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  • 41 Verkaufsgebühr

    sales charge;
    Verkaufsgegenstand item, article of sale;
    Verkaufsgegenstände saleswork;
    Verkaufsgegenstand beschädigen to injure an article of merchandise;
    Verkaufsgehilfe shopmate;
    Verkaufsgelände sales location;
    Verkaufsgelegenheit sales opportunity;
    günstige Verkaufsgelegenheit vorübergehen lassen to lose a market;
    Verkaufsgemeinschaft sales combine (group), merketing association;
    Verkaufsgenehmigung sales permit, licence to sell;
    Verkaufsgenie star (top) salesman;
    Verkaufsgenossenschaft cooperative selling (sales) association, marketing cooperative, (Landwirte) producer cooperative;
    Verkaufsgerüchte rumo(u)rs of a bid;
    Verkaufsgeschäfte vermitteln to negotiate contracts of sale;
    Verkaufsgesellschaft sales association (company), agency company, distributing agency;
    Verkaufsgesellschaft von Firmenmänteln shell company;
    Verkaufsgesichtspunkt sales approach (angle);
    Verkaufsgesichtspunkte selling points;
    Verkaufsgespräch sales (dealer’s) talk, selling conversation, sales interview;
    Verkaufsgewandtheit [personal] salesmanship;
    Verkaufsgewicht selling weight;
    Verkaufsgewinn sales profit;
    Verkaufsgewohnheit selling habit;
    Verkaufsgrenze sales limit;
    Verkaufsgrundlage sales base;
    Verkaufsgruppe sales team;
    Verkaufshandbuch sales manual;
    Verkaufsherrichtung adapting for sale;
    Verkaufshilfe (Werbung) selling (display, dealer) aid, sales tool, promotion matter, visual;
    audiovisuelle Verkaufshilfen audiovisual aids;
    Verkaufshinweis sales notice;
    Verkaufsidee sales idea;
    Verkaufsimpuls sales incentive (stimulant);
    Verkaufsindex retail-price index;
    Verkaufsingenieur sales[man] engineer, technical sales representative;
    Verkaufsinserat advertisement of a sale;
    Verkaufsinstrument sales instrument;
    Verkaufsinteresse selling interest, inclination to sell;
    Verkaufsinterview sales interview;
    Verkaufsjahr sales year;
    Verkaufsjournal sales register;
    Verkaufskalkulation sales estimate;
    Verkaufskampagne sales campaign;
    neue Verkaufskanäle new remarketing channels;
    Verkaufskanone top (star) salesman;
    Verkaufskartell sales syndicate, price ring;
    Verkaufskatalog sale catalog(ue), shopping guide;
    derzeit gültiger Verkaufskatalog current catalog(ue);
    Verkaufsklima sales climate, market atmosphere;
    Verkaufskommission selling brokerage, commission on sales effected;
    Verkaufskommissionär selling agent, factor;
    Verkaufskonsortium (Emission) selling group, underwriting (selling) syndicate;
    Verkaufskontingent sales contingent (quota);
    regionales Verkaufskontingent territory quota;
    Verkaufskontingentierung rationing of sales;
    Verkaufskonto trading account, account sales;
    Verkaufskontor selling agency;
    Verkaufskontrolle sales progress control, orderly marketing (US);
    Verkaufskonzeption marketing conception;
    Verkaufskonzession für etw. haben to be licensed to sell s. th.;
    Verkaufskosten selling costs, sales (selling) expense, cost of sales, (Versicherungsgesellschaft) acquisition cost (expense);
    unmittelbare Verkaufskosten direct selling costs;
    Verkaufs-, Verwaltungs- und allgemeine Kosten (Bilanz) administrative and general selling expenses (US);
    Verkaufskraft shop assistant;
    Verkaufskräfte shop staff, salespeople (US);
    Verkaufskunst selling technique, salesmanship;
    Verkaufskurs asked price, (Devisen) selling rate;
    Verkaufskurs ohne Deckungserhöhung (Börse) exhaust price (US);
    Verkaufskurve sales curve (chart), distribution curve;
    Verkaufsladen shop (Br.), store (US);
    betriebseigener (werkseigener) Verkaufsladen own (industrial) retail store (shop);
    an eine Firma gebundener Verkaufsladen tie-up shop;
    Verkaufslager stock, depot (Br.);
    Verkaufsland country of origin;
    Verkaufslawine avalanche of selling;
    Verkaufslehrgang sales training course;
    Verkaufsleistung sales (market) performance, sales vigo(u)r;
    Verkaufsleiter sales executive (supervisor, manager, promoter), director of sales, (Markenartikel) brand manager;
    einfallsreicher Verkaufsleiter aggressive sales manager;
    Verkaufsleitung sales management;
    Verkaufslenkung sales control, control of the market;
    Verkaufslimit selling limit;
    Verkaufsliste sales list;
    Verkaufsliteratur sales literature;
    Verkaufslizenz licence to sell, selling licence;
    Verkaufslokal salesroom;
    Verkaufslücke sales lag;
    Verkaufsmakler selling broker;
    Verkaufsmannschaft sales force (US);
    Verkaufsmarge profit margin;
    Verkaufsmarkt market, outlet;
    Verkaufsmesse fair.

    Business german-english dictionary > Verkaufsgebühr

  • 42 santería

    1 sanctimoniousness
    * * *
    1) Cuba (=tienda) shop selling religious images, prints, etc ; (=brujería) witchcraft
    2) * = santidad
    3) Caribe (Rel) religion of African origin
    * * *
    santería (↑ santería 1)
    A religious cult, fusing African beliefs and Catholicism, which developed among African Yoruba slaves in Cuba. Followers believe both in a single supreme being and also in orishas, deities who each share an identity with a Christian saint and who combine a force of nature with human characteristics. Rituals involve music, dancing, sacrificial offerings, divination, and going into trances.
    * * *
    1. [beatería] sanctimoniousness
    2. [religión] santeria, = Afro-Cuban religion
    3. Am [tienda] = shop selling religious mementos such as statues of saints
    On Cuban plantations, African slaves (mostly of the Yoruba tribe) were banned from practising their own religion, so devised a way to worship their gods (“orishas”) by giving them the names of Christian saints. For example, they changed the name of the thunder god “Changó” to “Santa Bárbara”, and “Ochún”, the goddess of love, was identified with “la Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre”, Cuba's offical Catholic patron. Despite the disapproval of the Catholic authorities, santería (as this “saint worship” is known) and its rituals have survived into the present, with some forms even becoming a tourist attraction.

    Spanish-English dictionary > santería

  • 43 मूलम् _mūlam

    मूलम् [मूल्-क]
    1 A root (fig also); तरुमूलानि गृहीभवन्ति तेषाम् Ś.7.2; or शिखिनो धौतमूलाः 1.15; मूलं बन्ध् to take or strike root; बद्धमूलस्य मूलं हि महद्वैरतरोः स्त्रियः Śi.2.38.
    -2 The root, lowest edge or extremity of anything; कस्याश्चिदासीद्रशना तदानीमङ्गुष्ठमूलार्पितसूत्रशेषा R.7.1; so प्राचीमूले Me.91.
    -3 The lower part or end, base, the end of anything by which it is joined to something else; बाह्वोर्मूलम् Śi.7.32; so पादमूलम्, कर्णमूलम्, ऊरुमूलम् &c.
    -4 Beginning, commencement; आमूलाच्छ्रोतुमिच्छामि Ś.1.
    -5 Basis, foundation, source, origin, cause; सर्वे गार्हस्थ्यमूलकाः Mb.; रक्षोगृहे स्थितिर्मूलम् U.1.6; इति केना- प्युक्तं तत्र मूलं मृग्यम् 'the source or authority should be found out'; पुष्पं पुष्पं विचिन्वीत मूलच्छेदं न कारयेत् Mb.5.34. 18; समूलघातमघ्नन्तः परान्नोद्यन्ति मानवाः Śi.2.33.
    -6 The foot or bottom of anything; पर्वतमूलम्, गिरिमूलम् &c.
    -7 The text, or original passage (as distinguished from the commentary or gloss).
    -8 Vicinity, neighbourhood; सा कन्दुकेनारमतास्य मूले विभज्यमाना फलिता लतेव Mb.3.112.16.
    -9 Capital, principal, stock; मूलं भागो व्याजी परिघः क्लृप्तं रूपिकमत्ययश्चायमुखम् Kau. A.2.6.24.
    -1 A hereditary servant.
    -11 A square root.
    -12 A king's own terri- tory; स गुप्तमूलमत्यन्तम् R.4.26; Ms.7.184.
    -13 A vendor who is not the true owner; Ms.8.22 (अस्वामिविक्रेता Kull.).
    -14 The nineteenth lunar man- sion containing 11 stars.
    -15 A thicket, copse.
    -6 The root of long pepper.
    -17 A particular position of the fingers.
    -18 A chief or capital city.
    -19 An aboriginal inhabitant.
    -2 A bower, an arbour (निकुञ्ज).
    -21 N. of several roots पिप्पली, पुष्कर, शूरण &c.
    -22 A tail; मूलो मूलवता स्पृष्टो धूप्यते धूमकेतुना Rām.6.4.51. (In comp. मूल may be translated by 'first, prime, original, chief, principal' e. g. मूलकारणम् 'prime cause', &c. &c.)
    -Comp. -आधारम् 1 the navel.
    -2 a mystical circle above the organs of generation; मूलाधारे त्रिकोणाख्ये इच्छाज्ञानक्रियात्मके.
    -आभम् a radish.
    -आयतनम् the original abode.
    -आशिन् a. living upon roots.
    -आह्वम् a radish.
    -उच्छेदः utter destruction, total eradication.
    -कर्मन् n. magic; Ms.9.29.
    -कारः the author of an original work.
    -कारणम् the original or prime cause; क्रियाणां खलु धर्म्याणां सत्पत्न्यो मूलकारणम् Ku.6.13.
    -कारिका a furnace, an oven.
    -कृच्छ्रः -च्छ्रम् a kind of penance, living only upon roots; मूलकृच्छ्रः स्मृतो मूलैः.
    -केशरः a citron.
    -खानकः one who lives upon root-digging (मूलोत्पाटनजीवी); Ms.8.26.
    -गुणः the co-efficient of a root.
    -ग्रन्थः 1 an original text.
    -2 the very words uttered by Śākya- muni.
    -घातिन् a. destroying completely; (नहि...कर्मसु) मूलघातिषु सज्जन्ते बुद्धिमन्तो भवद्विधाः Rām.5.51.18; see मूलहर.
    -छिन्न a. nipped in the bud; सा$द्य मूलच्छिन्ना Dk. 2.2.
    -छेदः uprooting.
    - a.
    1 radical.
    -2 growing at the roots of trees (as an ant-hill).
    -3 born under the constellation Mūla. (
    -जः) plant growing from a root. (
    -जम्) green ginger.
    -त्रिकोणम् the third astrological house.
    -देवः an epithet of Kaṁsa.
    -द्रव्यम्, धनम् principal, stock, capital.
    -धातुः lymph.
    -निकृन्तन a. destroying root and branch.
    -पुरुषः 'the stock-man', the male representative of a family.
    -प्रकृतिः f. the Prakṛiti or Pradhāna of the Sāṅkhyas (q. v.); मूल- प्रकृतिरविकृतिः Sāṅ. K.3. (-pl.) the four principal sovereigns to be considered at the time of war विजि- गीषु, अरि, मध्यम, and उदासीन); see Ms.7.155.
    -प्रतीकारः protection of wives and wealth (धनदाररक्षा); कृत्वा मूल- प्रतीकारम् Mb.5.151.61.
    -फलदः the bread-fruit tree.
    -बन्धः a particular position of the fingers.
    -बर्हणम् the act of uprooting, extermination.
    -बलम् the principal or hereditary force; विन्ध्याटवीमध्ये$वरोधान् मूलबलरक्षितान् निवेशयामासुः Dk.1.1. [Kāmandaka enumerates six divisions of the army and declares that मौल (heredi- tary) is the best of them (Kām.13.2-3.)]
    -भद्रः an epithet of Kaṁsa.
    -भृत्यः an old or hereditary servant.
    -मन्त्रः 1 a principal or primary text (such as आगम); जुहुयान्मूलमन्त्रेण पुंसूक्तेनाथवा बुधः A. Rām.4.4.31.
    -2 a spell.
    -राशिः a cardinal number.
    -वचनम् an original text.
    -वापः 1 one who plants roots.
    -2 A field where crops are grown by sowing roots; पुष्पफलवाटषण्ड- केदारमूलवापास्सेतुः Kau. A.2.6.24.
    -वित्तम् capital stock.
    -विद्या the twelve-worded (द्वादशाक्षरी) spell:-- ओं नमो भगवते वासुदेवायः; जुहुयान्मूलविद्यया Bhāg.8.16.4.
    -विभुजः a chariot.
    -व्यसनवृत्तिः the hereditary occupa- tion of executing criminals; चण्डालेन तु सोपाको मूलव्यसन- वृत्तिमान् Ms.1.38.
    -व्रतिन् a. living exclusively on roots.
    -शकुनः (in augury) the first bird.
    -शाकटः, -शाकिनम् a field planted with edible roots.
    -संघः a society, sect.
    -साधनम् a chief instrument, principal expedient.
    -स्थानम् 1 base, foundation.
    -2 the Supreme Spirit.
    -3 wind, air.
    -4 Mooltan. (
    -नी) N. of Gaurī.
    -स्थायिन् m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -स्रोतस् n. the prin- cipal current or fountain-head of a river.
    -हर a. up- rooting completely; सो$यं मूलहरो$नर्थः Rām.6.46.15.
    -हरः a prodigal son; मूलहरतादात्विककदर्यांश्च प्रतिषेधयेत् Kau. A.2.9.27.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > मूलम् _mūlam

  • 44 RENNA

    * * *
    (renn; rann, runnum; runninn), v.
    1) to run (rakkar þar renna);
    renna í köpp við e-n, to run a race with;
    hón á þann hest, er rennr lopt ok lög, that runs through the air and over the sea;
    renna e-m hvarf, to run out of one’s sight;
    2) to run away, flee (rennr þú nú Úlfr hinn ragi);
    renna undan e-m, to run away from one (ek get þess, at þú vilir eigi renna undan þeim);
    3) to run, flow (rennr þaðan lítill lœkr);
    4) to melt, dissolve (ok hafði runnit málmrinn í eldsganginum);
    reiði rennr e-m, anger leaves one;
    5) to arise (= renna upp);
    sól rennr, the sun rises;
    dagr rennr, it dawns;
    6) with preps.:
    renna af e-m, to leave one, pass away from one (reiði rann af honum);
    renna á e-n, to come over one;
    svefn, svefnhöfgi rennr á e-n, one falls asleep;
    reiði rennr á e-n, one gets angry;
    þá rann á byrr, then a fair wind arose;
    renna eptir e-m, to run after one (þá var runnit eptir þeim, er flóttann ráku);
    renna frá e-m, to run away from, leave one;
    renna í e-t, to run into;
    e-m rennr í skap, one is much (deeply) affected (er eigi trútt, at mér hafi eigi í skap runnit sonardauðinn);
    renna saman, to heal up (þá var saman runninn leggrinn);
    renna undir, to assist, give support (margar stoðir runnu undir, bæði frændr ok vinir);
    renna upp, to originate (var þess ván, at illr ávöxtr mundi upp renna af illri rót);
    of the sun or daylight, to rise;
    sól (dagr) rennr upp (cf. 5);
    7) recipr., rennast at (á), to attack one another, begin a fight.
    (-da, -dr), v.
    1) to make (let) run, with dat. (keyrði hann hestinn sporum ok renndi honum at);
    2) to put to flight (þeir renndu þeim tíu, er undan kómust);
    3) to prevent, thwart (eigi má sköpunum renna);
    er rennt þeim ráðahag, that match is thwarted;
    4) to slip, let loose;
    renna veiðarfœri, to let the fishing-line run out;
    Tjörvi renndi fyrir hann törgu, T. flung a target in his way;
    impers., atgeirinum renndi gegnum skjöldinn, the halberd was run through the shield;
    renna e-u niðr, to swallow;
    renna grunum á e-t, to suspect;
    5) renna augum, to direct the eyes, to look (renna ástaraugum til e-s);
    6) to pour (var gulli rennt í skurðina);
    7) with acc., renna mjólk, to run millk, by pouring out the thin milk;
    8) with acc. to turn (renna tré, spánu);
    9) absol. to move quickly, slide, glide (konungsskipin renndu at þeim);
    þá renndi hringrinn af hendi mér, the ring slipped off my hand;
    10) refl., rennast augum til, to look to one another;
    þá renndust skipin hjá, the ships passed by one another.
    f. run, course;
    ok nú er skírðr allr Danaherr í þessi rennu, in one run, at one sweep.
    * * *
    (older form rinna, Hom. 125), pres. renn and rennr; pret. raun, rannt (mod. ranst), rann, pl. runnum; subj. rynni; imper. renn, renndú; part. runninn; with neg. suff. renni-a, Hkv. 2. 30: [Ulf. rinnan = τρέχειν, Mark ix. 25, = ρειν, John vii. 38; as also bi-rinnan, and-rinnan; a word common to all Teut. languages; the Engl. run is prob. formed from the pret. 3rd pers. plur.]:— to run = Lat. currere, of any swift, even, sliding motion (for hlaupa is to leap, bound), used not only of living things, but also of streams, water, wind, light, sun; rakkar þar renna, Am. 24; freki mun renna, Vsp. 41, Gm. 32; vargar runnu á ísi milli Noregs ok Daumerkr, Ann. 1047; rennia sá marr, Hkv. 2. 30; renni und vísa vígblær hinnig, Gh. 34; renni rökn bitluð, Hkv. i. 50; Grani rann at þingi, Gkv. 2. 4; hest inn hraðfæra láttú hinnig renna, Gh.18; þann hest er renn lopt ok lög, Edda 21; renna í köpp við e-n, 31; renna skeið, to run a race, id.; þeir runnu heim, Fas. ii. 101; r. at skeið, to take a run, 111; fór hann til ok rann bergit upp at manninum, 277; hann rennr upp vegginn, Nj. 202; r. e-m hvarf, to run out of one’s sight, Sturl iii. 50; mjúkr ok léttr bæði at ríða ok rinna, Hom. 125; renna ok ríða, Gþl 411; r. eptir e-m, to run after one, Nj. 275; runnit hefir hundr þinn, Pétr postuli, til Róms tysvar ok myndi renni it þriðja sinn ef þú leyfðir, id.; þat þolir hvergi, nema renn til trés eðr staurs, 655 xxx. 5; runnu þeir upp til bæjar með alvæpni. Eg. 388; hann rann þá fram í mót Bergönundi, 378; r. á hendr e-m, to use force, K. Á. 116, 150; margar stoðir runnu undir ( supported him) bæði frændr ok vinir, Ld. 18; renna á skíðum, to run in snow-shoes.
    2. to run, fly; þá spurði Kerþjálfaðr hví hann rynni eigi svá sem aðrir, Nj. 275; hvárt skal nú renna, 96, 247; ef maðr stígr öðrum fæti út um höslur, ferr hann á hæl, en rennr ef báðum stígr, Korm. 86; nú hefir þú runnit, ok beðit eigi Skútu, Glúm. 310; rennr þú nú Úlfr inn ragi, … lengra mundir þú r. …, Ó. H. 167; r. undan e-m, Nj. 95; reyndusk ílla menn Þóris ok runnu frá honum, Fms. vii. 11.
    II. of things; snara rennr at hálsi e-m, of a loop, Mar.; þat skal maðr eigi ábyrgjask at kýr renni eigi kálfi, ef hann hefir öxn í nautum sínum, N. G. L. i. 25:—of a weapon, hyrnan rann (= renndi) í brjóstið ok gékk á hol, Nj. 245:—of the sun, daylight, and the like, to arise, er sól rennr á fjöll Páska-dag, K. Þ. K. 124; sem leið móti degi ok sólin rann, Bév. 20; rennr dagr, rökkrið þrýtr, Úlf. 9. 83; renna upp, to rise; um mörguninn er sól rann upp ok var lítt farin, Fms. viii. 146; þat var allt senn, at dagrinn rann upp, ok konungr kom til eldanna, ix. 353; þá rann söl upp, ok litu allir bændr til sölarinnar, Ó. H. 109; en er hann vaknaði þa rann dagr upp, 207; dýr og fagr austri í upp er dagr renninn, a ditty; stjörnur renna upp ok setjask, Rb. 466; rennr ljós þat upp, 625. 66: less correctly of the setting sun, as, sólin rann, ljós leið, in a mod. hymn, (the Norsemen call the sunset sol-renning):—to run up, of plants, var þess ok ván, at íllr ávöxtr mundi upp renna af íllri rót, Fms. ii. 48; þar renna eigi upp þyrnar né íllgresi, 656 A. ii. 14; eru vér ok svá gamlir ok runnir bitar (?) upp, Fms. viii. 325, v. l.: the phrase, renna upp sem fífill í brekku (see fífill): to originate, æðar renna þar upp ok nætask, … renn ok rödd upp fyrir hverju orði, Skálda 169, Stj. 198, (upp-runi, origin):—of a stream, river, water, to flow, opin renna hón skal um aldrdaga, Vþm, 16; á hugða ek hér inn renna, Am. 25; rennr þaðan lítill lækr, Fms. i. 232; rennanda vatn, a running water, Bs. ii. 18; rennandi ár, Hom. 45: blóð rennr ór sári, a running sore, wound; þar rann blóð svá mjök at eigi varð stöðvat, Fms. i. 46; vatn, sjór rennr ór klæðum, etc.:—to run, lead, trend. þjóðvegir, er renna eptir endilöngum bygðum, ok þeir er renna frá fjalli ok til fjörn, Gþl. 413:—to run, melt, dissolve, ok hefði runnit málmrinn í eldsganginum, Orkn. 368; málmr rennr saman, Blas. 47; þat renn saman, blends together, 655, xxx. 5:—of wind, to arise, byrr rann á af landi, Eg. 389; þá rann á byrr, Nj. 135; en er Björn var albúinn ok byrr rann á, Eg. 158: hvergi var á runnit á klaæeth;i hans, his clothes were untouched, Fms. xi. 38:—of sleep or mental motion, rann á hann höfgi móti deginum, Ó. H. 207; þá rann á hann svemn, 240; rennr á hann svefnhöfgi, ok dreymir hann, Gísl. 67; þá rann á hann þegar reiði ok öfund, Sks. 154 new Ed.; rann þá úmegin á hann, he swooned, Fms. viii. 332: þá rann af Gretti úmegit, he recovered his senses, Grett. 114; lét hann r. af sér reiðina, Fms. i. 15, iii. 73; rann nú af konunginum reiði við mág sinn, xi. 13: e-m rennr í skap, to be affected to tears; er eigi trautt at mér hafi í skap runnit sonar-dauðinn, Þorst. Stang. 55 (cp. Gísl. 39, allt í skap ‘komit’): to be angry, var nú svá komit at honum rann í skap ok reiddisk hann, Fms. vi. 212, and so in mod. usage.
    III. recipr., rennask at (á), to attack one another, run together, fight; síðan rennask at hestarnir, … þá er á rynnisk hestarnir, Nj. 91; þeir runnusk á allsterkliga, of wrestlers, Ld. 158.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > RENNA

  • 45 VALD

    * * *
    1) power, authority (þér hafið vald til þess at ráða þessu at sinni); eiga (fá) v. yfir e-m, to have (get) power over one; gefast í v. e-s, ganga (koma) á, v. e-s, to submit to one;
    2) power, dominion (þá tók til v. Sviakonungs);
    3) pl. völd, the cause or origin of a thing; kenni ek þér völd um þat, I charge it on thee; af mínum völdum, of my doing.
    * * *
    n., pl. völd, [Germ. ge-walt; Dan. vold; cp. valda]:—power, might, authority; eiga vald á e-u, Sks. 160; hafa vald til e-s, Fms. x. 337; vald ok lög, vald ok dóm, Bs. i. 741, 742; ef ek á svá mikit vald á þúr, Nj. 10; gefask á vald e-s, to submit to one, Fms. xi. 392; ganga til valds, Bs. i. 764; valds-dagar, 280; Guð er öll hefir völdin, id.; vald ok skipan, 694; leggja á e-s vald, Fb. ii. 179: með valdi, by force, Fms. xi. 392, Eg. 41; yfir-vald, authority.
    2. power, dominion; vald landsins, Fms. i. 23; kirkju-vald, Bs. i. 789, Ó. H. 47; þá skal valds-maðr reiða ór sínu valdi, Js. 4.
    II. plur. the cause or making of a thing, mostly in a bad sense, Fms. vi. 350; kenni ek þér völd um þat, I charge it on thee, thou hast done it, Fær. 255; kenna sér völd um þat harðrétti, Rd. 249; af mínum völdum, by my making, Fms. ii. 188; af hans völdum, Grág. i. 94; ok göra hann sannan at völdunum, bring it home to him, 95; skaða þann er orðinn er af völdum konu þinnar, Nj. 76; af manna-völdum, by human hands, see p. 408, col. 1.
    III. in chess, a guard; hróks-vald, peðs-vald. valds-maðr, m. a mighty man, in plur. the great, Fms. iv. 209, vii. 315, Js. 4; höfðingja ok valdsmenn, Fms. vii. 164; valdsmaðr ( a ruler) yfir þessu ríki, xi. 232; veraldligir valdsmenn, the great of this world, K. Á. 220.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > VALD

  • 46 परिग्रह

    m. (ifc. f. ā) laying hold of on all sides, surrounding, enclosing, fencing round (esp. the Vedi orᅠ sacrificial altar by means of three lines orᅠ furrows) ṠBr. KātyṠr. etc.;

    wrapping round, putting on (a dress etc.), assuming (a form etc.) Kāv. ;
    comprehending, summing up, sum, totality, SāṇkhBr. Mn. ;
    taking, accepting, receiving orᅠ anything received, 2 gift orᅠ present MBh. Kāv. etc.;
    getting, attaining, acquisition, possession, property (ifc. « being possessed of orᅠ furnished with») ib. ;
    household, family, attendants, retinue, the seraglio of a prince ib. ;
    a house, abode Hariv. ;
    root, origin, foundation MBh. ;
    admittance (into one's house), hospitable reception Mn. MBh. R. Kāraṇḍ. ;
    taking (a wife), marrying, marriage Mn. MBh. etc.;
    a wife ( alsoᅠ collect.) MBh. Kāv. etc.;
    choice, selection ib. ;
    understanding, conception Pāṇ. Sch. ;
    undertaking, beginning, commission orᅠ performance of, occupation with Mn. R. Hariv. ;
    homage, reverence, grace, favour, help, assistance MBh. Kāv. etc.;
    dominion, control (ifc. « dependent on, subject to») R. Var. MārkP. ;
    force, constraint, punishment (opp. to anu-graha) R. ;
    claim on, relation to, concern with (loc.) Mn. MBh. etc.;
    (in Ved. gram.) the double mention of a word both before andᅠ after iti;
    the form which precedes iti RPrāt. ;
    a curse, imprecation, oath L. ;
    an eclipse of the sun L. ;
    the rear orᅠ reserve of an army L. (v.l. prati-gr-);
    - tva n. state of a wife, marriage Daṡ. ;
    - dvitīya mfn. accompanied by one's wife orᅠ family MW. ;
    - bahu-tva n. multitude of wives Ṡak. ;
    - maya mf (ī)n. consisting of a family Prab. ;
    - vat, orᅠ - hin mfn. possessed of, wealth, having property MBh. ;
    -hâ̱rthīya mfn. having the sense of comprehension i.e. generalization Nir. I, 7.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > परिग्रह

  • 47 वश

    1) m. will, wish, desire RV. etc. etc. ( alsoᅠ pl. váṡānánu orᅠ ánuváṡa, « according to wish orᅠ will, at pleasure»);

    authority, power, control, dominion (in AV. personified) ib. (acc. with verbs of going e.g.. with i, anu-i, gam, ā-gam, ya, ā-pad, ā-sthā etc., « to fall into a person's <gen.> power, become subject orᅠ give way to» ;
    acc. with , ā-nī andᅠ pra-yuj, orᅠ loc. with kṛi, labh orᅠ Caus. of sthā orᅠ saṉ-sthā, « to reduce to subjection, subdue» ;
    loc. with bhū, vṛit, sthā andᅠ saṉ-sthā, « to be in a person's <gen.> power» ;
    vaṡena, - ṡāt, andᅠ - ṡa-taḥ, with gen. orᅠ ifc., « by command of, by force of, on account of, by means of, according to»);
    birth, origin L. ;
    a brothel L. (cf. veṡa);
    Carissa Carandas L. ;
    the son of a Vaiṡya andᅠ a Karaṇī L. ;
    N. of a Ṛishi preserved by the Aṡvins RV. ;
    (with aṡvya) of the supposed author of RV. VIII, 46 (in ṠBr. etc. alsoᅠ of this hymn itself);
    = vālmīki Gal.;
    pl. N. of a people AitBr. MBh. ;
    (ā) f. seeᅠ below;
    mf (ā)n. willing, submissive, obedient, subject to orᅠ dependent on (gen.) Kathās. BhP. Pañcat. ;
    docile L. ;
    free, licentious L. ;
    2) n. (cf. vasā) liquid fat, grease AV. AitBr. Kāṭh. ;

    - वशंवद
    - वशकर
    - वशकारक
    - वशक्रिया
    - वशग
    - वशगत
    - वशगमन
    - वशगामिन्
    - वशंकर
    - वशंकृत
    - वशंगत
    - वशंगम
    - वशतस्
    - वशता
    - वशत्व
    - वशनी
    - वशवर्तिन्
    - वशस्थ

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > वश

  • 48 момент

    instance, moment, ( времени) point
    * * *
    моме́нт м.
    1. физ., мех. moment
    моме́нт возника́ет в, напр. пло́скости — moment occurs in, e. g., a plane
    моме́нт возника́ет в, напр. сече́нии — moment occurs in [at], e. g., a cross-section
    затя́гивать (болт, гайку) [m2]с моме́нтом … кг м — torque (a nut, bolt) to … kg m
    моме́нт, напр. ли́нии или пове́рхности относи́тельно оси́ — moment, e. g., of a line or surface with respect to an axis
    моме́нт относи́тельно, напр. це́нтра или оси́ — a moment about, e. g., the origin or axis
    прикла́дывать моме́нт к оси́ — apply a torque about an axis
    развива́ть (враща́ющий) моме́нт — develop a torque
    уравнове́шивать моме́нт — balance a moment
    уравнове́шивать моме́нты — place moments in equilibrium
    2. ( время) moment, instant, time
    абсолю́тный моме́нт — absolute moment
    аэродинами́ческий моме́нт — aerodynamic [air] moment
    ба́лочный моме́нт — girder moment
    ветрово́й моме́нт — wind moment
    моме́нт в коло́нне — column moment
    возмуща́ющий моме́нт — disturbing [exciting] moment
    восстана́вливающий моме́нт — restoring [righting, stabilizing] moment
    моме́нт в пролё́те — moment of span
    враща́ющий моме́нт — torque
    моме́нт вре́мени, нача́льный — zero time
    моме́нт выгора́ния то́плива — burn-out time
    моме́нт вы́зова тлф.call moment
    моме́нт выключе́ния дви́гателя — cut-off time
    гироскопи́ческий моме́нт — gyroscopic moment
    демпфи́рующий моме́нт — damping moment
    дестабилизи́рующий моме́нт — destabilizing [disturbing] moment
    дипо́льный моме́нт — dipole moment
    дифференту́ющий моме́нт — trimming moment
    дополни́тельный моме́нт — excess torque
    моме́нт жё́сткости — moment of stiffness
    моме́нт зажига́ния двс. — firing point, firing position
    замедля́ющий моме́нт — retarding moment
    моме́нт затуха́ния — damping moment
    моме́нт затя́жки (напр. винта, гайки) — tightening torque
    изгиба́ющий моме́нт — bending moment
    изгиба́ющий моме́нт в консо́ли — cantilever bending moment
    изгиба́ющий, волново́й моме́нт — wave bending moment
    изгиба́ющий моме́нт на ти́хой воде́ — still water bending moment
    изгиба́ющий, приведё́нный моме́нт — equivalent bending moment
    моме́нт и́мпульса — angular momentum, moment of momentum
    моме́нт ине́рции — moment of inertia
    моме́нт ине́рции, гла́вный — principal moment of inertia
    моме́нт ине́рции, осево́й — centroidal moment of inertia
    моме́нт ине́рции относи́тельно норма́льной оси́ — directional moment of inertia, inertia yawing moment
    моме́нт ине́рции относи́тельно попере́чной оси́ — longitudinal moment of inertia, inertia pitching moment
    моме́нт ине́рции относи́тельно продо́льной оси́ — lateral moment of inertia, inertia rolling moment
    моме́нт ине́рции, поля́рный — polar moment of inertia
    моме́нт ине́рции, приведё́нный — equivalent moment of inertia
    моме́нт ине́рции, сме́шанный — product of inertia
    моме́нт ине́рции, центробе́жный — product of inertia
    квадрупо́льный моме́нт — quadrupole moment
    кинети́ческий моме́нт — angular momentum, moment of momentum
    моме́нт коли́чества движе́ния — angular momentum, moment of momentum
    моме́нт коли́чества движе́ния, со́бственный — intrinsic angular momentum, spin
    концево́й моме́нт — end moment
    моме́нт корре́кции ( в гироскопических приборах) — slaving torque
    моме́нт кре́на ав.roll(ing) moment
    креня́щий моме́нт мор.heeling moment
    крити́ческий моме́нт — critical moment
    крутя́щий моме́нт — torque
    крутя́щий моме́нт дви́гателя — engine torque
    крутя́щий моме́нт несу́щего винта́ ав.rotor torque
    крутя́щий, пи́ковый моме́нт — maximum [peak] torque
    крутя́щий, пусково́й моме́нт — starting torque
    моме́нт круче́ния — torsional moment
    моме́нт крыла́ — wing moment
    магни́тный моме́нт — magnetic moment
    моме́нт нагру́зки — load moment, load torque
    неуравнове́шенный моме́нт — unbalanced [unstable] moment
    обра́тный моме́нт — back moment
    одноо́сный моме́нт — single-axis torque
    опо́рный моме́нт — moment of a support
    опроки́дывающий моме́нт
    1. tilting [overturning] moment; pull-out torque
    2. мор. capsizing [overturning] moment
    3. ав. disturbing moment
    орбита́льный моме́нт — orbital moment
    моме́нт осто́йчивости — stability moment
    моме́нт осто́йчивости ма́ссы — weight-stability moment
    моме́нт осто́йчивости фо́рмы — form-stability moment
    моме́нт относи́тельно пере́дней кро́мки ав.leading-edge moment
    моме́нт относи́тельно середи́ны хо́рды ав.half-chord moment
    моме́нт отпира́ния — запира́ния ( в функциональных преобразователях) вчт., элк.breakpoint
    моме́нт от постоя́нной нагру́зки — dead-load moment
    моме́нт отсе́чки дви́гателя косм.cut-off time
    моме́нт от со́бственного ве́са — dead-load moment
    моме́нт отце́пки косм.time of release
    моме́нт па́ры сил — moment of a couple (of forces)
    перехо́дный моме́нт — transient torque
    моме́нт пло́щади, стати́ческий — area-moment ratio
    моме́нт по што́пору ав.prospin(ning) moment
    моме́нт прока́тки — rolling torque
    противоде́йствующий моме́нт — countertorque, restoring torque
    моме́нт про́тив што́пора ав.antispin(ning) moment
    пусково́й моме́нт — starting torque
    разруша́ющий моме́нт — breaking moment, moment of rupture
    моме́нт распределе́ния вероя́тности — moment of a frequency distribution
    расчё́тный моме́нт — design moment
    реакти́вный моме́нт — reactive moment; reactive torque
    результи́рующий моме́нт — net [resulting] moment
    моме́нт руля́ высоты́ — elevator moment
    моме́нт руля́ направле́ния — rudder moment
    моме́нт ры́скания ав.yawing moment
    сва́ливающий моме́нт ав.stalling moment
    моме́нт си́лы — moment of force
    синхронизи́рующий моме́нт — synchronizing torque
    скру́чивающий моме́нт — twisting moment
    сме́шанный моме́нт ( в теории вероятностей) — product moment
    моме́нт сно́са ав.drifting moment
    со́бственный моме́нт — intrinsic moment
    моме́нт сопротивле́ния — moment of resistance
    моме́нт сопротивле́ния враще́нию — antitorque moment
    моме́нт сопротивле́ния попере́чного сече́ния — section modulus
    спи́новый магни́тный моме́нт — spin magnetic moment
    моме́нт сре́за — moment of shearing
    моме́нт сры́ва — break-away torque
    стабилизи́рующий моме́нт — stabilizing moment
    стати́ческий моме́нт — static moment
    моме́нт стра́гивания на ли́нии ста́рта ав.starting point
    моме́нт тангажа́ — pitching moment
    моме́нт те́ла, магни́тный — magnetic moment of a body
    моме́нт те́ла, электри́ческий — electric moment of a body
    тормозно́й моме́нт — braking [drag, retarding] torque
    моме́нт тре́ния — friction(al) torque
    моме́нт тро́гания ( электродвигателя) — break-away torque, жарг. kick-off torque
    моме́нт тя́ги — thrust moment
    моме́нт упру́гости — moment of elasticity
    ускоря́ющий моме́нт — accelerating moment
    моме́нт успокое́ния — damping torque
    моме́нт усто́йчивости — moment of stability
    моме́нт центробе́жной па́ры — centrifugal couple moment
    моме́нт центробе́жной си́лы — centrifugal moment
    шарни́рный моме́нт — hinge moment
    электри́ческий моме́нт — electric (dipole) moment
    моме́нт ядра́ — nuclear spin; nuclear magnetic moment

    Русско-английский политехнический словарь > момент

  • 49 точка

    dot, period вчт., full point полигр., point, site, spot, ( знак препинания) full stop
    * * *
    то́чка ж.
    1. мат. point
    в то́чке — at (the) point …
    взять отме́тку то́чки геод. — take a point, determine [establish] the elevation of a point
    исходи́ть из то́чки — issue [radiate, extend, emanate] from a point
    переводи́ть то́чку из положе́ния x0 в положе́ние x1 киб.steer x0 to x1
    с вы́кинутой то́чкой — punctured (e. g., of an interval)
    4. ( затачивание) grinding, sharpening
    то́чка аэросни́мка, гла́вная — principal point of an aerial photograph
    находи́ть гла́вную то́чку аэросни́мка — locate the principal point of an aerial photograph
    ба́зисная то́чка — base mark, base point
    барометри́ческая то́чка — barometrical (levelling) point
    бесконе́чно удалё́нная то́чка — point at infinity, infinite point, infinity
    взаи́мно обра́тная то́чка — inverse point
    взаи́мно сопряжё́нная то́чка — conjugate point
    то́чка визи́рования — point of sight, aiming [bearing, sighting] point
    внеосева́я то́чка — extra-axis point
    то́чка воды́, тройна́я — triple point of water
    то́чка воспламене́ния — ignition point
    то́чка вспы́шки — flash point
    то́чка вхо́да в програ́мму или подпрогра́мму вчт.entry point to a program or a subprogram
    то́чка вы́хода на орби́ту — point of injection into orbit
    гла́вная то́чка — principal point
    диакрити́ческая то́чка ( на кривой намагничивания) — diacritical point
    то́чка зажига́ния — firing point
    то́чка заме́ра — measuring point; measuring station
    то́чка замерза́ния — freezing point
    то́чка засто́я мех.stagnation point
    то́чка затвердева́ния — solidification point
    то́чка затвердева́ния зо́лота — gold point
    то́чка затвердева́ния серебра́ — silver point
    то́чка зени́та — zenith point
    зерка́льная то́чка — mirror point
    то́чка зре́ния — point of view, standpoint
    иденти́чная то́чка топ. — conjugate [homologous image, matching] point
    то́чка изло́ма криво́й — breakpoint
    изобража́ющая то́чка — representative point
    изоли́рованная то́чка — isolated point, acnode
    то́чка испаре́ния — evaporating [vaporization] point
    исхо́дная то́чка — datum [reference] point, origin; геод., топ. main base, head-of-the-line, initial [starting] point
    кардина́льная то́чка опт.cardinal point
    то́чка каса́ния — point of tangency
    то́чка каса́ния Земли́ ( самолетом) — touch-down point
    то́чка кипе́ния — boiling point
    повыша́ть то́чку кипе́ния — elevate the boiling point (of …)
    пони́жать то́чку кипе́ния — depress the boiling point (of …)
    то́чка кипе́ния, нача́льная — initial boiling point
    то́чка конверге́нции геод., картогр.convergence point
    конденсацио́нная то́чка — condensation point
    коне́чная то́чка
    1. геод., топ. finishing [terminal] point
    2. ( титрования) end point
    то́чка конта́кта — contact point
    контро́льная то́чка — check point
    кра́тная то́чка — multiple point
    крити́ческая то́чка
    1. critical point
    2. аргд. stagnation point
    крити́ческая то́чка при охлажде́нии метал. — Ar -point
    то́чка Кюри́, магни́тная — Curie point, magnetic transition temperature
    то́чка магистра́ли, нача́льная геод.initial mark of the base (line)
    материа́льная то́чка — material point, particle
    мё́ртвая то́чка
    1. ( трубопровода) anchoring point
    мё́ртвая, ве́рхняя то́чка — top dead centre
    мё́ртвая, ни́жняя то́чка — bottom dead centre
    то́чка минима́льного подхо́да — the closest point of approach
    то́чка ми́нимума то́ка ( туннельного диода) — valley point
    то́чка наблюде́ния геод., топ. — point of observation, point of sight, point of view, aiming point
    то́чка нади́ра — nadir point, photographic nadir
    то́чка насыще́ния — saturation point
    нейтра́льная то́чка — neutral point
    то́чка неопределё́нности мат.ambiguous point
    неосо́бая то́чка мат. — regular [nonsingular] point
    нивели́рная то́чка — point of level(ling), level(l)ing point
    нулева́я то́чка — null [zero] point
    нулева́я, иску́сственная то́чка эл.artificial earthing point
    опо́рная то́чка — (point of) control
    опо́рная, высо́тная то́чка — vertical control point
    опо́рная, пла́новая то́чка — horizontal [plan] control point
    то́чка опо́ры — point of support, point of bearing, supporting point, fulcrum
    то́чка осажде́ния — precipitation point
    осо́бая то́чка мат. — singular point, singularity
    то́чка отбо́ра электропита́ния (особ. для бытовых приборов) — convenience outlet
    отождествлё́нная то́чка — conjugate [homologous image, matching] point
    то́чка отры́ва пото́ка аргд. — separation [break-away] point
    то́чка переги́ба криво́й — inflection point, point of inflection
    то́чка пересече́ния — intersection point, cross-point, point of intersection
    то́чка перехо́да — transition point
    то́чка перехо́да в жи́дкую фа́зу — liquefaction point
    то́чка плавле́ния — melting [fusion] point
    то́чка поворо́та — turning point
    пограни́чная то́чка — boundary point
    то́чка подключе́ния ( в теории цепей) — terminal
    то́чка поко́я — stationary [rest] point, point of rest
    полигонометри́ческая то́чка — transit [traverse, polygonometric] point
    то́чка полови́нной мо́щности — half-power point
    то́чка помутне́ния — cloud point
    потенциа́льно заземлё́нная то́чка — брит. virtual earth; амер. virtual ground
    то́чка превраще́ния — transformation point
    то́чка привя́зки геод., топ. — point of reference, junction [tie] point
    то́чка приложе́ния нагру́зки — load point
    то́чка приложе́ния подъё́мной си́лы — lift centre, centre of lift
    то́чка приложе́ния си́лы — point of application, force point
    рабо́чая то́чка ( на характеристике радиолампы) — operating [quiescent, Q] point
    то́чка равнове́сия — equilibrium point
    то́чка разветвле́ний — branch point; ( на структурных схемах систем регулирования) (data) take-off point
    то́чка разветвле́ния схе́мы — junction point of a network
    то́чка размягче́ния — softening point
    то́чка разры́ва непреры́вности аргд.discontinuity (point)
    ра́стровая то́чка полигр. — screen [half-tone] dot
    то́чка ре́перная то́чка
    1. datum [reference] point
    2. ( термометра) fixed point
    то́чка росы́ — dew point
    сварна́я то́чка — spot weld, weld spot
    то́чка сво́да, вы́сшая — roof crown
    седлова́я то́чка мат.saddle point
    то́чка сма́зки — lubrication point
    то́чка с нулевы́м потенциа́лом — point at zero potential, datum point
    соотве́тственная то́чка топ. — conjugate [homologous image, matching] point
    сопряжё́нная то́чка — conjugate point
    сре́дняя то́чка — midpoint
    сре́дняя то́чка на обмо́тке (напр. трансформатора) — centre tap
    то́чка сры́ва пото́ка аргд. — separation [burble] point
    то́чка стеклова́ния — glass-transition point
    то́чка стоя́ния геод., топ. — point of observation, point of sight, point of view, aiming point
    сумми́рующая то́чка ( в операционном усилителе) — summing junction
    то́чка схо́да мат.vanishing point
    счисли́мая то́чка навиг. — dead-reckoning [D.R.] position
    то́чка та́яния — melting point
    то́чка теку́чести — flow point
    тройна́я то́чка — triple point
    узлова́я то́чка мат. — nodal point, node
    устано́вочная то́чка — work point
    то́чка шарни́ра — hinge point
    эвтекти́ческая то́чка — eutectic point
    эквивале́нтная то́чка ( в титровании) — equivalence point

    Русско-английский политехнический словарь > точка

  • 50 početak

    start, coming into force
    * * *
    • exordium
    • embarcation
    • entry
    • commencement
    • derivation
    • threshold
    • set out
    • set-out
    • starter
    • start
    • source
    • incipience
    • induction
    • inception
    • initiate
    • go off
    • head
    • beginning
    • onset
    • outbreak
    • origin
    • opening
    • outset
    • morning

    Hrvatski-Engleski rječnik > početak

  • 51 cowboy

       A man who is employed by a ranch to care for grazing cattle. The origin of the term is a matter of some discussion. The first cowboys of the American West were the Mexican vaqueros. It is likely that the term cowboy, like its synonym buckaroo, derived from vaquero. The fact that the earliest cowboys were the Mexican herders and that cowboy is so similar to vaquero in its formation lends credence to this theory. The use of "boy" in the term rather than "man" may be explained by the fact that it was originally used (before the Civil War) to refer only to young, inexperienced drovers who herded cattle. It may also have been a derisive or condescending term, similar to the use of 'boy' as a form of address (from whites to black males) in the Deep South. By the 1870s, cowboy became a general term to refer to anyone who tended cattle. Somewhat later (after the 1880s), the term came to connote a wild or uncouth individual. For instance, the Clanton gang, who battled the Earps, are sometimes referred to as such. The term cowboy has become widespread in English and is used extensively as an attributive adjective. Its usage today frequently connotes an impulsive individual who, through a show of force, attempts to resolve a conflict.

    Vocabulario Vaquero > cowboy

  • 52 ad-

    ad-, adh-
    inseparable prefix, in force and origin the same as Latin ad. It is to be separated, though with difficulty, from the ad- arising from aith- or ath-, q.v.

    Etymological dictionary of the Gaelic language > ad-

  • 53 adh-

    ad-, adh-
    inseparable prefix, in force and origin the same as Latin ad. It is to be separated, though with difficulty, from the ad- arising from aith- or ath-, q.v.

    Etymological dictionary of the Gaelic language > adh-

  • 54 deduco

    dē-dūco, xi, ctum ( imper.:


    Cic. Rep. 1, 21, 34;

    old form, deduce,

    Ter. Eun. 3, 3, 32), 3, v. a., to lead or bring away, to lead, fetch, bring or draw down (for syn. cf.: duco, comitor, prosequor, persequor, stipo, sequor, consequor—freq. and class.).
    In gen.
    Not designating a limit:

    atomos de via,

    to turn from a straight course, Cic. Fat. 9, 18:

    eum concionari conantem de rostris,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 21, 3:

    pedes de lecto,

    Plaut. Curc. 2, 3, 82:

    suos clam ex agris,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 30 fin.; so,

    aliquem ex ultimis gentibus,

    Cic. Phil. 13, 13:

    lunam e curru,

    Tib. 1, 8, 21; cf.

    the foll.: summā vestem deduxit ab orā,

    Ov. M. 3, 480:

    cantando rigidas deducere montibus ornos,

    Verg. E. 6, 71: lunam caelo id. ib. 8, 69; cf.:

    lunam cursu,

    Ov. H. 6, 85:

    hunc caelo,

    id. F. 3, 317:

    dominam Ditis thalamo,

    Verg. A. 6, 397:

    tota carbasa malo,

    i. e. to spread, unfurl, by letting down, Ov. M. 11, 477; cf.

    the foll.: febres corpore,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 2, 48:

    inde boves,

    Ov. M. 6, 322:

    transfuga duci se ad consules jubet deductusque traditurum urbem promittit,

    Liv. 9, 24:

    Ubiis imperat, ut pecora deducant suaque omnia ex agris in oppida conferant,

    Caes. B. G. 6, 10, 2; cf. Liv. 21, 37: rivos, i. e. to clear out, cleanse ( = detergere, Macr. Sat. 3, 3; Col. 2, 22, 3), Verg. G. 1, 269 Heyne ad loc.; cf.:

    aqua Albana deducta ad utilitatem agri suburbani,

    conducted off, Cic. Div. 2, 32, 69, and v. the foll.:


    Prop. 1, 1, 19; cf.


    the sun, Hor. Epod. 13, 2:

    crines pectine,

    to comb, Ov. M. 4, 311; cf.:

    caesariem barbae dextrā,

    id. ib. 15, 656:


    id. ib. 3, 663:

    sive aliquis molli deducit candida gestu Brachia,

    moves, Prop. 2, 22 (3, 15), 5 (al. diducit); imitated by Stat. Silv. 3, 5, 66 (al. diducit) et saep.—
    Stating the limit:

    cito hunc deduc ad militem,

    Ter. Eun. 3, 3, 32:

    aliquem ad aliquem,

    id. ib. 4, 4, 10; Cic. Lael. 1; Caes. B. G. 7, 28 fin.; id. B. C. 1, 18, 3; Sall. J. 113 fin. et saep.:

    juvenem ad altos currus,

    Ov. M. 2, 106:

    suas vestes humero ad pectora,

    Ov. M. 6, 405; cf.:

    manum ad imum ventrem,

    Quint. 11, 3, 112 et saep.:

    impedimenta in proximum collem,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 68, 2:

    aquam in vias,

    Cato R. R. 155; Ov. M. 1, 582:

    aliquem in conspectum (Caesaris),

    Caes. B. C. 1, 22, 2:

    aliquem in arcem,

    Liv. 1, 18; id. 1, 58:

    aliquem in carcerem,

    Sall. C. 55:

    in arenam,

    Suet. Calig. 35: levis deducet pondere fratres, will bring down (the scale), Grat. Cyn. 292. —
    In partic.
    Milit. t. t., to draw off, lead off, withdraw troops from a place; to lead, conduct, bring to a place: praesidia de locis, Sisenna ap. Non. 289, 15; so with de, Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 60; Caes. B. G. 5, 51, 2; Cic. Att. 7, 14 al.:

    exercitum ex his regionibus,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 44, 19; so with ex, id. ib. 7, 87, 4 fin.; 7, 81 fin.; id. B. C. 1, 12, 3 al.:

    legionem ab opere,

    id. ib. 3, 69; so with ab, id. ib. 2, 26, 3; Liv. 34, 35 al.:

    deducta Orico legione,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 34:

    exercitum finibus Attali,

    Liv. 32, 27: deducto exercitu, Caes. B. G. 6, 43, 3; 7, 20, 11; id. B. C. 3, 39 al.; cf. Oud. ad Caes. B. G. 2, 33, 2:

    milites ad Ciceronem,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 27, 9:

    tres in arcem cohortes praesidio,

    id. B. C. 3, 19, 5:

    a Flacco inter ceteros, quos virtutis causa secum ex provincia ad triumphum deducebat, deductus sum,

    Liv. 42, 34:

    copias ex locis superioribus in campum deducit,

    Caes. B. C. 2, 40 fin.:

    legionibus in hiberna deductis,

    id. B. G. 2, 35, 3; so,

    in hiberna,

    Liv. 26, 20; 43, 9:

    in interiorem Galliam,

    Caes. B. G. 2, 2; cf.

    in Menapios,

    id. ib. 4, 22, 5:

    in proxima municipia,

    id. B. C. 1, 32:

    in hiberna in Sequanos,

    id. B. G. 1, 54, 2:

    in aciem,

    Liv. 3, 62:

    praesidia eo,

    Caes. B. C. 2, 18, 5:

    neque more militari vigiliae deducebantur,

    Sall. Jug. 44, 5; id. C. 59, 1. —
    Pub. law t. t., to lead forth, conduct a colony to a place:

    coloni, qui lege Julia Capuam deducti erant,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 14, 4; cf. Suet. Caes. 81:

    colonos in aliquem locum,

    id. ib. 28:

    coloniam in aliquem locum,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 3; 2, 4; Liv. 10, 1; 10, 13; 34, 45 (repeatedly); Suet. Tib. 4 al.:

    Aquileia colonia Latina eo anno in agro Gallorum est deducta,

    Liv. 40, 34; cf.:

    in colonia Capua deducti,

    Suet. Caes. 81:

    ut emantur agri a privatis, quo plebs publice deducatur,

    Cic. Agr. 2, 25; cf. id. ib. 2, 26;

    2, 34, 92: triumvir coloniis deducendis,

    Sall. J. 42; cf. Liv. 9, 46; 9, 28; Suet. Aug. 46 al.— Absol.:

    deductis olim et nobiscum per conubium sociatis, haec patria est,

    Tac. H. 4, 65. —
    Nautical t. t.
    To draw out a ship from the docks:

    ex navalibus eorum unam (navem) deducit,

    Caes. B. C. 2, 3, 2:

    deducunt socii naves,

    Verg. A. 3, 71.—Hence far more freq. meton., like the Gr. kathelkein, to draw down a ship from the stocks into the sea; to launch, Liv. 21, 17; 41, 9; Caes. B. G. 7, 60:

    neque multum abesse (naves) ab eo, quin paucis diebus deduci possent,

    id. ib. 5, 2, 2:


    id. ib. 5, 23, 2:


    Liv. 36, 41 al.:

    naves litore,

    Verg. A. 4, 398:


    Ov. M. 6, 144; 8, 104 et saep.—
    Rarely for subducere and the Gr. katagein, to draw a ship into port:

    onerarias naves in portum deducunt,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 36, 2:

    in portum,

    Petr. 101, 8.—
    Weavers' t. t., to draw out, spin out the thread, yarn:

    dextera tum leviter deducens fila, Catull. 64, 313: filum,

    Ov. M. 4, 36; id. Am. 1, 14, 7; id. H. 9, 77.—Hence, meton., to prepare a web, to weave:

    vetus in tela deducitur argumentum,

    is interwoven, represented in weaving, Ov. M. 6, 69.—
    t. t. of common life, to lead out, conduct, escort, accompany a person out of the house, as a mark of respect or for protection:

    haec ipsa sunt honorabilia... assurgi, deduci, reduci,

    Cic. de Sen. 18, 63:

    cum magna multitudo optimorum virorum et civium me de domo deduceret,

    id. Fam. 10, 12, 2; Suet. Aug. 29:

    ne deducendi sui causa populum de foro abduceret,

    Liv. 23, 23 fin.; cf. Tac. A. 3, 14:

    a quibus (sc. equitibus Rom.) si domus nostra celebratur, si interdum ad forum deducimur, etc.,

    Cic. Mur. 34.—
    Esp., to conduct a young man to a public teacher:

    dicam hunc a patre continuo ad me esse deductum,

    Cic. Cael. 4, 9; id. Lael. 1, 1; Tac. Dial. 34; Quint. 12, 11, 6; cf. ephebum in gymnasium, Petron. 85, 3.—
    Aliquam alicui, ad aliquem, to lead, conduct a bride (from her father's house) to her husband (cf. denubo):

    bona uxor si ea deducta est usquam cuiquam gentium,

    Plaut. Mil. 3, 1, 90; cf.

    Catull. 68, 143: virginem juveni marito,

    Tib. 3, 4, 31:

    uni nuptam, ad quem virgo deducta sit,

    Liv. 10, 23:

    nullo exemplo deductae in domum patrui fratris filiae,

    Tac. A. 12, 5; so,

    in domum,

    id. ib. 14, 63; so of the bridegroom himself, to take home the bride:

    domum in cubiculum,

    Ter. Ad. 4, 5, 60:

    uxorem domum,

    id. Hec. 1, 2, 60:

    quo primum virgo quaeque deducta est,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 14 fin.—Absol.:

    eas velut auspicibus nobilissimis populis deductas esse,

    Liv. 42, 12, 4; cf. Prop. 4 (5), 3, 13.—
    In a dishonorable sense, to bring one a concubine, Plaut. Casin. 2, 8, 36; Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 34; Suet. Calig. 25; id. Caes. 50; id. Ner. 28; cf. also the foll., no. 7.—
    To lead about in a public procession, Suet. Tib. 17 fin.:

    invidens privata deduci superbo non humilis mulier triumpho,

    Hor. Od. 1, 37, 31:


    Suet. Aug. 43; id. Vesp. 5.—
    Hence, to drive out, expel = expellere: Arsinoen ex regno, Auct. B. [p. 527] Alex. 33:

    ex possessione,

    Liv. 34, 58, 6. —
    Jurid. t. t.
    Aliquem de fundo, to lead away a person from a disputed possession in the presence of witnesses (with or without force: the latter moribus, the former vi solida), in order to procure him the right of action (this was a symbolic procedure preparatory to an action): appellat Fabius, ut aut ipse Tullium deduceret aut ab eo deduceretur. Dicit deducturum se Tullius, etc., Cic. pro Tull. Fragm. § 20; id. Agr. 2, 26, 68;

    placuit Caecinae constituere, quo die in rem praesentem veniretur, et de fundo Caecina moribus deduceretur, etc.,

    id. Caecin. 7, 20.—
    To bring before a tribunal as a witness:

    multi boni ad hoc judicium deducti non sunt,

    Cic. Flac. 4, 9.—
    To bring to trial:

    lis ad forum deducta est,

    Phaedr. 3, 13, 3. —
    With the accessory idea of diminution, to withdraw, deduct, subtract, diminish:


    Ter. Eun. 2, 3, 23. And as a mercantile t. t.:

    addendo deducendoque videre, quae reliqui summa fiat,

    Cic. Off. 1, 18, 59:

    ut centum nummi deducerentur,

    id. Leg. 2, 21, 53; cf. Cato R. R. 144 sq.:

    de capite deducite, quod usuris pernumeratum est,

    Liv. 6, 15; cf. Suet. Caes. 42 et saep.—Hence in a double sense: Tertia deducta est (in allusion to the meaning, no. 5, c. b), Suet. Caes. 50; cf. the same account in Macr. S. 2, 2.
    In gen., to bring down, bring or lead away, withdraw, bring, lead: quare, si placet, deduc orationem tuam de coelo ad haec citeriora, Cic. Fragm. ap. Non. 85, 20, and 289, 9:

    licet enim contrahere universitatem generis humani, eamque gradatim ad pauciores, postremo deducere in singulos,

    id. N. D. 2, 65 fin.:

    aliquem de animi lenitate,

    id. Cat. 2, 13; cf.:

    aliquem de animi pravitate,

    Q. Cic. Pet. Cons. 10 fin.:

    aliquem de sententia,

    Cic. Brut. 25 fin.:

    aliquem de fide,

    id. Verr. 1, 9, 25 et saep.:

    perterritos a timore,

    id. N. D. 2, 59, 148:

    aliquem a tristitia, ab acerbitate,

    id. de Or. 2, 83 fin.:

    aliquem ab humanitate, a pietate, a religione,

    id. Verr. 2, 4, 6 (for which, shortly before, abducere):

    aliquem a vera accusatione,

    id. ib. 2, 1, 6 fin.; id. Fam. 1, 1, 2 et saep.:

    voluntates impellere quo velit, unde autem velit deducere,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 8, 30:

    mos unde deductus,

    derived, Hor. Od. 4, 4, 19; cf.:

    nomen ab Anco,

    Ov. F. 6, 803:

    quae tandem ea est disciplina, ad quam me deducas,

    Cic. Acad. 2, 36:

    aliquem ad fletum misericordiamque,

    id. de Or. 2, 45, 189:

    aliquem ad eam sententiam,

    Caes. B. G. 2, 10, 5; 6, 10, 2:

    rem ad arma,

    id. B. C. 1, 4 fin.; cf.:

    rem ad otium,

    id. ib. 1, 5 fin.:

    plura argumenta ad unum effectum,

    Quint. 9, 2, 103 et saep.:

    quam in fortunam quamque in amplitudinem deduxisset (Aeduos),

    Caes. B. G. 7, 54, 3; so,

    aliquem in eum casum,

    id. ib. 2, 31, 6:

    aliquem in periculum,

    id. ib. 7, 50, 4: Quint. 4, 2, 12; cf.:

    rem in summum periculum,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 31; id. B. C. 1, 19, 3:

    rem in controversiam,

    id. B. G. 7, 63, 5:

    aliquem in causam,

    Liv. 36, 5:

    in societatem belli,

    id. 36, 7 et saep.:

    huc jam deduxerat rem, ut, etc.,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 62; so,

    rem huc, ut, etc.,

    id. ib. 1, 86, 3:

    deduxisti totam hanc rem in duo genera solum causarum, caetera innumerabilia exercitationi reliquisti,

    have brought, reduced, Cic. de Or. 2, 17, 71; id. Cat. 2, 2, 4; cf.:

    rem in eum locum, ut, etc.,

    id. Fam. 16, 12:

    quem in locum,

    id. ib. 4, 2, 3:

    ergo huc universa causa deducitur, utrum, etc.,

    id. Rosc. Com. 12, 34:

    rerum divisio in duos articulos deducitur,

    Gai. Inst. 2, 2:

    audi, quo rem deducam,

    what I aim at, what I have in view, to what conclusion I will bring the matter, Hor. S. 1, 1, 15:

    Aeolium carmen ad Italos modos,

    transfer, transplant, id. Od. 3, 30, 14; cf.:

    in patriam deducere musas,

    Verg. G. 3, 10. —
    In partic.
    To mislead, seduce, entice, induce, bring one to an opinion (rare):

    adolescentibus et oratione magistratus et praemio deductis,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 37, 6; id. B. C. 1, 7, 1:

    sibi esse facile, Seuthen regem Thracum deducere, ut, etc.,

    Nep. Alcib. 8:

    aliquem vero,

    from the truth, Lucr. 1, 370.—
    To spin out a literary composition, like a thread, i. e. to elaborate, prepare, compose ( poet., and in post-Aug. prose):

    tenui deducta poëmata filo,

    Hor. Ep. 2, 1, 225:

    mille die versus,

    id. Sat. 2, 1, 4; Ov. Pont. 1, 5, 13:


    id. Tr. 1, 1, 39; cf. id. ib. 5, 1, 71: nihil expositum, Juv. 7, 54:


    Quint. 3, 6, 59:

    oratio deducta atque circumlata,

    finely spun out, id. 4, 1, 60 al.:

    primaque ab origine mundi ad mea perpetuum deducite tempora carmen,

    Ov. M. 1, 3; cf. id. Tr. 2, 560; Hor. A. P. 129:


    Manil. 1, 3. —
    (Another figure borrowed from spinning.) To make finer, thinner, weaker; to attenuate: vocem deducas oportet, ut mulieris videantur verba, Pompon. ap. Macr. Sat. 6, 4: "Odusseus" ad "Ulixem" deductus est, Quint. 1, 4, 16; cf. P. a. B.—
    To derive (of the origin of words):

    nomen Christianorum a Christo deducitur,

    Tert. adv. Marc. 4, 14;

    id. de Virg. vel. 5: diximus nomen religionis a vinculo pietatis esse deductum,

    Lact. 4, 28, 12; cf.:

    sed et Pharnacion (cognominatur) a Pharnace rege deductum,

    Plin. 25, 4, 14, § 33.—
    To remove, cure, of physical evils:

    brassica de capite omnia deducet et sanum faciet,

    Cato R. R. 157, 6:

    corpore febres, animo curas,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 2, 48; Cic. Fin. 5, 17, 47.—
    To bring down (late Lat.):

    deducis ad inferos,

    i. e. to death, Vulg. Tobiae, 13, 2; id. Gen. 42, 38; id. 1 Reg. 2, 6.—
    Law t. t., to withhold:

    cum in mancipanda proprietate (usus fructus) deducatur,

    Gai. Inst. 2, 33.—Hence,

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > deduco

  • 55 πρός

    πρός, Prep., expressing direction,
    A on the side of, in the direction of, hence c. gen., dat., and acc., from, at, to: [dialect] Ep. also [full] προτί and [full] ποτί, in Hom. usually c. acc., more rarely c. dat., and each only once c. gen., Il.11.831, 22.198:—dialectal forms: [dialect] Dor.[full] ποτί (q. v.) and [full] ποί, but Cret. [full] πορτί Leg.Gort.5.44, etc., Argive [full] προτ( [full] ί) Schwyzer 84.3 (found at Tylisus, V B.C.), restored in Mnemos.57.208(Argos, vi B.C.), and in Alcm.30; Arc., Cypr. [full] πός SIG306.11 (Tegea, iv B.C.), Inscr.Cypr. 135.19H., also sts. in Asia Minor in compds., v. ποσάγω, ποσφέρω; [dialect] Aeol. [full] πρός Sapph.69 ([etym.] προς-), 109, Alc.20 (s. v.l.); [full] πρές Jo.Gramm. Comp.3.10; Pamphylian περτ ([etym.] ί) Schwyzer 686.7, 686a4. (With [full] προτί, [full] πρός cf. Skt. práti 'towards, near to, against, back, etc.', Slav. protiv[ucaron], Lett. pret 'against', Lat. pretium: [full] ποτί (q. v.) and [full] πός are not cogn.) A. WITH GEN., πρός refers to that from which something comes:
    I of Place, from,

    ἵκετο ἠὲ π. ἠοίων ἦ ἑσπερίων ἀνθρώπων Od. 8.29


    τὸν π. Σάρδεων ἤλεκτρον S.Ant. 1037

    2 on the side of, towards, νήσοισι πρὸς Ἤλιδος towards Elis, Od.21.347; π. ἁλός, π. Θύμβρης, Il.10.428, 430;

    εἶναι π. θαλάσσης Hdt.2.154


    ἱδρῦσθαι π. τοῦ Ἑλλησπόντου Id.8.120


    ἐστρατοπεδεύοντο π. Ὀλύνθου Th.1.62

    , etc.; φυλακαὶ π. Αἰθιόπων, π. Ἀραβίων, π. Διβύης, on the frontier towards the Ethiopians, etc., Hdt.2.30: freq. with words denoting the points of the compass, δύω θύραι εἰσίν, αἱ μὲν π. βορέαο, αἱ δ' αὖ π. νότου one on the north side, the other on the south side, Od.13.110;

    οἰκέουσι π. νότου ἀνέμου Hdt.3.101

    ; π. ἄρκτου τε καὶ βορέω ἀνέμου κατοικημένοι ib. 102; π. μεσαμβρίης ib. 107; π. τοῦ Τμώλου τετραμμένον τῆς πόλιος (in such phrases the acc. is more common) Id.1.84;

    π. Πλαταιῶν Th. 3.21


    π. Νεμέας Id.5.59

    ; ἀπὸ τῆσδε τῆς ὁδοῦ τὸ π. τοῦ λιμένος ἅπαν everything on the harbour- ward side of this road, IG12.892: combined with π. c. acc.,

    π. ἠῶ τε καὶ τοῦ Τανάϊδος Hdt.4.122


    τὸν μέν π. βορέω ἑστεῶτα, τὸν δὲ π. νότον Id.2.121

    , cf. 4.17.
    3 before, in presence of,

    μάρτυροι ἔστων π. τε θεῶν μακάρων π. τε θνητῶν ἀνθρώπων Il.1.339


    οὐδ' ἐπιορκήσω π. δαίμονος 19.188

    ; ποίτοῦ Ἀπόλλωνος .. ὑπίσχομαι prob. in IG22.1126.7 (Amphict. Delph., iv B. C.); ὑποσχομένους πρὸς τοῦ Διός ib.1237.16: hence,
    b in the eyes of,

    ἄδικον οὐδὲν οὔτε π. θεῶν οὔτε π. ἀνθρώπων Th.1.71

    , cf. X.An.1.6.6, etc.; ὅσιος π. θεῶν Lex ap.And.1.97; κατειπάτω.. ἁγνῶς π. τοῦ θεοῦ if he wishes to be pure in the sight of the god, SIG986.9, cf. 17 (Chios, v/iv B. C.);

    ὁ γὰρ καιρὸς π. ἀνθρώπων βραχὺ μέτρον ἔχει Pi.P.4.286

    4 in supplication or adjuration, before, and so, in the name of,

    σε.. γουνάζομαι.. π. τ' ἀλόχου καὶ πατρός Od.11.67


    π. θεῶν πατρῴων S.Ant. 839

    (lyr.), etc.; ἱκετεύω, ἀντιβολῶ π. παίδων, π. γυναικῶν, etc., D.28.20, etc.: the verb is freq. omitted with π. θεῶν or τῶν θεῶν, E.Hec. 551, S.OT 1037, Ar.V. 760;

    π. τοῦ Διός Id.Av. 130

    : less freq. with other words,

    π. τῆς ἑστίας E.Fr.953.39


    π. Χαρίτων Luc.Hist.Conscr.14


    μὴ π. γενείου S.El. 1208


    μὴ π. ξενίας τᾶς σᾶς Id.OC 515

    (lyr.): sts. in questions, π. θεῶν, τίς οὕτως εὐήθης ἐστίν; in heaven's name, D.1.15;

    π. τῆς Ἀθηνᾶς.. ; Din.1.45


    ἆρ' οὖν, ὦ π. Διός,.. ; Pl.R. 459a

    , cf. Ap. 26e: sts. in Trag. with the pron. σε between prep. and case,

    π. νύν σε πατρὸς π. τε μητρός.. ἱκνοῦμαι S.Ph. 468


    μὴ π. σε γονάτων E.Med. 324

    5 of origin or descent, from, on the side of, γένος ἐξ Ἁλικαρνησσοῦ τὰ π. πατρός by the father's side, Hdt.7.99;

    Ἀθηναῖον.. καὶ τὰ π. πατρὸς καὶ τὰ π. μητρός D.57.17

    , cf. Isoc.3.42, SIG1015.7 (Halic.); πρόγονοι ἢ π. ἀνδρῶν ἢ γυναικῶν in the male or female line, Pl.Tht. 173d;

    ὁ πατὴρ π. μὲν ἀνδρῶν ἦν τῶν Εὐπατριδῶν Isoc.16.25


    οἱ συγγενεῖς τοῦ πατρὸς καὶ π. ἀνδρῶν καὶ π. γυναικῶν D.57.23

    ; οἱ π. αἵματος blood-relations, S.Aj. 1305;

    ἢ φίλων τις ἢ π. αἵματος φύσιν Id.El. 1125

    II of effects proceeding from what cause soever:
    1 from, at the hand of, with Verbs of having, receiving, etc.,

    ὡς ἂν.. τιμὴν καὶ κῦδος ἄρηαι π. πάντων Δαναῶν Il.16.85

    , cf. 1.160, etc.;

    τιμὴν π. Ζηνὸς ἔχοντες Od.11.302


    δίδοι οἱ.. χάριν ποτ' ἀστῶν καὶ ποτὶ ξείνων Pi.O.7.90


    ἄνθεα τιμῆς πρὸς θνητῶν ἀνελέσθαι Emp.4.7


    φυλακῆς π. δήμου κυρῆσαι Hdt.1.59


    τυχεῖν τινος π. θεῶν A.Th. 550

    , cf. S.Aj. 527;

    λαχὼν π. δαιμόνων ὄλβον Pi.N.9.45


    κακόν τι π. θεῶν ἢ π. ἀνθρώπων λαβεῖν Hdt.2.139

    , etc.;

    μανθάνειν π. ἀστῶν S.OC13

    : with passive Verbs, προτὶ Ἀχιλλῆος δεδιδάχθαι to have been taught by.., Il.11.831, cf. S.OT 357;

    ἄριστα πεποίηται.. πρὸς Τρώων Il.6.57

    ; αἴσχε' ἀκούω π. Τρώων ib. 525, cf. Heraclit.79;

    ταῦτα.. π. τούτου κλύειν S.OT 429


    οὐ λέγεται π. οὐδαμῶν Hdt.1.47

    ; ἀτιμάζεσθαι, τετιμῆσθαι π. τινῶν, ib.61,2.75; also

    λόγου οὐδενὸς γίνεσθαι π. τινῶν Id.1.120

    ; παθεῖν τι π. τινός at the hand of, ib.73;

    π. ἀλλήλοιν θανεῖν E. Ph. 1269

    , cf. S.OT 1237; π. τῆς τύχης ὄλωλεν ib. 949;

    τὸ ποιεύμενον π. τῶν Λακεδαιμονίων Hdt.7.209


    αἰτηθέντες π. τινὸς χρήματα Id.8.111


    ἱμέρου βέλει π. σοῦ τέθαλπται A.Pr. 650

    : with an Adj. or Subst.,

    τιμήεσσα π. πόσιος Od.18.162


    ἐπίφθονος π. τῶν πλεόνων ἀνθρώπων Hdt.7.139


    ἔρημος π. φίλων S.Ant. 919


    ἀπαθὴς π. ἀστῶν Pi.P.4.297


    πειθὼ π. τινός S.El. 562


    π. Τρώων.. κλέος εἶναι Il.22.514

    ; ἄρκεσις π. ἀνδρός, δόξα π. ἀνθρώπων, S.OC73, E.Heracl. 624 (lyr.);

    ἐλίπετο ἀθάνατον μνήμην π. Ἑλλησποντίων Hdt.4.144

    : with an Adv., οἶμαι γὰρ ἂν οὐκ ἀχαρίστως μοι ἔχειν οὔτε π. ὑμῶν οὔτε π. τῆς Ἑλλάδος I shall meet with no ingratitude at your hands, X.An.2.3.18, cf. Pl.R. 463d.
    2 of things, π. τίνος ποτ' αἰτίας [τέθνηκεν]; from of by what cause? S.OT 1236; π. ἀμπλακημάτων by or by reason of.., Id.Ant.51.
    III of dependence or close connexion: hence,
    1 dependent on one, under one's protection,

    π. Διός εἰσι ξεῖνοί τε πτωχοί τε Od.6.207

    ,14.57; δικασπόλοι, οἵ τε θέμιστας π. Διὸς εἰρύαται by commission from him, Il.1.239; π. ἄλλης ἱστὸν ὑφαίνοις at the bidding of another, 6.456.
    2 on one's side, in one's favour, Hdt.1.75, 124, S.OT 1434, Tr. 479, etc.;

    π. τῶν ἐχόντων.. τὸν νόμον τίθης E.Alc. 57

    IV of that which is derivable from: hence, agreeable to, becoming, like,

    τὰ τοιαῦτα ἔργα οὐ π. τοῦ ἅπαντος ἀνδρὸς νενόμικα γίνεσθαι, ἀλλὰπ. ψυχῆς τε ἀγαθῆς καὶ ῥώμης ἀνδρηΐης Hdt.7.153

    , cf.5.12; ἦ κάρτα π. γυναικὸς αἴρεσθαι κέαρ 'tis very like a woman, A.Ag. 592, cf. 1636;

    οὐ π. ἰατροῦ σοφοῦ θρηνεῖν ἐπῳδάς S.Aj. 581

    , cf. Ar.V. 369, E.Hel. 950, etc.;

    π. σοῦ ἐστι Id.HF 585

    , etc.;

    οὐκ ἦν π. τοῦ Κύρου τρόπου X.An. 1.2.11

    , etc.: of qualities, etc.,

    π. δυσσεβείας A.Ch. 704

    ; π. δίκης οὐδὲν τρέμων agreeably to justice, S.OT 1014, cf.El. 1211;

    οὐ π. τῆς ὑμετέρας δόξης Th.3.59

    ; ἐάν τι ἡμῖν π. λόγου ᾖ if it be at all to our purpose, Pl.Grg. 459c;

    εἰ τόδε π. τρόπου λέγω


    Id.R. 470c

    ; but π. τρόπου τι ὠνεῖσθαι buy at a reasonable price, Thphr.Char.30.12;

    τὰ γενήματα π. ἐλάσσονος τιμᾶς πωλῶν IG5(2).515.14

    ([place name] Lycosura); π. ἀγαθοῦ, π. κακοῦ τινί ἐστι or γίγνεται, it is to one's advantage or otherwise, Arist.Mu. 397a30, Arr.An.7.16.5, Hld.7.12; π. ἀτιμίας λαβεῖν τι to take a thing as an insult, regard it so, Plu.Cic.13;

    π. δέους λαβεῖν τι Id.Flam.7

    ; λαβεῖν τι π. ὀργῆς (v.l. ὀργήν) J.AJ8.1.3; μοι π. εὐκλείας γένοιτο ib. 18.7.7; τῷ δήμῳ π. αἰσχύνης ἂν ἦν, π. ὀνείδους ἂν ἦν τῇ πόλει, Lib.Decl.43.27,28.
    B WITH DAT., it expresses proximity, hard by, near, at,

    ποτὶ γαίῃ Od.8.190

    , 11.423;

    ποτὶ γούνασι Il.5.408

    ; ποτὶ δρυσίν among the oaks, 14.398 (nisi leg. περί)

    ; πρὸς ἄκμονι χαλκεύειν Pi.P.1.86

    ; ποτὶ γραμμᾷ στᾶσαί τινα ib.9.118; ἄγκυραν ποτὶ ναΐ κρημνάντων ib.4.24;

    δῆσαί τινα πρὸς φάραγγι A.Pr.15


    νεὼς καμούσης ποντίῳ π. κύματι Id.Th. 210


    π. μέσῃ ἀγορᾷ S.Tr. 371


    π. Ἀργείων στρατῷ Id.Aj.95


    π. πέδῳ κεῖται Id.OT 180

    (lyr.); θακεῖν π. ναοῖς ib.20, cf. A.Eu. 855;

    π. ἡλίου ναίουσι πηγαῖς Id.Pr. 808


    π. τῇ γῇ ναυμαχεῖν Th. 7.34

    ; ἐς μάχην καθίστασθαι π. (v.l. ὑπ')

    αὐτῇ τῇ πόλει Id.2.79


    τεῖχος π. τῇ θαλάσσῃ Id.3.105


    αἱ π. θαλάττῃ πόλεις X.HG4.8.1

    ; τὸ π. Αἰγίνῃ στράτευμα off Aegina, Th.1.105; Αίβυες οἱ π. Αἰγύπτῳ bordering on.., ib. 104; τὸ π. ποσί that which is close to the feet, before one, S.OT 130, etc.; θρηνεῖν ἐπῳδὰς π... πήματι over it, Id.Aj. 582; αἱ π. τῇ βάσει γωνίαι the angles at the base, Euc.1.5,al.;

    τὴν π. τῷ.. ιερῷ κρήνην IG22.338.13

    , cf. SIG1040.15 (Piraeus, iv B. C.), al.
    2 before, in the presence of, π. τοῖς θεσμοθέταις, π. τῷ διαιτητῇ λέγειν, D. 20.98,39.22;

    ὅσα π. τοῖς κριταῖς γέγονεν Id.21.18


    π. διαιτητῇ φεύγειν Id.22.28

    3 with Verbs denoting motion towards a place, upon, against,

    ποτὶ δὲ σκῆπτρον βάλε γαίῃ Il.1.245

    , Od.2.80;

    με βάλῃ.. ποτὶ πέτρῃ 5.415

    , cf. 7.279, 9.284;

    νῆας ποτὶ σπιλάδεσσιν ἔαξαν 3.298

    , cf. 5.401; λιαζόμενον ποτὶ γαίῃ sinking on the ground, Il.20.420;

    ἴσχοντες πρὸς ταῖς πόλεσι Th.7.35

    4 sts. with a notion of clinging closely, προτὶ οἷ λάβε clasped to him, Il.20.418;

    προτὶ οἷ εἷλε 21.507


    πρὸς ἀλλήλῃσιν ἔχονται Od.5.329


    προσπεπλασμένας.. π. ὄρεσι Hdt.3.111

    ; π. δμῳαῖσι κλίνομαι fall into the arms of.., S.Ant. 1189;

    π. τινί

    close to,

    Men. Epit. 204

    II to express close engagement, at the point of,

    π. αὐτῷ γ' εἰμὶ τῷ δεινῷ λέγειν S.OT 1169

    ; engaged in or about,

    π. τῷ εἰρημένῳ λόγῳ ἦν Pl.Phd. 84c

    , cf. Phdr. 249c, 249d;

    ἂν π. τῷ σκοπεῖν.. γένησθε D.18.176


    ἀεὶ π. ᾧ εἴη ἔργῳ, τοῦτο ἔπραττεν X. HG4.8.22

    ; διατρίβειν or σχολάζειν π. τινί, Epicr.11.3 (anap.), Arist. Pol. 1308b36 (but

    π. ταῦτα ἐσχόλασα X.Mem.3.6.6


    ὅλος εἶναι π. τῷ λήμματι D.19.127


    π. τῇ ἀνάγκῃ ταύτῃ γίγνεσθαι Aeschin.1.74

    ; τὴν διάνοιαν, τὴν γνώμην ἔχειν π. τινί, Pl.R. 500b, Aeschin.3.192; κατατάξαι αὐτὸν π. γράμμασιν, i.e. give him a post as clerk, PCair.Zen. 342.3 (iii B. C.);

    ὁ π. τοῖς γράμμασι τεταγμένος Plb.15.27.7

    , cf. 5.54.7, D.S.2.29,3.22;

    ἐπιμελητὴς π. τῇ εἰκασίᾳ τοῦ σησάμου PTeb.713.2

    , cf.709.1 (ii B. C.).
    III to express union or addition, once in Hom., ἄασάν μ' ἕταροί τε κακοὶ π. τοῖσί τε ὕπνος and besides them sleep, Od.10.68;

    π. τοῖς παροῦσιν ἄλλα

    in addition to,

    A.Pr. 323

    , cf. Pers. 531, Xenoph.8.3. Emp.59.3;

    ἄλλους π. ἑαυτῷ Th.1.90

    ; π. ταῖς ἡμετέραις [τριήρεσι] Id.6.90;

    δέκα μῆνας π. ἄλλοις πέντε S.Tr.45


    τρίτος.. π. δέκ' ἄλλαισιν γοναῖς A.Pr. 774

    ; κυβερνήτης π. τῇ σκυτοτομίᾳ in addition to his trade of leather-cutter, Pl.R. 397e: freq. with neut. Adjs., π. τῷ νέῳ ἁπαλός besides his youth, Id.Smp. 195c, cf. Tht. 185e;

    π. τῷ βλαβερῷ καὶ ἀηδέστατον Id.Phdr. 240b

    ; π. τούτοισι besides this, Hdt.2.51, cf. A.Pers. 237 (troch.), etc.; rarely in sg.,

    π. τούτῳ Hdt.1.31

    ,41; π. τοῖς ἄλλοις besides all the rest, Th.2.61, etc.:—cf. the Advb. usage, infr. D.
    C WITH ACCUS., it expresses motion or direction towards an object:
    I of Place, towards, to, with Verbs of Motion,

    ἰέναι π. Ὄλυμπον Il.1.420

    ; ἰέναι π. δώματα, etc., Od.2.288, etc.;

    ἰέναι π. ἠῶ τ' ἠέλιόν τε Il.12.239

    ; φέρειν προτὶ ἄστυ, ἄγειν προτὶ Ἴλιον, etc., 13.538, 657, etc.; ἄγεσθαιπρὸς οἶκον, ἐρύεσθαι ποτὶ Ἴλιον, 9.147,18.174; ὠθεῖν, δίεσθαι προτὶ ἄστυ, 16.45, 15.681, etc.;

    ῥίπτασκε ποτὶ νέφεα Od.8.374


    βαλεῖν ποτὶ πέτρας 12.71


    κυλινδόμενα προτὶ χέρσον 9.147

    ; ἀπῆλθε πρὸς ἑαυτόν returned to his home, LXX Nu.24.25; κληθῆναι π. τὸ δεῖπνον (rarer than ἐπὶ δεῖπνον) Plu. Cat.Ma.3.
    2 with Verbs implying previous motion, upon, against, π. τεῖχος, π. κίονα ἐρείσας, Il.22.112, Od.8.66;

    ἅρματα.. ἔκλιναν π. ἐνώπια Il.8.435


    ἔγχος ἔστησε π. κίονα Od.1.127


    ποτὶ τοῖχον ἀρηρότες 2.342


    ποτὶ βωμὸν ἵζεσθαι 22.334


    πρὸς γοῦνα καθέζετό τινος 18.395


    π. ἄλλοτ' ἄλλον πημονὴ προσιζάνει A.Pr. 278


    τὰ πολλὰ πατρὸς π. τάφον κτερίσματα S.El. 931

    ; χῶρον π. αὐτὸν τόνδ' dub. in Id.Ph.23; later,

    ἔστη π. τὸν στῦλον LXX 4 Ki.23.3


    ὁ ὄχλος π. τὴν θάλασσαν ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς ἦσαν Ev.Marc.4.1

    ; π. ὑμᾶς παραμενῶ with you, 1 Ep.Cor.16.6;

    ἐκήδευσαν τὸν.. πατέρα.. π. τοὺς λοιποὺς συγγενεῖς



    ([place name] Cotiaeum).
    b of addition,

    ποὶ τὰν στάλαν ποιγραψάνσθω τάδε SIG56.46

    (Argos, v B. C.);

    ἵππον προσετίθει πρὸς τοὔνομα Ar.Nu.63

    , cf. Hdt.6.125, X.HG1.5.6, Pl.Phlb. 33c, Arist.Rh. 1359b28; προσεδαπάνησε π. τὸ μερισθὲν αὐτῷ εἰς τὸ ἔλαιον ἐκ τῶν ἰδίων over and above the sum allotted to him, IG22.1227.9; προσετέθη π. τὸν λαὸν αὐτοῦ was gathered to his people, LXX Ge.49.33.
    3 with Verbs of seeing, looking, etc., towards,

    ἰδεῖν π. τινά Od.12.244

    , al.; ὁρᾶν, ἀποβλέπειν π. τι or τινά, A.Supp. 725, Ar.Ach. 291, etc.;

    ἀνταυγεῖ π. Ὄλυμπον Emp.44

    ; στάντε ποτὶ πνοιήν so as to face it, Il.11.622 (similarly, πέτονται πρὸς τὸ πνεῦμα against the wind, Arist.HA 597a32); κλαίεσκε π. οὐρανόν cried to heaven, Il.8.364: freq. of points of the compass, π. ζόφον κεῖσθαι lie towards the West, Od.9.26;

    ναίειν π. ἠῶ τ' ἠέλιόν τε 13.240


    στάντα π. πρώτην ἕω S.OC 477

    ; so in Prose,

    π. ἠῶ τε καὶ ἡλίου ἀνατολάς Hdt. 1.201

    , cf. 4.40;

    π. βορέην τε καὶ νότον Id.2.149

    ; also

    ἀκτὴ π. Τυρσηνίην τετραμμένη τῆς Σικελίης Id.6.22

    (v. supr. A. 1.2); π. ἥλιον facing the sun, and so, in the sunlight, Ar.V. 772; so π. λύχνον by lamplight, Id. Pax 692, Jul.Ep.4;

    π. τὸ λύχνον Hippon.22

    Diehl, cf. Arist.Mete. 375a27;

    πὸτ τὸ πῦρ Ar.Ach. 751


    πρὸς τὸ πῦρ Pl.R. 372d

    , cf. Arist.Pr. 870a21; π. φῶς in open day, S.El. 640; but, by torch-light, Plu.2.237a.
    4 in hostile sense, against,

    π. Τρῶας μάχεαι Il.17.471


    ἐστρατόωνθ'.. π. τείχεα Θήβης 4.378

    ; π. δαίμονα against his will, 17.98;

    βεβλήκει π. στῆθος 4.108


    γούνατ' ἐπήδα π. ῥόον ἀΐσσοντος 21.303


    χρὴ π. θεὸν οὐκ ἐρίζειν Pi.P.2.88


    π. τοὐμὸν σπέρμα χωρήσαντα S.Tr. 304


    ἐπιέναι π. τινάς Th.2.65


    ὅσα ἔπραξαν οἱ Ἕλληνες π. τε ἀλλήλους καὶ τὸν βάρβαρον Id.1.118


    ἀγωνίζεσθαι π. τινά Pl.R. 579c


    ἀντιτάττεσθαι π. πόλιν X.Cyr.3.1.18

    : also in argument, in reply to,

    ταῦτα π. τὸν Πιττακὸν εἴρηται Pl.Prt. 345c

    ; and so in the titles of judicial speeches, πρός τινα in reply to, less strong than κατά τινος against or in accusation, D.20 tit., etc.;

    μήτε π. ἐμὲ μήτε κατ' ἐμοῦ δίκην εἶναι Is.11.34

    5 without any hostile sense,

    π. ἀλλήλους ἔπεα πτερόεντ' ἀγόρευον Il.3.155


    π.ξεῖνον φάσθαι ἔπος ἠδ' ἐπακοῦσαι Od.17.584

    ; λέγειν, εἰπεῖν, φράζειν π. τινά, Hdt. 1.8,90, Ar.V. 335, Nu. 359;

    ἀπαγγεῖλαι π. τινάς A.Ch. 267


    μνησθῆναι π. τινά Lys.1.19

    , etc.;

    ἀμείψασθαι π. τινά Hdt.8.60


    ἀποκρίνεσθαι π. τινάς Ar.Ach. 632

    , Th.5.42; ὤμοσε δὲ π. ἔμ' αὐτόν he swore to me, Od.14.331: π. sts. governs the reflex. pron.,

    διαλογίζεσθαι π. ὑμᾶς αὐτούς Is.7.45

    ; ἀναμνήσθητε, ἐνθυμήθητε π. ὑμᾶς αὐτούς, Isoc.6.52, 15.60;

    π. ἐμαυτὸν.. ἐλογιζόμην Pl.Ap. 21d

    ; μινύρεσθαι, ἄδειν π. ἑαυτόν, Ar.Ec. 880, 931;

    ἐπικωκύω.. αὐτὴ π. αὑτήν S.El. 285

    b π. σφέας ἔχειν δοκέουσι, i.e. they think they are pregnant, Hp.Nat.Puer. 30.
    6 of various kinds of intercourse or reciprocal action, π... Διομήδεα τεύχε' ἄμειβεν changed arms with Diomedes, Il.6.235;

    ὅσα.. ξυμβόλαια.. ἦν τοῖς ἰδιώταις π. τοὺς ἰδιώτας ἢ ἰδιώτῃ π. τὸ κοινόν IG12.116.19

    ; σπονδάς, συνθήκας ποιεῖσθαι π. τινά, Th.4.15, Plb.1.17.6;

    ξυγχωρεῖν π. τινάς Th.2.59


    γίγνεται ὁμολογία π. τινάς Id.7.82

    , cf. Hdt. 1.61;

    π. τινὰς ξυμμαχίαν ποιεῖς θαι Th.5.22


    π. ἀλλήλους ἡσυχίαν εἶχον καὶ π. τοὺς ἄλλους.. εἰρήνην ἦγον Isoc.7.51


    π. ἀλλήλους ἔχθραι τε καὶ στέργηθρα A.Pr. 491

    ; also

    σαίνειν ποτὶ πάντας Pi.P.2.82

    , cf. O.4.6;

    παίζειν πρός τινας E.HF 952

    , etc.;

    ἀφροδισιάζειν π. τινά X.Mem.1.3.14


    ἀγαθὸς γίγνεσθαι π. τινά Th.1.86


    εὐσεβὴς π. τινὰς πέλειν A.Supp. 340

    ; διαλέγεσθαι π. τινά converse with.., X.Mem.1.6.1, Aeschin.2.38,40, 3.219;

    κοινοῦσθαι π. τινάς Pl.Lg. 930c


    π. τοὺς οἰκέτας ἀνακοινοῦσθαι περὶ τῶν μεγίστων Thphr.Char.4.2

    ; διαλογίζεσθαι π. τινά balance accounts with.., D.52.3, cf. SIG241.127 (Delph., iv B. C.);

    ἃ ἔχει διελόμενος π. τὸν ἀδελφόν IG12(7).55.8

    (Amorgos, iv/iii B. C.), cf. D. 47.34.
    b in phrases of the form ἡ π. τινὰ εὔνοια (ἔχθρα, etc.), π. sts. means towards, as ἡ π. αὑτοὺς φιλία the affection of their wives towards or for them, X.Cyr.3.1.39;

    ἡ π. ὑμᾶς ἔχθρα Id.HG3.5.10


    ἡ ἀπέχθεια ἡ π. τοὺς πλουσίους Arist.Pol. 1305a23


    τὴν π. τοὺς τετελευτηκότας εὔνοιαν ὑπάρχουσαν D.18.314

    , cf. SIG352.13 (Ephesus, iv/iii B. C.), al.;

    φυσικαὶ τοκέων στοργαὶ π. τέκνα ποθεινά IG12(5).305.13

    ([place name] Paros): but sts. at the hands of, ἡ π. τὸ θεῖον εὐμένεια the favour of the gods, Th.5.105; φθόνος τοῖς ζῶσι π. τὸ ἀντίπαλον jealousy is incurred by the living at the hands of their rivals, Id.2.45; τὴν ἀπέχθειαν τὴν π. Θηβαίους.. τῇ πόλει γενέσθαι the hostility incurred by Athens at the hands of the Thebans, D.18.36, cf.6.3, 19.85; τῇ φιλίᾳ τῇ π. τὸν τετελευτηκότα the friendship with (not 'affection for') the deceased, Is.1.17, cf. Pl.Ap. 21c, 28a, Isoc.15.101,19.50, Lycurg.135, Din.1.19, etc.;

    τίνος ὄντος ἐμοὶ π. ὑμᾶς ἐγκλήματος; Lys.10.23

    , cf. 16.10;

    τιμώμενος.. διὰ τὴν π. ὑμᾶς πίστιν Din.3.12

    , cf. Lys.12.67, D.20.25; τῷ φόβῳ τῷ π. ὑμᾶς the fear inspired by you, Id.25.93; τῇ π. Ῥωμαίους εὐνοία his popularity with the Romans, Plb.23.7.5.
    7 of legal or other business transacted before a magistrate, witness, etc.,

    τάδε ὁ σύλλογος ἐβουλεύσατο.. π. μνήμονας SIG45.8

    (Halic., v B. C.), cf. IG7.15.1 (Megara, ii B. C.); γράφεσθαι αὐτὸν κλοπῆς.. π. τοὺς ἐπιμελητάς ib.12.65.46; ἀτέλειαν εἶναι αὐτῷ καὶ δίκας π. τὸν πολέμαρχον ib.153.7; λόγον διδόντων τῶν.. χρημάτων.. π. τοὺς λογιστάς ib.91.27; before a jury,

    ἔστι δὲ τούτοις μὲν π. ὑμᾶς ἁγών, ὑμῖν δὲ π. ἅπασαν τὴν πόλιν Lys. 26.14


    ἀντιδικῆσαι τῷ παιδὶ.. π. ὑμᾶς Is.11.19

    codd. (dub.); before a witness to whom an appeal for corroboration is made, Id.3.25;

    ὀμόσαντες πὸ (τ) τὸν θεόν Schwyzer 418.11

    ([place name] Elis); φέρρεν αὐτὸν πὸ (τ) τὸν Δία in the eyes of Zeus, ib.415.7(ibid.); λαχεῖν πρὸς τὸν ἄρχοντα, γράφεσθαι π. τοὺς θεσμοθέτας, D.43.15, Lex ib.21.47, cf. Arist.Ath.56.6;

    τοῖς ἐμπόροις εἶναι τὰς δίκας π. τοὺς θεσμοθέτας D.33.1

    ; θέντων τὰ.. ποτήρια.. π. Πολύχαρμον having pawned the cups with P., IPE12.32A15 (Olbia, iii B. C.); also

    διαβάλλειν τινὰ π. τοὺς πολλούς X. Mem. 1.2.31

    , cf. D.7.33.
    II of Time, towards or near a certain time, at or about,

    ποτὶ ἕσπερα Od.17.191


    ποτὶἕσπερον Hes.Op. 552


    πρὸς ἑσπέραν Pl.R. 328a


    ἐπεὶ π. ἑσπέραν ἦν X.HG4.3.22


    π. ἡμέραν Id.An.4.5.21


    π. ὄρθρον Ar.Lys. 1089

    ; ποτ' ὄρθρον (nisi leg. πότορθρον) Theoc.5.126, Erinn. in PSI9.1090.48 + 8 (p.xii);

    πρὸς ἕω Ar.Ec. 312

    ; π.ἀῶ ἐγρέσθαι, π. ἡμέραν ἐξεγρέσθαι, Theoc.18.55, Pl.Smp. 223c; π. γῆρας, π. τὸ γῆρας, in old age, E.Med. 592, Pl.Lg. 653a; π. εὐάνθεμον φυάν in the bloom of life, Pi.O.1.67; μέχρις ὅτου π. γυναῖκας ὦσι, i.e.of marriageable age, IG22.1368.41: later, π.τὸ παρόν for the moment, Luc.Ep. Sat.28, etc.; v. infr. 111.5.
    III of Relation between two objects,
    1 in reference to, in respect of, touching, τὰ π. τὸν πόλεμον military matters, equipments, etc., Th.2.17, etc.; τὰ π. τὸν βασιλέα our relations to the King, D.14.2; τὰ π. βασιλέα πράγματα the negotiations with the King, Th.1.128; τὰ π. τοὺς θεούς our relations, i.e. duties, to the gods, S.Ph. 1441;

    μέτεστι π. τὰ ἴδια διάφορα πᾶσι τὸ ἴσον.. ἐλευθέρως δὲ τὰ π. τὸ κοινὸν πολιτεύομεν Th.2.37


    οὐδὲν διοίσει π. τὸ γενέσθαι..

    in respect of..,

    Arist.APr. 24a25

    , cf. Pl.Phd. 111b; ἕτερος λόγος, οὐ π. ἐμέ that is another matter, and does not concern me, D.18.44, cf. 21,60, Isoc.4.12; τῶν φορέτρων ὄντων π. ἐμέ freightage shall be my concern, i.e. borne by me, PAmh.91.18 (ii A. D.);

    π. τοῦτον ἦν ἡ τῶν διαφόρων πρᾶξις LXX 2 Ma.4.28

    ; ἐὰν.. βοᾷ καὶ σχετλιάζῃ μηδὲν π. τὸ πρᾶγμα, nihil ad rem, D.40.61; οὐδὲν π. τὸν Διόνυσον Prov. ap.Plb.39.2.3, Suid.; οὐδὲν αὐτῷ π. τὴν πόλιν ἐστίν he owes no reckoning to the State, D.21.44;

    λόγος ἐστὶν ἐμοὶ π. Ἀθηναίους Philonid. 1


    π. Ἰάσονά ἐστιν αὐτῷ περὶ τῆς τιμῆς PHamb.27.8

    (iii B. C.), cf. PCair.Zen.150.18 (iii B. C.); ἔσται αὐτῷ π. τὸν Θεόν (sc. ὁ λόγος ) he shall have to reckon with God, Supp.Epigr.6.188, cf. 194, al. ([place name] Eumenia); without αὐτῷ, ib.236 ([place name] Phrygia);

    ἔσται π. τὴν Τριάδαν MAMA1.168

    , cf. Supp.Epigr.6.302 (Laodicea Combusta); ἕξει π. τὸν Θεόν ib.300, al. (ibid.); ἕξει π. τὴν ἐωνίαν κρίσιν ib.4.733 ([place name] Eukhaita), cf. 6.841 ([place name] Cyprus);

    π. πολλοὺς ἔχων ἀγωνιστάς Suid.

    s.v. ὅσα μῦς ἐν πίσσῃ, cf. 2 Ep.Cor.5.12: with Advbs.,

    ἀσφαλῶς ἔχειν π. τι X.Mem.1.3.14

    , etc.; [τὸ or τὰ] πρός τι, the relative term or terms, Arist.Cat. 1b25, 6a36, al.; τὸ π. τι, Pythag. name for two, Theol.Ar.8; π. ἡμᾶς relatively to us, opp. ἁπλῶς, Arist.APo. 72a1; ὀρθὸς πρός or ποτί c. acc., perpendicular to, Archim.Sph.Cyl.2.3, Spir.20; ἁ Δζ ποτὶ τὰν ΑΔ ἀμβλεῖαν ποιεῖ γωνίαν ib.16.
    2 in reference to, in consequence of,

    πρὸς τοῦτο τὸ κήρυγμα Hdt.3.52

    , cf. 4.161;

    π. τὴν φήμην

    in view of..,


    , cf. Th.8.39;

    χαλεπαίνειν π. τι Id.2.59


    ἀθύμως ἔχειν π. τι X.HG4.5.4

    , etc.: with neut. Pron.,

    π. τί;

    wherefore? to what end?

    S.OT 766

    , 1027, etc.; π. οὐδέν for nothing, in vain, Id.Aj. 1018; π. οὐδὲν ἀναγκαῖον unnecessarily, Sch.Il.9.23;

    π. ταῦτα

    therefore, this being so,


    ,40, A.Pr. 915, 992, S.OT 426, etc.; cf. οὗτος c. v111.1b.
    3 in reference to or for a purpose,

    ἕστηκεν.. μῆλα π. σφαγάς A.Ag. 1057

    ; χρήσιμος, ἱκανὸς π. τι, Pl.Grg. 474d, Prt. 322b;

    ὡς π. τί χρείας; S.OT 1174

    , cf. OC71, Tr. 1182;

    ἕτοιμος π. τι X.Mem.4.5.12


    ἱκανῶς ὡς π. τὴν παροῦσαν χρείαν Arist. Cael. 269b21


    ἢν ἀρήγειν φαίνηται π. τὴν σύμπασαν νοῦσον Hp.Acut. 60

    ; ποιεῖ π. ἐπιλημπτικούς is efficacious for cases of epilepsy, Dsc.1.6;

    ἐθέλοντες τὰ π. τὴν νοῦσον ἡδέα μᾶλλον ἢ τὰ π. τὴν ὑγιείην προσδέχεσθαι Hp. de Arte7

    b with a view to or for a future time,

    ὅπως.. γράμματα δῷ π. ἢν ἂν ἡμέραν ἑκάτεροι παραγίνωνται SIG679.62

    (Senatus consultum, ii B. C.);

    θαυμάζεται τὰ Περικλέους ἔργα π. πολὺν χρόνον ἐν ὀλίγῳ γενόμενα Plu.Per.13

    c = πρός B. 11,

    ἐγίνετο π. ἀναζογήν Plb.3.92.8


    ὄντων π. τὸ κωλύειν Id.1.26.3

    , cf. 1.29.3, al., Plu.Nic.5.
    4 in proportion or relation to, in comparison with,

    κοῖός τις δοκέοι ἀνὴρ εἶναι π. τὸν πατέρα Κῦρον Hdt.3.34


    ἔργα λόγου μέζω π. πᾶσαν χώρην Id.2.35


    π. πάντας τοὺς ἄλλους Id.3.94

    , 8.44;

    πολλὴν ἂν οἶμαι ἀπιστίαν τῆς δυνάμεως.. π. τὸ κλέος αὐτῶν εἶναι Th.1.10

    , cf. Pi.O.2.88, Pl. Prt. 327d, 328c, Phd. 102c, etc.; π. τὰς μεγίστας καὶ ἐλαχίστας ναῦς τὸ μέσον σκοπεῖν the mean between.., Th.1.10;

    τὸ κάλλιστον τῶν ἔργων π. τὸ αἴσχιστον συμβαλεῖν Lycurg.68


    ἓν π. ἓν συμβάλλειν Hdt.4.50

    ; also

    ἔχεις π. τὰ ἔτη μέλαιναν τὴν τρίχα Thphr. Char.2.3


    ἐνδεεστέρως ἢ π. τὴν ἐξουσίαν Th.4.39

    : also of mathematical ratio, οἷος ὁ πρῶτος (sc. ὅρος)

    ποτὶ τὸν δεύτερον, καὶ ὁ δεύτερος ποτὶ τὸν τρίτον Archyt.2

    , cf. Philol.11, Pl.Ti. 36b, Arist.Rh. 1409a4, al., Euc. 5 Def.4, etc.; πρὸς παρεὸν.. μῆτις ἀέξεται ἀνθρώποισι in proportion to the existing (physical development), Emp.106: also of price, value, πωλεῖσθαι δὶς π. ἀργύριον sells twice against or relatively to silver, i.e. for twice its weight in silver, Thphr.HP9.6.4;

    πωλεῖται ὁ σταθμὸς αὐτοῦ π. διπλοῦν ἀργύριον Dsc.1.19

    ; [ἡ μαργαρῖτις λίθος] πωλεῖται.. π. χρυσίον for its weight in gold, Androsthenes ap.Ath.3.93b: metaph.,

    π. ἀρετήν Pl.Phd. 69a

    ; ὅπως π. τὰς τιμὰς τῶν κριθῶν τὰ ἄλφιτα πωλήσουσι on the basis of the price of barley, Arist.Ath.51.3; ἐξέστω αὐτοῦ ἀπογραφὴ τῆς οὐσίας π. τοῦτο τὸ ἀργύριον Ἀθηναίων τῷ βουλομένῳ property equal in value to this silver, IG22.1013.14, cf. PHib. 1.32.9 (iii B. C.), IG5(1).1390.78 (Andania, i B. C.);

    τῶν ἐγγύων τῶν ἐγγυωμένων π. [αὐτὰ] τὰ κτήματα SIG364.42

    (Ephesus, iii B. C.);

    θέντων τὰ ποτήρια π. χρυσοῦς ἑκατόν IPE12.32A16

    (Olbia, iii B. C.); τοὺς ἀπαγομένους εἰς φυλακὴν π. τὰ χρέα imprisoned for debt, Plb. 38.11.10, cf. 1.72.5, 5.27.4,5,7,5.108.1, PTeb.707.9 (ii B. C.);

    τοὺς π. καταδίκας ἐκπεπτωκότας Plb.25.3.1

    , cf. SIG742.31 (Ephesus, i B. C.);

    ἐγδίδομεν τὸ ἔργον.. π. χαλκόν IG7.3073.6

    (Lebad., ii B. C.), cf. PSI5.356.7 (iii B. C.), PTeb. 825 (a).16 (ii B. C.), Sammelb.5106.3 (ii B. C.);

    οἷον π. ἀργύριον τὴν δόξαν τὰς ψυχὰς ἀποδιδόμενοι Jul. Or.1.42b

    ; π. ἅλας ἠγορασμένος, i.e. 'dirt cheap', Men.828 (also π. ἅλα δειπνεῖν καὶ κύαμον, i.e. dine frugally, take pot-luck, Plu.2.684f); so

    ἡδονὰς π. ἡδονὰς.. καταλλάττεσθαι Pl.Phd. 69a

    ; of measurements of time by the flow from the clepsydra,

    π. ἕνδεκα ἀμφορέας ἐν διαμεμετρημένῃ τῇ ἡμέρᾳ κρίνομαι Aeschin.2.126

    , cf. Arist.Ath.67.2,3,69.2;

    λεγέσθω τᾶς δίκας ὁ μὲν πρᾶτος λόγος ἑκατέροις ποτὶ χόας δεκαοκτώ SIG953.17

    (Calymna, ii B. C.); λεξάντων πρὸς τὴν τήρησιν τοῦ ὕδατος ib.683.60 (Olympia, ii B. C.); π. κλεψύδραν Eub.p.182 K., Epin. 2;

    π. κλεψύδρας Arist.Po. 1451a8


    π. ὀλίγον ὕδωρ ἀναγκαζόμενος λέγειν D.41.30

    ; hence later, π. ὀλίγον for a short time,

    ἐπανεῖναι π. ὀλίγον τὴν πολιορκίαν J.BJ5.9.1

    , cf. Alex.Aphr. in Top.560.2, Hld.2.19, POxy67.14 (iv A.D.), Orib.Fr.116, Gp.4.15.8; π.ὀλίγον καιρόν, χρόνον, Antyll. ap. Orib.9.24.26, Paul.Aeg.Prooem.; π. ὀλίγον ἐστὶ τὸ ζῆν Poet. in Mus.Script.p.452 von Jan;

    μήτηρ δ' ἦν π. μικρόν Sammelb. 7288.4

    ([place name] Ptolemaic);

    π. βραχύ Jul.Or.1.47b

    (but π. βραχὺ παρηβηκυίας (by) a little past their best, Gp.4.15.3);

    π. βραχὺν καιρόν Iamb. Protr. 21


    κα'; π. τὸ ἀκαρές Porph.Gaur.3.3


    π. μίαν ἢ δευτέραν ἡμέραν Dsc. 2.101

    , cf. Sor.1.56;

    π. δύο ἡμέρας ἐκοίμησα ἐκεῖ BGU775.8

    (ii A. D.);

    π.μόνην τὴν ἐνεστῶσαν ἡμέραν Sammelb. 7399

    (ii A.D.), cf. M.Ant.12.4;

    προστιμάσθω π. χρόνον μὴ εἰσελθεῖν ὅσον ἂν δόξῃ IG22.1368.89

    5 in or by reference to, according to, in view of,

    π. τὸ παρεὸν βουλεύεσθαι Hdt. 1.20

    , cf. 113, Th.6.46,47, IG22.1.20, etc.;

    π. τὴν παροῦσαν ἀρρωστίαν Th.7.47


    ἵνα π. τὸν ὑπάρχοντα καιρὸν ἕκαστα θεωρῆτε D.18.17

    , cf. 314, etc.;

    εἴ τι δεῖ τεκμαίρεσθαι π. τὸν ἄλλον τρόπον Id.27.22

    ; τοῖς π. ὑμᾶς ζῶσι those who live with your interests in view, Id.19.226;

    ἐλευθέρου τὸ μὴ π. ἄλλον ζῆν Arist.Rh. 1367a32


    π. τοῦτον πάντ' ἐσκόπουν, π. τοῦτον ἐποιοῦντο τὴν εἰρήνην D.19.63

    ; τὸ παιδεύεσθαι π. τὰς πολιτείας suitably to them, Arist.Pol. 1310a14; ὁρῶ.. ἅπαντας π. τὴν παροῦσαν δύναμιν τῶν δικαίων ἀξιουμένους according to their power, D.15.28;

    π. τὰς τύχας γὰρ τὰς φρένας κεκτήμεθα

    according to..,

    E.Hipp. 701

    ; πὸς τὰς συνθέσις in accordance with the agreements, IG5(2).343.41,60 (Orchom. Arc.); τὸν δικαστὰν ὀμνύντα κρῖναι πορτὶ τὰ μωλιόμενα having regard to the pleadings, Leg.Gort.5.44, cf. 9.30; αἱ ἀρχαὶ.. πρὸς τὰ κατεσκευασμένα σύμβολα σηκώματα ποιησάμεναι after making weights and measures in accordance with, or by reference to, the established standards, IG22.1013.7; π. τὰ στάθμια τὰ ἐν τῷ ἀργυροκοπίῳ as measured by the weights in the mint, ib. 30, cf. PAmh.43.10 (ii B. C.); [Εόλων] ἐποίησε σταθμὰ π. τὸ νόμισμα made (trade-) weights on the basis of (i.e. proportional to) the coinage, Arist.Ath.10.2;

    ὀρθὸν π. τὸν διαβήτην IG22.1668.9

    , cf. 95,7.3073.108 (Lebad., ii B. C.); π. τὸ δικαιότατον in accordance with the most just principle, D.C.Fr.104.6.
    6 with the accompaniment of musical instruments,

    π. κάλαμον Pi.O.10(11).84

    ; π. αὐλόν or τὸν αὐλόν, E.Alc. 346, X.Smp.6.3, etc.;

    π. λύραν.. ᾄδειν SIG662.13

    (Delos, ii B. C.); π. ῥυθμὸν ἐμβαίνειν to step in time, D.S.5.34.
    7 [full] πρός c.acc. freq. periphr. for Adv., π. βίαν, = βιαίως, under compulsion,

    νῦν χρὴ.. τινα π. βίαν πώνην Alc.20


    π. βίαν ἐπίνομεν Ar.Ach.73


    τὸ π. βίαν πίνειν ἴσον πέφυκε τῷ διψῆν κακόν S.Fr. 735

    ; ἥκω.. π. βίαν under compulsion, Critias 16.10 D.; by force, forcibly, A.Pr. 210, 355, etc.; οὐ π. βίαν τινός not forced by any one, Id.Eu.5 (but also, in spite of any one, S.OC 657);

    π. τὸ βίαιον A.Ag. 130


    π. τὸ καρτερόν Id.Pr. 214

    ; π. ἀλκήν, π. ἀνάγκαν, Id.Th. 498, Pers. 569 (lyr.);

    οὐ διαχωρέεει [ἡ γαστὴρ] εἰ μὴ π. ἀνάγκην Hp. Prog.8


    π. ἰσχύος κράτος S.Ph. 594


    π. ἡδονὴν εἶναί τινι A.Pr. 494

    ; π. ἡδονὴν λέγειν, δημηγορεῖν, so as to please, Th.2.65, S.El. 921, D.4.38, cf. E.Med. 773;

    οἱ πάντα π. ἡδονὴν ἐπαινοῦντες Arist.EN 1126b13


    ἅπαντα π. ἡδ. ζητεῖν D.1.15

    , cf. 18.4; λούσασθαι τὸ σῶμα π. ἡδ. as much or little as one like s, Hp.Mul.2.133;

    πίνειν π. ἡδ. Pl. Smp. 176e

    ; π. τὸ τερπνόν calculated to delight, Th.2.53; π. χάριν so as to gratify,

    μήτε π. ἔχθραν ποιεῖσθαι λόγον μήτε π. χ. D.8.1

    , cf. S.OT 1152;

    π. χάριν δημηγορεῖν D.3.3

    , etc.: c. gen. rei, π. χάριν τινός for the sake of,

    π. χ. βορᾶς S.Ant.30

    , cf. Ph. 1156 (lyr.);

    π. ἰσχύος χ.

    by means of,

    E.Med. 538

    ; π. ὀργήν with anger, angrily, S.El. 369, Th.2.65, D.53.16 (v.l.);

    π. ὀργὴν ἐλθεῖν τινι Id.39.23

    , etc.; π. τὸ λιπαρές importunately, S.OC 1119;

    π. εὐσέβειαν Id.El. 464

    ; π. καιρόν seasonably, Id.Aj.38, etc.;

    π. φύσιν Id.Tr. 308

    ; π. εὐτέλειαν cheaply, Antiph.226.2; π. μέρος in due proportion, D.36.32;

    π. ὀλίγον μέρος Gp.2.15.1

    ; τέτραπτο π. ἰθύ οἱ straight towards him, Il.14.403; π. ὀρθὰς (sc. γωνίας ( .. τῇ AEB at right angles to, Arist.Mete. 373a14, cf. Euc.1.11, Archim.Sph.Cyl.1.3;

    π. ὀρθὴν τέμνουσα Arist.Mete. 363b2

    ; π. ἀχθηδόνα, π. ἀπέχθειαν, Luc.Tox.9, Hist.Conscr.38; γυνὴ π. ἀλήθειαν οὖσα in truth a woman, a very woman, Ath.15.687a, cf. Luc. JTr.48, Alex.61: c. [comp] Sup., π. τὰ μέγιστα in the highest degree, Hdt.8.20.
    8 of Numbers. up to, about, Plb.16.7.5, etc.: cf. πρόσπου.
    D ABS. AS ADV., besides, over and above; in Hom. always π. δέ or ποτὶ δέ, Il.5.307, 10.108, al., cf. Hdt.1.71, etc.; π. δὲ καί ib. 164, 207;

    π. δὲ ἔτι Id.3.74


    καὶ π. Id.7.154

    , 184, prob. in A.Ch. 301, etc.;

    καὶ π. γε E.Hel. 110

    , Pl.R. 328a, 466e;

    καὶ.. γε π. A.Pr.73


    καὶ δὴ π. Hdt.5.67

    ; freq. at the end of a second clause,

    τάδε λέγω, δράσω τε π. E.Or. 622


    ἀλογία.., καὶ ἀμαθία γε π. Pl.Men. 90e

    , cf. E.Ph. 610;

    ἐνενήκοντα καὶ μικρόν τι π. D.4.28

    , cf. 22.60.
    I motion towards, as προσάγω, προσέρχομαι, etc.
    II addition, besides, as προσκτάομαι, προσδίδωμι, προστίθημι, etc.
    III a being on, at, by, or beside: hence, a remaining beside, and metaph. connexion and engagement with anything, as πρόσειμι, προσγίγνομαι, etc.
    1 in poetry πρός sts. stands after its case and before an attribute,

    ποίμνας βουστάσεις τε π. πατρός A.Pr. 653

    , cf. Th. 185, S.OT 178 (lyr.), E.Or.94; ἄστυ πότι (or ποτὶ)

    σφέτερον Il.17.419

    , cf. Pi.O.4.5.
    2 in Hom. it is freq. separated from its Verb by tmesis.
    3 sts. (in violation of the rule given by A.D.Synt.127.8, Pron.42.5) followed by an enclit. Pron.,

    πρός με S.Aj. 292

    , Ar.Pl. 1055, D.18.14 (v.l.), Men.978, Pk.77, Com.Adesp.15.25 D., 22.68 D., etc.

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > πρός

  • 56 φύσις

    φύσις [pron. full] [ῠ], , gen. φύσεως, poet. φύσεος prob. (metri gr.) in E.Tr. 886, cf. Ar.V. 1282 (lyr.), 1458 (lyr.), [dialect] Ion. φύσιος: dual φύσει (
    A v.l. φύση) Pl.R. 410e, ([etym.] φύω):
    I origin,

    φ. οὐδενός ἐστιν ἁπάντων θνητῶν οὐδὲ.. τελευτή Emp.8.1

    (cf. Plu.2.1112a);

    φ. βούλονται λέγειν γένεσιν τὴν περὶ τὰ πρῶτα Pl.Lg. 892c


    ἡ φ. ἡ λεγομένη ὡς γένεσις ὁδός ἐστιν εἰς φύσιν Arist.Ph. 193b12


    φ. λέγεται ἡ τῶν φυομένων γένεσις Id.Metaph. 1014b16

    ; freq. of persons, birth,

    φύσει νεώτερος S.OC 1295

    , cf. Aj. 1301, etc.;

    φύσι γεγονότες εὖ Hdt.7.134

    ; φύσει, opp. θέσει (by adoption), D.L.9.25;

    φύσει Ἀμβρακιώτης, δημοποίητος δὲ Σικυώνιος Ath.4.183d

    ; so ὁ κατὰ φύσιν πατήρ, υἱός, ἀδελφός, Plb. 3.9.6, 3.12.3, 11.2.2; also in acc.,

    ἐκ πατρὸς ταὐτοῦ φύσιν S.El. 325

    ; ἢ φίλων τις ἢ πρὸς αἵματος φύσιν ib. 1125, cf. Isoc.3.42.
    2 growth, τριχῶν, παιδίου, Hp.Nat.Puer.20,29, cf. 27: pl.,

    γενειάσεις καὶ φύσεις κεράτων Plot.4.3.13

    II the natural form or constitution of a person or thing as the result of growth (

    οἷον ἕκαστόν ἐστι τῆς γενέσεως τελεσθείσης, ταύτην φαμὲν τὴν φ. εἶναι ἑκάστου Arist.Pol. 1252b33

    ): hence,
    1 nature, constitution, once in Hom., καί μοι φύσιν αὐτοῦ (sc. τοῦ φαρμάκου)

    ἔδειξε Od.10.303


    φ. τῆς χώρης Hdt.2.5


    τῆς Ἀττικῆς X.Vect.1.2

    , cf. Oec.16.2, D.18.146, etc.;

    τῆς τριχός X.Eq.5.5

    ; αἵματος, ἀέρος, etc., Arist.PA 648a21, Mete. 340a36, etc.: pl.,

    φύσεις ἐγγιγνομένας καρπῶν καὶ δένδρων Isoc.7.74


    αἱ φ. καὶ δυνάμεις τῶν πολιτειῶν Id.12.134


    ἡ τῶν ἀριθμῶν φ. Pl.R. 525c


    ἡ τῶν πάντων φ. X.Mem.1.1.11

    , etc.;

    ἡ ἰδία τοῦ πράγματος φ. IG22.1099.28

    2 outward form, appearance,

    μέζονας ἢ κατ' ἀνθρώπων φύσιν Hdt.8.38

    ; ἢ νόον ἤτοι φύσιν either in mind or outward form, Pi.N.6.5;

    οὐ γὰρ φ. Ὠαριωνείαν ἔλαχεν Id.I.4(3).49


    μορφῆς δ' οὐχ ὁμόστολος φ. A.Supp. 496


    τὸν δὲ Λάϊον φύσιν τίν' εἶχε φράζε S.OT 740

    (read εἷρπε, taking φ. with ἔχων), cf. Tr. 379; δρακαίνης φ. ἔχουσαν ἀγρίαν prob. in E.Ba. 1358;

    τὴν ἐμὴν ἰδὼν φ. Ar.V. 1071

    (troch.), cf. Nu. 503;

    τὴν τοῦ σώματος φ. Isoc.9.75

    3 Medic., constitution, temperament, Hp.Aph.3.2 (pl.), al.;

    ἡ φ. καὶ ἡ ἕξις Id.Acut.43


    φ. φύσιος καὶ ἡλικία ἡλικίης διαφέρει Id.Fract.7


    φύσιες νούσων ἰητροί Id.Epid.6.5.1

    b natural place or position of a bone or joint, ἀποπηδᾶν ἀπὸ τῆς φ., ἐς τὴν φ. ἄγεσθαι, Id.Art.61, 62, al.;

    ὀστέον μένον ἐν τῇ ἑωυτοῦ φ. Id.VC5

    , al.;

    φύσιες τῶν ἄρθρων Id.Nat.Puer.17

    4 of the mind, one's nature, character,

    ἦθος ἕκαστον, ὅπῃ φ. ἐστὶν ἑκάστῳ Emp.110.5


    εὐγενὴς γὰρ ἡ φ. κἀξ εὐγενῶν.. ἡ σή S.Ph. 874

    ; τὴν αὑτοῦ φ. λιπεῖν, δεῖξαι, ib. 902, 1310;

    φ. φρενός E.Med. 103


    ἡ ἀνθρωπεία φ. Th.1.76


    φ. τῆς μορφῆς καὶ τῆς ψυχῆς X.Cyr.1.2.2


    ὀνόματι μεμπτὸν τὸ νόθον, ἡ φ. δ' ἴση E.Fr. 168

    ; φ. φιλόσοφος, τυραννική, etc., Pl.R. 410e, 576a, etc.;

    δεξιοὶ φύσιν A.Pr. 489


    ἀκμαῖοι φύσιν Id.Pers. 441


    τὸ γὰρ ἀποστῆναι χαλεπὸν φύσεος, ἣν ἔχοι τις Ar.V. 1458

    (lyr.), cf. 1282 (lyr.);

    Σόλων.. ἦν φιλόδημος τὴν φ. Id.Nu. 1187


    ἔνιοι ὄντες ὡς ἀληθῶς τοῦ δήμου τὴν φ. οὐ δημοτικοί εἰσι X.Ath.2.19

    ; φύσεως ἰσχύς force of natural powers, Th.1.138; φύσεως κακία badness of natural disposition, D.20.140;

    ἀγαθοὶ.. γίγνονται διὰ τριῶν, τὰ τρία δὲ ταῦτά ἐστι φ. ἔθος λόγος Arist. Pol. 1332a40

    ; χρῶ τῇ φύσει, i.e. give rein to your natural propensities, Ar.Nu. 1078, cf. Isoc.7.38;

    τῇ φ. χρώμενος Plu.Cor.18


    θείας κοινωνοὶ φ. 2 Ep.Pet.1.4

    : pl., Isoc.4.113, v.l. in E.Andr. 956;

    οἱ ἄριστοι τὰς φ. Pl.R. 526c

    , cf. 375b, al.: prov.,

    ἔθος, φασί, δευτέρη φ. Jul.Mis. 353a

    b instinct in animals, etc., Democr.278;

    οὐκ ἐπιστήμῃ οὐδὲ τέχνῃ ἀλλὰ φύσει Herm.

    ap. Stob.1.41.6;

    ἐν τοῖς ἄλλοις ζῴοις ἡ αἴσθησις τῇ φ. ἥνωται, ἐν δὲ ἀνθρώποις τῇ νοήσει Corp.Herm. 9.1

    , cf. 12.1.
    5 freq. in periphrases, καὶ γὰρ ἂν πέτρου φύσιν σύ γ' ὀργάνειας, i.e. would'st provoke a stone, S.OT 335;

    χθονὸς φ. A.Ag. 633

    ; esp. in Pl.,

    ἡ τοῦ πτεροῦ φ. Phdr. 251b


    ἡ φ. τῶν σωμάτων Smp. 186b

    ; ἡ φ. τῆς ἀσθενείας its natural weakness, Phd. 87e;

    ἡ τοῦ μυελοῦ φ. Ti. 84c


    ἡ τοῦ δικαίου φ. Lg. 862d

    , al.; ἡ φ., with gen. understood, Smp. 191a, Phd. 109e.
    III the regular order of nature,

    τύχη.. ἀβέβαιος, φ. δὲ αὐτάρκης Democr.176


    κατὰ φύσιν Pl.R. 444d

    , etc.; τρίχες κατὰ φύσιν πεφυκυῖαι growing naturally, Hdt.2.38, cf. Alex.156.7 (troch.);

    κατὰ φύσιν νόμος ὁ πάντων βασιλεύς Pi.Fr. 169

    (cf. Pl.Grg. 488b);

    κατὰ φ. ποιεῖν Heraclit.112

    ; opp. παρὰ φύσιν, E.Ph. 395, Th.6.17, etc.;

    παρὰ τὴν φ. Anaxipp.1.18

    ; προδότης ἐκ φύσεως a traitor by nature, Aeschin.2.165; πρὸ τῆς φ. ἥκειν εἰς θάνατον before the natural term, Plu.Comp.Dem.Cic.5: freq. in dat. φύσει (

    ἐν φ. Hp.

    Aër.14) by nature, naturally, opp. τύχῃ, τέχνῃ, Pl.Lg. 889b, cf. R. 381b;

    φύσει τοιοῦτος Ar.Pl. 275

    , cf. 279, al.;

    ὁ ἄνθρωπος φ. πολιτικὸν ζῷόν ἐστι Arist.Pol. 1253a3

    ; ὁ μὴ αὑτοῦ φ. ἀλλ' ἄλλου ἄνθρωπος ὤν, οὗτος φ. δοῦλός ἐστιν ib. 1254a15;

    φ. γὰρ οὐδεὶς δοῦλος ἐγενήθη ποτέ Philem.95.2

    ; opp. νόμῳ (by convention), Philol.9, Archelaus ap.D.L.2.16, Pl.Grg. 482e, cf. Prt. 337d, etc.;

    τὰ μὲν τῶν νόμων ὁμολογηθέντα, οὐ φύντ' ἐστίν, τὰ δὲ τῆς φύσεως φύντα, οὐχ ὁμολογηθέντα Antipho Soph.44

    Ai 32 (Vorsokr.5);

    ἅπας ὁ τῶν ἀνθρώπων βίος φύσει καὶ νόμοις διοικεῖται D.25.15


    τοὺς τῆς φ. οὐκ ἔστι λανθάνειν νόμους Men.Mon. 492


    οὐ σοφίᾳ, ἀλλὰ φύσει τινί Pl. Ap. 22c


    φ. μὴ πεφυκότα τοιαῦτα φωνεῖν S.Ph.79

    , cf. Pl.Phlb. 14c, etc.;

    φύσει πάντα πάντες ὁμοίως πεφύκαμεν καὶ βάρβαροι καὶ Ἕλληνες εἶναι Antipho Soph.44

    Bii 10 (Vorsokr.5); φύσιν ἔχει c. inf., it is natural, κῶς φύσιν ἔχει πολλὰς μυριάδας φονεῦσαι (sc. τὸν Ἡρακλέα); Hdt.2.45, cf. Pl.R. 473a; οὐκ ἔχει φύσιν it is contrary to nature, ib. 489b;

    οὔτ' εὔλογον οὔτ' ἔχον ἐστὶ φύσιν D.2.26


    τὸ τόλμημα φύσιν οὐκ ἔχει Polem.Call.36

    IV in Philosophy:
    1 nature as an originating power,

    φ. λέγεται.. ὅθεν ἡ κίνησις ἡ πρώτη ἐν ἑκάστῳ τῶν φύσει ὄντων Arist.Metaph. 1014b16


    ὁ δὲ θεὸς καὶ ἡ φ. οὐδὲν μάτην ποιοῦσιν Id.Cael. 271a33

    ; ἡ δὲ φ. οὐδὲν ἀλόγως οὐδὲ μάτην ποιεῖ ib. 291b13;

    ἡ μὲν τέχνη ἀρχὴ ἐν ἄλλῳ, ἡ δὲ φ. ἀρχὴ ἐν αὐτῷ Id.Metaph. 1070a8

    , cf. Mete. 381b5, etc.;

    φ. κρύπτεσθαι φιλεῖ Heraclit.123


    ἡ γοητεία τῆς φ. Plot.4.4.44

    ; φ. κοινή, the principle of growth in the universe, Cleanth.Stoic.1.126; as Stoic t.t., the inner fire which causes preservation and growth in plants and animals, defined as πῦρ τεχνικὸν ὁδῷ βαδίζον εἰς γένεσιν, Stoic.1.44, cf. 35, al., S.E.M.9.81; Nature, personified,

    χάρις τῇ μακαρίᾳ Φ. Epicur.Fr. 469


    Φ. καὶ Εἱμαρμένη καὶ Ἀνάγκη Phld. Piet.12


    ἡ κατωφερὴς Φ. Corp.Herm.1.14

    2 elementary substance,

    κινδυνεύει ὁ λέγων ταῦτα πῦρ καὶ ὕδωρ καὶ γῆν καὶ ἀέρα πρῶτα ἡγεῖσθαι τῶν πάντων εἶναι καὶ τὴν φ. ὀνομάζειν αὐτὰ ταῦτα Pl.Lg. 891c

    , cf. Arist.Fr.52 (defined as

    τὴν πρώτην οὐσίαν.. ὑποβεβλημένην ἅπασι τοῖς γεννητοῖς καὶ φθαρτοῖς σώμασι Gal.15.3


    τῶν φύσει ὄντων τὰ στοιχεῖά φασιν εἶναι φύσιν Arist.Metaph. 1014b33

    : pl., Epicur.Ep. 1p.6U., al.;

    ἄτομοι φ.



    ap. Diog.Oen.5, Epicur.Ep. 1p.7U.;

    ἄφθαρτοι φ. Phld.Piet.83

    3 concrete, the creation, 'Nature',

    ἀθανάτου.. φύσεως κόσμον ἀγήρων E.Fr. 910


    περὶ φύσεώς τε καὶ τῶν μετεώρων ἀστρονομικὰ ἄττα διερωτᾶν Pl.Prt. 315c

    ; περὶ φύσεως, title of works by Xenophanes, Heraclitus, Gorgias, Epicurus, etc.;

    [σοφία] ἣν δὴ καλοῦσι περὶ φύσεως ἱστορίαν Pl.Phd. 96a


    περὶ φ. ἀφοριζόμενοι διεχώριζον ζῴων τε βίον δένδρων τε φύσιν λαχάνων τε γένη Epicr.11.13

    (anap.); so later,

    ἡ φ. τὸ ὑπὸ ψυχῆς τῆς πάσης ταχθέν Plot.2.2.1


    τὰ στοιχεῖα τῆς φ. Corp.Herm.1.8

    ; αἱ δύο φ., i.e. heaven and earth, light and darkness, etc., PMag.Leid.W.6.42.
    4 Pythag. name for two, Theol.Ar.12.
    V as a concrete term, creature, freq. in collect. sense, θνητὴ φ. mankind, S.Fr. 590 (anap.), cf. OT 869 (lyr.); πόντου εἰναλία φ. the creatures of the sea, Id.Ant. 345 (lyr.);

    ὃ πᾶσα φ. διώκειν πέφυκε Pl.R. 359c

    , cf. Plt. 272c; ἡ τῶν θηλειῶν φ. woman- kind (opp. τὸ ἄρρεν φῦλον) X.Lac.3.4: also in pl., S.OT 674, Pl.R. 588c, Plt. 306e, X.Oec.13.9; in contemptuous sense, αἱ τοιαῦται φ. such creatures as these, Isoc.4.113, cf. 20.11, Aeschin.1.191.
    b of plants or material substances,

    φ. εὐώδεις καρποφοροῦσαι D.S.2.49


    ὑγράν τινα φ. καπνὸν ἀποδιδοῦσαν Corp.Herm. 1.4

    VI kind, sort, species,

    ταύτην.. ἔχειν βιοτῆς.. φύσιν S.Ph. 165


    ἐκλέγονται ἐκ τούτων χρημάτων μίαν φ. τὴν τῶν λευκῶν Pl.R. 429d

    ; φ. [ἀλωπεκίδων] species, X.Cyn.3.1; natural group or class of plants, Thphr.HP6.1.1 (pl.).
    VII sex, θῆλυς φῦσα (prob. for οὖσα)

    κοὐκ ἀνδρὸς φύσιν S.Tr. 1062

    , cf. OC 445, Th.2.45, Pl.Lg. 770d, 944d: hence,
    2 the characteristic of sex, = αἰδοῖον, Tab.Defix. 89a6 (iv B.C.), Nic.Fr.107, D.S.32.10, S.E.M.1.150, etc.: esp. of the female organ, Hp.Mul.2.143, Ant.Lib.41, Artem.5.63, PMag.Osl.1.83,324, Horap. 1.11: pl., τῶν δύοφ., of the testes, Sch.Ar.Lys.92, cf. PMag.Par.1.318.

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > φύσις

  • 57 αἰόλος

    Grammatical information: adj.
    Meaning: `quick, glittering' (Il.).
    Dialectal forms: Myc. aiworo name of a cow.
    Compounds: κορυθαίολος `with glittering helmet' (or `who moves his helmet'?)
    Derivatives: (Rare) αἰόλλω `agitate quickly'; αἰολέω = `ποικίλλω' (Pl. Kra. 409a). Name Αἴολος, Αἰολεῖς.
    Origin: XX [etym. unknown]
    Etymology: Etym. unknown. Fraenkel Gnomon 22, 239 thought *(Ϝ)αι-Ϝόλ-ος (with dissimilatory loss of Ϝ-) from *u̯el- `turn' in εἰλέω etc. - Benveniste ( BSL 38, 107) connected αἰών, Skt. ā́yu `vital force' (improbable). Risch Mus. Helv. 29, 1972, 97 argues that the original meaning was a colour. On αἰέλουρος s.v. - For the type, cf. αἰώρα, αἰονάω.
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    Greek-English etymological dictionary (Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά ετυμολογική λεξικό) > αἰόλος

  • 58 βέλτερος

    Grammatical information: adj.
    Meaning: `better, the best' (Il.)
    Other forms: βελτίων (posthom.); superlative βέλτατος (A.), βέλτιστος (Att.)
    Dialectal forms: Dor. (Theoc.) βέντιστος (λτ \> ντ)
    Derivatives: From βελτίων: βελτιόω (Ph.). - On ἀβέλτεροςs.s.v.
    Origin: IE [Indo-European]X [probably] [96] * bel- `strong'.
    Etymology: Mostly connected with Skt. bálam n. `force', Lat. dē-bilis `without power', OCS boljьjь `bigger' etc. But the formation is unclear, notably the - τ-. Seiler Steigerungsformen 91ff. assumes a *βελτός `desired' \> `better' (but hardly to βούλομαι because of the β-, but cf. Cret. δέλτον ἀγαθόν Phot.). On bálam etc. see however the discussion in Mayrhofer EWAia 2, 215
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    Greek-English etymological dictionary (Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά ετυμολογική λεξικό) > βέλτερος

  • 59 ἔρυμαι

    Grammatical information: v.
    Meaning: `keep off, protect, save' (Il.).
    Other forms: ( ἔρυσθαι, ἔρῡ-το, - σο), ἐρύομαι ( ἐρύεσθαι, ἐρύετο), also ῥύομαι, inf. ῥῦσθαι, aor. ἐρύσ(σ)ασθαι, ῥύσασθαι, fut. ἐρύσσομαι, ῥύσομαι; also with anlaut. εἰ-: εἴρῡτο, εἰρῠ́-αται, - ατο, - ντο, perhaps reduplicated perfects with present-meaning (inf. εἴρυσθαι); from there resp. through metrical lengthening εἰρύσσασθαι, εἰρύσσονται, εἰρύομαι; cf. also below; aor. pass. ἐρρύσθην (Ev. Luc. 1, 74, 2. Ep. Ti. 4, 17, Hld. 10, 7)
    Dialectal forms: Myc. uruto \/ wru(n)t-\/?
    Compounds: Details in Schwyzer 681 w. n. 1, Chantraine Gramm. hom. 1, 294f., Bechtel Lex. s. v. As 1. member: ἐρυ- in Έρύ-λαος, Έρύ-μας, - μηλος (also Εὑρυ-, either after εὑρύς or from Ϝερυ- (?); s. below and cf. Specht KZ 59, 36f.); ἐρῠσι- in ἐρυσίπτολις `protecting the town' (Ζ 305 a. e.), ' Ερυσί-χθων (s. v.); Aeol. Εὑρυσί-λαος (cf. above). ῥῡσί- e. g. in ῥῡσί-πολις (A. Th. 129 [lyr.] a. o.).
    Derivatives: ἔρῠμα n. `defence' (Il.), diminut. ἐρυμάτιον (Luc.); from there ἐρυμν-ός `for defence, protected' (Ion.-Att.) with ἐρυμνότης `defence-force' (X., Arist.), ἐρυμνόω `defend' (Agath.). ἐρυσμός `defence, protection' (h. Cer. 230). ἐρῠ́σιμον ( εἰ- metr. length.) name of a kind of mustard (Thphr., Dsc.), because of its protection (Strömberg Pflanzennamen 81); from *ἔρῠ-σις or directly from verb, cf. Arbenz Die Adj. auf - ιμος 20. ῥυ̃̄τήρ m. `protector, watcher' (ρ 187, 223), ῥύ̄τωρ `id.' (A. Th. 318 [lyr.], AP); attempt at a semantic differentiation by Benveniste Noms d'agent 33 and 36. ῥύ̄σιος `saving' (A. Supp. 150 [lyr.], AP), after the adj. in - σιος (Chantraine Formation 41) or from ῥῦσις `saving' ( Epigr. Gr. 200 [Kos], LXX). ῥῦμα `defence' (Hp., trag.).
    Origin: IE [Indo-European] [1161] *u̯eru-, *u̯ruH-? `avert, ward off, protect, defend'
    Etymology: For the assumption of an orig. *Ϝέρυ-μαι speak notably the Skt. nouns varū-tár- m. `protector', várū-tha- n. `defence, protection' (with vr̥ṇóti `avert', Germ., e. g. Goth. warjan ` wehren' etc.). Doubts arise from the absence of a trace of a digamma in Homer; attempts for a solution in Solmsen Unt. 245ff. So we have two ablaut-degrees, Ϝερυ- and Ϝρῡ-, the last certain in εἴρῡται \< *Ϝέ-Ϝρῡ-ται etc. (cf. above), but further with unclear distribution. Esp. the general Ionic present εἰρύομαι, perhaps also for Εὑρυσί-λαος, one is prepared to assume vowel-prothesis, ἐ-Ϝερυ-, ἐ-Ϝρυ-, which is forbidden by modern insights: an unsolved problem. S. Solmsen l. c. - Against connection with Lat. servāre Solmsen l. c.
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  • 60 ἐ᾽ρύω

    ἐ᾽ρύω, - ομαι
    Grammatical information: v.
    Meaning: `draw, tear, draw towards one' (Il.). Details in Schwyzer 681, 780, Chantraine Gramm. hom. 1, 30, 136f. etc., Solmsen Unt. 244f., Bechtel Lex s. v.
    Other forms: ( εἰ- Hdt., Hp.), inf. εἰρύμεναι (Hes. Op. 818, verse-begin; cf. Chantraine Gramm. hom. 1, 294), aor. ἐρύσ(σ)αι, - ασθαι (also εἰ- Hdt., Hp.), pass. ἐρυσθῆναι, εἰ- (Hp.), Dor. ipv. Ϝερυσάτω (Delphi IVa; not certain), fut. ἐρύω, - ομαι (Hom.), ἐρύσω (Opp.), ἐρύσσω, - ομαι (Orph.; as v. l. Φ 176), perf. pass. εἴρῡμαι, εἰρῠ́αται,
    Compounds: also with prefix ἀν- ( ἀϜ-), ἐξ-, κατ-, προ- etc. - As 1. member in ἐρῠσ-άρματες ( ἵπποι) `drawing the chariot' (Hom.); on the formation Sommer Nominalkomp. 1 1f.
    Derivatives: Rarely ἐρυ-: ἔρῠ-σις `the drawing' (Max. Tyr.), ἐρῠ-τήρ `the drawer' (Nic.), ἐρυ-σ-τός (S.). More from ῥῡ- (ῥῠ-): ῥῡ-τήρ m. `rein, rope' (Il.), also `bow-stretcher, archer' (Od.); ῥύ̄-τωρ `bow-stretcher' (Ar. Th. 108 [lyr.]); ῥῡ-μός m. `drawing(wood), pole etc' (Il.); ῥῦ-μα `that which is drawn' (A., X.); ῥύ̄-μη `force, swing' (Hp.); ῥῡ-τός `drawn' ( ῥυτοῖσι λάεσσι ζ 267; ξ 10), ῥῡ-τά n. pl. `reins' (Hes. Sc. 308); with ιο-suffix ῥύσιον, Dor. ῥύτιον *`what is drawn forth', i. e. `deposit, retribution' (Il.); ῥῠτίς `fold, rumple', ῥῡσός `rumply' s. v. Expressive enlargement (Schwyzer 706): ῥυστάζω `draw to and fro, maltreat' (Hom.) with ῥυστακτύ̄ς (σ 224), ῥύσταγμα (Lyk. 1089).
    Origin: IE [Indo-European] [??] *u̯eru-? `draw'
    Etymology: (Ϝ)ερύω, *Ϝέ-Ϝρῡ-μαι \> εἴρῡμαι, beside which perhaps with vowel-prothesis *ἐ-Ϝερύομαι \> εἰρύομαι (cf. the litt. above; for the digamma not esp. ep. (Aeol.) αὑερύω = ἀϜ-Ϝερύω ἀν-Ϝερύω, βρυτῆρες = ῥυτῆρες [A. D.]), has, though without a doubt old, no certain agreement outside Greek. - On ambivalent Lat. rū̆dēns `sail of a ship' s. W.-Hofmann and Ernout-Meillet s. v.
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