1 consider
consider [kənˈsɪdər]a. ( = think about) examiner ; [+ question] réfléchir àb. ( = take into account) [+ facts] prendre en considération ; [+ person's feelings, cost, difficulties, dangers] tenir compte dec. ( = be of the opinion) considérer• to consider o.s. happy s'estimer heureux* * *[kən'sɪdə(r)] 1.transitive verb1) (give thought to, study) considérer [options, facts]; examiner [evidence, problem]; étudier [offer]2) ( take into account) prendre [quelque chose] en considération [risk, cost]; songer à [person]; faire attention à [person's feelings]3) ( envisage) envisager [course of action]to consider somebody/something as something — penser à quelqu'un/quelque chose comme quelque chose
4) ( regard)to consider that — considérer or estimer que
2.to consider somebody/something favourably — voir quelqu'un/quelque chose sous un jour favorable
intransitive verb réfléchir3.considered past participle adjective [answer, view] réfléchi4.to consider oneself (to be) a writer/genius — se prendre pour pej or se considérer comme un écrivain/génie
2 consider
A vtr1 (give thought to, study) considérer [alternatives, options, facts, proposal, question, beauty] ; examiner [case, evidence, letter, problem] ; étudier [offer] ; to consider how réfléchir à la façon dont ; to consider why examiner les raisons pour lesquelles ; to consider whether décider si ; consider this sachez que ; the jury is considering its verdict le jury délibère ;2 (take into account, bear in mind) prendre [qch] en considération [risk, cost, difficulty, matter] ; songer à [person] ; faire attention à [person's feelings, wishes] ; when you consider that quand on songe que ; all things considered tout compte fait ;3 (envisage, contemplate) envisager [course of action, purchase] ; to consider doing envisager de faire ; to consider sb for a role penser à qn pour un rôle ; she considered me for second prize elle a pensé à moi pour le deuxième prix ; to consider sb/sth as sth penser à qn/qch comme qch ;4 ( regard) I consider her (to be) a good teacher/choice je pense que c'est un bon professeur/choix ; to consider that considérer or estimer que ; I consider it my duty to warn him j'estime de mon devoir de le prévenir ; to consider sb/sth favourably voir qn/qch sous un jour favorable ; consider the matter closed considérez que l'affaire est close ; consider it done/forgotten/a deal tiens-le pour fait/oublié/affaire conclue.C considered pp adj [answer, view, manner] réfléchi ; it is my considered opinion that c'est ma conviction que ; in my considered opinion selon ma conviction. -
3 consider
consider [kən'sɪdə(r)]∎ I've always considered her (to be) a good friend je l'ai toujours considérée comme une bonne amie;∎ she considers it wrong to say such things elle pense qu'il est mauvais de dire de telles choses;∎ consider it done considérez cela comme fait;∎ consider yourself dismissed tenez-vous pour congédié;∎ I consider myself lucky je m'estime heureux;∎ I would consider it an honour je m'estimerais honoré;∎ I consider it my duty to… j'estime qu'il est de mon devoir de…;∎ we consider it likely that… nous estimons qu'il est probable que… + indicative∎ have you ever considered becoming an actress? avez-vous jamais songé à devenir actrice?;∎ have you considered (buying) a larger model? est-ce que vous avez envisagé d'acheter un modèle plus grand?;∎ he was considering whether to go out when… il se demandait s'il allait sortir quand…;∎ I'm willing to consider your offer je suis prêt à examiner votre proposition;∎ I'll consider it je verrai, je réfléchirai;∎ the jury retired to consider its verdict le jury se retira pour délibérer(c) (bear in mind → points, facts) prendre en considération; (→ costs, difficulties, dangers) tenir compte de;∎ we got off lightly, when you consider what might have happened nous nous en sommes bien tirés, quand on pense à ce qui aurait pu arriver;∎ all things considered tout bien considéré(d) (show regard for → feelings, wishes) tenir compte de;∎ he has a wife and family to consider il a une femme et une famille à prendre en considération;∎ she never considers anybody but herself elle ne fait jamais attention aux autres(e) (discuss → report, case) examiner, considérer;∎ she's being considered for the post of manager on pense à elle pour le poste de directeur(f) (contemplate → picture, scene) examiner, observerréfléchir;∎ I need time to consider j'ai besoin de temps pour réfléchir -
4 consider
CONSIDER, CONSIDER ASЗа глаголом consider в значении 'рассматривать (что-л.) в определенном плане' всегда следует as: to consider one's plan as having possibilities, to consider one's action as an effort to be helpful. С глаголом consider в значении 'считать, полагать, думать' as не употребляется: to consider the report adequate, to consider oneself clever.Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > consider
5 consider
consider [kənˊsɪdə] v1) рассма́тривать, обсужда́ть2) обду́мывать3) принима́ть во внима́ние, учи́тывать;all things considered приня́в всё во внима́ние
4) полага́ть, счита́ть;he is considered a rich man он счита́ется богачо́м
5) счита́ться с кем-л.; проявля́ть уваже́ние к кому-л.;to consider others счита́ться с други́ми
6 consider
consider g o idрассматривать)считать г)решатьconsider: считать -
7 consider
consider v erwägen, in Betracht ziehen; berücksichtigen, beachten; denken, finden, der Meinung sein -
8 consider
9 consider
10 consider
transitive verb1) (look at) betrachten; (think about)consider something — an etwas (Akk.) denken
2) (weigh merits of) denken an (+ Akk.)he's considering emigrating — er denkt daran, auszuwandern
3) (reflect) sich (Dat.) überlegen4) (regard as) halten fürI consider him [to be or as] a swindler — ich halte ihn für einen Betrüger
5) (allow for) berücksichtigenconsider other people's feelings — auf die Gefühle anderer Rücksicht nehmen
all things considered — alles in allem
* * *[kən'sidə]2) (to feel inclined towards: I'm considering leaving this job.) in Betracht ziehen3) (to take into account: You must consider other people's feelings.) Rücksicht nehmen auf4) (to regard as being: They consider him unfit for that job.) betrachten als•- academic.ru/15447/considerable">considerable- considerably* * *con·sid·er[kənˈsɪdəʳ, AM -ɚ]vt1. (contemplate)well, I'll consider it ich lasse es mir durch den Kopf gehento be \considered for a job für einen Job in Erwägung gezogen werden2. (look at)▪ to \consider sth etw bedenken [o berücksichtigen]you've got to \consider the time factor Sie dürfen den Zeitfaktor nicht aus dem Auge verlierenall things \considered alles in allem3. (regard as)▪ to \consider sb/sth [as [or to be]] sth jdn/etw für etw akk halten, jdn/etw als etw akk betrachtenI \consider it a compliment/an honour/an insult... ich betrachte es als Kompliment/Ehre/Beleidigung...\consider yourself at home fühlen Sie sich wie zu Hause\consider yourself sacked! betrachten Sie sich als entlassen!do you \consider her trustworthy? denkst du, man kann ihr vertrauen?to \consider sb a genius jdn für ein Genie halten▪ to be \considered [to be] sth als etw gelten▪ to \consider that... denken [o der Meinung sein], dass...* * *[kən'sɪdə(r)]vt1) (= reflect upon) plan, idea, offer sich (dat) überlegen, nachdenken über (+acc); possibilities sich (dat) überlegenI'll consider the matter — ich werde mir die Sache überlegen or durch den Kopf gehen lassen
2) (= have in mind) in Erwägung ziehenI'm considering going abroad — ich spiele mit dem Gedanken, ins Ausland zu gehen, ich erwäge einen Auslandsaufenthalt
he is being considered for the job — er wird für die Stelle in Erwägung or Betracht gezogen
3) (= entertain) in Betracht ziehenhe refused even to consider the possibility — er verwarf die Möglichkeit sofort, er weigerte sich, die Möglichkeit überhaupt in Betracht zu ziehen
I won't even consider the idea of... — der Gedanke, zu..., kommt für mich überhaupt nicht in Betracht
I won't even consider it! —
would you consider £500? — hielten Sie £ 500 für angemessen?
I'm sure he would never consider doing anything criminal — ich bin überzeugt, es käme ihm nie in den Sinn, etwas Kriminelles zu tun
4) (= think of) denken an (+acc)consider this case, for example — nehmen Sie zum Beispiel diesen Fall
consider how he must have felt —
consider how much you owe him — denken Sie daran or bedenken Sie, wie viel Sie ihm schulden
have you considered going by train? — haben Sie daran gedacht, mit dem Zug zu fahren?
5) (= take into account) denken an (+acc); cost, difficulties, dangers also, facts bedenken, berücksichtigen; person, feelings also Rücksicht nehmen auf (+acc)when one considers that... — wenn man bedenkt, dass...
to consider sb to be or as... — jdn als... betrachten, jdn für... halten
to consider oneself lucky/honoured — sich glücklich schätzen/geehrt fühlen
consider it (as) done! —
(you can) consider yourself sacked I consider it an honour — betrachten Sie sich als entlassen ich betrachte es als besondere Ehre
7) (= look at) (eingehend) betrachten* * *consider [kənˈsıdə(r)]A v/t1. nachdenken über (akk)2. betrachten oder ansehen als, halten für:be considered rich als reich gelten, für reich gehalten werden;you may consider yourself lucky du kannst von Glück sagen oder dich glücklich schätzen;consider yourself at home tun Sie so, als ob Sie zu Hause wären;consider yourself dismissed betrachten Sie sich als entlassen!3. sich etwas überlegen, ins Auge fassen, in Erwägung ziehen, erwägen:consider doing sth erwägen, etwas zu tun;4. berücksichtigen, in Betracht ziehen:all things considered alles in allem;5. Rücksicht nehmen auf (akk), denken an (akk):6. achten, respektieren7. finden, meinen, der Meinung sein, denken ( alle:that dass)8. (eingehend) betrachtenB v/i nachdenken, überlegen* * *transitive verb1) (look at) betrachten; (think about)consider something — an etwas (Akk.) denken
2) (weigh merits of) denken an (+ Akk.)he's considering emigrating — er denkt daran, auszuwandern
3) (reflect) sich (Dat.) überlegen4) (regard as) halten fürI consider him [to be or as] a swindler — ich halte ihn für einen Betrüger
5) (allow for) berücksichtigen* * *v.ansehen v.berücksichtigen v.erachten v.erwägen v.in Betracht ziehen ausdr.zustimmen v.überlegen v. -
11 consider
1. IIconsider in some manner consider carefully. before coming to a decision подумайте как следует, прежде чем принять решение; consider for some time he considered briefly он на мгновение /ненадолго/ задумался; let me consider a little дайте мне немного подумать2. III1) consider smth. consider the facts (a possibility, measures, ways and means, one's actions, an offer, a proposal, etc.) обдумывать факты и т. д., let us consider the matter давайте обсудим /рассмотрим/ это /этот вопрос/; I will consider it я подумаю об этом; the jury retired to consider its verdict присяжные удалились, чтобы обсудить [свое] решение /[свой] вердикт/2) consider smth. consider the expense (the difficulties, the danger, all the points in an argument, etc.) принимать во внимание /учитывать/ расходы и т. д., we must consider his youth мы должны принять во внимание /сделать скидку на/ его молодость3) consider smb., smth. consider others (the feelings of other people, your room-mates, the susceptibilities of these 'woolen, etc.) считаться с другими и т. д.3. IVconsider smth. in same manner consider the matter impartially (dispassionately, attentively, tentatively, fully, sympathetically, etc.) объективно и т. д. рассматривать вопрос; consider your answer carefully продумай как следует свой ответ4. Vconsider smb. smb., smth. consider him a clever man (the man a powerful speaker, her a real artist, the boy a fool, the fellow an ass, him a knave, etc.) считать его умным человеком и r. д.; consider smth. smth. consider teaching a rewarding occupation (writing a lucrative profession, etc.) считать преподавание благодарной работой и т. д., расценивать преподавание как стоящее дело и т. д.; I consider it my duty to tell you about it [я] считаю своим долгом рассказать вам об этом; I consider it a great honour to accompany you считаю для себя большой честью сопровождать вас5. VIconsider smb., smth. as being in some state consider smb., smth. hopeless (crazy, healthy, ill, etc.) считать кого-л., что-л. безнадежным и т. д; consider yourself lucky to have escaped alive ваше счастье /вам повезло/, что вы остались живы; consider smb., smth. as possessing some quality consider smb., smth. bad (adequate, dangerous, etc.) считать кого-л., что-л. плохим и т. д.; we considered her beautiful (lazy, etc.) мы считали ее красивой и т. д.';- it important (clever, necessary, etc.) считать это важным и т. д; do you consider it wise to interfere? вы полагаете, что вмешиваться разумно?;6. VIIconsider smb. to be smth. consider him to be a clever man (her to be a lucky girl, him to be wise, etc.) считать его умным человеком и т. д.; I consider him to be worthy of confidence я считаю /полагаю/, что он заслуживает доверия7. IXconsider smb., smth. done consider the time wasted (the matter closed, the problem solved, etc.) считать время потраченным зря/, что время ушло зря/ и т. д.; consider yourself dismissed а) считайте себя свободным, можете идти; б) считайте, что вы уволены8. XI1) be considered all things considered принимая во внимание все обстоятельства2) be considered smb. he is considered a rich man его считают богатым человеком; she is generally considered to be a very clever person (a very attractive girl, etc.) ее все считают очень умным человеком и т. д., be considered as being in some state he wishes to be considered conscientious and prudent он хочет, чтобы его считали добросовестным и благоразумным; he spoke about the measures considered [to be necessary to curb the epidemic он говорил о мерах, которые были признаны необходимыми для борьбы с эпидемией; be considered as possessing some quality by smb. he was considered intelligent by his chief начальник считал его умным3) be considered he is a man to be considered с этим человеком нельзя не /приходится/ считаться9. XIIIconsiderhow to do smth. consider how to get there (how to convince him, etc.) обдумывать /обсуждать, рассматривать вопрос о том/, как туда доехать /добраться/ и т. д.; consider what to do next (when to start, where to stay, etc.) обдумывать, что делать дальше и т. д.10. XIVconsider doing smth. consider telling her about it (arranging a party, taking part in the boat race, etc.) думать /подумывать/ о том, чтобы рассказать ей об этом и т. д., have you ever considered going by train? не собираешься /не думаешь/ ли ты поехать поездом?; we are considering going to the country мы подумываем о том, не уехать ли нам за город /на дачу/11. XVIIIconsider oneself in some state consider oneself under arrest считать себя под арестом; I always consider myself at home when I'm there там я чувствую себя как дома12. XXI1consider smth. for some time consider the matter for a few moments (for a day or two, for some time, etc.) обдумывать вопрос несколько минут и т. д.; consider smb. for smth. we are considering him for the post (for the job, etc.) мы обдумываем его кандидатуру на этот пост /эту должность/ и т. д; consider smth. from a certain point consider the problem from different standpoints (from his point of view, from a financial point of view, etc.) рассматривать проблему с разных точек зрения и т. д.; consider smth. in smth. he considered it in a different light он рассматривал это с другой точки зрения13. XXIV1consider smth. as smth. consider one's action as an effort to be helpful рассматривать свои действия в качестве попытки оказать помощь /быть полезным/; they considered my plan as a possibility они считали, что мой план вполне может быть осуществлен14. XXIV4consider smth. as done you may consider it as finished (your purse as lost, etc.) можешь считать, что дело кончено и т. д.15. XXV1) consider whether... (what..., etc.) consider whether it will be worth while (what might be done with the money, etc.) подумать о том, стоит ли это делать и т. д.2) consider that... consider that he is very young (that the boy has got little experience, etc.) принимать во внимание /учитывать/, что он очень молод и т. д.; when one considers that he is only 20 если учесть, что ему лишь двадцать лет3) consider that... consider that he is a clever man (that he is a fool, that he ought to do it, that you are not to blame, etc.) считать /полагать/, что он умный человек и т. д.; he considers that he has been badly treated он считает, что к нему плохо отнеслись /что с ним плохо обошлись, что с ним дурно поступили/ -
12 consider
kən'sidə1) (to think about (carefully): He considered their comments.) considerar2) (to feel inclined towards: I'm considering leaving this job.) considerar3) (to take into account: You must consider other people's feelings.) considerar, tener en cuenta4) (to regard as being: They consider him unfit for that job.) considerar•- considerably
consider vb considerartr[kən'sɪdəSMALLr/SMALL]1 (think about, examine, contemplate) considerar2 (regard as) considerar■ do you consider it likely? ¿crees que es posible?■ she is considered to be the finest soprano in the world está considerada la mejor soprano del mundo■ consider it done! ¡dalo por hecho!3 (take into account) tener en cuenta, considerar■ if you consider that... teniendo en cuenta que...\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLall things considered pensándolo bien, bien miradoit is my considered opinion that... después de pensarlo mucho, opino que...consider [kən'sɪdər] vt1) contemplate: considerar, pensar enwe'd considered attending: habíamos pensado en asistir2) : considerar, tener en cuentaconsider the consequences: considera las consecuencias3) judge, regard: considerar, estimarv.• considerar v.• enfocar v.• mirar v.• pesar v.• tener en cuenta v.• ver v.(§pres: veo, ves...) imp. ve-•)kən'sɪdər, kən'sɪdə(r)a) ( examine) \<\<advantages/offer\>\> considerarit is my considered opinion that... — lo he pensado mucho y considero or opino que...
b) ( contemplate) \<\<possibility\>\> considerar, plantearse, contemplarto consider + -ING: we're considering moving house estamos pensando en mudarnos; would you consider selling it if... ? — ¿le interesaría venderlo si... ?
c) ( take into account) tener* en cuenta, considerarall things considered, I think that... — bien considerado or bien mirado, creo que...
d) ( regard as) considerarthey consider themselves (to be) above such things — consideran que están por encima de ese tipo de cosas
what do you consider a lot of money? — ¿tú qué entiendes por mucho dinero?
it's considered to be the best of its class — está considerado como el mejor de su clase; see also considering
[kǝn'sɪdǝ(r)]VT1) (=think about) [+ problem, possibility] considerar, pensar enconsider how much you owe him — piensa en or considera lo que le debes
to consider doing sth: have you ever considered going by train? — ¿has pensado alguna vez (en) ir en tren?, ¿has considerado alguna vez ir en tren?
would you consider buying it? — ¿te interesa comprarlo?
I'm considering resigning — estoy pensando en dimitir, estoy considerando la posibilidad de dimitir
he is being considered for the post — lo están considerando para el puesto•
it is my considered opinion that... — después de haberlo pensado or considerado detenidamente, creo que...•
to consider one's position — euph (=consider resigning) pensar en dimitir, estudiar la conveniencia de dimitir•
he refused even to consider it — se negó a pensarlo or considerarlo siquiera•
I wouldn't consider it for a moment — yo ni me lo plantearía siquiera2) (=take into account) tomar or tener en cuentawhen one considers that... — cuando uno toma or tiene en cuenta que...
you must consider other people's feelings — hay que tomar or tener en cuenta los sentimientos de los demás
all things considered — pensándolo bien3) (=be of the opinion) considerarI consider that... — considero que...
4) (=regard as) considerar•
I consider the matter closed — para mí el tema está cerrado•
to consider o.s., I consider myself happy — me considero feliz•
to consider sb to be intelligent — considerar a algn inteligente•
he considers it a waste of time — lo considera una pérdida de tiempo•
consider yourself lucky! — ¡date por satisfecho!* * *[kən'sɪdər, kən'sɪdə(r)]a) ( examine) \<\<advantages/offer\>\> considerarit is my considered opinion that... — lo he pensado mucho y considero or opino que...
b) ( contemplate) \<\<possibility\>\> considerar, plantearse, contemplarto consider + -ING: we're considering moving house estamos pensando en mudarnos; would you consider selling it if... ? — ¿le interesaría venderlo si... ?
c) ( take into account) tener* en cuenta, considerarall things considered, I think that... — bien considerado or bien mirado, creo que...
d) ( regard as) considerarthey consider themselves (to be) above such things — consideran que están por encima de ese tipo de cosas
what do you consider a lot of money? — ¿tú qué entiendes por mucho dinero?
it's considered to be the best of its class — está considerado como el mejor de su clase; see also considering
13 consider
[kən'sɪdə(r)] 1.2) (take into accoun) prendere in considerazione [risk, cost, person]; tenere conto di [ person's feelings]all things considered — tutto sommato, in fin dei conti
3) (envisage)to consider doing — pensare o prendere in considerazione di fare
to consider sb. for a role — pensare a qcn. per un ruolo
to consider sb., sth. as sth. — considerare qcn., qcs. (come) qcs
4) (regard)2.to consider sb., sth. favourably — vedere qcn., qcs. favorevolmente
verbo intransitivo riflettere3.to consider oneself (to be) a writer, genius — considerarsi uno scrittore, un genio
* * *[kən'sidə]1) (to think about (carefully): He considered their comments.) prendere in considerazione2) (to feel inclined towards: I'm considering leaving this job.) considerare3) (to take into account: You must consider other people's feelings.) considerare4) (to regard as being: They consider him unfit for that job.) considerare•- considerably* * *[kən'sɪdə(r)] 1.2) (take into accoun) prendere in considerazione [risk, cost, person]; tenere conto di [ person's feelings]all things considered — tutto sommato, in fin dei conti
3) (envisage)to consider doing — pensare o prendere in considerazione di fare
to consider sb. for a role — pensare a qcn. per un ruolo
to consider sb., sth. as sth. — considerare qcn., qcs. (come) qcs
4) (regard)2.to consider sb., sth. favourably — vedere qcn., qcs. favorevolmente
verbo intransitivo riflettere3.to consider oneself (to be) a writer, genius — considerarsi uno scrittore, un genio
14 consider
[kənˈsɪdə]consider принимать во внимание, учитывать; all things considered приняв все во внимание considered: all things consider с учетом всех обстоятельств thing: as things go при сложившихся обстоятельствах; all things considered учитывая все (или все обстоятельства) consider обдумывать consider обсуждать consider полагать, считать; he is considered a rich man он считается богачом consider полагать consider предполагать consider принимать во внимание, учитывать; all things considered приняв все во внимание consider принимать во внимание consider считаться (с кем-л.) ; проявлять уважение (к кому-л.); to consider others считаться с другими consider проявлять уважение consider рассматривать, обсуждать consider рассматривать, обсуждать consider рассматривать consider судить по совокупности consider считать consider считаться consider учитывать consider считаться (с кем-л.) ; проявлять уважение (к кому-л.); to consider others считаться с другими consider полагать, считать; he is considered a rich man он считается богачом -
15 consider
------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] be considered[Swahili Word] -fikiriwa[Part of Speech] verb[Derived Word] fikiri v------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] consider[Swahili Word] -fanya akili[Part of Speech] verb[Related Words] -fanya------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] consider[Swahili Word] -aza[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] consider[Swahili Word] -chukulia[Part of Speech] verb[Class] applicative[Derived Language] Swahili[Derived Word] -chukua[Swahili Definition] kuamini kuwa[English Example] in some places this school is the first years of university education but in other states it is considered to be part of secondary school[Swahili Example] mahali pengine chuo huwa ni miaka ya mwanzo ya chuo kikuu walakini majimbo mengine hukichukulia kama sehemu ya elimu ya sekondari [Masomo 263]------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] consider[Swahili Word] -dhani[Part of Speech] verb[Derived Language] Arabic[Related Words] dhana, udhani[Swahili Definition] kufikiri[English Example] the fools of the world, consider color a stigma[Swahili Example] wajinga wa ulimwengu, rangi hudhani kashifa [Shaaban Robert, "Rangi Zetu" 3 iii]------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] consider[Swahili Word] -dhukuru[Part of Speech] verb[Derived Word] Arabic[Swahili Example] hata sijamdhukuru [Ya]------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] consider[Swahili Word] -fikiri[Part of Speech] verb[Derived Language] Arabic------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] consider[Swahili Word] -fikiria[Part of Speech] verb[Class] applicative[Derived Language] Swahili[Derived Word] -fikiri[English Example] this is a good time to consider new plans[Swahili Example] huu ni wakati mwema wa kufikiria mipango mipya [Nyota 1968]------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] consider[Swahili Word] -ghairi[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] consider[Swahili Word] -hesabia[Part of Speech] verb[Swahili Example] alihesabiwa kuwa ana hekima------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] consider[Swahili Word] -hesabu[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] consider[Swahili Word] -nia[Part of Speech] verb[Derived Language] Arabic[Related Words] ania, nuia, nuio, manuwio------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] consider[Swahili Word] -waza[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] consider carefully[Swahili Word] -tanabahi[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] consider carefully[Swahili Word] -kisi[Part of Speech] verb[Derived Language] Arabic[Related Words] kisio, makisi------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] consider critically[Swahili Word] -pima[Part of Speech] verb[English Example] I have weighed his words and found that they are untrue.[Swahili Example] nimeyapima maneno yake nimeyaona si kweli------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] consider something[Swahili Word] -wazia[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------ -
16 consider
con·sid·er [kənʼsɪdəʳ, Am -ɚ] vt1) ( contemplate)well, I'll consider it ich lasse es mir durch den Kopf gehen;to be \considered for a job für einen Job in Erwägung gezogen werden;2) ( look at)to \consider sb/ sth jdn/etw betrachten;( think of)to \consider sth/sb an etw/jdn denken;to \consider sth etw bedenken [o berücksichtigen];you've got to \consider the time factor Sie dürfen den Zeitfaktor nicht aus dem Auge verlieren;all things \considered alles in allem3) ( regard as)I \consider it a compliment/ an honour/an insult... ich betrachte es als Kompliment/Ehre/Beleidigung...;\consider yourself at home fühlen Sie sich wie zu Hause;\consider yourself sacked! betrachten Sie sich als entlassen!;do you \consider her trustworthy? denkst du, man kann ihr vertrauen?;to \consider sb a genius jdn für ein Genie halten;\consider it done schon erledigt! ( fam)to \consider oneself lucky that... sich akk glücklich schätzen können, dass...;to be \considered [to be] sth als etw gelten;to \consider that... denken [o der Meinung sein], dass... -
17 consider
рассматривать глагол:принимать во внимание (take into account, take into consideration, consider, appreciate, regard, count)счесть (consider, count)посчитаться (consider, reckoner) -
18 consider
1. v рассматривать, обсуждать; обдумывать2. v обдумывать3. v задумать, предполагать или намереваться; подумыватьto consider a job in the city — подумывать о работе в городе, собираться устроиться на работу в городе
4. v принимать во внимание, учитывать5. v полагать, считатьwe consider that you are not to blame — мы считаем, что вы не виноваты
6. v проявлять уважение; считатьсяto consider others — считаться с другими, проявлять к другим уважение
7. v юр. судить по совокупностиСинонимический ряд:1. contemplate (verb) cogitate; contemplate; entertain; excogitate; mind; perpend; ponder; study; think out; think over; weigh2. deal (verb) deal; take up; treat3. eye (verb) eye; gaze upon; look at; look upon4. heed (verb) bear in mind; heed; observe; take into account5. regard (verb) account; adjudge; appraise; believe; credit; deem; estimate; feel; gaze; hold; judge; look; opine; reckon; regard; sense; suppose; think; view6. respect (verb) admire; esteem; honor; honour; respect; value7. think about (verb) conceive; deliberate; discuss; figure; meditate; reflect on; think aboutАнтонимический ряд:despise; dismiss; disregard; forget; guess; hazard; ignore; neglect; pass -
19 consider
[kənʹsıdə] v1. рассматривать, обсуждать; обдумыватьto consider a request [a matter, a proposal, a question, a claim] - рассмотреть просьбу [дело, предложение, вопрос, претензию]
2. 1) обдумыватьto consider a job in the city - подумывать о работе в городе, собираться устроиться на работу в городе
an act no normal man would consider - поступок, который нормальному человеку и в голову не придёт (совершить)
3. принимать во внимание, учитывать4. полагать, считатьwe consider that you are not to blame - мы считаем, что вы не виноваты
consider yourself at home - чувствуйте себя /будьте/ как дома
5. проявлять уважение (к кому-л.); считаться (с кем-л.)to consider others - считаться с другими, проявлять к другим уважение
6. юр. судить по совокупности ( с ранее совершёнными преступлениями) -
20 consider
розглядати, брати до уваги, враховувати; обговорювати; судити за сукупністю- consider a complaint
- consider a verdict
- consider decision
- consider legally
- consider null and void
- consider others
- consider seriatim
См. также в других словарях:
consider — 1 Consider, study, contemplate, weigh, excogitate are comparable chiefly as transitive verbs meaning to fix the mind for a time on something in order to increase one s knowledge or understanding of it or to solve a problem involved in it.… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
consider — in the meaning ‘to regard as being’, occurs in three typical constructions, two that are accepted and a third that is disputed: (1) with a noun or adjective complement in apposition to the object: I consider them friends / I consider them… … Modern English usage
Consider — Con*sid er (k[o^]n*s[i^]d [ e]r), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Considered} (k[o^]n*s[i^]d [ e]rd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Considering}.] [F. consid[ e]rer, L. considerare, sideratum, to consider, view attentively, prob. fr. con + sidus, sideris, star,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
consider — [kən sid′ər] vt. [ME consideren < OFr considerer < L considerare, to look at closely, observe < com , with + sidus, a star: see SIDEREAL] 1. Archaic to look at carefully; examine 2. to think about in order to understand or decide; ponder … English World dictionary
Consider — Con*sid er, v. i. 1. To think seriously; to make examination; to reflect; to deliberate. [1913 Webster] We will consider of your suit. Shak. [1913 Webster] T were to consider too curiously, to consider so. Shak. [1913 Webster] She wished she had… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Consider — can refer to: Consider (MUD), a capability in some MUDs Consider magazine, a student run publication at the University of Michigan Consider This, an album by country music singer Aaron Pritchett Consider Phlebas, a science fiction novel by Iain M … Wikipedia
consider — I verb advert to, analyze, appraise, assess, be attentive, cerebrate, cogitate, confer, considerare, consult, contemplate, debate, deliberate, devote attention to, digest, evaluate, examine, expendere, gauge, heed, inspect, investigate, mark,… … Law dictionary
consider — late 14c., from O.Fr. considerer (13c.) reflect on, consider, study, from L. considerare to look at closely, observe, perhaps lit. to observe the stars, from com with (see COM (Cf. com )) + sidus (gen. sideris) constellation (see SIDEREAL (Cf … Etymology dictionary
consider — [v1] turn over in one’s mind acknowledge, allow for, assent to, chew over*, cogitate, concede, consult, contemplate, deal with, deliberate, dream of, envisage, examine, excogitate, favor, flirt with*, grant, inspect, keep in mind, look at,… … New thesaurus
consider — ► VERB 1) think carefully about. 2) believe or think. 3) take into account when making a judgement. 4) look attentively at. ORIGIN Latin considerare examine , perhaps from sidus star … English terms dictionary
consider — con|sid|er W1S1 [kənˈsıdə US ər] v ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(think about)¦ 2¦(opinion)¦ 3¦(people s feelings)¦ 4¦(important fact)¦ 5¦(discuss)¦ 6¦(look at)¦ 7 Consider it done ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date: 1300 1400; : Old French; Origin: considerer, from … Dictionary of contemporary English