и т.д.; take a man by the throat схватить /взять/ человека за горло; take a baby in one's arms взять ребенка на руки; he took a girl (me, his son, etc.) in his arms он обнял девушку и т.д.; take the stick between one's knees зажать палку между колен; take one's head between one's hands обхватить голову руками; take the trunk on one's back взвалить сундук себе на спину; take the bit between one's teeth закусить удила; take smth. from (from under, out of, etc.) smth. take a book from the table (a corkscrew from the shelf, etc.) взять книгу со стола и т.д.; take some paper from /out of/ a drawer (the fruit out of a bag, a handkerchief out of /from/ one's pocket, the pins out of one's hair, a cigarette out of the box, one's hands out of one's pockets, etc.) вытаскивать /вынимать/ бумагу из ящика и т.д.: take a box from under a chair вытаскивать ящик из-под стула; the dog took the food from my hand собака ела /брала пищу/ у меня из рук; take your hand off my shoulder (your foot off my toe, etc.) уберите руку с моего плеча и т.д.; can you take the spot out of these pants? можно вывести это пятно с брюк?; it took all the fun out of the game это испортило все удовольствие от игры; take smth. from smb. take a bone from a dog (the knife from the baby, the record from him, etc.) отбирать /отнимать/ кость у собаки и т.д. || take smb. under one's wing взять кого-л. под свое крылышко /под свою защиту/
    2) || take smb. in marriage жениться на ком-л. или выйти замуж за кого-л.; take a widow in marriage жениться на вдове, взять в жены вдову
    3) take smb., smth. with smb. take one's son (an assistant, a doctor, some money, a book, an overnight bag, etc.) with one захватить /взять с собой/ своего сына и т.д.; take me with you возьмите меня с собой; take letters with one (one's lunch with one, provisions with one, etc.) взять /захватить/ эти письма с собой и т.д.; take an umbrella with you прихватите [с собой] зонтик; take smth. to some place take the dishes to the kitchen (these letters to the post, the parcel to his house, etc.) относить тарелки на кухню и т.д.; take smth. to smb. take flowers to sick friends (your message to her, a book to your teacher, etc.) относить цветы больным друзьям и т.д.; take the news to him сообщить ему эту новость; take the matter to a lawyer пойти с этим делом к юристу; take smb. to smth. take the children to the cinema (one's wife to the theatre, etc.) сводить детей в кино и т.д.; take a friend to lunch угостить друга завтраком; take a girl to a dance сводить девушку на танцы; take smb. for smth. take a dog for a walk вывести собаку на прогулку
    4) take smth. from smb., smth. take presents from boy-friends (flowers from them, assistance from the government, etc.) принимать подарки от поклонников и т.д.
    5) take smth. for smth. take the blame for his failure (for her mistake, etc.) принять на себя вину за его провал и т.д.; take smth. upon oneself he takes a great deal upon himself он очень много на себя берет; take smth. for (of) smth. upon oneself take the responsibility for his safety (the office of president, the duties of a teacher, etc.) upon oneself взять на себя ответственность за его безопасность и т.д.; take it upon oneself to do smth. take it upon oneself to speak to them (to give orders, to say that, to speak to him personally, etc.) взять на себя /согласиться/ поговорить с ними и т.д.; take smth. with smth. take his remark (their advice, a compliment, etc.) with a smile (with a frown, with a laugh, etc.) встречать /реагировать на/ его замечание и т.д. улыбкой и т.д. || take smth. in bad part /in the wrong way/ принимать /истолковывать/ что-л. превратно; take smth. in good part не обижаться на что-л.; take smb. into one's confidence довериться кому-л.; take smb. into the secret доверить /поверить/ кому-л. тайну
    6) || take smb.'s side /smb.'s part/ in smth. встать на чью-л. сторону в чем-л.; take smb.'s side /smb.'s part/ in an argument /in a controversy/ (in a quarrel, in a fight, etc.) встать на чью-л. сторону в споре и т.д.; take advantage of smth. воспользоваться чем-л.; take advantage of smb.'s offer (of his presence, of her position, etc.) воспользоваться чьим-л. предложением и т.д.; take advantage of smb.'s trust (of her love', etc.) злоупотреблять чьим-л. доверием и т.д.
    7) take smth. for smth., smb. take a hall for a meeting (this room for my cousin, this suite for my friend, this building for a hospital, etc.) снимать зал для собрания /под собрание/ и т.д.; take smth. in some place take a house in the country (rooms in the suburbs, etc.) снимать дом загородом и т.д.; take smth. for some time take a cottage (a room, a house, etc.) for the summer (for a year, etc.) снимать /арендовать/ дачу и т.д. на лето и т.д.
    8) take smb. into smth. take your brother into the business взять вашего брата компаньоном в наше дело; take her into service брать ее на службу; take them into our firm принять их [на службу] в нашу фирму
    9) take smth. in smth. take a job in the city (a job in an office, etc.) наняться на работу в городе и т.д.; take a post in the firm занять какую-л. должность в фирме
    10) take smth. to (at, in, etc.) some place take a car to the ferry (a freighter to Europe, a train to Boston, etc.) поехать машиной до переправы и т.д.; take a plane to the North полететь самолетом на север; take a train at (in) N сесть на поезд в N
    11) take smth. for smth. take 25 dollars for the use of his car брать двадцать пять долларов за пользование машиной; will you take a check for the bill? можно уплатить вам по счету чеком?; what will you take for it? сколько вы за это хотите?; the man won't take a cent less for the car он не согласен уступить за машину ни цента
    12) take smb. on (in, across, over, etc.) smth. the blow took him on the nose (across the face, over the head, in the stomach, etc.) удар пришелся ему по носу и т.д.
    13) take smth. by smth. take a fortress (a place, a town, etc.) by force (by storm, by a ruse, by a clever manoeveur, etc.) захватить крепость и т.д. силой и т.д. || take smb. by surprise захватить кого-л. врасплох; take smb. in the act поймать /застать/ кого-л. на месте преступления
    14) take smth. from (off, out of) smth. take two from seven (one number from another, a sum out of one's income, etc.) вычесть два из семи и т.д.; this make-up took ten years off her age благодаря косметике она выглядит на десять лет моложе; they took it out of his pay они удержали это из его зарплаты; take 20 per cent off the price снизить цену на двадцать процентов; take a turn off the programme снять выступление /номер/, исключить выступление /номер/ из программы; take the dead leaves and branches off a plant обобрать сухие листья и ветви с растения; take the lid off the saucepan (a saucepan off the fire, etc.) снимать крышку с кастрюли и т.д.; take smb. off smth. take him off his work отстранять его от работы; take her off the assignment отобрать у нее это поручение; take them off the list вычеркнуть их из списка || take smth., smb. off smb.'s hands избавлять кого-л. от чего-л., кого-л.; I'll take it off your hands at t 10 я куплю это у вас за десять фунтов
    15) take smth. in smth. take the first prize in a competition (the highest mark in a subject, the first prize in Latin, first class honours in the tripos examination, etc.) получить первый приз на соревнованиях и т.д.; take the first place in a chess tournament занять первое место в шахматном турнире; take smth. at some place take one's degree at Oxford получать степень в Оксфорде; take i 100 at Ascot выиграть сто фунтов на скачках в Аскете
    16) || take a liking fancy/ to smth., smb. проникнуться добрыми чувствами к кому-л., чему-л.; he took a liking to this house (to this village, to a picture, etc.) ему понравился этот дом и т.д.; he took a liking to my sister ему приглянулась моя сестра; take a dislike to smb., smth. невзлюбить кого-л., что-л.; she took a dislike to me я ей не понравился; take an interest in smb., smth. заинтересоваться кем-л., чем-л.; take an interest in politics (in one's work, in one's neighbours, etc.) интересоваться политикой и т.д., проявлять интерес к политике и т.д.
    17) || take time over smth. не спешить делать что-л.; take one's time over the job не спеша выполнять работу; he took an hour over his dinner он обедал целый час
    19) take a certain size in smth. take tens in boots (sixes in gloves, etc.) носить десятый размер обуви и т.д.
    20) take smth. in (at) some place take one's meals in a hotel (at a restaurant, etc.) питаться в гостинице и т.д.; take the waters at a spa лечиться водами на курорте; take smth. with (in) smth. take cream with one's coffee (sugar in one's tea, etc.) пить кофе со сливками и т.д.; take smth. for smth. take an aspirin for a headache (some new medicine for one's liver, pills for insomnia, etc.) принимать аспирин от головной боли и т.д.; take smth. after (before, with) smth. take one tablet after each meal (a spoonful before dinner, a pill with milk, etc.) принимать по одной таблетке после каждой еды и т.д.
    21) take smth. to (at, for, etc.) smth. take tickets to the theatre (a box at the opera, seats for Hamlet, etc.) брать /покупать/ билеты в театр и т.д.
    22) take smb. in smth. take smb. in a new dress (in cap and gown, in a swim-suit, etc.) сфотографировать /снять/ кого-л. /, сделать чей-л. снимок/ в новом платье и т.д.; take smth. from smth. take a print from a negative отпечатать фотографию с негатива
    23) take smb., smth. for smb., smth. take you for someone else (him for an Englishman, the painting for a genuine Rembrandt, everything for truth, etc.) принимать вас за кого-то другого и т.д.; what do you take me for? за кого вы меня принимаете?; do you take me for a fool? вы что, меня дураком считаете?; take smb., smth. at (on) smth. they take the total population of the country at two and a half million они считают /полагают/, что население страны равно двум с половиной миллионам человек; I suppose we must take it at that я полагаю, мы должны поставить на этом точку; I take it on your say-so я соглашаюсь с этим, потому что вы так говорите /доверяю вам/
    24) take some subject's) in (at) smth. take as many subjects as possible in one's university days в студенческие годы изучать как можно больше дисциплин; she took four courses in her freshman year на первом курсе она изучала четыре предмета; she took French at school французский язык она изучала в школе; take smth. for (as) smth. I shall take this topic for my composition я возьму эту тему для сочинения; he took China as his subject oil выбрал Китай в качестве темы || take smth. in the examination сдавать экзамен по какому-л. предмету; take French in the exam держать экзамен по французскому языку
    25) take smb. in smth. take children in German давать детям уроки немецкого языка; take him in Latin заниматься с ним по латыни /латынью/
    26) take smth. during /at/ smth. take notes during /at/ a lecture вести конспект во время лекции, записывать лекцию; take smth. of smth. take notes of all he says (of all that passes, etc.) записывать все, что он говорит и т.д.; take minutes of the proceedings веста протокол заседания; take smth. on (in, by, from) smth. take a broadcast on tape (an film, etc.) записывать передачу на магнитную ленту и т.д.; take the minutes of a meeting in /by/ shorthand стенографировать протокол; take smth. from dictation писать что-л. под диктовку; take a letter from dictation писать письмо под диктовку
    27) take smth. from smth., smb. take its title from the name of the hero (a name from the place of battle, its name from the inventor, etc.) называться /получить название/ по имени героя и т.д.; take a passage from a book (a whole passage straight from Dickens, a quotation from his novel, etc.) взять отрывок из книги и т.д.; we take our numbers from the Arabs (our letters from the Romans, etc.) наша система цифр идет от /заимствована у/ арабов и т.д.
    28) take smb. in smth. the cold took me in the chest у меня [от простуды] заложило грудь
    29) take smth. to smth. take the next turning (road, street, etc.) to the left (to the right) свернуть налево (направо) у следующего поворота и т.д.; take the road to London (to the North, etc.) поехать по дороге [, ведущей] в Лондон и т.д.
    30) take smb. (in)to (through, across, etc.) some place take the man to the hospital (your friend to the station, the box to the hotel, her into the country, etc.) отправить /отвезти/ человека в больницу и т.д. ; they took him into a small room (into prison, into a cell, etc.) ere отвели или поместили в маленькую комнату и т.д.; the road (this path, the street, etc.) will take you to the river (to the village, through the centre of the town, etc.) эта дорога и т.д. приведет вас к реке и т.д.; the bus will take you into town (to London, etc.) этот автобус привезет /доставит/ вас в город и т.д.; only a tram will take you across the bridge через мост можно проехать только трамваем; take him over the house (the visitors round a museum, etc.) водить его по дому /показывать ему дом/ и т.д.; the work (business, etc.) took us to Paris эта работа и т.д. привела нас в Париж; take smb. into custody взять кого-л. под стражу; take smb. to smb. take a son to his mother отвести сына к матери; take smb. out of smth. take her out of the room выведите ее из комнаты; take him out of my way уберите его с моей дороги; take smth. from (out of, etc.) smth. take the case from court to court передавать дело из одного суда в другой; take the case out of court забрать дело из суда
    31) take smb. through smth. take the boy through a book (through the first two chapters, through his first job, etc.) помочь мальчику прочесть книгу и т.д.; take smb. through college помочь кому-л. [деньгами] окончить колледж; save enough money to take you through college скопить достаточную сумму [денег], чтобы заплатить за обучение в колледже
    32) aux || take pride in smth. гордиться чем-л.; take pride in his schoolwork (in one's appearance, in one's house and garden, etc.) гордиться своей работой или своими успехами в школе и т.д.; take credit for smth. приписывать себе /ставить себе в заслугу/ что-л.; he took credit for my work он приписал себе мои достижения; take offence at smth. обижаться /сердиться/ на что-л.; take offence at his remarks /at what he said/ сердиться на его замечания; take part in smth. принимать участие в чем-л.; take part in an enterprise (in the demonstration, in smb.'s sorrows, etc.) принимать участие в предприятии и т.д.; take pity on smb. пожалеть кого-л.; сжалиться над кем-л.; take pity on the poor man (on the losers, on the boy, etc.) пожалеть несчастного человека и т.д.; take notice of smb., smth. обратить внимание на кого-л., что-л.; don't take notice of him не обращайте на него внимания; take charge of smth., smb. принимать на себя ответственность за что-л., кого-л., take charge of the luggage (of the house, of the children, etc.) заняться багажом и т.д.; who is taking charge of the work while you are away? кто руководит работой в ваше отсутствие?; take care of smth., smb. (по)заботиться о чем-л., ком-л.; he will take care of that matter (of the account, etc.) он займется этим вопросом и т.д.; she will take саге of the baby она присмотрит за ребенком; take possession of smth. завладеть чем-л.; take hold of smth., smb. ухватиться за что-л., кого-л.; take hold of the rope (of the rail, of her arm, of the man, etc.) ухватиться за веревку и т.д.; take smb., smth. in hand взять кого-л., что-л. в руки; he took himself firmly in hand он взял себя в руки, он овладел собой; take smth., smb. into consideration /into account/ принимать что-л., кого-л. во внимание; take all these facts (the circumstances, her request, etc.) into consideration /into account/ принять во внимание /учесть/ все эти факты и т.д.; take it into one's head to do smth. (that...) coll. забрать себе в голову сделать что-л. (, что...)
    33) aux take smth. in (at, after, on, etc.) smth. take a seat in the rear сесть /занять место/ позади /сзади/; take a swing at the ball замахнуться для удара по мячу; take a nap after dinner вздремнуть после обеда; take an oath on smth. поклясться в чем-л. || take a glance round one бросить взгляд вокруг, оглядеться; take leave of smb. попрощаться с кем-л.

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > take13

См. также в других словарях:

  • take oneself off — WITHDRAW, retire, leave, exit, depart, go away, quit; informal clear off. → take …   Useful english dictionary

  • take — v. & n. v. (took; taken) 1 tr. lay hold of; get into one s hands. 2 tr. acquire, get possession of, capture, earn, or win. 3 tr. get the use of by purchase or formal agreement (take lodgings). 4 tr. (in a recipe) avail oneself of; use. 5 tr. use… …   Useful english dictionary

  • take — verb (past took; past participle taken) 1》 reach for and hold with one s hands. 2》 carry or bring with one; convey or guide.     ↘remove from a place.     ↘subtract. 3》 accept or receive.     ↘understand or accept as valid.     ↘submit to,… …   English new terms dictionary

  • take off — 1》 (of an aircraft or bird) become airborne.     ↘(of an enterprise) become successful. 2》 (also take oneself off) depart hastily. → take …   English new terms dictionary

  • take — v 1. acquire, secure, get, obtain, gain, procure, come by, Sl. cop; catch, seize, capture; hold, grasp, grip, clasp, embrace; garner, harvest, gather, glean; reach, attain, achieve, win; receive, accept, react or respond to; have, possess,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • take — [c]/teɪk / (say tayk) verb (took, taken, taking) –verb (t) 1. to get into one s hands or possession by force or artifice. 2. to seize, catch, or capture. 3. to grasp, grip or hold. 4. to get into one s hold, possession, control, etc., by one s… …  

  • take — [tāk] vt. took, taken, taking [ME taken < OE tacan < ON taka < ? IE base * dēg , to lay hold of] I to get possession of by force or skill; seize, grasp, catch, capture, win, etc. 1. to get by conquering; capture; seize 2. to trap, snare …   English World dictionary

  • take — ► VERB (past took; past part. taken) 1) lay hold of with one s hands; reach for and hold. 2) occupy (a place or position). 3) capture or gain possession of by force. 4) carry or bring with one; convey. 5) remove from a place. 6) …   English terms dictionary

  • take — [n] profit booty*, catch, catching, cut, gate, haul*, holding, part, proceeds, receipts, return, returns, revenue, share, takings, yield; concept 344 Ant. debt, loss take [v1] get; help oneself to abduct, accept, acquire, arrest, attain, capture …   New thesaurus

  • take on — [v1] assume, accept acquire, add, address oneself to, adopt, agree to do, annex, append, attempt, become, begin, come to have, commence, develop, embrace, employ, endeavor, engage, enlist, enroll, espouse, handle, have a go at*, hire, launch, put …   New thesaurus

  • shove off — informal shove off, you little creep! Syn: go away, get out (of my sight); get going, take oneself off, be off (with you), shoo; informal scram, make yourself scarce, be on your way, beat it, get lost, push off, buzz off, clear off, go (and) jump …   Thesaurus of popular words

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