1 receive
receive [rɪ'si:v]∎ to receive sth from sb recevoir qch de qn;∎ we received your letter on Monday nous avons reçu votre lettre ou votre lettre nous est parvenue lundi;∎ to receive a high salary recevoir ou toucher un salaire élevé;∎ Commerce received with thanks (on receipt) acquitté, pour acquit;∎ Law to receive damages obtenir ou recevoir des dommages-intérêts;∎ Law she received ten years elle a été condamnée à dix ans de réclusion;∎ Stock Exchange to receive a premium encaisser un premium∎ to receive treatment (for sth) se faire soigner (pour qch);∎ to receive injuries être blessé;∎ he has received dreadful/excellent treatment il a été traité d'une manière épouvantable/avec beaucoup d'égards;∎ she received injuries from which she has since died elle est morte des suites de ses blessures∎ to be cordially received (visitor etc) trouver un accueil chaleureux, être bien reçu;∎ the new movie was enthusiastically received le nouveau film a été accueilli avec enthousiasme;∎ their offer was not well received leur proposition n'a pas reçu un accueil favorable;∎ formal will Madam receive the doctor now? Madame recevra-t-elle le médecin maintenant?;∎ to be received into the Church être reçu ou admis dans le sein de l'Église(d) (signal, broadcast) recevoir, capter;∎ are you receiving me? (on radio) est-ce que vous me recevez?;∎ I'm receiving you loud and clear je vous reçois cinq sur cinq∎ to receive service recevoir le service∎ holes were drilled to receive the pegs des trous étaient percés pour recevoir les chevilles∎ to be accused of receiving être accusé de recel -
2 receive
A vtr1 ( get) recevoir [letter, money, award, advice, support, treatment, education, training] (from de) ; subir, essuyer [setback] ; ( wrongfully) receler [stolen goods] ; recevoir [bribe, illegal payment] ; he received a 30-year sentence Jur il a été condamné à 30 ans de prison ; ‘received with thanks’ Comm ‘pour acquit’ ; to receive its premiere [film] avoir sa première projection ; [composition] avoir sa première audition ; the bill will receive its first reading Pol le projet de loi sera examiné en première lecture ;2 ( meet) accueillir, recevoir [visitor, guest] ; recevoir [delegation, ambassador] ; recevoir, accueillir [proposal, article, play] (with avec) ; to be warmly received être chaleureusement accueilli ; to be well ou positively received être bien reçu ;5 Admin ( accept) accepter [application] ; ‘all contributions gratefully received’ ‘merci d'avance de vos dons’ ;6 US ( in baseball) réceptionner.B vi1 † sout [host] recevoir ;2 GB Jur être coupable de recel. -
3 receive
receive [rɪˊsi:v] v1) принима́ть;to receive stolen goods укрыва́ть кра́денное
2) получа́ть3) воспринима́ть4) вмеща́ть5) признава́ть пра́вильным, принима́ть6) принима́ть ( гостей) -
4 receive
5 receive
6 receive
receive [rɪˈsi:v]recevoir ; [+ stolen goods] receler• his suggestion was well/not well received sa suggestion a reçu un accueil favorable/défavorable• are you receiving me? me recevez-vous ?* * *[rɪ'siːv] 1.transitive verb1) ( get) recevoir [letter, money, treatment, education]; receler [stolen goods]he received a 30-year sentence — Law il a été condamné à 30 ans de prison
‘received with thanks’ — Commerce ‘pour acquit’
to be well ou positively received — être bien reçu
to be received into — être reçu or admis dans [church, order]
3) Radio, Television capter, recevoir2.received past participle adjective [ideas, opinions] reçu -
7 receive
receive v 1. GEN empfangen, erhalten; (infrml) kassieren (recognition); 2. S&M entgegennehmen (delivery) -
8 receive
English-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > receive
9 receive
receive v erhalten, bekommen, empfangenEnglish-German dictionary of Architecture and Construction > receive
10 receive
11 receive
transitive verb1) (get) erhalten; beziehen [Gehalt, Rente]; verliehen bekommen [akademischer Grad]‘payment received with thanks’ — "Betrag dankend erhalten"
she received a lot of attention/sympathy [from him] — es wurde ihr [von ihm] viel Aufmerksamkeit/Verständnis entgegengebracht
receive [fatal] injuries — [tödlich] verletzt werden
receive 30 days [imprisonment] — 30 Tage Gefängnis bekommen
receive the sacraments/holy communion — (Relig.) das Abendmahl/die heilige Kommunion empfangen
be convicted for receiving [stolen goods] — (Law) der Hehlerei überführt werden
3) (serve as receptacle for) aufnehmen4) (greet) reagieren auf (Akk.), aufnehmen [Angebot, Nachricht, Theaterstück, Roman]; empfangen [Person]5) (entertain) empfangen [Botschafter, Delegation, Nachbarn, Gast]6) (Radio, Telev.) empfangen [Sender, Signal]are you receiving me? — können Sie mich hören?
* * *[rə'si:v]1) (to get or be given: He received a letter; They received a good education.) erhalten2) (to have a formal meeting with: The Pope received the Queen in the Vatican.) empfangen3) (to allow to join something: He was received into the group.) aufnehmen4) (to greet, react to, in some way: The news was received in silence; The townspeople received the heroes with great cheers.) in Empfang nehmen5) (to accept (stolen goods) especially with the intention of reselling (them).) Hehlerei betreiben•- academic.ru/60662/receiver">receiver* * *re·ceive[rɪˈsi:v]I. vt1. (get)▪ to \receive sth etw erhalten [o bekommen]he \received his education at Eton and Oxford er wurde in Eton und Oxford ausgebildetthey \received a visit from the police die Polizei stattete ihnen einen Besuch abto \receive asylum/citizenship/a loan from sb Asyl/die Staatsbürgerschaft/einen Kredit von jdm [gewährt] bekommento \receive a clean bill of health eine gute Gesundheit attestiert bekommento \receive custody of one's children das Sorgerecht für seine Kinder zugesprochen bekommento \receive Communion die heilige Kommunion empfangento \receive the last rites die Letzte Ölung bekommento \receive a pay increase mehr Gehalt bekommento \receive a pension/a salary Rente/[ein] Gehalt beziehento \receive a rebuke/a tongue-lashing eine Abfuhr/eine Abreibung bekommen famto \receive a scolding ausgeschimpft werdento \receive a standing ovation stehende Ovationen erhaltento \receive recognition Anerkennung findento \receive treatment behandelt werden2. (be awarded)▪ to \receive sth etw erhalten [o [verliehen] bekommen]to \receive a degree einen akademischen Grad erhaltento \receive a knighthood in den Adelsstand erhoben werdento \receive a prize [or a reward] einen Preis [verliehen] bekommen, mit einem Preis ausgezeichnet werden3. (get in writing)to \receive authorization die Genehmigung erhaltento \receive one's orders seine Befehle erhaltento \receive an ultimatum ein Ultimatum gestellt bekommento \receive stolen goods Hehlerei mit Diebesgut betreibento be convicted of receiving stolen property der Hehlerei überführt werden5. RADIO, TV▪ to \receive sth etw empfangento \receive sb loud and clear jdn laut und deutlich hören6. (form)to \receive an idea eine Idee formulierento \receive an impression einen Eindruck gewinnen7. (consent to hear)to \receive sb's confession/an oath jdm die Beichte/einen Eid abnehmento \receive a petition ein Gesuch entgegennehmen8. (be receptacle for) etw auffangento \receive blood das Blut auffangen9. (suffer)▪ to \receive sth blow, shock etw erleiden10. (react to)▪ to \receive sth etw aufnehmenhis speech was well \received seine Rede wurde positiv aufgenommenher suggestions were coldly \receive ihre Vorschläge trafen auf Ablehnung11. (welcome)▪ to \receive sb jdn begrüßenthe returning soldiers were \received as heroes die zurückkehrenden Soldaten wurden als Helden gefeiert [o empfangen12. (admit to membership)to \receive sb into an organization jdn in eine Organisation aufnehmen▪ to \receive sb jdn unterbringen [o aufnehmen]▪ to \receive sth etw unterbringento \receive stock das Vieh unterbringen14.▶ to \receive [no] quarter [nicht] verschont werden* * *[rɪ'siːv]1. vt1) (= get) bekommen, erhalten; punch (ab)bekommen; refusal, setback erfahren; impression gewinnen, bekommen; recognition finden; (esp Brit JUR) stolen goods Hehlerei f (be)treiben mit; (TENNIS) ball, service zurückschlagen; sacrament empfangento receive nothing but praise —
he received nothing worse than a few bruises — er bekam nur ein paar blaue Flecke ab
"received with thanks" (Comm) — "dankend erhalten"
2) offer, proposal, news, new play etc, person (into group, the Church) aufnehmento receive a warm welcome —
given the welcome we received... — so, wie wir empfangen worden sind,...
the play was well received — das Stück wurde gut aufgenommen
2. vi1) (form) (Besuch) empfangen* * *receive [rıˈsiːv]A v/t1. einen Brief, Eindruck etc erhalten, bekommen, empfangen:receive attention Aufmerksamkeit finden oder auf sich ziehen;receive stolen goods Hehlerei treiben2. an-, entgegennehmen, in Empfang nehmen:receive sb’s confession jemandem die Beichte abnehmen3. Geld etc einnehmen, vereinnahmen5. eine Last etc tragen, einer Last etc standhalten6. fassen, aufnehmen:7. erleben, erfahren, erleiden:receive a refusal eine Ablehnung erfahren, abgelehnt werden8. einen Armbruch etc davontragen:9. jemanden bei sich aufnehmen10. eine Nachricht etc aufnehmen, reagieren auf (akk):how did he receive this offer?;his book was well received sein Buch kam gut an11. einen Besucher etc empfangen, begrüßen14. eine Doktrin etc (als gültig) anerkennenreceive sth as prophecy etwas als Prophezeiung auffassenB v/i1. nehmen2. (Besuch) empfangen3. besonders Br Hehlerei treiben4. a) REL das Abendmahl empfangenb) KATH kommunizieren* * *transitive verb1) (get) erhalten; beziehen [Gehalt, Rente]; verliehen bekommen [akademischer Grad]‘payment received with thanks’ — "Betrag dankend erhalten"
she received a lot of attention/sympathy [from him] — es wurde ihr [von ihm] viel Aufmerksamkeit/Verständnis entgegengebracht
receive [fatal] injuries — [tödlich] verletzt werden
receive 30 days [imprisonment] — 30 Tage Gefängnis bekommen
receive the sacraments/holy communion — (Relig.) das Abendmahl/die heilige Kommunion empfangen
2) (accept) entgegennehmen [Bukett, Lieferung]; (submit to) über sich (Akk.) ergehen lassenbe convicted for receiving [stolen goods] — (Law) der Hehlerei überführt werden
3) (serve as receptacle for) aufnehmen4) (greet) reagieren auf (Akk.), aufnehmen [Angebot, Nachricht, Theaterstück, Roman]; empfangen [Person]5) (entertain) empfangen [Botschafter, Delegation, Nachbarn, Gast]6) (Radio, Telev.) empfangen [Sender, Signal]* * *(administer) Holy Communion expr.das Abendmahl empfangen (reichen) ausdr. v.bekommen v.empfangen v.erhalten v.retten v. -
12 receive
отримувати; приймати, переховувати ( явно вкрадене майно або злочинця); давати агреман; зазнавати ( покарання)receive a share in estate upon his death — = receive a share in estate upon her death отримувати частку майна після смерті
- receive a cryptogramreceive a share in estate upon her death — = receive a share in estate upon his death
- receive a cryptograph
- receive a law degree
- receive a life sentence
- receive a merit pension
- receive a pardon
- receive a prison sentence
- receive a prison term
- receive a secret code name
- receive a sentence
- receive a service of process
- receive a special pension
- receive a term of imprisonment
- receive a tip
- receive a tip from an informer
- receive a two-thirds majority
- receive a verdict
- receive a wound
- receive an encrypted message
- receive an offender
- receive an offer
- receive an official reply
- receive at trial
- receive authority
- receive evidence
- receive fealty
- receive fees
- receive gifts
- receive guarantee
- receive in evidence
- receive in livery
- receive information
- receive into prison
- receive legal education
- receive oath
- receive one's just deserts
- receive one's law degree
- receive petition
- receive provocation
- receive punishment
- receive revisions
- receive sentence
- receive stolen goods
- receive telephone threats
- receive testimony
- receive the death penalty
- receive the letters of recall -
13 receive
re·ceive [rɪʼsi:v] vt1) ( get)to \receive sth etw erhalten [o bekommen];he \received his education at Eton and Oxford er wurde in Eton und Oxford ausgebildet;they \received a visit from the police die Polizei stattete ihnen einen Besuch ab;to \receive asylum/ citizenship/ a loan from sb Asyl/die Staatsbürgerschaft/einen Kredit von jdm [gewährt] bekommen;to \receive a clean bill of health eine gute Gesundheit attestiert bekommen;to \receive credit for sth für etw akk Anerkennung erhalten;to \receive custody of one's children das Sorgerecht für seine Kinder zugesprochen bekommen;to \receive Communion die heilige Kommunion empfangen;to \receive the last rites die Letzte Ölung bekommen;to \receive a pay increase mehr Gehalt bekommen;to \receive a pension/ a salary Rente/[ein] Gehalt beziehen;to \receive a scolding ausgeschimpft werden;to \receive a standing ovation stehende Ovationen erhalten;to \receive recognition Anerkennung finden;to \receive treatment behandelt werden;2) ( be awarded)to \receive sth etw erhalten [o [verliehen] bekommen];to \receive a degree einen akademischen Grad erhalten;to \receive a knighthood in den Adelsstand erhoben werden;to \receive a prize [or a reward] einen Preis [verliehen] bekommen, mit einem Preis ausgezeichnet werden3) ( get in writing)to \receive sth etw erhalten;( take delivery of) etw annehmen [o entgegennehmen];to \receive authorization die Genehmigung erhalten;to \receive clearance for sth die Freigabe für etw akk bekommen;to \receive official notification of sth offiziell über etw akk informiert werden;to \receive one's orders seine Befehle erhalten;to \receive an ultimatum ein Ultimatum gestellt bekommento \receive stolen goods Hehlerei mit Diebesgut betreiben;to be convicted of receiving stolen property der Hehlerei überführt werden5) radio, tvto \receive sth etw empfangen;to \receive sb loud and clear jdn laut und deutlich hören6) ( form)to \receive an idea eine Idee formulieren;to \receive an impression einen Eindruck gewinnen7) ( consent to hear)to \receive sb's confession/ an oath jdm die Beichte/einen Eid abnehmen;to \receive a petition ein Gesuch entgegennehmen8) ( be receptacle for) etw auffangen;to \receive blood das Blut auffangen9) ( suffer)to \receive sth blow, shock etw erleidento \receive sth etw aufnehmen;his speech was well \received seine Rede wurde positiv aufgenommen;her suggestions were coldly \receive ihre Vorschläge trafen auf Ablehnungto \receive sb jdn begrüßen;the returning soldiers were \received as heroes die zurückkehrenden Soldaten wurden als Helden gefeiert [o empfangen];to \receive sb into an organization jdn in eine Organisation aufnehmento \receive sb jdn unterbringen [o aufnehmen];to \receive sth etw unterbringen;to \receive stock das Vieh unterbringenPHRASES:PHRASES:it is more blessed to give than to \receive (to give than to \receive) geben ist seliger denn nehmen ( prov) -
14 receive
1. IIreceive at some time receive once a week принимать (гостей, друзей и т.п.) раз в неделю; Lady X is not receiving today сегодня леди X не принимает2. III1) receive smth. receive a note (a message, a telegram, news, a present, payment, a report, instructions, orders, etc.) получать записку и т.д.; wait until you receive the letter подождите, пока не получите письмо; she receives many invitations она получает много приглашений2) receive smth. receive a mortal wound (a blow, a black eye, an injury, etc.) получить смертельную рану и т.д.; he received a broken jaw (a broken arm, etc.) ему сломали челюсть и т.д.; receive a defeat (a disappointment, etc.) испытать поражение и т.д.; receive an insult (severe punishment, a severe beating, etc.) подвергаться оскорблению и т.д.3) receive smth. he received thirty days его осудили на /он получил/ тридцать суток; he received a heavy sentence ему вынесли суровый приговор; receivea pardon получить помилование; receive an honorary degree (an award, a bonus, etc.) получить почетную степень и т.д., удостоиться почетной степени и т.д.; he received the name of John его назвали /нарекли/ Джоном, ему дали имя Джон4) receive smb. receive visitors (boarders, one's neighbours, strangers, a fugitive, etc.) принимать посетителей и т.д., who is going to stay at home to receive the guests? кто останется дома, чтобы принимать гостей?; the king received the new ambassador король принял нового посла || receive smb.'s attentions принимать чьи-л. ухаживания5) receive smth. your letter (your request, the matter, etc.) will receive our [immediate] attention мы [немедленно] займемся вашим письмом и т.д.; this book hasn't received the attention it deserves эта книга не была оценена по заслугам3. IVreceive smth., smb. in some manner receive smb.'s work (smb.'s speech, a book, a proposal, the speaker, etc.) very warmly (kindly, well, favourably, courteously, coldly, etc.) очень тепло и т.д. принимать чью-л. работу и т.д.4. VIIreceive smth. to do smth. receive orders to march (instructions to go to India at once, etc.) получать приказ выступать и т.д.5. XI1) be received there was great excitement when the news was received было много волнений, когда было получено это известие; be received by smth. the announcement was received by telegraph извещение /сообщение/ было получено по телеграфу; be received at some time information has not yet been received of the exact date до сих пор еще не получены сведения о точной дате; applications must be received [at the office] not later than 1 p. m. December 31 заявления должны поступить [в контору] не позднее тринадцати часов тридцать первого декабря; be received of smb. receive d of Mr. Smith the sum of t 5 for house rent from the first of January to the first of April получено от мистера Смита 5 фунтов в качестве квартирной платы с первого января по первое апреля2) be received at some place she is no longer received in society в обществе ее больше не принимают; he shall not be received at my house в моем доме он не будет принят; be received in some manner he was received with cheers его встретили одобрительными /приветственными/ возгласами; the speaker was received coldly оратора встретили холодно; the speech was well received by the audience слушатели остались очень довольны этой речью; any suggestion will be thankfully received любой совет будет с благодарностью принят6. XVIreceive on some day receive on Monday afternoons (on Tuesdays, etc.) принимать (гостей, друзей и т.п.) в понедельник днем и т.д.7. XXI11) receive smth. from smb. receive a letter from one's wife (money from one's father, several books on art from one's friend, etc.) получать письмо от жены и т.д.; I received no sympathy from him я не нашел в нем сочувствия; receive smth. by smth. receive the information by telegraph (goods by the steamer, a parcel by post, etc.) получать сведения по телеграфу и т.д.; receive smth. in smth. receive the news in silence молча встретить эту новость2) receive smth. on smth. receive a heavy blow on the head получать сильный удар по голове; receive smth. in smth. he received a wound in the battle он был ранен в этом бою3) receive smb. in (to) smth. receive smb. into the party (into a group, into the church, etc.) принимать кого-л. в партию и т.д.; receive smb. into a hospital (a person into one's family as a son, a person in(to) one's house for the purpose of education, etc.) брать /принимать/ кого-л. в больницу и т.д.4) receive smb., smth. with smth. receive smb., smth. with joy (with great respect, with tumultuous applause, with cheers, etc.) принимать кого-л., что-л. с радостью и т.д.8. XXIV1receive smth. as smth. receive smth. as a present (as security, as a gift, etc.) принимать /рассматривать/ что-л. как подарок и т.д. -
15 receive
[rıʹsi:v] vI1. 1) получатьto receive a letter [a telegram, news, a gift, an invitation, a warning] - получить письмо [телеграмму, сообщение, подарок, приглашение, предупреждение]
to receive payment - фин. получить платёж
as received - тех. в состоянии поставки, не подвергнутый после получения (какой-л.) обработке
2) получить, приобрести2. подвергнуться; претерпевать, испытыватьto receive a mortal wound [a blow on the head] - получить смертельную рану [удар по голове]
to receive insults [abuse] - подвергаться оскорблениям [нападкам]
3. встретить, получитьto receive sympathy from smb. - найти /встретить/ в ком-л. сочувствие
she received much acclaim [attention] - она пользовалась большим успехом [вниманием]
the speaker was received coldly [with shouts of derision, with tumultuous applause] - оратор был встречен холодно [издевательскими выкриками, бурей аплодисментов]
how did she receive his offer? - как она встретила /приняла, восприняла/ его предложение?, как она отнеслась к его предложению?
your letter will receive our immediate attention - канц. мы немедленно займёмся вашим письмом
4. восприниматьto receive an impression [a stamp, a mark] - носить отпечаток [печать, мету]
to receive new ideas - воспринимать новые идеи; не отвергать новые представления
an infant merely receives impressions - младенец лишь воспринимает впечатления
I received the impression that... - у меня создалось впечатление, что...
the hot metal receives the stamp of the die - горячий металл обрабатывается давлением в штампах
5. вмещать; служить вместилищемvessel large enough to receive ten gallons - сосуд, который вмещает десять галлонов
a hole large enough to receive two men - яма, в которую могут влезть два человека
how much is his mind capable of receiving? - сколько может вместить /объять/ его ум?
6. редк. признавать, считать правильным, принимать на веруbeliefs and customs which are received by the whole world - верования и обычаи, признаваемые всем светом
II А1. принимать (гостей, посетителей)to receive a deputation - принять представителей /делегацию/
to be cordially received, to receive a (most) hearty welcome - встретить сердечный приём
to receive smb. with open arms - встретить кого-л. с распростёртыми объятиями
the President received the new ambassador yesterday - вчера президент принял нового посла
Lady X. is not receiving today - леди X. сегодня не принимает
the hotel is now open to receive guests - гостиница сейчас открыта для приезжих
2. (to, into, among) принять (в организацию и т. п.); допустить (куда-л., к чему-л.)to receive into the church - принять в христианскую веру /в лоно церкви/
to receive a station - разг. «поймать» станцию
to receive a call - принять сигнал или радиограмму
4. нести ( тяжесть)all four wheels receive the weight equally - вес падает равномерно на все четыре колеса
5. 1) подхватывать, схватывать (что-л. падающее, особ. сверху)3) принимать на себя (удар и т. п.); отражатьto receive an assault - воен. отражать атаку
he received the sword-point [the blow] with /on/ his shield - он отразил остриё шпаги [удар] щитом, он принял остриё шпаги [удар] на щит
6. юр. укрывать или скупать краденое7. юр. допускать, принимать во внимание (свидетельские показания и т. п.)8. дип. давать агреманto receive smb.'s confession - выслушать /церк. тж. принять/ чью-л. исповедь; исповедовать кого-л.
to receive smb.'s oath - привести кого-л. к присяге
10. церк. причащатьсяto be present at mass without receiving - быть на обедне, но не причащаться
16 receive
1. v получать2. v получить, приобрести3. v подвергнуться; претерпевать, испытывать4. v встретить, получить5. v восприниматьto receive new ideas — воспринимать новые идеи; не отвергать новые представления
6. v вмещать; служить вместилищемvessel large enough to receive ten gallons — сосуд, который вмещает десять галлонов
a hole large enough to receive two men — яма, в которую могут влезть два человека
7. v редк. признавать, считать правильным, принимать на веруbeliefs and customs which are received by the whole world — верования и обычаи, признаваемые всем светом
Синонимический ряд:1. accept (verb) accept; admit; take; take in2. get (verb) acquire; collect; come by; get; inherit; obtain; secure; take possession of3. greet (verb) accommodate; entertain; greet; host; invite in; let into one's home; make welcome; usher in; welcome4. undergo (verb) abide; be burdened with; bear; endure; experience; stand; suffer; undergoАнтонимический ряд:give; refuse -
17 receive
rə'si:v1) (to get or be given: He received a letter; They received a good education.) recibir2) (to have a formal meeting with: The Pope received the Queen in the Vatican.) recibir3) (to allow to join something: He was received into the group.) recibir, acoger4) (to greet, react to, in some way: The news was received in silence; The townspeople received the heroes with great cheers.) recibir, acoger5) (to accept (stolen goods) especially with the intention of reselling (them).) comerciar (con)•- receiverreceive vb recibirtr[rɪ'siːv]1 (gen) recibir2 (wound) sufrir3 (radio signal) recibir■ are you receiving me, Halifax? ¿me reciben, Halifax?4 (stolen goods) comerciar con1 (in tennis etc) estar al resto1 (welcome) recibir, acoger\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto be on the receiving end ser la víctima, ser quien le toca recibirto be well/badly received tener una buena/mala acogidareceived pronunciation pronunciación nombre femenino estándarreceived wisdom sabiduría popular1) get: recibirto receive a letter: recibir una cartato receive a blow: recibir un golpe2) welcome: acoger, recibirto receive guests: tener invitados3) : recibir, captar (señales de radio)v.• acoger v.• cobrar v.• comulgar v.• percibir v.• recibir v.• ser restador v.rɪ'siːv
1)a) \<\<letter/award/visit\>\> recibir; \<\<payment\>\> recibir, cobrar, percibir (frml); \<\<stolen goods\>\> comerciar con, reducir* (AmS); \<\<serve/ball\>\> recibir; \<\<injuries\>\> sufrir; \<\<blow\>\> recibirreceived with thanks the sum of... — recibí (conforme) la suma de...
to receive treatment — ser* tratado
b) ( react to) \<\<proposal/news/idea\>\> recibir, acoger*c) received past pReceived Pronunciation — pronunciación f estándar
2) (welcome, admit) (frml) recibir, acoger*to be received into the Church — ser* admitido en el seno de la Iglesia
3) (Rad, TV) \<\<signal\>\> recibir, captar
vito be on the receiving end of something — ser* el blanco or la víctima de algo
[rɪ'siːv]it is better o more blessed to give than to receive — más vale dar que recibir
1. VT1) (=get) [+ letter, gift, money, visit, salary, sacrament] recibir; [+ stolen goods] comerciar con; (Tennis) [+ ball, service] recibirall contributions will be gratefully received — todas las contribuciones que nos lleguen serán bien recibidas
I never received her message — nunca llegué a recibir su mensaje, nunca me llegó su mensaje
he received a wound in the leg — resultó herido en la pierna, sufrió una herida en la pierna
received with thanks — (Comm) recibí
he received hospital treatment for cuts to the face — fue tratado en el hospital de unos cortes que tenía en la cara
2) (=greet) [+ visitors] recibir; [+ guests] recibir, acoger; [+ publication, idea, performance] acogerto be well received — [book, idea] tener buena acogida
3) (=admit) [+ new member] admitir4) (Rad, TV) [+ transmission] recibirare you receiving me? — ¿me recibe?
2. VI1) (=get) recibir2) (Jur) (=buy and sell stolen goods) comerciar con artículos robados3) (Tennis) recibir4) frm (socially) recibir5) (Rad, TV) recibirwhisky two receiving! — ¡aquí whisky two, te recibo!
* * *[rɪ'siːv]
1)a) \<\<letter/award/visit\>\> recibir; \<\<payment\>\> recibir, cobrar, percibir (frml); \<\<stolen goods\>\> comerciar con, reducir* (AmS); \<\<serve/ball\>\> recibir; \<\<injuries\>\> sufrir; \<\<blow\>\> recibirreceived with thanks the sum of... — recibí (conforme) la suma de...
to receive treatment — ser* tratado
b) ( react to) \<\<proposal/news/idea\>\> recibir, acoger*c) received past pReceived Pronunciation — pronunciación f estándar
2) (welcome, admit) (frml) recibir, acoger*to be received into the Church — ser* admitido en el seno de la Iglesia
3) (Rad, TV) \<\<signal\>\> recibir, captar
vito be on the receiving end of something — ser* el blanco or la víctima de algo
it is better o more blessed to give than to receive — más vale dar que recibir
18 receive
[rɪˈsi:v]receive вмещать receive воспринимать receive давать агреман receive допускать receive получать, принимать receive получать receive признавать правильным, принимать receive принимать, укрывать заведомо похищенное имущество receive принимать (гостей) receive принимать; to receive stolen goods укрывать краденое receive принимать receive принимать во внимание receive принимать; to receive stolen goods укрывать краденое -
19 receive
------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] be received[Swahili Word] -pokewa[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] be received with rejoicings[Swahili Word] -shangiliwa[Part of Speech] verb[English Example] the victors were received with rejoicings[Swahili Example] Washindi walishangiliwa------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] be received with triumph[Swahili Word] -shangiliwa[Part of Speech] verb[Class] passive[English Example] as (s)he sang, and was being received with triumph and being congratulated by everybody[Swahili Example] akiimba, akishangiliwa na kupongezwa na kila mtu [Muk]------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] receive[Swahili Word] -kabidhi[Part of Speech] verb[Derived Word] mkabidhi, stakabadhi, takabadhi, ukabidhu[Swahili Example] kabidhi mali------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] receive[Swahili Word] -pata[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] receive[Swahili Word] -pokea[Part of Speech] verb[English Example] receive a letter.[Swahili Example] pokea barua------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] receive[Swahili Word] -takabadhi[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] receive[Swahili Word] -twaa[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] receive (with joy an enthusiasm)[Swahili Word] -shangalia[Part of Speech] verb[English Example] they received him/her with joy[Swahili Example] wamemshangalia.------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] receive (with joy and enthusiasm)[Swahili Word] -shangilia[Part of Speech] verb[English Example] they received him/her with joy[Swahili Example] wamemshangilia------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] receive back[Swahili Word] -rudishiwa[Part of Speech] verb[English Example] he received back his money[Swahili Example] Alirudishiwa pesa zake------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] receive guests[Swahili Word] -barizi[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] receive someone[Swahili Word] -sabahi[Part of Speech] verb[Derived Word] Arabic[English Example] President Clinton received President Yeltsin from Russia[Swahili Example] Rais Clinton alimsabahi Rais Yeltsin kutoka Russia------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] receive someone (in a friendly or ceremonial way)[Swahili Word] -laki[Part of Speech] verb[Derived Language] Arabic------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] receive someone hospitably[Swahili Word] -teremesha[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------ -
20 receive
1. получавам
2. приемам
to be RECEIVEd into приемат ме в
to RECEIVE someone's confession изслушвам изповедта на някого
3. укривам крадени вещи (и to RECEIVE stolen goods)
4. приемам, давам прием, срещам, посрещам (гости)
receiving line шпалир от посрещачи
5. съдържам, побирам
6. поемам, издържам, понасям (тежест), обект съм на, отстоявам, срещам, пресрещам (удар и пр.)
to RECEIVE a broken jaw разбивам си/разбиват ми челюстта
7. допускам, признавам, приемам, възприемам
8. църк. причестявам се
9. рад., телев. приемам, ловя, улавям
to be on the receiving end прен. на топа на устата съм, опирам пешкира* * *{ri'si:v} v 1. получавам; 2. приемам; to be received into приемат м* * *съдържам; срещам; укривам; посрещам; понасям; отстоявам; признавам; пресрещам; приемам; възприемам;* * *1. receiving line шпалир от посрещачи 2. to be on the receiving end прен. на топа на устата съм, опирам пешкира 3. to be received into приемат ме в 4. to receive a broken jaw разбивам си/разбиват ми челюстта 5. to receive someone's confession изслушвам изповедта на някого 6. допускам, признавам, приемам, възприемам 7. поемам, издържам, понасям (тежест), обект съм на, отстоявам, срещам, пресрещам (удар и пр.) 8. получавам 9. приемам 10. приемам, давам прием, срещам, посрещам (гости) 11. рад., телев. приемам, ловя, улавям 12. съдържам, побирам 13. укривам крадени вещи (и to receive stolen goods) 14. църк. причестявам се* * *receive[ri´si:v] v 1. получавам; to \receive sympathy from намирам (срещам) съчувствие у; to \receive stolen goods укривам крадени предмети; to \receive a broken arm счупвам си ръката; 2. приемам; to be \received into a party приемат ме в партия; to \receive s.o.'s confession изслушвам изповедта на някого; 3. приемам, давам прием; срещам, посрещам; 4. съдържам, побирам; 5. поемам, издържам, понасям; отстоявам, срещам, пресрещам (удар и пр.); to be on (at) the \receiveing end (of) обект съм (на нещо неприятно); 6. допускам, признавам, приемам, възприемам; 7. рел. причестявам се.
См. также в других словарях:
Receive — Re*ceive (r[ e]*s[=e]v ), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Received} (r[ e]*s[=e]vd ); p. pr. & vb. n. {Receiving}.] [OF. receveir, recevoir, F. recevoir, fr. L. recipere; pref. re re + capere to take, seize. See {Capable}, {Heave}, and cf. {Receipt},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
receive — receive, accept, admit, take can all mean to permit to come into one s possession, presence, group, mind, or substance. They are seldom interchangeable except within a narrow range and, even then, rarely without modification of the thought… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
receive — [ri sēv′] vt. received, receiving [ME receiven < Anglo Fr receivre < OFr < L recipere < re , back + capere, to take: see HAVE] 1. to take or get (something given, offered, sent, etc.); acquire or accept 2. to encounter; experience [to … English World dictionary
receive — I (acquire) verb accept, accipere, assume, be given, capere, catch, collect, come by, derive, draw, earn, gain, gather, get, inherit, make, obtain, pick up, pocket, procure, realize, reap, secure, seize, take, take in, take possession, win… … Law dictionary
Receive — Re*ceive (r[ e]*s[=e]v ), v. i. 1. To receive visitors; to be at home to receive calls; as, she receives on Tuesdays. [1913 Webster] 2. (Lawn Tennis) To return, or bat back, the ball when served; as, it is your turn to receive. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
receive — [v1] accept delivery of something accept, acquire, admit, apprehend, appropriate, arrogate, assume, be given, be informed, be in receipt of, be told, catch, collect, come by, come into, cop*, corral*, derive, draw, earn, gain, gather, get, get… … New thesaurus
receive — [engl.], empfangen … Universal-Lexikon
receive — (v.) c.1300, from O.N.Fr. receivre (O.Fr. recoivre), from L. recipere regain, take back, from re back (see RE (Cf. re )) + cipere, comb. form of capere to take (see CAPABLE (Cf. capable)). Radio and (later) television sense is attested from 19 … Etymology dictionary
receive — is a key word supporting the rule of spelling ‘i before e except after c’. See i before e … Modern English usage
receive — ► VERB 1) be given, presented with, or paid. 2) accept or take delivery of. 3) chiefly Brit. buy or accept (goods known to be stolen). 4) form (an idea or impression) from an experience. 5) detect or pick up (broadcast signals). 6) (in tennis and … English terms dictionary
receive — re|ceive W1S1 [rıˈsi:v] v [T] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(be given something)¦ 2¦(be sent something)¦ 3¦(treatment)¦ 4¦(reaction to something)¦ 5 be on/at the receiving end (of something) 6 receive an injury/blow 7¦(people)¦ 8¦(by radio)¦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date … Dictionary of contemporary English