1 joint
- joint
- n1. соединение, шов; узел, стык
2. разрыв, трещина ( горных пород)
joint between precast members — соединение элементов сборных (железо)бетонныхжелезобетонных¦бетонных конструкций
joint fixed [locked] against rotation — узел, закреплённый против поворота; узел с наложенными связями против поворота
joint restrained by elastic members — упруго-податливое соединение, упруго-податливый узел
joint transmitting compression — соединение, передающее усилие сжатия
joint transmitting shears — соединение, обеспечивающее передачу поперечных сил [сдвигающих усилий]
- abutting joint
- adhesive-bonded joint
- adhesive joint
- angle joint
- angle half-lap joint
- articulated joint
- aseismic joint
- ball joint
- beam butt joint
- beam-column joint
- bed joint
- bell-and-spigot joint
- birdsmouth joint
- bolted joint
- box dovetail joint
- breaking joints
- break joints
- brick joints
- bridle joint
- butt joint
- buttered joint
- cable joint
- capillary joint
- caulked joint
- cleat joint
- closely-spaced joints
- coax scarf joint
- cog scarf joint
- cold joint
- combed joint
- compression joint
- concave joint
- construction joint
- contraction joint
- convex joint
- corner joint
- cornerlock joint
- coursing joint
- crimped joint
- crimp upstand joint
- cross joint
- cross-lap joint
- curb joint
- cut joint
- dilatation joint
- dismountable joint
- double-shear joint
- double-S slip joint
- dovetail halving joint
- doweled contraction joint
- draw band joint
- duct flange joint
- dummy joint
- edge joint
- end joint
- end lap joint
- erection joint
- expansion joint
- face joint
- fail-safe joint
- false joint
- feather joint
- field joint
- finger joint
- fixed joint
- flanged joint
- flared joint
- flat joint
- flexible joint
- flexible ball joint
- floor joint
- floor-to-wall joint
- flush joint
- friction-type joint
- gland joint
- glued joint
- groove joint
- ground joint
- grouted joint
- half-lap joint
- halved joint
- heading joint
- head joint
- head contact joint
- head free joint
- Hercules pile joint
- hick joint
- high joint due to frost action
- hinged joint
- hinge joint
- incompressible joint
- insulated flanged pipe joint
- insulated rail joint
- isolation joint
- joggle joint
- keyed joint
- keys scarf joint
- knuckle joint
- laminated joint
- lapped joint
- lap joint
- lead joint
- lengthening joint
- lift joint
- lock joint
- longitudinal joint
- loose flange joint
- manipulative joint
- miter joint
- mortise-and-tenon joint
- mortise joint
- movement joint
- nonmanipulative joint
- oblique joint
- oblique butt joint
- open joint
- overstrained joint
- packed joint
- pin joint
- pipe expansion joint
- plain-S slip joint
- ploughed-and-tongued joint
- pocket lock joint
- pointed joint
- pressure-tight joint
- push fit joint
- rail joint
- raked joint
- rebated joint
- reinforced bar slip joint
- reinforced standing seam joint
- released joint
- resilient joint
- rigid joint
- ring seal joint
- rough-cut joint
- rustication joint
- rustic joint
- saddle joint
- sawed joint
- scarf joint
- screwed joint
- screw joint
- sealed joint
- semiflexible joint
- settlement joint
- shear joint
- shoved joint
- shrinkage joint
- shrinkage compensating concrete floor joint
- shrunk rubber ring joint
- single dovetail joint
- sleeve joint
- sliding joint
- slip joint
- solvent welded joint
- socket joint
- socket-and-spigot joint
- spalled joint
- spigot-and-socket joint
- S slip joint
- stagger joints
- steel crossing construction joint
- struck joint
- T and G joint
- tank base joint
- telescope joint
- threaded joint
- tight joint
- toggle joint
- tongue and groove joint
- tool joint
- tooled joint
- transverse joint
- treated joint
- undoweled joint
- unsealed joint
- V-shaped joint
- wall-footing joint
- warping joint
- watertight joint
- weathered joint
- welded joint
- wiped joint
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
2 joint
atlantoaxial joint атлантоаксиальное сочленениеatlantooccipital joint атлантозатылочное сочленениеatloidoaxoid joint атлантоаксиальное сочленениеcoffin joint венечный суставcosto-sternal joint рёберно-грудинное сочленениеcoxofemoral joint тазобедренный суставcup-and-ball joint ореховидный суставenarthrodial joint ореховидный суставfall-and-socket joint ореховидный суставhinge joint шарнирный сустав, блоковидный суставhip joint тазобедренный суставinterphalangeal joint межфаланговый суставknee joint коленный суставpivot joint коловратный суставring joint (энт) кольцевидный членикsacroiliac joint крестцово-подвздошное сочленениеshoulder joint плечевой суставstifle joint коленная чашкаthigh joint тазобедренный суставwrist joint кистевой суставEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > joint
3 joint
joint [dʒɔɪnt]1. n1) ме́сто соедине́ния; соедине́ние; стык2) анат. суста́в, сочлене́ние;to put a bone into joint again впра́вить вы́вих
;out of joint вы́вихнутый; перен. прише́дший в расстро́йство; не в поря́дке
3) часть разру́бленной ту́ши: нога́, лопа́тка и т.п.;dinner from the joint мясно́й обе́д
4) разг. ме́сто, помеще́ние;(eating) joint заку́сочная, столо́вая
5) разг. прито́н6) сл. сигаре́та с марихуа́ной7) бот. у́зел ( у растения)8) полигр. ру́бчик ( переплёта); о́тстав9) геол. тре́щина, отде́льность, ли́ния клива́жа10) тех. соедине́ние; паз, шов, шарни́р;angle joint соедине́ние под угло́м
11) тех., стр. у́зел фе́рмы2. a1) объединённый, о́бщий, совме́стный;to take joint actions де́йствовать сообща́
;joint efforts о́бщие уси́лия
;joint authors соа́вторы
;а) объединённый комите́т;б) коми́ссия из представи́телей ра́зных организа́ций;joint possession совме́стное владе́ние, совладе́ние
;joint responsibility солида́рная отве́тственность
;joint heir сонасле́дник
;J. Staff геншта́б
;J. Chiefs of Staff амер. объединённый комите́т нача́льников штабо́в
;joint stock акционе́рный капита́л
;joint resolution амер. совме́стное постановле́ние обе́их пала́т конгре́сса, кото́рое име́ет си́лу зако́на по́сле утвержде́ния президе́нтом
2) комбини́рованный;joint traffic комбини́рованное движе́ние по ре́льсовым и безре́льсовым путя́м
3. v1) сочленя́ть; соединя́ть при по́мощи вставны́х часте́й, коле́н2) разнима́ть, расчленя́ть3) стр. расшива́ть швы кирпи́чной кла́дки -
4 joint
5 joint
6 joint
1) соединение; сочленение; шарнир2) узел фермы; геометрический узел4) геол. трещина5) замок ( для канатов)6) совместный ( о предприятии)7) соединять ( при помощи вставных частей); наращивать•- abutment joint - abutting joint - adhesive joint - airtight joint - alternate joints - angle joint - angle half-lap joint - arc-welded joint - articulated joint - asymmetric joint - back joint - ball joint - ball-and-socket joint - bayonet joint - bead joint - beam butt joint - beam-to-beam joint - beam-to-beam moment joint - beam-to-column joint - bed joint - bell-and-plain end joint - bell-and-spigot joint - bell butt joint - bellows joint - bevelled joint - bleeding joint - blind joint - bolt joint - bolted joint - bolt-adhesive joint - bracket joint - branch joint - branch tee-saddle joint - brazed joint - brazed-welded joint - breaking joints - brick joint - brickwork joints - bricks joints - bridge joint - bridle joint - broken joints - building wall joints - butt joint - butt-and-collar joint - buttered joint - cable joint - carpenter's joint - cash joint - castellated joint - cast-welded rail joint - caulked joint - caulking joint - cemented joint - centre joint - chamfered joint - chamfered-edge lap joint - circular joint - clamping plate joint - clamping ring joint - clasp joint - cleat joint - clip joint - closed-tee joint - cluster joint - coach joint - cogged joint - collar joint - compensation joint - composite joint - compound for joint sealing - compression joint - concave joint - concealed joint - concrete mix joint - conduit joint - constricted-end joint - construction joint - contact joint - contraction joint - control joint - convex joint - coped joint - corner joint - cornerlock joint - cotter pin joint - coursing joint - couvre joint - cross joint - cross-halved joint - cruciform joint - curb joint - cut joint - dado joint - dead joint - demountable joint - detachable joint - dilatation joint - direct-edge splined joint - disk joint - divided tenon joint - double joint - double-bevel butt joint - double-butt joint - double-lap riveted joint - double-shear joint - dovetail joint - dovetail halving joint - dovetail scarf joint - dowelled joint - draw-band joint - dry joint - dummy joint - eccentric joint - edge joint - edge butt joint - elastic joint - elbow joint - end joint - erection joint - expanded joint - expansion joint - exposed joint - eye joint - face joint - faced joint - false joint - faucet joint - faulty joint - field joint - fillet joint - fillistered joint - finger joint - firm-and-impervious joint - fish-mouth joint - fixed joint - flange joint - flange-to-web joint - flashed joint - flat joint - flexible joint - flush joint - flush-cut joint - flush cylindrical joint - flush taper joint - folded-over joint - forge-welded joint - fork joint - friction joint - full open-corner joint - full-strength joint - gasketless joint - gastight joint - gas-welded joint - girth joint - glue joint - groove joint - grooved and tongued joint - ground joint - grouted joint - half joint - half-lap joint - half-mitre joint - halved joint - header joint - heading joint of flooring boards - hem joint - hinge joint - hinged joint - hollow joint - hook joint - housed joint - impervious joint - inclined joint - inclined tee joint - indented joint - involute splined joint - J-groove joint - joggle joint - joint double-strap lap joint - keyed joint - king-post joint - lap joint - lapped corner joint - lead joint - leakage of joint - leaky joint - ledge joint - lift joint - linear slotted lap joint - lipped joint - lock joint - longitudinal joint - loop joint - loose joint - loose tongue joint - married joints - match joint - milter joint - mortar mix joint - mortise joint - mortise and tenon joint - mortise dowel joint - movable joint - movement of joint - multiple joint - multiple bar joint - nipple joint - oblique joint - open joint - open-butt joint - open-drained joint - opening of joint - open mortise and tenon joint - open tee joint - overlap joint - packed joint - permeable joints - pillow joint - pilot joint - pin joint - pin-connected joint - pipe joint - plain lap joint - poured joint - pressure-welded joint - profiled joint - push joint - racked joint - related joint - rigid joint - ring joint - rivet joint - riveted lap joint with butt strap - rocker joint - rope joint - rotating joint - rubbed joint - rust joint - saddle joint - scarf joint - screw joint - sealing of joints - seamless joint - secret joint - semiflexible joint - shilap joint - shove joint - skew joint - skew scarf joint - sliding joint - slip joint - socket-and-spigot joint - soldered joint - spherical joint - splined joint - split joint - square joint - S-slip joint - step joint - strapped joint - strength joint - strike joint - structural joints - swivel joint - swivel rod joint - tale-to-tale joint - taper joint - tapered-end joint - telescope joint - tenon joint - tension joint - thermit joint - threaded gas pipe joint - tianged-edge joint - tight joint - toe joint - tongue-and-groove joint - tooth cogging joint - transverse joint - treated joint - U-groove joint - unchamfered joint - universal joint - voussoir joint - V-shaped joint - wall-footing joint - water-sealed joint - watertight joint - weathered joint - wedge joint - welded joint - welding joint - woodworking jointto joint with skew, scarf and key — соединять зигзагом
* * *1. соединение, шов; узел, стык2. разрыв, трещина ( горных пород)joint between precast members — соединение элементов сборных (железо)бетонныхжелезобетонных¦бетонных конструкций
joint fixed [locked] against rotation — узел, закреплённый против поворота; узел с наложенными связями против поворота
joint restrained by elastic members — упруго-податливое соединение, упруго-податливый узел
joint transmitting compression — соединение, передающее усилие сжатия
- abutting jointjoint transmitting shears — соединение, обеспечивающее передачу поперечных сил [сдвигающих усилий]
- adhesive-bonded joint
- adhesive joint
- angle joint
- angle half-lap joint
- articulated joint
- aseismic joint
- ball joint
- beam butt joint
- beam-column joint
- bed joint
- bell-and-spigot joint
- birdsmouth joint
- bolted joint
- box dovetail joint
- breaking joints
- break joints
- brick joints
- bridle joint
- butt joint
- buttered joint
- cable joint
- capillary joint
- caulked joint
- cleat joint
- closely-spaced joints
- coax scarf joint
- cog scarf joint
- cold joint
- combed joint
- compression joint
- concave joint
- construction joint
- contraction joint
- convex joint
- corner joint
- cornerlock joint
- coursing joint
- crimped joint
- crimp upstand joint
- cross joint
- cross-lap joint
- curb joint
- cut joint
- dilatation joint
- dismountable joint
- double-shear joint
- double-S slip joint
- dovetail halving joint
- doweled contraction joint
- draw band joint
- duct flange joint
- dummy joint
- edge joint
- end joint
- end lap joint
- erection joint
- expansion joint
- face joint
- fail-safe joint
- false joint
- feather joint
- field joint
- finger joint
- fixed joint
- flanged joint
- flared joint
- flat joint
- flexible joint
- flexible ball joint
- floor joint
- floor-to-wall joint
- flush joint
- friction-type joint
- gland joint
- glued joint
- groove joint
- ground joint
- grouted joint
- half-lap joint
- halved joint
- heading joint
- head joint
- head contact joint
- head free joint
- Hercules pile joint
- hick joint
- high joint due to frost action
- hinged joint
- hinge joint
- incompressible joint
- insulated flanged pipe joint
- insulated rail joint
- isolation joint
- joggle joint
- keyed joint
- keys scarf joint
- knuckle joint
- laminated joint
- lapped joint
- lap joint
- lead joint
- lengthening joint
- lift joint
- lock joint
- longitudinal joint
- loose flange joint
- manipulative joint
- miter joint
- mortise-and-tenon joint
- mortise joint
- movement joint
- nonmanipulative joint
- oblique joint
- oblique butt joint
- open joint
- overstrained joint
- packed joint
- pin joint
- pipe expansion joint
- plain-S slip joint
- ploughed-and-tongued joint
- pocket lock joint
- pointed joint
- pressure-tight joint
- push fit joint
- rail joint
- raked joint
- rebated joint
- reinforced bar slip joint
- reinforced standing seam joint
- released joint
- resilient joint
- rigid joint
- ring seal joint
- rough-cut joint
- rustication joint
- rustic joint
- saddle joint
- sawed joint
- scarf joint
- screwed joint
- screw joint
- sealed joint
- semiflexible joint
- settlement joint
- shear joint
- shoved joint
- shrinkage joint
- shrinkage compensating concrete floor joint
- shrunk rubber ring joint
- single dovetail joint
- sleeve joint
- sliding joint
- slip joint
- solvent welded joint
- socket joint
- socket-and-spigot joint
- spalled joint
- spigot-and-socket joint
- S slip joint
- stagger joints
- steel crossing construction joint
- struck joint
- T and G joint
- tank base joint
- telescope joint
- threaded joint
- tight joint
- toggle joint
- tongue and groove joint
- tool joint
- tooled joint
- transverse joint
- treated joint
- undoweled joint
- unsealed joint
- V-shaped joint
- wall-footing joint
- warping joint
- watertight joint
- weathered joint
- welded joint
- wiped joint -
7 joint
1) соединение || соединять2) сочленение5) врубка6) сварной шов7) узел фермы; звено кинематической цепи; шарнир8) муфта9) плеть ( трубопровода)10) нефт. однотрубка, однотрубная свеча12) полигр. скрепление ( блока); прикрепление ( вклейки)•to break joints — располагать швы вразбежку;to gasket joints — уплотнять стыки прокладкой;to grout joints — заполнять (заливать) швы цементным раствором; омоноличивать швы цементным раствором;to lute joints — замазывать стыки;to make off joints — заделывать швы;to mortar joints — заполнять швы раствором;to pack joints — заделывать стыки;to seal joints — заделывать стыки;to set up joints — зачеканивать стыки ( труб) свинцом;to strap joints — перекрывать стыки накладкой;to support joints — подпирать стыки (напр. при сварке или клёпке)-
ruptured joint
abutment joint
adhesive joint
all-glass joint
angle joint
annular rotary joint
arc-welded joint
articulated joint
axlebox cover joint
ball-and-socket joint
ball joint
bayonet joint
bead joint
bed joint
bell butt joint
bell-and-plain-end joint
bell-and-spigot joint
bellows joint
beveled joint
beveled single-lap joint
bevel-groove joint
Birfield joint
blind joint
block joint
blown joint
blow joint
bolted joint
bolt joint
bonded joint
box and pin joint
box joint
branch joint
brazed joint
breaking joints
brickwork joint
brick joint
bridge joint
bridle joint
broken joints
bulky joint
bullet-and-flange joint
bumper safety joint
butt joint
butt riveted joint
butt-welded joint
cable joint
calked joint
cardan joint
cash joint
castellated joint
cemented joint
center joint
chain joint
chamfered joint
choke joint
choke-flange joint
choke-type rotary joint
clasp joint
clip joint
closed joint
closing joint
coach joint
cogged joint
collar joint
composite joint
compression-bonded joint
compression joint
concave joint
concealed joint
conduit joint
constant-velocity joint
construction joint
contraction joint
control joint
convex joint
corner joint
coursing joint
cover joint
crimp joint
cross and yoke universal joint
cross joint
cross-halved joint
cup-and-cone joint
curb joint
cushion joint
dado joint
dead joint
detachable joint
diaphragm expansion joint
disk joint
dissipative joint
double box-end kelly joint
double cardan universal joint
double joint
double strap joint
double universal joint
double-butt lap joint
double-flange drive joint
double-scarf lap joint
double-shear joint
dovetail joint
dowel joint
drained joint
dry joint
dummy joint
edge joint
elastic joint
elastomeric joint
elbow joint
elevation joint
end joint
epoxy-glued joint
erection joint
expanded joint
expansion joint
eye joint
face joint
false joint
faucet joint
feather joint
field joint
fillet joint
fillistered joint
finger joint
fished joint
fish joint
fish-mouth joint
fishplate joint
fixed joint
flange butt joint
flange joint
flanged joint
flange-to-web joint
flash welding joint
flat joint
flexible facing joint
flexible joint
flush joint
flush-cut joint
flush-out joint
flux blocks joints
folded-over joint
forge-welded joint
fork joint
four-bolt joint
full-hole tool joint
functional joint
gasketless joint
gasket-sealed joint
girth joint
glued joint
glue joint
grooved-and-tongued joint
ground glass joint
ground joint
hairline joint
half-lap joint
halved joint
halving joint
head joint
heading joint
hemispherical joint
hexagonal kelly joint
hexagon kelly joint
hinged joint
hip joint
hooked joint
hook joint
Hooke's joint
horsed joint
hose coupling joint
housed joint
hybrid joint
hydrostatic joint
indented joint
insulated rail joint
insulating joint
integral tool joint
interlocking joint
internal-flush tool joint
isolation joint
joggle lap joint
joggled joint
jump joint
kelly joint
keyed joint
knock-off joint
knuckle joint
knuckle-and-socket joint
laminated joint
lap riveting joint
lapped joint
lap joint
leaded joint
lead joint
lift joint
linear joint
lock joint
magnet-frame joint
make-and-break joint
manufacturer's joint
matched joint
match joint
mechanical joint
metal-to-metal seal joint
mitered joint
miter joint
molded joint
mortar joint
mortise-and-tenon joint
mortise joint
movable joint
movement joint
multiple cable joint
multiple-bar joint
N-DOF joint
nipple joint
oil joint
open joint
open-drained joint
pin joint
pipe joint
piston ring joint
pitch joint
pivot joint
plane flange joint
plug and socket joint
plug lap joint
pumping joint
pup joint
rabbeted joint
rail joint
raked joint
rebated joint
recessed joint
reducing joint
regular joint
revolute joint
rigid joint
ring joint
riveted joint
rivet joint
rosin joint
rotary joint
rotational joint
rubbed joint
rubber-spider joint
Rzeppa universal joint
saddle joint
safety joint
scarf joint
screw joint
series seam welding joint
serrated joint
settlement joint
shear joint
sheetpile joint
shielded joint
shiplap joint
shoulder joint
shouldered joint
shrinkage joint
single-shear joint
single-strap joint
six-bolt joint
slave joint
sleeve joint
slick joint
sliding joint
slip joint
socket joint
socket-and-spigot joint
soldered joint
solder joint
soldered twist joint
solderless joint
spherical joint
spigot-and-socket joint
spigot joint
splayed joint
spliced joint
splice joint
splined joint
spline joint
split flange joint
split joint
square joint
square kelly joint
square shoulder tool joint
staggered rail joints
step flange joint
step joint
step ring joint
straight joint
strap joint
streamlined joint
stripped joint
struck joint
suspended joint
swing joint
swivel hydraulic joint
T and G joint
tape joint
taped joint
tapered shoulder tool joint
tee joint
telescopic joint
threaded joint
tie-supported joint
tight joint
toggle joint
tongue-and-groove joint
tool joint
translational joint
transverse joint
triple joint
truss joint
tuck-pointed joint
twisted joint
twist joint
unit-package cable joint
universal joint
untooled joint
V-butt joint
V-shaped joint
watertight joint
weathered joint
weather joint
Weiss universal joint
welded glass joint
welded joint
welded-on tool joint
welded tool joint
wet joint
wing joint
wire joint
wire-wrapped joint
wire-wrap joint
wrist joint
yaw joint -
8 joint
1. замок, муфта, соединение, стык; сварное соединение; шов; спай2. горн. трещина отдельности; плоскость соприкосновения; линия кливажа3. связь; сплетение, скрутка; сочленение4. шарнир, шарнирная связь«flash weld» tool joints — приварные замки
buttress thread tool joint — замковое соединение с трапецеидальной резьбой (для соединения труб больших диаметров)
integral marine riser joint — составная секция водоотделяющей колонны (состоит из трубы этой колонны и труб малого диаметра, служащих для регулирования давления и глушения скважины и выполненных как одно целое)
internal flush tool joint — замок с широким [равнопроходным] отверстием, ШПО
joint of drill pipe — звено бурильных труб, заканчивающееся замком
marine riser flex joint — шарнирная секция водоотделяющей колонны; гибкая секция водоотделяющей колонны
single ball, pressure balanced flex joint — одношаровой, разгруженный (от действия давления) шарнирный узел
— closed joint— riveted joint
* * *
1. плеть ( трубопровода)2. однотрубка, однотрубная свечаbuttress thread tool joint — замковое соединение с трапецеидальной резьбой (для соединения труб больших диаметров)
joint of drill pipe — звено бурильных труб, заканчивающееся замком
tapered-bore full hole tool joint — замок (для бурильных труб) с широким проходным отверстием с конической расточкой
tapered-bore internal flush tool joint — замок (для бурильных труб) с увеличенным проходным отверстием с конической расточкой
* * *
1. трещина, отдельность; диаклаз (геол.)2. замок (цилиндрический, конический и клиновый), муфта, соединение; свеча из бурильных труб3. общий, совместный, одновременный
* * *
трещина, отдельность; узел
* * *
1) муфта; шарнир; соединение; стык3) однотрубка, однотрубная свеча4) плеть ( трубопровода)5) геол. трещина отдельности•to add a new joint — наращивать колонну труб;
to brake out a joint — развинчивать (напр. соединение бурильных труб);
to make up a tool joints — крепить замковые соединения;
to screw a tool joint on drill pipe — навинчивать замок на бурильную трубу;
to set up joints — зачеканивать стыки ( труб) свинцом;
to set up tool joint — крепить замковое соединение;
to tighten a tool joint — докреплять замок для бурильных труб;
- joint of drill pipeto torque up tool joint — докреплять бурильный замок;
- abutment joint
- articulated arm joint
- back-off joint
- ball joint
- bayonet joint
- bell-and-spigot joint
- bell-butt joint
- blast tubing joint
- box joint
- box-and-pin joint
- branch joint
- bumper safety joint
- butt joint
- butt-and-strap joint
- butted-and-strapped joint
- buttress thread tool joint
- butt-welded joint
- cable joint
- casing joint
- compression coupling joint
- conduit joint
- copperplated joint
- counterbore welded tool joint
- coupling joint
- cross joint
- crossover joint
- double joint
- double-tilted joint
- double-universal joint
- doweled joint
- drill pipe joint
- drill pipe safety joint
- eccentric tool joint
- edge joint
- elbow joint
- erection joint
- expanded joint
- expansion joint
- extension pipe joint
- extrahole tool joint
- faulty welded joint
- field joint
- fishing string safety joint
- flange butt joint
- flanged joint
- flanged-butt joint
- flash welded tool joint
- flex joint
- flexible joint
- float joint
- flush joint
- full-hole joint
- grief joint
- hard-banded tool joint
- hard-faced tool joint
- hexagonal kelly joint
- high resistance joint
- hinge joint
- integral joint
- integral marine riser joint
- integral tool joint
- internal flush tool joint
- jar safety joint
- joggle joint
- kelly joint
- key joint
- knee joint
- knock-off joint
- knuckle joint
- knuckle-and-socket joint
- landing joint
- lap joint
- left-hand joint
- lock joint
- male joint
- male half of tool joint
- married joint
- nipple joint
- overlap joint
- pin joint
- pin-connected joint
- pin-type safety joint
- pipe joint
- pipe expansion joint
- pipe safety joint
- pipeline joint
- positive safety joint
- pressure balanced slack joint
- pressure welded tool joint
- pump rod joint
- pup joint
- quick-disconnecting joint
- recessed flanged joint
- reducing joint
- regular tool joint
- riser pipe joint
- riser pup joint
- saddle joint
- safety joint
- semiinternal flush tool joint
- shear pin safety joint
- shoe joint
- shrunk-on joint
- single-lap joint
- slack joint
- sleeve joint
- slick joint
- slim-hole joint
- slip joint
- slotted joint
- socked joint
- socket-and-spigot joint
- spherical joint
- spigot-and-faucet joint
- spigot-and-socket joint
- square joint
- square shoulder tool joint
- starter joint
- streamlined joint
- streamlined tool joint
- sucker-rod joint
- swing joint
- swivel joint
- T-joint
- taper joint
- tapered-bore full hole tool joint
- tapered-bore internal flush tool joint
- tapered shoulder tool joint
- telescoping joint
- tension joint
- threaded collar joint
- threaded pipe joint
- tight joint
- tongue-and-groove joint
- tool joint
- transverse joint
- triple joint
- tubing joint
- under-pump sucker rod joint
- union joint
- unitized joint
- universal joint
- universal ball joint
- unprotected tool joint
- upset-end joint
- wedge joint
- welded joint
- welded butt joint
- welded tool joint
- welded-on joint
- welding joint
- well starter joint
- wiped joint
- yoke joint* * *• замок• одиночка• связь• скрутка• трубки -
9 joint
1) соединение; сочленение ( поворотное или линейное); шарнир; узел2) степень подвижности ( робота)3) стык; спай; шов4) точка пересечения (линий, поверхностей); место соединения или стыка5) соединять, соединяться, присоединять, присоединяться; сочленять, сочленяться; сращивать; пригонять, пригонять стык6) разъём; линия разъёма (напр. литейной формы)8) вчт. стык устройства передачи сигнала•- air joint
- airtight joint
- angle joint
- articulated joint
- autochange joint
- ball joint
- ball-and-socket joint
- bayonet joint
- bellows expansion joint
- bellows joint
- belt joint
- beveled joint
- bolt joint
- bolted joint
- box joint
- box-lid joint
- braze joint
- brazed joint
- break joint
- breeches joint
- butt joint
- butt-brazed joint
- butt-riveted joint
- butt-soldered joint
- butt-welded joint
- caulked joint
- cemented joint
- cemented lap joint
- chain joint
- chamfered joint
- circumferential joint
- clamp joint
- clasp joint
- close joint
- closed butt joint
- compensation joint
- concealed joint
- connection joint
- constant velocity joint
- cooperating joints
- corner joint
- cross bar joint
- cylindrical joint
- dead joint
- detachable joint
- distributed joint
- double swivel joint
- double-rivet joint
- double-riveted joint
- double-row rivet joint
- double-shear rivet joint
- double-shear riveted joint
- dovetail joint
- dowel joint
- doweled joint
- edge joint
- elbow joint
- erection joint
- expansion joint
- eye joint
- fastener joint
- fillet joint
- firm joint
- firm-and-impervious joint
- fish joint
- fixed joint
- flange joint
- flanged joint
- flat joint
- flexible joint
- flush joint
- globe joint
- glue joint
- glued joint
- grill joint
- ground joint
- half joint
- heat-insulation joint
- hinge joint
- hydraulic joint
- insulated joint
- interfacial joint
- involute spline joint
- ISO taper joint
- joint of dies
- key joint
- kinematic joint
- knee joint
- knuckle joint
- knuckle-and-socket joint
- laced joint
- lap joint
- lap-brazed joint
- lap-riveted joint
- lap-soldered joint
- lap-welded joint
- lever knuckle joint
- linear axis joint
- linkage joint
- lock joint
- longitudinal joint
- metal-to-metal joint
- miter joint
- modular joint
- movable joint
- muff joint
- multiple joint
- nipple joint
- nonorthogonal joint
- open joint
- orthogonal joint
- overlap joint
- overlapping joint
- parallel-row rivet joint
- parallel-row riveted joint
- permanent joint
- pin joint
- pipe joint
- plumbed joint
- polygon shaft joint
- polygonal joint
- powered joint
- pressure-tight joint
- prismatic joint
- probe change joint
- resulting joint
- revolute joint
- ring joint
- rivet joint
- riveted joint
- rocker joint
- rotary joint
- safety joint
- scarf butt brazed joint
- scarf butt soldered joint
- scarf joint
- screw joint
- screwed joint
- sectionalizing joint
- serrated joint
- shear joint
- single shear rivet joint
- single shear riveted joint
- single-rivet joint
- single-row-riveted joint
- sliding joint
- sliding socket joint
- sliding universal joint
- slip joint
- socket joint
- soldered joint
- spline joint
- staggered rivet joint
- staggered riveted joint
- steam-tight joint
- stop joint
- straight joint
- straight-spline joint
- strap joint
- strapped joint
- sweated joint
- swivel joint
- swiveling joint
- taper joint
- tee joint
- tee-brazed joint
- tee-soldered joint
- telescoped joint
- threaded joint
- three-lobed polygonal joint
- T-joint
- toggle joint
- transition joint
- transverse joint
- trifurcating joint
- triple-passage air joint
- triple-rivet joint
- triple-riveted joint
- turning joint
- union joint
- universal joint
- unorthogonal joint
- vertical joint of dies
- weld joint
- welded joint
- wrist joint
- Y-jointEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > joint
10 joint
соединение; сварное соединение; скрутка; спайка || соединять; пригонять
- air-tight joint
- angle joint
- arc-welded joint
- bayonet joint
- bell-and-spigot joint
- bracket joint
- brazed joint
- butt joint
- buttered joint
- butt-welded joint
- cast-welded rail joint
- circular slotted lap joint
- close joint
- closed joint
- closed corner joint
- closed double-bevel butt joint
- closed double-bevel tee joint
- closed double-flanged butt joint
- closed double-J tee joint
- closed double-U butt joint
- closed double-V butt joint
- closed joggled single-lap joint
- closed lapped corner joint
- closed single-bevel butt joint
- closed single-bevel tee joint
- closed single-flanged butt joint
- closed single-J tee joint
- closed single-U butt joint
- closed single-V butt joint
- closed square butt joint
- closed square tee joint
- closed upset butt joint
- cluster joint
- composite joint
- corner joint
- double-bead lap joint
- double-bevel butt joint
- double-bevel corner joint
- double-bevel tee joint
- double-fillet welded joint
- double-flanged butt joint
- double-J joint
- double-lap joint
- double-strap lap joint
- double-strapped lap joint
- double-T joint
- double-U butt joint
- double-U tee joint
- double-V butt joint
- double-V tee joint
- double-welded butt joint
- double-welded lap joint
- edge joint
- field joint
- fillet joint
- fillet-welded joint
- fish-mouth joint
- fixed joint
- flange joint
- flanged joint
- flanged closed joggled single-lap joint
- flanged edge joint
- flanged open joggled single-lap joint
- flanged single-lap joint
- flush joint
- flush corner joint
- forge-welded joint
- fork joint
- forked joint
- full open corner joint
- full-strength joint
- gas-tight joint
- gas-welded joint
- half-lap joint
- half-open corner joint
- joggled single-lap joint
- lap joint
- lapped joint
- leaf edge joint
- linear slotted lap joint
- liquid-tight joint
- mitre joint
- multiple-spot welded joint
- non-rigid joint
- open joint
- open corner joint
- open double-bevel butt joint
- open double-bevel tee joint
- open double-flanged butt joint
- open double-J tee joint
- open double-U butt joint
- open double-V butt joint
- open joggled single-lap joint
- open lapped corner joint
- open single-bevel butt joint
- open single-bevel tee joint
- open single-flanged butt joint
- open single-J tee joint
- open single-U butt joint
- open single-V butt joint
- open square butt joint
- open square tee joint
- open tee joint
- open upset buttjoint
- overlap joint
- overlapped joint
- part-lapped corner joint
- pilot joint
- pipe joint
- plain butt joint
- plain fillet-welded tee joint
- plain lap joint
- plain tee joint
- plug lap joint
- pre-coated joint
- pre-coated weld joint
- projection-welded joint
- rail joint
- reinforced joint
- resistance butt joint
- rigid joint
- scarf joint
- semi-rigid joint
- shear joint
- shear V-type joint
- single-bead lap joint
- single-bevel butt joint
- single-bevel corner joint
- single-bevel tee joint
- single-bevel tee butt joint
- single-fillet welded joint
- single-flanged joint
- single-J joint
- single-lap joint
- single-strap butt joint
- single-strapped butt joint
- single-strap lap joint
- single-tee joint
- single-U joint
- single-U bull joint
- single-U corner joint
- single-U tee joint
- single-V joint
- single-V butt joint
- single-V corner joint
- single-V tee joint
- single-welded butt joint
- single-welded lap joint
- sleeve joint
- slotted joint
- slotted lap joint
- soldered joint
- soldering joint
- split joint
- spot-welded joint
- square joint
- square groove corner joint
- straight lap joint
- strap joint
- strapped joint
- strap lap joint
- strapped closed single-U butt joint
- strapped closed single-V butt joint
- strapped closed square butt joint
- strapped open single-U butt joint
- strapped open single-V butt joint
- strapped open square butt joint
- strength joint
- T joint
- tap joint
- taper joint
- T-butt joint
- T-corner joint
- tee joint
- thermit joint
- tight joint
- T-split joint
- unchamfered joint
- upset butt joint
- V joint
- V-butt joint
- Vee joint
- veed joint
- water-tight joint
- weld joint
- welded joint
- welding joint
- X joint -
11 joint
соединение; сочленение; сплетение; связь; стык; узел; разъём; шарнир; шарнирная связь; шов; спай; скрутка; сращивание; замок; II соединять(ся); сочленять(ся); пригонять; уплотнять (сальник и т.п.)- joint angle - joint cap - joint face - joint leakage - joint lever - joint liner - joint of girders - joint of rim - joint packing - joint piece - joint pin - joint plate - joint pliers - joint ring - joint sleeve - joint tongue - joint washer - joint weld - cemented lap joint - circumferential joint - constant-velocity joint - constant-velocity universal ball joint - constant-velocity universal spheric joint - cotter joint - cross joint - curb joint - double-strap joint - fished joint - flush joint - folded-over joint - ground joint - hem joint - high-angle joint - key joint - knee joint - knock-off joint - knuckle joint - knuckle-and-socket joint - laced joint - lap joint - lead joint - lock joint - longitudinal joint - loose tongue joint - married joint - metal-to-metal joint - mortise-dowel joint - muff joint - multiple joint - nipple joint - oil joint - open joint - open-butt joint - open-tee joint - packed joint - packless joint - paving expantion joint - pendulum joint - permanent joint - pin joint - pin-connected joint - pinned joint - pivot joint - plug lap joint - plumbed joint - rail joint - ring joint - rivet joint - riveted joint - rocker joint - screw joint - screwed joint - single-riveted joint - skew joint - sleeve joint - slick joint - sliding joint - slip joint - socket joint - socket-and-spigot joint - spliced joint - stapped joint - straped joint - sweated joint - swing joint - T-joint - tee joint - telescope joint - tenon-dowel joint - threaded joint - toggle joint - tongued-and-grooved joint - transverse joint - triple-riveted joint - turning joint - twist joint - union joint - universal joint - water-sealed joint - wedge joint -
12 joint
1) стык
2) прифуговка
3) пустошовка
4) смык
5) смыкание
6) смыкать
7) смычка
8) соединение
9) сочеление
10) стыковой
11) фуговать
12) закрутка анаши
13) мастырка
14) муфта соединительная
15) планчик
16) совмещенный
17) <engin.> сросток
18) шарнир
19) узел
20) соединенный
21) совместный
22) сочленять
23) соединять
24) совокупный
25) сочленение
26) сустав
27) разъем
28) общий
29) объединенный
30) шлиф
31) соединить
32) сочленить
33) связывать
34) связать
35) уплотнительный
36) сварной
37) спай
38) связь
– articulated joint
– ball joint
– bar joint
– bead joint
– birdsmouthing joint
– bridle joint
– cable joint
– casing joint
– casing of joint
– caulk joint
– cogged joint
– compression joint
– concave joint
– construction joint
– control joint
– cross joint
– cross-halved joint
– dead joint
– double-rivet joint
– expansion joint
– exposed joint
– field joint
– fixed joint
– full-insulated joint
– gasket joint
– grout joint
– half-lap joint
– halved joint
– hinged joint
– Hooke's joint
– housed joint
– insulating joint
– joint action
– joint bar
– joint block
– joint bolt
– joint catalogue
– joint distribution
– joint filler
– joint moment
– joint operation
– joint plane
– joint plate
– joint stock
– joint sufficiency
– joint tie
– lap riveted joint
– lute joint
– make off joint
– Mcintyre joint
– microphonic joint
– opening of joint
– pack joint
– pin joint
– pitch of joint
– rail joint
– rivet joint
– scarf joint
– separation of joint
– step joint
– straight joint
– strain joint
– support joint
– suspended joint
– suspension joint
– swivel joint
– tee joint
– tie-bar joint
– tool joint
– twist joint
– welded joint
– wiped joint
insulated rail joint — < railways> стык изолирующий
one-end insulated joint — < railways> стык изолирующий с одностронней изоляцией
twisted sleeve joint — скрутка гильзовая, сросток скручиваемый гильзовый
waveguide choke joint — <tech.> канавка дроссельный
Western Union joint — скрутка простая, скрутка русская
13 joint
1. n место соединения; соединение; стык2. n анат. сустав, сочленение3. n амер. прост. заведениеhop joint — курильня опиума, притон для курильщиков опиума
4. n амер. прост. дом, место, помещение5. n амер. прост. сл. сигарета с марихуаной6. n амер. сл. пистолет7. n амер. сл. шприц8. n амер. сл. полигр. рубчик9. n амер. сл. геол. трещина; отдельность; линия кливажа; контакт; спай10. n амер. сл. соединение11. n амер. сл. стык, шов, скрутка; паз12. n амер. сл. прифуговка13. n амер. сл. шарнир14. n амер. сл. узел; замок15. n амер. сл. эл. разъём16. a соединённый, объединённый, общий; единыйjoint ownership — общая собственность, сособственность
17. a совместный, коллективныйjoint authors — соавторы; коллектив авторов
joint authorship — соавторство, совместное авторство
joint owner — собственник, совладелец
18. a юр. солидарный19. a анат. суставнойjoint capsule — суставная капсула, суставная сумка
20. v соединять, сочленять, связывать; сплачивать21. v тех. сочленять, соединять при помощи вставных частей; пригонять; прифуговывать22. v соединяться вплотную, прилегать23. v разнимать, расчленятьto joint a chicken — разрезать курицу, выкручивая суставы
24. v стр. расшивать швыСинонимический ряд:1. collective (adj.) collective; common; communal; conjoint; conjunct; cooperative; corporate; general; intermutual; mutual; public; shared; united2. connection (noun) connection; coupling; joining; junction; juncture; seam; union3. dive (noun) barrel house; barrelhouse; dive; dump; hangout; honky-tonk; slumАнтонимический ряд:individual; single -
14 joint
стык; шов; соединение, связь; шарнир; узел; разъём -
15 joint
[dʒɔɪnt]joint тех. соединение; паз, шов, шарнир; angle joint соединение под углом joint часть разрубленной туши: нога, лопатка (и т. п.); dinner from the joint мясной обед joint единый joint комбинированный; joint traffic комбинированное движение по рельсовым и безрельсовым путям joint амер. разг. место, помещение; (eating) joint закусочная, столовая joint амер. разг. место, помещение; (eating) joint закусочная, столовая joint место соединения; соединение; стык joint общий joint объединенный joint объединенный, общий, совместный; to take joint actions действовать сообща; joint efforts общие усилия; joint authors соавторы joint объединять joint амер. разг. притон joint разнимать, расчленять joint стр. расшивать швы кирпичной кладки joint связывать joint амер. sl. сигарета с марихуаной joint совместный joint тех. соединение; паз, шов, шарнир; angle joint соединение под углом joint вчт. соединение joint соединенный, объединенный, общий, совместный joint соединять joint сочленение joint сочленять; соединять при помощи вставных частей, колен joint анат. сустав, сочленение; to put a bone into joint again вправить вывих; out of joint вывихнутый; перен. пришедший в расстройство; не в порядке joint геол. трещина, отдельность, линия кливажа joint вчт. узел joint бот. узел (у растения) joint тех., стр. узел фермы joint часть разрубленной туши: нога, лопатка (и т. п.); dinner from the joint мясной обед joint объединенный, общий, совместный; to take joint actions действовать сообща; joint efforts общие усилия; joint authors соавторы joint heir сонаследник; Joint Staff генштаб; Joint Chiefs of Staff амер. объединенный комитет начальников штабов joint possession совместное владение, совладение possession: joint joint совместное владение, совладение joint resolution амер. совместное постановление обеих палат конгресса, которое имеет силу закона после утверждения президентом resolution: joint joint совместное решение joint responsibility солидарная ответственность responsibility: joint joint общая ответственность joint joint солидарная ответственность joint heir сонаследник; Joint Staff генштаб; Joint Chiefs of Staff амер. объединенный комитет начальников штабов joint stock акционерный капитал stock: joint joint акционерный капитал joint комбинированный; joint traffic комбинированное движение по рельсовым и безрельсовым путям opium joint амер. = opium den joint анат. сустав, сочленение; to put a bone into joint again вправить вывих; out of joint вывихнутый; перен. пришедший в расстройство; не в порядке joint анат. сустав, сочленение; to put a bone into joint again вправить вывих; out of joint вывихнутый; перен. пришедший в расстройство; не в порядке soldered joint паяное соединение swing joint тех. шарнирное соединение joint объединенный, общий, совместный; to take joint actions действовать сообща; joint efforts общие усилия; joint authors соавторы -
16 joint
соединение; сочленение; сустав; артроз; энт. членик; соединять; сочленять- arthrodial joint
- atlantoaxial joint
- atlantooccipital joint
- atloidoaxoid joint
- ball-and-socket joint
- cochlear joint
- coffin joint
- composite joint
- compound joint
- costosternal joint
- coxofemoral joint
- cup-and-ball joint
- elbow joint
- ellipsoidal joint
- enarthrodial joint
- false joint
- ginglymoid joint
- glenohumeral joint
- gliding joint
- hinge joint
- hip joint
- interphalangeal joint
- knee joint
- ligamentous joint
- mortis joint
- patellofemoral joint
- pivot joint
- plane joint
- radioulnar joint
- ring joint
- rotatory joint
- sacroiliac joint
- saddle joint
- screw joint
- shoulder joint
- simple joint
- spheroidal joint
- spiral joint
- stifle joint
- sutural joint
- thigh joint
- trochlear joint
- wrist joint* * * -
17 joint
1) связь; соединение; сочленение || соединять; сочленять2) стык; шов3) шарнир•- ball joint
- bolted joint
- butt joint
- cable joint
- cardan joint
- constant velocity ball joint
- constant velocity fixed joint
- constant velocity slip joint
- constant-velocity universal joint
- coupling joint
- double universal joint
- enclosed ball joint
- flanged joint
- flexible joint
- flexible universal joint
- hinge joint
- Hooke joint
- inboard universal joint
- key joint
- lap joint
- lower ball joint
- lower double ball joint
- movable joint
- outboard universal joint
- permanent joint
- piston ring joint
- putty joint
- rigid joint
- ring joint
- riveted joint
- screw joint
- sliding joint
- slip joint
- socket joint
- spherical joint
- splined joint
- swivel joint
- threaded joint
- tight joint
- torque rod joint
- U-joint
- universal joint
- upper ball joint
- welded joint
- wire joint* * * -
18 joint
1) соединять2) соединение3) шов4) стык5) сращивание6) саз7) соединенный -
19 joint
1) соединение, сочленение || соединять, сочленять2) общий, объединённый, совместный, совокупный3) связь || связывать4) спай; сросток; стык; шов; узел5) матем. точка пересечения ( линий или поверхностей)7) шарнирное соединение, шарнир9) смыкание; смычка || смыкать(ся)10) полигр. рубчик ( переплёта)11) полигр. отстав12) полигр. фальчик, стержень13) геол. трещина, отдельность, линия кливажа14) плоскость соприкосновения; линия соединения15) сращивать, пригонять ( стык)•to caulk a rivet joint —зачеканивать заклёпочный шов
- one-end insulated joint - single-shear rivet joint - stagger butt joint - waveguide choke joint - Western Union jointto rake joints — строит. заполнять пустые швы
20 joint
1. [dʒɔınt] n1. место соединения; соединение; стык2. анат. сустав, сочленениеout of joint - вывихнутый [ср. тж. ♢ ]
3. часть разрубленной туши; окорок, нога, лопатка и т. п.dinner (cut) from the joint - обед, на котором подаётся мясо, зажаренное накануне
4. амер. прост.1) заведение (о притоне, кабаке, игорном или публичном доме и т. п.)hop joint - курильня опиума, притон для курильщиков опиума
2) дом, место, помещение5. сл. сигарета с марихуаной6. амер. сл.1) пистолет2) шприц ( для введения наркотика)7. полигр. рубчик ( переплёта)8. бот. узел9. геол. трещина; отдельность; линия кливажа; контакт; спай10. тех.1) соединение2) стык, шов, скрутка; паз3) прифуговка4) шарнир5) узел (фермы, конструкции и т. п.); замок ( для канатов)6) эл. разъём♢
to have one's nose out of joint - потерпеть поражение /фиаско/to put smb.'s nose out of joint - а) подставить кому-л. ножку; расстроить чьи-л. планы; б) вытеснить кого-л. из чьего-л. сердца
the time is out of joint ( Shakespeare) - ≅ распалась связь времён, век расшатался
2. [dʒɔınt] athe joint in smb.'s armour - чьё-л. слабое место, ахиллесова пята
1. соединённый, объединённый, общий; единыйjoint efforts /endeavours/ - совместные /общие/ усилия
Joint Staff - воен. объединённый штаб
2. 1) совместныйjoint action [declaration] - совместное действие [заявление]
joint traffic - комбинированное движение по рельсовым и безрельсовым путям
joint operations - воен. совместные действия различных видов вооружённых сил
joint select committee - парл. совместный комитет палаты общин и палаты лордов
2) совместный, коллективный ( часто соответствует компоненту со-)joint authors - соавторы; коллектив авторов
joint authorship - соавторство, совместное авторство
joint guardianship - юр. соопека
joint heir - юр. сонаследник
joint owner - юр. собственник, совладелец
joint ownership - юр. сособственность
joint proprietor - юр. сособственник
3. юр. солидарныйduring their joint lives - пока живы обе стороны /все стороны/
4. анат. суставнойjoint capsule - суставная капсула, суставная сумка
3. [dʒɔınt] vjoint oil - синовиальная жидкость, суставная смазка, синовия
1. 1) соединять, сочленять, связывать; сплачивать2) тех. сочленять, соединять при помощи вставных частей; пригонять; прифуговывать3) соединяться вплотную, прилегать2. 1) разнимать, расчленятьto joint a chicken - разрезать курицу, выкручивая суставы ( не разрубая костей)
2) стр. расшивать швы ( кирпичной кладки)
См. также в других словарях:
joint — adj 1: common to two or more: as a: involving the combined activity or negligence of two or more a joint tort see also joint tortfeasor compare several b … Law dictionary
joint — joint, ointe 1. (join, join t ) part. passé de joindre. 1° Il se dit de choses mises à côté l une de l autre, de manière à se toucher, à tenir ensemble. Ces pièces de bois n ont pas été jointes, ne sont pas bien jointes. • Un voyageur… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Joint — (joint), n. [F. joint, fr. joindre, p. p. joint. See {Join}.] [1913 Webster] 1. The place or part where two things or parts are joined or united; the union of two or more smooth or even surfaces admitting of a close fitting or junction; junction; … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Joint — (joint), a. [F., p. p. of joindre. See {Join}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Joined; united; combined; concerted; as, joint action. [1913 Webster] 2. Involving the united activity of two or more; done or produced by two or more working together. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
joint — joint, articulation, suture denote a place where two things are united or the mechanism by which they are united. Joint is the most inclusive of these terms and is freely usable in reference both to anatomical and mechanical structures. In… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
joint — [joint] n. [OFr < L junctus, pp. of jungere, to join, YOKE] 1. a place or part where two things or parts are joined 2. the way in which two things are joined at such a part 3. one of the parts or sections of a jointed whole 4. a large cut of… … English World dictionary
joint — [dʒɔɪnt] adjective [only before a noun] shared by, owned by, or involving two or more people, organizations, or countries: • The companies made a joint statement last night. • The two men were appointed joint managing directors in June. • The two … Financial and business terms
Joint — Joint, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Jointed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Jointing}.] [1913 Webster] 1. To unite by a joint or joints; to fit together; to prepare so as to fit together; as, to joint boards. [1913 Webster] Pierced through the yielding planks of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
JOINT — «JOINT» Sencillo de Mami Kawada del álbum Savia Formato CD Grabación 2007 Género(s) J Pop Duración 17:40 … Wikipedia Español
joint — [adj] shared, combined collective, common, communal, concerted, conjoint, conjunct, consolidated, cooperative, hand in hand, intermutual, joined, mutual, public, united; concepts 577,708 Ant. disjoint, separate, single, uncombined, unshared … … New thesaurus
joint — ► NOUN 1) a point at which parts are joined. 2) a structure in a body by which two bones are fitted together. 3) the part of a plant stem from which a leaf or branch grows. 4) Brit. a large piece of meat. 5) informal an establishment of a… … English terms dictionary