1 romp
1. verb1) (to play in a lively way, especially by running about, jumping etc: The children and their dog were romping about on the grass.) jugar ruidosa y entusiasmadamente, divertirse jugando2) (to progress quickly and easily: Some people find these problems difficult but he just romps through them.) realizar sin dificultad
2. noun(the act of romping: The children had a romp in the grass.) retozotr[rɒmp]1 jugar, retozar1 jugueteoromp ['rɑmp] vifrolic: retozar, jugetearromp n: retozo mn.• retozo s.m.• trisca s.f.v.• corretear v.• juguetear v.• retozar v.• triscar v.
I rɑːmp, rɒmpa) ( frolic) retozo mb) ( sexual) revolcón m (fam)c) (play, film, novel) (journ) obra divertida y sin pretensionesd) ( easy race to win) carrera f fácil
a) ( frolic) retozar*b) ( move boisterously) correr alegrementec) ( move with ease) (+ adv compl)[rɒmp]he romped home — ganó sin dificultades, barrió (fam)
1.N retozo m- have a romp in the hay2.VI retozar; [lambs etc] brincar, correr alegrementeto romp home — (=win easily) ganar fácilmente
* * *
I [rɑːmp, rɒmp]a) ( frolic) retozo mb) ( sexual) revolcón m (fam)c) (play, film, novel) (journ) obra divertida y sin pretensionesd) ( easy race to win) carrera f fácil
a) ( frolic) retozar*b) ( move boisterously) correr alegrementec) ( move with ease) (+ adv compl)he romped home — ganó sin dificultades, barrió (fam)
2 romp
s.1 retozo, jugueteo.2 niño travieso.v.retozar, juguetear, cabriolar.(pt & pp romped) -
3 to have a romp in the hay
* darse un revolcón en el pajar or en la hierba * -
4 sexual
adjective (concerned with the production of young or children: the sexual organs.) sexualsexual adj sexual
sexual adjetivo ‹relaciones/órganos/comportamiento› sexual; ‹educación/vida› sex ( before n)
sexual adjetivo sexual
acoso/discriminación sexual, sexual harassment/discrimination
vida sexual, sex life ' sexual' also found in these entries: Spanish: abuso - acoso - acto - cohabitación - continencia - depravada - depravado - deseo - eros - ETS - excitación - provocar - sadismo - salpicar - sexo - tocamiento - violación - violador - amor - chingar - excitar - fácil - inclinación - maniaco - propasarse - pudor - relación - seducir - seductor English: climax - drive - hanky-panky - harassment - mate - outrage - pervert - sex crime - sex education - sex offender - sex-appeal - sex-crazed - sex-mad - sexlife - sexual - sexual assault - sexual harrassment - sexual intercourse - sexually - straight - vibrator - abuse - assault - intercourse - lust - overture - pass - potency - rape - relation - romp - sex - spicy - urgetr['seksjʊəl]1 sexual\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLsexual abuse abusos deshonestossexual discrimination discriminación nombre femenino sexualsexual harassment acoso sexualsexual intercourse relaciones nombre femenino plural sexualessexual ['sɛkʃʊəl] adj: sexual♦ sexually advadj.• sexual adj.'sekʃuəladjective sexualsexual abuse — abusos mpl deshonestos; ( rape) violación f
sexual harassment — acoso m or hostigamiento m sexual
sexual intercourse — relaciones fpl sexuales
['seksjʊǝl]sexual orientation — orientación f sexual
1.ADJ sexual2.CPDsexual abuse N — abuso m sexual
sexual assault N — atentado m contra el pudor
sexual discrimination N — discriminación f a base de sexo
sexual equality N — igualdad f entre los sexos
sexual harassment N — acoso m sexual
sexual intercourse N — relaciones fpl sexuales
sexual orientation N — orientación f sexual
sexual partner N — pareja f sexual
sexual politics NPL — política fsing sexual
sexual preference N — preferencia f sexual
sexual stereotyping N — categorización f en estereotipos sexuales
* * *['sekʃuəl]adjective sexualsexual abuse — abusos mpl deshonestos; ( rape) violación f
sexual harassment — acoso m or hostigamiento m sexual
sexual intercourse — relaciones fpl sexuales
sexual orientation — orientación f sexual
5 jugueteo
Del verbo juguetear: ( conjugate juguetear) \ \
jugueteo es: \ \1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo
jugueteó es: \ \3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativoMultiple Entries: juguetear jugueteo
juguetear ( conjugate juguetear) verbo intransitivo to play
juguetear verbo intransitivo to play, frolic: había dos gatitos jugueteando en le jardín, there were two kittens frolicking in the garden
jugueteo sustantivo masculino playing, fiddling: el jugueteo con las llaves la ha despertado, the jangling of the keys they were playing with woke her up ' jugueteo' also found in these entries: English: romp -
6 retozar
retozar verbo intransitivo
1 (jugar alegremente) to frolic, gambol: los niños retozan en el jardín, the children are frolicking in the yard
2 (juguetear amorosamente una pareja) Juan y María retozaban en el parque, Juan and María smooched in the park ' retozar' also found in these entries: English: cavort - frolic - rollick - gambol - romp -
7 revolcón
8 romping
s.jugueteo.ger.gerundio del verbo: ROMP
См. также в других словарях:
romp´er — romp «romp», verb, noun. –v.i. 1. to play in a rough, boisterous way; rush, tumble, and punch in play: »boys and girls romping together and running after one another (Samuel Butler). 2. a) to run or go rapidly and with little effort, as in racing … Useful english dictionary
romp — romp·er; romp·ish; romp; romp·ing·ly; romp·ish·ness; … English syllables
Romp — Romp, n. 1. A girl who indulges in boisterous play. [1913 Webster] 2. Rude, boisterous play or frolic; rough sport. [1913 Webster] While romp loving miss Is hauled about in gallantry robust. Thomson. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
romp — [rämp] n. [< earlier ramp, vulgar woman, hussy, prob. < ME rampen < OFr ramper: see RAMP2] 1. a person who romps, esp. a girl 2. [< ROMP the vi.] boisterous, lively play or frolic 3. a) an easy, winnin … English World dictionary
Romp — Romp, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Romped}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Romping}.] [A variant of ramp. See {Ramp} to leap, {Rampallian}.] 1. To play rudely and boisterously; to leap and frisk about in play. [1913 Webster] 2. To go rapidly and without strained… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
romp — n frolic, rollick, gambol, disport, sport, play (see under PLAY vb) romp vb frolic, rollick, gambol, disport, sport, *play … New Dictionary of Synonyms
romp — [n] fun; caper antic, cakewalk*, cavort, dance, escapade, frisk, frolic, gambol, hop, lark, leap, play, rollick, rout, skip, sport; concepts 292,384 Ant. seriousness romp [v] have fun, enjoy oneself caper, cavort, celebrate, cut capers*, cut up* … New thesaurus
romp — ► VERB 1) play about roughly and energetically. 2) informal achieve something easily. 3) (romp home/in) informal finish as the easy winner of a race or other contest. 4) informal engage in sexual activity. ► NOUN 1) a spell of romping … English terms dictionary
ROMP — [Abk. für ringöffnende Metathesepolymerisation]: ↑ Ringöffnungspolymerisation … Universal-Lexikon
romp — (v.) 1709, perhaps a variant of ramp (v.); see RAMPAGE (Cf. rampage). Meaning to win (a contest) with great ease first attested 1888. Related: Romped; romping … Etymology dictionary
romp — romp1 [rɔmp US ra:mp] v [Date: 1700 1800; Origin: ramp [i] to behave threateningly (14 19 centuries), from French ramper; RAMPANT] 1.) [always + adverb/preposition] to play in a noisy way, especially by running, jumping etc romp around/about ▪… … Dictionary of contemporary English