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См. также в других словарях:

  • Meditate — Med i*tate, v. t. 1. To contemplate; to keep the mind fixed upon; to study. Blessed is the man that doth meditate good things. Ecclus. xiv. 20. [1913 Webster] 2. To purpose; to intend; to design; to plan by revolving in the mind; as, to meditate… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Meditate — Med i*tate, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Meditated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Meditating}.] [L. meditatus, p. p. of meditari to meditate; cf. Gr. ? to learn, E. mind.] To keep the mind in a state of contemplation; to dwell on anything in thought; to think… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • meditate — ► VERB 1) focus one s mind for a time for spiritual purposes or for relaxation. 2) (meditate on/about) think carefully about. ORIGIN Latin meditari contemplate , related to METE(Cf. ↑mete) …   English terms dictionary

  • meditate — [med′ə tāt΄] vt. meditated, meditating [< L meditatus, pp. of meditari, to meditate: for base see MEDICAL] 1. Rare to reflect upon; study; ponder 2. to plan or intend vi. 1. to think deeply and continuously; reflect; muse 2. to engage …   English World dictionary

  • meditate — index concentrate (pay attention), deliberate, muse, ponder, reflect (ponder), study Burton s Lega …   Law dictionary

  • meditate on — index brood, consider Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • meditate — (v.) 1580s, to ponder, back formation from MEDITATION (Cf. meditation), or else from L. meditatus, pp. of meditari (see MEDITATION (Cf. meditation)). Related: Meditated; meditating …   Etymology dictionary

  • meditate — *ponder, muse, ruminate Analogous words: contemplate, *consider, study, weigh: reflect, reason, speculate, deliberate, *think, cogitate: examine, inspect, *scrutinize …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • meditate — [v] contemplate brood over, cogitate, consider, deliberate, design, devise, dream, entertain idea*, figure, have in mind*, intend, moon*, mull over, muse, plan, ponder, purpose, put on thinking cap*, puzzle over, reflect, revolve, roll, ruminate …   New thesaurus

  • meditate — v. 1) to meditate deeply 2) (D; intr.) to meditate on, upon * * * [ medɪteɪt] upon (D; intr.) to meditate on to meditate deeply …   Combinatory dictionary

  • meditate — [c]/ˈmɛdəteɪt / (say meduhtayt) verb (meditated, meditating) –verb (i) 1. to engage in thought or contemplation; reflect: *I went out to swing in my hammock and meditate upon things in general. –miles franklin, 1901. 2. to discipline the mind so… …  

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