1 stochastic optimization
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > stochastic optimization
2 stochastic optimization
Математика: стохастическая оптимизацияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > stochastic optimization
3 stochastic optimization
English-Russian scientific dictionary > stochastic optimization
4 stochastic optimization
The English-Russian dictionary on reliability and quality control > stochastic optimization
5 optimization
6 стохастическая оптимизация
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > стохастическая оптимизация
7 method
метод; процедура; способ- antithetic variate method - average ordinate method - average range method - binary search method - conjugate directions method - conjugate gradient method - control chart method - conventional milling method - correlation function method - decision function method - differential control method - Feynman diagram method - first approximation method - gradient projection method - iterative method - large sample method - large sieve method - least-squares regression method - less than fully efficient method - linearly implicit method - method of adjoint gradient - method of algebraic addition - method of alternating directions - method of balanced blocks - method of complex numbers - method of confidence intervals - method of conformal mappings - method of conjugate directions - method of conjugate gradients - method of cyclic descent - method of detached coefficients - method of disjunction of cases - method of divided differences - method of electrical images - method of elimination of quantifiers - method of empty ball - method of extreme values - method of false position - method of feasible directions - method of finite differences - method of first approximation - method of first entrance - method of fitting constants - method of fixed points - method of full enumeration - method of generating functions - method of geometric exhaustion - method of indefinite coefficients - method of infinite descent - method of interval bisection - method of least absolute values - method of least distance - method of least likelihood - method of maximum likelihood - method of means and standard deviations - method of medians and extreme values - method of minimal change - method of minimal variance - method of mirror reflections - method of moving frame - method of multiple comparison - method of orthogonal projections - method of paired associates - method of paired comparisons - method of phase integrals - method of projecting cones - method of proportional parts - method of rotating factors - method of semantic tableaux - method of separation of variables - method of simulaneous displacements - method of stationary phase - method of statistical differentials - method of statistical inference - method of steep variations - method of steepest ascent - method of stochastic approximation - method of straightforward iteration - method of successive displacements - method of successive divisions - method of successive elimination - method of transfinite induction - method of unweighted means - method of variable differences - method of variation of parameters - method of weighted residuals - optimum method - parallel tangents method - precision method - random walk method - recursive method - reduced gradient method - reflected wave method - relative method of measurement - sampling method by variables - statistical sampling method - steepest descent method - time average method -
8 operations research
сокр. OR мат., упр. исследование операций (совокупность математических, статистических и др. методов и моделей, используемых для подготовки количественно обоснованных рекомендаций по принятию управленческих решений; включает в себя математическое программирование и многокритериальную оптимизацию)See:optimization problem, mathematical programming, multicriterion optimization, dynamic programming, stochastic programming, deterministic programming, linear programming, nonlinear programming, quantitative method, management science school, quantitative models, operations research model, logistics, Operations Research, Institute for Operations Research and Management Science, International Federation of Operations Research Societies -
9 theory
ˈθɪərɪ сущ.
1) теория to advance, present, propose, suggest a theory ≈ предлагать, отстаивать теорию to advocate theory ≈ отстаивать теорию to combine theory and practice ≈ объединять теорию и практику to confirm a theory ≈ подтверждать теорию to develop a theory ≈ развивать теорию to disprove, explode, refute a theory ≈ опровергать, подрывать, разбивать теорию to formulate a theory ≈ формулировать теорию to test a theory ≈ проверять теорию pet theory ≈ излюбленная теория a theory evolves ≈ теория возникает, появляется a theory holds up ≈ теория подтверждается in theory ≈ в теории, теоретически In theory their plan makes sense. ≈ Теоретически их план имеет смысл. on a theory ≈ согласно теории They proceeded on the theory that the supplies would arrive on time. ≈ Они исходили из предположения, что припасы прибудут вовремя. She has a theory that drinking milk prevents colds. ≈ У нее была теория, что если будешь пить молоко, то не заболеешь. scientific theory game theory information theory political theory quantum theory systems theory big bang steady state theory theory of relativity numbers theory
2) разг. предположение теория;
- сoherent * последовательная теория - social-science theories социологические теории - general relativity * общая теория относительности - * of evolution теория эволюции - essays in * теоретические очерки - to formulate a * сформулировать теорию - to put forward a new * выдвинуть новую теорию - the theories that have sprung up in recent years теории, появившиеся в последние годы - the * of economic integration has made rapid strides теория экономической интеграции быстро развивалась (математика) раздел( математики), теория - game * туория игр - * of similarity теория подобия - the * of numbers теория чисел( разговорное) предположение, догадка;
особое мнение, взгляд - to have a * полагать - what's your * of the case? что вы думаете по этому поводу? - my * is that he is lying я думаю, что он лжет - my * has been amply born out моя точка зрения полностью подтвердилась теоретические правила, основы - the * of education теоретические основы воспитания без артикля: абстрактные, теоретические знания - * and practice теория и практика - in * в теории;
теоретически, абстрактно, отвлеченно - your plan is good in * вообще ваш план неплох applied decision ~ прикладная теория принятия решений automata ~ теория автоматов axiomatic ~ аксиоматическая теория communication ~ теория связи deterrence ~ теория устрашения expectation ~ теория вероятностей game ~ теория игр graph ~ теория графов theory разг. предположение;
to have a theory that... полагать, что... hemline ~ бирж. теория "длины дамских юбок" (шуточная теория о том, что цены акций движутся в одном направлении с длиной дамских юбок) information ~ теория информации intimidation ~ теория устрашения legal ~ правовая теория linear programming ~ теория линейного программирования liquidity preference ~ теория предпочтения ликвидности logic ~ матлогика logical ~ логическая теория nonlinearized ~ нелинейная теория ~ теория;
numbers theory теория чисел operations research ~ теория исследования операций optimal control ~ оптимальная теория управления optimization ~ теория оптимизации price ~ полит.эк. теория цен probabilistic decision ~ вероятностная теория принятия решений probability ~ теория вероятностей queueing ~ стат. теория массового обслуживания queueing ~ теория массового обслуживания representation ~ теория представлений sampling ~ теория выборочного метода theory разг. предположение;
to have a theory that... полагать, что... ~ теоретические основы ~ теоретические правила ~ теория;
numbers theory теория чисел ~ теория ~ of large samples теория больших выборок ~ of law теория права ~ of matrices теория матриц ~ of programming вчт. теория программирования ~ of queues стат. теория массового обслуживания ~ of random processes теория случайных процессов ~ of sets теория множеств ~ of statistical decision теория статистических решений ~ of stochastic processes теория случайных процессов ~ of testing hypothesis теория проверки гипотез ~ of time series теория временных рядов ~ of wages теория заработной платы ~ of waiting lines теория массового обслуживания ~ of weighted smoothing теория взвешенного сглаживания waiting line ~ стат. теория массового обслуживания -
10 algorithm
1) алгоритм2) правило; процедура; метод•- adaptive algorithm
- Agarval-Cooley algorithm
- aim algorithm
- annealing algorithm
- asymmetric encryption algorithm
- autoregressive algorithm
- backoff algorithm
- back propagation of error algorithm
- batch algorithm
- Bellman-Ford algorithm
- best cost path algorithm
- bisection algorithm
- branch and bound algorithm - CART algorithm
- channel algorithm
- channel routing algorithm
- Cholesky algorithm
- classification and regression tree algorithm
- clustering algorithm
- Cochran-Orcutt algorithm
- compression algorithm
- conjugate directions algorithm
- conjugate gradients algorithm
- constructive algorithm
- contour following algorithm
- control algorithm
- convolution algorithm
- Cooley-Tuckey algorithm
- cryptographic algorithm
- deflation compression algorithm
- differential synthesis algorithm
- Diffie-Hellman algorithm
- digital signal processing algorithm
- digital signature algorithm
- Dijkstra algorithm
- distance vector algorithm
- DSP algorithm
- dynamic programming algorithm
- edge-tracking algorithm
- evolutionary algorithm
- exact embedding algorithm
- expansion algorithm
- fast algorithm
- fast convolution Agarval-Cooley algorithm
- fixed-weight algorithm
- Ford-Fulkerson algorithm
- fundamental algorithm
- fuzzy algorithm
- general algorithm - greedy algorithm
- Gummel's algorithm
- hashing algorithm
- heuristic algorithm
- ID3 algorithm
- identification algorithm
- initialization algorithm
- integer algorithm - iterative dichotomizer 3 algorithm
- k-means algorithm
- learning algorithm
- least frequently used algorithm
- least recently used algorithm
- Lee-Moore algorithm
- Lee algorithm
- Lee-type algorithm
- Lempel-Ziv algorithm
- Lempel-Ziv-Welch algorithm
- Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
- LFU algorithm
- line-probe algorithm
- link state algorithm
- LU decomposition algorithm
- LZ algorithm
- LZW algorithm
- MacQueen's k-means algorithm
- McCulloch-Pitts algorithm
- memetic algorithm - min-cut algorithm - nested algorithm
- numerical algorithm
- Oja iterative algorithm
- on-line algorithm
- optimization algorithm
- ordering algorithm
- painter's algorithm
- parallel algorithm
- pattern classification algorithm
- pattern recognition algorithm
- pel-recursive estimation algorithm
- placement algorithm
- planning algorithm
- polynomial algorithm
- predictive algorithm
- preemptive algorithm
- Prim algorithm
- production rule based algorithm
- pruning algorithm
- pseudo least recently used algorithm
- quantum search algorithm
- quick-union algorithm
- quick-union algorithm with path compression
- Q-R-algorithm
- radix sorting algorithm
- randomized algorithm
- rank algorithm
- Read-Solomon cyclic redundancy compression algorithm
- recognition algorithm
- recurrent algorithm
- recursive algorithm
- resilient propagation algorithm - routing algorithm
- Rprop algorithm
- RSA algorithm
- scheduling algorithm
- search algorithm
- search network algorithm - self-organizing algorithm
- semi-numerical algorithm
- sequential algorithm - shortest path algorithm
- sieving algorithm
- simulated annealing training algorithm
- simulation algorithm
- smoothing algorithm
- software algorithm
- spanning tree algorithm
- spline algorithm
- splitting algorithm
- stack algorithm
- statistical algorithm
- stochastic algorithm
- supervised training algorithm
- symmetric encryption algorithm
- time-wheel algorithm
- training algorithm
- universal algorithm
- unsupervised training algorithm
- van der Waerden algorithm
- variational algorithm
- vector distance algorithm
- Viterbi algorithm
- VLSI algorithm
- weighted quick-union algorithm
- working algorithm -
11 algorithm
1) алгоритм2) правило; процедура; метод•- Agarval-Cooley algorithm
- aim algorithm
- algorithm of doubtful convergence
- annealing algorithm
- asymmetric encryption algorithm
- autoregressive algorithm
- back propagation of error algorithm
- backoff algorithm
- batch algorithm
- Bellman-Ford algorithm
- best cost path algorithm
- bisection algorithm
- branch and bound algorithm
- British Telecom Lempel-Ziv algorithm
- BTLZ algorithm
- CART algorithm
- channel algorithm
- channel routing algorithm
- Cholesky algorithm
- classification and regression tree algorithm
- clustering algorithm
- Cochran-Orcutt algorithm
- compression algorithm
- conjugate directions algorithm
- conjugate gradients algorithm
- constructive algorithm
- contour following algorithm
- control algorithm
- convolution algorithm
- Cooley-Tuckey algorithm
- cryptographic algorithm
- deflation compression algorithm
- differential synthesis algorithm
- Diffie-Hellman algorithm
- digital signal processing algorithm
- digital signature algorithm
- Dijkstra algorithm
- distance vector algorithm
- DSP algorithm
- dynamic programming algorithm
- edge-tracking algorithm
- evolutionary algorithm
- exact embedding algorithm
- expansion algorithm
- fast algorithm
- fast convolution Agarval-Cooley algorithm
- fixed-weight algorithm
- Ford-Fulkerson algorithm
- fundamental algorithm
- fuzzy algorithm
- general algorithm
- genetic algorithm
- graph search algorithm
- greedy algorithm
- Gummel's algorithm
- hashing algorithm
- heuristic algorithm
- ID3 algorithm
- identification algorithm
- initialization algorithm
- integer algorithm
- international data encryption algorithm
- iterative algorithm
- iterative dichotomizer 3 algorithm
- k-means algorithm
- learning algorithm
- least frequently used algorithm
- least recently used algorithm
- Lee-algorithm
- Lee-Moore algorithm
- Lee-type algorithm
- Lempel-Ziv algorithm
- Lempel-Ziv-Welch algorithm
- Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
- LFU algorithm
- line-probe algorithm
- link state algorithm
- LU decomposition algorithm
- LZ algorithm
- LZW algorithm
- MacQueen's k-means algorithm
- McCulloch-Pitts algorithm
- memetic algorithm
- message authentication algorithm
- metaheuristic algorithm
- min-cut algorithm
- modified Gram-Schmidt algorithm
- Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm
- nested algorithm
- numerical algorithm
- Oja iterative algorithm
- on-line algorithm
- optimization algorithm
- ordering algorithm
- painter's algorithm
- parallel algorithm
- pattern classification algorithm
- pattern recognition algorithm
- pel-recursive estimation algorithm
- placement algorithm
- planning algorithm
- polynomial algorithm
- predictive algorithm
- preemptive algorithm
- Prim algorithm
- production rule based algorithm
- pruning algorithm
- pseudo least recently used algorithm
- Q-R-algorithm
- quantum search algorithm
- quick-union algorithm with path compression
- quick-union algorithm
- radix sorting algorithm
- randomized algorithm
- rank algorithm
- Read-Solomon cyclic redundancy compression algorithm
- recognition algorithm
- recurrent algorithm
- recursive algorithm
- resilient propagation algorithm
- Rivest-Shamir-Adleman algorithm
- robust algorithm
- routing algorithm
- RProp algorithm
- RSA algorithm
- scheduling algorithm
- search algorithm
- search network algorithm
- secure hash algorithm
- selective-trace algorithm
- self-organizing algorithm
- semi-numerical algorithm
- sequential algorithm
- sequential leader clustering algorithm
- serial algorithm
- shortest path algorithm
- sieving algorithm
- simulated annealing training algorithm
- simulation algorithm
- smoothing algorithm
- software algorithm
- spanning tree algorithm
- spline algorithm
- splitting algorithm
- stack algorithm
- statistical algorithm
- stochastic algorithm
- supervised training algorithm
- symmetric encryption algorithm
- time-wheel algorithm
- training algorithm
- universal algorithm
- unsupervised training algorithm
- van der Waerden algorithm
- variational algorithm
- vector distance algorithm
- Viterbi algorithm
- VLSI algorithm
- weighted quick-union algorithm
- working algorithmThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > algorithm
12 technique
1) техника (совокупность приёмов); методика; метод, способ; процедура2) технология -
13 algorithm
= ALG II1) алгоритмматематическая функция или конечный чёткий набор описаний логической последовательности действий (правил, инструкций), необходимых для того, чтобы компьютер или интеллектуальное устройство выполнили за конечное время некоторую задачу, например, сжатие изображения, выбор оптимального маршрута пересылки пакета или шифрование данных. Алгоритм может быть описан блок-схемой. Термин происходит от имени древнеперсидского математика Мухаммеда ибн Муса аль Харезми, написавшего трактат, посвящённый алгоритмическому методу. Алгоритмы могут быть детерминированными (deterministic algorithm) или стохастическими (вероятностными) (stochastic algorithm). Детерминированный алгоритм для одинаковых наборов исходных (входных) данных даёт одинаковый результат.см. тж. algorithm design, algorithm validation, algorithmics, approximation algorithm, asymmetric algorithm, authentication algorithm, compression algorithm, computational algorithm, control algorithm, convolution algorithm, CRC algorithm, cryptoalgorithm, data-parallel algorithm, encryption algorithm, evolutionary algorithm, finite difference algorithm, flowchart, genetic algorithm, graphics algorithm, hashing algorithm, learning algorithm, matrix algorithm, Monte Carlo algorithm, Nagle algorithm, optimization algorithm, ordering algorithm, parallel algorithm, public-key algorithm, routing algorithm, scheduling algorithm, search algorithm, sequential algorithm, sort algorithm, theory of algorithms"The most fundamental concept in programming is the algorithm - a set of instructions for doing something" (Steve Lohr). — Наиболее фундаментальной концепцией в программировании является алгоритм - набор инструкций для достижения необходимого результата
2) метод, правилоАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > algorithm
14 control
1) управление; регулирование || управлять; регулировать2) контроль; проверка || контролировать; проверять3) регулировка, настройка4) орган управления; регулировочный орган6) руководство; власть•to be out of control — метал. не попадать в анализ
to regain control — восстанавливать [получать] управление
to take control — брать управление на себя; брать руководство в свои руки
15 scheme
1) схема || составлять схему2) план; замысел || планировать, замышлять•- composite sampling scheme - decisive scheme - double sampling scheme - singly connected scheme -
16 technique
17 theory
[ˈθɪərɪ]applied decision theory прикладная теория принятия решений automata theory теория автоматов axiomatic theory аксиоматическая теория communication theory теория связи deterrence theory теория устрашения expectation theory теория вероятностей game theory теория игр graph theory теория графов theory разг. предположение; to have a theory that... полагать, что... hemline theory бирж. теория "длины дамских юбок" (шуточная теория о том, что цены акций движутся в одном направлении с длиной дамских юбок) information theory теория информации intimidation theory теория устрашения legal theory правовая теория linear programming theory теория линейного программирования liquidity preference theory теория предпочтения ликвидности logic theory матлогика logical theory логическая теория nonlinearized theory нелинейная теория theory теория; numbers theory теория чисел operations research theory теория исследования операций optimal control theory оптимальная теория управления optimization theory теория оптимизации price theory полит.эк. теория цен probabilistic decision theory вероятностная теория принятия решений probability theory теория вероятностей queueing theory стат. теория массового обслуживания queueing theory теория массового обслуживания representation theory теория представлений sampling theory теория выборочного метода theory разг. предположение; to have a theory that... полагать, что... theory теоретические основы theory теоретические правила theory теория; numbers theory теория чисел theory теория theory of large samples теория больших выборок theory of law теория права theory of matrices теория матриц theory of programming вчт. теория программирования theory of queues стат. теория массового обслуживания theory of random processes теория случайных процессов theory of sets теория множеств theory of statistical decision теория статистических решений theory of stochastic processes теория случайных процессов theory of testing hypothesis теория проверки гипотез theory of time series теория временных рядов theory of wages теория заработной платы theory of waiting lines теория массового обслуживания theory of weighted smoothing теория взвешенного сглаживания waiting line theory стат. теория массового обслуживания
См. также в других словарях:
Stochastic optimization — (SO) methods are optimization algorithms which incorporate probabilistic (random) elements, either in the problem data (the objective function, the constraints, etc.), or in the algorithm itself (through random parameter values, random choices,… … Wikipedia
Stochastic approximation — methods are a family of iterative stochastic optimization algorithms that attempt to find zeroes or extrema of functions which cannot be computed directly, but only estimated via noisy observations. The first, and prototypical, algorithms of this … Wikipedia
Stochastic — (from the Greek Στόχος for aim or guess ) means random.A stochastic process is one whose behavior is non deterministic in that a state s next state is determined both by the process s predictable actions and by a random element. Stochastic crafts … Wikipedia
Stochastic programming — is a framework for modeling optimization problems that involve uncertainty. Whereas deterministic optimization problems are formulated with known parameters, real world problems almost invariably include some unknown parameters. When the… … Wikipedia
Stochastic Diffusion Search — (SDS), was first described in 1989 as a population based, pattern matching algorithm [Bishop, 1989] . It belongs to a family of Swarm Intelligence and naturally inspired search and optimisation algorithms which includes Ant Colony Optimization,… … Wikipedia
Stochastic gradient descent — is a general optimization algorithm, but is typically used to fit the parameters of a machine learning model.In standard (or batch ) gradient descent, the true gradient is used to update the parameters of the model. The true gradient is usually… … Wikipedia
Stochastic tunneling — (STUN) is an approach to global optimization based on the Monte Carlo method sampling of the function to be minimized. Idea Monte Carlo method based optimization techniques sample the objective function by randomly hopping from the current… … Wikipedia
Stochastic neural network — Stochastic neural networks are a type of artificial neural networks, which is a tool of artificial intelligence. They are built by introducing random variations into the network, either by giving the network s neurons stochastic transfer… … Wikipedia
Optimization (mathematics) — In mathematics, the term optimization, or mathematical programming, refers to the study of problems in which one seeks to minimize or maximize a real function by systematically choosing the values of real or integer variables from within an… … Wikipedia
optimization — /op teuh meuh zay sheuhn/ 1. the fact of optimizing; making the best of anything. 2. the condition of being optimized. 3. Math. a mathematical technique for finding a maximum or minimum value of a function of several variables subject to a set of … Universalium
Mathematical optimization — For other uses, see Optimization (disambiguation). The maximum of a paraboloid (red dot) In mathematics, computational science, or management science, mathematical optimization (alternatively, optimization or mathematical programming) refers to… … Wikipedia