1 шаге (pony) гулять
Jargon: ride shanks'Универсальный русско-английский словарь > шаге (pony) гулять
2 совокупление
1) General subject: coition, coupling, sexual intercourse2) Biology: copulation3) Law: congress4) Physiology: coitus5) Jargon: woo, the works (необычное, доставившее особое удовольствие)6) Invective: jazz, lay, ride a pony7) Taboo: ( the) other, Bologna bop (см. sausage), Donald (см. Donald Duck), Dutch kiss, Irish dip, Irish whist (where the Jack takes the ace) (см. jack, ace), Moll Peatley's jig, Ugandan affairs (sing) (обычно совершаемое в "экзотическом" месте, напр. в общественном туалете), Zinzanbrook (произносится zin-zan-bruck), a little conversation, accommodation, act, act of acts, any (usu get any), ass (usu have/get some ass), axe-grinding, banana, bang (usu have a bang), bash, bawdy banquet, bean-spilling, bedtime story, bedventure, belly ride, belly-bamping, belt, biggie, bike ride to Brighton, bit (обычно "на стороне"), bit of brush (usu have a bit of brush), bit of fish (usu have a bit of fish), bit of flat (usu do/have a bit of flat), bit of fun (usu have a bit of fun) (usu do/have a bit of flat), bit of hair (usu do/have a bit of flat), bit of hard for a bit of soft, bit of how's yer father, bit of jam (usu have a bit of jam), bit of meat (usu have a bit of meat) (usu do/have a bit of flat), bit of nifty (usu have a bit of nifty) (usu do/have a bit of flat), bit of share (usu have a bit of share), bit of skirt (usu do/ have/look for a bit of skirt), bit of snibley (usu have a bit of snibley; особ. с точки зрения мужчины), bit of that there (usu have a bit of that there), blanket drill (usu have a blanket drill), blanket hornpipe (usu have a blanket hornpipe), bonk (usu have a bonk), boody, boom-boom, booting, boozle, buckwild (usu get buckwild), bunk-up, bunk-up (usu have a bunk-up), bush patrol, business, butt, buttock-jig, button working (см. button), candy (часто употребляется в блюзах), carnal knowledge, cauliflower (usu a bit of cauliflower), cha-cha, charver, chauvering, chingazo, chuff, chunk, congress (usu be in congress), cooze, cosy, counter, crack (usu have/get a crack), crumpet (usu get/have a piece of crumpet), cunt, cut a side, cut off the joint (с точки зрения мужчины), cuzzy, daily mail, dash in the bloomers (обычно быстрое и внебрачное), dash up the channel (usu have/take a dash up the channel), depth charge, doctors and nurses (usu play doctors and nurses), dunking, ejectment in love lane, essence of bend-over, extras, feather-bed jig, ficky-fick, fig-fig, first game ever played, fish supper, flagrant delight (игра слов на лат. in flagrante delicto в момент совершения преступления), flame, flatback (в традиционной позиции "мужчина сверху"), flesh session, flip, flop, frame, freak, frig, frock, fuck, fuckeding, fucking, fucky, fun and games, futz, futzing, go, greens, grind (usu do a grind), ground rations (pl), grummet, hanky-panky (особ. при измене любовнице или жене), he-ing and she-ing, home run (см. first base, third base; игра слов на бейсбольном термине), horizontal exercise, horizontal jogging, horizontal refreshment, hose, hot beef injection, hot meat injection, hot roll with cream, hot session, houghmagandy, how's your father, hump, humpery, humpty, hunk, hunk of ass, in and out, interflora (намек на flower power, движение хиппи, девизом которого была фраза make love not war), interior decorating (обычно днем), invitation to the waltz (см. waltz), jackass (usu have/get some ass), jelly, jerk, jig, jiggery pokery, jing-jang (от кит. инь-ян), jive (usu have a jive), jobbing, joy ride, knockie, kwela, lame duck, lay (usu have a lay), leap (usu do a leap), leap in the dark, legover (usu get one's leg over q.v.), lewd infusion, limit, lipwork, little bit, little bit of keg, meat injection, mount (usu do a mount), mugging up, nail (usu have a nail), nasty, national indoor game, naughty, navel engagement (игра слов на naval engagement морское сражение), necessary (usu do the necessary), nibble (usu have a nibble), nifty, night games, nobbing, noogie, nookey, nudge, nudge, nurtle, nut, nutt (особ. приятное), oats, oil change, old one-two, one, one with t'other, pank (см. hanky-panky; особ. вне брака), parallel parking, party, patha-patha, peter, piece, piece of ass, piece of skirt, piece of tail, pile, pile-driving, play the back nine, pleasure, pom-pom, poon (особ. с темнокожей женщиной), pork prescription, porking, portion, prod, pudding, pump, punani, punch (usu have a punch), push (usu have a push), pussy, put-and-take, quim-sticking, quim-wedging, quimming, rabbit-habit, ram, ram job, religious oservances, ride (см. bare-back riding; usu have/take a ride), rip-off, rocking chair, rogering, roll (usu have a roll; обыч. с точки зрения мужчины), roll-in-the-hay, root, route, rub-belly, rudeness, rudies (sing), rule of three, rump-work, rumpo, sausage and donut situation (гетеросексуальное), scene, score, screw, screwing, seeing-to (usu give someone a good seeing-to), service, sex, sex-job, sexperience, shafting (usu give somebody a good shafting), shag, shake, short time, short-arm practice, shot, shot downstairs, shove, shudder, skirt, slam, slap and tickle, slithery, smack, snack-up, snag, snake in the grass, snibbet, some, splosh (usu a bit of splosh), squeeze-'em-close, squelching, strap, strap-on, stroke (usu have/take a stroke), stuff, stuffing (usu give somebody a good stuffing; с точки зрения мужчины), stunt, swing, tail, tail-wagging, ten, that thing, tick-tack, tiffin, tip, tough stuff, trade, trick, trim, trip up the Rhine, trouser action, tumble-in, tummy-tickling, turbot for tea, turn, ugly, under, under cover, valentino, wax, wham (особ. быстрое, не приносящее удовлетворения женщине), wham-bam (особ. быстрое, не приносящее удовлетворения женщине), wild thing, work (usu get (some) work), works (pl), yig-yag, you-know-what, zig-zag -
3 дразнить
1) General subject: badger, bait, banter, bosh, bullyrag, chaff, chi hike, dangle, devil, drill, excite, joke, joke (кого-л.), kid, mag, mock, nickname, pick on, play up, put on (кого-л.), rag, tantalize, taunt, tease, vex (животное), make fun of, play up, poke fun at, put on (разыгрывать, подначивать, кого-л.)2) Colloquial: ride, (smb.) start on, yank one's chain (Don't believe them, they are just yanking your chain - Не верь им, они просто над тобой издеваются)4) Obsolete: smoke5) Engineering: pole (расплавленную массу)6) British English: (кого-л.) have sb on (He’s having you on; ignore him.)7) Australian slang: chi-hike (кого-л.), chi-ike (кого-л.), chiack, pull (smb.'s) leg8) Jargon: josh, mess around with, poke fun (at), put someone on (кого-л.), ragtime, raspberry, rot, chiv, chivvy chivey, clown, pull (someone's) leg, ride a pony, sheik, shuck9) Makarov: kid (кого-л.), kid around, fool around, carry high (кого-л.)10) Taboo: extract the urine, fuck somebody up (кого-л.)11) Phraseological unit: egg somebody on (To tease, provoke or encourage.) -
4 обманывать
1) General subject: Jew, befool, beguile, betray, bilk, bitch, blinker, bluff, bubble, buffalo, bugger, bunco, cajole, cheat, chouse, cog, come round, counterfeit, cozen, deceive, decoy, defraud, delude, disappoint (надежды), do in, double cross, draw the wool over eyes, duff, dupe, falsify (надежду), feint, finagle, flimflam, fool, fox, gammon, gazump, geck, gouge, gudgeon, gull, hoax, hocus, hocus pocus, hocus-pocus, hoodwink, humbug, impose, impose (on, upon), jilt, jink, jive, jockey, juggle, juggle with (кого-л.), lead up the garden path (кого-л.), lie, mislead, mock (надежды и т.п.), mountebank, mump, mystify, niggle, nobble, outwit, pigeon, play hanky-panky with (кого-л.), play the fool with, practice upon, practise deception (кого-л.), practise upon, prey, pull the wool over eyes, pull the wool over somebody's eyes, put across (кого-либо), put upon, put upon pass, quack, quacksalver, queer, ream, rogue, rook, sail under false colours, sell, sell short, sell smoke, short sell, short-change, short-sell, spoof, swindle, take in, throw dust in eyes (кого-л.), to be false to (smb.) (кого-л.), trap, trepan, two time, two-time, victimize, blear the eyes, come the old soldier over, do brown, play jack with, trick, wipe another's nose (кого-л.), have on toast (кого-л.), play hankey-pankey with (кого-л.), have on toast (надувать, кого-л.), scam, trick2) Colloquial: blarney, bucket, chisel, clip, cod, confidence trick, diddle, do, fool (кого-л.), green, have on, lead on, lowball (покупателя - назначать заниженную цену, которая возрастёт к моменту заключения сделки), nick, pluck, stall, stick, sting, stuff, trim, twist, work5) Rare: tip the traveller (кого-л.)6) Law: fake, mislead criminally7) Economy: circumvent, go back on, shortchange8) Australian slang: bludge on (кого-л.), dud, put one over, screw, take for a ride9) Diplomatic term: delude (кого-л.), fake (тж. fake up)10) Music: flam11) Theatre: gag12) Jargon: Jeff, bam, bamboozle, buke (I've been buked and I've been scorned - меня обманывали и презирали (старый афро-американский спиричуэл)), burgle, cheek it, cross (someone's) up, dipsy-doodle, dish, flim-flam, gazoozle, girk, gonef, goniff, goof, gum, gyppo, hornswoggle, kid, phunk (with), pull a fast one, ride a pony, sell pass, sling it, snooker, squib, suck (someone) in (особенно давая пустые обещания), suck in, trail, take, fudge, bull, carve, con, doodle, gold brick, grift, guff goff, hipe, horse, hose, hup, hype, kite, play games with, rip off, shuck, skin skinhead, spin, string along, sucker, throw the hooks into, tip13) Advertising: practice deception14) Programming: take advantage of (кого (что) - переходный)16) Makarov: blind, head off, lead( smb.) up the garden path (кого-л.), plant, sell a gold brick, carve up, come the paddy over, decoy away, decoy out, do down, do to down, double-cross, fake out, come the old soldier over (кого-л.), draw the wool over eyes (кого-л.), dust the eyes of (кого-л.)17) Archaic: fub, (smb.) play false, (smb.) play false with18) Taboo: ball somebody up (кого-л.), bitch somebody (кого-л.), bull somebody (кого-л.), fiddle, frig somebody (кого-л.), fuck over (with) somebody (кого-л.), fuck somebody (кого-л.), fuck somebody up (кого-л.), shit all over somebody (кого-л.), shit on somebody (кого-л.), skunk19) Phraseological unit: bo jook -
5 пускать на самотёк
1) General subject: ride, let chips fall where they may, leave unattended2) Jargon: ride a ponyУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > пускать на самотёк
6 терроризировать
2) Jargon: bulldoze, ride a pony3) International relations: spread terror -
7 доставать постоянной критикой
Jargon: ride a ponyУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > доставать постоянной критикой
8 покрывать
Invective: ride a pony -
9 трахаться
2) Invective: jig, jing-jang, sklook, spread for ( someone), pound, ride a pony, roll -
10 без проблем
1) General subject: any day of the week, with no trouble2) Colloquial: no sweat3) Jargon: ride a pony4) Taboo: like shit through a goose5) Idiomatic expression: (каких-л.) no sweat! -
11 запросто
1) General subject: cheek by jowl, easy, hob-nob, hobnob, plainly, routinely, unceremoniously, without ceremony, with a wet finger, any day of the week, quite informally, without ado, without fuss, standing on one's head, easily2) Colloquial: hands down3) American: on the hoof4) Jargon: no problem, no sweat, ride a pony -
12 импровизированный пассаж в джазе
Jargon: ride a ponyУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > импровизированный пассаж в джазе
13 использовать преимущества
1) General subject: Compliment2) Military: exploit advantage3) Jargon: ride a pony5) Programming: take advantage of (кого (чего) - переходный)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > использовать преимущества
14 мошенничать
1) General subject: Jew, beat, bilk, blackleg, cheat, cozen, fake, gammon, gazump, gyp, humbug, jink, quack, quacksalver, ready, ready up, rig, rogue, rook, shark, swindle, play jack with, finagle3) American: deacon, gip, pull a fast one4) Law: defraud6) Jargon: bunco bunko, diddle, fiddle, gazoozle, girk, gold brick, hornswoggle, hose, pluck, snafu, babble, dish, plug, ride a pony7) Makarov: play the knave, skin the lamb -
15 на халяву
1) Colloquial: for free, freeload, mooching, something for nothing a free lunch, for nothing2) Australian slang: cheap skate3) Jargon: ride a pony, on a freebie4) American English: on the cuff -
16 не обращать внимания
1) General subject: brush aside, disregard, ignore, let something pass, let things go hang, let things slide, make light of (на что-л.), make little of (на что-л.), neglect (на кого-либо, что-либо), never mind, not to care a chip, not to care a rush, overlook, pay no attention, pay no regard for (на кого-л., что-л.), pay no regard to (на кого-л., что-л.), shrug off, shrug something off, sit back (be inactive or indifferent while something is happening; I won't sit back for that - Я этого так не оставлю, я это тебе не спущу), take no notice of (на кого-либо, что-либо), let be, make little account of, pass over, take no heed of, turn a deaf ear to, think nothing of (на), give the go-by (на что-либо, кого-либо), play it cool, look the other way2) Rare: give a short shrift (От католического способа отпущения грехов во время исповеди после краткой епитимии - shrift- прочтения кающимся молитвы.)3) Jargon: ride a pony5) Makarov: pay no regard for (smb., smth.) (на кого-л., что-л.), pay no regard to (smb., smth.) (на кого-л., что-л.), take matters easy, (на что-л.) turn a blind eye to6) Phraseological unit: not be on (one's) radar (It wasn't really on anybody's radar until that happened.)7) Idiomatic expression: snap (one's) fingers at (Joanne snapped her fingers at the rumor about their bankruptcy.)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > не обращать внимания
17 поддевать
18 покрывать
Invective: ride a pony -
19 пользоваться шпорами на письменном экзамене
Jargon: ride a ponyУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > пользоваться шпорами на письменном экзамене
20 поносить противника на словах, в надежде вывести его из себя
Jargon: ride a pony (в спорте)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > поносить противника на словах, в надежде вывести его из себя
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Pony Express — This article is about the fast mail service of 1860 1861. For other meanings of Pony Express , see Pony Express (disambiguation). Pony Express Advertisement … Wikipedia
pony — I. n 1. British the sum of £25 or, more recently, £25,000, in the jargon of the racetrack, underworld, market traders, etc. In its traditional sense the word was probably adopted to reflect the small size of a £25 bet 2. American a promiscuous… … Contemporary slang
Pony-games — Épreuve La tour de Windsor Le jeu de pony games (appelé également mounted games ou encore pony mounted games) est un sport équestre qui se joue à poney et en équipe. Sommaire … Wikipédia en Français
Pony Games — Épreuve La tour de Windsor Le jeu de pony games (appelé également mounted games ou encore pony mounted games) est un sport équestre qui se joue à poney et en équipe. Sommaire … Wikipédia en Français
Pony racing — has been happening in Ireland for donkeys years. Racesare held throughout the country starting late April and finishing in October.There are approximately 7 races on a Sunday, starting at 13 Hands, 14 Hands14.2 Hands 15 Hands and three open horse … Wikipedia
Pony Club — is an international youth organization devoted to the educating youths about horses and horseback riding. Pony Club organizations exist in over 30 countries worldwide. [ [http://www.ponyclub.org/about.htm] ] OriginsPony Club was formed in Great… … Wikipedia
Pony Club Secrets — is a series of intermediate reader children s books published by HarperCollins in the UK. The series was created by author and journalist Stacy Gregg, and is loosely based on her experiences as young rider growing up in New Zealand. It blends… … Wikipedia
Pony Club Australia — is an association which teaches young people to ride horses through over 850 member clubs.Related organizations also exist in including New Zealand, the United States Of America, Canada and Australia, In Australia, there are over 850 clubs… … Wikipedia
Ride — may refer to:* Riding * An amusement ride * Ride , a 1998 comedy by Millicent Shelton * Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere, or RIDE, a system used by police in Canada for DUI spotchecksIn music: * A ride cymbal, part of a standard drum kit * Ride … Wikipedia
Pony Club Association of New South Wales — Young members of pony clubs at a gymkhana in New South Wales. The Pony Club Association of New South Wales is the controlling body for Pony Clubs in New South Wales (NSW) where young people can ride and learn all disciplines of equestrian sports … Wikipedia
Pony Club Association of Victoria — Monash Pony Club, located in Melbourne, Australia The Pony Club Association of Victoria, commonly abbreviated as PCAV, is the controlling body for Pony Clubs in Victoria where young people can ride and learn all disciplines of equestrian sports.… … Wikipedia