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  • 61 maag

    1   met een hongerige maag van tafel gaan rise from table hungry
         met een lege/volle maag on an empty/a full stomach
         op een nuchtere maag on an empty stomach
         een zwakke maag a weak stomach
         met zijn maag sukkelen, het aan zijn maag hebben suffer from stomach/gastric trouble
         daar krijg je het van aan je maag that's bad for your stomach
         figuurlijkiemand iets in de maag splitsen ergens mee opschepen fob/palm something off on someone; duur verkopen make someone pay through the nose for something
         figuurlijkergens mee in zijn maag zitten ergens mee verlegen zitten be worried about/troubled by something; ertegen opzien dread having to do something
         figuurlijkze zitten er behoorlijk/lelijk mee in hun maag they're at their wits' end what to do about it
         figuurlijkhet ligt mij zwaar op de maag it sticks in my throat
         het toetje lag nogal zwaar op de maag the dessert was rather filling
         als ik paprika eet, krijg ik last van mijn maag peppers disagree with me
         van al dat vette eten raakte zijn maag van streek all that greasy food upset his stomach

    Van Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > maag

  • 62 شق

    شَقَّ \ crack: to (cause to) to break (often with a sharp noise) without falling apart: The branch cracked under his weight. The blow cracked a bone in my hand. pierce: (of sharp points) to go through or into; make a hole in: The knife pierced his stomach. push: (the opposite of pull) to press forward: He pushed (his way) through the crowd. rip: to tear, quickly and violently: The sharp rocks ripped his trousers. His trousers ripped. slit: to make a long cut in sth.: He slit the letter open. split: to divide; break apart: He split the log with an axe. His trousers were so tight that they split when he bent down. Let’s split the cost between us. \ See Also انشق (اِنْشَقَّ)، دفع (دَفَعَ)، مزق (مَزَّقَ)، ثقب (ثَقَبَ)‏ \ شَقَّ \ tunnel: to make a tunnel: Rabbits tunnel holes to live in. \ See Also حَفَرَ نَفَقًا \ شَقَّ طريقَهُ بصعوبة \ scrape: to pass with difficulty: The lorry just scraped past us (it almost touched us). I just scraped through the exam (I almost failed it). \ شَقَّ طريقَه \ work one’s way: to make (slow) progress; to go, with much effort: He worked his way up the cliff. \ شَقَّ طريقَهُ بالقُوَّة \ fight one’s way: to use force so as to pass: The police fought their way through the crowd. \ شَقَّ طريقَه مُحدِثًا ضجَّة \ crash: to force one’s way noisily: An animal crashed through the bushes. \ شَقَّ عَصَا الطّاعة \ rebel: to fight against one’s own government; refuse to obey sb. who is in charge (leader, parent, teacher, etc.): The villagers rebelled against an order to close their school.

    Arabic-English dictionary > شق

  • 63 walk

    I [wɔːk] n
    1) прогулка, пешая прогулка
    - easy walk
    - leisurely walk
    - nature walk
    - long walk
    - take smb for a walk
    - enjoy a walk

    The bus stop is a five minutes' walk from here. — Автобусная остановка в пяти минутах ходьбы отсюда.

    We took a walk from our house to the center of the town. — Мы прошли пешком от нашего дома до центра города.

    It's an easy walk from here to school. — Отсюда легко дойти до школы

    II [wɔːk]
    1) идти, ходить (пешком)

    It's not far to walk. — Тут недалеко пешком.

    - walk much
    - walk all the way
    - walk home
    (1.) See go, v (2.) See come, v WAYS OF DOING THINGS: Глагол to walk в значении "ходить пешком" и в значении "ходить, двигаться, гулять" не уточняет характера и обстоятельств ходьбы. Такую конкретизацию хождения передает ряд других глаголов, таких, как to stroll, to stride, to march, to pace, to amble, to saunter, to trudge, to plod, to hoble, to limp, to shuffle, to stagger, to stumble, to lurch, to tiptoe, to creep, to sneak, to strut, to pick one's way, to edge, to wade и др. To stride - быстро идти большими шагами из-за поспешности или с чувством уверенности: He strode along the beach. Он быстно шагал по берегу. The enterviewer strode confidently towards me and shook my hand. Корреспондент уверенно шагнул ко мне и поздоровался со мной за руку. I saw Max striding angrily away. Я видел, как Макс рассерженно/в гневе зашагал прочь. She strode quickly and purposefully into the room, with her head upright. Она быстро большими шагами целенаправленно вошла в комнату с высоко поднятой головой. To march/to stride - маршировать, быстро и уверенно ходить/двигаться, особенно в гневе или с чувством решимости: Sheila marched into the office to demand apology. Шейла уверенно шагнула в кабинет, чтобы потребовать извинения. "I'll never forgive you for this" she said marching off. "Я тебе этого никогда не прощу", сказала она и зашагала прочь. To pace - ходить взад и вперед в небольшом пространстве, особенно если вы нервничаете, раздражены или сердитесь: She paced back and forth along the corridor, waiting for the doctor to come back. Она ходила взад и вперед по коридору в ожидании возвращения врача. "We are going to be late", he said irritably pacing up a down the room. "Мы опаздываем" - сказал он, раздраженно ходя взад и вперед по комнате. A lion paced up and down the cage growling. Лев бегал по клетке и рычал. Mr. Jacobs would pace the hall at meetings, being too tense to sit down. На заседаниях мистер Джекобс ходил взад и вперед по залу, так как не мог от напряжения сидеть. To stroll - ходить прогуливаясь, ходить медленно, ходить расслабившись: I strolled along the beach with the warm sun on my face. Я гулял по берегу, и солнце светило мне в лицо. The young couple strolled in the park arm-in-arm. Молодая пара под руку прогуливалась по парку. People were strolling unhurriedly along the path. Люди не торопясь, прогуливались по тропинке. To amble - медленно прогуливаться, особенно на небольшие расстояния или без определенной цели: An old man appeared from behind the house and ambled across the courtyard. Из-за дома появился старик, который медленно шел по двору. One of the horses, the white one, slowly ambled towards me. Одна из лошадей - белая, медленно двигалась ко мне. She was ambling along as usual without a care in the orth. Она, как обычно, беззаботно прогуливалась. To saunter - прогуливаться медленно и лениво, часто с гордым выражением лица, которое раздражает остальных людей: I sauntered into the garden, where some friends were chatting. Я медленно и лениво прошла в сад, где несколько друзей о чем-то болтали. As usual he sauntered into class twenty minutes late. Как обычно медленно вошел в класс, на двадцать минут после звонка. To trudge - тащиться, таскаться, идти тяжело и медленно из-за усталости: He trudged the streets the whole day. Он тасклся по улицам целый день. He trudged wearily up the hill. Он устало тащился в гору. Mother walked the four miles to the nearest store, trudging back home with her bags of groceries. Мама прошла четыре мили до ближайшего магазина, и устало и тяжело шла домой с тяжелыми продуктовыми сумками. Trudging through the sand was exausting. Идти по песку было очень изнурительно. To plod - плестись, идти медленно и тяжело по плохой дороге или неся что-либо тяжелое: He ploded wearily home. Он устало плелся домой. The travellers ploded through the deep snow along the railway. Путешественники тяжело шли по глубокому снегу вдоль железнодорожного полотна. The donkeys were plodding slowly along under their heavy burden. Ослы устало брели под тяжестью ноши. To hoble - ковылять, идти медленно и с трудом; идти неуверенно из-за того, что больно: My knee was stiff and painful, I could onle hoble. Колено у меня болело и не гнулось, я мог только кое-как ковылять. Aunt Lucy was hobling slowly round the room on her crutches. Тетя Люси медленно ходила по комнате на костылях. To limp - хромать, идти хромая: Robert limped painfuly to/over to a chair and sat down. Роберт прохромал к стулу и сел. Though the accident was two years ago, I still limp. Хотя авария произошла два года тому назад, я все еще хромаю. To shuffle - шаркать; идти медленно, не отрывая ног от поверхности, особенно в старости: He shuffled to the window. Он шаркающей походкой пошел к окну. Leaning on Alice's arm, the old woman shuffled towards the door. Опираясь на руку Алсы, старушка шаркающей походкой пошла к двери. To stagger - валиться с ног, идти спотыкаясь, идти неуверенной походкой, идти спотыкаясь и падая из-за того, что вы устали, больны или пьяны: I was hit on the head and just managed to stagger out of the room. Меня ударили по голове, но мне удалось, пошатываясь выбраться из комнаты. My father was stagering under the weigh of a huge parcel. Отец шел, пошатываясь под грузом тяжелого свертка. To stumble - идти спотыкаясь особенно потому, что темно или неровная дорога, либо от усталости или от того, что вы в нетрезвом виде: The room was dark and Bob nearly fell over a chair as he stumbled to the phone. В комнате было темно, и Боб, задев за стул, спотыкаясь, подошел к телефону. Having drunk half a bottle of whisky, I stumbled upstairs and into my bed. Выпив половину бутылки виски, я, спотыкаясь, поднялся по лестнице и свалился на кровать. To lurch - шататься, пошатнуться: The lorry lurched to one side. Грузовик накренился. Sally lurched sideways two steps as the boat rolled sudenly. Салли наклонилась вперед, когда лодка накренилась. He lurched towards the bathroom, clutching his stomach in pain. Он, согнувшись, бросился в ванну, хватаясь от боли за живот. To tiptoe - идти на цыпочках: Bobby tiptoed past his daughter's bedroom so as not to wake her. Бобби на цыпочках прошел мимо спальни дочери, чтобы не разбудить ее. They tiptoed from room to room, afraid to speak above a whisper. Они тихонько на цыпочках прошли из комнаты в комнату, говоря только шопотом. To creep - идти крадучись и неуверенно босыми ногами или по мягкой поверхности: The cat was creeping along the fence. Кошка кралась вдоль забора. He creept on tiptoe out of the room. Он вышел из комнаты тихонько на цыпочках. She creept up to the window. Она подкралась к окну. To sneak - быстро крадучись идти, прячась от кого-либо, особенно если вы сделали что-либо дурное: He sneaked up from behind. Он подкрался сзади. The thieves sneaked in when the guard had his back turned. Воры прокрались внутрь, когда сторож повернулся к ним спиной. We tried to sneak off from work early. Мы пытались улизнуть с работы пораньше. To swagger - ходить с важным видом, важничать, ходить самоуверенно: He swaggered into the place as if he was the owner of the house. Он вошел в дом с таким важным видом, как-будто дом принадлежал ему. Sally's boy friends came swaggering down the steps with his hands in his pockets. Друг Сэлли, держа руки в карманах, с самоуверенным видом спускался с лестницы. Bob left the room swaggering clearly pleased with himself. Боб, явно довольный собой, важно вышел из комнаты. To strut - шагать/выступать с важным, надменным и напыщенным видом: The actor strutted across the stage in a royal mantel. Актер прошествовал по сцене в королевской мантии. The turkey was strutting about the yard. Индюк с напыщенным видом ходил по двору. Look at him strutting across the office; he thinks he is so important. Посмотри, как он напыщенно ходит по кабинету, он и в правду думает, что он так важен. To pick one's way - осторожно выбирать дорогу, обходить опасные места: She walked slowly picking her way among the puddles. Она шла медленно, осторожно обходя лужи. The boy began to pick his way over the rocks towards the ocean. Мальчик, спускаясь к берегу океана, выбирал дорогу среди камней. Journalists picked their way slowly through the crowded refuge camp. Журналисты медленно пробирались через толпу беженцев. To edge - пробираться, сторониться, особенно если тесно: She edged away from the window. Она бочком отошла/отодвинулась от окна. He edged a chair near the fire. Он подвинул стул ближе к камину. Edwin edged sideways through the front door, which seemed to be stuck. Эдвин боком протиснулся в парадную дверь, которую, казалось, заело. Edging my way through the crowd I eventually managed to get to the door. Протискиваясь через толпу, я, наконец, сумел добраться до двери. To wade - ходить по воде, шлепать по воде: Riescue workers had to wade waist deep in the muddy water. Спасателям пришлось пробираться по пояс в грязной воде. The fisherman got out of the boat and waded to the shoe. Рыбак вылез из лодки и по воде пошел к берегу

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > walk

  • 64 rumble

    I 1. noun
    Grollen, das; (of heavy vehicle) Rumpeln, das (ugs.)
    2. intransitive verb
    1) grollen; [Magen:] knurren
    2) (go with rumbling noise) rumpeln (ugs.)
    II transitive verb
    (coll.): (understand) spitzkriegen (ugs.) [Sache]; auf die Schliche kommen (+ Dat.) [Person]
    * * *
    1. verb
    (to make a low grumbling sound: Thunder rumbled in the distance.) rumpeln,rollen
    2. noun
    (this kind of sound: the rumble of thunder.) das Rumpeln,das Rollen
    * * *
    I. n
    1. (sound) Grollen nt kein pl; of stomach Knurren nt
    \rumbles of discontent Anzeichen pl von Unzufriedenheit
    the \rumble of thunder das Grollen des Donners
    2. esp AM, AUS ( fam) Schlägerei f
    II. vi rumpeln; stomach knurren; thunder grollen
    III. vt BRIT ( fam)
    to \rumble sth etw durchschauen [o fam auffliegen lassen]
    to \rumble a plot eine Verschwörung aufdecken
    to \rumble a scheme einen Plan durchschauen
    * * *
    1. n
    1) (of thunder) Grollen nt no pl; (of cannon) Donnern nt no pl; (of pipes) Knacken nt no pl; (of stomach) Knurren nt no pl; (of train, truck) Rumpeln nt no pl
    2) (inf: fight) Schlägerei f
    2. vi
    (thunder) grollen; (cannon) donnern; (pipes) knacken; (stomach) knurren; (train, truck) rumpeln

    to rumble past/along/off — vorbei-/entlang-/davonrumpeln

    3. vt (Brit inf
    = see through) swindle, trick, person durchschauen

    I soon rumbled him or what he was up toich bin ihm bald auf die Schliche gekommen (inf)

    * * *
    rumble1 [ˈrʌmbl]
    A v/i
    1. poltern (auch Stimme), rattern (Gefährt, Zug etc), grollen, rollen (Donner), knurren (Magen)
    2. US sl sich Straßenschlachten oder eine Straßenschlacht liefern
    B v/t
    1. auch rumble out Worte herauspoltern
    2. ein Lied grölen, brüllen
    3. TECH in der Poliertrommel bearbeiten
    C s
    1. Poltern, Gepolter n, Rattern n, Dröhnen n, Rumpeln n, Grollen n, Rollen n, Knurren n
    2. fig
    a) pl Rumoren n
    b) Gerücht n:
    there are rumbles that … man munkelt, dass …
    3. TECH Poliertrommel f
    4. HIST
    a) Bedientensitz m
    b) Gepäckraum m
    c) academic.ru/63440/rumble_seat">rumble seat
    5. US sl Straßenschlacht f (zwischen jugendlichen Banden)
    rumble2 [ˈrʌmbl] v/t Br umg
    1. jemandem auf die Schliche kommen
    2. etwas spitzkriegen sl
    * * *
    I 1. noun
    Grollen, das; (of heavy vehicle) Rumpeln, das (ugs.)
    2. intransitive verb
    1) grollen; [Magen:] knurren
    2) (go with rumbling noise) rumpeln (ugs.)
    II transitive verb
    (coll.): (understand) spitzkriegen (ugs.) [Sache]; auf die Schliche kommen (+ Dat.) [Person]
    * * *
    grollen (Donner) v.
    poltern v.
    rumpeln v.

    English-german dictionary > rumble

  • 65 wind

    I 1. [wind] noun
    1) ((an) outdoor current of air: The wind is strong today; There wasn't much wind yesterday; Cold winds blow across the desert.) vento
    2) (breath: Climbing these stairs takes all the wind out of me.) fôlego
    3) (air or gas in the stomach or intestines: His stomach pains were due to wind.) gases
    2. verb
    (to cause to be out of breath: The heavy blow winded him.) tirar o fôlego
    3. adjective
    ((of a musical instrument) operated or played using air pressure, especially a person's breath.) de sopro
    - windiness
    - windfall
    - windmill
    - windpipe
    - windsurf
    - windsurfer
    - windsurfing
    - windscreen
    - windsock
    - windsurf
    - windsurfer
    - windsurfing
    - windswept
    - get the wind up
    - get wind of
    - get one's second wind
    - in the wind
    - like the wind
    II past tense, past participle - wound; verb
    1) (to wrap round in coils: He wound the rope around his waist and began to climb.) enrolar
    2) (to make into a ball or coil: to wind wool.) enrolar
    3) ((of a road etc) to twist and turn: The road winds up the mountain.) subir
    4) (to tighten the spring of (a clock, watch etc) by turning a knob, handle etc: I forgot to wind my watch.) dar corda
    - winding
    - wind up
    - be/get wound up
    * * *
    [wind] n 1 vento. 2 brisa, aragem. 3 vento forte, temporal, ventania. 4 gases, flatulência. 5 (caça) faro, cheiro. 6 fôlego. 7 conversa à toa. 8 Mus instrumento de sopro (também winds) ou quem toca instrumento de sopro. • vt 1 expor ao vento e ao ar, arejar. 2 farejar, seguir o cheiro de. 3 exaustar, cansar (cavalo). 4 (deixar) resfolegar, tomar fôlego, descansar (cavalo). you must wind your horse / você precisa deixar o seu cavalo descansar. I was winded with my run / fiquei sem fôlego com a corrida. 5 [waind] (ps, pp wound, winded) soprar, tocar instrumento de sopro. before the wind levado pelo vento. between wind and weather entre a espada e a parede, em alternativa difícil. broken wind respiração dificultosa (de cavalos). contrary wind vento contrário. fair/ good wind vento favorável. gone with the wind levado pelo vento. he got his wind ele tomou fôlego. he got the wind of him ele tirou vantagem dele. he got the wind up Mil ele ficou com medo. he got wind of it fig ele farejou algo, ficou sabendo daquilo. he hit me in the wind ele me alvejou na boca do estômago. he is in good wind ele tem bom fôlego (boa capacidade respiratória). in the wind’s eye, in the teeth of the wind contra o vento. it is an ill wind that blows nobody any good o prazer de um é o desgosto de outro. it is in the wind está em andamento. on the wind a favor do vento, levado pelo vento. the wind is very high está soprando um vento forte. there is something in the wind fig há algo no ar, está se passando ou acontecendo alguma coisa. they know where the wind hits/ blows eles sabem de onde o vento sopra. thrown to the winds espalhado por todos os ventos/lados. to raise the wind arranjar dinheiro, angariar fundos. to sail near/ close to the wind Naut navegar à bolina cerrada. under the wind a sotavento. up him nós lhe fizemos medo. we put the wind there is a great wind up fig sl o ambiente está carregado. we spoke to the wind fig nós falamos ao vento, em vão. wind and waterline Naut linha d’água. wind and weather o tempo, as condições atmosféricas.
    [waind] n 1 torcedura, enroscamento. 2 curvatura, tortuosidade, sinuosidade. 3 giro, volta, curva, rotação. • vt+vi (ps, pp wound) 1 serpear, serpentear. the river wound its way through the valley / o rio serpenteava pelo vale. 2 envolver, enroscar(-se) ( round em volta de). she wound round his heart / ela soube conquistá-lo. she wound her arms round her child / ela envolveu o filho em seus braços. 3 girar, rotar. 4 Naut virar a proa. 5 empenar(-se), dobrar(-se), entortar(-se), torcer(-se), retorcer(-se). 6 enrolar(se). 7 envolver. 8 abraçar. 9 enredar. 10 guindar, içar, levantar. 11 dar corda a. 12 insinuar-se. 13 girar o braço antes de lançar a bola (em beisebol). he wound himselt into her favour ele soube ganhar a sua simpatia. she wound the wool into a ball ela formou um novelo de lã. to wind off a) desenrolar. b) filmar. to wind on enrolar. to wind up a) guindar, içar, elevar. b) rolar, enrolar. c) dar corda a (relógio). d) resumir (discurso). e) encerrar, acertar (contas). f) regularizar, terminar, finalizar, acabar, concluir. they wound up by marrying / eles acabaram se casando. g) resolver, liquidar, fechar (negócio). h) pôr em forma, reanimar (alguém), incitar, estimular, dar energia a. i) estar preso. the ship winds up / Naut o navio vira (preso à âncora).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > wind

  • 66 צפור

    צִפּוֹר, צִיפּ׳,c. (b. h.; v. צְפַר I) 1) bird Ab. Zar. III, 1 כל שיש בידו … או צ׳וכ׳ a statuo which holds in its hand a staff or a bird Ib. 41a צ׳ שתופש … כצ׳ the emblem of the bird is a symbol that he causes himself to be caught like a bird in behalf of the entire world (v. כַּדּוּר); Y. ib. III, 42c bot. צ׳ ותמצאוכ׳ the bird alludes to (Is. 10:14), ‘My hand reacheth forth, as for a nest, to the riches of all peoples (universal conquest); Num. R. s. 13. Sabb.XIII, 5, v. צוּד h. Ib. 106b, a. fr. צ׳ דרור, v. דְּרוֹר; a. v. fr.Y.Snh.X, 28d bot. אמר לו אין צִפּוֹרְךָ מדינית (some ed. צִפּוֹרָה) he said to Moses, is not thy bird (Zipporah) a Midianite?Makhsh. V, 2 העושה צ׳ במים (Var. צִנּוֹר) if one makes ‘a bird in water (producing bubbles by blowing through a tube); Tosef. ib. II, 13.Pl. צִפּוֹרִים, צִפֳּרִים, רִין …, צִי׳. Naz.I, 1 הרי עלי צ׳וכ׳ (Y. ed. צפר׳) if a person says, I vow birds …, he is bound to be a Nazarite; Y. ib. 51a bot., sq. ציפורין. Ib. וכי צ׳ הוא מביאוכ׳ does the Nazarite offer ‘birds, does he not offer doves ? Ib. כל עוף … קרוי צ׳ all birds, whether clean or unclean, are called tsipporin. Bab. ib. 3a ציפרין סמוכין לשיערוכ׳ in saying, ‘I vow birds, he presumably had in his mind the birds mentioned in connection with the growth of hair (Dan. 4:30). Neg. XIV, 1 צִפֳּרֵי דרור (Mish. ed. צפרים), v. דְּרוֹר Ab. Zar.29a; Ber.57b בשר צ׳ birds flesh (bad for convalescents); a. fr. 2) צ׳ נפש (צִפָּר נ׳, צִי׳) (‘the bird of life, the cartilage at the end of the sternum (cartilago ensiformis). B. Kam.90b במה הכהו … ציפור נפשו Ms. R. (ed. כמה … ציפר נ׳; Ms. F. צפר; v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 40) wherewith he struck him, and whether he struck him on his leg or on his stomach; Yalk. Ex. 331; Tosef.Snh.XII, 3. Tosef.Macc.V (IV), 15 כרי שלא תגיע לציפרוכ׳ ed. Zuck. (Var. לצפור; לצורפי, cler. error for לציפור) lest the whip reach his stomach, and he die.צ׳ כרמים, v. צִפּוֹרֶת. צפור, Tosef.Kel.B. Bath.IV, 14 ed. Zuck., v. צְפִירָא II.

    Jewish literature > צפור

  • 67 ציפ׳

    צִפּוֹר, צִיפּ׳,c. (b. h.; v. צְפַר I) 1) bird Ab. Zar. III, 1 כל שיש בידו … או צ׳וכ׳ a statuo which holds in its hand a staff or a bird Ib. 41a צ׳ שתופש … כצ׳ the emblem of the bird is a symbol that he causes himself to be caught like a bird in behalf of the entire world (v. כַּדּוּר); Y. ib. III, 42c bot. צ׳ ותמצאוכ׳ the bird alludes to (Is. 10:14), ‘My hand reacheth forth, as for a nest, to the riches of all peoples (universal conquest); Num. R. s. 13. Sabb.XIII, 5, v. צוּד h. Ib. 106b, a. fr. צ׳ דרור, v. דְּרוֹר; a. v. fr.Y.Snh.X, 28d bot. אמר לו אין צִפּוֹרְךָ מדינית (some ed. צִפּוֹרָה) he said to Moses, is not thy bird (Zipporah) a Midianite?Makhsh. V, 2 העושה צ׳ במים (Var. צִנּוֹר) if one makes ‘a bird in water (producing bubbles by blowing through a tube); Tosef. ib. II, 13.Pl. צִפּוֹרִים, צִפֳּרִים, רִין …, צִי׳. Naz.I, 1 הרי עלי צ׳וכ׳ (Y. ed. צפר׳) if a person says, I vow birds …, he is bound to be a Nazarite; Y. ib. 51a bot., sq. ציפורין. Ib. וכי צ׳ הוא מביאוכ׳ does the Nazarite offer ‘birds, does he not offer doves ? Ib. כל עוף … קרוי צ׳ all birds, whether clean or unclean, are called tsipporin. Bab. ib. 3a ציפרין סמוכין לשיערוכ׳ in saying, ‘I vow birds, he presumably had in his mind the birds mentioned in connection with the growth of hair (Dan. 4:30). Neg. XIV, 1 צִפֳּרֵי דרור (Mish. ed. צפרים), v. דְּרוֹר Ab. Zar.29a; Ber.57b בשר צ׳ birds flesh (bad for convalescents); a. fr. 2) צ׳ נפש (צִפָּר נ׳, צִי׳) (‘the bird of life, the cartilage at the end of the sternum (cartilago ensiformis). B. Kam.90b במה הכהו … ציפור נפשו Ms. R. (ed. כמה … ציפר נ׳; Ms. F. צפר; v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 40) wherewith he struck him, and whether he struck him on his leg or on his stomach; Yalk. Ex. 331; Tosef.Snh.XII, 3. Tosef.Macc.V (IV), 15 כרי שלא תגיע לציפרוכ׳ ed. Zuck. (Var. לצפור; לצורפי, cler. error for לציפור) lest the whip reach his stomach, and he die.צ׳ כרמים, v. צִפּוֹרֶת. צפור, Tosef.Kel.B. Bath.IV, 14 ed. Zuck., v. צְפִירָא II.

    Jewish literature > ציפ׳

  • 68 צִפּוֹר

    צִפּוֹר, צִיפּ׳,c. (b. h.; v. צְפַר I) 1) bird Ab. Zar. III, 1 כל שיש בידו … או צ׳וכ׳ a statuo which holds in its hand a staff or a bird Ib. 41a צ׳ שתופש … כצ׳ the emblem of the bird is a symbol that he causes himself to be caught like a bird in behalf of the entire world (v. כַּדּוּר); Y. ib. III, 42c bot. צ׳ ותמצאוכ׳ the bird alludes to (Is. 10:14), ‘My hand reacheth forth, as for a nest, to the riches of all peoples (universal conquest); Num. R. s. 13. Sabb.XIII, 5, v. צוּד h. Ib. 106b, a. fr. צ׳ דרור, v. דְּרוֹר; a. v. fr.Y.Snh.X, 28d bot. אמר לו אין צִפּוֹרְךָ מדינית (some ed. צִפּוֹרָה) he said to Moses, is not thy bird (Zipporah) a Midianite?Makhsh. V, 2 העושה צ׳ במים (Var. צִנּוֹר) if one makes ‘a bird in water (producing bubbles by blowing through a tube); Tosef. ib. II, 13.Pl. צִפּוֹרִים, צִפֳּרִים, רִין …, צִי׳. Naz.I, 1 הרי עלי צ׳וכ׳ (Y. ed. צפר׳) if a person says, I vow birds …, he is bound to be a Nazarite; Y. ib. 51a bot., sq. ציפורין. Ib. וכי צ׳ הוא מביאוכ׳ does the Nazarite offer ‘birds, does he not offer doves ? Ib. כל עוף … קרוי צ׳ all birds, whether clean or unclean, are called tsipporin. Bab. ib. 3a ציפרין סמוכין לשיערוכ׳ in saying, ‘I vow birds, he presumably had in his mind the birds mentioned in connection with the growth of hair (Dan. 4:30). Neg. XIV, 1 צִפֳּרֵי דרור (Mish. ed. צפרים), v. דְּרוֹר Ab. Zar.29a; Ber.57b בשר צ׳ birds flesh (bad for convalescents); a. fr. 2) צ׳ נפש (צִפָּר נ׳, צִי׳) (‘the bird of life, the cartilage at the end of the sternum (cartilago ensiformis). B. Kam.90b במה הכהו … ציפור נפשו Ms. R. (ed. כמה … ציפר נ׳; Ms. F. צפר; v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 40) wherewith he struck him, and whether he struck him on his leg or on his stomach; Yalk. Ex. 331; Tosef.Snh.XII, 3. Tosef.Macc.V (IV), 15 כרי שלא תגיע לציפרוכ׳ ed. Zuck. (Var. לצפור; לצורפי, cler. error for לציפור) lest the whip reach his stomach, and he die.צ׳ כרמים, v. צִפּוֹרֶת. צפור, Tosef.Kel.B. Bath.IV, 14 ed. Zuck., v. צְפִירָא II.

    Jewish literature > צִפּוֹר

  • 69 צִיפּ׳

    צִפּוֹר, צִיפּ׳,c. (b. h.; v. צְפַר I) 1) bird Ab. Zar. III, 1 כל שיש בידו … או צ׳וכ׳ a statuo which holds in its hand a staff or a bird Ib. 41a צ׳ שתופש … כצ׳ the emblem of the bird is a symbol that he causes himself to be caught like a bird in behalf of the entire world (v. כַּדּוּר); Y. ib. III, 42c bot. צ׳ ותמצאוכ׳ the bird alludes to (Is. 10:14), ‘My hand reacheth forth, as for a nest, to the riches of all peoples (universal conquest); Num. R. s. 13. Sabb.XIII, 5, v. צוּד h. Ib. 106b, a. fr. צ׳ דרור, v. דְּרוֹר; a. v. fr.Y.Snh.X, 28d bot. אמר לו אין צִפּוֹרְךָ מדינית (some ed. צִפּוֹרָה) he said to Moses, is not thy bird (Zipporah) a Midianite?Makhsh. V, 2 העושה צ׳ במים (Var. צִנּוֹר) if one makes ‘a bird in water (producing bubbles by blowing through a tube); Tosef. ib. II, 13.Pl. צִפּוֹרִים, צִפֳּרִים, רִין …, צִי׳. Naz.I, 1 הרי עלי צ׳וכ׳ (Y. ed. צפר׳) if a person says, I vow birds …, he is bound to be a Nazarite; Y. ib. 51a bot., sq. ציפורין. Ib. וכי צ׳ הוא מביאוכ׳ does the Nazarite offer ‘birds, does he not offer doves ? Ib. כל עוף … קרוי צ׳ all birds, whether clean or unclean, are called tsipporin. Bab. ib. 3a ציפרין סמוכין לשיערוכ׳ in saying, ‘I vow birds, he presumably had in his mind the birds mentioned in connection with the growth of hair (Dan. 4:30). Neg. XIV, 1 צִפֳּרֵי דרור (Mish. ed. צפרים), v. דְּרוֹר Ab. Zar.29a; Ber.57b בשר צ׳ birds flesh (bad for convalescents); a. fr. 2) צ׳ נפש (צִפָּר נ׳, צִי׳) (‘the bird of life, the cartilage at the end of the sternum (cartilago ensiformis). B. Kam.90b במה הכהו … ציפור נפשו Ms. R. (ed. כמה … ציפר נ׳; Ms. F. צפר; v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 40) wherewith he struck him, and whether he struck him on his leg or on his stomach; Yalk. Ex. 331; Tosef.Snh.XII, 3. Tosef.Macc.V (IV), 15 כרי שלא תגיע לציפרוכ׳ ed. Zuck. (Var. לצפור; לצורפי, cler. error for לציפור) lest the whip reach his stomach, and he die.צ׳ כרמים, v. צִפּוֹרֶת. צפור, Tosef.Kel.B. Bath.IV, 14 ed. Zuck., v. צְפִירָא II.

    Jewish literature > צִיפּ׳

  • 70 stick

    A n
    1 ( piece of wood) bâton m ; ( for kindling) bout m de bois ; (for ice cream, lollipop) bâton m ; Mil bâton m ;
    2 ( also walking stick) canne f ;
    3 ( rod-shaped piece) a stick of rock ou candy/chalk/dynamite un bâton de sucre d'orge/craie/dynamite ; a stick of celery une branche de céléri ; a stick of rhubarb une tige de rhubarbe ; a stick of (French) bread une baguette ;
    4 Sport ( in hockey) crosse f ; ( in polo) maillet m ;
    5 ( conductor's baton) baguette f ;
    6 Mil a stick of bombs un chapelet de bombes ;
    7 ( piece of furniture) meuble m ; a few sticks (of furniture) quelques meubles ; we haven't got a stick of furniture nous n'avons pas un seul meuble ;
    8 GB ( person) a funny old stick un drôle de bonhomme/une drôle de bonne femme m/f ; he's a dry old stick il manque d'humour ;
    9 ( criticism) critique f ; to get ou take (some) stick se faire critiquer ; to give sb (some) stick critiquer qn violemment ;
    10 Aviat manche m à balai ;
    11 US Aut levier m (de changement) de vitesse.
    B sticks npl in the sticks en pleine cambrousse , dans la campagne ; to be from the sticks être de la campagne.
    C vtr ( prét, pp stuck)
    1 ( stab) égorger [pig] ; to stick a pin/spade/knife into sth planter une épingle/une pelle/un couteau dans qch ; he stuck a knife into the man's back il a planté un couteau dans le dos de l'homme ; she stuck her fork into the meat elle a piqué sa fourchette dans la viande ; to stick a pin/knife through sth faire un trou dans qch avec une épingle/un couteau ; a board stuck with pins un tableau hérissé d'épingles ;
    2 ( put) he stuck his head round the door/through the window il a passé sa tête par la porte/la fenêtre ; she stuck her hands in her pockets elle a enfoncé ses mains dans ses poches ; stick your coat on the chair/the money in the drawer mets ton manteau sur la chaise/l'argent dans le tiroir ; to stick an advert in the paper mettre une annonce dans le journal ; to stick sb in a home mettre qn dans une maison de retraite ; you know where you can stick it ou that ! tu sais où tu peux te le mettre ! ; stick it up your ass ! va te faire foutre ! ;
    3 ( fix in place) coller [label, stamp] (in dans ; on sur ; to à) ; coller [poster, notice] (in dans ; on à) ; ‘stick no bills’ ‘défense d'afficher’ ;
    4 GB ( bear) supporter [person, situation] ; I can't stick him je ne peux pas le supporter ; I don't know how he sticks it je ne sais pas comment il tient le coup ; I can't stick it any longer je n'en peux plus ;
    5 ( impose) he stuck me with the bill il m'a fait payer la note ; to stick an extra £10 on the price augmenter le prix de 10 livres ; I was stuck with Frank je me suis retrouvé avec Frank ;
    6 ( accuse falsely of) to stick a murder/a robbery on sb mettre un meurtre/un cambriolage sur le dos de qn .
    D vi ( prét, pp stuck)
    1 ( be pushed) the nail stuck in my finger/foot je me suis planté un clou dans le doigt/le pied ; there was a dagger sticking in his back il avait un poignard planté dans le dos ;
    2 ( be fixed) [stamp, glue] coller ; this glue/stamp doesn't stick cette colle/ce timbre ne colle pas ; to stick to se coller à [page, wall, skin, surface] ; to stick to the pan [sauce, rice] coller au fond de la casserole, attacher ;
    3 ( jam) [drawer, door, lift] se coincer ; [key, valve, catch] se bloquer, se coincer ; fig [price] être bloqué ;
    4 ( remain) [name, habit] rester ; to stick in sb's memory ou mind rester gravé dans la mémoire de qn ; we've caught the murderer, but now we have to make the charges stick nous avons attrapé le meurtrier, maintenant nous devons prouver sa culpabilité ; to stick in the house/one's room rester dans la maison/sa chambre ;
    5 ( in cards) garder la main.
    to be on the stick US être compétent ; to get on the stick US s'y mettre ; to have ou get hold of the wrong end of the stick mal comprendre ; to up sticks and leave plier bagages et partir.
    stick around
    1 ( stay) rester ; stick around! reste là! ;
    2 ( wait) attendre.
    stick at:
    stick at [sth] persévérer dans [task] ; stick at it! persévère!
    stick by:
    stick by [sb] soutenir.
    stick [sth] down, stick down [sth]
    1 ( fasten) coller [stamp] ;
    2 ( write down) écrire [answer, name, item].
    stick on:
    stick [sth] on, stick on [sth] coller [label, stamp].
    stick out:
    stick out [nail, sharp object] dépasser ; his ears stick out il a les oreilles décollées ; his stomach sticks out il a un gros ventre ; her teeth stick out elle a les dents qui avancent ; to stick out of sth [screw, nail, feet] dépasser de qch ; to stick out for revendiquer [pay-rise, shorter hours] ;
    stick [sth] out, stick out [sth]
    1 ( cause to protrude) to stick out one's hand/foot tendre la main/le pied ; to stick out one's chest bomber le torse ; to stick one's tongue out tirer la langue ;
    2 ( cope with) to stick it out tenir bon .
    stick to:
    stick to [sth/sb]
    1 ( keep to) s'en tenir à [facts, point, plan, diet] ; he stuck to his version of events il n'a pas changé sa version des faits ; stick to what you know tiens-toi en à ce que tu sais ; ‘no whisky for me, I'll stick to orange juice’ ‘pas de whisky pour moi, je m'en tiens au jus d'orange ;
    2 ( stay close to) rester près de [person] ;
    3 ( stay faithful to) rester fidèle à [brand, shop, principles].
    1 ( become fixed to each other) [pages] se coller ;
    2 ( remain loyal) se serrer les coudes , être solidaire ;
    3 ( not separate) rester ensemble ;
    stick [sth] together, stick together [sth] coller [objects, pieces].
    stick up:
    stick up ( project) [pole, mast] se dresser ; his hair sticks up ses cheveux se dressent sur sa tête ; to stick up from sth dépasser de qch ; to stick up for sb ( defend) défendre qn ; ( side with) prendre le parti de qn ; to stick up for oneself défendre ses intérêts ;
    stick [sth] up, stick up [sth] ( put up) mettre [poster, notice] ; to stick up one's hand lever la main ; to stick one's legs up in the air lever les jambes en l'air ; stick 'em up ! haut les mains!
    stick with :
    stick with [sb] rester avec [person] ;
    stick with [sth] rester dans [job] ; s'en tenir à [plan] ; rester fidèle à [brand] ; I'm sticking with my current car for now je garde la voiture que j'ai pour l'instant.

    Big English-French dictionary > stick

  • 71 crack

    شَقَّ \ crack: to (cause to) to break (often with a sharp noise) without falling apart: The branch cracked under his weight. The blow cracked a bone in my hand. pierce: (of sharp points) to go through or into; make a hole in: The knife pierced his stomach. push: (the opposite of pull) to press forward: He pushed (his way) through the crowd. rip: to tear, quickly and violently: The sharp rocks ripped his trousers. His trousers ripped. slit: to make a long cut in sth.: He slit the letter open. split: to divide; break apart: He split the log with an axe. His trousers were so tight that they split when he bent down. Let’s split the cost between us. \ See Also انشق (اِنْشَقَّ)، دفع (دَفَعَ)، مزق (مَزَّقَ)، ثقب (ثَقَبَ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > crack

  • 72 pierce

    شَقَّ \ crack: to (cause to) to break (often with a sharp noise) without falling apart: The branch cracked under his weight. The blow cracked a bone in my hand. pierce: (of sharp points) to go through or into; make a hole in: The knife pierced his stomach. push: (the opposite of pull) to press forward: He pushed (his way) through the crowd. rip: to tear, quickly and violently: The sharp rocks ripped his trousers. His trousers ripped. slit: to make a long cut in sth.: He slit the letter open. split: to divide; break apart: He split the log with an axe. His trousers were so tight that they split when he bent down. Let’s split the cost between us. \ See Also انشق (اِنْشَقَّ)، دفع (دَفَعَ)، مزق (مَزَّقَ)، ثقب (ثَقَبَ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > pierce

  • 73 push

    شَقَّ \ crack: to (cause to) to break (often with a sharp noise) without falling apart: The branch cracked under his weight. The blow cracked a bone in my hand. pierce: (of sharp points) to go through or into; make a hole in: The knife pierced his stomach. push: (the opposite of pull) to press forward: He pushed (his way) through the crowd. rip: to tear, quickly and violently: The sharp rocks ripped his trousers. His trousers ripped. slit: to make a long cut in sth.: He slit the letter open. split: to divide; break apart: He split the log with an axe. His trousers were so tight that they split when he bent down. Let’s split the cost between us. \ See Also انشق (اِنْشَقَّ)، دفع (دَفَعَ)، مزق (مَزَّقَ)، ثقب (ثَقَبَ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > push

  • 74 rip

    شَقَّ \ crack: to (cause to) to break (often with a sharp noise) without falling apart: The branch cracked under his weight. The blow cracked a bone in my hand. pierce: (of sharp points) to go through or into; make a hole in: The knife pierced his stomach. push: (the opposite of pull) to press forward: He pushed (his way) through the crowd. rip: to tear, quickly and violently: The sharp rocks ripped his trousers. His trousers ripped. slit: to make a long cut in sth.: He slit the letter open. split: to divide; break apart: He split the log with an axe. His trousers were so tight that they split when he bent down. Let’s split the cost between us. \ See Also انشق (اِنْشَقَّ)، دفع (دَفَعَ)، مزق (مَزَّقَ)، ثقب (ثَقَبَ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > rip

  • 75 slit

    شَقَّ \ crack: to (cause to) to break (often with a sharp noise) without falling apart: The branch cracked under his weight. The blow cracked a bone in my hand. pierce: (of sharp points) to go through or into; make a hole in: The knife pierced his stomach. push: (the opposite of pull) to press forward: He pushed (his way) through the crowd. rip: to tear, quickly and violently: The sharp rocks ripped his trousers. His trousers ripped. slit: to make a long cut in sth.: He slit the letter open. split: to divide; break apart: He split the log with an axe. His trousers were so tight that they split when he bent down. Let’s split the cost between us. \ See Also انشق (اِنْشَقَّ)، دفع (دَفَعَ)، مزق (مَزَّقَ)، ثقب (ثَقَبَ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > slit

  • 76 split

    شَقَّ \ crack: to (cause to) to break (often with a sharp noise) without falling apart: The branch cracked under his weight. The blow cracked a bone in my hand. pierce: (of sharp points) to go through or into; make a hole in: The knife pierced his stomach. push: (the opposite of pull) to press forward: He pushed (his way) through the crowd. rip: to tear, quickly and violently: The sharp rocks ripped his trousers. His trousers ripped. slit: to make a long cut in sth.: He slit the letter open. split: to divide; break apart: He split the log with an axe. His trousers were so tight that they split when he bent down. Let’s split the cost between us. \ See Also انشق (اِنْشَقَّ)، دفع (دَفَعَ)، مزق (مَزَّقَ)، ثقب (ثَقَبَ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > split

  • 77 belly

    Bauch, der; (stomach) Magen, der
    * * *
    plural - bellies; noun
    (the part of the body between the breast and the thighs, containing the bowels: the horse's belly; I've a pain in my belly.) der Bauch
    - academic.ru/6388/bellyache">bellyache
    - belly-dance
    - bellyflop
    - belly-laugh
    * * *
    I. n ( fam) Bauch m; of a person also Magen m; of ship, plane also Unterseite f; of a string instrument Resonanzboden m, Decke f
    sb's eyes are bigger than his/her \belly bei jdm sind die Augen größer als der Magen prov
    to go [or AM also turn] \belly up ( fam) bankrottgehen fam, pleitegehen fam
    to have fire in one's \belly voller Enthusiasmus sein, Feuer im Hintern haben fam
    the way to a man's heart is through his \belly ( prov) die Liebe geht durch den Magen prov
    II. n modifier Bauch-
    \belly pork Schweinebauch m
    III. vi
    <- ie->
    (swell) überhängen, sich akk bauchen; NAUT
    to \belly out sails sich akk [auf]blähen
    to \belly up to sth AM ( fam) table, bar näher an etw akk heranrücken
    * * *
    (general) Bauch m; (of violin etc) Decke f
    * * *
    belly [ˈbelı]
    A s
    1. Bauch m:
    go ( oder turn) belly up umg
    a) ins Gras beißen,
    b) Pleite machen,
    c) in die Hosen gehen
    2. Magen m
    3. Bauch m, (das) Innere (eines Schiffes etc)
    4. Bauch m, Ausbauchung f (einer Flasche etc)
    5. MUS
    a) Decke f (eines Saiteninstruments)
    b) Resonanzboden m (des Klaviers etc)
    6. Unterseite f
    B v/i
    1. auch belly out sich (aus)bauschen, (an)schwellen
    2. robben, auf dem Bauch kriechen
    3. belly up to umg jemandem in den Hintern kriechen
    C v/t auch belly out (an)schwellen lassen, (auf)bauschen
    * * *
    Bauch, der; (stomach) Magen, der
    * * *
    Bauch ¨-e m.
    Leib -er m.

    English-german dictionary > belly

  • 78 pump

    pump [pʌmp]
    1 noun
    (a) Technology pompe f;
    hand/water pump pompe f à main/à eau
    (b) (shoe → for dancing) chausson m; (→ for gym) (chaussure f de) tennis m
    (c) American familiar (heart) cœur m, palpitant m
    (a) (liquid, gas) pomper;
    to pump sth out of sth pomper ou aspirer qch de qch;
    the water is pumped into a tank l'eau est acheminée dans un réservoir au moyen d'une pompe;
    to pump water into a cavity amener de l'eau à la pompe dans une cavité;
    the factory pumps its waste directly into the river l'usine déverse ses déchets directement dans la rivière;
    they pumped air into the football ils ont gonflé le ballon de foot;
    the heart's function is to pump blood around the body le cœur a pour fonction de pomper le sang dans tout le corps;
    coolant is pumped through the system une pompe fait circuler le liquide de refroidissement dans le système;
    American to pump gas travailler comme pompiste
    to pump sb's stomach faire un lavage d'estomac à qn;
    he had to have or to get his stomach pumped on a dû lui faire un lavage d'estomac
    (c) (inflate → tyre, ball etc) gonfler
    (d) (move back and forth → pedal, handle) appuyer sur ou actionner (plusieurs fois);
    pump the brakes or they'll lock freinez progressivement ou les freins se bloqueront;
    figurative to pump sb's hand secouer vigoureusement la main de qn;
    familiar to pump iron faire de la gonflette
    to pump sb full of lead cribler qn de plomb
    (f) familiar (money) investir ;
    he pumped a fortune into the business il a investi une fortune dans cette affaire;
    public money is being pumped into the area la région reçoit d'importantes subventions du gouvernement ;
    the government has pumped money into the project le gouvernement a injecté des capitaux dans ce projet
    (g) familiar (interrogate) interroger, tirer les vers du nez à;
    they pumped her for information ils l'ont cuisinée
    (h) vulgar (have sex with) baiser, tringler
    (a) (machine, person) pomper; (heart) battre fort
    (b) (liquid) couler à flots, jaillir;
    blood pumped from the wound du sang coulait de la blessure
    ►► pump attendant pompiste mf;
    pump gun fusil m à pompe;
    Economics pump priming = relance de l'économie par injection de fonds publics;
    pump room (building) pavillon m; (room) buvette f (dans une station thermale)
    (a) (liquid, gas) refouler;
    the village pumps in water from the river l'eau du village est amenée de la rivière à l'aide d'un système de pompage
    (b) familiar (funds, capital) investir, injecter
    (a) (liquid, gas) pomper; (stomach) vider;
    it took two hours to pump the bilge out il a fallu deux heures pour pomper ou écoper l'eau de la cale
    (b) familiar pejorative (mass-produce → music, graduates, products) produire ; (→ books, essays) produire à la chaîne, pondre en série
    (liquid, blood) couler à flots
    (a) (liquid, mixture) pomper
    (b) (inflate) gonfler
    to be all pumped up être tout excité

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > pump

  • 79 atravesado

    1 lying across, transfixed, awry, aslant.
    2 bloody-minded.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: atravesar.
    * * *
    1→ link=atravesar atravesar
    1 (cruzado) crossed, laid across
    2 (algo bizco) cross-eyed
    3 (animal cruzado) mongrel, crossbred
    4 figurado (maligno) wicked, bloody-minded
    tener a alguien atravesado,-a figurado to find somebody unbearable
    * * *
    1) (=de través)
    2) (=malintencionado) treacherous
    3) (=bizco) squinting, cross-eyed
    4) (Zool) mongrel, cross-bred
    * * *
    - da adjetivo
    1) ( cruzado)

    tener algo/a alguien atravesado — (fam)

    tengo atravesada la físicaI can't stand physics (colloq)

    a) (AmL fam) ( obstinado) bloody-minded; ( malintencionado)
    b) (Col, Ven fam) ( agresivo) vicious, mean (colloq)
    * * *
    Ex. Superbly decorated bindings have been carefully preserved from the medieval period up to the present day, not only in tooled leather, but also in wood and metal (sometimes carved or jewelled), in cloth and embroidery, and in pierced or painted vellum.
    * * *
    - da adjetivo
    1) ( cruzado)

    tener algo/a alguien atravesado — (fam)

    tengo atravesada la físicaI can't stand physics (colloq)

    a) (AmL fam) ( obstinado) bloody-minded; ( malintencionado)
    b) (Col, Ven fam) ( agresivo) vicious, mean (colloq)
    * * *

    Ex: Superbly decorated bindings have been carefully preserved from the medieval period up to the present day, not only in tooled leather, but also in wood and metal (sometimes carved or jewelled), in cloth and embroidery, and in pierced or painted vellum.

    * * *
    (cruzado): el piano estaba atravesado en el pasillo the piano was stuck ( o placed etc) across the corridor
    había un camión atravesado en la carretera there was a truck blocking the road
    tener algo/a algn atravesado ( fam): lo tengo atravesado I can't stand him ( colloq)
    tengo atravesada la física I can't stand o ( BrE) stomach physics ( colloq)
    1 ( AmL fam) (obstinado) bloody-minded
    (malintencionado): es muy atravesado he's a real troublemaker
    2 ( Col fam) (agresivo) vicious, mean ( colloq)
    3 ( Chi fam) (mal humorado) in a bad mood
    * * *

    Del verbo atravesar: ( conjugate atravesar)

    atravesado es:

    el participio

    Multiple Entries:
    ◊ -da adjetivo ( cruzado): el piano estaba atravesado en el pasillo the piano was stuck (o placed etc) across the corridor;

    un árbol/camión atravesado en la carretera a tree lying across/a truck blocking the road
    atravesar ( conjugate atravesar) verbo transitivo
    a)río/frontera to cross;

    b) [bala/espada] to go through;

    c)crisis/período to go through

    2 ( colocar) to put … across
    atravesarse verbo pronominal:

    se me atravesó una espina en la garganta I got a fish bone stuck in my throat
    atravesado,-a adjetivo
    1 (cruzado) lying crosswise
    2 (persona retorcida) difficult: su cuñada es algo atravesada y le hace sufrir cuando puede, her sister-in-law is a bit mean and makes her suffer whenever she can
    atravesar verbo transitivo
    1 (una pared) to pierce, go through
    2 (una calle, un río) to cross
    3 (una etapa) to go through
    4 (impedir el paso) to lay across, put across

    ' atravesado' also found in these entries:
    - atravesarse
    - cruzada
    - cruzado
    * * *
    atravesado, -a adj
    1. [cruzado]
    hay un árbol atravesado en la carretera there's a tree lying across the road;
    el barco había quedado atravesado a la entrada del puerto the ship had blocked the entrance to the harbour;
    tener atravesado a algo/a alguien: tengo atravesado a Manolo I can't stand Manolo
    2. [bizco] cross-eyed, cock-eyed
    3. Fam [malintencionado] nasty
    4. Comp
    RP Fam
    andar atravesado to be grumpy, Br to have the hump
    * * *
    atravesado en algo stuck across sth;
    tener a alguien atravesado fig fam not be able to stand s.o.

    Spanish-English dictionary > atravesado

  • 80 eye

    eye [aɪ] (cont eyeing or eying)
    1 noun
    (a) (organ) œil m;
    to have green eyes avoir les yeux verts;
    a girl with green eyes une fille aux yeux verts;
    before your very eyes! sous vos yeux!;
    look me in the eye and say that regarde-moi bien dans les yeux et dis-le moi;
    I saw it with my own eyes je l'ai vu de mes yeux vu ou de mes propres yeux;
    to open/close one's eyes ouvrir/fermer les yeux;
    with one's eyes closed/open les yeux fermés/ouverts;
    figurative she can't keep her eyes open elle dort debout;
    I could do it with my eyes closed je pourrais le faire les yeux fermés;
    he went into it with his eyes open il s'y est lancé en toute connaissance de cause;
    to have the sun/the light in one's eyes avoir le soleil/la lumière dans les yeux;
    to look sb straight in the eye regarder qn droit dans les yeux;
    at eye level au niveau des yeux
    (b) (gaze) regard m;
    her eyes fell on the letter son regard est tombé sur la lettre;
    the film looks at the world through the eyes of a child dans ce film, on voit le monde à travers les yeux d'un enfant;
    with a critical eye d'un œil critique;
    I couldn't believe my eyes je n'en croyais pas mes yeux;
    all eyes were upon her elle était au centre de tous les regards, tous les regards étaient posés sur elle
    eyes left/right! tête à gauche/à droite!;
    eyes front! fixe!
    (d) Sewing (of needle) chas m, œil m; (eyelet) œillet m
    (e) (of potato, twig) œil m
    (f) (of hurricane) œil m, centre m;
    the eye of the storm l'œil du cyclone;
    figurative at the eye of the storm dans l'œil du cyclone
    (g) (photocell) œil m électrique
    (h) (for hammer handle) emmanchure f; (for axe blade) toyère f
    as far as the eye can see à perte de vue;
    to keep one's eyes and ears open avoir l'œil et l'oreille aux aguets;
    to open sb's eyes (to sth) ouvrir les yeux à qn (sur qch), dessiller les yeux à qn (sur qch);
    the incident opened his eyes to the truth about her l'incident lui ouvrit les yeux sur ce qu'elle était vraiment;
    we can't close or shut our eyes to the problem on ne peut pas fermer les yeux sur ce problème;
    to close one's eyes to the evidence se refuser à l'évidence;
    they can't close their eyes to the fact that the company's at fault ils sont bien obligés d'admettre que la société est en faute;
    I could do it with my eyes shut je pourrais le faire les yeux fermés;
    for your eyes only ultra-confidentiel;
    in this job you need to have a good eye for detail dans ce métier il faut être très méticuleux;
    to have an eye for a bargain savoir reconnaître une bonne affaire;
    British to get one's eye in prendre ses repères;
    he only has eyes for her il n'a d'yeux que pour elle;
    the boss has his eye on Smith for the job le patron a Smith en vue pour le poste;
    he has his eye on the gold medal il vise la médaille d'or;
    she has her eye on the mayor's position elle vise la mairie;
    the police have had their eye on him for some time cela fait un certain temps que la police l'a à l'œil;
    he wants to buy an apartment, in fact he's already got his eye on one il veut acheter un appartement, et d'ailleurs il en a déjà un en vue;
    he always has an eye for or to the main chance il ne perd jamais de vue ses propres intérêts;
    in my/her eyes à mes/ses yeux;
    in the eyes of the law/of the Church aux yeux ou au regard de la loi/de l'Église;
    to run or to cast one's eye over sth jeter un coup d'œil à qch;
    she ran an eye over the contract elle a parcouru le contrat;
    to try to catch sb's eye essayer d'attirer le regard de qn;
    keep your eye on the ball fixez ou regardez bien la balle;
    could you keep your eye on the children/the house? pourriez-vous surveiller les enfants/la maison?;
    I have to keep an eye on him il faut que je l'aie à l'œil;
    I couldn't keep my eyes off him/it je ne pouvais pas en détacher mes yeux;
    she keeps an eye on things elle a l'œil à tout;
    to keep a close eye on sth surveiller qch de près;
    keep an eye on the situation suivez de près la situation;
    to keep one's eye on the ball (gen) ne pas quitter la balle des yeux; Golf fixer la balle; figurative être vigilant;
    keep your eyes on the road regarde la route;
    to keep one's eye open for sth être attentif à qch;
    keep your eyes open or an eye out for a filling station essayez de repérer une station service;
    keep an eye out for anyone trying to sell it soyez à l'affût au cas où quelqu'un essaierait de le vendre;
    familiar keep your eyes skinned or peeled restez vigilant ;
    you can see that with half an eye cela saute aux yeux;
    anyone with half an eye can see it's a fake du premier coup d'œil n'importe qui verrait que c'est un faux;
    with half an eye on the weather sans quitter le ciel des yeux;
    the children were all eyes les enfants n'en perdaient pas une miette;
    an eye for an eye (and a tooth for a tooth) œil pour œil, (dent pour dent);
    his eyes are too big for his stomach il a les yeux plus grands que le ventre;
    familiar to give sb the eye (flirt) faire de l'œil à qn; (give signal) faire signe à qn (d'un clin d'œil) ;
    he has eyes in the back of his head il a des yeux derrière la tête;
    to set or lay eyes on sth poser les yeux sur qch, apercevoir qch;
    it was the biggest fish I'd ever laid eyes on c'était le plus gros poisson que j'aie jamais vu;
    I've never set or laid or familiar clapped eyes on her je ne l'ai jamais vue de ma vie;
    to make eyes at sb faire de l'œil à qn;
    familiar my eye! mon œil!;
    she and I don't see eye to eye (disagree) elle ne voit pas les choses du même œil que moi, elle n'est pas de mon avis; (dislike one another) elle et moi, nous ne nous entendons pas;
    familiar that's one in the eye for him! ça lui fera les pieds!;
    there's more to this than meets the eye (suspicious) on ne connaît pas les dessous de l'affaire; (difficult) c'est moins simple que cela n'en a l'air;
    there's more to her than meets the eye elle gagne à être connue;
    we're up to our eyes in it! (overworked) on a du travail jusque là!; (in deep trouble) on est dans les ennuis jusqu'au cou!
    regarder, mesurer du regard;
    the child eyed the man warily l'enfant dévisagea l'homme avec circonspection;
    she stood eyeing the sweets counter elle restait là à lorgner les bonbons;
    to eye sth hungrily dévorer qch du regard;
    to eye sb up and down regarder qn de la tête aux pieds
    with an eye to sth/to doing sth en vue de qch/de faire qch;
    with an eye to the future en vue ou en prévision de l'avenir
    ►► eye bank banque f des yeux;
    eye camera caméra f oculaire;
    eye contact croisement m des regards;
    to establish eye contact (with sb) croiser le regard (de qn);
    to maintain eye contact (with sb) regarder (qn) dans les yeux;
    she always avoids eye contact (with me) elle évite tout le temps mon regard;
    American eye doctor ophtalmologue mf;
    eye drops gouttes fpl pour les yeux;
    eye hospital centre m hospitalier d'ophtalmologie;
    eye makeup maquillage m pour les yeux;
    eye makeup remover démaquillant m pour les yeux;
    eye movement camera caméra f oculaire;
    eye rhyme rime f pour l'œil;
    eye socket orbite f;
    eye specialist ophtalmologue mf;
    eye test examen m de la vue
    to eye up the girls/boys reluquer les filles/les garçons;
    he eyed her up il la regardée de la tête aux pieds
    (b) (estimate strength of → opponent) jauger (d'un coup d'œil)
    ✾ Book ✾ Film 'For Your Eyes Only' Fleming, Glen 'Rien que pour vos yeux'
    Eyes on the prize Il s'agit d'une phrase extraite d'une chanson du mouvement pour les droits civils, aux États-Unis: "I know one thing we did right/Was the day we started to fight/Keep your eyes on the prize/Hold on, hold on" ("je sais que l'on a eu raison d'entamer la lutte, ne perdez jamais votre objectif de vue, tenez bon, tenez bon"). Cette phrase symbolise la lutte menée par le mouvement pour les droits civils en Amérique et figure dans de nombreux titres de livres et de films. On l'utilise également dans toute situation où des gens luttent pour l'obtention de droits civils, quel que soit le pays. En anglais américain, on utilise aussi cette expression de façon allusive lorsque quelqu'un doit se concentrer sur l'objectif à atteindre; on dira par exemple this year the Pistons need to keep their eyes firmly on the prize of the championship ("cette année les Pistons doivent faire tout leur possible pour gagner le championnat").

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > eye

См. также в других словарях:

  • the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach — 1814 J. ADAMS Letter 15 Apr. in Works (1851) VI. 505 The shortest road to men’s hearts is down their throats. 1845 R. FORD Hand Book for Travellers in Spain I. i. The way to many an honest heart lies through the belly. 1857 D. M. MULOCK John… …   Proverbs new dictionary

  • the way to a man's heart is through his stomach — feeding a man good food will cause him to love you, beauty is only skin deep    Do you believe the way to your heart is through your stomach? No, but you are a great cook! …   English idioms

  • stomach — see an army marches on its stomach the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach …   Proverbs new dictionary

  • Stomach, Pavlov — A pouch fashioned surgically from part of the stomach (but isolated from the rest of the stomach) that opens via a fistula (canal) on to the abdominal wall. At different points along the dogs’ digestive tracts, the Russian physiologist Ivan… …   Medical dictionary

  • To turn the stomach of — Turn Turn (t[^u]rn), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Turned}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Turning}.] [OE. turnen, tournen, OF. tourner, torner, turner, F. tourner, LL. tornare, fr. L. tornare to turn in a lathe, to rounds off, fr. tornus a lathe, Gr. ? a turner s… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • To give one the lie in his throat — Throat Throat (thr[=o]t), n. [OE. throte, AS. [thorn]rote, [thorn]rotu; akin to OHG. drozza, G. drossel; cf. OFries. & D. stort. Cf. {Throttle}.] 1. (Anat.) (a) The part of the neck in front of, or ventral to, the vertebral column. (b) Hence, the …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • List of Virtual Dungeon monsters — This is a list of fictional antagonist monster characters featured in the television series VR Troopers , specifically those commanded by the villain character Grimlord, who reside in the Virtual Dungeon. The footage of these characters is taken… …   Wikipedia

  • Storylines of EastEnders (2000s) — Storylines of EastEnders provides a year by year summary of the most notable storylines from the 2000s in the popular BBC soap opera EastEnders . 2000 Matthew Rose was back in Walford during January 2000, determined to get revenge on Steve Owen… …   Wikipedia

  • Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs, Thematic Index — absence absence makes the heart grow fonder he who is absent is always in the wrong the best of friends must part blue are the hills that are far away distance lends enchantment to the view out of sight, out of mind …   Proverbs new dictionary

  • List of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers monsters (Season One) — This is a list of fictional monsters from the Power Rangers universe, specifically those that first appeared in the television series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers . Monsters from later series can be found in the List of Power Rangers monsters… …   Wikipedia

  • Final Destination comics — Following the original 2000 film Final Destination and the resulting trilogy, as well as Black Flame s series of books, Zenescope Entertainment began producing a series of Final Destination comic books. A total of five comics were released as a… …   Wikipedia

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